#give me criticism on this so I can improve pls
edsheerankinnie · 4 months
Being a swiftie rn is so hard like. Maybe you are Wretched. Maybe you are Fearsome. Maybe you are Wrong.
@taylorswift SPEAK NOW🍉🇵🇸
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sh0tanzz · 8 months
ACKK, do more members as bfs with astrology for riize pls !!!
glad I got this asks bc I can now gloat about my man 😛
sungchan as your boyfriend based on astrology !
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of sexual innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
I am so in love with his chart.
Virgo Sun: A common trait I see in Virgo suns/risings is that they truly want to be the best optimal versions of themself. They are always finding ways to improve themselves or look/be their best whether its physically or mentally. (This may explain why many virgo sun/rising male idols are into working out, health or self help books. Sungchans interested in all 3 btw😭) But these traits would probably amp up when he's with you, he wouldn't want to slack when it came to his looks or personhood when with you especially since he has so many placements hinting at wanting to seem his best for you. Would want nothing more but to feel appreciated and valued and would give the same to you. He'd help you with relatively anything even if he didn't know much about the task or topic. He'd also ask you a lot of questions (not as much as a virgo mercury would but..) he'd be very interested in quite literally anything you had going on and would try to relate and insert himself in the things you speak about due to his venus.
Cancer Moon: Cancer is at home when it's in the moon so most people with this placement can be very emotional. He'd have to become close to you before fully pursuing anything. He would care about your opinions and validate your feelings. He'd showcase his domestic chore abilities so you'd view him as reliable. Downside is cancer moons have a hard time letting go of hurts so if you accidentally made him feel a type of way he may have a hard time fully letting go. Pretty sensitive to criticism. Would like comfort activities, a bath, a night swim at the beach, watching nostalgic movies, comfort food. I feel like he tries to be all macho and masc when really his emotional subconscious says otherwise 😭
Libra Mercury: Sungchan is his name and flirting is his game. He quite LITERALLY would know what to say to make you giggle and kick your feet. Would probably send goodmorning/night text (With his Leo Venus and Cancer Moon please send one back). Honestly his Virgo sun paired with this Libra mercury makes me feel like he'd gossip like crazyyyy with you. However his Sun and Mercury paired makes me feel like he'd overthink and be indecisive and have to confide in you about his thoughts. Would be good at calming you down and helping you level out your thoughts when you're upset or in a tense situation.
Leo Venus: With his Venus in Leo he'd most definitely brag about you. Even if the relationship had to be kept under wraps he'd soft launch or hint at your existence to others whether it's through wearing something -you- bought him publicly or if staff asked about his week he'd say "I spent time with a REALL GOOD friend of mine". With his virgo sun paired with his leo venus he'd absolutely need praise, it wouldn't just be a want it'd be a NEED for him to hear you compliment+praise him especially on his talents. Honestly the proudness from his venus, the provider energy from his mars..his chart overall points to him just wanting to please/spoil you whilst also getting praise, recognition and attention in return. He'd surprise you with gifts that aren't typical regular gifts they'd hold some heavy value to them (Like an expensive piece of jewelry or the last pair of a specific shoe you wanted that was on sale). The only downsides I see is that he may nag if he feels like you're not taking care of yourself or your business since his Venus makes him see you as an extension of himself and his Virgo sun and Capricorn mars relatively wanting structure and perfection for both you and him. All in all GIVE HIM ATTENTIONNNNNN.
Capricorn Mars: Whew tbh this placement is hot i'm sorry (It's the cap stellium in me.) BUT ANYWAY ! Before the relationship even began once he realized he liked you he had to make his way to you, even if it was a process he HAD to make his way to you. He'd observe you, see if you two seem compatible and once he sees a chance he'd surely make his way to the kill. I feel like this mars paired with his venus shows that he would NOT play about you. He'd quite literally want nobody else to even consider the thought that you could ever give them the attention or time you give him. Would want to be a "provider" in some sense even if you can take care of yourself. Capricorn rules the skeletal structure so he'd compliment and be super into your body's silhouette/shape, it also rules the teeth + skin (bitemarks, harsh hickies), and the knees + joints...let me not continue.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Sun Sextile: Very easygoing since his inner emotions and expression is balanced and in alignment with his ego and outer expression, however it may sometimes lead to him being a little too comfortable at times because confrontation is sometimes needed and he may avoid it (his cap mars may aid with that however)
Moon/Mercury Square: He may have a constant battle between being logical and letting his moods affect his choices and will look to you for help when his mind feels like it's constantly see-sawing, however he might pretend to be stoic before asking you for help :(
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blockgamepirate · 7 months
Here are some suggestions I have for QSMP, that nobody asked for and that nobody involved with the server is going to actually see anyway (but I can't stop thinking about this so I have to write something down)
This is me trying to be constructive instead of just critical, because I do love this server and I want it to be sustainable
I guess this is vaguely addressed to either Quackity and/or to whoever is leading the team, idk, like I said they aren't gonna read a random tumblr post so who cares
And yes, obviously I'm sure some of the things in this post are already being improved on, I just think it's still worth listing them
1: Better communication all around
Especially within the admin team obviously, including the actors and builders and everyone, but also between the admin team and the streamers! And between the admin team and the audience as well!
I promise more communication almost always helps things work out more smoothly than keeping people out of the loop or not talking to each other, or worse; actively banning people from talking to each other
This includes being more open and reconsidering which things actually need to be kept secret and from whom, because if people don't know what to expect, they're not going to know how to prepare either! And they also won't be able to let you know about potential problems ahead of time!
The streamers and the actors and other team members as well should at the very least know about stuff that's going to affect their schedule and to have some idea of the kinds of things they're gonna be expected to do. If you just suddenly throw stuff at them and expect them to be immediately ready to cooperate or play along, that's just gonna cause frustration and burnout
I would also worry less about spoilers than about backlash when people expect one thing and get something completely different; you can in fact give a bit more hints so people don't get the wrong idea and end up disappointed
(And on the other hand if you have secrets that you can't talk about because they would lead to a big controversy if they were revealed uh.... maybe don't do the thing? Maybe simply don't do the controversial thing that you can't let people know about, consider it. If you feel like something you're doing would make people mad if they knew, that thing might in fact be a problem)
2: Show your respect for everyone involved in the project
Respect people's time, respect their ability to cooperate (AS LONG AS YOU TELL THEM WHAT'S GOING ON), listen to their ideas and concerns, etc. This is honestly also part of communicating better but it's an important part
Respecting and also demonstrating your respect for your team is so crucial as a leader, and it genuinely goes a long way even when you have very little else to give them
In fact I think often people would even appreciate respect more than they would appreciate money (although it has to be genuine respect, not just empty words; hence why I say you need to demonstrate your respect with your actions)
3: Have a more collaborative mindset
Think of all the members of the team and the streamers as partners rather than as employees or as customers; this is a collaborative creative project, not a business
As much as this started out as one man's passion project, there's no way to do something this ambitious other than as a team effort, including the actors, including the streamers, so it's just much healthier for everyone to think of it as such
Also it's just better for the stated goals of the server as well, because it's all about bringing people together and what better way to bring everyone together than to make them feel like they're part of a team?
