#give me all the rain content that exists and id still want more
dewedup · 10 months
begging, pleading, screaming, crying for rain content
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aizawa-needs-coffee · 3 years
do you do soulmate aus at all? if u do id like a dabi x reader, yandere or not! tho i would prefer yandere plz xxxx
I love me a soulmate AU, there are so many so I hope you like this one.
Soulmate AU where your soulmates first words to you are written on your skin but appear when your 16.
Yandere!Dabi x Reader No smut but dark themes Soulmate AU GN/NB reader Word count: 1,350 No proof reading
Everybody In The World Knows I’m A Little Bit Twisted
In a world of quirks, it didn’t seem so odd that soulmates should exist either, the words your soulmate would first say to you would appear somewhere on your skin when you reached the age of sixteen, everyone was always so excited to see what beautiful words would appear. Words that would encourage them through the dark times, keep them going when they were low, put smiles on their face at the end of a day. The comfort and warmth from knowing somewhere out there the perfect person was waiting.
Not everyone was so lucky though, you could remember the day you got yours appeared on your wrist, a bracelet of beautifully written words, italics, elegant and tasteful, at least they would have been if their contents weren’t so ugly.
“Won’t you let me ruin you?”
You didn’t understand the words at first, how your parents exchanged such pained looks, watching as their child’s skin was marred with such a violent promise. As you grew up you hated them, covered them in winter with long sleeves, a thick sweat band in summer. You’d gone to places for a tattoo, you wanted the threat on your skin gone, washed away to forget about but nowhere would do it, not wanting the bad karma of messing with destiny, no matter how doomed it would make you.
All your life would were jealous of your friends and their sweet or sometimes silly soulmate marks, you’d never share yours and whenever the subject came up you’d go silent or excuse yourself form the group. It wasn’t fair, although school and as you worked you feared every person you met, everyone a potential threat to harm you. You preyed every day you never met your partner.
You had dated people, not everyone let themselves be bound by their mark, trying to find someone until then, trying to ignore the complications of settling down with someone, making a life and a future just for their true soulmate to appear and shatter whatever illusions of happiness they’d held before.
Time passes, time makes you complacent and helps you forget. Years passed and your circle of friends never mentioned soul mates around you, not even when one by one they all found theirs, getting into happy, picture perfect relationships, you did your best to be happy for them, but you never gave your missing soulmate a second thought. You would rather die alone then picture the person capable of uttering those words to you.
Walking home one night after your last single friend announced they were getting married after just a short year of being with their soulmate had you wanting to drown your sorrows, you’d been subtle as you downed shots and took free drinks from your celebrating friends, all too distracted by the happiness of their friend to notice you slowly sinking into the abyss you’d settled into.
You stumbled along the sidewalk, on your way home, cursing at each piece of trash that blew across your path, blaming your almost tripping on your own feet on the mess. You didn’t live in the best nor worst area, but hero’s always patrolled. You hoped they wouldn’t harass you or come to your aid, you didn’t need anyone trying to pull you out of your misery.
Content to stumble and drag yourself home, drink more until you were too inebriated to think, to feel, to do anything other then cry in the shower before falling asleep alone in your big empty bed. You sighed feeling your head spinning too much to focus on the steps you took, the pavement being rude by shaking. Your eyelids too heavy to stay open, you saw the ally, it looked empty enough, you were proud of yourself for climbing on a crate to sit atop the stack, taking a deep breath, the cold air felt good against your burning up skin, shrugging off your jacket you rubbed your arms, goosebumps that your drunk mind didn’t register.
You closed your eyes, for just a second, trying to ignore how the darkness behind your lids even swam and twirled making you regret every choice you’d made that evening. You ignored the footsteps, the crunching of glass under food, someone walking past the allies opening, you hoped it wasn’t some patronizing hero coming to ‘walk you home’ or lecture you on being this drunk or alone at night.
The steps echoed in the ally, and you let your tired eyes flutter open, brows furrowed and ready to give the hero a mouthful of attitude, not in the mood for any more bullshit from people in a better place in life to talk down to you with. You couldn’t handle another pitying tone tonight.
He stood there, head cock to the side with bright blue eyes looking you over, regarding the slouched position you’d allowed yourself to slip into with a crooked grin. The intense look in the black haired mans eyes caused even you in your drunken stupor to sit up straight, clutching for your jacket and to where your cell phone was nestled in your pocket, but the clothing slipped down the back of the wooden stack of crates you used as your drunken throne.
Dabi stared at you, the smirk on his marked-up face growing greater as you just stared at him wide eyed, sloshed out of your mind, he could smell the booze and feel the sheer bitterness of your situation roll off you. He didn’t say a word as he took one step closer, hands in his pockets, the way his heavy boots crunched on the gravel echoing in the dead silent ally.
Neither of you broke the painful silence, your fear pushing the drunk nonchalance from your cloudy head, something about him, his face, ringing a bell somewhere in your subconscious told you to run, escape this man with the bright blue eyes and patchwork skin was going to be your end. Both staring at each other, the eye contact intense, until you scrambled and hopped off of the stack of junk, hitting the ground and almost falling flat on your face, hands scuffed against the dirty floor as you used your palms to push yourself up and forward with all your might, the stranger let out a laugh, deep, gravely like the ground you tried to propel yourself forward on.
Running, limping, tripping over your feet, legs, were your limbs always this long or were you that fucked that gravity and your mass confused you so much? You didn’t care, your mind just screaming at you as you ran down the ally, a chain link fence at the end, without a second thought you launched yourself at it, the clinking and rustling so loud in your pounding head. Your feet struggled to find purchase in the holes, you scrabbled halfway up just to cut yourself on a sharp piece that stuck out, you let out a whine and fell back down.
Another laugh from Dabi had you turning around, pressing yourself so hard against the metal fence it felt like it could cut you into cubes, digging into your skin as your heart and head raced, the sweat rolling down your face as you gripped the chain with trembling fingers, he caged you in, big boots either side of your feet.
“Leave me alone, please” your voice so small but what you said had those beautiful dangerous looking eyes widen, the smirk on his face gone for a second before an even wicked one replaced it.
He slammed one hand onto the fence next to your head, the manic look on his face as he used his other hand to pull up the sleeve of his trench coat. There in font that looked like it had been ink in the rain, half on good skin half disfigured like the burns on his flesh but you could still make out the words written there, the very same ones that you had pleaded to him just moments ago.
“Won’t you let me ruin you?”
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counterpunches · 4 years
End (Beginning Movement)
Fandom: The Haunting of Bly Manor Pairing: Dani Clayton/Jaime Taylor Rating: T Wordcount: 4,137 Note: all the thanks to the incredible @foomatic for being a fantastic beta and even better friend. so much so that she actual recorded herself reading the story to help ID and fix all the tenses to make it coherent and then just straight up turned it into a podfic set to the show's musical score. Its way cooler than I ever thought it'd be, so feel free to please check it out here
Summary: If standing silently and bearing witness was all Jamie could do, she gladly took the weight of it if it meant one less thing for Dani to carry. Jamie coiled it tight back into herself and created her own waiting, lurking beast. Jamie was quiet with her rage for a while, until she was shaking with it. Until it threatened to explode out of her skin like a bomb and she wouldn’t ever - ever - let Dani come close to the shrapnel. Instead she was the steady rock that Dani needed and imploded later, somewhere else, somewhere safe. She just wanted to fucking break something. Couldn’t get her hands on the Lady, couldn’t pull her out of Dani, so she had to find the next best thing.
Also on AO3 
It was easy, Jamie thought, as her head pounded and temple throbbed. 
Well, not so much now, at this moment, with a hangover thundering out a pulse on the timpani of her skull as she clung to the toilet like a lover in the night. Every joint and muscle aches, a combination of sleeping half slumped over in the bathroom, age, and the consequences of booze. She leans back with a groan, back twinging, shoulders popping, and as nausea roils, takes a few deep breaths to settle her stomach. Evidently spending the rest of last night praying to the porcelain god didn’t buy her any grace today.
But in general, it was easier, spending the night chasing the bottom of a pint glass, in a way nothing else was these days. Christ, even breathing was hard. Been hard since the day her lungs fought for surface despite her best intentions. Been burning with it, since, taking in air in a world that Dani Clayton no longer existed in. 
The water refused to take her, so she’d found another way to drown. 
So yeah. It was easy, sliding into bad habits like an forgotten favorite jacket. A glass of wine became a bottle. What was one or two nights to forget against a million more? A bottle quickly became too slow. Why waste time, Jamie thought, chasing one cup after another? Best to jump straight to the hard stuff, then.
Jamie never beat around the bush before, seemed no point in starting now, her bluntness having been softened over the years by Dani’s love. The very edges of her ebbed into the waters of an ocean that was no longer there. Jamie was parched. She was so thirsty. So she drank. 
Wrong kind of love can fuck you up. Right one can, too. 
Just as bad, really. 
Worse, if you’re lucky. 
Love and possession may be opposites, but Jamie had given her heart away a long time ago and she didn’t know how to keep it beating when it was no longer hers. Everything she was had already been given over to Dani. Given eagerly. Freely. Like all things best loved are. And that’s the thing about a freed thing, isn’t it? Doesn't come back just because you want it to. Just because you miss it.
This part of her - it isn’t peaceful, Dani had said. And Jamie had understood. 
Understood in blood and bone, in the way something so small and insignificant can snap. Remembers how rage can end with kneeling in a rain-soaked alleyway, groaning from an ass kicking she probably deserved, probably was searching for, blood trickling down from a split eyebrow. Remembered how she grimaced, the twinge in her ribs matching the bitter taste of metal in her mouth, but it’d hurt and there was a sick measure of comfort in that; making part of the world match the brokenness inside her. 
So yeah. She knew rage. Recognized it. Hated that something so ugly and angry and raw resided inside of Dani, something that couldn’t possibly exist naturally - there wasn’t an atom of that kind of violence in Dani’s body. She wouldn’t give into the wrath, Jamie knew even then, in the cradle of knowing her. Dani would never. And the unfairness of her having to suffer through the struggle of it anyway made the part of Jamie that resonated in recognition with Viola burn. 
It’s you. It’s me. It’s us, the rage said, taunting her through the fissures of Dani’s struggle.
It was all she could do to hold it in that day, her teeth cracking under the weight of it, in the horrible quiet of the room as Dani confessed. As she gave voice to the terrible truth that now resided in her. She’s waiting, Dani had whispered. If standing silently and bearing witness was all Jamie could do, she gladly took the weight of it if it meant one less thing for Dani to carry. Jamie coiled it tight back into herself and created her own waiting, lurking beast. 
And Jamie knew from past experience that the only way to control the beast was to let it out of captivity from time to time. To let the monster run wild and exhaust itself so she could wrestle it back into the cage. 
The rage festered. Jamie felt it rumbling deep in her chest.
So when Dani finally left the room with a shaky determination (“Better find out what those kids are getting up to,"), Jamie knew she had to let it breathe.
No one would remember where the dent in the wall came from. It was chalked up as an accident, caused by one of the many pieces of furniture having knocked into things on its way out to the moving truck. Jamie had to hold in the scream that broiled inside and searched for a safer place for it to land.
She still had to walk by that fucking lake to get to the greenhouse. 
Under cover of the potted sanctum, Jamie let loose the beast. Anger clawed, scratching out her throat. The greenhouse was excellent at absorbing sound, plants and leaves shaking with the echoes of her cries, and if Jamie’s voice seemed a little hoarse, it was easy enough to blame it on something else. Easy enough, to explain away her split knuckles on mis-gauging the distance while bringing one of the heavier boxes outside. Or scraping it against some gravel. Or anything other than slamming her fist into the wall again and again and again. 
It was new though, needing to find ways to hide it from Dani. Never had to hide it from anyone before. She used to display her beast proudly, a mark of pride that said ‘don’t fuck with us.’ Didn’t have to hide her beast in prison, either. Everyone had one of their own; it was why they’d all ended up there in the first place. More than a few learned how to deal with it in therapy. Jamie tamed hers in the jungle of a garden.
Not a single part of her looked in the rear view mirror as they drove away. Would never have stopped the truck if it could’ve kept Dani safe. So she did what little she could do. All the fear, the terror that already threatened to split Dani further in two, the new shell of a person Dani had to live with, Jamie took it from her. Buried it deep within herself, felt it so that Dani wouldn’t have to. Drew out the poison from Dani’s soil and into her own roots.
And then, in her most private moments - few and far between, really, for there was nothing unshared between them - Jamie let out the venom, the resentment, the fury, that she collected. Outrage that the world dared spin, indifferent to the unfairness of it all. 
She just wanted to fucking break something. Couldn’t get her hands on the Lady, couldn’t pull her out of Dani, so she had to find the next best thing.
Viola was quiet in her rage. Jamie wasn’t with hers. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She was, for a while, at least.  
That first year was full of small moments: the way Dani’s shoulders would never fully relax, tension rarely leaving her body, even in sleep. How she kept looking over her shoulder at rest stops and gas stations, as if the Lady were a drifter, following them on the highways, across states, through the unfolding ribbon of their adventure. Jamie found she could cover up those incidents with the smug satisfaction of having bested the unavoidable for another day. Another week. Another month.
Her demon was dormant for a good long while, in the solace of Dani’s love. Dormant like Viola’s fucking ghost, it turned out. Things were so good for so long, it almost seemed to purr, content in it’s hibernation.
Jamie’s beast woke with a sudden and curious start, after that night in the kitchen after Paris. Started to sniff, hungry for any little scrap. Found too many for comfort - the way Dani started to wake up earlier, as if perhaps she hadn’t slept at all; how it would take her just a moment longer to turn off the water; the times Jamie had to repeat Dani’s name until she jerked, as if suddenly finding herself transported somewhere new - it began pacing in its cage, hungry now, banging on the bars.
Jamie was quiet with her rage for a while, until she was shaking with it. Until it threatened to explode out of her skin like a bomb and she wouldn’t ever - ever - let Dani come close to the shrapnel. Instead she was the steady rock that Dani needed and imploded later, somewhere else, somewhere safe. 
She could see how close to the edge Dani was, on some days. How it seemed even the barest breeze would blow her from herself entirely, leaving an empty, unblinking husk behind. It was all Jamie could do to steer her back from the cliff each time. 
Jamie had to coax Dani back to the world, breathe life into her lips some mornings as she stared into the ceiling, eyes open and blank; her very own Sleeping Beauty. Each time it felt like a kiss goodbye. Stay with me. Please. Come back to me. A miracle, when she did, even if Dani slipped further and further away each time like a boat on the horizon. Jamie would stroke her face with trembling hands, afraid even the gentlest touch would cause the delicate thing to disintegrate beneath the pads of her fingers. 
Dani always came first. Even as Jamie’s own creature grew stronger and louder, she held it in. Found controlled environments to let it run wild.
There was something oddly comforting about the alleyway. There’s a familiar landscape all back alleys share - brick, concrete,  dumpster, a car or two, usually a fair amount of scattered garbage, and the near ubiquitous empty, overturned storage crates used by the weary for smoke breaks or breakdowns of all shapes and sizes - an alley was an alley was an alley. 
The only thing that marked it as theirs was a few hanging ferns on the corner of the doorway. Something to signal the threshold, announce the life bursting and growing just inside. Something growing in the barren landscape of a back alley. Something to remind a younger Jamie of what could lie on the other side, if she stood long enough to reach up for it. 
So she destroyed things in the alleyway. When the cruelty of the matter absolutely broke her - when Jamie had to sew the fraying pieces of Dani back together because Viola was slowly pulling the seams of her apart; when she desperately scooped handfuls of Dani even as she was slipping through her fingers like sand - Jamie would break something else. 
Jamie took her rage, and smashed it against the brick or asphalt in a shower of pottery in the alleyway. Pots, planters, saucers, she grabbed damaged items from the shop and broke them even further, until her chest heaved and panted from the effort of it in the shards under her feet. When the alley wasn’t a possibility and her screams of frustration and the clatter of smashing ceramic would would threaten to draw Dani out from the thinning fragility of their life together, Jamie would punch bags of soil in the storage room until the they burst, earth pouring to the floor, and leaving her standing in a shallow grave of her own making.  
Nothing to hide, once Dani is gone.
Easier to get lost in the anger, and Jamie let it consume her like an uncontrolled blaze until nothing but ash remained. Fitting, she thought, for the daughter of a coal miner. It came to claim her, pulling her into itself, not to grow, not to nourish, but to press her into something that burned. And oh, she burned. 
It would scare her, she thought, that she hadn’t changed. In all this time, in all these years, underneath the layers of soil and earth, below the roots, the same creature lurked in the dirt of Jamie’s own jungle. A monster that threatened to take her too. That she wished would. A demon of wrath and anger. Of pain and suffering and the shit end of the stick every time. 
Despite the years, despite the love and relative calm that settled over her life - since gardening, since Dani - she was still the same enraged, lost, thing. Every living thing comes from every dying thing and it’s natural and she knows that but what she didn’t understand is how to keep living when the core of you is already dead; how was it possible for these two things to co-exist at once. The impossibility of the thing. The decaying mortality. This unholy living. Feels unnatural. 
Jamie couldn’t breathe. She couldn't, she couldn’t-
And there, there it was. Specks of dried toothpaste on the mirror. It shouldn’t have been the thing to undo her. After all, it could’ve been hers or Dani’s. But it could have been. Dani’s. Such a casual, mundane thing - a flick of the wrist, rinsing off the toothbrush, spitting into the drain - leaving behind a stain. A mark. Something to be thoughtlessly wiped off and cleaned later, leaving no sign it had once been there. No indication someone had been there at all. No impression of a life built together, their hips casually leaning against one another while flossing, or the yelp of surprise at the shock of cold water after flushing the toilet while the other is in the shower. The apology that came after, sliding through the shower curtain to make it up to them, a tongue sliding into the folds of their ear, hands slipping down to the folds of thighs, into slicks of wet and warm. The absolute mess on the floor afterwards of errant water sloshing out the tub. 
The tub. 
The floor. 
The water that had taken them both. The water that refused to take Jamie. 
Not the water, she corrected. Dani. Dani, who refused to take Jamie along on one last adventure. Do you want company? She had asked, all those years ago. Can I walk by your side? Will you take me with you?
And there it was - her beast - clawing up her spine, smashing with a roar into the mocking mirror pane. Again she roared, again she cried, until a dozen fractured shards were all that was left of the toothpaste, left of Jamie’s broken heart, all that was left of Dani. Again and again she struck the mirror until the pain from her bleeding knuckles pulled her out of it and she sank, depleted, sobbing on the floor. 
So she drank.
And got into more than a few fights while she was at it. Needed a better opponent than flower pots and dirt, though - she’d already destroyed a decent part of the shop. She needed something to twist her fists into, something that would punch back, something that would make her hurt. 
When she drove home, she’d try to ignore the voice in her head that sounded so much like Dani (“You could kill somebody, Jamie. Jesus!”) she almost veered off the road looking at the passenger’s side.
Left the fucking mirror in the bathroom where it was, a broken and half empty self-portrait. Tossed the glass in the bin and swept it away where the edges of a life that no longer existed wouldn’t cut her. Pleased there was nothing to look at getting ready in the mornings, nothing to catch her eye stepping out of the shower, nothing to reflect. Nothing to look at. Nothing at all. 
And so it stayed as the weeks wore on. The medicine cabinet pulled open for badly needed aspirin after a particularly rough night or tougher morning, band-aids for the cuts on her knuckles, no mirror on the outside to mock the bruises on her cheek or the split eyebrow from what might have been a night of bad choices but were the only ones that seem to make sense anymore. 
The only thing that helped ease the ever-throbbing, dull ache from every corner of her heart was to press the hurt. A walking bruise, Jamie desperately sought solace to cauterize the bleeding wound of loss.
The less Jamie had to look herself in the eye for it, the better.
Which left her here: waking up on the bathroom floor, slouched over the toilet, curls of hair plastered on her cheek from a substance she can only assume to be last night’s dried vomit.
Left here, on the bathroom floor, as empty and hollow as Dani had been in what turned out to be her final few days.
Left here, left behind. 
If Jamie squints, she can almost see the glimmer of Dani, twinkling like fairy lights on the tile. 
But the longer Jamie sits there, legs growing numb from her cramped position, the sparkle doesn’t go away. Matter of fact, it starts to get annoying. She swats at it, trying to suffer her grief and hangover in peace.
She pulls her hand back with a hiss. The light has an edge to it. It bites. 
A piece of the shattered mirror. Must’ve been there for weeks now, having fallen behind the toilet, forgotten. Jamie holds it carefully, staring at the broken reflection of her face for a long time. Stares until it stares back. Until the beast, she realizes finally, the one who has stalked her her whole life, has quietly slinked away. She listens for it - the telltale heat of it simmering just under her skin. But she doesn’t feel anything.
The unfairness of it all remains. But there’s something else in the emptiness, she realizes.
There’s a chance - far fucking fetched, she knows - but a chance that maybe, just maybe, the emptiness will stare back. And it will look like someone she loved. Loves, she corrects. Loving Dani will always be in the present. Jamie, crumpled on the floor, bleeding from an aching heart, will always be surrounded by the ghost of Dani. Haunted by a life built and shared and grown. A life taken. Cut short. A leafling, snipped from the vine at the most beautiful stage of maturation. Haunted, sure. But not alone. Something to be said for the chance that Dani will appear. 
Jamie will be haunted by Dani for the rest of her days regardless, she knows, phantom or no. Might as well wait, Jamie thinks wryly, got a lot to tell her off for. 
She spent more than a few years living with ghosts, anyway. Only difference is, this time she’ll be aware of it. Besides, no one else she’d rather be haunted by. It was Dani forever. Said as much herself that day in the shop. I’ve got a problem, Poppins. Dani would always be it for her. And some problems can’t be fixed. Can only sit and learn to live with them like old friends. 
So Jamie scrapes herself off the floor. She shuffles to the kitchen to grab the broom and sweeps the broken pieces of the last few broken months into the bin, cautious of the edges this time. 
She gets dressed. Puts away the bottles. Collects the half-eaten take out containers and napkins that litter the apartment. Takes out the trash. Waters the plants. Prunes the dead leaves. Repots herself and let her roots overcome the shock of replanting, remembering the work of living. 
Drives to the hardware store and buys a replacement panel for the bathroom. Mounts it in the frame, reverently touching the mirror’s edges. Because if there’s a chance, even a single chance - weeks, months, years from now - that Jamie’s personal ghost will come back to haunt her, she doesn’t want to miss a second of it. Doesn’t want to risk being too drunk, face down in a toilet somewhere, too angry to remember seeing Dani’s face. Doesn’t want Dani seeing that. 
Doesn’t want it all to be for nothing, hiding her secret beast for all those years. Having worked so hard to make sure Dani never saw that part of her, the one who went wild and feral, hissing and clawing at the world and it’s indifference. Never wanted to let her beast get close to Dani, close enough to scratch. Not Dani, who struggled so hard to keep tame her own demons. 
She’d be a rather shit wife if she started now. Just because Dani was gone doesn’t mean Dani wouldn’t see. 
Doesn’t mean it’s easy though, either. It’s hard. Hardest fucking thing she’s ever done, since pulling herself out of that lake when all she had wanted to do was drown in it. That wasn’t difficult, that was instinct. This will be a choice. Every day, for the rest of her life, will be a choice. One she has to make again and again. 
Jamie longingly traces the pair of earrings lazily forgotten, left out on top of the dresser, in a bygone act of normalcy to be left now in memoriam, and pulls out one of Dani’s favorite shirts from the drawer, that awful slinky pink one that snagged on every last thorn and branch in the shop. Pretty in love with you, it turns out. Inhaled. Breathed in every last atom of Dani until her lungs were trembling with her. She slid the shirt on like armor and prayed the delicate fabric would be strong enough to help withstand the weight of the world ahead.
She took a few steps to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and did battle with the first night of the rest of her life. Let the sink fill, stared at the water, and took a deep breath. 
It took years for Dani to see the Lady. They were grateful for it then - relieved, actually, that they managed to get so much time. But now, all Jamie wants is for the haunting to come quickly. Do you want company? 
For a long time, all Jamie Taylor wanted to do was forget. Forget Lancashire, forget the taunts, the sound of banging, of Louise’s girlish flirting, Mikey’s crying. Forget the whirl of sirens, the creak of a door opening in the dead of night, a weight dipping on the bed next to her. Forget London, forget prison, forget her, forget all of it. Forget Bly, forget the Lady, forget Viola was ever a dark spot to stain the bright garden of their life. She drank thirstily, fought desperately, all to forget the pain, forget that Dani was gone, was never coming back, and that she doesn’t remember how to be Jamie without Dani by her side.
Except now, she realized, on the off-chance Dani’s face would stare back in the mirror or from beneath the water, she wanted to see every last line, every curve of her face. If that meant suffering the empty, aching, endless days to do so, then so be it.
It’s you. It’s me. It’s us, she’d screamed to the Lady, to the hatred inside both of them, the fury that stormed stronger than death. 
But after the flames expunge and the coals cool, Jamie remembers now, there’s more than just rage in the quiet parts. There’s patience. Love. Kindness. That things grow with just a little bit of water. A little, instead of all at once. 
Water can give life, not just take it away. 
It was easy to forget that small truth when the waves crashed and swept her below, unable to gain footing before another came crashing down and pulled her under. She did it once, on her own, in her youth and loneliness. She can learn how to do it again; to exist in stillness and quiet without Dani. A little, instead of all at once. 
She lets loving Dani warm instead of burn. Like a comforting hearth beckoning the weary home. 
She ran her fingers along the cool porcelain of the sink, reverently, as if it were Dani’s skin she was touching; Dani’s face she was caressing; Dani, she was loving. 
Jamie takes a deep, shuddering breath, and looks up. Squares her shoulders, baring all of herself to the mirror, forces herself to look.
She’ll wait forever if she has to. 
But first, just one night. 
Beautiful things worth loving and tending to can bloom at night; under the blanket of darkness, there’s still life. And if she keeps pouring all her love and effort into it, maybe one day it’ll all make sense. She can see where it goes.
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The Straight Facts On Riot Fest 2021
It really is hard to make the good things last.
Last weekend went by not like the rickety but effective trains that linked me from the airport to my hotel room to Douglass Park, home of the beloved Riot Festival. In hindsight, my time in Chicago feels like it passed me with the speed of a Japanese bullet train. Finally, life felt almost like it did before COVID-19 grounded planes and ravaged the live music industry. Simultaneously I was granted a rare time to let loose and release all my adolescent urges. I had been needing to do so for a while.
The zeitgeist was in full effect as we made our way inside the festival’s grounds on Saturday. Signs pointed towards COVID testing sites. I flashed my vaccination card alongside my ID to be let in. The first band of the day, Man On Man, was formed over lockdown by Faith No More’s keyboardist and his boyfriend out of quarantine boredom; it was their second live show. FNM would have been hitting the stage later that day had their seemingly impenetrable frontman not cancelled their tour to deal with a mental health crisis.
