#give 6o more love
violetunversed · 2 years
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stonedcoldfoxtarot · 1 year
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How will you meet your next best friend? ft. Cheng Xiao
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1
6oS, 7oW, 5oW, 2oP, AoC, Sun (4oC)
When you meet your new best friend, it's probably going to happen during a time of change or after you've moved to a new job, city, or friend group. After this move and upon meeting, you might have a little disagreement or argument with this person. But once you get to know each other better, you'll quickly realize how much you have in common and how well you complement each other.
Once that happens, you'll become almost inseparable, so don't be too quick to dismiss them! Some people might even think you're secretly dating, but that will only bring you closer together. You'll bask in the warm feeling of knowing that you've found one of your platonic soulmates in this lifetime, which not everyone gets to experience. With this special connection, you and your future bestie will share many unforgettable moments together. In the end, you'll both be happy that you gave this friendship a chance.
Pile 2
AoC, Death, World, Sun, 4oW, 4oS, 7oW, 2oC (7oP)
Pile 2, I see that as soon after you decide to end a relationship or connection that has run its course, you will be ready to meet your next BFF. And they will be like a breath of fresh air entering your life as you close a chapter you've invested a lot of time, effort, and energy into. Most likely, this magical encounter will happen at an event or celebration where you're trying to distract yourself from your emotions and meet new people for purely platonic reasons.
You're on a mission to rediscover the happiness, freedom, and the carefree side of life that you may have forgotten existed, and your new BFF will be your partner in crime along the way. Together, you will have countless fun and joyous experiences as you both shape your lives on your own terms. This connection will be highly valued and cherished by both of you, and you'll defend and protect it at all costs. It's a friendship that will stand the test of time.
Pile 3
2oS, 10oW, Tower, Moon, 2oC, Empress, 8oS, AoC (Justice)
You might be someone who's not too keen on making new connections or perhaps you're often accused of being stuck in your ways. But this new friend you're about to make will completely change your perspective on vulnerability and closeness, and it'll be for the better.
For many of you, this person will enter your life unexpectedly, and you might have doubts about their authenticity or question if they're truly who they claim to be. Due to past experiences of being hurt, deceived, or taken advantage of, some of you may be cautious when someone appears too good to be true. It may take some time for you to warm up to them. However, once you do, they will become one of your most cherished treasures in this lifetime. For some, they may already have children of their own, or they could play a role similar to that of a nurturing mother figure, making you feel loved, cared for, and secure enough to be your authentic self around others. They will always have your best interests at heart.
I can see that this person will help you overcome any internal barriers that prevent you from expressing your deepest thoughts and emotions with others. In return, you will shower them with unconditional love and reveal a side of yourself that very few people ever get to witness. You will enjoy each other's company for many years to come.
Pile 4
8oP. AoW, 5oW rev, 9oS rev, Empress, 9oP, Sun, 10oP (8oW)
Chances are, you'll meet your next BFF at work or when you dive into a new project that ignites your passion. And despite the cutthroat and competitive nature of your job or career, you'll connect with someone who shares your kind and nurturing spirit. Deep down, you and your bestie are both softies who appreciate having someone you can be yourself around. This special bond will make the work week more bearable and give you something to look forward to.
Pile 4, you and your future BFF are an amazing match. Not only are you both creative, hardworking and genuine, but you’re also not afraid to be independent. self-sufficient and bold! And as you progress in your careers, you will motivate and cheer each other on because seeing the other person succeed will bring you both joy. Get ready—this person is on their way to you soon!
Thanks for reading 🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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risathefairyofshampoo · 2 months
Hi! I’m here for your new tarot game:) Happy 1 year anniversary btw 🩷
Your blog definitely reminds me of the song fairy of shampoo by txt, and because of that, I also think of Soobin from txt lol
I wanted to ask what jaehyun from nct’s ideal type is if that’s alright?😊
Jaehyuns ideal type 2024 ୨୧
(Done on the 5th of August, 2024)
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Disclaimer: Everything is based on tarot and my intuition. I don't know these idols personally. Take everything that I say with a grain of salt. Let's get started! :)
Note: Ahh Soobin! He is so cute!
This took me a while. He wasn't that communicative. Also I used 2 tarot decks for this reading! Please enjoy ;)
6oS H, 2oC R, 6oW R, 7oC R, The Magician, 10oC, 5oW, 8oP; 3oC
Uhhhh!!! The energy I'm getting is literally HOT GIRL ENERGY! 🔥🔥🔥
Jaehyuns ideal type isn't an idol. Maybe not famous at all! A more private person! But Instagram comes to my mind... Maybe his ideal type would post a lot on social media (but maybe has a private profile?? 🤔) or maybe an influencer? It's just that he likes it if his partner wouldn't be as successful as him. Of course, they should have their goals and put effort into getting somewhere, but they shouldn't be on his level! Jaehyun also likes smart people! People who you can talk with about everything. Literally basic knowledge about everything! Also, fast thinkers and people who can hold a conversation and that talk very nicely (not necessarily as in what he wants to hear but just very well spoken). He likes someone who is clingy but not all the time! Sometimes, being physical is fine with him, but he doesn't want to be hugged and followed all the time. That's just not what he likes! When it comes to the relationship, Jaehyun isn't the type to be all lovey dovey! I mean, he can have feelings, and he CAN love someone, but the thing is, he wouldn't like a serious relationship that much. Of course, he would like a partner that he likes and they should like him too, but he doesn't like it that much! He also likes his partner to be a little tough... Like just energetic and powerful! His ideal type is also very social! A lot of friends and very outgoing!
The Star R, AceoS R, AceoP, The World, Temperance
Here, the energy is sweeter haha! 🍧 Idk why, but this is lowkey giving 'mommy' haha. Jaehyun likes someone very beautiful like very attractive! I'm being honest with you the energy is very feminine! Like 😅 I'm very sure that he is into women. He likes a woman that also takes care of him. That is there for him. Again, someone that is smart and that can use their knowledge. He might also like someone that is kinda insecure/unsure sometimes so that he can be the one TO HELP HIS PARTNER OUT! I think this does soemthing to his ego. Like look at me being such a good partner.
8oS, QueenoP R, QueenoS, The Hanged Man
He likes someone very tall!!! Not that cute looking! Sexy! He likes longer hair and also curls! Jaehyun is also very into natural beauty. Although he has a certain style that he likes he is open to a lot of people! He doesn't mind that much
PageoP R, 7oP R, 4oC, 8oS; The Tower
Again, I think he is very open to a lot of people. His ideal type is there, but he likes to have his options open. Again tall but also skinny/healthy weight. He is very much into pretty people! Like general public pretty! He has high standards for his ideal type! He cares a lot about one's appearance.
Long legs, tan, foreign, general public pretty, big ass, big boobs, skinny, toned, glasses, nice lips, long hair. Tyla is very close to his idealtype/style!!!
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© risathefairyofshampoo
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nori-the-cat · 3 months
What is Ni-ki like as a boyfriend? (Requested)
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Remember, tarot readings should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Did Ni-ki allow me to do this tarot reading? Yes (The Lovers).
Is Ni-ki okay with me posting this tarot reading? Yes (6oS).
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As a boyfriend:
Card(s): 2oW, 8oC, 7oW rx, 7oS, 5oS, ace of swords rx, 2oS, and 6oP rx
Do remember that Ni-ki is still 18 years old. His perception of love and relationships may not feel mature, but the cards could help us look into his ways of showing love.
The cards tell us Ni-ki might be a guy who puts a lot of thought into things, especially the future. He'd probably love making plans and goals with his partner, making sure they both want the same things.
Ni-ki also wants a relationship with real feelings and connection. He wouldn't be afraid to walk away from things that aren't working and would look for something deeper.
However, there might be times when Ni-ki isn't sure how to stand up for himself. He could feel a little shy or unsure about speaking his mind.
Ni-ki might also be a bit cautious at first. He might take his time getting to know his partner before fully trusting them. But that's just because he wants to make sure things are real.
Just like any couple, there will be some disagreements sometimes. Sometimes Ni-ki might have trouble explaining what he's thinking, which could lead to misunderstandings. There might be times when Ni-ki isn't sure what to do.
The cards also say that Ni-ki might struggle with giving and taking in the relationship. Sometimes he might feel like he's doing more than his partner, or vice versa.
Ni-ki's Potential Red Flags:
Card(s): queen of wands rx, 4oW rx, 3oS rx, page of wands, and 5oC
The tarot cards suggest Ni-ki might face several challenges in a romantic relationship, such as insecurity, instability, lingering emotional pain, restlessness, and focusing on the negative. These traits could make it hard for him to maintain a healthy and stable relationship.
Ni-ki's Potential Green Flags:
Card(s): 7oC rx, 4oW rx, 4oC rx, 4oS, and page of cups rx
The tarot cards are saying Ni-ki would be a great boyfriend. He seems like someone who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to try new things. He also cares about himself and his partner growing together as a couple. Plus, he understands the importance of chilling out and thinking things through sometimes.
Overall, he seems like a pretty awesome catch.
Ni-ki's Love Language(s):
Card(s): the lovers, page of swords rx, and 4oC rx
In this part of the tarot reading. I looked into which of the five love languages Ni-ki would want to receive from his partner.
I think Ni-ki is still very young and naïve. I can tell from the tarot cards that his preferred love languages are based on what makes him feel emotionally fulfilled. This air of child-like energy translates into the cards I pulled.
The Lovers card is all about strong feelings and really getting each other. This means Ni-ki probably loves hearing sweet things and words of encouragement from his partner. It makes him feel closer to them. The next card is a bit tricky, but it kind of says Ni-ki might not always be the smoothest talker. So, spending quality time together, and doing things he enjoys, might be another way to show he cares.
Last card says Ni-ki is open to new things and appreciates someone who puts in effort. Doing nice things for him, like helping him out or remembering something he likes, shows he's really cared for.
So, all together, it seems like Ni-ki is a guy who likes to feel loved in a few different ways. Words of affirmation, quality time, and acts of service are the love languages that would make him feel loved.
