#go mama defend your blorbo
sheriffmannix · 4 months
i finished watching vp with my mom and im just as feral as i was on my first watch through probably more because we have the same thoughts on like everything about it jsut about 😭 she Gets It fr
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
One Piece, fandom, can someone explain to me the appeal of Shanks? At least to me, he comes off as the drunk guy on the beach who wasn't lying when he said he knew karate. Not to mention that I've seen some discussions that the Red Force probably smells like a frat house in the worst possible way, and the only person who knows where anything on that ship is is probably Beckman because he's the only responsible person on that boat. Let's be honest. They're probably right. Plus, I've read the nicknames and funny tags. At least someone thinks he's a walking STD risk, which I'm also pretty sure is true. He's definitely a total fuckboy, and apparently some people are into that. At least one person said they'd volunteer to be his baby mama. But I still don't understand the appeal. Now, onto the most significant issue do we have confirmation he bathes? Because I would be worried he might be pulling a Zoro. If he is pulling a Zoro, I'm just going to pray that Beckman can throw him in the bathtub or at least overboard because it's probably the closest thing he's going to get to a shower. Unless he's blackmailing him with embarrassing stories, he's threatening to tell Mihawk about it if he doesn't bathe. I could definitely see that as a possibility. If not, if you're his partner, you might have to do that unless you don't have a sense of smell, which I still think would be a requirement to live on that ship with Shanks. Because in between the smell of unwashed pirate booze and cigarette smoke, that sounds like torture. Hopefully, someone understands why. I just don't know why so many people find Shanks attractive. There are so many factors. Maybe as a one-night stand, he would be possibly worth it, but I'm not living on that ship
Defend Your Blurbo #12
Please remember this post is about curiosity and genuine fandom discourse. Be kind with your answers because this is not a debate essay, this is a discussion between fans.
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Well, for everyone who doesn't know, this is Red Hair Shanks, The Captain of the Red Hair Pirates. They mentioned Beckman a lot. That's his first mate
And they are correct about the nickname in funny tags posts and what people said I double-checked. Here's the link
Have fun with this! One-piece fandom is not so much asking. Is he attractive? It's more. Can you live with this man and his crew in his floating frat house? So One Piece Fandom Defend your Blorbo
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roseandgold137 · 9 months
Sorry there are so many but i am sooo curious 👀👀👀
For the fanfic writer emoji asks:
😅🤡😈✍️🎢🎶⛔🌞❌🧐🏆📈🦅👀💞🧠(<- for Tim)🤩🤲🎉⌛🤯
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
hmmm none come to mind immediately bc I mean I’m pretty chill with everything I’ve made existing, but I suppose if I were to write Meet the Family again I’d definitely change a few bits that kinda make me :/ now lol
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
“… Janet had money. And Helena’s birthday was soon… though a summer home seemed a bit extreme. Perhaps just a holiday would be enough.”
every so often I think of this line again and realise I’ll never actually live up to it
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
hmmm if nothing else I think I do plan to be lmao
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
not in the slightest everyone is just lucky if I even give it a second look before posting, that’s why I have to constantly go back and fix misspellings bc I never double check 😅
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Definitely Every Good Gold Digger, I mean it has the most going on (pretty sure it makes up over half of my total word count on ao3) and if you actually stop to consider the premise it’s literally two people that never meet in canon going through the most frustrating speed dating slow burn I can create while also being interspersed with random time jumps so I can tell a story that takes place over several years. So I’d say the rest is pretty tame haha
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Not often actually bc most of my writing actually happens in classes where my background sound is the teacher I should be listening to lol
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Wire Bird was supposed to get a chapter two but it was frustrating me to no end so I just abandoned it
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
No, just whenever I have the time and motivation I suppose
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Bad parents Jack and Janet drake my beloathed. I can’t even read it without having a physical reaction like literally I get completely thrown out of the story and just need to like cool off 😭 drake defender til I die
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
I start writing and then the research happens on the go 💪💪 I didn’t even know Brassempouy existed before chapter three of EGGD
🏆 What's your most popular fic? 
Based on hits, Every Good Gold Digger. Based on kudos, Meet the Family. But considering EGGD has far more subscriptions by far and also it’s definitely the one I’m more well known for so I’m going to give it the crown
📈 How many fics do you have?
On ao3, 24, and then there’s another from an ask I’ve been meaning to upload, and then there’s various half-finished wips that may or may not turn into anything lol
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
TECHNICALLY some of them have had outlines but very few of them remain true to them so mostly I make it up so long as I have the main story beats in mind
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
still working on the dick kidnapping one, so far he’s on patrol with Bruce and living his best reckless life. In version one anyways. Version two has him already caught and he is a significantly grumpier teen lmao we’ll see which version wins out
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Probably Tim or Janet I’m very partial to them, though Bart definitely appears as my art blorbo he’s everywhere in my sketchbooks so I suppose the three of them. I’m not very good at narrowing things down
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (Tim)
Ooooo. You know considering how often I think about him this question should probably be far easier but alas. He’s a total mama’s boy, but that’s basically canon, so I won’t count that. I think he ate crayons as a kid, but that’s not a favourite headcanon. I like to imagine him as an animal lover, because I genuinely can’t really imagine someone not like that, so I suppose that would be my favourite, bc it’s the trait I always give him even if I never say it
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? 
