#giving him some fluffy elbows / bigger hands / a dark circle under his eye
kismetmoon · 7 months
been having fun with looser drawings and making up concepts for how they would use prehensile tails
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[ID: three digital drawings of two original, stylised Flatland characters named Atlas and Stella on a grey background.
Atlas is a light grey isosceles triangle with dark grey limbs, a tail with a V-shaped tip, a black eyebrow, one eye with a grey star-shaped pupil, scars on his side and across his eye, and chips in his top and bottom right corner.
Stella is a small humanoid creature who has an eye for a head with four top eyelashes and a blunt point on top, black limbs, a black tail with a fluffy tip and grey skin.
In the leftmost drawing, Atlas is standing and looking to the left with a neutral expression. He is holding Stella using his tail and she is smiling at him and laughing.
In the top drawing, Atlas and Stella are dangling upside-down by their tails from a horizontal pole. Atlas is asleep and Stella is looking at him while her limbs hang down. There is writing by Atlas that says “other limbs tucked in” and by Stella that says “not sure how to do it yet” with an arrow pointing to her.
In the rightmost drawing, Stella is wearing a nightgown and posed as though creeping sneakily. She is shown from the side, facing forward, and smiling mischievously while looking behind. There is writing above her that says “creature…”.
End ID].
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valeptraglia · 4 years
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Battle of Calormen
(All rights to C. S. Lewis)
Chapter 5: "A warm breeze and a poisoned edge"
The next morning I woke up early. A thin line of sunshine entered through the small opening between the two curtains and right in my face. I blinked a few times to accustom to it and tried to cover my eyes with my hand and pillow hopelessly. I finally gave up and sit up leaning on my elbow looking at the window with a grimace. The light coming from it was orange so that meant in was early in the morning, or maybe late in the evening?
I stood up and walked over the window, when I reached it I could see dust floating through the light. I slowly opened the curtains and a beautiful view greeted me.
As I opened the balcony doors delicious fragrances from the flowers below in the garden hit me; roses, lilies, daisies, jasmines, daffodils, iris, marigolds, gerberas, orchids, and many others I didn't even know their names. Mum used to make me help her with her little garden, and she would point a flower and said its name and how to take care of it, after a while doing this the names just stayed in my head.
Also there were beautiful trees in which under their brunches you could see dryads sleeping heavily, caressing their trees in a motherly way or brushing their hair. But what caught my attention were the big apple trees near the stone walls in the orchard. I smile broadly remembering the day the moles planted them and said some day we would be grateful planting them, something I really doubt at the moment, funny how things turned out. Years later I found myself eating hungrily the delicious apples in order to not die from hunger.
Further on I could see and hear the waves crashing lightly against the stone of the cliffs. Home.
Once I dressed and washed my face I got out of my room and walked through the deserted hallways.
I walked through several rooms, some were locked, and some leaded to different studies.
One leaded to a circular room, on its walls hang some paintings of the forests and mountains of Narnia, of dancing fauns and nymphs, of the dryads and their trees, of glorious armies, of men and creatures all like equals, of old Kings and Queens, including some of me, Peter, Susan, Lucy and Caspian; of the wasteland of the lantern, and the most beautiful painting of the Great Lion, Aslan. He looked magnificent with his golden mane and wise gaze.
I looked at his painting intently as I remembered the first time I met him, I could still hear his valuable words ringing in my ears, words I would never forget.
I remembered all the times he sent us here, to Narnia. The first one to saved it from the White Witch, the second one to return freedom and the reign to the right person, Caspian; then to help Caspian to find the lost lords, next he sent Eustace and Jill to save Rilian; and now he sends us here along with two more strangers to help Narnia against the calormens when we shouldn't be here, nor me, nor my brother and sisters, we weren't supposed to come back.
I sight in frustration and turned to leave the room when I felt a warm breeze. I turned quickly. I was sure I hadn't seen any windows in this room. I looked around carefully and sure enough there weren't any windows.
Then my gaze set on the Great Lion's painting. I couldn't look away or move my feet, I was like glued to the floor. I looked deeply in those wise eyes and I was sure he was holding my gaze. A twinkle shone on his painted eyes.
Carefully I touched the painting. "we are going to help them. Narnia won't fall. We won't fail these people. I won't fail you" I promised. Then I stood there in shock. The lion in the painting shook his mane and open his mouth his breath hit me right in the face. I closed my eyes tight and opened them again. The twinkle in its eyes was gone and the painting was still again but I was sure it had happened.
I left the room feeling light.
Soon I found the library in the east wing of the castle, on the third floor, it was huge, shelves covered in books decorated the walls, some coffee tables, desks, chairs and comfortable armchairs were spread across the room in between shelves or in front of the fireplace. A chess game was placed in one of the coffee tables. This would be one of the places I'll visit the most.
As I left the library I saw King Erasmus coming through the hallway. His faced was twitched with concern and a frown; he appeared to be thinking hard. Dark circles under his eyes. But as he raised his head and saw me he smiled broadly, like a father with his child.
"Edmund!" he said surprised giving me a clap on the back, "Good morning! What are you doing so early?"
"Just walking" I answered with a smile of my one and shrugging my shoulders. "Sleepless night?"
