#gimme yo soul
therewillbenoromance · 2 months
i only posted my intro a few months ago but every time i open my blog i'm jumpscared by "yo!!! hai x3!!!!" and every time i want to die
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anonymousewrites · 6 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Nine
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Nine: Going Clubbing Goes Wrong
Summary: Angel's friend Cherri shows up, and Charlie decides that sending everyone for a night on the town is the best idea while she and Vaggie go to Heaven. It isn't the best idea. Not at all.
Warning: Valentino is very much Valentino in this chapter, even towards the MC. It is only a few sentences, but please use your discretion for what you feel comfortable reading. The MC does not get touched or hurt or approached, but they do get talked to.
            “Oh, fuck,” groaned Angel as he nearly fell into the hotel. He looked thoroughly exhausted from his work. Valentino was making him work harder and longer every day, and Angel just wanted to crash and have the rest of eternity off to sleep.
            “You look messy! What happened to you?” said Niffty.
            “It’s who happened to me,” huffed Angel. “And the answer is everyone. Twice. Val had me working sixteen hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dick bag.”
            “He sucks,” agreed (Y/N) as Angel threw himself onto the couch next to them.
            The wall (the same wall as usual) exploded. Everyone jumped and stared, ready for a fight.
            “What the fuck is with that wall?!” said Angel.
            “What up, hoes?!” said an Australian voice, and a woman walked in through the hole in the hotel’s wall.
            Angel’s mood brightened. “Holy shit, Cherri Bomb?! Long time no see, baby!”
            “Angie, ya bitch!” said Cherri in a very friendly manner. (Y/N) decided they liked her energy, and since Angel actually seemed happy to see her, they determined their feeling was right. “You been texting me depressing shit all day, figured we could tear shit up like old times. It’s been fuckin’ forever!” She tossed a bomb to Charlie. “Here, hold this.”
            “Ah! Oh my God, oh my God!” said Charlie.
            “Nope, gimme that.” Vaggie took it and threw it out the hole. It exploded in the distance (thankfully).
            “I love seeing ya, Cherri,” said Angel. “But I’m too tired. I need to pass out.”
            Cherri grabbed him before he could leave. “Oho, you can sleep when you’re double-dead, fuckhead. Come on, what you really need is a recharge, a reinvigoration, a re—”
            “Responsible night on the town!” finished Charlie, smiling. “That is a great idea! Hi, I’m Charlie.” She shook Cherri’s hand. “That’s my wall that you just blew up. It’s so nice to meet one of Angel’s friends. Aagh, he never brings anyone around!”
            Cherri snorted, but it wasn’t totally unfriendly. “Wonder why?”
            “Yeah, me too!” Charlie was blissfully ignorant to the tease. “Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard. I think they deserve to have a little fun.”
            “Wait, ‘they?’ ” said Cherri.
            “Yeah! Hi, everyone!” called Charlie, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation.”
            “I don’t really think it’s going to be relaxing,” said (Y/N), but they were interested. This was another experience they’d never had in their life, so they wanted to try something new in death.
            “Great,” huffed Cherri.
            “Don’t worry, Cherri,” said Angel. “They’re not so bad.” He grinned at (Y/N). “You’re gonna like the kid.”
            “Yeah, but I’m only here for yo—” Charlie shoved money into Cherri’s hands to cover everyone. “Ooh! Never mind! Let’s go! Come on, kid, I’m gonna make your first time out the best time.”
            “Wait, are we sure we should let (Y/N) go—” Vaggie’s (rightful) concern was cut off as the portal to Heaven opened up in the lobby and Charlie squealed.
            “Bye, everyone!” said Charlie, grabbing Vaggie and pulling her through. She couldn’t wait another second.
            (Y/N) grinned. “Finally, I can try drinking.”
            “I’m keeping my eye on you,” said Husk.
            He needed to for two reasons. One, he liked (Y/N) and didn’t want them getting hurt. Two, he was certain Alastor would torture him if anyone happened to (Y/N) (which was an odd thought but Husk didn’t have the energy to really think through that, he just knew it was true.)
            The portal to Heaven disappeared, and Pentious appeared in the lobby. He froze as he saw Cherri and straightened in an attempt to seem confident.
            “Well, if it isn’t my archnemesis!” he said. “Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb?”
            “Apparently, I’m going out with Angel, and I got to drag your sorry asses along,” said Cherri.
            Pentious brightened and slithered up to Cherri. “Oh, so, you and me are going out back for fun?” He tugged on his bowtie nervously. “I…I didn’t think this would ever happen. What? What do I do? What do I wear?” He put his hand on Cherri’s shoulder, and she grabbed it.
            “Don’t fucking touch me, you munted dickhead,” said Cherri, walking off.
            Pentious just blushed, staring at the hand she’d touched.
            Wow, that’s a pair I didn’t expect, thought (Y/N), despite having only met Cherri two minutes ago.
            “Come on, ya fucks! We’re heading out!” announced Cherri.
            It was time for a new experience. ((Y/N) hoped they enjoyed this one. They wanted to make some good memories in their afterlife).
            “Woo! Isn’t this place the fucking best?” cheered Cherri at the bar of the club.
            (Y/N) stared at the drink in their hand and downed it. They had discovered they liked the alcohol in Hell and decided a little indulgence couldn’t hurt. (Not too much, though. They could feel a headache coming on, and the last thing they needed was to hurt their poor roses. That being said, doing something that would have made them angry made (Y/N) happy). And, hey, they were with friends, so it couldn’t be too bad. Right?
            “I’ll admit, ‘Consent’ is a good name for a sex club,” said Husk.
            Never mind, they brought me to a sex club. (Y/N) sighed. Whatever. I’ll just stay over here.
            “Niffty, dear, what are you doing?” said Pentious, staring at Niffty as she swept the nightclub floor.
            “I’m sweeping. Ugh, look how icky it is in here,” complained Niffty.
            “That’s because we’re at a club, dear,” pointed at Pentious, not unkindly.
            “Oh! I thought the hotel looked different,” said Niffty, looking around properly.
            Pentious cleared his throat and looked at Cherri. Again, he attempted to seem cool. “Ms. Bomb, I-I’d like to buy you a drink,” he stammered.
            “Why?” Cherri grinned. “Didn’t you say we’re arch-rivals?”
            “Um…uh…because I’m buying everyone a drink!” A terrible excuse, but it worked.
            Everyone in the club cheered and rushed up to the bar.
            “Thanks, Sir Pentious!” said (Y/N).
            “Are you seriously into this, kid?” said Husk, raising a brow.
            “This tastes good,” said (Y/N), lifting their refilled glass.
            Husk sighed. “Vaggie and Charlie are gonna hate this.”
            “I did worse with the loan sharks,” they chirped.
            Husk gave another, long-suffering sigh.
            “I need a drink after today,” said Angel, sitting down beside them all tiredly. “You know, Val, he’s into this waterboarding shit now, I don’t know, it’s a kink.”
            “Sounds like torture,” said (Y/N).
            “It’s exhausting,” agreed Angel.
            “No, I meant literally.”
            “Angel, enough with the Val talk. He already ruined your day,” said Cherri. She squeezed Angel’s shoulder. “Don’t let him ruin your night, too.” She pulled out a few pills from her pocket. “Here, take one of these and you won’t be worrying about nothin’.”
            (Y/N) frowned. They weren’t certain that was the answer.
            “Here we go,” murmured Husk, rolling his eyes.
            “Oh, look, the drunk and the kid are judging us,” huffed Cherri.
            “I ain’t the one trying to get into Heaven,” said Husk. He looked at Angel. “Look, you want to fuck up all your progress? Be my guest.” He huffed, and his ears flattened.
            “I just don’t want you to feel worse about yourself after you come down,” said (Y/N). They knew Cherri was just doing what Cherri thought Angel wanted, but they wanted to make sure Angel was alright.
            “Buzzkills,” said Cherri. “Come on, Angie, let’s get fucked up! It’s been too long.”
            “I, uh, I don’t know.” Angel didn’t want to disappoint Husk or any of his other friends. And…they had a point. “It’s been a long night, and I don’t need to go too wild.”
            Husk smiled, not a little proudly, and took a sip of his drink. He kept an eye on (Y/N) in case they started having too much. He was a hopeless alcoholic, but he wasn’t letting the kid spiral into that.
            “Come on, bitch,” said Cherri encouragingly. “If you’ve really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R, and some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw, fuck it, let’s see where the night takes us, huh?”
