maslimanny · 3 months
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I hope we never turn into strangers, I hope we don't grow cold and distant, I hope secrets don't spread between us till they build a wall of doubts and blame, I hope our conversations keep going in any and everything, I hope we keep sharing silence of comfort and not of boredom, I hope our good days are far more countless than our bad ones,I hope I can always see in your eyes safety, tenderness and trust, I hope I can always be your shelter, your comfort home, your continious support, I hope whenever sadness grow in your heart you allow me to hold it down with you or be there till the storm passes by, I hope we never break our descent tie of respect and appreciation , and most of all I hope you know what you mean to me, I just hope.!!
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violetcaterpillar · 2 months
Lies do hurt, because it means there is a lack of trust, it means an understimation of mind, it means there's a gap built or about to created between us, it also become a source of endless doubts and 100 of questions, it means a silent blame will always overload the heart, it will build a void of not knowing things for sure, lies do sadly hurt.
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fyrenyx · 2 years
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One of my biggest battles with my own self is that I notice the tinniest details, the most little change on someone's behavior I would glimpse, I would sense the vibes of someone enjoying my company or when boredom catches his thoughts, I would translate the little gestures into how someone likes me and vice versa, and sometimes it turns into a curse,I'm traumatized against sudden departures, cold attitudes, the unanswered questions, the unknown guilt, and the killing thought of " what went wrong" I'm always terrified of loosing my closest ones, of silent goodbyes, and deep down I know that fear might ruin it all, but I have experienced how losses can smash my heart into peaces.
Yasmine Lasheen
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glitterykhat · 2 years
Yes I carry with me always that bag of pain and failures, Yes I lost my dearest ones and my soul was shred into pieces, I failed myself so many times to fix my fatal weaknesses, I was trapped in the same mistakes over and over again, I didn't follow my dreams as I should, I lied to myself when I shouldn't, I denied her for so many times, I judged people yet it's against my beliefs, I lost track of who am I really, I walked with the current without choosing, I smiled when I had to scream, I allowed people to underestimate me but more I underestimated myself all the way, for so many times I pretended everything is ok, so people forgot I get lost too, I absorbed words that hurt me with a smile, Yes I did all that but I'm still trying and will just keep trying.
Yasmine Lasheen.
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baraanabil · 2 years
Tell people how good they are, highlight their acts of love, mention how they made a difference to you, let them feel appreciated, loved and special, allow them to fall in love with themselves, make their day brighter with good words, because at the end of the day we are all struggling, we are all fighting things we don't say even to ourselves, we are all running from our own demons, so be gentle, be kind, because one good word from you could change someone's mood and the opposite is true, live a good trace in someone's heart it might be his savior.
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impafect · 3 years
Sometimes you don't need someone to give you answers but someone to understand why you are questioning, sometimes you don't need someone to calm your fears but just someone to give you the right to be afraid for a while, sometimes you don't need a voice to correct your non sense but rather holds your hands while you are being a mess, sometimes you don't need someone to stop your tears but rather someone to hug you and cry with you, from time to time we all need someone to accept us, swollow our insecurities and weirdness, someone who allow us to heal with time while they are just by our side, but most of all you need someone to trust they will accept all of you, even when they don't understand it.
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fancytalestrawberry · 3 years
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Dear God, For so many times I get so lost to know if I'm in the right place, if different actions I should have taken, If I'm a coward to follow my dreams or so stupid to picture myself in things I don't deserve, did I grow enough mentally and spirtually, did I follow all your signs? Did I learn the messages coming through the pain, did I count the hidden rescues you filled me with, and that eternal question that never goes away, I never stopped wondering how do you see me God, I know you know it all, you know the fears, the confusion, the hussels, the love, the unsaid weaknesses, the tiring thoughts, more than anyone you know that mess, every single detail of it, am I a good person with so much chaos inside? Or a bad person with outer pretend? Or maybe I balance in between? Dear God just guide me through it all. 🕯️🦋🦋🦋 #innerthoughts #belief #glowoftheheart #aprajitanefes 🌸🌸🌸 https://www.instagram.com/p/COQ5VJ-rRJd/?igshid=1ra7z2etd762m
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You need to tell yourself from time to time that you have done your best, you did wake up in mornings were you only wished to hide, you captured tears with smiles, you fought your own despair, fear, ego and weakness, you walked through paths you never knew how it shall end, you witnessed your dearest ones leaving your company and you managed to trust new ones, you knew exactly what is it to be heart broken and yet you were able to love again, you know what's like to feel useless, worthless and yet you just kept trying, you have conquered moments were literally pieces of you were totally smashed, and yet you didn't give up, your life turned upside down in ways you never imagined and yet you survived, so yes you really did all your best. 📸: @officialfarhanbaloch #hope #seldreminder #belief #glowoftheheart #yasminelasheen (at Karachi, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJAhNl2MHdk/?igshid=hqk1perns7wo
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chocolateysblog · 4 years
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The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.
