#glamorous gorilla gold statue
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“and knowing the right director!” 😭😂
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geth-consensus · 7 years
I was inspired to spend every moment free I had at work today writing instead of studying. But I had so much fun imagining these characters I wanted to share it.
A Dance of Fire and Flowers The wind threatened to whisk the hat from her head but she didn't care, the rush of the wind was worth it. She soared through the air aloft on wings of magic, dancing lights that gleamed like stars danced around her, just wanting to be close to her. All below her were upturned faces as the people of the town diverted there gaze to see her dance through the air. Her dress white as snow fluttered around her and seemed to shine in the dazzling sun, she was a marvel and she knew it. That had of course been her intent, to spread joy she must be joy, and she felt no more joyous then when sailing upon the winds. Suddenly a powerful gust blustered into her scattering the dancing lights and tearing away her hat, which danced a brief while in the jaws of the whirlwind that had ensnared it before plunging towards the city below as if dragged by an invisible tether. Lyanna laughed as she dove after it, the world surged up to meet her as she saw a hand stretch up from a rooftop below and snatch her hat out of the air. She slowed herself and alighted upon an opposing roof top. "Why do you insist on wearing this misshapen thing? It's so gaudy." said Vaelia as she stretched the hat from it's top attempting to smooth out the jagged creases that had formed over it's long life. As soon as she released it however the hat simply bounced back to being just as jagged as before. "I prefer to say it has character." said Lyanna. "I suppose that's one way of putting it" Vaelia said flicking it over in her hands, despite it's age the hat seemed to glow just as brightly as the day it had been stitched together. Lyanna flicked her wrists and the hat jerked from Vaelia's grasp and seemed to jaunt merrily across the gap between roofs before coming to sit softly upon her head once more. "I've never heard you have any complaints about the way I dress before, what's with the sudden criticism."  "Oh I have nothing against the way you dress, I find that all rather elegant" she said. "It's the way you showboat in front of crowds that agonizes me."   "You never seem to take issue when I do so when we're alone, is it that you might be jealous" Lyanna teased. Vaelia looked like she flushed but it was hard to tell beneath her deep tanned skin, "Me? Jealous? Hah, that's rich. I just don't think you should be so flamboyant all the time, it ill befits your reputation."   "My reputation? What could better suit she who fended off the shadows then to revel and be jubilant at that fact, and to ensure the people of this world still live with merriment within there hearts." Vaelia rolled her eyes and sighed "You'll never change will you."   "You wouldn't love me if I did" Lyanna said smiling across at her.   "I suppose not, but were the lights really a necessary addition?"   "I didn't summon them you know, they simply joined me in my revels"   "Of course they did...well, if you're insistent upon attracting all eyes to you then at least make a show of it"   "Oh, you have something in mind do you?"   "As a matter of fact I do" Vaelia said grinning "Let's spar, you and me, in the middle of town"   "Spar, you mean like a duel? With our blades?" Lyanna asked surprised. "And with magic, just like we do on our ventures together, we'll put on a performance the like of which this town will never forget!" she said with a devilish smirk. "Well, when you put it like that, how could I ever refuse" Lyanna smirked back. "Roll up! Roll up!" Vaelia cried "Come see the once in a lifetime duel between the one who banished the darkness, and she who tamed a dragon! I promise you all a performance you'll one day regale to your grandchildren!" she turned with a flourish from her psotion atop the fountain side to highlight Lyanna standing among the gathered crowd. "Here we have Lyanna, banisher of shadows, wielder and forger of Firebrand! The blade of fire, forged into steel, with which she has slain more monsters of the night then I could ever hope to count." at which Lyanna pulled her blade from it's sheathe and brandished it above her head. It shimmered in the light of the sun, glowing orange, yellow, and red and seemed to look like it was flowing all along the the curved arc of the sword. She twirled it around in her hand it looked like she now held a flame itself between her fingers. Lyanna then bounded forward and jumped up to Vaelia's side atop the fountain and gestured to her from down on one knee "And here is Vaelia, she who conquered death itself and bound the soul of a dragon to her own! A women so fierce I've seen her wrestle a gorilla into submission! Chosen by the dual blades Petal & Thorn themselves, destined as the only worthy wielder!" Two curved short blades flashed through the air as Vaelia pulled them loose of her back, one shone as a bright