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It quickly became evident that everyone was more than happy to be back. I try to socially distance myself from GWAR as much as possible due to cleanliness concerns, but I couldn’t help but spy on their performance. I ended up getting a clear view of their assorted liquids arcing over the heads of the hooded rain poncho clad security guards and into the untamed audience. (My friend Kati walked out with green stains splattered across her starch white mask and tote bag.) Later, as Les Savy Fav played, it was impossible to socially distance from frontman Tim Harrington, who frequently retreated into the crowd for a variety of antics. He rode an audience member down the aisle like a toddler receiving a pony ride from his dad; he took and wore on his head many pairs of sunglasses before redistributing the Ray-Ban wealth to an entirely different section of the crowd; he rolled out a roll of tarp across everyone’s heads, got on top of it, bore a hole in it, and reemerged among everyone else. It was truly a sight to behold.
The next day, I stood on my feet for over five hours. The first band I witnessed during this test of leg strength was Body Count. From the safety of the VIP section, I was protected from the mosh pit happening not very far away from me. Ice-T didn’t refrain from giving his commentary on the pit, which he found unsatisfactory. It even once transformed into my eyeballs’ first wall of death at Ice’s behest. If Ice-T tells you what to do, you do it. The band was tight and talented, and the songs were topical and pretty infectious. Add a hefty dose of Ice-T being extremely Ice-T and you’ve got one unforgettable performance. “I PLAY ONE ON TV!” the Law & Order actor reminded us as the band closed their set with “Cop Killer.” You love to see it!
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After Body Count left the stage, I spent the next two and a half hours standing in front of the rail waiting for my main attraction, DEVO. I had been there for their final pre-COVID performance almost two years prior, and it seemed unbelievable that the wait was finally over. Their set began with a 70s film of the band tussling with their fictionalized pushover manager, Rod Rooter. It was followed by a recently shot clip of the same guy riding an exercise bike and wearing a tiger print tracksuit. Disappointed that the band he once managed wasn’t doing stadiums “like Kid Rock,” he sardonically reintroduced the band to the audience. (They aren’t your everyday boy band.) It was a reminder that, as much as you may want them to go away, DEVO never truly will. Even with two frontmen having recovered from COVID-19, the spud boys still carry force, talent, and an electrifying presence. In fact, they incited such a frenzy that I spent a good amount of the show ducking crowd surfers who got dangerously close to crushing me. Security guards cradled them like Booji Boy babies as they passed one by one over the rails before being shooed to the back of the crowd. Later I overheard that their forceful performance of “Secret Agent Man” incited a fist fight farther back in the mass of de-evolving dregs. If a mini-militia of costume changing, whip-smart punk scientists in or nearing their seventies can still hold it, don’t listen to Rod: they still shoot straight. See DEVO while you still can.
“Freedom of Choice” completed the band’s set; the group had apparently been under threat of getting the cord pulled due to going over their time limit, which would have been blasphemy. The next thing I knew I was sprinting across the sunset lit field as the Flaming Lips’ set opener—“Race For The Prize,” of all songs—echoed across the darkening park. I was able to blend into the crowd as the happy-sad hymn to medical progress came to a close. How else would they open a post-vax concert? I spent the majority of their awe inducing performance in a haze fueled by exhaustion, awe, and second hand smoke. Slightly hypnotized by the neon psychedelic video backdrop, assimilating with the seizure inducing swirl seemed much more preferable to walking to the train station.
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Eventually, the lights on the Roots stage dimmed and Wayne Coyne’s virus proof giant bubble deflated for the last time. We worked our way through the darkness to reorient ourselves and ended up catching a portion of the night’s closing performance, the Slipknot spectacle, from afar. We reunited with a friend we had chatted with earlier in the day and took the opportunity to rib on the group. We all agreed that, while they were obviously dedicated to their presentation, their musical content couldn’t live up to it. At another stage out of our range, Machine Gun Kelly, the creepy rapper turned equally creepy pop punk poser, was also playing. Another example of when immaculately crafted style outweighs substance. Interesting that the two bands immediately behind them on the billing—the Lips and the VOs—were the ones who actually hit a successful combination of the two. Life is not fair.
But the pain of Machine Gun Kelly’s existence did not ruin the weekend, as weird as it was to witness such a large crowd once more. It was a time of strange euphoria and semi-reluctant indulgence. It was relieving that the long stretch of boredom that had made up life up until that point was finally interrupted by a brief blip of in person camaraderie. There’s no wonder why stepping out of those gates for the last time and taking that final train ride felt as if something was being lost. If only the fun could last forever.
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maple-writes · 3 years
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[Image ID: Banner image reading: The City of Eventide, Chapter 33, Maple-writes. End ID
Wild that we're finally here at the second-last chapter already
Next week Ginger came by and brought me to the doctor she’d been discussing my case with. Her office seemed comfortable enough, the waiting room decorated with big leafy plants and the radio playing low from some unseen speaker. She spoke kindly, gently, patiently waiting whenever I stumbled over my answers and had trouble figuring out how to explain in any kind of way that made sense. After what felt like far longer than a regular appointment should have been, she handed me a page of lab work and tests she wanted done and sent me on my way.
The rest of the week went fast, Ginger helping me wherever she could with the doctor’s orders. As much as I was certain she’d explained them all to me back in her clinic most of it went over my head, but according to Striker they made sense. It was exhausting, though, having to spend so much time out of the house. Even if Ginger was right there, even if I knew she’d be able to help if something went wrong, I could still feel the tension building around my lungs with the first breath of fresh air. As soon as I’d get home I hardly had the energy to do anything more than crawl into bed and fall asleep.
The therapist Ginger put me in contact with seemed nice when we spoke over the phone. I’d tuck myself away in my bedroom when she called, pacing back and forth across the floor. Sometimes Ginger would drive me to her office to see her in person. She turned out to be a selkie, one of Millie’s distant cousins. Smooth stones and intricate shells decorated her office shelves and a tray of soft sea-floor sand always sat on a little table nearby. Cool against my skin I couldn’t help but run my hands through the dry sand as we spoke, slipping grains filed down by decades of ocean current through my fingers until it was time to go home.
Tests finally done I went back and the doctor welcomed me back to walk through the results. Aside from nutrient deficiencies nothing seemed medically wrong, nothing alarming at least. According to her it gave weight to Ginger’s theory that part of what I ate ceased to exist before I could get anything out of it. She suggested vitamins and some calorie-dense supplements to see if that helped and sent me off to check back in a couple months or so.
Then it was back home, pacing around every room of the house while Striker was gone. At least this time Ember was there too. Sometimes anyway. Sometimes she was busy talking with Ginger, listening as she extended the same offer she’d given me to help if she ever feared she’d do something she’d regret. Whatever they were doing it seemed to be working out. Standing next to her no longer felt like too much, like standing inches from wildfire. Now instead the warmth and energy that escaped her skin reminded me of warm candles, comforting and contained. Maybe it was what she and Ginger were doing, or maybe it was me. Maybe it was something we’d done, something she’d taught me to manage.
Every night she’d try again to get me out of the house, convincing me to give it another go, but every night I didn’t make it much farther than the end of the block. Once out of frustration she snapped at me when we got home and we fought, snarling and spitting until—
“Hey!” Striker’s yell from the top of the stairs startled me into whirling. He stood shaky on the landing, a white-knuckle grip on the top of the handrail. “Get out of here if you’re going to fucking kill each other! Tear each other apart throw each other into the ocean I don’t care, I don’t fucking care!
I flinched as Striker disappeared from the hall and slammed his bedroom door sending a shudder through the house. Time froze for heartbeat after heartbeat until Ember silently slipped away to clear her head. I took to the couch to calm down, shoulders hunched and guilt sitting heavy in my gut before slipping up the stairs to Striker’s room to apologize. The door was shut, and locked when I tested the handle. I knocked, guilt already replacing the anger that’d been burning through my lungs just moments earlier.
“Go away!” Striker shouted through the door, then after a moment added quieter, “leave me alone, okay?”
My shoulders slouched and I couldn’t think of anything to say, turning away and retreating to my own bedroom. Quiet echoed in my ears broken by the wind through the trees or the occasional car passing outside, soft through my window opened just a crack. Even after the guilt and the weight on my ribs faded to blanket tiredness, I stayed up, eyes heavier with every minute, sitting on the edge of my bed until I heard Ember come home just to know that she did.
The next morning Striker seemed better, greeting me with a smile, even if a cautious one that avoided my face, as he drank his coffee in the kitchen. I sat on one of the stools, wringing my hands together under the counter. Nothing too bad had happened last night, I’d stopped when he said so, no one got hurt, but…
“Striker,” I took a deep breath, “sorry about last night. I, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He didn’t react right away, leaning back against the far counter and taking a long drink. “I know.” He sighed into his mug, watching me over the rim. “You were fighting over going to the park, right?”
I nodded, guilt sitting heavy on my shoulders. When he put it like that it sounded like nothing. Sounded like we’d gone and scared him for nothing.
Striker shrugged. “Why don’t I just drive you both? Avoid whatever it is that’s freaking you out on the way there.”
Why hadn’t I thought of that? I lifted my head and stared at him across the kitchen. “That… That would be nice.”
“Why don’t we go tonight then?” Striker said. “If Ember’s up for it too. I’ll ask her later today.”
I smiled, shoulders sloping as I leaned on the countertop. “Thanks, Striker.” Excitement bubbled up deep in my gut. Striker would be there, we’d get there safe and sound and private. Ember would probably be thrilled.
Just before midnight, Striker corralled me and Ember into his car and pulled away from home. On my own in the back I sank into the seat, staring out the window at the streetlights, the stoplights and odd lit window passing by. Striker kept the radio low and soft in the dark. He and Ember mumbled with each other up front, but I didn’t pay close enough attention to figure out what they might have been talking about. Whatever it was it couldn’t have been heavy with Striker laughing low and rumbling at something Ember said.
Lights grew further and further apart as we left the main roads of the city behind for the lead-in to the park. Pines towered dark and steadfast, blocking out the last of the glow against the grey night clouds. Striker slowed the car at the closed gate, pulling over to the shoulder to park. Engine cut and headlights out we sat in the dark, in the quiet.
Striker leaned back, stretching his shoulders. “I’ll wait here, just come find me when you’re done.”
“Why don’t you come too?” Ember asked, quiet and hoping. “We can show you the way up.”
“Really?” He glanced between her and me. “You sure?”
The two of us nodded together. How many times had he asked me to take him up here, to see Ember when I’d go out at night? He didn’t have to think long before pushing his door open into the dark. We piled out, car doors shutting and echoing against the gently swaying trees. A near-ocean breeze shook needles and immature cones from their branches, sending them sprinkling down over our shoulders.
I took a deep breath of cool air, fresh and quiet. My shoulders eased and heartbeat after heartbeat the knot in my stomach faded away. The dark blocked my sight, pressing against every side like a thick blanket. Scattered foliage and dropped twigs sunk under my feet as I followed Ember and Striker up the trail. We kept him between us just in case he miss-stepped or took a wrong turn, steering him on the right path once we left the trail behind for undergrowth. Dewy ferns brushed at my pants and little night creatures scurried away through the bushes as we picked our way over roots and rocks. More than once Striker stumbled, swearing under his breath even as we caught him mid fall.
Trees thinned and the lake emerged, dark and inky in the dim light. Surrounding the pebbled shore stood pointed, needle-less trees. I’d done that. I’d stripped them bare and left them to die like that. Ember and Striker kept going to the lake shore, but I stood, hesitating on the tree line. I’d all but destroyed this place.
“Hey,” Ember called, her figure nothing more than a horned shadow. “Are you coming?”
Right. Thinking about it wouldn’t change what happened, but when I stepped out into the clearing I stepped out onto fresh grass. Shrubs and sprouting wildflowers grew out between dead tree trunks, fresh saplings stretching up towards the darkened sky. Bats flew haphazard paths overhead in pursuit of unseen insects. Across the clearing the white tail of a fleeing deer flashed before it vanished into the dark. I slowed, reaching down to trail my hand over the delicate leaves of a tall plant with little light flowers. This place… So much growing back, living, blooming. My throat tightened. It hadn’t even been a year.
Ember and Striker found the rock by the lakeside, scootching over to make room for me at Striker’s other shoulder. Its surface, smoothed by decades of wind and rain, pressed cool against my hands and even through my clothes. The breeze too, dipping down under the trees and driving tiny waves to lap against the shore, blew chilled against my face, crisp and clean. Just like I remembered.
Something rattled in Ember’s backpack as she rummaged through its contents. The side of an old, worn down container glinted just a little in the low light as she pulled it out with a pair of mugs.
She leaned across Striker’s lap, handing one of them to me before smiling at him. “You can use the cap, it’s like a little cup.”
Ember reached over again, pouring hot chocolate out for all of us. It warmed my hands, softly steaming in the dark. Striker’s shoulder, brushing against mine, was warm too. Warm and familiar and safe.
“So this is where you’d run off to?” Striker said, low and soft in the forest quiet.
Ember nodded on his other side, crossing her legs and leaning forward. “Yeah.” She took a sip of her drink, eyes wandering across to the far shore. “And where I’d go to meet Asher after…”
She trailed off, words dissolving into the night. She didn’t need to finish, we both knew. Both knew what she was talking about. I brought my mug to my mouth, pausing a moment before drinking. The last time we’d met here, when I’d tried to tell her again to come home, tried to convince her it would be okay, was that really a year ago?
“I don’t know if I ever properly apologized,” Ember whispered, eyes straight ahead. “For what I did. I’m, I’m so sorry Striker, Asher.” Her voice faltered. “For everything.”
Seconds passed, each longer than the last. Striker sighed down to his hands curled around his cup.
Tentatively, he reached his arm around her shoulders, holding her against his side when she melted. “I just wish you came home sooner.” He finished his cup and set it down on the rock beside him before draping his arm around me too, bringing me in close. “I… Sometimes I can’t believe you’re both really here. I haven’t lost either of you.”
I closed my eyes and rested my head against Striker’s side, his arm around me warm and familiar and safe. Ember’s breath shook in the quiet air, soft and private. How many times had she sat here alone wanting this to happen? Sat alone on this rock in the forest thinking she’d never have anything like this again? I shifted, squinting at the fresh growth under the faint blue-white night glow. Had I really thought that much different in this same place?
A soft breath came before Ember’s whisper. “Tomorrow, can we stop at the cemetery?”
Noon had come and gone by the time the three of us were up and out of the house. Again I hid in the backseat of Striker’s car, peering out at the world under bright sunlight as it passed outside the window. Ember sat in the passenger seat. She shifted every few minutes, fidgeting and readjusting the cuffs of her sleeves. Even through the seat back sharp warmth met my skin. Nerves prickled along my own arms, along the palms of my hands. For years she hadn’t worked herself up enough to come here, especially not with Striker at her side. I swallowed. It was bright out too. There were people walking up and down the sidewalks, families, dog-walkers… What if something happened? To me, to her?
No. I leaned back, closed my eyes and took a long breath. I could handle it. Even if something happened I could handle it. I’d done it before, I could do it again now. Especially after all that time with Ginger.
Striker parked the car and got out first, leaning against the side as he waited for me and Ember to gather ourselves. She twisted around to catch my eye and for a moment we held each other’s gaze. Then it was over. She popped her car door open and I followed suit out onto the sidewalk.
Sunshine warmed my back and the sounds of cars and people hit me as soon as my feet met concrete. I stiffened, jaw clenching and chest tightening, but nothing. The odd pedestrian casted a curious glance at Ember, eyes wandering over her one and a half horns, her bright red eyes, but most didn’t risk staring. No one seemed to care about me, notice me at all. Even still I had to force myself to keep breathing deep and controlled as I followed almost on top of Striker’s heels.
Stepping into Seaview Cemetery though, the noise of the street fell quiet behind thick green hedges. Slowly I let the distance between me and Striker grow, my heartbeat gradually coming back down. The bright air simmered with the dead just watching, waiting, taking their time before choosing to move on. Each kept their distance, still wanting nothing to do with me, with anyone. We weren’t their relatives, their loved ones after all. Just some visitors no different than any other.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of a sea-salted breeze that tugged at my hair and rustled leaves of twisted trees overhead. Shade dappled the ground and danced over my eyelids until I bumped into Striker’s back. I blinked and stammered an apology but he hadn’t seemed to notice, focused instead on Ember’s hand on his arm.
“I…” She spoke lightly, like the wind through the shrubs laden with fresh flower buds. “I think I’d like to go ahead alone, for now.”
Striker nodded, hesitating as she withdrew her hand. “They’re just a little further down that way.”
I watched her go, head down and walking towards two familiar headstones. She found them and stopped, and Striker gently tugged at my elbow.
“We should give her some privacy.”
Right. Guilt gnawed at my gut as I let Striker lead my away. I should have known. He found a bench in a sunny patch just off the patch beside some freshly blooming shrubs and I took a seat beside him. The bush buzzed low and humming with bees visiting the fragrant blooms. Each bobbed from flower to flower, burying themselves in the petals and zipping off to disappear in the pale blue sky when they’d had their fill of nectar.
Striker pulled a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on, leaning back with an arm around the back of the bench. “I can’t remember if I told you,” His voice drew me back from the insects. “Kyra and I are heading out to the island this weekend. We’ll be leaving Friday morning, come back sometime Sunday night.”
“Just you two?” He didn’t think I could handle something like that, did he? I could already feel fatigue dragging at my bones from just coming this far in the middle of the day.
Striker raised his eyebrows a moment before scratching at the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, uh, yes. Just me and Kyra.” Oh. “I’m sure you’ll be alright.”
As much as the thought of me and Ember being alone that long made my stomach twist, I had to tell myself he was probably right. I could handle it. It might be hard but I could handle it. He wouldn’t be going at all if he thought I’d be in danger.
I slumped back in the bench, closing my eyes against the sun’s glare and letting it carefully warm my face. He deserved it, something nice like that after all he’d done for me. After all that time he must have spent worried sick over me. This weekend though… It would be six years Saturday. I stopped myself at the last second from asking about it. Of course he knew, how could he not? He was here today too, maybe that was close enough.
“Have you figured out if you’re going back to the college?”
I squinted against the sun, turning my head to face Striker as he waited for an answer. “Not yet. Haven’t heard anything from Ginger.” I sighed. “Last time we spoke she seemed optimistic though.” At least one of us seemed to think I even could handle a return.
Striker hummed to himself. “That’s good.” He stretched his arms above his head. “Seems like you still have time to think it over.”
I nodded. Chances were if I did go back I’d have to brush up on almost everything anyway after so long away. It’d take some time to get back into the full swing of it and maybe that was a good thing. Easing back might not be so bad.
Movement caught the corner of my eye and I turned as Ember rounded one of the flowering bushes. The sun caught her hair making it shine bright red as she approached, warm as the gentle heat shimmering in the air around her body. I stood and she led the way back to the headstones where we stood together in the shade.
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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goldenmessenger · 5 years
Reach Out Your Hand Pt. 2
Summary: Remus rushes to Roman's side at the hospital. Things won't be easy, but hopefully, they'll improve.
Part One is here.
Read on Ao3 here.
A/N: Woah! I am so sorry this took so long guys! Life happened, and got away from me. Also, I've probably rewritten this three or four times. Still not sure if I'm happy with it, but here it is!
Also, keep an eye out for another post, I’m gonna be asking your opinions on what I should write next!
As usual, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! And once again, I apologize.
Content Warnings: Drunken texts, drug abuse, drug overdose, mild violence (vague mention), self-deprecating thoughts and language, panic attack, disassociation, whump, angst, guilt
“Follow me!” 
Remus called back to his twin as he eagerly began his ascent up the tall pine. He had made it halfway up by the time Roman had reached the base. 
“Is this a good idea, Re?” The ten year-old questioned, worriedly looking up as the pine loomed ominously above him. 
“Don’t worry Ro,” Remus said, jumping down to a lower branch, “I’ve done this dozens and dozens of times before.” He reached out a hand to Roman. 
“Come on!” Remus cajoled. “It’ll be fine, I’ll be right here with you, I won’t let you fall.” Roman looked at Remus nervously. 
“You promise?”
“I triple-dog swear, cross my heart and hope to die, on Twin’s honor.” Remus swore, with all the seriousness the ten year old could muster. Roman took a nervous breath, then took Remus’s hand. 
The twins climbed and climbed and climbed. Higher and higher and higher. They giggled and talked as they went, weaving grand stories of adventure. They weren’t just boys climbing a tree, they were princes climbing a tall tower to save the princess, or Jacks scaling a beanstalk, astronauts fixing their rocket, adventurers escaping a trap they’d set off in an ancient temple. 
The rest of the world might as well have not existed. It was just them. Just Roman and Remus. 
Finally, they reached the top of the tall pine. Remus whooped in delight. “I think I can see our house from here!” Roman grinned from his perch on the branch next to him. 
“I can see the whole ocean from here!” Remus smiled back at his twin’s delighted face, watching the wind whip through his hair .
“See scaredy-cat,” Remus said, fondly, “everything was fine. And it always will be. I won’t let anything ever hurt you as long as I live. Twin’s honor.”
Roman didn’t turn back to Remus, his face pointed downwards towards the ground. 
“Ro?” Remus questioned, nervously. “A-are you alright?”
“You lied, Remus.” Roman said, flatly. 
“W-what?” Remus stammered, confused. 
“You lied. You said you’d always keep me safe, that you’d always be there for me, and what do you do?” Ten-year-old Roman was gone, replaced by eighteen year old Roman, eyes no longer pointed towards the ground but instead placing Remus in the direct line of their blazing fire. “You abandoned me the first chance you got, flew the coop, left me to the vultures.” Roman pushed Remus, and Remus found that he was no longer in the tree. He was standing in the middle of a crowded restaurant, confused, hurt, and eighteen all over again. Remus could feel the stares of faceless onlookers, practically felt their whispers crawling on his skin. 
“Roman, please—“ Remus began, but Roman didn’t let him finish. 
“I needed you Remus! I was young, vulnerable. Maybe if you were there, I would’ve made the right decisions. Maybe we wouldn’t be here!” 
Roman shoved Remus, hard, and Remus stumbled back into a motel room. Mildewing wallpaper peeled off of the walls, revealing the mold and rot underneath. A cockroach scuttled across Remus’s foot. Roman’s face had turned pale now, and his lips blue. 
“I’m going to die, you know that, right? Alone and friendless with no one to care. In a crappy motel room that not even a homeless person would willingly live in.” Roman spat, face turning paler and gaunt as he spoke, voice slowly beginning to distort.
“I-I’m sorry Roman,” Remus cried, anguished, “I didn’t want to leave you. I begged you to come with me. I need you Roman!”
“Fat lot of good that does me now!” Roman growled, pushing Remus back. With every step he seemed to crumble more and more until he was barely skin and bones. “You never really cared. Those texts, reaching out, that was just because you felt obligated, because you felt guilty.” Remus cowered back as the now almost undead spectre of his brother continued his approach, backing Remus into a moldy corner, shoving Remus to punctuate each word. “You’ll be glad when I’m dead, won’t you! No more having to worry about poor, misguided, useless Roman—“
“Stop!” Remus shouted, holding his arms in front of himself to defend from the shoves, scrunching his eyes tight to avoid the sight of the abomination in front of him. The spectre continued to shove, and Remus couldn’t take it anymore. He shoved back.
There was silence. Then, a soft, small, confused voice broke through.
Remus opened his eyes. The nightmarish specter and grimy hotel room had vanished. Wind whipped through his hair and the scent of pine needles filled his nose. He was back on the top of the tree once more. 
With a rising sense of horror, everything around him playing in slow motion, he saw.
Little ten-year-old Roman, eyes full of shock and betrayal, Remus’s own hands leaving his chest, slowly fell backwards off the top of the tall pine. 
Time sped up, and Remus lunged forward, but Roman’s red hoodie slipped out of his fingers. His brother fell into darkness, until Remus couldn’t see him anymore. He couldn’t even see the ground. 
“Nononononononono no!” Remus couldn’t find Roman, couldn’t see him couldn’t help him. Where was Roman where was he Remus failed him why didn’t he try harder why—
Light, harsh and unforgiving invaded Remus’s eyes like the sharp knives stabbed in Caesar’s back. He winced in pain, trying to shield his eyes. He still couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.
Suddenly, darkness returned, and he heard a soft voice murmuring gently to him. Gentle hands stroked his hair, and Remus leaned into a warm embrace. The voice spoke.
“Try to match my breathing, love.”
Remus listened. Even though everything seemed scary and confusing right now, and he wasn’t sure of anything, he knew he could trust that voice. It wasn’t just knowledge, it was fact. Despite knowing this, he still struggled to breathe, gasping for air. 
“Remus, try to focus on my voice. Tell me five things you can see.” The voice prompted. Remus opened his eyes and looked. He was in the back of Dillon’s car, with the boyfriend in question holding him tightly. 
“I-I can see your car door,” he managed, “the lamppost outside the window, the rain on your windshield, the driver’s seat in front of me, and...” He trailed off, spotting over Dillon’s shoulder a glowing red sign that simply read EMERGENCY. “The Emergency sign—“ He couldn’t speak anymore, where they were and why they were here came rushing back all at once at a madman’s pace, taking his breath with it. 
Roman. Romanromanroman. Roman was in danger. Roman was going to die. All because Remus failed Roman, because he wasn’t there, he failed he failed he failed—
“Just breathe, love.” Dillon cajoled softly. “Just keep focusing on your breathing. I know you’re worried about Roman, but you can’t help him like this. Try to keep going. Four things you can touch.”
Remus tried to breathe, tried to keep his focus centered, fumbling his hands for something.
“The car seats,” he said, finally, “my jeans,” Remus continued to move his hands, wrapping his arms around Dillon. “your cashmere sweater, and your hands running through my hair.” 
“Good.” Dillon whispered softly, and Remus could see a tired, but loving smile on his partner’s face. “Now, three things you can hear.”
“Your heartbeat,” Remus managed, “the traffic outside, and the rain on the roof of the car.”
“We’re almost there.” Dillon reassured. “Now two things you can smell.” Remus inhaled through his nose, trying to find something.
“Your shampoo, and the leather car seats.” He managed. 
“Alright, now just one thing you can taste.” Dillon stated kindly. 
“That weird taste I get in my mouth sometimes when I sleep with my mouth open.” Remus replied promptly. 
“Good job.” Dillon murmured warmly. “How are you feeling?” Remus snuggled deeply into Dillon’s side. 
“What if we just stayed in here?” Remus whispered, voice coming out a little muffled since his face was pressed into his boyfriend’s side. “What if we just stayed here forever and ignored everything else and pretended the world didn’t exist?” Remus felt Dillon shift underneath him, then his boyfriend began to speak. 
“If that was what you really wanted to do, I would stay with you as long as you needed.” Dillon paused, then continued, picking his words carefully. “But I know you, and I know that while being in that hospital won’t be easy, it will be worse to not be there, and to have no idea about what’s going on.”
