#giovanni x eva
jon-astronaut · 2 years
skam italia couples - the very first night by taylor swift 
"I miss you like it was the very first night"
i had a vision while blasting taylor swift 
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terrilynn88 · 2 years
This Love | Eva & Giovanni [#11]
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undeath1245 · 1 year
The disassembly drones' former names
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I figured that I would share this headcanon with all of you sooner or later. You know each of the disassembly drones’ serial designations? Well, what if their letters were based off their former names back when they were worker drones? And I’m not talking about the first letter of their names. I’m talking about the name of the letter in each of their names. For example, N’s former name was probably either Kenneth, Bennett, or Leonard, and V’s former name probably either Venus, Vivian, or Genevieve. J’s former name was probably either Jamie or Jane, the latter of which I was initially going for Mary Jane (yes, the same name as the famous supporting character from Spider-Man). I’m unsure about CYN or Cynthia, though, largely because that she probably died long before the events of the series that she wasn’t converted into a disassembly drone. Besides, for all we know, she was going on a crazy, murderous rampage that she had to be put down. And if she was converted into a disassembly drone, her designation might be either C from the first letter of her name or T from a phonetic of her name (Cynthia).
The former names should go as followed:
A – Ada, Eva, Avery, Abraham, Adrian
B – Beatrice, Bianca, Phoebe; Sabine
C – Caesar, Cecil, Casey
D – Diesel, Delia, Deanna, Heidi, Nadine
E – Edith, Eden, Elaine, Ian
F – Efrem, Jeffrey, Stephanie
G – Giovanni, Georgina, Regina, Eugene
H – Rachel, Horatio
I – Isaac, Ivan, Isaiah, Ivy, Iris
J – Jane, Jamie, Jayden
K – Katie, Kayla, Casey
L – Eleanor, Elliot, Elias, Elvis, Elmer; Bella, Angelica, Melanie, Danielle, Michelle; Denzel
M – Emma, Emerald, Emmett, Emmerich, Clementine
N – Kenneth, Bennett, Benedict, Leonard, Henry
O – Ophelia, Olivia, Odette, Opal
P – Peter, Penelope
Q – Cueball, Queue
R – Archie, Armand, Charles, Harley
S – Essence, Estelle, Esther, Jessica, Lester, Marquess
T –  Christina, Valentina, Misty
U – Ulysses, Unity, Eunice, Eustace
V – Venus, Vivian, Genevieve
W – Winston, Wilson
X – Xavier, Rex, Alexander
Y – Wyatt, Wyvern, Wyoming
Z – Ezekiel, Lindsay, Suzie
I also want to share that I used to have a theory that J, N, and V used to be regular secretary drones before being converted into disassembly drones, as well as my former headcanon that N used to be friends with his assigned human coworker.
Anyway, that’s all I have for this headcanon for now. This might be re-edited soon, but if you’d like to add in some additions, feel free to do so in the replies and reblogs. You can use this list as an outline for your OCs if you want. And I’ll see you all next time.
P.S. If Uzi were to transform into a disassembly drone, should her designation be either U or Z?
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lokaleblickecom · 4 months
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year
También me parece IDEAL q GANDIA sea mi último DESTINO antes DEL FIN..tanto por los PAPAS BORGIA [los únicos españoles..aunque esta maldita nazion satánica extendió su RELIGION por el MUNDO]..como porque fue el siguiente DESTINO de VIRGINIA MAESTRO tras verla en VILLARREAL [mayo 2022] y donde en 2012 la grabaron la extraña canción CANTO CON TU CUERPO donde quiere ser una ESCLAVA..lo mio es mucho más q CANTAR a las CONSECUENCIAS del ROMANCE de Eva y $atana$ o la mujer como una MANZANA y una CRUZ=PECADO ORIGINAL=Bolsa de una mujer ayer en el Palacio de los BORGIA [actualmente de los JESUITAS]=canción de INXS [IN EXCESS] q abre cd The Swing seguida de MELTING THE SUN en cuyo video un FAN QUIERE MATAR A SU IDOLO [=CAMISETA DE CRISTO q llevaba AXL ROSE] saliendo mensajes fugaces apocalípticos como EL FIN ESTA CERCA, ESTAMOS TODOS CONDENADOS, SEXO, PECADO..y canción ORIGINAL SIN q les produjo Nile RODGERS como LIKE A VIRGIN a MADONNA
La Casa de Borja o Borgia produjo tres Papas, que son los siguientes:
Papa Calixto III, nacido Alfonso de Borja, fue papa desde 8 de abril de 1455 hasta su muerte ocurrida en 1458.
