#ginko x reader
shmothman · 10 months
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Pairing: Ginko/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 9624 Read on AO3
Summary: In the end, it’s—as it so often is—curiosity that kills the cat. The rumors were just too intriguing to resist: a village where, for years, too many women have been having babies every winter, where the population boom is unprecedented and the town is beginning to crumble under the weight of too many children. A passing merchant had shared the gossip, and Ginko had gotten that look he gets—a worried set to his mouth and brow; a slight glimmer of interest in his bright green eye.
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star-spacer · 2 years
Let's Go Fishing!
Adashino x reader x Ginko (can be read as platonic or romantic)
You and the boys take a dip in the river. When you're half yokai and have inhuman reflexes, a few fishes aren't a problem for you.
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Summer heat was the worst heat.
Second only to the heat of drought-dried reeds going up in flames and the burning tinder of beloved houses, the summer heat pressed down upon everything, rendering the far-off mountain tops into hazy, quivering mirages. Your yukata stuck to your skin uncomfortably as you shifted from your spot on the wooden floor. The rhythmic pounding of Ginko’s mortar and pestle sounded through the air and you groaned, turning your head to look at him.
“How can you stand to work in this heat?”
“‘M used to it,” he grunted. “One time I went with a guy to chase down a rainbow. This was during that heatwave we had a while ago so we had to travel during the hottest time of the day to catch up to the rainclouds.”
“Yikes,” you muttered. “Can’t imagine doing that at all.”
Ginko tilted his head, one single emerald eye looking at you through the haze of his cigarette smoke. “Then what’d you do during the heatwave then?”
You grinned lazily at him, swiping the sweaty baby hairs off your forehead. “Why I slept, of course! I’d find some river bank, a nice shady tree, and I’d sleep in its branches.”
“Wish all of us would have that luxury,” he grunted, lifting the pestle and tapping it against the side of the marble pestle. Fine golden grains shifted around as he tilted it into a vial, carefully scraping the powder into it with a stiff reed. Once done, he plugged it up with a cork and searched for something around him. Spotting your lazy form sprawled out where you were, he pointed to a stack of labels next to you.
Ginko pointed at them. “Hey, can you hand me those?”
A flick of your fingers summoned a gust of wind, sending the paper fluttering past you and toward the Mushishi. They danced around his form and he deftly plucked them from the air, swiping a brush and ink from his cabinet and popping the ink bottle open. With a deft hand, the mystery vial soon received a label as he wrote it on the paper you sent.
“What’s that?” You hummed.
“Pollen from flowers that the Usobuki frequent,” Ginko hummed. The familiar name was that of the butterfly mushi he told you about, one that would make those afflicted by it fall asleep with it until a false spring started. 
It was the same one responsible for the summer and spring that he went missing in when you search until your feet bled and your voice gave out from yelling his name. So hearing that he was dealing with it again made your hackles raise, a dangerous look on your face.
Ginko didn’t notice, too busy tucking the bottom away into his little medicine cabinet. “The mushi itself puts people to sleep but I discovered that if a small dose of the flower pollen is taken with water, it could be an effective sleep remedy, especially for mushi-related problems.”
“I see.” The thought of a sleeping draught sounded appealing because, despite all the jokes you make about naps, any semblance of sleep for you was haunted by memories you’d rather forget. You opened your mouth, almost tempted to ask him for a bit but hesitated.
Ginko glanced at you, a verdant eye picking up the expression on your face. “Hm?”
The shoji door slammed open, Adashino behind it using his foot to move the screen. “Drinks here.”
You did a complete shift, hiding your turmoil as you cheered and flipped over to your front, thin yukata riding up to what would’ve been an indecent length if you were an upstanding citizen in society. Adashino didn’t say anything but groaned as he set down the tray and sat next to you. Ginko snuffed out the cigarette, allowing the smoke to waft away so it wouldn’t bother you before shuffling closer. Though it still lingered on his person as he sat down with you and Adashino, it thankfully didn’t bother you like usual.
The dark-haired man took off his lens and began polishing the circle of glass.“I knew it would get hot so I put some amazake in to chill in the icebox. There’s also ice in there too.”
“Thanks, Adashino! Maybe we can have some cold soba later then.” Propping your head up in one arm, you reached for the cups filled with the fermented rice liquid as the other did too. The creamy, sweet taste of the drink filled your mouth as you took a sip and you sighed happily. “Ahh, Ginko, what’s the use of going at each other’s throats about who’s doing what in the heat when it’s Adashino who’s the privileged one? He’s got a nice big house and an icebox of all things.”
“Being a doctor, and living by the waterfronts has its perks,” Adashino replied dryly. “I do say that you two are always welcomed to stay here.”
Ginko simply took a pointed, obnoxious sip of his rice drink, letting the noise draw out in the hazy air. You snorted and Adashino shot a dirty look at you both. Quiet filled the hot air as everyone settled down to enjoy their drinks, accompanied by the sounds of nature around you all. Every breath you took filled your lungs with uncomfortable warmth and you cursed the neverending sun.
The calmness of the summer day brought back long-faded memories of your mother teaching you how to fish in the stream, helping fight off the heat and simultaneously bringing food home for the day. The thought of cooling down made you give a wistful sigh as you finally sat up. “I could go for a dip right now…”
Then the thought hit you and you gasped, sitting up straigh and making the other two look at you with startled–if not slightly irritated–expressions.
You pushed your sweaty hair back from your face, eyes alight in excitement. “The fishermen should be done for the day, right? Then we won’t be bothering anybody if we go to the river to cool off then. You also said you wanted to get some fish for later so I can catch some too.”
Ginko raised his eyebrow. “We don’t have a boat though.”
“I can swim,” you volunteered excitedly. “I would love to be in the water right now.”
Adashino leaned back on his arms, a thoughtful look on his face. “Hmmm… I think that’ll be alright. Besides, I won’t mind spending a little time in the water.”
You popped to your feet excitedly, eagerness overtaking the sluggish haze of the heat.
“Come on! My mom–I was taught how to fish when I was younger. With the fish that the Suiko’s body brought in, I can promise we’ll have fish in no time.”
“The river is calm this time of year…” Adashino agreed. “I wouldn’t mind soaking my feet for a while.”
Both of you turned your expectant gaze onto Ginko, who gave a long-suffering sigh and knocked back the last dredges of his drink before slamming the wooden cup back down onto the tray. “Never say I don’t do anything for you two.”
Cheering, you swooped down to gather up the cups into the tray to whisk them away, prancing ahead of the males as they slowly got up from their spots. The sun beat down upon you again as you moved to the front of the house to wait for them. Thankfully, you stood under the engawa so most of the heat was kept off as you fixed your yukata.
“Hurry up, you two!!!”
In a few short moments, both Ginko and Adashino joined you, the latter with a woven straw hat on his head as he handed a shallow basket to the white-haired man. The three of you made your way down the path to Adashino’s residence, greeting the occasional villagers who passed by. It wasn’t a long walk to the beach, but the three of you opted for a detour to a more secluded area by the river deeper into the forest. But that meant that by the time you reached your destination, sweat had begun to stain your dark yukata. Maroon was not a good color in the heat, no matter how much you liked the color.
“At last,” you sighed, flopping down on the grass beneath a dappled shade of a tree.
“Tell me why we like to go here when we have a perfectly good beach at a much shorter distance?” Ginko sighed as he set down the basket.
“We’d roast alive if we went out there in this sun,” Adashino replied.
You sat up, sharp eyes scanning the water and spotting the almost imperceptible flickers of scales underneath the surface. A sharp grin spread over your face as you stood up, pulling up your sleeves and rolling them back. “Water’s shallower here and the fishes like to stay in the coverage. I can catch them easier.”