"Yes, I guess you could say so" he said with a tired voice.
We resume walking down the hall. I saw Erasmus was scratching his chin deep in thought and I started getting curious of his attitude.
"Is everything alright?" I asked him.
"What?" he looked quite surprised by my question.
"I meant, if everything is alright, did something happen? You have that serious face…"
"Oh! Yes, well, too much to process. So much I am trying to understand through the last few months. I am just worried" he looked at me warily and I nodded my head knowingly. He continue "And then there's the prisoner, a healer was with him yesterday taking care of his wound, but he is reluctant to talk, Diácano was with him the whole night but still no progress unfortunately"
I nodded my head in understanding. We kept walking in silence for a while.
"Do you think he will talk?" he asked suddenly.
"I don't know. But we will figure this all out" I said sincerely.
He sighed and then smile to me. "Today I'd like to have a council with you and your siblings. I wish for your advice, to be honest I feel kind of lost here." He looked at me hopefully and then quickly added "If it's alright with you, of course, I don't want to pressure you, I know it's been a little too much since you came back"
"By all means, yes, don't worry, we will meet you at the council. We are glad to be helping you." I reassure him.
Erasmus gave me half-smile and we kept walking making small conversation. He showed me around the "new" Cair Paravel, the royal chambers were at the east wing, while the guest's chambers were on the west wing, all chambers were on the second floor while the paintings room, library, council room, the King's studio and other sparcing rooms were on the first floor. The kitchens, the thrones' hall, and the dining room were on ground floor.
"Fancy some breakfast?" asked Erasmus gesturing to the dining room.
"Do you have to ask?" I replied with a smirk.
We greeted the fauns posted at the doors and walked past them into the dining room. As we entered Erasmus opened his arms wide and jovially spoke to someone. "Good morning Anne! You sure are an early bird"
A young lady was seated at the table, already with a cup between her fingers. She looked up and gave him a small smile. I observed her quietly until I realized, she had taken care of my arm the night before on the infirmary.
"Dear, may I introduce to King Edmund?"
I stepped forward and offered her my hand to shake, she took it with hesitation.
"A pleasure to formally meet you, your Maj-"
"Edmund, just Edmund" I corrected her. "And it is a pleasure to meet you too Anne"
"How's your arm?" she asked pointing at my bandaged arm.
"It's great actually, it doesn't even hurt that much. Thank you" Really, the wound was excellent, the inflammation was gone and the pain was barely there.
"Anne has a unique talent for herbs. She's been taught by the centaurs themselves" he was looking fondly at her, like a proud father. She blushed and dismissed him with a hand movement.
"Well, that's quite impressive. Centaurs don't teach just anyone" I told her sincerely. Centaurs are rather misgiving with their knowledge.
"Told you" said Erasmus with a pointed look "well, let's have breakfast, shall we? A long day is ahead of us".
A short time after Queen Calantha made an entrance and soon one by one the rest came down to share a very fresh breakfast.
"As I was telling earlier to Edmund" Erasmus said in between bites "I am holding a council in the evening and I would really appreciate if you were there. If it's not too much to ask of you. I am looking forward to hearing suggestions from experienced people"
"Of course, we'll be there" Peter assured him to which Susan and Lucy agreed nodding their heads with solemn smiles. Although Susan's smile didn't reach her eyes. I made a mental note to talk to her later, she's worrying me.
"I would like to see the prisoner first Erasmus" he looked surprised at my request but complied anyways.
I was curious, given the fact that he was so reluctant to talk it was worth the try.
After breakfast I went down to the dungeons accompanied by Diácano and two wolves, part of the King's personal guard. They were slender and powerfully built creatures, a little bigger than an average wolf probably, and with large yellow eyes. Big and heavy teeth adorned their mouths. Accalia, a she-wolf, had black shiny fur, less massive than his partner, Amaruq,a huge grey wolf, his fur was dense a looked quite fluffy.
In spite of being talking creatures they preferred to walked around the castle in a menacing silence. Their eyes warily taking in their surroundings.
We descended the last flight of stairs leading to the dungeons and we met Bavra, the faun, on guard. He nervously bowed at me and quickly open the iron door. I could hear Amaruq grunting under his breath when he walked past Bavra who visibly shivered and suck on his breath.
·Stop that" Accalia reprimanded him.
Amaruq was shaking with quite laughter while Diácano and I grinned at him. We came to a top at a dark cell. It was very silent and through dark a bulk was visible on the floor.
"Get up" I commanded the prisoner with a loud and strong voice.
"Haven't you heard the King? Get. Up." demanded Diácano nearing the bars of the cell. Nothing. He looked back at me.
"Open the cell" I told him.
He quickly turn and galloped back to Bavra in search of the keys. I approached the cell with my hand on the bars, I tried to look past the darkness but it was impossible, so I grabbed the torch from the wall and illuminated with its dim fire the cell. Effectively the man was lying on the floor and he wasn't moving. At all. Besides me Amaruq and Accalia were grunting leaning over the cell, their tail up and active. They glanced at me worried.
Hearing the sound of hooves on the stone floor we withdraw to let Diácano open the cell and soon I was standing besides the prisoner. I passed the torch to Diácano as I squatted in front of him.
"Your Majesty, should I call a healer?" asked Bavra from his spot on the cell door.