            “I…I guess,” said Angel, shrugging noncommittedly.
            “Cherri, I bought you a shot!” said Pentious, having finally gotten to paying for her.
            Cherri frowned at him, and Pentious panicked.
            “B-Because I bought everyone another shot! Hooray!” said Pentious.
            Angel downed a shot. “Aah…fuck it! Let’s do it!” He grinned at Cherri.
            Husk rolled his eyes. Suddenly, this night wasn’t that fun to him.
            Or (Y/N). “Be careful, Angel.”
            “He’s done it before!” said Cherri optimistically.
            “Yeah, that’s why I’m saying it,” muttered (Y/N), watching as Cherri and Angel grabbed another drink.
            The drinks kept rolling. ((Y/N) had decided to stop as soon as Cherri and Angel got going in case they needed help with anything. Yeah, pissing off the spirits of the dead…people-(Y/N)-didn’t-like-to think-about was great and all by drinking, but they weren’t going to just let their friends wander around).
            “Round twelve, motherfuckers!” cheered Cherri. “Heels are comin’ off!”
            “Oh, yeah, keep ‘em comin’!” said Angel. “Come on, right here, right to daddy!”
            “Oh, it’s wonderful to have friends!” said Pentious, laughing wildly (he was drunk, but he was still drinking to keep up and impress Cherri).
            “Everything’s spinny,” said Niffty, grinning as she tried to reach for another shot.
            “Ha, I think you’re done, tiny,” said Angel, lifting the shot away from her.
            “No! Gimme, gimme, gimme!” she pouted.
            “Oh, come on, bitch, she can handle a little more,” said Cherri.
            “She’s ten pounds and tiny,” said (Y/N). “And we don’t need her any more unhinged than normal.”
            “Shit, where’d she go?” said Angel, looking around. Niffty had made a run for it.
            “I’ll help you find her,” said (Y/N), standing. Husk could look after Pentious.
            It didn’t take a moment to spot Niffty, cleaning the nightclub by collecting everyone’s drinks in a garbage bag. The patrons were not pleased with it and growing restless.
            “Dirty, dirty, make it clean!” she said maniacally.
            “Dammit, Niffty,” said Angel.
            (Y/N) picked Niffty up before she could do more while Angel tried to placate the angry men.
            “Sorry, fellas, here, next one’s on me.” He put money down on the table and smiled while they began to fight.
            “Shit, Niffty, stop—Damn!” Niffty, seeing a supply closet, had squirmed out of (Y/N)’s hold and ran for the cleaning supplies within.
            “Shit, shit,” cursed Angel.
            “Angie, the fuck are you doin’?” asked Cherri, stepping in front while Niffty collected bleach and chlorine behind her. “You’re supposed to be relaxing, not playing nanny. Roses over here seem to has that down.”
            (Y/N) gave her the middle finger (playfully) while trying to keep an eye on Niffty.
            “Look, neither of ‘em are used to this scene,” said Angel. “I just don’t want ‘em to end up in the gutter like I used to.”
            (Y/N) looked at Angel. That was surprisingly heartfelt for him. Yes, he was always deep down a good person, but he usually hid it behind his hypersexuality and acting. This was actual care and honesty. (Y/N) nearly smiled. It was heartwarming and one of the reasons they really liked Angel.
            Not completely getting the idea, Cherri shrugged. “Whatever, nerd. Just catch up when you’re done.” She walked away.
            Angel grabbed Niffty from the supply closet. “Stop, you can’t take that.”
            (Y/N) put the chlorine and bleach away. “It’s not ours.” And you might poison people to clean them.
            Stressed and frustrated, Angel huffed. “God, Niff, why are you bein’ such a mess?”
            Niffty’s eyes widened. “I’m the mess?”
            “Oh, dear,” said (Y/N).
            Niffty wailed, and tears poured from her eye.
            “Oh, oh, shit!” said Angel, realizing he’d messed up. “Hey, hey, hey, calm down.”
            “You’re not a mess, Niffty,” said (Y/N), reaching up as best they could to pat Niffty’s back. “We’re all just being, uh, silly right now.”
            “Right, right,” said Angel, nodding furiously. “You’re not a mess. It’s fine, sssh. You, uh, wanna play with the kitty?” He hugged her, and (Y/N) patted her back.
            Niffty’s sobs subsided, and she hiccupped. “Yeah.”
            Angel and (Y/N) didn’t waste time putting Niffty back with Husk. She sat on his head, petting his fur, and Husk stared up.
            “The fuck is this?” said Husk.
            “She’s wasted,” said Angel, sighing.
            “Just go with it unless you want her to start crying or pouring bleach drinks for you,” said (Y/N) cheerfully.
            Husk huffed. “Fine, fine, whatever.” It wasn’t like he could stop Niffty now, and no one really wanted to see what angering her could do.
            “Aaah…” Pentious fell over from his…well, he’d lost count, but somewhere near his twentieth shot. “Hey, wow.” He looked at Cherri, hauled himself up, and slithered over to her.
            “Oh, boy, he’s got his confidence again,” said (Y/N). “Wonder what’ll go wrong this time.”
            “Maybe nothing will,” said Husk.
            He and (Y/N) exchanged a look and nearly burst out laughing. They both knew that poor Pentious was still too insecure to fully follow through if Cherri questioned anything.
            “Hey, so…I see the club has a sex room,” said Pentious. “So, I was thinking, maybe you’d want to, uhm…do a sex with me?”
            “Yikes, points for confidence, but minus several hundred for style,” said (Y/N).
            “I’m sorry, why would we have sex?” said Cherri, smirking.
            “Uh, uh, uhm…” Pentious shifted nervously.
            “Here it comes,” said Husk.
            “Because I’m having sex with everyone here!” declared Pentious.
            “Wow, he’s really crashing and burning on this one,” said (Y/N), almost impressed by Pentious’s ability to get himself into trouble (everyone was cheering and far too excited for Pentious to be free for quite a while). Sure enough, several people grabbed Pentious, and he was carried away for a long night into one of the sex rooms.
            Cherri laughed and walked back to the group. “You know, we can do this fucking shit every fucking night, Angie. You don’t have to spend all your off hours ‘working on yourself,’ you little bitch.”
            “The hotel isn’t his problem,” said Husk, holding Niffty over his shoulder. “It’s—”
            “Valentino,” said Angel angrily.
            “Exactly,” said Husk, and (Y/N) nodded fervently.
            “Yeah, that guy is a piece of shit,” said (Y/N).
            “No,” said Angel. He pointed to a side lounge. “Valentino.”
            The moth was demon was there, in the club. He lay back on a couch, two demons curled up next to him as he smoked and crooned proudly about himself. He smirked, clearly at home and in control at the club.
            (Y/N) had seen pictures of him (unfortunately) around Hell, but seeing him in person made them dislike him all the more. He reminded them of the men they’d seen on Earth who only looked at others as pawns, as objects to be used and thrown away. Disgusted, (Y/N) narrowed their eyes.
            “Yeah, I come here all the time. They know me,” said Valentino to the two demons currently with him. He smirked at one. “You’re gorgeous. Do you need a job? How many dicks can you suck? I could make you a star.”
            Angel shivered as Valentino spoke and looked at his friends. “Let’s get the fuck outta here. Ok, ok.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened. “Niffty’s gone.”
            Husk looked at his shoulder, and sure enough, the bug demon had disappeared. “Well, fuck.”
            “Shit, Niffty,” cursed (Y/N), spotting her running towards the lounge Valentino was sitting in.
            They moved as fast as they could, grabbing Niffty before she could get too close. Unfortunately (but when was the hotel’s luck ever good?), a clubber dancing bumped into (Y/N), and they and Niffty fell forward into the empty space in front of Valentino’s lounge.
            “Fuck, fuck!” Angel reached down and grabbed (Y/N) and Niffty, but it was too late, and Valentino had noticed him.
            “Holy shit, Angel Dust?” said Valentino. “What are you doing here, baby? You didn’t get enough dick today?”
            (Y/N) was disgusted just by his voice, and when Angel held Niffty behind him and pushed (Y/N) back with his other pair of arms, they didn’t resist at all.
            Valentino leaned forward, leering down at Angel, Niffty, and (Y/N). “Who are these chiquitas? You bringing me fresh meat?”
            (Y/N) felt bile rise in their throat, and they inched farther behind Angel.