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
NEWJEANS Comeback Mini Reading
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Concept : QoW, 6oS rx, 10oP, KNoS rx & Justice rx
The concept will be firey? It will also have really intense choreographies. Very pretty concept too! It will be completely different from their previous concept/sound I believe. This concept could have required a whole lot of money. There could be some interesting reactions with this concept tbh…😅
Members thoughts
Hanni : The Devil rx, KNoC rx & PoW rx
She is terrified, she could also gain anxiety as the release day approaches. She could also feel a bit embarrassed about the comeback? If there’s any hate comments, she will definitely take it to heart. She might have to fake it til she makes it for the entire promotion times. She thinks that public will betray her if they don’t like the comeback. Hanni could be lacking motivation and confidence, and the stress causes her to have temper tantrums tbh…
Danielle : 6oW rx
She doesn’t seem to like the new sound. She thinks this comeback is a flop, and will cause the group to lose followers and love. She just… doesn’t like it tbh…
Minji : 4oC
Minji is drained, tired and has no motivation. She is completely dissatisfied with the comeback. She’ll think they’ll be unable to break the records they’ve broken from ‘Get Up.’
Hyein : AoS & Temperance rx
She thinks the comeback is innovative, and actually genuinely likes it. She’s looking forward to performing and believes it will certainly make headlines. She wants the comeback as much as we want it too lol! She’s really excited.
Haerin : PoC & The Emperor
“Happy, happy, happy 😸” She also loves the sound. She’s really looking forward to it and knows that it will do well. She knows that they’ll achieve again and gain respect in the industry.
Overall thoughts : PoS rx, Judgment, KNoS rx, Justice rx, 10oP
As you could tell, a lot of contradictive thoughts. Some believe it will flop, while some believe it’s a bop. This could have led to arguments and a lot of talks about how they should just try stay positive and remember that they will receive that love from fans and also gain more income. So yea… just a lot of thoughts overall 😅
General publics thoughts: 6oW, 9oW, PoC, The Emperor, The Star rx
They’ll love it and believe that the girls did really well, bunnies will be like, “SOTY again”, “nwjns ready to wipe out awards again this year 😝🫵🏽.” And etc lol! Some could be unhappy at how nwjns look highly overworked and want them to rest. The public could also notice how nwjns aren’t charting as high as they were before too.
Nwjns thoughts on public opinion: 9oW
They would clearly look at the negative and see that ppl aren’t making them chart as high, and they’ll think of those moments from last year BUT this will make them not give up and continue working.
Could also see comments on the overworking, but unfortunately they’ll be unable to control anything…
Thank you for reading 📦
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 168. brb x oc
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a/n: sometimes all we need is something cute. that's all <3 i hope you all had a good day today and i hope you remember how loved you are(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fLUFF AAAAA
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @genius2050
The days do go by fast, if she had to admit. Sometimes the pain gets worse and she does cry, quietly, into her pillow. She knows he’s fine, he’s been messaging her about it, trying his best to keep her updated while he’s away.
And yet she still worries.
She just has to wait a little bit more, after all they’d talk in a few hours. And she decided that cleaning the house and giving herself a more organized backdrop would work…as in she was cleaning the whole house. And was now in the kitchen.
She was cleaning the floor.
He wasn’t going to see the floor.
But here she was.
She sits on her knees with a heavy sigh leaving her lip, “I need to focus.” she tells herself, looking at the living room where Nicole is, sitting on the floor with the three dogs surrounding her so she doesn’t move forward nor backwards, she’s incredibly entertained by Dr.Chimp so she will never move.
Beatrice smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she looks at Nicole, she is looking more and more like Bradley every day. These past days she did see his baby pictures, because she couldn’t help herself, and noticed how the two of them were similar. Both of them have the angel like features that she adored so much, her smile widening as she remembers how they still have to take more pictures when he returns.
They just…want to be safe when sharing about Nicole, every picture they posted of her online she had her back turned or was bundled up.
Call them paranoid.
Beatrice hums, sighing again before leaning her head back,looking up to the ceiling and then frowning, “What am I doing?” she gestures to her head in exasperation, “Jesus Christ,I think I’m losing it.” Jolene is the only dog that trots over curiously when she hears Beatrice’s monologue, tilting her head at her owner. ‘Am I losing it Jojo?” she gets a whine in response, “Yeah,I’m losing it…I’m okay. Hah,I’m okay.” 
She cleaned the whole floor and stands to her feet, rubbing the back of her hand against her temples before looking around the kitchen with her lips pursed, trying to see if there was anything else she could do until it was time to talk to Rooster.
Beatrice surveys the kitchen as if she’s trying to figure out a crime, her eyes scanning the countertops and cabinets for any remaining tasks. She notices a few dishes in the sink and decides to tackle them, there weren’t a lot of them - honestly it was just stuff from lunch but it’d do. Grabbing a sponge and some dish soap she starts washing the dishes, her mind begins to wander, thoughts of Rooster and their life together swirling in her head.
She can't help but feel a mix of emotions—pride, worry, longing. Pride for Rooster and his dedication to his mission, worry for his safety and the unknowns that come with military deployments, and longing for his presence, his touch, his warm embrace. 
Rooster always thinks of himself like he’s not…a lot, he knows he’s good, but he gets bashful when it comes to certain compliments still. She gets it, she does, but it was true.
Her husband - God, her husband, it still made her giddy- was…the best change in her life. Who knew that she’d end up marrying the hunky, handsome, charming pilot who always seemed to have the world looking at him? Who knew he’d love her back, if not more than she did love him? Sometimes she still remembers the first months, she remembers the times they spent together…knowing each other.
He was so careful and he was so sweet and polite, he never wanted to make her uncomfortable and he’s still like that even if he knows Beatrice like the back of his hand now. Her smile only widens and her cheeks turn red as she recalls their very first date…and looking back, she could see thing she hadn’t before.
Like how he looked at her. It was…new, it was too new. She wasn’t used in being looked like she was the only girl in the room nor thinking she could take someone’s breath away. Hell she was wearing shorts and a crop top, with her combat boots and some stockings, there was nothing sexy about it but she was too nervous to use something too risqué.
He didn’t care. Honestly, he was too busy staring into her eyes to probably notice her own fears…and that kiss, God, that kiss. The fact he initiated, so smoothly too - because he is extremely smooth, sometimes painfully so- while keeping his eyes on her mouth and asking if she was okay with it.
“Ugh.” she is smiling with her cheeks burning up, bouncing a bit on the kitchen mat as she giggles, “He’s so cute.” and he still made her feel like they are dating. That’s what a good healthy relationship was, Rooster was the best thing that ever happened in her life and she was so happy of everything they built together.
She was scared she’d mess up a bit, more than once, in fact several times, in their relationship. And trying to break what she knew of a relationship was hard, because all she knew then was…Eric. Her brain was downright bamboozled because he was genuinely like a dream, he surprised her every step of the way and she loved it.
And he  could read her emotions, he could figure her out easily. He still does…
She missed him.
Beatrice takes a deep breath, trying to center herself in the present moment. She focuses on the rhythmic motion of washing the dishes, finding solace in the mundane task. It provides a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of their current situation. “It’s fine.” she tells herself,looking back at the clock on the wall with her lips parted,”We’ll talk in a couple hours, it’s fine.”
His last message reassured her raging heart, which she was extremely thankful for, but hearing from him would help a lot more. She sets the clean and dried dishes back into the cabinets, fixing each one of them so everything was perfectly aligned before closing the doors, holding onto the handles for a little while longer.
After a soft sigh, Beatrice wipes her hands on a kitchen towel and takes a moment to appreciate her surroundings. The clean kitchen, the comfortable home they've built together—it's a testament to their love and commitment. She reminds herself that their separation is temporary, and they will be reunited soon.
“Alright, now,” she clicks her tongue, pointing to her hair, “I need to get ready.” She walks out of the kitchen to the living room, eyes directing themselves to Nicole who is just giggling and hugging her tiny feet as she sits up on the colorful mat, Eleanor and Jack on either side of her and Jolene standing next to Bea.
Nicole looks away from the tv towards her mother, gurgling happily - her tiny teeth were more visible now which was adorable - “Mama!” she coos, pointing her little hand to the screen, “Ooo!”
Beatrice turns her head just in time to see what she was looking at, then laughs because it was a pilot lion getting treated, “Yep, looks like daddy doesn’t it?” she asks her daughter, gently settling next to her and deciding to give herself a five minute break before taking her shower,knowing she’d have to take Nikki with her upstairs. Nicole bounces a bit on the mat, the little pigtails on her head moving and she points even more to the tv, “What?”
“Yeah, it looks like dada.”
Nicole laughs, clapping her hand excitedly, the noises making Jack lift his head sleepily only to lie back down, turning his face away from the commotion, “Dada!”
Beatrice smiles, watching Nicole's excitement and hearing her adorable babbling. It warms her heart to see their daughter's love for Rooster, even at such a young age. Hard to believe she was only seven months old considering how active and alert she was.
One of the last times she took Nikki to the clinic - for a check up more than anything - the doctor was so surprised at how much Nikki was able to do already. The fact she was expanding her words was enough to make the doctor smile and tell Beatrice that “she’s a smart little girl already,huh?”
As Nicole continues to point at the TV and exclaim "Dada," Beatrice can't help but feel a pang of longing. She wishes Rooster could be here, witnessing these precious moments with their daughter firsthand. But she knows that he is doing important work, and their call later will bridge the gap, at least temporarily.
She leans closer to Nicole, pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Yes, birdie, dada." Beatrice speaks softly, her eyes welling up with emotion. She takes a moment to collect herself before continuing, clearing her throat "We miss him a lot, don't we? But he'll be home soon, and we'll have lots of fun together."
Nicole giggles, grabbing one of her toys and waving it in the air. Beatrice joins in the laughter, allowing herself to be fully present in this moment. As the minutes tick by, she savors the simple pleasure of being with her little girl, actually enjoying this Dr.Chimp episode and thinking that kids tv nowadays was so much better than when she was a child.
Well to be fair she only watched Sesame Street for a long while, and it was still good so maybe it wasn’t all bad.
Eventually, Beatrice sighs, “Alright.” gently lifts Nicole into her arms, cradling her against her chest. "Alright, my little angel, it's time for Mama to get ready. You're coming with me, okay?" Nicole takes a while to reply because her head is still turned to the tv, little mouth open in amazement.
Beatrice chuckles, gently tickling Nicole’s tummy only for her daughter to squeal in response, curling away from her mother and grabbing onto her hand now instead of the toy, “It’ll be fast, cutie. I just need to keep my eyes on you while I shower, is that fair?”
“I knew you’d agree.”
