#girlbossed too close to the sun ‘nonnie
moononastring · 2 years
ok so normally i just hop in here and babble but i think this time i actually need some advice.
it’s now very clear that work boy likes me. a few days ago i popped into the store on my way home from the office to give something to one of my other coworkers and he didn’t talk to me much which i didn’t think anything of until i got a text from him later, apologizing for the lack of interaction, but he “wasn’t prepared. at all.” to see me in a dress, and “a little too committed to the effort not to stare”
and this should be a very exciting update, right? but here’s the problem….. i have a …..deeply avoidant attachment style. child of divorce and all that. and that‘s not really a problem when you’re just entertaining the idea of someone, when there’s nothing Real there.
but cut to yesterday: he had the day off and when i got to work there was a bag of my favorite candy in my locker with a note telling me to have a good day. and i felt like i was gonna be sick. not in like a ‘got the ick’ kind of way, but more a stomach full of lead kind of way. so like this thing i’ve been wanting and waiting for now…. fills me with dread?? it’s barely anything—candy and a compliment—but it already feels like too much. i can feel myself shutting down and i don’t know what to do bc i feel like if i don‘t figure my shit out… figure out what i want….things are gonna get real 🎶i never was ready so i watch you go 🎶 real fast . it’s stressing me the fuck out
— ☀️
Oh my darling 😭♥️ I mean, I've been telling you to shoot your shot for a while because it felt like he also shared your emotions!!!
And listen, I get it. I really do. The fantasy of something is very different from reality, and THAT can be very scary. It can also make you very nervous, which again, is OKAY. You like this guy and he also seems like a good friend so I feel like it's expected to have this "sense of dread" that it might be changing. However, this doesn't have to go any quicker than you want it to. It's something small right? So baby steps.
He's just a boy that you like who also likes you. You're two adults who speak regularly and are friends. Take the conversation outside of work. Hang out "as friends" and see where it goes. Candy and a compliment are a very sweet starting point but it literally doesn't have to go any quicker than you want it to so stick to that.
Again, it - does - not - have - to - go - any - quicker - than - you - want - it - to.
You don't want to lose him as a friend and don't want to miss out on what could have been. You can say avoidant attachment style all you want but you are fully in control of taking the leap. If you haven't already, thank him for the candy and just start a conversation from there. Make fun of him for the little comment on the dress. Throw in a "You should see what I look like on a date." It's a smooth opening 🤣
Knowing you, I feel like you're going to say "yeah thanks but no" but think about it, what's the worst that could happen? He says no and then you two fizzle out as friends? Or him having feelings for you and trying to make it something but you feel too stressed to do anything about it, resulting in also fizzling out as friends?
What do you want? You like him. So would you like to see where this could possibly go? I feel like you do but only you can answer that haha.
So I say, take the leap, my friend and go at a pace you're comfortable with but don't just let it slide by you.
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moononastring · 2 years
so i think you'll like this update...
Work Boy texted me last night and asked if he could call me later. i was kinda confused and hate phone calls but i said sure. after about a minute of nonsensical stuttering he said he liked me. well, his actual words were "very deep feelings" but i have to minimize when i think about it or i'll get all freaked out.
y'see... "midnight rain" had been hitting a little too hard lately, and i'd all but decided i was just gonna let this fizzle out for both of our sakes. HA, nice try, bitch.
i told him that at this point, i don't really know what i want or how to move forward and that this is all very new to me, so i wasn't sure how fair it would be to basically use him as a relationship guinea pig while i'm still so... unsure. but he just said "i have a lot of patience.. for you." and that there wasn't anything i could put him through he wouldn't be willing/able to take. and i sarcastically replied with "challenge accepted." and he was like "that's all i'm asking for."
idk i said i'd need some time to process and think, but i'm open to trying. and he said he's willing to wait. so i guess we'll see where it goes??? i don't really know what to do, or how to do it, but it's very clear that the ball's in my court.
(p.s. i don't think i'm caught up: how's the job search going for you?? i'm getting settled in at mine, and have plans to go to tswift night at a local bar in a couple months with some of the other girls! i don't really have enough to keep me busing during the day, but i figure that just means i'm getting paid to read for fun or listen to a podcast, so i can't really complain lol)
EHEHEHEHEHEHE. Listen, listen — listen. I've been telling you babes. He is very interested in you and like, this is so good for you both in terms of communication!! You're both clear on expectations!!