silvery steel with ornate decoration winding there way along the blade. The other was darkened silver, with sharp lined patterns adorning it's surface. The two then jumped down from the fountain and sauntered away from each other for about 20 feet before turning to face one another blades in hand."And now ladies and genetlemen-" Vaelia announced, "-the duel you've all been waiting for!" Lyanna finished. Lyanna seemed to suddenly glide forward without visibly moving her feet, Firebrand held to her chest pointed right for Vaelia. She moved to deflect the incoming blade but Lyanna anticipated this by lowering herself to sweep under the deflection. Without thought Vaelia leaped up and over Lyanna, rotated so she landed on one hand and pushed off again to land on her feet. She had barely landed when she had to lean back to dodge a slashing blow. Leaning back up swiftly she jabbed with Thorn in her right hand to slice her only to find air as Lyanna now fluttered 10 feet above her. Lyanna laughed joyously and seized upon Vaelia's surprise to dive down upon her with another slash, to suddenly find herself in the embrace of Petal as the blades clanged against each other. However her downward charge could not be stopped and she pushed her way down into the blade forcing Vaelia to dance backward away from the blow and letting her land softly upon the ground. Vaelia would giver her no reprieve though as she charged forward, blades flashing like a whirlwind in her hand, forcing Lyanna to back up quickly. As quickly as she was being forced back though Vaelia was keeping pace with her, without even space to raise Firebrand she resorted to the one option she had. Magic. Thrusting her arms forward she summoned a gale that shoved Vaelia back and down to her knees. Seizing her opportunity she pressed forward slashing down toward as Vaelia struggled to regain her footing, with nothing left to her Vaelia lifted her arm to block and the sword struck it dead centre. Her head rang as the blade bounced off her arm, the sound of metal on metal leaving a chattering cacophony in Vaelia's ears. The sliced ruins of her tunic falling away to reveal the metal gauntlet that encased her entire right arm. Lyanna doubled back from the force of the reverberations passing through her blade allowing Vaelia to again press the attack, calling upon her own inner power she reinforced herself with her own inane power so that every sweep of her Petal left a track of crimson flames in it's wake, and a dazzle of lightning following swiftly behind Thorn. Sweeping forward she lunged Petal towards Lyanna for it to plunge straight into the side of Firebrand, causing the blade to in turn catch fire as well. Lyanna jumped back as Firebrand suddenly found itself wreathed in flames, the blade and flames turning to a deep shade of blue as she fed power into it increasing the strength to an inferno. Raising it swiftly above her head she freed the flames and allowed them to cascade down and around, encircling her with a barrier of blazing sapphire. If this was to be a show she though then it deserved to have a certain flourish to it. "Afraid to face me I see! See how she cowers people, hiding behind her blue curtains, terrified to face me" Vaelia declared to the crowd surrounding them. Lyanna merely chuckled to herself and then amplifying her voice she announced over the roar of the flames "I hide from no one, this is no shelter, it is a cocoon! Soon I shall rise out of it more glamorous then you can imagine!"
Vaelia grinned, it had been a while since they'd had this much fun together. "Is that so! Then let us unveil this new form without further a due!" she said as she crossed her blades together as tendrils of green energy, pure magic, blossomed forth from the unions and blasted the wall of flames diminishing them until at last they exploded outward revealing a white gold phoenix that looked like it was truly made of fire, the patterns dancing around it's feathers matched that of Firebrand. It soared up high and then tore towards the ground producing an undulating melody that echoed across the town, it aimed itself at Vaelia who in turn rose her metal cased arm as an ethereal flame shrouded her arm before it suddenly leapt upward and away from her, taking on the visage of a grand gold dragon, and roaring it's glory it surged ahead towards the phoenix.
A second sun shone bright where the two collided, drowning the world in light. The song of the phoenix and the roar of the dragon mingled to a form a music that could elate the hearts of all who heard it. The light blinked and vanished in an explosion of colour that fled higher and higher into the sky forming an arc, birthing a rainbow. Below it, atop the fountain's statues stood Lyanna and Vaelia, a hand each raised high and beaming as they soaked in the wonderment of the crowd. This was her goal in life Lyanna thought to herself, not to be the bane of darkness, or the hunter of monsters, but to bring light and joy to the world. She would pursue that goal with Vaelia by her side, she knew it in her heart, this was there destiny.
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