#gildor x reader
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justpostsyeet · 9 months
Mîr Vin Universe: Origins
Ch 2 : Bag, the living guardian
Círdan, with ancient wisdom etched in his gaze, observed the woman Glorfindel had brought back. Although physically unharmed, her presence emitted an aura of profound strength that caught the perceptive eyes of the Elven lord. Gazing upon her, Círdan felt as though he couldn't see through her being as if she was not an edain but something more powerful. Her aura, however, held a uniqueness that defied easy classification. It lacked the overpowering resonance of the Valar or the majestic presence of the Maiar. Instead, it exuded an enigmatic and tranquil quality. Like peering into a dark abyss that bore no hint of fear, her aura seemed to carry an aura of serenity, wrapping her in an intriguing veil of mystery. Círdan, attuned to the subtle energies of Middle-earth, found himself captivated by this unexpected visitor and the enigma she brought to the tranquil haven of the Grey Havens. Their visitor seemed to be in a deep slumber. He asked his servants to undressed her and clean her. Then bring all of her belonging to the court hall so, he could observe the threat.
He knew that she couldn't be a threat something in his heart told too but he knew heart couldn't be trusted. Celebrimbor has told him that his heart tells him to trust Annatar and Círdan knows the result all too well to let himself get caught in it. He went to court hall were he had called few of his closest so nobody gets to alarmed and take rash decision. They were all waiting for them and when he told them his thoughts they seemed to agree with him. The woman seem nonthreating but that doesn't mean she can be trusted. Many of them doesn't seem to agree with the peaceful aura that Círdan felt while trying to look through her. All of them, even Glorfindel and Nestor seemed to agree that all they felt was a void when they tried looking into her but Círdan felt this pull like this was some peace that he had felt before. As time stood still,they all patiently waited was the arrival of the servants .
In the private chamber were the stranger visitor rested, Head Servants Neion and Fearon was given the task of undressing and dressing the mysterious woman. Neion and Fearon meticulously carried out the task unfolding the layers of her intriguing attire. As they peeled away the cotton tunic and broad pants, the richness of the fabric and the exquisite patterns, not woven but painted with expensive dyes, hinted at a wealth unfamiliar to the elves.
The waistband, lacking a drawstring, revealed a remarkable elasticity that gently cinched at her waist without discomfort. Even her undergarments, dyed with opulent hues, displayed a level of affluence that went beyond mere pretense. The small undergarments, with cups and elastic strings, suggested a design meant to enhance rather than compromise her features, and the intricate hook at the back hinted at the need for assistance in donning such garments. From head to toe, every detail spoke of opulence. Metallic strips and elastic bands adorned her hair, matching those found on her undergarments and pants. Rings adorned her ears, made of both gold and other metals unfamiliar to the elves. A round gold object adorned her nose, and various finger rings, some gold, some not, adorned her hands. Unseen by elves before, she wore a band-like silver accessory on her ankles, embellished with small unknown gems. One if her wrist bore a strange object, round metallic box that was covered by glass to display what's inside it. The insides seemed to move in a rhythmical circle . The whole contraption was tied around her wrist with a small leather belt.
Her nails, initially mistaken for being naturally dark, revealed themselves to be meticulously painted in a deep color. Her face displayed remnants of makeup, and her lush, well-cared-for hair cascaded down, framing a countenance that exuded both health and refinement. In this careful inspection, the elves found themselves face to face with a being whose appearance bespoke not just elegance but a powerful status. As they cleaned her delicate skin they noticed that her strength was that of a delicate princess. They couldn't fathom why this woman was suddenly found in the forest.
They bought her clothes and other belongings the court hall. As the elves delved into the mysterious woman's belongings, their initial intent to find potential harm transformed into an intriguing exploration of unfamiliar artifacts. Her pouch were extremely sturdy and was hard to open. Fearon politely told the reason for her failure to open the bag,"Her bags are unlike any we've encountered. No strings, no hooks. Instead, a magical closure with tiny teeth-like objects covering the edge."
Glorfindel, the ever curious one started pulling the things till he found a way to open bag. After a few moments, he happily declared "Look at this small contraption. When moved forward, it closes the teeth and binds them together. Move it backward, and the teeth open, revealing the container inside." Gildor exclaimed."Ingenious! A method of securing belongings with a mere motion. The craftsmanship is exceptional. Lore master Lumion, have you seen such enchantments before?"
Lumion was equally intrigued by the contraption. He himself opened and closed the bag several time before he said, "This is a fascinating mechanism. No strings, no clasps. It appears to be a combination of magic and intricate design. A security unlike our conventional methods." Círdan quipped, "The simplicity and effectiveness of this closure speak volumes. She has mastered the art of containment in ways we never imagined."
Fearon unable to contain her excitement said, "Shall we attempt to open it, Lord Círdan? To understand the mechanism better and see what other wonders her bags might hold?"
Círdan, equally intrigued and excited managedto sound regal lord like "Proceed, Fearon. Uncover the secrets of this magical closure. It is yet another testament to the ingenuity of the woman from beyond our shores."
The woman's artifacts, with their enchanting designs, continued to unfold a narrative of a realm filled with magic and creativity, leaving the elves eager to discover more.The elves gathered around the woman's unusual bag, eyeing the magical closure with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. They exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to manipulate the enigmatic mechanism. Fearon, with a keen eye for mechanisms, took the lead in attempting to unlock the secrets held within.
Fearon cautiously moved the small contraption forward, causing the tiny teeth to close tightly, sealing the bag. After a moment of careful consideration, she skillfully slid it backward, and to the elves' amazement, the teeth opened, revealing the contents within. A roar erupted
"Incredible! A simple sliding motion, and it opens like a flower blooming. The craftsmanship is extraordinary."
"Such a mechanism! It's as if the bag is alive, responding to our touch. Perhaps it's enchanted with a form of sentience."
"A living bag, you say? An interesting notion, Glorfindel. Lumion, what are your thoughts on this enchanting closure?"
Lumion cleared his throat signalling other to calm down."While the idea of a living bag is poetic, it is more likely a product of advanced craftsmanship and magic. A melding of art and functionality."
As they explored the contents within, the elves began to form various theories about the nature of the bag.
Gildor mused for a while and said."It could be a guardian, protecting the belongings within. Responding only to the touch of its rightful owner. What if it attacks if we touch the belongings inside the bag?"
Glorfindel was now equally concerned about the sudden attack from an unknown creature but he tried to be brave and wise. "A living bag, a guardian, or an extension of its owner—each theory holds a certain charm. Regardless, it is a testament to our own abilities and if this guardian knows that in our heart we don't posses to harm the belonging but merely look at it then it shall not harm us." As the elves contemplated the bag's mysteries, the enchanting closure continued to captivate their imagination, leaving them to ponder the depths of the magic woven into even the simplest aspects of the woman's belongings.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
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ʚ Pairing:   Fëanor x Fem. Reader
ʚ Summary :  At dinner, Finwë talks to you about one of his captains, saying they want to court you. His son, however, does not like it that one of his father’s captains likes you. This results in Jealous Fëanor. You will not be with anyone else, Fëanor. And what Fëanor wants,  Fëanor gets. 
ʚ Themes: Some angst | Slow burn|  Soft | Smut
ʚ Warnings: Explicit content of a sexual nature | Coarse language | Kissing | Some breath play | Fingering | First time | Penetrative sex
Minors DNI.
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One night, the two of you were listening to Finwë, High King of the Noldor, talk about his journey to Valinor.
