#gill and kazarina
tiktokonaclock · 1 year
The Siren and The Demon Chapter 2
"The whole point of your mission was to convince the brawlers to join us. “ Kazarina scolded the teenagers kneeling in front of her. “What part of that was confusing to you ?!”
The agents all found the floor quite interesting, appearently. Her teammates each scolded the kids, except for Gill. Interesting Kozarina thought. Gill would never miss a chance on belittling someone. Perhaps, degrading teenagers was not as enjoyable as degrading her. He gave the emperor a suggestion for their next strike instead.
The meeting was dismissed.She watched the agents leaving the room one by one, on their toes. Emperor gave them the order to prepare for attack. Gill turned to her with a smug expression on his face.
"We have to prepare for the attack, not a night out. So don't waste too much time On your make-up."
"And you make sure to go potty before the attack."
The stifled laughter on her other teammates’ face were reassuring her that she had come up with a good come back. She sent Gill her fakest smile.
The agentd have been waiting in the main sallon of the palace for some time now. The ships needed to be prepared by their owners, and it took almost an hour. They were mostly silent, yet they stood together. The failure was theirs, just as how the victory would have been theirs as well.
"Do you guys think Sid is okay?" Zenet asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Sid’s dead, Zenet. "Mason replied, his expression cold as stone. "They killed him for losing the element."
"Have you seen the body?"
"Do I need to? The emperor explicitly said that he doesn't want any weaklings around. So You get destroyed when you fuck up. Easy as that.”
“The stakes are high for us now." Lena said, crossing her arms. “My guess is that they will try us out individually and decide who gets to stick around." She looked around, "Our lives would've been lot easier if it wasn't for the brawlers."
"Those fucking idiots have no idea what we are going through here." Mason said. "Both us individually and the entirety of Gundalia generally."
"If they had seen the Gundalia's condition they would have chosen to help us instead of Neithians," Ren spoke as if he was in a dream. "I am sure of that."
"Then perhaps you should have tried to explain our motivation to them. We didn't start a war just to satisfy our craving for violance." Jesse said.
"Maybe you should've done that Jesse, since you are so good with words"
“If I was the appointed leader of this mission, I would.”
Zenet's cell phone rang, interrupting the bickering. Once she saw the name on it, she hid the screen by putting it on her leg. "I'll be right back." She said as she walked away. Once she was sure she was far enough, she picked up the phone. Her head tilted and her expression hardend on her face. "No, I am not." They heard her say. "I can't talk to you right now." She turned to her teammates and once she realized that they were observing her, she covered her mouth with her hand.
"What the fuck?" Mason grumbled. "
"My money is on the chance of her having a suitor that won't stop chasing her," Jesse replied.
“Isn't she a little too young for that?"
“She is only 2 years younger than us.”
“2 years is lot when you are a teen.”
“Well, I had a boyfriend when I was 15.” Lena shruged." Plus, if we are going to get murdered for losing a match we might as well lose our virginity beforehand."
The others laughed at the irony.
"Well well." "Kazarina said when she saw the knight running towards the enemy's Side. "Who let Elright out of his cage?” "Somebody is getting fired." Gill replied. Kazarina crossed her arms as she turned to him. "I thought Airzel was keeping him captive." She sent a cheeky smile. "Perhaps your loyal aide is not as great as you think.”
“Do not take his name on your mouth Kazarina." Gill replied harshly. "At least I have friends other than lab rats.”
The blonde's smug expression slowly faded off her face as she turned in front of her. "Neither you nor the other men would have your vicious toys to play with, if it wasn't for my research center," she said. "It is thanks to us, to me, that we are so strong.”
Gill smirked as he walked towards her. Closing the few steps gap between them, he leaned on her. The scent of his woody perfume filled her lungs as he whispered: “Then perhaps I'll have to find new toys to play with, my dear.”
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gummy-sharks666 · 10 months
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Meet your Walmart staff!
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masasibling · 8 months
Barodius one :
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clairaquos · 8 months
TW: Swearing!
After discovering the shield in Neathia!
Kazarina: They appear to have some kind of shield Sir.
Gill: Oh really? I didn't see this giant f*king shield in front of me YOU DUMB B*TCH! NO SH*T!
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littleume16 · 6 months
Twelve order headcanons:
Petting them like they are cats:
He would be suprised at first
Would tell you to never do it again
She would be confused on why you did it
She would let you do it if you do what she wants you to do
Wouldn't know what to do, but since he has patient he doesn't say anything about it
He would defenetly blush a little, but he would hide it the second you mention it
Likes it, but never tells anyone
Would be stunned
He would love it and he would only tell Gill
Would defenetly ask you to do it if no one is watching
It depends on his mood, if he's in a good mood he will ask for more and if he's in a mood when he wants kill someone he will shot you a glare
He would openly ask for you to pet his head because he don't care if people judge him
Asks you to pet Lightirius as well
He wouldn't mind it and would just let you do it
But would ask you why are you doing it
Sorry if it's not the best, but this is my first headcanon.
