#glorie 001
visxionaries · 8 months
who: @northernglorie when and where: the path directly before the open doors leading into the grand feasting hall; lord omer florent had just departed from his king's side, having received some news that would not bother him as much as it would upset his wife. cedric remained, if only to take a moment of respite - gods knew he felt as though his head were spinning.
the smell of the smoke within the air that had been smoked just moments prior by the high commander of the reach continued to fill the air around him, despite the fact cedric tyrell remained against the same set of winding stairs leading back up to the main entrance into the feasting hall alone - omer florent had begun to make his way back into the crowds, no doubt seeking out his wife to be the barer of bad news. he would have accompanied the man back into the hall at least, though the conversation which was hinted with a sense of disbelief had now return that familiar feeling of anger deep within him.
and cedric tyrell did not appreciate feeling anger, whether it was the light sort that remained on the tongue, or the ancient reawakening of some feeling of resentment that remained deep within his gut.
because once he walked back into the grand feasting hall, he would once again need to continue with the mask he had worn since t he moment he had heard the news; the mask that had only slipped in his tense conversation with lord gael hightower, where he had asked the young lord openly whether he intended to push forward his own claim to oldtown. when he was scanning for an understanding of whether gael hightower was telling the truth; and he could only truly confirm this was not some larger scheme when he noted the way in which the man's hands shook in shock and numbness. numbness that would transfer to pain, considering a mother too had found her end of days arriving far sooner than any could have expected.
he would need to maintain that composure, as the other reach councillors were informed one by one; and truly, cedric felt a sense of responsibility weighing on his shoulders. should he have been more present in the goings on of the hightower?
should he have somehow found a way to know? how could he have, unless he had some reason to enforce tyrell guards searching the hightower - and there had been no reason. and still, one of his council members who had risked and done so much would once again feel a sweeping loss. it were like standing in that council chamber again as tirius rowan announced the news. a sense of dread flowered in the pit of his stomach, knowing it were just recently mathis rowan had returned to court - how he would find it just the same. how he would find it ever worse. the man rested against the garden stairwell, made of white stone for a moment; a hand running over his dark curls as it always did when he was feeling stressed.
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and then his back straightened, and his senses focused on the sounds of the fountains and the sound of approaching footsteps. when his ocean hues looked upward, he found himself looking upon a member of winter itself; he knew prominent members of other courts, and it was the princess glorie, the lady of the dreadfort that had come across him this moment. he exhaled slightly, knowing the last thing they needed were some rumours to begin to spread from this chance meeting.
"your highness." cedric greeted, bowing his head as his tone displayed the epitome of southern civility - a contrast to the atmosphere coming from the woman of the north. as far as he knew and understood, she was a woman wrapped up in duties of her own: including securing a payment that was lost to the iron bank at the hands of valemen. "i do not intend to remain from the festivities for much longer." she would have seen omer walking by her - and he wondered if she had heard anything. no. cedric had spoken quietly for a reason.
but princess glorie was concerned with a debt that was to repaid, for the sake of dealing with the manderlys as well as paying back the iron bank for their loans. another realm, that could find themselves in contentious waters with the iron bank - for the north too, had a debt to repay. a debt cedric would not mind aiding in should the situation come to the lowest of points, in exchange for lesser interest and a longer repayment plan - that was only if the vale was not able to cough up the money sooner. or, the reach could provide the gold to pay the tides over. and then he stepped up the steps, making it clear he was not to stay; but passing closer by her regardless.
if it were possible the sea lord would find issue with cedric's stance regarding the infant heir to oldtown, he knew what he would need to do to maintain an advantage on this side of the narrow sea. cedric had no master of coin - he, in this moment, was his master of coin. for his master of coin was dead, bottled by his mad aunt; the blood of his mother on his hands. "though, i admit to having intention to speak with you - whether it is done now, or on the morning, is your choice. sooner would work better than later, considering travel plans have shifted."