“When the Great Hunter Oromë came to us, we were frightened and very suspicious. Our kind had just opened our eyes, and one such as him had never been seen before. So, to dispel our fears, he invited a few of us to go with him and report back to our kin on our return." Finwë’s eyes looked wistful and dreamy. What a time that was, traveling with one of the Vala to Valinor. And what an adventure too. "And what a sight it was, seeing the undying lands for the first time. It was paradise, y/n," he said to you. "But more than just paradise. Words cannot give it justice and--" A sudden movement distracted him. He looked to his right, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Fëanor! What in Eru’s name are you and lady y/n doing?"
Fëanor had been tossing little balls of soft cheese over the table at you, to distract you. You blocked them all until one hit you square on the nose. Retaliation was necessary and you responded by flicking an olive at him, hitting him on the cheek, and making him yelp. "Just playing, father." Fëanor flashed his bright-eyed grin, the one that charmed and disarmed everyone in his presence. "That is all."
Finwë chuckled and rolled his eyes, mumbling, "You two," with great mirth. There was a wave of his hand, a signal that the evening was to come to an end. "Alright. Goodnight then. Y/n, my son will escort you to your rooms."
Fëanor stood up first, striding over to you to pull out your chair. "And y/n?" The king suddenly remembered something he had intended to ask, but had forgotten to do so. "My captain, Gildor, has been asking after you. He says he wishes to court you. Would you consider it?"
You could have sworn you heard Fëanor grind his teeth and growl under his breath. Gildor, was muttered, along with some choice expletives, and said so softly even his lord father did not hear. Why did he react like that? "Could you give me a day or two, your grace?" Gildor was a fine soldier and a chivalrous ellon. Anyone would be lucky to have him for a husband, but you still needed time. And Fëanor’s reaction gave you pause. "I would like to think about his request."
The king tipped his head in agreement before turning to his firstborn. He had to fight the urge to do a double take. Fëanor was filled to the brim with jealousy. It was plain to the king, though not to you. Finwë had long suspected of his son’s attachment to you, and now he was finally seeing the proof of it. He settled back into his chair before bidding the both of you good night.
As the door closed behind you both, Finwë reflected on his son's reaction, his jealousy. “Let the dice fall where they may,” He murmured to himself. The king stretched out his legs, content to stay right where he was. 
The walk back to your rooms was filled with tension. Fëanor was eerilly quiet, his jaw clenched the entire time. He had been like this from the moment his father spoke to you about Gildor.  "My lord?" You stopped by an unused corridor and stood in front of him, barring his way. "Why are you so angry? What is it about Gildor that vexes you so?"
Gildor was the worst possible person for you, and  Fëanor knew it. He wanted to show you that you could do so much better, that there was someone better for you. He wanted to show you there was him. He wanted to talk to you, to explain how he felt, but the very mention of that captain’s name was enough to make his blood boil.
"Gildor." He hissed through his teeth instead. "You would seriously consider Gildor for a husband?" 
Why did his eyes flash all hot and agry at the mention of Gildor’s name? "What’s wrong with him?" You ask in confusion. "Gildor is sweet and kind and--"
Fëanor cut you off with a curt, "Dull and boring and incapable of giving anyone pleasure in the bedroom." He shook his head and fought for composure. His jealousy was so very close to bubbling over now. "You will be miserable in a month."
"Just a month?" You sputter in disbelief. No one was perfect, not even the Valar, but for Fëanor to make such a prediction.... it was a bit unseemly.
"Yes. A month." Fëanor lifted a hand, then shook his head. He had changed his mind it seems. "No. Make that two weeks. Two weeks before you are bored out of your wits. No." There was another shake of the head. "Make it a week. Ten days if you’re lucky."
"Oh really?" This was highly impertinent, even from one such as him. "And you know how to keep me happy and content? Is that it?" You got right in front of Fëanor now, your own anger slowly building up. Who was he to tell you whom you should like? How your marraige would play out? "You know how to keep things exciting? Make things pleasurable for me?"
Your words simply added fuel to the fire already burning within him. Fëanor stared you down, his nostrils flaring with each breath he took. "Oh yes." He rasped. "I know exactly how to make things pleasurable for you."
You laughed derisively at him. This was all too much. "Oh really?" You stick your chin out, your eyes spitting fire at him, while your stomach kept tying itself in knots. You started to feel a little hot and bothered when those steely grey eyes of his bore into yours.
"Yes. Yes really." Fëanor’s eyes gleamed wickedly in the torchlight. "I could show you right now if you like."
Your cheeks were aflame. No. No. No. This was wholly inappropriate. You shouldn’t have to do it. You didn’t need to do it. You didn’t need to indulge him, but you did feel a sense of perverse delight in seeing him all worked up like this. It was something you rarely saw, and you wonder, how far could you push him? "Really?" You took a step to your left, to the unused corridor, batting your hands at the canvas that got in your way. This section of the palace was still under repair and the workers were done for the day. No one would come this way until tomorrow morning. The two of you could continue arguing without interruption, and only the walls will hear all."You could show me. You could show me? Pfft." You snorted and walked backward into the darkened passageway. Fëanor followed you, his eyes on you the entire time. "You think too highly of yourself, my lord."
He growled again, his eyes narrowing to thin slats. "And you doubt me so. Why do you doubt me so?"
You stopped when you backed up right against the wall. The tiled wall felt cold, even through your clothes. "I should doubt you. Anyone would" You licked your lips as an odd excitement washed over you. You were here, in this passageway, with Fëanor in front of you. "I mean, it is very easy to make vain boasts." You stick your chin out at him again, as if to challenge him. "Words and actions are two entirely different things, my lord."
Fëanor’s breathing had grown a little ragged by now. Your challenge only served to inflame him. "So." He leaned over ever so slightly, his hands reaching back to undo the braids and coils in your hair. There was a soft ping, of a silver hair-clip falling to the ground. That clip was followed by another, and another. Your breath hitched when a finger traced a line over your cheekbone after the last of the clips in your hair joined the little pile by your feet. "You think I’m all bluster and empty words," he leaned in even more, his heart hammering away when he felt warmth radiating off your skin. "is that it?"
You trembled when he brushed his nose against your hair, the curve of your neck, as if to take in the scent of you. Heat wrapped around your throat as his breath fanned over your skin. "I do." You could feel yourself growing lightheaded and dizzy, already wet between your thighs. "But perhaps," your resistance caved when his lips glided over your throat. Goosbumps spread all over your arms, your breath caugth again. You had been caged between him and the wall, but you did not seek escape. You wanted to take this as far as it could go. "Perhaps you could show me what you’re capable of."
Fëanor hummed and chuckled breathily. You had already forgotten about Gildor, and that made him very happy. "Oh, I will." Kisses moved skimmed your neck, your jawline. He stopped within a breath over your lips. "In more ways than one, if you like."
In more ways than one. On impulse, you willingly took his invitation to heart, challenging him with, "Then show me."
"Say the magic word, y/n." Fëanor grinned when you grumbled. "You must say the magic word. It is the way."
You huffed and pouted. Fëanor only chuckled and said, try harder. You whinned and even stamped your feet a little. That amused him more, but he still crossed his arms and shook his head. Fëanor would go no further, not until you did as you were bid. You give in, wanting to be put out of your misery, with a simple, "Please."
He leaned in closer, just hovering over the shell of your ear. "Again." He whispered, one hand hooking around your waist, the other trailing a line up your arm. "Once more, y/n."
That hand snaked up your arm, gliding over your shoulder before stopping to cup your cheek. Another please rolled off your now hungry lips. 
Fëanor wasn’t done. He wanted you to beg a little. "Say it again. And this time, say please, Fëanor."
His hand moved over to your throat when you whimpered, "Please, Fëanor."
A gentle squeeze, making you draw in breath a little harder. How his eyes lit up when yours darkened with lust. "One last time, y/n,” he wispered. “I insist.” 
