#gimme some love and maybe it will help me to continue
Fetching Scarlett
(just the beginning of) a one-shot that lies in Scarlett & Hennessy's future
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The fuel pump of his rental 2018 Range Rover gave up the ghost just shy of eight kilometers from his destination--the Scottish village of Stormeil Na Mara, a scant five kilometers as the crow flies, from the storm-tossed Atlantic Ocean. Hennessy let loose a salty string of bitter profanities at the outrageous inconvenience of having to trek the final leg of his quest on foot. Of course Scarlett’s home village was so far off the grid (nearly two hours drive from Edinburgh Airport) that mobile reception was almost non-existent. He could only hope the wee fishing and farming burgh had some alternate form of communication with the wider world. He didn’t fancy the idea of being stranded there any longer than absolutely necessary to reclaim his wayward lassie. Surely his willingness to leave his cherished Caribbean clime and the comforts of the world he had built for himself, to travel to this dismal, godforsaken countryside should be proof enough that indeed he loved her. That she had--unwittingly or not--won her way deep into his normally thorny heart, making him break every self-made rule regarding romantic entanglements, which he had abided by for nearly two decades. 
Yes, Scarlett’s gentle, loving ways, coupled with the well of heady passion within her--which he alone had ever had the privilege of plumbing--had turned him more than monogamus. Had shown him he could trust in another human soul to see his weaknesses yet never scorn him for them. Had proven that she saw a light in him that he had believed was extinguished long ago, trusting in him without hesitation from their beginning and sincerely loving him unconditionally. Late as he was in coming to this realization, Hennessy finally understood that Scarlett was his pearl of great price--and that no cost was too high to win her back into his life. 
Resigned to the road ahead, he quickly gathered a few essentials from his luggage, along with his bottled water, to pack into his leather tote, and donned the heavy wool sweater he had purchased at an airport boutique that catered to tourists desiring to immerse themselves in the trite trappings of Gaelic culture. As Hennessy’s designer wardrobe featured only hot weather garb, in this case it was a necessity. Plus, it might very well make the difference in him catching a ride from a local croftsman heading in his direction. As his usual good luck would have it, he traversed less than two kilometers before a lift materialized.
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The farmer wasn’t a talker beyond a few rudimentary questions in a brogue so thick Hennessy barely understood him. They got along well enough for Henns to make clear he was seeking the Campbell cottage, home of Mrs. Aileen Campell (he’d had a stuttering moment when he couldn’t recall Scarlett’s mum’s name, but finally managed it when he set his mind’s eye to the way the sunlight streaming through the transom window lit his bonnie lover like a halo of gold about her sex-tousled raven locks, as she sat wrapped in his silk sheet at the foot of his bed, revealing some quiet detail of the strict life she’d lived as a teen beneath her mother’s roof). The man had grunted with a nod, telling him he could drop him as near to there as the road would take him, but he’d still have a twenty-minute walk at least, to reach the shoreside bothie. Their rough conversation lapsed from there, until the farmer dropped Hennessy off those twenty minutes from his destination, telling him to head northwest and when he saw the shore off to his right, he’d be nearly there.
Doggedly determined as he strode across the long grass towards his goal, he could smell the Sea before he saw it--and as always, nearness to the source of his vitality and power, granted Hennessy the invigoration needed to speed his pace afoot.
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Coming over a thistle-covered hill, he paused when he saw the white capped waves beating upon the sand, and drew a deep, deep breath, a full understanding of the source of his Scarlett’s fundamental relationship with the Sea, dawning upon him. Though these waters would always run in her blood, they had taught her a healthy fear of the treacherous, untrustworthy northern seas. Her gentle nature was far better suited to the warm embrace of sunshine seawaters, as was his own...
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(I'd love to hear from anyone still following this story ~ although I can't reply directly, as my main blog still dwells in shadowban prison)
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enviedear · 10 months
omg maybe some fluff/angst abt billy being protective. like maybe gf/wife!reader is getting hit on and she can normally protect herself but maybe some guy gets a little too handsy with her and then billy steps in to protect his baby:(( i think i would actually die
protective!billy bonney...
babe i'm always down for protective!billy, because he's just intrinsically protective. and that's hot.
tw— violence, a bullet graze (not billy or reader), men being mysogonistic (this is the wild west idk what to tell ya), unwanted touch (on the waist, no private areas)
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it'd been a long day already, and the sun hadn't even struck noon. rowdy ranch hands, drunkards, and gang members littered the town square. their minds hazy from drink, worsened by the hot sun.
it was a day of celebration, according to them. the lot of them managed to wrangle up a pack of wild coyotes the night before, the same pack that'd been laying waste to everyone's animals and supplies.
it was a gruesome yet necessary job, but the parlay in town has your ears steaming. they've already ruined an innocent game of catch the local kids had been playing and you roll your eyes when they start to approach you and the rest of the ladies standing outside the dress shop.
you avert your gaze, looking into the crowd for your fiancee. with no sight of billy, who's probably held up at the general store, you focus in on your dusty boots. you'd rather stare at them than the haughty men on their rampage.
"ain't you billy's little thing?" a gruff voice calls out.
you lift your head to find a impish man with tufts of blonde hair, "yes sir, that'd be me." your tone is kind, but your words clipped.
the man draws closer, spitting to his left before giving you a drunken snd sly smirk, "got himself a pretty one, ain't he?"
his question is redundant, and you opt not to answer. instead you give him a smile, slowly backing away and inching toward the entrance of the shop.
the women around you won't be any help, too worried with fending off the other rambunctious men. you're going to have to get yourself out of this one.
the man continues his pursuit of you, "gimme your name, girl. m'bettin' it's real nice."
your fingers find the doorknob behind you but your eyes widen when the door refuses to budge. damn shopkeeper, locking up when you need a safe haven most.
"i'm sorry, sir, my fiancee must be looking for me." your excuse is lame, but you pray it works.
the man steps closer, his hand reaching out to grab your arm. you flinch away, but he manages to grip you tightly anyway.
"come on now, don't be shy," he slurs, pulling you towards him. "what's your name, pretty thing?"
you struggle against his grip, but he's too strong. panic sets in as you realize there's no one around to help you, and you start to fear the worst.
"you need to let go o'me. my fiancee will kill you." you've grown desperate, enough so to lay your strongest card on the table— billy.
the man let out a hearty laugh, "fiancee? ain't no man gonna tie you down, little lady. not till you've had a taste of a real man."
you grow angrier by the second, but you can't help but laugh at his ignorance, "i think that's you giving yourself too much credit, sir," you reply, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "i' got myself a real man, the man i love. now if you don't let me go, you'll be sorry."
the man grows more forceful, pinning you to him, breath brushing your ear and hands groping your waist, "do you well to learn to shut you mouth, girl."
but just as you're about to give up hope, frozen in fear as the man trails his hands over you, a gunshot rings out, piercing the air like a sharp knife.
the man releases you, his face contorting in pain as he clutches at his leg. you inspect the wound as he falls away, just a graze, but you're sure it hurts like hell.
you turn away from the drunk, eyes finiding billy only yards away, his revolver still smoking in his hand. his face is cold and hard, his eyes blazing with anger.
"you heard the lady," billy speaks with a low and menacing voice. "i don't want to kill you, but if i so much as see you touch her again, you'll regret it."
the other men back away, pulling their injured friend with them, fear written all over their faces. they know better than to mess with billy, especially when he's in a foul mood.
you rush towards him, throwing your arms around his neck. his embrace is tight and fierce, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"you okay?" he asks, his voice softening as he looks down at you.
you nod, voice shakey, "i am now," you whisper, feeling safe in his arms.
together, you walk away from the chaos of the town square, grateful for the love and protection you've found in each other.
—reblog and like if you enjoyed, let ur local writer know you like her work !
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wasabidottie · 1 month
The man in the yankees cap part two?!
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For some reason, you found yourself still hanging out with him. You couldn’t explain it, really. Normally, you’d be polite, maybe share a coffee, then go your separate ways. But with Schlatt, something was different. His sarcastic quips, gruff charm, and that ridiculous, messy Yankees cap—it all had you hooked in a way you weren’t prepared for.
A few hours had passed since you met, and yet here you were, strolling down the street, laughing more than you had in ages. You’d tried desserts, debated over music, and even gotten into a passionate argument about the best fast-food fries.
“You’re wrong, by the way,” Schlatt was saying, finishing the last bite of the donut you’d gotten him to try. “Waffle fries are a crime against humanity.”
“They’re not a crime,” you shot back, feigning exasperation. “You just don’t have taste.”
“Hey, don’t go questionin’ my taste,” he replied with a smirk, flicking a crumb off his shirt. “I’ve got taste for days.”
“Yeah? You sure about that?” You gestured to his cap, his hair still all over the place beneath it. “Because the jury’s still out on that.”
He glanced at you, deadpan. “Are you just obsessed with my hair, or what? You keep bringing it up.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m fascinated by it, honestly. Like, how does one even get that messy?”
He grinned, running a hand through his hair. “Natural talent, baby. Can’t teach this.”
You shook your head, smiling. “I’m sure.”
There was a comfortable silence as the two of you continued walking, and you caught yourself thinking how easy it all felt. The conversation, the teasing—it was almost too natural, like you’d known him longer than just a few hours. It felt strange, but in the best way.
Then, Schlatt broke the silence.
“So, uh,” he started, a little more serious this time, though his voice still had that playful edge, “you gonna gimme your number, or what?”
You blinked, surprised, and immediately let out a laugh, thinking it was just more banter. “Oh, sure, sure. That’s cute.”
His face didn’t change, though. He raised an eyebrow, looking at you dead-on. “I’m not jokin’, sweetheart.”
That caught you off guard. “Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah,” he said, shrugging like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “What? You think I spent all day with you for my health? I want your number.”
You tilted your head, half-smiling, trying to gauge if this was some new level of sarcasm. “This isn’t part of the bit? Because you know we’ve been going back and forth for hours…”
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Listen, I’m an asshole, yeah, but I ain’t gonna mess around about that. I like ya. You’re fun, you’re not boring like the rest of these vanilla drinkers out here. And I’m not tryna let this be some random ‘one day and done’ thing.”
You stared at him for a beat, thrown off by his sincerity. “Oh. Wow, okay.” You laughed lightly, more out of surprise than anything else. “Didn’t expect that from you.”
“What, a guy can’t be serious every now and then?” He smirked, though you could see that he was being completely earnest, even if he couldn’t resist adding a little jab. “I’ll admit, I like messin’ with you, but that’s just ‘cause it’s fun. Doesn’t mean I’m not interested.”
“Well, when you put it like that…” you trailed off, biting your lip to suppress a grin. “I thought you were just, I don’t know, playing along with the banter.”
“I mean, I am, but c’mon, you think I’m gonna spend hours with someone who annoys me?” He gave you a look. “You’re funny. And you keep up. That’s rare.”
“Rare, huh?” you echoed, smirking.
“Don’t push it,” he warned, but there was no bite to his words. “So? You gonna give me your number, or am I gonna have to make an entire presentation on why I deserve it?”
“Oh, I’d love to see that presentation,” you teased. “PowerPoint slides and everything.”
“I will find a way,” he said, eyes gleaming. “I’ll even put animations in there. Little star wipes and shit.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Alright, alright. You’ve convinced me. But I still think you’re messing with me.”
He sighed dramatically. “Jesus, you’re tough. I’m not used to havin’ to work this hard. Usually, I just smile, and they fall at my feet.”
“Is that so?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe you’re just losing your touch.”
He placed a hand over his heart, faking a wounded look. “Now that’s just cruel. Here I am, layin’ my soul bare, and you’re kickin’ me while I’m down.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face. “Fine, fine. I’ll give you my number, but you better not use it just to send me bad memes.”
“Oh no, you’ll get the highest quality memes. I’ve got a collection,” he said, grinning as he pulled out his phone. “Now hurry up before I change my mind.”
With a laugh, you grabbed his phone and quickly entered your number, handing it back to him with a playful smile. “There. Happy?”
He glanced at the screen and smirked, tucking his phone away. “Very. You’ll be hearin’ from me. But only after I figure out how to get the taste of that god-awful candle drink outta my mouth.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re never gonna let that go, are you?”
“Nope. It’s permanently scarred me,” he said dramatically, but then his tone softened just a bit, that same sincerity from earlier creeping back in. “But hey, thanks for hangin’ out today. Wasn’t expectin’ to have this much fun.”
You smiled, feeling a little warmth spread through your chest at his words. “Yeah, me neither. You’re not so bad... when you’re not being a complete jerk.”
“Wow, I’m touched,” he said, clutching his chest again. “Real heartwarming stuff.”
You both laughed, and as the conversation faded into comfortable silence again, you realized just how much you were looking forward to hearing from him. The day had been unexpected, but in the best way. Something about him—gruff, sarcastic, and all—just clicked with you. And if that meant more bad jokes and playful insults in the future, well... you were all for it.
Schlatt shot you one last sideways glance, his grin softening just a bit. “Don’t go ghostin’ me now. I might actually have to put effort into seein’ you again.”
“Oh, the horror,” you replied dryly, but your smile betrayed you.
He tipped his cap. “I’ll text ya.”
As he walked off with his usual swagger, you couldn’t help but watch him go, a grin tugging at your lips. Yeah, this was definitely something.
Note: OKAY OKAY OKAY!! FIRST THINGS FIRST! I don't for a second believe Schlatt would hate waffles fries. In fact I'm sure that man goes crazy for waffle fries. But you know what. I also feel like that man has some crazy hot takes on food just to have them. So I'm taking out my anger about him putting krave in the B tier in his cereal tier list. That shit stung so now I'm trashing his name. ( I'm literally writing fanfiction about him, what am I on about) Okay so I'm yapping a lot but it's really late and I have to be up way too early for class tomorrow because I decided signing up for an 8 am would be a great idea. But real talk it's been a really great couple of days being back to posting on Tumblr, I honestly thought I was done writing on here forever but after all the love you guys have been giving my posts it actually makes me excited to write again :') sorry I'm getting sappy, night night everyone
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moonstruckme · 7 months
i’ve been craving summer a whole lot lately so i’d love to see what a summer day with tasm!peter would look like if you’re up for it!!
Thanks for requesting my love!
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 705 words
You come home expecting relief, sweaty and smelly and exhausted, but there is none. The apartment you share with Peter is as stifling as it was outside. 
You go straight to the fridge. Maybe there’s some water you can pour over yourself or frozen peas you can shove under your boobs or something. As soon as you pad into the kitchen, Peter’s head pokes through the window to the fire escape. 
“Hey,” he says, sounding about as peppy as you feel. “The A/C’s broken.” 
“I can tell,” you sigh. “Have you texted the landlord?” 
