#goa trip 2023
lelifeholidays · 1 year
Video by: @hungrycruisers | Best time to visit all these places is Now 🤌🏼✨
Tag someone you would want to take a Goa Trip with and share with your friends ❤️🤟🏻
We just love Goa beyond beaches, there is so much to explore 🫠😍
What’s your favourite Goa Experience?? Let us know in the comment section 🤓😀 . Location:📍Goa, India . Lelife Holidays customized tours, Domestic and International, for details WhatsApp +91 9641586413 .
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cheniaik · 9 months
Tentang 2023
2023 saya dimulai dengan diterima di sebuah kolektif bernama Milisifilem. Saya pernah membuat tulisan khusus mengenai ini dan rasanya pilihan mengikuti Milisifilem adalah keputusan terbaik yang saya ambil di 2023. Saya belajar banyak sekali hal yang gak pernah saya tahu terutama tentang film dan seni. Ada beberapa hal yang bahkan gak pernah saya coba dan saya pikir saya gak akan mampu tetapi melalui Milisifilem saya bisa mendobrak kegakmampuan saya itu. Saya banyak bertemu orang-orang hebat. Orang-orang tersebut memberikan saya banyak ilmu dan membuka keran pemikiran saya terhadap beberapa hal. Terpenting, saya bisa merasakan lagi perasaan berdebar-debar karena belajar sesuatu. Rasanya, kalau bisa diulang, saya ingin mengulang dari awal proses saya belajar di Milisifilem. 6 bulan terasa sangat sebentar untuk bisa menggali semuanya.
Di pertengahan tahun, saya diterima kerja di tempat yang sekarang. Tentu awalnya saya takut dan sangsi akan kemampuan saya, saya pikir, apakah saya mampu bekerja di tempat ini? Dengan job description yang lumayan padat dan tim yang sangat ramping. Tapi bukankah hidup adalah perihal mencoba hal baru? Selama bulan-bulan pertama, tentu saja saya kelimpungan, sampai-sampai gak ada tuh kalimat work life balance di kehidupan saya. Namun, lama-lama saya mampu beradaptasi dengan baik, hebat juga saya. Bahkan, pekerjaan ini adalah pekerjaan yang saya idam-idamkan dari dulu. Bekerja sambil berkeliling Indonesia. Dibayar, pula. Saya juga punya bos dan tim yang super solid. Mereka sangat suportif dan gak pernah meninggalkan saya kesulitan sendirian. Rasanya, seluruh lelah yang saya rasakan seimbang dengan apa yang saya dapatkan untuk perkembangan diri saya. 9 bulan bekerja di tempat yang sekarang, walaupun sambil mengeluh hadeh hadeh hadeh huft huhuhu sambil menangys tapi saya senang. Saya mendapatkan banyak sekali pelajaran baik itu soft skill maupun hard skill. Sebenarnya cukup disayangkan karena di pekerjaan yang baru ini saya gak berhubungan langsung dengan penerima manfaat/beneficiaries, tapi gak apa-apa, karena sebagai gantinya, saya berhubungan langsung dengan rekan-rekan NGO lokal yang fokus akan berbagai macam isu.
Karena pekerjaan baru saya itu, di tahun ini, saya menjelajahi banyak tempat! Saya juga melakukan hal-hal yang dari dulu ingin saya lakukan. Saya melakukan solo trip ke Labuan Bajo dan Sulawesi Selatan, saya Caving di Goa Buniayu selama kurang lebih 6 jam. Dan yang paling mengesankan, saya mencoba Skydiving!!!!!! Iya, Skydiving yang entah dari tahun berapa itu adalah hal yang sangat ingin saya coba. Rasanya, setiap saya melakukan hal-hal tersebut, apalagi ketika solo trip, saya selalu ngerasa kalau Allah baik banget sama saya. Saya tahu Allah selalu baik, tapi ketika di momen-momen sendirian itu, lebih terasa dan ngena di hati aja gitu karena mungkin ketika solo trip saya sadar gak ada yang bisa saya andalkan kecuali saya dan Tuhan. Jadinya, kalau ada kejadian sekecil apapun, misalnya saya melihat matahari terbit atau tenggelam yang indahnya dahsyat, atau bertemu orang-orang baik yang menawarkan saya bantuan, atau menghirup udara pagi yang segarnya bukan main, rasanya saya lebih sentimentil atas nikmat-nikmat itu. Gak jarang saya tiba-tiba menitikkan air mata karena Allah sedekat itu sama saya. Huhuhu.