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rememberences · 1 year
who: lady glorie bolton of the dreadfort (@northernglorie) setting: some days following the wedding of cedric tyrell and illya oakheart, a page presented an audience request from lady bolton. it was scheduled in an early morning, when graham knew the majority of the men of the vale would be training with the regiment of the knights of the vale accompanying them to the reach. 
and he would not deny the fact there was some uncomfortable feeling in the very pit of his stomach as he heard the northern lady arrive, being escorted to his main audience chambers. it were not nerves, but perhaps the similar feeling he got whenever he was reminded of the web of lies he needed to play out every day, as well as the taint he forever placed over the eyes of his late father, lord malcom royce.
but this was just another part of life at this point, and it had been; the lies had been common and easy to live with when it was once a year, and yet now, domeric had returned home. he was entirely of the vale, made with the bronze of runestone and the wind of gulltown's sea air. the north was never supposed to be the place for domeric, and it would not be, if society in the vale was not the harshest on bastards. they were believed to be born beyond the blessing of the gods, and it showed in the way society treated them. how graham himself did, his distance clear; as much as it guilted him. he should never have been in the north."lady bolton."
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and his voice was composed, almost as though there was nothing to discuss; though he knew all too well why she had arranged an audience with him. to see the place her brother had decided to make his permanent home, as though he had not been at his happiest when he were within the land of the falcons. still, if one did not address it as anything special, then it need not be. domeric was smart. he had associates in the vale. "how am i to be of service to you, my lady?" and he spoke with no inclination of close family, or the time she had once spent alongside her brother beneath his own roof. 
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nasirofmanderlys · 1 year
who: @northernglorie​ where: the reach, following the news of the manderly vessel being attacked by the isles of the three sisters. the lord of white harbor seeks out the newly betrothed lady of the dreadfort, the future princess, who also plays the role of mistress of coin.
his footsteps echoed down the hallway of lady bolton’s chambers; she who was perhaps one of the most important pieces in the great game that was dealing with the wildness and impulsively that was the boltons. for her blood and her birthright held the key for nasir to try and silence an enemy that had plagued them for years, and continued to do so, now more than ever before. age old enmity could be dealt with within a lifetime, if dealt with pragmatically - and he would prove it so. 
the north was not the riverlands, and the boltons and the manderlys would not be the brackens and the blackwoods. his kin, his bloodline, his children would not continue to deal with them for however long it took them both to wipe one another from existence. “lady bolton.” one of the few times this title would be used, for once she had wedded the prince of winter, she would join as a princess of the north. he wondered if she would still be on the northern council. 
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in this matter, both manderly and bolton, master of laws and mistress of coin, needed to work with one another. it was a manderly vessel that had been used to transport the repaid debt to the iron bank. it was a manderly vessel that had been attacked and looted, the one his own brother was supposed to be sailing; only, his captaincy was required to help navigate the waters surrounding skagos, and those pestering uncivilised inhabitants. and it was now the duty of the north to get a hold of that repayment that was still owed to the iron bank.
“have we had any progress regarding repayment from the vale?” 
for they did not deal with westerosi matters. all that mattered was the date that had been set. the date that had been passed. the priority was ensuring the vale found a way to pay up for what they were responsible for losing. the three sisters were of the vale of arryn, and it was them that were responsible. those riches would also include the materials for the rebuilding of a ship - he would not trust the vale to build him one. his own men would. 
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ravellaarryns · 7 months
who: @northernglorie when and where: the eyrie; a semi-flashback thread in which the princess of the north, lady glorie bolton, visits the eyrie to enquire as to how the eyrie intends on paying back the north. this is in the aftermath of smugglers on the three sisters looting and sinking a manderly vessel travelling to braavos, with the intention of paying back some of the northern loans taken from the iron bank of braavos. domerix, axell, percival and jack have begun their operations upon the sisters at this point for a number of weeks, and the falcon court welcomes the princess of the north by meeting her at the gates of the moon to aid in her traveling up the length of the giant's lance.
it had been a day since the princess consort of the north had been welcomed to the court of the eyrie; and truthfully, her presence was a bad sign in the eyes of the falcon queen. the princess had a position upon the council of her good brother, and worked to secure the position of her lineage, saving it from ruin at the hands of her slippery brothers - one of whom had slithered his way into the darkest of woods in her own realm. and she had opened the door for him, despite the resounding silence he had been met with with the revelation of the status of his birth. of his legitimacy.
