littlebennettbitch · 5 years
Bonnie is just cringing in horror and disgust. That is gross, and she is sorry she asked.
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hagikhika · 5 years
CLOSED. (with @glampiir // opm lyrics starter call!)
“Witness to a city that never sleeps,” she gestured to the cacophonous length of Taft Avenue behind the frosted windows blurred by rain, the street still bright and thick with traffic even at eleven in the evening. “Where sins are made then buried, doesn't matter how deep or hidden,” a sigh breaks into a soft giggle over the brim of her San Mig Light, “It's always, always there.”
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seesgood · 5 years
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It takes a second to get over the ‘there’s a guy on my porch in a cowboy hat with a cooler’ thing. But even then, she’s pretty sure she just has more questions. ❝ Address, ❞ She repeats, brows furrowing.  ❝ For...what? Exactly? ❞ 
@glampiir          /          continued ! 
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vampanic · 5 years
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“I get in trouble a lot, but from the looks of it I feel like ya do too.”
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fromsolariamoved · 5 years
@glampiir​  /  SC
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“ aren’t you that singer from that earth band , what’s the name...  mötley crüe ? ” earth singers look all the same , and stella is not even sure if that’s them or the other guy with SUNGLASSES and super curly hair --- wait no , it’s the dude with the fake eye for sure.
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alabngpusoarchived · 5 years
CLOSED. ( with @glampiir​ ft. mortimer. )
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leaving the stage after some form of applause, she made a beeline to the bar and flagged the bartender for an iced cold beer. the lounge singer blew raspberries off her brick red lips and sighed out a defeated, “what a fucking disaster.” regardless of the pockets of positive response from the late night audience, she still felt like she blew this gig off completely and that the hotel lounge won’t have her back ever again.
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brainwranglertm-a · 5 years
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                        “     THANK     GOODNESS     “     small     hand     reach     out     grasping     at     the     book,     ,     one     of     her     patients     had     needed     this     book     -     it     was     all     he     had     been     talking     about     for     months     and     -     (     well     it     didn’t     matter     )     she     was     glad     to     have     gotten     it     ,     ,     “     thank     you     so     much-     -     sorry     for     -     yelling     at     you-     sorry.     “     she     looked     out     of     breath,     ,     as     if     she     had     just     run     or     something     but     she     was     sorry     for     yelling     at     the     stranger,     ,     so     one     more     apologies     leaves,     ,     “     sorry     really     -     “     /    / @glampiir​
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localmagicalboi · 5 years
                                ✨ @glampiir for send a 🙌 and i’ll introduce you to an npc related to my muse. family, co-workers, anyone! still accepting.
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vi’s not entirely sure if he likes muyeol oh. like. as a human being. they’re frenemies.
muyeol’s harmless enough. not the kind of guy to make much of a fuss over shit. in fact, it’s the opposite!!! he just blends into the background a lot of the time, but not because he’s shy or some dumb shit like that. he just can’t assed to do dick about anything, it’s just his personality. he’s not lazy. however……….. if his house was burning, he’d be too relaxed to exit.
their meeting wasnt a complicated one. virote was taking a rest at codornices park, enjoying the scenery in berkeley before getting scared off by the local hiphop scene ( the lil b energy in the area fills him with dread. ) muyeol, who surprisingly was able to leave his mom’s house, found virote sitting there and got a little angry. just a little.
❝this bench doesn’t have your name on it,❞ virote said.
❝actually, it does.❞ muyeol motioned to the plaque on the bench with… well, his name on it. he spent so much time sleeping there that they honored him for it. which, you know, considering what they do to other people sleeping in public spaces in california, that’s pretty big. and nonthreatening. feel free to read about how they handle homelessness there, btw. open ur eyes!!!!!
while virote was annoyed that he had to move because this dipshit asshole actually had his name on a park bench… a part of him was like. Wow, That’s Sick As Hell And Cool. they occasionally link up whenever vi breezes through berkeley. they follow each other on social media. for some odd reason. why are they resisting friendship?????
virote’s pretty mystified by muyeol, all in all. you see, muyeol is a mattress tester. that’s his job.
he just sleeps. makes bank for it. actually participated in studies for NASA because he’s so good at sleeping and taking notes on it.
and that’s that on that.
oh, did i mention that he has the ability to walk through people’s dreams? there’s probably some folklore heavy, mythical shit as to why. but his reasoning for being able to do it is that he ate a lot of cheese and wheaties as a child so now his bones are strong and he has dream powers. or something like that. not like he gives a shit. it’s just neat to do.
