#girl help i have desicion making problems
sea-jello · 2 years
morro joins the band enjoyers i can’t decide if i want wrayth/the ghost team or ronin to introduce morro to,, someone,, so opinions please help
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crazycoke-addict · 1 year
In defense of Ross geller
I've seen a lot of tik Tok of people slandering the character Ross from the TV show friends and while I understand the criticism like he's a terrible boyfriend to many of the girls he dated and makes worst desicions in the show but Ross isn't the worst and I can't help but defended this character because at this point, people especially the ones on tiktok are trying to find ways to slander him which doesn't make sense.
The recent one I've seen is that Ross was a bad parent to both Ben and Emma and it's because of his minimalism time with Ben than later on emma. Ben's parents are divorced and appears that it's not really 50/50. One of the things that Ross has problems was the fact that he couldn't spend time with Ben that much is this is where he kept missing ben's milestone and wants Ben more longer. It seems like Ben spends a christmas over at carol and Susan's place and I do believe Ross visits to spend time with him. In season 7, Ross was allowed to have Ben and wanted him to learn about Hanukkah. He picks up Ben at school and he pretty much there for him in his life. I do have problem with him putting the toxic masculinity towards his son but than again Joey and chandlers aren't out of the woods for that either. He helps Rachel with Emma as much as he could even when they aren't living together any more. I think that Ross is good father as he could. One of the reasons why Ross didn't want to move to London was because he didn't want to leave Ben. The creator says this as a manipulation tactics because in their eyes, Ross doesn't spend time with Ben. When he actually does. We just don't see it that often because Ross' character isn't just him being just a friend. I saw one comment saying that Ross was a terrible father because his father Jack forgot he had another grandchild when he saw Emma. Ross literally says in that episode "what about Ben?". I think that Jack probably has short memory loss but that's my headcannon.
Another part I see people is his relationship with Rachel and I believe that both of them are in the wrong of what they did but they focus more ross' terrible choices rather than what Rachel. Whenever they are together, Ross made decisions that weren't okay which lead to them breaking up. While Rachel was ruining his relationships. There are three times where this happened. Ross cheated on both bonnie and Julie with Rachel and yet Rachel gets a past because she is not in the relationship with them even though she had problems with both of the girls like how she convinced bonnie to shave her head because she knew it would turn ross off and when phoebe said that Julie wanted a haircut and her hairstyle to be a celebrity and Rachel on purpose told phoebe the wrong celebrity. So when ross does the same time, she feels like a victim I mean she is but she didn't care about any of the girl's feelings but rather herself. She never felt any remorse for her actions because to her, she didn't feel like she owed them anything. I saw many comments saying that Joey wouldn't never cheat is not 100% true. When Joey was dating Kathy, he was seeing someone. They may have not put a label in their relationship. But kathy probably thought they were exclusive considering the fact that Joey called chandler as asked if he can cover him meaning that he didn't want to get caught despite believing his relationship with Kathy was nothing serious.
Whenever you bring up a good fact about ross, people on tiktok would try to find something wrong. For example when ross gave phoebe a bike and him finding out that she walked the bike rather than ride it. One of the many comments talk about he threatened to take the bike away all because she wouldn't ride the bike but they don't explain why. Ross gifted phoebe the bike after hearing the story. Now ross should've been knowledgeable about the fact that because phoebe never had a bike, she wouldn't learn how to ride one. However he helps her out and at one part he let's go which at what you do but because she turn to see he not behind her, she loses balance. I don't think ross would actually take the bike away but rather want to see how much does the bike mean to her. However in the end they find a solution by putting training wheels on the bike.
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nie7027 · 2 years
I'm barely starting Nana and I'm already in love with how soon (as of episodes 6) the unreliable narrator trope is coming into action.
Like ever since the first episode is obvious Nana has codependence issues but still the first episode makes it seem like Shoji is cold and distant. Like he sees Nana as more of an annoyance. Like a little girl he is forced to tolerate out some of obligation to a past promise.
Once you watch the backstory you realize this boy freaking loves her.
He is so happy to have her here. Excited the moment he heard she was going to Tokyo. Just like her he couldn't wait to be reunited back with her.
It's just that precisely because he loves her so much he wants her to be better. To not let her fall into her codependence.
Like the boy knows Nana is immature and had attachment issues. And he still loves her with all of that and accepts it but also knows it isn't the best to Nana. That he shouldnt encourage it.
So because he doesn't want this relationship to fail, to be doomed, he puts this boundaries for Nana.
Search a job (although ill gladly maintain you)
Go live somewhere else. (Although I wish I could wake up everyday at your side)
Learn to fend for yourself (although I actually want to marry you and am willing to let go of my career dream to support you)
Don't depend on me (although I would do everything in my power to help you knowing very well I'm human and as such i have my limits and there will be cases where I'll be powerless so please for your own good learn to fend for yourlself)
And yeah there's something to be said about the way by putting this boundaries he is infantilizing Nana. He is taking the choices for her.
He (and also Junko) in their love to want to help Nana take it to the extreme.
Instead of treating her like the capable person she is that only needs a push and a little help here and there they treat her a little child who won't change, won't learn unless they force her to. Taking desicions for her and putting her in situations that they would have problems themselves.
Like they already want her to learn to live on her own without their help when that takes time??? Everybody needs help at the start
And thats shown with the other Nana.
Nana who's as strong and capable as she seems actually doesn't know how to live on her own neither. She didn't even know something as basic as having to call the gas services to install it.
But she has her friends who help her without that taking away her independence. Without that meaning she will always be dependant on them like Nana's friends fear for her.
And this is why living with her will help her
Because besides Kyosuke, Nana is the other person who treats Nana as someone capable of learning
(and she does as it was shown when Kyosuke helped untangle all her complicated feelings. He didn't do it for her. He just offered a little guidance here and there. It was Nana who did the legwork)
Also returning to the unreliable narrator thing episode 1 also made it seem like Nana didn't really for Nana's story. Like she was only humoring her to pass the time by letting her gush about her boyfriend and to avoid talking about her.
When in fact after you see her backstory you realize she GENUINELY wants to hear her story.
She GENUINELY cares because this strange story she just met because she is giving her a glimpse of what her life could have had she chosen differently back then.
Not only that but this Nana was presenting her a third option she never thought of.
It didn't have to be black or white. She could have done what this Nana did and wait a time back in her hometown make a name for herself and then return to Ren. But it's too late now.
Still it s nice to hear someone else tried and how it worked out for them.
They really complement each other very well.
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shadowed-dancer · 5 years
Queens of the Old Book (my versions)
Alright, I've been meaning to do this for a while and finally got around to it. I’ve designed my versions of the 26 queens who came before Skywynne! It’s a really long post, but I included pictures, poems, brief physical descriptions, and some backstory for each! I’m gonna draw my favourites again soon. Hope you enjoy.
Mo the First
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The very first Queen of Mewni, A destiny foretold By the little man from beyond time, A wonder to behold
Hair: Light brown Eyes: Greek Cheekmark colour: Pink Aureole sign: Warnicorn
Mo was the first Queen and did a lot of things to set up a kingdom. She built the first castle out of wood from the stump that sheltered her and her family, and set out in pursuit of corn. She laid all the foundations for a prosperous kingdom.
Cassandra the Overwhelmed
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When the entirety of a legacy Is up to you to make, The pressure starts to multiply Which lead Cassandra to break
Hair: Black Eyes: Green Cheekmark colour: Yellow Aureole sign: Tadpole
Cassandra was freaked out by the prospect of running a kingdom and began breaking down after the birth of her child. She did nothing to better her kingdom, and let it fall into despair. It was during her reign that people fled her kingdom and established the Spiderbites, Johansens, and the minor kingdoms like Garbage Beach and the Dock of Unending Torment.
Jasmine the Star Chaser
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There was no star Within the sky That didn't catch Young Jasmine’s eye
Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Yellow Cheekmark colour: White Aureole sign: Silkworm
Jasmine was a star gazer and started the trend of sky named children. She created the Aureole signs and looked to the stars for answers, which somehow ended up helping her repair the kingdom from her mother’s reign.
Andromeda the Shallow
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The suitors flooded in the halls And spread throughout the land. Yet Andromeda the Shallow Picked the worst fit for her hand
Hair: Blonde Eyes: Pink Cheekmark colour: Light blue Aureole sign: Hydra
Andromeda had suitors from all sorts of kingdoms, yet she chose the worst political choice (a selfish vain man who just wanted power) just because he was handsome. It was because of his stupid desicions and insistence on growing their land that the animosity between mewman and monster started to grow.
Calliope the Musician
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The peasants of Mewni hear her call, The music echoing in the hall, And despite the love for her fine tune, Her show was cut off far too soon
Hair: Magenta Eyes: Teal Cheekmark colour: Yellow Aureole sign: Narwhal
Calliope was the first and only Queen to become a songstrel and began the tradition of song-day and the coronation song. Her idea was that the princesses after her would have a song written about them, then give back the sentiment by writing their own song to become queen. She died shortly after her daughter’s song day, leaving her 14 year old daughter to become the youngest queen in Mewni history.
Cassiopeia the Indecisive
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For Cassiopeia the Indecisive The choices mounted thick. To ease the issues in her mind She called upon Glossaryck
Hair: Pink Eyes: Blue Cheekmark colour: Green Aureole sign: Pixie
Being the youngest queen ever took its toll on Cassiopeia. She had a lot of choices to make as Queen and couldn't handle the pressure, so she called Glossaryck into existence as her advisor.
