#giving me angst forbidden light dark trope i want it NEOW
Acotar Tumblr is giving me  PTSD from 2015/2016 when I was in the trenches fighting on the frontlines for Feysand endgame and Ya’ll were up Feylins ass calling Rhys every name under the sun.... and now with Elriel.... worms for brains some of you.
SJM confirm Elriel so I can stop losing brain cells reading ya’ll think pieces and girlboss thesis on how they’re SiBLiNgS.... AzRiEL iS OoC....GwYn Is MoRe SuITeD....ElAiN Is BoRiNg ?????
SJM is not giving the ginger’s any rights and ya’ll just need to accept that or just start putting on clown makeup on right now that works too
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