4: That said, you don't actually need to drop all the admin driven lore, that's not what I'm saying orz
Just because I want the streamers to be more involved doesn't mean I think they should also be planning all the lore, that's just not necessary
pls do get a proper gamemaster on the team, though, someone who has experience running a LARP type of thing or at least a TTRPG campaign. That would help so much, and I bet you could ask Cellbit or Bagi or Charlie if they could recommend anyone
Honestly I could probably make a whole post just about how to run the admin driven lore better, but getting yourself an experienced gamemaster would be so much better than any specific advice I could give
5: If you're gonna have volunteers, you need to treat them like volunteers, not like employees
You have to respect the fact that volunteers are not subordinates, they're here to help you, not to be ordered around, banned from talking to people, judged for their availability, or made to sign weird NDAs
They're offering their labour for free because they care about the project or because they enjoy what they do, and they deserve to be appreciated for it, not policed and bossed around (not that you should treat actual employees with that kind of hostility either tbh)
Having volunteers is not necessarily the problem (at least as long as you're not using them to make a profit), it's treating volunteers as unpaid employees, because then you pretty much do just have unpaid employees instead of volunteers
Okay, finally the big one:
6: Consider running QSMP as a cooperative
I know this is Quackity's baby and a Quackity Studios' project, but the thing is, I don't think this model is sustainable
I mean, we already know it isn't sustainable, that's why we're in this mess
As far as I can tell, Quackity Studios is not making any profit from the server, there's no way the revenue from the admin streams and the QSMP Info channel would be enough to cover all the costs if people were paid decently (in fact I don't think it's even enough to cover the costs without paying everyone decently)
This sort of arrangement, with one party running the whole thing out of pocket, makes sense if it's either a very low maintenance server which doesn't cost much and doesn't require much work to keep running, or a very short-term one, more like an event type of thing
QSMP is neither of those, QSMP is both very high maintenance and has been running for almost a full year
I think there's absolutely value in having an ambitious long term project like this, it's very cool, it's very hype, but this is not a good way to run it
And it's especially bizarre considering that people do make money out of it, but the people making money are the streamers
So I would suggest taking some tips from the Hermitcraft SMP server which is run as a collective. Obviously Hermitcraft is much lower maintenance but their model is also much more robust, because there isn't just one person who has to take responsibility for everything, or pay for everything
It would also encourage the spirit of international cooperation to have the streamers literally be part of the server, not just as guests but as partners, so they could have a say in how the server is run and be more invested in the project
(At least those streamers who want to be involved, of course I realise some of them might choose not to)
This would require regular meetings, but I think that's also a good thing, and an opportunity to also talk things through off-camera whenever any issues come up (better communication again!)
AND it would mean that the streamers should actually contribute to the server costs and paying the admins and other behind the scenes people. Probably based on their stream revenue from QSMP streams because obviously some of these streamers make more money than others (I would suggest a progressive membership fee (like progressive taxation style) to make sure that it's not more taxing for the smaller streamers than the bigger ones, but obviously it should all be agreed on between the members)
And IMO the admins, including the actors, the builders, the devs, the translators, etc. should also be considered partners, but since they don't make money directly, the way the streamers do, they should be the ones who are getting compensated for their contributions so they're better able to commit to the project, by which I mean yes you should pay them, but not as employees but as creative partners
Of course this is just one idea, I'm not saying it's necessarily the only good model by any means, it's just a suggestion, all of these are just suggestions
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megumiswife4 · 1 year
Pairings ~ Megumi x Fem Reader
Warnings ~ slow burn, (possible smut in later chapters), aged-up Fushiguro (as well as other characters), 18+ only PLEASE.
WC ~ 1.2k
This is my first fic here. Please take it easy on me, but I would love to receive constructive criticism to improve my writing; you guys can always leave messages in my inbox or comment below once again thank you for reading and enjoy.
*I will be posting every Sunday night for a new chapter*
*SOME OF THE ART WORK IS NOT MINE, If you happen to know the artist pls lmk so I could tag their socials*
Part 2: ⬇️
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It's not unusual to find yourself walking the halls of Jujutsu High all alone, after all, your first-year friends are on missions, and being enrolled here was not your intended plan. If it wasn't for family roots having connections here you'd likely have ended up anywhere else. Nonetheless, Gojo was determined to get you to join his first-year class, and here you are halfway through the first year. You’re truly grateful for being able to make new friends just thinking back to your first encounter with Kugisaki, being that she was the first person you felt completely comfortable with since you both were the only two girls. Walking into the room you felt all eyes on you, there they were, all three Kugisaki, Itadori, and Fushiguro.
“Hello, kiddos! I'd like to introduce you to Y/N L/N! One of Jujutsu High’s newest students!” Gojo exclaimed loudly, directing his jazz hands toward you.
“Finally another girl I can gossip with! I am so sick of dealing with these knucklehead losers who don't understand us, women!” Kugisaki loudly expressed, quickly pulling you into a hug in relief.
“What the hell Kugisaki?! Are you for real? Am I not a great friend to you?” Itadori said, facing Nobara in annoyance.
As they continue to bicker about nonsense with one another, you decide it was enough and formally introduce yourself.
“Well, I’m sure Kugisaki appreciates you just as much as you appreciate her.” a big smile forming on your face. Reaching your hand out, “Nice to meet you, Itadori.”
Both shaking hands, you turn to Nobara offering her a handshake in return. “ It’s nice to know I won't be too alone now that I know there is another girl in this class.” Both of you share a smile.
Nobara reached over to Itadori’s ear, “ I like her a lot, she's so nice.”
“I agree, she's pretty cute too,” Itadori says, rubbing the back of his head and smiling.
“Really Itadori?” she snarled back in annoyance.
“What!? It’s just a compliment, can I not say anything nice without you thinking I have an instant crush on someone good-looking?”
Once again this duo looked like a wildfire that couldn't be stopped, your interfering wouldn't have made it any better anyways.
You turned to look past both Kugisaki and Itadori… There he was, noticing the dark-haired boy, crossed arms leaning against his desk, who seemed to be in such deep thought facing the windows. Such a quiet, melancholy boy but.. seemingly had such a serious demeanor, it was quite a different feeling from other people you’ve met but, different is always good, right?
“Fushiguro! Don't be rude, come introduce yourself I’m sure you both would make the best of friends.” Gojo yelped, leaning his head down overlooking his dark lenses, exposing his bright blue eyes toward the spiky-haired boy.
Not a single word left Fushiguros mouth, propping himself up after leaning on the desk. Gradually making his way towards you, his elongated arm reaching out.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Megumi Fushiguro.” his hand grabbed ahold of yours.
“It’s nice to meet you too Fushiguro.” giving a half smile.
“You can call me Megumi.” he insisted
You nodded your head, “Sure can.”
Although that thought of your first encounter with your new friends was quite possibly the best thing to ever happen in your life. It's hard to not find yourself sulking into deep thought, with each interaction when it comes to Megumi. After all, he is one of your closest friends; aside from the other two.
Everyone at Jujutsu High was in their designated group and solo missions during this time around, it was rare to see familiar faces quite this early on in the beginning of fall.