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, sighing out deeply as your fingers came up to press over the lids of your eyes. The telltale smell of ozone filled the air as your magic activated. For a moment, your full visage was revealed and you heard Ginko and Adashino shifting behind you. Black fox ears flashed into existence, hung low on either side of your head, a flicker of unearthliness surrounding you. Then they disappeared. With any other person you would not have allowed the thought of letting your true appearance show, but your trust in the two males was unshakable. You knew there was nothing that would make them betray your trust out of their own free will.
A moment passed and then you took your fingers away from your eyes, turning around to blink at the two as the golden glow faded away from your eyes. 
“Everyone okay?”
“What did you use your magic for?” Ginko asked.
You kicked your sandals off. “To keep the debris out of my eyes.”
Keeping an eye on the river in front of you, you began stepping into the cool flowing waters. Before you can get far, your shoulder was grabbed and you jolted.
Ginko had walked in after you, his face serious. A single, piercing green eye looked into yours.
You tilted your head. “Yes?”
“How are you sure it’s safe?”
Realizing his concern for what it was, you relaxed and gave him an easy smile, hand raising up to pat the one on your shoulder. “I’ve gone into this part of the river before during worse conditions. In fact, this part is one of the safest areas of the river, I made sure of it before showing it to you guys.”
You had met a local river yokai around here to help it save some of the members of its family. A grateful family, a game of stone skipping, and a favor later ensured that this area would be in their blessing and be safe for you and those you brought with you.
Despite your reassurances, his eyes roved over the still surface behind you. “Hm.”
“I’ll be fine, Ginko. I’m a very good swimmer,” you said, patient with him as you shared a look with Adashino. Though you weren’t there for the event itself, you had arrived just days after the event with the Suiko had gone down and had heard Io’s story in its entirety. The race to catch a girl who swam with the swamp and bountiful fish that lasted till this day. You were also there in the aftermath with Adashino, seeing Ginko’s haunted looks as he regarded the waters around him.
No matter how hard he tried, he could not hide his demons from one who was considered a half-demon too.
“If anything happens, I’ll shout for you alright? I won’t go far.”
“We can stick in the shallows, Ginko. Just in case,” Adashino said from his spot leaning up against the tree. “There isn’t anything large in these waters so we’ll be the most dangerous fish around.”
Ginko finally let go of you, sighing. “Be careful.”
You short him a reassuring grin, turning to wade deeper into the water. Your dark yukata spread out around you, wine red against the sparkling water. Behind you, you heard the two splashing around against the shore, but they did not follow you. Slowly, the water rose to waist level, and then a bit more. You went out until you reached the middle of the river, treading water as you turned around.
“I’m going down now. Get the basket ready!”
There was an affirmative call and you waited until you saw Adashino fetch the item, giving you a nod from across the bank. Giving the two males a wave, you took a deep breath and dove under the water.
The world silenced, cutting away into the dull, muffled noise of water rushing overhead. You drifted in the peace for a moment before opening your eyes.
Another world greeted you, blue-tinted and sparkling with sunbeams filtering down from above. It fluttered with the creatures down here, a dance of life.
You wondered if this was what Ginko saw when he talked of the Koumyaku, the glittering, living river of light.
A silver streak flashed by the corner of your vision and you snapped your head to it. A school of fish, unaware of the danger now within their mist. A slow grin stretched across your face, teeth losing their human flatness as your heart picked up in anticipation of the hunt. 
Thank you for this offering.
Like the silt of the river, your illusion slipped away in the flowing streams of the water. Your dark form sliced through the water, chasing after the fish. Nails, too sharp to belong to a normal human, swiped at glittering, silver-scaled bodies and snatched them up faster than they could react. Once you hand a handful of squirming fish by the tails, you shot off towards the bank. Surfacing with a gasp and a splash, you waved at them with the fish dangling from your grip.
“Hey! I got them!”
“Bring them in!”
You began kicking off towards the pair, slower now that you had to rely mostly on your legs. Adashino and Ginko began wading out to meet you too and a brilliant idea hit you. As your toes touched the bottom of the river, you reared back a fish in hand as the remainings were moved to your other one.
Adashino’s eyes widened as the fish went sailing through the air. He yelped, lunging forward with his basket to let the fish flop down into it. Thankfully, Ginko’s hand snapped out to grab him by the back of Adashino’s yukata and his quick action prevented the dark-haired man and the fish from toppling down into the water. But unfortunately, that still soaked the entire front of his clothes
Adashino glared at you, front of his blue yukata now dripping. “Hey!”
“Oops–Sorry!” You laughed, totally unrepentant as you waded closer. The rest of the fish–thankfully–was gently placed into the basket. You faced both of them, hands on your hips as you regarded the pair. “It’s only a bit of water, y’know. It’ll help you cool off more if anything.” 
A drop of water trailed down your face from your dripping wet hair right after that statement.
“Yeah, yeah,” Adashino grumbled as he moved to hang the basket from the branches so it could trail in the water. That freed up his hands to fix his water-laden yukata, futilely wringing the fabric.
“Heh, heh. You can’t deny it does feel nicer though…” You turned to Ginko, who immediately picked up the shift in your person.
His lidded eye widened, taking a step back.
You launched at him, hands outstretched and water spraying out behind you as you splashed toward the male.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey leave me alone—”
“Adashino catch him! He’s the driest out of all of us!!”
“Adashino don’t you dare.”
Your bright laughter and splashing filled the air as the three off you ran around the quiet alcove meant just for you three and you were grateful to have another day like this with them.
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sweetchildcloud · 9 months
This are my crushes and what...does it say about me?
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twisted-dork · 7 months
The Adventures of Twisted Wonderland Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse #2
Ginko: I had a kid
Ginko: and their name was Muichiro!Yuu
Ginko: I got a name my name was Ginko Ginko Ginko Ginko Ginko
Ginko: I knew they needed me
Ginko: and I needed them too
Spoiler Warning
*During Muichiro!Yuu’s death*
Ginko: Humans are complicated
Ginko: they do things birds don’t understand
Ginko: like leave
Ginko: i knew I was here to love Muichiro!Yuu
Ginko: and make them happy
Ginko: I didn’t want to leave them like this
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mcverse · 2 years
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All characters are aged up or are already of age
Mukami brothers
Main M. List
Angst ∇ Fluff ♡ NSFW ✾ Dark Content ❦
Shu Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Renji Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Laito Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Ayato Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Kanato Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
Subaru Sakamaki
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— nothing here yet
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Blood Legacy of Lilith, (F! Reader) COMING SOON ∇ ♡ ✾ ❦
An 18-year-old with a seemingly perfect life is haunted by a void caused by her inability to remember her past. One day, a stranger drags her out of bed and she is taken captive, subjected to torture and abuse. She is left with many questions about her abduction and her past, with a white-haired man calling her Lilith being the key to unlocking the answers. As she struggles to comprehend her situation, she begins to wonder about the enigmatic man's identity and his links to her past.
Yui! Reader dating someone else ❦
An argument sent the reader into the arms of someone else… that’s her last mistake.
Sakamaki Brothers Caught Slipping ♡ in a S.B way
Reader surprises them with a deeper voice.
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 years
{Witch Y/n summons Reaper! Ingo to ask him about immortals after a Cynthia  showed up at her door, he appears in her livingroom looking sheepish.]
Ingo, holding a cookie: I was at a party y’know
Y/n: oh, sorry. We’ll be quick, I need your help.
[Ingo perks up as Cynthia explains a theory that her ancestor Volo may be immortal and still wandering the earth after supposedly seeing him in Jubilife a few months back..]
Ingo: There’s no such thing as true immortality, for humans anyways just old magic....(to Y/n) May I go now?