            Niffty, instead, tried to lunge and bite Valentino, who instantly jerked back. “I just want a taste,” she said, grinning.
            “Eh, weird, but there’s a kink for that, I’m sure,” said Valentino. He tilted his head and regarded (Y/N) next, and they fought back a shudder, refusing to show weakness in front of him. “And that one looks sweet. I know a ton of clients with a thing for that~. A little young, but after a little time in Hell, eh, they’re close enough~”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and their stomach twisted uncomfortably at the implications of that statement. Angel protectively pushed them back, stood up, and glared at Valentino.
            “Fuck off, Val,” he snapped.
            “Excuse me?” said Valentino, narrowing his eyes.
            “I said fuck off!” shouted Angel.
            The club went silent, and everyone stared in shock at Angel.
            “I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain’t fucking with any of my friends!” said Angel, hands curled into fists.
            Valentino stood, towering over everyone. “You forget who you’re talking to?” He waved his cigarette, and the smoke collected into a chain. It wrapped around Angel’s wrist and pulled him to Valentino. “I own you!”
            Angel’s face fell, but his anger welled up again, and he glared, refusing to back down. “Yeah, you do, in the studio, and you can do anything you want to me there, just like our deal says. But out here, I get to do what I want. So once again, fuck off!”
            Valentino raised his hand and swung at Angel.
            A briar wrapped around Valentino’s wrist. The thorns sunk into his skin, and he gritted his teeth at the sudden pain. His eyes narrowed, and he looked at where the vine came from. Everyone was silent and turned their gaze on (Y/N), whose hand was lifted. They had summoned the vine.
            “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” hissed Valentino, and the hotel gang’s eyes widened as (Y/N) was faced with Valentino’s complete fury.
            “Telling you to fuck off like Angel did,” said (Y/N), refusing to cower.
            Valentino’s eyes seemed to glow in the dim lights of the club. “You’re making quite the enemy, you fucking brat.”
            “I certainly don’t want you as a friend,” sneered (Y/N), letting the vine tighten around Valentino’s wrist.
            Valentino gritted his teeth and ripped it away with another hand. Standing at his full height, he glared at Angel. “Enjoy your night, bitch. I’m going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow.” He looked back at (Y/N). “And you…You better be watch your fucking back. You’re going to pay for that.” He turned, and his red wings/cloak swept around with him as he went back to his lounge, fuming.
            “Fucking dickhead,” muttered Cherri.
            “Fucking hell, kid, if he hadn’t been at the club and not been able to risk destroying it, he could’ve tried to kill you,” said Husk, looking at (Y/N).
            They crossed their arms. “I wasn’t going to let him hurt Angel. Not when he’s here with us. Plus he made me feel fucking gross.”
            Angel looked at (Y/N). “He deserved it. Only wish I could’ve been the one to hurt him.” And he wished he could’ve kept Valentino from speaking like that about (Y/N), but he knew (Y/N) had already seen that.
            “Maybe one day you will,” said (Y/N).
            “I hope so,” said Angel. His shoulders heaved as the adrenaline ran out. “Let’s go.”
            Husk patted his back. “Proud of you.”
            Angel smiled. “Thanks.”
            “And you, too, kid, even if it was fucking stupid,” said Husk. “Valentino has got a lot of pull.”
            “I’ve lived under enough people’s thumbs,” said (Y/N), their gaze darkening. “I’m not doing it anymore.”
            Angel and Husk exchanged a look but decided not to ask (Y/N) what that meant. They looked upset enough.
            “What have you done to Niffty?” said Alastor as the group returned to the hotel. He was grinning at all of their appearances.
            Niffty was holding her head as Husk carried her, Angel Dust was ready to pass out at this point, Pentious was miserable since he hadn’t gotten a chance to “do the sex” with Cherri, and (Y/N)’s anger had worn off to disgust at their experience with Valentino.
            “She drank too much,” said Angel, throwing himself down on the couch. “Don’t wake me. I’m sleeping here forever.”
            “Move over,” said Husk, putting Niffty down to rest.
            “My, my, I thought Charlie had instructed you to have a good time,” tutted Alastor in amusement.
            “We did until Valentino showed up,” groaned Angel. “The dick tried to get Niffty and (Y/N) to work for him.”
            Husk shivered as Alastor’s grin widened but turned sharp and deadly.
            “Did he now?” said Alastor.
            “And then the creep tried to hit Angel!” said (Y/N) angrily.
            “And the kid stupidly made Valentino angry by hurting him with their thorns,” said Husk. “He threatened them.” Husk was proud of them for interceding when Angel had nearly gotten hurt, but he was worried about what Valentino would do now that he knew their face and disliked them.
            “He deserved it,” said (Y/N) sourly.
            “Hell yeah,” said Angel. “He was being a fucking creep.” His friends were off limits, and (Y/N) was seventeen. Not eighteen. Not an adult. Nothing like that. Valentino was a fucking monster.
            “Well, if you have any further trouble with that lecherous demon, I’m sure a quick conversation with me will put an end to it,” said Alastor, his grin dangerously wide even as he tapped (Y/N) on the forehead with his staff with more fondness than any of the demons present were familiar with him expressing.
            “I hope I never see him again,” grumbled (Y/N), completely oblivious to how protective Alastor’s words were.
            The Radio Demon, however, was. Ah, well. It was the truth. He wouldn’t have such a disgusting demon getting near his protégé.
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swisssadge · 5 months
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Yo yo yooooo, Bleach Brave Souls is doing it again!!! I. NEED. THIS. ULQUIORRAAAA.
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Orihime looks quite nice too. Even Nnoitora's design is fine, although I don't like that guy in general. So... please, gods of mobile games, pleeeease gimme Ulquiorra in one of the first pulls. Please. (Goes off to frantically stock up her orbs again until banner start).
Also, Ulquihime fans - here you go. Show me your fanarts of these two!
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thetravelingtyper · 6 months
Our Shattered Heart Interlude (Part 2.50) JP (GN! 'Heart' Reader x Taskforce 141)
Loading Track 2 - Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Abba (Johnathan Price One Shot). Called to base to finish up paperwork, you and your Captain spend some time together.
Warning: Possible OOC, Suggestive Content, fluff
Part 1, Part 2, Part 2.25, Part 2.75 Masterlist
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Half-past twelve
And I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone
How I hate to spend the evening on my own
Autumn winds
Blowing outside the window as I look around the room
And it makes me so depressed to see the gloom
It was dark on base by the time you got there. Price had called you to base to discuss some things with Laswell, trying to close up the intel work before you got back into missions. In common clothes, you padded into the rec room. The few people who were awake gave you nods and then went back to their activities. You felt good being back on base, even if it was just for the night. 
You made it to your room around 11:00 pm. Johnny and Kyle had wanted to come back to base with you but Simon pulled them into intel work. You smile, you and Simon had fallen asleep in your bed and the man for once slept heavily, past your 9 am alarm and through your call with Price. 
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer
Soft words passed his mouth every once in a while causing you to giggle quietly. Price questioned you.
“Simon is asleep John.” The man on the other side of the phone chuckled, he turned in his work to lean back against his chair. He was happy he realized then. With you, his Lieutenant, Laswell for assigning this mission, hell even the intel for a moment. Your rushing out that night just cemented the boys' attachment to and claim of your heart.
“That's good, can you come to base tonight love? I want to finish up some work with you here.”
You hum an affirmative and John lets you go, waiting eagerly for you to arrive. 
You are sorting through stuff when there is a knock at your door. You open it to find a Corporal, a woman a little younger than you, who had served a few missions under your command. She holds a bouquet with a Welcome Back! Ribbon and a bag. You cock your head but she gives you a hesitant smile before offering you the flowers. You then smile and step aside, inviting her in.
“Corporal Jennings.”
She eyes your room in wonder, knives (clearly) from the famous lieutenant are embedded in a target board. There are other souvenirs from your service both in America and with the 141. Truth be told, she thought you were one of the favorite Sergeants on base. When she heard about your injury she was worried but word got out you were returning soon, her friend had sent a message that night that Heart had returned so she was quick to bring something. 
You go to your joined bathroom with Gaz and fill a vase with water. Returning, you find Jennings waiting by the table nervously. You nod to her to sit down.
“I don’t bite Corporal, I promise.” At that she exhales with a stuttered laugh, the tension finally draining from her body. You set the flowers at the center of the table, you take a seat across from her, and speak.
“How can I help you, Jennings?”