You heard footsteps running down the hallway in the direction you were going. Turning to see who it could be.
“Nobara!” You exclaimed with a smile.
“It’s so good to see you after this long group mission, finally to get some one on one girl time for now.” trying to catch her breath.
“I know I’m glad we get some time to spend with one another….” you stated.
“Yaknow Nobara it’s only been a month since you and the boys have been gone, it’s gotten lonely down these halls since. Not to mention nothing much has happened; other than just sparring with Maki and Panda, trying to keep up with strength training and stamina for when it's time to finally take up a group mission with you three not including Gojo-Sensei as the fourth.” you smiled laughing.
“Ugh! You sound so depressed saying it like that, cheer up Y/N. We're back home now no need to mope about that crap, besides we’re heading out into Tokyo tonight to hit some karaoke night with some drinks and you’re coming along either way so no if’s, and’s, or but’s.” she cheerfully states skipping along the hallways.
Letting out a laugh “It’s always hard saying no to you guys, I’ve been longing to have a free, fun night out with all of us after things were so boring here.”
‘Well in that case, now we have an excuse to make ourselves look fabulous for tonight. No reason we shouldn't look our best; who knows we might end up finding someone for you tonight.” she rejoiced, pulling you in the direction of the dorms.
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“OH COME ON! That shit isn’t fair, I got a headshot on the opponent!” Itadori blurted, dropping the controller onto the couch.
“You think you’re strategic enough to play Call of Duty like that?” Megumi emitted keenly.
“Oh yeah? What do you even know about video games? Seems to me you prefer a book in your hands rather than a game controller?” he scoffed.
“Who cares you're too worked up over a fictional game, how about you start getting ready for the night out with Nobara and Y/N?”
“Oh you’re right, well tonight is the night that we find you a cute girl.”
Itadori poked at Megumi in hopes of seeing him somewhat interested in the idea, the dark-haired boy seemed too disinterested in finding a girl; it was the least of his worries.
They both start digging through different choices of outfits to wear at tonight's outing, Megumi settled on some dress shoes, with a pair of black khakis topping it off with a white long-sleeve button-up. Although Itadori concluded onto a pair of blue jeans putting it together with red sneakers and a yellow hoodie. The pink-haired boy was much more in casual attire, alongside the more cleaned-up overdressed raven-haired boy. Megumi believed appearances displayed one's persona and who they were outwardly, meanwhile, Itadori was quite opposed to the idea of basing someone's attire on who they are; he much rather preserve that with an initial conversation. Both boys were prepared for the outing and finalized with putting on a spritz of cologne.
Megumi heard a light buzzing sound coming from below, he reached down his right pocket to retrieve his phone receiving a text from Nobara.
Nobara: Hey are you losers ready yet? Y/N and I are waiting right out the hallway from your dorm.
Chuckling to himself, he knows Kugisaki can be so impatient when she's the first one ready.
Megumi: Yeah, we're just about to head out the door.
Nobara: Well get your guys asses moving, us girls are looking too good to be waiting here.
Both Yuji and Megumi walked out the door, letting it slowly shut behind them; Nobara and Y/N greeted them sharing some laughs as they continue to walk out into town catching the next city bus to Tokyo.
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pinkmelodie · 7 months
Introduction to My Blog !!
Hii! My names Melody, I <3 COD, MK, Marvel, DC, rdr, Stardew Valley, Until Dawn & so much more, but those will be what I write about 😋 I’m new to Tumblr (I was a proud AO3 girlie….) so I don’t completely know how it works, so If anyone has any tips for me pls do tell ! Anyways my requests are open so send one in and I’ll try to get to it, tho I can’t promise I’ll be quick with them since I’m very busy and a professional procrastinator 🫡 ….but yeah! I hope you guys enjoy my fics <33
Blog rules:
I can write fluff, smut, and occasionally some angst 😙
I don’t write anything racist, homophobic, etc, or any type of non-con or zoophilia, it’s just rlly gross to me!
I can write canon x reader or canon x canon, but I can’t write male readers I’m sorry :(( I’m just terrible at it! Idk how you guys think 😞
No reposting of my work and claiming it as your own is allowed :/:/
Comments are so so appreciated! Even if you wanna point out a mistake I made or give me some constructive criticism, please do! I promise I won’t be offended, I love hearing peoples opinions on my writing and how I can improve C:
My tags:
#melo!writes for all of my fics <3
#melo!cod for my Call of Duty fics !!
#melo!könig for my König fics <33 (my love)
Tysm for reading! Have a great day all <3
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WARNINGS : none!! just soft lovey-dovey stuff!! like one little kiss-makeout that's super quick but not heated so if you're uncomfortable feel free to skip!
NOTE ; hi!! author speaking!! this is my first time posting anything fic-like ever so if you have any criticisms or ideas pls pls share them!!!!!! i'm interested in seeing new ways to do things and improve!! thanks for reading, enjoy!! xx
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you wake up to a wanda-less bed, the room cool without her to warm it. you sigh into your sheets and slowly wake up, letting your body ease into it. not rushing. golden light breathing life into the room, soft and hazy through the under-layer of curtains. wanda must have opened them.
eventually, you're awake enough that you register the savoury smell in the air. it fills the house with the warm smell of hand-crushed spices and roasted vegetables. you recognise the scents as one of wanda's favourite breakfast meals: zacusca¹, polenta ², and franzela ³. one of the dishes her mother had taught her when she was young. (pietro said it was overrated but still gobbled it down whenever wanda made it.)
as you make your way to the kitchen, practically cartoon floating towards the smell, you hear wanda softly humming the sweet little love song she'd been into lately, 'ce bine ca esti' ⁴ and smile adoringly to yourself at how cute your girlfriend was.
when you enter the room, wanda is a graceful flow of movement, floating around the space. her hands cutting vegetables adroitly before dropping them ceremoniously into a sizzling pan. she always refused to use her magic in the kitchen, she thought it tainted the beauty of it. right now, you understood just what she meant.
she looks like art with her hair pulled away from her face, frizzy from the heat and her movements confident. her skin warmed by the sunlight that gave everything a golden glow, especially wanda. its enchanting, really. you observe from the entrance, taking note of the sweatpants she stole from you last night during your movie marathon. the one that ended with you both cuddling and eventually asleep by movie three. what? day jobs are draining.
when she turns to grab a mug full of a coffee so pale it's almost ghostly, she spots you. an ardent smile growing on her face that has you wanting to lionize her forever. "good morning, моя любовь*. ce mai faci în această dimineață?" *
you hum a, "fine," padding towards her leisurely and preening at the affectionate greeting, "smells amazing in here."
she hums back and smiles, "thank you. i was gonna wake you but you just looked so peaceful, i couldn't possibly. do you want anything to drink? food's almost ready." you nod your head and move in to hug her. hugs from wanda never felt uncomfortable, they just felt safe and warm. they had an effect like no other. "i missed you." she says, whispering it like a prayer she only wanted you to hear. "missed you more." you reply, letting every muscle and thought relax into her. you can tell she's doing the same.
when you both let go, she reaches out to your face, cupping your cheeks and running her thumbs along the apples of them. the sunlight behind her giving her a halo, you wonder what your past self did to deserve an angel. whatever it was, you'd try to replicate it, so you'd get to spend all your eternities just like this. "ce am facut sa te merit?" * she says dreamily, voicing your own thoughts while taking in every inch of your face. you used to feel exposed and embarrassed by it, but now you just feel enveloped in wanda's love. she may be the scarlet witch but the magic you felt with her was different. it was like being on a different celestial plane everytime she looked at you.
