#gilver x reader
Gilver x Reader
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You have a kink for mummies, bandaged burn victims or just prefer bootleg merchandise. You also like easy anagrams.
First Date:
You're at a bar and you try talking with him but he can't communicate with his mouth covered. He attempts to convey sign language but this attempt falls on (non) deaf ears. He startles you and takes his katana so he can carve himself a mouth jack o'lantern style. For a minute you're afraid he's going to ask if you know how he got his scars but it turns out that he's just shy and he orders a whole keg of beer to calm his nerves. He downs the massive drink and starts to hiccup.
Suddenly your date is slumped over the table. He starts to piss all over himself and you know then that you won't be getting your money back. You pick through his pockets and find a wallet with cash, a knockoff rolex watch and a recall notice from Capcom saying that your boyfriend is being phased out of canon and if you return him to the factory you can replace him and get a free roll of toilet paper from the left over scraps of Gilvers carcass. You take the deal since you want to be prepared if another tp shortage happens again like in 2020.
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
Silver Rose [Vergil/Reader] {Devil May Cry} Imposter
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AN: The gif above is not of Gilver, but it’s sexy and cool (I mean his fucking stance is everything).
For the purposes of Silver Rose, I will go along with the idea that Gilver was created by Mundus to mess with Dante, and that he existed around two or so years before the first game... but only appeared after the events of “Gifts.”
Warning: Long Chapter
|Masterlist Link|    |First Chapter|    |Prev. Ch.| --- |Next Ch.|
“I need eight fireballs to Jonny’s group, Y/N.” Shei announced, plopping the worn serving tray down onto the bar top. “And your boyfriend said to get yourself a drink. He’s paying.”
“Eight fireballs, on the way.” You confirmed, pulling out eight shot glasses and filling them up. “And for the last time, Tony’s my brother-in-law, not my boyfriend.” You corrected with a frown at your coworker.
Although you’d gotten stronger the more you went out on demon hunting gigs with Dante, it didn’t prove to be a skill that allowed for an agreeable living situation. Normal demon hunting gigs paid decently, but with the pay being split between two people, it wasn’t enough, especially when Dante wouldn’t accept payment. Dante couldn’t hold a normal day-to-day job, so you’d resolved to be the responsible one and got a job at Bobby’s Cellar. It was Dante’s usual haunt where he’d go by Tony Redgrave and get mercenary work, but the people knew you just as well. Which led you to your current predicament.
Shei raised her hands in a sign of surrender… or was it a shrug… either way, she winked and stuck her tongue out, “C’mon, Y/N, you mean you’ve never thought about leaving your absent husband for his hot brother? You know he has a thing for you.”
Your face didn’t change a single bit as you responded, sliding the full tray over to Shei. “My husband is missing, not absent.” Lies. “And I’ve never thought about dating Tony. Not that there’s anything wrong with him, it’s just that I don’t want to use him… do you get what I mean?”
Your coworker leveled a serious stare at you as she took the tray of drinks. “It’s not considered using him if you both like each other.”
Watching as Shei walked away with a sway in her hips, you sighed, muttering to yourself. “But I don’t like him like that.”
“There’s nothing wrong with moving on.” A cool voice startled you, eyes darting immediately up and to the left where the newcomer sat at the bar, his arms folded on the counter as he leaned towards you.
The man was peculiar in the way he looked, sporting a green suit of all things and wrapped in enough bandages where only his startling blue eyes showed. Quirking an eyebrow at him, you spoke before thinking. “A newcomer… Well then, welcome to Bobby’s Cellar. Are you here for a job, a drink, or information?”
“Hmmm let’s start with information, my dear. Do you know every single person that enters this establishment?” the man’s sharp blue eyes seemed to pierce through you ominously, as if he were threatening you to tell the truth. You wanted to scoff, knowing that you could probably take the guy in a fight if you had to. Something was off about him… something demonic, but it wasn’t strong enough for you to raise the alarm with Dante.