“You can call me Amanda, Sergeant,” she says “if you like!” You nod to her. You are happy she is comfortable with you. You enforce command when leading troops but comradery is important to you. 
“Have you eaten?” She asks then. You shake your head and she excitedly pulls out some food. The smell emanates throughout the room and you take it in. There is a subtle spice that has your mouth watering.
“I heard you might be back today so I made some curry. I remembered you ordering some after the last mission.” She says it shyly and offers you one of two containers. You nod a smile quirking on your face as you take the container opening it to find a generous portion of rice and homemade curry. 
She opens her own and offers you a spoon which you take with a hearty thanks. You take a bite and are in heaven. You hum a delightful note and Amanda smiles, her eyes brightening in a way. You smiled, she was really pretty but you shook the thought from your head.
“This is wonderful!”
“It is my wife’s recipe!”
You look at her nodding your pleasure.
“She's lucky to have you.” You say. It reminded you of Kyle’s cooking. The man often would cook for the five of you on missions. 
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
She smiles brightly at the statement. She seems to think a moment before nodding.
“Thanks to you! The first mission I ran under you when you first came she and I met. It was you who partnered us together!” 
You thought for a moment then it hit you! On that mission, you had paired Amanda with a dark-haired woman named Corporal Smith. The two had been eyeing each other and when they talked they got along swimmingly. You return her smile.
“I remember.” You say and she nods.
“It's been a few months and I have never been happier.” She says with a fond sigh, hand reaching to her dog tags to show you a silver and gold ring. You nod in appreciation and congratulate her. 
Movie stars
Find the end of the rainbow with a fortune to win
It's so different from the world I'm living in
Tired of TV
I open the window and I gaze into the night
But there's nothing there to see, no one in sight
You spend most of the following hour just talking and enjoying her company. But as 12 soon hits she yawns and you pause the conversation. 
“Time for bed?” You ask humor lacing your voice.
Amanda nods, collecting the empty container before standing. She gives another glance around your room, then sees a photo of you and the 141. She approaches it and examines it with a soft, knowing look. She then turns to you with that look. 
“You and them huh?” She smiles, eyebrows raising in suggestion while you are put on the spot. However surprised, you don't sense anything but acceptance from her and you smile. 
“Something like that.” Is all you manage while she nods.
“I understand, I am happy for you Sergeant!” She says it then turns to the door. You walk her to the door of your room and offer her a side hug. She takes it happily before opening the door and leaving with a fond ���good night Sergeant.’
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer
You stretch, wondering where your captain was, he had mentioned getting you. You admire the flowers. Sunflowers, a sign of loyalty, and yellow roses, meaning friendship. The smell of them is sweet as you take a sunflower and lay down in bed staring at the ceiling. 
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
You hadn’t realized you'd dozed off until there was a knock at your door. You open your eyes, slip out of bed, and to the door, sunflower still in hand. You open the door to find Price. You open the door and step aside for him to enter but he just stares down at your hand, eyes tracing the golden orange hue of the sunflower. His eyes then scan your room, seeing the chairs moved and the bouquet. 
Your eyes follow his and there is a sudden pit in your stomach when he wordlessly steps in and closes your door. He then looks down at you, eyes swirling. You reach for him but he grabs your hand instead, his other gently going to the small of your back to pull you closer. He leans into your ear.
“Who was here.” His voice is even, quiet. He wasn't happy but his feelings were more controlled than Simon's. You tuck your head against his chest and answer him.
“Corporal Jennings John, don’t worry she is married.” You look up to him, he holds you close for a second longer before pulling away. His fingers take the sunflower, eyes looking from it to you. He then walks over to the table returning the flower to the others. He then turns back to you.
“Can you work tonight or do we need to sleep.” He asks eyes taking in your room. You shake your head, a little shy with him in your room. 
“I can work tonight.” 
He nods and then notices your bag. He reaches for and shoulders it.
“Come on dear.”  
He leads you out of the room, softly shutting your door and passing down the hall. You walk in comfortable silence before reaching his office. He unlocks the door and allows you to enter the familiar space. Locking the door behind him he offers you his shower. You nod and enter the connected bedroom. 
Captain Price’s room is neat, expectidly, and like yours, there are little bits of him scattered around. You drop your guard here smiling at the photos of you and the others next to his bed. He enters after you, setting your stuff on the couch at the other end of the room. He then noticed you in Simon’s shirt. You had taken one and tied it up after Simon and the boys left, finding the cotton and smell of him comforting. You approach your bag and ruffle through your stuff, grabbing a toiletries bag and letting John show you the bathroom.
As you shower John takes a seat in his office. His eyes catch the transfer forms and he frowns something rearing in his chest. 
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
John sat with a glass of Brandy as Simon lounged in a chair across from him. You, Gaz, and Soap were back at the apartment running sources while Ghost slipped away to tackle the real threat, your transfer. 
Laswell had put him in contact with someone in America Marine intelligence, where your intel was being shared. The man had regarded Price with high honor after all the 141 had done. 
“What can I do for you, Captain.” John stands, and Simon, looks up, unmasked. 
“Please call me John. It’s about Sergeant Heart.” 
The line goes quiet then he gives an affirmative, listening.
“I want them to remain on the task force,” John says like an order and the line is quiet.
“Their intel has been invaluable but the orders are coming from higher up than I can reach.” 
John grits his teeth. The other man seems to sense it and returns with a quick,
“I understand, Laswell explained the situation, John. She has saved my ass so many times, I will see what I can do. I’ll be in touch.” With that the line ends and John’s tense shoulders draw back a little bit.
Simon stands up and rounds the desk, he pulls John in for a steady kiss. Parting Simon speaks,
“Have some faith in Laswell, Captain.”
Price’s thoughts are interrupted by you entering the office in shorts and a sleep shirt. His eyes take in your legs with a light. He shuffles the transfer form under the stack, eyes meeting yours. Your hair is wet and skin dewy from your skincare and the steam from the shower. He turns to some of the intel forms from the village and you both sit down and begin to work in silence. 
There's not a soul out there
No one to hear my prayer
The clock reaches an early 4:23 am when John looks up from his work studying your focused face. He calls your name softly and you look up. The moment reminds you of other nights and you stand. You turn to the coffee machine and start to habitually make tea. The moment hits John then. When had he realized he loved you?
A moment like this, he thinks with a fond smile. He stands as you soon bring two glasses of Chamomile tea, his lightly sweetened like he likes it. He takes it from you but sets it and your glass aside. You cock your head at him but he takes you and turns you around to sit you on the desk. Your head comes up to about his shoulder and he then leans into you his hands bracing on either side of you. 
You take in his face, between your wild night and now he had shaved. You run a hand over the remaining stubble and John’s eyes darken.
“I love you.” It is you who whispers it like a guarded secret and John's heart hammers in his chest. 
“Love, I -” He hadn’t expected it, but steps between your legs and finally kisses you. The kiss is sweet, his hands reaching into your hair. You hook your arms around his neck deepening the kiss. You both part breathless before a soulful laugh leaves your lips and you tuck into John’s neck inhaling the smell of smoke and his cologne. Many late nights you wanted nothing more than to embrace him and now here you were. 
His mind drifts back to the transfer and his hold on you tightens. He runs a hand down your body and over your leg, you rumble at the contact.
“Is this ok Love?” John asks as his right hand sits on your thigh, you nod against his chest, cherishing the contact. His hand spreads out engulfing your thigh and he holds himself up with his left. 
“Pretty thing.” He mutters it into your shoulder, the sleep shirt exposes some of your neck and collarbone. John brushes a kiss there as you wrap your arms around him. He can almost feel your sleepiness as he chuckles. 
“Come on Lovie.” His hands brace under your thighs before he gently lifts you and carries you against his chest into his bedroom. His ability to swipe you up does something to you, and you press an appreciative kiss to his neck. He groans, settling you down on the edge of the bed and kneeling in front of you. He fondly your jaw as you pull your head back. You look at him with half-lidded but mirthful eyes.
“See something you like.” His head turns down towards you a sharpish look in his eye. He is humored but aware of your effect on him.
“Watch it.” He warns half-heartedly, but you instead choose to trace your hand up the arms that hold yours feeling his muscle flex under your touch. He looks at you longingly and pulls back to stand up, your eyes following then widening as John removes his shirt. You take him in as he runs a hand through his hair. He wears his dog tags, the metal gleaming in the lamplight. But it is his form that catches your eye. Not unlike all of the men Price has muscle, abs etched into his skin but it is the body fat that has you sighing appreciatively. You run a hand to his chest as John’s eyes glitter in the low light. You want to drown in them.