I think you shouldn't let yourself overthink it so much. You clearly have feelings too and both of you want to see where it goes. So, see where it goes! Spend time together outside of work and see what happens. I said this to you last time but it does not have to go any quicker than you want it to. Start with one date and let it go from there. Just take the leap! He's made his intentions clear so, let yourself feel this out.
I am PROUD of you for telling him how you're feeling. Communicating with someone you crushing on is nerve-racking so good job bby. Now let the cute boi take you out!!
As for me, I got the job at my old uni! The set up is nice and in a different department with better pay so I'm pretty excited!! I'm glad you're settling into yours nicely and that Tswift night sounds SO FUN! ENJOY IT!!!
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moononastring · 2 years
gigi i’m coming at u live with a very urgent work boy update
so i thought i’d have something to share on saturday since we’re both going to another coworkers housewarming party but HERE WE ARE IN THE FUCKING PRODUCE SECTION OF A GROCERY STORE????!!
i went to grab my headphones from my purse and instead found a fucking envelope that says (in his handwriting) to 1. open it when i got home and 2. that it’s not anthrax (he knows i listen to a lot of true crime podcasts)
so now i’m very 🚨🚨🚨 in a grocery store and i really hope u see this soon so u can give me the nerve to open the envelope bc frankly bestie i am Overwhelmed and i just feel like things are gonna be Different once i do
ok bye for now
- ☀️
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Okay but seriously, props for the joke about anthrax because I get it but also — WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT!!!
It will go either way, you move forward with him or you move on. Whatever it is, you’ll know’
*virtually holding your hand* I am hereeeeee
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moononastring · 2 years
ok so...... i opened the envelope.
before i tell you what was in it, here's some context:
the store we work in also has a coffee shop in it and i split my time between book side and being a barista. over the past year and a half, it's become a bit for me to not let him tip me. and if he tried to do it in cash, i'd put it in another barista's jar.
flash forward to this moment, when i open the envelope and A HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS IN FUCKING CASH falls into my lap. i swear to god i'm going to kill him with my bare hands (affectionate).
there's also a short note, in which he essentially forbids me from trying to give it back, and says that are just platonic enough that i'm here a little confused, very flustered and, you guessed it: OVERWHELMED.
today, he was so anxious he couldn't eat his lunch and wouldn't tell me why. now i think i've got a pretty good idea, but as much as i'd like to put him out of his misery, i literally don't know what to stay. i'm ..... i've been buffering for the past like ten minutes.
— ☀️
Oh. Oh this is very interesting 👀👀
I’m trying to give you some kind of support here but literally idk what to say as well 👀
Think about how you feel. What do you want to happen in this scenario? Because I feel like this should be the step to move things forward 👀
Take him out on a date with this money “as friends” then kiss him 👀😂
Feel free to process your feelings here girl!!!
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moononastring · 2 years
gigi this is so silly but there may have been a small development with Work Boy today. so i ripped my pants at work today... it was a long time coming, since jeans tend to get weak in the thighs, y'know? i also don't have much of a "that's a weird thing, don't do that" filter. so while i was kinda venting about my day, i punctuated it with "... and to make things worse, my pants ripped!! " and for some reason, i showed him the rip?? on my inner thigh???? 🙈🙈i can't with myself sometimes.
anyway, we were talking about it a bit later (i felt the need to apologize for the HR violation lol) and he was like, "did i turn as red as i felt like i was?" and i said, "i dunno. you turned away too fast for me to tell. you looked like a gentleman who just saw a victorian lady's ankle." and he goes "honestly, that's kinda how it felt." ….gigi i've never seen a man get so flustered over a thumb-sized hole in a pantleg but here we are. i feel as powerful as i do mortified lmao. so i guess Work Boy is a thigh guy 👀(a man of taste).
ALSO i was supposed to reach out to the managing editor about the job today, and she didn't respond to my email 😩😩. .... i'm experiencing a lot of blueballing in my life rn. (me and eris should start a club 🤪)
how did that interview go?? i’ve been keeping my fingers crossed for you! you deserve to do something you’re excited about (: thank you for letting me use your ask box as my little diary. in case you haven’t noticed, i have a lot of fun with it 🥰
- ☀️
IT IS NOT SILLY OMG. I love those little updates 😭 because omg he sounds like such a cutie wtf!!! I literally just giggled imagine it though. He sounds like a man of taste but you are a woman of taste as well for crushing on this gentleman 😏😏😏 but also I'm sorry your pants ripped at work of all places 💀💀💀 my thunder thighs also be doing damage to pants and I never thought it would happen but it has happened...more than once 💀 thankfully at home though so not as bad lmaooo.
