#glorfindel still usually ends up guarding Elrond
thesummerestsolstice · 7 months
Part four of my series on Rivendell's guards! Wherein I finally talk about why Hrivossa and Celecoll keep getting into arguments. You might want to read parts 1, 2, and 3 first for context.
So we pick up after the siege of Rivendell is broken by Gil-Galad's forces
Among those forces is Hrivossa and her Feanorian faction, who weren't in Eregion when it fell (they were supposed to go as reinforcements later, but never had a chance)
So Hrivossa is very relieved that her lord is alive, obviously, and fully approves of Elrond creating his own little haven in the valley
Anyway then she meets Celecoll
Let me be clear; it is absolute loathing from first sight for those two
Hrivossa is decked out in Feanorian stars, Celecoll is still wearing some old Iathrim armor, they know what they're dealing with, and they're not happy about it
They are both just sensitive enough not to start yelling obscenities at each other in the middle of Rivendell's main courtyard
Especially when Hrivossa finds out that Celecoll has been an impromptu guard for Elrond during the siege (and Celecoll finds out that Hrivossa is normally Elrond's guard)
As far as Hrivossa is concerned, Celecoll is a coward who hid behind the girdle and shamefully ran away when her kingdom needed her most, all while keeping the Silmarils from their rightful owners, and who has no business around Elrond, a good Feanorian lord
As far as Celecoll is concerned, Hrivossa is a remorseless murder who's probably still extremely dangerous, and definitely crass and improper, and who also maybe kept Elrond prisoner(?) and who has no business around Elrond, a good Sindar lord
(Sidenote: a lot of people had issues with Elrond's former jailers basically becoming the basis for his house as a lord but that's another post topic)
I want to be clear both of these people almost immediately made peace with the actual orcs they were now living with and they still hated each other
After a few loud arguments (because a few cups of elvish wine can easily overcome both their abilities to not start yelling at each other) Elrond decides he's had enough and separates them
Alternating schedules where they don't have to see each other, and now they live at opposite ends of the growing city
Problem solved, right?
Celecoll moves next to Hrivossa and they start fighting again
I feel like I should note that half the time they aren't even arguing in the same language
Subjects for discussion include: whether or not Thingol was bad, who the Silmarils rightfully belonged to, and most importantly, who gets to guard Elrond
Can you become a toxic divorced couple without ever being romantically involved? Local elves sure are trying
This cycle repeats several more times before Elrond decides that they clearly, like, need the enrichment from arguing or something
He gets their rooms soundproofed so that their fights don't wake anyone else up and just kind of lets it happen
For some ungodly reason yelling at each other a few times a month actually seems to help both of them be more calm and relaxed the rest of the time
Some things are unknowable, even to the wisest minds, and the reason why they're like this is one of them
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counsellorerestor · 7 months
Spring Festival
A continuation of this and this, for @glorfindel-of-rivendell
An air of bustling excitement hangs over the Hidden Valley, even this early in the day. Dawn has only just begun, but Elves are already stirring and beginning their preparations.
Erestor has bathed and washed his hair and moisturised his skin, and now stands before his wardrobe eyeing his options. In the end he dons a cream-coloured under-layer with a dark red robe, embroidered with flowering vines; a slightly more festive choice than his usual plain work robes, though nearly all his clothing is made of rich, comfortable fabrics regardless.
Even as he chides himself for his own silliness, he takes a little more care with his hair than usual, with more elaborate braids holding his hair back from his face and meeting in a knot at the back. He would normally wear a circlet, but he leaves it off today, knowing that Glorfindel has other plans for such adornment; the idea sends a little frisson of anticipation curling through his stomach.
You are older than the Sun and Moon, he reminds himself sternly. You are enjoying the festival with a friend.
But his cheeks are still flushed with excitement as he puts on his usual rings and a pair of ruby drop earrings, and fastens his money pouch to his belt.
The sturdy file and stylus he finally picks up are perhaps not usual festive accoutrements, but the denizens of Imaldris would be surprised to see him without it at a celebration.
He leaves to begin his rounds; first he heads down to the kitchens to look in on the preparation. Loaves of bread, made with the winter barley harvest, and various savoury pasties are being cooled. Potatoes and beets and carrots are being peeled, eggs being boiled and dyed, early apples being baked with cinnamon and honey, and preparations being made to roast game and descale bream and trout. The trade shipment bearing sugar had arrived in time, and - he checks with Thorndûr - the marchpane, a favourite festive treat amongst Elves, has already been prepared.
Satisfied, he moves to the festival fields, where the newly repaired and refreshed pavilions and bunting had been erected a couple of days prior. Tables had been brought out and game areas and tournament fields marked out the previous day, and now the various artisans and games-masters are setting up. Erestor moves among them, glancing through his lists and keeping his ears pricked for any issues.
He corrals and sends a runner to collect more hanging hooks for a panicked artisan trying to set up her display, and helps others shift the markers for a game area to avoid a tree root that had gone unnoticed the previous evening. He has strong words with an Elf who had forgotten to keep an emergency bucket of water by their brazier. He has already ensured that the traders have all been well-billeted, and now he checks that the market area is to everyone's liking, and flags down a guard and sends him back to the House to collect some spare tablecloths for a merchant whose display cloths have been soiled by travel.
This is how festivals usually start for Erestor, and he prefers it this way.
By the time Elrond comes to join him and declare the festival officially open, he is resting briefly by the main pavilions and finishing a goblet of cool cordial.
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Double Heart | Chapter Eighteen ~ Cosima
|previous part|
Pairing: Haldir x OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4719
Warnings: None
A/n Happy Monday! Oh, and if you like Bucky Barnes, I just posted a one-shot for him! You can find it here. Now, on to the story you came here for!
Late in August, three months after arriving in this new world, plans are made to travel to Lothlórien.
Lavandil’s tearful sniffles in the back of her shop clued me in before someone had officially told me, and my heart goes out to her.
“It gets harder every time,” she had muttered, staring at the ground. “Every time we are separated, a piece of me goes with him.”
Her words have not left my mind since.
They are not even bonded, yet the way not being with him pains her…it breaks my heart in a way that is almost too personal.
Our company is set to leave in five days. In my time here, I have amassed only a small number of belongings, so packing will be easy. I am prepared to go long before the others, who have somehow become busier in these last few days. Even Rumil, who has basically become my best friend these past few months, declines my offer to go riding, citing that he and his brothers have much to do in their remaining time here.
So, with no one to help me occupy my time, I end up in the gardens. I pass the afternoon away wandering through the endless labyrinth, discovering more blossoms that make me sneeze and some that don’t. I pick a few — Elrond said it was alright — to press in one of the journals I’ve acquired — a gift from Lavandil. The journal and the flowers will be keepsakes, tangible memories of my time here in Imladris.
A time I desperately do not want to forget.
In the back of my mind, lurking on the edge of my thoughts is a constant fear — the fear that, at any moment, the work with Elrond will prove fruitful and my memories will come rushing back — at the cost of my memories from my time here in Arda.
A bright, bluish-purple burst under the hedges distracts me from that anxious thought.
A cornflower, fallen to the ground and blown far from its bush by the wind.
I crouch, reaching under the green shrubbery.
“Lady Cosima?”
Flower in hand, I straighten, turning at the sound of the voice.
“Glorfindel!” I’m mildly shocked. Since his argument with Haldir, I’ve seen little of him. Seeming uncertain, he walks to meet me, bowing when he plants his feet.
I curtsey, though I can’t help but chuckle lightly at his formality. “You can just call me Cosima,  you know. I’m not anyone important.”
Glorfindel shakes his head slowly, the edges of a smile playing at his lips. “I would be inclined to disagree with your statement, my dear Lady. It seems you have not only captured the attention of two worlds, but of my elven friends.” Before I can ask exactly what he means by that, Glorfindel furrows his eyebrows, gesturing to our surroundings. “I am surprised to find you here this evening. I would have thought you would be preparing for your departure.”
I twirl the cornflower between my fingers. “There’s nothing much for me to prepare. And it doesn’t seem I can be of much help to the others, either.”
A twinkle enters his eye, reminiscent of the playfulness he had the last time I interacted with him. “So you are trying to soak up all that Lord Elrond’s gardens have to offer?”
I smile, taking a look around. “It’s not a bad way to pass the time. I don’t know if Lothlórien will have all these flowers, so I’m taking a couple with me.” Unnecessarily, I hold up the growing bouquet in my hands. “But enough about me, why are you here at this time of day? Don’t you have a million things to do?”
Glorfindel grins, now fully the man I met upon first arriving here. “Ah, you’ve caught me. I am shirking my duties, but!” He holds up a hand to stop my nonexistent chiding. “I will pay for it tonight. Your Marchwarden and I have plans after dinner to surprise one of the border stations. We are going to creep through the area unannounced and see how long it takes for them to discover us. Surely we will be gone until morning.”
I gulp. My Marchwarden? I try to cover up how much that phrase affects me. “So, are you two back to being friends? Or are you still at odds?”
Thankfully, Glorfindel doesn’t get upset by the words I spoke without thought. “Yes, yes, we have been reconciled for weeks now. It is not uncommon for such strong personalities to disagree. All is well — I would have thought he told you.”
I shrug, trying to make the motion look natural even though I suddenly feel like every eye in Imladris is scrutinizing the movement. “We haven’t had the chance to talk much.”
Glorfindel smirks. “Ah, yes, I wondered why my friend had been even more stern than usual as of late.”
I freeze, and the question escapes my mouth before I can stop it. “What do you mean?”
No, Cosima, I chide. Do not engage!
But Glorfindel has already broadened his grin, evidently happy to indulge my pointless question. “He’s increased drills and border patrols, added requirements for promotions, re-worked the training schedule at least five times — he’s even taken his frustrations out on the guard — I worry more when they fight him than if they were facing a pack of orcs!” He laughs, but, after a moment, his expression softens into one of understanding. “Did something happen between the two of you?”
My eyes drop to the flowers in my hand. I twirl the cornflower again, scrutinizing its color.
It is the wrong shade of blue.
“No, nothing happened,” I respond, still not able to meet Glorfindel’s gaze. His questions and the lack of judgement in his voice lead me to share more than I should. “I…I think we both realized we were headed for something dangerous and it’s better to stop while we can.”
“I see,” he mutters, taking in a deep breath. “I am sorry.”
“Don’t be.” I force a smile, not wanting to dwell on something that already keeps me up at night. Time to change the subject. “I don’t know about you, but I’m quite hungry. Would you like to join me for dinner? Lavandil and Orophin will be there as well.”
His face breaks into an easy smile, though there’s something off in his eyes. He sweeps his hand forward, indicating his agreement. “Lead the way, my dear Lady.”
I stare at the clothes laid out on my bed, relying on the meager candlelight to tell me what each item of fabric is.
Lord Elrond said I was welcome to take home any of the pieces I wanted, but the space in my bag will only allow for a few of them. Turns out, the choice is harder than I thought it would be. I have no desire to wear the same outfit the whole time like I had to on the journey to Imladris. That means I should pack more tunic and legging sets. But there are so many pretty gowns I want to take — it doesn’t help that, as part of the payment for helping in her store, Lavandil took me shopping a couple of times. I look over my dresses, all equally loved.
I purse my lips. I know Rumil has three bags…perhaps he would be willing to donate one of them to a good cause. Lavandil hasn’t taken him shopping, so surely he has room to spare.
I creep out of my room, mindful to keep quiet at this late hour. Rumil’s likely to be awake — that ellon is a night owl if I’ve ever met one. I reach his door and knock softly.