"It's too late. He is already dead" I stated making him gasp.
The man's eyes were wide open, his skin pale, violet spots beginning to appear on it, his hand cold.
Accalia approached and started smelling the body and as she near his stomach she scrunched up her nose shaking her head. "Poison" she confirmed.
Carefully I lifted his shirt to reveal a cut on his abdomen, it was a thin line, not even deep but it's outline was black, as if rotten.
Directing towards Amaruq I ordered him "Find King Erasmus. Do not talk to anybody on your way there. Tell him to summon the council now, we can not wait any longer"
Nodding his head the grey wolf took off. I then turned to Diácano, his face expressed the same worry I felt.
We had a traitor in the castle.
(End of Edmund's POV)
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Between The Pipes [Chapter 8]
Rating: M Words: 2236 Pairing: Kristanna Summary: When a new owner takes over the Arendelle Ice Breakers, Kristoff isn’t sure about his future with the team. That is, until a PR nightmare throws the newest member of the media team, who also just so happens to be the daughter of the new owner, right into his arms. Kristoff and Anna can’t even stand the interviews they have to do together… how on earth are they going to fix this mess? Hockey!AU.
[Chapter Index]
Where To Read: [AO3]
Notes: hehe this was fun. I don’t know if this is something that actually happens or not, but in my world it does! They have to do those studio headshots and stuff somewhere right? 
Anyway, the NHL does these silly things called Puck Personalities and it’s def the inspiration for the last part of this. Here’s a playlist of them if you’re bored and want to watch hockey boys be awkward bc none of them like to be on camera. 
Gerda wanted her to get some practice today. Some dumb, fluffy media that would just go on the internet when they ran out of things to report on, or if they felt that they needed something to smooth over any rough patches PR-wise. It was just going to be silly questions that were meant to play with the guys, get them comfortable with her, and to give fans something fun to watch that would bring the players down to a more relatable 
So Anna did herself up as nicely as she could. 
Her makeup was natural enough that she didn’t look ridiculous, but emphasized enough for all of her hard work to show up on the camera, she curled her hair and put the front up in a soft braid that circled the back of her head, and she slipped on a still professional but definitely tight black sweater dress, and a soft emerald green sweater, with knee-high black boots over sheer tights. But in her worry that it wouldn’t be what they wanted, she threw a couple more options into the back of her car before heading over to the local studio space that they had rented for the day. 
When she arrived, there were more cars than she was willing to count lines up around the lot, including Kristoff’s truck. Swallowing the lump that was forming in her throat, Anna got out of her car, elected to leave the other clothing so she didn’t look like a crazy person, and walked with purpose towards the studio doors. 
She was immediately greeted by Gerda, who smiled at her warmly. “I see you’ve taken care of hair and makeup, perfect,” she started, leading Anna by the elbow towards the small green room. “There are snacks and drinks back here while you wait. They’re just finishing up the shots for the players in jerseys, and we’ll be able to proceed with your segment soon. 
It was a whirlwind and Anna was grateful she processed anything that was said to her before Gerda ran off to find the next issue she needed to handle. 
There were a couple unfamiliar faces, but Anna’s eyes locked on to the one other female in the room, and let out a sigh of relief when she approached. “You must be Anna,” she smiled, her voice gentle. “Honeymaren, but you can just call me Honey.” Anna’s nose scrunched unwillingly, laughter in expression evident, and Honey smiled in response. “My parents are hippies, what can I say?”
Anna shook her hand before letting out another laugh. “I like it, it’s sweet.”
“... Like Honey?” 
They shared a laugh and Anna felt suddenly more at ease. It was nice to meet someone around her age and her gender in such a male-dominated area. She quickly learned that Honey was the same age as her sister, was in PR, and had been doing this for six years now. “So,” Anna started, clasping her hands together in front of her hips. “Is it always this crazy?”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Honey laughed, gesturing to the door. “If you want, we can go watch the videographer for a minute? It’s usually less crowded in the studio room.”
Anna nodded enthusiastically and they were soon on their way, making the usual small talk. They passed a few players who gave them winks and playful gestures, but none seemed too eager to stop and talk with them. Honey told her it was only because they had to go get into their suits for the talking head portion of filming and not because they didn’t want to talk to her, and Anna did her best to brush it off.
“These boys are going to be talking to me plenty over the season, I don’t blame them for not wanting to talk to me right now.”
With a chuckle, Honey pushed open the heavy studio door and nodded, leading Anna in. “I think they’ve just got the goalies left, and then it’ll be your turn!”
Anna realized exactly what that meant and felt her cheeks warm as she glanced up just in time to see Kristoff pulling off his mask to listen to the director, his blonde hair fluffy and falling around his ears in a gentle curl at the end. His face was serious until some comment she couldn’t hear made him laugh, and Anna could feel the warmth in her cheeks spread all the way to her toes. 
So he does smile. And of course it was a really pretty smile, too. 
What good were his looks if they were given to a man with his personality? 
She watched with interest as a photographer slid in to take some headshots, mask on and off, posing as if he were playing, and some just standing. 
“For stat boards,” Honey had chimed in with a grin. 