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
John’s control is legendary, with rage, sorrow, or jealousy. But the sight of you in his bed works its way through him and his heart. Your eyes softly on him he surges forward and meets your lips in a heated kiss. You move backward as he stands then joins you on the bed. His knee goes between your thighs as he traces open-mouthed kisses to the side of your mouth and down your jaw. 
“John,” his name comes out as a whisper and it only fuels the fire in the pit of his stomach, he nips then at your jaw, smirking when you gasp underneath him. He parts from you with a breathy, deep laugh. 
“Always imagined you ending up here.” You blush at his comment before a smart smirk, You wrap your arms around his neck and yank him down, and he stumbles falling onto your body. You press a heated kiss to his neck then bite, John curses under his breath. Arousal pooling, he feels you kiss the hollow of his neck tenderly before you tuck your head underneath his. John rolls you both over onto your sides. He pulls the covers up and wraps an arm around you. You look up into his eyes to find him with the softest look you have ever seen from him.
He kisses the side of your head then murmurs into your ear,
“I love you too dear.”
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
End Track - Taglist:
@ghostlythots, @00ops1e, @rafaelacallinybbay, @iloveslasher, @character---obsessed
, @ashy-kit, @fruitymoonbeams-blog, @my-amazing-nerdyness, @star-struck-universe, @br0ken-rec0rds
, @buckysjuicyplums, @cod-z
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ad-astrah · 25 days
Cinderella's Castle Digital Ticket Reactions (Part III)
"GOOD. Good. Good. good. goo--*sobs.*"
Starkid does one little concert in London and suddenly EVERYBODY'S got a British accent. lol I'm just joking. They work here with the setting of the show and as a way to differentiate characters. And I think it was smart of them to only use the accents for minor characters that only briefly appear.
"because your labor pained me and I swore that I'd get you back and...well, that time has come." Honestly, she's a real one for that. Also that line delivery was so perfect. Angela's comedic timing is so good.
I was actually rooting for Rancilda, though. The blowjob jokes that she and the prince could've shared...
"fits like a glove." "It's a shoe, stupid!" "IT'S AN EXPRESSION, DUMBASS."
Again, I just love how stupid and wildly different and fun Mariah's character is in this show! Love seeing her range.
Tadius gettin' the fuq outta there. He knows shit's goin' down.
Tadius' face during these vows. Gives me Chris Pine sitting through an interview with Harry Styles vibes.
When Ella came back I was like: WELCOME BACK, QUEEN. SLAY.
THE HAIR. THE ROBES. THE LONG SLEEVES. This is so fuckin' dope.
How did the outfit get MORE. DOPE. YASSSSS ELLA. WERK BITCH. This chainmail-like look literally and figuratively KILLS.
And thus Winnifred Sanderson the Stepmother dies.
Tadius just casually admitting to regicide.
"Who knows! I wasn't there." Biiiitch.
Queen Putrice. lol gurl was queen for like 5 minutes.
I thought he was proposing for a hot sec there. And as good of a power couple I think they'd make, they ain't ready for that yet. They got boatlads of fuckin' trauma to unpack and I'm pretty sure neither of them have ever been in a relationship before lol. They gotta take that ish slow.
Wasn't quite expecting an 80s gospel ballad but it makes sense and it works. Especially with Bryce's powerful, soulful voice. Gimme that power ballad gilrboss vibe.
Yo, listen to how GOOD Jon Matteson sounds! And whilst using a character voice, too! Proud of you, boo. He's come such a long way since GWDLM.
Jeff working the crowd like the attention whore he is and we love him for that.
Jeff's falsetto is insane!
I'm wondering if Ella's wardrobe was all green as a reference to her mother's dancing and praying in the forest in front of that tree and to the Fairy Queen herself? I feel like it's symbolic and not just a "Bryce looks good in green, so let's make her entire wardrobe green" thing. Although she DOES look good in green.
Another brilliant, hilarious, incredible show from Team Starkid. I cannot WAIT until the Youtube edition comes out and all Starkid fans can watch it over and over as much as we want and soak up every little detail and joke and make all the memes. I know they'll never see a post from lil ole me, but THANK YOU, TEAM STARKID, for making my days brighter, my heart lighter, my laughter louder, and my smile wider.
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Fill you up
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Kim Hongjoong x fem reader
a/n: based on a very long and very feral conversation me and my friend had about this edit
"I'm gonna fucking fill you up, Sweetie."
✫彡wordcount: 1.1k
(>ᴗ•)genre: p w/o plot
ಠ_ಠwarning/contents: not proof read, a few lines talking abt fertility issues, no build up(striaght to it lets goo!!!), kinda switch dynamics,established relationship, unprotected, breeding, overstim, hair pulling, an insane amount of dirty talk, multiple cream pies, pet names (namely sweetie&joongie, daddy &mommy a few times), slightly possessive, very slight degradation
        "I'm going to fucking fill you up, Sweetie." His sweet promise is a stark contrast to the way he rams his cock into you from behind. The sound of his hips snapping against your ass almost drowns him out, but he knows it doesn't when he feels your fertile pussy clench around him.
    You shakily hold yourself up on the armrest of the couch, knees and elbows buckling as he fucks you to your second orgasm. "Please, Joongie! Give it to me!" You neighbors are surely writing a complaint as they listen to the nonstop scraping of your furniture and your loud moans. You've been at it for over half an hour, and he still hasn't came into your abused cunt.
     He had tore your clothes off the second you crossed into you home when you came home from the doctors. They gave you the green light after your newest fertility treatment and he was saving up every last drop for your little pussy. He hadn't fucked you with anything other than his fingers for months and he refused to cum or touch himself.
    "Please, cum for me! I wan' it, give it to me, give it-me!" You were near floating the second you felt his cock for the first time again, and now you were absolutely over the moon. "Fuck- I love it, Baby, I love it, love it, gimme," you mumble into the fabric of the couch as you finally let yourself face plant. "I want your babies," you wail.
     "Don't worry, my sweet girl," he moans as he leans over your back, pushing your hair out of the way and licking your earlobe. He absolutely revels in the way your gummy walls clamp down on him in response. "Daddy's gonna give you every drop. Gonna fill you up," he huffs as he slows his hips to a leisurely pace, "gonna make you a Mommy. You want my babies... Mommy?"
    "Fuck, good Je- yes!" You try and throw your hips back, stiffened by his weight on-top of you. "Please," you almost cry, "please, give me your babies. Wanna make 'em, make so many for you, gonna give you..ah! Please, Joong!" Your tired hand searches him out as he leaves you.
"Let me see you when you take it," he groans as he pulls you down to the middle of the long couch and flips you over. He holds your hips as he slams into you, forehead pressed against yours as he stares into your soul. "Look so pretty, Sweetie. So pretty while I fuck my babies into your cunt~." He presses so so deep inside of your cunt, desperately claiming you as his. "All fucking mine to fuck. This gorgeous cunt is just for me- just for my babies, isn't it?"
"Yes, yes, give me all- every drop, I can make it into the best- holy fuck! The best babies, the best for you. I know I can, just fucking give it to me. Please, Daddy!" He whimpers as your legs wrap around his pistoning hips and try and trap him closer, all while your hand grab the ends of his long hair and yank as you yell for him to cum inside you.
"My eager cumslut wife. You want it so bad you're crying? So pathetic for me," he coos sweetly as he wipes your tears. His words make you squirt on the spot, cream escapes your gushing hole and forms a lewd ring around his painfully hard cock. Your tightly wound voice begging for him even as your sloppy pussy cums around him pushes him over the edge and throws him into the deep end.
   His months of edging are apparent when he fills your womb to the very limit and makes his seed drip down your ass and stain the couch. He lazily licks as your neck as he cums and cums and cums.  "So good, M- amazing, amazing!" He whines as he shakes in your hold, leaning into your hand as you sooth his aching scalp. "Feels too good!" He tries to pull away when your locked feet push him back and make the both of you scream out.
   "Stay, stay like that, keep it- gotta keep it in."
    "Can't, I can't, I- cum again, please!" The way your cunt is so warm, so full of him, pulsing around his cock for the first time since forever... it's too much. He's already hard and pushed to the edge again.