“Depends.” You drawled, making a gin and tonic and sliding it towards the man in bandages, “I know everyone who has established themselves, whether they be an information broker, mercenary, or just someone who needs a drink every now and then. That’s on the house, by the way.”
If the man’s face was uncovered, you had no doubt that his brows would be raised in interest if the slight lilt to his smooth voice was anything to go by. “Establish themselves? How does one do that?” He lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip after nodding his head in thanks.
A grimace appeared on you face at the mention of the initiation ceremony that went on in Bobby’s Cellar. Setting a glass down, you raised a sluggish hand to point towards the rowdiest table located at the back of the bar where Dante and Jonny’s group sat. “You talk to Tony and Jonny… and they issue a challenge. If you do well enough, you get invited into their little group of misfits. Once that happens, you’ll get a better shot at the better sources of info and jobs.”
The man finished off the drink before getting up, giving you an appraising stare. “Thank you…”
“Y/N.” You supplied, not really seeing the harm in giving him your name.
“Thank you, Y/N. I’m Gilver. It was a pleasure speaking with you.” The man was already across the room by the time you’d managed to process his name.
“Gilver…” you muttered, staring after the mysterious newcomer with narrowed eyes. He held a katana in his left hand, and from the back he looked too familiar. “Gilver… why does that sound so familiar?”
Gilver... G-I-L-V-E-R....
G-I-L.... V-E-R... 
Your face seemed to scrunch up at the anagram, eyes still staring at Gilver’s back. “That is the shittiest pseudonym ever.” You commented, hardly impressed with the revelation that you’d just made.
Naturally, your heart jumped to the conclusion that your husband was back, and that he hadn’t been taken by an evil force like you’d concluded when the armored figure stopped visiting... but your mind and instinct urged you not to assume... to observe and withhold judgement until all the facts were taken into account. The height and stature of the mysterious newcomer was right, as was his choice of weapon and the color of his eyes... but the more you observed Gilver interact with Dante and Jonny’s group, the more you began to realize that Gilver was not your husband, but was something demonic in nature.
Taking up Dante’s previous offer to make a drink for yourself, you pour a glass of whiskey and took a large gulp, face set in a grimace as you resumed your work. You didn’t like it when someone tried to screw with you... more so when it came to Vergil.
“Y/N?” Shei pulled you from your thoughts with a heavy sigh, “They’re at it again... Doing that stupid initiation ceremony on the new guy.”
From across the bar, you could see both Dante and Gilver looking at you expectantly, one with a shit-eating smirk, and the other with a curious glint in his eyes. A bemused expression appeared on your face as you looked away, shaking your head in amusement from what was bound to happen. “I hope the new guy can hold his liquor.” Which, if you were right, and Gilver was a fake Vergil... would mean that he’d be a woeful lightweight.
“The guy looks tough... I think he’ll give Tony a run for his money.” Shei laughed before winking, “New guy’s been watching you though. You gonna tap that?”
You gave a short laugh as you shook your head, setting a bottle of pure absinthe on the tray with two shot glasses. “What is with you and my love life, Shei?”
“Unless you wanna head back to my place, someone’s gotta make sure you get laid, Y/N.” Your coworker winked flirtatiously at you and turned to do her job.
You howled in laughter, “My god, Shei!”
She turned to briefly blow you a kiss, “You know you want me!”
“Just go do you’re job!”
And oh boy did Shei do her job. Calling one round after another in an odd display of competition, she served both Dante and Gilver their round of shots, the two men sitting across from one another as they drank. After three shots, Dante didn’t look much different than he would drinking a beer. Gilver, on the other hand, looked close to being drunk. It was subtle, but you noticed the way he had to sit a little straighter to prevent from slouching.
Another three rounds later, Dante was starting to grin in a daze, though was by all means not drunk. Gilver though... was probably about to collapse in an unconscious heap. You’d long since clocked out for the night to keep watch over the initiation ceremony, knowing that Jonny and his boys often mugged the newcomer if they passed out. 