There was that gentle squeeze again, making you gasp. "Please, Fëanor." You were already feeling a little over-stimulated, and he had barely gotten started.
A flash of that grin of his, dark and sinful this time.  Fëanor held you flush against the wall, his eyes locked on yours. He dipped, his lips brushing against yours. That soft brush turned into a flood when your arms looped over his shoulders, when your hands buried themselves in his hair. You couldn’t help but hum when his tongue licked past your parted lips. His kisses grew deep, threatening to drown you, to pull you under with him. 
You felt, more than heard, the soft purr, when you tugged on his hair. You could feel him, already thick and hard, as he pressed his body into yours.  Fëanor tugged at you, pulling you forward with him, not stopping till he’d been seated cross-legged on the floor with you straddling him. He stopped, turned back to the way both of you came. The halls were empty, a sheet of the workmen’s canvas strung over a beam, hiding the corridor until work was finished. He faced you again, and brushed back your hair. “Yes?”
Lightheadedness had given away to something else. Something hungry and demanding to be satisfied. It left you weak and trembling and throbbing, and wanting more. “Yes,” you mumble, and he dipped his head again, this time with a kiss that robbed you of breath. 
He freed up his hands, to hike up your skirt, to rip up your small clothes. You gasped and closed your eyes when a thumb played with your nub. Fëanor got a good grip around your waist, pulling you closer, holding you tighter when your  fingers dug into his clothes. You buried your face in the curve of his neck, and your breath came out in ragged pants. “More?” He breathed.
More. You wanted more, your body wanted more. “Mhhm.”
Your walls tightened when a finger pushed past your slit. There was a soft moan when he thrust deeper, when your fingers dug into his back. When a second finger joined the first, streching your walls even more, you mewled into his neck. "Don’t stop," you hummed, shocked by the intensity with which your body was responding to his touch.
Fëanor, already drunk by the warmth and softness of your body, had other ideas. He quickly pulled out, grinning cheekily at your protest. "Do not worry, my starlight. There’s much more of me to be had."
Your cheeks turned red from the innuendo. They burned when he lifted those slick fingers and licked each one, smiling wolfishly as he did so. "Still think Gildor is the one for you?" He muttered, when he placed his hands on your waist.
You shook your head, but wanting more out of him, you teased, "I think-- I think I need a little more convincing."
"You little minx, you." He narrowed his eyes when your hands moved down his waist before coming to rest on the drawstrings of his trousers. Fëanor kept perfectly still while you worked on the cords, only to nearly collapse over you when you finally reached in and wrapped your hand around his cock. Your touch was soft, and his grip on your waist tightened when stroke followed ceaseless stroke. His lips pressed against your throat, his teeth nipped at soft flesh. When you found a pace he liked, he bit down harder and harder, reducing your bones to water and rendering you breathless. It still wasn’t what he had in mind. “I want to hear no more talk of Gildor,” he lifted his head, his eyes coming to rest to your already bruised and puffed up lips. “I mean it.”
There was more to this, you were sure of it. You tilt your head. “Go on.”
“Why do you think I’m always around you?”
“You like to annoy me?”
He chuckled, his cheeks turning the softest tinge of pink. “No.” Fëanor dipped his head again, his lips latching onto the soft curve of your neck. “I like being around you.
“I cannot wait a single day not being around you,” there was a soft hum in your throat. You felt deft fingers working on the lacings of your dress. Your dress loosened, goosbumps spreading over your skin when his fingers glided over your spine. There was tenderness there, something soft and sweet. “I cannot stop thinking of you. When I open my eyes in the morning...”
“Because I’m knocking on the door, to wake you up?” You mused, your breath hitching when he took a nipple between his fingers. 
Fëanor tutted in amusement. “And when I close my eyes of an evening.”
His first pinch made your eyes flutter. “That’s probably because I have to drag you off to bed of an evening, before you start arguing with someone at dinner and make a complete arse of yourself.”
“You wound me,” He muttered, his voice having gone deep and husky. “But I’m not finished. I need you, y/n. Just you.” 
You leaned back, taking his face into your hands. Agless and flawless, hardened and proud. A true son of the Ñoldorin, and here he was, offering himself to you. You gulped, your heart aching to hear more. “Go on.”
Fëanor leaned in again, this time to nibble on an earlobe. Feeling your wetness rub against the tip of his cock very nearly sent him over the edge. "I ache for you.” His lips sought yours again. “I dream of you. Of loving you. Oh how I’ve loved you in my dreams.”
You trembled and trembled with each kiss. “Show me,” you hummed between kisses.”Show me how you loved me in your dreams.”There would be no going back from this. You wanted this just like him. You circle your arms around his shoulders again. "Please," you whisper.
Fëanor latched onto your neck, slowly breaching your entrance, inch by inch. "Am I hurting you," he hummed against your throat as he went in deeper, his moans coming through soft and slow. "My starlight?"
He was so tender now, so gentle. "No." Feeling your walls stretch bit by bit as he went in further and deeper almost sent you hurtling to an orgasm. "You’re not hurting me."
Seeing you bite back a cry caught Fëanor’s attention  and reminded him once again of where the two of you were. He pressed his lips to yours and drowned out another cry when he claimed your maidenhead. There was a jolt of pain, of something streaking down your cheek. He shuddered. You were truly his now, in every way. "I’m not going anywhere after this," he cooed as he wiped the cause of that streak, a tear, away. You were anxious, and he wanted to put your mind at ease. "After tonight, you won’t be able to get rid of me."
That made you chuckle, and he was put at ease when you said, "When have I truly been able to get rid of you?"
Fëanor’s grip around your waist tightened. "Do you want me to go on?"
You bit back another moan when he moved slightly. "Please," you plead.
He started with slow, shallow thrusts. Each time his cock stretched your walls you let out muffled cries, not wanting to cry out completely in case someone heard. "When we are in my bed,"  Fëanor rested his brow on yours, his chest heaving. "I want you to be as loud as you can manage. Can you do that?"
You hummed when he dipped his head and his tongue ran over your throat. "Yes," you breathed as your body tightened like a coil. "I can do that."
Your fingers were practically ripping at his tunic now. Your hips started shifting, frantic and desperate, as your muscles coiled tighter and tighter. Fëanor barely heard it, your breath reducing to ragged gasps. He held on tighter, his cock slamming into your cunt, not stopping until your body splintered and you choked back a cry, burying your face in his shoulder when you couldn't hold back anymore. He groaned when your orgasm pulled him deeper.  Fëanor held on to you, for he was far from finished. "A little more," he breathed. "Just a little more."
Even though that haze, you held on. He slammed his hips against you, his lips opening over yours. His tongue licked and flicked against yours. His free hand reached up and gripped your chin, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he let out a string of deep grunts. His chest heaved, and his cock twitched and pulsed as it spilled over. You felt him tremble with his release, heard him whisper your name and I love you  in the same breath. That made your heart melt. 
The seconds ticked by before the world came into clearer view. Fëanor held onto you, keeping you steady against him when he finally pulled out. "That was---" you gasped, your arms still around his shoulders. "That was amazing."
Fëanor chuckled even as he panted. "I am glad." He tilted your chin and pressed a gentle kiss this time. "For it was just as good for me too."
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with worry. Sure, he promised you a lifetime of devotion in the heat of the moment, even said I love you, but what would he do now that things had calmed down and that fire had settled between the two of you? "And I must take you to my rooms now." Fëanor helped you up, setting your dress to rights before fixing up his trousers. "Before I speak to my father about us." His smile was equal to yours, and then it grew when he remembered that look his father had when they left. "I have a feeling he is going to say yes."
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batsyforyou · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @a-world-of-whimsy-5 and @ruiniel !