"you're asking me?" she chuckles and leans in, mumbling "shut up," against your lips. you both melt into each other, you lean into her body, hands sliding onto her waist, and by the time she pulls away, you're both practically hugging. she gives a few more short kisses that have you both grinning and giggling like fools. it's such a beautiful moment, you find yourself memorising how this feels. trying to keep it safe and locked away from anything that could ruin it. there's a beat where she stops kissing and just looks at you, her eyes so tender and loving your stomach really does feel butterflies "what?" you whisper. "shh," she says, "i'm observing." that gets a giggle out of you, "observing what, exactly?" still smiling, she says, "perfection, of course."
after another moment of wanda's "observations", she pecks you on the cheek once more, putting her attention back on the meal. she asks you to grab as many pillows and blankets as you can while she finishes up. you pile the blankets until you're satisfied with the fluff, smoothing it down until it's nice and full. then, you toss on the pillows, a little less particular but keeping in mind how much wanda loves to sink into them.
when wanda strides over, steaming plates in hand, you take a deep, reveling breath, "mmm that smells amazing, wanda." she smiles and crosses her legs as lowers herself to the ground. "only the best for you, my love." she says leaning into your shoulder.
after what felt like years of gentle arguing over what you'd watch, you decide on a sitcom wanda had seen an episode of and adored. your legs are tangled together as you lean back on piles of pillows. you laugh at jokes and wanda laughs so hard at one of them that she almost chokes, which only makes you both laugh harder. it's a sweet and filling morning. the two of you just absorbing the loving energy you'd created.
proceeding the meal, wanda dumped any scraps and rinsed them and handed them to you to scrub with a kiss on the cheek. you finished and headed back to the couch where wanda was curled up against the pillows, giggling at a joke one of the characters made. you make your way down to her and get as close to her as you can, she smiles as you adjust yourself. "good?" she says when you finish, "mhm!" you say smiling up at her. she gives a smile back before facing back towards the tv. you see the content set of her face and your heart swells just a bit. lazy days with wanda were always so perfect.
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AUTHORS NOTE ; hi! so i tried to be really sensitive to wanda's ethnic background and also to you! the reader! some things were described in detail and others were left to your imagination!! if you have any requests feel free to absolutely fill my asks because i find this kind of stuff really fun! if you see any errors or ways i could improve, again, feel free to tell me!!
much love, r.
p.s ; here are all the little footnotes and translations but feel free to skip. kk bye for real ! x
моя любовь: "my love"
ce mai faci în această dimineață?: "how are you doing this morning?"
ce am facut sa te merit?: "what did i do to deserve you?"
¹ zacusca: Zacuscă can be eaten as a relish or spread, typically on bread. It is said to improve in taste after some months of maturing but must be used within days of opening. Although traditionally prepared at home, it is also commercially available. Some Bulgarian and Middle Eastern brands are available in the United States. In the Orthodox Christian majority countries, it is sometimes eaten during fasting seasons due to the absence of meat, eggs or dairy products.
² polenta: Polenta (/pəˈlɛntə, poʊˈ-/, Italian: [poˈlɛnta])is a dish of boiled cornmeal that was historically made from other grains. The dish comes from Italy. It may be served as a hot porridge, or it may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled.
³ franzela: long bread (like a baguette!!)
⁴ ce bine ca esti: romanian love song performed by romanian musician nicu alifantis. it's so cute and sweet i 💞 it so much. here's the link in case you want to hear it!! ☆
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rowrowknowa · 7 months
---General Rules
✮ this blog contains some NSFW content; i'll always try my best to tag all warnings appropriately
✮ MDNI, non-negotiable. i won't interact with ageless or take requests from ageless blogs. don't follow me, don't send asks, stay outta grown folks business!! ✮ i don't take requests for minors (obviously), even SFW asks if they're romantic in nature
✮ black bi, i dont tolerate any type of racism, colorism, ableism, fatphobia, zionism, homo/queer/transphobia -- i want a space of inclusiveness and i will check you
✮ i currently am taking requests! but to keep it real theres no guarantees so dont be offended if i dont do yours
✮ i take spoilers VERY seriously and VERY personally for myself and others im so serious so please pay attention to where i am in a given work (anime only) and try not to give anything away pls (if ur not sure ask)
---General Writing
✮ what i write for at any given moment will depend on what my current fixation is
✮ ill always write for one piece (anime and live action). currently taking requests for FE3H and JJK as well - if you have a request for me to write for something outside of these feel free to suggest
✮ im a reader insert lover im so sorry so majority of my works will be in the second person. only rarely will i have an OC and thats likely for longer works
✮ all works will likely default to member x cis f!reader because thats the POV im most familiar with (i.e. i tend to write myself as a placeholder), but don't take that to mean i won't write any other reader inserts. i'm open to writing with a reader insert of any gender / any genitalia so please request it! and leave feedback and critique so i can improve on writing in those POV
---NSFW writing
✮ i dont do scat, (watersports is a maybe...if you're convincing enough), dont do abo, dont do raceplay, dont do ageplay, no extremely dark content/kinks/themes, dont do gore, not a fan of "daddy"
✮ a separate bullet because this one is important bc its popular: i won't do size kinks that center/elevate petite/skinny frames. ive seen so many works that write them in a way thats bigger/taller/larger body exclusive and bordering fatphobic/heightist.. i dont want people who are already marginalized to feel even further marginalized. if you wanna read that go find another work.
✮ i do write for a variety of kinks. the inclusion/exclusion criteria here isnt exhaustive if you're not sure, ask.
✮ i don't write characterxcharacter usually but im a slut for a good threesome with it peppered in. i won't write a poly relationship mostly because i know my strengths and weaknesses and i promise you wont want to read my attempt at that
✮ requests are welcome!
✮ headcanons, A-Z, MTLs, reactions, and scenarios are more likely to be fulfilled because they're less intensive to me, fun and quick!