Titania the Explorer
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A world awaited beyond the shores And none would be quite bolder Than the girl who left to sail the seas Titania the Explorer
Hair: Black Eyes: Green Cheekmark colour: Pink Aureole sign: Lion Dragon
After getting married and having her daughter, Titania took to the seas and found many islands of Mewni (pie island being one of them). She made most of them part of the kingdom, and didn’t take her responsibilities as queen very seriously.
Artemis the Wild
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Running all throughout the kingdom, A completely untameable child As bright as the suns upon her cheeks Was Artemis the Wild
Hair: Red/Orange Eyes: Yellow Cheekmark colour: Yellow Aureole sign: Lion Dragon
Artemis was a crazy kid who refused to listen to reason. Since her mother left to explore the sea and her father was stuck ruling, Artemis was left to her own devices for most of her childhood. When she got older, she'd run into battle without a second glance and married the first random guy she came across. During her rule, she made a lot of spontaneous decisions, not always for the best.
Terra the Wise
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Always calm and always sure The kingdom could depend on her. An answer to every single plight, the Wise knew how to run things right
Hair: White Eyes: Purple Cheekmark colour: Light green Aureole sign: Deadhorse
Terra disliked her mother's way of ruling and took the time to think everything through. She had great reasoning skills and always weighed her options before making a decision. She was the wisest of the queens and never made a bad decision in all the history of her rule.
Luna the Fearful
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The monsters lurking in the night Filled poor Luna with dread. The swirl of fear and fantasy That must have filled her head
Hair: Lilac Eyes: Purple Cheekmark colour: Purple Aureole sign: Pony Head
Luna was born as the monsters began getting restless. She was terrified that they would attack, but there were no soldiers strong enough to fight for the kingdom. Her fear of monsters evolved into other things, like fear of losing her family, and it caused her to become paranoid.
Neptuna the Beautiful
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No man or woman on Mewni Could resist Neptuna’s beauty. A treasure of the earth, No gems to capture her worth
Hair: Dark blue Eyes: Light blue Cheekmark colour: Pink Aureole sign: Pixie
Neptuna was a beautiful queen who didn't really do much. Her greatest attempt was trying to charm the monsters into stopping their attacks, which didn’t actually work.
Orion Queen of Peace
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When beauty alone proved not enough To convince the monsters to cease A temporary solution came from Orion, Queen of Peace
Hair: Pastel green Eyes: Brown Cheekmark colour: Pink Aureole sign: Deadhorse
Orion saw that her mother was unable to keep the peace just through her looks, so she proposed a solution. If the monsters stopped attacking Mewmans and stayed in a certain part of land, the Mewmans would stop attacking them. This worked for a bit.
Polaris the Unbalanced
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When a system seemed to be in place The scales were tipped too far one way. And the later acts of Polaris Ensured it stayed this way
Hair: Ice blue Eyes: Teal Cheekmark colour: Purple Aureole sign: Hydra
Polaris didn't like her mother's idea of getting along with the monsters so she tried taking more land from them, which they obviously disliked. She doubled down though, making it impossible for anyone to talk her out of it, and started a war. Her ideas began spreading until the Mewni population believed they were the rightful owners of the land.
Venus the Sympathetic
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When too much fighting lead to blood And it all became too hectic The Queen just had to step away, Venus the Sympathetic
Hair: Orange Eyes: Teal Cheekmark colour: Yellow Aureole sign: Blowhole
Venus was naturally a sympathetic person and found the war took too much on her mental state. She couldn’t stand to see her people suffer, and as a result had to leave Mewni for a bit to travel the multiverse and clear her head.
Astrid the Scholar
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Every book in the multiverse Was gathered by Astrid’s hand. All the knowledge and wisdom To share within Mewni’s land
Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Cheekmark colour: Purple Aureole sign: Tadpole
Astrid loved to read and (just like her mother) traveled the multiverse to gather a copy of “every book in existence”. She wanted to have the most magnificent library ever, and succeeded. She claims to have read every book in her collection, and no one doubts it for a second.
Pandora the Trickster
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Good intentions, a bit of play, Too much magic, a dangerous day, A prank gone wrong with too much power, All that face it on will cower
Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Cheekmark colour: Red Aureole sign: Demon
The creator of Pandora’s box, Pandora loved to play pranks. Unfortunately, she greatly underestimated her powers and accidentally created the most dangerous box in the multiverse. She hid it in her closet, and it remained there far beyond her death until her great great something granddaughter found it in the ruins of the castle and tossed it in another dimension (probably for the better).
Daphne the Overachiever
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When doing good was not enough Daphne dreamed of things too grand. She did the absolute most of any Queen to rule the land
Hair: Purple Eyes: Pink Cheekmark colour: Lilac Aureole sign: Hydra
Daphne always wanted to do the best things for her kingdom and went above and beyond to prove herself a good queen. She never stopped at a solution, and would work hard even after the problems were solved.
Soupina the Strange
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A spell gone wrong is a tragic song Of potential forced to change. The wonders that she must have seen, Poor Soupina the Strange
Hair: Teal Eyes: Yellow Cheekmark colour: Pink Aureole sign: Pig-Goat
Soupina showed the signs of a great queen and a powerful magic wielder, but she got stuck with her mewberty eyes and went mad. She never reached her full potential, and caused a lot of problems for Mewni.
Potato the Comforting
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Her heart would always lead her home, Her priorities were straight. So to care for her maddening mother, The kingdom had to wait
Hair: Light brown Eyes: Blue Cheekmark colour: Yellow Aureole sign: Warnicorn
Potato was the daughter of Soupina and was born after she went mad. She didn’t spend much time actually ruling, and instead spent most of her life trying to comfort her mother. During her reign, the mewman monster relation grew worse with no queen to guide them, causing a lot of citizens to act on their own.
Galexia the Queen of Change
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Perhaps Galexia saw more than the rest For she was certain she was doing her best. Her insistence to categorize creatures so strange Gained her the title, the Queen of Change
Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Cheekmark colour: Blue Aureole sign: Narwhal
Galexia began making huge changes after she claimed there was a difference between demons, monsters, mermaids, etc. It was hard to accept at first, but it caught on, and soon the Waterfolk and Lucitors were accepted as Kingdoms of Mewni. She did this so she could marry the Prince of the Waterfolk.
Trinity the Rebel
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When the lure of life beyond the wall Is too strong to ignore, The promises of fame and glory Called Trinity back to shore
Hair: Blue Eyes: Green Cheekmark colour: Teal Aureole sign: Demon
Trinity almost didn't become queen because she had run off to the waterfolk kingdom and had no desire to return. She came back a few years later though, ready to be Queen after learning all the perks of being famous. She never took ruling seriously though, and the kingdom fell into even rougher shape. She was also the first “half monster” princess.
Serena the Popular
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Sometimes the quickest way to peace Is to make yourself loved near and far And the one to break this secret Was Serena the Popular
Hair: Magenta Eyes: Blue Cheekmark colour: Red Aureole sign: Pixie
During Trinity’s time, the smaller kingdoms began to get angry with the Butterflies and started making demands for more power. Similar to her great something grannie Neptuna, she believed that being liked was the way to peace. Unlike “the beautiful”, Serena had to work hard to make herself loved. She befriended the royals of the minor kingdoms and created a sense of unity.
Celestia the Mournful
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No one knows the weight of loss Celestia the Mournful had to feel. With 3 sons lost and 4 daughters gone She was unsure of what remained real
Hair: Green Eyes: Green Cheekmark colour: Blue Aureole sign: Blowhole
Celestia suffered greatly and kept losing her children before they had even reached their first year, which drove her to question everything she knew. Only her youngest daughter, Gemina, survived and ended up living a long life. Celestia’s sons were named Taurus, Aries, and Sagitar. Her daughters were Caprica, Libra, Virga, and Aquaria. Taurus was the oldest boy and Caprica was the oldest girl.
Gemina the Animal Lover
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Some say the animals whisper In languages of their own. So Gemina kept them by her side And they guided her on the throne
Hair: Light brown/orange Eyes: Teal Cheekmark colour: Magenta Aureole sign: Narwhal
Gemina was the first (and only) Queen to go beyond speaking alligator and actually found ways of communicating with other animals. She claimed they were very wise, and trusted their council more than that of Glossaryck and the MHC. The only reason she wasn’t deemed mad was because she seemed to be right, and her decisions based on her animal friends often benefited the kingdom.
Helia the Direct
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Helia didn't have the time To leave the kingdom a wreck, So with a firm and steady hand Became Helia the Direct
Hair: Blonde Eyes: Purple Cheekmark colour: Pink Aureole sign: Deadhorse
Helia had let the kingdom fall into poverty during her early rule, and worked to fix it. She was extremely firm and never beat around the bush, causing many to think she was rather rude. Her blunt attitude was passed onto Lyric, her daughter.
Lyric the Short-Sighted
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A million futures can exist And for many, this will leave them vexed. But Lyric only sees the now, No need to worry about what's next
Hair: Ice blue Eyes: Ice blue Cheekmark colour: Pink Aureole sign: Pixie
Lyric made all her decisions based on what would benefit her immediately and never considered the consequences of her actions. The two most famous examples were choosing the book of fashion over the book of spells, and giving her daughter the throne at only 17. Throughout her rule too, she made many choices that ended up causing her more trouble in the long run. She let her daughter fix most of these.