“Texted, called, faxed—he’s definitely ignoring me. I went to his unit, and I’m not sure if he’s out or just hiding, but if he doesn’t respond by tonight I’m going in through his window.” Peter lets his head loll against the window frame, face flushed as he looks up at you. He makes a very pretty puddle. “Kiss?” 
You smile ruefully. “It’s too hot for kissing.” 
He huffs a laugh. “Fair enough. There’s popsicles in the freezer, wanna grab a couple and join me out here?” 
You open the freezer, and your heart inflates like one of those lifejackets they keep on airplanes. Peter—brilliant, considerate, genius Peter—has invested in a giant bag of tube popsicles. You grab a red one for him and a green one for yourself and climb out onto the fire escape. 
“You’re so smart for these,” you say. He grins as you pass him one, taking scissors from the windowsill to cut the top off of yours before doing his own. Your calf rubs slickly against his as you slot your legs in between his own. You don’t mind as much as you should. “Why’re you out here?” 
“The alley gets a breeze,” he explains, closing his eyes and tilting his head back slightly, the encapsulation of a golden retriever in boy form. A whisper of wind catches in his fluffy hair, just barely ruffling it, but Peter grins like it’s the most satisfying thing in the world. “Feel?” 
“Gimme a sec.” You take the plastic covering of your popsicle between your teeth, freeing your hands to pull the hair off your neck and securing it with a ponytail. The sweat-slicked skin of your nape feels blissfully cool in the air, and your eyes slip closed too as you pull the popsicle from your lips. “Oh, yeah,” you sigh, “I feel it.” 
Peter’s silent, and when you open your eyes he’s giving you a look. Eyebrows raised just slightly, one corner of his mouth tilted up. 
“If you still think it’s too hot to kiss,” he says, “you’re going to have to stop being so hot.” 
You scoff. “Peter,” you say, like come on. “I was just putting my hair up.” 
“And you know what that does to me.” He takes a bite of his popsicle, crunching pointedly. 
“It’s hot,” you complain. 
“It really is,” he replies, with a grin that has you rolling your eyes. 
“I mean that I’m—that my neck is hot.” 
“Again, so true.” 
“Stop it.” You narrow your eyes seriously, pressing your lips together hard to keep them from quirking. “There’s nothing sexy about how miserable it is out here.” 
Peter hums noncommittally, raising one shoulder in a half-shrug before he leans forward to hook his hands under your sweaty knees. You laugh as he hauls you toward him, his knees caging your ribs. He purses his lips, and you succumb yourself to your fate, and then cool air kisses your skin. 
You open your eyes. “What are you doing?” 
“I think it’s pretty obvious,” he says, continuing to blow on your face. “Is it helping?” 
You take a second, letting yourself get used to the feeling of his air soothing over your damp brow. “Actually, yeah.” 
Your boyfriend grins, still puffing out air as best he can through his smile. It brings his sun-kissed cheeks up towards his eyes and makes his lashes kiss. 
You let yourself kiss him right there beside his eye, a token of your appreciation, but that’s not good enough for Peter. He taps your cheek, nudging you towards his lips until you oblige him. 
“You’re my hero,” you tell him lightly. 
“Yeah, yeah, get in line.” 
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Thinking about being Kafka's needy, horny little wife.
He surprises you when he comes home for lunch one day. You don't have anything prepared for him A) because he didn't tell you and though you could sling some food together for him really quick, B), because you're too busy in your bedroom running a very precise vibrator over your clit.
You're too busy thinking about how yummy he looked this morning. Too busy listening to your most recent favorite song to hear him unlock and come in the front door.
Your eyes are closed, and your legs are wide open, back flat against the bed. Small, breathy and whiny moans escape your lonely lips. God what you wouldn't give to have Kafka stuff you full of his cock right now.
He said your name, but it was drowned out by the music being up so loud. And rather than continuing to holler for you, he just headed down the hallway to the bedroom.
What he saw when he looked around the doorframe was truly a thing of beauty: Your swollen cunt was pulsing again and again as you pulled away just in time to deny yourself another orgasm.
But you didn't know he was there. You didn't hear anything but the melodic serenade of the song you'd put on repeat.
Once you were sure you could keep going, you lifted your head to see where the vibrator landed on the bed. Instead of seeing that, you caught an eye full of Kafka just standing there. Smirking at you.
"So's this what you do all day when I'm keeping the country safe?" He laughed and ducked down when you threw your toy at him. "Hey! Hey ... I come in peace. I can't say the same thing for you, though. Goodness, kitten. You miss me that much, mm?" He said, his voice dropped to a low tone that would've been almost scary if it wasn't so sexy.
He sauntered over to you in his officer's uniform, undoing his pants when he reached the bed.
You hopped right up and got on your knees on the floor, pushing him back onto the bed, pulling his pants down around his ankles, essentially trapping him there.
Of course, he could've gotten away if he wanted to. But he's never said no to your mouth being wrapped snugly around his dick.
You went right to work, bobbing your head up and down the full length of his cock, moaning against him every time you felt the tip hit the back of your throat.
"Fuh- oh - oh my god, kitten. What the hell's gotten into you to- fuck! Today?"
You looked up at him as your hand stroked what wasn't between your lips, coming off of him with a pop, you said, "I juh- fuck," you wiped the wet mess off of your chin with the back of your hand and continued, "I just want you, Kaf, so fucking bad today, want you so bad."
You turned your attention back to sucking him off, fully enjoying the reactions you were getting from him.
His abs and thighs began to tense up, his cock throbbing against your hot tongue. "Hmm ... kit- kitten, gonna - oh fuck, gonna cum f'ya keep that up ... hoh my god, baby ... please ... please please please doh-hon't stop. Don't ever stop."
So, you didn't. You sped up your movements, pulling him right over the edge. "Cuh-cuh-fuckin' cumming! Oh shit, shit shit shit! Hoh god ... b-babe! Fuck!" It was an explosion in your mouth that you wholly consumed.
"C'mere, you." He pulled you up onto his lap and cupped his hands under your ass, squeezing you impossibly close. "I needa eat lunch before I head back. You wanna help me with that? Maybe gimme somethin' tuh eat, mm?"
You smiled against his kiss and got up off of his lap.
"Aht! Where you think y'goin', uh?" He said as he stood and scooped you up into his arms.
"G'na fix you some lunch ... right?"
"Mm-mm. Tag baby cakes. You're it. Now, get back t'how I found ya and get ready. 'M fuckin' starvin' t'day."
Fuck, you love this man.
@witchy-scribblings @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@delirious-donna @darkstarlight82 @bakubunny
@reiners-milkbiddies @supersecretsaga @trevengersprincess
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xomakara · 1 year
Waiting For Your Love
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SUMMARY |   In which Mark is secretly your boyfriend, takes you to his place and wants to take your relationship to the next level PAIRINGS | Mark/Fem!Reader GENRE |  college au, non-idols, fluff, soft, smut RATING |  Mature LENGTH | 3,654 words AUTHOR’S NOTE |  I had this one-shot saved on my computer for awhile. So why not just post it? I will definitely be writing a chaptered/series of Mark though lol. Plus my title makes no sense in the story’s context but who gives a care. I hope you enjoy it!
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"Take it."
You blinked several times, looking at the notebook that was suddenly thrown on your desk. You looked up at the male who was the culprit, his dark hair framing against his forehead, his lips in a grimace.
What the hell was his problem? You continued to look at the notebook, wondering what in the world was in it. It wasn't yours, you knew that much. One of your friends perhaps? Maybe one of the other guys dropped it?
"Because you were sick the other day." Mark Lee softly said, your gaze going to his face. He noticed your hesitation and explained his actions. "I took notes and thought you might want them."
"Hey!" One of the male students yelled from across the room. "That was my job! You can't just take my job like that Mark! Gimme those notes."
Mark shook his head. "No can do. Y/N needs my notes, not yours."
"Why you little-" Renjun was held back by a few of the other males in the classroom.
You couldn't help but chuckle. Mark was sure concerned about your health. But why and how did he even know you were sick the other day? As far as you were concerned, Mark never paid you attention nor seemed somewhat interested in you.
But that was before.
Until you started dating each other for a good year.
Of course it was a secret to everyone in the classroom. Apart from two people that were Mark's roommates but you had to blackmail them to be quiet or hell would let loose. How would it sound if THE Mark Lee, the most popular underclassman at your college campus was dating a nobody?
You shook your head, brandishing that thought from your head.
You were somebody. Granted you didn’t hang out in Mark’s social circles but you had a few of your own. And you were widely popular within those circles.
You frowned, not showing that you were secretly happy that your boyfriend took notes for you. You shook your head and turned to your female friends as they barrage you for answers.
"I can't believe Mark gave you his notebook." Jaemi whispered, lightly giggling as she watched some of the males teasing Mark.
You didn't know that he could turn a slight shade of pink.
He never turned pink in front of you. It was kind of cute. He turned around slightly, giving you a small shy smile before returning to his desk. Suddenly plopping down on his chair, he placed his head on the table, no doubt trying to hide his embarrassed face.
"I can't believe he took notes." Sumin muttered in shock, as she poked at the book. It was labeled 'English', supposingly for English Literature since you both took that class. "That's a surprise right there."
"Well, Haechan has always told me that Mark is pretty smart." Rahee shrugged and gave Haechan a small wave. "Even though he doesn't show it."
"Really?" You asked Rahee. You knew your boyfriend was smart but you decided to play along. "He seems like a slacker to me."
"Despite what everyone may think, Mark is actually a pretty laid back guy." Rahee nodded her head and looked at the notebook. "But he's pretty considerate considering his reputation. He's not a bad boy, so you can relax Y/N."
"And you know how, Rahee?" Sumin nudged the girl. "From Haechan?"
"It's one of the perks of dating the underclassmen rep." Jaemi answered as she watched Rahee winking at Haechan. "She gets all the dirty details from him."
"But if Mark—" You never got to finish your question since Rahee disappeared. You noticed Rahee snaking her arms with Haechan and walked out of the classroom. No doubt trying to find a private place to make out. "That girl always runs off with him."
"What can you say?" Sumin laughed as she noticed your expression of disgust. "Is it that weird for Rahee and Haechan to be dating?"
"Not weird." You answered, suddenly looking down at the notebook again. You noticed Mark's doodles and had to suppress a chuckle. "More of 'I can't believe Rahee snagged a boyfriend before us.’ Why can't I get a boyfriend?"
"We have plenty of male classmates." Sumin chuckled. "One of them is bound to date you."
"No thanks." You shook your head. You already had a boyfriend but no one really knew that. "Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang already asked me and I turned them down."
"But there's still Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung, and all the other dudes." Jaemi listed out, the guys looking up from their classwork or conversation. Seeing as it wasn't important, they continued whatever they were doing. “Plus the upperclassmen like Jungwoo, Jaehyun and Winwin to name some.”
"You forgot Mark." Sumin muttered, looking at him as if he heard.
He was still asleep.
"No to all of them." You scoffed. You thought of your boyfriend and slightly turned pink. "Well maybe to some of them..."
Your other two friends started laughing. You had always believed that you'd be the first of your group of friends to get a boyfriend first. Rahee ruined it when she announced she was dating Haechan. You came second after Mark secretly confessed that he liked you and you two started secretly dating.
It was no secret that you were quite a good-looking girl. You had your share of admirers; from the bad boy greaseball Jaemin, heart throb Jeno, irritable Renjun amongst some. You turned them down all flat, none of them remotely interesting to you. You had high standards for a boyfriend, and sure the guys you turned down all met those standards but it just didn't feel right.
Until Mark swept you off your feet.
"Yo babe," Hendery slithered to your desk and sent you a flirtatious wink. "The boys and I are going to play basketball. Care to watch?"
"No, thank you Hendery." You refused. Sure you turned him down but Hendery still called you babe. He was one of the two boys you blackmailed. "Last time I went to watch a game, I got hit by the ball because Jisung wasn't looking at who he was passing the ball to."
"My bad!" Jisung called out, his hair sticking in odd places. "I thought I passed it to Chenle but he was too busy staring at Sumin."
"Yah! Are you saying it's my fault?" Chenle shouted. The boys shouted in unison that it was indeed his fault.
"That sucks. Maybe next time." Hendery muttered before moving on to your friend Sumin, who gave him the middle finger. He chuckled before waving and disappeared from the classroom with the boys in tow, Chenle whining on how his hyung just flirted with the pretty girl.
"Should we just go?" Jaemi asked as she looked around the classroom. It was empty apart from the three girls, Mark, Xiaojun and Yangyang. "They all left to play basketball."
"Let's go Y/N. Besides Rahee has some explaining to do." Sumin rose from her seat and went towards Xiaojun and Yangyang, both boys looking up from their books.
Suggesting they all go watch the game together, the two boys nodded their heads and shut their books. Since you were putting your things away, Xiaojun stopped before leaving the classroom, only to say, "Y/N. Can you wake Mark up before you leave?"
"Okay, Xiaojun." You nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Xiaojun was the other boy you had to blackmail. You actually threatened to get rid of his stuff if he spilt the beans.
Walking towards Mark, you couldn't help but stare at his sleeping face. His lashes were surprisingly long, his skin looked smooth, and his jawline looked absolutely chiseled. He was a handsome man and you always told him so. You shook him lightly, he rustled slightly.
"Mark?" You shook him again. "Mark, wake up."
"Hmm?" He groaned out, sleepily opening his eyes. Noticing it was you, he slowly smiled. "Well, hi there."
What was this sleepy smile about? He kind of took your breath away for a second. "Don't say hi to me like that. What if others saw?"
"Is there anyone else here?" He mumbled, lifting his head slowly to look around the room. Seeing as he was in the clear, he looked back at you. "It's just you and me."
When will he stop smiling like that?
"Mark, everyone is playing basketball." You let out, your voice somewhat small. "Did you want to go join them?"
"Do you?" He asked, his husky voice asked you.
Was his voice always this deep? You never noticed it before but his voice was definitely sexy and that was one of the top five traits you'd like in a man. You shook your head to stop thinking such inappropriate things but Mark took it as something else.
"Why don't we go to my place?" He suggested, standing up to grab his bag and then to take yours from your grasp. You tried to refuse him but he took it anyway. "Let me carry your things."
Walking side by side with your boyfriend had never been as exhilarating as walking home with Yangyang and Haechan. Mark made you swoon with his manly side and he would occasionally walk where the road met the sidewalk so you wouldn't get hurt.
He was caring and you fell for him hard.
You had to speak up. "Mark? Do you like me?"
"If I didn't, you wouldn't be my girlfriend right?" He replied back with a question. Stopping in front of the apartment he shared with Xiaojun and Hendery, he unlocked the door and ushered you in. Kicking off your shoes, you strolled into the surprisingly clean home and settled on the couch.
Mark followed after you.