and as much as the newest princess of house stark was here to serve her purpose, ravella arryn thought of the greater one. for her own sister, of arryn blood, was the queen in the north; and she had taken the time to personally write to her sister and inform her of all that had happened. what the next steps were. the reassurance of the queen of winter had not provided enough clarity for the king of winter: and that, was where ravella's main issue lay.
he felt the need to send his good sister to survey what was going on, rather than trust the word of his queen. if there were anything that set off warning bells within the mind of the sovereign, it was that; even as she awaited for the princess to join her in the small eating room high atop the world. there were only clouds beyond the windows, and the sounds of the waterfall that was alyssa's tears that was constant background noise to all that took place within the eyrie: and ravella sat, waiting for their guest to join her for them to discuss what it was the woman had taken the trip for.
as the doors opened and the announcement of the princesses name rung through the small, private hall, ravella remained sat within her seat as she looked upon the approaching figure of the woman. she extended her hand for it to be kissed, as was customary for tradition within the vale of arryn: upon which her porcelain hand remained the white diamond and sapphire ring of house arryn, encrusted into the symbol of a falcon.
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"princess glorie." ravella spoke, her tone as typical as it could ever be: with the cold civility that came with the mountains of the moon and their position so high above the rest. so many believed themselves in such a position; and only a few truly were. "i trust your lodgings were suitable for the night. the journey up the giant's lance is a treacherous one."
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flopbftheo · 8 months
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sunwoo ig update (240116)
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briannabrackens · 10 months
who: @ronanbrackens when and what: set the morning after ronan's little detective journey, brianna wakes him up to find out whether they've cracked the case.
brianna bracken was not an early riser, nor was she a morning person; the grump sat firmly upon her until at least an hour before noon, and eating early in the morning was always out of the question. still, food always helped relieve what she jokingly referred to as the grump that held her captive for the early hours of the morning: and now, brianna bracken remained face down into her pillow, a light snore coming from her every now and again. the maids had already come and gone several times, and since the entirety of the court celebrated later than usual last night, she remained in the comfort of her own bed. outside were the deer that usually waited by the large iron gates, and the sound of the rushing red fork and…wait.
her eyes opened, ever so slightly, realising she was not in her childhood bedroom. she was not even in the riverlands. she was within kings landing, the night after one of the grand feasts celebrating the coronation of a new king.
she had retired earlier than her brother last night, as they always did. there was something he needed to do. someone he needed to see. she sprung herself from the warmth of her bed, half dressing herself whilst messily putting her hair into a quick bun. they remained within the family apartments that had been allocated to them, and thus, she did not bother putting effort into her appearance. she slipped her robe over her nightgown, which was hardly anything sensual or luxurious. anastacia had told her she appeared like a potato sack. "mornin' to ya, judie and plum!" brianna yelled at the bracken servants passing by, whilst speed walking down the corridor from her own chambers towards the chambers where her brother's were.
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and then suddenly she appeared, like a flury of chaos - and the atmosphere surrounding him, was stillness. calm. it almost rooted her. almost, if she did not accidentally bump into one of the bookshelves as he moved towards him, nearly causing something to fall over. "tell me ya got her." brianna exclaimed, looking around as though lady gold, or whatever wretched name the creature truly had, was somewhere hiding in the room. "did she take the bait? i told ya use the idea of marryin' a heathen, gods know it causes all the ruckus. thank ya, garland hightower." she moved forwards toward his desk, wondering why none of the letters he was writing seemed to be writing to the lion king to inform them the brackens had caught the lady gold.
"hold on a moment. slow yer horses. where is the daft bitch? dun be tellin' me 'tis actually a man."
