#glorfindel x male reader
aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Promots: 29 - Costumes
Summery: Glorfindel tries out a tradition among men
Pairing: Glorfindel x Reader
Characters: Elrond, Estel, Erestor, Lindir, Glorfindel, Reader
Warnings: Glorfindel being a bit suggestive at times maybe
Reader Pronouns: He/Him
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"Are you sure you'll be able to see with that costume on" You questioned glorfindel he had talked you into do a tradition among men were you dress up as scary things, you had kept your costume plan and simple as you decided to go as Fëanor as Glorfindel all but talked you out of imitating Morgoth or a Balrog, he however decided to do a myth among men, the headless horse man
"Ofcourse I will Meleth" Glorfindel said
"I think you should just put the pumpkin on your head insted of planning to throw it at Erestor" You said the blond hummed and shoved the pumpkin on his head
"I suppose you are right as always" Glorfindel said
"What would make this better is if we could get our hands on a Morgul horse" You said
"And there you go on your crazy tangent" Glorfindel said
"I am not about to go on a tangent, you can use my horse i highly doubt the headless horse man would have a horse as nice as yours or even mine" You said Glorfindel chuckled
"Give me a kiss" Glorf said
"No you have a pumpkin on your head" you said shoving the blond away
"What on Arda are you both doing" Erestor questioned, Lindir stood behind him with books in his hand
"It's Glorfindel's Idea" You said
"Ofcourse it is" Erestor said
"Hey don't throw me under the bus" Glorfindel said
"You have a pumpkin on your head and look ridiculous" You said
"And your dressed like Fëanor" Glorfindel said
"Atlest i don't have a pumpkin on my head" you said
"anyway this is for little Estel, we thought we should give him a taste of the traditions of the race of men" Glorfindel
"You thought we should" you said
"Stop being so grumpy and playing into the role of Fëanor" Glorfindel said wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you away from the two Estel was excited to see Glorfindel with a pumpkin on his head
"What are you supposed to be Lord Y/n, how can an elf be scary" Estel said
"You'll find out when your older buddy" you said ruffling his hair
"Is it to do with that weird oath thing Elrond refuses to tell me about" Estel said, you glance to Elrond
"Maybe, Maybe not, who knows, nobody knows, i have your nose" you said pretending to take Estel's nose
"HEY GIVE IT BACK I'LL TAKE YOUR NOISE" Estel said you chuckled and pretended to but it back the kid was on your chest
"Tickle him, Lord Y/n is deathly ticklish for an elf" Elrond said
"You know Estel is also related to her through my brother" Elrond said
"Even more betrayal, to think i served Turgon loyally and his descendant do this to me" you said
"It's like it was all planned the ghost of turgon telling them to betray you for surviving the fall of gondolin and until the 3rd age without being reembodied" Glorfindel said
"Not my fault I am just built different" you said Glorfindel soon joined estel
"Take that back" Glorfindel said as you had started to laugh you threw your head back onto his shoulder laughing
"Never" you said struggling to get it out
"Someone tickle his feet it's his weak spot" Glorfindel said
"No, Elrond, please have mercy on me don't do it, I serve you just as loyally, what have I done to you" You said trying to keep your cool as Estel and Glorfindel tickled you
"Entertained Glorfindel on some of his most ridiculous said trails" Elrond said
"I am the meleth of the said man, am i just supposed to tell him no" You asked
"Yes" Elrond said you sighed in defeat as the Lord helped Estel
"I hate the whole line of Finwë, i will curse you with all the magic powers i have" You said
"You have non" Elrond said
"Shut, that is a minor oversight" You said still laughing the three soon gave up when you were struggling to keep breathing due to the laughter
"Why must I be bullied in this way" you said panting
"Because you just built that way" Glorfindel said you shook your head
Elvish Translations:
Ada - Father
Meleth - love
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doodle-pops · 6 months
Love Scenario
Ecthelion x reader
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Request: Hey! Can I request a dating fic between reader and Ecthelion? How does he woo/court her? What about their engagement? Wedding plans? Especially if this is set in Valinor after the FoG, and he’s just come back to life, and like, omg, now I have this lady I want to check out when I’m fresh out of soul prison. He probably relies on Glorfindel a little bit because he’s been more established since the late Second Age and comes from a “house of princes.” - Anon
A/N: As mentioned, I absolutely enjoyed writing this piece for Thel.
Warnings: fluff, humour, Egalmoth and Glorfindel helping their dear best friend, a bit of a sentimental moment, indirect confession
Words: 2.5k
Synopsis: With his return to Valinor and the desperate call to take action, Ecthelion has made it his purpose, day and night, to construct the perfect future for you happily ever after.
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“How long has he been like this?”
“Since he returned.”
“…That’s over five months, Laurë!”
A weary side-eye glance at Egalmoth from Glorfindel and the former folded his lip to refocus his attention to their dear friend who was fretting over the right colours to paint the interior of your future house. Ask him if he had plucked the courage to speak to you upon his return and he’d throw swears at his friends. But he was already envisioning his life with you as though the most important action was completed. Dream on.
“Cream, bone white or ivory cream?” Came the steady voice of Ecthelion. In his hands were strips of the colours he suggested and on his face was a panicked expression as though he was running out of time.
Frowning and ready to calm his dear friend, Glorfindel stretched his palms outwards and gently waved them up and down to soothe the madman or rather, elf. “Thel, don’t you think this is all too much? You haven’t even asked—”
“Yes, I just did. What colour should I choose?” Ecthelion enunciated and widened his eyes further to emphasise his point.
At this point, it was Egalmoth to the rescue as he placed the vat of wine down and exhaled, ready to appear as the saviour to most, since all was impossible, of his stress. “What is the purpose of the colours, Thel?”
“Balusters for the balcony,” Ecthelion responded calmly as though you and he were already living together—in his head, you were—and he was tasked with the décor, both interior and exterior.
The room fell into silence as all three Lords were left at one another, or rather both Glorfindel and Ecthelion were left gawking at Ecthelion’s seriousness. Not a stutter or flatter in the batting of his lashes did Ecthelion show any signs of uncertainty when it came to answering their questions. He was indeed picking out the colour of the balusters for the balcony, so when you wished to hang your baskets of flowers or sit in the evening and gaze at the setting sun, whatever you wore would be highlighted by the colour the balusters were.
Tongue in cheek, Glorfindel closed his mouth and flashed an awkward grimace before cutting the silence with an answer. “Bone white, especially if you’re choosing to paint your house in blue, it would mesh well with each other.”
Grateful for the say, Ecthelion wasted no time in returning to his colour scheming and designing of your future home with a small ‘thank you’. However, Egalmoth was beginning to find confusion in this entire dynamic since they were both against feeding into their dear friend’s delusions. The look of disgust plastered across the silver-haired male’s face as he scrutinised Glorfindel grew intensely as the second ticked by.
“Are you serious? No, no, no, don’t cut me off. I’m being serious here,” he protested at Glorfindel’s attempt to sway his mind. Dropping his voice and octave and inching his head closer to bridge the gap between him and the latter, he whisper-yelled, “Are you serious?! We were asked to help him finish his confession letter so he could serenade Y/N, not indulge in his delusionary fantasies that cannot exist until he confesses! Why are you helping him?!”
Amused at the sudden outburst from his comrade, he released small chuckles at his concern for their ‘puppy love’ friend. “But weren’t you—”
“No, no, no, no, no. Do not categorise me as an accomplice when I am not!” Pinching his brow, Egalmoth flung his back against the cushioned chair a little too hard, defeating the cushioning purpose. A quiet yelp slipped out before a series of exasperated sighs followed and a single eye roll. “I’m here to help lover boy get his lover, not keep him looking like a sick puppy.”
Unable to respond, Glorfindel watched with laughter as Egalmoth rose from his seat and trudged over to Ecthelion to pry the sheet of paper out of the ebony-haired elf’s hands which almost sparked an outburst.
“Alright, I’ve had enough. You summoned us to aid you with wooing Y/N and here we are aiding you with picking house colours. Well no more! Get me your best rendition of your confession Laurë helped you write. Get up!” With a wave of his hand, Egalmoth ushered Ecthelion to his feet to recite his poem. Unfortunately, Thel was able to cast a sheepish expression which spoke volumes and made both Lords groan.
Holding his palms upwards to surrender, he defended himself as best as he could. “In my adversity, I was overcome with excitement for our future each time I sat down to finish the poem, so I have an excuse.”
This time, it was Glorfindel who turned on the heat and cast his dear friend a look of disappointment. With his arms and legs crossed, he bore holes in Ecthelion’s head, creating possible solutions to help his helpless friend without launching his harp at his head. Needless to say, Glorfindel sighed heavily with the pressures of another person’s burden on his shoulders. “Where’s the parchment with the poem? Let’s see how well we can impersonate the great Elemmírë and create a masterpiece for you to profess your undying love for Y/N. Only this time you’re alive and not dead.”
Ending his joke with laughter, accompanied by Egalmoth, he rose from his chair to grip the parchment from Ecthelion’s hands as he produced it from inside his robes. With another disappointed shake of his head, he requested a charcoal and soon, all three were—rather two since Ecthelion kept interrupting to discuss your future—slaving away to create a poem worthy of your name. Nonetheless, after the first hour and a half passed, he managed to get into the flow of creating words from his mind and very soon the poem was halfway completed.
“Okay, so we have the first two stanzas down—thankfully!” sassed Egalmoth as he threw an unbiased glare at the ebony hair Lord who did not hesitate to return one with common courtesy. “I think one more stanza could be added; try fitting in a line that confesses his love?”
Sharply reading through what was already written, Ecthelion had found everything to be perfect, yet still missing something. Prying the parchment from Glorfindel’s fingers, Thel paced up and down the drawing room muttering to himself about the things he could include about you.
Your eyes? Your voice? Your beauty—no, that was already included. Perhaps…
And so, he began to recite the poem in hopes of conjuring the rest.
“In gardens fair, where roses bloom,
A beauty found, defying gloom.
Like you, fair one, a bloom so rare,
With an elegance that fills the air.
“Yet in this garden, one may find,
A soul as lovely, gentle, and kind.
Each delicate curve, each gentle hue,
Reflects the sweetness found in you.
“Oh, delicate rose of whispered sighs,
In your presence, the world complies,
For your grace outshines the floral art,
A masterpiece of tender heart.
“So let me liken you, my dear,
To roses blooming, ever near.
For in your grace, in every part,
You hold the essence of my heart.
“I lo—”
He froze as though the words were stuck in his throat. At the tip of his very tongue, he knew the next syllable to whisper to you whenever he got the chance. Yet, it refused to fall off his tongue as though something held it back. The trembling of his hands gave it away, though his slight stubbornness pushed his fear away and replaced it with confidence.
False confidence. He scoffed and stared at the ivory cream carpet.
What was he to be afraid of? He was the Great lord Ecthelion of the Fountain who slayed four Balrogs and great tales were sung of him. He stared death in its eye, confessing to you would be as easy as walking through the silvery streets of Gondolin once again. Yet something held him back.
The day he left you in the city of Tirion that day he departed, gnawed at his memory. It was easier to picture being with you than working up the courage to share his heart knowing that you might reject him. You had every right to since he floundered the opportunity ages ago. It didn’t matter how many forms of encouragement came his way; anxiety lurked overheard. His only wish was that he had confessed to you before departing to reduce this turmoil.
“Thel?” The soft whisper of Glorfindel’s voice woke him up and returned him to reality. “Is everything alright?”
There was a deafening silence before the crumpling of paper followed by a sigh. “Who am I fooling? I can’t bring myself to do this anymore.”
“Oi, mate! What are—What are you doing? We’ve come so far,” Egalmoth reasoned as he shot from his seat with his hands outwards. “You can’t back out now!”
“Well, I am!” Ecthelion responded curtly, whipping his head around to shoot a tired look at his friends. “All this…All of this I’m doing, and what if Y/N rejects me? I had the opportunity aeons ago and I didn’t—”
“And yet Y/N stayed without loving someone else. Isn’t that enough to let you know that they’re waiting for you to still try? Imagine if you didn’t have this chance, and they found someone else, you would blame yourself, right? Then don’t! Come on, Thel,” Egalmoth encouraged as he took steps closer to his friend, bending down to retrieve the balled-up parchment off the floor. “Don’t let all those months of designing your future home be for nothing! Picture me as Y/N; what would you say if you had the chance?”