"The guys will be back soon after the game." You whispered as Mark leaned towards you.
"They won't be here for a while." He whispered back before claiming your mouth.
Mark was kissing you.
The fullness of your lips pressing against his. He tasted the sweet flavors of your lips. He was fully aware that he was kissing you, but man, did your lips make him go crazy. One of his hands clutched your lower back whereas the other hand cupped the back of your head. Your hand rested on his shoulder as Mark's lips moved over yours.
At first it was an innocent touch of lips: gently, sweetly, and with an eye to innocence. But gradually the roaring in Mark's blood began to beat back the gentleman in him, and he started to taste you rather than kiss you. And tasting you was like an intoxication in which every touch made him hungrier. His fingers curled possessively into your sweet-smelling hair, and he bent his head, taking your mouth, that unbearably desirable mouth, with a growl that had nothing to do with gentlemanly behavior.
Your mind was drowning, whirling. His mouth was hot on yours- hot! How could it be hot? You felt as if all your most important senses were lost, whirling around so that all you could do was clutch his shoulders and hang on, fighting the strange sensations that kept sweeping over your body, making your knees tremble and an unwanted heat grow between your legs, and your forehead felt feverish.
In fact, your whole body felt feverish.
Mark pulled back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"What?" You raised your eyebrows at him, your fingers coming to your lips.
"For kissing you." He clarified, his hand moving to cup your cheeks. "I just couldn't help myself. You look beautiful."
"Then don't stop." You muttered, looking into his eyes.
"If I don't stop then this will lead to things..." He stood up and walked a short distance to the kitchen.
You went after him and took his hands in yours. "Mark. I don't care if this leads to things. You want me and I want you."
"So just kiss me again. And whatever happens, let's just go with it."
Mark smiled, closing the distance between the two of you, as he settled his mouth over yours, felt you stiffen in a moment of surprise, then your hands crept up to his shoulders, slid gently around his neck, and you kissed him back. He could feel the rapid beating of your heart and the warmth of your small body pressing against him.
Mark tightened his hold against you, as he deepened the kiss, coaxing your lips apart, taking you with his tongue. His tongue touched yours and a jolt of heat went sliding through him.
He kissed the side of your neck, tasted the small shell-like rim of an ear, and kissed you again, cupping your ass and pulled you against his arousal. There was only an instant's hesitation before you melted against him, returning the kiss in full measure, your breasts brushing against the front of his shirt. He lifted you up and walked you to the kitchen counter.
Mark squeezed your ass and you yelped, his tongue sliding into your sweet wet cavern.
You writhed in his arms but had stopped when his hands covered your breast. You shivered in delight, the sensation new to you. You threw your arms around his neck, your fingers tangling in his dark thick locks of hair. He brought you closer, opening your legs so he could stand between them. His hands were under your skirt, slowly moving up your legs to your waist, to the sides of your upper body. He threw your shirt off only to reach behind and unhooked your bra, your breasts coming from its confinement.
You crossed your arms when you felt air hit your nipples. You didn't know why you were feeling the way you were feeling. You colored up again, crossing your legs from letting Mark remove your skirt.
"You sure the guys won't intrude?" You muttered as you bit your bottom lip. Damn, you looked really hot when you did that. You looked him in the eye and saw the intense look he was giving you. "I don't want them to start blabbering their mouths like they always do. Especially if we start to fuck."
"I'm sure they won't intrude." Mark sexily pouted, his body coming close to you and trying to pry your legs open again so he can stand between them. "Besides, Hendery told me that he and Sumin are currently seeing each other and that they're going on a date. Xiaojun is going over to hang out with Yangyang and Renjun."
"Is that why you asked me to come over?" You asked, surprised that Sumin didn't tell you that she was dating Hendery.
"Yeah." Mark brushed his lips against yours. "I. Want. You. Very badly."
"Me too." You muttered against his lips. But instead of backing away from him, you set your lips on his and boldly kissed him.
Mark was thrown off track. He grasped your hips and pulled you closer to him, your short skirt making way for him to stand between them. He brushed his fingers against your wet panties, knowing that you were undeniably wet and was going to writhe beneath him.
"Say you want it. Say you want me. And only me." Mark muttered against your lips.
You knew what you wanted. This feeling that he was making you feel bold. You felt your body go on fire, your cheeks red, your arms wrapping around his neck and clinging to him.
As if your life depended on it.
"I want you Mark." You pulled back slightly, breathing heavy. “I want you to fuck me.”
He chuckled. He slid his hands up your legs and grasped the inside of your thighs to part them for easier access to your panties. "I'll have you screaming my name, babe."
"Where did you learn to say that‒" Mark silenced you by kissing you again and again. One hand worked his way to cup your breast, kneading the soft globes and raking his nails against your nipples. The other hand slid your panties to the side, his fingers brushing against your slit. "Oh my god..."
"Baby, you know what's gonna happen right?" He asked, his voice husky against your ear. He pushed a finger into you, his long finger being buried into your wet heat as he kissed your earlobe and kissed your neck. "You are so wet and tight, Y/N."
"Ah...oh god.." You had tried to push your legs together from letting your boyfriend touch you in the most sacred of places, but he was already too fast as you felt his finger in your deep core, his thumb teasingly rubbing your clit. "Please, Mark..."
Mark bit your ear again, his tongue swirling around. The one hand on your breast was teasing, cupping, kneading, squeezing, brushing his thumb against your nipple. His other hand was still teasing you down there, his thumb rubbing ever so sweet, his finger pumping into you ever so soft and slow. "Y/N... You are beautiful in every way... You are just fuckable."
You shivered at his words. You never imagined that he would see you in this way, naked and in his arms. You never imagined him calling you beautiful and saying that you were 'fuckable'. Where did he learn that from? Did he hang out with Johnny, the upperclassman? Hell, you never imagined that you were about to have sex with him. Having sex this early in the relationship was a weird idea for you, but it just felt so....
"Y/N..." Mark kissed you again, his tongue plunging into your mouth as he grasped your wrists and led them to the front of his jeans. His tongue battled with yours, brushing against the roof of your mouth, your teeth, your own tongue. It was like a battle of dominance.
Your hands at the fly of his jeans, you blinked your eyes in a daze and pulled back slightly. "Mark?"
It was more of a question than a demand or anything. Your voice held uncertainty, confusion, or maybe you were asking permission to just push his jeans off. He gave you a soft smile. "Do it. It's okay, don't worry."
You fumbled with his jeans and freed him, noticing his bulge. Your eyes widened, not believing that he was large and...just large. "Mark, I don't think you'll fit..."
"Trust me baby. It’ll fit." He chuckled as you said those silly words. Mark rubbed your back as one of his hands slid your skirt and panties off until you were just as naked as him. "We'll fit perfectly. Y/N, you and I were made for each other."
You just nodded as he pulled you closer to his body, the kitchen seeming small. You could feel the cool countertops beneath your ass, aware that his body was pressed against yours, his skin so hot, his hair damp from his sweat. "Well, if you say so…"
"Trust me." He muttered before taking your lips in his. "Y/N, baby... help me."
You didn't know what he demanded of you. Chuckling, Mark grabbed one of your small hands and wrapped it around his large, bulging cock. "Put it in, babe."
"Where?" You teased him, lightly squeezing his cock.
He sighed and lifted your legs to wrap around his waist. The tip of him was at your entrance, teasingly rubbing up and down your slit. "In your sweet pussy, baby."
You bit your bottom lip. You reveled in the way his cock felt in your hand, your fingers curling around the rigid flesh. You slid the tip of him, just slightly, Mark taking charge instead. He kissed you deeply, to catch your cry as he buried himself to the hilt.
"Fuck!" You cried out into his mouth, your body feeling full. He moved into you, softly at first, letting you get used to the idea of him in you, of his large length. You clung on to him, breasts plastered to his chest, legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he continued to move within you.
"Baby, fuck..." He breathlessly moaned out, increasing the motion of his hips as he continued to move in you. He went fast and deep, suddenly taking you hard, the sweat covering your bodies, making him even more turned on. He pumped harder, hitting that one spot you so craved until you cried out in mere pleasure.
"Mark!" You cried out, your climax immense as you were surrounded by intense pleasure. He cried after you, spilling his juices within your small body as you sagged in his arms. You rested your cheek against his chest and lovingly placed a kiss on his shoulder. But upon looking at his face, you suddenly went shy. "Oh god…"
Mark looked at you, a small laugh coming from him. "Do I have to give you a big hickey on your neck that says you're mine?"
"But then everyone will know that we're dating." You whined, giving him an adorable pout. You shook your head, threw your arms around his neck and gave him a deep kiss. "It’s okay. Because I'm yours."
"Can we lay like this for a while?" You asked.
As if it was a cue of some sorts, Xiojun's voice could be heard outside of the front door as he informed Hendery on what had transpired. "They're doing hanky panky in the kitchen."
"How do you know?"
"I opened the door slightly and saw clothes everywhere."
"Should we bust the door open?" You heard Hendery chuckle.
In the heart of the moment, you and Mark scrambled from the kitchen counter, laughing as you both searched for your strewn clothes.
"I love you." Mark muttered as he kissed your forehead, after gathering clothes. "I really, really love you."
"I love you too, Mark." You wrapped your arms around him as lips met with his. "Now show me again why you love me~ But this time in your bed."
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
Hey! I love your headcannons and stuff for njsj! Idk if i will do this request thing right but can i add like some numbers for 1 headcannon/drabble?
If i can i would like 20+23 with maybe a 18+ 12 ;) for shu and alban, idk if you want to add anyone else but i love those 2 sm so anyone with them!
Also congrats on 100 followers!!! Here's to many more to come!! You definitely deserve it !
thank you for the encouragement, i’m flattered. and yes, i’m alright with adding prompts into one entry! i couldn’t tell if 12 ;) was implying you wanted form the mature list or not, so i just went with 12 from the basic list. if you meant that you wanted mature prompt 12 let me know! kind of my fault for making both lists have numbers instead of a better way to specify mature from basic. regardless i hope you enjoy
ah... i feel like i took too long of a break from writing after stars above your skin and now i'm out of it... maybe i'll take some of my own ideas in my notes and write them in 3rd pov instead of 2nd, because i feel like my 3rd pov is getting stunted... you get that feeling after not practicing a skill for a while, right? i need to get better! i always want to get better!!
tags: established relationship, gender-neutral reader, fluff, off-collab, cuddling, sleepy kisses
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🎭 Alban Knox
20. secret relationship + 23. off-collab
The thief leans over your shoulder as you cut, and the knife drips. Residue sticks to your hands as you draw gashes along the flesh. The smell is pungent, and the chat frenzies at the revolving massacre even though you have yet to notice your witnesses. 
Alban crinkles his nose. “You seriously cut garlic like that?”
You pouted and continue to fumble over the clove of garlic. “You said you wanted to see me cut it!”
“Okay, but I didn’t expect it to be that bad.”
“It’s going to get minced anyways, I’m just, um, preparing it!”
“Mincing is preparing it. Gimme some of that.” You pause so Alban could pick out two pieces and hold them up to the handcam. One chunk was so big that the camera could pick up the details of the center of the clove where it had been cut, and the other was miniscule in comparison. “You see this, chat? Reader’s cutting it like it’s supposed to get diced, but it’s not even in cubes. Just weird shapes.”
“Don’t shame my garlic! They can be whatever they want to be.”
“They look like they want to die. Here, let me try.”
Alban takes the knife away and chops the remaining garlic. He’s no Michelin star chef, sure, but he’s much faster than you, and with much better technique. In just a few blinks, the clove is nothing more than tiny, evenly minced pieces. 
“You’re so cool, Alban.” Your eyes practically sparkled as you focused on his work. For a moment he’s glad there isn’t a good way for your models to track on stream, because with you distracted and the chat unaware, there’s no one to see him turn his head away bashfully at the sudden praise. 
You take the knife and get started on the next clove. You still have a couple more to go. Unsteady hands try to replicate Alban as much as you can. “Is it like this?”
“It’s more like…”
Alban grasps your hand, still over the knife, and guides you along with slow motions. The clove slices apart into coins, then the knife turns and cuts into strips. Afterwards, he places one of your hands along the blunt edge while the dominant remains in the handle, and chops through the pile of garlic until there’s nothing but small, even bits. 
He retracts one of his hands, but his grip is still firm on top of the handle, above yours. You realize that even though the chat is likely freaking out over the hand holding, his arm is still bent out as if it came from beside you, and not from where he stands flush against your body. 
Then he plants his free hand along the side of your hip, drawing you closer, and your face goes hot. Even if there’s no way the camera could pick it up, you can’t help but feel exposed. You lost count of how many live viewers you have, but you can only imagine thousands of people watching your every move, and how if that camera moves even an inch, you and your boyfriend would be in danger of getting caught. 
Alban perches his head on your shoulder, coy as ever. “How’s that?”
“It’s…” You smack your lips and say the first thing on your mind before anyone can get suspicious. “Garlic.”
“Evenly cut garlic that won’t have weird cooking times,” he boasts. “Do you remember how to do it?”
Though you do have to admit, smugness is a good look on Alban, especially when he can embrace you like this. 
“Nope,” you lie. “Show me again?”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
18. wearing their clothes + 12. kissing before leaving for the day
Alban takes his coat off and on so often that there’s no real need for a coat hanger, even when he’s not wearing it. He tends to leave it draped in whichever room he took it off, and leaves it there until he wants it next. 
This morning, it’s placed along the back of a chair in your room. It’s more of a nuisance moving it than leaving it where it is, so you continue about your morning routine as you get ready for the day ahead. You walk past it time and time again as you pace around and get yourself together.
You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror. It’s an off-day, so you plan on getting some errands done before the afternoon rush. You’ve finished everything in your routine, but you look down at your outfit. Something feels… incomplete.
Your eyes slide over to the coat hanging off the chair.
On Alban, the coat covers almost his entire frame, and on you it’s no different. It works really well with your clothes, though, and you can understand why Alban wears it religiously. The fabric doesn’t impede your movement, but weighs down on your shoulders like a heavy blanket, and feels just as comfortable and soft as one. You bury your nose into the baggy hood. Smells ambery, just like him. 
You step out of your room, still buried in the hood of his coat, and prepare the last of your things before you leave the house. As you grab your keys, you see a figure enter the room, with a fluffy bedhead and oversized sleepwear.
Alban yawns like a housecat. One eye cracks open as he does, a chocolatey brown that droops a little with drowsiness. “Good morning, Reader.”
“Good morning, Alban.” You swipe your keys into one of the coat’s many pockets with one hand, and pat Alban’s head with the other. The sleeve slides down as you reach for his messy hair. “Sleep well?”