But when the door opens, it’s not Rumil on the other side.
It’s Haldir.
I stop breathing. His eyebrows shoot to his hairline.
He steps back somewhat robotically, making space for me to enter the room. “Cosima.”
I freeze, unable to connect my brain to my feet to tell them to move. I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “You’re supposed to be gone.”
Haldir opens and closes his mouth, likely figuring out how to respond to something that sounded very much like an accusation. “I—ah, I apologize? Do you want me to—”
“No, I uh—” I look to the ground, trying to gather my hopelessly scattered thoughts. Being near him again takes me right back to the state I’ve tried desperately to avoid. “Sorry, no, I only meant that I ran into Glorfindel a few hours ago and he said the two of you would be gone tonight. I came looking for Rumil.”
“Oh.” Haldir furrows his eyebrows, though it looks like the initial shock has faded. “I am sorry — I sent him out tonight in my place. I planned on using this time to write out instructions for training after I am gone.”
I can’t keep myself from smiling. So dutiful. “That’s nice of you.”
Haldir shrugs, looking thrown by the compliment. “It’s my job.”
I blink, realizing that, both mercifully and sadly, I no longer have an excuse to stay here. I should go.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it.” I take a step back.
“Cosima, wait.”
I halt my exit, but remind myself of my resolve.
Haldir shifts on his feet before rolling back his shoulders, holding the door open with one hand. “I need a break from writing. Would you like to go for a walk?”
Your resolve, Cosima.
I search for any excuse, anything to give me a reason to say no when I so badly want to say yes. “I don’t have my cloak.”
The edges of Haldir’s lips twitch. “Now that, I may have a solution for. Wait here.”
I should go.
Just wait to see what this ‘solution’ is, I rationalize.
Haldir turns and nearly jogs to the wardrobe, burying his upper half inside until he emerges with a sage green bundle. He returns, presenting the neatly folded fabric to me. “This is for you.”
I blink in surprise, taking the bundle from his outstretched hand. Slowly, I unfurl it, and it falls into a sturdy, finely woven cloak. I look up at Haldir and then back to the garment, unsure of why he’s just handed me this, but nonetheless, pleased.
“You cannot wear your red one while we travel,” he explains. “This will blend in much better with our surroundings. Lavandil advised on the measurements, but if it’s too long, there’s still time to get it hemmed before we leave.”
I smile, running my fingers over the soft interior and the slicker outside. “What’s it made of?”
“Wool, but I asked the seamstress to assist in making it as waterproof as possible.” I look up at him sharply, surprised that he would think to include this. “I worry we will encounter rain again and I would hate to have you shivering like last time.”
I run my fingers over the fabric with a new fondness. I’m grateful and more touched than I would like to admit. “Thank you Haldir, really. This is so thoughtful. And practical.” I can’t help but laugh, looking up at him with a sudden onslaught of nerves. “Just like you.”
He smiles almost bashfully, dipping his head in acknowledgement of my words. “I’m glad you like it.”
I swing the cloak around my shoulders, pulling my hair through the back so it lays against the outside of the fabric. Haldir grabs the bag that rests on the hook by the door and retrieves another one of those beautiful leaf-shaped clips. He steps forward and slowly reaches his hands to where my cloak rests along my collarbones. He gathers the fabric and weaves it through the clip, securing the ends. He rests his hands there for just a moment and then steps back, nodding to himself.
“Perfect,” he breathes.
I blink. I have a cloak now. There’s no reason to say no. “Let’s go for that walk.”
Smiling in a soft, hesitant way, he grabs his own cloak and clip from their place near the door and we step outside of his room. In silence, mindful of the late hour, he leads me down a spiral staircase tucked into a corner I’ve never noticed before. As we descend, the sound of water crashing gets louder and the peace of the estate fades.
I halt and, a few stairs below me, Haldir stops too.
“Are we going below the city?”
He looks up at me — I can barely see his face in the dark. “It is perfectly safe — there are no heights to be conscious of.”
It feels wrong to make sound in the darkness, so when I speak, it’s barely more than a whisper. “Okay. I believe you.”
In the dim light, Haldir’s hand reaches up to me. I stare at it, feeling my jaw fall slightly.
“I think you will like where we’re going.” The darkness, the sound of his voice, just being with him after so much time apart — it’s too much.
I exhale a shallow breath.
I place my hand in his.
Tingles shoot up my arm.
We reach the bottom of the staircase, and he doesn’t let go.
It’s dark here, too, and I find myself drawing nearer to him. My arm brushes his and I suck in a breath, both of us laughing nervously. Haldir seems to know the way. His path is confident and sure as he leads us underneath the stone and earth of the city. Then, in a burst of clear blue light, we break from the darkness and arrive on soft grass.
I can see Haldir better now. Everything about him seems to almost glow in the moonlight. He smiles softly, tugging on my hand to encourage me to follow him closer to the water that lies ahead of us. I glance between us to where our hands meet, wrapped around each other.
It feels natural. It feels right.
I should let go.
I grip his hand tighter.
The stone holding up the city gives way to taller grass and trees whose low, swinging branches brush over us as we pass. Ahead lies a rippling lake — across it, waterfalls crash down, their thunderous roar diminished by the distance. Haldir takes us almost to the edge of the shore, then surprises me by pulling me to the left. We duck under a particularly low branch, Haldir almost having to double over completely. I laugh, bending down next to him, and he looks up at me with a carefree grin. We pass under the branch and emerge in a small clearing — an alcove, really. Behind us and to our left are tall, leafy trees, to our right is the stone of the mountain, and ahead, surely for miles and miles, lies the lake. Moonlight dances atop it, glinting in a way that makes it sparkle. And above it, in an endless stretch of sky—stars, a million of them, at least.
Haldir turns to face me.
I suck in a breath.
His eyes — I’ve always admired them, even when they held nothing more than indifference to me — seem to shine in a way I’ve never seen before. They gleam like living starlight, depthless and enchanting. The colors of the night drape him in a glow of soft blue, highlighting the strong edges of his jaw. He looks powerful, beautiful, otherworldly.
This is the first time I’ve truly understood the etherial beauty of an elf.
He smiles down at me expectantly. “Was I right?”
I exhale somewhat shakily, nodding my head. “Yes. Yes, you were right. This place is stunning.”
His smile broadens and he releases my hand to unclasp his cloak.
I miss the warmth of his hand encasing mine.
But I do get my wish from earlier today. Just as he did all those months ago, he lays his cloak on the ground, gesturing for me to sit. I do, folding my legs to the side to allow him room next to me. Before he can say anything, the nerves get the best of me, and I blurt out the first, most basic question that comes to mind. “How was your day?”
He smiles, stretching his legs out on the cloak. “My day went well, thank you. Glorfindel and I spent this morning debating the merits of extending Elrond’s borders by twenty or so miles — it would mean the guards have more land to protect, yes, but it would also provide a larger distance for any intruders to cross, should they break through the barrier. That could give the guard precious extra time to organize and combat the threat.”
I tilt my head. “So what did you decide?”
Haldir raises his shoulders then lets them fall, the action hinting at underlying stress. “It is not our decision, we were merely debating. The choice lies with Lord Elrond, and I cannot say what he will do.”
I chuckle, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. “You’re always steps ahead of everyone else. Come on, what do you think he’ll do?”
He sighs. “I think he will not expand the borders. Elrond cares about the security of his people, yes, but he still believes there is potential to stop this evil before his people will have to confront it.”
Tension gathers in the small of my back. Are we really that close to a fight? “And you disagree?”
“I did not mean to scare you.” He avoids answering my question directly.
I shake my head slowly, thinking over his words. Wary, yes, but scared? “I have gotten tougher, you know.”
Haldir smiles and lets out a soft laugh. "Now, that, I would have to agree with." He rolls his sleeve up to his bicep and holds out his arm. I squint in the moonlight, trying to make out whatever he's attempting to show me. "See this?" I shake my head, and Haldir laughs more freely now. "It is almost a bruise from where you hit me two days ago."
Now, I join him in his laughter, remembering my attempt to break free from his grasp during training. “You better watch out," I joke. "Soon I'll be able to put you on the ground."
Haldir schools his laughter but the edges of his lips stay quirked. "I'm sure."
I snort. “No, I actually believe that someday soon I’ll be able to beat you. Or, at the very least, catch you off your guard.”
I don’t actually believe that, of course, but it’s worth the exaggeration to see Haldir’s terrible attempt at pretending to agree with me.
“Ah, perhaps, yes. I would not entirely rule the possibility out.”  
“Liar.” I roll my eyes and grin good-naturedly.
He merely holds my gaze with a smile of his own and raises an eyebrow.
I shudder out a breath. I wish he wouldn’t look at me that way. It makes me want things I absolutely can’t act on.
I force my eyes to return to the water, searching for a way to expel the tension that has somehow gathered in the air. “What made you want to come here?”
He shrugs, leaning back on one hand in a way that is almost arrestingly casual, because I do not feel casual. “It’s peaceful, it’s away from the bustle of the city…and it reminds me of home.” He smiles, craning his head back to view the moon and the stars. My eyes follow the length of his neck before correcting themselves to also look at the stars. “In Caras Galadon we live in talans built high in the branches. Common spaces and guest lodgings take up entire trees, wrapping around trunks and connecting with bridges. But my home is smaller, and all the way at the top of one of the oldest and tallest trees in the city…I can look up and I see the stars. It’s like I walk among them, I am so close. And here, though we are quite low on the ground…” His eyes drop to mine. I listen intently, captivated by the love he feels for his home so clearly expressed in his voice. “This feels somehow similar, like it is just you, me, the forest, and the sky.”
The words, ill-thought and reckless, rush from my mouth. “I like it being just us.”
His head dips closer to mine. “Me too.”
Our noses brush against each other. We are so close, so close to losing ourselves in something we cannot control.
I will bring nothing but pain to him.
I pull back just enough to see his eyes, hating the spark of hurt that runs through them. But I ground myself in that, use it as a warning of what is to come if I don’t stop this now.
But stopping hurts me, too. Because I want him. I want to be with him, to be his forever, more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life. Memories or not, this, I’m sure of.
And I can’t have it.
Tears prick at my eyes.
Haldir’s hurt turns to concern and he trails a finger tenderly over my cheek, soothing and catching a tear that has managed to fall. “What’s wrong?”
I swallow, trying to force away the painful lump that has grown there. I can manage little more than a whisper. “You don’t want to do this with me.”
He shakes his head and brings a hand to my lower back. He presses gently, keeping me in place as if he knows I’m trying to find a way out, to talk us both out of doing this. He lowers his head to look directly into my eyes. “Yes, I do.”
I turn my gaze to the waterfall, not able to bear looking him in the eye. “Haldir, I’m temporary. To your lifespan, I…I’m nothing. Don’t waste your love on me.” And something I can’t say, something I’m too weak to admit out loud — don’t waste your life on me.
He brings a hand to my chin, pulling me to meet his eyes. What I see there takes me aback — a fierceness akin to how he looked during the attack. “It’s not a waste, it’s a choice. And I’ve chosen, Cosima. I want this, I want you.”
I shake my head, the tears falling freely now. I bring a hand to grip his wrist, trying to break his hold of my face. He follows my request but immediately takes both of my hands in his, refusing to let me go completely.
He speaks in a low, urgent voice. “Cosima, believe me, I tried. I’ve stayed away from you, I’ve tried to convince myself that there are others, that there could ever be someone else for me. I’ve distracted myself with training and planning and patrols but nothing works. Every day, I wake up and I ache for you.”