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drawingsanddrabbles · 5 years
Two Bros, Sitting in the Candlelight
Happy timkon week! So today was free day and I can’t make desicions to save my life, so I had @timdrakeothy help me pick prompts. So today’s prompts were picked from the extra prompts on @timkonweek2019‘s page: Wingfic and Romantic Dinner
betaed by @breadmould/Tanya on discord (sorry if you have a tumblr and I didn’t link it it wasn’t in your discord description)
To say Tim was uncomfortable would be an understatement. However, it was really unfortunate that he was, because Jordan was a really nice girl. She was pretty and sweet and funny. 
But Tim was moulting, and he couldn't stand the itch anymore. 
"'Scuse me, Jordan. I'll be right back, just need to powder my nose." He said and hurried to the bathroom. 
Tim made it to the bathroom but unfortunately wasn't able to lock the door. People, there were people everywhere. People who were rich and therefore, knew who he was and God that itching on his back hurt, he wanted to just rub his back up and down on one of the fancily textured walls until his old feathers came out. But he couldn't. He had Tim Drake's reputation to consider. 
He'd planned this date with Jordan before he'd been in a battle with Klarion where the asshole had cursed him to grow wings. He'd already cancelled on Jordan more than once due to hero things, so he hadn't cancelled this date. He'd figured that the wings wouldn't be seen and it was a first date anyway, no way Tim's shirt would be coming off. Also, if he'd cancelled Jordan might have thought that Tim wasn't interested, and that wasn't even remotely true. 
It was hard enough to find someone to date who actually seemed to like him, much less someone who could distract the media. And ever since Tam and Steph had started dating Tim hadn't had anyone for the rumor mill to latch onto. Jordan didn't mind any of that. 
Pretty, funny, smart, and she wasn't scared of the media. Really, what else could a guy want? Well, besides a superhero, but frankly those were hard to find. 
So Jordan didn't know about his latest magic mishap, which was all good and well and wouldn't have been a problem had Tim not fought Klarion during moulting season. 
At least it wasn't mating season. That would have been a nightmare. 
Tim dashed into a stall and unbuttoned his shirt as quickly as he could, trying to reach down to his wings, which flexed when his back muscles did.
No, no, no… come on…. He couldn't reach. 
He couldn't rub his back against the stall, there were people here. He couldn't find anything to help him reach, and last time he had scratched his back with a batarang it had… ended badly. 
He pulled out his phone. Dick was in Bludhaven and wouldn't be able to get to Metropolis in time, Cass, Bruce, and Damian weren’t even in the country. Duke couldn't get here from Gotham either. 
Steph and Tam, however, were both in Metropolis with Tim on the W/E business he was, but might have been busy doing…. what they do together. 
Steph, help
Im moulting
Steph this isnt funny
Steph answer please
Steph clearly still hadn't seen his text. He waited a full minute. 
Time for the cavalry. Bart had taken a trip to the future with Wally, which meant: Conner. Tim just hoped that Conner wasn't busy.
Conner help
The response was almost instant. What's up dude?
Im moulting
You're… what?
Dude i just need ur help
Tim's phone started ringing and Tim cut the call. 
Im on a date and i need a way out, one that doesnt make me look like a jerk. Eduardos, Peach and Devon
Now please
The itching was becoming unbearable. He'd make it up to Jordan, he would. 
He heard a boom and someone outside his stall said: "Must be Superman, I hope everything's alright."
Where are you?
Come out, ive got an excuse
Eduardo's was a high class establishment. Mainly for business deals, rich people, and romantic dinners. Candles lit the tables, flowers decorated as centerpieces. It was one of those restaurants where any talking was done in hushed voices simply because no one wanted to break the illusion. 
Jordan looked beautiful. Tim felt even more guilty as he sat back down. "So," Tim said when he returned, "you were saying about your major?"
"Right!" Jordan hummed. She opened her mouth to continue her story about how she chose Metropolis University for her biotech degree when Ivy was a more prestigious school when there was a commotion outside the restaurant. 
"What on earth…?" Jordan asked as Tim turned his head to the entrance as he saw Kon push his way through the waiters and ushers shouting Tim's name. 
"Mr Drake-Wayne! Mr. Drake-Wayne, Simmons will be so glad I found you! I know you said you didn't want to be disturbed-" Conner ran up to him, fake-panting. He'd decided to dress up for the occasion it seemed, a loose tie over a button down shirt and slacks that he no doubt stole from Clark's closet. His large glasses were askew on his face. Tim raised a hand to stop the security that was called to escort Kon out. "There's been an issue, you know, with the-" He shot a suspicious look at Jordan and lowered his voice, "-project. I know you want to finish your date but this is… you know." 
Tim held in a laugh at how Kon's eyes were sparkling. He was clearly enjoying this too much. "Of course, I'll come right away. Jordan, I sincerely apologize but-"
"No, it's alright Tim. We'll reschedule, I understand."
Tim patting himself for a pen and Kon produced one from somewhere along with a sticky note. "Order whatever you want, I'll pay-"
"Um, Mr. Wayne sir, we don't take… IOUs…" the Matre ‘D said but Tim shoved it into his hand. "My phone number is on there too, I'll pay for whatever her bill is. Excuse me-" 
"Sir-!" The Matre ‘D tried to say but Tim was already rushing out of the restaurant with Kon, apologizing to Jordan as he did. 
As soon as they made it out of Eduardo's, Kon was giggling. They turned the corner into an alley and Tim slipped off his jacket. "Thank you." He laid his back against the brick and began scratching it against there, not caring what dirt that got on his stupid expensive shirt, sighing as he felt the old feathers begin to losen. He shot an accusing glance at Kon who was grinning stupidly. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
Kon was clearly amused. "Moulting, huh?"
"Apparently." Tim grit out as he tried to rub his back a little harder, trying to knock loose some of the feathers. One was sticking him painfully just on the underside of his wings. 
"Here," Kon immediately pulled Tim into his arms and took off. Tim didn't hear the boom when they reached high enough in the air but he was sure there was one. 
Tim yelped as Kon's TTK pressed against his wings uncomfortably, but within less than a minute they were in Lois and Clark's apartment. 
Tim wanted to ask Kon how living with them and Jon was going but he was more distracted by his wings. As soon as Tim touched ground, he ripped off his shirt, buttons flying. Tim looked around for some type of back scratcher or something when he felt Kon's TTK begin ruffling through his feathers, scratching like nails on his skin but soft through the pinfeathers. 
Jon's mouth dropped open. "Tim has wings!" He shouted, jumping up from the couch as Tim sagged slightly under the TTK. That felt good. 
"Mm, a little to the right-yeah right there." He hummed, going a little weak at the knees because of the relief.
Tim stretched his wings, shaking them slightly and old feathers fell to the floor. Jon gasped as he bent down to pick them up. 
"Wow! What happened?" He asked. 
"Thanks for now, Kon." Tim said, pushing himself out of Conner's grasp. 
"Tim's cursed for-" he turned to Tim, "how long?"
"A month." Tim grumbled. 
"To have wings. But why are you… shedding?"
"Moulting. Birds do it to grow in new feathers and get rid of old ones." Tim corrected. "And according to the ornithologist I went to-" 
"Bird scientist." Kon whispered to Jon who nodded sagely. 
"-this month is moulting time for North American robins."
"Don't robins have red feathers though?" Jon asked, twirling one of Tim's between his fingers. 
"Adults and only during mating season. Most of the rest of the year they're spotted." Tim said. "God, I'm starving, you guys have anything to eat?"
"We were just about to order pizza when you texted." Kon said, closing the window behind him.  Tim folded his shirt in his hands and bent down to pick up the rest of his feathers from the floor. "Lois and Clark are in Hub this weekend."
"Can you fly?" Jon asked, skipping behind Tim as he went to go sit on the couch. "Do you have any other bird characteristics? If I pull out one of your feathers does it hurt like when you pull out a nose hair or when you break a bone? Not that I would know because I've never broken a bone but Damian says it hurts so-"
"Hey Squirt! What do you want on your pizza? Tim's treat!"
Tim raised an eyebrow at Kon, who sat in the kitchen, leaning against a countertop. The phone against his ear. "Pepperoni and barbeque chicken!" Jon chirped beside Tim.
"My treat?"
"Well, I did just save you in a rather spectacular display of acting, if I do say so myself. I say I deserve payment for my performance. Be lucky I only demand pizza."
"And ice cream!" Jon added. 
"And ice cream."
Tim rolled his eyes and dug out his wallet. "Fine. But we get Hawaiian."
Kon glared at him and was probably about to say something about it when the pizza place picked up. "-Yes hello, I'd like to order two large pizzas…One double cheese with mushrooms and the other pepperoni and barbeque chicken." Tim walked over to give Kon his credit card. "Yes, I'm sure I don't want anything else-" Tim punched his arm and Kon laughed, floating out of his reach. "Yes, I've got the credit card right here- Ow! Fine. Three large pizzas, make the third Hawaiian, you freak." The last bit was directed at Tim who made a rude gesture at him and Kon laughed again. 
Jon fell asleep around ten, ice cream sundae half eaten. He snored, face lying on Kon's thigh. Kon's fingers scratched through Tim's feathers as they watched Wendy. Kon had been slowly introducing it to Jon, well the more PG13 aspects, and Jon was just as obsessed as his older brother. 
"Right there." Tim said, and Kon's TTK dug into his wings, pulling out the old feather. Kon put it in the small pile accumulating on the table. "Jeez, how much can you shed?"
"Moult." Tim corrected. "And apparently moulting season is about five weeks for robins. I'll have a little bit every day or so."
"I guess that means no more dates with… what's her name?"