You winced when Gilver fell forward, slumped unconscious on top of the table. Gilver was definitely a clone of Vergil, you confirmed, strolling over to the table and stopping Jonny’s men from robbing the unconscious man blind. “I’ll take it from here, boys. Your drinks are already paid, so there’s no reason to rob the guy now.”
“Y/N... what are you doing?” Dante asked, getting up from his seat when you knelt by Gilver’s side to prop him up. The man’s katana was already strapped to your back, though not before your were able to observe that it was a cheap imitation of the Yamato.
“Getting this mess to a safe place.” You announced, bracing yourself as you lifted the unconscious man into your arms, your demon strength being put to good use as you strolled out of the bar. “Don’t wait up!”
Years ago, Dante would have never let you run off with a stranger. But now that he knew you were capable of defending yourself against any threat, he trusted you to keep yourself safe. Though to his credit, you wondered if Dante only let you leave with Gilver in your arms because he thought it was funny that you would be carrying the man like a bride. You admit the image would have amused you.
Gilver didn’t stir the entire time trip down the street to an admittedly nice hotel. He didn’t stir when you’d rented a room for the night while earning strange looks from the hotel staff and snide remarks from the hotel’s other clients. He didn’t so much as make a peep when you’d dumped him onto the bed, positioning him so that he didn’t choke on his own vomit.
Gilver did stir when you’d taken his shoes off, but he didn’t wake. He didn’t make much noise when you’d tossed his katana onto the bed with him either.
“If you’re anything like Vergil, you’ll wake only when you’re ready to.” You muttered before picking up the hotel’s phone, calling in an order of tea and cake. Your husband was a heavy sleeper when he was passed out from exhaustion. Nothing would be able to wake him up... except maybe violence, but you didn’t want to pick a fight in a hotel.
The tea and cake arrived not long after you settled into the hotel room’s couch.
Leaning back after having your fill, you closed your eyes, fully intending to nap as you waited for Gilver to wake.
There was a faint clinking sound from the table, alerting you to the sudden presence on the couch and rousing you from your nap. Opening your eyes, you noticed that a green suit jacket was thrown over your form, and that Gilver sat opposite of you on the couch, his piercing blue eyes staring at you in curiosity.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, moving to sit up from your reclined position, trying to act as casual as possible.
“Are you always this trusting?” Gilver shot back, his expression hidden behind the bandages although you could see the mirth within his eyes.
“I don’t trust you.” He still hadn’t answered your question.
Gilver shrugged, his eyes not turning away from you. “And yet you took care of me. I assumed that you had already grasped my identity.”
You scoffed at his statement, meeting his eyes, accusing. “Did you think that I was foolish enough not to recognize an anagram of my own husband’s name? Who are you, Gilver? Because you are certainly not Vergil.”
At your demand, Gilver hummed in amusement before leaning forward, closing the distance between your two faces in an act of intimidation. He snatched your hands and slowly raised them, placing them on either side of his bandaged face. “Are you so sure, my dearest?” It was a dare as he kept his blue eyes locked with yours.
You hesitated, your hands trembling the slightest as Gilver held them in place. It was an act of intimidation on Gilver’s part, but you needed to know if you were correct in assuming that it was not Vergil sitting before you. Your hands moved to trace the outline of Gilver’s jaw before grasping the bandages and pulling. The bandages fell in a cascade of white as they unraveled to reveal a face so familiar that a sob managed to escape you. Gilver was almost identical to your husband, but upon revealing his face, you noticed that his eyes seemed to flit between crimson red and sapphire blue. An illusion to hide the true color of his eyes.
You could help yourself as your hand rose to cup his face in the palm of your hand, caressing his cheek with your thumb. And like Vergil, Gilver was unable to resist letting out a hum of content. “You were created to look exactly like Vergil.”