Tim definitely I never stop thinking about him which makes the whole process very streamlined
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
of course I would
“ “We didn’t do much golf, to be honest,” Jack murmured, dropping his head into his hands suddenly. “Janet. Janny. I made out with Bruce Wayne in the golf range bathrooms.” He peeked at her through his fingers. “Stop laughing at me.” ”
I’m just going to leave you all with that 👍👍
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
When I link it to here and everyone gets excited in the notes 💪💪💪 those first five minutes after posting is like ambrosia to me
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It varies so widely, some chapters get done in a matter of hours meanwhile I’m on like two weeks for this one lmao
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
I mean before I would have said romance but I actually think I’m doing pretty well at it, so maybe action honestly? My strength is definitely slice of life and fluff so sometimes I feel like my action can feel a bit off pace yknow
Thank you so much for the ask <3 it was very fun going through them all :)
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softlyapocalytpic · 1 year
Embodiment of love
@pchberrytea tagged me!! And then my partner had to help me take it because I couldn't figure out how to do it well??? Its fun and cool they just do uquiz better.
I tag @maxiseden since I think this would be fun for your blorbos and @plasma-packin-mama cuz I love Delilah & Arcade and would love to see what they get!! And! Copying Tea here, if you want an excuse to be tagged for this then CONGRATS. It's you. You've been tagged. You're it.
Also, I guess some spoilers for pairings for my characters...?
💕 RULES: Take this quiz for your OC/ship.
Without further ado:
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[ love is beautiful because it's built deliberately ] when casey mcquinston wrote "that's the choice. i love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. i love him on purpose" and when jenny slate tweeted "i just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you" and when jodi picoult wrote "after fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. it's a choice" and when the good place said "if soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made"
Man this one HURTS. It hurts in the long term, and it hurts in the short term. They communicate terribly, they understand each other better than most people understand them, they argue a lot and also are the bestest friend the other has ever had. I've said this for a while, but if things had panned out differently these two would've been best friends all the way back in the vault. And this invokes all that for me, but also. In context of where they end up by the end of the story... It hurts so so so bad. They never stop choosing each other even long long after.
They're always touching each other, holding each other, putting their hands on the other. A punch, a hug, holding each other's face. Hands holding, Butch arm around Amy's shoulder, Amy always ready and willing to hold Butch when he needs it. The world is shitty, but they're together.
Sunshine/Half Pint
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[ devotion: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause ] when ruth said to naomi "where you go, i will go, and where you stay, i will stay. your people will be my people, and your God my God" and when hozier sang "i'll be the dreadful need from the devotee that drove [orpheus] underground" and when deathcab for cutie sang "if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, i will follow you into the dark"
So if Butch/Amy hollowed me out, this one knocks me in the teeth and guts me. YES. YES. THIS IS THEM. These courier dorks will follow each other to the very ends of earth, to hell and back again, will be by each other's side till the very end and beyond. They die by each other's side. Literally. It doesn't matter what happens this two are soulmates eternally devoted to each other.
They are "I love you in this life and when I'm someone else entirely" and "I love you when you burn down the world", "I love you when you're a monster", "we're monsters together".
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[ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
crying, actually crying
This is the boys. This is the boys all the way. They're all so fucked up and hurt and love each other so much, and yeah they're TENDER. When I think of Leo/Hancock it's such gentle touches and adoring looks and holding each other gently. It's softly spoken words. It's staring into each others eyes. Mac/Leo is sharing the weight of a trauma, it's defending the other to the other, it's giggles and warmth by the fire as they help the other unwind. Hancock/Mac is camaraderie. It's being debaucherous fools who wind up holding each other. It's having their arms wrapped around each other and laughing.
Hopefully there will be a pt.2 with more members of the quartet (Sunshine/Half Pint/Deacon/Danse) (ik ik ik trust me it WILL work even if I forget why sometimes) (we've gone to crackship hell and we WILL radicalize Danse). Maybe for Mae/Takeshi? Maybe for Mae and someone else? A lot maybes.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Pretty please, the black parade Opinions
several people have said they want to hear my opinions on this which is pleasantly surprising!! so, i love every song on this album to death, and due to procrastination on having to pick something for the lowest spot, i decided to start with the Best one. also this took rlly long because i ended up re-listening to the whole album, whoops
1: Mama
cmon. fucking cmon. does this genuinely need to be defended like at all. this entire song altered my brain for real. the circusy music vibes?? the fucked up lyrics?? the emotions??? you should have raised a baby girl i should have been a better son?? perfection. 10000/10. fight me
2: House of Wolves
there is just so much stuff in this song, and it's all immaculate. from start to end you've got the most sound per sound you can possibly get, in the best way. AND!!! fucking AND!! it's got villain song vibes. 11/10 what more could you want
3: Famous Last Words
*choking back unspeakable emotions* yeah it's fine i guess
4: Dead!