The glare he threw at Egalmoth was enough to make anyone else scurry away. The temper and fury behind his eyes; water brimmed his lower lashes as a barbed wire found its way around his neck. The first inhale he took burned his lungs. It was better to be left in the fantasy world.
Parting his lips, his silver-grey eyes burnt with passion as his heart cried a symphony of love. “I would say that I’m sorry, and I love you.” he began with a feathered whisper, “I have loved you morning, noon and night, even in death. My soul yearns for the very essence of yours for I cannot exist without you; I do not think that I can. I wish to be at your side in this life, hereafter and the next; I never wish to be parted from you from this moment onwards. I only wish to cherish you…if you would forgive me and accept me as I am.”
The silence in the air was thick. A pin could fall to the carpet and a sound would ricochet. Both Lords were caught by the throat from the rawness of the confession, a stark contrast to what was originally discussed. Flowery words.
Heaving as though a burden was lifted from his chest, Ecthelion felt tears pooling his low lashes from the anxiety he suffered from his mistakes. He just wanted to be with you. Not go through this turmoil of overcoming his f—
Clap! Clap! Clap! “Oh, that was beautiful!”
The sound of three necks snapping simultaneously reverberated clearly in your eardrums as your sudden voice and clapping startled all three Lords. However, once all three pairs of eyes were locked on your figure standing gracefully as ever in the doorway, you froze mid-clapping and stood at attention, eye darting from left to right. You felt like you were unintentionally being scolded by your old buddies.
Shuffling on your feet, you offered a wolfy grin with an awkward chuckle. “Sorry, the worker informed me that Lord Ecthelion was in the drawing room relaxing with familiar company and I was permitted to enter. If I’m obstructing, I’ll come back another time.”
“Oh no, no, no, no!” exclaimed Glorfindel with a beam brighter than the sun as the opportunity of a lifetime presented itself on a diamond platter. He wasted no time in flying out of his chair and grabbing Egalmoth by his scruff to head towards the exit, leaving Ecthelion standing confused in the centre of the room. “You can stay and chat with Ecthelion, we were just heading to the kitchen for condiments since he enjoys starving us. Farewell Y/N, we’ll catch up another time!”
You stood aside as both Lords brushed past your figure to rush down the hallway in the opposite direction of the kitchen as far as you could remember from your childhood. Pinching your brows with a whimsical expression, you remained standing in the doorway, not wanting to appear any more intruding than you had already proven to be. There was a curt nod from you in the ebony-haired elf’s direction, an awkward action which made no sense, yet proved to ease your nerves.
Tongue in cheek, you eyed the interior of the room before returning your focus to the statue of an elf at the centre. “I liked your words, the declaration of love, I meant. Is it for a play, not that I knew you to be the type of person to engage in those activities, or a song or poem?”
“Yes,” he curtly responded. The most unmanageable response to escape his silvery tongue slipped out. In Ecthelion’s head, he was screaming and attempting to drown himself for his foolish display. In his mind, his day was going from great to good to terrible to I-don’t-know-if-this-should-be-counted. Where and when did you spawn from?
Awkwardly nodding your head at his reply, you raised your brow. “Nice, um, I wanted to personally come here to give this to you,” you murmured and crossed the floor to stand a foot from the centre to hand him an envelope with his name written. “It’s a banquet and my family told me to invite a plus one, so—”
“You thought of me?”
Your face fell at the suddenness of his low confidence. The Ecthelion you knew from yesteryears would not have doubted anyone’s decision to have him as a first choice; this was not your Thel.
“You don’t wish to attend? My apologies, I’ll just take back the invite then.” Your hands made a grab to pry the envelope from his fingers, but he was quicker to move it out of your grasp. Deflating at his actions, you huffed. “Do you want to attend the banquet or not?”
“Yes! But why?”
“W-…Why?! Thel, I haven’t seen you in ages,” you angrily laughed and felt a wave of emotion welling in your throat making it difficult to meet his eyes. “I missed you and I did miss your return because I was busy preparing for the banquet hoping that I could spend the night with you. Chatting, drinking, dancing, or finding a secluded spot away from everyone. I miss you, and I know you miss me too. So come, please.”
You missed him. You missed him. You wanted to spend time with him alone. No better words were spoken from your lips to convince him to stay away. A moment the doors of opportunity opened; this time he was not ignoring it.
Clutching the envelope firmly between his fingers, he smiled. Gingerly nodding his head before breaking into it vigorously, he gave you a look of affection he could not resist. “I’ll be there in my finest wear.”
“Lovely!” you beamed and stared into his eyes. The tears were still brimming your lashes, only in smaller quantities which was less of an issue now that the problem was resolved. “And perhaps you can recite the confession you gave to Egalmoth earlier at the banquet, I’d love to hear it once more, in private.”
Understanding the meaning behind your words, he gave a gentle, yet stiff nod. “Of course,” he breathed with a look of anxiety. “Of course, a confession for you.”
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @sakurayaxd @involuntaryspasms @mcwentfandomtraveling @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster
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I would love to request a dominate NSFW one shot with Finrod and Thranduil with a fem human reader. Like maybe Finrod comes back like Glorfindel did and he settles in Mirkwood or something.
I hope this serves. And thank you for the idea of Finrod in Mirkwood. This has given me inspiration for fics involving Finrod and Mirkwood.
"Shared pleasures”
Pairing: Finrod x Thranduil x Fem. Reader (Human / Second Person POV)
Themes: Smut (Lemon)
Warnings: Kissing | Dom (Thranduil & Finrod) and Sub (reader) aspects | Explicit language | Breath play | Orgasm denial | Praise Kink | Breeding Kink | Size kink | Penetrative sex  | Rough Sex | Oral (fem. receiving | male receiving) | Cream pie
Wordcount: 1.3k words
Summary: You accept Thranduil and Finrod’s offer to spend the night with them.
Rating: 🔥🔥🔥 Minors DNI | 18+
Rules and tag form here.  
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It was a night of many dark and wanton acts. 
"Such a sweet songbird, is she not?" Thranduil glanced at his companion, a golden-haired elf living in Mirkwood for nearly half a year. 
"She most certainly is." Finrod, the elf spoken of in stories and legends, agreed. "Perhaps we should get her to sing a little more."
The Elvenking's lips possessed yours before you could even speak. It was a slow, languorous kiss, one that was filled with sweet promises. A hand gripped your chin, pulling you the other way. The kiss that followed was more teeth and tongue. The grip on your chin tightened. It was Finrod. You opened your eyes and found a pair of burning blue orbs staring right back at you, as if wanting to devour you. 
Finrod had been tainted by the beast he slew with his bare hands and teeth at Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Its blood left a mark he had to bear during his return to Middle-earth. Only when he returned to Valinor for all time would this taint be removed. He pulled away, the light in his eyes dimming a little. He did not want to go too far and hurt you. 
"Go on, little bird," he urged, "attend the king."
You turned to the king, anticipation coursing through your veins. Thranduil's kiss was soft and gentle, one that invited submission. Sinful lips that tasted of honey and wine opened over yours. You sighed and slipped your arms around his shoulders, whimpering when he palmed the soft swell of your breasts. He teased, gently at first, before pressing harder and harder. 
Soft, ragged gasps made him groan. He dipped his head, eager to taste. The sensation of his tongue along the expanse of your skin made you cry wantonly and arch into him. Finrod was intoxicated by the sound.  
"You are a little songbird," He cooed, watching and listening, stroking himself, eager for his turn. When Thranduil moved lower, leaving a damp trail all over your body, he took his chance and kissed you again.
His was a kiss that demanded submission instead of merely asking for it. It was violent and bruising and left you wanting for air. Finrod wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing gently every few moments. The pleasure of it all—him controlling your every breath and Thranduil’s lips settling over your clit was too much. You moaned again, deeply, and repeatedly. Thranduil pushed his tongue deep inside, fucking you with it one moment, then running it flat against your slit another moment. You could barely think. Your nails dug into the sheets, threatening to rip into them when jolts of pleasure licked up your spine. You were close, so very close. You could hear Thranduil’s grunts now. He rested his arm over your belly to stop you from squirming. He feasted on the warmth of your flesh and the sweetness that spilled onto his lips and tongue. It was slow and sensual, just as you would expect it to be. Your hands released their deathlike grip on the sheets and glided over silver-gold hair. Thranduil moaned when he felt the tips of your fingers grazing his scalp.
"I could spend all day like between your legs," he whispered, his eyes flicking up to yours. "Truly, little bird. I cannot get enough of how wonderful you taste."
He eagerly dipped again, bringing you closer and closer with each flick of his tongue. But Thranduil was in no rush. As soon as you began to tremble, your babbles peppering the air, he pulled away with parting kisses to the insides of your thighs.
The sensation of being brought so close and then denied was overwhelming. You were given no moment to gather yourself. Finrod moved over you, taking over where Thranduil left off.
"Spread those legs," he ordered. "And keep your eyes on me."
You did as he commanded. His eyes burned bright when your arms held onto his back and your legs rested over his hips.
 There would be no tenderness with him, not when the mark of the beast reared its head and overtook him. Finrod’s lips captured yours in a heated frenzy. He growled softly when your nails dug into his flesh. It undid him, and he dove into your core without warning, filling you up completely.
"You were made for me," he hissed while thrusting. "You were made for us. Say it, little bird." 
You willingly echoed his words. "I am made for you… the both of you."
Finrod chuckled wickedly. Thranduil pulled you in for a kiss. His lips and tongue still tasted of you. Finrod pulled out of you and flipped you onto your stomach, making it all the easier. He lifted your hips and took you from behind, moaning with delight when your cunt clenched around his cock. You propped yourself on your elbows, whimpering every time he pulled his hips back and pushed in, when he grabbed onto your hand and gently pulled on it so he could go deeper. He was big. So big. Pain mingled with pleasure every time he sheathed his cock in your cunt.
"There my lord," you mewled when he found that place that gave you unimaginable pleasure. "Right there my lord... oh my stars!" 
Thranduil pulled you up until you were on your hands and knees. He wanted to do more than just watch. 
"Open that pretty little mouth; I want to fuck it." He caressed your cheek with one hand, holding it firmly while he guided his cock into your open mouth. When he moaned, "You are such a pleasure to use," shivers went down your spine.
This was what you wanted—all of what you wanted. Thranduil and Finrod made it plain over supper that they intended to ruin you this night; all you had to do was say the word, and they would see to the rest. You had caught their eye while serving them, and they wished to know more of you. Whatever you wanted them to do, they would do. It thrilled you. Having two high elven lords ask you, a mortal no less, to share pleasures with them was something you had never even dreamed of. You agreed to their terms. When you did not care for something, all you had to do was say it, and they stopped without complaint. And now…
Now you did not want either of them to stop.
Finrod’s nails dug into your skin. He wanted to fill you with his seed. It was all he could think of the entire time. He went deeper and harder and faster, growing drunk on skin slapping against skin. His muscles coiled. Sweet tension grew in his belly as need whipped at him like new coils. One hard thrust and that sweet tension snapped. Finrod grunted when his orgasm ripped through him. He continued fucking you until your own release overcame you, groaning every time he felt your cunt milk his cock.
Thranduil was just as relentless. He relished the feel of your lips around his cock and your tongue running along his shaft. He felt the tension building within him. He was close. He wanted nothing more than to spill his seed in your mouth. He pulled on your hair and threw his head back, mouth open in a half-moan, half-whimper. Warmth washed over your tongue when he came.
"Swallow," he ordered, his voice thick and hoarse. "Good, little bird."
You felt strangely empty when they pulled out of you and laid you in bed. Your body was still humming when Finrod rested against you, his nose buried in your hair. You could only sigh dreamily when he mumbled sweet praises in your ear. He told how proud he was of you, praised you for listening and doing all that was asked of you. Thranduil left the bed and brought you water, whispering soothing words while you drank. He joined the two of you not long after.
They asked you to join them again the next night, the night after that, and the night after that. You had only one answer. Yes. 