And then it was the videographers turn, and he made him do some traditional goalie stops. A dive, a slide, all these things that, too Anna, seemed like they would be impossible to do with all that gear and padding. But Kristoff made it look easy. 
They finished up quickly - Kristoff had been doing this for a few years now, and he moved to let their backup goalie do the same. He took his mask off again, shaking his hair loose, and Anna couldn’t say she wasn’t completely struck with his strong jaw and bright grin as he walked towards the exit. The one she was standing right in front of.
“Honeymaren,” he grinned, holding up his fist for a bump from the PR specialist. “Nice to see you as always.” Then his eyes drifted to meet hers, and Anna could swear she saw his pupils expand. “Anna…” 
She swallowed, expecting the worse.
“Don’t be nervous,” he winked, and Anna felt heat pooling in her stomach. “Just have fun with it.”
And then he pushed through them, his gear making him almost double his normal size, which was already more than double her size, and Anna felt herself gawking at him as he left. “That,” she sighed, disbelief in her eyes. “Is the nicest he’s ever been to me.”
Honey let out a loud laugh, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh, Bjorgman. His bark is worse than his bite, I’ll tell you what.”
Anna wasn’t sure if she believed it, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless. 
“Thanks for watching IBTV.”
The director made one sharp clap and the lights changed, and Anna let out the biggest breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding. A makeup artist trotted up to her, powdering her forehead and Anna felt distinctly uncomfortable under the scrutiny of the whole team. 
“Great, that was excellent, Anna.” He swirled his pointer finger around the room signaling for a reset, and Anna felt herself flush. “One more, okay?” 
She nodded, stepping back to her mark and took in a deep breath as she stood straighter. Risking a glance to the side where she new Gerda and Honey were watching, Anna squinted through the lights when she swore she saw two much bigger bodies beside the women. 
Oh, god damn it. 
Kristoff and Sven were standing there, suited up and hair tamed, watching with grins on their faces. Kristoff just kept his arms crossed tightly over his broad chest as Sven gave her a double thumbs up, and Anna smiled back before switching her attention back to the camera. 
“Hey guys, Anna Arne with IBTV, and today we’re doing something fun.” The director had asked her to be more animated, so she did her best to move naturally. Arms swung wide, fingers spread out for emphasis as she danced through her spiel. “Have you ever wondered who your favorite player idolized when they were a kid? How about their favorite Disney film? Whether or not they like olives?” 
She heard a small chuckle come from the crew and took it as solid encouragement. 
“Well,” she winked, leaning forward as if she were sharing a secret. “Tune in here to find out all of that and more, on Breaking the Ice, your Arendelle Ice Breakers’ weekly interviews.”
The director cut in to send her to her other mark, asking for her to do the outro again, clapping enthusiastically when she nailed it. “Fantastic job, that’s the one!”
Anna couldn’t help herself as she almost literally jumped for joy, pumping her fist as subtly as she could before stepping off the small platform and skipping over to Gerda and Honeymaren, both smiling just as wide as she was.
“You’re a natural,” Honey grinned, patting her arm. “It’s like you belong in front of a camera.” 
Gerda simply nodded in agreement, clear pride evident on her features. “I can’t wait to get you on the ice with the boys.”
Anna had only a moment to relish in the praise before she felt Sven’s heavy arm drape around her shoulders, stealing all of her attention. “All right, Anna! You rocked that.” She flushed as he grinned, turning her around to face Kristoff. “Now, ready to have some real fun?”
And with that, Sven was dragging her down the hall to the bigger studio space, the one with a solid white backdrop that they had been doing the player portraits in. Kristoff was following closely behind, a silent but looming presence. In the regular light of the hallway, Anna was finally able to fully take in how they looked, and grinned. “You guys look so nice!”
Sven’s curls were tamed and defined, slick as they fell over his dark skin, complemented nicely by his maroon suit and brown tie. She wasn’t surprised that he was the type to wear something more out there and daring, but it still filled her with glee to see something so bold. 
Kristoff, alternatively, was wearing a more classic suit, dark grey with a powder blue tie that made his eyes warmer, honey brown and sweet as he laughed at Sven’s antics. Anna only just noticed that his hair was gelled back, stiff and sleek. 
It looked nice, but she weirdly found herself missing the shagginess of it as it brushed over his brows. 
Her cheeks reddened as Kristoff glanced down, catching her staring, and turned her attention back forward.
The interviews went well. All the players responded well to her, laughing at some of the more ludicrous questions that included props, and Anna found herself relaxing with each set.
Sven was midway through the lineup, and was as cocky as ever. “Lay it on me, sister,” he laughed as they started, Anna poking at his shoulder. “I’m up for the challenge.”
The questions started easy, just some dumb this or thats, would you rathers, hockey tips, and favorites. Then there was trivia about things not-hockey related such as Disney princesses and 90s television stars. Finally, there were challenges. Can you juggle? Can you beat your teammate in arm wrestling? Can you do a handstand? 
Players were allowed to skip any question they wanted as this was all for fun, but leave it to Sven to take on each and every one.
Anna was belly laughing by the end of it, as he laid on the floor after trying and failing to do a cartwheel. “You should see Kristoff,” he laughed. “He does these in the locker room all the time.”
“That so?”