I close my eyes, all at once elated to hear those words and grieving his choice. Because loving him is the most selfish thing I’ll ever do.
“I wish I didn’t want this,” he continues. “I know what it means for me. Every instinct for self-preservation is screaming at me to stop, to run away, to fight this—”
“Then do,” I beg, trying to convince both him and myself. “Save yourself while you still can.”
Slowly, deliberately, he pulls his hands from mine and rests them on either side of my neck, thumbs brushing over my cheekbones. Despite my efforts, I suck in a breath, my heart beginning to race.
He’s so close, so honest, so…loving. He looks at me with the same reverence he reserves for the stars. He lets out a breath, eyes trailing down my face before meeting mine once more. “It is too late,” he murmurs, lips parting slightly. “I’ve fallen in love with you.”
And my resolve breaks.
I push myself forward to close the minuscule space between us, pressing my lips against his. He responds immediately, kissing me with a passion that sends tingles down my spine. His hold on me feels like fire, starting where his hands caress my neck, where his lips meet mine, and running through my entire body. My hands gather in the fabric of his tunic, pulling him impossibly closer. My mind fights between short-circuiting due to the feel of his lips on mine and shouting for joy. Never in my life have I felt so right, so secure, so…electric. Gone are the days of holding myself back, of distancing myself, torturing myself, staying away from the one I truly want to be with.
The one I love.
My back makes contact with the cloak covering the ground. Did I fall and pull him along, or did he push me? All efforts of solving that mystery disappear the moment he takes my lower lip between his teeth, biting down gently. I gasp, my grip on his tunic tightening. The hand that rests on the ground near my side, supporting his weight, curls into a fist.
His kisses slow.
He presses his lips to mine again, this time, as gentle as a breeze. I sigh into the kiss, my hand trailing slowly down his chest. For the first time in all my memory, I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
And I am with who I am meant to be with.
Haldir’s lips leave mine. He balances his weight on one arm and his knees, bringing his free hand to my face to softly brush his fingers over my cheek. Slowly, I open my eyes.
Above me is perhaps the best and most beautiful sight I will ever see. A blanket of stars, brilliant and expansive, floats across the night sky. And in front of them, mere inches from my face, is Haldir, looking at me with a wide, adoring smile. I raise my head to bump my nose against his, earning myself a rumbling chuckle.
He shakes his head slowly. “The relief I feel, finally being able to tell you that I love you, to kiss you…”
I breathe out a weak laugh, knowing exactly what he’s describing. “I wouldn’t call what I feel relief.”
He grins and dips his head to mine, stopping just before our lips touch. “Yes, it is certainly not a peaceful relief. But I much prefer whatever this is to peace.”
“I agree,” I sigh into his mouth as his lips move against mine once more. But then I remember something, and push against his shoulders. He’s said his piece, now I get to say mine. “Hey, for the record, I love you too.”
He laughs indulgently, shaking his head, but I can see real joy lighting his eyes. “And yet you kept me in such suspense.”
I roll my eyes and grip his tunic, pulling him down again.
When we break apart, he falls onto his back next to me. I’m struck once again with the memory of us stargazing in Elrond’s gardens so many months ago. Then, I spent the whole night fighting the urge to cuddle against his side.
Now, it seems, that door is not closed to me.
Experimentally, I scoot closer to him. When he smiles rather than questions it, I pick up the arm nearest to me, moving it so I can lay against his side. He tenses, then sputters out a laugh, but doesn’t push me away. Instead, he cranes his head so he can see me and I grin up at him, happy to see that he wears a matching expression.
He raises an eyebrow. “Is this what the humans do?”
“Yes,” I smile up at him, pleased that being this close to him feels even better than I could have imagined. “It’s called cuddling.” I rest my head on his chest. In the silence of the night, I can hear the steady, reassuring beat of his heart.
After a moment, his hand comes to the back of my head, running his fingers gently over my hair and down my back. “Surprisingly, I like the human way.”
I smile, tucking my head further into his chest.
I stare at the sky.
And try not to think about what I’ve just done.
|next chapter - to be posted|
Tolkien tag list: @anangelwhodidntfall @eru-vande
Haldir tag list: @tolkien-apologist @that-cute-stranger
Double Heart tag list: @lainphotography @themerriweathermage @thophil2941btw @kenobiguacamole @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse @from-patroclus-with-love @boywivlove @ordinarymom1 @my-darling-haldir @sweet-bea-blossom @moony-artnstuff @sleepyamygdala @thranduilseyebrows 
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blankdblank · 4 years
Fair Pear Pt 4
Prompt 37
Underneath its former spot the returned bowed golden hair falling dimmer as he set the book aside a cloth wrapped object was lifted next. A smaller book, this time barely the size of his palm but no less heavy was lifted. The navy thick cloth carefully unfolded on one side revealing the ends of the pages in the grey leather book. Unseen however on the cover the insignia of you clan shimmering along with the floating banner reading ‘For Enemies’ blocked by the second flap of the cloth. The sound of horns from the returning patrol however had him covering the bare side of the book with the cloth and placing both books back into your pack he carried to your assigned room seeing that the Elleths had found a suitable dress for you to change into on his way to speak with the returning guards on his patrol as the second group was still out searching for your group farther outside the borders with Lord Elrond.
Out of the tub you rose patting your arms dry with the towel left for you. Working down your body you tried to ignore the restless twinge from your wings at the withdrawal from flying. A way of travel that you had withheld from using to keep your hidden lineage hidden from the already less than socially warm to you in case Dwarves held a hidden grudge against Fae to add to their lengthy list of races seeming sided against them for centuries now.
In the mint green velvet gown you eased after adding your fresh underwear once your hair was combed and dried fully. Out around you it spread and into the hall you went to curiously figure out what you were expected to do next. Seated through tea you met more of the nobles here Glorfindel circulated around you until the horn sounded at the return of the Lord. Ponies and grumbling gunk coated Dwarves and hungry Bilbo came into sight behind the Lord chatting with Gandalf.
Days passed and the tension didn’t seem to diminish at all. They had never given that impression was their defense and they were adamant on that fact ensuring the fault lay with you and your perspective on things. Rolling your eyes you took a bundle of rope and a wooden plank you had smoothed out from a fallen log you had brought to the forges days prior. The creaking of rope and whipping of fabric upon hearing you had gone into the woods alone with rope had Glorfindel racing out to find you.
How he found you however left him panting in relief from what his mind had fabricated as to what you had been meaning to do in response to the blow out you and the company had gotten into. Legs kicking forward and back on a swing with hair pooling in and out of your face giggling and smiling at the activity he watched until you took notice of him then invited him to join in on.
Right in the face of the Elf King you stood listening to Thorin shouting insults and after a roll of your eyes you reached up seemingly to brush your hair back only to remove your ear covers. Sharply exhaling a cloud of glittering pink dust spread through the hall and shrunken to just a few inches tall you soared through the castle sending everyone off into a deep sleep including the freshly arrived Glorfindel, who had left half a day after you had from Rivendell unable to keep from chasing after you. Through the forest you soared and passing Bilbo you dipped into his pocket taking his ring you looped over your shoulder and continued flying on leaving a ring of vines that would do the same trick of making him invisible without passing through a world of shadows.
Into the mountain from the overlook you soared and onto the ledge above the treasure. Landing and settling the ring down on the ground to shift back to your full size again. A sniff later and a golden eye snapped open luring out your smirk.
“Aren’t you grand, might I have your name, oh ferocious one?”
Snarling in his rise up to his haunches he replied, “I am Smaug.” Another snarl in your spreading smirk came before his try to name his titles only to fall silent at your repeating his name.
“Smaug.” Instantly in a colorful mist flooding into his eyes his body went rigid and you said, “We are going for a flight.” Bending down you lifted and pocketed the ring and wagged a finger guiding the Dragon through the mountain gates that swung open in a wave of your hand. Moria was first, underneath you the Elves of Lothlorien gathered readying for anything but sight of a paper airplane soaring through the front gates thrown open by the glimmering colorful mist coated creature seated on Smaug’s snout. A whisper of the creatures inside to the page that floated out of your enemies journal snapped it to form an airplane and soar through the keep absorbing all creatures inside including Durin’s Bane. Heavily again the gates shut in the melding of the unfolded sketch coated page back into your book holding captured souls and into the air Smaug leapt again now heading for Moria.
There and back to the edge of the lands where Amon Lanc once stood he carried you and his flames mingled with your next sheet of paper that absorbed all creatures inside these lands. A flip of the page in your book open in your palms had Smaug’s image etched into it while his body faded from the clearing. Snapping the book shut you coated it with its cloth smirking to yourself as you slid it back into the pocket on your open cardigan then shrank again to fly back up to the slumbering palace. Overhead you flew watching the stirring Elves and Bilbo shifting with low grumbles of confusion the more conscious they became.
Back to your former spot you flew, landing and rolling your eyes as you lowered to lay down and pretend to awaken as well. Groggily Thranduil and Thorin straightened up from their pile on the floor trying to regain their pride only for racing steps to be heard over shouts of your name.
Curiously the Kings watched the blonde Lord race in and in a skid came to a stop at your side. Silently the pair wondered his reasoning at your response of a frozen moment with arms raised at your sides. He dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist. With his head buried into her stomach, he knew he was holding his world.
“Miss Pear, Dearest, I was so worried! Everyone collapsed.” Tilting up his eyes scoured over your face looking him over in return, “Did you collapse? You aren’t injured are you?”
Just barely you shook your head and in a cocking of Thranduil’s head to the side watching his friend Glorfindel shot up to his feet releasing his arms to cup your cheeks endearingly staring into your eyes, “Are you in any pain? Are you hungry? Tired perhaps?” His head turned and his hands dropped in a turn to face Thranduil to state firmly, “Melon, my One requires rest and sustenance.” Guiding you by the hand from the Throne Room to his usual apartment narrowing Thorin’s eyes at the blush spreading on your cheeks at his free hand caressing the back of yours still locked in his while asking hushed inquiries as to how you were feeling and what you might be wishing to eat.
The doors opened and closed behind you under control of the equally as confused guards. Shifted again on his feet Thorin looked up at Thranduil pointing at the door, “Do you know him? The Lord just gets to drag one of your captives through your kingdom?”
Thranduil replied in a low hum, “Lord Glorfindel is one of my oldest friends. I trust him implicitly, and his concern was for the safety of his One, not your quest.” Inhaling again he said, “Now, where were we?”
“There’s no dragon.” Bilbo had come back into the doorway of the ledge with you and Glorfindel behind him.
Thorin barked back, “That beast is in there! No doubt hiding in the gold!”
Bilbo’s fists planted on his hips making you smirk, “I think I wouldn’t be able to miss a dragon, Oakenshield!”
Thorin brushed past him, “Well there is no doubt you have!” Storming into the mountain while Glorfindel exited onto the ledge to wave a kerchief from his pocket signaling the delivery of supplies he had convinced Thranduil to grant you especially to ensure a hefty dinner to compensate the large climb and implied struggle with the non-existent dragon.
Suspicions had run rampant and atop the overlook you stood throwing another airplane that Bilbo watched suck up all the orc, goblins and wargs in the open fields. With lips parted he looked you over seeing the telling rainbow of shimmering mist around you and pointed at you in your wings sprouting in noticing Thorin’s race up Raven Hill. A giggle later and you shrunk shooting up to the hill where another airplane was set free sucking up all the bats and orc alike. Darting past the view of the open mouthed Dwarves you flew back to the mountain and down below among the Elves Celeborn exclaimed now hundreds had seen proof that he was correct in stating a Fae had taken control of Smaug and overthrown Amon Lanc, Mordor and Moria.