BUT AYYYYYY. Development. This is nice. Flirt with him more. Flash some collarbone, the boys love some collarbone action 🤣
As for the hiring manager...DID SHE REPLY TODAY? KEEP ME POSTED I WANT TO KNOWWWWWW. Sometimes it's a hectic day so that's okay. Fingers crossed for you bby!!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼
And I did! It went really well but unfortunately, the pay was too long and they didn't budge on it so I declined. Can't have yo girl going backward but honestly, idk what else I plan to do. There's another position up for grabs and I'm debating on doing an interview or not but I want more information. I kinda want something quiet on the administrative side of things so we'll see! I'm considering pivoting from education to HR but am unsure if it'll be the right fit! We'll see what happens haha!
thank you for sharing with me darling!!! I love hearing your news!! keep me posted!!
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moononastring · 2 years
one final update in re: the envelope
i finally texted him back and said thanks, and gave him a little bit of hell for making me get all emotional.
he’d written that i was his favorite coworker and said he’d like to keep in touch, but he understood if i got too busy. so i ended my text by saying he was not only my favorite coworker, but also one of my favorite people in general. AND that if he wanted, we could hang out sometime. (can we just pretend this is the same thing as asking him out properly? ok thanks)
he said he’d love to, but that “it’ll be simpler to handle that a bit down the road once your life has a little less upheaval” like ok dad??? lol he’s such a nerd it kills me.
so idk what this really even means or when i’ll find out, but that’s at least a resolution on the envelope arc lmao
— ☀️
Brooo his response is sending me SJHDHWUUFB. Why is he so responsible?! I love it. I love his energy DICNUEHDJENDJ.
I think it means he wants to hang out once he sees you’re less stressed 🤣 but HEY, it’s something. I feel like we’re getting closer bestie. I’m proud you told him you want to hang out because I WILL take this as though you properly asked him out.
If any other updates happen, I better be the first to know 👀👀 also I HOPE YOU’RE EXCITED FOR YOUR NEW JOB AND FEELING GREAT ABOUT IT!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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moononastring · 2 years
don't worry! i'm only gonna work saturdays, and it really is temporary. plus, most of my friends live a few hours away, so i really only get social interraction with my peers is at the store. so that's gotta count for something, right?
thank you for all the encouragement and excitement and support i really appreciate you, even when you buLLY ME ! 😠😠
the only thing i will say in my defense is that he has a management position and i don't. and while i don't give a fuck about that kind of shit he does. the man can't even clock out ten minutes early without going into some recovering-catholic-guilt-doom-spiral. i'm not being a little bitch i'm being strategic ok??
also! you probably have the experience you need for an HR position. make sure you mention that you've done hiring and firing as a bullet point on your resume, and if you were in education you dealt with kids and their parents, which indicates that you're patient and a good problem solver! it's all about semantics. deadass, when i was interviewing for this job, i used editing my little brother and his friends' essays as an example of past experience.
all of this to say, don't be afraid to apply for things you don't perfectly meet the requirements for. because it might work out! #gaslightgatekeepgirlboss you've got this!
— ☀️
I am bullying you with LOVEEEE 😌♥️ as long as you take care of yourself, you should be good! I am excited for you!!! You better keep me posted on things.!!!
How are you going to throw in that he's basically your boss (I know he's not really but still) and you really not going to have a hot office romance? Seduce the boss babe. YOU CAN DO ITTTT. But also, everytime you tell me more about him, he gets hella cuter lmao. If at some point, your ass doesn't ask him out for a fall date I'm going to riot lololol. Do it for all of us babe. Just smooch him once. JUST ONCE TO SEE WHERE IT GOES. (I'm kidding no pressure but like keep up with those cute interactions 😏)
Oh girl, I have catered my resume like hell. I keep getting jobs to suck me back into the field I originally was in. And I did like that job even when it was hell but alas. I think right now, I just don't want to work LMAO. Which...you know, life won't allow that. I really enjoyed what my life was like when I had time hahaha. But yes, I will keep applying and keep searching for something that's a good fit. Ain't no rushing this!!
i heart you my little girlboss ♥️
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moononastring · 2 years
gigi i just had an in-person interview for the job and final decisions will be made sometime in the next two weeks which is a ridiculously large window but it’s Fine 🫠 it’s not like i’ve been going through their hiring processes for 2 months or anything (: (: (:
but i think it went really well and they introduced me to a bunch of people on the staff and everyone was so nice!!
(also Work Boy texted me beforehand to wish me luck and started the message with “i’m sure this is an inappropriate use of your contact information but…” god he is such a fuckiNG NERD i adore him)
so yeah it looks like this’ll be my last update before we finally get some Answers. cross your fingers for me!!