Anna trotted off the set, knowing it was unconventional, and grabbed the goalie by the arm, dragging him in front of the camera. “Come on, show us.” 
He held his hands up in front of his chest in protest, a blush evident on his cheeks. “Oh, no, no, that’s fine.” 
Sven stood up suddenly, squatting to be the same height as Anna, as they started chanting “Cartwheel, cartwheel, CARTWHEEL!”
“It’s just for warm-up!” He persisted, ears turning red. Sven continued on, even as she let up a little. Anna watched his entire body tense before he let out one heavy sigh and gave in. “Fine, you assholes.”
They’d bleep that out in post, she was sure.
“But if I break anything, you’re paying for it.” And then he was shrugging out of his jacket, and Anna was thoroughly enjoying the stretch of the thin white dress shirt over his muscles, the whole studio was clapping, egging him on. 
And then he did a fucking cartwheel, his whole face red by the end of it. 
She couldn’t hide the surprise. “Wow!” She just about shouted, closing the distance between them. “Where did you learn to do that?”
Kristoff was still blushing, his eyes avoiding hers. “Ugh, I have two sisters,” he laughed, leaning forward to pick up his jacket. “Every day was gymnastics growing up, so… I don’t know, I just picked it up, I guess.” He shrugged it on and Anna tried not to be disappointed about it. “It feels like it gets my blood pumping, so I try to do them to wake up before every game. Maybe it’s all in my head.”
Anna laughed, taking in the genuine smile that had spread on his cheeks. 
“That’s… impressive.”
He tried to run a hand through his hair and frowned as he messed it up, glancing up to the camera. “Yeah, well, now I’m not answering anything else.” 
Anna knew it was a tease when he leaned over to punch the top of Sven’s arm, grinning widely.
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k-itsmaywriting · 7 years
The Time Behind (Magic!AU)
A prequel to Nothing More Magical
“Where did I put that rooibos…?”
The faint green glow along the edges of the open book slowly lowers out of her sight. The spine hovers just an inch above the stone grinder; cool against Shirayuki’s hands as her eyes glide over the cubbies on the wall. She spots the label and focuses. With a smooth sweep, the cubby slips out of the shelf and three twigs rise from the box.
She brings the box over and tips her head over it as the twigs slip under the book into the grinder. She sighs. “I’ll need to be getting more of those soon…”
The clock by her bed ticks behind her as the minutes pass. Another productive morning goes by, Shirayuki notes as she ties a little string around the last packet of prepared herbs and places it into her bag. Her countless books and cubbies file back into her shelves as she turns towards her closet. She raises her hand and pulls at the air. A black robe sweeps off the hanger and towards her open hand, weaving between the jars scattered around her room.
The robe slips over her head and swallows Shirayuki whole. She slips her arms through the baggy sleeves, pulls her hood over her head and swings her bag over her shoulder.
She turns to the front door. Metal flaps against wood as a blue envelope falls through the pigeon hole.
Dearest Shirayuki,
How are you? It has been a long time since we’ve written.
I am writing to let you know that you’ll finally have an assistant very soon. I have attached his details on the back of this letter with all the other official court documents. I wish to thank you again for allowing him the chance to volunteer for this position for his Community & Service. His trial is next week. Should our defenses win, well…
I do think you will like him.
Yours sincerely Zen Wisteria
Gentle breeze brushes through Shirayuki’s hair as she sits still on her broom above the court house. She holds the new hat in her hands, pressing her fingers into the black brim and tracing her eyes over the tip that flops to the side.
She narrows her eyes and huffs. “Why did I have to impulsively buy again?” A passing thought about a cat fitting more comfortably in her hood than her bag led to her grabbing and paying for…this. The first hat she saw in the shop across the courthouse.
The city clock tower’s bell blows Shirayuki into a startle. She takes another look at the hat and shakes her head. She fits the brim around her head, turns the end of her broom towards the courthouse and bolts.
“He has an ankle bracelet with an identical tracking crystal, but yours goes around your wrist. A little drop of magic in it will make it glow, just in case you need to find him in the dark. But a lot of it at once will send a shock through his legs. It’ll be enough to make him fall over, and he won’t be able to use them for a few minutes either.”
Shirayuki looks up from the green crystal in her hand to Zen. “I thought you said I’ll like him.”
“I did.” Zen smiles apologetically. “But it’s just something we have to do. I highly doubt you’ll need to use it. He…” he pauses, “He’s been compliant and to the point with us, in a way.”
She tilts her head. “What do you mean by ‘in a way’?”
Metal clicks and thin chains rattle against each other. Zen takes a step to his side and turns, gesturing to the court guards behind him pulling the cuffs away from another man’s wrists. “This is your new assistant for the next two months,” Zen says.
The man perks an eyebrow at Zen before looking back to Shirayuki. “My name is Obi. I have many aliases, and many secrets. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
His chin tilts upwards and his head a little to the side as he rubs his wrists. He looks at her, not bothering to move, and his golden eyes narrow.
If he’s going to wait…
Shirayuki steps forward and extends her hand. “I’m Shirayuki. It’s very nice to meet you.”
She feels the corners of her lips pull into a smile, and for just a second she catches surprise on his face. The second time he looks into her eyes they’re wide, almost cautious, but he manages to recompose himself and grasp Shirayuki’s firm hand with his.