Old magic, ancient imagined to be extinct creatures, and now a hefty amount of tales to tell owing to the feisty being behind so many saved lives. All that aside Bilbo’s smirk and hushed giggles to himself in being in on the secret muffled in the Lord Glorfindel’s rush back to your side to ensure you were safe and comfortable while having had ample view of the fabled being. It would be a while until the truth would come out, but unlike your assumptions and past life in a harsh world you had a bubbling collection of friends and a single Elf Lord absolutely amazed by every second with you. Even doubly so once he had caught a glimpse of those hidden wings of yours, wings that upon the removal of his outer robe matched his scarred and long from witnessed golden pair he revealed moments before stealing the first of millions of sweet kisses.
@sdavid09, @ineedcaffine
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oldtowrs · 5 years
elves of middle earth edition (prt.1/?)
a/n: okay so this is my first time writing head canons so we’ll see how this goes. also i didn’t follow the prompt exactly. i just changed the relationship of the reader from friend to s/o or love interest of the elves below. hope that’s okay. ALSO!!! SEND ME REQUESTS FOR HEAD CANONS! i think its something i want to start doing but obviously can’t if no one requests anything. so please send me anything for any of the characters in the sherlock, tolkien, harry potter, star wars or doctor who universes!
for @lady-of-lies
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it would definitely take elrond some time to be comfortable enough with you to allow you to start braiding his hair
but once he’s comfortable, you best believe he asks you to do it every day
it relaxes him and allows him to give up his stresses, even if only for a short time
elrond, being the elf he is, cares too much about every duty he has as the lord of imladris, and being able to relax and melt into your touch gives him an infinite amount of happiness
the intricacy of your braiding earns elrond plenty of compliments and each and every one of them brings a delicate smile to his face as he thinks about the lovely elf that plaited love into his heart as well as his hair
glorfindel takes a lot of pride in his hair and so any braid he asks for his very elegant
he is a warrior, yes, but he is a lord as well, and he admires delicacy and elegance endlessly
any hairstyle he asks of you is always practical, but beautiful
your braiding skills always leave glorfindel with plenty of elleths to fawn over him, but his heart lies with the only one he trusts to braid his hair, you
glorfindel definitely has some ptsd from his fight with balrog during the fall of gondolin and so anyone touching his hair puts him on edge and occasionally sends his mind flying back into the past.
but, over time, glorfindel had learned to trust you, and his trust was shown in the relaxed state he assumed whenever your nimble fingers met his golden hair
lindir is always so shy whenever he asks you to braid his hair
and when you do, he blushes the entire time
he loves you more than anything and you love him just the same, and that love is evident in the precision and the care you take in braiding his hair
his hair is always pristine and he thanks you endlessly both in words and in kisses
lindir is definitely one more for simple designs, but you still make them look amazing anyway
lots of kisses are exchanged as you braid his hair
when you’re done braiding his hair he’ll kiss your fingertips and envelope you in the warmest and loving of hugs
legolas is such a soft boi and it shows when he asks you to braid his hair, and in his eagerness in braiding your hair in return
he is a smiling ball of sunshine the entire time, despite what he’s seen defending mirkwood and the pain that came with the loss of his mother early on in his life
legolas’s hair is always very practical. two simple braids on the sides connecting to one in the back is his usual style.
and while he could definitely do his own hair, he goes to you out of love and in need of a reason to see you
you happily braid his hair each and every time
occasionally, legolas will take you somewhere beautiful outside of mirkwood’s borders just to be with you.
in these small adventures, if you happen across a field of flowers, you best believe legolas will ask to braid flowers into your hair
at the end of those adventures, you both look like you carried the entire field back to mirkwood in the strands of your hair
thranduil is passionate, probably the most of any elf. he is the kind of lover that views his s/o as the most divine being to ever grace the halls of the great elven lords and ladies’ and those of the valar themselves. you would be the point around which his whole life revolve
however, while he may desire the divine, he also desires the simple. 
and so you braiding his hair gives him the best of both worlds. 
you are his queen of pure divinity, the elleth to whom his heart belongs and to whom his undying love is devoted to indefinitely. 
and yet, when you weave even the simplest of plaits into his hair as you both sit on the balcony connected to his chambers, watching the sky become a masterpiece of soft hues as the sun rises and sets, his heart is filled with the most simply pure, domestic love possible. 
he can feel the care in your touch and the love in your heart as you lace your fingers through the platinum strands of his hair and he basks in the feeling, as if you were the sun and he was a man who hadn’t felt the warmth of sunshine on his skin for millenia. 
at first, he asks you to braid his hair every night before he crawls in bed with you and holds you close all night long, but over time, it just becomes part of your daily routine. 
he’ll come home from a long day of dealing with advisers and guards and slide tiredly onto the small stool in front of the vanity that sits in your room and you develop the habit of walking to his side, grasping his shoulders gently, kissing him on the cheek and getting to work on working out the minute tangles in his hair and the tense knots of stress in his shoulders. 
if you kiss the very top of his head after your done, expect him to immediately stand from the stool, whisk you into his arms and either spin you around in a hug or just stand before you, gently clinging to you, depending on what kind of day it had been 
all in all, he loves you braiding his hair just like he loves you: more than anything. 
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ladylouoflothlorien · 6 years
Unexpected Destiny #2
Dwalin x Female!Reader
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2110 words
Woah, part two posted in the same week as part one? Who is she I don’t know her. Anyway, here is part two for those of you who seemed to really enjoy this when I posted part one. I’ve got terrible great things planned for the rest of this fic. One final thing before you go on to read so you’re not confused, don’t worry, Dwalin’s conversation with Gandalf will be delivered to you in juicy detail in part 3. Enjoy!
Somehow they’d ended up at Rivendell, much to the chagrin of both the dwarves and [y/n], who had wished to never set eyes upon that place again. When Elrond had first greeted the dwarves, she’d ducked down in the centre of the dwarves and hidden so that he could not see her face, and though the elf had known exactly who she was without being able to see, he’d been kind enough to pretend he hadn’t and that he thought the odd behaviour was a product of the dwarves being overly protective of females.
Whilst the company was settling at Rivendell and the elves left them alone for a bit, [y/n] began to make an effort to get to know the company, though she found herself stubbornly sticking close to Gandalf as often as she could. Consequently, Dwalin had been given little opportunity to ask Gandalf any of the multiple questions swirling around in his brain. Most importantly, he had two main questions that he wanted answers to.
First, why had he felt some kind of reaction when he’d touched the casket’s lid but none of the other dwarves had the same reaction? Second, why did he feel a certain pull towards this human? Although Dwalin wasn’t entirely sure if the second question should really be asked or whether that was something more personal that he should really figure out for himself.
In any case, the first of the two questions continued to bother him more and more as time passed, and Dwalin was determined to get [y/n] away from Gandalf for long enough to interrogate the frustrating wizard.
In order to do this, Dwalin enlisted the help of two of the most mischievous dwarves… the young princes, Fili and Kili. In truth, he threatened them into helping him get [y/n] away from the wizard, but past that he’d left it up to the two young dwarves to come up with exactly how they were going to do that.
[Y/n] had point-blank refused to attend the dinner the elves were hosting for them that night; she still wasn’t ready to face Elrond and any of the other elves who would recognise her. After realising that this was an occasion when [y/n]’s stubbornness would not be out-matched – even by a dwarf – the dwarves all swore to sneak food into various pockets to bring her back enough for a proper meal.
“No member of my company will go without a proper meal.” Thorin’s words were eagerly echoed by the rest of the company, including one extremely insistent hobbit (although given the meal of rabbit food they were about to be served, they’d soon think that none of them were going to get a ‘proper’ meal whilst they were staying with the elves.)
As the company - minus [y/n] – made their way towards where they would be eating, Dwalin couldn’t help but feel a tiny thrill of excitement. This dinner could give him the perfect opportunity to quiz Gandalf without [y/n] being present. Maybe he wouldn’t need the young princes and their ridiculous schemes to distract [y/n] after all. Imagine his disappointment when Gandalf wasn’t even sat at the same table as him. He still enjoyed the dinner, all of the company did. What with the terrible food and their knowledge of the elves’ treatment of [y/n], they tried their best to be as rowdy and disruptive as possible.
Dwalin hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Gandalf at the dinner due to their seating arrangements – yet another reason to dislike the elves – but this unfortunately meant that he now had to rely on the childish schemes of Fili and Kili to get [y/n] away from Gandalf.
Being as they were, in Rivendell, the two princes had to hash out a rather crude plan… or at least they thought they had to. That was until they were discovered scheming by two very special elves – Elladan and Elrohir. The two dwarves were instantly on their guard, naturally. They’d been taught to hate elves since birth, and this had only been reinforced by hearing [y/n]’s story. Despite this, there was a certain energy coming from the two male elves that they related to.
“What are you two doing?” One of the elves asked, only for both Fili and Kili to shoot back at the same time. “Who are you?!”
The response that they received was so startlingly like the way they themselves usually greeted strangers that it almost made their beards fall off.
“Elladan and Elrohir at your service, young dwarf masters.” Though their bows were more graceful and less energetic than the bows that Fili and Kili usually blessed people with, they were still completely synchronised. The two dwarves blinked, looked at each other, then back to the elves before rising to give their own greeting.
Something about [y/n] that should, perhaps, have been mentioned earlier was the fact that she really didn’t like to dress like a lady. There was something about the way that women were treated by most males in middle earth that just got on her last nerve. Sure, there was a level of respect that was nice and she didn’t have to worry about her ‘honour’ when she was around males for the most part, but still, being treated like a delicate flower all the time was pretty annoying. Especially when she’d been taught how to fight by Glorfindel himself.
To try and distance herself from this treatment, [y/n] had taken to wearing what was considered ‘mens clothing’. To the credit of the dwarves, so far they hadn’t treated her any different to how they treated the hobbit, and so [y/n] was satisfied that the way they treated her was more to do with their (mistaken) belief that she didn’t know how to protect herself than her gender. Then again, she’d been put into that casket in her usual get-up of mens clothing and [y/n] believed that it was entirely possible they hadn’t really registered that she was a woman yet.
Why is this information necessary now? I’ll tell you, because this information is necessary to understand the prank that the dwarf brothers and the elf twins had come up with.
[Y/n] couldn’t cling to Gandalf forever – she needed to bathe after all. This could have given Dwalin the opportunity he needed, except [y/n] always bathed extremely quickly and the topics Dwalin wanted to discuss seemed sensitive enough that the thought of having [y/n] burst in during the discussion turned the warrior’s ears pink. So when [y/n] went off to bathe Fili and Kili sprang up and followed after her sneakily, nodding to Dwalin, who got up to talk to Gandalf as soon as [y/n] was fully out of sight.
When Fili and Kili found the room where [y/n] was bathing, they found the two elves they’d sort of befriended already waiting outside for them.
One of the elves – Elladan – handed a bundle of clothes to Kili, whilst Elrohir offered an explanation.
“This belonged to [y/n] when she lived here, so we know it’ll fit.” The two elves laughed quietly, trying to keep their voices down so as to not alert the woman bathing behind the door they were all standing in front of.
The dwarven princes had a look of confusion etched onto their faces that was almost enough to make the elves laugh still more, but they managed to contain themselves. This time, Elladan was the one to explain.