“Mhm, really well. I didn’t want to get up at all—” He stops himself. He blinks the sleep away, then focuses on your sleeve as it rolls back down your arm, one chocolate eye and one neon taking in your appearance. “Is that my…?”
“I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, why would I?”
He makes grabby hands at you, and when you get close enough for him to touch, he fiddles with how the coat lays on your body, an affectionate look on his face. He finally decides on zipping it up most of the way and flips the hood over your head. It flops over your eyes. 
You reach up to readjust it, and when you regain your eyesight, you’re greeted by Alban rocking on his feet with a sweet smile. His voice is still sleepy and low, but excited. “Aww, Reader, you look so cute!”
“It’s so comfy.” You hug your sleeves and nestle into the coat, proving both your and Alban’s points. The hood flops over again, so you brush it up with one hand, resembling a cat pawing at its ear. Alban coos. “All set? I’m about to go do some errands.”
“Wait, before you go! Aren’t you forgetting something?”
He cocks his head, waiting for you to answer. Instead, you rest a hand on his shoulder and lean to meet your lips along his own. The taste is crisp and fresh, and even though you can tell he started his morning routine, Alban’s lips are slow, sleepy, and savory. 
When you part, Alban playfully bats at your hood and knocks it back over your eyes. He chuckles. “Be safe, okay? I’ll see you later today.” 
With a huff and clumsy hands, you push it back up while Alban’s sleepy smile turns into a smirk. In his hands is something you didn’t notice before: an old but cared-for leather wallet folded up in his grasp. Alban’s wallet.
“When did you get that?” You ask. You could’ve sworn he was empty-handed when he greeted you. Realization strikes you. You pat down the pockets on the bottom of the coat, where you last remember the wallet, and when those turn out empty, you search all the other small pockets along the coat. “Wait, don’t tell me.” 
“Did you think you could pull a fast one on me?” He teases. 
“No, I just—didn’t realize! Did you grab it while we were kissing? I didn’t even notice!” 
“Heh, you know me! I’m an elusive, badass phantom…” Alban trails off into a massive yawn. ”…Thief. I’m a phantom thief.”
“Sure are.” You ruffle his hair. “Cutest elusive badass out there. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Come back faster. I’ll miss you.”
“Before you know it,” you repeat. “Besides, I’m wearing your coat. I’ve got a little bit of you with me today.”
He kisses you again, this time on your forehead where the hoodie rests. You can still sense the faded toothpaste smell. “Okay. Now get out, I need to make some coffee.”
“Screw you too.” You have a hand on the doorknob. “I’ll be home soon!”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 Shu Yamino
20. secret relationship + 23. off-collab
“Okay, they should be able to hear you now.”
“Eyyyy, guys. How’s my volume?”
“Chat says you’re good, Shu. What about me?”
Shu’s streaming laptop is gingerly placed in the center of your impromptu studio. This off-collab was rather impulsive, and the only place in the vacation home with enough outlets for all the stream equipment was on the floor, so you dumped a bunch of blankets and pillows over the floor for both sound preservation and comfort.
At first the setup on the floor was scuffed. It took nearly an hour before stream to get things organized with PNGs instead of your models, and the first ten minutes were full of chat mentioning someone was too far away to hear. 
“Too quiet,” Shu says. “I think you need to get closer to the mic.”
You shuffle forward. “How about now?”
Still, the chat can’t quite understand you. Ready to readjust, you get to your feet but Shu tugs on your pant leg before you can fully rise. 
You cock your head, trying to figure out his game, but it falls into place when he lightly pats his leg. He’s sitting on a pillow with his legs folded underneath themselves, the picture of elegance without even trying. His sorcerous nature tends to make him graceful even when he’s casual, including the relaxed position during the stream. 
“I think I have an idea on how to fix it, Reader.” One pointed fingernail beckons you. “Come here.”
Curious, you scooch over inch-by-inch, closing the gap between you and Shu. That is, until Shu reaches out, scoops his hand by your shoulder, and brings you down in one fell swoop. Your body is placed along his lap, with your head resting along his thighs. 
Shu reaches for the mic across your head while you’re too caught off-guard to react, and fiddles with it while you watch his focused face and elongated muscle above you. The mic stand lowers. “Say something now, Reader?”
Does he seriously expect you to stream like this? You may be dating, but this has to be unprofessional on so many levels, especially since there’s no way chat could know your position with those PNGs on screen. Is the audio okay? What happens if you bump the mic or it picks up a weird sound that clues your audience into the secret streamer relationship scandal of the year?
The paranoia is getting to you, but you can’t deny it; Shu’s lap is really comfortable. His calves fold at just the right place so that it serves as an incline for your body. 
Shu's fingers rest on your hair, and it rustles as he begins to comb through. Your heart soars.
“What was that?” He says out loud in response to nothing. He’s obviously bluffing, but he looks so at peace with his hands in your hair and the stream online. This might be his perfect element. “Reader, can you repeat that again?”
“…Right.” Screw it. If Shu is this calm, then maybe there’s nothing to fear after all. You close your eyes as Shu strokes you, and you launch into your default greeting as your role in the company. 
When Shu smiles, you can hear how his voice lifts. “Chat says it’s all good. Welcome to the stream, everybody.” His nails travel to your jawline. One finger lightly scratches along while the others prop along your face, and the action is so tender it almost feels religious. Shu watches you exhale, appreciating the moment to relax even while the stream is running, and when he continues, only one person listening can recognize how his voice clouds into cotton candy. “I have Reader with me today.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
18. wearing their clothes + 12. kissing before leaving for the day
Shu’s sleep schedule is, as you know, a mess, but last night was probably one of his… messier moments. He scheduled a late-night membership stream, and only hours before he went live, he made a members-only post for the waiting room. The thumbnail and title both had soju in it.
Long story short, the stream ended in the wee hours of the morning with the Yaminions happily fed and Shu satisfied, but barely able to keep his eyes open until he raided another stream. You were asleep for the majority of the stream but woke up just as his head hit the pillow, still in his daytime clothes and not a single step of his nightly routine done. You gently jostled Shu to get himself ready for bed, but the sun was rising in the sky by the time he fell asleep properly. 
The day doesn’t stop for anyone. A few hours later, you wake up well-rested and in time for your plans for the day. Shu is still sound asleep, however. He stole the covers and nestled up in the warmth while he was asleep, and you could barely see his face through untamed dark hair. Even in deep sleep and all covered up like this, he’s adorable. He doesn’t stir a bit even as you climb out of bed and get ready.
After brushing your teeth, you pass from the bathroom to the bedroom again and think on your outfit, before you see a plume of fur out of the corner of your eye.
The memories of last night—this morning?—Return as you examine the dresser, and the fur on top of it. It’s the loose black sleeves from Shu’s newer outfits, and on top of it is a large bat wing wrapped in a black-and-white fur pelt.
You take the sleeves and pelt in your hands, intending to put them away where they belong, but the fur is so inviting and cozy you don’t want to let go. You bury your face in it. It’s so fluffy! And it smells just like his everyday fragrance, subtly sweet while undeniably human. 
The sleeves are adjustable, and slide in place on your arms easily. You think to yourself. His accessories are pretty wild, but you could tone these down into something a lot more casual streetwear with your outfit today. Besides, it’s your day off and you’ll be meeting up with some friends to hang out. It wouldn’t be inappropriate.
Shu probably wouldn’t mind, either.
You slip the pelt over your shoulder and fasten the sleeves as you finish up your breakfast, just about ready to leave the house. The pelt is surprisingly light, and the bat wing conserves your heat without getting sweaty.
The last thing left to do is to grab your keys. You head over to the bedroom and find them on your nightstand. Shu is exactly where you left him, the hair in front of his face swishing along to his gentle breathing.
It parts out of his face as you reach out. Your hands stroke his hair as you examine his sleeping face. His lips are slightly open, and whenever he exhales, you can see a flash of teeth between his blanket nest. His banana rests between his ear and the pillow.
The closer you get to him, the more your smile grows. He’s… really adorable. Everything about him right now seems soft, almost cherubic. He looks like a stuffed animal. A plush cat! You have to fight the urge to squeeze him like one.
Instead, you brush some of his hair out of the way, and press a kiss to his temple.
Shu doesn’t move. He’s still as plush as ever. Even as the kiss ends, he’s so warm that you want to stay nearby. 
“Sleep well, sweetheart,” you whisper, close to his ear. “I’ll be back.”
A lock of pink hair curls under your fingers as you tuck it behind the ear. Shu’s eyes are closed, but you hear him drowsily grunt. Is he awake? “Mm-mm.”
You stifle a giggle. “You want me to stay?”
“But I have things to do.”
“I’ll stay a little longer if you wake up. Are you awake?”
Shu finally opens his mouth. “Noooo.”
“Then I’ll let you rest while I’m out.” You kiss him again. “Goodnight. Bye-bye, Shu.”
“Wait.” Shu blindly feels around with his free hand, and finds yours. He takes it, groggily but gently, guiding you closer to him even though his eyes are shut. The back of your palm goes velvet pink, and you hear a small chu as he parts. 
Then he tucks your hand in his grasp like a stuffed animal. You’re trapped. 
“Shu,” you whine. You try to wriggle out, careful not to disturb him. No avail, however. You’re stuck, and the sleeves drape along his body like even more blankets. “I have somewhere to be!”
He cuddles up to your forearm, and his head meets the fur of his pelt. “Soft.” He nuzzles closer, considering your shoulder as a suitable pillow, before fully resting his head on you.
You call his name again. It’s a really strange position for you, and besides, you have plans!
But then you look down. You don’t remember seeing that light smile on his face when you first kissed him goodbye. 
You can make five minutes for that smile. 
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ event post ✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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1eoness · 1 year
I need Leon starting to date a girl with curly hair and he LOVES her curls and tries to learn how to style them
i'm not sure how you want me to format this im sorry so i'll just write like a list of hcs GRRRRRRR but i love the curly hair stuff HEHHEEHHE
content: fluffy leon kennedy with fem curly-haired! reader
synopsis (?) : leon kennedy has a curly-haired girlfriend :3
-leon's hair has ALWAYS been straight ash so when he saw you and the way you took care of your curl he was like woah :0
-it's like a level of enlightenment to him lol (jk)
-this man will always look at you while he has the chance so you can expect him to pick up on your routines. sometimes he'll be present in the bathroom while you're doing your little hair pampering routine and he's like 'so what's that?' and points at a bottle and u have to explain it to him LMAO
-no matter what the length (hell you could be bald) leon loves your head because 1. it holds your pretty lil face 2. your HAIR
-and idk i just have a general hunch that this man just loves carding his fingers through your hair or your head a lot (as you can notice from my first works lol)
-and leon is MESMERIZED by your curls everytime. whenever leon is standing behind you at a queue or waiting for you to finish doing something, like say putting your makeup on, his hands will absentmindedly bounce on the ends of your curls and just watch them go boioioiioioing
-there was a time when you were at a night bar with leon and some other friends. you guys were sat on stools and your back was turned to him while you were conversing with your friend, and leon just kept bouncing the ends of your curly locks because it's like a satisfying fidget to him.
-he loves the shape, the texture, the way it feels in his fingers (especially when he pulls on it in bed oops im sorry hehe)
-and tbh what can i say? leon likes taking care of you and that can apply to different parts of your everyday life; before you go to sleep he reminds you to take your vitamins, and whenever you come home and he's there he will undo your shoelaces :3. but he will NEVER forget to brush your hair (especially if it's long as hell, he knows ur arms probably get tired brushing through it and applying product through it)
-if you were bashful at first and said it was okay, he insisted with a lighthearted and joking tone. he's like 'i got the strength for this c'mon gimme that brush NEOWWW'
leon loves to approach his pretty girl while she's perched in front of the mirror. he sees you brushing your wet curly locks and, silently, walks up to you from behind. he's a rather silent man right now while he takes your hairbrush from your hands, your arm slowly stopping its brushing motions as you looked up at his reflection; him being behind you while his eyes are downcast to your locks. "and where's my love going?" he asks with a mild tease. he knows you're going out somewhere because you seem to smile a little more when you're anticipating some plans. you giggled while feeling leon gently brush your hair with tenderness. maybe by narration it sounds obscure, but he adores the back of your hair while you're rambling about your day so far and where you're heading off to next. "so she's a busy girl. hm?" leon grins slightly, eyes locked onto your soft hair while he helps in spreading moisturizing product (rather expensive product that leon willingly paid for u bc, well, he loves you like that) on your hair in moderate amounts, being careful not to accidentally pull your head back or something lol. his fingers tread and work caringly— and he even scratches his fingertips on your scalp lightly and briefly to top it off ♡ he continues the rest of the brief conversation with his thumb gently stroking your wispy baby hairs, and you're just so cute to him he just wants to eat u tbh
-and whether you want him to put some lil bows, ribbons, clips or extensions in it is up to you. you probably have an array of hair accessories and leon memorizes all of them. he knows when one is new and which ones are the ones you've always had in your dresser/vanity.
-speaking of, leon LOVES seeing you accessorize your hair. beads, hairclips, anything that furtherly charms your pretty hair literally makes him melt you have this man in an entirely different state of matter atp he just loves you sm argghh. one time you let him put some little butterfly clips in your hair after teaching him how they're clipped on and you had leon WHIPPED the entire time in front of that vanity ♡
-omfg and leon does this thing where whenever he's hugging or cuddling you from behind, he nuzzles his face in the back of your head and start inhaling your hair like you're some sort of freshly-washed pillow. it tickles a little for you and he can feel your frame repulsing or squirming in his arms but leon doesnt rlly care lol (he's kinda sorry)
-i feel like leon has more of a tendency to ruffle your curly hair if it's short, maybe like above shoulder length or something.
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Um idk what to say about this except Hunter deserves to receive more compliments and Amity has never known how to process Willow’s taste in men
“Okay guys, just gimme like 10 minutes, okay?” Willow said, running eagerly ahead. “I just wanna check on my plants real quick. I’m sure they’re okay but I just wanna be totally sure because I-.”
“Go on, we’ll be fine!” Said Amity, seeing Willow was slowing herself down for their sake but desperately wanted to run ahead. Willow didn’t need to be told twice as she darted full speed up the stairs to her room. From the sound of it, her plants were just fine and delighted to see her. As they headed back to the Owl House, Willow’s house was on the way and when she had asked if they could make a quick pit stop Camila saw nothing wrong so long as they were quick and stayed together.
Hunter smiled at the distant sound of Willow happily greeting her plants as he looked around the living room, suddenly aware that it looked stuck in time. A few months ago it was brimming with life and light, and now it was dark and cold without Willow and her dads gracing the rooms with their love and laughter.
“Hey, what are these?” Hunter asked, turning to the dining room table which was covered in glossy brightly colored books.