    "So do it, Joongie. Fuck more into me, make sure it takes." And he does, saturating your insides beyond belief as he cries into your shoulder just how ecstatic he is to have you around his cock.
    When he pushes his limit just far enough, just before the brink of insanity, he reaches around and grabs your ankles tightly. He pushes them, holding them up and keeping you hips up in the air. "God," he moans as he sees your cunt absolutely gushing. "You're gorgeous..." His eyes rake up and down your sweat, spent form and he can't find a single flaw.
     "My wife," he moans sweetly as you drag your fingers over his forearms. You swing you legs to one side and prop up your ankles on his shoulder, giving him freedom of his hands while also keeping your cunt from over spilling. "All mine..." He whispers lowly as he drags his fingers from the very end of your cunt and pushing all the cum on his fingers back into you as you shiver.
    He swipes up all of the spilt cum on your body and works it back into you, dragging his fingers on your walls teasingly before he leaves you empty all over again.
     His cock is twitching at your soft whines, growing harder by the minute. You place your hand over your belly and smile, catching his attention. "What's that pretty smile for, Sweetheart?"
    "Gonna make sure it takes this time. Gonna try real hard," your tone is bittersweet, blinking away the pain in your eyes as you look up at his caring face.
    "S'not all on you, Sweetie." He divides your legs and slots himself between them. His hard cock lays on your pelvis, showing you both just how deep he fucks you. "I just gotta make sure I keep you full, then- don't I? You want that?"
   You reach you hand between you and slip his cock into you. Even just the tip filling you up has cum seeping from you again. "Dirty girl," he chuckles, leaning his head into your shoulder and nipping at your skin.
    He bites down just as he slams in and starts a merciless pace from the get-go, making you scream and grab at him stupidly. Your hands go everywhere. Scraping up his back. Leaving nail indents in his ass as you pull him closer. They settle in his messy curls. Tugging harshly as he whimpers.
"My fucking Goddess." He mewls, grabbing at your tits through the very little space between your bodies. You've locked around him like a koala, he isn't going anywhere until you decide your full enough.
He repeats, "I'm gonna fucking fill you up, Sweetie."
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 3
It's been a week, and you've been texting Lucifer every day since you left. You sometimes send him selfies with your friends or new places around heaven, and he does the same, sort of introducing you to the seven sins and the other rings through the pictures. It's a great time, really!
But now comes the hard part. You told your friends you had a “secret date” with someone and refused to say who. You also told them not to worry if you didn't answer anything till the next morning, as that just meant the date went really good.  
You made your way to where Adam had shoved you off before. You thankfully had managed to avoid him for the week. He was apparently “very busy” with higher angel stuff, not that you cared.
You took a deep breath, making sure your phone and backpack were secure before taking the leap!
You were free falling for a majority of the fall, pulling out your wings only when the castle was in sight. But before you could get too close something like a white missile came zooming up to meet you!
“You came! You really came back!” It was Lucifer, he'd come up to meet you halfway. He looked stunning, his wings out and on display. You can't help staring.
“wow… I've never seen someone with six wings before! Everyone I know has two or four.” He chuckled and danced around you in the air, showing off.
“Well, I am the strongest angel ever created by the OG big man himself.” You giggle at his antics, he was such a charmer. Suddenly you find yourself scooped into his arms, “come on, I got something really cool to show you!” 
You tuck in your wings and let him carry you around. He opened a portal and flew through. “Now, normally human souls can't go to the other rings, but since I'm literally the king , I can get you special exceptions to go anywhere at all, as long as you're with me.” 
He smiled, it had a smugness to it. Pride. But it was different from when Adam was being prideful and showing off, this time it was endearing and charming. Rather than obnoxious and irritating.
Next thing you knew, he was landing in front of a fancy restaurant. “A good friend of mine runs the place. I booked us a reservation.” As you entered there was sensual music playing and demons everywhere. But really, they didn't look that much different from angels. Other than a darker color palette on average.
As you were seated, almost immediately a giant demon made mostly of blue fire rushed over to your table! 
“Luci, baby! Oh it's been so long since you dined at my place!” He scooped the king up in his arms and squished him to his chest, rocking back and forth and looking so happy!
“Oh come on Ozzy! Has it really been that long?!” He laughed, and hugged back. Ozzy frowned and set him back down.
“Yes. Ever since you and She had a fight here, you haven't been back. That was 30 years ago, luci.” You hide behind the menu while this back and forth occurs. Another demon suddenly comes up behind you and grabs your chair, leaning over you and looking upside down! You drop the menu and try not to scream from surprise.
“And who's this little cutie? Is she the one who finally got you to leave pride and visit all of us?” His voice was raspy and he looked like a clown. 
“Hi… I'm-” before you can say your name, he turns your chair, making you spin round in circles for a bit. 
Lucifer smiled, “yeah she is, my new best friend.”
Ozzy gasped, “new best friend? Am I being replaced?!”
“Hey hey, no! Buddy! You're my brother, all, well, 5 of you are my family! I love you guys! She's just the newest addition to that family. That's all.” He then smiled at you. You were so dizzy you could hardly hold his gaze. “Yo Fizz, I think you overdid it.”
Fizzarolli looked you over, “oops. Sorry babe, you alright? No hurling on me now.” He made his way back to Ozzy's shoulders.
“I'll… be fine. Just gimme a second.” You take a few seconds to reorient yourself and take a sip of water before smiling at him. “All good.” He smiled back at you.
“Good, I hope this isn't too much for you. This is only your second time hanging out with me.”
“Hm, only second time and you brought her to my place? Luci, you certainly do move fast! And I thought I was the master of lust~.” He teased Lucifer, then went to your side. “Thanks for getting him out of the house sweetheart, we owe you a big one.” His voice was really sweet and he placed a warm hand in the middle of your shoulders. 
“It's been a pleasure to know him. Did you say you're the master of lust? Would that make you…”
“Asmodeus, the sin of lust, at your service baby girl.” He winked. “Would you like any recommendations for dinner? I can tell you all of Luci's favorites.”
“Oh, sure.” You were a little nervous now. “I'm not used to being anywhere this fancy. I feel like I'm underdressed for this kind of place…” 
“Oh honey, don't worry about that. You're literally here with a king. You can get away with anything when you're with him .” 
After dinner, Lucifer took you back to his castle and you looked at more duckies together.
When he turned his back, an impulse came to mind. Hide in the pile of ducks. And well, why the hell not?
“Oh and this one- Becca? Hello?” He looked around and didn't see you. He then heard a squeak from your pile as you accidentally squish a duck. He grins, his voice going low, “oh my, looks like i got a rogue angel to hunt down.” He then chuckled and you felt butterflies in your gut. Oh no, why was that hot?!
The next thing you know, he's diving into the pile of ducks! He quickly finds you and you're now pinned beneath him, “So, what was the plan from here? Wait for me to leave so you can run around my palace unsupervised?” He smiled like the cat that caught the canary and tilted his head to the side.
“Um… there wasn't really a plan. Just sounded like a fun thing to do.” You were blushing and nervous, you placed your hands on his shoulders, not sure if he'd try to make a move or not. Would you even be upset if he did? He seems to suddenly become aware of your positions as you touch him. He pulls back quickly!
“Oh, whoops! Sorry Becca, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” He adjusted his tie nervously, standing up. You get up as well.
“I'm not uncomfortable Luci. But, if you wanted today to be a date, you should have said so. I would have dressed nicer.” He looks shocked by your words, a blush forming on his cheeks.
“No no no no!” He waves his hands dramatically before pointing to his ring. “I- I just wanted you to meet my friends! I'm totally married!” He was panicking now.
“But your wife has been missing for seven years?” You have to ask, “Did she take your daughter with her?” He sighed and shook his head.
“No, Charlie is an adult doing her own thing, that's all. And lilith… She and I… I don't know anymore. She promised me forever, and I want to believe this is just a rough patch and we'll get through it but… she hasn't even spoken to Charlie all this time either…” He looked more upset by that than her leaving him.” 
You give him another hug, “mind if I stayed the night? I brought a change of clothes and a toothbrush. I wanna spend more time with you.” He hugs back.
“Yeah, I have a guest room you can stay in.”