Y/n: Oh, er, yes! I hope it’s a good party.
Ingo, giving her his cookie: Hmm, I think it might go downhill at about midnight...
Y/n, nibbling on said cookie: Why?
Ingo: that’s when they’ll be taking my mask off...
(There’s flash of lighting showing Ingo’s true skeletal face under the glamor spell he’s wearing, then Y/n snaps her fingers and Ingo teleports away.)
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kurokawaia · 5 days
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Tokito Muichiro X Fem!Reader
WC; 700+ | !MDNI! | TW/CW :: FLUFF SO FLUFFY, this is so cute im sobbing, x fem reader, reader is a girl, you two are both 14, TEENAGE LOVE OMG,
*ੈ✩‧₊˚𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯 :: Could we maybe get a cute and wholesome Muichiro x fem! Reader? He's 14 I believe, so nothing over the top, but just a cute little thing where he sees Ginko is actually being nice and prideful of reader, then when he asks about it, she replies "Caw! Bc y/n is just as strong as you are, so it makes sense why you have a crush on her!" Then Muichiro gets embarrassed while reader just accepts his feelings XD - @freddleafton12345-blog
m.list | demon slayer m.list
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You were training. That's all you were doing. Muichiro was there with you, though he was being quite and stoic as usual, he was there. You could feel him today, just out of sight. It was a comforting presence in its own right.
You also noticed Ginko, his crow, perched on a branch not too far off. Her sharp, no judging eyes follow your every movement, and you could have sworn she was being. over-proud? It was almost like she was waiting for something.
Finishing your training session, you wiped the sweat from your forehead and sheathed your katana, turning to where you knew Muichiro was standing. He slowly emerged from behind a tree, his usual detached expression in place, though his eyes were focused on you.
"Hey, Muichiro!" you said happily, flashing him a soft, gentle smile.
He barely nodded, his eyes never once leaving yours, and said nothing right away.
You were the only one Muichiro can tolerate, he enjoys your presence, he like how happy you are because when he's around you his heart pounds and tingles. He likes the sensation.
Before either of them could say another word, Ginko flew down from her branch and landed beside Muichiro with a loud caw, puffing out her feathers proudly.
"Caw! {Name} is just as strong as you, Muichiro!" Ginko squawked.
Muichiro blinked in mild confusion, turning to his crow. "What do you mean?" he asked calmly, but it did sound like he was slightly confused.
You chuckled. "I think she's just complimenting me," you said, but the way Ginko had looked at both of you made you suspect she wasn't done yet.
And you were right.
Ginko's next words came out loud and clear. "Because {Name} is just as strong as you are! So of course you have a crush on her!"
We froze.
Muichiro immediately went bright red, a colour you never see him in. His usual expression crumpled, his eyes wide from surprise. He stared at Ginko then at you before back at Ginko, without a single word to say.
"I-I don't," he stuttered, protesting weakly.
You could see the panic rising on his features, and it really was the cutest thing you had ever seen.
Your cheeks flushed warmly too. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you. "Oh, is that so?" you teased softly as you stepped a little closer to Muichiro.
"I don't. Ginko's just. I mean," he muttered, staring down at his feet.
He turned to you again, his eyes wide with surprise still. It was rare to see Muichiro this flustered, and such a sight took hold of your heart.
Ginko apparently was very satisfied with herself and gave another proud caw. "Yes! Muichiro has a crush on {Name}, just like I said! And I am always right!"
Muichiro's flustered state made you smile hoplessly because it was a sight you'veg never seen on him. Going easy on him, you took another step closer and laid a comforting hand on his arm. He looked up at you, still somewhat lost, his eyes searching your face for some sort of clue on how to respond.
"Muichiro," you said softly, kindly, "I think that's really sweet."
His face flushed even more and this time he didn't try to deny it. Instead, he just stared at you, softening into your gaze as he realized you weren't teasing him. In his eyes, you could tell how nervous he is, which made your heart beat so, so fast.
You smiled warmly as you took another step closer. "I accept your feelings," you said with a softly.
Muichiro blinked, plainly trying to wrap his brain around what you'd just said. For a moment, it seemed his mind had gone blank. But then, ultra-slowly, a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips, so slight you'd have almost missed it if you weren't standing quite that near him.
"Thanks," he whispered, his voice inaudible, his eyes coy and wide, yet within them held a certain warmth that fluttered your chest.
Ginko was quite proud of what she had done. She said, "Look! See? I told you! Ginko is never wrong!"
You laughed again. Looking back at Muichiro, who is still till beet-faced and embarrassed, but deep inside, his heart went racing from the situation, he didn't know how to act around you now that you knew, but he was certain things would grow further. And you were hoping for it to, as well.
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Do not copy, steal, modify use for AI, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
m.list | demon slayer m.list
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itstimetojellyfish · 3 months
Hi Jellyfish,
I just wanted to say I really liked the Argenti reader angst fic and I had brainworms because of it the entire day at work. I got an idea of how it follows up.
It goes like this: Boothill is not feeling well about the situation because Argenti played with readers feelings and betrayed them and he one hates betrayal ab two is scared that Argenti could grow tired of him aswell.
So he brings Argenti to go to reader to apologize.
When Argenti go's into their home he finds everything in disarray and the place covered in thorns, rose petals and ginko leaves and in the middle of all, reader who ia losing themselve to the mara (The rose petals are from the transformation aswell)
Yeah... that's as far as I got in my mind and I have been microwaving the idea in my head the entire day so I thought I'd share :>
Anyway do with that whatever you want and enjoy your day/night
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Roses and bullets with a bit of Ginko( Argenti x reader x Boothill)
Link to the first part : I’ll wait for you
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It’s been well over a month since the incident with you , Boothill , and Argenti happened. However it’s not exactly an easy argument to forget and move on from .
Something was bothering him ever since he saw your face , all pretty , and yet crying fat droplets of pure anguish and pain because of what Argenti said .
He’s never like betrayal from day one , the IPC betrayed their title , so called “peace makers” when all they’ve done was destroy planets including his own .
Something in him worms around whenever he remembers what happened , and it doesn’t exactly sit right with him how watery those pretty shinning eyes of yours were .
( it makes his stomach crawl even though he doesn’t exactly have a real one)
It bothers him how Argenti didn’t even look guilty, only disappointed, when the water slipped from your tear ducts . You fell to your knees and curled in as Argenti guided him out , he could’ve swore your eyes started to glow a warm amber .
It was like a dam broke in you , when he walked out he cast one last look at you and even though he couldn’t cry , it felt like he would’ve right then and there when he saw you sobbing your heart out and clutching your chest.
After that , it was just… like before , Argenti courting him and bringing him to places that Boothill likes .
He’s … scared…
Scared that Argenti will get bored of him or is playing with his feelings and will eventually leave him heartbroken and empty just like how you felt .
So …
Boothill does what he’s best at , confronting people and making them pay .
But , since this is his lover , the worst that he’ll do is just make him apologize to you for playing with your feelings .
He could’ve just rejected you so you could heal faster but no! He accepted the offer and now Boothill feels like crap for making the knight fall in love with him!
So now he forces Argenti to your house and then knocks on the door with one hand while the other has a firm grip on the knights arm so he won’t run away.
Argenti just sighs and looks away into the flower field , consisting of red roses and white roses that you planted for him, they’re usually well maintained .
However , he notices that the roses haven’t been pruned and plucked yet , did you really resent him that much?
It’s been a minute now , no one has responded.
So Boothill does what he does best , break into building by using his gun or brute force , he kicked the door down and then said “ Hey lady! I brought rosey here to apologize.”