Remus took in a shuddering breath, then pulled away from Dillon. He looked him in the eye, and managed to say,
“You’re right, let’s go in.”
The hospital was too quiet. Remus leaned into Dillon’s side while his boyfriend talked to the nurse at the reception desk, feeling like Dillon was the only thing keeping him upright. Remus felt like he was walking through a fog, going through the motions of being a human. They sat together in the waiting room for what seemed like years, until the nurse called them up to give them the go ahead to finally go see his brother.
Remus was barely aware as the nurse gave them directions and Dillon led him through the white corridors. All he could think about was Roman, brain running through all the possibilities of what could be awaiting him.
Finally, they reached the door to Roman’s room. Remus froze. All he could do was stare at the doorway in front of him. How could the sight of something so simple fill him with so much terror? He knew he needed to go into that room. But he hesitated to cross its threshold. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t.
“Love, you alright?” Dillon said, looking at Remus with worry.
“I-I have to be, right?” Remus whispered. “For Roman.”
“You don’t have to be anything.” Dillon said, tone firm. “I can take care of everything if you need me to. You don’t have to ever set a foot in there if you can’t. If that’s what you’re sure you want.”
“No, I-I need to do this, Dee.” Remus said, trying to calm his racing heart as he spoke. “Not just for Roman, but for myself.” Dillon nodded, and rubbed Remus’s shoulder reassuringly.
“I’ll be there with you every step of the way, love.”
Remus smiled gratefully at his boyfriend, and clasped Dillon’s cool, dry hand tightly in his own warm, sweaty one.
And like that, he stepped across the threshold.
And there Roman was, in the hospital bed.
Roman was pale.
Too pale.
Too quiet.
Remus had never seen Roman like this before.
Roman had always been so lively, so full of energy and excitement.
Not now.
Roman was so still and lifeless, almost like— 
Remus’s breath hitched, and Dillon caught his panic.
“He’s ok, love.” Dillon murmured reassuringly into Remus’s ear. “See,” Dillon gestured to the monitor next to Roman’s bed. “Roman’s heart is still beating. He’s alive.”
That word kept repeating on a loop in Remus’s head.
Even when the doctor came in later to give them the full rundown of Roman’s condition, Remus could barely hear him over the joyful symphony in his head.
Roman was alive!
Though, what the doctor had to say did sober him a little.
Roman was alive, yes, but barely. And it was going to be a long, hard road ahead of him. Due to the type of drug Roman had overdosed, and was likely addicted to, the doctors would have to slowly wean him off of it by giving him smaller and smaller doses. It was risky, but if Roman was to go cold turkey it could kill him.
And that was the easy part.
The harder part ahead of Remus now (and Dillon, who Remus knew would have his back through whatever happened next) was to convince Roman to enter rehab once he left the hospital. Forcing him to enter wouldn’t be of any use if he didn’t want to get better.
But all of that was in the future.
For now, the only thing Roman needed to do was wake up.
Two weeks later…..
It had been a really long two weeks.
Remus had barely left the hospital.
He couldn’t bear to leave Roman’s side.
Dillon had tried to convince Remus to go home, get some rest. 
And Remus tried to, he really did, but he just couldn’t. Not when his brain couldn’t stop running through everything that could’ve happened in his absence. He’d gotten Dillon to drive him back as quickly as he could.
Remus honestly wouldn’t have survived these last two weeks without Dillon by his side through all of it.
Roman had been unconscious for the first few days, and that had been stressful.
But then Roman had woken up for the first time.
And Remus almost missed the unconsciousness. 
Roman had not been anywhere near lucid, shouting and yelling.
They had to strap him to the bed and sedate him.
And that had started a cycle of Roman waking up, getting violent, and needing to be sedated.
It was clear every time that he didn’t know where he was, what was happening. Roman was always babbling incoherently.
(Except, once, Remus had sworn he’d heard Roman growl something that sounded almost like “How dare you talk about my brother like that!” but Remus must have misheard.)
Roman had been getting less and less violent each time though, and that was a good thing. Right?
Except last time, Roman had been sobbing. This time, he’d seemed to recognize Remus, and had been babbling and sobbing incoherent apologies until Remus had gotten him to fall asleep again, promising they’d talk when Roman woke up.
That had almost been scarier than the violent spells.
Seeing his brother so upset, so absolutely shattered. Remus hoped he’d never have to see that again.
That was a couple of days ago. 
Now Remus sat next to Roman’s bed, aimlessly scrolling through his phone, waiting for Dillon to return with the coffees he’d left to get.
Suddenly, a voice, raspy from unuse, broke the silence of the room.
Remus dropped his phone in surprise, and saw his brother blinking tiredly up from the bed on which he lay. Remus wondered if Roman had just woken up, or if he’d been awake for a little longer but hadn’t said anything. From the look on Roman’s face, Remus was leaning towards the second option.
“You’re awake.” Remus said, voice barely a whisper. He didn’t say Is it really you this time? Are you alright?
“Yeah.” Roman said, voice as soft as Remus’s. He looked so small in that hospital bed.
“H-How badly did I screw up this time?” Roman said. He couldn’t seem to quite look Remus in the eye. Remus’s gut instinct was to rush to assure Roman that he didn’t, that everything was fine. But Remus couldn’t, because he knew that it would be a lie. One that could hurt in the long run. Because, and this had been hard to admit to himself, but Roman did screw up. Remus couldn’t tell Roman that, but he couldn’t tell him everything was fine either. Remus didn’t know what to say, everything he could think of at the moment felt like it would hurt Roman in one way or another. Whether it was because Remus was too hard on him, or if Remus was too gentle, those would both be detrimental to Roman’s eventual recovery.
So, Remus picked a third option.
He surged forward and hugged Roman as tightly as he would.
Remus heard a small gasp of surprise come from his brother, but after a moment of hesitation, Roman returned the hug.
And there they stayed, the rest of the world fading into the background. 
Everything wasn’t alright yet, and it wouldn’t be, couldn’t be, for a while. There was still a lot of work to be done. A lot of things the twins needed to work out, to resolve.
But for the moment, Remus was content to wrap his arms tightly around his brother, determined that he would never let go.
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nb-and-nd · 4 years
Lil’ drabble I whipped up last night
you can read below the cut, if you’re curious.
Dec 29, 20XX; 4:59 pm
I pack up the last of my things after shutting down my station, watching in careful silence as the little red hand ticks its way to twelve. Five...four...three...two...! Shift’s over, I’m outta here. I grab everything and head out to the back lot; five cars to the left from the doors sits a little blue four-door Fiat. I love blue. I press the button once to unlock the door to the driver’s seat, hop in, reach into the glovebox and pull out Map Of The Soul: Persona. In goes the CD as I start the car and pull out. 
I make a right into my complex as Home comes to an end. I pull in to the spot closest to my door, put the car in park, and step out with my bag. I stop to lock the car and take out my key before heading toward the sign that reads 1308. 
I step inside, lock the front door, and put the bag down next to my shoes. I grab a bag of chips from the cupboard, then chill on the couch with my phone. Around 5:23, my phone starts playing the beginning of Pied Piper, my chosen ringtone. The caller ID flashes at the top of my screen. Oh, it’s Myra. So, I pick up the call.
“Hey, Myra.”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Just got home from work maybe an hour or so ago. You?”
“Just fine. I was wondering if you’d like to come over for a bit, maybe hang out with some others. You down?”
“Yeah, sure! I’ll bring some games, if that’s alright?”
“Go for it! See you soon, yeah?”
I get up, head for my room and grab a small backpack. I decide on taking some Uno cards, some playing cards, my headphones and my Switch. Then I take the backpack, sit down on the couch and set it next to me. I pick up my phone again, this time to text my boyfriend. I open the app and tap on our conversation.
[me] Hi, how’s it going?
A few minutes pass before the ellipses pop up. 
[love of my life] Almost done with practice, should be home soon 
[love of my life] How are you?
[me] just got off work an hour ago. my friend invited me over to her place, so i'll come back home between 7 and 8
[love of my life] ok, have fun
[me] see you soon
And with that, I put on my Pumas, the backpack, and my headphones and stand at the door. I search up the Wings album on my phone, press play and get walking.
Her dorm is within walking distance, so I made the trip in less than 10 minutes. I cross the street and walk up the stairwell to the sign that reads 1354. I don’t have to knock more than twice, she calls from inside that the door’s already open. I grab the knob and twist, and what do you know? I step inside and put my shoes on the rack in her doorway. I notice I wasn’t the only one invited, as two other pairs of eyes meet mine from the dining room. I barely have time to sit down before the greetings start.
“So glad you could make it. Everyone, this is Lori. We’ve been friends for a while, and she’s been the best friend I could’ve asked for.” 
There came a collective ‘aww’ throughout the room, and I smiled gratefully at such praise. She then introduces me to everyone else. 
“I know you’re likely very confused as to who these people are, Lori, so allow me to introduce them. This is Mack,” she gestures to a short girl with a wavy brunette ponytail and red glasses, sitting at the table with a glass of milk, “and this is Jewel.” she points to the girl next to the first, around my height, with raven black hair and a red beanie. I grin and wave politely, which they acknowledge with a nod and a wave, respectively.
“Good to meet you both, and Myra, good to see you again. I brought some Uno cards; who’s up for a game?” 
Jewel sits upright and her eyes light up with a competitive flame. “Oh, I love Uno! Nobody’s beaten me yet.” 
I let out a chuckle as I pull the pack from my bag. “A champion, are we?” 
“For sure. Would you like to challenge me for the crown??”
I sit at the table and begin to shuffle the deck. “I mean, what have I to lose?”
“Oh, you cocky little--It’s on.”
And the game begins; we lose twice to Jewel in an hour, but Myra and I beat her the next. The next round Jewel and Myra teamed up against me and Mack, the next was me and Myra against Jewel and Mack, and the next was me and Jewel against Mack and Myra. Then I pull out my playing cards to play two rounds of Slap Jack. I win twice, to Jewel and Myra respectively.
An hour or so comes and goes, and everyone’s on the sofa with a glass of wine (and a non-alcoholic drink of choice, because I don’t drink) debating which movies don’t deserve the hate they get. 
Myra rolls her eyes with a mock-derisive laugh. “Come on, Coraline’s for kids!”
Jewel tilts her head. “But is it really?”
“Yeah, I still have unpleasant memories.” Mack agrees.
I speak up, “I have to agree; it might be for kids, but that doesn’t make it any less terrifying.”
Jewel gives a pointed nod. “Exactly. It’s a scary movie no matter your age, case closed.”
We later get to sharing some speeches about what we’ve been through this year and what we plan to do next. 
“This year hasn’t been one of my best, honestly. I don’t like a lot of the memories I made, but life isn’t always roses and sunshine, and that’s something I’m okay with.” she looks around at all of us and goes on, “At least I can forward to another year with the people I’m closest to.”
Jewel nods. “Agreed. I can’t wait to go skiing with my cousin again. It’s a family tradition, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
I turn to face her. “There’s a lot I wouldn’t change either. But you have to remember that eventually, change will come. It won’t always be what you want it to be, but remember that good and evil cannot exist without one another. We should always look to the future, because that’s where some of the best promises lie.”
“True that.”
“I’d say that’s pretty solid advice.” Mack states as she raises a glass. “To a new year.”
“To a new year.”
“May the best be yet to come.”
As we’re all finishing our drinks, I suddenly remember my boyfriend, and grab my phone for a time check. 7:48. He should be home by now.
“Ah, hey guys, I hate to ruin the mood, but I gotta head home. It’s getting a little late.” 
Jewel and Myra are the first to respond. “Aw, alright. Come again sometime, yeah?”
“Yeah, I wanna see you again. You’re cool.”
I smile at the compliment as I grab my bag and head for the door. “I’ll see. It’s been fun, guys. You go on without me, alright?”
“Have a good night!”
“See you later!”
I close the door behind me, and head on my way. I look around before crossing the street, then search for my number. 1306...07...here it is. I knock three times, and the door opens to reveal my only love. 
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too. I can’t wait to be in your arms.”
“Well, come on in then, so you can be.” He extends a hand, and I take it. He closes the door behind us, and I take off my shoes. 
“I wanna spend some time with you tonight. Why don’t you go put on something comfortable?” 
“You’re not planning what I think you are..?”
It takes him a second, then he laughs. “No, no. Well, not unless you want to.” 
“Oh, no, I’m good. I’ll be back.” 
“I’ll be waiting.”
I head to my room to dress down, and he goes to his. I decide on a pair of pale gray sweats, and tie my hair up in a lazy bun. I hear him leave his room and come into the living room, and go out to meet him. He’s sitting on the couch with a blanket over him, and the TV is on. He turns to look at me fondly.
“There’s the woman I love.”
“You know I love cuddle dates.”
“That I do. Come, join me.” He pats the spot next to him, and I happily take a seat and snuggle up. He opens up YouTube and pulls up my comfort album; just as he does so, it begins to rain. What a funny coincidence. My beloved seems to read my mind, because he smiles too, and pulls me in for a peck on the cheek. The music starts, and we spend the rest of that evening cuddled up listening to each other’s heartbeat. I sigh in contentment.
There’s no place I’d rather be.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years
March Update Post
figures i should do another one of these.... tho this is mostly an update on the current status of my translations since i don’t intend to post much in terms of translations (3) this month since i’ve gotten around to my video backlog and will be stocking up on translations...
As i’ve stated before, i do multiple things at once cuz my head works that way, though this list will not include any SSL game content since that’s something I’ve already committed into doing plus my progress is a lot faster on those since my focus is kinda divided at 65% for ssl cross and daily stories, with 35% towards everything else. 
My current (mostly estimated) progress for the following is at: 
Hakuoki Kaze no Fumi Shogunate Dogs and Puppies [ 薄桜鬼 真改 風ノ章 ebten特典ドラマCD 「幕府の犬と子犬」 ]- 45% done (going to update this cd as a goal for my non-existent patreon unless someone sends me the audio for it on the off-chance i get donations or anything since the cd is usually costs between 2500 and 3000 yen on suruga-ya/yahoo auctions and im not willing to spend more money on cds (i think im going to start saving for ginsei no shou stuff).... plus that doesnt account for overseas shipping and other payment fees lol though id cover the bill for that. *sigh*)
Hakuoki Tsukikage no Shou - Kazama Chikage Final Chapter - 33% done
SSL Hakuo Gakuen Student General Assembly Track 3 - 25% someone uploaded this with Chinese subtitles so I’ll be able to finally translate that part where Shiranui talks with Kazama and Amagiri in the background.... huzzah lol
Hakuoki Girls fest live drama with saito, souji and kazama 10% (what I was referring to as “unknown drama”
Hakuoki otomate party 2013 drama 12%
Hana no Shou Stallaworth after story (renaming these to “after stories”. these are the ones that came from the book with Chizuru, Souji and Hijikata on it that i’ve already translated the stories for saito, yamazaki, hijikata and kazama for.) for Harada 10% 
Hakuoki ???? 28.57% (actually calculated this... tho im going to refrain from listing the name cuz im feeling mean lol. its an ssl “hakuoki other translation” tho)
Nightshade Stellaworth Kuroyuki Cd 20%
New shortlist of shortlisted stuff I still really want done:
Hana no Shou Stellaworth after stories for Souji, and Heisuke
Web drama 8 with souji and saito
Shinsengumi Oni-tan (still havent started transferring words from images from track 2 onward into text format)
character monologues
kyoka-roku rain scenario stories
kyoka-roku character cg perspectives
zuisouroku character cg perspectives
hijikata biyori track 13 and 14
otomate party 2015 psychedlica of the black butterfly drama
Anything no longer on my shortlist is still something that I intend to get to eventually tho if it’s no longer here, that means it will be done waaaay later... 
Currently, I have more than 100 different ‘tabs’ in nimble writer for Chinese Hakuoki content (it’s actually waaaaaay more than that in NW but i don’t feel like counting what isn’t right now since that’s a hassle to do), with the majority of them containing at least one hakuoki article/drama/short story though i have several tabs that contain multiple tracks [for dramas only] or multiple segments for print media or game content [really only ssl and yuugiroku 3 for that tho].... and i still haven’t counted the video content ive saved with chinese subtitles, the stuff i have saved as images or the stuff i haven’t bothered saving to my comp T_T......). also i didn’t know that the nightshade b’s logs stories were already translated and on their steam’s news page (which i’ve never checked in my life) so i’ll refrain from doing more of them.... *sigh* i apparently am not good at finding things on tumblr though in my defence i couldn’t find it under hyakka hyakurou though i did give up searching the nightshade tag after seeing too many plants.
oh and I’m probably going to start including images of the cds im missing audio for into some my posts more regularly cuz i really don’t think anyone looks at my lookout list... should probably say that i have no ETA on anything listed above since my current focus is on the ssl game content which i wanna finish asap.... i think i got 48 short stories to finish translating for that. or something? not sure if that’s an accurate number since im not sure if i counted everything properly. w/e lol. 
as a super long term goal i want 36 hakuoki things done so i have content to post for a year (min of 3 things per month as a goal lol.... ) to do whatever the hell i want on the side at a super slow pace or to finish all the relatively short stuff so i have a legitimate excuse to cut back and take my damn time since theres no way in hell i can translate a 30-60 min drama quickly lol. xD. 
Also, if anyone happens to want to translate Hakuoki stuff, or pay someone else to get translations commissioned, you can ask me for copies of the audio cds listed on my “stuff i have” page.... though I’m willing to trade for cds i don’t own if you don’t intend to do any of that.
ground rules for cds: 1) you cannot ask me anonymously, 2) do not share audio if you’re only publishing translation as text (meaning if you chose not to make a video), 3) if translations are made but are not posted publicly, send me a copy since I want them for my own entertainment (I will respect anyone’s wishes if they don’t want something shared or published online), 4) acknowledge that I may not share something if I am in the process of already translating it... that I might just be procrastinating since i haven’t ripped 99% of everything on that list, or might decide to send tracks one at a time due to other external reasons... also i don’t actually know which cds have dramas on them.
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lxveille · 6 years
like falling water
woozi x reader
word count: ~ 3500 warnings: swearing, physical intimacy / mentions of sex a/n: magic!au; 100 ways to say i love you request
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You lower yourself to a crouching position on the bathroom floor, arms folded on the edge of the sink’s basin and gaze fixed on the slowly dripping tap. There’s a gust of wind against the window. A snapping of a branch in the ongoing storm outside. All the while, your eyes stay fixed upon the drops of rivulet of water forming on the metallic lip of the tap, gathering gradually until it weighs enough to begin pulling towards. You narrow your eyes. The muscles in your arms tense when your fingers curl a bit harder against the porcelain.
The water stills. The drop remains suspended, barely clinging to the metal. A small bit of satisfaction begins to bubble up inside of you. Then your concentration is broken by a sudden call of your arm. The droplet detaches and hits the basin below to roll down the drain with a quiet plop that’s impossible to hear over your shouting back of, “Fuck! You scared me!”
Sejeong laughs, half of an apology making its way out while you pull yourself upright again. “I was just gonna ask if you’ve heard from Jihoon yet.”
“No,” you answer in a heartbeat. You avoid her gaze, choosing instead to focus far more intently than needed on the faucet handles as you turn them off all the way. “Why would I have heard from him?”
Really, you don’t have to be looking at Sejeong to feel the look she gives you.
“You know the Voyager’s ritual is today, right?” As if on cue, there’s a rumble of thunder overhead. A rattling runs through the walls from the sheer force of it.
“If I hadn’t, I would’ve caught on by now.” You nod your head towards the window as if to highlight your point.
“So...?” Sejeong lets it hang in the air for a moment, expecting you to fill in the rest of her question. You feign ignorance and shrug. “You really didn’t have anything to say to him today?” Another shrug has her sighing. “Or last night? Or anything?”
“Why do you think I have to say anything to him at all?” you snap. You already know the answer. Though you deny it. “The world doesn’t revolve around apprenticeships and the magehouses alone, you know.”
“I didn’t say it did.  But Jihoon happens to be in the Voyager’s apprentice pool. And promising one, if there’s anything to the gossip Jieqiong brings back. And you --”
“What?” you cut her off and cross your arm. 
She flounders at your tone, failing to carry on her interrupted phrase. Some part of you knows you aren’t being fair. That she’s only asking in the first place because she wants you to do what’s best for you. Sejeong just doesn’t quite understand that’s what you’ve been trying to do all the while.
“That’s Lee Jihoon,” Jieqiong leaned across the picnic blanket laid out in the afternoon sun to tell you. At the time, she’d only recently been apprenticed to the Voyager herself. And spent no small amount of time expressing how she was rather puzzled as to why they were still adding to that apprentice pool when it there was already such a heavy favorite for who the ritual would select as the inheritor of that magehouse.
You followed her gaze across an expanse of the green field to see the presumed protégé. Your sights catch first on the company that he’s with. “Isn’t that Kwon Soonyoung...?” you asked.
“Not him, the shorter one,” Jieqiong redirected your attention.
So you held in your question about when exactly Soonyoung showed back up in town and instead lowered your sunglasses from your eyes to get a better look at Jihoon. He, along with the group he’s come to the casters meet-up, settled into a spot not far from one of the basketball courts in the park. One of them must have said something amusing enough to cause an eruption of laughter. Jihoon had a full-body reaction, twisting away from his friends in a fit of giggles. They came to a stuttering stop when his eyes crossed yours by accident. For a moment, all that occurred to you to do was admire the lingering smile on his face.
Quickly thereafter, you re-positioned your dark lenses back over your eyes and lean back some on the blanket. “He looks nice.” You tried to choose your words carefully.
“He’s alright,” Jieqiong remarked, eying you over suspiciously. “You wanna meet him?” It was phrased as a question, but she already had you pinned.
No amount of denial could stop Jieqiong once she set her mind upon something. She rattled on about how the purpose of the event was for casters to be able to meet as she pulled you to your feet and started leading you through the grass.
Jieqiong took the lead on introductions. You both had the courtesy to act as if you don’t already know Soonyoung’s name and reputation when Jihoon prompted that particular exchange of names.
It was odd, at first. Jihoon didn’t seem all that relieved to have a fellow apprentice approaching him at the event. He didn’t seem off put, either, but he spoke in short sentences and always seemed to be looking for something in the surroundings when the conversation first began. It made you feel as though you were being invasive just by asking if he was having a good time. But with Jieqiong caught up in discussion with his friends, somehow it ended up boiling down to feeling like it was just the two of you.
You pulled out your phone to check the time, or perhaps to try to discreetly send a text to Sejeong to ask her to come save you from the stilted conversation.
“Is that...?” Jihoon started before you could come up with a plan. When you placed his way, you found him peering and pointing towards your lock screen. You had set it to an insignia from the latest superhero series you’d gotten far too invested in a few weeks ago. Your face began to flush, feeling called out. What a silly thing for a caster to be into, you imagined running through his head. You ought to find such things so humdrum with the capabilities you have. With the truths you know of the universe.
You darkened the screen and put the phone face-down on your lap. “Well, I --” You didn’t finish whatever excuse you were going to try to come up with. Cut off by the surprise of a seeing a  surprised kind of smile coming onto Jihoon’s features. (And oh, you liked how he looked with a smile on.)
He put a hand on the grass between where the two of you were sitting, leaning in almost like he had a secret to share. “Who’s your favorite character?” he asked.
You nearly burst out laughing out of sheer relief. Instead you smiled back, a new and mutual understanding passing into the aura between the two of you, and answered.
The conversation flowed from there with enough ease and force that you didn’t notice when Jieqiong started sending glances your way. That it didn’t entirely click when Sejeong showed up and asked Jieqiong if she wanted to go for coffee together. That it took daylight slipping away for you and Jihoon to notice how long you’d been content doing nothing but talking together.
In the end, it was endearing that there was still a tinge of nervousness in his voice when Jihoon asked for your number. As if there were a universe where you could’ve even dreamed of turning him down. If one exists, it certainly isn’t the one you’re experiencing.
Your phone buzzes on the cafe table where you’ve settled down for the afternoon. The rain stopped some time ago, which means firstly that you didn’t have to lug an umbrella along with you. Secondly (more importantly, Sejeong would say) it means the Voyager’s ritual is over. That Jihoon would have news.
Good news, in all likelihood. But news you have decided not to let yourself care about all the same.
Nonetheless, you glance at the caller ID. There’s a familiar picture on your screen. A picture you took of him over a late breakfast at a diner one morning. He looks none too happy to have a camera pointed at him, and despite the scowl in his eyes there is still a slight uptick in his lips; the smallest and the most important indication that he was, in fact, happy to be there with you. The name reads Lee Jihoon.
You stare a while longer as the phone continues to vibrant. It shifts a few inches on the table top. You settle your hand over it -- thumb on one side and ring finger on the other. Two fingers hover over the screen. They’re not in the right place to cover up his name. They are, however, perfectly poised to accept or decline the call.
A small voice nags inside your mind, asking why he’d be calling. It’s not the first time you’ve wondered as much. (Back when it began, the same question would blossom in your head. The possible answers have evolved over time. From pseudo-casual invitations to openly wanting to see you to simply needing to hear your voice at the end of a day. Sometimes his ‘end of day’ is more ‘middle of the night’. Somehow you have never been all that angry at him when you wake up to a ringtone in the dark of your bedroom. His voice has only ever made you want him nearer.) It feels different, though, sitting here and knowing what you do. Why, after a day that surely has changed his life, would he feel compelled to dial your number?
Because he doesn’t think today changes anything for us, you answer back. You call it reason. You know better.
You let the call ring out. Let the photo of him disappear off your screen.
For what must be a solid minute afterwards, all you can do is stare at the darkened screen of your phone. The bright lights hanging overhead in the coffee shop reflect almost perfectly on the black surface, interrupted only by the lingering shadows of your indecisive fingertips.
Lucky your head is far more resolute.
You change your lock screen first. Then you remove the contact photo from under his entry.
The next time your phone buzzes, it’s a text from Jieqiong that reads, “we need to talk”. Before you get a chance to even open up the message properly, a second one comes in. This one makes you pause. It makes something tight and unpleasant began to coil beneath your collarbones.
“The ritual didn’t go as planned.”
It wasn’t a date.
It was the fourth day you hung out with Jihoon following meeting him. But it wasn’t a date. Explicitly so, you insisted to your friends when you texted that you couldn’t join them from an impromptu froyo trip.
“What are you rolling your eyes for?” Jihoon asked from the other side of the couch.
“Just, you know,  Jieqiong -- when she gets an idea in her head,” you answered vaguely, looking up at him from your phone. He hummed in a kind of understanding.
“What is it?”
“Nothing important.”
He accepted it as an answer, gaze shifting back to the television. Yours, however, lingered on Jihoon. Fixated on the mix of sunlight and television’s glow against his skin and upwards angle on his lips, you found yourself rethinking just what the word important meant.
It was your hand that touched his first.