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lastfulcrum · 2 years
plotted starter for @mactabilis​ ( leia )
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  The air of Hoth was frigid, right down to his bones; making old and new injuries ache in its wake as the Captain tugged his parka tighter around his form to trap the heat close to him. Those who had been painstakingly keeping an eye on on him for months in the infirmary would likely have choice words for him if they knew he was spending so much time out in the elements after he had just been released from the infirmary. Albeit, he was still on medical leave, and he had seen nothing but the white walls of the infirmary since he had woken up on Echo Base. He wanted fresh air, even if that air was as shockingly cold as it was -- it reminded him that he was alive. That he didn’t perish on the beaches of Scarif along with hundreds of other Rebels who did.    ( What made him so special that fate left him behind? )   Another fact that he relished about being outside, with the snow blanketing the ground and the hanger far below him as he stood on one of the roofs of the base, it was so quiet. Almost eerily so. Occasionally, he could hear a speeder or a ship; but, otherwise, the snowy terrain of Hoth swallowed the sounds whole. For the past month, Cassian had heard nothing but the bustle of a still raging rebellion around him while he stood still like a rock in the river; feeling stagnant to a point that it was frustrating. Out here, he could breathe. He could exist without the reminder of feeling like the Rebellion was moving on without him. Cassian, ever since he had left home, had been running -- whether it was to somewhere, or away from somewhere. His feet was rarely still, and it made him reckless.   Eyes closed as he lost himself to his thoughts, but footsteps broke his sacred silence -- dark eyes flickered open and he turned over his shoulder; not quite expecting the brunette who approached him. ( He knew of her -- of course he did. )   “Princess,” he greeted, short -- but not unkind.
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spellbcok · 8 months
@vcndetta asked:☀ — [lestat de lioncourt] and [lorelai gilmore] go ice skating
“do you want to be chazz to my jimmy?” lorelai jokingly asked the person skating beside her. “or i could be chazz if you prefer, although with that hair you are a perfect fit for chazz.”
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strawberrym1ko · 1 month
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ᯓ★ CHARACTERS: Diluc, and Razor, ft Lisa
ㅤᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 SYNOPOSIS ― Lisa visits the Dawn Winery unannounced with a favour to ask
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YOU WERE at home, tending to the grapes outside the mansion when your attention was grabbed by the sound of heels. It was unusual for someone around the mansion besides yourself, to be wearing heels. Placing the last grape in the basket beside you, you turned around to face the unsuspected guest. Your lips tugged up into a soft smile when you saw who it was.
Standing behind you was Lisa in all her glory, a close friend of yours from your days as a knight. "Lisa, what do I owe this unannounced visit?" You questioned. The basket of grapes nested between your hip and hand. Rustling from behind made it clear she wasn't alone. You couldn't see who it was exactly, but you could see a glimpse of brown ripped bottoms peeking from behind a grape bush.
"Can I not visit a dear friend of mine?" Lisa asked, her playful tone present.
"You typically write a letter a day in advance" You replied.
Lisa chuckled at your response. You knew her well enough. "You crack me up darling" She said. "I have come for a favour"
A favour?
It wasn't like Lisa to be asking favours. Intelligent that she was, it would take a lot for Lisa to admit she might need some help with a certain task. Even then, she would ask one of her fellow Favonius knights for assistants, not an old friend. Meaning it must be personal with what she has to ask.
"Not like you to ask for favours"
You could see the hand Lisa was hiding behind her hand move, signalling something -or someone- to move. "Which you will understand that this is personal to me. Only you can be trusted" She was more serious. Serious Lisa meant business. Personal or not.
The librarian of Mondstadt stood beside you, looking at the bush that had been moving every now and then during your interactions. Shying out from behind the corner was a boy. A young boy. No older then seventeen, maybe younger. He seemed lost, the darkest set of red eyes you have ever seen, skipped between you and Lisa. He didn't seem to know what to do or what to say.
"Lisa?" You turned to Lisa, puzzled. As anyone would if their friend turned up asking for a favour then showing a boy they have never seen before. Did Lisa have a secret love child no one knows about?
"This is Razor, the boy raised by wolves" Lisa introduced the young male, encouraging him to come closer. The young boy obeyed, stepping into the valley between the grapes.
The boy raised by wolves? You never heard of him before. "Raised by wolves?" You raised your concern.