She was so used on picking Nicole from the floor that she could stand up one handed, without letting her go…well, that is until the twins are bigger and then she couldn’t…but until then! She could manage, “Alright, guys,” she turns to the dogs, “Keep an eye on the door, yeah? We’ll be right back.” Jolene answers for her kids with a gentle ‘boof’ and Eleanor immediately scurries off to keep her nose pressed against the glass…while Jack remains asleep.
Beatrice walks up the stairs with Nicole in her arms, carefully navigating each step as she heads towards the bathroom. The soft sound of Nicole's coos and giggles fill the air, bringing a smile to Beatrice's face.
Once they reach the bathroom, Beatrice sets Nicole down on her bouncer - which she did bring over by her foot -, giving her chicken toy so she distracts herself, which is immediate. Those plasticky cries are loud and make her ears hurt but every sacrifice is worth it.
She ensures the bathroom is safe, removing any hazards and checking if she got everything - she did place all her clothes there prior from her cleaning spree downstairs - Before adjusting the water temperature and turning her hand back and forth to make sure it was just right for her to shower, “Alright. Now,Nikki,” her daughter is currently chewing the chicken while looking at her, “Mama is going to keep te door just a little bit open so I can see your pretty face,alright?”
“Yeah, your pretty face!” she says while undressing, kicking the used clothes aside and hurriedly making her way into the shower. The warm water cascades over her, soothing her tired muscles and providing a moment of relaxation.
As Beatrice showers, she keeps a watchful eye on Nicole, who happily plays with her chicken and babbles to herself, sometimes meeting her mother’s similar green colored eyes.. Occasionally, Beatrice leans out of the shower to engage with her daughter, exchanging smiles and playful words.  She knows Nikki will be fine, she knows she’s safe and whenever she feels her daughter is distressed, she pops her head out to make her grin.
The sound of the water drowns out the noise from the rest of the house, allowing Beatrice to immerse herself in the solitude of the moment. She takes this time to reflect, to gather her thoughts and emotions. It's during these moments alone that she allows herself to acknowledge the weight of her worries, her longing for Rooster's presence, and the uncertainties that lie ahead.
But Beatrice doesn't dwell on those thoughts for long. She slaps her cheeks to break off the anxiety, “I’m fine.” She knows she must stay strong for herself and for Nicole and the twins. She focuses on being pretty today, it’s been a while since she used make up and why not do that today? It’d not only make her feel good but so would her husband.
Who would either be shocked and stare at her for a few seconds or he’s going to immediately curse at her and say he wished he was home.
Since she washed her hair yesterday, all she does is take a refreshing shower, and she does feel much better afterwards. She glances over at Nicole, who is still happily occupied with her toys while sliding on her robe and tightening it around her waist so she can walk out of the bathroom, “Alright, see!” she spreads her arms so Nikki looks up at her, “Was that long? No,right?” 
Nicole giggles sweetly, clapping her hands, “Alright, now,” Beatrice points to the cabinet where she kept all her makeup - God bless Rooster because he never complained, “Mama is going to use some makeup, alright? But I won’t take long.” she says, “I’ll just dress up first.”
She quickly dries herself off and dresses up, humming a lullaby softly as she does. She adjusts the dress - maybe she just wanted to make him feel just a little bit more because it is a bit…sexy. It was a mossy green haltertop dress that hugged her curves just right, including the baby bump and she’d gladly show him once he shows up.
 Beatrice looks down at her phone to check the time, ‘Alright, a few more minutes,” she says as she opens her makeup drawer, grabbing everything she needed while Nicole stares, completely stunned by the activity. Beatrice flicks her gaze towards the baby girl with a gentle laugh, “I know right? If you feel into getting makeup when you are older, you can always ask me things.” Nicole especially liked the red lipstick her mother got, ‘ooo’ing the second she pulled out the tube, “And you love bold colors too,so…”
Nicole just gasped happily, watching completely mesmerized as her mother spread the creamy substance over her lips, covering the once pink surface with a burnt red, “There.” she smacks her lips a few times before clicking the tube closed, “Oh, wait, what if.” she rummages through the drawers after tossing her lipstick aside, letting out an ‘aha!’ when she finds a scrunchie. It’s small enough so she could hide in her hair, which she does once she pulls it all up in a bun, tugging only her bangs down so it framed her face.
Honestly she just stared at herself for a few seconds, she was…looking good. And her mind needed this break, she needed to feel like this considering how the past weeks were. “Alright! Now I’m done!”
She turns her attention back to Nicole, who is still captivated by her mother's transformation. Beatrice chuckles and walks over to her daughter, picking her up and giving her a gentle squeeze. "Look, birdie, Mama got all pretty for dada. Do you think he'll like it?" Nicole responds with a toothy grin, clapping her hands in delight. gently playing with the bangs that frame her face.
“Now, for the final touch,” she bought something this week, frivolous but very cute…she got herself shark slippers. It was so cute! She couldn’t deny herself that! And it was so comfortable, she knew she’d need something like that when the twins get bigger and it was so very soft. Nicole looks at her mother’s feet once the slippers slide on before smiling at Beatrice “I know right? We might need one for you, they have crocs like these, for those tiny baby feet.” and she tickles her daughter’s feet as well, it doesn’t make her laugh as when she did with her stomach but it was still adorable.
She carries Nicole downstairs, where the dogs eagerly greet them, tails wagging and sniffing curiously at her freshly done appearance. She giggles and shoos them away gently, making her way to the living room. With a quick glance at the clock, she realizes it's almost time for their call.
She settles down on the couch, cradling Nicole in her arms as they wait for Rooster's call, opening the laptop so the camera can take all of them.She runs her fingers on Nicole’s strawberry themed top, gently fixing her collar, “Do you want to click it?” she moves them closer to the laptop, the loading symbol still going which means he wasn’t there yet, “Here, to answer daddy’s call you press this-” she moves Nicole’s tiny hand to the mouse, “Then here,” and her daughter was amazed by the cursor.
“Oh to be a kid again and just think everything is wonderful.” she giggles, kissing Nicole’s head before leaning back on the couch. The anticipation fills the air, and Beatrice can feel her heart racing. She takes a deep breath, reminding herself to stay calm and composed, smell the flower, blow the candle. 
Repeat. As many times as necessary.
“Why am I nervous?” she mutters to herself, facing her own reflection on the dark screen,”It’s not like he doesn’t know me.” but she does fix her hair for a few seconds, licking her lips only to give herself a weird look, “Calm down, Jesus. It’ll be fine.”
He will be fine.
“Yeah, he will.”
As the minutes tick by, Beatrice entertains Nicole with gentle whispers and silly faces which distracts her as well. She talks about how excited they are to see Rooster soon, how they've missed him and all the adventures they'll have together and Nicole babbles in response, her eyes sparkling with joy, adding some of her last known words to the mix.
That’s when she hears the connected sound and immediately straightens up.
And her heart just exploded because how can someone look so good all the time. He is wearing his usual black top and his hair is so glossy…she wants to touch it…and his neck looks so nice too but he’s looking away, he hasn’t noticed he's connected yet. That is, until he hears Nicole’s soft gasp, “Dada!”
Rooster’s eyes snap to the screen, Beatrice is holding Nicole up to her face to hide herself at first, knowing their little girl’s reactions was absolutely too precious to pass,”Hi birdie!” his voice gets high and his smile widens, “Oh my Gosh, look at you! You look so big! And you are dressed with strawberries? Oh you look so pretty!”
Nicole giggles, bouncing on Beatrice’s lap, leaning closer to touch the screen with her tiny hands, letting out a confused whine when she couldn’t feel her father’s face, “I know honey,I wish I was there too.” he flicks his gaze towards Bea, “Are you hiding from me?”
“I’m not.”
“Kinda looks like it.” he pauses, “Are you wearing makeup?”
Well, now she just had to show him,didn’t she, “Well,” she moves Nicole out of the way a bit - she was still on her lap but no longer hiding her mother’s face- “I wanted to doll up a bit,” she shrugs innocently, “What do you think?”
And he’s quiet.
So quiet she thinks his connection is bad, but she could see him blinking. In fact she could see his brown eyes drag down her body then back up to her face “...holy fuck.” well, she was right about both of his reactions, apparently “Gorgeous…what the hell.”
“Do you like it?”
“Do I like it? I love it. You look even more beautiful than you already are, my god.” and he keeps moving his eyes, not knowing where to look anymore “...you look stunning. Are you going somewhere?”
“No,I’m just feeling pretty today.”
“You are always pretty.”
Her cheeks heat up and her smile turns shy,”Roos…I…” she giggles,covering her face, “You are too smooth.”
Rooster's words make Beatrice's heart flutter, it's amazing how his words have the power to make her feel so special.
She lowers her hand, revealing her smile once again, and playfully teases, "Smooth talker, huh? You always know the right things to say." Beatrice leans closer to the screen, her voice filled with affection, "But I’m glad you like it.”
Rooster's gaze softens, his expression filled with love and adoration, one of his hands coming up to hold his head upright. "Hmhm…” his eyes drop down again, his smile a bit dopey, “...fuck you look so good. Kinda wish I was there to admire it closer." and the innuendo isn’t lost by her, who clears her throat in hopes to keep herself in check.
“Well…when you come back you can…see it.”
“I’m counting on it.” The connection crackles for a moment, making her stomach drop briefly only for his face to appear clearer than before “--but that’s for another time.”
She blinks in confusion,”Huh? Sorry Roos, your audio cut for a second there.”
“Ah…well,” he smirks, “That’s fine, adds to the mystery.”
She shifts Nicole on her lap, while staring at him - narrowing her eyes playfully before shaking her head. She moves closer allowing her daughter to reach out and touch the screen. Nicole giggles and babbles, Beatrice has to gently hold her hand so she doesn’t slap the screen too hard, “How’s everything there?”
He sighs heavily, running his hands through his hair and interlacing them on his nape, the movement makes his biceps bulge and she has to remember to keep herself together. “Honestly,it’s…tiring, always is. It’s a lot of paperwork, a lot of things to check.”
“Are you managing though?” she asks cautiously, “Are all of you?”
‘Oh yeah, it’s been going fine. It’s just we are also helping the new recruits, but besides that,” he flaps his hand,”It’s fine. This place is just cold.”
“Are you complaining about the cold?”