“Oh, those are just some silly magazines Willow and I used to read when we’d do our homework,” said Amity as she walked in from the kitchen, the vibrant colors reminding her of a less chaotic time. “We would fill out the quizzes inside and gush about these bard coven bands and argue over who our favorite was.”
“Really? Heh.” Hunter flipped through the pages with a quizzical smirk, remembering Willow had once mentioned listening to a band once while they were messaging on penstagram back when they had first met. “Who was Willow’s favorite?”
“Take a guess.”
“Probably the most handsome one, right?” He said pointing to the obvious front man whose face was featured much more than the other members in the collection of mini posters that occupied the series of pages.
“Uh, not exactly,” said Amity, pointing to the corner to the “mysterious loner” of the group. His smile was more reserved than the others and his overall demeanor carried something... familiar.
“Him? Really?” Hunter chuckled, swearing he saw imprints of faded green lipstick stains near his photo. He wondered just how long they had been fading.
“I dunno, Willow has... unique taste.” Amity said with a shrug and slightly soured look. “We very rarely agree on things like that. I mean, she does not get Azura like at all, which just doesn’t make sense if I’m being honest, because I think...”
As Amity continued ranting, Hunter flipped through the pages and read the silly answers written in Willow’s bubbly handwriting, each ‘I’ dotted with a flower and the words twirling at the end as though they were carefully arranged vines. He treated her circled answers like a treasured artifact, admiring the little hearts and daisies she doodled in the corner of the pages. He also couldn’t help but want to take the silly quiz himself and see if their answers matched.
“...but I guess disagreeing can inspire debates. I mean, like the other day I was telling her how when I first met you I called you scrawny and that practically set her off because when she first met you she thought you were sooo cute, so obviously we don’t-.”
“She thought I was cute?” Hunter repeated, tuning back into Amity's rambling.
“Huh? Oh.” Amity’s hand sprang to her mouth, quickly realizing she should not have said that. “Uh maybe? Ya know, ha, it was so long ago, I might be misremembering. Actually, she might have been talking about a wet cat she saw on her way to school so actually-.”
“You just said you were talking about it yesterday.”
“Did I say that? You know, it was so long ago who can really remember what I said, we should-.”
“Amity, if you’re gonna make fun of me could you at least not use Willow? I don’t know why you’d think-.”
“I’m not making fun of you! I just, uh...” Amity insisted, quickly looking back at the staircase to make sure Willow wasn’t coming back yet. She changed her voice to a harsh whisper. “Ugh, okay listen, Willow would kill me if she knew I told you this but... do you remember before Halloween when I told you to change out of your costume?”
“She was actually really upset that I said that because she thought that you looked... handsome.”
Now THAT is a look
“Me?” Hunter asked as though there was someone else she could’ve been referring to.
DON’T listen to her.
“Yeah?” Amity replied, still unable to give a reason. “I mean, she was so mad at me for telling you to change, she threatened to summon a cactus to my bus seat before I sat down.” Amity laughed at the memory, knowing Willow was only a little serious about following through. “And she stared at the photo she took of you like the entire ride, like you were a magazine model or something.”
“She thought I looked... handsome? In my costume? Like the costume I’m wearing right now?”
“Shh! Yes, but you can’t tell her I told you,” said Amity, looking around paranoid. “I wouldn’t lie about that though, I promise.”
Hunter made his way into the living room, finding his reflection for the first time in a hall mirror. It was dusty but still he could see the difference from the last time he had seen his own face. There was a lot to process. Days ago he looked completely different and now it was though he had suddenly aged, he was tired and dirty and covered with scars.
“Do you think... she still thinks I look handsome in it?” He said, his hand tracing his newest scar.  “Ya know, with how... different I look?”
“Well,” Amity started, knowing there was more within the inquiry. “She also talked about how much she liked you, ya know? The way you talk, what you talk about-
“She never mentioned my voice being... annoying?”
“No, actually,” Amity said, realizing Willow was probably the only person she had never heard refer to it in such a way, even as a joke. “Which is saying something because she used to always say that having bad eyesight made her hearing better,” Amity recalled. “I don’t know if that’s true or not but Even when you wore those hideous shoes with the holes all over them she still thought you were so cool... for some reason.”
Handsome AND cool? It seemed too good to be true.
“Does she... talk about me a lot?”
“Ya know, if you really wanna know what Willow thinks about you then you should ask her,” said Amity softly, putting her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. “But don’t tell her you talked to me, otherwise she’ll get suspicious.”
“But has she said anything about... the way I look now?”
“Oh no, you’re not getting any more information from me!” said Amity dramatically, walking back to the kitchen table. “I’ve said too much already, if she ever found out that I said any of this I’d have more than a cactus to worry about.”
“But why wouldn’t she want me to know? Is she embarrassed?”
“Well I dunno, do you tell Willow you think she looks nice every time you think she looks nice?”
Hunter opened his mouth to offer a smug response before he realized that while he did in fact let Willow know she looked nice it was usually agreeing with someone. She would walk down to the basement to show off a new dress she had found while thrift shopping with Vee and wanted to show how nicely it complimented the cardigan Hunter had repaired for her and Hunter would be in awe of how she always managed to pick colors that brought out her eyes. He would think how lovely, how stunning, how utterly beautiful she looked but he never said these words.
Instead, Gus would usually deliver the compliment. He’d say “Wow, Willow you look great!” and then nudge Hunter in the ribs with his elbow as he’d raise an eyebrow and say “Doesn’t she Hunter?” Willow would look at him with anticipating eyes for his thoughts, but the sparkle that found her eyes with her expectations only increased the things to say, and Hunter would end up only being able to nod in agreement or mumble a simple “yes.”
Is that how he made Willow feel? How could he ever...?
“Fair point,” He cleared his throat and tried not to convey the journey his mind was on and hoping he seemed like he was totally normal about the question. “Thank you for your clarification, I shall keep the matter between us.”
“You’re not gonna act... weird about this are you?” Amity asked, fairly certain she already knew the answer.
“Me? Weird? No! W-w-why would I be weird about this?” Hunter sputtered nervously.
Oh, she definitely already knew the answer.
“Okay, well I hear her coming back so zip it,” ordered Amity. “If I wake up with a cactus in my sleeping bag, I’m taking you down with me, spaceman.”
Hunter wouldn't know how to bring it up even if he wanted to.
“Sorry it took so long,” said Willow, entering the room on a vine. “But they’re doing great, luckily the automatic water system I instilled has been working perfectly.”
“That’s great, Willow.” said Amity with a smile.
“Yeah that’s totally great!” agreed Hunter, his voice sounding panicked for no apparent reason. “Awesome! Cool! Yeah...”
“Yeah,” agreed Willow, confused by the room’s vibe. “But uh, we should probably get back to the others. I don’t want Camila to worry.”
“Oh yeah, good idea,” agreed Hunter.
“Oh, before I forget,” said Willow, pulling something off her wrist. “I found this yellow scrunchie in my room and I thought since your hair is longer again, you could use it to keep your hair out of your eyes.”
“Really?” he said, as she slipped the hair tie onto his wrist. “Thanks, Willow.”
“’Course,” she said with a smile. “It’s your color, after all. Plus we gotta make sure we can see that pretty face of yours.” She added with a wink.
“Haha yeah o-o-okay,” he said with a gulp. “I should uh, g-g-go check if the coast is clear.”
He ran ahead as Willow chucked to herself, clearly pleased with his reaction. She watched as he ran to the doorway and pulled his hair back into a ponytail and secured it with Willow’s scrunchie.
“Woah, did it just get hotter in here?” Willow whispered to Amity, a faint crimson gracing her cheeks as she watched fondly as he scanned the outside area, his pulled back hair making it easier for her to see his defined jawline. Before Amity could offer her comment on the change in temperature, Willow cut her off as she continued in a dreamy tone. “Never mind, I think it’s just Hunter. If ya know what I mean.” she added playfully, bumping Amity’s arm with her elbow.
“I really, reeeally don't,” groaned Amity as though she was in physical pain, having endured this talk for months in the human realm and now realizing that there was no end in sight. “You have got to stop saying things that to me I am begging you!” Amity pleaded.
“I’ll stop when he stops,” said Willow with a shrug, fanning herself with her hand for emphasis (half to upset Amity further and half because she was truly grateful she had found that scrunchie).
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stellari-s · 2 years
First of all i love your Ithaqua stories and head canons. Unfortunately, since Ithaqua is a new Hunter, I can't really find stories with him.
But here is my request for you. I really want to see like a Ithaqua x reader story. I was thinking maybe the story can be about the reader is a survivor and like they meet in a match and fall in love or something like that 😅
Thank you for reading this little message. And you don't have to write this request if you don't want to.
aw, thank you so much, anon! i really really appreciate that you like what i write 🥹 lemme know what you think!
request; yes, and they're open! especially ithaqua ones. please gimme them 🥺🤲
wc; 732.
tags; a tiny bit of violence? first meeting, some romantic hints, gn survivor! reader, literal midnight writing 😳
summary; you run into a new hunter who goes by ithaqua during a match, and he invites you to play a small game...
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whenever someone enters oletus manor, rumors spread like wildfire.
you’ve heard all about it from your fellow survivors.
how there is a new hunter who carries with him strong gusts of wind that could make the snow dance to his will. a masked and hooded hunter who stood on high blade-like stilts. an axe wielder with a single lantern that glowed blue and yellow as if under a spell.
at first, you were not all that interested. at this point, you have been stuck in this manor doing spontaneous matches for an owner whose face you never saw before.
things were starting to get a bit dull.
that is... until today.
“don’t rescue me!” your teammate shouts, tied securely the tall red chair. “go for the tie!”
you want to win, but you see the navy-clad hunter near the chair, looking at you with his head tilted, as if trying to read what move you will make and when.
eventually, your teammate’s chair starts spinning faster and faster until it flies into the sky, leaving you completely alone with the hunter.
“are you just going to stand there?” the hunter asks. his voice, contrary to his intimidating appearance, is rather light, laced with some curiosity. “if that’s the case, how about we play a little game?”
you pause for a second before responding cautiously, “...what game?”
“a game of tag,” he replies, “i’ll give a 10 second head start. if you don’t get caught by me before reaching the dungeon, you’re free to escape. otherwise, i’ll do the same as i did to your teammate.” with his weapon, the hunter gestures to the now ashen spot on the ground where the chair had unceremoniously flown off. the lantern hangs on the edge below the blade, so it dangles hypnotically back and forth as he swings it. “how about it?”
at the very least, i can snag a tie.
“alright,” you concede after some thought, “deal.”
laughter echoes through the map as you run. the hunter keeps his promise, giving you a full 10 seconds before pursuing you.
there are times as you’re running when you feel your breath being cut short by strong wind pulling you in. sometimes, you slam into a wall, and while the impact hurt, it helps you keep distance. this game of tag continues on with you running him, occasionally playing some mind games to get yourself out of a pinch.
eventually it hits you like a gust that this chase is interesting.
it’s fun.
such fun can only last so long, though, as the hunter hits you from behind, causing you to stumble forward and collapse. your body is aching from running, bumping into walls, and now from being hit, but nonetheless you muster energy to try and struggle when he ties you to a balloon.
oh god, i’m going to be chaired...
thinking about how the chair’s spinning gives you nausea gives more drive to struggle free.
much to your surprise, though, he takes you to the dungeon and pops the balloons, causing you to fall to the ground with a thud.
“you... you’re letting me go?”
the hunter tilts his head again - it reminds you of a cat somewhat - as he replies, “you played the game well, so why not?”
you crawl toward the dungeon’s dark entrance as you half-jokingly reply, “not one to keep promises, are you?”
“normally i would chair you, but take this as an acknowledgement.” his tone matches your own.
you have a feeling you are going to run into him a lot from now on.
inside of matches... and outside of them too.
of course, you don’t know that for sure. it’s just a strange, inexplicable feeling tugging on your chest.
you are about to jump down to the dark depths of the dungeon that is linked back to the manor, but before you do, you turn back. the tugging in your chest grows stronger, feeling like a stretched rubber band, every step you move away from him.
“can you tell me your name?” you ask.
the hunter chuckles, index finger over where his lips are under his mask like sharing a secret. “just call me ithaqua.”
that mysterious taut sensation in your chest seems to subside the moment you hear his name, and with a small smile playing on your lips, you jump, your surroundings turning dark.
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beanandberry · 3 hours
My first contribution for Bunnydoll Writing Week 2024 🩵💜🐰🧵
Ragatha wasn’t exactly sure what caused her to wake up with the gut feeling that she and Jax had overslept. It was like one of those natural feelings, like when you force yourself to wake up from a bad dream because you know it isn’t real and you’ve had enough. Your body just knows.
Well, she knew they were late for roll call. This wasn’t good. It was time to get up and get out there before anyone realized they were missing. If the others realized they were missing, they might come looking for them. If they came looking for them, they might discover they were in the same room together. If they found out they were in the same room together, questions would be asked.
Those were questions Ragatha wasn’t ready to answer yet.
As comfortable as she was, she gently shook the purple rabbit she was smooshed up against. Her cheek was pressed into his incredibly soft purple fur, her arms locked around his back. Jax’s head rested atop hers, his hands woven in her red curls as he slowly breathed in and out.
“Jax…” She nuzzled his chest while peppering soft kisses. “Wake up…”
Ragatha giggled. She loved how sleepy he always got, but now wasn’t the time to focus on that. They had to get up and get out there before anyone noticed their absence.
“Wake up, we’re late for roll.”
Jax blinked his eyes open and yawned loudly. Instead of moving, he nuzzled his face deeper into her messy hair.
“Forget roll,” he mumbled sleepily.
“Jax, c’mon,” Ragatha gently pushed against his chest. “We can’t let them find us like this, you know that.”
“Screw ‘em…”
Ragatha wished she shared his carefree attitude. Every time she felt like she was ready to tell the others how serious she and Jax had become, something inside told her to wait. Maybe it was her own nerves. She didn’t know.
“Okay, okay,” Jax yawned again. “Jeez, gimme a minute…” He moved to stretch…
…and Ragatha shouted in pain.
“Ow! Jax! My hair!”
“What the—“ Jax glanced at his hands—paws—whatever you wanted to call them, and his eyes widened. His claws, which were usually hidden, were completely tangled up in Ragatha’s curls.
He hadn’t bothered putting his gloves back on last night and must’ve extended the claws while he was asleep.
“Can you let go?” Ragatha whined. “It hurts…”
“I would if I could, Dollface,” he muttered. “Only problem is…I’m stuck.”
“What?!” Ragatha tried to look up at him, but the angling of her head only pulled her hair harder and she winced. “Oh God!”
“It’s okay, don’t panic,” Jax sighed. “It’s not a big deal.”
“JAX!” Ragatha fumed. “We’re already late for roll! The others are gonna come looking for us. What are they gonna think when they find us like this? We’re barely dressed!”