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septimaseverinaficrec · 9 months
Info & Quick Access
This blog is my fan fiction rec blog. None of these stories are mine. I DO NOT OWN AND WRITE ANY. Canon Male Characters x F!Readers and some GN!Readers. Because I want to escape from real, mad and chaotic world for a while with my blorbo.
All of them are rated G -> E (Mixed). Please consume with responsiblity.
Below 17 DNI please.
Game of Thrones | House of the Dragon
Oberyn Martell
Daemon Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Star Wars
Cassian Andor
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Din Djarin
Tolkien Elves
Mirkwood Elves
Legolas | Thranduil
House of Feänor
Feänor | Maedhros | Maglor
Finrod | Glorfindel | Ecthelion | TROP!Elrond
Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'ahad
Ezio Auditore
Arno Dorian
Jacob Frye
Emperor Cleon (Apple TV Foundation)
Thomas Shelby
Luca Changretta
David Tennant's Characters
10th Doctor | 14th Doctor
Alec Hardy
Tom Sturridge's Charaters
Dream of the Endless
Jake (Bittersweet)
Nicholas Hoult's Characters
Robert Montague Renfield
Tom Hiddleston's Characters
Loki Laufeyson
Prince Hal/Henry V
Thomas Sharpe
James Nicholls
Robert Laing
Jonathan Pine
Will Ransome
James Conrad
Orlando Bloom's Characters
Paris of Troy
Timothee Chalamet's Characters
Willy Wonka
Prince Hal/Henry V
Pedro Pascal Characters
Javi Gutierrez
Dieter Bravo
Javier Peña
Joel Miller
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Sherlock Holmes (BC)
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How would yandere Maedhros and Glorfindel react if their darling went insane?
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How would Yandere Maedhros react if their darling went insane?
The thing that caused you to finally snap was the aftermath of one of Maedhros ‘punishments. It was a particularly harsh one and Maedhros had been so caught up in his own emotions that he had forgotten to ground you with aftercare. It would help to bring you back to reality and keep you stable but without it…Something in you shattered. Visions of things that weren’t truly there terrorised you as you lay paralysed on the bed. You sobbed in fear and your body shook violently! It was like you couldn’t breathe! YOU COULDN’T BREATHE!
And then suddenly…Everything went quiet. There were no more terrors, no more of anything really. In a desperate attempt to protect you, your mind had completely shut down, leaving nothing but an empty shell in its place.
When Maedhros returns after his temper cooled down, he tries to get your attention by calling your name. He thinks you're ignoring him when you don’t reply, so he tries again…And again…And again… Eventually he tires of you not replying and shouts “Why won't you look at me!?”
But there is no reaction. Not even a flinch, that’s when it hits him. There is something badly wrong…
He consults all the healers he can, but they all give the same answer. You’re broken. He simply went too far.
He knows that he should be horrified by the state he put you in…but he can’t bring himself to…You used to misbehave so much and now you are just such a well-behaved darling…He can’t lie to himself…He likes you like this.
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Glorfindel pushed his darling over the edge by keeping them locked in a room for much too long, and without any contact from anyone else. The only times you saw anything even close to a person was when Glorfindel’s hand placed food through the cracked door before slamming it shut once more. All that time on your own with no one else…Your mind started to echo itself. You started to hear voices…Voices that told you to hurt Glorfindel.
At first, you desperately tried to ignore such terrible thoughts, you couldn’t hurt him! But the longer you were left alone, the more appealing the idea became…After all…Why shouldn’t your hurt him? He's left you all alone for so long, you wanted him to know how terrible it had made you feel.
So, you waited until the next time Glorfindel brought you your meal, sitting silently like a predator waiting for its prey. The door opened and you lunged! You didn’t even think, didn’t listen, didn’t care, all you wanted was to make Glorfindel hurt!
But it wasn’t Glorfindel that had opened the door…
Lindir’s corpse lay unmoving, and his face still held the look of terror he had when you had plunged the knife into his chest. His eyes stared into yours, but there was nothing behind them. Just a cold hard stare.
You stood in horror…You had just killed your best friend…He must have come to see you, after all, he was the only true friend you had in this wretched place and now he was gone…He was dead because of you!
“Oh god… what have I done?... WHAT HAVE I DONE!?”
Little did you know, Glorfindel knew you were planning an attack and had sent Lindir in as bait...And he killed two birds with one stone! He got rid of that pesky steward and he had finally broken you! What a wonderful ending!
He couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face when you turned to look at him, hands covered in Lindir's blood with a look of horror on your face... The look of desperation. The look in your eyes told him that you knew that you would have to rely on Glorfindel's help.
And that's exactly how he wanted it.
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broken-ghost · 2 years
Inbox is Open for Requests! 
I typically write female reader out of habit so if you would prefer gender neutral or male reader please specify and you got it !
Fluff, Angst, Smut, I’m open for anything.
All requests welcome but if you are looking for prompts here’s the Latest Prompt List: First Kiss Prompts
Fandoms/Characters I write for:
Stranger Things: Jim Hopper, Dmitri Antonov, Joyce Byers, Murray Bauman, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, Alexei Smirnoff
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit: Thorin, Thranduil, Legolas, Elrond, Boromir, Kili, Fili, Bofur, Aragorn, Celeborn, Bilbo, Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir, Eowyn, Arwen
Obey Me!: Lucifer, Diavolo, Mammon, Beelzabub
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul: Hank Schrader, Lalo Salamanca, Nacho Vargo, Jesse Pinkman, Howard Hamlin, Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman
Game of Thrones: Jamie Lannister, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Jorah Mormont, Sandor Clegane, Tormund Giantsbane, Stannis Baratheon, Bronn of the Blackwater, Gendry Baratheon, Jaqen H'ghar (This is the only fandom I’m open to writing character x character pairings in so feel free to send those as well)
The Boys: Homelander, Queen Maeve, Billy Butcher, Soldier Boy, Mother’s Milk, Frenchie
Squid Game: Seong Gi-hun, Cho Sang-woo, Hwang Jun-ho, Sae-byeok, Jang Deok-su, Salesman, Front Man
The Hollows/Rachel Morgan Series: Trent Kalamack, Rachel Morgan, Ivy Tamwood, Algaliarept “Al”, Rynn Cormel, Stanley Saladan, Kisten Felps, David Hue
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 2 years
Take these Broken Wings and learn how to fly
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EPKUHRL
by aeonianarchives
Reader is a son of Fëanor but did not swear the oath, and somehow survived till the third age, and is reunited with there friend from Gondolin, but he wants him to be more than a friend, this is slightly inspired by animatorwierdo’s Imagine being one of the sons of Feanor, but not swearing the oath.
Words: 3094, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Glorfindel (Tolkien), Fëanor | Curufinwë, Sons of Fëanor, Erestor (Tolkien), Gildor Inglorion, Maedhros | Maitimo, Galadriel | Artanis, Caranthir | Morifinwë, Elrond Peredhel, Fingolfin | Ñolofinwë, Thranduil (Tolkien), Turgon of Gondolin
Relationships: Glorfindel x Male!Reader, Erestor/Gildor Inglorion
Additional Tags: Rivendell | Imladris, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EPKUHRL
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Request Rules
•Smut??: I have yet to write smut before, but I am willing to try writing some spicier content if y'all can bear with me
•Be Specific: I’m happy if you want to see more of an x reader pairing, but if you are requesting please give me a general idea of where you would like this to go. Otherwise I’ll make my own choices, and I’d rather it be something you want!
• Pairings: I currently only write x readers. I will write female, neutral, and male readers (if you don’t specify in your request I will make it gender neutral) I will also do platonic and romantic pairings as well :)
Who I Will Write For:
Thank you!
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ladylouoflothlorien · 6 years
Unexpected Destiny #2
Dwalin x Female!Reader
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2110 words
Woah, part two posted in the same week as part one? Who is she I don’t know her. Anyway, here is part two for those of you who seemed to really enjoy this when I posted part one. I’ve got terrible great things planned for the rest of this fic. One final thing before you go on to read so you’re not confused, don’t worry, Dwalin’s conversation with Gandalf will be delivered to you in juicy detail in part 3. Enjoy!
Somehow they’d ended up at Rivendell, much to the chagrin of both the dwarves and [y/n], who had wished to never set eyes upon that place again. When Elrond had first greeted the dwarves, she’d ducked down in the centre of the dwarves and hidden so that he could not see her face, and though the elf had known exactly who she was without being able to see, he’d been kind enough to pretend he hadn’t and that he thought the odd behaviour was a product of the dwarves being overly protective of females.
Whilst the company was settling at Rivendell and the elves left them alone for a bit, [y/n] began to make an effort to get to know the company, though she found herself stubbornly sticking close to Gandalf as often as she could. Consequently, Dwalin had been given little opportunity to ask Gandalf any of the multiple questions swirling around in his brain. Most importantly, he had two main questions that he wanted answers to.
First, why had he felt some kind of reaction when he’d touched the casket’s lid but none of the other dwarves had the same reaction? Second, why did he feel a certain pull towards this human? Although Dwalin wasn’t entirely sure if the second question should really be asked or whether that was something more personal that he should really figure out for himself.
In any case, the first of the two questions continued to bother him more and more as time passed, and Dwalin was determined to get [y/n] away from Gandalf for long enough to interrogate the frustrating wizard.
In order to do this, Dwalin enlisted the help of two of the most mischievous dwarves… the young princes, Fili and Kili. In truth, he threatened them into helping him get [y/n] away from the wizard, but past that he’d left it up to the two young dwarves to come up with exactly how they were going to do that.
[Y/n] had point-blank refused to attend the dinner the elves were hosting for them that night; she still wasn’t ready to face Elrond and any of the other elves who would recognise her. After realising that this was an occasion when [y/n]’s stubbornness would not be out-matched – even by a dwarf – the dwarves all swore to sneak food into various pockets to bring her back enough for a proper meal.
“No member of my company will go without a proper meal.” Thorin’s words were eagerly echoed by the rest of the company, including one extremely insistent hobbit (although given the meal of rabbit food they were about to be served, they’d soon think that none of them were going to get a ‘proper’ meal whilst they were staying with the elves.)
As the company - minus [y/n] – made their way towards where they would be eating, Dwalin couldn’t help but feel a tiny thrill of excitement. This dinner could give him the perfect opportunity to quiz Gandalf without [y/n] being present. Maybe he wouldn’t need the young princes and their ridiculous schemes to distract [y/n] after all. Imagine his disappointment when Gandalf wasn’t even sat at the same table as him. He still enjoyed the dinner, all of the company did. What with the terrible food and their knowledge of the elves’ treatment of [y/n], they tried their best to be as rowdy and disruptive as possible.
Dwalin hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Gandalf at the dinner due to their seating arrangements – yet another reason to dislike the elves – but this unfortunately meant that he now had to rely on the childish schemes of Fili and Kili to get [y/n] away from Gandalf.
Being as they were, in Rivendell, the two princes had to hash out a rather crude plan… or at least they thought they had to. That was until they were discovered scheming by two very special elves – Elladan and Elrohir. The two dwarves were instantly on their guard, naturally. They’d been taught to hate elves since birth, and this had only been reinforced by hearing [y/n]’s story. Despite this, there was a certain energy coming from the two male elves that they related to.
“What are you two doing?” One of the elves asked, only for both Fili and Kili to shoot back at the same time. “Who are you?!”
The response that they received was so startlingly like the way they themselves usually greeted strangers that it almost made their beards fall off.
“Elladan and Elrohir at your service, young dwarf masters.” Though their bows were more graceful and less energetic than the bows that Fili and Kili usually blessed people with, they were still completely synchronised. The two dwarves blinked, looked at each other, then back to the elves before rising to give their own greeting.
Something about [y/n] that should, perhaps, have been mentioned earlier was the fact that she really didn’t like to dress like a lady. There was something about the way that women were treated by most males in middle earth that just got on her last nerve. Sure, there was a level of respect that was nice and she didn’t have to worry about her ‘honour’ when she was around males for the most part, but still, being treated like a delicate flower all the time was pretty annoying. Especially when she’d been taught how to fight by Glorfindel himself.
