kachcha · 1 year
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Traditional clothing from Gnjilane, Serbia
Народна ношња из Гњилана
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profesors · 5 months
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◾Serbian girl dressed in serbian traditional clothes from Gnyilane, Southern Serbia 🇷🇸
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gorskivijenac · 2 years
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Traditional costume of a young married woman and bride from Kosovsko Pomoravlje, Serbia. x
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Kosovo: Djevojčica prijavila dvojicu muškaraca za silovanje
Kosovo: Djevojčica prijavila dvojicu muškaraca za silovanje
Foto: Kossev Maloljetna djevojčica iz Gnjilana prijavila je kosovskoj policiji da su je u periodu od marta do aprila ove godine silovala dvojica muškaraca, prenosi Nova RS. Kako je saopštila kosovska policija, dvojica osumnjičenih u ovom slučaju su uhapšena i nalaze se u pritvoru. Za sada drugi detalji slučaja nisu poznati. „Maloljetna žrtva je dala izjavu da su je silovala dva odrasla…
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mariacallous · 4 months
Monitoring by Internews Kosova, a partner organisation of BIRN, of around 20 public institutions in five Kosovo municipalities has concluded that certain groups, especially special needs individuals and members of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian ethnic communities, are still widely discriminated against.
The report, conducted by BIRN journalist and Internew Kosova publication Kallxo.com’s Valon Fana and legal officer Flaka Fazlija, who gathered data from April to November 2023, concluded that legal obligations are not respected and often are not even known by the local institutions. As a result, marginalized groups continue to face discrimination.
Although many public buildings were built or renovated after the Kosovo war, they pass the technical tests without fulfilling all the legal conditions for creating equal access to persons with special needs.
The monitoring, in the municipalities of Pristina, Lipjan/Lipljane, Gracanica, Gjilan/Gnjilane, and Viti/Vucitrn, found that persons with special needs have difficulties accessing institutions that provide services such as centres for social work and public schools.
Most of the institutions visited during the research do not have spaces around them adapted for the access of persons with special needs and there is a lack of parking spaces for people with disabilities.
In the University of Pristina, also monitored for this report, there is no employee with special needs, despite the law requiring one in every 50 employees to be special needs. Of 26 institutions, with 3,000 employees, monitored, only 10 employees had special needs.
An advanced legal framework for minority ethnic communities, especially the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, is not being implemented and they are not being employed unless there is a specific quota for their employment.
Members of these communities are still stigmatized by society at large and have high rates of school drop-out. Even in schools with pupils from these communities, the five municipalities monitored have not hired teachers from these communities themselves.
Members of the LGBT community remains a marginalized group of society, and few women have senior decision-making positions, the report said.
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eaglecreative · 3 years
These are the 5 candidates nominated for MPs from LDK of Gjilan
These are the 5 candidates nominated for MPs from LDK of Gjilan
Gjilan / Gnjilane LDK will compete again with five candidates for MPs. They are: Lirije Kajtazi, Valentina Bunjaku Rexhepi, Imet Rrahmani, Faton Bislimi and Ramiz Ramadani. “With full consensus, without any objection, the leadership of the Branch, which is led by the chairman Lutfi Haziri, decided on these names”, said in anonymity a member of the leadership of this party for mediafocus Lirije…
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balkantimes · 4 years
Novi rekord u Srbiji: Umrlo 13, a 177 pacijenata na respiratorima
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U posljednja 24 sata na području Srbije registrovano je još 383 zaraženih korona virusom.
U Srbiji je u posljednja 24 sata potvrđeno još 383 zaraženih korona virusom, a u istom periodu 13 osoba je preminulo, javio je Tanjug.
Na respiratorima se nalazi čak 177 osoba, najviše do sada.
Kako je rekla premijerka Ana Brnabić, Vlada Srbije danas je usvojila mjere Kriznog štaba koje sutra stupaju na snagu, te se očekuje da će donijeti rezultate.
„Imamo daleko najveći rast broja zaraženih u Beogradu, a nestabino je i u Kraljevu. Broj zaraženih raste i u Novom Sadu, dok se stanje u Šapcu i Novom Pazaru smiruje“, rekla je Brnabić.
Na konferenciji za štampu ona je kazala da su usvojene mjere obavezno nošenje maske u zatvorenim prostorima što važi za cijelu Srbiju, bez obzira da li su lokalne vlasti proglasile vanrednu situaciju.