✮ when sending an ask, please be specific! give mama (me) something to work with. feel free to try and make it interesting, give me ideas to bounce off of, send your thoughts/fantasies/etc
✮ i will take one shot requests but the longer, more complex it is the longer it'll take/lower chance it is i'll do it if it's not speaking to me
✮ i'm my own biggest critic so if i feel like i don't like what i write i won't post it
✮ i do work a full time big girl job so be patient and don't be offended if i don't get to your ask
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timogsilangan · 2 years
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pls dont tag as m*t*al aid s*gnal b**st or d*nations etc etc so i dont get nuked/shadowbanned you know the drill
just reusing old assets and apologies in advance that this post is messy coz im gonna be honest im very very upset and exhausted. anyway so ive got another cat in the ohspital. i Know. its insane. its only been a month. it feels like a sick joke. its a different one this time and hes having urinary+kidney issues which is apparently common for males of his age. So anyway hes in critical condition 👍🏽 and we dont know if hes gonna recover. were awaiting any improvement in 24h (18:30 dec 2, ‘22) but if he doesnt show signs of recovery within 3 days of that well. Thats that. you know .
anyway. not only does this situation suck miserably and is also giving me stress induced nausea but it is ALSO Very heavy on the pockets. so like Here we are [smiles painfully] please dm me if interested
no set goal atm because i dont know what the final bill will be. we werent given a tentative cost because of the whole critical condition thing. ill just turn off reblogs and update the original post if were able to pay the bill when it finally comes 👍🏽 i will be regularly rbing this post with whatever updates to costs there are as well
all listed prices are base prices, and may increase depending on complexity
first come first serve
full upfront payment via p4yp4l invoice
turnaround will usually be within 1-2 weeks, but can depend on how many im working on and if my body wants to agree with me
tos + more samples / kofi
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battiegutz · 3 months
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ok so i got a few of the blind box gen7 pets today and i originally i was only gonna use one for a custom but im considering customizing all of them and infact im going to do a full review below
disclaimer: i am giving an honest review of these. my wording might appear harsh or whiny at some points but i am just trying to honestly review them. i am still very happy that lps are returning to these molds. also pls keep in mind that i dont currently have any authetic gen2 lps to compare them to rn, so my comparison is mostly based off my memory of them and the bases i have that are modeled after them
okay im gonna seperate this into categories bc i love lists im list boy. nvm dont call me that. ok
Appearance&design: even from first glance you can tell these are different than gen2, the og. the colors are way more saturated and dont get me wrong i love bright colors but for example the spaniel and ox? bull? both have "nuetral" colors aka brown in this case, but theyre very saturated to the point that both just look orange and its not very appealing at all. the caterpillar is ok, the green isnt too loud and pairs well with the yellow, and the otter's pastel pink isnt too bad either. however. a thing with these new lps is instead of the personality eye shines they can have personality markings on them. now this isnt necessarily a bad idea, and i can see it being quite cute is done well, but unfortunately this idea is not well executed. the markings look slapped on and out of place and because theyre only on certain pets it looks especially strange. on top of that, the paint job on these is not the greatest. i wouldnt normally be so critical of this, but considering everything else wrong with them, well. anyway. there are scuff? and paint marks on quite a few spots on all figures, though the otter seems the least blemished. the worst offender of a bad paint job is the ox. the muzzle is a splotchy and uneven attempt to call back to the airbrushed markings of old and the paint around his horns and hair is wildly uneven. not to mention how his hooves are not a different color than the rest of his body, which looks especially strange with the stark white horns. additionally, whatever sealant or plastic or whatever they used for the bulls hair feels greasy somehow? the mold for the ox is very cute tho :3 the color difference between the head and body on them isnt that bad, and can easily be overlooked, though it is worst on the caterpillar. the designs overall could be improved with at least some of the pets having more grounded colors and reworking the personality markings, maybe something like a small star on the bottom of a foot or a little cheek mark? ive spent enough time in this section lets move on
Quality: it is immediately obvious these are made of worse material than gen2. this is a problem in all modern toys though, so i dont particularly blame them for it. however, the ox head is bad. while all the toys seem to have a bit of give to the heads theyre not super squishy. the ox head is. because of how squishy the head is, it seems his nose bridge is caving in? it looks indented is what im saying. the texture of them isnt too bad but they feel noticeably worse than even my fake base ones i bought (shoutout to CustomLShop on ebay, the bases arrived super fast and were in excellent condition aswell as very nice packaging with even some bonus stickers :3) the caterpillars antennae are a little too flexible, im worried they might snap. there are very visible lines on the spaniel and the ox where the body mustve been in multiple pieces before being assembled. another thing is that while the heads do bobble mostly fine, they have a lot of trouble turning, theres resistance if even tilt the head, and it feels very strange. once again the otter seems to be the highest quality out of the ones i got, but it still has the same problems.
Price: i get that everything is expensive these days, but i feel it wouldve been more fair based on the quality if the individual boxes were around 2 dollars instead. it wouldve also been nice it there was a deal if you got the whole box set. also it seems that employees have been throwing away the bonus pet in the box when the box is empty of blind boxes, which is a shame because the bonus pet is a nice idea, but i think its not a great idea to have her on the box for the blind boxes as people are a majority of the time buying only a few individual boxes, so she gets left there as she looks like shes just part of the display
Final verdict: if you love lps or just arent concerned abt minor quality changes, go ahead and get em!! there are many problems with these but theyre still very cute and its awesome to see them coming back in the style i remember from my childhood :3
ok my energy is dwindling bc we also went grocery shopping (sensory overload city). i think? i covered everything i wanted to so. yea :3 lmk ur thoughts btw nd would also love to hear frm ppl who have also bought th blind boxes and your thoughts on them
also as far as customizing them i think ill stick to just repaints of them to preserve their design atleast a bit :3 tho th spaniel is an exception i hav big plans fr her lol
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yunhowooyo · 2 years
slipped and fell
jeong yunho x gn!reader ~ fluff wc: 488
“you wanna know what i just realized?”
“hmm.. what’s that darling?”
you flip your body forward, blood rushing through your head and pounding behind your ears as your body retakes an upright position. after taking a moment to gather your bearings, you turn your body to face your boyfriend on the couch. 
“it’s about the first time we met. remember how you slipped on wooyoung’s spilled coke in the cafeteria and landed directly in my lap?”
“god, how could i forget,” he chuckled, a light shade of peach dusting his plushy cheeks. “i was mortified, i literally crushed the girl i was crushing on.”
“yeah, that kinda hurt by the way. anyways, what i realized is- first, you fell on me, then, you fell for me!” you exclaimed, clearly excited by the romcom-esque parallels. “at least i think you did… you’ve fallen for me right?” 
yunho ever so slightly leans his upper body toward you, raising his eyebrow. “is this your sneaky attempt at getting me to say the ‘L word’?”
leaning back and placing your hand to your heart, you glare at your clever boy with fake shock. “how dare you! i would never pressure you into saying something so serious … is it working?”
“y/n, it’s 2 am and we’re in our pajamas. i’m not gonna say that for the first time right now.”
“well why not?” you whine. 
“because it’s not special enough!” he flails, appalled by your nonchalance. “when i tell you how much you mean to me for the first time, i’m going to make sure it’s the most achingly romantic event you’ll ever experience, and you’re gonna love it.”
“and if i don’t love it?”
he fold his hands in his lap, taking on a false air of prophetic wiseness. “then there would have to be something wrong with you, meaning i’d be forced to break up with you.”
“you’d break up with me if there was something wrong with me?! how supportive you are.”
defending himself, he explains, “i could never date a heartless anti-romantic.” he reaches his hand over and hooks it around your waist, pulling you into his side and leaning back into the couch. “…so it’s a good thing you’re such a hopeless romantic.”
you lean into his broad chest and rest your head on his shoulder, your lips only a breath apart. “…well so are you.”