To try and distance herself from this treatment, [y/n] had taken to wearing what was considered ‘mens clothing’. To the credit of the dwarves, so far they hadn’t treated her any different to how they treated the hobbit, and so [y/n] was satisfied that the way they treated her was more to do with their (mistaken) belief that she didn’t know how to protect herself than her gender. Then again, she’d been put into that casket in her usual get-up of mens clothing and [y/n] believed that it was entirely possible they hadn’t really registered that she was a woman yet.
Why is this information necessary now? I’ll tell you, because this information is necessary to understand the prank that the dwarf brothers and the elf twins had come up with.
[Y/n] couldn’t cling to Gandalf forever – she needed to bathe after all. This could have given Dwalin the opportunity he needed, except [y/n] always bathed extremely quickly and the topics Dwalin wanted to discuss seemed sensitive enough that the thought of having [y/n] burst in during the discussion turned the warrior’s ears pink. So when [y/n] went off to bathe Fili and Kili sprang up and followed after her sneakily, nodding to Dwalin, who got up to talk to Gandalf as soon as [y/n] was fully out of sight.
When Fili and Kili found the room where [y/n] was bathing, they found the two elves they’d sort of befriended already waiting outside for them.
One of the elves – Elladan – handed a bundle of clothes to Kili, whilst Elrohir offered an explanation.
“This belonged to [y/n] when she lived here, so we know it’ll fit.” The two elves laughed quietly, trying to keep their voices down so as to not alert the woman bathing behind the door they were all standing in front of.
The dwarven princes had a look of confusion etched onto their faces that was almost enough to make the elves laugh still more, but they managed to contain themselves. This time, Elladan was the one to explain.
“This dress is the only one left. Lord Elrond kept trying to convince [y/n] to wear her dresses – at least for dinners and special occasions – and he kept replacing her clothes with dresses whilst she was sleeping. In retaliation, [y/n] piled all her dresses up in the courtyard and set them on fire. This dress only survived because it was away being altered.” By the end, both Fili and Kili were grinning widely.
“From the little we know of her, that does sound like something she’d do.” Fili managed to get out through this own half-silent chuckles.
“Enough now.” Elladan quickly hushed everyone. “You haven’t got much time, go now, and hurry!”
As the two dwarves opened the door to the room, Elladan and Elrohir skedaddled, knowing that there would be dire consequences from this little prank and they didn’t want to be caught up in [y/n]’s inevitable anger.
As they crept into the room, the dwarves were relieved to find that [y/n] was facing away from them, and that her pile of clothes was within reach. Fili made a grab towards the pile and at the same time Kili put the folded dress down. The two princes bolted, barely having the presence of mind to try and close the door quietly. They knew they didn’t have long before they were discovered.
[Y/n]’s eyes snapped open. She’d accidentally fallen asleep in the middle of her bath, and now she’d woken up with a strong feeling that something wasn’t quite right. She got out of the bath and dried herself off with the towel provided. It felt strange being back in Rivendell knowing it’d been hundreds of years since she’d been there but it felt like mere hours. It was only when [y/n] went to dress herself that she realised what was wrong specifically.
Fili and Kili had made their way back to the common room where the rest of the dwarves were, gaining a concerned look from Dwalin who was still having hushed conversation with Gandalf in a far corner. The princes merely gave him a thumbs up and mouthed at him to continue.
Moments later, [y/n] came rushing into the common room wearing the very same dress that had been left for her – she couldn’t just run around the place totally naked now could she? Her eyes focused on the two dwarves who she thought were capable of doing such a thing, and not to her surprise Fili was still holding an incriminating pile of clothes on his lap. The two princes instantly sprang to their feet and ran off, though Fili still clutched to the bundle of clothes like his life depended on it.
[Y/n] dashed across the room and hurried after them. The members of the company remaining in the room all laughed and shook their heads before returning to what they were doing before. Well, all except Dwalin, who had been left with a very confusing mix of emotions, and it had taken Gandalf several minutes to snap the warrior back to reality so that they could continue their discussion.
[Y/n] chased Fili and Kili for almost half an hour before the two of them accidentally ran head first into a wall. Kili woke up to see his brother’s body being pulled in all sorts of directions and it looked absolutely back breaking. Kili tried to move but found that his wrists and ankles were bound.
“What are you??”
“I’m Sorry, I’m Sorry!” Fili yelled back, desperately trying to squirm away and failing miserably.
Kili, realising he was next, started yelling that he was sorry as well. [Y/n] paused, holding Fili in a fixed position to look over at Kili.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of this.” She raised her hand and dramatically pointed an accusatory finger at the younger dwarf. “Sorry isn’t gonna help you when I kick your ass!!!”
When you marched the princes back to the common room almost an hour later you were dressed once again in your regular clothes, whilst Fili and Kili were stuffed into incredibly ill-fitting elvish dresses. They were sore and felt ridiculous, but they were already formulating a plan to get some type of reward from Dwalin for their suffering.
[Y/n] just looked smug as she dropped herself beside Bilbo and effortlessly slid back into the conversation she’d been having with him before she’d gone to bathe as if nothing had happened.
Dwalin, who had finished his conversation with Gandalf by that point, couldn’t pretend that the manner of the princes’ return didn’t amuse him, though he did feel a tiny bit sorry for them. The other dwarves found it hilarious, and they began badgering Fili and Kili into telling them what happened and eventually, two very grumpy and very uncomfortable young dwarves recalled the events for the rest of the company to hear. All of them went to sleep that night with their cheeks aching from laughter. Dwalin had, of course, also been highly amused when he’d heard the particulars, though he’d found himself more impressed by [y/n]’s display of stamina and strength.
“That’s my kind of woman.” He thought to himself just as he was settling down for the night. Wait… what?!
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doodle-pops · 1 year
A Hymn For Eternity
Elrohir x reader x Glorfindel
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Request: hi mina~! I’m excited I got to make it to your requests open, i hope your doing well 🥰 If you’re ok with trying it: may I request a poly Glorfindel x male!reader x Elrohir pretty please c: if you need more details it could be how they all go about this since I doubt it normal for elves like it can be for humans or what the relationship is like? whatever catches you’re fancy thank you sm for trying this out - @dicksoutformtl
A/N: This was my first time attempting to write poly, so I hope I captured the moment well. I went for reader and their lovers stepping out into public for the first time since they all started courting. Also, searching for a suitable gif is hard 😭.
Word: 1.8k
Warning: none but fluff, polygamy, curious elves
Synopsis: Since the forming of your love for the two beloved Lords of Imladris, this was the first time stepping into the public's eye and facing your greatest fear.
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Sitting at the windowsill, you watched the passing couples merrily flaunting about the streets of Imladris with bouquets of flowers, roses and gardenias, in their arms and in their hair. Some would sneakily tease a kiss here and there on each other’s cheeks or lips or one or two of them would vanish behind the hedge of bush, only to stumble out with their clothes rumpled. The sight prompted a wide smile to plaster your face, even going as far as making you cover it behind your flowy robe. Observing the other couples stumbling through the streets celebrating their day of love for one another filled you with joy, but uneasiness since it was also unusual for couples to come in threes.
The day you were proposed to by Glorfindel, followed by the young Lord of Imladris, Elrohir, your entire relationship with them had been filled with nothing but passion and unconditional love. But there was also mysteriousness behind the love you shared. Every meeting was filled with hush-hush silence behind closed doors and vacant premises to avoid the supposed judgemental stares you believed the public would cast your way. It was typically common among your race of humans to engage in polygamy, but not for the elves, or so you thought. You had yet to believe that the elves were conforming to such taboo culture since they were so hellbent on loving one person all their lives. Then Glorfindel and Elrohir walked in.
Still waiting for Glorfindel’s arrival, you could hear the shuffling of Elrohir in the background trying on different coloured robes, wanting nothing more than to match his two lovers on this festive occasion. Caught looking at the constant rustling and the couples on the street, you swivelled your head to catch a glimpse of him holding up a green and blue robe which both matched his cream and brown tunic and trousers.
“Wear the green one,” you commented, breaking into a grin at his pout. It would appear that he wished to wear blue. “It would match well with Glorfindel’s gold.”
Giving a deep hum, he lifted the green robe once more and inspected the material before darting his eyes over to you and nodding. “Green it is then. Time to look like a plant,” he sighed.
Responding with a laugh, you shook your head lightly and returned to the window to continue gazing at couples. Surprisingly, you managed to spot a familiar mop of golden curls weaving through the crowd with two bouquets of flowers, one was lilies and the other was celandines. On his face, he sported a dazzling grin while greeting all the lovely summer couples about the place before snapping his head up to catch your longing gaze. You couldn’t help but give a timid wave to him before watching him return a slight bow and disappear through the archway. His gaze left an eager thump in your heart, knowing that he was about to walk through your door and greet you heart-warmingly.
“Glorfindel is here,” you informed, not turning your head away from the window. You could sense his approaching footsteps, and it wasn’t long before you heard the soft knock followed by the muffled call of your name.
Hopping off the chair, you raised your hand to stop Elrohir and bound for the door. Twisting the knob with enthusiasm, you pulled the wooden door open and marvelled at the stature of your elven Lord before you. To say that he was a work of art was the most creative yet simplest description to define him — you weren’t sure if there were any possible descriptions invented to define them both. Casting a beam at him, you stepped aside and allowed him to enter, noticing the way his eyes lit up upon the sight of Elrohir. Taking a short moment to break eye contact with him, Glorfindel leaned down to peck your lips before strolling across the room to greet his young Lord.
At the sight of Elrohir receiving more attention than you, there was a ting of playful jealousy. “Well, that’s not fair. You see Elrohir more than you see me, and you give him more affection,” you pouted. You stood before the door with your arms folded across your chest and huffed while the two males grinned and snorted at your jealousy.
It was Elrohir who broke away from Glorfindel’s embrace and strolled over your sullen figure, playfully poking your cheeks for you to smile. “Aw, come on now. You know at the end of the day; you’re going to be the one wrapped up in his arms while I sulk on the side.”
“Well, no one told you that you couldn’t cuddle with us, my Lord,” came the smooth voice of Glorfindel. He stood beside Elrohir, fixing the collars of his robes and straightening out the wrinkles. Ignoring his whines and complaints, he continued his mother-hen behaviour before turning to face you and repeating. Once completed, two bouquets of flowers were passed to you both. You were the luckier of the two to receive the celandines, while Elrohir received the lilies.
You were beyond nervous, gripping the arms of your lovers like a wild animal refusing to release its prey. It was the first time you were stepping out into public with both lovers on your arm since their confession. No one had ever seen you with either of the Lords fraternising in public, solely to prevent any words from spreading before your moment of reveal. Many things were expected, like the stares of many when either Lord chose to swoop down and bestow a kiss to your cheek like you had seen earlier, or even the lips for the cheeker of the two. You also expected the whispering.
As much as you were attempting to block them out, some still filtered in and earned tight squeezes to the Lord's biceps. None were vicious or vile, they were filled with more curiosity as two lovers were never seen among their kind to one. They never believed that it was possible to love more than one, but here many of Lord’s Glorfindel house and Elrond were witnessing this strange interaction.
Busying looking at the bouquets of flowers at the vendor with Elrohir, Glorfindel had departed to get some treats for you three to munch on while sitting on the hill, you felt a small tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you were met with the shining eyes of a young lady holding up three flower crowns in her hand. “Might I give these to you…so you can pass them on to your…um, lovers?”
Fumbling with your words, you managed to return a broken smile. “Um…yes! Thank you for the flowers, and uh — yes, the Lords are my lovers,” you nervously responded. Reaching for the flowers, she easily passed the crowns to you before standing with her hands folded behind her back. You could tell that she wanted to inquire another question but wasn’t sure how to without probably believing you would consider her snooping.
Passing on the crowns to Elrohir who eagerly accepted, not without planning a kiss on your cheek and standing aside to observe as you dealt with the question, you turned once again to meet the young lady. “Uh, is everything alright?” you quizzed.
“I-I…I’m sorry if I sound nosy, but…what is it like to have two lovers? I mean, I’ve heard of it in mortal customs but rarely among the elves.”
Before you could reply, there was the unmistakable sound of jovial laughter trekking your way. To your left, Glorfindel came bounding with a tray of cherry wine and baked goodies, along with dozens of flower crowns thrown all over him. He came spreading his mirth which washed away any ounce of jitters you had buried deep within on this day. That was the beauty of your relationship; Elrohir brought stability and a ting of maturity and Glorfindel brought joyous laughter, calmness and experience. They were the perfect pair you could have asked for and was more than relieved when they were open to polygamy.