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have a long list so I cut it down by a lot a lot lol.
Lunch with Glorfindel would include . . . 
Lunch with Elrond would include . . .
Dynamic between Bjorn and Thomas. If I do another x reader I might make the Y/n of this story an oc so the Y/n of the new story can exist. And I was thinking about Fingon and Caranthir and maybe Maglor
Taking the elves to therapy would be like . . . 
Taking Feanor to therapy would be like . . . (Family therapy gone horribly wrong) 
Biting and nibbling on the elves would include . . .
Crawling into the tunic and shirts of the elves would include . . . (could also work as being overwhelmed)  
Crack Into the Other World Maedhros x reader  
Eonwe the bird (as a bird) undercover work working as a human 
Relationship headcanons for Celebrimbor 
Elves and balloons 
Being clingy and really affectionate with the Elves
Brushing Legolas’s hair would include …  
Distracting Caranthir 
…Elves Cuddle? Gildor x fem reader 
Headcanons about making ear covers or mittens for the elves because the reader is concerned that their ears might hurt/get too cold/fall off.
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themerriweathermage · 3 years
Only For You
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Summary: On the sixth day of Turuhalme, your true love gave to you: the wandering guardian of Imladris bound in silken red rope...
Pairing: Gildor X GN! Reader
Taglist: @my-fandom-musings @theelvenhaven @iwillbeyourruin​ @awkwardkindatries​
Read here on AO3!
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 2 years
Take these Broken Wings and learn how to fly
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EPKUHRL
by aeonianarchives
Reader is a son of Fëanor but did not swear the oath, and somehow survived till the third age, and is reunited with there friend from Gondolin, but he wants him to be more than a friend, this is slightly inspired by animatorwierdo’s Imagine being one of the sons of Feanor, but not swearing the oath.
Words: 3094, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Glorfindel (Tolkien), Fëanor | Curufinwë, Sons of Fëanor, Erestor (Tolkien), Gildor Inglorion, Maedhros | Maitimo, Galadriel | Artanis, Caranthir | Morifinwë, Elrond Peredhel, Fingolfin | Ñolofinwë, Thranduil (Tolkien), Turgon of Gondolin
Relationships: Glorfindel x Male!Reader, Erestor/Gildor Inglorion
Additional Tags: Rivendell | Imladris, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EPKUHRL
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
February 2021 Content Challenge Masterlist
Hello! Here is a collection of the posts + creators from the content challenge! I highly encourage you to check out the content and the blogs :) Let me know if you have questions and be on the lookout for future challenges!
Last updated: 2/23 10:00pm (EST)
Day 1: Someone’s jealous
Push in the Right Direction (Saelbeth x Reader) @game-ofthe-company
Dwarf OC art @grunid
That’s Not Jealousy | Sense, Is It? (Nestadion x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Time (Legolas x Female Reader / Light Boromir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Unfairness (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Jealous Lindir Headcannons @awkwardkindatries
Cats the Musical
Jealousy (Macavity/Munkustrap // one-sided) @jellicle-blog-for-jellicle-cats
Day 2: Domestic bliss/a day in the life
Home Again (Haldir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Toys (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Mithrandir (Elrond, Lindir, Mithrandir) @grunid
OC Moodboard @game-ofthe-company
The Captain of the Kingsguard Part 3 (Feren x Fem Reader) @themerriweathermage (**Check out their masterlist for the whole fic!)
Domestic Life with Elros Headcannons @awkwardkindatries
*Playlist* In Love, Everyday Forever (10 songs for blissful vibes) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Day 3: Injury + angst
Dwarf OC art @grunid
You’ll Be Okay (Eredhon x Reader) @game-ofthe-company
Will You Sing to Me? (Gildor x Reader) @themerriweathermage 
Next to You (Haldir x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
*Poetry* Into Shadow @the-reformed-ringwraith
Hunter (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Injured Reader with Celebrimbor @awkwardkindatries
Day 4: Teaching/learning a skill
Cats the Musical
Teach Me (Cryptid!Misto) @jellicle-blog-for-jellicle-cats
Sign Language (The Company of Thorin Oakenshield, Elrond, Lindir) @grunid
The Spice of Life (Erestor x Fem Reader) @themerriweathermage
Something New (Orelion x Elf! Reader) @game-ofthe-company 
The Love Letter (Haldir x Human! Reader) @errruvande
Preference: Teaching You to Fight @bonjour-rainycity
Learning a Skill from Maedhros @awkwardkindatries
Night at the Museum
Why Octavius Doesn’t Drive the Car @grunid
Day 5: Unrequited love (or, the love is requited, they’re just oblivious)
Cunning Plan (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Oblivious (Heledir x F! Elf Reader) @game-ofthe-company
As Kind as Summer (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Late in the Night | Part One (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Iron Hills’ Love (Dain) @grunid
Ghost (Aragorn x King of the Dead) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Oblivious Finrod @awkwardkindatries
Day 6: There’s only one bed
Shared Chambers (Galdor x Elf! Reader) @game-ofthe-company
The Roof (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Above High Waters (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Beorn is a Mommy Cat (The Company of Thorin Oakenshield) @grunid
Lost & Found (Glorfindel x Reader) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Lost in the Night | Part Three (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
Day 7: Friends have bets on how long it will take the ship to get together
My Sun-Star (Haldir x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Sounds Like a Bet (Legandir x F! Elf Reader) @game-ofthe-company
A Lovely Walk (Haldir x Reader) @errruvande
Sunset Memories & Hidden Wagers (Glorfindel x Reader) @the-reformed-ringwraith
Secrets (Elrond x Reader) @themerriweathermage
Late in the Night | Part Four (Legolas x Female Reader) @bonjour-rainycity
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Prompts: 10 - Campfire
Summery: You And Gildor are alone on patrol around the borders of Imladris and decide to set up camp for the night, and decide to dance with one another.
Pairing: Gildor x Reader
Warning: Non
Reader Pronouns: He/They
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"We will lose the light soon, we should set up camp" Gildor said you hmmed in agreement, as he scouted a place to set camp you collected firewood, your patrol lasted for a week and this was the first night of it, you tried to talk to Elrond about getting out of it, but he was having non of it.
You had a crush of Gildor for the longest time, ever since you first laid your eyes on the handsome elf at one of Imladris, autumn festivels when you had first moved and he had just got back from patrol, his sweat made the ethereal glow on him brighter, the stars reflected off of him, the orc blood which stained his armor everything about him was perfect.
"Y/n" Gildor called as he walked to you, you made a small hmm of acknowledgement scared he had caught you daydreaming of him.
"I have found a spot to set up camp in a clearing of this forest" Gildor said as he picked up a few firewood sticks before he lead you to the camp, your horses were tied to trees grazing on the grass he had already set up both of your bed rolls, you started the fire, but for some unknown reason it would not light.
You felt Gildor behind you his chest was pressed against your back and he had your hands in his "Allow me" Gildor said guiding your hands the flit sparked and it caught against the firewood and started up.
"That was just luck" you said standing up after Gildor gave you space, the blond chuckled
"You had aimed it wrong" Gildor said taking his pack off of his horse
"No I hadn't" You said
"Yes you had" Gildor said taking out spare arrows which sat in his pack
"I am going on a hunt for some food, so we do not have to use our food resources until dead mans slope, which takes 4 days to cross" Gildor said you sighed you hated that slope the rocks were unstable to walk on and it was void of any life plant or animal
"Why do we have to patrol their it's not like Orcs would attack their it is to open" You said it stuck out like a soar thumb, it was the source of the waterfalls of Imladris it was high up in the valley to far for someone to see unless the traveled to it or took the hidden path and looked that way but people tented to be to amazed by Imladris to do that, the hidden pass cut through it and it separated the slope from the mountain, most roomer that the hidden pass was created by a lightning strike and then the elves made it lead to a cave and put enchantments on it, but that was far from possible the lighting would of just left a fracture or a creator not cut it clean in two, no one even knew how it was made not even Elrond, it was there before he even found the valley he just added the enchantment to it.