“This dress is the only one left. Lord Elrond kept trying to convince [y/n] to wear her dresses – at least for dinners and special occasions – and he kept replacing her clothes with dresses whilst she was sleeping. In retaliation, [y/n] piled all her dresses up in the courtyard and set them on fire. This dress only survived because it was away being altered.” By the end, both Fili and Kili were grinning widely.
“From the little we know of her, that does sound like something she’d do.” Fili managed to get out through this own half-silent chuckles.
“Enough now.” Elladan quickly hushed everyone. “You haven’t got much time, go now, and hurry!”
As the two dwarves opened the door to the room, Elladan and Elrohir skedaddled, knowing that there would be dire consequences from this little prank and they didn’t want to be caught up in [y/n]’s inevitable anger.
As they crept into the room, the dwarves were relieved to find that [y/n] was facing away from them, and that her pile of clothes was within reach. Fili made a grab towards the pile and at the same time Kili put the folded dress down. The two princes bolted, barely having the presence of mind to try and close the door quietly. They knew they didn’t have long before they were discovered.
[Y/n]’s eyes snapped open. She’d accidentally fallen asleep in the middle of her bath, and now she’d woken up with a strong feeling that something wasn’t quite right. She got out of the bath and dried herself off with the towel provided. It felt strange being back in Rivendell knowing it’d been hundreds of years since she’d been there but it felt like mere hours. It was only when [y/n] went to dress herself that she realised what was wrong specifically.
Fili and Kili had made their way back to the common room where the rest of the dwarves were, gaining a concerned look from Dwalin who was still having hushed conversation with Gandalf in a far corner. The princes merely gave him a thumbs up and mouthed at him to continue.
Moments later, [y/n] came rushing into the common room wearing the very same dress that had been left for her – she couldn’t just run around the place totally naked now could she? Her eyes focused on the two dwarves who she thought were capable of doing such a thing, and not to her surprise Fili was still holding an incriminating pile of clothes on his lap. The two princes instantly sprang to their feet and ran off, though Fili still clutched to the bundle of clothes like his life depended on it.
[Y/n] dashed across the room and hurried after them. The members of the company remaining in the room all laughed and shook their heads before returning to what they were doing before. Well, all except Dwalin, who had been left with a very confusing mix of emotions, and it had taken Gandalf several minutes to snap the warrior back to reality so that they could continue their discussion.
[Y/n] chased Fili and Kili for almost half an hour before the two of them accidentally ran head first into a wall. Kili woke up to see his brother’s body being pulled in all sorts of directions and it looked absolutely back breaking. Kili tried to move but found that his wrists and ankles were bound.
“What are you??”
“I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry!” Fili yelled back, desperately trying to squirm away and failing miserably.
Kili, realising he was next, started yelling that he was sorry as well. [Y/n] paused, holding Fili in a fixed position to look over at Kili.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of this.” She raised her hand and dramatically pointed an accusatory finger at the younger dwarf. “Sorry isn’t gonna help you when I kick your ass!!!”
When you marched the princes back to the common room almost an hour later you were dressed once again in your regular clothes, whilst Fili and Kili were stuffed into incredibly ill-fitting elvish dresses. They were sore and felt ridiculous, but they were already formulating a plan to get some type of reward from Dwalin for their suffering.
[Y/n] just looked smug as she dropped herself beside Bilbo and effortlessly slid back into the conversation she’d been having with him before she’d gone to bathe as if nothing had happened.
Dwalin, who had finished his conversation with Gandalf by that point, couldn’t pretend that the manner of the princes’ return didn’t amuse him, though he did feel a tiny bit sorry for them. The other dwarves found it hilarious, and they began badgering Fili and Kili into telling them what happened and eventually, two very grumpy and very uncomfortable young dwarves recalled the events for the rest of the company to hear. All of them went to sleep that night with their cheeks aching from laughter. Dwalin had, of course, also been highly amused when he’d heard the particulars, though he’d found himself more impressed by [y/n]’s display of stamina and strength.
“That’s my kind of woman.” He thought to himself just as he was settling down for the night. Wait… what?!
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Double Heart | Chapter Seventeen ~ Split
|previous part|
Pairing: Haldir x OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1482
Warnings: None
A/n Hello hello! I know it’s not one of my normal update days, but this one is short, so enjoy this angsty bonus chapter!
Weeks pass in routine. In the mornings I research with Alex or study Sindarin alone, sometimes venturing into the garden or library to occupy my time. The lunch hours are typically spent in the company of friends, and Lavandil and I have been passing many of our afternoons together in her shop. As the summer continues, business only grows, and I can see why she asked for the help. Her art is quite popular! She tried to teach me how to weave and, unsurprisingly, I’m terrible. So I mainly help clean and work with the customers.
Three nights a week, Alex, Baranor and I meet in the library and continue our lessons. On that, I actually am making progress. It’s allowed me to converse with Lavandil’s customers in their own language. It’s also helped me feel much more self-sufficient here. No longer must I have to rely on Lavandil or Rumil to translate when we go out. Ellyn I speak with still have to slow their words and repeat things several times, and sometimes I must ask for clarification, but the progress really is liberating.
Two days a week, right after breakfast, Alex and I meet Elrond in his study.
Lord Elrond insists on using the power in his fæ to attempt to aid us in recovering our memories. I hate to admit it, but his efforts are wasted and, on my part, not really wanted. Besides the memory of Mara and Nonna, I don’t remember anything, and at this point, I’m not sure I want to. I’m already too attached to the people here, and I’ve seen where that’s gotten me. I don’t want to remember people from home — love them, miss them, and then realize I can never return to them.
I don’t make much progress, anyway. Most days, Alex and I have nothing but headaches and exhaustion to show for our work. Every now and then, one of us will remember something small — a passing event or an aquauntaince from childhood — but nothing of real interest. Elrond agrees that the headaches and exhaustion are signs that we are not yet healed from whatever ordeal resulted in us arriving in Arda. He’s been keeping an eye on our fæs — apparently they are somehow injured — and says that the original wounds are all but healed.
Alex’s progress is less encouraging. His old wounds are healing, but nearly every time Elrond or Baranor checks, there’s a new injury. They don’t know what’s causing it, but privately, I have a theory. While Alex says he’s accepted this world, knowing him, there’s a part that’s still hanging on to our homeworld. Maybe that’s causing too much stress to allow him to heal. Because I’m healing, and I’ve fully accepted this world for what it is — impossible, different, but real.
And then at night time, training continues with Haldir.
I am careful to keep distance between us except when absolutely necessary. By the way he does the same, he’s recognized the urgent precariousness of our situation. As much as I want to confess the feelings I keep so tightly bottled up inside, to fall into his arms and ask him to love me forever, I cannot.
Because my forever is abysmally different than his.
So I keep my distance.
My effort to avoid excessive contact or time with him is helped by the fact that, not long after our first training session, he became incredibly busy. Though relations between him and Glorfindel are still tense, the two work tirelessly to train the newer guard. Often, by the time I make my way down to breakfast, Haldir is long gone, off to lead drills.
The distance between us hasn’t helped my internal predicament.
Too often, I catch myself following the line of his jaw, remembering the feeling of his arms wrapped around me, wanting to return to that excitement of just the two of us under the stars.
I don’t act on these thoughts, nor communicate them to anyone, though Lavandil certainly tries to break that resolve. She’s adamant that, even with my lifespan to consider, it is better to spend the time we have together in happiness rather than holding ourselves back from something that could be great.
I forcefully disagree.
I’d rather cause myself a little pain now than put Haldir in a position where he could be broken later.
Surprisingly, Rumil, once my tormentor, has become my closest ally. Any time someone attempts to bring up the subject of me and Haldir, Rumil promptly shuts it down, usually changing the subject to something outlandish enough to properly distract everyone. He kindly occupies my newfound free time and we go riding together at least once a week. Since Rumil has Roch, Haldir allows me to take Faervel out, and, where the horse used to be indifferent towards me at best, he now whinnies in greeting the second I set foot in the stables.
My life in Imladris is nice. It’s peaceful. It’s filled with wonderful friends and so much to discover. And I’m happy, there’s no doubt about that…even if something is missing. I caught my feelings early and took preventative action by distancing myself from Haldir, which is good…but it’s…unfulfilling, in a way, to stay far from him. I miss eating meals together and talking about our days before training sessions. I miss constantly having him around. I miss him teasing me and moments where it’s just us.
I miss him.
But I won’t lose my resolve.
If my sadness can save Haldir pain, then I will bear it.
Summer in Imladris passes quickly. My days revolve around training the newer guard, and they show promising progress. Lothlórien’s borders are much more extensive than that of Imladris’, and I am confident adopting some of the techniques I use with my wardens at home to fit Elrond’s guard will help them be more prepared when the orcs attack again. My brothers have been indispensable, kindly offering their help and allowing me to use them as examples for the other soldiers. Orophin, of course, plans his schedule around Lavandil’s, but I have him with us about three days a week. Rumil joins nearly every day, only disappearing on Saturday mornings to take the horses out with Cosima.
My mind has been consumed by her for weeks.
If I am being honest, it’s been consumed with her long before then, probably up to the moment she arrived in this world. I now understand that my desire to keep her near me after the attack, and every moment after, was not only a preventative measure to make her feel better — it was my need to keep her close. To keep her safe. To have that reassurance that she is alright, and, if we were to be attacked again, I could defend her myself.
I really do owe Rumil an apology.
Turns out my brother knows me better than I know myself.
But despite the startling realization that I want to be with a human woman—not just any human woman, Cosima—the days continue.
Not of small concern is Cosima’s health which, mercifully, is improving. Her sessions with Elrond to attempt to regain her memories must be helping — though her memories have not returned, the scars on her fæ are nearly completely healed.
Aside from my monitoring of her health through Elrond and Baranor, my busy schedule prevents me from seeking her out. We continue to train together three times a week — she is making vast improvements — but our interactions are hesitant, a little awkward. I worry I overstepped my bounds that first night, or perhaps, even before that — maybe the night under the stars — for she certainly keeps her distance now. No longer do we eat together or talk in our free time. It’s a strange feeling, but it causes me stress not to see her during the day. Even a quick interaction would be enough, just to catch a glimpse of her smile or hear the approval of her laugh, but those are few and far between.
But, as much as it pains me, it is for the best.
I hate to think of it this way, but Cosima’s life is short and her future uncertain. Were she an elleth, there would be no issue — I could tell her of my feelings and she could return them and we could spend the rest of our never-ending lives together.
But Cosima is human. Even if she does choose to stay in Arda forever, her forever and mine are vastly different. If I give in, do as I so desperately want to and build a life with her…
She does not know it, but she has the power to break me.
And, while I still hold a sliver of the ability to keep that from happening, I must seize on it.
A/n Thanks for reading, and happy weekend! Likes, comments, and reblogs make my day! See you Monday with a new chapter :)
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blankdblank · 5 years
Ridikulus Pt 11
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Bouncing in a tug of your boots up nearly to your knees the fur lined marvel of accessories certain to help keep your feet warm that had a manageable thick sole matching Ginny’s pair. The boots laced themselves while you pulled a fur lined wrap you probably wouldn’t need in Lothlorien if they kept it warm like the others you covered Em in while Ginny used a matching one to cover Teddy. A mokeskin diaper bag filled pouch was the last thing and out you went following the stoic Elf out the door to the open gate for the walk out into the snowing city to cross to the archways.
To break the silence you asked, “So, Haldir,” at that his head turned to face you also allowing him to catch a glimpse of Ginny fixing the wrap around Teddy in his reach out to grab at the snow falling through your warming bubble around you five. “Any siblings?”