Druga mjera je zabrana organizovanog okupljanja više od 10 ljudi u zatvorenom i na otvorenom prostoru.
Usvojena je preporuka nošenja maski na otvorenom, uz obavezu tamo gde nije moguće držati distancu od 1,5 metara.
Vanredna situacija u Raškoj i Kraljevu
Od testiranih 118 uzoraka na teritoriji grada Kraljeva registrovano je novih 77 slučajeva zaraze virusom korona, a u Opštoj bolnici Studenica u tom gradu preminula je jedna osoba, izjavio je direktor Zavoda za javno zdravlje Aleksandar Macan.
Kako je kazao za Tanjug, u gradu na Ibru od početka epidemije ukupno je registrovanih 547 slučajeva, od čega samo od 17. juna 496.
Preminulih u Kraljevu od početka epidemije ima ukupno 16, od čega je, kako je naveo Macan, bitku sa virusom korona izgubilo 13 osoba za poslednjih mesec dana.
U Vrnjačkoj Banji ukupno je zaraženo 55 osoba od početka epidemije, ali jučer je zabiljžen veliki skok odnosno 15 novozaraženih i to od testiranih 17. U Vrnjačkoj Banji je od 17. juna zabilježeno novih 47 slučajeva, a jučer je jedna osoba iz te opštine preminula u bolnici u Kraljevu.
"Situacija je zabrinjavajuća, broj zaraženih konstantno raste, broj pregleda u COVID ambulanti i u Raškoj, Vrnjačkoj Banji, a naročito u Kraljevu je izuzetno veliki", naglašava Macan.
BiH: Umrlo šest osoba
Prema podacima Federalnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo u protekla 24 sata u Federaciji BiH testirano je 1.300 uzoraka, od kojih su 182 pozitivna na COVID-19.
Novi slučajevi registrirani su u svim kantonima u Federaciji BiH: u Tuzlanskom (14), Zeničko-dobojskom (22), Hercegovačko-neretvanskom (26), Zapadnohercegovačkom (1), Unsko-sanskom (13), Bosansko-podrinjskom (5),  Srednjobosanskom (5), Kantonu Sarajevo (93) Posavskom kantonu (2) i Kantonu 10 (1).
Trenutno je aktivno 2.369 slučajeva - oboljelih od COVID-a 19, a do sada su zabilježena 92 smrtna slučaja.
U posljednja 24 sata prijavljeno je pet smrtnih slučajeva, radi se o ženskim osobama iz Sarajeva (1944.) i Prače (1932.) i muškim osobama iz Sarajeva (1978.), Sanskog Mosta (1960.) i Tuzle (1964.)
Na području entiteta Republika Srpska u posljednja 24 sata je izvršeno testiranje 472 laboratorijska uzorka, a prisustvo novog tipa korona virusa registrovano je kod 85 osoba, javila je reporterka Al Jazeere Ljiljana Smiljanić, pozivajući se na podatke Instituta za javno zdravstvo RS-a.
Radi se o 51 muškoj i 34 ženske osobe, od kojih je 22 mlađe, 52 srednje i 11 osoba starije životne dobi.
U posljednja 24 sata Institutu za javno zdravstvo RS-a prijavljen je jedan smrtni slučaj kod kojeg je potvrđeno prisustvo novog tipa korona virusa. Radi se o ženi srednje životne dobi iz Sokoca.
Crna Gora: Novih 60 zaraženih
U Crnoj Gori registrovano je 60 novih slučajeva zaraze korona virusom.
Iz Instituta za javno zdravlje kazali su da je od 477 analiziranih uzoraka 60 bilo pozitivno.
Navodi se i da je najviše novih slučajeva zabilježeno u Podgorici, gdje je 24 novozaraženih, prenijela je Anadolija.
"Registrovan je i jedan importovan slučaj koji je nakon boravka u inostranstvu rezultate laboratorijskog ispitavanja dobio sa zakašnjenjem. Zaraženi je od ulaska u Crnu Goru bio u samoizolaciji. Tokom dana u bolnici u Beranama prijavljena je još jedna smrt zaraženog korona virusom, pa je od početka juna ukupno 17 potvrđenih smrtnih slučajeva", navode u Institutu.
Hrvatska: 1.204 aktivna slučaja
U Hrvatskoj je u protekla 24 sata potvrđeno 86 novozaraženih korona virusom, pa je u ovom trenutku broj aktivnih slučajeva 1.190, a 74 posto novozaraženih je iz samoizolacije, izvijestio je Nacionalni stožer civilne zaštite.