"Jordan." Tim mumbled relaxing as the TTK spread out over his shoulders, massaging them some. "Yeah, I guess not. It's really unfortunate. I really liked this one."
"Yeah, and Eduardo's is like, a three week wait. Even for Waynes." Tim said as he ripped off the crust of his pizza. Kon took it from him and munched on it as Tim ate the rest of it.
"Aw, are you sad because you didn't get a candlelit dinner?" Kon teased.
Tim rolled his eyes. "Yeah well, it's not like I get to relax like that often." 
"Ew!" Kon jumped and glanced down at Jon who was drooling onto his pants. Kon poked him hard. "Okay, Jonno. Time for bed." 
"No…" Jon whined as his eyes blinked open. "I'm awake! I'm awake!."
"Nope. Come on, I already let you stay up an hour later than Lois does. Brush your teeth and get under the covers. I'm gonna come check in a moment."
Jon whined about it but he sulked off to the bathroom anyway. Kon paused the TV and began cleaning up. 
"Hey you want to stay the night? Lois and Clark won't mind." Kon asked as he shoved the empty pizza boxes in the garbage. 
"Yeah, I think so," Tim said, toying with his phone. 
"What were you even going to do with Jody-?" 
"-Like, you've got wings, dude." 
"I wasn't planning on taking off my shirt, dude." Tim said, placing lids back on their containers of half melted ice cream. "It was the first date."
Kon snorted. "Sure you weren't."
Tim rolled his eyes. "Is a nice dinner and a goodnight kiss not enough for you?"
"Sure, but only if I get a walk in the park with it."
Tim stood and walked into the kitchen, tubs of ice cream in each hand. He put them in the freezer. "You're such an ass."
"And you're such a romantic."
"So?" Tim asked. He leaned against the fridge as he watched Kon wrap the stray pieces of pizza in tin foil and put them away for leftovers. "What's wrong with that? I never get anything nice and fairy-tale-like in my real life."
"Being cursed with magic wings isn't fairy-tale-like enough for you?" 
Tim rolled his eyes. "You know what I meant. Sometimes it’s just nice to be pampered, you know?"
Kon made a face that Tim couldn't read and shook his head. "I'm going to check on Jon. You can borrow my pajamas. You know where they are. Feel free to shower and stuff if you want."
Tim decided to take a shower. The day had been long, and his feathers felt a little grimy. After a thorough shower and a dry towel (a clump of pin-feathers stuck to the towel as he dried his back, but that seemed to be all of the moulting he had left for the day), he borrowed a pair of Kon’s pajama pants, deciding not to wear a shirt because of the wings and headed back out into the living room. 
Kon had a stupid smile on his face. Tim frowned. “What...?” He asked suspiciously. 
“I have a surprise for you.” 
Tim raised an eyebrow. Kon held out a hand. Tim laughed at him but took it, and Kon flew back out the window and up to the roof. And yeah, the cheesiness made Tim laugh but nothing could have possibly prepared him for what he saw on the roof. 
Small electric tea-lights speckled the roof, surrounding a blanket on which soder-floats in wine glasses had been settled. 
“What…?” Tim was giggling uncontrollably now. “What is this?”
“Well, you said that you missed having candlelit dinners and relaxing and stuff. I figured, well we already ate dinner but there’s always room for ice cream. And we didn’t have any candles but Clark and Lois had-”
“Oh, Conner you’re such a dork.” Tim laughed, clutching his belly. 
Kon grinned at him. “So you like it?”
Tim fell onto the blanket. He looked up at the sky and then rolled over, careful not to upset his drink. “Conner, this is the nicest but dorkiest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Kon sat next to him, petting his pinfeathers gently. Tim raised an eyebrow at him. “They’re so soft.” Kon said defensively. 
Tim snorted. “I think I’m done shedding-”
“Moulting.” Kon corrected with an easy smile. 
“-yes, for today. Thank you for everything you did for me tonight.”
“Of course.” Kon said softly. “It’s what bros do. Plus it was fun.”
“Yeah, I guess it was, in a way.” Tim shrugged, sitting up. He and Kon were so close. The electric candlelight flickered shadows across Kon’s face. And maybe it was how late it was, or that Tim was missing out on his date with Jordan, but he bent over and pressed his lips to Kon’s. 
And Kon didn’t kiss back. Tim pulled away, startled and flushed. He’d thought-Had he read Kon wrong? Had-?
“Candlelit dinner and a goodnight kiss, huh?” Conner breathed. 
Tim blinked. 
“Your version of a first date sucks.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because I'd much rather another kiss than a walk in the park,” Kon pulled Tim closer, “but your shirt’s already off, so really, who's version does that make this?” Kon waggled his eyebrows.
Tim rolled his eyes and pushed Kon away, pelting an electric candle at him. He held in a laugh as he said back: “You’re such an ass,” and in return, Kon kissed him again.
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fruitpunchninja101 · 7 years
Perks of Coincidences (Ch. 3) Characters: Hanji Zoe x Levi Genre: Humor / Romance
Check out Chapter1 Chapter 2  
Hange watched Levi pedal away till he disappeared through the dark streets.She took a deep breath and looked up the night sky.
"Cirrostratus 18,000 feet."She whispered under her breath.
Identifying the type of clouds and estimating their altitude is a game she used to play with her dad when she was a child.For some unknown reason recent events had Hange thinking about her father.Its been four months since she last saw him.And truthfully, its wasn't a pleasant ordeal for her.The thought about paying him a visit grazed her mind but she automatically dismissed the thought and started walking towards the house.As she opened the door both her friends turned their heads towards her sporting a cheshire cat grin.
"Welcome back four eyes"Rico greeted her.
"You cant call me that.Youre wearing glasses too."Hange said ponting at Rico's glasses.
"Oooh so its an exclusive nickname huh?"Nanaba teased and gulped the remaining wine on her glass."Did he ask for your number?"The blonde continued.
"Who?"The brunette replied while she settled on the floor.
"The ring guy!The four eyes dude!"Rico turned her head towards Nanaba "Whats his name?"
"Levi"The blonde answered lazily and poured her self another glass of wine.
"Why would he ask for it?" Hange absent mindedly replied as she stuffed her face with pizza.
"Oh Hange you're not gonna get laid hoeing like that"Rico rolled her eyes as Nanaba laughed.
"Hoe-ing?"The brunette tilted her head to the side and raised her brow.Sometimes her friends terminologies go above her head.
"Don't you like to get to know him?Hes a pretty interesting dude."The blonde asked.
"I dont know?Maybe?he does seem like an interesting guy."The brunette non chalantly responded while she reached for a glass of wine.
Nanaba sighed in frustration."Just tell us how you guys found my ring."
The rest of the night was spent explaining what happened at the fun emporium.
A week passed after the ball pit incident and Levi hasn't returned her bike.Not that she minded.She didnt really needed the bike back immediately. Hange stood by the university garden staring at the skies.The sky was blue, only sporting a few wisps of white clouds thats lazily drifting.Its a perfect day for a picnic,It would be a waste to spend her lunch break cooped up inide the cafeteria.The brunette did not waste any time and headed to the school rooftop to eat her lunch.Her breath was heaving as she got to the last flight of stairs and mentally noted that she should use her gym membership.When she got to the top she sat on the concrete floor and started unpacking her paper bag.A piece of pink neon post it caught her attention.
Hanginger!We made chicken pesto sandwich for you!For fudge sake,FINISH ALL OF IT!
-Nanabanana & Ricoconut
Hange smiled.Shes lucky to have Rico and Nanaba by her side.Its not everyday you find friends like them.She folded the little neon post it and slid it inside the slip pocket of her satchel and pulled out her old and worn out copy of Dark Tower. She sat on her bottom with legs crossed over her heels.Unphased by the warm concrete,she started reading and she took a bite out of her sandwich.Moments later,she heard the door open revealing a young redheaded girl.Hange was certain the kid almost broke the door when she flew into the room.Shes breathing hard,one of her pig tails were loose and her right cheek were swollen red.Hange stood up and made her way towards the troubled kid.
"Isabel!You bitch!Come back here!" Three girls appeared behind her.
The kid hid behind Hange.Her hands balled into fist as she grabbed unto her labcoat.
"M-Ms.Zoe"One of the bullies recognized her.
Hange didnt pay attention to three girls who stood across them.Instead she took the kid by the chin and examined her cheek."Did they do this to you?"
The girl didnot respond and evaded her look.
"Shes a fucking liar!"one of the bullies shouted. "Ms.Zoe!Dont let her fool y-"The girl was cut off. Isabel raised her head and looked at the brunettes face.Isabel almost trembled when she saw the most livid and intimidating glare shes seen in her life.The girls had their colors drained from their faces. "Apologize to her"Hange calmly not breaking her stare. "W-why would we do that?"One of the girls folded her arms across her chest as if challenging Hange.Her voice still trembling but trying her best to look confident.
"Look,theres two ways we can go about this.We can escalate this situation and call the diciplinary department.Which I guarantee wont end well...or you three can apologize and leave her alone."The brunette's tone sounded with finality.
The trio looked at each other and eventually decided to follow the brunette's demand.
"S-sorry."Says the leader of the trio.
Hanges blinked her livid expression and was replaced by a happy smile.
"That's not so hard is it?Now you three go and enjoy your lunch break."Making a shoo-ing gesture. They didn't have to be told twice and bolted out of the rooftop. Hange turned her attention to the red head who now released her tight grip on her labcoat.She placed a firm hand on her shoulder and crouched a little to meet her eyes.