Papa Alejandro VI, nacido Rodrigo Borja Lanzol, fue papa desde 1492 hasta su muerte sucedida el 18 de agosto de 1503.
Papa Inocencio X, nacido Giovanni Battista Pamphili, fue papa desde 1644 hasta su muerte acaecida el 1655. Era tataranieto de Juan Borgia, duque de Nepi y Camerino, conocido como el «niño romano», a través de su hija natural, Lucrecia, que casada con Ceriaco Mattei fue su bisabuela. Por consiguiente, directo descendiente del papa Alejandro VI, aunque su apellido no era Borja o Borgia
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evabrighis · 4 years
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Sana tried to convince me to write a letter to Federico. I really tried writing for Fede, but then I kept wanting to write one for you. When we went to the lake to celebrate our 100 days, I was looking at you and I was thinking about how we don’t talk anymore. At the same time though, I was thinking that without you and me, there would have never been this group of people that formed slowly around us. People that would have never even imagined to be in the same room but now love each other so much and in some way grew up all together.
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3ffyst0n3m · 4 years
Ore. Centinaia, migliaia di ore. A non fare niente, a cercare di piacere agli altri, a comprare vestiti che costano meno dello schifo che mangiamo.
E, soprattutto, ore su ore a studiare. Cose inutili, cose utili. Qual è la differenza? Cose che in ogni caso non ci ricorderemo mai.
E così ci ritroveremo fra dieci anni senza saper fare nulla. Perché, anziché fare qualcosa e pensare con la nostra testa, abbiamo passato i pomeriggi a bruciarci i peli, a imparare una lingua parlata tremila anni fa da un’élite di pedofili spazzati via dalla storia.
Greco e latino insegnano a pensare, ti dicono.
Insegnano così tanto a pensare che nessuno, in Italia, ha pensato che nei paesi davvero innovativi il latino e il greco non si studiano.
E così, mentre il prossimo Zuckerberg cambierà il mondo a vent’anni senza nemmeno aver finito l’università, noi continuiamo a studiare e a spendere i soldi dei nostri genitori facendo cose senza senso.
Cerchiamo di rimanere sempre in giro, ci agitiamo. Sudiamo. Perché finché ci muoviamo abbiamo l’illusione di non stare fermi.
Ma in realtà non stiamo andando avanti, stiamo andando indietro.
Siamo convinti di saltare verso il cielo e non c’accorgiamo che in mezzo c’è il soffitto.
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annefraid · 5 years
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skam italia
A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most obsessively, wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his image.
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iinejs · 4 years
gio really said he has been waiting for eva for the past two years and he hasn’t given up on her i’m crying 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Do you think you could write how Gio react if he learns that Marti was the one who cause all the trouble with Eva?
How do you think Gio would react if he find out that Marti was involved in his breakup with Eva?
Could you write Gio comforting Marti after the break up?
Gio stares at his best friend sitting on Filo’s couch. The old, dark red, vintage cushions have definitely seen better days, but it does fit Martino’s mood for the past week. 
He has been constantly crying for what feels like days. His eyes are so red and puffy and the tears keep slipping out of his eyes like a constant river and Marti is not even bothered by it anymore. Even if he’s not sobbing or anything, he’s just sitting there, his eyes glued to a random spot on the wall in front of him, the tears are still running constantly down his cheeks.
This is not the time, just let him be. 
So Gio follows his own advice, patting his jeans as he gets up, leaving Martino alone for a little. Filo is still in the kitchen, trying to make them some pasta with homemade tomato sauce. 
“How is he?” Filo asks when Gio sighs, pulling a chair to sit on, pressing his hands against his face, feeling tired of even just watching someone cry for so long as Marti is crying. 
“Still crying and not talking.” 
“He’s just overreacting...” There’s a pause and Filo looks over his shoulder to meet Gio’s eyes, “right?” 