“This ain’t Virginia,gorgeous.” he smirks, “But I’ll live…how are you though, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’ve been keeping myself busy, I’m uh, going to buy some stuff for Evelyn’s gender reveal party and then I’ll get some stuff for the sleepover.” Rooster arches his brow in confusion,”Oh,Shells is throwing a sleepover for us, and for Nikki too.” she leans down to kiss her daughter’s cheek, earning a soft giggle, “And I’m going to take some snacks and- oh!” she moves a bit on the screen, scooting to the side while carrying Nicole before stretching her leg, ‘Look!”
She flaps the shark slipper, angling her foot this way and that so he can see all the details, “Is that a shark?”
“Yes!Isn’t it adorable?”
“Yeah…just like you.” she sputters embarrassedly, appearing back on the scene with Nicole still laughing, “You look really good, you know? I mean, you always do…but I think because you dressed up, so nicely for our call I’m just,” again his eyes trail down,”Admiring everything.”
Beatrice's cheeks flush at Rooster's words yet again. She can feel her heart racing, his compliments filling her with warmth and affection. 
"Thank you, Roos," she says, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your words mean the world to me. I wanted to make this call special, just for you."
Rooster's gaze intensifies, "And you succeeded, gorgeous. You always know how to make me feel special, even from miles away. Are you…going to do that in the next calls?."
“I mean…yes, sure.”she looks down at her stomach, “It’s also up to these guys but…yeah. Sure.”
She watches as Rooster runs his hand through his hair again, his eyes filled with mirth and adoration, a mix only he could have, “I know. Are they okay?”  she nods, giving him a short explanation from her last time at the clinic “And your dad?”
“He’s just as fine, he’s still taking some meds but he’s much better than before.” she explains, playing with Nicole’s hands. “And he’s needing some help so Michael is staying over for a little while.”
“That’s great to hear, gorgeous. I’ll let everyone else know and-” he looks beyond the screen, his eyebrows furrowing “Yes,McAllister I’m talking to my wife.” followed by a less than impressed expression, “Yes.McAllister…do you mind? Right now?” a soft apology followed by a ‘goodbye sir!’ was heard. Rooster sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingertips.
Beatrice chuckles, shifting Nicole's hand gently so she doesn't harm the screen. "So your fanboys are there,huh?”
Rooster is now supporting his chin on his hand, shaking his head “Yep. They are…they are good kids, just all over the place.” he explains “McAllister has a crush on Jessie.”
Beatrice’s mouth drops open, “Shut up. Are you serious?”
“You know I don’t lie.” he smirks, “He asked me to keep quiet but I had to share this with you so…eh,he’ll forgive me.”
‘Oh that’s so cute–a Rooster and Bea 2.0! Like we talked about.”
His smile widens because he couldn’t help himself. 
"Yeah, it's pretty adorable," he says, his voice filled with a bit of pride. "I can't help but feel a sense of joy knowing that our fans have connected with each other. It's like our love story has inspired them in their own lives."
Beatrice's eyes sparkle with excitement as she leans in closer to the screen. "That’s so romantic,Lt.Bradshaw.”
Rooster nods, his gaze never leaving Beatrice's eyes dark and directly looking into hers "Thank you…Mrs.Bradshaw. You are too sweet." They shared a few more snippets of their separate journeys for a little while, thankfully they never ran out of things to talk about. 
When the time comes for him to go back to the grind, he stops then looks into her eyes again
"I'm proud of us, Bea," Rooster says, his voice filled with sincerity. "I really am."
Beatrice's eyes well up with tears of joy, a gentle gasp escaping her lips. "I'm proud of us too.”
Rooster's smile softens, his voice filled with tenderness. "And I'm proud to be your husband, Bea.” oh that’s just dirty. “You have no idea how much.
“You are going to make me cry.”
“Good tears?”
She smiles sweetly, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much ,”...the best.” she whispers, “With you is always the best kind.”
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disregardenedgnostic · 3 months
i've been torrenting a shitton of anime for like the past month straight barring the occasional power outage or tripped breaker. My CPU's uptime hjust passed thirteen days.
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i have no idea what a handle is. my computer is punisheing me for my unbelievable hubris by passive-aggressivelty threatening to kill itself
i am either becoming a god or being majorly stink-eyed by the good lord. i just spilled malt ligupr on my sweatpants i'm definitely gonna smeell like booze in thye morning (i say it's 5am). now i know that it's possible someone that there's slomeone reading this who grew up with enough money they yhink i mean single-malt whiskey because tjat's happened befgore and no i don't mean single-malt whiskey i really really don't this shit's way cheaper and way tastier and i have open a 24oz can of the stuff that's about two-thirds of a liter for people from normal places yes that's a lot for one drink even at okay wait i can't actually find a %ABV on here that's probablty fine disregard that mixing alcohol and antidepressants is universally a bad idea of course i'm taking the duloxetine more for neuropathy tha ndepression heehehehhehehee not that that matters but shit the alcoholism'ws winning tonight! 15yo me was right giving in to the drink rules i should mix weed in that's a great idea and it's a spliff too i'm supposed to never smoke tobacoo ever since my doctor made me quit because it makes my migraines worse an also akl the other reasons WE'RE DOING ALL THE BAD IDEAS TONIGHT BABY i'm gonna make sure i don't try to mix uppers and downers HEY ME A CC OUPLE HOURS FROM NOW DO NOT FUCKIONG TAKE THOSE CAFFEINE PILLS THAT'S AN EVEN WORSE IDEA YOU WILL PROBABLY GO TO THE HISPITAL AND IT;LL BE REALLY REALLY EMBARASSING
fuck it's hot in here. runniong the computer for 13 days coinciding with a heat wave definitely has something to do with that yaaaaaaaaaaaay the weed's kikimg in :D oop coughing glah
y'know this is a spiral. this is definitely a spiral. i dropped outta my summer classes, i'm halfwzay to dropping out of college. again. shut up, kurt vonnegut dropped out twice! and tried to kill himself at least twice! and shit he wrote Slapstick! like i love that book but how the fuck do you recover from thAT? i dunno but hey he did it
you know what this started when that bookcase attacked me. shit i ain't kurt vonnegut i can't come back from that that's a fucking anime gag i've seen that happen in at least two anime //three if you count both fullmetal alchemists!// ↑those aren't effective replacements for parentheses! <==art thou fucking kidding me with this goddamn alt code shit we need to go back to 1998 that was the golden age of web design ╚oh ypu wanna go back to 1998 huh kill urself lololol | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | wow our gets and insults and other such bantz were at least creative back then geez also spelling §BECK IN MYYYYY DAY WE USED ENCYCLOPAEDIAE AND WE LIKED IT. AND THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY! ABSURDLY THOROUGH MICRO-PRINT EDITION WITH INCLUDED MAGNIFYING GLASS. I KNOW IT'S FROM THE 5Os and 6O dollars BUT IT'S WORTH IT! YOU KNOW IT IS! IT'S THE DEFINITIVE DESCRIPTIVE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE! IT'S A WORK OF AAAAAAART!!!!!
>encyclopaediae >british spelling kekw
Is that even how greentext works, 4chan-user me? Also fuuuuuck offffffffff
>FORMATTING BITCH >also HAH HAH HAHAHAH >YOU'LL NEVER BE RID OF ME OVER-[name.] >hatehatehateseethecopeseethe
Buddy. Really-Old me. That's not what she means by cope. Everyone knows you know that. And that definition of 'seethe' was archaic even in that dictionary you wanted. Probably.
...We go to that bookstore plenty. It's literally the only game in town unless you count the antique store across the street that sells old books for way too much. And, really, I'm not paying 20 bucks for a copy of Kafka's The Trial when I could get the full set of Shakespeare's Comedies and Tragedies across the street for 40. Again. whydididothatwhydoesanyonetrustmewithmoneyaaaaejhakfhdfkla;
☹u ok ss☹
really? unicode, at a time like this? @--Λ-@
I'm fine I'm normal I'm fine I'm normal I'm not talking to myself this is just comedically being very silly and mean to myself on the internet, a totally sane thing to do yup. Anyway point is that dictionary's totally still gonna be there whenever we're in a better position to get it. That, and this Convention Of The Inner Symposium is getting wildly out of hand and also that's not an obscenely pretentious name shut up
hahahhaahahhahah wow that was really funny wasn't it folks. ha. ha.i'm drunker now! and it's 7:40 am now! and my extremities are really numb tingly! and i was super absurdly fucking hot but now i'm comfortably cool so that's nice. This is the best part of drinking! that's definitely a fine healthy and not weird thing to think about alcohol!
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shamrock313 · 1 month
Taylor Swift General Reading (August 18th)
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Please take everything you read with a grain of salt. Enjoy!
As you can see from the title, this reading was done on the 18th, so some things may or may not be happening right now as today is August 27.
Career: Mag (R) + Fool = She wants to change things up. Wants to take a risk in changing her career/music. She's being held back from her full potential. Doesn't trust everyone on her team. She's definitely ready to take a break from touring, but she's looking forward to doing something new in her career. Always planning. She's ready. She may have been planning something for a few years now and it just hasn't happened yet either because of herself or because of those around her.
OC: Vacation "You will be traveling soon". I don't know if Taylor is on a small break right now or how many days/months left she has of touring, but she's deserving of a break.
What's next for her career wise? King of Swords (side) = (U) Challenging herself to do her best. She knows what she wants to achieve. (R) Dominating. Power hungry colleague. Irrational work decision. This person is holding her back.
OC: Water Sign - This is a water sign person and from my research this could be her dad. Her dad is the one holding her back.
Love Life: Taylor POV: PoW (R) + 6oW = PoW (R) "aimless search for love" "failure to commit" "struggling to let go of past lovers" "unsure of what she is looking for". Needs to figure out what she wants in a partner instead of seeing everyone as the one for her. Not everyone is the one. 6oW wants to prove something to her exes. Wants to show she's "fine" or can manage a successful relationship after them.
OC: Love Spell, Commitment, Intimacy OC #2: Abusive
Love Spell "You've been bewitched" - I've put a spell on you in other words Travis may not see Taylor as Taylor, he may see her as the superstar or Taylor presents herself in a certain way and he just doesn't know the real Taylor.
Commitment "Things are getting serious" - Seems they're giving this relationship a chance and looking forward to what comes next.
Intimacy "Sexual Chemistry."
Abusive - I would like to think that Taylor probably tries to treat Travis a bit different as the quote says "I know you don't deserve to be treated this way, but I'm acting out a certain pattern".