"Hey,I'm Hange!Whats your name?"
"Isabel M-Magnolia"Still evading the brunettes gaze.
"Nice to meet you Isabel!Lets fix you up...do you have any spare hair ties?"
Hange immediately regretted offering to fix Isabel's hair.She was never good in the hair department but she did try her best.Isabel was working on an assignment as the brunette desperately struggled to fix her pigtails.
"If you dont mind me asking,Why are those girls are after you?"Hange asked as she tried to brush the tangled ends of Isabel's hair.
"That just how bullies are.They prey on the weak and unpopular kids."
"That may be so,but that doesn't mean you have to go through it alone."Hange had her own fair share of bullies before.God knows what she would've done she didnt found Nanaba and Rico."If those girls comes back,you tell me okay?" Hange twisted the hair ties for the last time "Aaand were done!"The brunette announced.Isabel touched her hair trying to figure out how it looks like.She knows The brunette tied her hair a little askewd but it doesn't matter.This woman saved her.
"T-thank you"
"No prob-"Hange's eyes drifted off to the paper Isabel's holding."Is that a chemistry assignment?" Immediately Isabel pressed the paper on her chest hiding her work.She was very bad at chemistry and shes not about to humiliate herself infront of a professor. "Its okay,Let me see..."Hange gently pried off Isabels tight grip on her paper. "Which one are you having trouble with?"Reluctantly,Isabel pointed on question number 4. "Oh!This one?You see,Iodine atoms have 53 electrons and the shell structure is also forgot to indicate the ground state electron configuration of ground state gaseous neutral iodine is Kr 4d10.5s2.5p5 and the term symbol is 2P3/2." "You know that at the top of your head?" "I can teach you if you want." "You would?Really?I'll ask my uncle if he'd shell out cash for your tutoring services" "Oh no!You dont have to pay me...I just want to help you" "Why?" "Because thats what friends do silly!"Hange ruffled her hair and pushed her self up the floor and started packing up her stuff. "I got to go,I have a class in 5 minutes...Here take this"She offered a pack of twizzlers.Isabel hesitated to take the pack of sweets but hange placed it on her hands and patted her hair.
"If you want,we can eat lunch here again tomorrow."
Hange patted the girls shoulder one last time and started running.Leaving the young woman blushing, overwhelmed by the kindness the brunette showed her.
Levi didnt leave France because he had to.He left because he needs to.His mother suffered a severe mental condition and after years of battling with it she took her own life a few months ago.Levi knows he had to get out of the city and start anew.He cant bear the sight of the restaurants they use to go and the city his mother loved so much.Its a constant reminder of his failure to help her.Abandoning the life he's accustomed wasnt easy either.He is an esteemed tea broker in France and many companies,microbrewers and restaurant owners were deeply upset of his desicion on leaving the country.But he knows he has to leave for his sanity. So here he was,back in his fathers town where he spent a good amount of his childhood summers with his uncle and adoptive niece.Levi sat on his porch drinking tea and his gaze drifted to a teal bike rested against the wall.Its been a week,he should probably return that.
"Big bro!"
He turned his head towards his red headed niece who has running towards him with a wide smile plastered across her face.Levi put down his teacup back on the table and braced himself for an incoming hug from Isabel.
"Someone looks happy today.What happened?"Levi sounding almost sarcastic despite his genuine interest and ruffled Isabel's hair.
"This!"She lifted a pack of twizzlers out of her bag practically shoving it to his face."I just made a friend today."She added as she clung on his neck.
"What kind of friend bribes people with that awful snack."Slightly pushing the package away from his face.
"Oh dont be like that!Shes really nice,she even helped me with my..."Isabel trailed off and her hug losened when the teal bike caught her eye "When did you buy that?"
"Its not mine"Levi lifted his cup in the manner he's accustomed to and sipped his tea.
"You stole it?"Levi slowly turned his head towards his niece and gave her a look of disgust and disbelief."Why the fuck would I steal a bike?"
"I don't know...Did you borrow it?"Isabel inspected the bike.
"Yes,is there a problem with that?"The raven haired man continued sipping his tea.
"its not your type of color."Isabel shot him an iquisitive look.
"And what do you know exactly about my type of color?"avoiding her gaze.
"Well,it looks too feminine..."Slowly,Isabel's confused expression slowly turned to a mischievous grin "Say big bro,did you borrow this from a...girl?"Levi ignored her and continued drinking his tea.
"is she pretty?"Isabel added as she teasingly poked his shoulders.
Levi almost choked on his drink."Jeez Isabel!What is wrong with you"Sounding almost offended.
"Oh my god!So it is a woman!Youre blushing!"Pointing on his face.
Levi knows for a fact that he is not blushing.Isabel had this weird fixation on his personal affairs but somehow shes being extra giddy because of this new found friend she had.Honestly,he is not in the mood to deal with this.Huffing exasperatedly,he stood up.
"Thats it.I'm getting rid of this shit."
"Calm down!No need to be defensive."Isabel giggled and continued teasing Levi.
"Get yourself cleaned up..and fix your goddamn pigtails!Its allover the place"
Ignoring the crude comment of his uncle she stood up and started walikng towards the front door "Say hi to the bike lady for me !" she gleefuly added before she went inside.
Rico was binge watching Stranger Things when she heard the doorbell ring.Shes too comfortable to stand up.She ignored it,hoping that whoever is at the door would eventually leave.Usually its just packages that Hange orders online and was usually left at the doorstep by the delivery service. It wasn't long until the ringing turned violent and she cant focus on what shes watching.
"Yeah!yeah! I can hear you calm down"She pushed herself out of the sofa and walked towards the door.
A familiar short raven haired man stood infront of her.
"Oh,its you!The ring guy?Hange's not here..."
"I just want to return that"Levi mentioned plainly and pointed at the bike parked on their lawn.
"Oh?Okay,Just leave that right there.I'll tell her you came by"
Levi nodded ever so slightly acknowledging Rico's statement and started walking away.
Rico stared at the man and thought about Hange.Shes been through 6 dates now.Well 7 if you count that failed one she had with a stranger.Maybe she can do something to help her friend a little bit.
"Hey!"The silver haired woman shouted.
Levi stopped on his tracks and looked at her over his shoulders.
"Do you want her number?"Rico offered.
"No,That wont be necessary."He turned his back to her and continued walking away.
~He's leaving Rico do something...anything!
"I-Its courtesy to text her that you've returned her stuff.You should at least thank her or something."Once again Levi stopped on his tracks and turned towards her.He gave her a look which she cant place if confusion or just down right irritation."Give me a minute."Rico ran inside the house and came back holding a pen writing something on a pad of post it."Here"
Levi simply stared at the piece of paper.
"Just take it"
Sighing,he unenthusiastically took the piece of paper and left.
~Does all of her friends have to be this pushy?
"You're welcome"Rico sarcastically yelled as she watched the man walk away.
Levi sat on the dining room staring at the piece of paper laid on the table the silver haired girl gave him.He doubts that theres this rule that you should inform people that you've returned their stuff.He already returned her bike whats there to say?He pulled out his phone from his pocket and started typing
'Hey four eyes I already returned your bike.Thank you'.
Before he can hit send ,Isabel peered behind him. "Whats that?" Levi almost jumped from the redhead's sudden appearance.Immediately,he pocketed his phone, reached for the paper crumpled it and hid it behind his back.If Isabel realizes that he has the number of "The Bike Lady" hell never hear the end of it from her.
"How many times do I have to remind you not to sneak up on me like that?"Levi scolded his niece.
"I didnt sneak up on you,youre just spacing out...what've you got there?"
"Nothing just some tea names.Arent you supposed to be studying?"
"I am!im just taking a break."Isabel pulled out the chair beside Levi and took a seat. "Big bro,Ive been meaning to tell you something.Im failing miserably with chemistery and my friend offered to tutor me." "How much?"Levi stood up and started walking towards the fridge. "She says shell do it for free...She said that what friends do." "She refused payment?"Opening the fridge door,and reached for a bottle of water. "Yeah,shes nice like that!" Levi was meaning to say something along the lines of her friend might be a weirdo and hes not keen to inviting strangers to their house but he restrained himself.Judging by the way Isabel praises her, she must be a wonderful kid.So he reserved his judgement until he meets this friend. "Alright,When do you start?"He opened the bottle and started drinking water. "By next week probably."Isabel stood up ,streched and shook her head trying to wake herself up."Did you get to see the Bike Lady?"
"Is that so?Don't forget to thank her the next time you meet.You have a bad habit of forgetting to thank people.Good night big bro!"Isabel gave him a quick hug and went upstairs.
He opened the fridge door one more time to return the unfinished bottle of water.The pack of twizzlers Isabel brought home earlier caught his eye.He took a piece and bit one end letting it dissolve,while letting the other end hang out on his mouth.
~Why am I even overthinking this.
Levi fished his phone out of his pocket and hit send.
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ijustwant2write · 7 years
Unprofessional-Brock Rumlow x Reader One Shot
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(GIF credit to owner)
Summary: (Y/N) is a secretary for Fury, one of his most trusted employees. When a huge business man comes in to discuss how S.H.I.E.L.D is going to protect him from any oncoming threats, (Y/N) comes face to face with an old enemy of hers. Tempers rise and the whole STRIKE team is there to witness the whole thing, including their leader.