He then realized what bad shape the house was in , rose petals all over the place , vases shattered, bright yellow ginko leaves everywhere.
Argenti entered ,” Y/N I’m sorry but-“ He stared at what had become of your home .
Next thing you know your bedroom door is forced open as Boothill and Argenti look in terror as they see what has become of you .
“The Mara-struck…”Boothill makes a poor attempt at cursing before giving up and starting to raise his gun but before he can , Argenti stops him.
Your arms are covered in black , cracked open with roses and ginko leaves , a feature of the love you lost , you now suffer.
You can’t be saved anymore , the one you loved betrayed you .
They saw you squirm in pain and then….
Silence . You’re dead now .
Argenti and Boothill ran over to your position and saw , you died in between the process.
You’re gone forever.
And it’s all because of them
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saintkunii · 10 months
All a ghost can do is haunt
Pairing. Zhongli x reader
Contents. arranged marriage, historical au, ex fiance childe mentioned, a simple life with your military general hubby zhongli.
Wc. 1.7k
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It is with a heavy heart that you find yourself resigning to your fate, caressing a jade hairpin with grief. It’s smooth against your fingers. The intricate carvings give the illusion of a fluttering phoenix almost lifelike as if it’s about to soar to the skies. 
It’s the most exquisite thing in your possession and the only remnant you have of a certain diplomat’s son. 
With every stroke to the hairpin, you’re brought back to the day you received the item with so much fondness and excitement that you carried it with gentleness. afraid that if you put too much force, it would crumble under your touch. 
It was a rough hand that reached out to gift if to you that warmed up your soul. 
He said it was a promise of some sort. Of a lifetime and of his return. 
He said it was meant to symbolize your connection with him. Something physical. Something tangible. 
Something to remember him by.
You recall the soft breeze carrying ginko leaves off to the distance and the faraway clamor of a festive banquet in the background. 
His eyes back then were crystal clear, electric blue in hue stared at you with a tender grin, calloused fingers wrapped around your hand in a gentle hold. His thumb would rub around your knuckles in assurance as you were forbidden to meet in such a secluded part of the mansion. 
And he was rebellious in nature, always finding ways to get around and meet you in secret. When he enveloped you in his embrace, it’s as if it was meant to be, and you mold perfectly within his arms. 
It was perfect. 
His warmth soothed your racing nerves and the playfulness in his kiss filled you with nothing but glee. 
Everything went as it should. 
As the betrothal should have.
Ajax. You recall his name. What once filled you with joy and fondness has now turned into a bitter memory that makes you feel sick in your stomach. 
Your hold on the hairpin tightened and you let the item roll down your feet with a soft thud. 
It stings. Your chest feels constricted and your eyes warmed with tears. 
Oh you loved him so much, it hurts. 
Had you not decided to visit the marketplace with so much stubbornness, relentlessly pleading to your husband, you would not have met the sight of that man smiling and laughing with the woman he replaced you with. The ever so great foreign woman who attracted his curiousity. With hair as bright as gold, skin as pale as jade, and elegance as delicate as the calm winds that twists your heart with jealousy.
She was valiant. Aja- Childe would describe. Strong and courageous with a heart of gold, selflessly putting others above herself, and a woman of virtue. As you've been told.
You hated how soft his voice melted as he spoke those words. It was the same as how he used to speak to you in private. 
She was every bit that you're not. courageous and kind. 
It's a sight tainted with bitterness and such hollowness you can't help but resent the memory.
A servant at your side was alarmed at your reaction as she rushed up to you and supported you by your elbow. 
“Are you alright, madam?”
You choke a sob.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself and exhaled. 
There was no point dwelling over the past. 
Try as you might not to let said matters get to you, you realized that the long years of affection you harbored to Childe was not so easy to dispel as you had thought so. 
“I’m fine.”
Ling Ji picks up the hairpin and brushes away any dust that might have cling to it before returning it to you.
You take one glance at it. It’s magnificent and beautiful, appearing with great splendor that you've worn over the years. It carried all the memories you have of Childe. All the good and bad.
“Sell it away,” you order with a final conviction.
You decided to discard any remaining embers of feelings you have left for your previous fiance. 
This is for the best. 
You hope so. 
Parting was inevitable. 
“Madam? Are you sure?”
Ling Ji asks once more, afraid that she heard wrong but you only nodded your head to her. 
She knew how much you treasured the item.
“I do not want to repeat myself again. Just do it.” 
“As you wish.”
She excuses herself out of the room and disappears, leaving you all alone to gather your thoughts. 
It’s best you hold your head high now that you’re married to someone else and focus your energy on building a better relationship with your husband. After all, he saved you from the humiliation of being branded as a discarded woman not wanted by their betrothed. In exchange for an heir, he offers you all the wealth and luxuries, prestige and honor that are tied to being his wife, and freedom to do whatever you want to your heart’s content. 
Zhongli was a feared figure in the battlefield, a war god that ravishes the land with blood and carnage. Just a mention of his name was enough to evoke fear among the mass. They said he beheaded a man and skewered his head as a warning to the barbarians, they said he took a hundred men with his bare hands and tore through their flesh like it was nothing. 
It was always he said, she said. 
With a reputation as gruesome as the military general, stories were bound to blow out of proportion and thus you’ve always thought not to put too much attention to the rumors. 
When you first met him. He was nothing as they proclaimed him as. There was nothing like a fearmongering god in his visage. He was cordial when you talked to him. Ever so polite and patient when he offered you tea and shared a box of pastries over a casual talk. 
His rich knowledge of everything under the sun made you initially think he has semblance to the overly pompous and close minded noble sons that sees others beneath their stature, and yet not once had you seen him carry that arrogance that comes with the scholarly attributes. 
The humility in his approach is a little endearing as you would find yourself admitting.
“Did you enjoy your little trip to the market?” He asks, his hand careful in pouring tea. 
You watch his callous fingers wrapped around the handle of the teapot and as green liquid fills your cup, the earthy aroma wafts through your nose and soothes your nerves. 
That was supposed to be your job and yet you watch your husband serve you refreshments. Ever since you entered Zhongli's family registry as his wife, you always made sure to spend even a little bit of time with him.
“I did, my lord. But there was nothing that struck my fancy.”
You took the cup with gratitude and brought the rim to your lips. One sip and you place it back down with a soft thud. 
For some reason, Zhongli's presence always exudes such calm temperance that sways you into tranquil silence. The words exchanged between the two of you are never short and yet there's an unspoken trust that lets you cultivate in such an environment for such a short frame of time that you've been together. 
You consider him a friend at least. At this stage.
And you've been working hard to close the distance between you two.
“I see. Maybe next time I’ll bring you to Mingxing.” Zhongli empties his cup.
He sees your barely touched tea and regards you with curiosity.
“And have you adjusted well within the mansion?”
Whether he notices your plight or not, he doesn't comment on it and awaits until you're comfortable enough to spill it yourself. For that you are grateful. 
“Don’t you have Xiao to report back to you, my lord? I’m certain he already told you everything I’ve done.”
“That’s true but hearing it from you would be entirely different. I'd very much love to hear your personal opinion.”
You nod in understanding and recount anything of worth to tell. From the way you're adapting to your role as the mistress of the house and everything that involves managing the estate. 
You suppose you're doing well. Aside from your heartbreak. 
Everyday you spend time indulging in your hobbies. From reading to embroidering and painting, you've never felt more relaxed in your entire life. Comparing yourself with your life back in your paternal home, from the scheming of your father's concubines, to your sisters sabotaging each other, you've finally tasted a life free of worries. 
Zhongli did make a promise to let you live a comfortable life. Not only that but he had gone above and beyond as you noticed the lack of women in his inner court. As of now, all his attention was completely on you. 