“Are you ready for your first job, Obi?”
“Shoot me, Miss.”
Shirayuki furrows her eyebrows. She must resist. She’s already bought something today and they’re just…so expensive…
Her eyes dart back and forth between her notebook and the crate in front of her. There is only one pot inside with thin stems of petal-sized leaves. The first look upon them shows pale green, but a peek of sunlight through the window shines over and there’s thin sheen of cool silver over them. The plant is a powerful antiseptic, can treat almost any symptom of cold with a single drop of its oil. They say it’s from one of the southern-most islands of the entire world and it’s always a miracle to have one right here—
“You okay, Miss?”
Shirayuki jumps and turns her head towards Obi next to her. He’s holding an armful of jars filled to the corks with flower buds and dried leaves. When did he get all of those?
As though Obi reads her mind, he shrugs. “You were staring at those for a while, so I just read the list over your shoulder and got the rest.”
That quickly? Shirayuki’s cheeks flush with a little embarrassment. She must’ve been spacing out for longer than she thought. “Thank you, Obi,” she says. “I’ll…just check what you have and see if they’re the right ones.”
She releases the notebook and lets it float her side. “I can’t believe I got so distracted by the cinder gum,” she murmurs as she begins to gently take each of the jars from Obi’s hands and check the contents. “Really, thank you for getting all of these for me so quickly! And they’re the ones I usually get too…”
Obi holds his breath in his throat, and Shirayuki waits for him to say something. But he looks over towards the single pot of cinder gum behind her instead. “…I think I know a lady who has some of those way cheap.”
Shirayuki gasps. “You do?! Where’s her shop?! Is it open on weekends?!”
Obi looks at her again, a smile widening. “Ah, she doesn’t have a ‘shop’, per se. You’ll find her things in…” he mocks a cough, “the black market.”
His words slap her face blank.
He snickers. “She’s pretty shady, though, so maybe don’t get caught.”
Shirayuki plucks her notebook from the air and turns towards the counter, beginning to cross off all the bullet points on the page. “I would much rather not be involved in that, thank you very much.”
“Wait, Miss, why are you giving this notebook to me? And…are those letters?”
“Yes. I’m going to the lab to help out with their research. Since I’m there during the last of your hours, would you please go through all these orders so you’re not bored out of your mind for four hours every day?”
“You…you want me to go through your letters to…do scheduling? Compile you a list of patients who have requested your service and their currently known symptoms so you can prepare all the medicine you may possibly need? And also schedule all your deliveries according to each district?”
“A correct conclusion you’ve made there! Flu season just began last week too, so you’ll have lots to do! Oh, and no transforming into a cat while in the labs. Shidan is allergic.”
“I guess…it’s better…than sitting around…doing nothing…”
“You’re a great help, Obi!”
For Shirayuki, the hours in the lab always pass by in a flash. Her mind runs marathons the moment she sets her notes onto her workbench, running and running until she passes by the window and notices the sky has fallen into evening.
For Obi, however…
Well, it’s why she’s treated him to dinner tonight.
The scent of spices fills the air around them amongst the laugher erupting from around wooden tables. Warmth tickles Shirayuki’s skin as she sits across Obi in a comfortable corner by a window, the chill from outside melting away. She looks up from the empty tabletop at him. He’s looking out into the night, and she can see the reflection of lamps outside in his golden eyes like little stars.
Obi’s eyes suddenly flicker to hers. They widen a little and—oh no, he’s caught her staring—he tilts his head curiously.
Shirayuki clears her throat. “I was just thinking...” she pauses, glancing at the bag in her lap for a moment, “We’ve been working together for about a week now, but we still don’t really…know anything about each other at all. So what if we…?” She flails her hands in circles. Ugh, why did words have to fail her?
“How about a question game then? We go back and forth and ask anything we want.”
She nods quickly. “Yes! Okay, that sounds good.”
“I’ll start then.” Obi leans back and slings his elbow over the back of his chair. “Does it ever get annoying to carry your broom around all the time?”
Shirayuki glances at her broom leaning against the wall next to her. “Not really. It’s light. Then…since you’re a familiar, why don’t you have cat ears?”
Obi snorts. “What, these?” Two black cat ears suddenly fold up and pop on top of his head. Whatever face Shirayuki has, it makes Obi laugh. “Surprised? Honestly, it’s a little hard to be intimidating sometimes when you’ve got fluffy little ears on your head.”
She suddenly leans forward in her chair, curious. “What does it feel like to transform?”
“Woah, one at a time, Miss! Ah, well…” He averts his eyes and scratches the back of his neck. “I don’t really feel anything when I do it now. There’s just a puff of smoke, and suddenly I’m a cat and everything is bigger.” He waits as Shirayuki nods slowly before pulling his arm off the chair and leaning a little towards her. “So…”
His eyes suddenly darken, intense. Shirayuki gulps.
He blinks, and it dissipates in an instant. “Can you not handle spicy food? You ordered the mildest vegetable soup on the menu!”
Shirayuki crosses her arms defensively, eyes widening. “My hair is already this red, I’m not sure I want my face to be the same!”
Obi cracks up laughing, hand on his tummy and the other slapping the table.
