lunarlagomorph · 6 months
the irony that i forgot gilagmesh was in fate
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redskull199987 · 3 years
Something I need
Druig x female!reader
Words count:1.2k
Warnings:Blood, mild violence
Summary: You and Druig had parted ways from the other Eternals centuries ago, but an unexpected incident forces you to join them again...
Part 2
Minimal inspiration from:
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Eternals. That's what we were. We have lived on earth among the humans for 7000 years, but sometimes I still had my difficulties with understanding mankind. Thanks to Druig, I didn't exactly had to interact with them very often.
Since our group split up, Druig and I never left each other's side. We protected each other and stayed together for all these years, only to land in a small jungle, living in a village, whose Residents were all controlled by Druig.
We had found peace.
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"Where are you going?"
I turned around, as Druig grabbed my Hand, effectively stopping me from going out.
"Just going for a walk around the village", I answered and eyed him down, " Are you alright? "
He only nodded:" Yeah, it's fine"
He let go of my hand and sat down, but I didn't walk away. Instead I stepped closer to him, grasping his cheek. Druig looked up to me.
"Something's wrong", I whispered.
He sighed and carefully leaned against my chest.
"It's just...", he mumbled.
"Yeah?", I said and looked down to him.
He shrugged:"I have a bad feeling"
"What do you mean?", I asked confused.
Druig looked at me and jumped up before walking towards a window.
"I just have the feeling, that something...or someone is coming.
Cautionly, I stepped closer." Do you think the others are coming? ", I asked and leaned my head on his shoulder while my arms snuck around his waist.
" I don't know", Druig whispered.
"If it's anyone else, we can handle it. Don't worry", I said.
Druig chuckled. "You mean, you can handle it", he said and turned around, taking my hands in his.
I had the ability to control the elements. Fire, Water, Wind and Earth were powerful weapons in a fight.
A smile crept onto my face:"Fine, I can handle it."
"See?", Druig laughed, before he leaned down to me.
He pressed a passionate kiss to my lips while pulling me closer.
"I love you", I whispered, leaning my forehead against his.
Druig opened his mouth, but a deep rumble went through the house before he could say something.
Druig sighed:"They're here"
"Seems like you were right", I smiled, "As always"
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I couldn't believe my ears. What Sersi just told us, couldn't be true. It just couldn't.
While I was quite speechless, Druig seemed to be rather angry.
"We need you, Druig"
I looked over to Sersi. She told us her plan, but it would require Druigs powers. He didn't seem to like it and stormed off leaving us behind.
"He is as stioc as ever, isn't he?", Icaris stated, looking over to me.
"He just learned that his entire life is a lie! How would you react?"
"We still need him", Sersi interrupted us.
I only sighed and sat down:"He needs time to think, guys"
"Can't you go and talk to him?", Kingo asked.
I scoffed:"It's his decision after all"
It was Sprite. I looked at her. Surprisingly she stayed calm and came over to me:"We need him"
She held her hand out to me. I looked at her and then at the rest of the group.
"Fine", I said and took her hand. She pulled me up and smiled:"I knew, you wouldn't disappoint us"
"As I said, it is still his decision", I mumbled and made my way outside to surch for Druig.
I couldn't find him near the house. He must have wanderd off to think about Sersi's plan.
I walked a little bit away from the village, before I heard People scream and shout.
I quickly made my way back to find out what was going on.
I looked around and saw several deviants attacking the villagers. I immediately went to attack them. Druig and I protected this village for ages. I was not going to let them die now.
One of the deviants now noticed my presence and went to attack me.
I used my powers to create fire and attacked him with it. He backed off a little but soon went back to attack, but he was stopped by Kingo.
He fired at him and looked at me and Sprite.
"You have to distract him", he shouted and turned around to prepare his attack.
I looked at Sprite. She nooded, before sprinting towards me.
I folded my hands and when Sprite jumped onto them, I pushed her upwards to attack the Deviant.
She stabbed it into the throat while I formed shackles out of earth in order to hold him down.
"Hurry up, Kingo!", Sprite shouted. She had trouble with holding the Deviant, but Kingo was finally ready and attacked it from down under, effectively killing it.
I breathed out heavily and got up, smiling at Sprite. Our little trick still worked, even after all those years.
My smile faded as Sprite suddenly shouted and pointed behind me:"Y/N, look out!!"
But it was to late, I felt something pierce through my arm and then my ribs before I was yanked to the side.
I cried out in pain and looked at the Deviant in front off me. He came closer to me while another one attacked Sprite and Kingo.
I tried to get up, but it was useless. I felt blood drip from my side and groaned in agony.