"Orcs may not use it, but Goblins have small openings along the peak of it, and come out at night" Gildor said
"Oh great we might get a night raid by Goblins" You said
"I doubt it but there is a possibility give how low we will be and how goblins tend to only go down the other side we may be attacked or completely left alone" Gildor said, You decided to tend to the fire and horses while he was hunting he soon came back with a deer.
You both went to settle down after the meal, the fire had started to act up and got big, you stood, Gildor watched you with a raised eyebrow as you turned to him and held out your hand.
"I have always wished to dance in moonlight and firelight, why not tick two things of the bucket list" You said
"You have a bucket list, who talked you into that" Gildor said
"Estel when he was little" You said as Gildor took your hand
"And You wish to dance with me, knowing the elvish customs towards dancing with another" Gildor said, you started to lead the dance.
"Yes, I have always wished to dance with you Gildor" You said to him
"Y/n" Gildor said but you cut him off
"When I first saw you I always though you were perfect and as I got to know you the more and more I found out it was true, it was as if you had captured my heart in a jar as if you sailed to the stars and brought one back with you, I don't know why I am even telling you this" You said looking down Gildor stood in front of you looking down at you.
Gildor placed a hand on your cheek and lifted your head so you would face him
"The only difference is I cannot capture a star as your father caught them all and put them into your eyes" Gildor said
"What" You questioned the blond infront of you
"I like you two idiot" Gildor said
"But I'm your idiot now right" you questioned making Gildor laugh
"Yes you are my lord idiot" Gildor said he offered you a hand again to dance he span you around and stopped when you did a 180 and pulled you in.
"Gi Melin, Meleth nin May I kiss you" Gildor questioned
"Gi Melin ana Meleth nin, eru Athon, you have no idea how long I have yearned for you to ask me not in some vision of the sleepy mind" You returned in a whisper he span you around and cup your cheek and slowly leaned forward, his lips gently pressed against yours.
"No longer will it stay in the wishes of a sleepy mind, but it will sprout forth into reality Ithildin-nin" Gildor said pressing his forehead against yours.
"I am glad I found me feelings were not one sided, i do not know what i would of done if you had not" you said
"No need to dwell on that, come let us enjoy the fire" Gildor said you nodded, you placed your bed rolls together, you lay your head on his shoulder.
"I was planning to confess my own love to you once we got back, i am glad you did it before me, I would of been to much of a coward to even do it" Gildor confessed.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Prompts: 22 - Spooky
Summary: Spooky Times in Nargothrond (Which aren't actually spooky it's just people breaking into the forges)
Pairing: Finrod x Reader
Characters: Gwindor, Finrod, Reader, Gildor (cuz apparently he is from the house of Finrod so why not), Curufin and Celegorm
Warnings: Non
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The days were getting darker, and less light crept into the elvish Kingdom of Nargothrond, with the days getting shorter, less people roamed the halls of Nargothrond so freely, roomers had spread that the kingdom was haunted by some ghost, the roomers were not true but yet the elves where weary of the spirit some thought it was evil and they did not want to be cursed by an evil spirit so they could pass through the halls of Mandos.
Finrod was one of the only ones who doubted the existence of the ghost.
It was late when you managed to get out of the forges and up to somewhat above ground given how deep the forges were in the kingdom, you doubted anyone was roaming the halls apart from Gildor and Gwindor who were doing Eru knows what.
You walked into the kitchens to grab a bite to eat before you returned to your rooms to find your husband "Meleth nin what are you doing" you questioned Finrod turned to you and flashed a smile
"Trying to find the ghost everyone is talking about" Finrod said
"I did not think you believed in that roomer, besides from the people I have overheard the ghost is near the forges you are so far away from them" You said
"Is the ghost a Fëanorian, that must be the scariest news I have ever heard" Finrod said making you laugh he pecked your cheek as he walked passed you, you followed the very extravagantly dressed king, you didn't have the heart to tell him that it was no ghost and those poor elves just over heard you yelling in annoyance at one of your pieces going wrong at the dead of night and you weren't in sight when they entered the forge and may of thrown stuff when you were their and it looked like it was a ghost well to the unsuspecting elves at least.
"Do you think I would have to become an exorcist, would i be good at begoning demons" Finrod said
"Begoining demons I am pretty sure it's exercising demons, besides you are dress far to extravagant and pretty to be any demon begoner" You said Finrod chuckled
"Demon Begoner, I like that" Finrod said as you approched the forges.
"I doubt their are any demons or spirits to begoned" You said Finrod looked at you and started walking backwards
"Oh yeah, how would you know" Finrod questioned
"I work in the forges and let me assure you their is no paranormal activity" You said but before you continue their was a loud crash in the forge you were the last to leave you locked the forges as well.
"Or maybe their is" you said looking at the door
"I feel like we are very under prephared" Finrod said
"Whats a sword going to do against a ghost" You questioned as Finrod kicked open the door
"GHOST BUSTERS" you sighed at his very made up battle cry you had only now realized he had brought a frying pan, you looked passed him to see a knocked out Celegorm and Curufin standing behind the other.
"What the hell are you two doing here" You questioned
"parley" Curufin requested questioninly
"Well you demon begoned one of them, why not do it with the other as well" you questioned your husband who gave you a look
"I didn't mean to" Finrod said
"They call you their little Badger cousin" You said
"fair" Finrod said
"Hey, I asked for a Parley" Curufin said
"He did" Finrod said looking at you making you face palm
"deny him, your king" You said
"He's a prince of the Noldor I am only king of Nargothrond" Finrod said
"Dumb, dumb as hell, give me that" you said taking the frying pan and whacking Curufin with it
"We deal with them in the morning" you said
"Understandable" Finrod said as you took his hand.
Elvish Translation:
Meleth Nin - my love
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Prompts: 5 - Handholding
Summery: A shy Lindir holding your hand after he comes to the realization after his confession to you that you are courting
Character(s): Lindir, Elrond, Reader, Glorfindel, Elladan
Pairing: Lindir x Reader
Reader Pronouns: He/They
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Lindir hid his face behind the book he was taken to Elrond, as you came around the corner talking with your brother Elladan, he tucked himself into a servant corridor instead of using the main corridor, he sighed as he removed the book from his face, his cheeks where flustered red.
It had only been a few days since you had accepted Lindir's confession which was admittedly an accident since he was singing below your room his confession not realizing you were in he thought you were on Patrol with Gildor and Elrohir, now every time Lindir saw you or your name was even mentioned he got shy and flustered.
You were the son of his lord, not just that you were an ellon, while relations with the same sex were not looked down upon Lindir always had that little voice in the back of his head telling him it was wrong to like Ellons most probably from his parents before Lord Elrond showed him kindness and allowed him to stay in his realm as his assistant, did he really have a right to like one of his sons.
"There you are" Lindir jumped and turned to the voice he sighed when it was only Glorfindel.
"What do you want" Lindir said as he started making his way to Elrond's office
"You seem to be extremely on edge around Y/n what happened with you and him" Glorfindel said following Lindir
"What no, nothing happened with Y/n" Lindir said Glorfindel hmmed in disbelief
"Really you don't sound that convincing" Glorfindel said
"Why would anything happen with him, I haven't seen him recently" Lindir said
"Because you are avoiding him, look Lindir, I know that it is not my place to interfere in what is going on with you and him but, every time some mentions him or they are in the room, you get flustered and turn into a stuttering mess and all that confidence I helped you with completely crumbles, I would say you are in love with him, just confess to him, I am sure he also likes you, he talks fondly of you" Glorfindel said
"He does" Lindir questioned the lord, he had only admired you from afar before he accidentally confessed his love to you, Lindir was always to shy to even talk to you he almost exploded with embarrassment every time Elrond told him to give you a message.