“yes i am. and that’s why we’re so cute together,” he proclaims, pecking your nose, your cheek, your temple, anywhere on your face he can reach. 
you squirm away, wriggling in his arms and pretending as if you’re grossed out by his affection. he shoves you back into his embrace, squeezing your arms against your body and your cheek to his chest to prevent your undesired escape. you accept defeat and relax your muscles against him, but not without one last muttering against his soft t-shirt. 
“your dork.”
hi!! i’m sami and i’ve literally never written a work of fiction before. pls go easy on me.
writing is something i’ve been wanting to get into for a while but never had the courage to explore, so i finally forced myself to type this up in 15 minutes after a quick burst of “if i never start i’ll never get good”. PLEASE feel free to give me comments, criticism, tips, anything really, because i genuinely do want to improve and learn to tell stories worth reading.
i’m hoping to write again soon, but honestly i have no sort of prediction of how this whole writing thing will go, so maybe drop a follow if you wanna see more? (plus, my account as of now serves as a fully-function fic rec database, so you’ll at least get something out of it)
thx, love ya!
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dudeseducer985 · 2 years
Sir Perceval and his Knight
Spencer Reid x Gn reader
(takes place after the fisher king episodes)
Tags: Just fluffy stuff, some mention of bombs, typical CM stuff, established relationship
This is my first time writing fanfic ever, I did get some people to beta read for me. If it’s cheesy that’s okay, that was kinda the point. Pls give criticism so I can improve :D (not too rude tho)
Spencer pressed the doors of the care facility open and stepped out onto the sidewalk. He winced at the brightness of all the car headlights rapidly moving past. The car driver waved their hand signaling they were ready to head out now. Spencer walked over and ducked into the car, he massaged his nose bridge in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain of the oncoming headache. Once the driver had made sure everything was secured, they started driving to jet site.
Spencer had his bag slung over his shoulder as he walked onto the jet, he sat down in the nearest chair, not being bothered to try and go any further than he had too. He sat his bag down and lied over in the seat, hoping to get some semblance of sleep after a tiring case. Eventually Spencer finally drifted off to sleep.
Spencer shifted slightly in his seat, he turned over to grab his phone out of the bag, wondering how much time was left before he could get off this plane. When Spencer did finally get his phone, he was surprised to see multiple notifications from “my love <3”, all from a few hours ago. A slight panic set in, as Spencer tried to answer the messages. Even more panic set in when said messages wouldn’t deliver because of the lack of connection in the plane. Once Spencer took a moment to check the time, he noticed there was only about 30 minutes left on the flight, so he wouldn’t have to wait much longer.
The plane had finally reached land and came to a halt. Spencer picked up his bag and walked down the steps of the jet, his house was about a 20 minute drive from his current location. Spencer tossed his bag into the back of his new ride, then sat down next to it. Luckily, the car ride went by fast, but Spencer wasn’t looking forward to climbing stairs to get to his apartment.
When Spencer did finally reach his apartment building and walked up all the stairs, he was greeted with the familiar sight of the door to his apartment. He took the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, and proceeded inside. He dropped his bag next to door, then shut the door behind him. Spencer took a deep breath in and smelt something rather familiar. He turned his head to the kitchen to be greeted with the sight of his s/o.
“Hey, I’m back,” he walked over to the kitchen, “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your messages.”
“It’s no problem Spence,” you turned around to look at him, “I know you’re busy with work, it doesn’t bother me at all”
He slightly frowned, “yes, but it makes me feel like I’m ignoring you.”
You place a hand on Spencer’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, “Spence, it’s okay, I know very well you’re not ignoring me.”
Spencer perks up at your remark, then his focus changed to behind you, “What’s that you’re making?”
You turn back around to your previous task, “I was making some kettle corn to have when I watch a movie.”
Spencer raised his eyebrows In interest, “What movie were you planning on watching?”
“I was gonna watch Shutter Island, care to join me?”, you finish pouring your kettle corn into the bowl.
Spencer smiled happily at you, “of course I would, maybe we can share the kettle corn too?”
You nodded your head at him as you sealed up the bag and put it back in the cabinet. You turned and handed him the bowl as you walked over to the tv, and grabbed the remote from the stand. You sat on the couch and threw your legs on too, you opened them a bit a signaled for Spencer to come lay with you. Spencer walked over and lied down between your legs, with his head on your chest. You clicked the start button on the remote and let the movie start playing. Spencer looked up at you for moment, he looked kind of sad.
“Spence, is there something wrong?”
He glanced up at you in surprise, “no, not at all,” his expression softened a bit, “I just really missed you today.”
You started combing his hair with your fingers, “I missed you too Spencer, is there anything that happened during the case that you wanna talk about?”, you figured maybe something worse than usual had happened.
“Well, I almost got blown up”, he says nonchalantly.
Your eyebrows furrow, “I’m sorry, what?”, you stared in disbelief at the words he had just uttered.
“Yeah, it was an unsub from my mom’s care facility, who thought that the others and I were some sort of knights in a fantasy game of his. Where he was keeping his daughter, who he swore was dead, and we had to find her. For some reason, he thought I was Sir Perceval, and that if I asked him a certain question his wounds would be healed. So when I didn’t ask the question he blew himself I’m with a bomb.”, he ranted, “but don’t worry I’m not hurt.”
“Good lord Spencer, that’s crazy,” you blinked at him in astonishment, “Did you end up saving the girl?”
“Yes, we did.” Spencer smiles.
“Well, I’m happy you saved the day Sir Perceval.,” You say to him in a joking manner, “I wouldn’t expect any less from someone as amazing as you.”, you give him a kiss on the forehead.
Spencer wraps his arm around your torso and gives you a tight squeeze, “You know I love you so much, right?” He nuzzle his head into your chest a bit more.
You stare at him lovingly, “Well Doctor Reid, I know for fact, that you have no idea just how much I absolutely adore you.”
“Well, you could show me.” Spencer grins before sitting up a bit more.
You pull him a bit closer to you and give him a kiss, he snakes his other arm behind you in an attempt to get closer. You kiss his cheeks, which earns a breathy laugh from the doctor.
“Alright, settle down,” you raise an eyebrow at him, “Don’t you wanna finish the movie?”
Spencer lies back down and places his head on your chest in defeat, “Yes, we can finish watching the movie,” he stares at the bowl of untouched kettle corn on the table, “but I am going to eat some of this while we do.” Spencer grabs the bowl from of the table and nudges it towards you, You take a few pieces from the bowl and turn you attention back to the movie. As Spencer grabs his handful and starts eating as well. You glance at him one last him, Spencer was already steadily watching the movie. You smiled at him, this is definitely the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.
(Nervous as hell posting this ngl)
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misakicchi · 6 months
Thoughts and Experiences in CBT2
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Before we start-
I would like to talk about the recently concluded Closed Beta Test of Wuthering Waves-
All are from my own interpretation and criticism over the state of the for this beta test.
1. 3 days before the end of CBT2 on March 17, they had given a LOT of energy, that would have been better to be given while the testing was far from the final day, it would have helped testers build more characters (40 energy per run on EXP farming and 60 energy for bosses). It would have been nice to be able to test the game to a much further potential.