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redcarnationdrops · 1 year
Here I am contributing to the Bakugan fandom☺️💅✊✊
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Not much, but it's honest work
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It’s really funny how much Bakugan Battle Brawlers is a space opera. It just is about intergalactic political drama. Probably the coldest take this platform has ever heard about the series. This children’s early 2000s anime is actually about how everyone in the room wants to stab the Julius Caesar of the season ✨✨✨
That’s what the whole Kazarina and Gill thing was. It went crazzzyyy watching those two throw subordinates at each other the whole season. Then Gill, the guy who was seething the whole time, finally just stabs her when they’re alone in the heat of battle. INSANE. Then he dies because Barodius values her MORE!
The whole Nurzak situation was fun in its own right. The whole ‘the old regime was better’ shtick made Gundalia feel more real.
Ren’s entire deal, bro GUNDALIA’S entire deal. Ren being kept in captivity and raised as a soldier. Gundalians being raised to not trust others and be ruthless. Both Neathia and Gundalia are warrior cultures too.
Fiaba’s fiancé DIED in war and Aronaut faked amnesia for her sake so they wouldn’t talk about him anymore. Fiaba not bringing up Jin for the same reason but because of that…what kind of children’s TV show..
THE VEXOS WERE WILD. Lync switching sides three different times. Spectra and Gus doing the same. Hydron going ballistic and targeting the other Vexos just to feel and appear useful. Blaming each other for their losses. Whatever the heck Mylene and Shadow Prove were running around doing.
TIME TO TALK ABOUT GUS ATTEMPTING TO ASSASSINATE ZENOHELD! Imagine being so whipped for a scene kid that you attempt to murder the head of your country….. Girl…
Also Hydron exploded himself and his father….WHO LEADS VESTAL RN? I gotta get on Mechtanium Surge.
Anyway watching Dan and Co. semi- casually wandering into two alien societies and changing the tide of their political climate never ceases to amuse me.
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marukrawler · 5 months
thinking about gill, kazarina and lena in s3ep17 and. . .
we are told that nurzak and gill's ships have trouble recharging their energy and as such, stoica, arizel and kazarina are the only ones capable of continuing the march towards the third shield. kazarina even uses this fact to taunt gill. so to make sure kazarina doesn't overtake him, gill approaches lena (who has been assigned to accompany kazarina on her mission) and warns her of kazarina's treacherous ways, which in turn makes lena anxious. this move by gill sets lena up for failure, not just by planting the idea in lena's head of taking out kazarina to save herself, but also by making lena desperate to perform well in fear of being used as a scapegoat, making her less trusting of her superior as well.
what's interesting to me is how gill, by setting lena up like this, actually contributes to their loss of the second shield. if lena hadn't been so desperate to prove herself, she and kazarina could've teamed up to quickly defeat drago before dan had time to help shun. but instead, lena refuses any help and thus fails her mission, which suits gill just fine because it means kazarina will be blamed for retreating and allowing the neathians to reclaim their territory.
and if kazarina moves the way gill expects her to, lena will remember his warning and kill kazarina first (or die trying.) either way, gill stands nothing to lose on a personal level, but he seems just a tad too comfortable letting gundalia lose against neathia if it allows the emperor to bear witness to kazarina's incompetency.
gill's eventual assassination of kazarina just solidifies the fact that he'll always put his pride before gundalia's victory in the war.
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kawaiiers · 3 years
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I think we all can agree that Gundaliastuck should be a thing > 12 grey aliens with hard growths on their heads; > live on a dark planet, don't go out into the sun; > they live to fight; > constant drama and mutual killing between them
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subterra-elico · 3 years
kazarina could have taken over gundalia if she wanted, barodius is lucky as fuck that she was in love w him for some reason
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tazzyz · 4 years
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feels for small gundalian asshole
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tiktokonaclock · 4 months
The Siren and The Demon Chapter 9
Note: Sorry for the late update. This cooperate job is kicking my ass lmao. However, the next chapter will be out shortly because it is currently ready to read, I just need to type it on docs. I love you all.
It was perhaps the first time Zenet had ever seen the expression of emotion on the emperor’s face.
 His jaw dropped as Dharak flew up in the air. He turned to the ball-shaped creature and they looked at each other for a few seconds. Then Barodius turned his head to the young girl again.
“Zenet, I am going to need to see some proof.”