"The progress for the renovation of the east wing is going well, my lord. It is estimated to finish before the arrival of this friend of yours."
You notice him crack a smile. 
“There is no point being so overly formal between the two of us, wife.”
You raise a brow at this, a little taken aback because of how you've been used to calling him. 
You didn't think it would matter to him much as he had always kept a respectful distance between the two of you. 
You humor him a little. You like this. 
You're thankful that he's meeting you halfway with your efforts.
He must have noticed as he's always been perceptive. 
“Very well. I’ll take it as an invitation to call you something else then.” For a while, you ponder for an endearment. “Zhongli.”
Zhongli chokes on his tea.
“You don’t like it?”
“No- That’s not it. It took me by surprise. That is all.”
“Oh? You don’t think it’s too intimate?”
“I, naturally, have nothing against it." Your husband regains his composure. "I suppose since we’re husband and wife then there’s nothing wrong with whatever way you wish to address me.”
You smile in response to this, letting the silence settle in the space between you and the warmth of what you can now call your family of your own. 
Maybe you're not quite there yet with love, but you're willing to try again once more, open your heart and trust with the companionship of your husband.
It's not all bad. You think so yourself. Zhongli is a great man as far as you can tell and you're ready to move on to the next chapter of your life with him.
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omletteflipper · 6 months
Why?: Volo x Reader
After everything you've been through, you can't help but be kind to him. But why?
Spoilers for post-post-game.
You were hardly aware of the tall grass crunching under your feet as you hiked along the cliffside. You had searched every nook and cranny for the slightest hint of the man who betrayed you. Why were you looking for him? Why did you care? After hours of trekking and months of searching, you didn't have enough energy to ponder them.
You turned a jagged corner and ducked under an overhang when suddenly you saw it: a hole in the rock face that was just big enough for a large person to squeeze through. You impulsively stuck your head in the gap and let out a gasp.
The cave was decorated with various artifacts that you had never seen before. If that wasn't obvious enough, a yellow and white bedroll was spread across the floor. This had to be it.
You turned around and instinctively threw your arms over your face, cowering from a blow that didn't come. You slowly lowered your arms to see a frustratingly beautiful man staring down at you.
Time had not been kind to Volo. His hair was unkept and knotted, and his once-white tunic was streaked with dirt and grime. It was almost... pitiful.
As if reading your thoughts, he looked down and cringed at his own appearance. "The wilderness was- easier to traverse in my Ginko Guild uniform."
You were shocked by his lack of aggression, but more than that you were shocked by your own. It was by pure instinct that you sought out this man, this man who had tried everything to strike you down. Did time alone in the wilderness make you placid? Did it make him placid?
You searched your pockets and pulled out a haircomb made of finely carved Magikarp bone.
Volo's expression shifted as you offered it to him. He was always hard to read, but now that you know what he's capable of, his true emotions were even more unknown. "Why." he finally said.
You looked down at your feet, not knowing the answer to his question. To his thousand unspoken questions. Because you were my friend? Because I learned a lot from you?Because even though you tried to strike me down I somehow kind of respect you?
"Because your hair is messy."
Volo snatched the comb from your hand and gingerly attempted to run it through his once-beautiful hair, but the teeth quickly got stuck in a matted section.
"Let me help," you offered.
He tried in vain to break up the tangled blond mass before finally tossing the comb at you and sitting down on a rock with a huff.
You gently took his hair between your fingers, assessing the damage. It was clear that he had at least bathed during his exile, but river water could only do so much. It would take hours to detangle it all.
Volo fidgeted under the heat of your gaze and the touch of your hands. He looked like he wanted to speak, but the two of you were locked in an inescapable silence as you began slowly fixing his hair. He knew you wouldn't fall for his usual charms. You knew he wouldn't respond well to talk of redemption. You worked in silence until you gently draped a freshly detangled lock over Volo's shoulder.
"Thank you."
You both spoke the words at the exact same time. Volo turned to see you stifling a laugh with one hand loosely placed over your smile.
"You're welcome." You both quipped simultaneously.
Now Volo was laughing. Oh Almighty Sinnoh how you missed that laugh. It reminded you of your adventures together seeking out legendary pokemon. Before Spear Pillar. You sighed and looked at him wistfully. His round face and sharp chin, his half-lidded grey eyes that squinted a little when he smiled, his strong arms that you could finally appreciate through his threadbare tunic. In that moment you realized you were finally seeing the real Volo.
"Why?" Volo asked again, as soft as a song.
As you searched for the right words you suddenly felt the weight of your pack dig into your shoulders. You dropped it in front of you and held out the comb again.
"Because your hair could have been messy."
You reached into your pack and pulled out a set of fine clothes woven with threads of gold.
"Because your clothes could have been dirty."
You reached in again and pulled out a set of tinctures and bandages.
"Because you could have been hurt."
Again and again you pulled countless gifts from your pack. Sweet-smelling soaps, a collection of leather-bound novels, a set of hand-drawn illustrations of each of his Pokemon, warm woolen socks. Each gift with a sentiment. A worry. A prayer.
Volo gazed at you as you spilled your heart onto the rocks by his feet. The chosen vessel of his silent god was here, worrying for him. Seeking him out. Spending months of time and wages just to ensure his well-being. A few months ago he would have called you foolish. Before that, he would have shoved down his emotions and thought of you as a useful tool. But now? All of the feelings he desperately tried to ignore since the day you met came flooding back.
In an instant you were in his arms. You hadn't even registered that he stood up, yet here you were swallowed up by his mass. Your head pressed against his chest as he cradled your body with ease. You melted into each other's touch, breathing in the mountain air.
You gazed up at him, noticing the soft intensity in his eyes as he stared back. His arms shifted slightly, tightening his grip around you. Unkempt as he was, Volo was still beautiful.
"Why?" You asked.
You could feel Volo's chuckle vibrate through his body before trailing off into little hums. He removed one hand from your embrace and ran his fingers along the combed section of his golden hair. It was his turn to lay his heart bare to you.
With every chance encounter, Volo had grown to admire your love for Pokemon. With every legendary pokemon and plate you tracked down together he began to grow fond of your presence. The world was so unfair, and yet over the past months Volo found himself yearning for the company of its protector.
"Because... I love you."
Volo said it with certainty. No smirk on his face or humor in his expression. A few months ago he considered you proof that life was nothing but unfair to him. Now, you were proof that the world was kind.
You squeezed him even tighter and buried your face in his chest. It was only after catching the sound of Volo's racing heartbeat that you realized you never gave him an answer.
"I love you too."
Volo smiled his signature toothy grin and suddenly your feet were off the ground. The both of you laughed as he spun you around with adrenaline-filled joy.
The two of you collapsed onto the rock with you in his lap, enjoying each other's warmth. You reached to run your fingers through his hair when you remembered. You pulled the comb from your pocket and began untangling a second lock of hair. You could stare directly at his face now. You liked this smile much better than the smirk he used to wear. This one crinkled his eyes into a warm expression and rounded his cheeks. The more you stared, the more you noticed a pink blush creep across his face.
"May I kiss you?" You found yourself asking.
"Are you sure?" Volo's smile faltered. Another set of unspoken questions. Are you sure you want to trust me again? Are you sure I'm worthy? Are you sure you want to love me?
"Yes." You breathed.
Volo's lips crashed into yours with surprising intensity. His grip on your body tightened as he poured every ounce of passion he had ever had right into your lips. You let out a squeak of surprise as he leaned you further down until your head was parallel to the ground. His hand cushioned your head against the rock as you felt his whole torso pressing on your body.
Every moment you thought he'd break away he didn't. You were locked in your embrace as the sun began to set and the heavens began to unfurl. Finally, when you thought you'd fall asleep with your lips against his, Volo slowly pulled back and searched your expression. Was that too much?