"Broj pozitivnih osoba od 25. veljače, kada je zabilježen prvi slučaj zaraze u Hrvatskoj, do danas je 4.039. Od toga je u proteklih 24 sata 86 novodijagnosticiranih", rekao je ministar zdravstva Vili Beroš na konferenciji za novinare, prenosi Hina.
Ukupno se oporavilo 2.729 osoba, od čega su u protekla 24 sata iz bolnice otpuštene 934 osobe, što je 13 više u odnosu na jučer. Oporavljenih kod kuće je ukupno 1.795, što je 87 više nego jučer.
Aktivnih slučajeva je 1.190, što je 14 manje nego jučer. Hospitaliziranih pacijenata je 136, četiri više nego jučer, dok je na respiratoru šest bolesnika.
Prosječna dob je 47,26 godina. Nema novih preminulih, pa je broj ukupno preminulih i dalje 120.
S. Makedonija: Broj umrlih prešao 400
U Sjevernoj Makedoniji u posljednja 24 sata registrovana su 94 novozaražena korona virusom, a osmoro je preminulo.
Ukupni broj zaraženih u toj zemlji od početka pandemije iznosi 8.623, od kojih je 4.603 ozdravilo, prenio je Tanjug.
U ovom trenutku aktivnih slučajeva je 3.619, dok je preminula 401 osoba.
Kosovo: Zaražene još 132 osobe
Na Kosovu je u prethodna 24 sata testirano 486 osoba, a prisustvo korona virusa potvrđeno je kod 132 osobe, saopštio je Nacionalni institut javnog zdravstva Kosova, prenijela je Beta.
Ukupno je do sada potvrdjeno 5.369 slučajeva infekcije, od 29.546 osoba koje su imale simptome.
Do danas je na Kosovu 118 osoba umrlo od posljedica infekcije, a imale su i prateće hronične bolesti.
Jučer su izliječena 83 pacijenta.
Najviše novooboljelih i jučer je registrovano u Prištini, 47, a slijede opštine Uroševac i Mitrovica sa 16, Gnjilane sa 12, Podujevo sa šest i Vučitrn sa pet novooboljelih.
Slovenija: 19 novozaraženih
U Sloveniji su u posljednja 24 sata na korona virus testirane 1.032 osobe, a potvrđeno je 19 novih slučajeva zaraze, objavila je slovenska vlada.
Dnevni broj utvrđenih novozaraženih jednak je kao i prethodnog dana kada je bilo provedeno 1.112 testova. U zadnjih sedam dana potvrđena su ukupno 134 nova slučaja, najviše u petak, kad ih je bilo 34, prenosi Hina.
Prema podacima slovenskog ministarstva zdravstva aktivna su 264 slučaja zaraze.
Broj potvrđenih zaraza od početka epidemije u Sloveniji povećao se na ukupno 1.897.
U posljednja 24 sata nije bilo novih smrtnih slučajeva među zaraženima, pa ukupni broj umrlih ostaje 111.
U slovenskoj vladi vjeruju da će se epidemiološka situacija idućih dana smirivati.
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aniekanekah · 4 years
Female Police Officer Kills Her Four In-laws, Commits Suicide
Female Police Officer Kills Her Four In-laws, Commits Suicide
A Kosovo female police officer on Tuesday shot and killed four in-laws, then committed suicide, prosecutors said in Gnjilan, a town 50 kilometres south-east of the capital Pristina.
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The killer, an officer with the local police precinct, shot her husband’s parents and two brothers, a spokesman for the prosecutor’s was quoted as saying.
All the five people dead at the scene, it said, adding that…
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emilijainstitucija · 5 years
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17. Mart 2004. Gnjilane I r Rat na KiM ... #EmilijaInstitucija #emilijakaleidoskop #emanovisad #emaemilija (у месту Spens Emilija, Otvoren Bazen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UrcsfIre4IGBI8z-bYsUWQtAW8BkUhzWcUds0/?igshid=hdi52jkq2urp
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whizkydee · 4 years
Police officer kills four in-laws, commits suicide
Police officer kills four in-laws, commits suicide
  Police officer kills four in-laws, commits suicide.
A Kosovo female police officer on Tuesday shot and killed four in-laws, then committed suicide, prosecutors said in Gnjilan, a town 50 kilometres south-east of the capital Pristina.
The killer, an officer with the local police precinct, shot her husband’s parents and two brothers, a spokesman for the prosecutor’s was quoted as saying.