Travis POV: 3oC, 6oS, Temp, Devil, HM, 4oP = He likes her and based off 3oC this does confirm that someone brought them together. 6oS "moving on from a relationship". Putting a past relationship behind you. So, I know he was with Kayla (how long idk) so idk if he's moving past this relationship or maybe something before he got with Kayla and Taylor.
Temp is being careful and considerate. Don't pressure Taylor into something she's not prepared for. Very happy. Devil is being very attracted to her, but once again don't pressure her. Don't make her uncomfortable. HM love cannot be rushed. Avoid romantic pressure. So, from these three cards he's pushing this into something more or probably wants more engagement to put their names out there like a shock to the fans. He's all about status. 4oP Clingy lover, jealous, possessiveness, and holding onto past. He can have a temper (as we saw from the games) but he's passionate about what he does.
OC: Date Night, Let Go, and Open Your Heart OC: Message Me
Date Night - Taking some time together
Let Go + Open Your Heart - Allow yourself to let new people or new opportunities in. It will do you good to bring in better people or soothing activities into your life.
Message Me "Don't be afraid to reach out" - He made the first move
Overall Dynamic: 9oC + King of Wands = 9oC "Different love languages or having a high demanding work schedule yet you manage to pull stuff through". Satisfying each others emotional needs. KoW He's the leader not her. Usually it's her, but this time its him. Again, he has a temper, but he can let it go. She likes that he's self-made.
OC: Manifest + Intuition OC 2: Passion
Manifest "Tell the universe what you want" - The things you want will soon come true. Just keep working for it.
Intuition - Don't ignore the red flags that are there.
Passion - Satisfying each other needs whether that be emotionally or physically
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nicromancytarot · 5 months
Hi! Hope you are doing well! Would love to participate in your free readings if possible!
Can I ask what the relationship with my fs will be like and can I get some 18+ messages as well? (I am 22!)
Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- S ♏️
AoS, KoP, Chariot, KoC, QoW, 8oW, 10oC, Judgement, Empress, 6oS, Hanged man, PoS, 4oC
The relationship may have began on whim, so it’s very spontaneous and there will always persist to have spontaneous and random themes throughout the relationship. I see that you guys could have some business together, or possibly have some type of joined partnership, like a social media account or something, this connection keeps your relationship very sturdy. You could go to the gym together, that could be something you enjoy doing as a couple activity, I feel like it will be them liking it first and getting you into it and then you actually end up liking it more than they do lmao. Your relationship is built off of randomness and excitement, so there is a need to keep that up all the way through the timeline that you guys are together. With the hanged man, I think you guys offer each other a new perspective with different areas, you could possibly disagree with politics but then talk about it to better understand the other.
As for sex, it’s very exciting, you could constantly try new things ranging from positions to activities, I feel like they might enjoy blindfolding you, depriving you of your senses for a little while so you better appreciate what they give to you. They’re very possessive over your body during sex, not one to say yes to a threesome or cucking, I think they can be quite vocal during sex, or they could like you to be vocal, you might have your neighbours complaining lmao.
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stuckstucktrolls · 1 year
Hello Miss Akhena, I hope this letter finds you well. And I do hope we can schedule a rendezvous in the near future, perhaps you could come over for dinner sometime. I am writing in an attempt to get some advice and I was hoping you might be able to give me some direction. Recently I find myself blanking on new romantic gestures to use with Teagan. I know that repeating them isn't an issue but it never hurts to mix things up either. I'm wondering if you know of any good overnight trips that he might find entertaining. Camping feels like it might be fairly mundane but I know he'd like it regardless so I suppose I'm aiming for something more action packed.
I hope that's not too wordy. And though I do hope and appreciate if you're able to assist me please don't feel obligated. I simply trust your opinion on these matters and wished to get the opinion of my most valued Teagan expert.
Well wishes, Ozeric Valentine (He has also sent her a small collection of interesting bloods he's gathered)
"Oh Ozer1c, what a lovely 61ft. Of cour3e, 1'd love to help you! 1 know you two 6o hunt1n6 fa1rly often, 3o 1 won't 3u66e3t that unle33 you know 3ometh1n6 that would be a part1cular challen6e.
"Do you know anywhere that would take a b1t of work to 6et to, but 13 part1cularly 3tunn1n6? The feel1n6 of accompl13ment would be a3 much an aphrod131ac a3 a lovely v13ta. 1f that'3 your a1m. 1'm 3ure he'd al3o be happy to carry you at t1me3 or be carr1ed. Phy31cal affect1on ha3 alway3 been 1mportant to h1m.
"For 3ometh1n6 clo3er to h1ve, m16ht 1 3u66e3t the two of you cook1n6 a meal from a cu131ne ne1ther of you are u3ed to mak1n6? 3:> 1 th1nk 1t could be fun for both of you."
0 notes
stonedcoldfoxtarot · 1 year
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How your last date went according to them
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1
6oP, Tower rev, 4oW, Hierophant, 7oP, Star, 4oP, 3oS, Lovers, 3oW, Temperance (Chariot)
Pile 1, your last date with the person on your mind may have started as a quick meet up or coffee date, in which you both initially agreed to go dutch or pay your own way. However, I feel your date ended up developing deeper feelings for you that came on suddenly and without warning. I also feel they were trying their best to play things cool despite being blown away by you.
Overall I see that your person feels your date went really well. So well in fact, that you have this person reassessing their views towards commitment. They really like you, Pile 2! For some of you, this person may be recently divorced, or up until now they were still dealing with someone from their past, However after your last date, this person is thinking about moving on for good so they can focus solely on you instead.
Pile 1, I feel this person felt that the two of you had great conversation during your last date and that the flirting and banter were effortless and fun. At certain times they may have felt that the moments you shared were like a dream come true for them. For many of you, I feel you can expect to hear from this person soon.
Extras: You or this person may be a Taurus, Aquarius, Gemini or Cancer. Some minor fire energy here as well. Your favorite color may be red, orange, deep blue or amber. You or the other person may have the following letters in your first or last name: C, L, O, V, I, K, T
Pile 2
Tower, 10oS, Strength, World, 5oC, 8oP, 9oS, Fool rev, Devil, 6oS (2oC)
Pile 2, this person feels your last date was a disaster for them and that they failed to make things go the way they wanted. And although this may not be the case, they feel that they came on too strong, hoping to make you desire them but it ended up backfiring against them instead. I feel that your date is afraid they made a fool of themselves and are now worried that you don’t want to see them again. This person really wants a second chance to make a good first impression.
I feel this person is very attracted to you, Pile 2, and they find it hard to think straight when they see you all dressed up and looking good. You turn them on like crazy, but I feel they want you to know that their interest in you goes beyond just your looks or your body. However, for some of you, I feel you have already moved on to a new connection and it may be too late for this person to salvage what you guys had. If this isn’t the case, this person hopes that you will give them another chance to prove to you that they want more than just sex or something casual and non-committal. This person wants to be in a real relationship with you.
Extras: You or this person may be a Leo, Capricorn. Some minor air and water energy here as well. Your favorite color may be red, yellow or blue. You or the other person may have the following letters in your first or last name: N, W, O, J, E, A, M
Pile 3
9oP, 5oW, 4oW, Death, Empress, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, World rev, 3oW, 10oS (6oC)
Pile 3, the person you dated last feels like things didn't go as well as they had hoped or planned. They may also feel you are highly desirable and possibly way out of their league. This person may have noticed that you have a lot of eyes on you or that there’s a lot of competition for your attention, and this could be stressing them out. Despite this, I feel they did their best to show you a good time on your last date. However this person may feel their efforts weren’t enough to impress you or to outshine the competition.
Pile 3, you may be more successful than this person or they may feel like they don’t measure up to the type of educated and wealthy men who usually ask you out. If this isn’t the case, this person may struggle with feelings of inferiority in love, especially when it comes to you. However at the end of the day they still desire to take a leap of faith and shoot their shot with you.
For some of you, I feel this person may have felt like they were unable to make progress in winning your trust or moving things forward. I feel this person deeply desires for things to grow between the two of you, but they’re afraid you may not be interested after they ghosted you or let you down in the past. You may have previously turned your back on this connection but after your last date this person is hoping you will be open to hanging out and getting to know each other again.
Extras: You or this person may be a Scorpio, Capricorn or a Sagittarius. Some minor air energy here as well. Your favorite color may be blue or green. You or the other person may have the following letters in your first or last name: Z, R, J, W, N, E, S
Pile 4
Strength, Chariot, Hermit, Star, 10oS, 5oC, 10oC, Death, Wheel of Fortune, 10oP (6oW)
Pile 4, you may have been introduced to the last person you dated by a mutual friend or you could have met this person online. I feel that before meeting each other in person, neither of you knew what to expect or whether or not you would actually enjoy spending time together. Because of this, you both may have been cautious in your approach towards getting to know each other.
I feel this person may have also been hesitant or closed off initially because they were healing from a recent breakup or disappointment in love. For some, this is a twin flame connection and you may be mirroring each other's energy while you both heal from a toxic ex. However despite any fear or hesitancy, I feel this person thinks your last date went really well and for some, you make this person feel brand new.
After your last date, they are feeling that the two of you could really have something special if things continue to go well. They also feel that you two are quite compatible and that you have helped heal them in many ways. You make them happy, which is something they may not have felt in a while. Pile 4, I feel this this person is ready to do whatever it takes to win you over, so expect to see or hear from them again soon.
Extras: You or this person may be a Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Aquarius or Scorpio. Your favorite color may be yellow, green, violet or blue. You or the other person may have the following letters in your first or last name: S, V, T, L, J, Y, R
Thanks for reading 🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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risathefairyofshampoo · 3 months
Zerobaseone tea
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1. Member
7oP H, 4oC, 6oC, 9oS R
I think this member got a supporter (like Idk the word; I don't mean a brand... someone else that got him an opportunity for mideling or advertising something) and this person is able to give him new opportunities! So new things coming for this idol!
2. Member
Strength, PageoC R, 5oW
X is doing fine but like when it comes to the group he is so frustrated...
3. Member
Temperance R, AceoP R, PageoS, 10oC, The Lovers
I think this member is kinda worried about his finances and his career. But there might something good coming his way! Or he has a good love life!