"I- wasn't expecting that."
"I've waited a long time." Volo said simply.
You suddenly became aware that the gifts you bought were still scattered at your feet. "It's getting dark. May I stay the night and care for you?"
"It would be an honor."
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sleepykye · 1 year
/| Abit Clingy Today ? |\
Muichiro x (fem) reader
Reader is a hashira !
Reader is also like Muichiro, her eyes are quite emotionless like his. And her personality is quite quiet.
– 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 –
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Your crow has been giving you lots of missions lately. The work has been exhausting as you helped the lower ranks fight the demons, of course, as usual, the slayers thanked you and was amazed at how strong you were.
It was quite boring because you repeated the same steps over and over again.
"The demons were all weak, and the lower ranked slayers were having trouble with them ? That proves how much training they need. "
You thought to yourself while kicking the demon's head until its mouth was in the dirt. It was just then when you spotted a familiar looking crow. You put out your hand as it perched on your hand.
" A letter from Muichiro. "
Ginko said, and she looked at your appearance.
" Your hair is messy dear, you should go and tie it up properly or something. Goodbye "
You watched Ginko fly away while you thought to yourself that It still took you some time to get used to Ginko's sudden kindness to you. Could it maybe be that you helped her once when she was stuck between branches of the tree ? Maybe. You were too worn out from all the missions to think at all. You found a boulder nearby and sat on top of the huge boulder as you read the letter.
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Dear Y/n,
Yours truly, Muichiro.
I am writing to you as I am wondering when you are coming back from your mission ? I also want to ensure to myself that you are safe and in good health. Please take care on your way back and don't rush.
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Your eyes lit up as you saw that Muichiro was worried about your health and your safety. You could hear the slayers gossiping about how your eyes suddenly lit up when you read the letter, almost as if you had been bought back to life within seconds of reading a piece of paper.
" Does she have a boyfriend ? "
" Her eyes suddenly looked alive again as soon as she read the letter ! "
You honestly couldn't care less, as long as they were doing their work. But some of them were relaxing while the others did most of the work treating the injured slayers. You couldn't help but be pissed at how lazy some slayers can be when it comes to tending to their injured companions.
You folded the paper and put it in your pocket as you jumped down from the boulder and landed infront of the lazy slayers.
" Hey hey hey, you're not gonna let the others do all the work, right ? Since there are plenty more injured ones left to do. How about you do the rest of them ? "
You said as you called over the rest of the slayers and got them to do the rest of the work. The slayers couldn't argue back as you were their superior. You went to tend to the injured female slayers as you skillfully wrapped up their wounds and left the area.
You hopped on the tree branch as you sat down on it.
" was it safe to leave them alone ? "
You shrugged it off as your kasugai crow soon perched on your shoulder.
" Awk ! You can go rest for the week ! "
The crow said as it flew off into a distance. Your face showed a slight smile as you could see Muichiro soon. You were happy, and you jumped from a branch to another. You were soon met with the sight of the ubuyashiki mansion. You went inside and reported the details of your mission to oyakata-sama before leaving to the butterfly mansion to check for any wounds.
While shinobu was checking your wounds, you heard a familiar voice outside as you looked out the window and saw Muichiro. Your eyes became from dead to alive again. As soon as shinobu was done checking for any wounds, you quickly left and went behind Muichiro putting your hands covering his eyes.
" Ehe guess who ? "
You chirped as Muichiro stood there in a daze. You thought he was asleep or something so you uncovered his eyes and saw that he was looking straight into your eyes. He suddenly enveloped you into a hug as he spouted about how much he missed you. The other hashiras noticed how close both you and Muichiro are, plus, your dead eyes always looked alive and energetic when you were with him. Other than that, your eyes were always dead and they looked like it could drown someone in it.
The other hashiras also noticed how Muichiro treated you kinder than even how he treats Tangiro. He's also always with you and stuck to you like glue. They started to tease the both of you of being a couple, and all they got were silent treatments. But they knew the both of you find it hard to speak up sometimes and doesn't mean to give them the silent treatment.
" Y/n, could you please pat me on the head ? "
Muichiro asked gently as he looked at you with puppy dog eyes. He knew you can't resist those eyes as you pat his head. You enjoyed these little intimate moments as you smiled softly to yourself.
– 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 –
Idk what to say about this fanfic I made tbh-
I like it but at the same time I don't 🥲
But I hope you enjoy this little fanfic I made ! 💙💙
I also notice every little interactions people make and I appreciate all of them ! 😆😆
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shmothman · 9 months
Just a Little Rush
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Pairing: Ginko/Reader Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Words: 5105 Read on AO3
Summary: just a little rush, babe / to feel dizzy, to derail the mind of me
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star-spacer · 1 year
Parts of a Whole
Ok I regret starting a new writing blog during what's probably one of the busiest periods of my life but yolo
Adashino x reader x Ginko (Platonic/romantic friendly)
For as close as you are to someone, sometimes there are some minor hiccups.
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If someone were to ask you, you would say that Adashino was the day and Ginko was the night.
Someone less familiar with hem would look at their physical features and say otherwise, but you knew differently.
Adashino was the ever-reliable sun, a constant never wavering and never changing. His medicine may have felt too warm at times, but it burned off the sick. Ginko was the soothing balm of the moonlight’s hand caressing your cheek. Sometimes his medicine nipped at you with a biting cold, but it chased away the crawling maladies and kept them away.
Either way, you don’t think you would have been the same without them by your side. Conversely to the laws of nature, your world revolved around them, even though they might not know it. Kitsunes were known to be solitary Yokais, but to them, family was one of the most important things. That was a trait that you shared in both of your bloodlines, the trait that your parents imparted to you before their passing. And Adashino and Ginko were your family, even though you never told them so. And that put them on a pedestal far above anybody else.
(There wasn’t anybody else, but you were terrified to admit it, terrified of the implications of that.)
That’s why you let them get away with too much, sometimes.
Like smoking cigarettes that were mildly toxic to you. Mildly. Supposedly.
But based on the wracking coughs hitting you now, and the arrays of other symptoms, whatever the seller put into this new blend was a little more than mildly toxic.
“Ginko,” you managed through your growing headache, suppressing a dry heave. “Put that thing out right now or–hrk–you’re going to be cleaning up my sick from all over our sleeping spot.”
“Hm?” Ginko’s half-lidded gaze locked onto your sweaty face and his eyes widened, immediately leaning forward to stub out his smoke in the tray. “Oh.”
Adashino stepped into the room at that moment, arms full of bedding. He took a moment to sniff the air. “I know that smell anywhere. Why is it worse than usual??”
His voice sent a pulse of pain through your head and you wince, exhaling slowly as a wheeze rattled your chest.
Your white-haired friend silently draped a rag over the ashtray, stifling the smoldering embers despite the smoke already in the air. “I tried this new tobacco blend.”
“I-It’s bad.” You tried to get to your feet, only managing to get to your knees before the nausea stopped you.
Adashino gave a long-suffering sigh. “Oh for goodness’s sake, I thought I told you–Wait there.”
He stepped back out of sight for a few moments and then returned, arms empty of the bedding, presumably to keep the smoke from seeping into it. Raking a hand through his hair, he kneeled down to help you to your feet as you struggled to take a full breath. 
Ginko was as apologetic as you’ve ever seen him, hand reaching out to you before he caught himself and pulled back. Already, you could see him withdrawing from you, pulling away from everyone and preparing to flee.  “I didn’t realize how much more potent this new blend was. If I knew I wouldn’t have used it.”