Lisa nodded. "Poor baby was left with wolves. They took him in, raised him as a cub" She informed you. "His English is. . . . limited"
"How limited is limited?"
"Level of a toddler"
It would make sense that a boy raised by wolves with little to no interactions with humans, would have such little words in his vocabulary. That spiked your next question. "How can I help?" You had a feeling that Lisa came to you to help ease the young male into society. With the responbilites she has back at headquarters, she would have little time to teach him. But you? you were a house-wife with time on your hands and with the recourses he would need. You were the perfect person to ask.
"Baby doesn't have a place to call home, nor adults to look up to" Lisa was hinting out the idea of taking in the young male, but you were already a step ahead of her.
"I'll have Adelinde prep a bedroom for him" You stepped closer to Razor, taking it slow as not to frighten him. "Razor, would you like to stay with me for a while?" You asked.
Razor looked behind you, eyes focused on Lisa for reassurance or some guidance. Lisa nodded her head. "[Name] is a very close friend to Lisa. She will give you shelter, food and will help you learn" Lisa gave him the reassurance Razor needed.
The sliver-haired male nodded his head. "[Name]. lupical" He said.
You never heard of that word before. But, it seemed to mean a lot to Razor. A way to start conversation, help him into the mansion while Lisa went back to the Favonius headquarters. "What does Lupical mean Razor?" You asked.
Razor's guard had fallen when you asked him the meaning behind the word. You held onto his shoulder, guiding him into the mansion, listening to the young male yap on about the meaning behind the word.
Razor was already considering you family.
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"What is this?" Diluc asked once he stumbled into the living room to see a young male curled up on the sofa, head resting on his wives lap, soundly sleeping.
You used your fingers as a bookmark. "Welcome home" You welcomed your husband. Your free hand running through Razor's sliver locks. Your heart swelled with awe when the boy snuggled closer to you. "We basically adopted him"
"I'm not leaving you home alone" Diluc said, not because you were now this adoptive mother. But because he wasn't here to disagree with the idea and suggest something else. If you were willing to adopt this random boy, Archon knows what else you were willing to do.
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goldsainz · 24 days
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001. ONE-SHOT !
✦ reckless behaviour.
category : fluff
✦ give me all of you.
category : fluff-suggestive
✦ choices.
category : angst
✦ little prince.
category : fluff
✦ nsfw alphabet.
category : smut
✦ only you.
category : angst-comfort
✦ the sweetest reunion.
category : smut-fluff
✦ glory.
category : fluff
✦ a throne made for love.
category : smut
✦ only his to view.
category : smut
nothing yet !
003. SERIES !
nothing yet !
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© 2024 all rights reserved — goldsainz.
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1969 Holden Hurricane Concept
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1969 Holden Hurricane Concept
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1969 Holden Hurricane Concept
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1969 Holden Hurricane Concept
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1969 Holden Hurricane Concept
Holden has gone back to the future, restoring its very first concept car - the 1969 Holden Hurricane Concept.
The futuristic research vehicle described as an experiment "to study design trend, propulsion systems and other long range developments" has been restored to its former glory as a labour of love by a dedicated group of Holden designers and engineers.
Code named RD 001; the Holden Hurricane is a mid-engined, rear-wheel drive, two-seater sports car which incorporates a remarkable array of innovative features and technology, much of it way ahead of its time.
Features such as electronic digital instrument displays, station-seeking radio, automatic temperature control air conditioning, rear vision camera and an automated route finder were all showcased in this ground-breaking vehicle 42 years ago. Many of these technologies have only recently made their way into mass production, demonstrating Holden's remarkable foresight into both design and engineering technology.
The Holden Hurricane stole headlines and dropped jaws nationwide when it debuted at the 1969 Melbourne Motor Show.
Michael Simcoe, Executive Director GMIO Design, said it was fantastic to see such a significant vehicle restored.
"At Holden we have always prided ourselves on our ability to look into the future through our concept cars," Mr Simcoe said.
"It's amazing to think that the features we take for granted today were born out of creative minds over 40 years ago."