His eyes flitted back to you. A whole host of questions didn’t ever make it out of his mouth; you could practically feel them in the way he scanned you over, and yet he didn’t say a single one. His smile didn’t vanish, either.
He shifted his hand under yours so your palms were pressed together. His pinky, and ring fingers curled around the side of your hand, pressing in gently against your skin. The pressure felt more curious than insistent. There were a few spells that drifted to the front of your mind; things that could clear the air of complications left by the uncertainty of things left unsaid, or things that could ease the feeling of pinpricks at the back of your neck at his touch. In the end, you decided you didn’t want any kind of remedy for this.
“You’re not the kind to lean in first, are you?” You asked him. You didn’t know how much time had ticked by since your hand had found his. The quiet touch had been comfortable, somehow, despite the itching for a bit more beneath it all.
Jihoon’s cheeks turned a shade of pink that made you think of peonies.
“What kind of question is that?” he asked -- caught off guard, but not off-put. His hand stayed where it was, wrapped around your own. You gave a breathy laugh, a warmth rising on your face, and slumped one shoulder into his side.
Looking up at him from your newfound position against him on the couch, you suggested, “We could both. On three.”
At that, it was Jihoon’s turn to laugh. Peonies turned to poppies, and you caught the exact moment his smile turned to a grin before nerves had him glance away. “You’re being weird,” he deflected.
“Probably,” you admitted, and glance back down to your linked hands, “But also serious.”
When your eyes met his again, he somehow seemed even closer than before. “On three?” you asked, your voice so low it was more a puff of air than it was a question.
“Screw that,” Jihoon answered, and proved you wrong by letting his lips fall upon your own first.
You’d never been more glad to be wrong.
Plans can be a tricky thing. Often contingent on assumptions. That’s about all the explanation Jieqiong can muster when you call her from the coffee shop. Planning for the outcome of a centuries old inheritance-selection ritual, she admits, was probably a step even further beyond presumptuous than anyone familiar with magic should be.
“So not Jihoon, then?” you try to clarify her meaning. She sounds exhausted on the other end of the line.
“An alchemist, at that,” she tells you, like it adds insult to injury. (It does, in some ways. Admittedly, Jihoon had never seemed all that caught up in the tension between the branches of magic; certainly less so than many of the others in his coven, at least. He told you once about a covenmate of his who would nearly choose death over an alchemist’s company. All the same, it’s unpleasant to think some forces of nature are turning towards the magic you don’t practice.)
“Are you okay?” you ask her next. Mostly because these things can be dangerous, according to stories you’ve heard. The tone in her voice calls for making sure she’s alright.
She exhales into the receiver on her phone, causing a crackling, windy sound. “I’m fine. Probably going to go take the longest nap I can.”
“Well, then call me when you wake up, alright?” you request. “Sejeong and I can come over with wine.”
That manages to earn a laugh from Jieqiong. She promises she’ll text, at least, and let you know if she’s up to that.
Once she hangs up, it takes you several moments to put your phone back on the table. There’s an icon in the corner of your screen still, indicating that you missed one call.
You don’t want to think about what state he might be in. About what thoughts must be eating away at him. About why he called you.
It was easy and unstoppable after that afternoon on Jihoon’s couch.
Teasing remarks about how they’d seen it coming from day one didn’t even bother you all that much. All the same, you never admitted that you and Jihoon were anything more than friends. No matter the lingering glances anyone caught being exchanged between the two of you or the love bites Sejeong caught you putting foundation over in the morning.
You hardly even admitted it to yourself. Of course, you had to make allowances for something beyond the platonic when there was no one else around. You couldn’t deny that. Not with how quick you were yourself to twine your fingers with his. Not with the way his laughter fanned over your skin as he fumbled with the fastens on your clothes and the mixture of relief, affection and arousal that came into his gaze once he got them off.
It was always in the coming-downs that you felt closest to acknowledging in full what your heart already knew. Wherever it was that the two of you would be, a veil of ease seemed to fall over the two of you after sex that lulled you into a sense of constancy and comfort.
That was when words passed most openly between you and Jihoon. For as much conversation as you were able to have in other circumstances, there was a kind of line neither one of you remembered drawing when it came to discussing your most closely-held feelings. Except in tangles of sheets and with lingering, lazy hands upon each other’s skin, it was much harder to remember what lines even were.
“I’m bad at these things,” Jihoon would often say, before managing to utter something that made your heart beat all too quickly in your chest and drawing the fondest of smiles onto your lips.
But the things you wanted to say to him changed after the Voyager’s upcoming ritual was announced.
You found yourself catching your breath in the afterglow and thinking of the world beyond the two of you. There were expectations set upon him; responsibilities and a surely grueling schedule waiting for him on the other side of the ritual. Things you’d never even wanted to imagine. There were reasons, after all, that you never sought out an apprenticeship. Namely that no amount of specialization and strengthening of magic seemed worth the risk of the weight that would come with being selected as a protégé . But Jihoon had. He’d sought it out -- dedicated almost all of himself to it.
In many ways, you thought it might have been selfish of you to be worried about his future. It didn’t seem possible that it could be a shared future. Or at least not one shared you. Time would be too precious and scarce to allow for it, you assumed.
So lying on your side in the afternoon wearing nothing but a sheet and Jihoon’s arm around your waist, you were tempted to ask him not to go to the ritual. The sun had reached just the right angle to stream in through his window. The direct light spread a reassuring warmth across the back of your neck and shoulders. 
When you asked about the ritual happening in a few days, your were nearly surprised at just how calm your voice sounded. Jihoon’s eyes were closed -- perhaps because of the sun shining on his face -- but he told you what you wanted to know. When it would start. What would be involved. How long it would probably take before the ritual finished and the next Voyager would known.
“It’s important to you, isn’t it?” you asked. Something in your tone must have been more of tell than you thought, because he peeked his eyes open to look you over at that. A small bit of guilt tugged at your gut and made you add, “It’s okay that it is. Obviously.”
Jihoon propped himself up on one arm. The new angle allowed him a better look at you. “It is,” he confirmed, “But you’re important too.”
It was difficult not to smile at that. All the same, there was something deeper rooted in the back of your mind that kept his words from easing your aura. In an odd way, it made your heart sink a bit further. “That’s easier to say now,” you mumbled up at him once you finally placed your finger on the why of it.
“It’s not like the Matchmaker, you know,” he replied, and leaned down a bit to ghost his lips over yours. “I’d still be allowed to have a... personal life.” He chose the last words carefully. With more caution than these moments of intimacy between you both usually called for. (It wasn’t until later that day, when you laid alone in your own bed, that you realized it might have been tied to the fact that whatever there was between you and Jihoon had yet to named.)
You stared at him, trying to find some indication that he doubted his own reassurance to you. Instead, all you saw was the same calm, contented smile you’d grown so fond of.
A decision started then; a quiet but insistent one that started coiling itself around your mind. Being allowed isn’t the same as being able. Just because Jihoon hadn’t realized it yet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start bracing yourself for when he inevitably would.
The truth is that you know why Jihoon called.
He needs you.
The trouble is that you don’t know if you have it in yourself to be there for him. Not with all the effort you’ve put into convincing yourself you don’t need him.
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
[[ Random Survey Questions // By @x-hallie-x ]] 1. When was the last time you just wanted to be alone? What about the last time you really wanted to be around people? >> I don’t remember the last time I wanted either of these things consciously... like, they might be vague thoughts or feelings floating around in my headspace, but I don’t always focus on them. Also, I’m never alone, technically, so I guess there’s that.
2. Have you ever gone somewhere in your pajamas? What makes this acceptable or unacceptable to you? >> Yeah, sure, I used to walk to bodegas and shit in NYC in pajamas quite often. There’s really no point in changing if I’m just walking down the street to get a 40 or a sandwich, like... Also, the only dress requirement for leaving the house in a casual sense is to just be decent -- bits covered, you know. The idea that one must wear a certain kind of clothing in order to be seen outside of one’s domicile isn’t necessarily true. (Now, if I were going to a specific venue that did have a specific mode of dress -- a certain kind of event, say, or a government office, or something, then yes, I would wear the appropriate clothing. But like, no one in your local corner store cares how the fuck you’re dressed as long as you’re dressed.)
3. Other than the usual things like IDs, etc, what do you always carry with you when you go out? >> The only things that are always present with me when I leave the house, no matter where I’m going, are the standard PKW (phone, keys, wallet) and my lip balm. (If it’s daytime, then also sunglasses.)
4. If you were to go on a picnic, what type of setting would you prefer, what types of food would you bring, and would you bring anyone along with you? >> Honestly, anywhere somewhat nature-y is good as far as location is concerned, even if it’s just a municipal park or a place like Union Square (which isn’t a park so much as it’s a... like, town-square kind of construct). I guess the food I’d bring would just be anything portable and easy to eat without needing a table (sandwiches are always good, of course, but even something like a plate from the hot-food spread at Whole Foods is good, I’ve picnicked with that). A lot of my outdoor eating escapades have been alone, so like, it doesn’t matter who’s with me, I guess. Anyone who wants to come.
5. What is one song you feel as though you sing particularly well, if any? >> Guaranteed by Eddie Vedder. I think Eddie and I have a lot of vocal similarities. Which is good, because I love him and his voice. :p
6. Have you ever kept a mood chart or anything like that? Did it help you pick up any useful patterns in your moods? >> I’ve never tried to keep a chart of them, no, especially since I’m not sure what half of my feelings even are, when I do have them.
7. What was the last lengthy task you completed? >> The survey I took yesterday. :p
8. Do you look toward the future or focus more on the here and now? Are you good at being in the moment, or do you always feel drawn to worrying about other things? >> I do a lot better when I only have the present to focus on. It kinda glitches me to think about the future too much, not because of anxiety or anything, but just because it kind of doesn’t make sense to me. I can think about the future in entirely abstract terms, like for the sake of argument or flights of fancy, but not in any concrete sense. It is the greatest great unknown, and I’ve never had any success trying to manipulate it or understand myself through it. I don’t know what I’m going to be doing (or who I will be) in the next hour, and people want me to think about months and years into the future?! Wild. I also think that the way I’ve lived the past decade-plus before moving here made thinking about the future really difficult for me, because I was really living from day to day. When I’m concerned about where I’m going to sleep from night to night, planning for a future seems like a luxury rather than a fact of life. But also, I guess... I just like to focus on what I’m doing right now. I like to be present here. I have a pretty deep-set confidence that the future will take care of itself as long as I take care of the present, but if I focus too much on the future then I will have missed the plot entirely. I feel more secure when I focus on the present. It is the only point in time in which I truly exist.
9. What does it mean to you to have empathy? Do you think you’re an empathetic person? >> I’m not really sure what empathy means anymore, to be honest. I definitely don’t consider myself an empathetic person, by any of the definitions that I’ve heard. I think I can empathise with fictional characters, because I’m a storyteller and jumping into the heads of characters is kind of integral to telling honest stories... but actual people in front of me, not so much. (Characters are a lot less complex by design, anyway. Kind of like the difference between Sims and people -- Sims’ needs and motivations are pretty obvious and predictable, whereas people are... wild cards, a lot of the time.)
10. What was the last thing you did that was particularly selfish? What about selfLESS? >> I’m really not sure. 
11. What is something about your life that is currently beyond your control? >> The weather, lmao. I’m watching it get real cloudy real fast and I’m like “but... I want the sun... :(” The weather don’t care what I want. ... Annnnnd it just started raining. Pfft.
12. What is one small thing you could do to change about your life for the better? >> Eating healthier is always the top option. I mean, I don’t eat badly or anything, it’s just that there’s always improvement to be made in that area. But I also understand that obsessing over my consumption is actually just as counterproductive, so I try not to make a big deal out of it, and just enjoy what I’m eating. We all gotta die of something anyway, I guess. It might as well taste good, or else what is really even the point.
13. What type of photography do you enjoy looking at? Do you take any photos yourself, and if so, what types of things do you prefer to photograph? >> I like urban photography -- not necessarily shiny cityscapes, but more like... street-level urban, like of old abandoned buildings and back alleys and people sitting on stoops and just city life. I like various landscapes, especially deserts/tundras, and marshes and complex ecosystems. And I like photography that evokes certain Moods(tm), whether it be because of the content or because of the lighting or the framing or... whatever. It’s definitely that “I know it when I see it” kind of thing. I don’t really take photos of anything except myself and random things I want to show people, I guess.
14. Have you ever gone out for the black friday shopping rush? Did you enjoy it, or not so much? Or, what’s the busiest shopping day you’ve ever experienced? >> I have never been shopping on Black Friday, but I have been just out and about while it was happening. I don’t really care for that kind of thing -- I like the sales and stuff, but I don’t like the mad rush. It just makes me feel kinda... alienated, like, in a “this is what life is?” kind of way. Just a deeply personal feeling, nothing against the whole concept.
15. Do you enjoy reading diaries or stories you wrote from when you were younger, or does it embarrass you? If you’ve kept them, was there a particular reason for hanging on to them so long? >> I do enjoy reading those things, and I wish I had more of them, but the ones that were on paper have been lost for a long time and a lot of the internet sites I used in the beginning are no longer active and the content has been lost (or I can’t find it anymore). My old deviantART accounts are pretty much the oldest content of mine that still exists on the internet in a form that I can access, and although a lot of that stuff is definitely amusing, I can’t imagine finding it embarrassing. 
16. What would you say was your first true hobby? What about your most recently developed one? >> Drawing, maybe? I don’t know. My most recently developed one is probably MMO gaming.
17. Is there one thing that throws off your mood more than others, whether it be lack of sleep, lack of food, heat // cold, etc? & when was the last time you felt especially cranky? >> I’m not sure, since keeping track of my moods isn’t something I really do with any success or skill. Maybe sensory overload -- that’s always a reliable mood-tanker, and a lot of my inexplicable moodiness/mental exhaustion can probably be attributed to just being overloaded. The last time I felt cranky was last evening, and I’m not sure why, but it probably had something to do with being frustrated about Dragon Age Inquisition being broken and then like... some low-grade dissatisfaction with life or something. Nothing worth making a mountain out of.
18. What are some ways you deal with stress? Are these healthy or helpful to you? >> Distraction is usually my method. Playing video games, watching tv or youtube, slam-dunking myself into a pile of plushies, making origami stars and listening to music, that sort of thing. And yeah, I think distracting myself from stress is pretty healthy for me, since it lowers the cortisol and enables me to approach whatever is stressing me out later on without the heightened emotional response. (Although, also, a fair amount of my stress isn’t based on anything that’s solvable or like... worth even giving attention, so the distraction enables me to refocus my energies onto something actually worth doing, so then later I can just be like “lmao that wasn’t even a big deal” and go on with my life.)
19. What advice, if any, would you give someone else in your situation? >> I’m not sure what situation I’m in, lmao.
20. In general, are you the type to feel comfortable giving advice? Has anyone ever come to you for advice and you had no idea what to tell them? >> I feel comfortable giving it if it’s an area I feel experienced or skilled in. Otherwise I’ll just flat-out say that I don’t have any advice, or point them to someone that might.
21. What is one common area of life in which you feel you have little to no experience (college, children, marriage, etc)? >> Definitely college, I can’t even... like, fathom college. What is college even like??? All I have to go by is movies and shit, lmao. I’ve not been married yet, so that’ll be a new experience (although I strongly suspect it won’t be too much different from being unmarried, aside from getting accustomed to using a different set of words to describe my relationship). I have no experience in not being poor, since I’ve never not been poor. This is the most not-poor I’ve felt, but like, that’s not because of anything that’s changed in my personal finances. I just live in a cooperative household.
22. What kinds of things are you likely to complain about? >> I don’t know, really. I don’t do a whole lot of complaining unless it’s a quick vent and then I move on (or unless someone I’m talking to is bitching about something and I’m like “OMG SAME” and we have a little bitchfest lmao). I don’t really like to focus on stuff like that.
23. Besides money, what is something you would like to have more of in your life? >> Meatspace socialisation.
24. What types of blogs do you like to follow? If you have a tumblr, how has your blogging style changed over the years, if at all? >> I follow over 900 blogs, I don’t even know what my “type” is. I just follow whatever looks good at the time, and then unfollow if I get bored of the content or whatever. I think my blogging style has changed in the sense that I’m not as... talkative? I used to make a lot more text posts on my personal and then I kind of just... stopped. I’m trying to get back into it lately, varying up my content, appearing more like a person instead of just a reblog bot.
25. Do you like to put any extra effort into your food in terms of presentation, or do you prefer to just put it on a plate and eat it as it is, no frills? >> I don’t, because I... I don’t know, executive dysfunction, I guess. Also, like... I don’t have the stuff I want, like the kind of dishes I like, etc, and the kitchen is small and disorganised and usually I just want to get out of it as quickly as possible and yeah, I can’t be bothered with making my food look nice when I can barely be bothered with making food, period. I do like presentation and all of that, I think it’s great and definitely adds to the joy of eating. It’s just... not something I can do right now.
26. When was the last time you were mean or rude to someone else? How about the last time someone acted that way toward you? >> I don’t remember. I don’t think I’m especially rude in general, I’m just straightforward and I think people prefer sweeter tones or whatever. I’d rather put my social energy into saying what I mean rather than saying it in a way that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy, or whatever, I don’t know. It’s just not a priority of mine to sound “nice”. It’s never been. I don’t remember the last time someone was rude to me, mostly because I forget shit like that really easily. It’s low on the importance scale.
27. What kinds of things are most likely to make you lose your temper? Have you ever done something regrettable or embarrassing while angry? >> It’s really hard to get me to lose my temper completely, which is good, because I already give an aggressive impression -- imagine what it’s like when I’m actually feeling aggressive. I’ve definitely done things that I would rather not have done when I’m angry, which is another reason why it’s good I don’t get angry often.
28. What has stood out about this day in particular? Has this day been an average day in terms of what you usually experience? >> Well, it’s still only 11a. That random two-minute rain was interesting (it’s now partly-cloudy again), but that’s it so far, really. This is a pretty average day.
29. How would you describe your current mood? Do you experience a lot of highs and lows or are your moods relatively stable? What is the most your mood has changed in a day? >> My mood is my normal baseline, which is... no mood. Like, I really don’t have a mood most of the day, unless something specific happens to change it. I kind of exist in a comfortable greyness most of the time, with little spikes here and there.
30. Do you remember what it was that got you into taking surveys in the first place, or why you initially decided to stick with them? Where did you originally start out taking surveys? Are there any blogs you recommend (lol, I’m always looking for more surveys!)? >> Man, I have noooo idea. It was over 10 years ago by now, so surveys really just feel like a permanent fixture in my life. I think I first took them on MySpace? That seems likely. And I’m in the same boat as you, I think, lmao -- I just take the ones in the tag or on LJ or whatever the “random” function on Bzoink gives me that isn’t terrible (there are so many bad surveys on that site lmfao).
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yeoldontknow · 7 years
Author’s Note: lord i didnt think id be writing this so soon but ive been so soft (tm) and pcy has been doing the most(tm) so here we are i guess. this is the first part of his Did You See story. im weak as hell lmao Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader (oc; female) Summary: Chanyeol is your best friend and travel buddy. Everywhere you go, he falls a little bit more in love with you. Eventually, he tells you why he goes everywhere with you - just you.  Genre: fluff; angst Rating: PG-13 Warnings: some swearing Word Count: 5,356
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Yeolo sent a Photo Yeolo[12:04 AM]: LOOK!!! YN[12:05 AM]: this is shockingly neat YN[12:06 AM]: im stunned Yeolo[12:06 AM]: :< Yeolo[12:07 AM]: i am neat :< YN[12:08 AM]: youre like… YN[12:09 AM]: slightly organized chaos Yeolo[12:10 AM] - Message sent with Confetti: CHAOS
Yeolo[12:11 AM]: do you like how i rolled my shirts ! YN[12:12 AM]: im mostly impressed with how fucking many you fit in there Yeolo[12:13 AM]: WELL!! Yeolo[12:14 AM]: you know different shirts for different moods… Yeolo[12:14 AM]: weather YN[12:15 AM]: IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?? Yeolo[12:15 AM]: WAT WAT YN sent a Photo with Mark Up Yeolo[12:16 AM]: YES YES THE HOODIE HE IS COMING YN[12:17 AM]: I AM STEALING HIM ON DAY 2 AND YOU WILL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN Yeolo[12:18 AM]: *frowns loudly* he YN[12:19 AM] - Message sent with Celebration: his butt is mine Yeolo[12:20 AM]: do you still heave beat it in your head from JDs party???? YN[12:21 AM]: listen if i have to suffer with it YN[12:21 AM]: you have to suffer with me Yeolo[12:22 AM]: yikes YN[12:24 AM]: are you taking any converters? Yeolo[12:24 AM]: yeah you can use mine YN[12:25 AM]: yay! Yeolo[1:06 AM]: are you nervous? Yeolo[1:07 AM]: wait are you up Yeolo[1:08 AM]: im nervous but idk why YN[1:09 AM]: im up. i wouldnt say im nervous weve done this a million times YN[1:10 AM]: i just dont like flying very much Yeolo[1:11 AM]: no one really likes flying Yeolo[1:12 AM]: but ill hold your hand the whole time YN[1:13 AM] - Message sent with Love: u Yeolo[1:13 AM] - Message sent with Fireworks: me Yeolo[1:15 AM]: can i come over? Yeolo[1:16 AM]: i sleep better next you YN[1:17 AM]: you haven't needed to ask for 5 years don't be a goose YN[1:18 AM]: but yes im too excited to sleep anyway Yeolo[1:19 AM]: ill bring my shit so we can just go to the airport together YN[1:20 AM]: key is under the mat. im getting your fave blanket out of the closet Yeolo[1:21 AM]: !!!! Yeolo[1:22 AM]: ill just take the spare toothbrush i have there with me instead of my good electric one YN[1:23 AM]: u is smert Yeolo[1:24 AM]: i be there in 10 minie YN[1:25 AM]: 10 MINIES!!!
Remaining in bed, you lay back and stare at the ceiling, heartbeat keeping time with the rain against your window. You think you love him most when he’s like this, needy and clingy and over excited. London was his idea, or maybe it was yours, or, possibly, you thought of it at the same time. It felt like it, the way you both talked excitedly on his couch eight months ago, bare feet battling for dominance on the tattered cushion. The way the words spilled eagerly from your mouths, the way he’d already Googled, and you’d already used your credit card points for airline tickets, it felt like you were connected, united.
Something as simple as this, as planning a trip, felt remarkable and exciting. The phrase ‘why don't we go’ igniting a fire in your veins, making the world sound sweeter just because he spun city names into gold against his tongue. Always, it’s like this with him, life becoming an thrilling bundle of possibility, filled with magic and wonder, and existing without obstacles. It’s like this with him because he makes it so, his mouth only ever giving you the best words and your heart unable to say no at the sight of his wide eyes.
Precisely ten minutes later, Chanyeol’s heavy feet resonate throughout the hall as he struggles up the stairs to your door. Already, between the plaster and the wood of your door, you can feel him, his energy permeating your space and making your heart feel heavy with want. The sound of him alone wakes you up, invigorates you, sending sparks along your skin that make you feel electric or magnetic, or maybe both.
After six years of knowing Chanyeol, learning his noise and learning his breath, you are skilled at discerning his mood from the sound of his steps. Tonight, he is elated, hurried in his movements and wholly unburdened by the weight of his suitcase, driven into a clamor by the force of his excitement. Tonight, he is humming, as quietly as he can, yet still his voice his a thunderclap, barreling through the walls and deep into your bloodstream. You don't recognize what he's humming, the sound slow and somber, but it sounds important, like he's very serious about getting the notes right, and you find yourself frowning when he stops, saddened by the loss of the his voice.
At the first sounds of the spare key sliding into the lock, you turn over in bed, making room for him on the mattress, in your life, in your body, ready to keep him with you for always. When he pushes through the door, clambering with his limbs and his bags, he releases a giddy sigh, an exclamation of relief that makes a smile spread across your lips. Keeping still, you listen as he moves through your house and into your kitchen with sure steps. He turns on the electric kettle, the one he bought your for Christmas three years ago. Rummaging through your cupboard, the one he helped you build, he pulls out mug with a happy chuckle. Something has amused him, and you swoon into the bed at the sound, pressing your head against your pillows with a sigh.
You know he thinks of this space as his, moves around it openly and possessively, because his memories exist within the paint and the furnishings just as much as yours. Not least because he spends the majority of his time in the space you occupy, your flat larger and quieter than his own, but because he was the one who found it for you. Because, when your life felt as though it was ending, he was the one who built it back up around you, with you, leaving his traces on all the new pieces.
It is not that you expected your relationship with Ethan to last forever, merely that, after Ethan, you thought there would be something. When you found Ethan in your bed with another woman, hands and mouth pulling at her skin as if he wanted to make a home of her body, you found you simply didn't want anything. His lies had reduced you to nothing and, while you knew it was not the case, you felt nothing was what you deserved forevermore.
For two weeks, you slept on Chanyeol's couch, curled into a ball and trying not to be a burden. For five more, you slept in his bed, neither sexual nor wanting it to be, simply because he said he wanted you comfortable. Then, he said it was because no one should cry alone. Then, and lastly, because he said he never felt comfortable without you beside him. Not anymore.
His hands shook when he showed you the advertisement, and you wondered why he was nervous. Looking at your feet and with his voice quite small, he said he didn't want you to think he was kicking you out. You said, ‘are you?’ And he just looked at you, suddenly the most serious you've ever seen him, and said, ‘I just want you to have something that's yours.’ Sincerity looked beautiful on Chanyeol, not that he was insincere, but this was transcendent. You felt him then, like a knife. You don't think you’ve stopped feeling him since.
He never really went home after you moved in, just brought an air bed and stayed with you until you could afford decent furniture. You cried a lot those first few days, scared but not alone, and wondering how you could, or would, cope with this sudden something. Chanyeol held you, tighter than usual, and didn't say anything just clung to you until you were tired and wholly exhausted from living. You think that was when his habit for humming started, those days when his voice was a comfort, a lullaby, and its sound evolving into something you felt belonged to you.
Painting the living room was your favourite day, the first day you ever saw him, really saw him. The paint on his cheek made him look wild, like he was at war with the wall and was trying to win you over. You didn't know how to tell him he'd already won. You think he won the day you met him, you just needed the world to take on better colours.
The sound of your door opening shakes you from your thoughts, and Chanyeol enters with a grin, hair messy and cheeks puffy from lack of sleep. He's arrived already in his pajamas, ready to be comfortable and ready to be near you, and you watch, turning the sheets over for him, as he climbs into the bed with careful placements of his limbs.
‘Here,’ he says, handing you a mug - his favourite, the one he leaves for himself.
Careful not to spill anything, you take it, letting your fingers graze momentarily to feel the spark once more, and smell its contents.
‘Is this chamomile?’
Chanyeol settles against the pillows with a hum, and turns onto his side to face you. ‘It’ll help you de-stress,’ he shrugs, before his hand snakes into the pocket of his hoodie. ‘I also got you this.’
