#gnsdily series
wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Could you write a fic of ellick between the car accident and getting to hospital since we didn’t get to see it in the episode please???? (If this makes any sense)
Here ya go anon!
Opening her eyes slowly, Ellie looked around, trying to remember why she was on the grass instead of running next to Nick on the pavement. Distant sounds of an unfamiliar voice telling her they were calling the police had everything rushing back to her as she remembered the car coming at them and Nick pushing her out of the way. 
“Nick?” Her voice came out quietly but quickly turned frantic as she looked around. “Nick!” Scrambling to get up, she limped over to where he lay crumpled on the side of the road. “Nick! Nick wake up, look at me!” Kneeling, she ran her hands over him, searching for injuries as she catalogued the ones she could see - a cut on the forehead, scratches all over his hands, and a leg that was bent at an odd angle. She knew there was likely to be internal bleeding with the way he hit the car but she couldn’t focus on that right now, she had to focus on his breathing until the paramedics got here.
Sirens could finally be heard in the distance and she pulled out her phone, calling Gibbs and rivaling the boss man with how few words she used. The ambulance arrived as soon as she hung up her phone and listened intently to what they were saying, never once taking her eyes off of the man now in the back. An EMT was getting ready to close the doors when she broke out of her trance and held out a hand. 
“Wait! I’m going with him.” 
“I’m sorry ma’am but-” 
“No!” The strength of her voice surprised the man and she swallowed, staring him down. “I’m a Federal Agent and he’s my partner. I have to make sure he’s okay.” He looked at her for a moment, probably wondering if she was telling the truth, when he finally nodded and held his hand out to motion for her to get inside. Needing the physical contact, she sat next to him and held his hand in hers, rubbing her thumb across the back of it as she sent up a silent prayer for him to be okay. She had already gone through losing Qasim and Clay, she couldn’t lose someone else she cared about. 
Once the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Nick was rushed inside as doctors and nurses surrounded him. Keeping up was difficult with her knee but she pushed through, grabbing his hand again once they were inside and staying next to him until a nurse's hand on her shoulder stopped her. 
“I’m sorry ma’am but you’ll have to wait out here.” She started to protest when the nurse glanced her over and waved to the reception desk. “You need medical attention too. Let me get a doctor and then you can wait out here for your boyfriend.” The nurse turned away before she could correct her and she sank into a chair nearby. Now that the adrenaline has worn off she could feel the pain in her knee but the pain in her heart was worse. 
One moment she was running side-by-side with Nick, laughing as he started getting ahead of her and the next there was a car coming at them and Nick pushed her out of the way as he tried to jump over it to avoid getting hit. The image of him laying there, unconscious and injured, would be forever burned into her brain and she had to choke back a sob. Nick had to make it through, he just had to. She didn’t know how she could live if he didn’t.
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indestinatus · 5 years
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Slow down or I'll puke on you.
Tiva in every episode - 3x04 Silver War
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ao3feed-ncis · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38Jr8fv
by WannaBeBold
Series of oneshots and drabbles from Tumblr requests.
Words: 387, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: NCIS
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ellie Bishop, Nick Torres
Relationships: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres, Ellie Bishop & Nick Torres
Additional Tags: tumblr promts, one shots, Drabbles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38Jr8fv
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Ellick drabble idea: Ellie's cousin comes to visit, chaos ensues. Make this cousin one she used to get into college spring break trouble with but they have respectable jobs now.
I hope you don't mind I changed it up a bit.
I’m taking a little bit of leeway here on when Ellie would’ve gone to college. Since Ellie’s a farm girl from Oklahoma I could totally see her rocking out to Carrie Underwood at a karaoke bar. 
“Lydia! Oh my gosh you’re here!” Ellie yelled as she opened the door, pulling her cousin inside and into a tight hug. “It’s been way too long!” 
“It really has Ellie! It’s so good to see you!” Pulling back, Ellie grabbed her suitcase and led them into the living room, sitting down on the couch.
“So tell me, how are you? How are Mark and the kids?”
“They’re great. Lily’s been having some separation anxiety since it’s the longest I’ve been away since she’s been born but Mark’s a great dad, he’s got everything under control.” Ellie smiled. She had only met her cousin’s husband a couple times but he was always a great man and Ellie was happy that Lydia had met him. It was one good thing to come out of their crazy college days. “So, enough about me, how are you? Anyone special in your life?”
“I’m good.” As much as she wanted to leave it at that and not broach the other subject, the look on her cousin’s face told her that wasn’t happening. “And no, there’s no one. Work takes up pretty much all of my time right now, there’s not much left for dating.”
“Oh come on Ellie. You’ve been divorced from that jackass for four years now. Besides, what about that coworker you always talk about?” Ellie choked on her water and took a moment to compose herself before talking. 
“Who Nick? No, we’re just partners and friends. That’s it.” 
“Girl, the way you talk about him all the time, there’s no way you’re just friends.” Rolling her eyes, Ellie quickly changed the subject and the two of them talked about family and work until they were both yawning and heading for bedrooms.
Saturday was spent sightseeing until supper when it was decided they would get take-out from Ellie’s favorite place and eat at her apartment since Lydia had to leave the next morning. 
Ellie had already changed into pajamas and was sitting on the couch waiting for Lydia so they could start some good, old-fashioned “girl talk,” when a familiar knock sounded at the door. Curious as to why Nick would be showing up at this hour, she pulled one of her brother's old sweatshirts over her tank top and padded to the door. 
“Nick hey, what’re you doing here?” His eyes swept over her as he took in the oversized, most likely men’s, sweatshirt that was barely covering what he hoped were shorts underneath before shifting to the two half-empty wine glasses on her coffee table. 