Jax gave his hand an experimental tug. Then he tried retracting the claws on one of his hands. It was no good. Ragatha’s hair only became more tangled.
“Damn,” he sighed. “It’s not working.”
“Jaaaaax,” Ragatha hid her face.
“Maybe you can try reaching up and using your hands?” Jax suggested.
“I can try,” Ragatha said softly. She didn’t know how much help her raggedy hands would be. Probably not much. She sighed and reached awkwardly above her own head. She felt where his claws were tangled in her hair and started tugging on various curls, hoping something would loosen and separate. “From now on, you’re sleeping with your gloves on.”
“Yeah, yeah…just untangle me.”
Ragatha sighed. She continued to shift and wiggle her head, pulling at random strands of hair, but it was no use.
“Jax,” she groaned, defeated. “What do we do?”
“Got any scissors?” the rabbit snickered.
“Not funny!”
"Okay okay...maybe we can try some soap or something," Jax suggested.
"Yeah...maybe it'll loosen everything up."
"That only works with jewelry...like rings and stuff," Ragatha shook her head, trying to prevent any more harsh tugging.
"Well I don't hear you suggesting anything, little Miss Pessimist," Jax muttered.
Ragatha glanced up at him. He was right. At least Jax was suggesting ideas to remedy their unfavorable situation...unlike her.
"Okay...I'm sorry Jax. You're right. Let's try it."
"Okay, well, let me shift backwards a bit and we can try to maneuver to the bathroom." He slid back a few inches on his side. Ragatha tried to move with him, but it was it tough. Jax continued to scoot until he reached the edge of the bed. "Ready doll? Move with me. Try to stand up."
Ragatha nodded. Jax shifted, attempting to get into a kneeling position on the bed. Ragatha tried to move with him like he suggested, but she wasn't quick enough.
"You've gotta move faster!"
"I'm trying!"
"Heh, I thought you liked getting your hair pulled..."
A voice outside the door startled them both. Immediately, they went silent, listening.
“…didn’t come out of her room this morning,” Pomni’s voice said.
“Shh,” Ragatha whispered. She prayed that they would just walk away.
“Yeah, I didn’t hear her this morning either,” Zooble’s voice said.
“What about Jax?” Gangle’s voice asked. “I didn’t see him either.”
“Who cares?” Zooble replied.
Ragatha felt a jolt of sadness for Jax. If he was affected by Zooble’s words, he certainly didn’t show it or voice it. He just lay there, still as ever.
“Just don’t make a sound,” Ragatha whispered. She gently pet his chest out of nervousness, unsure what else to do.
“Wasn’t planning on it, Doll,” he sighed. “But feel free to keep petting me.”
A knock. “Ragatha? You awake?” Pomni called.
“Oh no…” Ragatha squeezed her eyes shut.
“Tell her you’re sick,” Jax whispered.
“What? No!”
“Rags, trust me. If you don’t answer, they’ll worry more. They might try to come in here. If you tell ‘em you’re sick, then they’ll at least hear your voice and leave you alone.”
Ragatha thought about it for a moment before deciding that Jax was right. But…
“What about you?” she asked softly.
Jax shrugged. “Heh, they don’t care about me enough to wonder where I am.”
“Don’t feel bad for me, I couldn’t care less,” he said. “Just answer them.”
The knock came again, louder this time.
“Ragatha?” Gangle called. “Is everything okay?”
Ragatha knew Jax was right. She needed to let them know she was at least well enough to answer them.
“Everything’s fine!” Ragatha called. “I’m just not feeling well today. I think I’m gonna sit this one out.”
“Are you sure?” Pomni asked. “D’you need anything?”
“No, no…I’m good! Just let Caine know, okay?”
“Oh…okay,” Pomni replied. “No problem. We’ll come check on you later, okay?”
“Okay!” Ragatha fake coughed a few times, just to keep the act up. “Ugh, sore throat too…I think I’m just gonna go back to—“
There was a loud and sudden POP and Caine materialized in the middle of Ragatha’s room. Absolutely nothing could have prepared the poor rag doll for how frightened she would become. She let out a shrill scream, while Jax cursed loudly. To make matters worse, Jax shifted automatically, yanking Ragatha’s head with him. She yelped in pain.
“Did someone say sick? My dear Ragatha, I came to check on—goodness me! Jax, what in the world are you doing in here?”
“JAX?” Pomni, Gangle, and Zooble all shouted at once.
“$&!t,” Jax groaned.
Ragatha hid her burning face in Jax’s chest. She wanted to melt into the floor and disappear for good.
“What—why—when—“ Caine stammered. “Oh my…”
“It’s not…I mean, this isn’t what it looks like,”
Ragatha tried to explain. “We just…Jax came to check on me and—“
“Why are Jax’s hands tangled in your hair?” Caine asked.
“What?” Pomni shrieked.
“Can you just leave?” Jax muttered to Caine. Ragatha could feel the heat of embarrassment radiating off him now, too.
“His claws are stuck,” Ragatha said, no longer trying to keep up the act. At this point, all she wanted was to be freed from this frustrating scenario and to bury herself under her covers.
“Jax has claws?” they heard Gangle say.
“Goodness, why didn’t you say so?” Caine snapped his fingers and immediately, the two were separated and fully dressed in their usual attire. Ragatha scrambled to stand. Jax rolled his eyes and slowly stood.
“Th-thank you,” Ragatha said shyly.
“No problem at all,” Caine said, obliviously. “Now that you’re both decent, how about we get started on today’s adventure?”
“I—“ Ragatha looked at Jax. He glanced in her direction.
Before Ragatha could figure out which direction her thoughts were heading, the door to her room burst open and Pomni, Zooble and Gangle stood there, staring. They looked from Ragatha, to Jax, to Caine, and then back at Ragatha.
“W-what’s happening?” Pomni asked. She pointed to Ragatha. “You…and Jax?”
Jax flashed a yellow smile. “Hard to believe, huh?”
Pomni’s mouth dropped. Ragatha’s face turned several shades of red. Oh no…she wasn’t ready to confront this yet. Not with everyone watching her like this.
“W-well, um…” Ragatha was at a loss. “What he means is—“
“Good thing it’s not true,” Jax shrugged.
Ragatha looked at him sharply.
“It’s not?” Zooble cocked an eyebrow.
“Nope,” Jax replied. “I noticed Dollface was late this morning and wanted to check on her. I found her sleeping and tried to prank her by messing with her hair, but…I guess the joke’s on me, huh?”
Zooble narrowed their eyes at them. “I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t,” Jax shrugged and snickered. “I don’t care either way.” He pushed past them all and strode into the hallway. “’Til next time, Rags. A centipede with your name on it, crawling in your hair…”
Ragatha watched him go. She wanted to chase after him, to thank him for his quick thinking and white lie, which she knew he only did to spare her any embarrassment.
Ragatha knew Jax didn’t care who knew about their relationship the same way she did. Maybe she ought to start thinking more like him. Honestly, he was probably right. Who cares if the others knew? She and Jax were together now. Why should that be secret? Why should she be embarrassed? Especially since it made her so happy. She should flaunt that. She should—
Ragatha’s thoughts were interrupted as Caine gently turned her around by the shoulders and led them all to the main hall for roll. She’d figure it out later, she supposed.
Later that night, they settled into bed. Ragatha wrapped her arms around Jax’s chest, while the rabbit nuzzled the top of her head, tired from another long day and grueling adventure.
Ragatha noticed he did what she requested and was wearing his yellow gloves. He’d been doing so much for her lately. Almost anything she asked of him, actually. She felt a rush of affection for him.
“Jax?” she whispered.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” He cracked an eye open and looked at her sleepily.
Ragatha tilted her head up and kissed him tenderly. He was so tired, but he slowly kissed back. When they broke apart, Ragatha gently tugged his gloves off.
“What are you doing?” he mumbled.
“Making you more comfortable,” she replied.
“I can’t be held responsible for what my hands do while I’m sleeping, Doll,” he warned her. He wrapped her tightly in his arms.
“It’s okay,” Ragatha said. “There are worse ways to wake up than to be tangled together with your boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend huh?” Jax flashed her his Cheshire grin. “I’m your boyfriend now?”
Ragatha stared at him, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She glanced away, feeling upset. “I-I thought so…”
“Hey,” Jax tilted her chin up to face him. “Easy, Dollface. I’m messing with you.”
“But are you?”
“Am I messing with you? Yeah, of course I am. It’s one of my favorite pastimes.”
“No Jax…I mean are you my boyfriend?”
Jax looked at her. “D’you want me to be?”
Of course she did. She wanted that more than ever.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Then I’m your boyfriend,” Jax shrugged. He leaned in to kiss her again, cupping her cheek as he pulled away. “See? Was that so hard?”
Ragatha rolled her eye, trying to hide her blushing face behind pretend annoyance. It was no use trying to pretend though, because Jax saw right through her. He always did.
“Okay boyfriend,” she huffed, getting comfortable beside him. “Tomorrow we tell the others.”
“We do?”
“Yes, we do,” she said firmly. “I want the others to know how happy you make me.”
“Rags, all this sweet talk is making me feel nauseous.”
“Oh stop it…”
Jax chuckled softly. She could feel him getting sleepy beside her, his breathing deeper with each passing second.
She reached around to wrap her arm over his chest and happily drifted off to sleep, more content than she’d felt in a long, long time.
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Dad! Eren who very much loves his children and loves to spoil and help them for even the simplest of things.
Imagine your daughter being a girls scout. Eren’s buying her uniform, buying all the cookies from her roster, and even supervising the little trips that the girls go on to cheer for her.
“That’s my baby! You better build that birdhouse!” You could see the other parents mugging him for yelling but with the smile on your daughters face he couldn’t give less than a fuck (they just mad they kids suck). “My baby flower crown look better than all y’all’s!”
Also imagine your son playing basketball Eren’s buying the uniform,going to practice and helping the coach, critiquing his form, and telling him different plays to help him shoot. And best believe when he goes to every home and away game and sits near the coach’s bench, he’s yelling at the top of his lungs when your son gets a foul. And bet not let him catch one of the away players tryna hit your son on the sly.
“Ayee foul him ref!” The ref blows his whistle giving the other boy a warning but he does it again and it pisses Eren and your son tf off. Your son goes to push the boy back but gets a red flag, the ref benching him, causing Eren to get hot stand up and shout. “Yo I’ll blow all this shit up right now if my son don’t get off the bench. You know that shit was a foul ref! He defended himself!”
Your son would’ve been embarrassed too, if he wasn’t just as mad. That boy definitely got his daddy temper but just know they fixed that, they didn’t want no problems.
Or your kid being a cheerleader and having Eren practice the routine with them. Eren lets them get in his face as if he was the rival team and smiles when your baby gives him attitude stomping their feet and clapping their hands reciting the chant.
“You got it! You got it!” He’ll give them pointers pausing them in their steps. “Right right right… but roll your neck and mug the other team. Like y’all getting ready to duke it out. You know? Gimme some attitude.”
At the games he’ll cheer and shout for and your kid and if y’all seen that vid one twitter with the dad/brother doing the same cheer in the stands as the cheerleaders yeaaa that’s Eren.
And maybe your child not with all that school spirit rah rah shit but, it’s a prize that they want and even though they know Dad! Eren can get that prize with the snap of his fingers they just want to do something on their own. So they sign up to sell those school chocolates.
They get home with the box of chocolates and like four people brought one, and it’s kinda to be expected cuz there are so many people in the school selling. Eren sees the box in his kids hand.
“How much you need bubs?” Your kid scoffed lightly. “Dad you can’t just give me money. It’s for school stuff.” He laughed and snatched the box from their hands. “Who said I was just giving you money kid? I’m buying your chocolates.” He takes the couple of dollars from out the box and gives it to your kid along with $300.
“Boom! You just learned the business of supply and demand. So you can give that to your school and just bring chocolates home to eat.” He scurries off but not before opening a wrapper and popping a square of chocolate in his mouth sliding the box under his arm. Your kid well mostly Eren continues to buy the chocolates until he gets the email that your kid won the competition.
So your kid won first place, got the prize, and an extra $500 in their pocket. We love Dad! Eren.
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𝗌𝗉𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌. 𝖣𝖮𝖭𝖳 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. ©𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅
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toxic3mmy · 6 months
hiiii ive been rlly obsessed with pjo lately, and this idea's been stuck in my head sooo
a pjo au where reader is a child of eros, and accidentally shoots q with one of the love arrows while practicing archery?? and then he gets a puppy crush and starts following reader around, just a cute romcom :)
woah, this idea sounds awesome! thanks so much for the request babe!! i’ll try my best to satisfy your pjo obsession hehehe
(also, i tweaked some junk like powers of the children of zeus and stuff just to make it easier, JUST PRETEND ITS CORRECT PLZ)
(thinking of adding original art to this IDK GIMME TIME)
prompt: you’re practicing archery and shoot alex, child of apollo, with a love arrow which leads to an accidental crush on you
no warnings! super cute and fluffy and romcom!!
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part one ~
[listen at each star *]
it was a quiet spring morning. you were up and ready for your day and you decided that it would be perfect weather to practice your archery skills. you collected your materials and head off to your usual practice area.
you spruce up your target on the beautiful willow tree trunk in front of you and you begin.
you put your things out on your practice table in a neat manner. you play some of your “weird” non mythological music and begin.
you relax completely, hold up your bow and with a deep breath in, you let go.
“god.. that’s just terrible” you mumble to yourself as you spot the arrow almost a foot away from the practice board.
you draw back again and let go.
“no wonder i need the damn practice” you’re a bit annoyed seeing the arrow land in the grass at the base of the tree but continue to practice.
you draw back again, feeling a slight tingly vibration in your fingertips, and you knew this was a good sign. you were going to hit it right on the bullseye. the moment you begin to exhale, your music makes an odd doppler effect-like sound and it freaks you out a bit. you still absentmindedly let go of the arrow but don’t see where it landed.
“puta madre!”
a blood curdling shriek escapes you. you frantically try to hide from whoever it was that yelled.
a boy with dark hair came up from behind the willow tree and as soon as your eyes met, he holds both his hands up in defeat.
“don’t shoot, please!”
“dude, what the fuck are you doing here?! i almost had a heart attack! ew what’s wrong with your skin?” you made a face of disgust at him
“huh? look, i was just trying to find where that music was coming from and you shot me! like seriously, can you help me get this stupid arrow out of my ass?! god it’s like really deep in my butt meat”
“okay firstly, ew. secondly, ew.”
“im serious, can you give me a hand?” he pleaded, and as you approached him you noticed way too many things at once;
one: his skin was seriously looking freaky
two: he was a child of apollo, a sworn enemy of your eros parents
three: the arrow was really deep in his buttcheek
four: ….