Gak ada kata terlambat buat siapapun. Meniti karir di usia 35, menikah di umur 40, baru tahu mau jadi apa saat 28, ya gak apa-apa. Dari dulu saya memang gak suka kompetisi, diajarkan di rumah pun, terutama ketika ikut lomba, menang bagus, kalah bukan masalah. Jadinya, saya gak pernah membandingkan pencapaian diri saya dengan orang lain. Dan di umur saya yang mau kepala tiga ini, saya masih excited betul untuk mengenali diri saya, ingin kuliah lagi, mau belajar banyak hal baru, dan mencoba mewujudkan beberapa cita-cita saya tanpa perlu memikirkan atau iri dengan kehidupan orang lain. Toh, mereka gak tahu gimana rasanya jadi saya. Yang tahu diri saya, kan, saya sendiri. Makanya saya senang sekali ketika melihat tren di tiktok yang memperlihatkan orang-orang baru mulai traveling di umur 35, atau baru membeli barang-barang impiannya di umur 30, atau baru memikirkan pernikahan di atas umur 40. Saya paham setiap orang punya waktunya masing-masing yang mungkin gak akan pernah bisa saya pahami sehingga gak semestinya saya melabeli kehidupan orang lain dengan “ah tapi telat itu”, “udah ketuaan itu mah”, atau “jangan buang-buang waktu”, padahal, terlambat menurut siapa? Bukankah tugas kita cuma hidup aja sebaik-baiknya? Kenapa harus ada kata terlambat atau tepat waktu? Bukannya yang penting atas waktu yang diberikan, kita bisa bersyukur dan bahagia dengan cara kita masing-masing?
Tahun ini, saya hanya membaca 2 buku panjang. Payah sekali.
Saya menggendut. Berat saya naik 7 kilo sejak awal tahun hahahahahaha. Rasanya kayak babi berjalan walaupun masih pede-pede aja hanya kadang kezel kalau lihat lengan dan paha yang bergelambir, padahal kan, saya mau pake maxi dress dengan paripurna wkwkwkwkwk. Sekarang saya sedang coba juga untuk hidup lebih sehat; makan secukupnya, mengurangi gula dan junkfood, dan lebih konsisten berolahraga.
Saya semakin percaya kalau prasangka Allah adalah prasangka hambanya. Semenjak menerapkan ini, rasanya hidup saya jadi lebih ringan dan tenang. Rasanya gak ada lagi tuh pertanyaan-pertanyaan egois macam “kok gini sih ya Allah” karena saya percaya segala yang memang buat saya, gak akan pernah lari dari saya. Walaupun jalanannya berkelak-kelok naik turun banyak hambatan, kalau itu memang buat saya, ya pasti akan kembali ke saya. Sehingga, saya udah di tahap saya positive thinking aja sama apa yang terjadi di hidup saya karena itu yang terbaik menurut Allah. Tapi bukan berarti saya gak usaha ya, maksudnya, saya tetap berusaha hidup sebaik-baiknya dan mengambil kesempatan baik yang datang kepada saya namun setelah itu, saya serahkan semuanya kepada Allah. Efeknya juga, saya jadi jarang berharap pada manusia karena manusia ciptaan Allah, mereka dinamis dan berubah-ubah. Kalau saya bisa berharap pada penciptanya, kenapa saya harus berharap pada ciptaannya?
Dunia ini fana. Semuanya sebentar. Begitu pula perasaan-perasaan senang, bahagia, sedih, haru, kecewa, semuanya sementara. Jadi sepertinya, tugas manusia hanya bertahan hidup saja kan? Toh semuanya pasti terlewati.