“You two haven’t left the florist — are they bothering you my Lady?” he jested.
Shaking his head at the teasing only one person in the world was capable of doing so effortlessly, Elrohir shushed his lover and pried the tray from his head, nodding his head at you and the young Lady. He wanted to hear your response and witness if you were brave enough to proudly praise the wonderful relationship you beautifully shared with them.
“Well…I would say that…loving two people at the same time is miraculous but chaotic, especially when one of them is Lord Glorfindel,” you giggled, ignoring the gasp from the mop of golden curls in the background, “but it’s beautiful. It’s like receiving two different types of love and being smothered at the same time. The ability to love so deeply and give your heart while receiving, it’s unlike anything in the world.” Your face felt like it was about to split in half from how hard you were smiling. Aside from Lord Elrond, Elladan and the other workers around the estate you both dwelt, this was the most positive feedback you had ever received.
The face of the young woman appeared to soften as she listened to your explanation. “That sounds nice. I do wish you and the Lord a good day and blessings upon your love for each other. Thank you,” she cheered and departed with a hand over her chest towards you three.
Watching as she departed with a light skip in her step, your heart was erratically beating against your chest, but soaring above the clouds. It was the first step in dealing with the public.
“Loving us is beautiful, meleth-nîn?” came the awed voice of Glorfindel. His lips hovered near the shell of your ear with his charismatic smile brimming from ear to ear.
Nodding your head before swivelling around to face him, your eyes softened when you saw Elrohir standing at his side, still holding the tray of goodies and more flower crowns. “Loving the both of you is beautiful, it’s a chaotic beautiful challenge, and I couldn’t ask for better.” Lifting your arms to his head, you placed the flower crown that was designed for him on his golden tresses and followed with a kiss on his cheek. “Now we all look like a couple; matching crowns!”
“Yes we do,” replied Elrohir, stepping closer and nudging Glorfindel and you to take link arms with him. “Now, why don’t we all leave to enjoy the fireworks on the hill, I’m not fond of missing the show, and you two can once again cuddle without me like you normally do.”
“You know I’ve told you meleth, you are welcome to join us,” sassed Glorfindel.
While he was busy rambling on about how easy it was for Elrohir to join you when cuddling, you felt the pensive stare of the younger Lord gazing at you. "How are you feeling?"
Opening your mouth to respond, your heart was leaping out of your chest at the exhilarating sensating tingling through your veins. You thought there would be negative feedback, even after Elrohir told you that no one would dare say a thing about your love for them. But now you knew, you get through this as easy as breathing. “I was feeling jittery, but now I feel like I can do this. I feel a bit more confident!”
Giving a gentle squeeze to your arm, you felt his body relax at your words. Even Glorfindel's chatting beside you ceased as he listened to your confidence boosting.
“Well, we can all relax and enjoy the fireworks since we got this all sorted out. A little reward for bravely stepping out!”
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @hoshinokurasa @floraroselaughter @singleteapot @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @ilu-stripes @justellie17 @justjane @bunson-burner
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Can I Request for the Reader or Egalmoth whichever you feel with more comfortable writing, to do Duilins hair and put a swallow feather in (so that is the reason for Duilin to always have a swallow feather in his hair)
How about Duilin x Egalmoth x Reader does that work for you because imma do it for you
The Swallow & The Magpie
Summery: Anon Request + Egalmoth getting a Magpie feather in his hair
Pairing: Duilin x Egalmoth x Reader
Warnings: Non
Reader Pronouns: He/They
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you chuckled at the two archers as Egalmoth tried to catch Duilin for you "Come on humor him Duilin" Egalmoth said missing the other lord.
"I am not putting a dirty bird feather in my hair" Duilin said
"Come on you'll like cute" you chimed in
"I do not want to look cute, Y/n" Duilin said
"Thats disappointing then you must not exist you are always cute" Egalmoth said the lord of the house of the swallow huffed
"I do not know why my heart like either of you" Duilin said as you caught the fancy lord
"Egalmoth why don't you show him there is nothing to fear" you said straddling the lord
"I mean it's only fair" you said
"I will not have a magpie feather in my hair I am not a magpie you and your damn brother with the magpie nickname, i allowed it for so long but even this is to far, that feather is dirty, it will ruin my hair" Egalmoth said the lord kept complaining but you managed to tie it into the end of the lords braid the Lord shot up when you got off him and checked the mirror
"It suits me very well i will keep the dirty magpie feather in" Egalmoth said as you chuckled
"Your turn Duilin" you said turning to the lord only to realized he had in fact run away
"I did not expect to go on a wild goose chase after our Meleth just to put a feather in his hair" You said with a sigh and started out the door after Duilin, you soon ran into your brother
"Who are you looking for" Glorfindel questioned
"Duilin decided to run me and Egalmoth just wanted to put a feather in his hair" You said
"Duilin escaped to his house I saw him run in there a few minutes ago, want me to help" Glorfindel questioned you agreed to the help, your brother managed to catch Duilin as he caught him off guard
"I hate you Glorfindel, you said you needed to discuss something with me but instead you are working with your brother, i thought we are friends" Duilin said
"We are but, it's my brother, I can't say no to my brother" Glorfindel said
"Quite wining, it's not going to hurt you even the magpie got this 'dirt' in his hair, just humor me Meleth" You said the archer sighed but allowed you to.
ever since that day you noticed that Duilin had always tied the feather into his hair somewhere, at first you and Egalmoth had a fun game of guess were the feather is in Duilin's hair before he settled with having it in one spot.
"I told you he would like it eventually, it's a shame you didn't" you said to the magpie stood besides you.
Elvish Translation:
Meleth - Love
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Can't Help It I Want You
Glorfindel x reader
Kinktober 2022: Blowjob
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Request: "think you can warm me up" Reader x Glorfindel - anon
A/N: This was originally intended to be a cockwarming fic but I dunno why I changed it.
Warnings: fembod, blowjob, dirty talking, slight public sex
Word Count: 1.6k
Synopsis: The most popular activity at a ball was never dancing, it was getting on your knees for your favourite Lord and worshipping him.
Prompt: "think you can warm me up"
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If Glorfindel could come up with a proper word or words to describe the emotions that were flowing through his body that that given moment, he’d be lying on the grave of his fallen soldiers. Eyes closed and hands fisting the material of his robes, the golden threads on the hem were already shredded from his tugging. It was beyond difficult for the beloved Lord of the House of the Golden Flower, the most loved house of them all and Lord, to form some comprehensible coherent syllable.
Instead, all that escaped his throat were airy sights and broken sobs that echoed into the empty hallways of the King’s palace where anyone, servant, friend and brother included, could stumble upon the spectacular sight of their Lord and Lady engaging in such frivolous affairs. Some might think that their Lord was adventurous and daring, kinky and would attempt to have a night with him, but a certain other would attempt to swear and strangle the living daylight out of his corpse.
The gurgling echoed so easily off the walls of the corridors and wooden doors he was pressed against. His circlet was digging into his scalp as his head banged against the solid wood in the greatest attempt at swallowing his moans and groans because fuck, you were far beyond any dream or fantasy of his he could conjure. The quick work of your mouth and wrist on his cock, switching between his length and balls to fondle and wanting to grant him unlimited pleasure, your cheeks would hallow to take him deeply till he reached that back of your throat. You would keep him there, swallowing around him before pulling over to suck on just the tip, swirling your tongue around as if he was candy.
You would admit, he was sweet, a delectable, salted caramel that you wouldn’t mind having down your throat very often if only your brother would stop hovering nearby whenever you were around his friends. You had eyes for Glorfindel since your days in Valinor, always staring at the young handsome noble Lord that make eyes follow everywhere he went. Anyone would have questioned if he was a prince for his beauty was unmatched and rivalled many of the real princes of the House of Finwe. His soft rich silky golden curl, lusciously bouncing in the wind as he rode on his horse and chased his friend Ecthelion while you would still from a distance and just stare because you weren’t permitted to engage with him. You were a young Lady and were not ready to mingle with the males.
The main reason why you disliked your brother’s behaviour towards you was when it came to males asking for your hand in courtship. He took after your mother and believed that it was his right to prevent you from falling in love because no one was perfect for his baby sister. This obviously leads to the situation as of now, Lord Glorfindel’s perfect cock was buried down your throat and being pleasured by you, his best friend’s sister. For too long you’ve wanted him, and it was only a matter of time before you took control of your own plans in life.
Flashing your eyes up to gaze at him, his jaded eyes were shut, and his lips were mumbling mouthless mutters. It looked as if he was mumbling a prayer to the Valar because he felt as if his soul was being snatched by the gifted mouth of yours. Had he only known the vixen Ecthelion’s sister was capable of being, Glorfindel would not have wasted any time in taking you to bed, but he wasn’t going to let that opportunity pass after you were finished with him, a reward was necessary.
“Ay, is your mouth always this good kitten? Fuck, I could have called you to pleasure me when I was stressed – ah.” His voice waivered as he spoke when your lips attached themselves to his balls to suck. Taking one of his sacks into your mouth, you slipped it into your mouth to suck, tickling him with your tongue.
One of his hands that were forever stuck in his robes had finally moved to rest atop your head, not wanting to disrupt your hairstyle to raise suspicion. He was sure your brother was looking for you and the fact that he too was not around would ring the alarms in his head. But part of Glorfindel didn’t care, he was being pleasured far beyond any fantasy could conjure or his hand donned. This was a once-in-a-lifetime moment that he was not about to let slip through his fingers.
Bucking his hips into your mouth which caused you to gag, he opened his eyes to apologize and was met with yours gazing back at him with his cock still in your mouth. Your hand that was gripping his length stroked him off, swiping your thumb against his tip and then slapping his cock against your tongue. Flashing a doe-eyed look, crossing them, you stuck your tongue out for Glorfindel to get a good image of how you’d look if he were to ever fantasize fucking you after this. Feeling like he was in heaven by the grand treatment you were giving him, he couldn’t help but dip his head to meet your lips and bring you in for a filthy kiss.
Glorfindel was quick to draw your tongue out for him to play with, twirling and sucking on the delicate muscle, tasting himself off your lips. Locking lips with him brought butterflies to flutter in your cunt. It was the way his skilful tongue danced with yours that made you wonder if it was just as proficient when having to eat you out. His tongue danced professionally around yours, licking your wet cavern with delicate care as his free hand rose to wrap around your throat to cut off your air supply as the kiss escalated. Glorfindel was sucking at the air from your chest as though he had a dire need for it instead of you.
“If only your brother could see you like this, on your knees before me, with my cock down your throat. You like sucking my cock, don’t you princess?” he questioned you seductively as his hand still kept its hold around your throat. The other hand that was resting on your head travelled to grip your chin and tug your head to meet his dexterous gaze.
“Open your mouth wide for me princess, let me use you a bit to warm up so I can return the favour.” He commanded as he freed your chin to guide his leaking cock into your mouth, poking your cheeks with his tip and thrusting into your mouth.
It was then he allowed for all the pent-up moans he was withholding earlier to escape and rip through the hallways. His hold on your head as his hips pumped their way into your mouth was vicious, he refused to relinquish hold, not when your mouth was a gift from the Valar. Slacking your jaw and giving him access to plunge deeper and travel down your throat, he would slowly retract his cock and take his time to sink it down your throat so he could feel your throat muscle swallowing around him. The tightness was driving him insane, he almost felt like he was fucking your cunt.
Tears were pouring down your face and to Glorfindel, you looked beautiful as ever. He stared at your tear-stained cheeks, rosy and flushed with desire for him to claim you. Chanting your name like a prayer as his high was approaching, you were shocked as it fell from his lips. Your name. Your name he was singing like a prayer to the Valar for mercy to be released and flood your mouth with his cum. It sounded queer but bewitching. You wanted to hear more of your name escaping his gorgeous plump lips. You wanted to hear your name fall from his lips as he lost his mind from the pleasure you were giving him. You wanted your name to fall from his lips because of you.