“oh fuck me”
his skin was literally glowing. like… with love and junk.
you look down at the arrow you just removed from him and… oh no, how?!
you shot him with a love arrow. that’s just your luck, huh?
“hey… come here often sweetheart?” he smirked and you seriously had to choke down vomit
“really, that’s what you call flirting? you are such a little virgin boy”
“maybe you can change that” he holds your hand in his and pulls you in closer “maybe you want to put something else in my ass tonight besides that arrow” he smirked once again
you couldn’t believe the words he was saying to you.
you began laughing uncontrollably at his poor attempts at being suave and hot. you bent over laughing, you laughed so hard your abdomen was in absolute pain.
“see? i knew you’d come around, sexy lady” he pulled you up to be chest to chest with him
you quickly pushed him off and dried your tears from laughing so much.
“shut up dude, what even is your name? never mind, we need to get you a cure because i am definitely not going to deal with you and this… love crush thing” you began to collect your things in your backpack and you reached for the same arrow the raven haired menace did, as he was trying to help you.
“my name is alex… but you definitely have permission to call me papi” he said as your touching hands were intertwined in his and you quickly yanked your hand away
“blegh! you seriously need help, you creep! come on, we don’t have time to waste! our parents will absolutely kill us if they see us together” you yanked his arm to follow you and your head snapped at him as you heard a lewd moan come from alex.
“oh yeah, i love it when you’re rough baby” he moaned even louder and you plonked him in the head.
rolling your eyes, you continued to drag him to the only person who could help you out with no hesitation.
it took about fifteen agonizing minutes of walking to your friend thalia’s home as alex would not stop flirting with you and it wouldn’t be that bad of an issue but the dude had absolutely no game so it was just a lot of secondhand embarrassment you were dealing with.
you knocked on thalia’s door and prayed she was in.
thankfully, she opened the door a second later with a sweet smile,
“oh y/n! what a lovely surprise and… um excuse me what the actual frick is going on here??”
you pulled alex in and closed her door hurriedly.
“look man, i was practicing my archery right?”
“uh huh…” thalia replied
“because i simply suck balls at it right??”
“no you don’t darling! you’re a natural beauty and not to mention a talented one at that!” alex sighed, admiring you and inch from your face.
you shoved away his big head with your hand, and continued,
“oh no! my honey is in distress! fear not, sweet maiden—”
thalia blows a green dust in his face and alex plops down on the ground like a sack of potatoes and he’s snoring away immediately.
“oh my god, thank you so so much! you don’t understand, he was literally like moaning all the way here and he calls that flirting?! he—”
“okay girl, do you need some eepy dust too?? just take a deep breath okay?”
you nod and calm down
“okay, as much as i know you need my help and as much as i want to help you, i can’t. we literally just ran out of the potion for that yesterday and i can’t make any new batches because im missing the main ingredient”
“well that’s okay! tell me where to get it and i’ll go right now and we can fix this whole mess and get rid of the buffoon!”
“no y/n, you don’t understand… the ingredient we need isn’t something you can just go get…”
you looked at her with a really confused face
“the ingredient is uh… spider legs, really weird i know! but you know the all mighty zeus, my pops, yeah he’s not as big and bad as he seems. he’s actually terrified of spiders so he banned them here in our world and i don’t get any spiders in stock until christmas because that’s the only time i can get my guy out here and… yeah”
“are you serious? god damn your dad and his arachnophobia..” i pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration
“yeah well, it’s either wait eight months for this potion or… get your father to undo the love spell”
i sigh and put my head down in my hands, feeling really defeated. what the hell do i do now?
“well… on the bright side, that dust i used on him will have some good effects when used alongside a love spell” thalia offers and you perk up
“wait really?? is he going to stop being so creepy with me?”
“well, maybe? it differs from person to person. but i do know that it most likely will make him act more in tune with his regular personality when he’s into someone, if that helps?” she smiled nervously
“let’s just hope he stops moaning every time i touch him” i say hopefully
“so.. you should probably try telling your dad. it was all a huge accident and i don’t think he’s going to be too upset. yeah he’ll probably give you the old ‘you need to be more responsible’ speech thing but im sure he’ll help you… unless he punishes you by not helping” thalia laughs deviously at the idea
“well thanks anyways, man. also, how long til he wakes up?” you ask, pointing at alex on the floor
“oh, one sec” thalia moves closer to him and kicks him in the balls
alex immediately shoots his eyes open and groans in pain
you look at thalia and the two of you laugh together.
thalia hands alex a pain reliever lollipop as a parting gift and you say your goodbyes to one another.
now it’s just you and alex.. and you were nervous about the way he was going to act with you.
“hey.. i uh, im really sorry about the way i was acting earlier. i seriously was acting super virgin-esque huh? i kinda heard everything you guys were saying even though i was asleep and yeah… but hey, at least now i’m not moaning at you like a harlot right now?” he laughed softly
“that’s so embarrassing that you heard us… but hey, at least you’re somewhat normal again?” you asked and offered him a smile
“i uh.. i never even asked for your name”
“oh, its y/n” you reply in a quiet voice
“that’s a really beautiful name… did i ever mention what my powers were?”
“no actually, you didn’t” you shook your head
“well, can i borrow your bow?” he asks sheepishly
you hesitantly nod and hand him your bow and a normal arrow
he places the arrow in its rightful position and comes up behind you. he’s still holding onto it as he places it in your hands. his arms are completely around you and his head is right next to yours.
“okay, relax. now, you see that small red flag thing on the tree over there? imagine the arrow landing right in the middle. take a deep breath” his hands were atop yours as he pulled the bow back and he whispered almost seductively,
“let go”
you both let the arrow go and it shoots right where you imagined it to. you gulped at how close he was to you. he smelled of pine and cinnamon. it was wonderful..
“you just needed a little push.. you did great y/n” he said in a low voice, still holding onto your hands on the bow
why did you want to lean in and kiss him?
wait, what?!
you immediately pulled away, putting as much space between the two of you as possible.
“y-yeah.. um thank you alex. should we keep going now?” you ask, unable to make eye contact with him
“whatever you’d like to do y/n. i’m honestly just enjoying your presence right now. it almost feels like it’s just you and me here, doesn’t it?”
you didnt know what to say. you agreed completely. you wanted nothing more than to waste your time with alex and his handsome smile and his sweet way with words and—
“y/n? can i show you my other power?” her broke the scary thoughts you were having
alex began to sing the same song in was listening to earlier, without missing a single beat. how did he even know this song?
he took your hand and sung his heart out to you. you felt a swarm of butterflies flutter at the pit of your stomach. it feels like you were the one that got a love arrow stuck in your butt.
“your voice is beautiful… how do you know that song?” you asked, continuing to walk alongside alex
“well, i heard it a long time ago. sometimes i can hear it in my dreams, too. it’s not music we can listen to here, it’s mortal music i think. how do you know it?” he asked curiously
“i’ve always had an interest in mortal music.. i was actually playing that song this morning when the whole incident happened, i think you may have interfered with the sound waves when you were trying to find where it was coming from”
“that’s right… i guess this is our song then, huh?” he stated, grabbing me gently by the arm as we stopped in our tracks
“yeah, i guess so” your face was gently raised up by alex’s fingertips, forcing you to look into his entrancing brown eyes
“y/n, are you sure you’re not a siren?” alex whispered, his lips practically touching your lips
“it feels like you’re luring me to my sweet demise.. and what’s a death sentence without me being given a last meal? please, let me taste your lips before you take my soul away. it would make me feel oh so complete in this bittersweet end” he claimed proudly
with a flutter of your eyes, you shut them softly and gently press your lips against his
you feel his arms wrap around you in a tight but gentle way, and you reciprocated by holding his torso tightly
your hands grip his shirt tightly in fists as alex deepens the kiss, a small whimper leaving his soon to be bruised lips
alex pulls away and says softly,
“i can die a happy man now, y/n”
you had no idea what just happened or how it happened or even why you let it happen???
there was just something about him that lured you in. you wanted to take him in in every way possible, because to consume him would mean to be one.
god, what the hell were you even thinking?
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 9 months
What You Need
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A/N: too many au fantasy fics where Jordan is the fine ass neighborhood weedman consume me lately. Someone help! 😭 Also, I hope its clear when I refer to J as they or he and she. They when I or a character is vaguely talking about them in general; he or she to help differentiate between their ability to transition or whoever your being intimate with at the time. I hope that makes sense. Just wanted to put my own flavor on my stories but still respect the proper pronouns. I'd love feedback on my Jordan li fics. And please remember, these fics can take a long time to write so pretty please don't flag them as your content consumption is your responsibility. Anyway enjoy!
I step out my brand new stark white BMW, rolling my narrowed eyes as I scan the immediate vicinity. Not payin no mind to the group of dudes starin my way a few cars down, I realize Jordans ass aint nowhere to be found. Too many times over the years of em bein my connect, this mf done made me walk up them damn rickety stairs to grab my sack when they lyin ass specifically promised to be in the lot.
I'm already inna rush to get to my date with Dre. That's why was tryna get a little relaxation; I really didn't wanna show up all tense and hit him with all this attitude at once. A little me time to calm my nerves would do my ass some good after this nightmarish day. And maybe if the date goes well enough, Andre could gimme a hand with that too. Though its impossible to deny if the plug wasn't such a fuck boy, I'd be tryin to give them this work instead. But in no way am I finna compete with any of the hoes on their team.
Bending to reach into my ride, I snatch my cell from the cup holder and slam my car door. My nails click clack across the screen as I text Jordan. I'm already teetering on the edge of insanity so I'm not in the mood to be late or deal with their cocky ass attitude. This was so not supposed to be one of my usual pick ups that lasted over half an hour cause of their antics.
Me: you told me you'd be in the lot when I pulled up.
Not more than 10 seconds go by before I get a response.
This Fuckin Guy: my bad cutie, jus cum up here.
Me: i already let you know I had plans and to be down here this time.
This Fuckin Guy: ik but I had to serve last min. damn.
I roll my eyes as I read the word 'serve'. Yeah, they probably up there servin some lil bitch on her back. For some reason that thought got me on 10.
Me: cus you always wastin my time boy. but fine, i'm comin up.
Me: and my shit better be ready too.
This Fuckin Guy: whatchu need again?
This Fuckin Guy: nvm, Daddy knows exactly what you need..
This Fuckin Guy:
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Nibbling my bottom lip softly, I stare at the pic of they fine ass way longer than I'd ever admit to em. Fuck, they just don't realize how many times I've woken up from random scenes of them starin at me like that before diggin me out. Panties and sheets be so fuckin drenched with my juices when I slid my fingers between my lower lips and replayed em back in my mind over and over.
It's so fuckin Jordan to be on standby waitin for some snarky ass remark back, I'm sure of it. But I dont give them the satisfaction, continuing to climb the stairs carefully in my dainty heels.
And I'm absolutely proud of the way I ignore the pounding and slick building between my thighs as I head up the last step and briskly walk to Jordan's apt. Damn I feel a bit pathetic from gettin so horny from a photo that wasn't even a shirtless, nude or dick pic.
I don't even get a chance to knock on the door as an attractive slim blonde with a messy bun and black skin tight leggings opens it. Her expression a bit shocked at first as we briefly stare at each other before she gives me a small smile and quickly walks towards the staircase. Of fuckin course they have some damn bimbo on her way out as I'm coming up. Typical fuckin Jordan. Can't even deny the girl was kinda bad though; that lil fact gone get Jordan popped fa sho.
"Really? Tryna fuck me right after you jus slid in sumn? Nasty ass.." I throw insults at them as soon as I step inside, slamming the door in hopes the lil hoe hears.
"Fuck you on about now?" Jordan's voice is bored from her spot on the couch as she rolls up, not even bothering to look my way.
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"I'm speakin on the fact that you tryna hit right now but you got some broad leavin as I'm comin up. Like, the fuck?"
These hands rated E for everyone and they know that. I put a hand on my curvy hip and stare em down. Smoke is finna start steamin out my ears at Jordan's nonchalant behavior. Walkin up to the couch I flop down on the opposite side, full lips pressed into a thin line. Unfortunately my gaze melts more into eye fucking than the daggers I was jus hittin em with as I notice how attractive they are, so damn focused rollin the perfect blunt.
"I ain't fuck her." Tone of voice resembling one to use with a child; clearly she think I'm playin.
I follow the line the tip of her tongue makes as she finishes rolling the blunt. Damn, how I need to feel them doing that allover my fuckin body. I pray Jo ain't got super senses too, like I would just die inside if she could actually smell how wet I was for them right now.
"That right? Then why shawty hair was messy? And why you lookin relaxed as fuck, like you just took a load off? Talkin bout literally.."
"Ion know.. Why you ain't ask her? Told you, I had a order. And maybe I'm calm cause I'm always chill. You needa relax too, princess. Let's smoke."
Always tryna smoke ass; not sure how there's ever any left for them to sell. I roll my eyes at her slick ass, leaning back and folding my arms. Jordan finally looks up at me, dark brown eyes trailin down my frame slowly as she openly ogles my fit.
"Spark it then. But I can't stay long. I told you: I got plans tonight."
"Yeah, you said that. But you ain't say what you got planned the night."
"Cause that's nun ya concern-" my mouth is quick to slam shut at the penetrating stare I get before I can finish my thought.
I've seen that look before; would kill for a view of it while Jordan digs me out actually. (I almost whimper out loud as I envision just that. ) My attitude is immediately extinguished as she checks me without a sayin a fuckin word. She holds my gaze for a few seconds before casting her gaze back down, givin the blunt one last light lick. Clearly amused and feelin triumphant with how I'm put in my place, she openly grins. The silence only lasts half a minute be I speak again.
"Gotta date tonight." I say quietly, absolutely hating myself for how weak my voice comes out.
I expect another death stare but only receive a frown and flared nostrils as Jordan continues to look down. And then more silence. So I speak up again.
"You mad?" Tone a bit stronger this time.
That gets me someneye contact.
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"The fuck you think?"
"Well, you shouldn't be since you just-"
"Why you so worried if I'm fuckin when you clearly tryna get ran through tonight?"
The question is like a whip across the face. My cheeks heat as shame flushes through me. My mouth open and closes a few times, struggling to respond. Jordan waits for my response with a confident smirk, transitioning before pulling in a big hit.
"I'm not- I.. That's not why-"
I'm interrupted as he leans over to my side of the couch, grabbing my neck and pulling me in. Sexy ass taking advantage of my lips parting in shock at his grip to blow smoke into my mouth. I take it in without a thought, immediately becoming pliant for him as I inhale. It feels so fucking intimate I want more in an instant.
"Who's the date with?" His fine ass asks me softly, hand still lightly grasping my throat. His thumb rubs my skin there lightly as he takes this moment to assess my fit again.