As its code name suggests, the RD 001 was the first product of the GMH Research and Development organisation, staffed by a small squad of engineers working in conjunction with the Advance Styling Group at the Fishermans Bend Technical Centre in the 1960s.
The team that designed and built the original Holden Hurricane employed some advanced technologies and techniques when it came to the powertrain. Powered by an experimental 4.2-litre (253 cubic inch) V8, this engine was a precursor to the Holden V8 engine program which entered production in late 1969.
The Holden Hurricane's V8 engine featured many advanced design components such as the four-barrel carburettor - a feature which wouldn't be seen on a production 253ci Holden V8 until the late 1970s. The end result was approximately 262hp (193kW), a towering power output in 1969 and one that ensured the Holden Hurricane had the go to match its show.
But perhaps the two most innovative features were the "Pathfinder" route guidance system and the rear-view camera.
The "Pathfinder", essentially a pre-GPS navigation system, relied on a system of magnets embedded at intersections along the road network to guide the driver along the desired route. A dash-mounted panel informed the driver of which turn to take by illuminating different arrows, as well as sounding a warning buzzer.
The rear-view camera was also a ground-breaking innovation.
Engineers using a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system with a camera mounted in the rear bumper feeding vision to a small black-and-white TV mounted in the centre console.
Former Holden Chief Studio Engineer Rick Martin led the modern-day Hurricane team in researching the vehicle's components, systems and history in order to restore it.
"There are some genuinely remarkable ideas and technology in the Hurricane," said Mr Martin.
"From the automatic air-conditioning and magnet-based guidance system, to the inertia-reel seat belts and metallic paint, this was a car that was genuinely ahead of its time.
"The hand-picked team of engineers and designers who built the original Holden Hurricane worked in strict secrecy and began Holden's now proud tradition of ground-breaking concept cars."
RD 001 stands just 990mm high and has no doors in the conventional sense. A hydraulically-powered canopy opens upwards and forward over the front wheels, combined with twin "astronaut type" power-elevating seats which rise up and pivot forward, along with the steering column for ease of access. Occupants are then lowered to a semi-reclining position before the roof closes over them.
The wind tunnel-tested fibreglass body consists of three segments; the canopy, the engine hood and body shell and was finished in an experimental aluminium flake-based metallic orange paint.
Safety innovations included a foam-lined fuel tank, integrated roll-over bar, digital instrument readouts, ignition safety locks, interior padding and a fire warning system.
The project to restore RD 001 began in 2006 and has been a genuine labour of love for some very dedicated Holden employees. The entire restoration process has been driven primarily by volunteer labour from Holden designers and engineers in their spare time.
But the Hurricane first entered Holden Design in less than immaculate condition. RD 001 had a residency in a trade school where apprentices practised their welding on the priceless concept.
After being returned to Holden in 2006, the Hurricane restoration project has taken many thousands of painstaking man hours to lovingly restore RD 001 to concourse condition.
Holden's Manager for Creative Hard Modelling, Paul Clarke, has been largely responsible for managing the restoration of RD 001. He ensured as many of the original parts as possible have been used or remade using modern techniques to 1969 specification, in order to preserve the authenticity of this hugely important Holden.
"The entire team has done a fantastic job in bringing this beautiful concept back to life," Mr Clarke said.
"The talent we have within the Holden organisation is simply outstanding. Every time we take on a project I'm constantly amazed by the passion and talent in this company, making it a genuine pleasure to work on these projects.
"The Hurricane plays a crucial role in Holden's story and the company has such a great sense of history and heritage that it was very important to bring RD 001 back to life. It's been a challenging but incredibly rewarding process."
Since the debut of the Holden Hurricane Concept in 1969, Holden has continued to build a global reputation for envisioning and executing world-class concept vehicles. Holden is recognised globally within General Motors as a centre of excellence for concept vehicle and show car development and is one of only three GM design studios that is capable to design and build concept cars.
Michael Simcoe added that the Hurricane holds a particularly special place in Holden's history as it kick-started Holden's long love affair with concepts that has since seen the likes of the iconic GTR-X, Torana TT36, Coupe 60, the GMC Denali XT (which was requested specifically by GM for the North American market) and the award-winning Efijy.