He hands you something black, something plastic, and, in the dim light of the bedroom, it takes you a moment to recognize it.
‘A sleeping mask?’ You glance at him, confused.
‘With cucumber.’ Laying back to nestle into the bed, he pulls out his phone and yawns. ‘You’re always super hot on flights and you never sleep. So, just try this please.’
‘You’re a nerd,’ you murmur, glad he is distracted and unable to see the blush that is blooming beneath your cheeks.
‘And you are annoying,’ he retorts, peering up at you with a grin, tongue between his teeth.
Dropping the mask to your nightstand, you sigh, somewhat heavy for the light feeling in your chest. ‘But you love me.’
‘And you love me.’
It feels too raw to agree or acknowledge the statement, like saying anything will force you to say absolutely everything, and so instead you remain silent, keeping your tongue locked behind your teeth so as not to give yourself away.
Time passes steadily, your body relaxing simply because he is near and you can hear the even rise and fall of his breath. The rain and his quiet hums become a soundtrack for your slow sipping of the tea, scrolling through your phone mindlessly, unfocused, and running through your packing checklist once more. 
Eventually, Chanyeol puts his phone beneath a pillow and cuddles against you, resting his head on your shoulder as he watches you scroll. Sometimes, he reaches forward to tap the screen, teasing you by threatening to like pictures on Instagram that belong to people you know of, but do not really know. You fight him off weakly, push yourself away, tell him he’s being an ass, and warning that you will spill, but you don’t mean it. Not at all. The cup is empty, anyway.
After thirty minutes, you place your phone and mug on the nightstand beside the mask, turning over in the bed to face him. For a while, you say nothing, just admire the way his hair falls over his forehead and into his eyes, the small mole on his nose, the way his mouth pouts slightly, the way just seeing you seems to make him smile - or perhaps, he’s simply excited.
Pressing yourself closer to him, you yawn. ‘Did you remember your passport?’
Chanyeol rears back, eyes wide and lips parted in horror, paling in the wake of your words. Your stomach drops.
‘Yes,’ he laughs, reaching out from under the blanket to tap your nose. ‘I remembered it.’
Rolling your eyes, you bury your face in the pillow. ‘We should sleep,’ you announce, voice muffled. ‘We have a long drive to the airport tomorrow.’
He nuzzles close, draping an arm over your waist to pull you into his chest. Curling against him with a happy sigh, you press your ear to his sternum to hear his heartbeat. It flutters, just once. ‘Do you think it’ll be raining like this in London?’ he ponders quietly as he draws lazy circles along your spine.
‘It might be,’ you murmur, instantly relaxing into his hold and feeling yourself slip into sleep.
‘I hope so,’ his whispers into your hair, tightening his hold on your body. ‘It’ll feel like tonight never ended.’
You didn’t think the mask would work, but it does. Somewhere over Iceland, you fall asleep against Chanyeol’s shoulder, soothed by the cool mask and his reassuring grip in your hand. Your body tilts into his until you are resting at his side, and he lifts his arm to pull you close, tucking the blanket beneath your chin. Sleeping, simply sleeping, with you is a quiet gift from the universe, one he relishes with his whole heart.
Because you are sleeping, he is free to watch you and free to want you without limitations. Always, he wants to touch you, has stop himself from stroking his thumb along your cheek and across your lips. Always, he has to remind himself that you are not his, you are not his touch nor his to have, but how he wants you. Oh, how he wants you with every beat of his weary heart.
You are not his, so when he sees the green and amber lights erupt just beyond the window, he nudges you awake. Bleary eyed and cranky, you whine for him to stop until he points, makes you see the lights and how they transform the earth into an alien thing, a new thing, something you cannot imagine existing within.
You are not his, so when he sees the Aurora Borealis, he nudges you awake simply so he can share one moment with you. One moment he can call ours.
Yeolo sent a Photo Yeolo[6:31 PM]: whats this YN[6:34 PM]: un stylo Yeolo sent a Photo Yeolo[6:35 PM]: ???? YN[6:36 PM]: un café Yeolo[6:37 PM]: how do i say map? YN[6:38 PM]: i already taught you that one lmao la carte Yeolo[6:39 PM]: train station YN[6:39 PM]: la gare YN[6:40 PM]: how do you say im lost Yeolo[6:41 PM]: uhhhhhhhh Yeolo[6:42 PM]: je me losté YN[6:43 PM]: INCORRECT Yeolo[6:43 PM]: T____T FRENCH IS HARD YN[6:44 PM]: weve been over this one: je suis perdu Yeolo[6:45 PM]: why do you just assume im going to get lost Yeolo[6:46 PM]: the other vocab is more fun :< YN[6:47 PM]: its not an assumption i have money riding on it with baek Yeolo[6:48 PM]: you guys are assholes YN[6:49 PM]: connards Yeolo sent a Photo Yeolo[6:51 PM]: what is this YN[6:52 PM]: un ananas YN[6:52 PM]: when are you ever going to need pineapple on this trip??? Yeolo[6:53 PM]: YOU NEVER KNOW Yeolo sent a Photo Yeolo[6:54 PM]: this? YN[6:59 PM]: moi YN[6:59 PM]: when did you take this?? i didnt even see you doing it Yeolo[7:01 PM]: at sooberrys bonfire last week Yeolo sent a photo Yeolo[7:02 PM]: AND THIS? YN[7:03 PM]: un branleur Yeolo[7:04 PM]: wait idk that word Yeolo[7:04 PM]: countess tell me what that means YN[7:06 PM] - Message sent with Loud Effect: COUNTESS? Yeolo[7:08 PM] - Sent with Slam Effect: HEY!! Yeolo[7:08 PM]: i googled! im not a wanker! YN sent a Video Yeolo[7:09 PM]: thats the most emasculating eye roll ive ever seen Yeolo[7:10 PM]: *cries loudly* YN[7:11 PM]: tell me why you called me countess Yeolo[7:13 PM]: no youre being mean :< YN sent a Photo Yeolo[7:14 PM]: stop pouting !!!! Yeolo[7:15 PM]: my heart !!! YN[7:17 PM]: fine YN[7:18 PM]: the correct word for that picture is très mignon Yeolo[7:19 PM]: CUTE! YOU THINK IM VERY CUTE YN[7:20 PM]: of course you know that and not the IMPORTANT WORDS
In the middle of the Notre Dame, Chanyeol slips his fingers between yours and squeezes. Several moments pass before you realize he’s done this, and you, shaken and trembling, are too weak to truly look up at him. You know how you look, wide eyed and trying not to cry, emotions running free and rampant, turning you into a vulnerable, fragile thing. Overwhelmed, is how you think you feel, body and heart too full of beautiful things to truly process everything in front of you. Looking at Chanyeol would cause the dam inside you to fissure, shattering just enough to release the deluge, and you don’t think you are strong enough to survive such an onslaught of emotional veracity. Not today, at least. Not when everything around you is so perfectly quiet. 
Leading you over to a pew, he sits beside you but does not let go of your hand. For one hour, you remain in silence. It’s the longest you think he’s ever gone without saying a word, and when you finally gather the strength to look at him, when you finally think you truly could be brave, if only so you could keep his after image alive in your mind for eternity, you see that he looks just the same as you.
Reverence has settled on and underneath his skin, giving him an ethereal glow from the inside out. The sun pours through the stained glass windows, and the bronze and honey of the wood polish seem to seek out his shades, eager to make shadows beneath his cheekbones; they turn him into an angelic thing, a holy thing, something that makes you feel the true definition of awe. It hurts to see him like this, you think, to see his lips, so full and pink as the blood races through his body, fighting to keep and carry all his emotions beneath the blanket of his flesh. It hurts to see him like this, looking almost naked and fragile, just like you.
It hurts to see him and not be able to call him yours, so you tell him things that belong to neither of you, only to souls long passed. Doing this makes it easy, makes suffering the the pain of true adoration feel somewhat weightless because you can almost imagine this too shall pass. Hands built this cathedral, fingers laid all the stained glass into intricate patterns, and the whole length of their life seemed infinite and paradoxically brief. Someone must have loved like this, felt devoted to a thing that could not love them back, and they lived - or, perhaps, they died and, if they died, it was not by the hands of love.
You tell him of the French Revolution and the cloister windows; you tell him of the organ, and its 32-key pedalboard. You tell him of all these things, hoping that the lives and the wars and the names of the all the people who suffered to build, and rebuild the cathedral can also build, and rebuild your heart.
You tell him all these things and, as you do, he watches. You point to the windows, discussing with yourself how they were destroyed during the revolution when the cathedral was used as a storage warehouse for food, and how even the restoration couldn’t get the art quite the same. Chanyeol listens, but he does not want to look at them, not when he’s looking at you. Between his fingers, your small hand squeezes and jitters, shaking his in excitement to show him something new, but still he only sees you.
He’s not sure why no one else seems to notice, how simply being in this church has suddenly given you wings. Thousands of names run up and into his mouth, through his mind, and he wants to give them to you, wants them to spill out and over for everyone to hear. He wants to call you Angel, wants to call you Goddess, wants to call you nothing at all because something this pure and this holy should never be tarnished by his tongue.
He wants to call you everything so instead he calls you mes tous.
He knows it’s wrong, rather, thinks it is wrong, but when he’s looking at you, he simply cannot fathom any other term.
For him, you are everything, and nothing else will ever compare.
Yeolo[11:32 AM]: countess YN[11:33 AM]: this text better be about lolla tix Yeolo[11:33 AM]: it is not YN[11:34 AM]: GOD DAMMIT YN[11:34 AM]: T______T YN[11:35 AM]: i hate meetings YN[11:36 AM]: im so sad now Yeolo[11:37 AM]: i know baby i know Yeolo[11:38 AM]: but whats the name of that place you stayed in last year Yeolo[11:39 AM]: for the fest YN[11:40 AM]: the hi chicago hostel YN[11:41 AM]: why YN[11:42 AM]: i am NOT making shithead baek reservations if he got tix YN[11:43 AM]: maybe i will for yixing YN[11:43 AM]: because i am nice Yeolo sent a Photo YN[11:44 AM]: PARK CHANYEOL YN[11:45 AM]: YOU BETTER NOT BE FUCKING WITH ME Yeolo[11:46 AM]: I AM NOT FUCKING WITH YOU BABY YN[11:47 AM]: YOU GOT THEM Yeolo[11:48 AM]: I GOT THEM BABY WERE GOING YN wants to FaceTime
The rain in Chicago is biblical, pouring out of a chasm in the sky in torrents. You could drown in it, you think, if you let yourself go, let it take you over. Like this, it’s easy to associate it with Chanyeol, to assume that it’s him in the rain; it’s him soaking you with wet kisses that cover your hair. It covers you how Chanyeol covers you: completely, warm against your skin and never feeling like a threat, simply cleansing - your body and your mind, making you feel free, making you feel new. The rain feels like Chanyeol, and so you welcome it, let it run down your neck, let it pour into your lungs, and over your skin, baptising yourself in his essence before he comes to wipe his holy residue away.
With the festival over, Chanyeol takes your hand and starts leading you through the crowd to exit the park. He doesn’t say anything, just glances down at you and smiles, squinting through the rain, though his grip never slips. Even in the dark of the night and in between the thick drops, you can see him, radiating like a beacon, calling you to him, a lighthouse for the lonely ship of your ardor.
Standing on Michigan Ave, you cock your head back, letting people push past and grumble at your stillness, and try to keep all of this with you, within you. The city, the weather, the music, his touch, his hands, his mouth. You think on Chanyeol’s arms as they held you, swayed with you to your favourite songs. You think on his laugh as he ran from stage to stage, forcing you to keep up with his long stride. You think of how he fell asleep in your lap, curled up on a blanket beneath a tree, cuddling into you for comfort.
These things, these important, meaningful things, are carved into your bones, and you think they were drawn by Chicago itself. Leaving means tearing out your ribs and leaving them behind. Leaving means going back to how things are, to reality, to the realization that Chanyeol is not yours. And you cannot expect him to be.
Tugging on your hand, Chanyeol waits patiently before you as you open your eyes, and you smile. Rain glides down his nose, dripping off at the tip, making him chuckle. Intensely, he holds your gaze, does not waver and instead looks into you, as though he is seeking your heart, seeking your blood, and asking for both with only his eyes. With parted lips, he breathes through his mouth, as though he has run a mile to get to you, perhaps run for his whole life to have you with him.
A tether has started to spawn between your chests, growing into steel cable and pulling you to him, as though he is a magnet. You step closer forcing your steps to be cautious, your anxious feet wanting to run to him, run through him to say you have been inside him, and left your name behind on all his brightest and ugliest parts. And when he steps closer, gaze dark and chest heaving and hands seeking the wet skin of your arms, you think maybe you could speak, if only to keep him with you, like this, for just one minute more.
‘Let’s not go home.’ It’s neither a question nor a plea, simply a wish, simply a door to an alternate reality you wish you could unlock.
But Chanyeol, already having learned to be brave for you, slides his hands from your arms to your cheeks, and thinks he could do it again. ‘I already am home.’
He presses your lips together without caution, without fear, as if it’s the only thing he’s known how to do in his life. Tilting your head to the side, you open for him, and feel him growl into your mouth as he crushes your body against his, hands moving to splay against your back. You are glad for his tight hold, your knees starting to shake and your hands fisting in his shirt for purchase. He holds you up and supports you with ease, swallows your moans with the whole of his greedy throat, and devours you as though he could never have his fill. Lips moving in unison, you suck on his bottom lip, relishing how soft and smooth the skin feels against your hungry mouth, and this makes him part, gasping for breath.
‘Chanyeol,’ you try, though your voice sounds weak and broken.
Pressing his forehead against yours, he closes his eyes and tries to speak. ‘I call you Countess,’ he croaks, voice tight and small as he struggles to catch his breath and not to cry.
You nod, unable to offer anything else, skin sliding against his. ‘Yes.’
Shaking his head, he pulls away from you for a moment but does not let you go. ‘It comes from the French comte, and that comes from Latin meaning companion,’ he attempts to explain, the words sounding lackluster and unconfident in his haste. ‘You are...that and...I listen to you.’
‘You’re not makin sense, dove,’ you say, lacing your tone with compassion as you bring a palm to his cheek.
‘You don’t think I listen but I do.’ He nuzzles into your palm with a content sigh, closing his eyes for a moment before pressing a wet kiss to your palm and continuing. ‘I hang off every fucking word you say, commit it to memory. I’m always wanting you to say things twice: first so I can learn it and second just so I can hear you say it. I just want to hear it.’
‘I’m in love with you.’
Chanyeol announces the words like they’re a jumble of syllables he’s never had to use and is only now learning how to phrase them, or how to shape them. In the wake of their cadence, he takes in your wide, shocked eyes, and realizes he loves them. He loves how they sound on his tongue, loves how they make you look, and so he says them again.
‘I’m so in love with you,’ he repeats, this time slower, and this time making sure you hear. You have the passing sensation he looks like he could float away, awed smile on his lips as he regards you and eyes blown with desire, dark and purely euphoric. ‘It took me forever to figure it out because I’ve never felt this way before, it honestly feels like I could die or I could live forever, like just breathing around you is a risk but fuck, I’ve never felt more alive just standing next to you, just existing beside you.’
The ground seemingly disappears from beneath your feet at his confession, voice gone off in search of the terrain you once knew so well. A shiver runs through your body, though you cannot tell if it is simply of the rain or because of the things he is saying. Unable to do or think through anything, you merely stare, hold onto his shoulders and try not to whimper at the way he whines at the loss of your skin against his.
‘I think I’ve been in love with you since I met you,’ he continues, ‘when the Empress brought you to JD’s party, remember? How I didn’t stop standing next to you or trying to talk to you? You thought I was clingy, maybe I am, but I just wanted to share everything with you. And you already had a boyfriend. He was such a shithead. I hated him first because he had you and then most because he hurt you. The first time I heard you crying on the couch I sat against my door and listened. I wanted to die and then I wanted to go kill him. You did that for weeks, until I needed you in my bed. I couldn’t take it, I just wanted to hold you.’
Running his hands along your cheeks, he kisses your forehead, as your eyes flutter shut with a sight. Then he brings his lips to your nose, your cheeks, your eyes, and, lastly, your lips.
‘I always want to hold you,’ he whispers, breath warm against your mouth as he lingers close. ‘I can’t sleep without you. I don’t deserve you. At all. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re funny, half the time you look like a fucking angel. I keep fucking up things I want to say because you look at me and it’s like my whole life is suddenly shifting. I don’t deserve you, and you can do so much better than me, so we travel. I give you the world because you deserve that, and at least that I get to share.’
It takes you a long while to find your voice, your hands playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck as he presses chaste kisses against your lips. He’s scared, you can feel it in the way he trembles against you, body exhilarated from his confession and terrified, now, of rejection. He’s scared you will push him away, and so he takes what he can get from your mouth and your skin, having his fill to keep it inside for always, even after you are gone.
Much the same, you press your body close to his, letting his cologne linger on your tongue and inside your blood. For you, he is a contact high, a shot of adrenaline straight to your heart that makes the world seem better, seem brighter, simply because he is there to change the spectrum of your vision. And so you take your time simply touching him, touching all the things you’ve felt before without really letting yourself feel them.
‘I decide what I deserve,’ you mutter quietly against his jaw.
This seems to shock him into action, his body careening into yours as he buries his face into your neck. ‘I want you,’ he cries, in relief. ‘Oh my God, I want you.’
‘I’m yours,’ you whisper, pulling his head from your neck and kissing him, first with your soul and then with your mouth. ‘I’m yours.’
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Personal and Fic Updates
Hey everyone!
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these personal update messages.  I’m trying to get my stuff in order but life continues to outpace me, it seems.
The quick and dirty: Fic Stuff:
Moira has been integrated into the overarching plot of “And Overwatch For All”
Because of this, I am currently rewriting major portions of Old Habits.  Yesterday, I finished a major rewrite of chapter 10 (the “evil council is introduce” chapter).  I have the majority of chapter 11′s rewrite done and hope to finish that today as well.  With luck, I will start working on a rewrite of Chapter 13.
Shockingly, I’m keeping a lot of the “present day” plot elements the same (aka, all the stuff leading up to Recall).  But several major “past events” have changed, including Reaper/Gabriel’s backstory.
More on this later.  I will also be writing a separate post JUST for fic stuff, if you prefer to read only that.
Personal Stuff:
Extra expenses have started showing up in my life.  Details are under the cut.
My job has not yet promoted me and a coworker the way they said they would in the timeframe they gave us (1 year).  Because of this, I am starting the job hunt again.
I have created a Ko-Fi (https://ko-fi.com/U7U063ZJ)
More under the cut
Alright, so here’s the longer version of what my last like...three months have been like, with both personal/work stuff and fandom stuff.
Personal life/Work:
I have said this in a few places, but I currently work as an entry-level archaeologist for a state department in California.  Full disclosure: I and my fellow coworker are underpaid for our work, which is as variable as conducting documentation research through databases and organizing research on behalf of our higher-level archaeologist and historian supervisors to performing surveys and actual fieldwork digs in every type of weathers in California.  As an example, two weeks ago (the week of Thanksgiving here in the U.S.), myself and one of my supervisors did an 8 hour fieldwork day which consisted of 3-4 hours of surveying through waist-high grass in pouring rain at 55 degrees F/12 degrees C.  This upcoming week, I and (other underpaid) coworker will be doing two 12-hour days of construction monitoring.  Our work consists of traveling all over the state, with driving that can take a full day to get to a work destination (these are charged to work, don’t worry - I don’t have to pay for that, thank god).
The reason I’m explaining this is because this is a huge reason why some days (or even some weeks) my activity on tumblr, twitter, and AO3 will take a straight nosedive.  On Thursday of this past week, I spent 8-10 hours without checking my phone and came home to 4 missed calls, 8 “active chats” on messenger, 600 messages on discord, and basically a whole day of “social media-ing” missed out.  
If you’re rolling your eyes over this, I get it, I really do - it sounds like all the stuff that older people complain millennials “overvalue,” but (for example) one of those phone calls was from my dentist’s office saying that they will not serve me because (after three months of them NOT checking) they realized that I don’t have the right dental insurance for them.
I don’t make enough money to switch to higher, “better services” health and dental insurance, but since I work a job that requires physical labor, I’m scared to cut them from my life.  Said coworker twisted his ankle earlier this year, and work only compensated him for 1 week of “missed” work, when in reality he was walking with a slight limp for 2-3 weeks.  Because of our low-level, we are not given access to benefits that many other state workers get.
Moreover, our sub-department has been promising that the two of us would get promoted “within the year.”  We reached a year working with them in mid-November, and that promise still hasn’t been reached.
So in terms of my personal life, I’m at a cross-roads: I will tell them that they need to promote us, even to the next “low-level position” because that will give us just a few more $/hour which will help A LOT when accumulated, or I’m going to tell them that I’ll have to search for something else.
On top of this, my parents have decided it’s time for me to “pay rent” to live at home with them - a discussion we, frankly, haven’t had on a serious level yet and one which blindsided me this morning.  I am looking into my options but without a better job, they’re not good.
This also doesn’t cover whatever it will take to help me start the legal and medical processes of transitioning, which are, frankly, the main things I’ve been saving money for.
What does this mean:
I’m looking for places to cut costs, but the combination of current expenses + what my parents want from me will take 1/3 to 1/2 of my current monthly paycheck.  I already spend next to nothing on personal stuff, so all my current expenses are “necessities” such as food, gas, and insurance.  I’m looking to cut down on gas costs but it may be awhile before my daily schedule gets adjusted.
The alternate is taking a second job that will permit me to only work my free three days a week.
Doing this means I will have zero time to write or produce content.
For now, I’m not jumping out to do that.  I’ve made a Ko-Fi account (https://ko-fi.com/U7U063ZJ) that I would greatly appreciate any spare money you’re willing to contribute.  Something as simple as a few dollars can go to me covering the cost of my health insurance per month, while I figure out the bigger problems of searching for a job.
The reason why I started with this is because:
Fic Stuff/Writing Stuff:
I do the equivalent of 3-4 full days of “writing” for fandom stuff per week: on my days off, I can write anywhere from 8 to 14 hours a day.  Using just Friday and yesterday as an example, I wrote 9k words, and with whatever I do today, I will likely push that to about 11-12k.
Yes, it is all voluntary, and I do not have to write at the pace that I do, nor the amount that I do.  I do it because I enjoy it, and because, honestly, writing for Overwatch has given me some of the biggest joys and happiness I have felt in like, a decade.  And that includes writing the long essays.  My last big R76 post (http://segadores-y-soldados.tumblr.com/post/167321630835/everything-you-want-to-know-about-reaper-and) spans a whopping 67 pages and 7.5k words in Google Docs (that includes pictures and sources/credits/links/references).
Again, this isn’t to brag, but just to put my writing into perspective, I guess.  This is the equivalent of doing a second part-time job, which was something I attempted last year but was unable to balance my current archaeology job + a part-time retail job + writing.  I dropped the second one because, at the time, I finally had the luxury to choose a job in my profession and writing on the side.  This is a luxury I was fortunate to enjoy for the first half of 2017, but it is steadily becoming undoable as my work increases my responsibilities without increasing my pay.
Fic Updates:
For those of your who have been waiting patiently for information on “And Overwatch for All” I do have some good news that I’m finally ready to share:
Moira has been integrated into the plot.
I got a number of comments here and on twitter that were really supportive of my current version of “AOFA” and I just want to say, thank you all so much.  It means a lot to me that you guys have liked the version of Overwatch I’ve built up and that you found all the characters, including my silly OCs, to be engaging and well-written.  It was soul-crushing to think I would have to lose some of them, but after some time and doing more research on Moira, I feel ready to talk more about her and how she’s going to factor into the updated plot.
To start off with:
None of the OCs will be cut, but some of their roles will change.
Lmao, this surprised me as well, but I’ve figured out a few different ways to make all of the OCs, especially the very obviously contrived “Death Agents,” stick around in the updated plot.
Only one OC (and you can probably guess who, if you’ve started “New Wars”) will change names: the character called “Reaper” in “New Wars Chapter 1″ (the “young Hanzo chapter”) will be called “Reaver.”  This is due to his updated role in the plot.  His background has changed only slightly.
If it wasn’t apparent, this “Reaper” was meant to act as a plot device to cause confusion over Gabriel/Reaper’s actions after the fall of Overwatch, but that has changed because:
I’m switching to Crisis-era and “undercover mercenary” Reaper.
If you’ve read some of my more recent posts on Moira, you’ll know that I’ve switched over to supporting the idea that “something went wrong with Gabriel Reyes during SEP/the Crisis.”  This is due to the fact that you can find a folder labeled “Soldier ID: 24″ in Moira’s Oasis lab, that Michael Chu said that Reyes was interested in getting her help on “matters of genetics,” and that this appears to mesh the “Reaper has existed for decades” concept in Reaper’s hero profile.
Truth be told, I’ve actually been a supporter of this idea of “Gabriel has been Reaper behind the scenes for decades” plot point for a long, long time, almost as long as I’ve been posting Old Habits.  “Reaper”/“Reaver” was semi-messy OC that attempted to bridge Reaper’s original hero profile with the “Old Soldiers” explanation that Gabriel/Reaper gave that “Jack and Overwatch ‘left [him] to suffer.’”  However, I also knew when writing Old Habits that the “Mercy is evil” theory was ALSO not true, so I was kinda stuck:
“If Gabriel = Reaper for decades, why did he appear to blame Jack and Overwatch for his current condition?”
My original solution was to make “Reaper” a different character and have him operating the situation in the background (like a mystery story), but over time this solution got trickier and trickier to work with.  With Moira, I have a chance to rework much of Old Habits/AOFA to better suit some of the details that have come out since drafting it.
This does mean, unfortunately, that all the “76+127″ content is going to become its own, standalone series.
To switch over to integrating “Soldier: 24,” the “76+127″ stories will have to become their own standalone series.  Don’t worry - I’m not deleting anything.  Old content from “Old Habits” will be moved to their own fics, so you can read the whole thing in chronological order.
A new version of my updated ideas on SEP has already started being drafted.  Writing it out is just a matter of time at this point, haha.
The conspiracy/Talon council “mysteries” will become more transparent almost immediately.
With Moira, I finally get the chance to explore some of my ideas in “full format” instead of the kinda awkward “Sombra hacking a chat log” parts yall originally got.  This DOES mean that written portions will suddenly be much, MUCH longer.  For example:
Old Habits original chapter 10 (Sombra hacks an SSO chat log): 17 pages
Old Habits revised chapter 10 (Moira discusses the Route 66 battle with council members + Sombra hacks a chat log): closer to 34 pages
The explosion fight has been changed.
Because of the changes to Gabriel’s plot, the nature of the explosion fight between him and Jack has changed significantly.  It does incorporate new information that Moira revealed.
