#glane (granblue fantasy)
liliesandthemoon · 1 year
glane and gawain's ''friendship''
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tamyonmyonmyon · 6 months
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doggystyle, sideways, frontwards, backwards, upside down, 360 degrees, no condoms, skin on skin, on the living room,on the bed room, on the fridge, on the closet, on the ceiling, on the walls on the bathroom on the couch on the car and on the street.
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
Commenting on all lines of Glane in Gawain's 5* fates because he is all I think about lately ✌️
First things first, a little introduction here, because some people might be lost.
✨Glane ✨ was Gawain's colleague when he was serving as a knight at Dalmore. Gawain jokingly says he just "tolerated" him, but by the way he happily salutes him when he sees him again in his fates, we can easily figure out they were close friends back then.
In Gawain's journal lines he talks about Glane too! He says something about how shocked he is to see how the huge introvert that used to laugh everything off he used to known is now the knight order commander.
Okay so you want to know more about him?
Let me tell you MORE ABOUT HIM!
First impressions are very important, not only in real life but also in fiction, the way one introduces a character can make people fall completely in love with them or despise them forever.
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Glane ''Haha'' counter: 1
In our first encounter with Glane ( Light Gawain's 5* uncap fates) we can see he is a very humble, laid back person, who also likes to tease and joke from time to time.
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First thing he does after seeing Gawain, the man everybody in Dalmore used to fear, is tease him about his ''triumphant return''
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Glane ''Haha'' counter: 2
He completely ignores Gawain's ''tsunderistic'' antics not giving them any importance.
Gawain is very shocked when Glane reveals he is now the commander, and says that this is very bad news, we learn that Glane used to be in charge of logistics, so he is not the person most adequate to be the commander, but since there is a lack of strong knights in Dalmore (more like there are none at the moment) he is the only one Florence could count on to do the job.
Can you imagine being on that situation? You are just chillin' taking care of the logistics of the duchy (that are most of the time just organizing things, not actually being in the frontlines) and one day they ask you if you could be in charge of the knight order because there is nobody adequate for that job (meaning that ALL the knights the Dalmore knight order currently has are weaker than a guy that works at logistics)
Personally I think that my brain would have just exploded right there, not only for the great responsability entrusted to me, but I'd be also thinking ''Wow my country really sucks ass''
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Glane ''Haha'' counter: 3
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BRO IS LITERALLY AN ANGEL AAAAAAA. He is so goddamn responsible!! He is doing his best for his country when he knows he is not even that strong to be giving an example to the rest of knights!! The reason the knight order is even functional right now is because he took that position!! Next time anybody goes to Dalmore you'd better say ''THANK YOU GLANE!''
Glane drinks his Respect™ juice every morning. He likes to resolve conflicts by speaking things out, when Bertilak is dissatisfied with the training he tries to figure out why by speaking directly with him
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Bertilak : * insults his uncle at his job*
Glane: Oh damn (proceeds to shrug it off and adds another Haha to the counter)
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Being laid back doesn't mean he won't intervene on things, when Gawain was going to beat Bertilak's ass fight Bertilak in a duel he wanted to stop him, worried Bertilak would get hurt.
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Oh by the way Glane is a healer!
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Skipping scenes, next day while they were both training the knights a sorceress comes in a hurry saying Florence has sent a telepathic message saying Bertilak was in danger.
The way he tells the mage to stay calm to be able to figure out what is the situation is *chef kiss*
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Glane manages to keep his cool even when he knows his nephew and Florence are most probably in danger, I find that so impresive, him keeping calm and assesing the problem like that... in my eyes he is just the coolest!!
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And in Gawain's eyes he is also the coolest!! He might lack physical strength but I believe his mental strength is insane!
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We don't see him again till the end of Gawin's lvl 100 fates (Bertilak is taken on a journey with the crew in these fates)
While Bertilak was out, he worked too, organizing the ideas Bertilak gave, trying to improve the order's battle tactics. I find this important too, Glane not only listened to Bertilak, but he also made sure to take his ideas into consideration.
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In conclusion: I love him, he is very cool, he is very responsible and very chill, lemme give him a kiss
Extra,my favorite voicelines:
The way he says Ojousan and his silly haha laugh at the end make me ascend to heaven
Thanks for reading till here~ Hope I could make somebody out there appreciate this man more with this <3 and thanks granblue for having a humongous cast!
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
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Silly little piece I did of GCG on a date!
* Disclaimer no Gawains were tricked and forced to relax and have a date with his partners in the making of this picture
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
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I edited Glane single expression NPC art so now he can actually smile and be happy yipee!!
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
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I cannot deny it anymore...I have fallen in love with a NPC that appears in one single fate episode
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
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liliesandthemoon · 10 months
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The way these two commissions changed my entire brain chemistry 😭😭😭😭😭🫶💖💖💖💖💖
Thanks to the lovely @its-blue-bell for these!!
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
What hobbies does Glane have?
I'm so excited I get to talk about Glane AAAAAA, thank you anon!!!!
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Okay so, I've actually gone and checked a list of hobbies to figure out which ones I think would fit Glane for this ask! The ones I thought matched him better were... *drums roll* Cooking and Running!
Extended HCs for each hobby!
Running 🏃
Glane has always had terrible stamina
When he decided he wanted to be of service to Dalmore as a military logistics support he started training on it by going on some long walks,after some time he advanced it to jogging and finally to running
And well, training became his hobby! He tries to run for a bit every day early in the morning. According to him, Dalmore’s air is fresher at this time of the day and it feels very nice.
The sounds of the Dawn chorus and the lack of people outside induces his mind into a peaceful but energetic state,which is perfect to start his day
….. Plus he must look very hot nice on those tight sport shirts
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When he was younger,whenever he felt sad,his parents’ cooking always cheered him up!
This is a big HC of mine but I believe Glane is a big people pleaser,a lot of times he puts others him before himself (too much to a certain gray haired lady’s displeasure) and keeps saying he does it just ‘’to avoid bigger problems’’
But don’t get it wrong, the reason he likes cooking is not just a ‘’I cook so people are not sad’’
Glane only does his best cooking for those he holds dear to him
To him, cooking is his way to be ''a little selfish'' for once (I have this scenario in my mind where he and Chloe end up arguing because she wants him to think more about himself first,something along the lines ''I want you to be more selfish Glane!!'' days later they apologize to each other,Glane invites her over for dinner and at the end when they finish dinning and Chloe says how much she loves his cooking, he says something like ''You like it? That's my selfishness right there''
Like you can taste his genuine love when he makes a dish for somebody he loves very much, if that makes sense?
So yeah, Glane’s cooking is very good,but Glane’s cooking when he cooks for his family or close friends? HE A V E N L Y
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
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<- bf that got forced into the purikura
-> bf that will cherish the purikura forever
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
Me for no reason at 2 am: What if I make Glane x Chloe x Gawain a poly ship
but not in like
in which Glane and Gawain are just sharing a girlfriend.
more like a:
🌼 circle 🌼
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in which they are all dating.
The tone of Gawain when he saw Glane...and the way the first thing they do is tease each other...right in front of everybody...🤨
I know they been doing more than learning battle tactics together in the past
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liliesandthemoon · 3 months
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liliesandthemoon · 9 months
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I had to do it
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liliesandthemoon · 9 months
A lot of times my brain just defaults to headcanoning Glane as shy for some reason, when he is not in the slightest.
He is good dealing with problems and he seems to be very good at communicating with most people.
Of course he is an introvert, but I don't see him as somebody that would get flustered easily or would avoid/struggle communicating.
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