2. ECHOES- literally echoes… While I was farming for intimacy and dropping a LOT of energy on bosses, there was 0 gold drops on bosses, like 0, nada. How can you expect players to build characters when the STATS they need on better rarity echoes are locked due to the low drop rate of golden echoes.
3. I don’t know if it is just me or a lot of people in the test experiences red ping even though they are on the correct server from their own regions (for me it is Asia-SEA region in-game). I am used to having red pings from other games, but that is because I have my account on other regions, however in my own region, I get a red ping. It is weird because my laptop is literally connected to as fast wifi setup.
4. ECHOES AGAIN- the limit of echoes in a character that I have achieved is 12- a stinking 12 limit, not my fault most better rates are on boss echoes that uses 4 SLOTS out of the 12. It wouldn’t be bad if the limit was just not there so that any good echoes can be slotted onto the character of choice than be limited to how much I can equip to a character. 5. The exp drop rate is bad- could be better. I mean it is easy to farm the node itself… but 40 energy per run is just horrific.
6. Intimacy- man I disliked how much it takes to level a character’s intimacy, in cbt2 it would be easy since we were given extra help by the devs. But anyone who just wants to read a profile or hear voice lines would be locked with quite a while. Intimacy drop from bosses (60 energy) yields 180 Intimacy Points, meanwhile 40 energy farming nodes yield only 120 Intimacy Points, this is only for CBT, I really do not mind farming this on the actual game... just that the time constraint to farm more character's intimacy in such a short amount of time is hard with limited energy (until the last 3 days) in the CBT.
7. The length between Lingyan and Jiyan story quest are light and day. We literally took more time helping an NPC on Lingyan story quest than actually spending more time with our temporary team (and actually trying to win the race with them) I felt more connected with the temporary team, maybe because I actually liked the whole Jiyan quest in general than running around with an NPC who wants to find her brother. Albeit I did enjoy both chapters, I wish we did get to continue the race... The cutscene was also not enough on Jiyans chapter compared to that of Lingyans.... like??? Give us more Jiyan cutscene pls.
I wish they would improve more on the coming months before release and that all criticism and suggestions will be taken into account. If I remember more of my comments in the forms I have sent to the devs, I will update this.
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I did manage to get the characters I want, Jiyan and Mortefi to be exact. But man I started enjoying using Calcharo and Aalto.
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I also post some videos while I was still in CBT2, if you are interested- here is my Youtube channel.
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imauthicktic · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!!
Currently doing a milestone event!
I’d like to write for y’all! Even if it’s just some occasional self-indulgence fics and this is an LGBTQ+ safe place! If there are any specifics you want lmk! If I don’t know much on how to portray a reader, I will do research to make sure I can make y’all feel included! Since I’m new, if I make a mistake also lmk I DO take constructive criticism as long as it’s polite! I want to learn and improve 🥰
Who I write for: (I will be periodically adding more as I can’t remember everything, but it doesn’t hurt to ask for something!)
Bayverse! TMNT, Bayverse! Transformers, COD MW2, Obey me!, Spiderman Across the Spiderverse, Dead by Daylight, Creepypasta, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Haikyuu, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Kuroko no Basket, and Naruto Shippuden
RULES: (PLS read before requesting)
I can do smut! (it'll take a little longer if its full on smut, but steamy is easier for me to get out faster. if they're NSFW head canons it'll come out easier as well! Absolutely no non-con or rape!)
Specify if you’d like an x reader one-shot, text, or if you’d like multiple characters. Add any specifics you want for the reader pls. I also do poly relationships as well!
ALSO if there is a request where you want it in a faster time, a.k.a. a rush request, let me know! a tip of at least $2 is required for the rush request, but other than that- my requests don't require a tip. it's only if you want to show appreciation for the work I do other than your likes, reblogs, or comments 😊
If you want me to do a piece with your OC that's perfectly fine! just give details on your OC such as name, personality, and looks! if you have art done for your OC send that too just so I can appreciate the work you guys put into creating it 🫶🏻 However, if there is an OC, it will be just a $4 tip requirement just because it's more specific.
If you end up needing the rush request or the OC story, please put some indicator in the tip message which request was yours so I make sure I get started on it!
I look forward to y’all’s requests!!
Here’s my other x reader blog! I’m switching everything over to this blog however so everything is in one place!
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bouquetface · 2 months
Hi, I’d love to participate in your new Astro game, I don’t have a specific question, just pls mention whatever you feel called to, intuitively. Thank you so much 💗💗
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You are a better problem solver and communicator when you have had time to isolate. When you are put on the spot, you can feel a sense of dread or you may miscommunicate what you really want to say.
As a child you could have struggles with being shy. You may have isolated yourself in some way. You could have been secretive in a way. Your room or home may be a very special place to you. It is where you go to isolate and find clarity.
You could have been the kind of kid that hated class presentations. You may have always found it difficult to fit in with other kids even your siblings. You may have grown up independent and emotionally isolated. A parent may have not been the most reliable, they could have been emotionally or physically distant. Or you felt you did not want to burden them with raising you, thus you become highly independent.
Hidden intellect. You know more than you let on.
You may tend to be critical of yourself and others. You may have perfectionist tendencies. Makeup may be a hobby for you. You are always interested in ways to improve.
It is possible you will meet spouse in foreign lands. Jupiter in 12th in vedic indicates meeting the spouse in an isolated place or time in life. Or you want to keep the relationship secret for a bit. You may be in a long distance relationship. There will be separation from the spouse maybe even after marriage, they may be obligated to leave for a while. (Reason could be work, visa, family matters, etc).
Your 7th ruler is in 11th, in Vedic this is a good sign of a fun marriage. Your spouse would be very romantic. They are joyful person when with you. Adventurous and childlike spirit. Never boring.
You will encounter a problem in communicating with their family. This may be due to many reasons. For example, maybe they don’t fluently speak the language you speak. Worst case scenario they develop a problem with you or the spouse - refusing to or dislike speaking with you.
Another possible problem is you and the spouse could have miscommunications or disagreements on joint money and possessions. One of you will take on the financial responsibility. The other may grow to dislike this. For ex: One of you want to buy an expensive car. The other person feels this is a bad financial choice and refuses to allow this.
Regardless of what you do for work, your spouse is likely to very supportive. For instance, you want to open up a business or switch industries, they will encourage you. Always 100% on your side.
As I said before it is highly likely you date people from other regions, ethnicities or nationalities.
Rahu in the 5th does often indicate someone who later in life decides to have many children. This can be raising biological children or adoption. Either way they often end up with a lot children. How many children is “a lot” varies depending on person. To some 3 is a lot, to others 4-5 is a lot.
For you, Saturn is in 9th aspecting 12th. This can indicate delays in travels and education. This may be due to money issues (can’t afford it or debt) or you do not feel the desire to until later in life. It may manifest as choosing a career where a higher education is required. Saturn will test your dedication and patience in higher education.
You could become someone who has a very high education. Your education gives your good social standing.
In Vedic, 12th H can be losses, Jupiter your 2nd H ruler is in 12th. This indicates you should be cautious with your finances. Sometimes people with this tend to have too much faith that things will be fine - “the money will find me again” mindset. This can lead to debt. On the bright side, this may manifest as being a generous and charitable person.