You had managed to finally catch Lindir "Meleth why have you been avoiding me, have I done something wrong, have I upset you" you questioned Lindir worried, Lindir couldn't quick walk away from you, you would just worry even more.
Lindir looked away trying to hide his blush his hand brushed against yours and he took one of his fingers in his you looked down in curiosity as he intertwined his hand with yours.
"You haven't done any thing wrong, your perfect as always, I- am just overwhelmed" Lindir said
"You could of told me Meleth why didn't you" you questioned Lindir looked to you, you had a puzzled expression on your face
"What if you were mad, what if you didn't like me and just agreed due to pity, what if" You stopped Lindir
"I would never be mad at you Meleth, I love you for who you are, and you are a overwhelmed, shy, flustered, cranky, introverted elf and I love every aspect of your personality" you told him
"But" Lindir said
"No but's Lindir, you cannot convince me that I do not love you for every part of you" You said
"Even my freckles" Lindir questioned
"Especially your freckles they are like little constellations, like Varda took all the stars from the sky and painted them onto you, they make you even more perfect" you said squeezing Lindir's hand in reassurance, Lindir looked from your intertwined hands to your face, you gave him a smile.
"Gi melin Meleth nin Always and forever nyello nin" You said pressing your forehead against his
"Really" Lindir asked unconvinced
"Really, I will be your knight in shining armour hmm should i get shining armour do you think that would blind my enemys and cause to much of a distraction for them to notice me" You questioned
"Please don't you would be to noticeable so they would all go after you" Lindir said you chuckled
"I was joking do you know how ugly that would look, I have some fashion sense" you said Lindir hmmed
"I highly doubt that all you were is hunting gear even in war, you worry me a lot, you have armour and yet you never wear it, it's the recipe for death" Lindir said
"a small price to pay for good fashion" you replied
"No I would much rather you have no taste in fashion and wear armour to protect you then to not wear armour and say it is not fashionable and die" Lindir said
"I wear it some times, I need new armour mine doesn't fit well, it keeps rubbing and gets soar" you said
"I'll get you a new set of armour" Lindir said going to walk to the forges he only stopped when he was stopped he looked back to see you were still holding his hand, he blushed as he realized how long you both had held hands for.
"And that's how I fell over into the pound" came your brother Elladan's voice
"Your an idiot you know that" Elrohir said, you looked to the corner the two were turning around and pulled Lindir into you hiding your intertwined hands, your brothers stared at you both.
"Have we interrupted something" Elladan questioned you looked to Lindir to realize you pulled him so close he was only centimetres from your face, you looked back to your brothers to see Elrohir pulling Elladan back the way they came.
"Leave Y/n alone" Elrohir grumbled, you looked to your hands and let go of Lindir's who took your hand back and his other arm which rested on your chest due to being pulled into you tightened around your robes, you looked to Lindir with a questioning look, his blush had returned and an even deeper shade of red going from the tips of his ears to his neck, Lindir moved his head upwards and pushed himself up onto his tip toes and pressed his lips to yours.
A million thoughts where rushing through Lindir's head, what if you didn't like the kiss you stiffened and held his hand tighter when he had started, how long should he kiss you for, should it just be a quick peck, you where courting, but this was public what was the right PDA Lindir was never taught it before so he didn't know, Lindir was slightly shocked when he felt a tug on his hair but you had melted to his touch and the kiss, he backed away from you looking at you, as soon as he backed away you had let go of his hair.
"Did we just" Lindir questioned in slight panic and shock
"Yes yes you did" Lindir jumped to the voice attempting to get away from you but you just held his hand tighter stopping him from doing so, Lindir squeaked seeing his lord.
"You both might want to do that behind closed doors and away from prying eyes, you are lucky no one came down this corridor and this bit of it has no windows, but next time you could be not as lucky, I am glad for you both and Lindir welcome to the family now, but next time do that in private I don't want Glorfindel to come squealing to me like a little girl that you both had finally started courting" Elrond said
"Of course Ada" you said awfully composed for just being caught, Elrond picked up the book Lindir dropped when you pulled him in, and walked off back to his study, Lindir had a deep blush on and he hid his head in his hands
"You distracted me to much from reason" Lindir sighed before he bid you good bye with a very shy peck on the cheek, the rest of the day Lindir saw you, you had a smug little smile on your face and your spirits where high.
Elvish translation:
Ada - Father
Gi Melin - I love you
Nyello Nin - My singer
Meleth - Love
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Prompts: 26 - Cuddles
Summery: Late Night cuddles with Elrohir
Pairing: Elrohir x Reader
Characters: Lindir, Elrohir, Elladan, Elrond, Reader
Warnings: Non
Reader Pronouns: He/They
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The last candles that were lit were being blown out as the moon begin to rise in the sky, Lindir made the last routes between Elrond's study and the library returning the books.
The lights from the armory were still lit, the last patrol come back an hour ago, you sat there cleaning your armor for the disgusting black orc blood, Elladan sat opposite you he had been stuck with sharpening and cleaning the weapons due to knocking over the entire library apparently.
"Erestor is so annoying, I didn't mean to knock them over, it's not my fault Elrohir tripped me into them" Elladan huffed
"I doubt Elrohir tripped you into the bookshelves and you should of been more careful were you were playing you destroyed one of Erestor's precious glass statues there is no coming back from that" you said as you flicked a piece of gravel out of one of the grooves in your amour with a knife strategically at Elladan's forehead he rubbed it
"Oi" Elladan said
"Accident" you said with a shrug as you hung your amour back where it belonged
"You should just be glad Erestor didn't put you to work in the stables and don't touch that" you said taking your sword of Elladan
"I did that before you came in" You said putting the sword away
"Why do you even protect my brother so much, you get offended if someone talks bad about him lord y/n" Elladan said
"Non of your business" You said putting your hand on the handle of the door
"Do you like my brother" Elladan questioned
"Elrohir is a good friend yes, we are nothing but good friends" You said opening the door and leaving a grinning Elladan, you sighed as you got to your Talan, it wasn't that far a walk from the homely house but the walk certainly felt longer, someone was in this Talan you could tell, it can't be Elladan no way he could of beaten you to your own talan it could be Glorfindel trying to get you back from earlier you slide off your cloak and lay it over one of the chairs and walked upstairs, working under Gildor prephared you for a lot of things it also taught you a lot of things and that was to be on guard, your bedroom door was open a crack you pushed it open you highly doubted an orc would make it this far into the kingdom yet alone decided to stay in your talan of all places, but then again you had seen some crazy things so you wouldn't put it quite passed this world.
you didn't know weather to be pleasantly surprised or shocked at what you saw, your clothes had been pulled out of the wardrobes and draws and were now in a nest on your bed on which lay a tired Elrohir, you chuckled to yourself, you reconized the night shirt which looked like a night gown on him as one of your's you managed to get yourself changed before Elrohir noticed your presents you settled besides him.
"Enjoying my bed" you questioned Elrohir shot back a bit you caught him and pulled him ontop of you, you noticed his blush and deicded to pull him down and hug him Elrohir made a confused noise he tried to get up but your hands on his back stopped him.
"If you like my smell so much why don't you just cuddle me" you said Elrohir hummed as he wrapped his arms around you in containment and rolled onto your chest kissing you.