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multiheads · 5 years
@glampiir​  ❥’d
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❝  S'ae  ona  esaeu  ?  ❞
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dollsache-blog · 5 years
@glampiir liked for a starter.
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      Remilia hasn’t said a word, but she has been eyeing him for a while. It’s not because she has realized that he is a vampire just like her; rather, she just cannot believe he walked out in public wearing an outfit like that...
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littlebennettbitch · 5 years
“That looks like it has to hurt.” Bonnie is a little impressed that the other looks calm and composed - or as composed as one can be in that particular outfit.
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@glampiir​ asked for a starter!
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bluntache · 5 years
                ❪ ✧ ❫ ☇ @glampiir​  .
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he wanders up to the boutique selection unassuming , unknowing of the designers supernatural background . ❝hey you got anything without sequins ? i’m looking for a new jacket . something black .❞ sam had drug him to the indie festival last minute but dean was making the best of it.
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spaceraiseda · 5 years
colourful headcanons  /  @glampiir  :   new leaf & black
new leaf: what message would your muse send to their past self, if any?
she would probably tell herself to stop waiting because mari’s not gonna come back because she held on to that hope for way too long. if this was a time travel thing, jami would absolutely be that Mystery Guide for her younger self. but after she’s taken in by yondu, things are looking up a lot so there’s not much she would have to help with.
black: does your muse have a 'bucket list?' list some things your muse wants to accomplish before they die.
jami doesn’t have a bucket list. she just does what she wants whenever she wants.
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mythvoiced · 5 years
💘 💘 💘 quincy + samuel + mingyu !!
send 💘 and i’ll tell you one thing i like and one thing i dislike about my muse. | @glampiir
QUINCYOne thing I like...-. they are so MUCH FUN! Their confidence is brilliant, they stand their ground, they believe in who they are, they rarely deter from whatever it is they set their mind on. They know what they want and they go and get it! And all the while, they’re funny as heck! They never go out of their way to step on anyone’s toes, they’re seriously just trying to do their own thing and if they make a few friends on the way, then hell yeah, why not?
One thing I dislike...-. they’re always like that. They’re always on the move, which is pretty awesome and I love writing it, but it also makes for constant ‘hopping around’ - that inspired their tag - in a way that can border on frantic and really difficult to keep track of. They cause a lot of trouble, too, because living life as they do is impossible without accidentally and often unwillingly tripping a few people. It’s their speed, their tunnel-vision, that gets them into a lot of trouble, and what I dislike is that oh my god, just slow down, and take a moment to reconsider.
SAMUELOne thing I like...-. he’s so clumsy, it’s so adorable, especially because he means so well and tries so hard but. He’s. Just. Got. Two. Left. Feet!!!!!! Watch him constantly trip over his own feet, get caught and stumble trying to get up from a chair, drop several books onto someone’s lap, accidentally walk into a hecking pole. He’s jittery and clumsy and just... deserves at least a bunch of hugs.
One thing I dislike...-. too submissive. He almost uses it as his easy way out of a situation. He lets the stronger ones act and gets stressed the moment things start going wrong. But he never steps up and says ‘wait, I have an idea’ or ‘wait this involves me maybe I’m best equipped to handle it’. He hands the steering wheel about as easily as water flows and it’s sometimes quite, quite annoying, especially if he’s got the solution on the tip of his tongue, but just won’t utter it.
MINGYUOne thing I like...-. everything. He’s a masterpiece. A comedic genius. He sighs every day, sits on empty plastic chairs, pushes coffee cups off tables, plays with children while their parents sleep, and he has the power to wreak havoc in an entire freaking airport without anyone suspecting a thing or even noticing but he just... doesn’t do it, because he’s freaking tired and it’s hilarious. He has the mental age of a single father of twelve who hasn’t slept in 3 days but isn’t all too bothered by it because what else is new. I love him. He’s... honestly? Comedic timing in a single ghost.
One thing I dislike...-. At the moment, deadass nothing. I just... Maybe it’s the freshness of his character, but seriously, I just love everything about him? I just... I love the guy.
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sacredvein · 5 years
‘ careful of the spider house! you wouldn’t like it if a spider came and dusted your house, would you? ’
“I am passing glad that this is a thing they are not so known to do.” Laurent remarks dryly, though he halts his step all the same. “Spiders. Really?”
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hagikhik · 5 years
" aren’t you going to invite me? "
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“oh shit, right-” she didn’t even know that was a true vampire thing. “do i have to?” though part of her wanted to wait it out for ticks, curious of what would happen if she didn’t. // @glampiir ft. mortimer. ( rp starters based off 2012 roleplay. )
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