#gimme more young Vander and Silco studio executives
a-gal-with-taste · 3 years
was listening to some etta james and wondered what if the reader was a jazz singer type that performed at the last drop and vander & silco are like *heart eyes* probs some time before the events of the big flight between s&v
Yesss, love the mental image! Went for a more platonic/beginning-of-a-beautiful-friendship route instead of romantic, because I love the idea of those two turning into mini-fanboys for a hot minute. My first time fully diving into Younger Vander and Silco, hope I did them justice!
Inspired Listening for this Request
"I don't bite, you know. Quite the opposite, actually." You mused without looking up as you thumbed through your tip-box of this night's earnings. Your mood was light, as the box was heavy with the golden coins gleaming under the bar-light as you counted. "Nah, think ya proved that back on stage there," Out of your peripheral, you saw the larger of the two take the seat beside you, the beer you just heard him order already halfway chugged. "'M Vander, 'ere's Silco."
"You already know my name," You introduced yourself just as politely, tucking the box at your side beneath your coat as you raised a look to the two joining you. Vander was a mountain of a man, but with a warm face, naturally so and also as an effect of alcohol. The slim one behind him, Silco, gave you a short nod, eyes trying to appear carefully impassive on a thin, serious face.
You couldn't hide your smile of amusement as you noted the awed-gleam they were failing miserably at hiding, in both their eyes.
"Hope that you're cornering me because you enjoyed my rendition-" "Yeah, hope we're not a bother?" You shook your head with a smile, gesturing to the counter. "No, but a drink would be nice..." You trailed off, a bit surprised as the shorter one, Silco, thumbed a coin out of his pocket without further-ado and a drink was soon placed in front of you. You gave a considering hum as you watched them nonchalantly, taking a long, smooth drink before gesturing, letting them speak their piece.
"Y'were incredible. Best I ever heard, and we been 'round these blocks for a couple spells now." “No fooling? There’s a bunch of other singers out there.” 
“Most sound like they're giving birth to death itself in their lungs on-stage. So-called musicians here seem to be fond of mistaking screeching for singing." Silco's dry tone almost had you snorting on your next sip, Vander being quick to turn in his seat to glare at his friend. "C'mon, they ain't all that bad. And it won' do us any good if they hear you talkin' shit like that."
"It's not trash-talking if it's true. Don't play devil's-advocate, either, I've seen you unplug the mic on our worst nights."
"You guys own a joint?" You mused as you made the guess, Vander brightening immediately. "Yep! Heart of the Undercity, it'll be! Already got the bar nice 'n set up, got people all over the town stoppin' by-" "I apologize, he treats our establishment like it's his first-born. Will drag on about it for hours if you let him," Silco cut in once more, rolling his eyes as he took a sip from his own fresh shot-glass, though you could see the thinly-veiled amusement. "Don't get him started on the décor."
"That you helped me pick out, don' think I won't be tellin' people for years to come about the great barstool fit you had."
"You wanted them out of wood. Wood, Vander, do you realize what side of town we live on...?"
"Boys, boys." Quick to raise a hand with an amused smile before they dissolved into what was friendly, and clearly an instinctive need to bicker with the other, you looked between them once you had their attention. "I think I can see where this is going. What're you offering?" Vander smirked triumphantly already. "Free drinks every performing night and weekends."
"Free drinks whenever, and also I can't have smoking in the place, at least 12 hours before a performance." The larger of the two immediately frowned, and you gave a pointed look to his vest-pocket, where the mouthpiece of a pipe was sticking out. "Owners or employees included." Drumming his fingers on the bar-counter, the man frowned deeply. "Not many pleasures one can find down 'ere, y'know-" "Oh no, there's plenty. But I'd rather not be trapped in a building with the one that can destroy my voice."
Reaching to your hip, you tapped a nail on the gas-mask you have hanging there. "That's how many vocalists lose their voices so quickly. Air is shot-to-hell as is, I don't want to lose the thing making my money for me." Vander was still frowning, but Silco gave an approving nod behind him, leaning over to elbow his pal in the back as he innocently stage-whispered, "Perhaps your lungs would approve the break from smoking."
The wiry young man had his attention returned to his shot-glass when Vander turned on his seat to frown at him.
"... ah, fine, we need good entertainment, and ya seem good."
"Seem good? Now I just feel insulted, and we haven't even shaken on it yet." You can't help the genuine chuckle as Silco sighed long and tiredly while Vander attempted an apology, reaching over the mountain of the man to hold out a hand to you, which you promptly shook.
"Would there be any requests or specifics I'd be working with? I'm fine with matching aesthetics, but if death-screeching is popular in the area..." You trailed off when you watched them both give a quick head-shake at the suggestion. "Gods no, whatever magic you did on stage will do." You hummed, shifting in your seat as you began to tap out a slow rhythm on the counter. "Think my kind of style would go well at at a bar? In the heart of the Undercity? Most don't go for the slow and smooth down here."
"No they don'... it's why ya voice will be a knockout, somethin' new for us to pass our time away between drinks." Vander pointed out with another sip of his beer, eye wandering to the consitering tap your nails were beating out onto the counter. A small smile as he lowered his drink, quirking a brow at you as he leaned an arm on the counter.
" 'course, if your gonna go and offer us a demo, I wouldn't object..." His partner-in-crime says nothing, but Silco smoothly hops up to sit on the counter, ignoring the bartenders disgruntled look as he looks over to you paitently. Neither are attempting to hide their eagerness anymore, or if they are, they're doing quite poor jobs at it.
You smiled as you began to tap out a tempo in earnest with your knuckles on the counter, thinking this was going to be the start of something wonderful, before you opened your mouth to let the music flow out.
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