Holden Hurricane Concept (1969)
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tofu83 · 7 months
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Let me introduce the latest high-tech prison in the Republic of All Mankind!
As you can see, it’s not a building or camp but simply a set of body armor. It can limit prisoners' freedom and correct their behavior with minimal resources
Mark, the rebel who encourage young people to engage in destruction, has the honor to serve as an example.
Turn around, Prisoner!
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"What the fuck are you doing to my body!?"
See? Even if he has thousands of unwillingnesses, he can do nothing but obey. That's because this exoskeleton has been connected to his central nervous system. Now he is not able to control his own body, but let the armor in charge.
Oh, that gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket, you have question?
"Why not brainwash the prisoner or implant a controlling chip to make him completely compliant?"
Good question! We intend to keep their mind clear in order to let them understand what we could do to them. Let them know that every single person is just the property of our country. Even you and me both have to admit that the authority has absolutely power over us. Right?
Besides, the prisoners have to learn what is good and what is bad. Take Mark as example. He will join the rebels hunting team working with law enforcers to hunt down his accomplices, and force them into the same kind of prison he is in now.
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"You freaking bustard! I will never betray my allies!"
He is so noisy, isn’t he? No problem! Turn around to show our guest your face, prisoner! Just a click on this button,
the mouth gag and face mask will make him quiet!
Okay, let’s continue. After working for the authority many times, we infer they will finally understand how childish they were and how glory to serve the country. They will submit and be loyal to their country from the bottom of their hearts.
But we know some people are very stubborn and won’t easily be break down. If we need immediate combat effectiveness, they are the best choice because the armor also has the ability to fully control the wearer.
Lets enter the code here…
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You can see that the prisoner stops struggling and stands up straight. His eyes glowing red like robots’ because he is actually becoming a robot.
Their minds would be wiped out in order to be reprogrammed easily.
Only the useful parts of their memories will be retained, and the rest will be deleted.
Now the reprogramming is almost complete.
Hunter bot 001 active and report status!
"Hunter unit 001 is fully functional, reporting for duty."
Let me prove that he is already converted into a loyal servant of our country.
"Hunter bot 001, perform your main mission!"
"Yes sir, this unit will comply. Start searching for potential insurgents…. Target detected! A close friend of the famous rebel, Mark, is in this room!"
Wow, what a surprise!!!
"Rebel, Name: Black. Must be arrested immediately!"
Hey!That gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket!
Congratulations on becoming the second inmate of the new prison!!!
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3xamenace · 10 months
one-hundred smut prompts (01)
001. mirror sex
002. reach arond
003. creampie
004. car sex
005. breeding kink
006. anal fingering
007. handjob
008. wall sex
009. angry sex
010. tonguefuck
011. spit as lube
012. masturbation
013. cum play
014. glory hole
015. overstimulation
016. size kink
017. dirty talk
018. coming in pants
019. size difference
020. fucking machine
021. deepthroat
022. role reversal
023. facesitting
024. morning sex
025. shotgunning
026. office sex
027. shower sex
028. rimming
029. desk sex
030. spitroasting
031. cockwarming
032. vaginal fingering
033. clothed sex
034. ass play
035. voyeurism
036. threesome
037. hairpulling
038. pussy worship
039. intercrural sex
040. rough sex
041. double penetration
042. vaginal sex
043. formal wear
044. squirting
045. cock drunk
046. sex tape
047. edgeplay
048. sleepy sex
049. on the counter
050. spanking
051. butt plug
052. aftercare
053. wax play
054. scent kink
055. cock worship
056. muscle kink
057. quiet sex
058. choking
059. lap dance
060. gagging
061. mommy kink
062. knotting
063. collar
064. humping
065. phone sex
066. first time
067. strap-on
068. strip-tease
069. belly bulge
070. porn watch
071. sixty-nine
072. somnophilia
073. vibrator
074. mutual masturbation
075. bondage
076. coming untouched
077. facefucking
078. CBT
079. size queen
080. hand kink
081. public sex
082. orgasm delay
083. biting
084. strap-on blowjob
085. cum swallowing
086. riding
087. cam girl
088. age play
089. painful sex
090. cuckolding
091. kneeling
092. cock ring
093. prostate massage
094. power bottom
095. felching
096. age gap
097. lingerie
098. anal knotting
099. daddy kink
100. nipple play
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httpisaoki · 11 months
non-idol! yu jimin x fem! reader
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requested by @rinapomu, i kinda turned it into a series hihi
synopsis. yu jimin, the single mom across yn ln’s apartment. Yn ln, the nobody next door. Suddenly being fired from her old job, yn searches for a job. Hearing that yn was looking for a job, jimin offers her a job to babysit her daughter. yn accepts the job, until one day she comes across jimin’s office, finding out who yu jimin really is.