-girlbosses too close to the ☀️
(p.s. have you heard back on the library job!?)
Ugh I’m so sorry this hiring process nonsense is taking SO LONGGGGGG. I do have a good feeling about it for you though! Especially if they introduced you to the team!! Fingers crossed bby!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 i wish you well!!!
Also I’m loving the work boy update HAHA. Girl…I need some action. TAKE THE LEAP!!!!!!! It was nice of him to text you 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
I’m proud of you and looking forward to hearing good news from you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
On my end I have not sadly! At least not yet! But I’m hopeful! I have an interview for something else tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes 👀 wish me luck as well y’all! Yo girl needs something that is a good fit!
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moononastring · 2 years
the moment we've all been waiting for has come: i got my official offer letter from HR. and gigi... i couldn't be happier. the salary is literal thousands more than i asked for in my interview and the benefits are incredible. i start september 19! 
but—and i know this is disappointing—i am gonna keep working at the store on weekends. and although it would be Very on-brand for me, i promise this is NOT me procrastinating on my promise to ask out work boy when i leave. but i have to get a new car and i also wanna save up so i can move closer to the office (which is in a really cool area!!)
but speaking of work boy…. i’m not going to go so far as to say we’re the grumpy/sunshine trope, since he’s very chill and introverted. but he does have a management position and, apparently, a not-insignificant part of that is being approached by other coworkers asking him if i’m mad at them / what my problem is lmaooo
he admitted this to me last week and it still makes me laugh when i think about it.
how's the job search going for you??
— ☀️
p.s. i'm so excited that smtb is back! the last chapter was a helluva ride
Ahhhhhh that's so exciting!! I'm so happy for you darling 👏🏼 🎉 👏🏼 🎉 may your next career step be full of growth, good experiences, and good money haha. YAY!!! Make sure to take some time and enjoy not doing anything (if you can) before starting on the 19th!!!
reading that second paragraph had me squinting in sus at first BUT I commend you for trying to push yourself so you can save! HOWEVER...pace yourself and make sure you don't burn yourself out with two jobs. That can get exhausting. So. SELF-CARE IN BETWEEN ALL THAT!! And keep making that moneyyyyy!!!
And still ask him tf out. Stop being a little bitch about it 🤣🤣🤣 but also that is HILARIOUS and so cute. I love that he shares this with you??? *gestures with hand vaguely* this energy, I'm about it. NOW KISS.
Job hunting is a pain in the ass tbh. I'm a little lost on what I actually want to do next or what I want to look for so it's slow. I want something on the admin side of things but unsure of where to really look. I saw this tiktok about manifesting the things you want by making a list and being as delusional as possible so I went ahead and made one for a job lolol. I'm not really married to the idea of staying in education but also unsure of how to pivot to other things. And I know there are so many videos and LinkedIn posts and blah blah blah but everything is contradicting lol. At this point, I don't care about a "career". I've done that and been doing that and all that loyalty didn't do much for me in the end lmao. I just want a nice comfortable job that pays for my lifestyle. So here's to being delusional and hoping.
thank you so much for reading it bby!! I'm glad you enjoyed it ♥️♥️♥️
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moononastring · 2 years
it’s me, local girlboss simp…. i haven’t heard back on the job yet, and probably won’t for another few days, so thanks for keeping your fingers crossed! and yes i remember u telling me to take the leap but girlie i simply cannot . tbh he’s become a pretty good friend of mine so the idea of having to see him every day if things go to hell makes me 🎵wANT TO DIE 🎵
honestly if i get passed up for the new job i might just pine after him for the rest of my life 🤪 (which got me thinkin…. me and eris should start a club of red headed simps)
anyway, i should have updates for everyone by next week 🥴
You are a catch. A steal. The crown with all the fancy jewels.
If that job is a good thing for you, it will work out and I hope it does if you're excited about it. When you get it, you better ask that boy out. This is workplace friends to lovers in the making. Do it for me.
You may be a certified simp but one who will have the balls to ask. things will unfold as they must but...actions must be taken.
Do it for us all. I will await your update. 😌
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moononastring · 2 years
gigi !!! i just got an email from the editor of the magazine!! finally, after like 2 months, i might finally get some resolution 😅 we’re having a zoom meeting on friday 😳😳 it sounds like it’ll be a second interview, but i’m gonna hold onto the blind hope he just wants to discuss salary and a start date 🤡🤡 but!! i can’t even decide if i’m excited or full of dread 🙃 i’m gonna have to review all my interview notes and reread their website and try not to spontaneously combust 👍🏼
also i’ve seen that you’re also dealing with the nightmare that is corporate america, so i just wanted to say that i totally feel you and that i’m wishing you luck with the library job!