“I told you to stop testing them out inside and before bed,” Adashino grumbled, sharper than intended as he focused on trying to get you to your feet without throwing up dinner.
Please don’t fight…
“Stop it,” you mumbled. 
Adashino realized that the other man was closing himself up and quickly acted to amend things before he could physically run away. “Ginko stay there, I’ll be right back.”
With his help, you managed to hobble your way outside to the cool night air without making a mess all over Adashino’s wooden floors. The man gingerly sat you down on the engawa and–after a moment of double-checking–moved back inside. There was a dull mutter in the background as you focused on taking deep breaths, closing your eyes to try to ease the headache. Now in the open, the clear air did wonders for your symptoms, lungs able to work fully without the smoke wrapping around them. The sliding door was left open but thankfully you were settled far enough to be unaffected as the room aired out. 
It was no sooner that your symptoms subsded when Adashino reappeared. He offered an arm that you eagerly latched onto, still a bit shaky. His presence brought back the warmth into your body that you didn’t realize had seeped out of you body.
“Futon’s ready,” he said airily. “I forced Ginko to beat the smoke out of the sheets, change his clothes, and get new sheets. The room’s been aired too.”
“Did you two make up?” You asked hoarsely.
The man paused, taking off his monocle to wipe it down. “Yeah. I didn’t mean to be so harsh with him. We talked it out though. Safe to say there will be no more smoking inside the house. And all the sheets were changed.”
True to Adashino’s earlier words, three new futons were rolled out in the middle of the floor, pushed closer to the doors than where they usually were. Thanks to the fact that the three of you were spreading out over the large front room of him adobe, there was plenty of space to go around instead of the bedrooms. You gratefully plopped into the nearest one and pulled the blanket up into your lap while Adashino went to move the lit lantern away.
(You don’t know when it started being a regular thing, the three of your piling together in Adashino’s large greeting room, waking up in the morning to find one person or another sprawled all over the place. But what you did know that you slept easier with them by your side when you were here.)
As Ginko stepped back into the room in a pair of Adashino’s sleep clothes instead of his, the fringes of his bangs weightened down by water and dripping onto the clothes. He paused upon seeing you and Adashino, remaining right by the doorway.
Adashino was the first to speak. “Ginko you’re back–why is your hair wet?”
“I washed myself.”
You frowned. “But I thought we used up all the heated water?”
“We did. I just used our regular water.”
You could hear Adashino’s patience getting ready to snap. “I-It’s cold! You might get sick!”
“If I have to end up taking care of the both of you for being ill, I will break out the most bitter blend I have to treat you,” the doctor grumbled, putting out the lantern and walking over to drag Ginko to the futons by the collar of the man’s borrowed shirt.
You yawned placidly and shuffled over as Ginko settled into the futon next to yours. “Are you feeling better now?” The man murmured.
“Yep,” you replied, easing back on your back as your friend was too. “Thankfully, my symptoms cleared up pretty quickly after the smoke got cleared out.”
Adashino pulled the sliding doors closed, shutting out the moonlight. In the darkness, your sharp eyes saw him gingerly picking his way over to the last futon on your other side. You closed your eyes, fox ears flicking as you heard him get into bed and lie down.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Ginko murmured.
“I know,” you replied. “You didn’t hurt me.”
“I won’t smoke inside again.”
“I know,” Adashino said. “There are no hard feelings. Go to sleep you two,”
You burrowed deeper into your sheets, banked on either side by the safety of the two you knew best. A final yawn left you as sleepiness finally seeped back in to your body.
“Good night you two,” you mumbled.
“Good night.”
A sleepy smile stretched over your lips and it remained there as rest finally claimed you. Yes, Adashino was your day and Ginko your night, and life wouldn’t be whole without them by your side.
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tulipe-rose · 9 months
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Muichirou tokito x f!reader angst.
Tragic, seriously grab some tissues.
Time line -> post Swordsmith village arc
He ran into the estate, without a care to his surroundings. His mind was running a mile a minute, and his ears were ringing. His expression was fixed into one of panic, and hurt. He zoomed through the hallways, trying multiple doors. He had to get to you.
The moment Ginko came to him with news, he dropped everything to see you. She said you were in critical condition due to your latest mission, and that you might not make it.
He tried a few more doors, before stumbling upon a nurse, who told him that she was still in treatment, which took place in the ground floor, first door to the entrance. Not so much as sparing another glance, he bolted towards the stairs, frantically looking for the said description, before spotting the door and sliding it open, only to stare in horror, eyes as wide as his sword's hilt.
There you were, barely breathing, face contorted into a wince of great pain and anguish. You were placed on a stretcher, being attended to by the head of the estate herself, and a variety of helpers. The kakushi were trying to ward him away, as you were quite fragile, and teetering on the thin line of life and death. The head doctor was moving rather quickly, scattering commands and instructions left and right. She was sweating with worry, trying her best to save you. She wouldn't forgive herself if she didn't at least try.
Muichirou made it past the kakushi, kneeling down by your side, clutching your hand gently. He couldn't bear to see you like this, and hated how little he could do. He was on the verge of tears. He trusted the butterfly lady's capabilities, but his heart wouldn't rest.
You looked around, at all these sad expressions, they were all people you loved, and you couldn't bear to see them like that. You felt your end nearing, as much as you hated it, you were aware. You didn't like dying so young, you still had many things to try.... You had so many loved ones that you'd be too pained to leave, but it was too harsh to give them hope.
You slowly reached to Shinobu's trembling fingers, urging her to stop. She gave you a panicked and greatly irritated look, but before she could scold you, Muichirou overtook her, crying, begging, for you to let her continue, he tried to assure you this could be fixed, however before he could continue, you interrupted him, gazing deep into his eyes, tears flooding yours.
'' Please... Let me go... I can feel myself going numb. I'm dying. ''
'' No! Please, listen to me- ''
'' Mui... Stop. I love you... But there's no changing what is... ''
You smile solemnly, recognising his denial, and feeling Shinobu back at work. An idea pops into your hazy mind, and you decide to act on it.
'' How about this, Mui? I'll promise myself... to you as a bride, but in another lifetime... If you let me go in this one... And become the best person you could be... I'll let you take me as yours... ''
Your breathes were getting shorter and more shallow, your essence slowly fading.
'' No. I want you here with me! I don't even know if we'll ever cross paths in some supposed lifetime! ''
He was growing pale and desperate, grip tightening around your hand.
'' But... This... Is my last wish... Please... Promise?... I wouldn't want another... ''
You stick your pinky finger out towards him, before he hesitantly intertwines your fingers, tears falling harder than before.
'' This life is now complete... I hope... for the next... to be better... ''
You smile contently, before turning your gaze to look to your friend and comrade, flashing her one last smile, before all goes numb.
'' Shinobu... Take care of yourself and him for me, will ya? ''
Your finger falls from Muichirou's hold, and sad stillness befalls the room.
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If you have time, a Muichirou friendship fic/hc with a demon slayer who's a bit like him after training making difficult origamis, talking about their crows and how older hashiras/demon slayer look down at them maybe
If you were ok with writing it take your time please ♡
Hi! Sorry this took me so long😭 I really like this prompt, especially since Muichiro is my favorite :p I hope this is okay- I went with a blend of hc's/drabble!
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Character: Muichiro x fellow hashira reader (Platonic)
Warnings: none!
Despite you two being more independent and both having tendencies to keep to yourselves, the two of you becoming friends was no real surprise.
Because of your closeness in age and similarity in personality & fighting style, you and Muichiro got paired up for missions a lot.
In the beginning your shared missions were quiet, with only the occasional question (usually from him being a little lost) or comment filling the silence.
But as the months went by the two of you developed an unlikely, but fairly close friendship.