Her cheeks are red now, they must be. Shirayuki sighs and presses her fingers to them, trying to hide them as Obi collects his breath. Though, it makes her heart feel a little lighter – knowing somebody thinks her lame jokes are funny.
But she’s like an open book compared to him. Obi already knows her more than a stranger would, just by looking. Like the face she makes when she’s deep in thought, or how she can’t tolerate spicy food, what she needs when she’s lost in a train of thought and side tasks are left forgotten, discarded on the side of the path in her thought process.
She wants to know him like he knows her already.
“You look like you’re dying to ask me something.”
Shirayuki tilts her head nervously and stares at the corner of the table. “If you don’t mind…What was the trespassing?”
She’s…she’s not sure if that came out correctly. She’s not sure if it was an okay question to ask either. But…he was sentenced to community and service with her. It couldn’t have been that bad.
Obi chuckles. “Oh, that?” He pulls his arm from where he slung it over the back of his chair. “It was…what seemed like an ordinary night. What I hadn’t realised then that this one, under the full moon beaming in the sky, was going to be special.”
Shirayuki regrets asking already.
His grin widens. “I was perched on the edge of a low rooftop, watching, breathing in the dim lights and lit lamps throughout Wistal City like they were stars in the sky. And that’s when I saw…the open window of the broom shop across Marquis Street.”
His voice is low, makes Shirayuki lean closer towards him even though his crime was petty at best and his story ridiculous at worst. But it’s strangely enticing, the way he tells his tale, as humourous as it is.
“The open window beckoned me inside. At first I fought to turn away on my paws and leave. But…my soul, drawn to it, could not resist. I felt I truly belonged in that broom shop with the aisles of fancy, magical sticks of wood tied to bundles of hay.”
Shirayuki’s eyes are narrowed now, staring into his like, like he’s pulling his words from places the light doesn’t shine but that doesn’t take away from the golden glint of his irises.
“So I leapt across rooftops and streets, risking my very life if only to enter through that window. But when I did, it seemed the world had another surprise for me…”
She gulps. What…what exactly had he found in there? In that broom shop? He couldn’t have possibly tried to…
Obi snorts. “I set off a sleeping gas bomb and got turned back into a human where they found me in the morning. And wha-la, here I am now!” He stretches a thin lipped smile. “In a spicy food bar with the most amazing witch in Wistal. How ‘bout that?”
Shirayuki can’t help the heat crawling up her neck, even as she holds her head in her hand. “You…I really…” She groans, but half of it comes out a laugh. “…I cannot with you.”
Obi bursts into laughter and almost knocks their food from the approaching bargirl’s hands with a flailing arm.
“Miss, try this, it’s so good. I know you can’t handle spicy food but just try it—“
“Obi, that chili sauce is black! And even you’ve been sweating since your first bite!”
“Worth it, though.”
“I never got to ask my next question, Miss.”
Shirayuki wraps the box of dinner’s leftovers in a cloth, gently putting it in her bag as they walk through the crowded path to the port. “Well, we never really stopped playing the game. Ask away.”
Obi holds his breath, presses a hand to the back of his neck like he’s fixing a crick. “Uh, since we left off on my little attempted break-in, why did you volunteer this assistant job?”
“Oh.” She…she hasn’t quite put it in words yet, not even in her own head. It was just a feeling that she had when Zen talked about it – how they can make new starts with new jobs after their hours – that she felt it was good. She could do that for someone too.
“I’m a strong believer in second chances,” she says. And she turns to look up at Obi and smiles nervously. “And I think that if you have a good friend by your side that is willing to help you, you can do anything in the world.”
Obi averts his eyes and reaches his hand to squeeze his shoulder. “Ah, is that so…” He suddenly gasps. “Miss, behind—“
Someone pushes Shirayuki’s back and she stumbles forward. A hand snatches at her shoulder. Before she can turn her head around she hears a yelp as a nearby pedestrian is shoved into a wall. A figure runs down the street, tailed by a familiar one close on their heels. “Obi?! What are you—“
Shirayuki suddenly feels for her shoulder. Her bag is gone. She—That person just—
No, Obi! She can’t let him chase the burglar alone! She needs to find…
Shirayuki runs out into the street and barely hoists her leg over her broom before she stamps her foot and bolts into the sky. Her heart is already racing in her throat. It’s too hard to see – the street lights are dim as she flies over brown tiled roofs, searching for a dark grey uniform and white cape. In the corner of her eye she spots a man running into an alleyway followed by a black cat on a nearby roof, and then a sudden puff of smoke. She can hear the grunts and roars in the flurry of the fight.
That must be…
Just two streets away she spots an officer. She…she recognises that head of purple hair. She swings the end of her broom and cuts down past the buildings. “Officer Sakaki!!”
His head perks up as Shirayuki jumps off her broom a little too early, stumbling over her feet. “Oh, Miss Shirayuki, to what do I owe the pleasure—“
“We need to go! I…I was robbed and Obi—I mean—my assistant chased after them and is trying to get it back but I can’t—“ Her voice shakes, “I can’t leave him alone!”
Sakaki nods firmly, pushing back his cape. “Lead the way.”
Shirayuki chokes a thank you as she spins on her heel to leap into the sky again. Sakaki follows closely behind her, even when she zips through the air without warning, frantically.