The deviant was still coming closer, but he was suddenly attacked by the villagers who shot at him with their rifles.
"Y/N, are you alright?!", I heard Druig say before he came running towards me.
"I've never been better", I said jokingly as he helped me up.
Druig eyed my arm and rips.
"Damn it", He whispered, "I shouldn't have left you alone"
I smiled:"It's alright, come on!"
Sersi was able to trap the Deviant with a tree and we tried to escape but it seemed useless until Ikaris came back. He was able to kill the Deviant who had attacked Sprite and Kingo.
As we slowly settled back down, I really started to feel my injuries. That we had lost Gilgamesh didn't make our situation any better.
Druig slowly helped me laying down and treating my wounds.
"We have to help them", I said and grabbed his hand.
He only sighed and continued with my bandages. I watched him finish his work in silence.
"Druig", I whispered.
"I could've lost you today", he pressed out.
"But you didn't"
"But I could have!!", he shouted.
I carefully sat up and looked at Druig. He stared out of the window and watched the others prepare Gilgamesh's Funeral.
"We lost Gilgamesh today", my voice was shaking. I tried hard to keep the tears from spilling.
"They need you...We need you"
Druig turned around and looked at me. He slowly sat down beside me and took my hand.
"All I need is you", He whispered and kissed the back of my hand, "I enjoyed these last years with you and I don't want to lose this memories. I don't want to lose you..."
A tear rolled down his cheek. I slowly wiped it away and kissed his cheek.
"Let's save this planet", I said.
Druig stood up and took my hand:"Let's put a celastial to sleep"
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jimcrocodilecook · 4 years
Shirou Route Part 1 | ED Rin Route Part 1 | ED Sakura Route Part 1 | ED Illya Route Part 1 | ED Kuzuki Route Part 1 | ED Kotomine Route Part 1 | ED Caren Route Part 1 | ED Bazett Route Part 1 | ED Zouken Route Part 1 | ED Maids Route Part 1 | ED Himuro Route Part 1 | ED Shinji Route Part 1 | ED Toraburu Hanafuda Travel Journal Main Route Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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sleepyzllover · 3 years
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I've peaked.
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loyalbreed · 6 years
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Listen if you don’t think Gil would mug Gawain for his cape you are wrong
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                         MY LITTLE BRO IS SO CUTE!!!
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fledbeast578 · 2 years
Possibly hot take but I think extra is the best servant roster in the series, in terms of power levels. Like obviously the protagonist is always gonna win, but it feels like in every grail war half the people there are just filling slots while there’s two or three massively powerful people who are just unstoppable until the plot gets in the way.
In stay Night there was Herc, Altria, and Gilagmesh, in Zero it was Altria, Lancelot, Gilgamesh, in Apocrypha (ignoring Amakusa) it was Karna and Achilles, etc etc. There’s never a situation where Diarmuid or Medea or Shakespeare pulls out a win, so it feels like they were just put there to fill slots (why would anyone want to summon a caster or assassin if they lose 99% of the time?)
While in extra it just feels significantly more balanced, the most powerful servant there is Gawain (and maybe Lu Bu right behind him) and even so they wouldn’t be a guaranteed victory within the war. I could see a hundred different ways it could go if Hakuno wasn’t there. Maybe Nursery Rhyme would cause Gawain to lose his name (depending on how quick thinking Leo is), maybe Li Shuwen could manage to sneak up on and kill Rani or Leo, maybe Shinji manages to hack Seraph into giving him unlimited gold and drake steamrolls the competition. It’s just such a great roster because while there are power outliers (I’d still say Gawain would win the majority of the time) it still feels like an anyones game situation.
Apologies if this was rambly, it’s just something that’d been crossing my mind for a while so I wanted to get it written.
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My favourite part of Takeuchi designs is sort of that coherency between characters and who they’re close to, and the contrasts/similarities between them.
Like, in FGO, Olga Marie’s design stands in contrast to Wodime’s and her father’s, which mirrors her role and relationship -
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We know that Wodime was a student of Marisbury’s, and was even seen as his the one to continue his legacy because Olga Marie could not be a master candidate, and was also not a great director of Chaldea, in contrast to Wodime’s genius and skill as a magus.
As such, she and Wodime have opposing colour palettes - she has warm colours, especially orange with major black accents except for her skirt and hair, while Wodime is in all white with blue accents.
Obviously she resembles her father appearance-wise, with even the braid tying together their designs, but colour scheme wise? It’s Wodime that has his whites and cold colours.
This is also used a lot in Fate Zero/FSN to show characters who are connected or related in some way.