4. Member
The Magician H, KingoS, The High Priestess, 8oP R
I think X hasn't been focusing much on his career. Like he is doing the important stuff but he is taking care of himself and enjoying some free/alone time
5. Member
5oP, QueenoC, KnightoS, 3oW, 5oC
This member has some troubles when it comes to his physical well-being! Seems like he wants to work more or be more active! What I also see is that he wants to go abroad or go abroad! But idk if he's on hiatus or something, but like he is probably relaxing and is sad that he can't participate.
6. Member
The Chariot, 7oW R, 3oS R, 6oS
X likes to be in the spotlight and he is enjoying his career (again)!
7. Member
QueenoP, The Fool R, AceoC R, 7oP R, 2oW R
X is feeling quite good about himself! Cancer season is probably comforting him! Hahaha! But I see some worries about his career... Money especially comes to my mind and payment!
8. Member
KnightoW R, PageoW, The Fool, The Empress R, 5oS, 4oP
It seems like X doesn't like his group or being in a kpop group. I think he would be happier if he was a solo artist.
9. Member
2oC, The High Priestess R, KingoW R, Strength
This member is in a relationship, and it's a pretty good one! Like there is love and both parties like each other! But I think they don't have much time to see each other!
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longoutlet · 2 years
Modified wedge haircut
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#Modified wedge haircut full#
#Modified wedge haircut tv#
Brush the backside from beneath to create an airy, puffy look. How to style it: It looks more powerful in dark colors. Ideal for: Ideal for oval or square shaped faces, this bold, dramatic hairstyle creates a presence. Hair is parted at the top to give height. Go for a dark-colored top half and light bottom half.Įnds are shaved and the volume of hair increases upwards. How to style: Ask your stylist for short layers on a wedge haircut, making a distinct weight line between the top and bottom halves of your mane. Ideal for: Women who wear glasses who don’t mind an edgy, unique haircut. You can quickly run your fingers upwards through the layers to get a powerful look.Ĭombine short layered hair with a distinct weight line to flatter your specs. How to style: Brush the hair at the tip while pushing it behind to set it perfectly. This is a hipster addition to wedge haircuts for over 60 years old ladies. It makes a unique and modern appearance as a hairstyle. It is arranged majestically with intricate highlights. Adding a band or clip on one side can be an elegant addition to this hairstyle. How to style: You can heat the curves to make them curly.
#Modified wedge haircut tv#
Even TV stars portray this haircut as a classic choice for that age group. This style is a popular wedge cut for women over 60 years old or in their early 70s. Create the messy look by running your fingers through your hair. How to style: Brush the hair one way and set it up. Ideal for: Women who like messy, fashionable looks. This is a low maintenance wavy layered look for short hair. It looks the best with short hair, so it also gives an organized, fresh look. How to style: Use hairstyle protection gel to set hair. Ideal for: Women with busy schedules or family duties. This is a classic choice that is taken for short bob hair. How to style: Smoothly brush the bangs and curves to keep a natural bounce to hair. The bangs nicely finish the look of a round mushroom-like cut. This wedge haircut has pop with highlights and layers with bangs. Here are 27 of the most trendy wedge haircuts for women over 60 years old to rock short hair like a pro. Looks are a part of the first impression we make, so make sure you’ve got a trendy look you love. The perfect choice that suits you will be the crown for your appearance. These haircuts are easy to manage and look adorable. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on Emo Girl Hairstyles, Shag Hairstyles, Bob Hairstyles With Bangs and Angled Bob Hairstyles.The choice for wedge haircuts for women over 6o years old is slowly getting the spotlight. Have fun playing up or toning down your wedge hairstyle with danglers in your ears, or a touch of highlights in your hair. The play with volume and layers also makes wedges great for experimenting with hair colors. Get a side parting that lets the bangs hide some of your forehead for a trendy modern look. To draw attention to the top part of your face you can also go for wedge haircuts with short bangs. You can also go for an inverted wedge style that keeps your hair longer in front and gets shorter at the back. They break away from the regular haircut to give your hair an asymmetrical look that can be easily styled in layers with a good pair of scissors. For a slightly offbeat style that’s cool and contemporary try modified wedges. These classic wedge haircuts are great for straight or slightly curly hair, and give your hair a balanced and even look. There are a variety of wedge haircuts that give you an everyday chic look without being too casual or messy. Plus, wedge haircuts are usually super easy to maintain, and just a few strokes of the brush is all it takes to get you going for the day. While not so short as to look completely boyish wedges are fashionable and gently tease your cheeks and chin with the longer hair strands, giving you a sweet and pert look.
#Modified wedge haircut full#
Are you planning a style makeover for your hair that makes you look sassy and confident? Short and stylish, bouncy and full of volume a Wedge Haircut can be your answer.
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truetarottalk · 2 years
Tom Bower Book- Tarot Reading
How does Meghan feel about this book?
Death. Knight of Cups. Chariot. King of Wands. King of Pentacles. The Hermit.
10 of Wands.
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Big change. The Death card energy is strong! One of my favorite interpretations of the Death card is “radical changes that cannot be stopped.” That sentiment is so relevant in answering this question. This book will be a huge change to life as she knows it. She’s clearly aware that there are some unfavorable things in there. It seems like she is accepting it and will treat the content as “that was the past, we all have a past”. Oddly, none of the cards are Scared/worried/stressed cards. In fact, she might see this as an opportunity (Death&Knight of Cups). Her energy is like “He wrote this book, now I have the opportunity to tell MY side of the story.” She truly feels with enough PR and money she can possibly come out victorious(Chariot,King of Wands,King of Pentacles). Another interpretation is: through the book everyone will see how much she strategizes, uses PR and how many hidden deals she made.(Chariot,King of Wands, King of Pentacles, Hermit). Chariot is an action card, it’s a card of ambition, it’s a not giving up card…it’s also a card of aggression. Maybe she knows the book will show her aggressive side and she’s feeling she’ll have to change her entire PR strategy(Death, Chariot, King of Wands). You can’t be the victim and the bully. She feels whatever happens from the book will only be short term(Knight of Cups). She really just wants to move forward(Chariot). King of Wands can be a self-centered, hot-headed domineering figure, and Kind of Pentacles can be materialistc and critical. She feels like this book will potentially make people see her in those ways. She’s going to withdraw for a bit(Hermit). 
Hidden Energy/Bottom of the Deck: 10 of Wands. Somewhere deep inside she is feeling a little defeated. She is feeling like nothing is enough. She’s feeling like it’s always something she has to deal with. This book, lawsuits, Harry, kids, trying to compete with The Royal Family, the list never ends. She is feeling burnt out, but somehow she keeps pressing forward. 
Will the Tom Bower Book effect how Harry sees Meghan?
Knight of Pentacles. Knight of Wands. 6 of Swords. Knight of Cups. 4 of Pentacles. 6 of Cups.
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He doesn’t see everything as bad. He (for some odd reason) appreciates her forceful tendencies and he’s excited by her(KnOW). It’s like no matter how chaotic things get, she is reliable. She’s a stable figure even if  her energy can be seemingly controlling.(Knight of Pentacles&Knight ofWands). He is aware of certain behaviors as he does spend time with her. The book will make him sad, there will be some clarity but ultimately he will move on from whatever bothers him(6OS). Another way to interpret things is he might view her past as sad/toxic/chaotic and that he’s saved her and helped her move on(6OC,6OS,KnOC). Harry is going to see how focused on money she is and how possessive she is(4OP). The book will give a better understanding of how her life was, how hard she worked in some ways and how she didn’t in other ways. It honestly might cause him to wonder how much of her love for him is based in financial gain(KnOC&4OP). It might make him feel more comfortable setting boundaries when it comes to spending. I think he relates to her childhood chaos so anything revealed in the book, he will make excuses for it(6OC). It’s like, he’s recovering from his own childhood so how can he be mad at her not so pretty behaviors at times. He has lots of empathy for her, this book really won’t change much for how he feels about her.
What were Meghan’s lawyers trying to hide? We’re they successful?
The Devil. The Hermit. Knight of Swords. Judgement. Queen of Cups REVERSED. Queen of Pentacles. 
10 of Cups.
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Entrapment, addiction, emptiness, and materialism are HUGE theme of the Devil card. So let’s consider every theme. Entrapment: maybe the book will reveal that perhaps Meghan directly or indirectly was involved in the paparazzi scandal of her dad. Addiction: Maybe there are some addiction issues noticed by people who were interviewed for this book. Maybe the book will show how empty a lot of her words have been. Whether it’s her empty promises to be a team player in the royal family or simply empty promises to Trevor. I don’t even think the materialism is something that’s really a secret but maybe the book will once and for all bring to light the truth about the Saudi earrings scandal. The Hermit is a very interesting card to see for this question. I think the lawyers were trying to hide the extent of Meghan’s individuality. No one can fault really anyone for marching to the beat of their own drum, but the energy around this card is more like she only plays by HER rules….and her rules don’t seem very considerate of other humans. The energy of these 2 cards together for this question is “The world is mine, and I will ONLY do things my way because no one is me or has been through what I’ve been through” that might not be reality but it’s very real to her(Devil&Hermit). The Devil and the Hermit together can literally signal a questionable moral compass, when you add the Knight of Swords it gets even more intense. This Knight DOES NOT LET ANY ONE STOP HIM. “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets”. This knight is also surprised when there are consequences for some of their rash actions. With this Judgement card, there was definitely some legal battle. I also feel like maybe her team simply doesn’t want any past legal troubles revealed. Queen of Cups REVERSED is a strong energy of Meghan having a strained relationship with her own emotions and possibly delusional. I’m not trying to be mean but every time I’ve specifically asked a question about Meghan, I get a lot of delusion cards. Take that for what it is. Queen of Cups REVERSED is emotional manipulation, needy, co-depedent…so imagine pairing that with emptiness of The Devil, the self-defined moral compass of the hermit, and the “nobody can stop me” energy of the Knight of Swords. That’s what Meghan wants hidden. Queen of Pentacles is stability which I truly believe is authentic to Meghan in a way but the money and status quest are more the focus than stability. Meghan does not want it be known how little milk the cow gave away for free. She also doesn’t want her familial image crafting to be exposed(1OoC).
Will the Queen be briefed on the contents of this book? What will her reaction be?
8 of Pentacles. Queen of Wands. The World. The High Priestess. Judgement.
10 of pentacles.