"Andre." I answer on an exhale, mesmerized by the way he licks at his pretty pink bottom lip.
That makes him pop his gaze back to me, his hold a bit firmer as he reconnects with my y/e/c eyes.
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"You not fuckin goin, ma. We clear."
"We're clear."
My response is instantaneous and I have no idea who've I've become in this moment. What I am painfully aware is that he's gettin hard, silver basketball shorts doin nothing to hide his yummy fuckin girth.
Clearly my pussy is way more interested in gettin piped by Jordan than Dre; our close proximity has my desperate empty cunt clenching nonstop. I feel like I'll combust if they don't touch me soon.
"What a good fuckin girl you can be. Who knew?"
The praise has the softest of sounds bubbling from my lips as he takes a longer drag, leanin forward to give me another hit. Since this one's bigger, it has my mind a bit hazy as I exhale. I close my eyes, arms droppin to my lap as I enjoy the high and his big palms wrapped around my neck. A shiver of arousal runs through my frame as he moves to whisper at my ear.
"You like when I tell you how good you are for me? Cause you are honey." I moan an affirming 'mm hm' as Jordan licks and kisses at the sensitive spot behind my lobe. "In fact, can fuck my good girl like she need. Is that what you want? Huh? Itchin for Daddy to slide in them guts? I can.. And I will princess. Gonna get that lil pussy creamin round my cock in no time."
I should be shamed in how my head nods rapidly without my permission, mouth opening to say yes but moaning like a whore instead. I'm completely in shambles, loving the way my welcoming high enhances my craving for his cock.
"Lay back then. Show me how pretty that pussy is." He demands, releasing me and gesturing to the carpet with one hand as he takes a hit and sets the blunt down in the ashtray with the other.
Normally I would at least try to be sensual, make a show of it but I'm too tense right now. I don't even bother to undress as I lay on my back as quick as I can manage, swiftly slippin of my heels and throwing them aside. I'm so thankful for the access the deep slits my fit provides. I only need to spread my thighs and pull my salmon colored thong to the side.
"Damn that lil kitty.. So beautiful, look how she flutters at me baby. Think she want Daddy to come play in it."
Those dirty words make me hungry; fuckin pulsating at how he talks to me. I watch lustfully at the way Jordan stands and strips to his snug black boxer briefs. He smiles at me like he knows something I don't. Get goosebumps from how he stares down at me like he wants to wreck me.
I'm salivating when he pulls his long cock out through the opening and starts shows off. He strokes from tip to the base slowly, starin between my legs like hes inna trance. Dark brown eyes intently focused on the way wetness starts to stream from my slit to my juicy brown ass. I'm so jealous of the way he milks drops of precum on every upward stroke, consistent little grunts of pleasure spilling from him; I want that pleasure.
"Come on Daddy, I'm so ready for it." I goad him.
"Mmm. Fuckin lil slut for me know that?" He groans as he gets on his knees between my legs.
"Yeeees, I knooow." I moan out to his fine ass. "Wish you'd do somethin bout it already."
Grippin the base of his dick, he swipes back and forth through the excess moisture leakin from my slit while grabbing the blunt to take another hit.
"Aight, bet. Legs: shoulders."
I stall for just a moment at his simple request before obeying, setting an ankle at each of his shoulders slowly. My tummy clenches at the thought of the deep fuck I'm about to receive.
Jordan grunts lowly, slidin through once more before slappin my clit thrice with his twitching length. My wails are fuckin thunderous, dramatic ass fuck as an intense sensation swirls in my pulsing cunt. Too damn sensitive, soggy little button throbbing ferociously, I miss the descent of his cock to my drenched hole as the sensations flow throughout my overwhelmed frame.
"Damn you so noisy, baby. Ooooh fuck, Daddy gone enjoy this shit."
He moves forward, tip of his dick pushing at my opening as I groan in absolute peril at his thickness. Gripping and yanking at the plush carpet, breath punching out as his mean ass pulls back and thrusts into me sharply. The deep rumbling moan in his chest has a warmth lickin up my spine as my lil puss struggles to strangle the first few inches of his fat cock.
"Waitwaitwait. Pleeease Jo, please! Sobig, too much. Juswait, juswait.." I whine, releasing the carpet to slap and push at his toned chest and abs.
"No." Jordan snaps, snatching my wrists together and bringing the blunt back to his lips with his free hand.
"Do what you need to take this dick cept that. Do that shit again and it's up." He says, thick smoke billowing from his nose as he gazes at me ferally.
His pace to start is fuckin lethal. I'm already cock drunk when he pulls out and stabs in half way repeatedly, hastily dropping the blunt back in the ashtray. My toes curl at the feeling of him fucking me so roughly. Each thrust gives way for the next, helps make me even slicker so he can slide in further. It's happening too quick, he's digging me out faster than I can breathe. My freshly waxed eyebrows pull together as I yank at his grip on my wrists.
"Oooh shit, that feels sooo good. Yeeees, y/n. Can't believe I'm in these guts. Mmmmfuck, don't fight it. You wanted this shit, right?" He asks, serving me powerful precise jabs.
I realize now that my lids are shut tight, eyes rolled back; my mouth open wide as I sob at the intense fucking I'm receiving. For the sake of satisfying him I offer two jerky nods to his question, pussy walls fluctuating sporadically around his prick.
"Not even in all th-the way. Gone let me all the way inside ma?"
I wish I could've stopped the involuntary 'nooooo' that I moan but at this point my brain is becoming mush. It should be illegal for how fast Jordans reduced me to an incoherent mess.
"Ahhhhh y/n, thas not nice. Why you so mean to me all the time?"
Jordan's teasing damn near falls on deaf ears as he takes my right ankle and adds it with the other. Freeing my wrists he places a thumb on my clit and rubs quickly, holding both legs over his left shoulder. My hands quickly find their place back into the carpet, yanking handfuls as he sadistically unravels me with pure amusement on his face.
It's a surprise I don't deafen us both with the shrieks being forced from me. His frenzied pace increases as he spears me over and over, staring intently at the way I take his cock. My orgasm is so dangerously fuckin close to the surface and I hope he's ready.
"Oooh my go- shit! Ain't neva had a pussy so tight, so fuckin weeeet round my shit. Gone let me keep her all to myself? Huh ma?"
My crazed chants is the best I can do at this moment as he molds the shape of his dick to my walls. Overwhelmed and overstimulated would be an understatement; finna have me gushin his dick in under 5 and that's a fuckin record for me.
"Good giirrrl, pretty. Ah, ah, this- aahhh God.. This my pussy now y/n. You mine now. Got it?"
Fuck me all these questions don't help my scrambled mind. This a fuckin quiz or something? My response is a garbled jumbled mess of high pitched keens.
"I said do you fuckin understand?" He growls out with one brow raised, passionately drilling my pussy faster.
"YesJo, yeeees! 'M sorry, 'm sorry. SosorryDaddy- please!" I keen in hopes of some type of mercy.
But I get none. Tears track done my cheeks like a heavy rain on a stormy night from being subjugated to this all-consuming pleasure.
"Awww, you look so cute when you cry on my dick baby. Thas it, take it just like that for me. Uhhhfuck, gonna give my perfect princess a big ass nut. Know you want it too y/n; gonna make you leak wit it."
Thanks to his persistence he actually slides into the hilt. I wonder if he can see his long fat cock in my tummy. He's so fuckin big that I wouldn't be surprised. A chuckle reaches my ears as I feel the dam about to burst.
"Mmmm.. Naw ma, wish I could see my fuckin dick in ya tummy-"
Christ, I didn't even know I was voicing my fried ass thoughts. Such a fuckin shame it's at that moment I come and unfortunately miss the rest of his sentence. My cunt compresses the dick that's hell bent on unraveling me from the inside out. The pleasure spikes and my back arches as I fight to accept it. I shake like a leaf as he fucks me fiercely, fingers speeding on my beating little button. A clear stream splatters against his lower body as he praises my efforts.
"Did so good for meeeee, ah ah ah fuck! Mmm, hell yeah y/n! Pleeease gimme my reward! Earned it didn't I? Need it so bad, so fuckin bad! Cuuum baby! Good girl, good girl! GOOD. FUCKIN GIRL!"
I give him two more squirts as he punctuates his words with searingly deep stabs before a heavy warmth blooms in my achy abused little puss. Fuck me, the sensation of Jordan filling my cunt like he owns me is addicting; so damn soothing to the battering I just received. Almost feels like a soothing balm applied to a sore limb. And God damn if he ain't so damn loud as he comes to his end, complementing my poor over used lil puss over and over.
He ceases rubbing my clit to grip both of my legs in a bear hug and creampie me till his nut begins to leak out generously from around his dick. Daddy leaves kisses up and down my calves and legs as he roars out the last of his pleasure. Wish I could snap a pic of the way he tosses his head back before dropping it forward, puffing out heavy grunts of my name; his hips giving stuttering circles as he drains the last bit of his cream into me.
Finally, I'm able to gulp in some air as he hips halt their sweet torture, both of us huffing like we just finished a marathon. Jordan sits back on his haunches, palms sliding down to pull my ass into his lap with both hands. He stays just like that, big dick slowly beginning to soften within me. Daddy looks so fuckin handsome: so damn flushed and sweaty, long damp strands of hair fall into his face; pretty eyes low from smoking and all the work he just put in as he gazes at me with a endearing expression. I press a shaky hand to his chest, feeling his heart race just as fast as mine.
"Get what you need, ma?" He asks, smile dazzling the fuck outta me.
"Yes Daddy."
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x-lucifera · 2 months
The Creepy one and the one I hate!
Okay! The next part of the season is now behind me. This time I'm gonna rant a little about S14E04 73 Yards and E05 Dot and Bubble.
73 Yards (S14E04)
First things first - "73 yards" was... Weird. It was good. Not very doctorish tho. I have mixed feelings. It was creepy, especially the ending (And I watched it in the middle of the night. XDDDD Silly me). But I did not get why he disappeared. I'll need to google the fairy circles. And why all those people were running away from her? The woman few yards away was Ruby herself, yeah? So... I did not get it. But the whole thing had this eerie, scary, creepy atmosphere to it.
It was not a masterpiece by any means, but it was good. I liked it even. So I'm gonna settle with 8/10. But I'm also downgrading the one before about 0,5.
Btw I'm continuing watching on Disney and it pisses me off that it changes into dubbing on automatic. IT. IS. SO. CRINGE. Ugh... I really hate this thing. Can I change any settings so they stop forcing this on me? Anybody knows?
Dot and bubble. (S14E05)
God, this was some kind of black mirror shit in there alright. I hated every minute of it.
It felt like our world but one teeny-tiny step ahead. Awful. This connection to the internet, that girl couldn't even walk without a sci-fi GPS. She said she was so stupid and cried, and it seemed to me like she wanted somebody to tell her "no you are not", but... GIRL YES YOU ARE! As I screamed at the monitor. And that... What was her name? Lindy? What a... It is rare for me to hate a character straight from the moment they wake up. (The actress did an AMAZING job btw, people. Spectacular work! To play a character so well, boy, that takes talent) But that was one of these turbo rare cases. I've Sletheens with more humanity in them than her. Gimme time and I will find a bloody Dalek with more compassion. UGH!
But I was disappointed at the end. The Doctor just let them go away. I wish after being rejected he just turned away and flew the TARDIS away right in front of their stupid faces. Poor guy, after all those years still don't know some people are not worth the effort? ._. Well, at least they will all die, so less stupidity in the universe. One drop in the ocean but every little helps. (I sound so terrible... Just like her. Eugh... EUGH!)
And now I understand why people said he should apologize to Martha. He really should. I loved the moment when it finally clicked for him what was they being about. Again, my poor baby.
I've finished this episode and now I have heavy thoughts about humanity and the state of our world.
This is definitely 9/10 maybe even 9,5/10 we will see at the end of the season. Oh, my Loki... THIS WAS GREAT. I hate it so much.
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melspotofics · 9 months
Gimme Kiji gimme Kiji Kiji x reader pls pls pls pls
Kiji x reader office romance reader is a lower ranking gaurd who’s nervous about the new job and Kiji is all like “omg how cute time to make u more nervous” and flirts with them a lot saying how cute they are probably make reader but I can live with gender neutral:3
I hope I did well, this is my first fic in a long while! (Can't remember how to format)
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This was your first day at Nanba prison, everything would be ok...right?
You sat at your newly assigned desk in the staff room of Building 3, waiting for your Supervisor to brief you on which inmates you will be assigned to.
There was a nagging feeling in the back of your head, Nanba housed some of the most dangerous criminals in the world, and you started to think about what inmates *you* would have to look over.
As you dwelled in your thoughts, your supervisor came in through the door, rather...loudly.
"Dear (.....)!, Are you in here?!"
The loud, flamboyant Supervisor of Building 3, Kiji Mitsuba, startled you badly, and had you standing up saluting out of fear. You honestly didn't expect him to look so......colorful.
"Sir yes!........sir?"
You also didn't expect that he would be so...tall. The colorful makeup on his face distracted you from the fact that you were standing in front of your new boss. He was very...pretty!
"Oh you aren't you just the *cutest* thing!"
He cups your face in his hands and smiles widely.
"You're perfect, the Warden was right, oh, I'm so glad I didn't end up with-"
You look visibly frazzled, which Kiji notices.
"(.....), are you feeling alright? You look nervous. Poor thing"
Kiji bends down to look you in the eyes, which doesn't exactly help.
"Y..yes sir, I feel fine, thank you." Your words trembled as they came out of your mouth, you weren't exactly dripping with confidence.
Kiji leaned closer, mumbling something under his breath, which only served to make you tremble more.
"A 8.......maybe a 9......but not a 10....."
What was he doing? Was he.....rating you?!
"No matter, you're handsome, you'll do fine. You're perfectly attractive enough to work in my Building."
The words out of your Supervisors mouth caught you completely off guard, Does he do this to all the new guards? Was this normal?
A light blush covers your face as he continues, and unfortunately for you, he picks up on it and winks at you.
"Darling, as much as I would love it, you can't stand there admiring me all day, you have work to do."
You straighten yourself up immediately once he says this, feeling embarrassed that he saw you....staring. It was a bit difficult to talk, considering he was still cupping your face.
"Yes sir, right away. Ah...who will I be watching over?"
Kiji walks over to his own desk, and pulls out a guard hat for you, and then gently places it on your head
"You will be watching over two inmates, number 3, and number 82. They are...mostly well behaved, and downright adorable, you'll love them."
You nod, and try to look as professional as possible.
"Good....you're cute, and respectful."
Kiji opens the staff room door, and leads you down the hall, and as you walk, you realize that this is your job now, you and your....very attractive Supervisor.
And you loved it.
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