this is partly so high because it's also got that great concentration of most sound per sound, but also for the sheer upbeat energy of such a macabre premise. i'm a sucker for that!!! also, it is a Blorbo Song. i have assigned it to an OC who is very dear to me and that boosts it up. (Hey. i said this would be biased). also the unhinged energies near the end are just the best <3 10/10
5: Welcome To The Black Parade
it's the album's namesake. it changes your brainwaves forever. it's vibes are impossible to replicate. even my parents know every word. i couldn't not put it in the top 5. caaaaaarrrryyyyyyy oooonnn-- 10/10
6: Kill All Your Friends
ah. we've come to the one I can't play in the car because of how concerning the lyrics are to my mother. look,,, i am a basic bitch. i hear a song that's upbeat and tragic and i love it!!! it's also got that nice sound-per-sound quality again. black parade songs in general are good at that. 10/10
7: This Is How I Disappear
it's angsty. it's angry. it lets you scream "FUCK" really loudly. it lets the writer brain run wild. it sounds deeply, deeply haunted. there's 38 seconds of guitar before you get a single word. it's perfect. 10/10
8: The Sharpest Lives
10/10. theres a place in the dark where the animals go you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands romeo
9: My Way Home Is Through You
we're back at soooo much sound per sound!!! this one is more raw and angry and i love it for that. it does something to my brain i dont even know what but it just does. it's Also a blorbo song too. 10/10
10: Heaven Help Us
i've probably actually listened to this one the least, but that's because it literally overwhelms me to listen to for more than a few times in the row. istg it's a religious experience. 9/10
11: Teenagers
i sing this one in the car with my dad very very loudly :D it's a funky funky tune, it doesn't really give quite the same vibes as the rest of the album but I really like it! 8/10
12: The End.
i think it's integral to the Dead! experience!!!! that's why it's higher than some of the others that i actually liked a bit better. if you haven't listened to these songs back to back (The End. coming first) then you have not lived. but on its own, i really mostly like the part from "when i grow up i want to be nothing at all" -> onwards. 7/10
13: Sleep
i have. zero thoughts. not a single coherent thought about this song. it is just,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, skjdfkdgjskda.sfdsdf. to be clear the lack of thoughts isnt "oh its fine i guess :/" it's "i am physically incapable of getting my emotions into a coherent order over this" lol. 8/10
14: Disenchanted
really good!!!!!!!!! but I'm not a huge fan of the really calm opening or the way he sings at the very very start. however it gets really, like.... hypnotizing? after that, and then really powerful, and i just. <3 <3 <3 absolute solid 8/10 song that i still VERY MUCH enjoy despite it being all the way at 15 on this list skhfksdkjf. (Tho... A Secret.... i had a bit of an enemies to lovers arc with this one. i used to dislike it.) 8/10
15: I Don't Love You
a good song but not one i'd listen to for hours on repeat like some of the others. I think it's got some REALLY banger moments but it could have been More bangery, you know?? still a solid 7/10 though
16: Blood
another funky one!!!!!! it's really fun and makes me laugh a bit, especially "i'm such an awful FUUUUUUUCK!!". however (and i know this is bc it's a hidden track but still) i can't stand the minute of silence at the start skjdfhksdjf, i like to loop my songs for constant Noises and i can't do it w/this one. 6.5/10 again
17: Cancer
objectively it's a good song but for subject matter reasons it tends to make me very very sad, so it's a lower one on the list. nothing against the song though it's so good but it genuinely makes me close to crying lmao. so i don't listen to it very much at all. 6/10
and that has been Black Parade Opinions with Nico!!! if anyone bothers me some more i will do the sweet revenge, conventional weapons & danger days opinions as well
(i,,,, have not listened to bullets. whoops)
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
Some of us are just complete sluts, and we're totally okay with that. I'm fully self-aware, and I totally would volunteer to be Shanks's baby mama. People have been talking about the implications of devil fruits in the bedroom. I want to know if Haki has bedroom misuses.
Now, The Red Force probably smells like a frat house, but you're going to go nose blind in probably a week, and I would volunteer to be the maid, especially if it comes with a cute slutty maid outfit. I bet Shanks would go feral for that, and again, I'm self-aware that I'm a total ho. Plus, I wouldn't care as long as I'm getting railed by the Daddy Emperor of the Sea every night, and you know what? Beckman can join, too. Because I bet he's hiding a Special kind of Sea King in his pants too
For contacts, the anon is responding to this post about Shanks, and I'll go ahead and link the Defend your Blurbo with Beckman, too
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Why do I have a feeling that as much as you tried to defend Shanks with this, it's going to be the Beckman fans that have the most fun with this response? They now have a new euphemism for his dick, and trust me, the Benn Beckman fans are feral, so they're going to have a field day with this. I mean, "A special kind of Sea King in his pants." The fanfic writes itself
One Piece Fandom. You guys are the undisputed Rulers of Horny Jail, The Champions of Blorbos and The Poets of Thirst. Long May You Reign
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