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The Queen has been briefed, she is aware and there may be something she has her office address(8OP,TheWorld,High Priestess, Judgement). The Queen’s inherent and constant strategy will always be to get back to work. It’s almost like the Queen feels like “we put so much work and time into trying to make Harry appear to be better than what he’s showing the world and now that is coming to an end”. She knows she can’t protect either one of the duo from whatever is revealed in this book but she CAN protect the family in the fold that listen(The World, High Priestess,Judgement,10OP). The Queen sees the duality of Meghan in this book, and it doesn’t really seem like a shock. I think the only thing that will come as a slight surprise is how focused Meghan was on using her skill to join the family(but not to remain in). She really doesn’t seem to have a problem with the person Meghan is, she just wishes it didn’t interfere with all the things she has tried to do and follow as a monarch(8OP&QoW). The Queen in her 96 years has experienced all kinds of people, nothing really surprises her. The Queen’s energy is very much fulfilled, peaceful and true acceptance. She knows Charles and William will be affected more by any of this than her and has given them full reign of legal and financial resources to handle any issues coming from this book(and any other book coming out this summer)Judgement&10oP.
Thanks for being patient and understanding!!!!
Part 2 will be here sooner than you think!!
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 222. brb x oc
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a/n: <3 .(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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Surprising how having sex with your husband, on the kitchen counter, could help your humor. And even more when they repeated it in the shower.
So Beatrice was feeling a lot better, even if her mind was still foggy, “Okay so,” she sighs, checking her phone as Rooster watches her from the bed, his pajama pants still on while she chose to put on a dress to appear presentable, “I think- should we say the list of things again?”
“If you want to,gorgeous.”
"Okay, um," Beatrice began, her voice soft and slightly hesitant. She glanced at her phone, her fingers tapping the screen to unlock it, then back at the list in her hand. "It's Saturday, sooo..."
Rooster chuckled. "You don't have to worry about the list, babe," he said, giving her an encouraging smile. "We can go through it together, or we can just wing it. It's all about what makes you feel comfortable."
Beatrice nodded appreciatively, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Thank you, Roos," she said, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "I just... I want everything to be okay?"
Rooster stood up from the bed and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Hey," he murmured, his voice filled with warmth, "it doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be us, enjoying each other's company."
Beatrice leaned into his embrace, her arms circling his waist. "I know," she replied softly, her voice muffled against his chest. "But you deserve the best."
Rooster's heart swelled with love for her. She was always putting others before herself, always striving to make everyone else happy. It was one of the things he admired most about her.
"And you," he whispered, his lips brushing against her hair, "deserve a night of relaxation and joy."
Beatrice looked up at him, her eyes searching his for reassurance. "I love you, Roos," she said, her voice filled with sincerity.
Rooster smiled down at her, his fingers gently tilting her chin up so he could capture her lips in a tender kiss. "I love you too, Bea," he replied, “But anyway, let’s review the list again.”
“Yeah,yeah…” she pauses, then parts her lips, “Uhhh,so, hospital to check on the twins,” she says while unfurling her fingers
Rooster pulled away from the kiss with a soft smile. He could see the mix of emotions in Beatrice's eyes, and he wanted to make sure she felt completely at ease about their plans for the evening. 
He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Hospital to check on the twins," he repeated, acknowledging the first item on their list.
Beatrice nodded, her fingers nervously toying with the edge of the paper. "Yes," she confirmed. "I just want to make sure they're doing okay. I know they're in good hands, but I miss them."
"I miss them too," Rooster admitted, his voice soft. "It’ll be over before we both know it.."
Beatrice smiled at his words, her worries momentarily eased. "Thank you, Roos," she said. "Your support means the world to me."
Rooster leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Always, babe," he replied. "We're in this together."
With that reassurance, Beatrice continued to go over their plans. "After the hospital," she said, "Buy stuff for Nikki’s birthday and your birthday next month."
“Yeah,I think it’d be fun.”
He wasn’t complaining, hell he’ll be 39 next month, but he wasn’t sure. It was…almost too soon? But his eyes dropped on Beatrice’s face- the bags under her eyes were more purple than usual but her smile was bright as she voiced the items they should get…he didn’t want to break her happiness with his questions. “You have…an idea for the birthday? Since me and Nikki share it.”
Beatrice's eyes lit up as she delved into her ideas. "I was thinking of a 'High-Flying Adventure' theme," she said, her words coming out in a rush while splaying her hands as if it was a banner. "We could have aviation-themed decorations and activities!"
He had always admired Beatrice's ability to come up with unique and thoughtful ideas and it was so cute, she was so cute  "I love it," he said, genuinely impressed. "That...is actually so cool, you think we can find something like that?”
“I think so,” she shrugs, “I checked some places where we can get the stuff, if not I can always make some stuff up- oh! Or!Or!” she bounces on her feet, “We can have two parties. One for Nikki and one for you, except yours will be late and everyone can drink there.”
"You're really going all out, Bea."
Beatrice grinned, her eyes sparkling as she shrugs at him "Why not?" she replied. "You both deserve the best celebrations, and this way, we can make sure each of you gets a party that's tailored to your interests."
Rooster couldn't argue with that logic. He loved the idea of having a unique party that celebrated both his and Nikki's passions. And the thought of having a separate party where he could enjoy some drinks with friends was definitely appealing.
And of course, there’s also always the option of someone acting nuts while drunk - Jake- and he had to film it.
"You're full of surprises," he teased, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I can't believe you've already thought of all this."
Beatrice leaned into his embrace, her laughter soft and melodic. "Well,I did have a lot of time to think, to write stuff down and…and such.” she shrugs again,sheepishly, “You know?”
Rooster pressed a kiss to her temple, "You're amazing," he murmured. "I'm so lucky to have you."
She looked up at him with a warm smile, her eyes filled with affection. "I'm the lucky one," she replied, her fingers gently tracing patterns on his chest. "Alright," Beatrice said, pulling away slightly, "back to the list."
Rooster chuckled and released her just enough to change positions and hold her from behind, pressing his nose on her scalp, allowing her to return to the list of plans for the day.
"Next on the list," she continued, "is the park for the dogs." she says, “Make sure they run around a bit, lose some energy, then uh…” she looks down, “Then we can…go out,with Nikki…if that’s okay- I-I know it’s important for us to have ‘couple time’ but-” but he just smiles down at her,kissing her still moving lips gently.
“You worry so much,gorgeous." he whispers, “You know I won’t mind it, never will.”
Beatrice's shoulders visibly relaxed at his words, and she turned in his arms to face him. Her eyes held a mixture of gratitude and love. "Thank you Roos.” she looks down at her list, “I-I,I think this is pretty much it.” she whispers, shrugging at him, “Unless..there’s something I forgot?”
Rooster considered the list for a moment before shaking his head with a smile as he locks his fingers on her lower back, keeping her in place. "I think you've covered everything," he said. "Nothing else comes to mind."
She sighed in relief, whispering a quiet, ‘okay’ mainly to herself before she looks down at her phone, eyebrows furrowed, “...well…i mean,I–” she frowns, “I think it’ll be good for me, for my…mind, to ease things up a bit,you know?” she shrugs, “...of course that what happened helped me a lot.” her cheeks turn red and his smirk widens.
How adorable was that they’ve been together for four years and he still could make her blush.
Beatrice rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart,almost trying to hide her face because she knew he was amused. It was a comforting sound no matter what, “Oh!” she lifts her head, “I wanted to ask, when is your promotion? The celebration,I mean,” she pauses, “There is a celebration,right? Or…or is that just in my mind? I’m a terrible military wife, oh God.”
"You're adorable when you blush," he whispered, his voice filled with affection.
Beatrice playfully swatted his chest, her smile bright and infectious. "Stop it," she teased, holding both of her cheeks with her hands, “You are cruel.” but she was smiling.
He chuckled, kissing the top of her head"It's coming up soon," he replied, "And yes, there is a celebration planned. You're not a terrible military wife at all, Bea. You've been my rock through all of this. Just because you aren’t sure doesn’t make you terrible."
Beatrice's eyes softened as she looked up at him. "I just want to make sure I'm there for you," she said, her voice sincere. "Your career is important, and-and I’ve only been to a Navy celebration once.” she whispers, playing with her hands, ‘So I don’t want to mess anything up.” 
Rooster leaned down to capture her lips in a tender kiss. Keeping their lips together for a few seconds and swallowing her giggles when she kissed him back, “You are more important." he whispered against her lips. "And you won’t mess anything up." her lower lip jutted out in a pout
Rooster couldn't resist her adorable pout, and he peppered her face with soft, lingering kisses, eliciting a delightful giggle from Beatrice. "You're the sweetest," he murmured between kisses, his voice warm with affection. "And I promise, you won't mess anything up. You being there is all that matters to me."
Beatrice's smile returned, brighter than ever. She wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him into another passionate kiss. Only breaking away to ask "When is the celebration, anyway?"
Rooster considered her question for a moment. "It's scheduled for the end of next month," he replied. "So, after my birthday."
Beatrice nodded, her mind already racing with ideas for the celebration. "We should start planning," she suggested. "I want it to be special for you."
“Gorgeous, there’s no need to do that.”
“Well…you sure?”
He nods, kissing her knuckles, “You won’t have to do anything, just join me when it happens…alright?” Beatrice chewed her lower lip, then smiled, nodding “Alright, let’s go then.”
Nicole loved going out grocery shopping now that she could walk and talk, a little bit. Even if her parents kept her on the cart’s seat, she was always looking around doing something, “Aa!” she points “Chimp!’
Rooster, who was leaning on the cart as Beatrice walked ahead, looked to where Nicole was pointing. A Mr.Chimp themed cereal,oh boy, “You can’t have that yet, Nikki.”
Beatrice, a few steps ahead in the aisle, turned around to see what the commotion was about. When she saw Nicole's fascination with the cereal, she chuckled. "Oh, Mr. Chimp, huh?" she said, her voice filled with amusement. "We'll get you something yummy in just a bit, sweetie."
Nicole responded with a happy gurgle, her attention quickly shifting to a shiny display of apples nearby. She extended her hand, trying to reach for one.
Rooster gently moved closer to the apples, picking out a vibrant red one and handing it to Nicole. "Here you go, Nikki," he said, placing the apple in her tiny hand. "A healthy snack while we finish our shopping." which she couldn’t eat yet, so he placed it inside the cart instead, “Anything else we need?”
Beatrice chewed her lower lip,checking the list, “Maybe more veggies.” she says, “Potatoes? Yeah,potatoes.” she turns towards the vegetables then stops, her face going white, “Rooster.”