Characters: Brock Rumlow x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name (Y/L/N)= Your last name
Warnings: Fighting, swearing, general bitchiness
(A/N: This was inspired by the girls fight scene in the film ‘She’s The Man’, and I’m sorry, but I am such Brock Rumlow trash)
Typing away at my computer, I tried to ignore an angry feeling which was rising within me. Todays agenda wasn’t pleasant. We had guests coming, a certain one of them was not my most favourite person in the world. But I had to remain professional, there was no way I was going to lose my job over this.
Minutes later, my boss called me to his office. Obliging, I made my way over, knocking before entering.
“You wanted to see me sir?” I stood in front of his desk, awaiting orders.
“Sit down, (Y/L/N).” he commanded. Once I had, he continued speaking.“As I’m sure you know, we have Mr Alex Hall coming in today.”
“Yes, he wants protection due to his company. I don’t really blame him if you’re making weapons of mass destruction.”
“Right. However, it has come to my attention that you and his secretary have a past.”
I frowned.“Yes sir, but that will not be a problem today. You can trust me I remain respectful, her on the other hand, not so much.”
He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly.
“Sorry. Just thought I should get it all out now.”
Heading to the main reception, I felt my heart beat slightly faster. I wasn’t nervous. I just really didn’t want to see her. Victoria Reed and I used to be good friends, working alongside each other. At one point we were living together, I thought I had a friend for life. It turned out to be an act. I had started to date this guy, things were sort of serious until Victoria started to speak baldy of me; he believed her rumours and ended it. She didn’t stop there though, the lies spread around my old workplace. My bosses didn’t see any truth behind it but they had to fire me anyway (a load of bullshit). Luckily it had jeopardized me too much as I received a much better job offer at S.H.I.E.L.D. Victoria was also let go soon after. She was a backstabbing bitch, there was literally no reason for her to do any of that. I’m still confused to this day. If we were in a teen movie, she would be the mean girl. Trying not to focus on her, I clutched a little harder on my tablet, slowly breathing in and out.
As usual, it was relatively busy on the main floor. A receptionist was booking in Mr Hall in, she was stood behind him. We made eye contact, glaring at each other. Fury and I stood waiting, one of the receptionists bringing them over. The men greeted each other as Victoria and I ignored each other.
“This my secretary, Agent (Y/N) (Y/L/N). If you need anymore help, she will be assisting.” Fury introduced me.
“Mr Hall, welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. I hope we can help you as much as possible.” I beamed as I shook his hand.
He smiled back.“I believe you will. Shall we start?”
As the gentleman walked in front of us, I couldn’t help but smirk at Victoria’s shocked face; her boss had completely forgot to introduce her. She tried to play it off, holding her head high. The elevator to Fury’s office seemed agonisingly slower than usual. The men were talking, looking out of the window whilst we faced the doors.
“Long time no see.” She said.
I rolled my eyes. Why couldn’t she have stayed silent this whole time?
“Yes, it has been a long time. Wonder why?”
“How on earth did you end up here? I don’t understand.”
“Can’t fathom how I got a better job than you? Wow, you haven’t got any smarter over the years.”
“How long did it take you to come up with that one?”
I was about to bite back when the doors opened. I led the way to his office, opening the door for them all. It took all the will power in me to not slam it in Victoria’s face. I stood beside Fury as Victoria did with her boss. They say in either side of the desk, ready to discuss the proposition. Although I really wanted to add witty comebacks to Victoria’s comments on the matter, I kept my mouth shut, knowing that Fury would be mad at me.
It was a long talk. This guy was very paranoid. He thought that he had become a target because of his weapons, which I would agree with, but the way he spoke about it made him look like a paranoid moron. Fury was going to offer him surveillance from our STRIKE team for the first month or so before choosing other trusted agents to take over. We needed to make sure there wasn’t any actual threats.
We then took them to meet the team, personally my favourite part. The leader, Brock Rumlow, was quite nice to look at. Totally the alpha male. Again, us secretarys trailed behind our bosses.
“This is pointless.” she muttered.
“Oh dear Victoria, that’s not a very good work attitude.” I mocked.
“We would be fine with the police.”
“Believe me, I didn’t want you coming here either, but here we are.”
The team had been assmbled in one of the many weaponry rooms, showing off what we had to offer (and I wasn’t his talking about the guns). Brock ordered them to stand in a line before he joined them.
“At ease men.” Fury said.
They were discussing the plans about safety though I wasn’t really paying attention. It was a good job Brock was the one speaking. I would look like a total weirdo if I was just plainly staring at him. I had literally only spoke to him twice, one of them was requesting him to go to Fury’s office over the intercom. I wasn’t anything but the secretary.
Victoria covered a laugh by coughing.“In your dreams.”
“Excuse me?” I whispered.
“I see you making heart eyes at him. It’s never going to happen.”
“I wouldn’t get your hopes up either.”
“Him? That would be easy. I’ve done it before.”
“What? Steal people’s boyfriends? You didn’t even get a second glance.”
She smirked.“Oh, he’s your boyfriend now? I bet you have photos of him hidden away.” “Just shut up already. You’re starting to look desperate, not that you weren’t already.”
The conversation stopped abruptly. I could see some of the STRIKE team trying to contain laughter. They had been watching us bicker. Great. My eyes instinctively looked to Brock who, unfortunately, had been watching as well. Great. I bet that looked really mature. All of the men wanted to talk amongst themselves, Victoria and I walking out of the room. I walked slightly faster, wanting to be in front of her. Without saying anything, I dipped into the nearest bathroom, hoping she would stay away. I groaned as she entered.
“You stalking me now?” I crossed my arms.
“Don’t waste your breath.”
“The sooner your boss makes a desicion, the sooner you leave. Hopefully that will be in the next five minutes.”
“Listen to yourself, no wonder you got fired.”
My eyes widened.“What the fuck is your problem? Like, seriously, do you have nothing better to do?”
“I have a lot of better things to do, especially your man back there.”
“You’re crazy. You just love to ruin other people’s lives, just like your own.”
“I have a great life, actually.”
“Really? Then why were you so obsessed with mine?”
“Stop being so stuck up your own ass. You’re not anything special.”
“And you are?”
“In going to be the adult in this conversation and walk away.” She turned away from me.
“Run out of things to say?”
“No. I’ve got plenty to say…to the STRIKE leader.”
Her stupid smirk on her stupid face just pushed me to the edge. I couldn’t hold it back. It felt as if steam was radiating off of me. As she exited the room, I lost control. Letting out a terrifying screech, I charged at her, jumping into her back. Her legs struggled to hold my weight, we stumbled around for a few seconds before she fell to the floor, screaming out. Something took over me, rage controlled my limbs, punching and slapping her.
“You’re a psycho! Get off me!” Victoria screamed as she tried to block My attacks.
“I fucking hate you! How could you do that to me?!”
Victoria somehow gained the strength to roll us over. Now I was at a disadvantage. Her desperate attempts at attacks were pathetic. They were easily defendable but I still couldn’t get her off me. Fatass.
Our screams got louder and louder. Shoving her away from me, I managed to slap her around the face though she quickly reciprocated. We stopped for a second, shocked and out of breath. Lunging at her, I started pulling on her hair. Then I felt another pair of arms wrap around me, pulling me away from her. It was Brock, another team member lifted Victoria from the floor. We were both red and sweaty, bruises would be forming soon.
“What the hell is going on here?!” Fury demanded to know.
“She started it! She’s a maniac! I was just suddenly attacked for no reason.” Victoria whined.
“No one is buying your bullshit.” I snapped.
Brock and his team member were still holding us back, just in case we attacked again.
“Check the CCTV, it’s all there!”
“We all know that this is a personal matter. You ladies should have kept this out of work.” Mr Hall pointed out.
“But sir-”
“You have really disappointed me today.”
“Both of you need to calm down. We’ll seperate them immediately.” Fury ordered.
I took a deep breath.“I’m sorry to you all for the disruption.”
Victoria placed a hand on her hip.“What about me?”
“You can fuck off.”
“Rumlow, take her away.”
I turned on my heel, ready to leave the scene. However, I suddenly got a bright idea. Spinning back around, I snatched a clipboard out of a man’s hands, catching Victoria off guard as I hit her over the face with it. A loud crack filled the air, and I thought I had broken something; much to my dissapointment, it was the clipboard, not her face. Rumlow grabbed my arm, dragging me away as Victoria burst into hysterics. I couldn’t help but smile. Maybe today wasn’t so bad.
We stepped into an elevator in silence. He started to speak into his headpiece.“I’ve got (Y/N) (Y/L/N) coming to medical. Nothing serious, just needs checking out.”
“You know my name.” I stated as he finished.
He looked down at me.“Course I do.”
I touched my nose, wincing as soon as I came into contact.
“Don’t touch it. You’re hurt.”
“No shit.” I squeezed my eyes shut as I realised what I said.“Sorry, adrenaline is still running high.”
He chuckled.“It’s fine. I don’t blame you.”
I sighed.“I must look like a psychopath.”
He shrugged.“More like someone who needs lessons in combat.”
“I’m not that rusty am I?”
He raised his eyebrows, nodding.“Yes, quite a bit.”
“I’m not really in the field. Haven’t had a proper fight for years.”
“Maybe you just need some lessons.”
“You offering?”
He smirked.“Yep, that adrenaline is definitely still in you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You hardly say any words to me and now you’re asking for fighting lessons.”
“I…I do speak to you.”
He laughed again.“I gotta say though, you did one on her. Mind explaining why?”
The elevator stopped on the hospital floor. We stepped out, continuing the conversation.
“We have a past together. All you need to know is that she’s a coniving bitch that shouldn’t be trusted.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
A nurse greeted us by the door, and was about to escort me when I turned to Brock.