Gio shrugs, a little tired to be the owner of the truth today. Everyone always comes to him for advice or for some honest opinion and Gio is not in the right mindspace right now. 
He knows Eva didn’t want him to turns his back to Marti. She was just sharing what she discovered and needed someone that could understand. They both love Martino as deeply as you can love someone else and this - this new part of their story - doesn’t change that, but Gio is bitting his tongue not to ask why. 
This is not the time, but he just wants to know, for Martino to open up again, tell the fucking whole story. It’s not just his story to know and tell and so Gio feels like he has the right to know. 
A slouchy Martino passes by him. Gio and Filo stop whatever they were doing and stare as Marti walks to the fridge, grabbing some water for himself. When he turns to look at the other two, Filo is back to cooking and Gio is still staring at his best friend. 
“How are you?” Gio asks and Marti sighs, drinking more water first. 
“Fine. As best I can while beinh homeless.” 
Gio rolls his eyes, his patience not really working after days and days of this passive-agressive bullshit. 
“You’re not homeless, don’t be dramatic. You can go back to your mom’s place whenever you feel like it. You’re just waiting for Nico to ask for forgiveness for the hundred time so you can go back to his place and act all hurt in front of him instead of behind his back.”
Martino’s pity and red eyes go away as he stares at Gio, his eyes staring deep inside Gio’s, hurt and angry at his words and he is too. He doesn’t know where all of that came from and spilled out of him, right to Marti’s face. 
“Sorry, but you know what I mean.” 
Gio tries to look at Filo from the corner of his eyes and his eyebrows are still as high as they can be, arching perfectly, looking for something inside the drawer, clearly surprised by Gio’s harsh outburst and Gio sighs as Martino walks away again, not saying anything. 
“Marti...Marti.” He follows his best friend back to the living room, takes a deep breathe in and out as a sigh, leaning against the wall on his left side, back to watching as Marti lies down on the couch. “You know what I mean.” 
“You don’t have to stay here, Gio. Watching me, especially now that I know what you’re thinking sitting here, quiet and judging me from a distance.” 
“I’m not judging you!” 
“Yes, you are! You think you’re the only one with eyes here, but I’m seeing you sitting here, quietly staring at me for hours! Go away if I’m bothering you so much, fuck...” 
Gio sighs, closing his eyes for a second, leaning down to grab a pillow from the armchair closer to him, throwing at Marti’s face. 
“I’m not going anywhere. Filo is making us some food and we will eat it, clean our fucking plates. I’ll wash the dishes, you’ll put them away and then I’ll go home and you and me will be free from each other for the night.” 
Martino rolls his eyes as dramatically as he can and Gio smiles because that’s exactly how Marti would ever react to the thought of putting dishes away. He’s not broken after all. They’re not broken either. 
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yuhaengga · 4 years
netflix italia say gioeva endgame 100000000000000000x
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jon-astronaut · 11 months
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listening to this love (taylor’s version)…their song
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milkaleksandr · 4 years
ok marti and nico are absolutely my favourites always but this season didn't give them much screentime and it was meh. my favourites instead were this time gio and eva, their storyline was handled so well —better than the og imo— because they didn't get back together out of nowhere without clarifying their on and off situation, they actually talked, confessed their feelings for each other, told each other they've always been into one another since they broke up, gio said that he's been waiting for eva for two years and wasn't gonna give up. I'm glad Bessegato gave them that much screentime because they deserved it and it was worth it. the sex outside? I don't know about that I mean they're straights so they can't be perfect but... I'm so happy they had their happy ending because although I was rooting for them since day 1 I'm satisfied with the fact that everything was clarified, that it's confirmed they never stopped loving each other, being jealous and in need of each other, missing each other. they were so good and I'm gonna miss them so much. they overcame their problems, they grew up, they matured, left back those insecurities, toxic situations that they faced in season 1, they're gonna be good. love them
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Giovanni: I just want to be friends.
Eva: Good.
Giovanni: Plus a little extra.
Giovanni: Also, I love you.
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margheriteas · 6 years
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Just have a look at how Giovanni Garau is probably looking at Eva while Filippo is taking the girls a photo and tell me if isn’t it love 
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can we talk about this tho Benedetta is the elippo (and gio x eva) warrior we deserve
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