“What?” he straightens his spine once he notices her demeanor change, “What’s going on?” Beatrice shuffles towards him and tries to point to where she was looking at…Miranda. Miranda was there, messing with some fruits, “Oh.”
“Why is she here?” she whispers, “I’ve never seen her here,Roos.”
Rooster's eyebrows furrowed as he followed Beatrice's gaze to where Miranda was standing. Seeing Miranda, their…very weirdly friendly not so friendly neighbor was weird. "I'm not sure why she's here," he replied in a calm tone, "but it's probably just a coincidence. Let's not make a big deal out of it, okay?" unless she saw them.
Then he could easily carry his girl out.
Beatrice nodded, trying to keep her composure. She kept her eyes on the blonde woman, while holding to Rooster’s bicep as they turned to the opposite way. Nicole, oblivious to the tension in the air, continued to babble happily, her focus shifting from the apples to the colorful cereal boxes on the shelves. She seemed entirely absorbed in her own little world.
Rooster decided it was best to keep moving, to go about their shopping as if Miranda's presence were inconsequential. He took the lead, pushing the cart forward and guiding Beatrice and Nicole down the aisle.
As they moved away from Miranda, Rooster couldn't help but glance back discreetly. Miranda was still browsing the fruits, apparently unaware of their presence. He wasn't sure if she had noticed them, and he hoped that they could finish their shopping without any uncomfortable chatting.
Beatrice, on the other hand, was finding it difficult to shake off the sense of unease. She discreetly kept an eye on Miranda as they continued with their shopping. “Is she looking?”
“Okay.” she whispered, “You are taller than me, so you can see it better Roos.”
Rooster continued to navigate their cart through the store, and Beatrice clung to him as they moved farther away from Miranda. Although she was doing her best to remain composed, the unexpected encounter had rattled her.
As Rooster reached for a box of pasta on one of the shelves, Beatrice leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is she still there?" she asked, her anxiety evident.
Rooster casually glanced over his shoulder, making it seem like he was checking something on the shelf behind him. "No, she's moved to a different aisle," he replied quietly. "We should be fine."
Beatrice let out a small sigh of relief. "Good," she said, gripping the cart's handle a bit tighter. "I just... I don't know how I would've handled it if she had come over." she says, “You remember the last time–”
“Beatrice! Oh Beatrice!” How did she get here, he saw her moving to another aisle. “Sweet pie! Well,” Miranda props a hand on her waist, “What a surprise!”
Beatrice's heart skipped a beat as Miranda's voice called out to her. She felt a sudden rush of anxiety as she turned to see their neighbor standing right behind them. The surprise in her voice was far too cheerful for Beatrice's liking.
Rooster tensed beside her, his protective instincts kicking in. He placed a comforting hand on Beatrice's back as she forced a polite smile. "Miranda," Beatrice greeted, her voice strained. "What brings you to the grocery store today?"
Miranda's bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief as she glanced at the items in their cart. "Oh, just doing a little shopping," she replied casually. "And what about you? Stocking up for the apocalypse?"
Beatrice managed a nervous chuckle, a dry ‘ha ha ha’. "Something like that," she replied, her grip on the cart's handle tightening. "Just trying to make sure we have everything we need."
Miranda leaned in closer, approaching Nicole in a way that made Rooster furrow his brows . "Oh, is that your little girl?” Nicole’s cheerful look immediately disappeared, “Well, isn’t she precious?”
Beatrice's unease deepened. She placed a hand on Nicole’s back as she kept her eyes on Miranda "Yes, this is Nikki." she replied quietly "She’s…our oldest.”
“Oldest? Oh my my, she looks lovely…”Miranda's smile widened, and she tilted her head slightly. “You know, Beatrice, you can always count on me if you need anything. I'm just next door."
Beatrice's smile tightened, and she nodded politely. "Thank you, Miranda," she said, her tone cool. "We'll keep that in mind."
Miranda seemed to take the hint and straightened up. "Well, I won't keep you any longer," she said, her tone suddenly sweet. "You three have a lovely day, Beatrice."
"You too, Miranda," Beatrice replied curtly.
As Miranda sauntered away, Beatrice let out a shaky breath, leaning forward on the handle as she tries to calm her heart. Rooster could feel her tension, and he gently squeezed her shoulder. "You did great," he whispered to her. "Let's just finish up and get out of here."
Beatrice nodded, her heart still racing. She couldn't help but feel that Miranda's appearance and conversation were anything but coincidental. But for now, all she wanted was to put some distance between them and their neighbor.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
BTS members's reaction to their future spouse wearing their clothes....
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.Remember that tarot as a form of divination only allows us to read current energy and as time advances it becomes less accurate, so it basically reads up to a 6 months period of time, which leads me to also mention that by s/o I mean any soon to be relationship or an already established relationship, indistinct of whether they are a soulmate relationship or not. Entertainment purposes only.
Warning: contains slight mentions of smut, not explicit.
he feels this sort of fondness inside of him, kinda like taking a big needed gulp of air after holding your breath for too long, this man has stars inside his eyes from watching his s/o in his clothes, can’t help but think hey, maybe they look even better on them than I do (only for a split second tho) the feeling you get all warm and fuzzy inside? that’s a given in him. Ear bright red, he might not be too much into lending his clothes on a daily but he sure as hell discovers a fondness in it. There’s also this sort of… domesticity to it, like- this man wants to feel at home and watching his s/o using something of his definitely delivers that homey feeling. Apart from all that, the quote that comes up us “you deserve love” so maybe… that impulsive need you sometimes get when you wanna wrap up something cute and squish it? That's the feeling that’s most prominent here. (5oCrx, the star, the empress oracle cards)
now this is interesting… when watching his s/o in his clothes, Yoongi has this conflicted set of feelings, overwhelmed, mainly, he truly knows how to appreciate the cuteness behind the act but he can’t help but feel kind of undeserving of it, it seems like the action starts an overthinking spiral of yeah they’re cute and all but what they do for me is so much more than I could ever give back. He kind of feels selfish by keeping them by his side, can’t really bring himself to mutter a bigger compliment that a ‘you look nice’ don’t get him wrong, he definitely acknowledges the small act of love but he’s.. carrying so much inner baggage that he can’t really look past what the scene makes him feel. (the hermit rx, 6oS, 10oC+ oracle cards)
Now… Hobi is a fashion icon okay keep this in mind. He seems to be very particular of his clothes so while he knows there are no bad intentions behind it, he kinda feels itchy at the sight. It is funny though, there’s a playful feeling of surrender as he watches his s/o wear his clothes, like ‘fine okay I won’t get as itchy just this once cause you look cute or whatever’ soft smiles and warm hearts. Although he’s not the biggest fan of the action, it definitely serves to boost his ego, makes him feel like the man in a non greasy way/non toxic way, like a reassurance that his s/o is deciding to stay by his side after all. Similar to having conflicted feeling like Yoongi but from different parts from within, sure, he can’t help but think ‘oh god please be careful with that jacket if it gets stained there’s no going back’ but at the same time watching his s/o in it softens his rough edges and makes him smile even just a little. (7oWrx, 10oS, the emperor + oracle cards)
This man- the absolute death of me. Kim NAmjoon enjoys a good teasing. And he can’t help but keep feeling like that is exactly what his s/o wearing his clothes entails, and man is he glad to play along. Not quite exactly sexual, but more of a sensual part of it, he’s just dying to get the clothes off. Can’t keep his hands to himself (cue that one Selena Gomez song) it flips a PDA switch on him, he feels absolutely loved to the edges, has this warm feeling inside his heart that he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky, and honestly, it isn’t frequently when people get to see his bright sunny side so it ends up being even softer than intended, he just feels so full and bursting at the seams with happiness. (5oC, the sun, ace oC+ oracle cards)
Error 404. Park Jimin.exe has stopped working. This man loves good dramatics in his day to day and really, there’s no stopping him when he sees his s/o in his clothes, Time stops, his heartbeat is erratic, all he wants is to be their loyal servant, personal hype man at their service. Whatever it is that he was doing before? forget that completely, he's devoted to his s/o now. He gets to experience new sides of the relationship with such a simple action, like realising that he truly is head over heels for this person. There’s just a lot of loudness in this. I meant it when I said personal hype-man, would probably even go as far as to let his s/o “shop” inside his vast clothes collection ‘yeah take this and this, these would look amazing on you’ So yeah maybe he feels a tad bit insecure that his s/o is absolutely rocking his wardrobe but he can quickly get those feelings aside if it means watching his s/o just a little bit longer being the truest model there could possibly be out there. (IM SORRY I LOST THE CARDS LMAO)
This man goes 0 to 100 real quick. And don't get me wrong, he’s pretty romantic, but seeing his s/o wear his clothes? Now that’s a switch going off very clearly. Again, not in a toxic masculine way, but Taehyung is bursting with this distinctive dominating shine when watching his s/o wear his clothes, he’s absolutely on top of the world, cloud nine, and there’s no coming back down. He’s pretty playful about it, but there’s absolutely no doubt that inside his mind those clothes are currently non-existent. It’s the final nail in the coffin, the final reassurance that his s/o is his and his only, like a reminder that he is in a relationship and he’s 100% devoted to it. It does go down the traditional relationship line of thought but he’s quite a traditional man himself, so without any ill intention behind, he would really just like to show off his s/o being cute inside his clothes, a proud feeling behind when he talks about it, like a little kid teasing his friends about getting the best candy out of them all. (the hierophant, justice, the chariot)
Okay this is about to be quite a ride. As things are right now, he doesn’t seem to have a lot of tact when it comes to lovey dovey couple stuff, this man is more of a- man of deep rooted actions and sometimes cute words sprinkled on top rather than superficial actions, he doesn’t seem to find the appeal behind his s/o wearing his clothes, at least in an intended to be romantic type of way. He finds it trendy and he might just act cold about it, it doesn’t really hold a deeper meaning to him personally. Listen, he might be the type of boyfriend to ask for his hoodies back as soon as possible. If it isn’t meant to be done in a “oh look the couple sharing clothes” way, he might find his s/o cute in them, but not overwhelmingly so like many other people do. He’s just- very particular about his possessions being his. Funny inner thought that came up ‘we can buy matching shirts just please don’t steal my clothes’ (judgement rx, the tower, QoSrx)
Decks Used: the romance angels oracle cards, the prisma visions tarot
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