All the…
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gorskivijenac · 2 years
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Traditional costume of an older married woman from Kosovsko Pomoravlje, Serbia. Folklorna Radionica
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cgvijesti · 1 year
Pucnjava u Srbiji, hapšenje na Kosovu: Privedeno devet osoba
Pucnjava u Srbiji, hapšenje na Kosovu: Privedeno devet osoba
Jedna osoba teško je ranjena u pucnjavi koja se dogodila u dvorištu jednog kazina u Bujanovcu. Kosovska policija je uhapsila osumnjičene za učešće u ovom incidentu. Iz kosovske policije saopšteno je u utorak da su u ranim jutarnjim časova dobili informaciju da je u dvorištu kazina povrijeđen Albanac sa Kosova vatrenim oružjem od strane člana porodice. „Regionalna policijska uprava Gnjilane,…
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mariacallous · 6 months
‘The Shadow Garden’, which was staged at Pristina’s Oda Theatre and the City Theatre in Gjilan/Gnjilane on Thursday, is based on the story of Saranda, Jehona and Fatos Bogujevci, survivors of a massacre in which 15 of their family members were killed in their garden in Podujeva during the Kosovo war in 1999.
The three children subsequently became the first children to give evidence in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague, at the trial of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
‘The Shadow Garden’, written by British playwright Sarah Hehir, directed by Nastazja Domaradzka from Poland and performed by the Kosovo-based theatre ensemble Multimedia, explores the traumas of the war and the battle for justice.
Hehir met Saranda Bogujevci and other family members when she was teaching refugees from Kosovo in the British city of Manchester.
“The idea of a family that was able to move from the private arena and their private tragedy into a public arena and seek justice, even as children, was an incredible story for me,” Hehir told BIRN.
“In Kosovo as well, accounts of war were largely dominated by male military voices and there was not enough space for victims,” she added.
Hehir started to write the play in 2018, the same year that Saranda Bogujevci entered politics. A year later, Bogujevci became a Kosovo MP.
Director Domaradzka said she likes the play’s “abstract way of exploring the story”.
“It is a story about trauma and pain but also it is a story of people who have survived and are healing,” Domaradzka told BIRN. But it also tries to “look at the symbolism of the story and what it means to survive”, she added.
Domaradzka said that a phrase voiced by Jehona Bogujevci in real life – that they survived because “we were meant to tell the story” – became the core of the play.
“I think it is a very timely and important piece for survivors in Kosovo and all over the Balkans who have been affected by war,” she said. She also argued that the play is timely in light of the atrocities currently being committed in the Middle East.
“Telling these stories and keeping these stories alive, felt more important than ever now, in this political climate, and this culture of denial [of war crimes],” Hehir added.
‘The Shadow Garden’ benefits from being performed by an ensemble of Kosovo Albanian actors: Aurita Agushi, Ernest Zymberi, Kushtrim Qerimi, Tringa Hasani, Gani Rrahmani and Alban Shahiqi.
After its premiere in Gjilan/Gnjilane this month and Thursday’s performances in Pristina and Gjilan/Gnjilane again, the play will now be staged in other cities in Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia.
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ripper470-blog · 6 years
A celebration with a history: The double eagles of Xhaka and Shaqiri against Serbia
For Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri, the match against Serbia was the game of their lives, and the way that both celebrated their goals sent a real message to their opponent.
The two Swiss internationals, of Albanian origin, turned the game around with strikes they will never forget.
Xhaka's father was a political prisoner for three and a half years in the former Yugoslavia, and after leaving prison, his parents went into exile in Switzerland, where he was born in 1992.
Shaqiri was born a year earlier in the Kosovan city of Gnjilane.
Serbia-Albania suspended... because of a drone!
In 1992, his parents also left their homeland to settle in Switzerland, in the middle of the Balkan war.
Both made the double Albanian eagle with their hands when scoring, in a celebration full of symbolism and dedicated to their loved ones.
The old wounds between Serbia and Albania also saw an incident in 2014 during a qualifying match for Euro 2016.
That game was suspended due to a feud between the players, the launching of firecrackers and flares from the stands and an attempt to invade the field by Serbian fans after the emergence of a drone with a flag of Greater Albania.
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 Cities in Kosovo Babimoc Boge Ðakovica Dragash Ferizaj Gnjilane Gornja Mala Gracanica Kosovska Mitrovica Laplje Selo Peje Pristina Prizren Vragolija Zajmovo
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