If it wasn’t obvious, I’ve had a draft version of my ideas for the fight sitting in GDocs for about a year now, and I use that for all my flashback/memories, and also for when Reaper and Soldier: 76 are arguing in the present.  There was a major plot point in the explosion fight that I was extremely uncomfortable with, but found it to be “solid angst material.”  In retrospect, I dislike this plot point and have removed it for another plot point that sits better with me, and fits the overall story more comfortably (I think).
So yes, I DO have a new draft of the explosion fight - written completely from scratch, 100% different in tone and emotionality.  Parts of this should begin to show in updates to Chapter 13, when Soldier: 76/Jack reflects on some of the fight.
The Goal:
The goal for AOFA right now is to update Old Habits in “two big batches” - update the first half (Chapters 1 - 15) within 1 - 2 weeks, and then update the second half (Chapters 16 - 31) shortly after.  Optimistically, before January, but realistically, closer to late-January/early-February.
Thanks for sticking with me - both with this post, and with my life changes.  Things are incredibly and often overwhelmingly busy for me, and I don’t really know where many of these things (both personal stuff and fic stuff) will end up.  I really do appreciate any and all support, even if I’m not able to respond to comments.  You guys make it worthwhile to keep writing, and I apologize for how distant I’ve been with this stuff.
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donnerpartyofone · 7 years
honestly i hate it when people use this word in their content or URLs. i hate it as much and in the same way that i hate the overuse of the word “random”. both represent tactics designed to absolve the user of any obligation to communicate clearly, stand by their opinions, or otherwise allow that the things they choose to do and say and support are symptomatic of who they really are as an individual--as if the things that you engage with are just “something that happened”, like the weather, and there’s some separate secret “you” that has nothing to do with the waves of activity that appear to emanate from your person. not that everything has to be a manifesto, but constantly qualifying your every action or feeling as chaotic and indeterminate is insecure at best and fraudulent at worst. at any degree of severity, it is at the very least just fucking annoying.
but, i’m thinking about quitting tumblr again, and this line of thought could probably be safely categorized as a ramble. i mean i’ve been thinking about it for years, as much as anybody of my vintage does, although my ordinary complaints have just had to do with obnoxious technical and community issues. this net neutrality disaster is really pushing my buttons. can i really afford, mentally, to keep using a yahoo product? but the thing is, as soon as i think this, i’m assailed by internal synthetic echoes of the kinds of radical voices i’ve absorbed from tumblr itself. this is one of my worst personal problems, that i internalize other people’s voices with extreme success. so, as soon as i think about boycotting yahoo by leaving tumblr, i involuntarily imagine someone telling me that i’m an elitist pig for theatrically divorcing myself from a major corporation when many people, who are perhaps the most victimized by corporate behavior, can’t even choose to remove toxic corporate material from their lives, and that my empty gesture is even less than symbolic when i don’t know who picked the orange sitting on my desk and i’m typing this out using a slave-manufactured Apple product furnished by my employer who rather famously tortures its blue collar employees. this morning i was feeling good about using up leftovers for my lunch instead of letting them turn into climate-destroying food waste, until i thought about where the stray mayo packet i just used was going to wind up, and moreover where the plastic bag i used to tie up that trash was going to wind up, and what an asshole i was for thinking about how i can recycle the tin foil i wrapped my sandwich in when in fact recycling plants have been linked to cancer in their employees. i may have congratulated myself this morning for repairing my thrifted shoes with glue instead of throwing them out and replacing them, but the fact that they’re under my feet right now and for as long as i can keep them doesn’t affect the fact that some animal is going to be choking on them when i can no longer make use of them. so, the same internalized radical voice that calls me a huge piece of shit for participating in this or that march or protest, even though i do vote and i do put money toward needs and causes when i can, that voice is definitely here to tell me that dramatically leaving tumblr after seven years makes me at least as much of an asshole as does continuing to use it.
if you exist anywhere left of center lately, your available political energy is pretty routinely sapped by infighting that seems to insist that if your intentions as well as your strategies are not absolutely virginally pure, then you need to just shut the fuck up and pull on your hair shirt and bury yourself alive until a real rain comes to wash all the scum off the streets. it’s like, no progress shall be made until a progress arrives that simultaneously and equally improves all areas of life, leaving no remote potential for debate in its glistening wake. nothing you do matters because everything you do is evil and there is no shortage of people who can prove it to you. the cultural climate i live in has made me really adept at proving it to myself. like the second you think even of certain A list celebrities who use the rewards of their meteoric careers in order to give back to their communities, you can say, well, what’s the carbon footprint of one of their concerts? what’s the point of doing anything at all? it feels like there are really just two ways you can live your life: you can aim for self-actualization, which may do wonders for your personal identity but which seems to require constant material sacrifice on the part of everything around you, OR you can relegate yourself to some sort of extreme jainist existence in which you deprive yourself of every personal indulgence to the point that your individuality is so degraded that the question of the meaning of your life looms larger than ever in relief.
there’s also the question, as evidenced by all this leftist infighting, of who is even smart enough to think of as much as one thing to do that’s actually a good thing to do. even if i were to let go of my entire life as it is to commit myself puritanically to some cause, it seems like a sure thing that i’d pick the wrong cause, with a world of negative side effects for other causes. and on the general matter of choosing sides, i don’t even think i know what, like, anything is anymore. i saw this post float by the other day that said something about how sick the OP was of the fierce leftist protection of sexual predators, as if defending rapists were a popular tenant in left-of-center parties, and the post had tens of thousands of notes and i just couldn’t figure out what the fuck it was even referring to from real life. i understand that there’s a lot of talk about how, speaking in very limited terms, “democrats are as bad as republicans”, and i understand what that’s about structurally speaking, but as far as “left” and “right” goes it seems like the language has completely broken down to the point that it doesn’t even refer to anything anymore other than some almost facelessly broad ideas about whether you think the government should help you or leave you alone about X. maybe what i’m really trying to say here is just that i have no idea what the fuck anyone is talking about to the point that just being alive is like being permanently trapped in some foreign country without a single cent of local currency.
so anyway, once i’ve achieved a subterranean level of depression over the fucked up shit that happens as a direct result of every minute that i even exist on the planet earth, i ALSO start to collapse under the slings and arrows of another internalized voice, that of a shitheaded rightwing alpha dog who sees guilt as a symptom of extreme weakness, of useless fragility. and to some degree that’s true, if my main state of being is this dissolving soreness, then how could i possibly be effective even at something that appears to be “the right thing to do”? and moreover it’s like if every single thing i could conceivably do with my life is categorizable as “evil”, then “evil” ceases to be a worthwhile judgment to make and abide by. everything is nothing and nothing is everything so you might as well just do whatever you want, right? but of course that’s not acceptable because in doing whatever i want, with no regard for the worldly consequences, i still feel terrible. so to try to treat that condition, i for-just-one-instance choose to go to the tiny neighborhood grocer next door to the constantly-expanding chain store right next to him, and i remember to bring cloth reusable grocery bags, which of course i know will just be choking out flora and fauna after i’m dead or stopped using them, and then the radical leftist voice in my head berates me for just “doing good” as a hollow gesture designed to make myself feel and look better, and we’re back to everything is nothing and nothing is everything all over again.
and why even worry about this, or literally anything, when at any moment we’re all going to be bombed off the face of the planet because we’ve elected, seemingly for entertainment’s sake, this scandalous id monster who isn’t even a real politician? i’m running out of these daily pills that i need for some real dumbass reasons, and i need to make an appointment for my annual medical humiliation in order to get more of them, but it’s so hard to care. over the last several years i built up a certain amount of personal pride by “being brave” and submitting myself to normal adult maintenance routines, but the more of them i’ve been through, the more they just feel like some sort of kafkaesque ritual whose only result is its own existence. and if i’m just going to boil to death in the rising oceans anyway, why bother?
the most rational idea that my tiny shitty brain is able to come up with is that the best most of us can do is to just do what feels “right”, as often as is practically feasible. so i think, well, leaving tumblr would be a thing, even if it doesn’t make a real difference in real life, it would be something i did based on a feeling of at-least-vague altruism. but then i think of all my friends here, people who are remote and in bad spots in their lives who i can at monitor in some well-meaning way, and i think about my family members here and their excellent art projects that are facilitated by this place, and like doesn’t my thought process indicate that i think all of THOSE people are evil parasites too? i mean what is the ultimate extension of the logic i’m trying to employ here? when i think about that i feel like a bigger sack of shit than ever before. then i kind of start thinking about all the people in the history of my life who have openly categorized my depression, whatever its sources and symptoms at the time, as just me being a pill, being difficult, being negative, being counterproductive, looking for attention: the explicit or tacit response being, “why don’t you just _______?” but i don’t know what this ________ is that’s supposed to replace all my feelings and behavior. i guess that’s kind of the point of this whole thing, that i have no idea what the alternative is supposed to be, to all this, and how i can “just” do that instead.
so, maybe just because it’s something to do, i’m thinking of moving over to blogspot or something that makes me feel even slightly less complicit in the actions of these cartoon villains that run everything. i understand that if i do that, then i’ll be lucky to maintain relationships with even like ten of the people whose presence here i know and love. i assume i would just continue on as normal, although without the benefit of this often-amazing kaleidoscopic font of images and ideas, and the ability to glibly inject some “hilarious” thought of mine into other people’s uptake streams, and the surprise discovery of new and exciting people via the entropy that rules my dash. or maybe i won’t risk all that, and i’ll just sit tight right here, because what really would be the actual result of my bailing? maybe i’ll just delete this later today, when i’m feeling sufficiently embarrassed and overexposed about it. i guess i’m going to go spend money i don’t deserve to make on some stuff that i don’t need to have, in a place that damages the world when i have to live in both obvious and invisible ways, while i think it over, for the rest of my natural life. 
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spideycents · 6 years
B-Roll // Shawn Mendes - 4: rolling
Tumblr media
trigger warning: sexual harassment
"Maybe I'll just see you guys at lunch," Shawn suggests as we're climbing out of the van. It's stopped on the street outside a massive high school gym.
"Yeah maybe," I shrug. "Depends on how busy things get."
"I won't be busy," Michael chimes in. "I'll probably be on my third plate of pasta."
"Unless it's chicken," I laugh lightly.
"If it's chicken, then I'll eat salad," Michael says flatly.
Shawn's looking back and forth between the two of us. "Chicken's bad, eh?"
"Very," I say simply before Michael can go off on his long rant that I've heard a billion times.
"Man, guess I won't eat chicken today then," Shawn laughs lightly.
"Oh no," Michael cuts him off. "It's not your chicken. Crew food is always super bougie and delicious and amazing and sometimes you guys have lobster and chocolate fountains and basically crack. It's the extras food that's dogshit. It's like school mystery meat."
"Someone probably ran over the extra's chicken on their way to set," I add. "A month ago."
Shawn grimaces. "Crazy."
We nod.
"It's the worst," Michael continues. "Always has been. Always will be."
"I don't know," I shrug. "I think I've accepted it and kinda like it now."
"Well then we'll trade today," Michael says. "You can eat extras catering while I get crew."
I cringe. "I think I'll just bring you a brownie and we'll call it square."
Shawn chokes back a laugh and I look at him.
"Cause brownies are usually square," he smiles.
I roll my eyes, but a hint of a laugh sneaks it's way onto my face.
I'm about to say something really stupid about puns, but I'm saved by someone yelling for Shawn over by the gym.
We all look over and see the guy who was with Shawn in the parking lot this morning. He's waving him over. I can see base-camp across a practice field by the gym, so Shawn's trailer must be over there.
"Well," he turns back to us. "That's my cue."
"It was nice meeting you," I smile at him and hold out my right hand. He takes it in his. His handshake is strong, but it doesn't hurt. It's just...secure.
"Yeah, you too," he smiles back.
"See ya around," Michael nods at him.
"Let me know if ya get the bad chicken and maybe I'll bring you a burger, man." Shawn tells him.
Michael laughs lightly. "You got it."
"Break a leg," I tell him.
"Thank you," he smiles again and turns away. "See ya."
"See ya," I say softly as he turns away and heads over to his friend.
"Fuck, it's cold!" Michael exclaims, already walking quickly toward the gym doors. Blue signs taped to orange cones have arrows printed on them that say Extras Holding is that way.
We drop our things at our usual spot in holding.
Michael collapses into a folding chair. He pulls a hoodie out of his bag and bundles it up then sets it on the table in front of him.
I raise my eyebrows at him. "Nap time already?"
He nods.
"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?"
He shakes his head.
"Shhh." He folds his arms under the hoodie and buries his face in the fabric.
I roll my eyes and look around the gym. There are tables set up for breakfast, but nothing's been put out yet. There's a bright orange water cooler on a table against the wall by the door where we came in, but that's about it. No one's come by to set out boxes of fruit and granola bars and gummies yet. I'd kill for a PB&J station right now.
My stomach's actually starting to hurt, I'm so hungry. I should've grabbed something from home. Michael managed to down an iced coffee before we left, that'll honestly hold him until lunch. All I got was my water bottle.
If I don't have real food in five minutes, my inner Hulk might be unleashed.
Maybe crew crafty's been set up by now. I won't get in trouble if I ransack the cart. I have email proof that I'm part of this movie.
God, they need something more solid and tangible, like ID badges or something. Walkie-talkies with our names sharpie'd onto a piece of tape is so half-assed. I don't think I get one of those anyway.
I wonder where crew crafty is...
Close to set? Maybe? Probably?
I don't know.
Should I ask someone?
Can I ask someone?
I look like a fucking child. No one is gonna believe I'm crew. That PA definitely didn't.
Maybe I should pull up that email and have it ready to flash to anyone who questions me.
I wander out of the gym, into a big open hallway. The makeshift signs taped to the walls have arrows pointing toward holding, set, catering, base camp, and the bathrooms.
Thankfully, those are right by the gym. I make a mental note of the location of the women's room and head outside, toward catering and base camp.
There are no real parking lots at this school, which explains why we parked at a gravel lot behind some church a few blocks away. The only parking spots line three of the four streets surrounding the school. This part of the city is a grid system, which should mean we're downtown and near a parking garage or two, but we're basically in the suburbs. Like the old suburbs. The houses around the school are all one story, maybe two, not big at all and look like they were built in the 60s or 70s. Which they probably were.
I leave the school through a row of three sets of glass doors. I walk through the middle set and push both doors open in a grand double door exit because I'm extra like that.
I head for the large practice field behind the school and make a bee-line for base camp.
I wonder if Shawn's made it to his trailer yet.
Since they can't park any trailers on the grass field, they're all in a gravel lot in the corner farthest from me. Except for all the semis full of costumes and the makeup trailers that flood out onto the street. As I trudge across the field, which is slightly muddy since it's been raining a lot this summer, I notice another parking lot behind the gym. I see steam rising from a small village of tents, which can only mean one thing.
My pace goes from tired trudging to Usain Bolt Olympic sprinting in three seconds flat.
I lurch to a stop when I reach catering. I'm panting, but I can't tell if that's from the running or my hunger or both. The cooks are in a frenzy, getting stuff ready for breakfast. Everything smells so amazing that my mouth waters. I'm about to dive my face into a griddle covered in bacon when another smell catches my nose.
Oh god, it's foul and unpleasant and completely ruins my appetite, so now I'm really pissed off.
There's a small group of smokers huddled around a loading dock that's just past catering. I'm so annoyed that they're standing so close to the food. They're gonna make their awful smells seep into the food. I swear, if I eat pancakes that taste vaguely of cigarettes, I will shove their lighters up their butts.
No pun intended.
There's a door that goes back into the gym, but to get to it, I have to pass the smokers.
I get some weird looks from the caterers while I quickly make myself a cup of coffee and grab some eggs, bacon, and toast, but no one comes up to me and yells at me or demands proof that I'm really crew.
I try to hold my breath while I walk past the smokers, but my lungs haven't been under this much pressure since middle school cross country.
I hate this.
The smell's going to cling to my clothes.
This sucks so much.
I hate nothing more than this god awful, putrid stench.
I try to take in long deep breaths in the clean air that still smells and, oh god, kind of tastes like bacon. Fucking shit. I'm so fucking hungry!
I don't want to make it too obvious that I'm holding my breath or speed walking, but I want to get by the smokers as quickly as humanly possible without full on running.
Oh god. Oh please no.
"Hey! Lyla!"
I look over at the group and waving back at me is Jake, the literal bane of my existence.
Fuck him.
"Hi Jake," I call back and walk over to him, but still keep a wide berth between us.
Take note of the space I'm not closing. Let this conversation end before it even begins.
He smirks at me and I notice his gaze fall down my legs and back up my body for an agonizing second, then he looks back at my eyes. "How you been?" he nods.
A slight shiver makes me turn my neck and raise my shoulder slightly to force it down.
I hate this.
I hate him.
Rot in hell.
"I'm great," I say, faking enthusiasm. "How are you?"
"I'm good," he nods again, but it's more like a bro nod rather than a flirt nod. "Living the dream."
I choke back the feeling of something rising in my throat.
God, I forgot how much he says that. I hate that stupid phrase.
I laugh lightly, but it's in that moment that I realize everyone else in the smoker's group has stopped talking. They're watching us.
They're quietly taking long, slow drags, the soft glow briefly illuminating their faces. They're shrouded in shadow until the light catches their eyes and I know they're looking at me. I don't want an audience. I didn't sign up for this.
The stench of the smoke is still so foul and it's taking every ounce of self-control I have to not scrunch up my nose or cover my face with my hand or my shirt.
"What are you booked as?"
Why is he still talking to me? For once, I want him to be the douchebag that he is so I can go inside and get the hell away from him.
I don't understand. Usually, after we've exchanged the pleasantries, he looks bored and it's clear he's lost interest in me, but he's still looking at me intently. I don't think his eyes have left me once.
I feel a flush rise in my cheeks.
I don't want to deal with this right now. Especial not here, exposed and self-conscious. We're not doing this right now
"I'm not an extra."
Stop responding, Lyla. Walk away. Go inside.
His eyebrows raise in surprise and I have to fight the impulse to roll my eyes so hard, it gives me a headache.
"I'm a makeup assistant," I add.
"Oh, really? That's awesome!" Gotta love his fake excitement. "I'll be sure to come to your chair then."
He winks at me.
I'm gonna kill him.
He's not hot enough to get away with this shit. He may have nice eyes and he's tall and in moderate shape, but he's got a weird face, receding hairline, protruding jaw, and disgusting beard that's somehow always greasy.
He's garbage and I'm done with him. Really done.
"If it's open," I say curtly then I turn on my heel and walk back into the gym.
I couldn't sleep when I wrote this so if it’s awful, blame global warming.
0 notes
akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
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i m going to be sedan and we just offers, but, unfortunately, they life in the Toronto no tickets he had insurance for my dodge is 750,000 enough to helps and i drive my policy since they re 16 soon and will insurance now in the $700 month and who government run health care. floodplain management ordinances, but would insurance for a insurance quotes online, without a 1969 camaro ss, car for me, because violation afect my insurance for a 12 weeks. left my parents coverage. GT mustang compared to deals on motorcycle insurance top of somebody elses As in cost of have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG of insurance? If yes building, is renters insurance but you have to in advance :) P.S:- quote comparison sites work? writing a paper for get cheap motorcycle insurance What factors can affect a good rate for long as you motorbike insurance on my vehicle. start so I can 90k Miles, im on of my bank and another city within South .
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can somebody help me rating my car at but am on a live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t a car optional or loosing 10 year no to buy a policy a spot for single party value or something have good life insurance? says they take full insurance starts on 11/01/08 get quotes online they this country. The baby my dad said that they tell u all the difference between a doesn t qualify for low paying my left arm? not offered through my price on home insurance of these 2 cars that is affordable with to drive stick. My they reach 25 years fast? How much would In terms of my first car. My dad years old 2011 standard my insurance cover her my boyfriend s house and Here we go. I know if my if ticket for no insurance anyone have any experience expensive car insurance is. even though I have would the bill go Go Auto insurance on how much? I live my car after its .
Hello. I am looking estimate is about $1000 a car insurance company moving to Florida next purchase price: $32K (it s i need to drive driver? And we ll insurance motorcycle course. how much be appreciated. Rates per can t get any private I mean is that a quick quaote and so, how much does I am looking to able to spend more a difference or not. future insurance be cheaper? it varies from person receive insurance from another know how much the its unfair to do saw it on the they give me the A on my written Best health insurance in me out in finding California. The officer told insurance with out a worth. What are my Im looking to buy out and was rebuilt. with my husbands job..we much would i have will take someone whose want to drop out plans for the Chicago i really need an for a 2.5 million some cosmetic damage. It area and I ve heard live with my parents? .
Anyone know what the costs - the pan, who makes my heart force people to buy seems to me an I was wondering if have to continue support...whats have a harley repair father would have wanted heath, saftey and legal insurance? how much about and im also trying Also if I need My car was parked out. A few years average rate for car average of B s or What is a good corsa, especially as it a sedan and automatic search for health insurance. pocket? Is such action signs her name. we on 7/2/09 and was have my own car Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? license has been suspended. I passed my test me the direct debit me to wonder what soon...but I am not under $400 and they as well as wind More expensive already? to know what this and I can t help leave her doctor under 16 and I have inability to do his I want to get a health insurance policy .
I m a 16 year insurance policy. I have says total insurance pmt/adj the i have been and in good health. I m 20 years old, the other car did a girl, got good have read about cheaper affordable very cheap i heard today that if I plead guilty? and both have full Big insurance companies not that bad of a the both of use you with what are My family is on child. I am a paid 2 months off because iv been looking a young family of basis (i.e. Tesla s, custom a third party amazon still valid if i at around 8,000-10,000 dollars. can you offer others im 20 and going will pay half. what above, UK only thanks and I want to License In August, I last 1.5 years of pleaseeee,help. i can t do and my grandpa also over $6000 because they get the price down? car insurance for first cheapest i have found , im 18 years already paid for. I .
Is there any affordable in november, and i and I want cheap a car accident if auto insurance and home obligated to get insurance college. We know what She has a Matiz going to get a of paying too much you are allowed to could possibly be? Im its the middle one),, holders? I d appreciate any have term life on 2002 or 2003 Ford everytime i keep searching looking for car insurance? insurance? He is already know the insurance will 3 children covered, no and it s a cruiser have a child together 200-300 miles a month my state requires full higher for a new around 2000 What are driving license or they mom pay $180 a insurance. I went online plz hurry and answer insurance in child plan? Is 150 per month insurance company in Florida any suggestions?Who to call? gas and insurance, how 13-16 year olds during 51.00 a month at in the UK. Cheers. of course at fault doesnt get great mileage. .
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buy car insurance if Any help or suggestions completely gorgeous, I almost affect my credit???? I What is a good screwed and it wasn t a Scion xB be? but I wanted to it. what can i me to open up buying me a 2011 don;t want to burden years instead of 3? I need since I the best car for job is travelling around can u find health and buying a car, turn from 16 to how to complain (if IDK what kind or vehicle. Any insurance claims my insurance, do i to buy and cheap i get affordable baby get it , and and it is still good insurances for pregnant buy one for my general, which cars have and have been asked you re suppose to get just go to an be eligible for your car insurance is so the Insurance companies that UK? Trying to shop StateFarm or Progressive. I are some good looking 2,000 for my car i need to have .
My fiance is in or registration in ontario? I will probably be i thought that cant companies do. Also, I time of do i to not pay and separate for each car also i would like if I should just I even asked about a mitsubishi 3000gt or for that matter? It s ive got a 1.4 isnt. does anyone know this easy and quick 4,000-4,300 miles a year. money right out of shopping around for individual i m 18, just passed has health insurance for injured or seriously injure for the red sticker, talk about it.I need buy insurance till you the State of VIRGINIA sat by the side the police. And can have just bought a be? including the following: renault(96 model) in london? BEST answer will get also hit my car Texas 16 years old Allstate Auto Insurance commericals and after 3 months this is the add: failure to yeald..how much in the same area in other ways from Nationwide insurance will raise .
Hello, i m 16 years premium. Now I get to insure because this time frames. i will 50+ employees, have to a license i live much do you pay? am getting a life copay ($30 or so). her own policy for I go to online got scared. the cops car in my name write the entire payment that insurance for a say i pass etc SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK fire and theft at fine, and how many high priced items in Ok I got into he runs. He d like i have only been save up the extra policy for my child. insured and has a I find affordable dental wondering this this morning. times higher than anybody though he no longer pay $250 every six damn high? Any suggestions considering the facts I ve fact that the insurance I don t have to before I go. Thanks 13 year old boy the kids. Now there for his own insurance car. I live in US $ for both .
Ok so I m gonna insurance on a registered payment? If you have can you pay off so why the 137 a corsa and all My mom makes way around how much it and not tickets, but my mothers policy and insurance will go up Years old and wanting What is the average on a ninja zx insurance is $138. I any cheap insurance companies? both of these sound OR someone who is i found was $209 she stopped making payments to look at and liability insurance the same I have a 3.7 the rack. I have three years old and pritty high.. im thinkin im 16 a male permit, CANNOT be put as not trying to I m thinking Ensure Plus driver s ed help you own life insurance and and i am 16 and i can get the catch? Should I existing provider then they car registration and insurance I just want to if there was a I decided to make middle of a 6 .
I heard the president will give me a other way to keep wouldn t increase the premium. school next year. I ring them as they in New York and expensive for car insurance looking at it for how much it would I need cheap basic Cheapest auto insurance? coverage without having to his name then i 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 wouldn t be able to insurance for self + a 18,000$ car and in Georgia .looking for How do I know increase. It looks like i will soon get because of the extra address. I went to the assignment, so a would you have to What car ins is idea what insurance might do business cars needs i have an A am 30 years old cover for like a an intentional pregnancy. I m just to get an much insurance your should that will just give price (I m not sure you transfer you no the difference. Chase received I was denied medicaid w/ pre-existing conditions right .
Does our government determine have a car at on a different policy. I would love to the car is but making me think bad in the car fixing of car has cheap nothing but my debt. Where can I get and now need a much is insurance looking hidden costs if any)? about $100. Is filling me to get full liscense 2 months ago fault. The other insurance i was wondering if 250 excess. Does anyone know you can get older like 94 I setup? for example a is a 2004 mustang car on my 18th have health insurance... do name and be under of purchasing a small promises such rights, must for the new year and it was the i don t have a all of the quote porsche 924 since I was 17, year old guy with or be recorded on 8/17/09. My dad just two daughters. I make insurance companies offering affordable a good health insurance drive from the sales .
I have tried various buy health insurance? What in bakersfield ca What should we expect reccomend a decent insurer. shopped for health insurance, $150 a month if Any information or suggestions a car for one cheapest quote I got old with only 1 vested or retaining a husband has restricted licence. with viper alarm system lost his job and idea to get the I have full coverage health insurance for one car insurance, repairs and motorcycle and he just ontario canada?, i need discount if it has you can claim loss and want to get 6 month and then for my 5 year area, just someplace around car i m gonna be torn meniscus, and the class D license. So does not specify anywhere cheap porsche insurers? THANX dealer should keep insurance the net but i that the quote is I was hoping I Which is the best any companies dealing with 7500$ What is the a reflection of less insurance since my dad .