“I- I’m sorry Bishop. I uh, guess I should’ve called before coming over.” The look on his face could best be described as defeated and that’s when she noticed what he was holding - a box of most likely muffins from her favorite bakery, a bag of bacon brown sugar chips, and a movie they had been talking about watching. “I’ll just uh, give you these and let you get back to your date.”
“No!” Ellie’s hand reached out to grab his arm and stop him from leaving. “Nick no it’s, it’s not a date.” 
“Really? Cause from where I’m standing it sure-”
“Alright Ellie, first order of business: that partner of yours.” Ellie’s cheeks flushed scarlet and she cursed Lydia as Nick’s eyes widened. Lydia suddenly stepped into view of the door and she stopped mid-stride. “Oh Ellie I’m sorry! I didn’t know you had a date tonight! I can just go to a hotel.”
“No!” Ellie looked back and forth between her cousin and her partner, trying to figure out which one to address first. Finally she realised her door was still open and she pulled Nick inside, closing the door behind him. “This is my cousin Lydia. Lydia, this my partner, Nick.” 
Still stunned by this turn of events, it took Nick a moment to remember his manners before sitting down Ellie’s treats on her table and turning towards her cousin and holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you.” 
“You too.” Lydia shook his hand, sending Ellie a knowing glance that she just rolled her eyes at. 
“Well uh, I’ll head out, let you guys get caught up.” Ellie was ready to say goodnight when Lydia spoke up. 
“Nonsense! We’ve had all day to get caught up with each other. You should totally stay. Besides, I should get to know the man watching my favorite cousin’s back.” 
“Lydia!” Ellie whispered, lightly hitting her on the arm as she turned to Nick. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. We can reschedule movie night.” 
“I dunno this might be fun.” Nick sent a wink to Lydia, causing Ellie to roll her eyes but relented. 
“Okay fine, you can stay. But! Only because you brought me muffins.” Nick could only laugh as Lydia smirked and Ellie tried to ignore them, grabbing the box and getting settled on the couch. “Are you two gonna join me or am I gonna have to eat these by myself?”
“Like she would mind that.” Nick whispered, earning a laugh from Lydia.
“Hey I heard that!” He caught the pillow she threw at him, tossing it back to her as they rounded the couch, each taking one side and no one mentioning how close he sat to Ellie. 
“So tell me, what was Ellie Bishop like as a kid?” Ellie groaned as Lydia started talking and looked over at Nick. He was listening intently, like he was trying to memorize every word.
“... And then we decided that we should get up and do karaoke. Let me tell you, trying to belt out Carrie Underwood while drunk is not easy. Oh! And then there was the time Ellie thought it’d be a good idea to hack into the Dean’s list and change the spelling of her ex’s name. It wasn’t caught until it was published. She was good at covering her tracks so they could never trace it back to her but everyone knew she did it. And he definitely deserved it if you ask me. Did you tell him about the time we slashed the tires on-” 
“Okay.. I think that’s enough wine for you.” Ellie leaned over and grabbed the glass out of Lydia’s hand and sat it on the coffee table. Turning to Nick, he handed her the glass they had been sharing and she took a long drink. 
“Well, remind me not to get on your bad side B.” His tone was joking but his face had an air of seriousness to it and she had to look away. 
“Oh I don’t think it’s possible for you to get on her bad side Nick. I mean, she’s always talking about how great you are and-”
“And I think it’s time for you to go to bed.” Standing up quickly, she pulled Lydia up and behind her until she was in the spare bedroom and closed the door softly behind her. Coming back to the couch, she sat down across the sofa from Nick. “I’m sorry about her. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to see each other and, well she can get a little carried away with the college stories.”
“Oh no, I enjoyed those. I had always wondered what a young Bishop was like and now I know.” Groaning at his enjoyment, she dropped her head in her hands before looking back up at him. 
“I promise I wasn’t that wild in college all the time.”
“I dunno B, it’s nice to know you had a wild streak too.”
“Just promise me you won’t tell anyone else about this. “
“I promise B.” Reaching over, he placed a hand over hers where it was resting on her lap. Glancing at the clock behind her, he saw it was almost midnight and sighed. “It’s late, I better go.”
“Oh uh, yeah okay. Let me walk you out.” Standing up, she followed him to the door, not wanting the evening to end. “Thanks for putting up with us tonight. With two kids Lydia doesn’t get out much and apparently can’t hold her wine as good as in college.”
“It was my pleasure.” His hand went to the door knob then put her turned to face her, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “And uh, nice to know you talk about me.” Her cheeks flushed again as he pulled back and was unprepared for the lightest touch of his lips against the corner of hers. “Goodnight Ellie.” Squeezing her hand, he placed one last kiss on her forehead before turning around and heading out the door. 
As soon as she slid the lock in place she leaned back against the door, a hand coming up to her cheek where she could still feel the lingering touch of Nick’s lips. There was a skip to her step as she went to bed, the smile still present as she thought of the look in Nick’s eyes as he left and the kiss he placed on her skin. 
If this was the result of having Nick meet her family then maybe it was time for a visit from her brothers. 
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: NCIS Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres, Ellie Bishop & Nick Torres Characters: Ellie Bishop, Nick Torres Additional Tags: tumblr promts, one shots, Drabbles Summary:
Series of oneshots and drabbles from Tumblr requests.
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: NCIS Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres, Ellie Bishop & Nick Torres Characters: Ellie Bishop, Nick Torres Additional Tags: tumblr promts, one shots, Drabbles Summary:
Series of oneshots and drabbles from Tumblr requests.
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: NCIS Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ellie Bishop/Nick Torres, Ellie Bishop & Nick Torres Characters: Ellie Bishop, Nick Torres Additional Tags: tumblr promts, one shots, Drabbles Summary:
Series of oneshots and drabbles from Tumblr requests.
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