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infinitrix · 5 months
Yo i wanna sell you something. *hands over soul that looks suspiciously like hopes*
... Gimme that *takes it and kicks the anon out of the store*
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x-heesy · 4 months
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Gimme a second to get me a breath and a pic of this moment to show
I'm an omen of death, and I'm blessing the one and the eight and the seven
'Til nobody left, see that Grey, the inventor of madness a bitch in the back of my whip
And it's crashing inside of my cabin, I'm planning, attacking a pack of some crack
And I'm playing, I go for the bottle instead of my nostril my genie the devil
He keeping me level, I wishing for better, he got me a shovel to bury me under
And I don't give fuck about dying at all
I can't live sober
Got in over my head
No one can tell me
I'm not misnomered
Not looked over
So underrated
So slept on that
I woke up with a god-damn pillow for a head
Smoking all day, take a pill and then I bed
Riding with Zed, got Water to my left
Odiato boutta whip us off a god-damn bridge, I'm gone
Ay, yo, let me call you back
I'm listening to this Saliva shit
Boy, this shit going tough!
Bust yo motherfuckin head
With a motherfuckin sledge
I'ma eat yo fucking soul
With the fork up in my hand
I got big hoes, no simp though
You follow the trail of my weed smoke
And my pistol make six holes
Too sick, though my mental
Don't like me, don't like you
Solo 'til I bloom
I no sober, roll over
Froze over my tomb and I
Ascend to the sky
Soaking up rain 'til the world is on fire
Fuck all this rapping, I'm 'bout to retire
All of y'all copy shit like an imposter
And I'm on my lava shit, world an apocalypse
So I be cocky and flaming humanity
I don't want nobody visit my grave or my tomb when rot and I soak into death, uh
Kill it the villain, the murder, I feel it
And I am the ceiling, I'm high, I'm acidic
I pull up with the motherfucker zed
I pull up and a motherfucker dead
I don't really want no fame, no cash, no sane
I'ma get it and get it and I'ma go Cobain
I'ma zip it and zip it 'cause I done upped my weight
I got everything I want and I'ma cut my vein, yeah, uh
I don't like talking that shit
Walking that bitch like a bark on my wrist
187, that murderous shit
And I know you ain't heard of us yet, we impeccable
Next to nobody, we puffin the chemicals
Scraping residual, loving the fear I form
I am the final formation of drooling depression, I turned into grey, uh
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pagan-stitches · 2 days
Lana Del Rey — Off to the Races
My old man is a bad man, but
I can't deny the way he holds my hand
And he grabs me, he has me by my heart
He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past
He doesn't mind I have a L.A. crass way about me
He loves me, with every beat of his cocaine heart
Swimmin' pool glimmerin', darling
White bikini off with my red nail polish
Watch me in the swimmin' pool, bright blue ripples
You sittin', sippin' on your Black Cristal, oh, yeah
Light of my life, fire of my loins
Be a good baby, do what I want
Light of my life, fire of my loins
Gimme them gold coins, gimme them coins
And I'm off to the races, cases of Bacardi chasers
Chasin' me all over town
'Cause he knows I'm wasted, facin' time again at Rikers Island
And I won't get out
Because I'm crazy, baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet, starlet, singin' in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Ready for you
My old man is a tough man, but
He got a soul as sweet as blood-red jam
And he shows me, he knows me
Every inch of my tar-black soul
He doesn't mind I have a flat broke-down life
In fact, he says he thinks it's what he might like about me
Admires me, the way I roll like a rolling stone
Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom, Château Marmont
Slippin' on my red dress, puttin' on my makeup
Glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fumes
Says it feels like heaven to him
Light of his life, fire of his loins
Keep me forever, tell me you own me
Light of your life, fire of your loins
Tell me you own me, gimme them coins
And I'm off to the races, cases of Bacardi chasers
Chasin' me all over town
'Cause he knows I'm wasted, facin' time again at Rikers Island
And I won't get out
Because I'm crazy, baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet, starlet, singin' in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Yo, I'm off to the races, laces
Leather on my waist is tight, and I am fallin' down
I can see your face, is shameless, Cipriani's Basement
Love you, but I'm goin' down
God, I'm so crazy, baby
I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
I'm your little harlot, starlet, Queen of Coney Island
Raisin' hell all over town
Sorry 'bout it
My old man is a thief, and
I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end
But I trust in the decision of the Lord, to watch over us
Take him when He may, if He may
I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him
Who else is gonna put up with me this way?
I need you, I breathe you, I'll never leave you!
They would rue the day I was alone, without you
You're lyin' with your gold chain on
Cigar hangin' from your lips, I said, "Hon'"
"You never looked so beautiful as you do now, my man"
And we're off to the races, places
Ready, set, the gate is down and now we're goin' in
To Las Vegas, chaos, Casino Oasis
Honey, it is time to spin
Boy, you're so crazy, baby
I love you forever, not maybe
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Y/n: when I die can you talk to Ulmo to transform my soul into a seal?
Glorfindel: I'm not letting you die
Y/n: babe I'm human...
Glorfindel: still not letting you die
Y/n: okay... but if I die can you try to convince Ulmo to transform me into a seal?
Glorfindel: what's your thing with seals?
Y/n: they're cute, they live in the sea, they look like puppies and you could go to the beach every once in a while and play with me in my new form :)
Glorfindel: ...
Glorfindel: I agree with everything you said BUT I'm still not letting you die
Y/n: you can't control that
Glorfindel: you underestimate the power of my charisma! If I could make friends with the valar just gimme a few months to conquest Erus heart and make you immortal *makes a confident face*
Y/n: is that yo big plan? How the hell you gonna do that? Its Eru we're talking about
Glorfindel: I have no idea but just watch me, I'll do it!
I wish I could put gifs while in anonymity, I'd put an Eugene (Flynn Rider) one in here
Whatever Glorfindel says goes, if he tells you you're not dying then you aren't. His word in law😤 he's friends with everyone though so I'm sure you'll become immortal 🤭
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st4rbwrry · 2 years
If I were to date you:
you’d be hugged constantly, your ass would be in my palm all the time and i’d tell you because it’s where it belongs
i’d run my fingers along the small of your back just because, when you’re cooking, when you’re busy with chores, shit like that. i’d always be touching you in some way, gently, hard when i need to, comforting and loving, encouraging
i’d kiss you everywhere, knuckles, wrists, neck, back, cheek, nose, forehead, your pretty feet when they’re sore or your thighs when you feel like they’re less than perfect
i’d play with your hair when we’re chilling, help you with braids, taking them out, doing them
you’d get booty rubs till you fall asleep
i’d bite you just for the fun of it
i’d smack your ass and poke my tongue at you when you gimme that stank face of yours
when you try to hit me back i’d grab you and hold you in a the tightest mf hug and shower you with kisses because you can’t ever escape me
i’d make you a playlist on my phone of all the songs you like to belt out in the car, when you’re cleaning, etc.
i’d help you put lotion on, when you just can’t reach those hard to reach places
i’d go shopping with you and be your personal assistant when you need a second opinion
you could put your skin care shit on me and i’d complain and joke the whole time just to see you smile
bubble baths would be drawn for the both of us, or even just you when you need some alone time.
i’d pout and beg you to shower with me, because saving water is important and I love holding you under the water. plus how else are we supposed to fulfil the shower sex quota for the week?
i’d lay you on your lap and while we watch your favourite show and you can play with my hair
have you hauled up in my lap to watch my favourite movie, reciting all of the lines because you find it corny
i’d hold your hand when you’re scared or in pain. Period cramps, get you everything you need, even though i might not know what that is yet.
i’d tell you it’s okay even when it doesn’t feel that way, hold you close or lay beside you trying to gently rub the pain away while waiting for the pain killers to kick in or the heat pack to do its magic
make your favourite food from scratch because i know, just from the way you cook how much you love a home cooked meal
remember your favourite orders/‘usuals’
i’d know you: your body, your mind, your soul
i’d thank god and the universe everyday because i have you in my life
i’d deal with your little outbursts as irrational as they may be sometimes
probably start with sitting you down, whether that me on my lap on on the bed
then we’d try and get to the root of the problem, stress, shitty people at work, Saturn 😑, me, etc.
and i’d say sorry, for everything even if it’s not my fault. “Sorry they take you for granted, mamas. That they think they can use you as they please.” and like i said i’d be there to listen, and if you need advice, i gotchu
then i’d kiss you, soft, apologetic, progressively deeper and deeper till i get you on your back
i’d let a hand wander across your skin, soft and hot against my fingertips
i’d undress you slowly, mumbling sweet nothings as i kiss the unveiled skin of your collarbones, your chest, your stomach, your hips and i’d stop at your thighs just to take you in.