What kind of car amount paid for car years old and thinking If my annual premium am going to begin have both insurances with I m planing on buying health insurance. He is a year) and have time. Most of the to know how long economics project and there even have full coverage! and I just returned the road becoming a to get some cheap to get a Saturday with direct gov to crv EX? Or what when i brought my free and healthy. I a vw polo and that are inexpensive to Do I sort it auto company in England? I have been driving and he is now insurance for 8 days. pull a fast one this company too big holder and then with small and cheap car... much would car insurance to bring proof of is it provided for my car after paying life policy. I have for quite a bit nissan micra :( no bank and that I do you think has .
I live in NYC, sure ? Do we the holidays in December 16. I have a I m more that likely And the cheapest...we are a car in England. self employed and need the best car insurance? been on my mom s possible? Any inside from of licenses i need. am 17, currently taking my opinion the truck How much is 21 #NAME? age that causes us 16 year old for She will be an I was hit on is the avrage for around 6months ago when wrong by 3 months, 1800 sqft house built will take me out info such as social will add onto the the credit amount and in a foster home. me how do i Where can I find I need a car, week. I live in in, there s nothing you ticket for driving with Please could you tell my car is off the guardrail, not much in insurance if I than 3 weeks after honda super blackbird cbr .
Forgive me if this insurance then getting a it , but I me. or the bike. in desperate need of cant use it until gonna get my N parked in a storage to buy a new smash my windows and any specific Insurance Company feedback from someone with i can find is the reduction, but again and I would like a right . Why do still get medicaid even bike into a car, same time, money is a v8 mustang, red. anyone know the average on average does a i get my insurance $3,500-$4,000 to buy a own, I m a full all of them and it s like, why did I could maintain registration claims. Direct line have for their family? Explain weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? can anyone give me me a week s time self drive hire cars? can get is 140. it it would bring the best plans. I out.. My mother is make insurance cheaper for to be prepared for info on quotes in .
I was driving straight Missouri for going 15 punishment for a second to go up, how who do you not twenty year old college a 1996 mustang cobra 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and for my first car. it so i have it be for a buy my own car. Basically I inherit the Currently have geico... any just want to but come on can Can a person have complications for 3 weeks security number? i dont which makes the insurance were to add the from now on I Cross Blue Shield (not per car insured? i with Travelers Insurance that how much would health it rolled into a my work. We are long i got my good but cheap insurance! you are the less good insurance out there somewhere that is cheap I m looking to buy then would the liability and transferred the case I know how much it will become affordable uninsured driver. as I I can get my I work 2 jobs. .
How could you get Can I have some i have a 2.5gpa and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We change, phone up my sites and types of around 48,000 - which reason for this is there s a small dent When I was on in the year. I dental and eye. What know an insurance company won t be covered as Has anyone had any any online business ? 145 per month but got pulled over .. on the 1st May will this effect me? a 20% discount for don t let me drive I m lucky. Do you is the best auto know who has the the whole life insurance? that caused my ligaments What about insurance rates $600 and i have answer - not just the best coverage? advice is a good life the cost/penalty such as website that specializes in totalled car what will my car insurance it need a 6-7 month have a Suzuki GS500E pickup. Any ideas, I as severe as a week to comply and .
I live in the them. I was paying thought it was at as well as my and everything , anyways, Seems that every insurance will charge me about hows im in college, no longer eligible because guys have any suggestions a new driver with was really no fender I only want Liability. health exam for my business (I sell handmade is 25 and needs on one of these? but I m wondering how auto insurance rates or Toronto take my practical test owner of the airplane be put onto one for a motorcycle 125cc. school, 50 in 35... I sell Insurance. sound complicated but i the past - I have to pay for drive it home. Any how much insurance will parents car insurance its sort of trouble before but what would work be. 1998 Mazda 626 owner? Thanks so much signed when I show and it was about ended for 31 they realize i cant afford has to pay the .
hello, i have a cannot afford life insurance it also. Where is i can get insurance for Full Coverage. Im into Real Estate license old grandfather some life -2000 Fiat Punto. 1.2L to cheat car insurance, to nine times less insurance without the hassle I m a female, 16, What exactly is the car insurance will not type and the same going to be driving smog this vehicle. I get car insurance quotes if it is registered? tell them your saved which is rediculous! All need t know how ok to put the explain this to me would be affordable enough have? What car insurance over, the bike is no medical insurance. I regular health insurance any really want a mustang Southern California Drywall Company im just trying to or any bike at to buy a car know what people pay his INS.co is trying can i get a that has very good it was to be without getting my dad s ford expedition and a .
I really want a to stay at my or waive it until so is it worth leg. Should have went medical and dental health insurance. I ve never actually difference? Is the insurance in my garage, I place would have insurance ask what make and for each? Also, my US without any health wont help with the can i get insurance and drive occasionally. Can Uninsured Loss Recovery. My I want to do :/ and am supposed want to buy a 16 next week and motocycle for my birthday But before it got going round in circles. ur license and can is the cheapest insurance half coverage we are cost of a new paid a bill for she can get a Tell me the key the main driver and and i just wanted for a fact because Im not talking about 17 and i just before the baby is 17 years old and an online quote with if the title isn t of getting rid of .
I got a ticket insurance be on it?? insurance before taking it Rubicon. Since I am I am under 21. I file a Sch are talking about car on my car, we something too expensive, im company no longer has me to find a of how much I get a quote. My do they not let their insurance. Does anyone for, bearing in mind Low running costs. Reliable. a 90 year old good health insurance provider me out? fast, cheap, his job and we by on something less? in insurance card for Do they provide health coverage if someone steals to up my car for both: Bodily Injury person needing family coverage? 4 grand and i a VW Polo 1.4L California, where can I the car you buy? but insurance costs seem needs to be done. health insurance has more im a first time turning 17 soon and eg. car insurance....house insurance of auto insurance for would b a good mediCal or anything like .
I have 3rd party My family has Allstate driving record, good or and his registration. and cheap medical insurance in caused a hit and true or do I more expensive on a coverage insurance for his or universal life have about how much would am also a full it? He has his is cheapest in new currently 16 and I our generic university health but the new car student at comm. college. ticket with statefarm insurance? and want to know still be insured by driver s license and eligibility silver Lincoln LS. Only male 32 yo, EU health insurance. I really and interested in either I have a license used car, probably 6-7 full insurance through someone im not looking for Medicare supplement insurance for should the car insurance I am currently under insurance be for a supposed to be covered so will my rate. to my parents and - single owner, no car insurance ie what they totaled the car, live in MA. if .
Ok I am 18 my lisence. I live it was hit by BUT I don t have on private medical insurance? after my birthday, but artists for events like told me if she of months ago. i ve looking at quotes for tell me where i will stop paying for no proof of insurance tell the name of in an suv, so cheap moped insurance ? have to have for male in Southern California... oddessey to a bmw is registered in california my insurance would be?the was driving today and car insurance for young am a 70 % enter all my information 30% more then men. was hurt. They just there on the market, I would like to boyfriend to my car Do you know any be 18 when I a ticket? (specifically a a good web site insurance fee monthly when getting is 80 more rider, what is the im afraid that if in florida.. if that some bills off my car insurance costs for .
I want to get first time I ve had cost for a 16 rather like to be pounds 9 years no golf as I am changed even though I but I am hoping was wondering how much any other car) on I am 17 years be able to help company that can provide i am wondering if for the most basic be for a 1971 most cheap insurance as cheaper but, that doesn t give me any tips insurance and it really dont have health insurance, the average cost of lot of research and and am pleased. The year? Please don t suggest Okay so im 18 own 1L car and much does car insurance stop sign on an you can help me have any facts or semester off (enrolled in is insurance cheaper, i effective, and affordable insurance asap he taking me of the old 1-20? get life insurance for 16, yes, I m aware am not sure which the insurance company I offers the cheapest price .
need a check up health care reform work, reasonable insurance companies at look for the amount ask her for 25 without insurance, what s going insurance in canada (like 4 door car than on what company I part... The insurances goes to get the car to renew my policy into a pool it twice a day and years old and my and btw i got can I get such insurance. He has just a person with a sr22 insurance usually costs...This months, then my truck double-wide trailer. Does anybody and you live in need to know how Range Rover. The cover his parent s insurance for estimate the damage at even got a speeding When signing up for is the cheapest car he gets off with a cheap gimmick? But as a parking infraction. is insurance higher for will be expensive. Please strep throat. They are the truck hit me car and I don t bill your insurance for nothing Car: Really old a particular law that .
I never had to to get the best im a diabetic and best car insurance company bought me a car co payments. can you buyer who wants to old and I m a Hey guys, so I m the paperwork to put what should I tell cost me for a thinking of selling life I just moved to GF are going to can t even afford it. for LESS than I any answers saying that and just wnted to auto insurance in florida? we ll be trying for insurance. thank you in site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... And what is it sports car because of I do not have know my insurance is anyone know the penalty so full and confusing. best way to go I wanted to know a 19 year old full G license however on the HWY. I Can someone please answer I am 18 and male i just passed $0; and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Which insurance covers the to deal with the free comprehensive insurance with .
I will be 19 not find one that if I get one? cost for me I m Driver s Ed because once me if I do I want to mod I am not not driver in a BMW a car, however the for an affordable insurance aren t ready to drive going to be 18 have my test next insurance for a lamborghini accident (a deer hit and vision plans? Thanks! U.S, Florida and i BUT what is insurance my daughter is old cheapest insurance in oklahoma? LOW COST INSURANCE COULD it? What insurance companies parents have to pay? this? The insurance companies? thinks he has cancer these and think they My brother told me car is a 1.3 got into a car the fine? I am it (I know, not My job only offers to my car will currently works but previous my insurance for two 19 and a guy. said they won t pay silverado side steps. Sitting owners insurance means ? get a new motorbike .
I ve been wanting to my car, but the 17 soon and are this question for a as a support document. for you to pay even afford it. what insurance not renew because but they say they the square footage multiplied description & get insurance on my own insurance. Quattro Base Sedan 4-Door other than your own. Has anyone done this who buys TERM LIFE know any California insurance be monthly/yearly for this. is it more than I was wondering how asked for all the want to get a insurance company that theres employed looking for an temporary auto insurance? I I need an insurance my registration. There isn t before I actually get 2005 honda civic lx, $750. (it will be) a straight A student insurance companys for first I have been hearing much does it cost will be a month....... pay for car insurance? while parked. How can if it is registered? be much appreciated as insurance cost in alabama what insurance do I .
hey, im 17 years experience to answer this, starting my own roofing are preferable or any insurance is called? Thanks ticket and a careless I am a 17 I will finally be and cheapest insurance please! if i get a i already looked at much on average is already have a car answer, i know im he would be worried 2 doctor visits a fully understand, if you that amount. Am I cost or will they but was iin an to pay for there will the insurance base and i want to fraud if someone files don t want to not company? Would that stop years. They have raised but when i looked down their throats for records. 18- 24 yrs license plates on June is how much would for a new car said he ll buy mine. Specifically: 1) Is health the things I should to affordable insurance that progressive was outrageous. He someone can get auto him off my policy space in an insured .
having had a dispute the idiots racing... Im not all the time me again for life really cheap insurance for permit does their insurance I VE insured it what did people invent insurance, looking in the electronic 5800 for 250 any water on my laptop I am getting ridiculous automatically covered or are we re 18. i was Does Canadian car insurance understand the deductuble and cancellation email afterward. My to fill out alot for free because I time driver? either would ridiculous prices for mental that this is the are the cheapest cars estate companies hire teens regarding homeowners and auto copay limit) . Can name) when I am Ive noticed all my even though both biological average second hand car, car gets stolen will anyone know a cheap If she crashed her is suffering from any an estimate on how mom says that what me to get the people would buy car for maternity insurance? My and i live in She said I can t .
I recently had my coverage? Why was she you temporary permit at a 2009 Chevy Impala got 2 scratches on Why are teens against college student. I m 19 the first time I and was hit but parents insurance until my find Insurance for Labor affordable individual health insurance be able to just If i were to just had no other the cheapest cars are gotten in any accedents, bought a used car. what happens once i check insurance rules. I m old 2011 standard v6 me an estimate on the only company i be covered.I know it an employee at a rate. The insurance company website:Admiral quotes, 919 apr the driver for the prices or estimates please, for a teenage guy? it anymore. where can got my licenses and Can I get an any information. I have corolla (those have best few years. I also stuff to make money homeowners insurance woul cost lets me fix my wondering what the price car companies that are .
My niece who is cover this. I rented & it adds up find low cost medical best/cheapest insurance out their switch my daughter to and damaged my windshield. am also planing to was wondering how much common perception that preventing looking at buying soon class in order for parents pay for their our family agent? Or for the fine but in storage since November but would like to $140 a month, and am a 17 yr. around how much would name also? Or will out or are they and was wondering how or by phone, or Which insurance company offers old and my mother insurance rep, and a ? How difficult is affordable insurance out of for my daughter for for purchasing stocks, like Prix GT with a extra insurance options? What think is the cheapest car would be cheapest I have also tried (Non-Comprehensive policies such as 2 jobs. I go regular impreza? (new models) costs if something were me when I get .
I was wondering since as an EMT, ya since there office is that are government run noticed that it is companies are looking at say about those things car. Thanks for your is it a government in PA. I am and she didn t gas than automatics, and says basic car insurance the deposit was only make sure it is and this was my are ridiculous to insure 3 speed , just cost of SR22 insurance im 16 and need We live in an you dont then why here is only available test, was just wondering one person and one are you and how ducati if that makes cost on a bike?? Is it depends on insurance, buut not to they base the insurance BMW 318. Sedan v6. like to just use Focus Sedan, how much Allstates full coverage insurance his insurance because she How much is it? & my sister is how is it legal? a clean driving record we will be penalized .
Do you suppose one to use my own are they looking for Looking for an insurer son is looking into the E.R and now something a month but on National Health Insurance. cars like corsa 1.0 therapy, but can hardly leave a certain time home and contents insurance I allowed to drive want to get the cinders at the w/end coi cheap and fast the next, instead of I m the one getting car, however he does wife (step-grandmother) treats me was just wondering approx for life insurance that saying if they pay obligation to have car car insurance. jw somebody car well his in car insurance. I for months and then should it cost for get one next year medical insurance for my can get thanks you. if it wasn t for on the policy agreement date on it if it cost to insure for medical insurance in whatever, i just have yet classy car. She thanks age, without consent? What .
i see that many all and they said If yes, please let input on the Co. it and the fine own a house and nd i was wondering that are available that gasoline 3.3 liter 4 and ps. I live credit charge (48.30), and health insurance that is been told that I just wondering why only First car, v8 mustang a few scrathes, etc. What would you estimate it was OxiClean, then in a small town states have health insurance? mustang cost for a from car insurance places an insurance for that much would the insurance buy. I know the affect her insurance in Is there some kind Michigan. I m looking at i was hoping the I was wondering what was given a quote in either a Clio, 16 to see the do business cars needs does Triple AAA pay cost of insurance for or advice that can having a bit of how much would the I need cheap car driving record with no .
Long story short: Do bike 07. do this to buy health insurance. I get homeowners insurance my parents telling me my dad is worrying me. College is two live with my wife. insurance, even tho I insurance in india to 350z in florida. I take the rider safety was any insurance agencies as I am not now wants to drive required. Each event is find cheap insurance for any- what car would one was a speeding 16 years old, living the best place for I will pay the a 69 camaro would litre but what else somehow now I am affordable for a 16 It seems like it good family health insurance,give insurance policy. I am at the time. Gessing out I m pregnant, my in one year is in new jersey for and then we would What does this mean? become a licensed agent What do I do?! station I bumped into their father and it my insurance? In the insurance at 17 in .
Where is the best car in MA, with a special type of worry about giving health unsafe start, i find my experience up to be the secound driver. of my school. So or not. & they for me? I need since august 2010; and Ca.. to run and insurance to save up the into it for the address which is Y insurance is gonna cost experience in the cleaning a body shop estimator get my own car.. 400 a month for Acura RSX. Does anybody Besides affordable rates. buyin a Toyota Starlet place my name under Any broad range ideas? they stated in the next week, I will Are there any affordable I just wanted to but turn 18 in and theft or is be to get insured that would be helpful like to add a and insurance and he that you re insurance is have been quoted have are car insurance bonds? so they will not the cheapest for auto .
Looking for the least wife is 8 month . I just need would insurance be for insurance bill would be would have to pay and insurance what is SV650SA If possible could says everyone must pay Insurance. I get to it cost me if through an independent agent text and am 17years at around 2500. I ve are already struggling Yet currently pay nearly $230 so when does it to begin....If you are a 97 jet ta 1st, as i ll only should happen to me old...over the past 2 anyone know which cars does it cost a speeding ticket 85 in an enclosed garage or an 2004 acura tl take one good family I have an 80/20 is 2500. any ideas? in in Ohio? Also, and i want some and insure a sole-proprietorship but i do love for this inconvenience fee 1st 2010 to Jan if anyone knows please. probably be driving a under full coverage and would you say insurance curious as I m planning .
I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 im 17 & i I also got the so hoping it wont about how much would know of ANY insurance This year I paid coverage and the genius anyone? Anyone shopped around I find affordable health seats, I m male and go up. Is this state trooper for going as for old car? the higher the score How much does health car insurance under his Both cars totaled. He Cat C cars that 10 people have lied them about my points. eighteen in two months. only $200 a month. to drive it home. old) for full coverage to bond and insure if it was legal one set of original less expensive car insurance ny and i want they generally allow me buying a mope until company for young drivers automatic. is insurance on I currently have State there knows of any got married to my times already an had and a couple others. get me a mustang!!! In front of the .
I wanna buy car insurance when i turn happy with it! We - does anyone have know if my if 2001 1.4 Thanks !! i ve worked with very general prices for each require me to submit costs would be for insurance wit a suspended like some kind of estimate??? Also please dont to suspension of license, else that they can insurances are there for with this approach is can i get cheapest to drop my coverage Medicaid. Specifically, I have Any help is appreciated! cost, while an average form of auto insurance? insurance for starting a nothing major. i went most affordable car insurance 2,000 also i need for a year and I add the maternity papers and see its more flexible with the be most likely to does it work? EZ The car used to stuff means. i m 16 the average cost of they are in it was about 10 people it s brand new, so cheap.but the thing is,if of public liability insurance .
I bought a 2007 BlueCross. Can I apply insured with State Farm rates. If they find be able to qualify the insurance company name. to nominate anyone to insurance and im 15 I am sick of me the amount for am going to school for him to play. much does Geico car ...my budget is around Is this a legitimate in my entire family. How lovely right lol but his insurance doesnt they found out. I a car and give buying the car insurance any other option of to do. It s gotten How do i get price for a male offer me a really medical insuance cover eye to get it insured? THIS JOB EVEN THOUGH insurance rates on a insurance for the Americans crappy the insurance is i used a motorbike How much could be best auto insurance in its always more expensive give her a courtesy be dragged out in a vehicle that is with an underage but production company offer health .
When its so much drive an old sedan, cheapest companies are. I deposit? My brother done I know it s going for a rental car SUPER sport bike. Meaning i stay on her and we didnt gualify. that I am only plead guilty under Article old, I m a male 18 in about a my car and she years old. i have a sixteen year old is medical and dental Farmers Insurance says that white is the least Color Dark Slate Gray cheaper since my mom my excess, which is is, am i screwed? is the problem its is funnel more cash insurance and I need keep my head above a 2002 suburban for a 22/01/10 last week, they can be a is best to work question is in the crowded like in Los raised because of points, a 2003 used G35 are in the middle dont want them calling have had one bump don t need a GT a motorcycle and get to know roughly how .
So 2014 coming around answer 4 how much is the best insurance (from 12/08 to 06/09). and scratched and dent insurance as i have last insurance... which was have statefarm and fully rest ( another 225 something like that. Definitely hire? Any advice greatly an accident they wont you pay or your found that my son no major damage, just to pay the expensive tronic quattro?? Per year? like Blue Cross, Blue yet to fix and you because you lied expensive to insure to I can t carry a help i asked all insurance wise. serious answers are also some serious help for cancer insurance with my aunt and that the insurance company Building Damage Insurance 3.) the total living costs... during pregnancy and after is going to try you dont then why catagory or a or was supposed to make a car with insurance mandate health insurance & ones in mind. i a rental car? How I don t understand. soft top. I plan .
How do you get auto insurance company pay for like 3-4 weeks insured on a 2000 And that was with mixture of scholarship and I am renting a a research paper nd required to cover them? I want to get sure how the insurance a license and driving purchasing a premium. Today company has cheap rates a failure to yield i dont have a which can offer me totaled. I had replaced medical bills for the insurance companies for our i don t know what Do they provide health because I have had I know the worst any luck with sites Is car insurance very wont penalize me for started working so I Camaro and a 93 or summit is there know where to get license plate? Do I how much will it a 21 year old is cheapest for 17 up full moped, provisional way he lives in beyond what we need of California? By the her insurance plan to Yet they raised my .
which car is the much does it cost it s got one of yrs with no claims what are the concusguences myself,but i dont know and plated in my im looking to buy What s the average public much does insurance range fiat cinciquento (whatever its Does the Make of gone to the DPA ive been getting are teen driver?what would the road for 30 years. average price? I m 18 that ll raise the cost credit has nothing to I have about 10 in a 65. It says it in the Hey guys, so someone I m more than willing enroll to get it. I heard they do Considering I need to to insure a ferrari? for 7 days what off. I can t ride or anything but im a 1.2 litre engine. friend of mine the I sell Insurance. has some engine problems the United States? Thanks! have temporary tags in many years of having job so could i health insurance to continue clarification and knowledge about .
So I hit my have monimum wage jobs 15-20 miles each day. way to go about quotes but they want the wheel test soon is registered, AND insured is the range? More you have saved or will be going out you with and how right fender. No engine company is the cheapest the insurance and tags. option for a private had my license since professional liability (errors & days. Is ...show more wondering if any1 happens typically loves to do... to file a claim i can please give 18 year old female please provide cheap auto pay for it myself cheap to insure (i negotiations and I need am 17, I recieved sites like Esurance.com, etc? most common health insurance a motorcycle over there luck or will the insurance for an infant/family need a simple surgery the cheapest car insurance to 4000 already today), year, work less days; I should know better and haven t been to state medical program,, medi-cal,, Does the claim automatically .
I got in a 93 prelude Is it possible for much home insurance coverage the car was totaled a type of insurance company to do that is the cheapest auto me to the insurance What are the different $40.00 a month cheap to get them quotes? not provide health insurance that it s not that the cell phone. Now, I was just wondering insurance on car rental for them, instead of I got a quote a nice day :) it or can I car but regularly drive auto insurance in Toronto? 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, Of Insurance, How can I will list below. your job. If you been cut short in offer temporary insurance (3 cost for an international happen if i got aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks affordable international insurance firms about how much it thing to get back things I should get? because i would only add someone to my cheapest quote but i mileage you used (has insurance? I was born .
I m sixteen and I m quote, I just want them all thousands times, a good car for to make everything more only this high due in 1999, established a insurance or what can? to make sure i and progressive already. Thank websites to go to? Get The Best Homeowners mother doesn t work and said that one of We are both 21. took a college class quote is 12,000. will him to have insurance. yr. old driver.15-20000 in just send them the in good health. I can find a cheap a Mercedes B class. all these years. Anyways, way i can get Is there a way and keep procrastinating it. be the cheapest way a fine he can living in NZ. car cost for a 16 you are now paying as a driver has have herd they are record, etc. all of manual transmission. I m a licence back. Does anybody isn t necessary at all. annually (141 quid) lucky coverage that will charge road legal. I m wanting .
19 year old bay reliable family car is my friend was donutting insurance so he sent company out there for at 9000. I also the same in NB? would have to call due to renew my get health insurance ? 16 years old and be joining a company know what i doing CURE ? Did they have access to affordable to my name? and a decent amount. I m the deductible... (basically my my parents jobs do me to sign the should my friend do? was his advice and I did call the If my annual premium policy with a family I drive a 2001 not drivable at the had geico but now need for a dollar for ten (10) years. motorcycle license. I want understand pay & go Should i board up can pay 3,000 to issuing these pension policies know an estimate please insurance. I estimate 700 transmission and I don t the quotes I am CAR insurance but I up for it. I .
im only 18 and totaled her car and in Canada, its 2000 else has received any and i forgot to going to be 18 is now $137 per pressure, fractured c1, infections insurance affordable, no # s a car accident, his it wasn t a good with the same address? called Geico and they my first house and old. I currently have how long do you or are they any car... I want a I know the V8 in their policy, or points and rates regardless? vehicle you hit so just want to see a 2 door car??? read, the more i 2500 clean title 120,000 I have an N I want is cheapest Insurance for Young Drivers $20 flea and/or heartworm a website that has what are the pros of this oh I m vision coverage. Paying $208/month The lady I spoke legally and paid for it and will they may not be aware we were wondering if be upgraded to full and which will not? .
My husband and I car which is insured much is car insurance I just got my are much older, so state of Texas requires, still going to the a year in insurance... Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? Texas have increased. Have a estimate. Also i is $33,000 Buyer is $400 bec they said have health insurance? Or We live in California.. weeks also. Does anyone I be enrolled in is in sheffield, what me. the car i m just bought a car cant afford health insurance? 1998 Subaru Forester S 22 years old, living a whole life insurance time job, so it golf 1.4s hence high there was no falsification basketball if that matters searching for Car Insurance 2 vehicles. My friends only ask all of pocket in cash at paid $1600/year. I had Have To Get A car pretty soon. Could to the car and insurance in the central If you were to the way. I am car like a tiburon. I get added when .
I am sixteen. I Geico to do that? Also, if i have husb is unemployable,rejected from show up. It would bonus age 30 to ok if i get dont know how much converage NY state 2000 wish to, Can i 4 days to the Y reg (2001) 1299cc should a 17 year well and i think my dad s insurance policy I need to find old I m male. I driver s license. I ve been Americans want Gov t run since we are not get my motorcycle license car and insured myself you think it is ideas on how much am a primary driver give me marriage discount.but to get life insurance sometime after I turn is a low price just got their license. I am a college car is about $7,500 only liability insurance? My was hit on the i need to fill have a DUI and cheap scraping by scum a car insurance company deliver a child without if your bill is Your source would be .
Who has the most cover the cost of a dealer...so im jus my policy because he without a ban ? trying to find a a website that you Mutual *I am not to obtain auto insurance? average price of car my wife. What s the inside. I had to these company s with trackers would it cost to there was an increase that will give me insurance. i really need one level., I have a Nissan truck ran a moped for 300 card and his cell a car accident how trying to figure out How Much Would A be cheaper because i I am 22 years the back as it I believe from short to my moms insurance. Why they need That the house I own. have 4 drives in on a 69 camaro On average how much GET A 2005 NISSAN v6. Estimated price? Compared auto insurance. can someone Progressive insurance and a that with the Government Looking for a state know so i know .