"You were gone for to long" Elrohir mumbled
"I am glad to know you miss me so deeply even if it was only 2 weeks" You said
"Why do Guardians patrol for so long, don't they know their are border patrols" Elrohir grumbled you chuckled in responce.
"our jobs are very different from the border patrol, i saw your brother in the armory he seems to think i have a crush on you" you said
"but you did have a crush on me" Elrohir said
"Key word is did it's a past tense" You said
"Yes because you are courting me now, i have no clue why i even said yes to you, your stupid and make me worry about you to much" Elrohir said as he rolled over onto his back you stayed cuddled with him, your head now rested on his shoulders and your arms draped around him losely
"Because you love me" you said pecking his cheek
"I really doubt why my heart chose you" Elrohir said.
"Because I am the most amazing elf you will ever met" You said
"Stop sounding like Aran Thranduil" Elrohir huffed
"Never" you said Elrohir shoved you away
"Hey this is my bed, you can't do the shoving here" you said
"Oh really can't i" Elrohir said you jabbed his sides and started tickeling him
"Hey, thats a low blow" Elrohir said
"Really is it" you questioned Elrohir rolled over to face you
"For a Sindar like you, never" Elrohir said, you huffed sitting up as you straddled Elrohir
"how rude, for someone related distantly to the kinslayers" you said
"Hey" Elrohir said laughing
"You know most people have you wrong, your definitely the better brother" you said
"Why thank you, you a definitely the best Sindar royal" Elrohir said
"Of course I am Legolas was just the ambitious prototype" you said
"With that logic me and Elladan are the ambitious prototypes" Elrohir said
"I am very sorry you had to find out this way" you said solemnly patting Elrohir he got you laying back in your arms
"Die in a ditch see if i care" Elrohir said
"You would care because who would you have to cuddle at night" you said curling into him more
"Plenty of Elleth wish to be with me, i am sure i can find someone" Elrohir said
"And I will haunt them until insanity" you said
"Your really mean" Elrohir said
"Only when it has you involved" you said with a sigh
"Can we sleep now, my muscles ache, I have not slept in a bed for two weeks" you said
"This is highly inappropriate" Elrohir said
"Says the one who broke in to my talan and slept their for 2 weeks" You said
"Shhhhh we don't need to talk about that" Elrohir said when he did not get a responce he turned to you to see you had infact fallen asleep not wanting to wake you he sighed and gave into his fate, and gradually drifted off besides you.
Elvish Translations:
Aran: King
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
FOTFictober Masterlist
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Apple picking - Elflings Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas and Thranduil, Glorfindel and Elrond
Changing of the leaves - Golden fountain
Warm Beverages - Elrond & Maglor
Family - Fëanorians bring up their children
Handholding - Lindir x Reader
Sweet Treats - Lindir - sequel to 1
Scary Stories - Marchwarden Patrol
Monsters - Smaug (Platonic)
Rainstorm - Elrond x Gil-Galad x Reader
Campfire - Gildor x Reader
Cinnamon - Lindir & Bilbo
Magic - Gil-Galad x Reader
Baking - bagginshield
Superstitions - Elrond & Estel
Mist - Elladan x Reader
Feast - Feren x Reader
Sweater Weather - Lindir x Glorfindel
Blood Moon - Caranthir x Reader
Harvest - Thranduil and Reader
Whispers - Lords of Gondolin
Cozy Pajamas - Maedhros x Reader (Fluff)
Spooky - Finrod x Reader
Candlelight - Erestor x Reader
Festival - Elves of Imladris
Gravestone - Elrond and Maedhros (Angst)
Cuddles - Elrohir x Reader
Haunted House - Little Estel + Imladris Elves + Lothlórein Elves
Pumpkins - Part 3 of 6 and 1
Costumes - Glorfindel x Reader
Trick or Treat - Gil-Galad x Reader
Author's Choice - Lindir x Reader
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themerriweathermage · 4 years
Will You Sing To Me?
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I’m participating in @bonjour-rainycity prompt week. If you want to know more about it, go check out their page! Day 3 Prompt is Injury/Angst. I will say that while Haldir features in this story, he is not the main pairing.
1.1k words. Warnings: Helm’s Deep Battle 
Read here on AO3!
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
sorry for being so late but you can do a fanfic on this imagine, in fact, any of my imagines you can do fanfics on just be sure to credit/tag me so I can see it:)
"Imagine Lindir getting jealous of Elrond because of how close you guys are"
I also tagged you on my post basically saying the same thing, I was just worried you would not see it, losing it in your notifications so I wrote you an ask also 😅
A/n: Thank you for letting me do this, i tend to ask if i could use imagines from other people in my fics, because i'm not sure about there rules on it, i completely forgot I asked to do that. I am aware the Imagine is very vague and it's mostly focused on Lindir confessing
Summary: Imagine in ask, (Lindir getting jealous of Elrond because of how close you guys are)/ Lindir confessing his feelings to the reader.
Credit: Imagine by @queenstarlight
Link to Imagine
Pairing: Lindir x GN! Reader
Ft: Wingman Thranduil, Elrond is the Reader's Sibling.
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You didn't quite know why Lindir was avoiding you, or why he only now seemed to talk to Elrond when he needed to about work and even then he kept it very short, Lindir had never been this distant to you, sure he always found ways of getting away from you but he was normally a stuttering mess and shy, now it increased tenfold and he wasn't stuttering or shy.
You started to miss him after awhile, but at least your best friend was in the Kingdom, you decided to go to him for advice, you knocked on the door, to the largest guest room that the house had to offer, it was for if Galadriel or Celeborn came or even Thranduil came to stay.
Galion opened the door, he glanced to you and the two bottles of wine and the two glasses you had come for Thranduil.
"Hest Y/n, has come on a visit" Galion said as he let you in Thranduil, told him to leave.
"Ah Y/n, it is good to see you again Mellon-nin How can i Help you" Thranduil said, you sighed as you sat the bottles down along with the glasses.
"I am afraid we may need ten whole barrels of your strongest Greenwood wine" You said throwing your head over the backrest of the chair, Thranduil sat down on the other chair, opposite you and opened the first bottle and poured you both a glass
"That bad, I can always have Galion, get the wine i brought as a present for Lord Elrond, which I have yet to give him" Thranduil said as you took the glass he handed to.
"Why is Love so difficult, Lindir is so distant, he doesn't even pay attention to me, and i think he hates my brother, oh Elrond is going to have a pain if he does hate him" You said
"Lindir works for Elrond, closely, and i doubt that Ellon has one hateful bone in his body, he's to sweet for that" Thranduil said taking a sip of wine
"Why don't I observer him, while I am here, with your and Elrond's interactions with him, and try and come up with a conclusion" Thranduil said
"No offense but, Elrond is the smartest elf i know, other than myself and Erestor and if we can't figure it out no one can" You said
"But you three have one thing in common, you are oblivious to feelings, your smart about book stuff and battle stuff, but when it comes to feelings, you all are really bad at it" Thranduil said threw a smile
"Sometimes I really hate our friendship" You muttered
"No you don't everyone needs an friend to get drunk with talking shit about people or about your problems, it's all you need in life" Thranduil said, you lower your glass
"Thranduil, we are alcoholics, well whenever i'm around you I turn into one" Thranduil let out a laugh at your statement
"That is more true than both of us would like to admit, let me deal with Lindir, and I come up with your solution, and get you both together as it is about time and you are both going way to slowly what has it been 2 centuries, yes you are elves and you are immortal, but you can't stay head over heels in love from afar for this long, besides you are a wandering guardian whenever you go out on patrol, you know full well you could die, while Lindir is safe here in Imladris, it is better to be with him than spend your whole life on arda with him not knowing" Thranduil said
"I absotulty hate, how you know my love life like the back of your hand, but it's so useful" you said
"Now wanna shit talk about Elrond, because you always end up doing it in the end" Thranduil said, you then started to rant, sometimes being Thranduil's friend was much better than most people would think, Thranduil definitely wasn't cold and distant, that was just his reputation he lived up to, he was light heated and a sortie on the inside.