Gilver’s eyes remained closed. “Yes.”
“So that you can be used against me.” You realized, drawing your hands away from the man before you.
“Hm... not just you. Dante as well.” Gilver confirmed, opening his crimson eyes to stare at your face below his. “And why not? I am, as you said, identical to Vergil. Why not let me be the husband that you want?”
“You’re not him.”
“But I can be.”
“You’re only saying that to better serve your master.” You grit your teeth at the thought of replacing Vergil with this... puppet.
“Smart girl.” Gilver grinned at how you didn’t give in to emotional weakness. “Mundus created me to weaken Dante... and to seduce you. Don’t you miss Vergil? Don’t you want him back?”
“Of course I miss him.” You growled, shoving Gilver away and standing up so that you could assert your presence over him, “And I could never replace him.”
“You wouldn’t know the difference if you allowed me, Y/N.” Gilver called out to you as you stormed past him to the door.
You froze by the door, a question nagging you from the back of your brain. When you turned to look at Gilver, he was already standing in front of you, probably hoping to stop you from leaving. “If you are like Vergil, then let me ask you this, Gilver. Are you content with just being this? A puppet for Mundus to control?”
“I was created by Mundus for the express purpose of hurting you and Dante, I’m not a person.” Gilver replied blandly, idly playing with a strand of your hair.
“... but do you want to be?” You asked, eyes searching his own before stepping out the door.
After that night, Gilver became a near constant presence at Bobby’s Cellar. Every night you worked, you would find Gilver seated at the bar, sometimes teasing you, sometimes attempting to seduce you. Most of the time, however, you found that he worked to earn the trust of the cellar patrons, buying drinks for people or even bringing in new jobs. You knew that he was up to no good, but left the fun to Dante, going along for the ride.
Rather gradually, you noticed that Gilver was slowly acting less and less like Vergil, adopting a rather playful persona towards you, but a cruel and cold demeanor towards others. He also stopped offering to replace Vergil, and instead started to suggest that you leave Vergil to be with him. Perhaps what you’d said that first night had made him think a little.
Though... perhaps not enough because he still seemed intent on continuing to follow whatever Mundus’s plan was.
Still... despite yourself, you’d started to consider Gilver a friend.
Upon Dante’s suggestion, you’d taken a break from working at Bobby’s Cellar and retreated to your home in Redgrave City just for a week. He’d insisted that you deserved a break after working so hard to keep up with the rent and utilities at Devil May Cry. But you’d noticed the ever growing presence of demons because of Gilver, and you knew that whatever peaceful time you had with Gilver’s teasing friendship, was about to come to an end.
It was a clear night when Gilver appeared in your kitchen, bandages unraveled and torn, and blood seeping through the green suit his wore. His katana was gone as he stumbled and gasped out your name in pain. “Y-Y/N!’
Dropping the knife that you’d been using to cut vegetables for dinner, you practically flew across the room to kneel by Gilver’s side. You’d recognize the wounds on Gilver’s body anywhere... “You picked a fight with Dante...”
Gilver gave a hollow, bitter laugh as his body lost the energy to prop himself up, collapsing into your arms. “And lost...”
“I... I need to get a first aid kit.” You muttered, eyes wide at the number of wounds you needed to patch up. “You’ll be fine once I’m done with you. I just...” 
You made a move to leave, but Gilver’s hand quickly shot up to stop you. “No... it’s too late for that... just... stay... please. Look at me, Y/N.”
Your eyes started to burn just from looking at the number of open wounds, but you allowed your eyes to rise, meeting Gilver’s crimson red as he smirked weakly. “You’re going to die if I don’t do something, Gilver.”
“I’m going to die whether you do something or not, Y/N. Just... stay by my side. That’s all I’m asking.” 
You could only nod, speechless that you were going to lose a friend. You bit your lip as you tried not to cry, just giving in and holding Gilver to you, resting his head against your shoulder as the light started to leave his eyes.