“I have two brothers, Rumil and Orophin, Your Majesty.”
“Do they live in Lothlorien too?”
“Yes, they do. We all share rounds on the guard.”
“That’s nice.”
Ginny, “I can’t imagine working with my siblings.” That brought his gaze to hers as she said, “Not that I don’t love them, but I can’t imagine what job could bring us together and keep us from driving one another up the wall. Short bursts we can work together, but every day,” in a sharp exhale she grinned at Teddy in his hair mirroring hers earning him a kiss on the nose while Em drew the Elf’s eye hiding under the wrap she pulled up over her head then popped out of cracking a hint of a grin onto his face making her giggle.
“I am sure we could find something. Won’t be that long till I’ll have a baby brother myself. Have to wait a few years before the real co-working can happen, still-,” in catching his glance at you, you added, “Dad’s adopting my cousin’s son when he’s born.”
“Congratulations. Expanding ones family is an incredible thing.” It seemed he inhaled to build his courage before asking, “Are you the eldest child, Lady Ginny?”
The title had her pause a moment before answering, “Youngest. Not for long, Mum’s pregnant then there’ll be eight of us.”
Softly he repeated, “Eight children…”
Ginny nodded, “Hopefully it’s another girl so I won’t be the only one. First in generations for the Weasley line.” Looking up at him she asked, “Your parents live nearby?”
Shaking his head he replied, “No, our parents have sailed to Valinor at the end of the Second Age.”
“Valinor, you can’t travel back, can you? Dad mentioned it and occasionally I hear about it from the Lords, but I was curious. If you don’t mind my asking.”
Haldir, “Not at all, Your Majesty. It is no secret. The Valar control transport too and from Valinor. Those sailing from these lands in this age are called home by the Valar. Only the Noldor have ever left Valinor without the blessing of the Valar and were heftily banished in response.”
“Really? So Elrond can’t sail home?”
Haldir, “Lord Elrond is among the half Elves, from the line of Beren and Luthien. A noble line. When he was a child the Feanoreans, elders of the Noldor race, in search of their Silmarils, a sacred trio of stones Feanor had forged for his father High King Finwe, they sacked Doriath and Queen Earwing their mother leapt from the tower with the stone.”
Haldir, “But do not fret, the Valar Ulmo took pity on her and transformed her into a sea bird and she flew all the way to King Earendil’s flying ship to safety.”
“But, what about Elrond?”
Haldir, “Lord Elrond and his twin brother Elros were taken by Maedhros and Maglor, Feanor’s eldest sons. You see, when they had sacked Doriath centuries before the twin Princes Elured and Elurin were taken by Celegorm’s servants into the forests around the kingdom and were left there. When they were returned for the pair had vanished. The act of the essential killing of the toddlers haunted the brothers. They were Queen Earwing’s younger brothers you see, she escaped with a set of servants carrying the Silmaril their parents were killed for.”
“Why did they take Elrond and his brother? To be hostages?”
Haldir, “No, they were raised as their own.”
“Bit morbid…I’m afraid to ask, what happened to Elros?”
Haldir, “Upon their maturation the Valar, due to their half Elven status they were granted a choice to live as Elves for eternity or to live a mortal life. King Elros chose a mortal life. His descendents still survive in the kingdoms of Gondor and Rohan.”
Ginny, “That must be awful, poor Elrond. Fred and George are miserable just a day apart, I can’t imagine eternity.”
Haldir, “It is tradition however for Lord Elrond to raise the future King of Gondor. Young Estel is from Elros’ line. A way of keeping his brother with him.”
“The brothers, who took Elrond, are they still around?”
Haldir, “Upon retrieving the Silmarils the brothers were unable to touch the sacred objects for the atrocities they had committed to retrieve them. Maedhros threw himself in his painful despair into a flaming lake of lava. Maglor chose to cast his stone into the sea and to wander the shores of Aman for all eternity. Though no word has been heard of him leading to our belief he had been called to sail.”
“Hmm…is that why Elrond isn’t a King? Who raised him?”
Haldir shook his head, “No, as was the choice of Lord Celeborn the pair refused the title of King. They have no need of it.”
Ginny, “And King Thranduil does?”
Haldir, “King Oropher fell in battle, he was chosen to rule the Silvans, in his stead they decided he was to keep the title out of respect for their Prince.”
“This is going to be a tangled history to learn isn’t it?”
With a hint of what you guessed must have been a try to chuckle he replied, “There is several thousand years of Elven history to share if you are willing, and yes, a great deal is quite interwoven. To learn one line is to entangle them all.”
Ginny, “Hopefully they won’t mind us waiting a bit to learn it all then. Since it will take a while.”
Haldir, “It is not required of you and your kin to learn our history. Those willing to learn are patiently led through it. When you are ready we will be more than glad to assist you, Your Majesty.”
A glance up found you finally at the arches and through the right one you were led and once again you were staring upwards at the miles of winding steps up the trees leading to the tree top city. Lowering your gaze again you focused on the path. He began to guide you both on feeling the gaze of others looking you over as you continued to keep the wraps around the toddlers in your arms at the mild chill in this forest city Haldir explained to be to ready their gardens for a big colorful burst when spring hit.
By the end of the third hour Em had fallen asleep and Teddy was halfway drooling when the Lords after their meeting was through had found you. Respectful nods were given to Ginny then their eyes dropped to the bodies draped across your chests urging on a decision to have tea in one of the ground level sitting rooms while the toddlers slept in a bassinette a couple of servants had brought out for you. Ensured to be fully covered with your wraps the pair slept away drawing longing gazes from all Elves able to see them in their safe distances. Estel still sat fixing a set of feathers into a woven bit of string he was trying to complete to give to you.
Glorfindel, “You seem well rested, Miss Black.”
Forcing a quick grin in catching his eye you replied, “I slept a little. Bit more than usual lately. Got up in time for training.”
Thranduil, “For your show?”
“Oh, no. Quidditch training. Have to build up our stamina and strength again. Been a couple years since we had a competing season. Had to pause on it to stay hidden and safe. Season official training camp starts up in august for pro teams.”
Elrond, “Ronald did show us a few matches on your board. I cannot wait to see how it differs in real life.”
Ginny, “Well there’s a match at Hogwarts in a week. It would be best to work you up to professional Quidditch. Some of Jaqi’s games can get quite brutal.”
Thranduil, “Is it safe? For you to be in such a, brutal, sport?”
In a smirk you replied lifting your cup, “It’s only brutal if the other team can catch you.”
While you drank his brow ticked up then dropped again in saying, “I cannot wait to see what sport you have devoted yourself to even in the face of danger.”
Shaking your head their eyes were on you again as you said, “We’re born staring danger in the face. Danger is nothing new to be terrified of. Regret however, never charging head on at what you want, now that’s terrifying.”
Celeborn, “I agree. A lifetime of regret is nothing to a pinch of risk. As long as you are successful at least.” He chuckled to himself in the last sentence making you smirk again.
At your mild shiver and hand tugging your sleeve over it on your lap Legolas stated, “Miss Black, if you are cold we might have lunch in Greenwood.”
Celeborn, “I do apologize, I should have mentioned the chill prior to inviting you. Only, Elves, we do not feel the cold. That trait must be delayed in your kin’s shift to Elven status.”
In a glance at a pocket watch you pulled from your pocket you replied, “Lunch would have to wait. I should get going. I have an appointment.”
Thranduil, “One of your classes?”
“No, my jaw’s sore, Hermione’s parents are going to tend to it.”
Glorfindel, “Your jaw?”
You nodded, “In our escape one of my back teeth got cracked, the others are facing sideways so they have to be taken out.”
Elrond, “You are having teeth removed?”
Glorfindel, “We have herbs to mend our oral ailments if you would wish for some.”
You shook your head, “No thank you. Have to get them out, had the appointment for a few months off but it can’t wait. There’s not enough room for them anyways.”
Thranduil, “You are certain removal is best?”
You nodded again, “Wisdom teeth are normally removed.” In the confused stares you added, “My four teeth in the back are crooked and one is cracked. Long overdue to have them removed, but, war is hell and leaves little time for dental appointments. I was much better afterwards. I promise.”
Looking you over steadily he noted your still tense and strained muscles clearly not eased by your resting at all with an evident twinge of your jaw telling of the pain there. The doorway to the buildings meant for Dale were bustling and easily you led the guys through the streets they admired the quaint structures from the Muggle world muddled into the Wizarding portions all oddly crafted and being scrubbed and mended by their owners. Along the way they paused catching the gasps and excited waves from the shop owners and people passing through in their errands.
“Our shop.” The men all peered back at the building you were passing they had frozen wondering what it was tasked for all boarded up still and the headless charred figure raising and lowering a hat towards its shoulders, “The sign took a fair bit of damage in our escape. Used to look like Fred and George with a bunny popping up under the hat.”
Glorfindel, “Why are you not on the sign?”
You giggled saying, “It was a purple eyed bunny.” Making them look down at you, “I get enough attention and mostly the guys spend more time here. I just help with ideas and crafting the objects, picking up occasional shifts.”
Thranduil, “Still-,” his words halted at your next giggle while you led them around another corner and up the stoop into the waiting room. The pastel yellow room with quaint chairs in pale green adorned with flowers around a section for toys and tables of magazines in varying subjects. Curiously the men watched as you filled in the first empty line on the sheet on the clipboard waiting on the counter then took your seat at the elderly woman saying with a grin, “They’ll be right with you, Love.”
After a nod and a soft thanks you turned to guide the men to the chairs they filled around you while Estel eyed the jumble of colored wires and beads beside a sand box with random shapes inside. In a glance at him Ginny said, “The wand, you have to slide it under the table.” Taking one in her hand to demonstrate for the excited boy nipping at his lip guiding the tiny ship through the waves of sand and tunnels throughout the box. “They have magnets in them.” Widening the boy’s grin for the short time they got to play until you were called back and you stood to head to the exam room.
Once on your feet your eyes shifted to Glorfindel in his asking, “You are certain of this?”
Weakly you chuckled saying, “If you are so concerned come watch for yourself.” Hastily he popped up and a hint of a grin eased across his lips in accepting Em into his arms cradling her sweetly while he followed after you with Thranduil guiding Elrond and Celeborn behind him. Legolas gladly remained behind with Estel happy to explore the other toy sets left out for children.
Curiously the Lords eyed the odd chair you climbed onto and instruments around you not noticing your grin at their inspection of all around them or Mr Granger’s entrance. “Ready for the fun finally Jaqi?” Quietly the men remained against the wall looking on.
You giggled and nodded, “Yes, ready to try out your monthly helping of draughts?”
He nodded with a grin, “Yes. Should be so much easier now.” Mrs Granger finished setting up the tray table and you were eased back and given a pair of sunglasses when the light was switched on, “Let’s get you numbed up and have a look at how badly cracked, if at all, that molar is.”
Closing your eyes under the sun glasses you heard him unscrew the lid to dab a q tip into the numbing tonic he then eased over your gums leaving the lower half of your face without sensation at all. Carefully while his wife consulted the xrays he used the mirror to inspect the molars then said, “Ooh, that is a painful crack, no wonder you can’t sleep on it.” The statement made the Lords inhale deeply irritated they had missed the source of your pain.
Reaching over he grabbed the pliers making the men swallow dryly only to hear step by step from him what he was doing. Sure enough with a single firm tug the first tooth was out, the one that was badly cracked nearly split in half, with three others to follow, all with chips and cracks of their own.