 Zenet nodded and took her phone out of her pocket. She made a phone call and put it on the dial, holding it in front of her face. Barodius ordered her to come closer with his hand and leaned forward.
 The phone rang a few times as Zenet audibly blew her breath out, trying to slow down her heart’s beating.
“Yes Zenet?”
 Gill went silent for a split second, which made Barodius think: Could she have lied?
“Zenet, how many times must I tell you not to call me that? What if I wasn’t alone?”
“I am sorry.” Zenet backed down immediately as she watched Barodius’ jaw drop once again. Gill sighed.
“You can call me dad when we are alone, but you need to be sure that we are alone. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I do.”
“How are you?”
“Fine. I called because I- I am going to come a little late to your place tonight.”
“When are you going to be there?”
“Like, around 10 pm.”
“I need to do a little bit of shopping.”
“Okay then.”
“See you, bye.”
It was Gill who hung up. Barodius looked at Zenet. Carefully, for the first time.
How could he have not realized it? It was obvious! The eyes, the chin, the tiger-like way she walked even. Features of his very best friend. How could he be so blind?
“How?” was the only thing he could verbally ask.
She shrugged. “Life happens, I suppose.”
“Tell me the story, from the beginning. When did you find out who your father was?”
“I kind of always knew. My mom had shown him to me when he was on TV.”
“You had a mother? Then why did you end up in an orphanage?”
“They took me away from her.”
“I…I really don’t want to talk about it.”
“Zenet, I will ask Gill to fill me up on details if you don’t. Would you like that?” He asked, eyes fully open and fixated on her.
Zenet’s voice shivered. “No sire. I would not.”
“Then continue.”
“I… She had trouble with substance abuse. Alcohol, heavy drugs. All of that stuff.”
“Where is she now? Is she alive?”
“I don’t know, sire.”
How could Gill have slept with a woman like that?
“Do you know how they met?”
“Why didn’t they send you off to live with Gill instead of the orphanage?”
They tried that first but he didn’t accept it.”
Wow. Just wow.
“Is this why you joined the army? To have access into his life?”
“No. I joined the army because military school was relatively easier to get into and it was a boarding school. So I would not end up on the streets when I turned 15 and got kicked out of the orphanage.”
“They just kick you out when you turn 15?”
Zenet looked at the emperor as if he were an alien. Was he that ignorant about the life conditions of the empire he ruled?
“Yes, they do.” She said, putting all her acting skills to use to mask her anger. “No place to stay, no money, no nothing.” She made a gesture with her hand. “My career choices were either military or prostitution. So here we are. I don’t have a sneaky master plan to ruin Gill’s life.”
“Military and prostitution,” Barodius repeated slowly. She almost said same thing but held her tongue.
“What else is that bastard hiding from me?!” He asked. She held out her hands. 
 He looked away, thinking. After a moment of silence, he turned to her.
“Spy on him for me. And I will make sure you don’t end up like the others. Find something useful, and I will reward you.”
A faint smile appeared on Zenet’s lips as she quickly bowed.
“Yes sire. As you command.”
 Ren needed to sit this one out. Her dad did not understand it, so she had to put her skills to use.
 Yet, she was slipping. It took Gill and his partner a short time to figure out who she was.
 “What is the meaning of this, Zenet?” he asked. “I told you to stay away!”
 “I know I know! I just wanted another shot with those brawlers, y’know? Please, just give me this one chance.” She looked around and checked the door before lowering her voice. “Are you going to deny your daughter of this?”
 Well, at least she got more considerate of their secret this time.
 “Fine. But you better not mess it up.”
 She exhaled. “Oh, thank you!”
 Before leaving the main room to investigate the rest of the ship, she sat on the stairs climbing to Gill’s throne-like seat. She put her elbows on her knees as they sat there in silence.
 There was something peaceful about sitting together in silence. In their brief meetings, they would normally always have something to discuss or dispute over.
 Zenet could not help but imagine another life in which they had a proper father-daughter relationship instead of…whatever this is.
 In that life, this environment would probably be a home setting. Maybe the living room, or Gill’s study. She would be reading a book, or studying. And her dad would be working, or serving himself a drink maybe. And there would be silence, similar to this one yet much less tense.
 In that life, Zenet would have a family.
 It was a total disaster!
 She had found nothing on the ship. Absolutely nothing! And as the cherry on top, they had lost to the brawlers! Zenet wanted to choke that bastard they call Shun!
 “That’s it! It’s over! I’m done for!”
 She was sitting on the floor again. But this time, she was alone with her partner.
 “Gill wouldn't-” He tried to say. “He wouldn’t. Right? You are his daughter!”