Her head is spinning, breath heaving. Time is running out.
She tips a little too far forward over the end of her broom looking for him above the street where a brute of a man is thrown over onto the ground. A lean figure stands over him, silently victorious.
A little drop of magic in it will make it glow, just in case you need to find him in the dark.
Shirayuki reaches her hand out towards the alley. She focuses, seeping her magic through her veins into the cuff tight around her wrist. It slowly lights up a forest green. The same colour twinkles just underneath the figure’s trouser leg.
“That’s him!” She turns to Sakaki. “He’s okay!”
When she turns back and begins to descend Obi is crouching, picking up her bag with both hands. He scoops it into his arms and steps away with a slow sigh.
Behind him a rock skittles across the alley, followed by fast footsteps. Obi spins around, eyes widening at another man rushing towards him, two hands gripping a knife and—
Shirayuki screams. Then everything is green.
“…everything is going to be alright, yes?”
“…Probably…just tuckered out, I think. Thanks, Officer.”
Morning light cracks as Shirayuki opens her heavy eyelids. The room around her blurs – the floating jars, her ceiling and the corner of the bookshelf – and there’s an unfamiliar smell around her. It smells of golden stews, remnants of steam on a stove and the warmth fills her nose but it’s not – it’s not hers.
Shirayuki jolts up. Obi. Where is Obi?
She tumbles out of her bed and kicks the blanket off her legs. She remembers now. She was robbed, Obi went after them while she found Officer Sakaki, and when she found him again there was another man behind Obi and—
She remembers screaming his name. She remembers when he turned around, eyes widening as she reached her hand out, enveloping a nearby barrel in a green veil of light. It…it crashed against the man’s head and wooden splinters and wine flew everywhere. She hurled it. And the sheer weight of it and the panic in her heart exhausted her magic and now she can’t remember what happened afterwards.
How she got home is a blur. Did she even make it to her bed? Did she dismiss Obi?
Her cloak is heavy on her shoulders, still filling her nose with yesterday’s sweat and spices. Her right arm aches and hangs like it’s going to fall out of the socket of her shoulder any second now.
She enters her kitchen to find her bag, a closed bowl and a note on the countertop. Her bag is closed shut. Shirayuki carefully removes the lid off the bowl, and she flinches at the clouds of white hot steam that dance to the ceiling. Then, the note next to it…
For my witch in shining robes. Obi.
It’s the leftover vegetable stew from dinner, boiled again in her kitchen. And Obi must have added some of his own touch – the broth is thicker on the top and it glistens in a tinge of red.
Shirayuki takes a spoon from the top drawer and dips it into the soup, letting it fill. She brings it to her lips, waits for it to cool for a moment before drinking it all and—
Oh no, that sting on her lips. The burn on her tongue. There’s no mistake—
Shirayuki tears the spoon from her mouth and doubles over the tabletop, wheezing. She throws her left hand forward, slinging a mug under the sink and filling it with cold water. It draws towards her and she tips it over mid-cough, not caring at all the dribble off her chin and down her neck if only the burning would cease.
It takes her the whole mug before she can take a breath without feeling like a fire-breathing dragon. Now that it’s silent she can hear laughter outside her apartment.
She knows that laugh, how it rings in the air after a joke – she stomps to the door and flings it open to see Obi slap his hand over his mouth to muffle it.
She crosses her arms and cocks her head to the side with wide eyes. She still doesn’t care about the dribble.
Obi takes a breath and brings the hand away from his face. A smug grin is still plastered on his face and Shirayuki swears she will…
“Too far?”
Shirayuki doesn’t move, doesn’t say a word.
The smile disappears and Obi’s shoulders drop. “Okay, Miss, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have added spice to the soup and—“
Shirayuki raises her hand gently, but her gaze is still hard. Obi means to keep apologising until suddenly a letter flies to her fingers from inside. Then another, and another, and seconds later there’s ten of them enveloped in a green light pressing into Obi’s chest. “If you think you’re so clever,” she says, smirking, “then why don’t you start sorting these out while I catch up on last night’s work, Mister.”
She turns back into the doorway, holding onto her shoulder and stretching it behind her back.
“Thank you for saving me back there, Miss.”
She pauses mid-step, then looks back over her shoulder at Obi still in the hallway. He holds his head a little lower than usual, looking up at her through his lashes shyly and god, he’s adorable.
Shirayuki goes back into the hallway and reaches her hand up, watching the way pink crawls up his ears as she begins tickling the back of his head. She hears him shiver once before he’s rolling his head into her hand.
This time it’s her turn to laugh.
 “I saw Judge Haruka a few times at university when he was a law professor. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone age ten years in the span of two.”
“Honestly, Judge Haruka has the greatest scowl I’ve ever seen in my life. An eternal resting bitch face. Like he constantly has a pineapple shoved up his—“
“You were at his mercy, Obi. He could’ve thrown you in jail.”
“He can’t throw me in jail for being right about the pineapple. The jury knew it too.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be so surprised if it’s been up there for so long he’s…pining it out.”
She laughs at her own joke.
  It’s ridiculous, but Obi can’t stop staring.
That she’s so beautiful like this.
He just hopes it’s the black chili sauce that’s making his face so red.
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