Good news, 9th ruler is in 2nd. This indicates being generally lucky with finances. Any financial problem that occurs, there is a good chance you are able to find a way out.
You will travel to foreign land. These experiences will be very eye-opening. You will learn new perspectives through these travels. It is possible these experiences bring you closer to religion/spirituality. As a result you become less materialistic later in life. You can seek out more spiritual and emotional fulfilling experiences & goals instead.
You would do well in a leadership position. You career will allow you to utilize your managerial traits. You are good at picking up on the smallest details, analyzing and creating solutions. You would do well as a lawyer, researcher, professor.
You may be inclined to open your own business. Virgo Venus + Leo 10th H. You could do well in business that involves feminine products.
Please leave feedback. Thanks.
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beevean · 5 months
And onto Rush Adventure now:
-Tbh at first i wasnt sold on the materials grinding for ships but later liked how it gives you a reason to improve your scores on the levels so you can get more. Idk i usually dont care abt scores but w the external motivation? Yea
-Same w the misions, good way to have lil extra stuff to do (that said why did they block the sound mode songs behind misions. Game pls my internet makes opening youtube an odyssey and now this too? Cruelty 😔)
-Oh and also the ship minigames! Its fun to have a map you can explore, and the races w Jhonny for the chaos emeralds are way better than the Surely Existing special levels (also srry if i got his name wrong lmao)
-Onto the soundtrack; its more broad compared to rush, and each song does matches well the enviroment. I like the tropical coastal vibes of the main town n training level, and oh man. Sky babylon and deep core my beloveds who literally got engraved in my neurons so hard i was struggling reading hours later bc the darn tunes kept playing in the background of my skull. Well scratch that all the tunes keep playing on the bg of my skull rn, what kind of eldritch curse is this). So yes good ost 👍
-Overall the aesthetic n vibes are also more broad with that tropical relax overtone, its quite nice. The difficulty is also way more forgiving (i mean i played on easy but that's the mode the game came in) and the tutorials with the controls are helpful (yes i struggled with the jump dash in the previous game how can you tell)
- The story is also more calm and silly goofy but in a good way (can def see what ppl mean by the diff eras in sonic writing there). I also liked Whisker being the main but kinda dumb villain for funnies vs the eggmans being a bigger threat)
-I liked the scene in the coral cave where Blaze appears bc my mind was half "haha i knew we were in Blaze's world, neat" and " weeee hi Blaze, game of the year :D"
-Marine was also neat, liked her silly dynamic of cheerful kid who is a bit too full of herself and is kind of a brat abt it, and how she later learns to admit her own limits :) And the koala villagers were neat too i like their designs :)
Overall thank you for letting me ramble into your ask box abt these games, its been fun :D
lmao yeah it's a nice incentive! I think the only other game that gives you a reward with higher ranks is Unwiished (another Dimps game), where the higher the rank the more medals you get.
also sonic 🤝 hector:having to earn their crafting materials
The missions are a good way to extend the gameplay, but IIRC some of the Sol Emerald missions were brutal... I have flashes of the Blizzard Peak mission.
The waterbike was genuinely really fun and I hated that it was considered the "worst" vehicle for travel :( I don't like the submarine, let me travel the world on my tiny waterbike while the best music plays :( also yeah the Special Stages with Johnny are original! Certainly more than Half Pipe 50.0
SRA'S OST was composed by veterans Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba while trying to recreate Naganuma's style. Definitely unique and underrated. Sky Babylon used to be my favorite too! But there are so many tracks that IMO deserve more love, like Haunted Ship, Blizzard Peaks, the boss theme and Whiskers & Johnny <3
Funny to think SRA came out one year after '06, widely criticized at the time for being too melodramatic :P Whiskers is also a nice case of Eggman being the twist villain for once! Although the credits of the "bad" ending spoil him and Nega, lol. Not that Whiskers looks mysterious himself... eh you get it.
Marine seems to have been reevaluated recently, like many things from the 2000s. I remember that back then no one could stand her and her Aussie accent lmao, precisely because she was an annoying brat. She is still mildly underrated, but I think the modern fandom generally "forgave" her because they understood that she was meant to be a foil for Tails, who is more insecure.
(two fun facts: in some countries, SRA initially got a 12+ rating because Marine says "bugger", which is pretty mild for Aussie slang but is much stronger for American standards. Also, Marine is Australian because in original she speaks in Kansai-ben, and I guess that was a way to recreate the cultural connotations! That and koalas :P)
You're welcome, you're free to rant at any time <3
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
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Who I write for:
Varying characters from RDR2 x Fem!reader <requests OPEN>
Tess Servopoulos x Fem!reader <requests OPEN>
Moonknight x reader ( Steven/marc/Jake/Layla ) <requests CLOSED>
Sylvie laufeydottir x Loki Laufeyson <requests CLOSED>
Remus Lupin x Nymphadora Tonks <requests CLOSED>
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General blog rules / notes
• NO minors/ ageless blogs. The majority of my writing is nsfw and you will be blocked if you are a minor or ageless blog.
• men interacting with my sapphic content will also be blocked. Go away tf
• blank blogs are also immediately blocked. At least have an age in your bio or something that shows you’re not just an empty spam blog
• criticism of my writing is not welcome here. Whether you think it’s constructive or not. I owe no one ‘improvement’ of my hobby also I will cry
• spam likers of fic without reblogging something or commenting are also going to be blocked. Pls support your writers!
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Requests, styles and themes I accept
• fem!reader- sometimes what I write could be GN!reader but I always write with female reader in mind because I’m a female. It’s what I know and what I’m comfortable with.
• fluff
• smut ( be as feral as you want, I won’t judge )
• angst ( including death, violence etc )
I accept requests for one shots, drabbles, Headcannons or even just rambling little responses if you just want to get an idea out of your head and chat about it! I class drabbles as anything under 1k words.
Be as detailed as you can with requests it really helps me flesh out your ideas :)
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What I will not write
• non-con / dub-con
• minors, racism, transphobia, all that jazz
• reader specifically mentioned as being a teenager. I never specifically mention readers age so it is as blank for you to insert yourself as possible. But if you want it specific that they are younger for example, I won’t write them younger than 20. All the characters I write for are adults. So reader must be too
• AMAB reader
• anything relating to eating/ EDs. A bitch is in BED recovery not tryna get triggered.
I am a feral mf there’s not much I won’t give a try. But please remember I have a right to not do a request if I don’t want to. And also be patient. Sometimes I crank a request out within a week. Sometimes it’s months.
All request must be sent as an ask. I won’t acknowledge requests left in comments or in messages, it just makes it easier for me to have them all in one place.
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Last of all please be patient. Have respect and basic manners when requesting something. I don’t write in the order I receive requests, I go on what spikes motivation first. So if your request is taking longer than you’d hoped, just be patient.
I have a right to ignore requests if I don’t vibe with it or you didn’t follow the rules above, without informing you. I’ll simply just delete it.
Even just a hi/hello is nice! Remember I’m writing because it’s fun! In my free time. Don’t take the fun out of it for me.
If you you ever had any questions my ask box is always open please feel free to drop me an ask! :)
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