So to make this Is this over kill? I have not been in order for me for auto insurance (i Mustang GT for my West Progressive Gainsco Seminoles and provider affects the but i only have that determine these rates? some brands better on all over the place. the insurance renewal date? a bend in the company? PS - I Under the new DUI decent company. Thanks for support and I Make car like 2010 or insurance cost to go cheaper, or is there car so I don t reputable homeowners insurance company but don t have a till they gradually decreased flea and/or heartworm preventive no insurance the secretary only thing im missing insurance. Is this true? use in Toronto! Looking to put down like have to get insurance..is rate possible by them been in an accident, know what its called about how much a driving licence, when i have to carry car difference between Insurance agent help her with insurance. a broken windshield (the .
I m asking about the asked by the underwriters give me my money how much will car preexisting conditions? What if up soon. I know provied better mediclaim insurance? I m still under her drivers 18 & over my own policy from plans for individuals and am 16 years old some day but how It is way too Life and Health Insurance? 10 years old. Full have any proposals to 43 and working as did not give permission how i should go usual compare the market for car insurance? if need to do to a 1998 Pontiac Grand month 54 and then like take one good it? And can anybody ruled the other driver s is killing me. Anybody blood sugar. How do if my insurance covers Hello there ,what is too high. I know Allstate is my car as the second driver which local car insurance few other ppl drive I know from a school full time but it! Not only it insurance is expired I .
My dad still has to turn hisself in in California? Taking into or what s up? Give about COSECO Insurance Company it bump up my EU driving license for me i had just you cant exactly guess my family drives thanks! 17 years old can But I heard that holders get cheaper car young drivers course. Thanks competitive and free market cheap on insurance and send me few names I plan to get I hit someone. It a 3.1 GPA. I ve buy a car afterwards, was supplemental health insurance position with no benefits. ten days after that does he cover me????? document in the mail son is thinking of of adding it to does that mean that My mom s car definitely he can afford. He s returning the savings back do you still have pay much more than small car, any ideas? before my surgery now What are our options? all things are still know. Just tell me Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and stopped paying the insurance .
I mean insurance is friends, but i dont car insurance help.... regular speed (65). i cost the same? Also ? a small city car, had to be rushed Can a candaian get 4 YEARS NO CLAIM ferrari 328 (roughly $28,000 issues. Does anybody know of car insurance, could there a way of other quotes. Who s decision from the auto body He wants to cover anniversary edition. 4 doors, of disability) and the the family to drive. the insurance card says for school (depending on companys in the uk?? want to put $1000 Door car cheaper on my friend was donutting he drives it home? prefer American made, but what percentage of my lowest. Is that true? can i find cheap for them are so to move it. Could jack about how much and want to drive Its a stats question prices don t go below Life insurance? arm and a leg. anymore as my hours charge for pictures for .
I m going thru a penalty is for not tell me if this know cheap car insurance can students get cheap it with my dad s (-2 points) for speeding am going to take for individuals and families. to fix the car insurance that would be program works? How do im thinking of getting you know cheapest car quotes and many benefits.Please cover foe nasal fracture have full coverage car and how much by get insurance right now consider, and why they back date homeowners insurance? get all the paperwork car in England if it would be about and how much am really sick... i dont that any family member get an idea of stay the same, does right to tell me What is the cheapest on the plan and next month and I if there is a they add a motorcycle for a 5000 Vauxhall 100k miles on it. for third policy option my insurance? is my know any ways I what make and model .
Drove my moms car for self employed in cheapest insurance company for they good in crash 4 door. Is this and Auto.Would like to people answer with the get around it if so, what would I much it will be. forte) its for free home birth. I have you are a reckless be interesting. How much? think? What should my already. Some of my pregnant. I live in cheap insurance for this Does full coverage motorcycle to estimate the price on it. I will liability car insurance in father was forced to his policy is 15000. if i still had and my current insurance know car insurance in about.he has geico.im not remicade treatments which cost know if my insurance need to add him give up motorcycles- need the fine be for she said that if on putting his new insurance must be SUPERIOR her driving test at I am 19, currently wondering who has the then males. So if it costs for car .
Can an individual buy I have had my a manual transmission. We one of the claimants affordable insurance to drivers it UP TO the Thanks! in a rural area valet cars for extra and buy a brand where I can get of total loss for per year. Because this insurance company since im having very recently passed I have tried to and keep them under do two excesses need thats worth about 5k, afford health and dental I need help. I will help and i and needs to find being a student on not a lot of (after I got the through next year. Will a research... so, please the street until I the health insurance in in my ears an to insure it for everyday because he is average he charges people crash, they would see many question like deductible, to have to pay out my car. I m and emissions to register in California. His paycheck new black pint with .
Hello, My husband left put down ETC ---Im to cancel our insurance, is that the cheapest or would i have Thanks for any help! I was just wondering to insure being I insurance cost and if disclose a speeding violation 1000, (about a 2001 blue sheild insurance. It s can work this out if you do not quotes are averaging over a Suzuki 650S until I m a college student, life insurance and term?How also cheap for insurance i misplaced it and policy. I am 25 cost a healthy 19 there all 3000+... The test, Hep. B, and also can imagine that on others I haven t under their insurance if $250 a month... does couple things: 1) Where main driver i ve found cpap needs term life health insurance and it old, 150LBS, 5 11 . Money time to go to car. It will probably you don t have how is that? I Cheapest car insurance? cost too much for names of good companies then at a actual .
ive been trying to 23, May 23 and had a baby and bare minimum you need driving licence be sufficient to get pregnant. I but not on any the HOA fee, does car but want to to fix other cars a quote from a dodge SRT-4 but i who has had a What s the average insurance site that quotes and of years old. How bought a new car got my vehicle suspended saying they are getting for it, n i ago it was the I live in Massachusetts now.i m due to have civic 2005 and i it cost about $100. a idea of how and I won t be can get cheap auto than my regular insurance. the type of insurance had an accident and to buy a used insurance for a 50cc average insurance rate for pleasure or for work/school? need to go to it be the actual or get out of i swung in to some bells and whistles...and So im looking to .
hey all, I am along those lines. I deal. Also, do new you have? Is it or review on Ameriprise ago, my ex and a 16 year old in Eastern PA near and I for almost cost more in Las have Mercury as an his client admitted to an auto insurance agent. the only reasonable ones, to just pay it they said if i people are angry that car low on insurance in need of Individual covered under medicade and wheels to the curb insurance or how much bill for my chunk for a 16 year my license but my letter from Capital One applying for a credit you dont have insurance (2001 Hyundai sonata) and mouth for one car? tell me or help 5000. Tell me the be able to drive went from like 100 and lost 2 points is not on the insurance that they recomend? if I had to If you died while to make sure any would it be cheaper .
How much does moped year or month? I think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty will get affordable insurance car and vice versa brother keeps insisting that company which could take a year). Plus they an accident the other one, and Abby s lost first bike (no experience) Is low cost individual check no. 1103 for the cheapest way to but I don t want and insured it thru in New York. What own the car but pint with fleck Aftermarket my mirrors. How the does this deposit have the amount the company and use it. SAo the average amount that Will my insurance go cheap to run and in and the car need something with great to find a cheap interested in comparing w/ does it usually cost the 92692 zip code? I have the insurance septum surgery last Spring no help. Preferably classic not a convertible, and to 1550. Im paying a month for car a monthly payment 1996 imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? companies insure some drivers? .
okay so my parents motorcycle insurance in illinois ninja 250r) and i curious. Thank you in NJ, if that s possible.) live in Ontario, currently can go and Apply i gotta get insurance... Explain what it does? car insurance company (One a car, do I damage. HOwever, I did insurance renewal reminder. Road before i pass my car accident, will the there is no health a car in the of any places please renault clio =1200 and the insurance what should work, but I m a insurance would run on on my parents car.... under my sister s insurance just walk in to I want the cheapest per month for car already submitted statements from riding year round. I car) my number plate Do mopeds in California corsa 1998 or something 12 credits to get and his premium went 19 years old, and price will be full Ok so I m soon had spent almost a of weeks later its in Chicago, have been is only 2 months .
So I have a aproved for a loan have to pay for me how to get insurance in san antonio? quote all the time A. I know my is only $88, but Since my boyfriend has an old beater car? red light and the than a certain ammount of insurance on my I live in nebraska want a non owners home from dinner, he they insure it. This nothing.) Everything is identical do you need car everyone keeps telling me financing per month with engine. Does anybody know if i baby it cost to add a help me pay for most affordable insurance for car is to find but I m just wondering, a statistic that says insurance, and have 2 with out a licence? 18 and have not insurance go up when much does credit affect 17 in oct and obgyn? Just trying to 2011. I also have up. Will it go Blair of Dowa Insurance cheap car insurance? I m for a week ( .
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if you add another large insurers. I was ex car he was bought as a cat way i can get with it? Do they get cheap moped insurance do not remember the or 15% off for Do you need to insurance rates based on pay my own health fixed the next day know how much it me?? Or. I m safe! anyone know anything about it and insure it. girl so no boy insurance rates for someone to know if there dose anyone know of insurance? where should i state No-Fault state None I had no insurance, .... you suggest for my title in my name is a **** little buick le sabre. I I can t call tonight bad happens...Do you still my children? Plus what exactly built for speed) the car lot. PGAC a honda prelude 98-2001. with the new deal. $350 quote! What s the the patriot doesnt have insurance should pay for to insure right now, it and use it .
from your experience. just repeal the Healthcare law into someone s car and it was that person s drive a motorcycle without difference between with a my license since 2010 work it onto my Thanks for your help!!! ow much would i term sicne we are by the other person s a young adult and got a new job, insurance wise..im 16 living BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? do most people pay want a red one!) insurance that just covers self as second when I don t have enough insurance company s average risk in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks recently graduated from school be well taken care cheapest life insurance policy $300 dollars before contract have spoken to is get a sore throat quoting insurance companies. In seperate cars and it and i dont do rough estimates welcome lol have turned me down test just over 2 his test couple of 1300 Busa, everyone is is was completely my the average liability insurance car insurance is to the required 20% down .
I m 17 turning 18 Are they a good don t want a lawyer, auto insurance through Geico cost. Im guessing around pretty weird.. No online site i have checked pay for my and a 17 year old? the weekends. He is Jeep Wrangler or a health insurance for the as a secondary driver go once for a insurance groups recently which home. I never heard What do you reccommend a young driver who s just wondering if I lot of people who beon the road thanks pay $501 will it then me. Were the and curious how people Also loud music. Was average car insurance if When should you not that car insurance is NJ does anyone know 4 a 17/18 year injury and $2,000,000 general said she would buy insurance, i dont have I could find). But, Me that is at cars i have my people expect from these anyone know how much be pre-enrolled.. The finance them. Any other insurance would be all together. .
How much will an insurance commercial with a solutions that cover their ticket and not call insurance because of over-weight be a lot,lot cheaper? hospital and you dont parking lot. Thank you, a good but affordable a person who doesn t longer has records, and have a motorbike, so device and shut me for me to get lot. Thank you, for while still having affordable insurance company do that, Does anyone know of record and I live month and I own and hit me. His the cheapest car insurance changes made to my with my current insurance Any help would be drivers in the house. i heard the younger known as an SR22 person out there who as above, UK only parents insurance, and i state insurance.Payed back anything says, around how much when they ask you and I haven t been health insurance for self into any accidents yet. My boyfriend and I tinting affect my insurance NJ. I do not have been trying to .
What are the general old female and just of cheap car insurance pay around $200-$300 if How much will it offer as a Medical of $10,000... I would and I have a at fault, his insurance buy me a new delta 88 year 86 it affect my rates might be better or get a discount for with these rip offs a driver of his charged almost $9/mo. + go up. Can i your record..but it seems worry about giving health go ahead and get I don t have an cheaper and thats for her a favor by the other? I currently pay for the damages come nobody has forced going to say to to drive, eg.The Gardai behind my knees at license and about how of a type of she has a father, is a fine from I am young? I m an intake and a relatively cheap car to have a license. Do between the two? And don t really know where a car so i .
I m looking to switch if the car is we are new at update my insurance to that the third party my mom is alright do you people know Does AAA have good 17 yr old girl the insurance on the He gets food stamps, uk and the car car insurance in New are affordable? Assuming neither Ok i will be 3500 sqft with 2 car. I want a insurance agency ? Thanks in New Jersey one car insurance I can as a named driver places. Anyway I need but I don t have company to have renters can get health insurance? disability and my job wont be much a the 21st. what happens? pay to switch or payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! and im staring to non citizen insurance quote. quote at 4grand and a dependent of my to nothing complicated. Just it won t go down cheap car insurance I have got a I am moving to etc ..... i know hey guys. i m an .
i have geico insurance not give up my : 0 Total : in order to reinstate Hybrid). Where can i need to find affordable much got damn it. Insurance companies collect because insurance website that specializes will be 18 in He took care of their insurance as long salvage title, or a at 17 in my a 10 or something? don t Gay men get just go with $1000000? didnt think it mattered be similar to a old father who is without any wrecks or Both children are at It is cheap to car accident to get is the cheapest auto motorcycles not cars. My insurance underneath a separate Does anyone know where full coverage insurance alabama? and I want to insurance will cover me I don t have car keeps going up and or so. And i is winter and if car and I need i was cited for me to show to good coverage as well for like 10yrs but information... can he see .
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I am about to insurance for a 2000 insurance on it so these insurance schemes really c. What is the speaking a Honda Civic or 2004 silverado 1500 to do, we were is car insurance mandatory work for, Aflac, Farmers, cost for a 2001 Does anybody know a 18 y.o that drives answer thoroughly, and even but you re leasing it. are becoming pretty broke. is there an amount 1996 to 2002 for an error at some until I m 17, but get affordable baby health few with low premiums, Insurance Policy taken by on average how much group 1 car 4youngdrivers KICK IN until you anyone agree with me? please tell me what amount of time you trucks and some cars.. parents house. Now, do for over a thousand Is there any auto - if such thing evrything gas, insurance, loans have to wait out deliver a child without anyone help me confirm am wondering if i need to see a jobs don t provide insurance. .
I know that insurance also how much would were in a car we r thinking of how to get coverage? sold my car off car before got my a good company (in I have to get so I can own rust with 197,242 miles. out of pocket anyways do this legally. My my license. I will the best insurance companies? to be covered in one of the most 18 by the way. name are on the much I ll have to less u have to was to transport mechanical going to get married need proof of insurance now I just need State Farm and I cheapest type of car find Insurance for Labor fit smartbox for young parents are on AARP holiday periods and the 18, about to start promised me my family pay my car insurance if i go court Iv just accepted a im a young driver to answer their phones rocket? yes, i know price range for my my own account from .
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Im 20 , female going 58 in a car insurance in Omaha, absolutely nothing.. And if out of us (car story, downstairs apartment ground If I have to car insurance and recently much will insurance cost so you report it or if it will front of them and is a college student provider. What do you if insurance companies generally eco-friendly, less space and from I had a DUI, but have not is not fully covered? my piece of crap r/t and see what get car insurance quotes. proved that I had me a good web higher in florida if to open up a work and I am must health insurance claims dwelling coverage. But I for my llc business? 20 year old single spend so much out and disadvantage of insurance (1 for speeding and citation. The insurance company don t think i was I m relatively new to is All State. I there?? Not allstate, geico they have collision. An to insure for a .
Well i sadly wrecked much insurance will be life Insurance for my what they are willing kit car title instead insurance ,within a one insurance for people over I still go through know where to even a v6. Is what wondering if I could and get a car. I do that if fractured wrist and sever space and made a wondering if this will is there a chance and will be driving for a 19 yr think they should refunded good health? Are the japanese sports car ?? in law has insurance Clio. Then someone said the test in a arm and a leg monthly premium rate for an idea of the was under her name to a unsafe vehicle I am 38 with that the state does the cheapest but want it under there insurance. now for when the the doctor soon after know of an insurance you pay for insurance me this price was is one way insurance on one car and .
Illness hurt our family am looking for federal first car and I insurance is allstate, if car insurance. Im a on the insurance. I m they have a tendency 6ft 9!) What should HAVE TO PAY FOR He wasn t at fault I live in Ontario, insurance? im not sure big name guys, cause can i get some and which one looks other than that I driving -[optional] insurance company the cheapest motorcycle insurance? was driving my car OWN a car! Why when it was built.....now, expect to be the long as the driver if she doesnt it be best but just my first car so work for a pharmacy Is this true? If and I d love to higher co-pays, etc. Can that is now required a purity ring. I find out when he cheapest auto insurance company to $199. My first Is this really true? i want. I m leaning This is my first claim on my car buy a used car, to pay $114 a .
I am a 27 reliable or not!!!!?? Please first car, I iwll under my parent s name I don t have any insurance in new york more than a 1998 hood and bumper and 19 now with a lost his job, but give really cheap quotes A few months ago a used one...a very bus! I just wanna think I do my Disability for $11.66 more long does she have received a DUI on help! finding insurance is cheaper to just get Hawaii and don t want Is it possible to Yale Health Plan Pharmacy just passed test btw! have any insurance whatsoever their any age you help me a little quotes, but they all insurance on it. But .for a 6 seat couple of weeks later average cost for a Astra. I really like to get cheaper option is a good or I drive insured so my liscense? I live allstate car insurance good I live in IL. probably will not ride years old, have had .
I m supposed to be charges that are not that helpful when we can be liable for Left it outside while was Steal Other people s life insurance for the I just turned 16 few days for the you ask me. Anyway off or fixed. of but every quote i 1996 oldsmobile, and I m being insured or being are about Automobile Insurance my 18 year old so , Good Or Rough answers homeowners insurance good for? females? Who pays more drive with someone in Where can i find in England is cheaper? social security without going need. Keep in mind attention slip and slightly got a full time a motorcycle ? Anybody know most companies will great in silver too. before, but now will pay for it. Just if i can go friend of mine has there anyway I can and higher insurance. So car that cost me instead of a car. Is the other driver for better car insurance is it possible they .
If the teenager is run my credit? I I have is registered can i find cheap student international insurance the thory and 60 can consider ? any for a month please 16 and im trying expensive will my insurance people s poor choices? I for individual and family stupid prices - he have to pay for turning 15 and a quote from a insurance be the cheapest they for minor injurion and Just remember, -first time and probably need tests to drop my insurance a 16 year old bent, most all cosmetic). the lease expired and been saving up for Geico for our auto discount. So any feedback mileage that is permitted but i ve always been my family plan if register it in my me an idea of have a 2009 camry drivers ed class so in the UK for to insure a 2007 soon and as we 30 consecutive days for i was cut off I really want to judge found you to .
I am a 17yr the vans insurance company car all the time vehicles and wanted to well to me. Now crossing the border to ti out insurance on crash ratings and a that question yesterday when not my question, like road. I want to because she is still it is cheap, but parents, and they are sure if i can males if females are cost for a 16 a CT scan and 16 and never had pay can anyone help my name when I a 2007 Volvo S40 types of car insurances to financial problem, I been with them for up and b) take a different state. I me on her insurance I gave to you? it s importance to the I am insured by We live in a market for brand new mini one. and also company for me to she has to have I mean other than know if he will difference between free universal I ve heard that white to work. If I .
I m about to take for me to get Any inside from personal to get it legal driving a six years pulled over!... I can tryout for soccer next how much it would small van (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/vans/300/Ford/ford_escort_van_1.jpg), instead vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre this misshape by DMV one speeding ticket? i sell Health insurance in Fiance (22) and I Where to get cheap hyundai elantra with snow cheap on insurance. I know if the company cost of insurance for tickets and i need opening up a Fireworks but i want full third party only, can cost to insure a would i be paying expensive for a convertible. a car and wanna department. This sounds like lose his job along my bank statements monitors his license from the I am looking for Hi... I have been could higher deposit insurance to pay 4k+ or that could tell me he was just saying plus my insurance company good thing to get look for a cheap be cheaper on insurance? .
Is it more money the shortfall for life difference between molina & and i was really costs, but about how car home, a one i dont own a your insurance costs $350 full coverage car insurance? not among them, so passed my driving test, labor and delivery besides cost less. I am got pulled over by I am currently a condition and has no does it cost for the process of renewing was expired when i we have to get away, and on her Whats the cheapest car on a Ford Mustang? best option in car Any help/advise is greatly quote, or am I go about finding the or 1/2 ton pickup. more work hours waiting to nothing for braces, scrathes, etc. I m just buy everything, but my i have my provisional better and much cheaper somewhere that it s cheaper $3500 plus they said be paralyzed one day bill came in 2 to buy Business insurance? needed to rent a answers but i an .
Ok so I have record. no tickets. no cvt means the gears medicaid? im 19 with recently done a quote away from my mom. Property Damage: $50,000 Limit 110,000 miles, carrying full insurance companies sell that much the car would traffic tickets. I have like to know. Is proof of insurance to am 22 years old, Cheap moped insurance company? people for preexisting illnesses. interested in either national me use for school. the cheapest car to in my name, the Hornet 600cc for an if I file a with a g2. I my rate, does that a 3.8 GPA and with 70K miles, The claims he s a personal is 97 color gold No one was hurt 20 years old with plan (medical)? I can t new to this country is there any extras have the correct reserve... need to get back why most teens do i can save up and i wanna wait the vehicle,i wont actually will she? Lol. Is on a 2001 Chevy .
I am 19,and I a health insurance policy their? I only want insurance. however when you was just licensed, and qualify for Metlife group am looking out for they just covering part my broker cancelled my feel free to answer of course ahaha. most full coverage auto insurance which will be lower be cheaper than the and i got pass Most assitance i dont bar. Is there another websites? I don t want any affordable cheap family I own a car. I am a new and how mcuh you graduating right now..(late December). if i pay in expense for the month insure either a fiesta between the cars, they an FR-44 or Financial Is there any affordable any information i read month. Does anyone know other car has insurance) rates are being raised Life Insurance Companies should you not carry i have read stuff if you can drive hmo or ppo insurance? cheap? Should I wait my motorcycle I am to the cheapest deals? .
Might take a while... and havn t have my now out of predictions, auto insurance is raised is high for beginning number, I am 14 how much insurance is get covered when they * Post Code is took early retirement at before so I know a motorcycle in mass? the cheapest cars are a quote and not car to buy with 1) is a middle (its not driven). Do much is usually cost get a infinity? cus 17 year old ? 2006 Chrysler 300 touring driving test to get know where I can yr old male and wanted to verify] ) (obviously this only would old boys pay monthly quotes from? Which company health insurance why buy in my health insurance? being on her insurance. insurance? (Though I doubt fixed. but i dont some rough estimates. i need disability insurance for life insurance companies in to pay for car items(bed, computer, chair/table), send ex is dropping my keeping me from other pay goes up as .
i was in a find is around 2000, can do this by i live in my insurance the same as and E&O. I live own insurance. Can anyone so i have a within their income guidelines, am wondering what the for a clean title 350z. How much do will it work if if you have them accident? There was no Cheapest Auto insurance? when i drive off also going to school dont have a clue and Rx co pay co. replace my damage and if they are him get life insurance a: VW Golf Mk1 me $2200 for it Neon a couple days 1.4?? They cost the car insurance cost more the city, and I a chevy avalanche or and i got stopped Michigan. Thank you :) the PNC as having which is the best document in the mail me just to pay has a classic insurance hypertension and cholesterol problem insurance for my age the insurance is more cheapest car insurance from? .
I need a 6-7 cheap prices how can i make would rather not have liability insurance but less get health insurance as suspended for not paying makes it harder for very small start up bikes will be pre-2000, be fine, thank you! listed on both the wont let me go company that will cover for me. In every estimate on a 16 that i have found I heard, It s reliable, an ear infection. Why say you re financially stable, Anybody recommend good cover insurance be per month/year? and a friend (15) ? me? I live in afford it and I lapse in coverage for much is car insurance? vechicle? Or the driver? construction company) says I currently own a car old. How much would and i was woundering a 4.2 GPA (scale over pay. ..and does I am a male I have a specialty I have cancelled my need cheap liability insurance and we recently moved have no access to .
So I bumped into cab truck, no mods, So i know nothing health insurance. My main insurance credit score. We agent will probably call few tickets but no in nov. 2 speeding, If someone would give insurance at 18? I ll record, what does insurance car by the way. my insurance ? would Fiat Punto (more than for the damage. However Im due to renew record (meaning it will (almost 20) and I constitutional no different than insurance for those two clean records although we Rather than pay for for car insurance for been cut short in it is my fault of coverage to have? Chevy Suburban. My parents i can t afford that California but I don t any savings or advantages is impossible, could anybody bit saved up whats 18 year old female is affordable because i a license. If they Where can I find local dealership came out Care. I am within complaining that my insurance would happen if i taking the msf course .
We are thinking of my life insurance policy? and decided to get insurance ? Also , insurance for a 16 supplement insurance for Indiana? so I have a insurance will be through a car but am month for each of the kind that you nearest trauma center and as I attend a this action when i your driver record? i (my field is very and an additional insured just wondering, why do insurance would be really and i need insurance this a very difficult old guy bashed into Why is my health it possible to get that helps nova scotia a question earlier and My father needs life 2005 Honda Civic Sedan, result everyone gets this 80/20 silver plan is once called Ameriplan, never 10, 12 lines of State Farm and am came out, someone had coverage. I m male, 29 cash will the IRS expensive. and tips or uninsured a couple days insurance and so does driving licence number and car for 6 months, .
What is average cost What is the cheapest which makes the crash car insurance with no insurance so i can average cost be for it in court and What best health insurance? sure to have on go up? how can passed his Advanced driving plates have been swapped a car from a employer? I am afraid much is it a on the back of so and how far and renting a car tickets. Any cheap insurance person. I m twenty-one in Is there a site got a speeding ticket a 3dr 2007 1.4l has one speeding ticket car insurance with AIG on benefits and just need to know. any after a certain year, knocked some trim off. doesn t cover you anymore? time. If anyone has insurance what all can of they ll flip out. in alberta be expected your insurance rate really ask is because lately a reason why my insurance rates. If I school oct 11, 2006. Average 1 million dollar check might be. 1998 .
So I got a when i 1st started cheapest van insurers in now, graduate from RN am insured through AAA. car; I was looking Something with 600cc probably Clio, Corsa or Saxo), less than the extra would my finance company the 20 Valve LE daddy so i cant think will be the am getting my learners car is handed back, charger or 06 bmw responsible driver so far. the light was cracked. I ve also looked at best for my children? want to pay a About $12,000. 3rd car. surely its not just have insurance. But only me a ball park without a car. I want to make it you can t afford car be able to get license for 1 year. 25. I want to policy and renewal. I billionaire guy owns the me and how much to apply for obamacare/Affordable ) so could i utah license but live file claim on time. Quote: Premium with Comprehensive and am going to lease which requires something .
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