Delicately his wife passed him the phoenix tear elixir he eased the lid off of, accepting the clean dropper he filled and then lowered into your mouth once he was sure there were no fragments inside. Four drops later he grinned eyeing the now healed gums stating, “All mended. We should have accepted your offer for aid years back.”
Mrs Granger placed the suction tube into your mouth making the men’s heads tilt slightly to see what it was for until she explained its use while her husband eased out another bottle he poured a syringe full between your lips reversing the effects of the numbing tonic. Steadily you shifted your jaw and grumbled at the temporary tingling that faded before he said, “Now, onto the cleaning. Get this out in one full swoop.” Weakly you chuckled and the group listened in while the men peered over you seeing what he was doing as well as the healed empty spaces from your wisdom teeth.
An easy cleaning later the group all joined you on your feet to head out to the front counter. There as you scheduled your next appointment they watched you pull out a folded set of muggle bills the men eyed curiously while you counted out the 23 galleons and then paused seeing your supply of sickles dwindled down to four left then glanced up at Mr Granger and his smirk asking, “I got it all but the three knuts, I can drop by Gringotts later-.”
He shook his head and chuckled, “I am certain we can break your sickles with our Wizard customers. Quite a number have come in since hiding us away. Though I imagine when the engagement news breaks we’ll have to add another till for Dwarf coins.”
With a grin you stated, “Thank you all the same. I know it was short notice.”
“You’re family. No way we would let you suffer with those molars. I do hope it helps you sleep tonight.” He nodded as you did after a kind pat of his hand on your arm, “See you later.” Turning to head back behind the door in your turn to head back to Glorfindel who you noticed cautiously easing his arms tighter around Em’s back in her slumbering wiggle to keep her body from shifting past her own will allowing her to sleep.
Ginny now on her feet again as Legolas lifted Estel once the bead track set was put back into its former corner took your empty side asking, “Where are we off to now?”
Legolas asked hopefully in place of his still speechless father wondering how you had managed the pain for so long with such injuries keeping you from sleep, “Lunch?”
Smirking at him you said, “You talked me into it. Lunch it is.” Making him grin to himself as you led the way back to the archways through the crowded streets.
Distantly while the Durins led their kin through the open archways with Hermione in their midst to help allow their people to grow accustomed to seeing her among them you were again at the same table across from the Lords fazed into a debate. The children had been taken home by K and Dobby for a proper nap in their own beds and Ginny remained in Lothlorien accepting Haldir’s offer of a longer tour. Quietly in a daze of you own tapping a finger to your lips from the hand supporting your chin through your sideways lean onto the arm of your chair. No true focus came to your thoughts simply a daze of something familiar you were trying to place.
The flap of wings suddenly had your eyes on the bird that had landed in the palm of Lord Celeborn before sifting to the long since staring Elf King and Lord Glorfindel who had finally realized what their leaving you from the discussion had left you to. Blankly you watched the message be opened from the corner of your eye still focusing on the pair memorizing your relaxed moment and seemingly intimate gaze. Galadriel called however and off again to your home you went alongside Lindir, who had been invited to join you for dinner again.  
Back through the archway you passed to your home and into the empty kitchen to make yourself a snack while Lindir joined Regulus in the gardens. Humming softly to yourself as Kreacher set up the plates and poured you a glass of the juice he levitated from the ice box as your hair shifted back to silvery blue from peach at the burst of cold wind half a mile back. Ignoring the meal being started by a team of House Elves you turned for the study off to the side of the library to settle yourself into your favorite thinking chair trying to uncover just what your body was meaning for you to remember.
In your seat in front of the large window overlooking the gardens you stopped humming and smiled at Opal in her approach to curl up on your lap with the vial of phoenix tear medicine she waited patiently until you had finished your first cream cheese and jam coated cinnamon raisin bread sandwich to have it applied. Through the doorway however, as you raised the bottle to unscrew the lid Kreacher passed through the open doorway stating, “The Elf King is here to see you Mistress.”
Your head turned to smile up at him wondering why he wasn’t with the others as he entered the doorway and stepped around Kreacher to claim the seat across of you while Kreacher mumbled something about tea on his exit, “Thank you K.”
Turning your head you met his eyes through unscrewing the lid drawing his eyes lower to it and Opal in his settling into the chair and said, “Miss Black, I apologize for leaving so hastily earlier.”
You shook your head, “No need to apologize, I understand. I imagined you might have been gone longer however.”
“Lady Galadriel tired of my arguments with her wishes.” With a narrowing of his eyes he spotted Opal’s fingers clenching on your jeans as she tilted her head back and held her lids open through a harsh tensing of her muscles at your rapid pair of drops you released from the dropper. Lowly in her eyes clamping shut she coiled up with a pained whimper burying her head against your stomach for a few moments. “What is that?”
“Pheonix tears mixed in a healing elixir to bring her sight back.”
“She allows you to inflict such pain on her?” His eyes met yours with a curiously ticked up brow on his flat expression only making you wonder if his face could form a smile at all with how little expression past irritation you had seen from him.
“When she was a hatchling she was stolen by Goblins. Raised and blinded in the lowest levels of Gringotts bank.” Making his lips part at what she had faced. “They taught her touch is followed by pain. When I was eleven I had to pass her to get to my vault, I managed to sneak a Draconic whisper to her along with an enchanted pendant that me shrink and bring her here. Took weeks to get her to let anyone but me close to her without recoiling, at least until I shared my sight with her.”
“She was blinded and raised as a weapon, why would your first instinct be to heal her?”
“Because her entire life she was kept away from the light, living in fear for centuries. Opal is from a breed of the friendliest and most docile Dragons that have never been recorded harming anyone. She’d never even flown, felt the earth, wind or sun at all, take away your feelings for Dragons and place yourself in that life.” His lips parted, “Would you wish for me to pass by and do nothing to free you.”
“They never suspected you?”
“The keeping of Dragons in Wizarding dwellings is forbidden. They had no way to conduct any search for her and no right to reclaim her, not after how she was treated.”
His eyes lowered to see her now set of one cerulean and silver shimmering eye contrasting her milky one as she smiled at the Elf King and looked around the room in Norberta’s stretch and climb out of the roaring fire to join her for their daily flight through the gardens. Quietly the King watched their trot through the doorway then looked at you again, “Why do they live with you? If you are not meant to keep them so?”
“Their residence here is allowed by the Ministry after they were not granted places among the Dragons in the breeding grounds. Both were stolen and hand raised by humans, they are acknowledged by their kin and welcome to visit but are not able to fulfill their roles in the clans in their wish to remain with our family after we’d given them such a safe place to live.”
Behind him two whooshes drew flinches from the King that turned to watch them grow to their normal size to fly out under the protective dome before looking at you again with another quick smile as you drank some of your juice. “I was wondering. Your potions, your scar, why do you keep them when Mr Lupin has mentioned elixirs to mend them?”
“With or without the scar the pain lingers. I have no reason to hide them, everyone nearly from my old world knew about them. Why bother hiding them now.” You wet your lips, “Though should you wish assistance in mending yours I would help with that.”
His lips parted as his eyes narrowed again, “How-?”
You giggled weakly raising your glass again, “There’s hardly a shielding spell a Morpher cannot see through. Part of my appeal for my teaching position.”
His eyes scanned over you again then to the vial again, “It hurts?”
“To mend yours yes, well, your eye at least. I would have to singe your face and then heal that with the droplets.”
“Singe my face?”
“It isn’t half as painful as it sounds.”
“You’ve done this before?”
“On both ends, yes. Earning my mark left me with quite a number of scars. The skin should feel no more than an irritation, the eye would have to be done over time slowly for how much it hurts.”
For a few moments he sat silently wondering back at your behavior noticing how you had not recoiled or treated him unfairly for having them and certainly not the worse by treating him with pity due to the massive wound. “When, when could-?”
“I could start on your face now if you like. You would have to lay down though.”
His eyes turned to the chaise lounge you motioned your hand to and he nodded, standing with his wrap still draped over his chair with his crown on top as he curled his fingers and moved to the chaise in your finishing your juice and rise to your feet. Leaving the glass behind you moved to his side when he had fully draped across it finding a comfortable position, drawing out your wand you watched as he drew in a deep breath looking up at you.
Curling your leg under you he swallowed dryly in your sitting beside him. Internally muddled at feeling your leg’s contact with his side and raised hand moving to partially cup and tilt the face of the King as he dropped his shielding spell revealing the scar he expected to frighten you. Only his eyes lingered on you watching as you raised your wand to press to his forehead in a gentle stroke to his cheek after a soft warning count.
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Halfway through you opened the vial and let out the droplets across his healing skin. A slow breath escaped him after his holding it expecting far more pain. Something closer to the flames inflicting them, again he drew in another breath and watched simply focusing on your hand still cupping his cheek and tilting his head to ease it into a better position to finish. The contact was what he focused on, wondering at how often you had done this for your friends, what sort of scars had you erased from your body he would never see should you ever grow intimate. The number of hidden spots his Healers no doubt had found through the massage that might never be voiced unless by your will to share.
Wetting his lips when your hand drew back he asked, “And my eye?”
“You’re going to pass out most likely.”
“I can endure the pain.” He uttered sternly hoping for it to be true.
You nodded and drew in another set of drops into the glass dropper, then said, “We should probably stick to a drop a week, or even a month depending on how often you wish to endure it.”
Before he could say anything the droplet fell into his eye bringing an excruciating wave of pain causing his eyes to roll back then close and his head to turn aside through his body slumping. Fire coursed through his body much hotter than those he had faced to receive his scars and half blind state suddenly followed by a harsh chill worse than that of crossing the vast tundra of Helcrax his mind had not gone to in centuries about the travel from Doriath to Lindon. Reentering the room Kreacher, after his peek in earlier brought another vial for you to raise the King’s strength again along with Em, and shared that while Remus was called to another late meeting Neville had Teddy. For half an hour you let the King settle while you shared some of the snacks with Em, who’s happy giggles at your story you were reading to her eventually stirred the King.
Groggily he shifted, patting the chaise beside him hoping to find you still there only to open his eyes finding one pristine view of the room with a blurry muddied mess of colors on the opposite side. Your voice caused his head to turn and take in your halfway blurry figure and shimmering silver hair matching Em’s, “There’s a vial on the table, you should drink it. It will help you gain your strength back.”
He wet his lips turning his head to claim the vial he uncorked and downed before sitting up at the return of nearly half of his depleted energy. “How long was I unconscious?”
You glanced up at him eyeing the faint outline of a silvery blue iris and pale grey pupil in his formerly milky eye, “Half an hour nearly.”
Standing up he passed the vial to Kreacher in his reach for it and moved to reclaim his former seat, adding his crown again and accept the tea and snacks you offered. “Does it appear normal?”
You motioned your fingers and a small mirror appeared in front of his face he turned and tilted to get a better look before you sent it back again, “Another application should have it mended.”
He nodded, “I believe a week should do.” Slowly he raised the shielding over the eye making it match his other eye.
“You look hungry.” With brows raised he stood as you did and joined you on the walk through the house to your kitchens.
Curiously he asked in a glance at Em, “The children, they share your ability, could they-,”
In a glance up at him you asked, “See your scars?” To which he nodded and you said, “Yes, but to children so used to scars and creatures like Dragons and Basilisks it’s hard to put to words what sort of person could terrify them in a single glance.”
In your passing the table however, Thranduil lowered claiming the seat beside Em’s high chair you set her in where he smiled at her sweetly allowing her hold of his wrap for inspection resting over his arm.