 “I wish I could say he wouldn’t.”
“Maybe we can talk ourselves out of this. I am sure we can reason with him. At the end of the day, who is more of a natural ally for him than you?” 
 She bowed her head. “I am not good enough, he saw that today. He won't help me.”
 “Would he be so cruel?”
 “You are forgetting we are Gundalian. We are not down with this loyalty thing.”
 “I suppose not.”
 She looked at Contestir with ambition burning bright, like a couple of stars in her eyes. “I figured that out about us a long time ago, Constestir. That’s why I applied to be a slipper agent in the first place.” Her shoulders fell off. “I want to be powerful. I want to have enough power to protect myself so that I would never need anybody’s loyalty to save me. You understand?”
“Yes, I think I do.”
“” That’s what makes us different from the humans. Things like friendship and loyalty mean something to the humans Contestir. The only time we want to work together is when we want to mess someone up. And if you don’t have anybody to have your back, that’s pretty much all you can do.”
“To have power?”
“Exactly. Power, control, money.” She shook her head. “That’s what you should be aiming for if you want to survive in here. More than just to survive, if you want to be seen, heard, or respected. I-” She hesitated for a split second. “I will become someone. Someone who would never be kicked out of anywhere. Never.”
 Not even by Gill. Contestir wanted to add but held his tongue.
Of course, he would make her spy on Kazarina. Of course.
She tried better with the act this time. She remembered what Jesse taught her about acting, Your act should convince you before anyone else. Let loose. Being to aware of the fact that one is acting spoils one’s entire performance.
 Lucky for her, the old hag was so full of herself to realize that she was talking to an impostor.
“Seriously? Those two are planning on overthrowing the emperor?”
“I know right? Can you believe it? Those two are so sneaky!” She bubbled. Her enthusiasm faded as she realized Gill’s attitude towards the news. “And why do you look like that?” She asked.
“Like what?”
“Like you have been betrayed! I thought you would be more excited about all of this.”
“I am.” He said, with the grin that appeared on his lips. “You have done very well, Zenet.”
“Thank you. I am ready for my next assignment sir.” She smiled. “Master Gill.”
 The expression froze on her face as she realized his hand in the air. The red light started to crackle between his fingers. Her eyes opened widely.
Gill’s face turned to panic as they both looked at the emperor, who appeared on the big screen.
Zenet turned his head down as she let her breath out.
“Yes, sire?”
“You don’t touch that girl, do you understand me?”
“I said, do you understand me?”
Gill hesitated for a second. “I do.”
“Good.” Barodius hung up without feeling the need to explain himself any further. Gill turned to Zenet, whose torso was slightly bent over, palms touching her knees as she tried to regulate her breath. Her head was down. And without lifting it, she looked up at him.
Her eyes frightened him.
He had made a big mistake.
“What did you do?” He asked with a low voice, trying his best to hide his fear and look intimidating. “What did you do to make him look out for you?”
No use. She was not scared.
It was his turn to be scared now.
She straightened up. “It is none of your business, Gill.”
“Of course it is my business!” He got up from his seat and came closer.
“I am not going to explain myself to you. Why should I? You have never been a father to me! You fucking left me in an orphanage to fuck off and live your best life! You have no right to ask me anything! I can do whatever the fuck I need to do!”
“Zenet, I am going to ask you one more time: What the hell did you do?!”
“Get the fuck out of my face, you son of a bitch!”
The smacking sound of the slap she felt across her face hung in the air, suddenly cutting the screaming match like a knife.
Her hand went to her cheek. It burnt like hellfire, and the skin had already gotten red.
He slowly moved forward. “Zenet…” He tried to say. But she stepped back, raging. “Fuck off.” She cursed once again. Her eyes, which were ironically identical to his, stared deep into his soul.
“You are going to pay for this.”
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gummy-sharks666 · 9 months
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Mlm and wlw hostility vs mlm and wlw solidarity
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masasibling · 1 year
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Another day, another dumb things
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Twelve orders
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littleume16 · 5 months
Twelve order headcanon pt2:
Bringing home a kitten
Asks "Why did you bring it back?" while holding his head
Tells you, you have to take care of it and don't bother him with the kitten anymore
Asks "Why?" for every answer you give her
Asks "Can I pet it?" once you have finished your explanation
Doesn't mind it at all
Tells you to take proper care of it
When you're on a mission he takes care of it
Asks you "Why did you do it?"
Acts like he doesn't care about it, but he deep down does
Secretly goes to your room and plays with it and sometimes you catch him, sometime not
Loves it at first sight and doesn't ask any questions
He steals it from you and makes you chase after him to get it back
Tells you how to take proper care of it
Pets it with your premission because it's your pet
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