Ilya and Irisviel have the same purple top and white skirt combo, though Ilya’s reads as more childish compared to Iri’s more mature silhouette. Berserker also has the kilt which connects his and Ilya’s designs despite them being completely different in every aspect.
Rin, Tokiomi and Emiya Archer all share a red color scheme, with Rin and Emiya both being the same shade of red with black, and Tokiomi having a slightly darker red. Gilagmesh also has red - but significantly less which pulls him slightly out of that cohesion.
Waver’s dark green serves to make him look small and insignificant besides the bright warm colours of Iskandar, but as an adult he starts wearing the red jacket - both symbolizing his growth and his lifelong love for Iskandar.
Medea’s original Master has a very black and white colour scheme (while also being blond like Jason, and even more of a womanizing asshole), which ties into her dark outer cloak - her inner purple dress is lighter, and that matches Sasaki’s own colour scheme and silhouette.
Shirou’s main outfit is white and blue, which are Saber’s colours, connecting them early on.
In the HF epilogue, Shirou no longer has the blue sleeves - he is wearing white, which is strongly associated with Sakura, who herself is wearing a white top. It’s also the route where Shirou rejects his father’s ideals and his own ideals, so he is wearing black - the opposite of Kiritsugu’s white.
Archer’s colours are black and red - red is clearly connecting him to Rin, but the lower layer of his clothing is black, Kiritsugu’s colour, indicating that his status as a CG means that he’s at his core like his father if he pursues this fate.
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@sicktember Day 28: Missing Out
Characters: Gil and Ozy
“Ha ha ha! It seems misfortune has fallen upon you, gold king.”
“You dare to—” Sniffle. “—mock me, sun king?”
“I merely extend my deepest condolences,” Ozymandias said, walking past the door and into Gilagmesh’s room. He lifted his sunglasses from his eyes to his head and looked around. The suite, normally pristine in luxury, had had its usual scattered assortment of wine bottles overtaken by tissues. The bedsheets were wrinkled and unmade, seemingly slept in until just a moment ago when Ozymandias had rung the doorbell.    
Gilgamesh himself was wearing a short silk robe (the closest thing to pajamas he’d ever wear for when it was too cold to sleep naked) and looking like death. He was swaying as he stood by the door, so he moved to the couch to sit down.
Their vacation together began today. Or well, it was supposed to. 
“A true pity,” Ozymandias said, shaking his head. “It appears the pool shall not be blessed by the duo of the great Ozymandias and the King of Heroes on this day. I feel for the souls who will be without your presence.”
Grabbing another tissue and blowing his nose, Gilgamesh then replied, “Having you there shall be at least a small comfort to them to make up for my own appearance, I am sure. Now, you may leave me in my own misery.”
Ozymandias instead laughed again and dropped down on the couch next to him. “Dare not imply your illness has turned you into a fool! The calendar was marked as the vacation of kings! And so I, the greatest of all pharaohs, declare it shall be!” He picked up a remote to turn on the TV.
“Hmph. To attempt to show pity towards me is quite a bold insult,” Gilgamesh grumbled with a cough.   
“There is no pity involved! Though, it does seem you have tugged at my generous side. Even here, we may experience the finest in the world. You possess countless bottles for us to partake in, and we may order as much food suited to our superior palates as we wish.”
Gilgamesh sniffled again and reclined. “I suppose that would be acceptable… I shall allow it,” he said.
Ozymandias found a movie to put on. At first they both laughed along with it, though by the one hour mark Gilgamesh’s energy had dimmed. And by the time the credits rolled, he’d fallen asleep on the other’s shoulder.
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animebw · 4 years
Yeah, UBW is ridiculously versatile once you get into it's abilities. For example, the main reason why the projections in Shirou's shed freaked Rin out in the Fate route, is because normal projections would be erased in a matter of hours or a day aas a result of the world recognizing it's as something fake/unnatural
Shirou's projections can last indefinitely as long as he doesn't 'deny their existence' This is because UBW reproduces the materials needed for Shirou's form of projection. This combined with the fact Shirou reproduces the history of the object all the way to concept of creation, means the world thinks its real.
This by the way, is the main reason why Saber was shocked when Shirou successfully projected Caliburn in the Fate route.
Caliburn is considered a Lost Phantasm, in that even if Saber entered the Throne of Heroes as a proper heroic spirit, she wouldn't have Caliburn as a secondary NP.
This is also why Divine Constructs like Excalibur are basically a death sentence to project for someone like Shirou or Archer.