“Hey, Y/N? Look at me for a moment.” Your burning eyes rose to meet his crimson ones despite the tears nearly blocking your view. “I should have listened to you.”
“You still can! Let me help you!” You snapped, the tears finally falling free.
“Heh. No thanks.” Gilver gasped out, raising a hand to wipe the tears away. “It’s not a bad way to go... In the arms of a beautiful woman.”
“Now’s not the time to be flirting with me!” You growled, moving to sit up so that you could move Gilver, panicking when his body began to slowly turn to ash.
“It’s always a good time to flirt with the woman you love.” Your breathing hitched when Gilver used last of his strength to lean up, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips and pulling away with an uncharacteristic smile. “When you see Vergil, let him know that he’s so lucky that you love him. Or I would have swept you off your feet. Goodbye, Y/N-”
“Goodbye, Gilver.” You sobbed, managing to get the words out before he burst into ashes dissolving and disappearing. No trace of his existence. Not even of the blood that previous stained your clothes.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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Dante x Reader Halloween Edition
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More old shit I forgot about uploading. Enjoy even though it's not Spooktober.
It's all Hallows eve and it turns out that this is one of the busiest days for all of dmc. Turns out that demons really do show up in groups on the devils night and citizens are willing to pay top dollar for anyone to exercise them. You were watching a movie on your boyfriends shitty CRT that Morrison somehow managed to fix and your favorite Halloween movie was playing. Frankenhooker! Dante almost shot the VHS case with Ebony and Ivory but you had to convince him that it wasn't possessed by a demon, the box just talked.
Suddenly the phone rang and the demon slayer picked up. "Devil May Cry, how can I help you?" Turns out there were some demons in a haunted house and the client was willing to pay $25,000. The team assembled and everyone got into Nico's van (which was still painted like the mystery mobile). Dante was decked out in a Ghostbusters uniform that you swear he was just waiting for an excuse to put on while you were more modest and went as a mummy (cough GILVER cough) and you had to put the costume back on the roll because Dante couldn't afford to buy more rolls of bounty. Nico was dressed as a teletubby while she somehow managed to drag Nero and Vergil along for the ride as well. She had made a Freddy Krueger style devil breaker for Nero but he had chosen to replace his arm with a plunger and go as Luigi. And finally Vergil was dressed up as Sepirtoth so he wouldn't look suspicious while carrying Yamato in public (which was never going to work).
You reached the house and drove up to the gate. All of a sudden there was an ominous flash of lightning and crows began to flee. "That's always a good sign!" Said Nero. He looked around and noticed how tall the fence was. "Anyone know a way in?" he said. Dante then perked up and mentioned how they could pretend to deliver a pizza and Nero scoffed. "You fucking idiot! I guess that punch of mine really did give you brain damage." Next thing they knew, the vans headlights turned on and a "GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!!" could be heard. Turns out that Nico thought it would be a great idea to just drive through the gate.
"Well that takes care of one problem." You said and then the narrator made it a note to not give you anymore lines in this chapter. Vergil used judgement cut on the door to try and flex on Dante but everyone ignored it. As they made their way inside they noticed how the building was actually just the vanilla ghost house from super mario world. Suddenly there was a giant green bubble and Dante yelled "I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS!" and used his cowboy skills to pull out a lasso and try to wrangle the creature.
Like in Ghostbusters though he just ended up getting slimed. You knew someone was going to have to hose him off before he entered the van again. Nero raised his fist to claim dibs on not having that job and accidentally released his plunger breaker. It grabbed on to the chandelier and pulled it down, causing the mansion to crash and turn into rubble. "Guess I'm not getting paid again..." said Dante as he took a roll of toilet paper off of you and wiped himself off. Nico smiled and said "Maybe the reward was the adventure we made anyway." and then everyone laughed like they were in the end of a cringey 80's movie.
As they drove off, you could see another house nearby. They had visited the wrong location and Casper the ghost would live for another day.
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