Besides the similarities in character you both got along for another reason- your age.
More specifically how you were occasionally treated by the other hashira/demon slayers because of your unusually young ages.
When it came from fellow hashira you both knew it never came from a bad place- usually it was an ill-stated comment from tengen, or an unfiltered observation of Rengoku's; but you knew they meant no harm (even if it could get a little frustrating).
But when it came from other slayers who were lower ranking than you were? That was another story.
"I'm telling you Muichiro- one of these days i'm gonna.." Your voice filtered off as you focused your frustration into folding the origami you were currently working on. Snapping out of his daze Muichiro hummed, "What?" Most were intimidated by his blunt-typically one worded replies, but after months of friendship they didn't bother you in the slightest.
"Make a scene that's what." He hummed in understanding- even if he didn't really understand, your clipped tone told him all he needed to know. Besides the fact that you regularly told him of your less-than lovely interactions with the older slayers, he himself had experienced his fair share with them.
The older members of the corps could be arrogant, rude, and downright stubborn when it came to the young hashiras. Even some of the "older" hashira, like Tomioka and Shinobu, had faced similar comments from that specific group. And despite having proved yourselves time and time again it seemed like their egos prevented them from taking a step back and admiring your strength and maturity for your age as opposed to in spite of it.
Did their comments or attitudes in any way deter you from continuing on as a fantastic slayer and hashira? Absolutely not- they were irritating sure, but at the end of the day you're the ones with pillar titles and engravings on your katanas, not them.
Sighing you shook your head as you set the completed origami in your basket. You took a moment to breathe in the spring air and you relished in the feeling of the cool breeze softly flowing by. When you two weren't training or out on missions, the two of you enjoyed spending time outside doing origami. He'd listen as you talked about missions, or something you heard about in town, or whatever it was you brought to the table that day.
You started most all of the conversations but they weren't one sided- he did listen, and he tried to remember important details though you never seemed to mind when he forgot things. You understood him, and he appreciated it. In return he tried to understand you too.
"Oh! How's Ginko doing?" Muichiro looked up to the sky, "She's good...a little loud but that's how she is..what about Tenko?" You smiled as you told him about your recent adventure with your crow (who much like Muichiro's, likes to cause drama).
From the outside looking in your friendship with the mist hashira was strange, but to the two of you? It was a safe haven, free from the stresses of the adult world, and a place where the both of you could be yourselves.
Again, I am so SO sorry it took me so long!! I hope this was okay, and I cannot express how grateful I am for your request and for your patience! Take care of yourself and have a lovely rest of your day/evening anon!
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sft-chrries · 1 year
flower crown
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pairings: m. tokito x fem!tsuguko!reader
warning: blood, muichiro’s pov, readers hair and height is selected by me
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there was a girl who sat beside me while i was gazing at the clouds. she expressed her admiration for me and her desire to become my tsuguko. i simply nodded in response to her words.
“tokito-sama, i want to be your tsuguko!” she exclaimed excitedly, but i remained focused on the clouds, nodding. she let out a squeal “really!? when should we begin training, tokito-sama?”
“tomorrow, at my estate,” i replied calmly.
i don't recall inviting anyone to my estate, yet there she was, she said her name was (name) (last name) and told me that we had agreed to her becoming my tsuguko. i hummed in acknowledgement and led her to my dojo for our training. since there were vacant rooms in my estate, i suggested that she stay there during her training.
“tokito-sama, i’m (name) (last name), the one who asked to be your tsuguko yesterday!” she reminded me eagerly.
i responded with a nonchalant hum and gestured for her to follow me. we proceeded to the training grounds where I instructed her to demonstrate her skills. as nightfall approached, i offered her a room to rest, but she declined. however, i insisted, my gaze conveying my insistence, and eventually, she agreed.
there was a girl at my estate claiming to be (name) (last name) and insisting that she was my tsuguko. i glanced at her briefly before setting off to my destination as she followed me, bombarding me with questions about our next training session.
“tokito-sama, you mentioned yesterday that i could stay here... by the way, i’m (name) (last name), your tsuguko,” she stated with a smile, determined to engage in conversation. I continued walking, but she persisted in talking to me.
a girl with a ponytail and bangs approached me, saying that she was ready for our training session. i asked who she was, to which she responded with (name) (last name) affirming that she was my tsuguko. despite her petite frame, she displayed surprising strength and skill.
“i’m (name) (last name), your tsuguko, tokito-sama,” she reminded me, emphasizing our prior agreement to train together that day.
something felt different today as i found myself wandering towards my training grounds. however, when i caught sight of a girl wearing a demon slayer uniform, my mood unexpectedly lifted. she approached me and began speaking about her experience, explaining that using the mist breathing style made it easier for her to slay demons. as she spoke, i find myself looking at her instead of the clouds.
“tokito-sama, are you listening?” she asked, bringing me back to the conversation.
“you’re as beautiful as the clouds,” i murmured, unable to resist the compliment.
a familiar face approached me with a playful smile, challenging me to guess her name. without hesitation, i blurted out “pudding,” thinking i had the correct answer. however, she burst into laughter, leaving me confused.
“tokito-sama, i’m not pudding,” she replied, still amused. “i’m (name) (last name), but that was a great guess! I do enjoy eating those a lot!”
as time passed, i grew closer to the girl who turned out to be my tsuguko, (name) (last name). i made an effort not to forget about her, but my short memory often got the best of me. she held a special place in my heart, she makes my heart to quicken and my cheeks to flush but i don’t know why.
“what’s this for?” she asked curiously, noticing im holding a flower crown.
“it’s a flower crown. put it on your head, it suits you,” i replied, encouraging her to wear it.
when i woke up, my crow perched beside me emitted a sense of sadness. i asked her what was wrong and ginko said that a girl named (name) (last name) who had lost her life to a lower moon demon. tears welled up in my eyes, although i found myself perplexed by the sudden surge of emotions since i didn't recognize the girl's name.
while i was fighting upper moon 5, memories flooded my mind. i remembered my mother, who had died due to her illness, my father who went missing, and my brother dying in front of me. me training relentlessly, pushing myself to the point of passing out or coughing up blood. however, despite all of this, there was still something missing.
ah, that's right, her.
(name) (last name)
the girl who was so patient with me, the one who would reintroduce herself because i had forgotten her, the one who was special to me, the one i failed to protect.
as i sliced the head of a lower moon 2, o looked at it as it disintegrated, sheathing my katana back into my saya. i saw a familiar color of a torn haori. i went near it and picked it up, examining the clothing, when i heard someone say my name. when i looked at the source, i saw (name).
i stared at her in disbelief, my heart pounding in my chest. her words echoed in my mind, but the situation paralyzed me. she lay on the floor, deep gashes on her leg, missing fingers, and bloodied eyes. panic welled up within me as i frantically searched for someone to aid her.
with trembling hands, i reached for my crow and sent it off, its wings flapping urgently as it disappeared into the sky. i couldn't bear the thought of losing her, not when my heart had started to recognize her presence, not when i had begun to feel a connection that i couldn't quite understand.
“tokito-sama, i-is it dead?” she asked, trying to control her breathing. I nodded as I knelt down to her level and held her hand. It felt familiar, as if this had happened before. “i’ll probably not have enough time, and you will probably forget about this, but i had fun when you taught me your breathing style. it’s a strong style, tokito-sama. i’m just too weak to be able to behead some demons.
i stayed silent, trying to ingrain her voice in my mind.
“c-can you still make me flower crowns?”
and that was the last thing she said before she stopped breathing. now i’m sitting in front of her grave with tanjiro and genya, the three of us making flower crowns.
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🍒 reblogs and notes are appreciated !
🍒 sft-chrries 2023
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