Divine Constructs basically have aspect of materials or methods that are outside human comprehension, therefore out of Shirou's. There for UBW can't automatically reproduce it. It's will have an approximate blueprint at best
If Shirou or Archer want to project something like Excalibur, they have to do it from scratch and the attempt will kill them. The fact that Archer can even get THAT close to reproducing Excalibur speaks to his mastery of his abilities.
In Type Moon, Excalibur was created the Planet itself and was made to deal with VERY high level threats. Thats the reason Gilagmesh wanted to compare EA to Excalibur in the Fate route
Excalibur Image is the canonical name for Archer's projection of Excalibur.
Alright, did Nasu start his career out as a dungeon master or something? He’s got a whole Silmarillion’s worth of lore here.
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unwcvering · 4 years
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@thottiestarcher​ said  — 💜 because he is a bastard
kiss day meme || accepting
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       He loathed Gilgamesh. There was a near long running list of reasons why he despised the Archer. For events during the Fuyuki war, his arrogance, annoying demeanor... How he had brought up Iskandar during an argument, a means to get under his skin and hit where it hurt. Yet no matter what he did or often he told Gilgamesh to leave him alone, there he was. El-MeIIoi II could have compared him to a parasite, but the only thing the Archer stole from him was his time and tested his patience. It might have made his time in Chaldea better if he were left along altogether and never had to see Gilgamesh aside from the battlefield. And yet... yet, there was no denying how moments felt as if he were tied to him by some sort of unfortunate fate. 
       Even then, just as they were, sitting side by side on the floor. Or at least the Caster was. Gilagmesh had taken up the entirety of the couch, sipping the wine they had ‘generously’ brought only because what El-MeIIoi II had wasn’t up to par. Right then and there, he should have kicked him out for insulting his liquor and left it at that, but fighting was exhausting. Bickering had grown dull than amusing. It was easier to drink until his nerves were at ease, until he felt relaxed enough to slump against the side of the couch and could stare at the bottom of his glass, ignoring whatever it was Gilgamesh was running his mouth about for the hundredth time. 
                                                    “Do not ignore me.” 
       If he hadn’t been paying attention, that single sentence had captured his attention just had the Archer’s hand on his chin, guiding his gaze up to them. His initial reaction was to pull away and stumble to his feet, but those lips upon his own were oddly gentle, far different than the first time Gilgamesh had kissed him. His mouth parted, breathing in deeply, tasting the remnants of wine on their tongue. In a moment, a flickering thing, he nearly allowed himself to be swept away in something soft and almost sweet before he pulled away, stumbling back on elbows to create distance. His heart was pounding within his chest, disbelief written on his features as he stared back to Gilgamesh on the edge of the couch. “I... I would rather you... if you didn’t do that again.” 
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wingstriker · 6 years
Today, we're going to talk about voice actors. Take Emiya (Assassin), aka Kiritsugu Emiya. Before I got into FGO, I only knew this character as a guy who shared the same JP voice actor as my favorite FFXIV character, Cid nan Garlond. (Sorry for the weird image sizing, I don’t know why Tumblr treats them differently. Probably has something to do with the image width.)
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I had read a little bit on a Fate wiki about Kiritsugu, but I didn't really pay attention, nor did it make any sense to me since I knew nothing about the Fate universe. Holy Grail War? Sealing Designation? Dead Apostle? WTF, I don't get this. {/forgets everything she read}
The only two other roles I recognized for Rikiya Koyama were:
Witchblade: Reiji Takayama, and
Kaze no Stigma: Genma Kannagi
I'd seen both of these series before learning about the JP voice actor that played these characters.
I guess it's also interesting to note that one of his other roles was JP Wolverine/Logan. XD
Fast forward to now, learning that Junichi Suwabe (Archer Emiya) voiced JP Warrior of Darkness, and so I had to double-check this by re-watching some FFXIV cutscenes in Japanese last night. (I normally have them set to English voices.) And yup, this is definitely Archer Emiya.
FFXIV Warrior of Light VS Warrior of Darkness (Spoiler Alert)
That spoiler warning is valid, it's a major plot point.
I also checked the credits, and yup...
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This made me curious. It was well known that Square-Enix employed very famous JP voice actors in FFXIV. Just how many of them were also in the Fate series?
It turns out... A LOT OF THEM.