“Fuck, look at you, pretty, all mine. All this just for me.”
then proceeding to take your panties off I’d start from your feet, then move to your ankles smelling the perfume you’d sprayed there for me. Your calves, your thighs, and again i’d stop, so you can feel my breath against you. So i can watch the way your hips struggle to stay still when i’m this close to your pussy.
and when you whine for me, just that little bit I’d run my tongue flat, pausing to suck on your clit, enjoying the way your back arches off the bed and your fingers lace through my hair
i’d moan when you start rocking your hips against my face, my tongue, my lips. My hands moulded to the softness of your thighs, keeping them open when you so desperately want them closed
my tongue would dip inside you, nose brushing your clit as your taste sends sparks straight to my dick
my tongue is replaced with a ringed middle finger, one that entires you slowly but easily because your arousal has already stained the sheets underneath you
then when you’re ready i’ll add another one, the pads nudging ever so nicely at your g-spot that makes your stomach tighten, makes you bite your lip, cry my name and tell me you’re about to cum
and silently i’d encourage you, keeping a steady pace, eyes never leaving your face, so pretty when it’s twisted in pleasure
then when you do come it’s a sight i’d watch over and over again. i let your thighs wrap around my head, revelling in the way your whole body squeezes around me
my tongue would work you through it all, leisurely lapping at your sensitive clit till you whine at me to stop
and with a final kiss to your pussy i’d oblige and come up to kiss you, let you taste yourself on my lips, taste just how fucking delicious you are
then i’d ask if you feel any better. And if it’s a yes, i’d drag you to the shower or the bath (lady’s choice) and we can wash away the bullshit of the day while i hold you
while i run my thumb along your cheek and kiss your lips. have your ass in my hand and say nothing and everything all at once as i look into your eyes
and in that moment i’d tell you. “I love you, baby.”
Sorry that it’s so long but that you for coming to my Ted talk 😁🤍
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etherealkiller · 11 months
Fighting all these demons
Gimme a piece then
Perhaps my mind
Need no 9s
Quick find
The fuckers been exercising
Since the beginning of time
Slay you rhymes
When I whispered mines
Spiritual warfare
No missiles up here
Projectiles interfere with you
Get in touch with yourself
Masturbatory miracles
Like when We win we winnin
Ears smile too wide a grin then
So fuck your demons
And I'll fuck mine
All soul orgy
Bring a condom
For yo mind!
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dyslexic-mess · 2 years
Sketch dump for the AU that has me by the fucking throat rn.
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(Long) Explanation and sketchy comic under the cut
I cannot for the life of me find the post where I saw this first but BASICALLY-
Danny and phantom are separate beings. Phantom is actually a reaper that was supposed to 'reap' Danny's soul, but instead, after the portal accident, danny is still alive, and they get stuck together by these chains only they can see.
My brain APSOLUTLY went off on this one and I have several ideas. Specifically like, ghosts start comeing out of the portal, like in the show, but Danny dosnt have ghost powers (or atleast he has incredibly minor ones like maaaybe better senses or a 6th sence) and phantom has no power in the mortal relm.
SO phantom lends danny his scythe and with it the ability to tap into phantoms powers.
The first time this happens is a little funny bec danny has no idea how to fight with a sythe and phantom basically ends up flying around him, yanking the chains about and basically puppiting danny.
After the second time, they both agree that they CANNOT keep going like this. Its awkward and uncomfortable for both so Phantom agrees to teach danny how to use the scythe.
It starts with phantom basically getting dragged along because he's stuck with Danny until he 'willfully leaves his body' and there's a catch to that too! For whatever reason, Danny has to agree to leave his body completely of his own will. No tricks or trades. He's gotta be fully informed and make the conscious decision to let Phantom take him.
Eventually though, the two start to actually bond and phantom sorta starts to care about keeping Danny safe.
ALSO I'm thinking this really pivotal scean later in the story where danny just isn't enough to defeat the enemy. They NEED phantom at his full power, but Phantom can't do that because he has no power walst he's connected to danny. The only way to do it is for phantom to actually take Danny's soul from his body so the bond is broken.
He tells danny this and its late game so he actually cares about him now. He promises that when the enemy is defeated, he'll put danny right back and danny. Trusts him. He trusts him and willfully let's phantom do what he's been trying to do since the start of the story and phantom has developed enough as a charicter that he actually dose put danny right back and its a really big moment of trust for them!
Sketchy comic~
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Phantom: I think that's enough for today
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Danny: I can get it! One more try
Phantom: don't be stupid Fenton
Danny: I'm not! One more go. Gimme the scythe
Phantom: No Danny.
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Danny: but
Phantom: Danny. Your gonna get yourself hurt. Sometimes you gotta know when yo stop.
Phantom: Look at yourself. You can barely stand. You haven't slept and you've barely eaten.
Yup! That's the post!!
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talentforlying · 11 months
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@nightmarecountry: ‘♬ GIMME. I love seeing you wax lyrical about Johnnyboy. — SONGS I LOVE
blood of angels - brown bird! THE john constantine song for me, actually!! the lyrics, the frenetic pace of the backing track, the clinical delivery that explodes into desperate rebellion on the chorus, the undertone of seething disdain and secret self-recrimination born of exhausted cynicism!! this is the song of someone who's cycled all the way around from deep depression to a motherfucking god complex, and if that isn't john constantine in a nutshell. you have lines like:
i drank the blood of angels from a bottle / just to see if i could call the lightning down / it hasn't struck me yet, and i would wage my soul to bet / that there ain't no one throwing lightning anyhow
which make me think of his tendency to just ride the synchronicity highway and trust it'll put him where he needs to be, and let him do what he needs to do. also, his general 'well if god was gonna kill me he'd have fucking done it already' attitude towards risk-taking and making bets on a bluff. also, he has literally snorted santa claus's bones to hype up his magic, so like, he would actually drink angel blood if he had reason to. then there's:
too many tries at tempting fate to call it over / and you get to thinking fate's got different plans / like maybe, i'm not born to die but to bring darkness to the sky / and pull that goddamn sun down anyway i can
which make me think of the laughing magician arc, where constantine learned that his twin was supposed to have lived in his place and his being born instead cursed the world, and his reaction to this — and to his twin saying that if constantine let him take over his body, the world would be fixed — was 'fuck you and fuck that, i can live with a damned world as long as i'm the one living in it'. constantine is someone who's gone his whole life being told he should have died, shouldn't have existed, shouldn't have been born, should've taken someone else's place. of fucking course he resents it, of course he's bitter about it. but if the universe wanted him dead, it should have tried harder. that's where this comes in:
you could be right, they might come for me at night / in angry mobs with torches bright outside my door / for all my spite, i might never win the fight / but i will rage against the light forever more
he is a survivor against all odds, against death and fate and destiny, and he will continue to survive against all odds. he doesn't have to be liked. he doesn't have to be wanted. his purpose is to keep up the fucking fight, no matter the cost, and that's just what he's going to do. and finally, the part that kind of breaks my heart:
don't try to come 'round here spreading sentiments of cheer / you told your last white lie, everything is not alright / you hope, you pray, you love the light of day / but there's no one up there listening tonight
the way this is sung, it feels like constantine's exhausted-ass friends telling him to fuck all the way off after he's done something he can't fix, but also? constantine expects the worst, but he does also hope for the best. i think there's a part of him that genuinely, genuinely wants things to turn out okay in the end, and it takes a piece out of him every time he can't make it all work out for everybody. he knows magic has a cost, he knows the price is steep. he knows he can't save everybody and that some people get exactly what they went asking for. he knows the world is dark and full of terrors and horrors beyond human imagining but within human hands to reach and craft. but he still hopes. he still finds joy and love in the little things in life. and it still hurts when it doesn't last.
+ song for the corinthian: okay evil eye - franz ferdinand not only gives me general corinthian vibes, but also fucks heavy specifically for our dark mirror relationship w/ corinth and constantine, like:
well, i have the evil eye / well, i, i, i see your soul / you wear it on your face / it's warning what you do
also i mean. you do wear eyes on your face, so if he wants your soul, all he's gotta do is take it off ya. also, "don't believe in god, but believe in that shit / (not me!) not me! i'd like to bring them down" is giving corinth vs dream to me? very rebellious kid talking shit behind a parent's back in a way. all bravado as long as they're out of sight, the kind of rebellion born of missing something in that relationship.
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