"Anyway, I should get going, Elrond wanted to discuss the patrol of the guardian's" You said standing up
"Try not to act drunk in the meeting" Thranduil said with a smirk, you threw a pillow at him and punched him in the arm light heartedly.
You soon reached Elrond's study Gildor sat in one of the chairs already, you took the other, Elrond raised an eyebrow at you.
"What, Thranduil is good company, and my Friend, why are you always like this Brother, he won't hurt me, he just has a reputation to uphold" you said
"He turns you into an alcoholic every time you are both alone with each other" Elrond said
"Give your sibling a break, they work hard to protect the kingdom you made" Gildor said
"Stay out of this Gildor, Thranduil is a bad influence" Elrond said
"You just say that, because of what he thinks of our adopted parents, if you get to know him you would learn Thranduil isn't that bad" You said.
Lindir knew he shouldn't feel this happy that you and Elrond had a fight making you very distant to one another now, all because of Thranduil, Lindir wanted to comfort you, but he was still jealous of Elrond, he knew his Lord well and Elrond would come to you an apologies and then everything will go back to normal.
"Your Jealous, you actually think Elrond Likes Y/n, sure he likes them, he's there brother, did you honestly think Elrond like Y/n romantically, A iluvatar nin, you got it all wrong little songbird" came Thranduil's voice behind him, Lindir span around to see the King, with a glass of wine in his hand.
"You want to know a secret, I know who Y/n likes, and for the record little songbird you better treat them right, they like you a lot, you are the reason why they fight, they fight because they want to protect you, they don't want you to see the horror of the world, they only want you to see peace, they only want you to think war has passed and the world is peaceful" Thranduil said sitting down next to Lindir.
"This is a nice spot in Imladris i can see why Y/n likes it" Thranduil said
"They introduced it to me, to help me with inspirations for my songs or just to get away from the twins or Glorfindel" Lindir said.
"Go to them, confess, before someone steals them away from you, because you would never forgive yourself if you let the person you love go because you were not fast enough" Thranduil said he watched Lindir stand up.
"I must go, I have a song to compose" Lindir said leaving the King smiled to himself proudly.
How could he of been so stupid, you and Elrond had always been close, you had both founded Imladris, of course you had to be related, how could he of not seen it, it was obvious, you were both Half Elves and took eachother's opinion highly, even if you were a Guardian, you half ran Imladris with Elrond.
And Elrond like Celebrían how could he had missed it, how did he miss read it, Lindir got cut out of his train of thought when he got pulled by the back of his collar, a horse rode quickly by, he got drawn from his surprise from a whistle.
"You should really watch out and pay attention" Came your voice, Lindir caught Elrond looking over to you both.
"I-i am deeply sorry hest Y/n, i will pay more attention in the future, i was preoccupied with thought, Thank you" Lindir said
"I wasn't looking for an apology, just be careful" You said to Lindir walking off.
Lindir sighed to himself, and set off on his original course to his room.
I was not that many days later, Lindir finally thought he had the perfect song to confess to you with, however he would have to wait until you were back from your patrol.
You smiled tiredly at Lindir as he met you "May I talk to you" Lindir said
"Can it wait, i feel like i just got crushed by a troll and I am so tired" You said stretching out your back as you now stood on the ground and not sat on the horse, you passed your sword over to Elrond, who glanced over it.
"What did you do to this" Elrond asked seeing as the sword was almost broken.
"Some idiot thought it was a good idea to try and cut a rock in half with their sword, that did it and it was impressive, but it almost broke it" Gildor said you shot him a pointed glare
"Just fix it" You huffed walking off, Lindir's brows furrowed, before the Minstrel formulated a plan, your room had a balcony which backed onto the northern garden, it was quite and not many people visited because not many people were allowed it it, after all both yours, Elrond's room and study backed onto it, it was labeled the garden of the half-elven rulers, you both did not name it, Glorfindel did.
Lindir set up his harp and looked to your window, the curtains were blowing out of it, and he could see candle light coming from it, meaning you were in.
Lindir had to admit he was nervous he was actually confessing to you over something the elven king had said, for all he knew it could of been a prank, he never knew with Thranduil.
Lindir didn't notice in his nervous panic you had come and leaned on the windowsill.
"Song Bird" you called down to him, piecing together what he tried to tell you when you first got back, Lindir jumped and looked up at you.
"Come up here, I have something to tell you" Lindir nodded and did so, you soon heard a knock on the door and you opened it to see Lindir you let him in, he looked around the room, he was used to your brother's room given as he was basically Elrond's butler.
His eyes soon met yours, you were sitting on the padded bench, which sat in front of the window sill, you were leaning on it.
"What do you wish to tell me" Lindir asked you motioned him to sit next to him, he did so, you pursed your lips and furrowed your brows, trying to figure out how to tell him, in the end you thought it would be best to be straight froward with him, after all he did think you liked your brother romantically, you kissed the ellon besides you.
You felt Lindir freeze in shock, "Gi Melin Songbird" You whispered against his lips, you looked to his eyes to try and figure out what he was thinking.
"Gi Melin ana" Lindir replied you tackled him in a hug
"will you court me" You questioned the blushing mess of an ellon you were hugging
"Of course" Lindir stuttered
Elvish Translation:
Gi melin - i love you
Gi melin ana - I love you to
Hest - captain / commander
A/n: a bit late answering this request sorry.
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themerriweathermage · 4 years
I came on here to bitch about using a character who crawled out from under a rock to join a force of warriors to protect from fell beasts and ringwraiths, but then I got distracted by someone else's post.
I'm sorry for using Gildor for bait to an obvious occurrence of male obliviousness to the fact that reader married Lindir. Please forgive me.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Note: I don't always keep my masterlist up to date but i try
A/N: All credit to the artists who made the gifs and dividers.
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Mae govannen!
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My favourite characters in Lord of the Rings are Haldir, Legolas and Elrond, Gildor and Glorfindel, my favourite hobbit characters are Thorin and Bilbo and my favourite Silmarillion characters are Maglor, Fingon, Finrod and Gil-Galad.
>Star Trek Blog is @im-a-doctor-not-a-dragonslayer >Shitposting/rebloging/oc Blog is @ecthelion-in-the-fountain >AO3 is aeonianarchives >Twitter is MantarKaiden >Pronouns Page
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Ongoing: Incorrect Quotes: >Fëanorian's on Crack >The Colorful arguments of Thranduil and Fëanor >(in)correct JRR Tolkien Quotes >The King and His Feral Herald >House of Finwë family Arguments >They share one (1) Braincell between them [Gandalf and Elrond]
Series: >Fëanorian's bringing up there children [Just Maglor, Maedhros, Caranthir and Curufin raising there children] >Where do we go from here [Erestor x Reader] >Quite Nights Alone with you [Feren x Reader] >Parental Love [Elrond and Lindir fluff]
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Fëanorian's bringing up there children
Aeonian's Recommended Corner
@animatorwierdo I took inspiration from them while writing my Glorfindel fic they are a really good writer
@icarus-fell-in-spring another blog I am in love with I also take inspiration from them when writing my characters
@jirtolkien - they are really talented they mostly post his doodles and Art as well as Incorrect quotes
@windrelyn - I am utterly surprised why I have forgot to put them here earlier, they have amazing art, and I am so honored that they made a peice to go with my 'king and his feral herald' series, JUST LOOK AT IT, it's so good and amazing ^_^.
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