genre. spy au/non-idol au, strangers to friends, friends to potential lovers, secret rivals, fluff, a bit of crack?, giving kinda depressing kdrama vibe hihi (the glory..)
status. ongoing
disclaimer. these stories are purely fictional. they do not reflect any of the names mentioned. the names mentioned have no involvement with the fiction being told.
warnings. swearing/inappropriate language, suggestive stuff, violence implied, suicide/depression, yn is the typical awkward loser neighbor, yn is fighting unemployment :>, slight angst?, depressive themes?, plot twist.., more to be added !
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000. third-year
001. regret
002. helpless
003. luck?
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denncrow · 9 months
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[Subject 001
I had not heard from her in days. Applejack said she had last seen her talking to what appeared to be some forrest critters. She was very wrong.
Today I found her in her cottage, she seemed normal at first glance, cheerful even, but then I noticed how quiet it was. All of her animals were missing, even Angel. I became suspicious and started to subtly question her.
“What have you been up to the past few days?”
“Have you heard from Discord?”
“How are the animals?”
“Did you remember to order that cake?”
“Nothing much.”
“No not yet.”
“They are safe now.”
“Yes I did.”
These all seem like perfectly acceptable responses, if I had not known any better. I had long since noticed the claw marks and feathers scattered about that suggested a struggle. On top of that the cake question was a bait as I had not asked her to order one.
I tried to contain her quietly and gently but she put up a fight. In a blink she turned into a horrible mutation of my friend. She tried repeatedly to bite me while shouting “Praise be to The Sun! Behold his light! Behold his glory!!”. By the end of it I was covered in deep gashes and bruises, but I had thankfully managed to avoid a bite.
I’ve never felt more sadness in my life than when I had to lock her away.
Every night I’m down there. Every night I look for a cure. And every night I am haunted by her cruel cries and screams. It’s beyond chilling. To see my friend in so much pain, to cry out so desperately, and not be able to do a thing.
I’m ashamed to say I have fallen for her wicked tricks more than once, each time resulting in another fight as she tries to escape, each time met by the same screams that convinced me to release her in the first place.
I will cure you Fluttershy, I promise. ]
- Twilight Sparkle
Log : 01
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helveticathestitcher · 4 months
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Singh Sisters Wheel Service & Heavy Industry Ltd. - Deltoid Custom
Sovereign Immunity Use Mobile Suite
This one was kind of a struggle but over all I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Art, in his own words, made S.I. to never get in a mech so the details on what the Old Glory looked like were very loose and I took some serious liberties with it. I leaned into the idea of it being a Converted Construction unit and used some of the other descriptions of Con.Con.s for inspiration. I would say the hardest part was finding a kit that would let me build a hover tank (yes, that is just the butt of the Zeong), but the thing that took me the longest was designing an emblem for The Sheppard's Crook. I applied it with a sheet of masking tape and then went over the top with distressing to get the burned off negative effect and I think that turned out pretty well although I wish I had access to a laser cutter to get sharper edges on the mask then what I was able to do by hand. Check bellow the cut to see the mock up I did in illustrator.
You can find other Friends at the Table kit-bashes I've built here:
With the Rapid Evening complete, it's probably time for me to look into some S.B.B.R mechs. Anyone know a good gorilla mech kit?
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