In no time, his hips began to stutter as his orgasm was approaching. Grunting deeply with a cry of your name upon his lips, Glorfindel’s buried his length down your throat and spilt his release. No being a messy person and hating to destroy your fabulous gown, he would also love to see you swallowing his cum delightfully since you were a little minx, and he was blessed with the sight of you sputtering some of his cum from your mouth since not all were able to fit. Dribbles ran past the corners of your lips and streamed down your chin, and he observed as your fingers scooped it up and plopped it back into your mouth to savour his taste. The best part was that you held eye contact with him to make his knees buckle.
“I don’t think I can let you go so easily darling, there’s so much to do with you, but first you deserve a reward. I want to be between your legs. Inside now.” He commanded with great persuasion despite still being in the hallways with his cock sprung from his breeches.
“But my brother would be looking for me, I should return – ”
“ – Now you wish to be concerned about him? I said, get inside or no reward at all.”
That was all Glorfindel needed to command before you scrambled to your feet eagerly awaiting your return of pleasure.
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @welcometomordor @eunoiaastralwings @lilmelily @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin
Kinktober 🏷: @rain-on-my-umbrella @something-about-twilight @hoshinokurasa
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Don't Let Them Hear
Egalmoth x reader
Kinktober 2022: Best Friend Sibling AU/Sneaky Sex
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Request: “You make such pretty sounds, my love.” Egalmoth x Fem!Reader - anon
A/N: This was perhaps one of my favourite requests I got so far. I had fun writing this.
Warnings: fembod, best friend sibling AU/sneaky sex, feral Egalmoth, dirty talking, rough sex, tit sucking (squint to view), confession, soft Egalmoth, pillow talk
Word Count: 2.7k
Synopsis: Egalmoth can no longer stand to look at you from a distance, so when your brother invites him over one night, he makes the most of the opportunity.
Prompt: "You make such pretty sounds my love."
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“E-Egalmoth.” His hand slapped itself over your mouth to hide the melodious cries of his name as they fell past your luscious lips. He didn’t need your curious brother to overhear the chorus of symphonies being emitted from the guest room in his house. The series of sweaty skin slapping against each other, and the breathless sighs and groans were enough to alert any passers-by of the ongoing late-night activity in their guest bedroom.
“Hush princess, don’t want your brother to overhear us now, do you?” Egalmoth’s bluish-green eyes never left yours as his hips continued their motion, slapping aggressively against yours and driving his lengthy cock through your gummy walls. His sweaty palm was still resting over your mouth after having it intertwined with yours earlier.
Your eyes had widened at the question knowing that your brother’s room was only two rooms away from where you and Egalmoth were currently having your secret little rendezvous. The sound of the bed creaking and knocking against the wall were more than enough signs to wake him up but knowing how tired he was during this week of rounding meetings; he was knocked out cold. However, it didn’t stop the panic from rising within your chest and Egalmoth’s hips faltering as he felt your walls fluttering around his cock at the mention of being caught.
It was thrilling and death-defying because should Glorfindel catch Egalmoth fucking you in his own house, you weren’t exactly sure how the golden hair Lord would react. Egalmoth was the last person your brother believed you’d be in bed with. Ecthelion was always his number one choice of a suitor for you, and he thought that his stern and musically gifted friend would treat you like the goddess you were, but instead, you were about to disappoint him by sleeping with Egalmoth. The silver-haired male had watched you for far too long and had hoped that you’d cast your eyes upon him at least once and see the love he held in them for you, and that was precisely what happened tonight.
After Glorfindel's offer for Egalmoth to spend the night at his estate, you came strolling in, dressed in your finest nightgown that the Lady Idril had gifted you. Your nipples were perky from the chilliness of the night’s air blowing but you paid no attention to them as you walked into the living room and saw the feral glint in his eyes. The hunger for viewing as they roamed your silk-covered body made you feel naked. It didn’t take long for him to sandwich your body between him and the couch, peeling the straps of your body one by one to reveal your nipples to the night’s cold air before taking one into his mouth. The moan that ripped past your throat forced him to drag you back to his room to assess the situation.
“You like the idea of being caught, don’t you princess, fuck. I can feel you squeezing me.” He couldn’t help but laugh at the chokehold you were placing on his cock and the recognition of your brother catching you both. He knew his trust would be lost should his friend walk in and see how he had his sister open wide for his taking.
Your legs were pressed into your chest and dangled over Egalmoth’s shoulder as he folded you into the mattress. His free hand that was still holding your other hand released it to scramble to find a grip as his skin slipped and slid over yours. His fingers squeezed your thighs, giving the muscles a quick massage to ease the cramps he was purposefully donning. Digging into your flesh and leaving behind purple fingerprints, he wanted you to feel and see his imprints when he was finished with you. You would have a hard time explaining it to your brother whenever your handmaidens took notice, yet still, the thoughts were exhilarating.
Looking up at Egalmoth with starry eyes, tears streaming down your face from the onslaughter of pleasure he was giving your cunt and body, you nodded your head eagerly in response. His hand was still over your mouth muffling all the moans slipping past your lips. He didn’t like the idea of silencing them, he wanted to let them rip through the air and have everyone know that he was pleasuring you that good. Your cunt was already covered in two coating of cum from his earlier torture. He found it fun, in the beginning, to coat your folds with his release, loving the artistic approach to painting his canvas. No one would believe that the famously prestigious Lord Glorfindel’s little sister was capable of being defiled in the best ways possible.
“What would your brother say if he saw his little sister like this – legs over my shoulder and being fucked so good by my cock? Not so precious anymore.” His cynical and hauntingly humiliating words flowed eloquently from his dangerous lips.
You were the object of his desire, and he was proud to have you wrapped up in his arms and around his cock begging for more and crying out his name. Growing tired of muffling your moans with his hands, he retracted it and placed it on your other thigh, imprinting another fresh set of purple fingerprints into your plump flesh. The way your flesh moved under his thrusts and jiggled, his hands could not help but release them to don a sensational handprint to the same area, loving the motion.
“Look at you, who would have thought you were so devilish, ah fuck.” Throwing his head back to release a deep groan at the warm accommodation of your walls squeezing his cock once more, Egalmoth’s thrusting pace slowed. Bringing his head down to rest his forehead against yours, his eyes bored deeply into your lustful ones. The little twinkle and glossy distance look told him that you were far from the innocent little elleth that you displayed in public. Only he would ever get the pleasure of seeing you so beautiful in all your natural colours.
“Does that feel good baby? Yeah, look at the cock for me, just like that. Good girl.” Listening to your whimpering as his cock slowly sunk itself back into your heat, letting you feel his veins kissing your walls as he pushed himself all the way in and nestled against your cervix, he sighed. Your walls were fluttering to adjust once again to the full feeling of his cock settling within your tight cunt. Lowering your eyes to look at where you were connected, you bit your lips at the sight. Your lips were practically hugging him and refusing to let him go for a second. All puffy and redden from the abuse.
Releasing the breath he was holding, Egalmoth took his time to wiggle his hips wanting his tip to brush against your cervix so you could feel just how consumed you were by his presence and abilities. The little pants that escaped your lips as his hips ground against yours forced your nails to dig into his back, crawling and leaving little red crescent markings of your artistic work etched into his skin. Inch by inch, his hips slowly retracted and dragged his cock from your heat, allowing you to feel the torturous snail pace of his length leaving your heat. You were feeling empty with each inch that disappeared from your battered cunt. When he stopped, his eyes flashed up to meet yours and gazed.
His head leaned in to nudge his nose against yours, littering soft ticklish kisses across your cheeks to catch you off guard from slamming his hips against yours. Driving his cock back in with vigour and the wild desire to consume you entirely, his lips came down to capture yours in a heated battle. Breathing into each other’s mouths from the powerful thrusts he delivered, you both paused to catch your breath before resuming.
Egalmoth took the lead to pry your lips with his tongue by switching the angle of his hips mid-thrusting, making you gasp. His tongue danced asynchronously with yours as you both fought to stabilize yourself. The kiss was messy and hasty but delicious and long-awaited. His lips had fallen on every single part of your skin per save your lips. The praise of relief hoorayed in his mind at the prolonged actions pushed him to deepen his union.
“You make such pretty sounds, my love. I want you to make more for me, let me eat them up. Can you do that for me?” It was sinful to whisper into your mouth before consuming your lips to devour every song that slipped out, and to make matters escalate but give a positive outcome in Egalmoth’s favour, one hand slipped from the back of your thigh to graze your clit before applying pressure to your pearl.
You jolted in his arms, crying into his mouth at the extra dosage of pleasure and oversensitivity he was sending you to spiral into. Breaking the kiss for a gulp of air, struggling to catch your breath, you forced yourself to catch a glimpse of his fingers between your legs. They worked skilfully, just as you would suspect from a skilful noble Lord. As you were looking between you both, Egalmoth shifted his hold on your legs and dropped them to wrap around his waist. This allowed him to lean down and rest his full weight atop your smaller frame, rubbing his sweaty chest against your pebbles.
“Ngh – E-Egalmoth – fuck. So good.” Your nails dragged themselves lower until they cupped his ass and pushed along his thrusts, pressing him into your heat deeper. He gave a dirty laugh and clicked his tongue.
“So fucking dirty, aren’t you princess? Am I fucking you good? Tell me, love, tell me.” he was so full of himself, but honestly, he was fucking you good because it took you a long time to comprehend his words and formula a coherent response. His cock was taking away your senses and you were scrambling around for the right words to describe to him your pleasure.
“Yes, I’m your dirty girl. Fuck – your cock – so good, feels so good.” And he loved the sound of your response and wanted to hear more, he wanted to hear you call yourself his.
“Say it again love. You’re whose girl?”
“I-I’m yours, I’m your E-Egalmoth. Fucking cum in me, please fill me up. Fill me up.” to Egalmoth it was the most spell bounding words you could have ever whispered to him. He didn’t know which cast the compelling spell, but all he knew what that his brain recognized your request, and his body was obeying. If you wanted his cum, he would give you what you desired. You were his girl, after all, he’d always give you whatever you wanted and needed, and right now you needed his cum.
“I’ll give you my cum, I’ll fill you up nice and good. Fuck your mines.” His hips and fingers sped up their pacing and filled the room with unpredictable thrusts. The sound of skin slapping increased gradually alongside the moans; no longer did he care if he woke the entire house with your lovemaking. He had important matters to take care of and you were his top priority.
“Give me your cum, fill me up and make me yours.” With the increased pitch in your voice, those were your last words as noises came tumbling past your lips in a satisfactory cry. Your orgasm washed through you and left you clutching onto Egalmoth for dear life as his hips still vigorously pumped into your through the contracting of your walls that pushed him past his limits and brought him tumbling over like you.
Abdomen clenching, hips stilling, and a long groan reverberating through the room before you shivered in his tightened hold as you felt his release flooding your walls. The little cry of contentment you mewled into his ear as he clutched you close, trembling in your embrace making his cock twitch even more as his cum spurted in your cunt.
Removing his hand off your clit, he brought both up to cup your face and pull you in for another passionate kiss with an air of sentiment and love and hope. It was slow as his lips glided against yours smoothly without hesitation. His lips entangled themselves with yours and drew out strings of sighs of bliss, and it was euphonious to Egalmoth. Dancing his tongue on your lower lip, he was successful in prying your lips apart to properly slip his tongue inside your wet cavern. Frolicking his tongue with yours, finally having a genuine taste of your lips, the kiss was short-lived as he pulled apart for air. A string of saliva was the only thing between your lips as it broke apart.
The air was quiet and filled with the musky scent of your lovemaking but it was also filled with the longing desire of a confession. His sea-green eyes spoke a million words, a million ways, and a million ‘I love you’. His lips parted once more to intake a gulp of air before attempting to speak only for you to silence him.
“I know. I can see it – it’s written in your eyes, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked of such a demand from you earlier.” Your fingers were resting on his lips to halt his tongue from moving. Your words took him by surprise because he had always believed that your eyes were on the raven-haired Lord since it was he your loving brother wished for you to court.
“Not Ecthelion?” he spoke through your hands desperate to gain consolation to ensure that his actions weren’t about to be cast aside forever and ignored.
“Never Ecthelion, it was always you from the start, but you were too blind to see my attempts.”