And in spotting the Durins entering the room making Severus lift his gaze from his book while Lindir continued to listen as Regulus finished the story he was sharing. In drawing a ledger from his pocket Severus stated, “King Thorin, Jaqi informed me of your wish for the birthing potion.”
Thorin nodded as Thranduil asked, “Birthing potion?”
Thorin met his eye, “To aid my Consort and I in conceiving.”
Thranduil glanced between him and Bilbo, “And, what is in the potion to solve the obvious dilemma?”
Thorin met his eye with a smirk, “It will change me into a Dam allowing me to carry and nurse our child.”
His expression dropped as Lindir scooted forward asking with a slightly hopeful tone, “They have potions to do that?”
Snape met his eye giving him a nod before telling Thorin, “There are a few ingredients I will need from you first though. I was told you might not find it agreeable.” In a silently growing grin Lindir’s gaze shifted to Regulus’ at his hand settling on top of the one Lindir had rested on top of the table, a far more intimate gesture to the Elf than Regulus realized. A silent confirmation of a promised chance to give children a try themselves when they reached that point in courtship.
Thorin, “Anything.”
Snape nodded, “I will need a clump of your hair and a few of your beard hairs as well. Plus a few drops of blood.”
Thorin nodded, wetting his lips, “You can shave my head if it is required.”
Snape raised a brow, “I admire your dedication, however, the only potion requiring that much hair should never be agreed to by you and your kin, for future reference.”
Dwalin, “What is that potion for?”
Snape, “It turns the drinker into a naked mole rat. Irreversible as far as we can figure out.” Smiling Thorin joined the Professor on the stroll through the door to the office to claim the small dime sized clump of hair, five beard hairs and the specified drops of blood he sealed in vials within the privacy of the other room. The vials were sent up to your room and they rejoined the table for tea and the snacks you entered the room with.
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
@long-cosmos-overhead​, @partoftheminfamily​, @alishlieb​
Pt 12
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blankdblank · 5 years
Falling Feathers
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Walking outside, it’s early morning and all you can hear is the crunch of snow and ice under your feet.
Sorry its so late, had to sleep, but technically it’s not midnight yet... :D Short and fluffy snowed in ramble for the grumpy Lords and Elf King himself. :D
Whoever said Elves were not jolly hadn’t seen these. Scowl didn’t come close. A wrong turn and a flipping rain induced accident had you and your over turned wagon rolling into the fields just outside of Rivendell in the middle of their fighting off a band of wargs, was there a thank you when your wagon crashed into four of them? No. Months you had traveled and where did your effort land you, heavily bandaged and waiting in the prison cells in the lowest levels of Rivendell.
Lord Elrond was meant to be so much more than the battle worn Elf who had simply had you locked away to deal with later. But beggars can’t be choosers, nor can prisoners. From the early rainy spring all the way to the final week of fall you were set aside to question later with nothing to do but knit and stitch your days and nights away. Fifteen quilts, 27 sweaters and 48 mittens paired with both hats and scarves later and your supplies had come to an end. The fabric you were trying to take to Dale to barter now was next to worthless to anyone not approving of the patterns chosen.
It truly was innocent and just when you imagined you could plead your case you had been moved, simply to house more threatening Men in your cell instead. One of the guards having kept daily notes on your peaceful yet slightly irritated hums to yourself and acceptance of your having to wait had vouched that you were not a danger. Off to house arrest you went, one of the tiniest rooms now housed your wares and each day you were granted a guarded stroll through a nearly abandoned stretch of gardens out of anyones way. Time you took to your advantage as did the guard, who was glad to see you so relaxed now in your feigned freedom while random servants passed you by wondering where they had seen you before.
‘Just one of those faces’ is what you always said, but honestly you had no clue who you came from, a band of Hobbits had found you clad in bloody armor washed up on their shores. And the symbol on it transferred to a wood coin around your neck was what you held onto hoping one day someone might know what it meant. Yet as fall stretched on and the air grew colder the Men were sent back to Gondor to face their trials and you were left to your apartment as Elrond had yet to deal with what he imagined to be your pent up rage at him having put you off for so long.
Winter was coming and in the first crisp wind signaling snow over the night. Even among the Hobbits you loved the snow, yet you never understood why when Elves naturally were depressed in winter, then again with little history to pull from there were countless things possibly contributing to it. A little boy’s sigh sounded and by his tone of mumbles when Elrond called ‘Estel’ back to his studies you would have imagined his young life was over already at the first white fleck in the sky.
Also trapped was the band of Greenwood Elves having traveled with their King and Prince trapped in this ravine of a kingdom at the iced over paths surrounding it. One arrival however gave you something short of an answer, the Lord Glorfindel has returned from escorting the Men Just in time and his path from the stables straight past you on your stroll had you nearly in the bushes at his tackling hug as he called out, “Echo!”
So now you had a name, and part of a story, the Elf confused as to how you had forgotten your life the scar under a strip of hair you brushed back came as an answer. Places, faces and random memories were what you had, no names or dates though. You did recognize the Lord who claimed he aided your father in raising you alone. Daughter to a Lord of Fountains now miles under the ocean, lot of good that did you. At least you knew now, and the Elves surrounding you were more than remorseful and began to extend their daily lives to fill your now free days to explore and enjoy the snow capped city worsening their moods at having waited so long that you missed it at its pinnacle of beauty in the year.
Curious stares and timid flashes of grins in you passing left little comfort as even now when everyone knew your name you still had no true friends to spend your time with while Glorfindel was on his rounds between times with you to learn all he’d missed since last seeing you in the First Age and rekindle your bond. One person especially seemed interested in growing closer to you, the awed stares of the young boy in your daily strolls found him wide eyed at the shimmering black curls laying down your back and bright silver flecked purple eyes. Though always he was off again searching for the Prince from Greenwood to fill his days as he felt the gardens were off limits due to the snow.
If anything had irritated you more than the obvious scuffle, while you waited for your belongings to be sent from the Shire after sending an owl off with a letter for your adopted family to pack and have shipped off with the usual band of Rangers taking up the task of transporting shipments from the Shire. You ached to hear the city full of giggles and cheer and felt yourself still pausing along the way as if to let the nonexistent fauntlings to rush past you towards another undisturbed patch of snow. Something had to be done, and it seemed you were the only one to do it and thanks to the growing snow flurries filling the city you had ample supplies to do so.
A shovel was found and you were off. Thankfully you were nearly the only one awake on this half of the kingdom and you put it to good use. Walking outside, it’s early morning and all you can hear is the crunch of snow and ice under your feet. A stop for cocoa and some food left you hearing distant chuckles making you smirk as the sun began to rise.
Through the walkways were dozens of what appeared to be fluffy cygnets in a wobbly trail out into the center gardens. Curiously the Elves all followed the trail when the lifelike statues of snow would not budge and in the center garden was where they found a five foot tall swan seated on its belly with a wing raised it appeared to be preening. Around it the awed Elves circled waiting for any sign of a heartbeat as their eyes took in the tiny telling sparkles on each detailed feather and detail signaling the material used to craft the flock. A loud gasp from Estel on his way to breakfast had him crouching to inspect a group of cygnets before he trotted into the garden only to giggle at the real pair of swans that had come to inspect their giant kin as well wondering why the Elves had been drawn to it.
Honks filled the city when more came to inspect the statues, a few of which were knocked over and crumbled stirring up a fuss and sending feathers flying to blend into the snow until they eventually calmed. Only a few guards had known it was you, yet after your swans had been made you were gone from sight well into the afternoon.
Sighing again you found Estel seated on a bench peering out at the snow longingly making you smirk and give the doorway a knock making him turn and peer at you wide eyed noticing the bundle of clothes in your hands. “Care to play?”
“But, the snow…”
Moving closer you offered him a sweater, he pulled on with a scarf, hat and mittens to add on the curious boy now peering up at you making you giggle and offer your hand, “Come on. I’ll show you how fun the snow can be.”
Atop a hill you caught sight of a group of curious Elves, including Lord Elrond, who heard that you had taken the young boy out into the snow. On your hip for the trot up the three foot deep snow with a wooden sled in your other hand furrowing their brows in curiosity. Among the growing group was the King and Prince both watching you settle him in front of you then slide down the large hill. Wide eyed and gripping your arms Estel sat stunned until you stopped then blinked up at the Lords a few yards away ready to snatch him away until a loud laugh left him and he bounced up taking hold of the rope turning the sled around with you still on it giggling, “Again!”
Popping up you picked up both and raced back up the hill for the second ride now filled with his giggles and cheers lasting as Elrond’s sons found their own sleds and drug Legolas along with them. When the giggles died down a gentle scoop of snow tossed at the boy’s arm had him look down then back up to you as you made another ball, crouching down he copied your actions and in the gentle snowball fight.
A growl of his stomach had you claiming his hand again to guide him to your new apartment, inside which the curious Lords and Princes caught a whiff of the stew you had prepared in the covered pot on the stove. Clearly prepared for this you set out the bowls of stew for all of them along with your supply of cocoa and grilled cheeses you made to help warm the young boy up again brightening his smile as you shared a few stories the Hobbits usually share through the winter months.
Bouncing and ready to play again his hand melted into yours and you were off to show him another of your surprises. Back in the abandoned gardens you used to stroll through his mouth fell open seeing the ice castle you had made glittering brightly he shot forward to inspect. Nearly on all fours you giggled and shot after him with the smirking twins right after. Again the snowball fight was picked up and through the random skylights giggles filled the air form all of you. Even Legolas had grinned joining Glorfindel in playing when he had returned from his early rounds.
The next goal of yours was to loosen the scowl on the clearly irritated King muttering o himself of all his usual winter habits being so far away in the kingdom he could not reach thanks to the snow his son was now playing in. Through the open archways he was pacing in a crash of snow splattering across his chest from the cold circle on the side of his arm you had clipped made him freeze and turn to confront you. He was not playing, he was not even looking your way, this was uncalled for, all this rattled around his head as he approached you outside the castle ducking to make another snowball to hit one of the Princes popping up through the skylights of the castle once again.
A shadow falling on you made you peer upwards and stand for him to say, “Is this how you treat nobility in your Hobbit lands? By throwing snow at them?”
You shrug, “Never saw a King among them. Hobbits have Thains, and even they find the energy to smile from time to time. They’re not afraid of snow. So, no.”
Frozen in place the others watched the agitated King and his telling eyebrow twitch while Elrond hid his reaction with a sip of tea from the mug in his hands, “I am not afraid. However there will be consequences.”
You tilt your head in another shrug, “You know, that sort of requires me going down peacefully. Where as, in fact, to punish me you’d have to catch me Mr Grumpy Gills.”
His lips part and you dart off into the ice castle. Exhaling sharply his scowl formed again and he ducked even lower than you had to and he tried to discern your tracks from those of the others. Through the skylights he seemed no longer a King but a determined meerkat with his head popping up only for him to grumble and growl at your hitting him again with another snowball.
Eventually he tackled you out of nowhere into a snow bank, a victorious chuckle vibrating through his puffed out chest from another deep inhale. Retracting with you being picked up in his arms just beaming from adrenaline and the fun of it he asked, “Now would you like to hear what punishment you’ve bought yourself for all this?”
Your arms drape around his neck and you grin saying, “I doubt it would be effective to make me stray from striking again no matter what you choose. I got what I wanted. Either way you may want to wait a bit, everything you say sounds way less intimidating with that smile of yours.”
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac​
X Thranduil - @evyiione​, @sweetlytenacious25​, @tigereyesf​, @pastelhexmaniac
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