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn => Atsuko Tanaka
aka Medea, Carmilla (Assassin), Jing Ke
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Kan-E-Senna => Rie Tanaka
aka Kiara Sessyoin
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Yda => Aya Endo
aka Gilagmesh (Child), Morgan le Fay (Fate/Apocrypha), Quetzalcoatl
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Minfilia => Miyuki Sawashiro
aka Mordred, Rama, Archer Orion (Artemis), Florence Nightingale
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Gaius van Baelsar => Akio Otsuka
aka Iskandar
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Livia sas Junius (and Lucia BTW) => Sayaka Ohara
aka Irisviel von Einzbern
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By the way, it's interesting how the JP voice actors for Irisviel and Kiritsugu got to meet up again in FFXIV except uhhh... While Irisviel is Kiritsugu's wife, let's just say the relationship between Livia and Cid is... Not very good.
Now, adding the English voice actors into the mix, again starting with Cid nan Garlond and things get even more interesting.
Cid nan Garlond => Grant George => Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
Or messed up.
Grant George => Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night (2006) & Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (WTF dude.)
Add Fire Emblem Heroes to the mix and haha, I think my brain is gonna melt. DX
Grant George => Sigurd, Clive
Chrom, Ryoma, Azama, Shigure => Matthew Mercer => Kiritsugu Emiya
And now we've gone full circle, GG game over.
P.S. - I didn't even talk about Diarmuid's JP voice actor, Hikaru Midorikawa, because he's one of the veteran voice actors that has a lot of ties to older anime I watched years ago.
Or how Cú Chulainn's JP voice actor played Hiten in Inuyasha! (Yet another character that uses a lance, hmmmmm.)
Ok, I'll shut up now.
(Cross-posted from Pillowfort.)
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kingofselfinserts · 6 years
(Also, I hope I didn't dissuade anyone else from sending Gilgamesh asks. I saw someone else was talking about it, then I sent some in for him, and then it seemed like they felt like they couldn't anymore? But all the Gilgameshes are good Gilagmeshes!! And if more than one person is sending in Gilgamesh asks, I think it adds some depth to them, right?)
Any Gil is a good Gil for me! And if people want to write for my other f/os, then I have no problem with that! Just the fact people are sending IC asks for me is wonderful and y'all are amazing!!
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michajawkan · 7 years
quillsareoverrated replied to your post: quillsareoverrated replied to your post: ...
AND LISTEN… each character’s personalities can only show so much in fgo
except gilagmesh’s, he’s just as shitty as he seems, looks, etc     
Gil is someone’s shitty self-insert that tripped into canon somehow
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jonphaedrus · 7 years
Oracle Ardyn meets god in lion body, Cor. Cor proceeds to sit on this ugly human baby because he's obviously suffering and useless. Ardyn refuses to leave because it's warm and Cor refuses to getvup because comfy. Gilagmesh can only pray.
Also, lion god cor not believing Bahamut about Ardyn being king. Bahamut: Thats him. Cor: You're telling me this drama queen is the chosen? Bahamut: You doubt me? Cor: -points to Ardyn- He's a baby. Bahamut: ??? Cor: He's a /baby/. A strong wind would kill him. -Cor lecturing Bahamut on his bad job-
“baby” here is defined as like, 35, because that is a baby to an endless immortal
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aethercurrent · 7 years
like, im mostly nonverbal in-game and stick with my friends (had a nice, fun sohm al hard where the tank and i were goofing off at the beginning with them forgetting shield oath and me forgetting quelling strikes bc apparently im not as mediocre a summoner as i think i am; but that about does it for in-game interaction and i dont rp bc im easily embarrassed)
balmung being locked off doesnt affect me so im not gonna say much, really, its a bummer for all yall who do rp and try to find communities (my only run-in with rping on moogle was a pack of 20 french people rping in say, slowly advancing upon and then past me in new gridania when i was level 48, and it Haunts Me bc they were rp-walking. it was 2am.)
on the other hand, the server ping? good grief, did you think it was gonna run smoothly from the very beginning considering youve got gilagmesh and balmung in the same datacentre? like, i think chaos itself is located in germany now and im german, in germany, yet i had about the worst month of my life when they moved it and the psn blew something up, leading to my ps4 barely able to run the game without horrendous lag (which was then fixed after about a month of agony with psn maintenance. thanks for nothing) its gonna take a week or three for the new servers to settle, its gonna take you guys a week or three to settle in with the new ping; itll all calm down and settle in, youll get used to everything
right now youre in that awkward wet hatchling phase, so if i see one more person going all “oh youre on the east coast? cant join our static” from gilgamesh im going to literally fucking explode from shrieking laughter calm down greg, its fucking video games
tl;dr yall are gonna have a bad time for a week or three, but by the time stormblood releases 1) the servers will have settled and 2) youll be used to it chaos moving wasnt all sunshine and rainbows either, it was extremely awkward because the us players had to get used to the ping the eu players had and vice versa
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