The smile that stretched across his face at the revelation of your words made his heart swell with tears and so, his eyes followed, repeating the same actions. They had sprung easily from his sea-green eyes and streamed down his cheeks, dropping onto your skin. Your arms rose to cradle his head into your arms like a child being consoled, and thus, his tear flow increased. His own arms shuffled to pull you into his chest as he cried tears of joy at your returned love for him, after so many years of attempts, they were returned. Soft coos of your love were whispered into his ear as he sniffled in hopes of reducing his tears to listen to your proclamations of love.
Keeping his arms encased around your waist, he rolled you over, so he was under you, and you now rested on his chest. Still buried within you and with no intentions of removing himself, Egalmoth struggled to reach for the lost sheet that got thrown off the bed and threw it over you both in an attempt to appear modest. You laid with your ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat while his fingers swiped your hair off your back and gathered it into a single braid. His hands were now free to run up and down your sweaty skin.
“Do you – do you think he heard us?” you were the first one to break the silence with your impending doom question.
“Maybe, maybe not, but he still deserves to know that I’ve taken your hand and we’re bonded to each other.”
“And in love.”
You could feel the vibrations of elation surging through his body at the use of the word ‘love’. It was now Egalmoth’s second favourite word after your name. “Yes, most importantly, we’re in love. Perhaps we should celebrate this newfound treasure – ”
Lifting your head to question his statement, it would seem that Egalmoth wasn’t waiting for your response because he was quick to show you just what he meant. Keeping his arms firmly wrapped around your waist, all he needed to do was plant his feet into the mattress and slowly pump his now erect cock deeper into your heat, pushing his cum deeper.
“ – by making more noise.”
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @welcometomordor @lilmelily @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin
Kinktober 🏷: @rain-on-my-umbrella @something-about-twilight @hoshinokurasa
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Your writing is offensive to the straight community where is the straight representation in your writing stop your faggot ass hallucinating and write some straight stuff non of Tolkiens characters are gay stop destroying them and making them gay, Gil-Galad and Elrond never liked each other romantically and neither did Glorfindel and Ecthelion seriously your writing his shit and should be burned along with your shit ass Ms paint drawings.
Parentless behavior 🫵
wait no it's not I don't have parents and even i know how to act
'straight community' what straight community do you mean bigots and terfs that one get off my blog.
I do those drawing for shits and giggles and you actually take it seriously pfff
it's called fanfiction don't like don't read simple as, don't like block
idc if Gil x Elrond and Golden fountain i aren't canon I believe in canon's ability to die by my sword
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and I have written fem reader x male character it is just buried as I haven't written something like that in a while and even gn reader can be interpreted as fem reader so there is plenty on my blog to read where it isn't gay or male reader there are so many fem reader blogs out there just go to one of them if you want that and i am sure you can find blogs which write straight ships it's just not this one.
if u want me to care first i must care for your opinion which I do not.
I would recommend you blogs but I don't think any of them want people like you on there blog.
happy now I answered your stupid pathetic ask?
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Why did I ever think I could outrun them
The Reader, is a Son of Fëanor, and they join the dwarves to reclaim Erebor, but when they see the Arkenstone they realise it is a silmaril, they have a existential crisis but it is also causing Thorin's Dragon Sickness.
A/n: yes i know i have written a Fëanorian reader but I just love writing these so much Technically Part two of Take these broken wings and learn to fly, Canon divergence about the silmarils by like a lot
Implied Reader x Glorfindel
"It's Dragon sickness I've seen it before, It befell his grandfather Thráin" Balin said, the Elf stood in the doorway as the hobbit and the dwarf talked.
"What does this Arkenstone look like" You questioned stepping in the two jumped having not heard you, you had joined the company after they travelled threw Imladris, you seemed to be a good friend of Gandalf and the Elven King Thranduil seemed slightly scared of you.
Balin nodded and you walked over to the book, The Arkenstone shone of its own inner light, and appeared a "little globe of pallid light" in darkness, and yet, cut and fashioned by the Dwarves, it took all light that fell upon it and changed it into "ten thousand sparks of white radiance, shot with glints of the rainbow".
The book read, "If you find it, keep it away from Thorin, The Arkenstone has cursed this gold, it is the reason for the Dragon sickness, do not say anything until i return" You said in worry the hobbit clearly saw it brought something up in your past you clearly wanted to outrun and forget.
Kili and Fili almost bumped into you, you span around to face them, "Do not find that Arkenstone whatever you do, it is more trouble than what it is worth" You said the Dwarves looked at each other and shrugged as they watch you disappear to find thorin.
You shoved the Large heavy oaken door's open, Thorin glared up at you, "The Arkenstone has cursed this gold, the dragon sickness is a warning Thorin the Stone is more trouble than it is worth" You said as you approached him and Dwalin.
"THAT IS NO HEIRLOOM OF DWARVES" You yelled back at the dwarf who fell back on his throne in shock, the anger in your eyes, how cold they where, it scared him.
"IT IS, IT IS THE KINGSTONE" Thorin yelled you sighed
"No it's not, it is cursed it induces dragon sickness and it has cursed the gold in this mountain" You said pinching the bridge of your nose not wanting a shouting contest.
"you have no proof" Thorin said
"look i don't want to fight over this stupid rock again, either believe me because i know what it actually is, or ask me to leave, i'm not going start a pissing contest nor am i going to fight in one, Thranduil is here for one thing, a thing you can easily give him yet this rock is making you greedy" You said shoving a finger into his chest
"Run back to your boyfriend in Rivendell i'm sure he will protect you" Thorin hissed you huffed and left the mountain, you managed to get into Dale without being detected.
"Mithrandir, we need to talk" You said to the Wizard who turned around to you.
"I thought you where still with Thorin my lord" Mithrandir said
"No not anymore, but this is important and about Thorin" You said the Wizard lead you to a tent and you followed him in, you looked to Bard and nodded he smiled and then you looked to Thranduil and rolled your eyes.
"The Arkenstone is not a heart of a mountain, mountains don't have rocks that can shine without any lights, the Arkenstone is a silmaril, it is inducing Thorin's Dragon sickness, it is better lost then found" You said
"No it's not if Thorin has it at least you don't have it Kinslayer" Thranduil said you ignored the elven king
"As long as Thorin is plagued by the sickness he's not letting any of that wealth leave the mountain and a battle isn't a good idea to get it, while the dwarves where stuck in Thranduil's prisons I made my way to Dol Guldur, where me and the rest of the white council drove the necromancer away, but legions of Orcs and wargs had left marching from the fortress i suspect more come fro gundabad, you would be able to face two fronts and Thorin has called for aid from the iron hills, if you want to get your gold to rebuild and your stupid gems of starlight then i suggest we solve this peacefully, the silmaril feed off of anger and emotion" You said
"And how are we meant to do that" Bard asked you looked down
"I do not know, I have not found a way to break it's hold, Emotions are a strong thing to break from and repress" You replyed
"What do you mean you haven't found a way i thought you just came up with this" Bard questioned
"Lord Y/N, has been on Middle Earth since before the Elves taught the trees to speak, before minis tirith was built" Gandalf said Bard whistled
"That's Old" Bard said in slight shock Bilbo came in and did a whole speech before showing the Arkenstone.
You Groaned "This is worse than giving it to Thorin Bilbo, but i suppose this may work" you said
"What are you doing here" Bilbo asked
"Thorin chucked me out of the mountain for saying the truth" You replied the hobbit snuck back and Thranduil and bard didn't even listen about the war.
"Either fight under my command, follow the Wizard or go back to Imladris" Thranduil said walking away from you, you groaned you were the prince of the Noldor and here you where taking orders from a sindar refuge king who you saved and still hates you.
You stood besides Gandalf, Bilbo soon came down to you both, "Bilbo stick by Lord Y/N" Gandalf said the hobbit nodded, the hobbit soon found out the elven lord had more skill than he originally thought.
And he really held a grudge against the Arkenstone, or whatever it was.
"What is the Arkenstone, you said it wasn't just a shiny rock" Bilbo asked
"Is a silmaril, Fëanor forged them long before elves where in middle earth, they are what lead to wars and kinslayings they are a bad omen for my people as much as they are the heirloom of my house, much like the rings of power are" you grunted blocking a sword
"The silmarils hold the light of the two trees of Valinor in them, they also hold curses to them, any mortal creature will fall to the greed of my father, and the gold they own will reek of the curse, However the Valar made it so it burns my family if we pick them up" You told the hobbit decapitating yet another orc
"They have a long and gory past, one was thrown into the ocean it's bearer wandered off and was never seen or heard of again, although Lindir looks awfully like him, the second was cast into what his now called mount doom, it's bearer was drove to insanity and threw himself in with it, the last was lost on a battle field and now the dwarves found it and claimed it as there kings stone, it is ridiculous" You said spinning around and slicing the chest of an orc who was about to kill bilbo.
The battle was soon over and you where glad to see the stone buried with Thorin, you placed a hand on bilbo's shoulder to comfort him making the hobbit turn and hug your leg crying you simply delt with the hobbit on your leg it reminded you of young Earendil who ran to you every time something went wrong more often than not he was hugging your leg crying,
A/n: kinda just felt like writing a the arkenstone is a silmaril and just combine it with a fic i already had going
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Take these Broken Wings and learn how to fly
A/N: Reader is a son of Fëanor but did not swear the oath, and somehow survived till the third age, and is reunited with there friend from Gondolin, but he wants him to be more than a friend, this is slightly inspired by animatorwierdo's Imagine being one of the sons of Feanor, but not swearing the oath, go read it if your interested i have linked it, the only difference is this fic is set in the third age. Enjoy :)
Link: Imagine being one of the sons of Feanor, but not swearing the oath Third Age Glorfindel x Male!Reader
T/W: Angst, Flashbacks, PTSD, Anxiety and slight depression
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You where half expecting the Lord of Imladris to hate you for what your brother had done, and now you had the audacity to ask him for refuge and a home in his kingdom, you were thankful to Galadriel for letting you stay as long as you did, she recognised you didn't swear the oath and you helped the people your brothers where killing, but not many other elves did, King Thranduil sure didn't, Elrond's kindness came as a shock to you, after all your brother did kidnap him, but that was a long and complicated story.
You also where not sure how you survived to the Third age, after the crossing the Helcaraxë, the Fall of Gondolin, you half expected to die in the last alliance or at lest Morgoth to capture or kill you like he did with your brother.
But once again you where forgotten, you had gotten used to it over time, sometimes people even forgot you where there with them, given most people who didn't know the Kinslayings thought you where one of Fingolfin's children and not a son of Fëanor, most said there where seven sons not eight.
"I hope you can settle in well in Imladris" Came Elrond's voice knocking you out of you thoughts, he had certainly grown from the frail, little scrawny, but brave elfling you tried to protect from your brothers all those years ago.
You just nodded to the Lord in gratitude, as he showed you your room, you thanked him and he left, you set your pack down, and decided to look around, the room was simple yet elegant, like most elvish things in the eyes of humans some of the time, Thranduil was far from an example he was always over doing things.
You tossed the curtains to the windows open, to see the gardens, an intricate rail before a waterfall which flowed into the Anduin, Imladris certainly held beauty, but you always had a love of Himring, it was the last time you saw your brothers, Maedhros had even given you a whole library, you would have to find the Imladris one you noted.
You soon left your room to go for a stroll when you happened upon the Library so you entered it, it was certainly big, and organized? you guessed it was how the person in charge of it had it, especially when you saw the book of the house of Fëanor next to was that Poetry, Murderous elves next to a book of romantic poetry that was certainly something, and something you would never do.
Interested in what elves wrote about your house you took the book and found an alcove, what you did not expect was flashbacks to come with the book, sure you had them before, but it was normally at things you smelt, or saw or even heard, not a book.
the port was on fire, you could see the smoke from where you had gone for a stroll, Tirion was on fire, elves fighting elves, and your father was incharge of the assault? the Valar would of never allowed this, and they wanted the boats, you sighed in annoyance realising what they where doing, the Oath you had refused to swear, the oath you had said was irrational and irresponsible and unnecessary, that your brother had been so quick to swear was happening, you noticed your uncle Fingolfin coming with his men.