Yasmine Lasheen
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Tell people how good they are, highlight their acts of love, mention how they made a difference to you, let them feel appreciated, loved and special, allow them to fall in love with themselves, make their day brighter with good words, because at the end of the day we are all struggling, we are all fighting things we don't say even to ourselves, we are all running from our own demons, so be gentle, be kind, because one good word from you could change someone's mood and the opposite is true, live a good trace in someone's heart it might be his savior.
-Yasmine Lasheen -glowoftheheart
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naqaabdulbaser14 · 3 years
You know that feeling that all you is drained, you don't have the will or the desire to do anything, you are not waiting for anything to happen or running after something that badly, you don't have any expectations from anyone, your enegry is consumed and all you want is the day to go by peacefully,
All of a sudden that rush of emotions that filled you all the time dissapear, you are just an image og someone you used to know and deep down you don't know if this temporary or something within you has eternally died.
— Yasmine Lasheen. glowoftheheart.
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maslimanny · 8 months
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I want to write about the things that people don't tell, about the tears behind their smiles, the joy that float over their all senses, I want find the exact words that translate feelings they fail to express, I want tell the stories they think they were ashamed or terrified to mention, I want narrate people silent victories that nobody notices, I want to recount the struggles people defeat and survive, I want to state how we are in stages of growth through our journey and it's always ok to mess up sometimes till we find our ways back, I want capture moments of complete defeat that are followed with marvelous spots of survival, I want use my words as wings for soul connections, for humana to feel less alone, for hearts to keep glowing.
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violetcaterpillar · 7 months
And she said: no I have never loved him, nor even he stepped on the doorway of my heart, it was just a glimpse of your shadow, a dream to fill a gap that one day you will leave, to hope that there is a possibility my heart might learn to beat for someone else, and all along the way of those false trials you have never left a tiny piece of my heart nor have I preferred any other human being company over yours, it's like I'm spelled and cursed equally with you.
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fyrenyx · 2 years
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Dear you,
I hope with time you learn to embrace your flaws even the ones you hate, I hope you understand it's ok to be vulnerable sometimes, it's normal to be weak against some special things, it's ok to carry your most traumas along the way, I hope you realize that your journey is about growing yes, becoming a better person yes, but a huge part of it resides in accepting yourself, knowing who you really are, with all the mixed ugliness and beauty that lies in you, I hope you know it's already a victory to spot your defects, to try harder tomorrow, and sometimes not yo try at all, dear self, I'm sorry for all the times I blamed you more than I should, I highlighted your dark sides without falling in love with the bright ones.
Yasmine Lasheen.
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seoulsapphire · 3 years
And sometimes you just feel tired from everything, the musts, the chaos, the fights, the delayed plans, the daily routines, the repeated mistakes, the lost chances, the wasted time and efforts, the expired feelings and the illogical remaining ones, the unanswered questions, the ones you are terrified to tell yourself you know their answers, the hateful weaknesses, the moments you lost yourself, so all You need is brutal silence, a break from everything, a point where you can collapse than gather your shreded pieces, to try again, new paths, new wishes, or maybe old abandoned hopes, all you need as much as it may seem the easiest thing, it's one of the hardest experiences any human can face, the will to start all over again.
Yasmine Lasheen.
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jessica-seco · 3 years
I wish I could tell you all the important things that happened but yet all the boring stuff that filled my day, I wish I could share with you that tasty sip of coffee or the smell of that place again, I wish I could let myself be so vulnerable in front of you so that I can recharge my tired soul, I wish I could share my silliness, craziness, mood swings and yet know at the end of the day you will still love me, I wish I could tell you how I feel sorry for myself and how guilt is smashing me, I wish I could speak all the non sense that you heard very well and made sense out of it but most of all and just for one time I wish I could run to my home, your arms.
Yasmine Lasheen.
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