“Thanks by the way. I could have come here by myself.”
“It’s fine. Just don’t be late tomorrow.” he started to walk away.
“For what?” I called out.
He stopped to face me.“For your training. Be in the gym for three.”
A huge smile crossed my face as he turned back around. Had that really just happened? I mean, it wasn’t a date, but I was going to be spending however long with Brock and in close contact too. Letting the nurse guide me to a bed, I zoned out, thinking about the next day. Who knew that all I had to do to grab his attention was fight a bitch?
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mysticscanlations · 7 years
Logically speaking: Its gonna be definitely HBxJM. Why? 1: If it was YWxHB it should be like that-> HB: I kissed you Jumi but i didnt feel anything sorry i guess i love YW after all. YW: I did so many wrong desicions and probably make more but its okay HB still loves me even tho i thought he's interested in Jumi. JM: I'm in love with HB but i will always support him and his unhealty love even tho HB behaves like i am special. -- I'm sorry but its impossible for YWxHB. I'm sad but pretty sure (1)
If its HBxJM, and storyline is pretty based on this, it will be like -> YW: I was so sure whatever I do HB would love me but karma is real. HB: I loved YW but being with him only makes me insecure but oh! Who is that precious girl? When i am with her, i feel so relaxed and safe. JM: I was just a winggirl but now i love HB. I am suffering. But ah why is he behaving me like that? — And it seriously is like that.. But after HBxJM what is going to happen to YW I mean… 
There is another option for HB if it isnt YW. He can be with Jumi who is a really good girl. I am sure they would be happy. But we didnt see another love interest for YW if it isnt for HB :( I dont know if he can love someone like he loved HB and if i can bring myself to see YW with someone else. I love all three but YW is so precious to me. I really would love to see HB jealous over YW, please 😓 This webtoon makes me depressed… Even tho i am sure its HBxJM, I cant stop hoping for YWxHB
you make a lot of good points, but i still do think YW x HB might be possible (?) like it’s clear now that YW and HB both do care about each other, they just try to solve the problems on their own in an unhealthy way (mostly YW but anyways)
i think author-nim has reached the point where YW’s gonna be the pivotal character in determining what kind of endgame this story’s gonna get. i mean come on, his backstory/development arc literally went on for almost exactly a year that is LONG AF for a flashback arc LOL she’s developed him into this complex character who grew up dealing with a lot of stressful situations and ended up developing an unhealthy mindset towards how to deal with certain things as a result. but more importantly, it showed that he wasn’t intentionally half-assing his relationship with HB. like if we hadn’t had that flashback arc and stuck with the present, even i would’ve been more for HB x Jumi because i would’ve thought YW was an ass who took his relationship for granted and just didn’t put any effort into it (yes, this is still true, but i see it in a different light now that i know his character lmfao)
which is why i’m thinking it’s gonna depend on whether YW’s gonna actually be able to successfully get rid of that “throw everything but one thing away” mindset and actually trust people enough to rely on them for help. if he does, then i definitely do think YW and HB still have a chance to go for an actually healthy relationship this time. if not, then it’s possible this flashback arc was merely to show that this is precisely why YW can’t be with HB. as trash as i am for the YW x HB ship, i definitely don’t support it as the unhealthy relationship they’ve been going at, but i’m all for their relationship changing into one of mutual trust and understanding so PLEASE
but in the end, i highkey will take any ending as long as everyone is genuinely happy with their lives ty author-nim
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aiethflx-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
WARNING: This blog may/do contain nasty words for some ears.
What comes to your mind after reading the word above?
Is it
The male and female?
The sexual activity?
How about love? What does it mean for you?
Or something that helps you face the roller coaster of life?
In today's blog, we are going to tackle about sex, yes sex but you should not worry. We are going to dig what what is love and lust in sex. I am going to talk about the profound meaning of sex, not the superficial meaning of it.
In today's generation sex is normalized. Yes, sex is normal but the problem is even the kids, aged 5 and above knows it. They can shout the tagalog word of sex publicly or in the street. If someone is with a guy or a girl, regardless of them being friend only or being in a relationship and kids on the street saw them, they shout tagalog word of sex towards them publicly, without knowing them personally, they shout nasty words to people on the street if they are with opposite sex which can make the two people shy or pissed. Should we blame them? Maybe the reason why they knew or learned how to talk things like that is because of the society we live in today. Their peers, social media or also even a random kid like them on the street.
Social media. Another factor is social media. Facebook, Instagram and other social medias have age restrictions but we can't stop the iGen/GenZ (ages 8-25) and even Gen Alpha (ages 1-7) using it as early as 7 year old. According to actforyouth.net, 9 out of 10 teens, aged 13-17 use social media platforms and 81 percent of teens now uses it. In short, many teens uses social media but the issue is, the middle aged people in social media, for example twitter, normalizes sex. They are proud that they had sex, they are proud that they experienced deep kissing, they are proud that they go to bars and other stuff that should not be normalized. Most men on social media are proud if they had sex with a girl, if they experienced sex many times, they even tell it to their friends. Seems like doing things like that makes them cool and famous, not thinking that they are surrounded by innocent kids, which are not innocent now.
Which is another factor of why pre-marital sex happens. What is premarital sex? pre means before, marital is marriage. In short, premarital sex is sexual activity before marriage.
Teens mostly do pre marital sex. Even at the age of 13, teens could do that. Peer pressure is a reason of why teens do PMS. Teens are not only blind in terms of love but also blind in terms of friendship. Sometimes in life, we really make a mistake in choosing our friends. We choose happiness over right, we choose popularity over simple life, we choose wrong friends because we are afraid that we have no someone to stick to. That's why peer pressure happens. If a teen in the squad, had sex, they tend to push their other friends too or it happens mostly when you got fake friends. They force a friend they don't like to do something bad which makes them satisfied when a person suffer from consequences that he/she didn't want to do also. Guess what? Not only by peer pressure but boyfriend/girlfriend pressure. When their partner forces them to do sex, they do not have the choice to refuse or they also badly wanted it because of the curiousty. Curiosity is also a reason. Teens knew that sex is pleasurable that's why they wanted to try it.
Yes, adults can also belong in premarital sex. If they are in 20's, 30's and above, if they are not married, even if they are engaged, they belong in people who do premarital sex. Rebellion, adults do PMS in order to prove to themselves or other people their independence. Media, society and pressure are connected to each other, those three affects the adults of why they do the pre-marital sex. Media, normalizes the pre-marital sex. If a scandal spread, they will point their fingers to the person who took the video but not those who did the sexual activity. Society which pressure one's decision in life. They will probably say "hey, that's normal," "yuck, you are rot" things that will affect the desicion of a person. Since they are aging, they think that not having "experience" make them older that's why they choose to lose their virginity to fit the expectation of society even if it will bring down their dignity.
There are things that happiness don't last, just like pre marital sex. Yes it maybe fun at the beggining and when it is happening but "consequences" do exist. As what I've said, peer pressure can be the cause of pre marital sex, which means there is a possibility that the one who did that really don't want to do it and it can cause stress and depression while doing it or after doing it. Further effects like low grades since the attention focuses on the stress and depression, and also your focus on God or relationship in God can be lost. That's the worst thing I think that could happen to one's life because God, He's our guide. Who are we if we don't have Him? What are we if we lost connection to Him? Where are we if He's not beside us? People lost connection in God, especially when they had PMS because when they get depressed, they will blame Him for what has happened to them when in fact, it was their choice. Human's choice, human's action, human's consequences. We should remember that He will forever and ever forgive us because he love us so we should not worry. He is not the cause of why consequences happens to us. He love us, aren't he? So why he would do that? We should ask ourselves 10 times before doing things so that it won't mess our lives.
Since premarital sex is made sometimes unintentionally, made out of lust and etc, separation may happen which mostly affects the child.
Let us dig deeper.
That's not only how things happen. There are consequences that doesn't just affect yourself but even the people around you. When pre-marital sex unintentionally produces a baby, poverty can happen. Pre marital is sex before marriage right? and marriage should be planned so when premarital sex, unintentionally produces a baby, therefore they are not ready to provide and grow the baby they have. Chained to that is if the parents are schooling, they have the chance to quit because they can't provide the needs of the baby so they needed to focus on work. The effect of poverty is being theives, prostitutes and etc.
That's how pre marital affects the life of a person. It does not only have one consequence, but consequences that are chained to each other.
Connecting each other that I have said, seeing every detail of it is the effect of blurred definition of sex. We lack knowledge about sex, about how it should be done, about the purpose of sex. Our knowledge about it is only half of the whole thing about sex.
Sometimes most of teens live in a house where they think that sex is bad and embarrassing but little did they know that sex should be taught first in their houses. Parents think that they should avoid talking about sex whenever they are with their child, absolutely that is right but on the other hand, sex should be talked too when there are childrens, not in an indecent way but in a way where children will learn. Parents should know how to have a heart to heart talk with their children.
What should be taught by parents?
Purpose of sex
Teens and children should know the purpose of sex. That it is sacred and not should be done carelessly or just because your mind told you to do so. Sex is a gift from God, yes. Sex is done for preocreation, for having a baby and baby is also a gift from God too.
When does sex should be done?
Parents need also to teach it. Of course, sex should be done after marriage. Sex is enjoyable, pleasurable, and good but do not do it just because of that. Sex is don after marruage, when you have wedding ring, not engagment ring, or not when your boyfriend gave you ring that are from the sidewalks or even at the malls. Girls shouls remember that they are pleasure, that they are treasure. When you say treasure, it means very important. So girls shoud not easily give her's to his.