Your sword quickly blocked your fathers from killing a Telerin elf "WHAT ON ARDA ARE YOU DOING ADA" you yelled at him, you had always been the more reasonable one, you kept your anger in check unlike your father and brothers, you also never expected Fingolfin to misunderstand the situation
"THIS OATH IS UNNECESSARY, YOU DO NOT KILL PEOPLE FOR SHIPS, ARE YOU INSANE" you yelled back negotiation was obviously off the table all your father understood in this minute was violence, Melkor was the enemy not these elves but your father wasn't going to understand, his anger and emotions blinded him to the logical truth, hell it wasn't even logical it was the truth.
You knew he only thought about violence that's how he was when he was angry, but you never expect him to raise his sword against his own son, much less slash your face, the pain was unbearable, you couldn't help but shout out in pain, the Twin's, Caranthir, Maedhros where the only ones to show hesitation, when your father ordered you to leave the same moment disowning you as his son.
You jolted at the sudden contact against your arm as you came back to your reality, Elrond was sat the other side with a worried expression, you obviously had kept the mental trauma of your family away from him, but now it was out, Glorfindel was stood besides you, wait Glorfindel, you saw him get dragged off a cliff by his hair by a Balrog, how was he alive, he offered you a strained smile of comfort he was obviously worried, he always was whenever he or Turgon found you like this in Gondolin, he removed your had from your face where it covered your scar
"Mellon-nin, It is alright, they do not live on Arda anymore, they have left" Glorfindel said, you shrugged him off and stood leaving, your stoic face returning, you couldn't show weakness, not to Elrond, not to anyone, not even the poser of Glorfindel, what right did he have to call you his friend, he was a poser, Glorfindel had not been reembodied.
You soon reached your room and slid down the wall, covering your face with your hands as you pressed your knees against your chest, you took a long and unsteady breath, as you threw your head back against the wall looking up to the ceiling, there was a knock on the door.
"Y/N, It's me, would you let me in" Came Glorfindel's worried voice.
"I know your not him, he can't of been reembodied, so stop posing as him" You replied he sighed on the other side of the door
"I'm no poser, I have been reembodied, I can prove it" Glorfindel said
"Then do it, tell me something only that over energetic sunray would know" You replied
"At one of Turgon's receptions, you disappeared into a servant corridor, because you got anxiety over your scar, I found you, in one of your panic attacks and I gave you my cloak to calm down, no one else knows it happened and it was never recorded, only we know about it, you also don't know how to dance because you where never taught, but you find it like fighting, just along to a rhythm of the music your awfully good at it, you used to have a crush on Galdor, just because he was nice to you and complemented your scar, do you need anymore proof, now open the door" Glorfindel said you sighed, and buried your face in your knees.
It was true only Glorfindel knew those things, you told him mostly everything, saved from a few details.
"It's open" You said with a sigh of defeat, Glorfindel entered and turned to you, he knelt down besides you.
"Hey, listen to me, I said i wouldn't leave you forever, and i didn't I came back, You are not your brothers, nor are you your father, you are better than them, stronger than them, you have survived so much, you lived in Arda longer than they did, they died here" Glorfindel said you looked to the blond lord, he offered a warm smile.
"hey i've always been here for you i'm not going to leave you" Glorfindel said.
That was the moment you realised you didn't like Glorfindel as a friend you where in love with him
You offered a weak smile back to the lord, the blond sunk down and sat on the floor leaning against the wall.
"So, are you going to tell me why this always get like this when anything about the Kinslayings or the house of Fëanor or his sons come up, it has something about that scar, all you told me is your brothers and father are bad people and you don't want to be like them, people look up to turgon so i was slightly surprised when you said that" Glorfindel said
"Turgon is actually my cousin, he's only my brother because I got disowned in fingolfin took me in, my father was Fëanor, there where eight sons not seven, I'm just easy to forget about" You replied to the Lord
"How come no one knows that, everyone just knows you as a son of Fingolfin" Glorfindel asked
"Never took part in the Kinslayings apart from stopping my brothers, under Fingolfin's command, Fingon and Turgon treated me like their brother, called me there brother, Turgon, made everyone think I was his brother" You said Glorfindel lay down his head resting on his palm as he looked up at you, you couldn't help but smile at him, he looked so relaxed, and elegant.
the Lord soon left you saw him the next day, he was going on and on about himself.
"Oh Look at me, I'm Glorfindel and my luscious locks outshine Arien herself" You mocked the lord looked at you in mock horror and shock
"You are so mean sometimes" Glorfindel said swinging his arm around you and hanging off you.
"You know, I've noticed something different about you" Glorfindel said you froze, did he know you liked him, no he was to oblivious right, you mean the situation with Ecthelion, wait did he like Ecthelion still, you should of know he would pick the Lord of the Fountain over you, you shouldn't expect something different.
"Hey, Y/n, back to Arda, don't need you daydreaming, that always ends well doesn't it" Glorfindel said sarcastically it a joking way, to bring your attention back to him, it was true it never ended well, given your past.
"Anyway, remember how you always told be to shove off and literally shoved me off, how come you don't do that now, AHHHHHHHH, are you in love with me, no i flatter myself to much" Glorfindel said as he sighed pulling his head back up
"It maybe more likely than you think" You muttered not even stopping the words falling out your mouth as your head hung low, Glorfindel's head snapped to you, you could just see his questioning and surprised look in your peripheral vision.
"do you actually love me, Y/N" Glorfindel asked in no more than a whisper
"It's silly, you like Ecthelion, i accept that, now can we talk no more about this" you said going to walk away but he grabbed you by your wrist.
"No I am not going to leave this, sure I liked Ecthelion a lot but he was fun to annoy, but he liked Egalmoth, did you see him, no that doesn't matter, he was practicing his confession with me, he was my best friend after all, I always thought you would go for someone of higher standing like Duilin or Galdor, never me, I thought you deserved so much better" Glorfindel said
"I don't deserve better, and i don't deserve you, i deserve no one, i deserve to watch the ones i love, die or love someone else" You shot back Glorfindel looked to you, when you where in self hate or self doubt there was little he could do to pull you from it, the blond lord cupped your face in his hands and pulled you to look at him, you reluctantly gave him what he wanted, he smiled and kissed you, your eyes widened in shock, your brain kept on repeating 'he's taking pity on you'.
"I don't want your love if it's out of pity" You said pushing away from him and walking off
"are you really going to spend your life pushing away the good things because you think that's what you deserve" Glorfindel muttered after you, but you never replied, Glorfindel made his way to the Library and slammed the doors open, frightening Lindir who dropped the books he was getting for Elrond.
"GLORFINDEL, STOP SLAMMING THE DOORS OPEN" Came a shout from a angry Erestor, who stopped seeing the look on Glorfindel's face.
"Do you have anything and i mean anything on Lord Y/N" Glorfindel asked.
"I don't have much on him, it seems even if he is a Royal elf, he was forgotten about, in the books, there's rarely mentions of him, apart from a book Fingolfin wrote about his elder brother and his family, it's mostly is about him" Erestor leading Glorfindel to the book he took the book from the shelf, it was large, it was thick and some pages stuck out.
"Try not to break it" Erestor said as the blond took the book, to Elrond's surprise his door slammed open half an hour late, the lord sat in front of him winced at the noise.
"WHAT THE HELL" Glorfindel could manage towards you as he set the book Infront of you making your eyes widened, you really thought that book had been destroyed how come it was in Imladris much less Elrond's Library
"You will have to define your question more Lord Glorfindel" You replied
"Oh no don't pull that, Fingolfin kept this explaining everything about you right from you linage to everything else, Celegorm was a jerk you know that so was Curufin, that is not how they are suppose to treat you, your not suppose to think you don't deserve anything, and be surprised and think it's out of pity when someone offers you something, and that scar" Glorfindel was about to start a rant right into your ear chewing it off, it may of been for love but that book obviously hurt for you to see so Elrond stopped him and took the book.
"We cannot do anything about the past now Glorfindel, even if you do not like it, all we can do is change the present and help him to heal mentally although that may take some time, and that is something I cannot do, I am a skilled healer yes but he needs someone he trusts, and that is obviously you" Elrond said not even stopping you from leaving Glorfindel followed you
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO POKE YOUR HEAD INTO EVER DAM CRACK, GLORFINDEL, WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE" Glorfindel froze, your eyes seemed different, they where cold yet held fire to them, your whole dementor switch, it was as if you where your father, Fëanorian anger was renowned and now Glorfindel knew why, you had kept it in all through your life being the more reasonable one, but if it helped for you to let your anger out Glorfindel was not going to stop you, it may of broke his heart, but he was going to help you no matter what and all he was going to show you was love.
Even threw you yelling at him, with an anger than scared others away and servants right out of the corridors, he stayed put, he was your outlet and if he didn't it was going to be pointed at an innocent bystander, he watched your voice go horse, and your throat start hurting, he went to help but you wacked his arm away your glare may of been more deadly than your bark and your bite definitely was after all you killed Morgoth with it.
Glorfindel however did not back down, you weren't going to kill him, one thing even with your anger you never let your emotions get the better of you, you may show them but they never guided you in decisions, that was why your opinion was valued.
The Blond Lord Kneeled besides your hunched over body, only now he realised you where in fact crying, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.
"I do not love you because of pity, I love you because of how strong you are both mentally and physically, even if you do not think you are, you have survived so much, Elrond's wife sailed to Valinor due to her Truma, and that was only from an orc attack, you show the flight of the Noldor, your where there at the Kinslayings fighting your own brothers, you where there at the fall of Gondolin, you have lost your friends, your family, so much and yet your still here, you killed Morgoth, I wanted to tell you this before but i never found the right time" Glorfindel said laying his head on top of yours
"The Valar told me, when i was reembodied to tell you, that they will not hold the punishments for your family on you" Glorfindel looked down to you to see you had fallen asleep, a smile smile was on your face.
"This must not be comfortable for you" Glorfindel said picking you up, his room was closer but was that really appropriate, who cares he certainly didn't, he took you there and laid you on his bed, he smiled to himself and was going to leave you, when he realised your figures had intertwined with his, you had squeezed his hand.
"don't leave me, please" You asked the blond, he sat on the corner of the bed
"I won't leave you ever again, Y/N" he whispered to your ear pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Gi Melin, Meleth-nin" You said half asleep.
"I love you as well, Y/n" Glorfindel replied
"miqu nin Meleth-nin" Glorfindel looked at you in shock, but did as you said he placed a gentle kiss onto your lips, which you returned tiredly.
"Join me" You asked Glorfindel slowly laid down and you snuggled yourself into him, an arm and leg thrown over him protectively yet your head in the crook of his neck, you hummed in relaxation that you where finally able to let your walls down.
The Blond soon learned you where way to over protective of him for your own good, it took a lot of reassuring from him that he wouldn't leave you for Erestor as he was with the Guardian of Imladris which to your note, you had never seen Gildor before, but he always somehow managed to stop you from spiralling in your own thoughts if he saw you.
Elvish Translations:
Meleth-nin: my love
(Quenya) Miqu-nin: kiss me
Gi Melin - I love you
mellon-nin - my friend
Tolkien Lore/Useful Information:
Helcaraxë - The Helcaraxë or "Grinding Ice" was an icy waste between the lands of Aman and Middle-earth. Its exact nature is left unclear, but it seems to have been an area of broken and shifting pack ice covering the northernmost parts of the Great Sea.
The Fall of Gondolin -The Fall of Gondolin was the battle between the forces of Gondolin under King Turgon and Morgoth, after Maeglin had betrayed the city's hidden location to the enemy. This battle took the lives of most of the Gondolindrim, and of Turgon and his captains.
Glorfindel Re-embodiment - Glorfindel was one of the mightiest Elves of Middle-earth. During the First Age, he was the lord of the House of the Golden Flower of Gondolin, and died fighting a Balrog. After his re-embodiment, he was allowed to come back to Middle-earth in the Second Age, acting as an emissary of the Valar, on a similar mission to the Istari (Wizards) who were to come several years later.
Quenya - After the First Age, though, it does not appear that Quenya was used as anything other than a ceremonial or poetic language anywhere in Middle-earth. Sindarin took over as the language of daily use.
A/N: First Time writing Quenya for a Fic I hope I got the Quenya Translation right
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