AYYYYYYY 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Listen here: you got this. YOU. GOT. THIS.
Whether it’s a second interview or an offer, they’re still reaching out to you and that should tell you enough. They’re interested in you! Review all your notes and information and you go into that meeting with the confidence of a mediocre white man. You got this, bitch 👏🏻 AND YOU BETTER UPDATE ME!!
And I appreciate you darling!!! I’m a dumbass tbh. I went into this job even when my gut feeling said “hmmmm” but I was like “give it chance! You never know!” And now I know lol. It ain’t for me. So prayers and well wishes for the library opportunity y’all 🙏🏻 yo girl needs something that brings back the excitement 😭
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moononastring · 2 years
OMG Other anon I girl bossed to close to the sun and it worked out. ASK HIM OUT
To my other anon!!! SEE!! SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA!!!
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moononastring · 2 years
Just caught up on all the drama that’s been happening today… specifically with the anon that’s got her boyfriend to fuck her properly lolllllll. Just letting everyone involved know that I too am now invested and I need everybody to know that you are not allowed to leave me hanging please & thank you
HAHAHA. My askbox is now called Gigi’s Tea Corner 🤣 we just all invested and involved in the three different scenarios seen here today.
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moononastring · 2 years
i saw some other teatime anons were updating you, so i figured i'd pop in and say that i just got an email from the lady who interviewed me, saying she passed my information along to the editor-in-chief, who will be making the final decision. so it's not an offer or anything but i am........ tentatively optimistic, which is new for me
in case you haven't noticed yet, i tend to write myself off pretty easily (whether it's work or romantic prospects lol)
for example... work boy literally said, "time just goes faster when i'm talking to you"
and my brain was immediately like: wow i must be a great conversationalist
GIGI WHY AM I SUCH A MF CLOWN i'm starting to stress myself out so i can't even imagine how y'all feel askdjfsldk
-- girlbosses too close to the ☀️
Listen, these things are stressful but remember, they interviewed you for a reason. Whether you get the job or not, you're doing great. What's yours won't miss you! But keep me posted 👀 I'm rooting for you!!
As for Work Boy...YOU'RE NOT A CLOWN. IT'S CUTE AND CLEARLY HE ENJOYS YOUR COMPANY!! I better hear something soon ma'am
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moononastring · 2 years
soooooooo……. i got the job 👀
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YASSSSSSSS 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I KNEW ITTTTTT!!!!!!!
I’m so so so so happy for you!!! You deserve it and I’m so excited for this next step for you because I know you were so excited for it!!! You girlbossed too close to the sun and NAILED IT!!! YOU’RE GOING TO ROCK IT!!!! You better keep me posted on your first day and such!!!
now ask out work boy 👀👀
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moononastring · 2 years
ok so i really hoped i’d have a job update for you, but when i sent a follow up email a few days ago they said they have a few more candidates to interview, so i’m gonna be in limbo for a while longer! i just wanted to let u know i didn’t forget about you! 🫡
and in an effort to make this a more interesting update, here’s a lil scene from my real life slow-burn friends to lovers workplace romance:
we were working together on sunday, which wasn’t an easy day for him. but we were in the back office and i’d made some dumb joke. it made him laugh (which already is a simp’s cocaine) but then he stopped and looked over n said “thanks for making today as good as it could’ve been.” and like…. y’know when you’re reading a romcom and the main character says something to the love interest, and the author describes them making a choked / strangled noise of surprise…. and ur like ‘ i’m not sure human vocal chords can so that’ ??? well i’m here to assure u that they most certainly CAN. bc in response to that very sweet sentiment i made a noise that was 1) completely involuntary and 2) somewhere between an ‘awww’ and a whimper with a side of choking. and of course followed that by saying “stop that” ??? feelings aren’t my strong suit ok 😭😭
at this point i probably don’t have to tell him i like him bc whatever the fuck that was definitely did it for me
OKAY BUT yes, thank you for updating me HAHA.
Fingers crossed for you my darling! I hope you get that job!! YOU BETTER COME TELL ME!!!
Also, I'm dying at your little slow burn. You are a simp and I am living for you. BABES. BABESSSS. You gotta take the leap. Just do it. YOU MUST.
I mean, he probably picked up on it but ya know. this is cute. i love this look on you babes.
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