The reason why I have entitled this blog "a love in sex" because we should not have sex just because of lust butbecause of love. We should remember that our choice, our consequences. Sex is not a thing that is don because you wanted it, it is a thing that needs deep thinking, wisdom, knowledge before doing it.
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piltoverfinest · 7 years
All prime numbers!
Oh wow thank you so much. That’s...a lot, haha. This is gonna take some time & space so find more under the ‘Read more’ :) (Also, I kinda am sad that I have to do math now bc I am so bad at it haha)
2: Dog breedBeagles & Bernese Mountain Dog & Huskies! But especially Beagles. Please don’t ask me why, I just love them, they are so cute. But overall, I am a person that loves all dogs. Every single one of them.
3: ComedianRight now it’s Trevor Noah but one of my all-time favourites is Ellen Degeneres because she’s just so funny in her own way. I also have an Austrian fave which is Michael Niavarani. He is so fucking funny, I die laughing every single time I watch one of his productions, haha.
5: ColorBurgundy & Woodgreen
7: PerfumeI normally don’t wear perfume, I just way some lemon & lime body spriz or some of the Victoria’s Secret body sprizzes. I like light, fruity smells that don’t last too long and aren’t too heavy.
11: FoodBroccoli & Cheese! I love Broccoli, I love cheese and if you pack some pasta in there I will forever love you.
13: Concert attended Already answered
17: MagazineI don’t read a lot of magazines, tbh. I used to read a lot of ‘girly’ magazines but I mostly lost interest in them now.
19: Sport to watchDancing & Hockey! Mostly hockey now though.
23: WebsiteAhahaha, I am on it right now. (It’s Tumblr. There is nothing else but Tumblr. It’s sad.)
29: SingerBeyoncé! Always!
31: ActorUhm...good question. I don’t think I have a favourite actor, tbh. There’s no name that immediately comes to my mind. Wow.
37: CandySour Stripes & Shark Candies (both only available in Austria as far as I know though, how sad)
41: Have you pre-named your childrenYou know, I once wanted to name my first daugther Sweden Finija and that was...well...a very creative choice. I am wiser now and I think it’s a desicion one should talk through with their partner. There are names that I like but I haven’t chosen any yet.
43: Do you have a 5 year planWell, I had one and had to put it down, so nope. Not anymore. The only goal I have right now is to try my best to make my current relationship work so I can still gush about Chris in 5 years. I want to be happy in 5 years, that’s all. 
47: Who’s your best friendIt’s a tie between Sophie & Fabienne. I love them both so much, they know me so well and we’ve been friends for all out lives. I couldn’t chose just one.
53: How do you like your steak cookedI don’t eat red meat ;) 
59: The movie I cried at wasOh fuck, let me tell you, I don’t think I have ever cried so hard at a movie than when I did watching “LION” a few weeks ago. I also cried watching “The Help”, oh how I shed tears at that one. 
61: My CarIs my baby. It’s a Skoda Fabia & I love it. 
67: The person that makes me cry the most isI rarely keep people in my life that make me cry a lot, so there isn’t anyone. I cry a lot around Chris but that’s mostly bc I work myself up about things that don’t matter (like me having my period when we meet) and then he asks me what’s wrong and I just start bawling because I think I am doing something horrible. I mostly laugh about it afterwards because he always makes me see that these things don’t matter, that I worry about things that are not important for our relationship. Like, he doesn’t care if we have sex or not as long as I am there and he doesn’t care if I have my period, as long as I am feeling okay and well. 
71: Next SummerI will mostly work, sadly but I have a week off and we are planning a camping trip which I am really excited for :D
73: TomorrowI will go to work for the first time this week & I am a bit nervous about it. We have a birthday coming up tomorrow though, so that’s gonna make things easier :) 
79: First time you had a crushKindergarden ;) 
83: The most difficult thing to do isTalk to people in real life about my problems.
89: Who makes you laugh the mostMy friends & my boyfriend
97: Swam in a poolLast year, at some point, I can’t even remember bc I don’t really like chlor water, I prefer natural water in lakes or ponds.
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhileI meet all of my friends pretty regularly but a few weeks ago I saw my aunt and cousins who live in the Netherlands. We had a really good time which was surprising because sometimes we don’t have a lot to talk about.
103: Hugged someoneYesterday
107: CollegeIt can be a good experience for people and it’s definitely good to get an education. I personally tried University (which is college here) and it wasn’t for me.
109: Gas PricesI mean, they were actually quite low around here for a while. They are higher now, which sucks but I usually come through with 30 Euros per month because I don’t drive around in my car a lot since I have an all-year public transport card I can use.
113: EbayRarely use it but every time I did it went okay, so I guess it’s alright.
127: East Coast or West CoastHaven’t seen either, so no comment ;) 
131: Small town or Big cityBoth have their flaws but I’d prefer living in the outskirts of a big city like I’ve done all my life. We have a lot of nature around but don’t have to drive too long to get to the city center and we have all the shopping opportunities around still. 
137: Coke or PepsiCoke
139: Flip flops or high heelsOh gosh, I have worn a lot of flat shoes in the last few weeks and during winter but I am a high heel girl all the way. I love my high heels!
149: Hot or coldCold! Cold please!
151: Red heads or Black hairedI am a redhead, so that’s that ;) 
157: Do I Believe in WarNo, not at all. I don’t think war solves any problems, I don’t think violence brings any answers. 
163: HellUhm, I don’t know but I guess not? 
167: FateYou know, I have always said I don’t believe in things like Fate but with the things that have happened in the last few months (and especially how they have happened), I am not so sure anymore.
173: Are your parents divorced? ´No, they are still married.
179: Spongebob canI am sorry but...what? does? that? mean?
181: On my calendarThere are a loooooot of appointments right now. 
191: My 1st car wasMy Skoda Fabia & it’s still alive and well :D
193: My height is6′3′’ aka 160cm. I am very smol.
197: My cellphone company isNot really reliable tbh
199: I was born in1993 :)
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jakemation-blog · 7 years
key story changes
As my film has developed it has undergone major and minor changes. The first being made at the beginning of the film in an effort to make the world and story clearer. In my original idea I had Wilson working as a deam guardian with him initially loosing a fight against the nightmare and being demoted to the wish agency with the possibility of being promoted back to his old position. It was decided that it would be better if I  had Wilson be a wish agency employee from the beginning and as the story has developed I think this was the right desicion, the story works as well, if not better this way and removes the unnecessary begining makeing the film tighter. After this work on the beginning the middle remained more or less unchanged, but i slightly altered the ending so that wilson was still promoted but was no longer gaining his old job back.
During a read through of my script Sarah and I discussed the removal of one of the montage sequences so the number of wishes Wilson tended was three rather than four, we decided tod remove the section where a small girl asks for straight hair and Wilson gives her a flat top. Although this image would have been funny I felt it was the weakest of the sections and was also a much slower paced one so might break the pace of the film.
The nightmare sequence was also changed for the better. I struggled with this scene a lot as I knew I wanted to nightmare to be vanquished by the childs laughter but struggled to think of comdeic endings or situations to put Wilson in that would be funny, eventually indecided to have Wilson be knocked over the bed and have him crawl from under it, upon doing so a tut would have ended up around his waist, I wanted this appearence of the tutu to be the intial start to the comedy then I wanted Wilsons trouser to fall down with him endeing up tangled and falling over. This was changed because the tutu idea was too unbelievable, it wouldnt make sense for Wilson to sudenly end up wearing it. I was given the task of thinking up more believable ideas instead. I decided that falling over would be funny and that people laugh at others misfortune so slapstick would be the way to go. Sarah sugested I start by writing down the different things in a childs room and how they could be used, starting in this way would help keep the actions believable. I decided to have Wilson stand on a lego and whilst hoping in pain trip on a ball, this would cause wilson to fall and in doing so he would knock the lamp over. When Wilson sits up the lampshade will be stuck on his head.
A final addition to the ending is an idea i have had although not yet put into the film. Whilst watching my animatic Frances comented on the ending saying the she didnt feel it was clear enough in saying that wilson had been promoted. Whilst discussing it we decided that it would be good to have wilson strut of as he does in my curent last shot but to then have a shot of him in the coridoor showing that it is much nicer and cleaner and with signs saying dream guard so it is clear to the audience.
The films has also undergone many smaller changes and will likely continue to do so, these tend to be small things to iron out problems with the plot or cosmetic changes to keep the setting clear and to make pre production easier such as the reduction of characters.
The first of these small changes of note was how the papers appeared on Wilsons desk, I wanted them to magically appear or fall from above but decided that this was an unnecessary but of work. I decided it would work as well if not better to just have the papers be waiting for Wilson at his desk when he arrives.
Another of these changes was to reduce the number of bullies in the second wish from three to one, this will still make sense and I can still make this one bully intimidating but means I will only be making the one bully model rather than three giving me more time to make sure everything is finished in time.
Because of the changes made to the ending I felt that it was no longer fitting for Wilson to run at the monster fighting it. I instead decided to have it attack him whilst he wasnt looking and to keep him confused, I think this leads nicer to the slapstick and is also more fitting for the monster designs I have.
A cosmetic change made throughout the second animatic and third storyboard is to put a lot more emphasis on the dream guard and make it very clear that Wilson is not. I did this through decoration on the set putting up posters stating the importance of the dream guard and labeled Wilson as a wish agency employee. These are some of the more significant changes that have been made to the story and its preproduction.
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