Kita sampai pada peristiwa besar di tahun ini; iya betul, patah hati. Kayaknya ini patah hati terbesar saya selama saya hidup. Ditinggalkan (pasti karena ada kesalahan saya juga) oleh orang yang saya bayangkan akan menjadi suami saya nantinya adalah hal paling berat yang saya lalui di tahun ini. Bahkan rasanya, sampai sekarang, perasaan sedih itu belum benar-benar hilang. Kebayang kan, kamu bertahun-tahun sama orang itu, kamu hapal segala kebiasaannya, kamu tahu betul apa yang ia sukai dan gak ia sukai, kamu membayangkan di hari tua saat kalian sudah beruban, kalian akan duduk di ruang tamu sambil minum kopi dan menceritakan banyak hal, kamu tahu seluruh tahi lalat dan bekas luka di badannya. Kemudian, kalian menjadi orang asing. Seperti gak saling kenal. Lalu semua ingatan terkait orang itu ingin kamu luapkan ke mana? Kepada siapa? Untuk apa? Ditambah lagi, banyak sekali sudut dan tempat-tempat yang pernah kamu datangi dengan orang itu. Ketika kamu melewati tempat itu lagi, kamu sendirian, dengan perasaan-perasaan bersalah, sesal, sedih, kecewa, sesak sampai kamu tidak bisa bernapas dengan normal.
Waktu awal-awal kami berpisah, saya menangis hampir setiap malam selama 2 bulan. Saya gak akan biarkan diri saya menganggur atau melamun sebentar karena saya pasti nangis. Karena bahkan ketika saya gak lagi melamun aja saya bisa tiba-tiba nangis. Pernah waktu lagi rapat di kantor, saya tiba-tiba keingat mantan saya lalu saya menitikkan air mata. Padahal itu lagi rapat. Berat betul rasanya. Tapi perlahan intensitas menangis itu berkurang. Sekarang saya sudah cukup legowo untuk menerima kenyataan kalau memang hubungan kita gak bisa diteruskan. Kami berdua cukup bermasalah dan bersalah, sehingga berpisah adalah jalan yang terbaik buat kami berdua.
Namun gak bisa dipungkiri juga, ada waktu-waktu tertentu di mana saya mengingat mantan saya itu, kemudian saya menangis tersedu-sedu. Gak apa-apa, begitulah prosesnya. Seengganya, kondisi saya sudah jauh lebih baik dibandingkan beberapa bulan yang lalu. Sepertinya mas mantan juga sudah bahagia dengan pasangan barunya. Untuk saat ini, saya masih merasa senang dan sedih. Sedih karena mungkin ia akan memperlakukan pasangannya jauh lebih baik karena ia sudah belajar dari hubungan kita yang kemarin. Senang karena akhirnya mas mantan menemukan perempuan yang saya yakin jauh lebih baik juga dari saya.
Mungkin, saya harap, ke depannya saya bisa dengan lapang mendoakan kebahagiaan untuk mas mantan dan pasangannya. Saya ingat seseorang pernah bilang, kita gak akan pernah bisa berhenti sayang sama orang, yang ada adalah, kita bisa lebih sayang sama orang lain. Mungkin mas mantan sudah merasakan itu, tetapi saya belum. Nantinya ketika saya sudah merasakan itu, saya akan bahagia melihat mas mantan bahagia karena mas mantan pernah punya tempat yang luas di hati saya. Ia memberikan saya banyak sekali pelajaran sehingga saya bisa sampai di titik ini. Saat ini, yang bisa saya lakukan adalah terus menyayanginya dari jauh, tanpa berharap apapun selain terus dilapangkan hati saya oleh Allah.
Patah hati ini berhasil menampar saya cukup keras. Saya terjungkal dan bangun berkali-kali. Saya gak nyangka juga saya bisa melewati fase berat kemarin-kemarin. Rasanya setelah ini, jatuh cinta gak akan pernah sama lagi buat saya.
Literally, hidup isinya cuma bercanda. Jadi sedikit paham kenapa orang-orang semakin bertambah umur semakin dekat dengan Tuhan. Karena mungkin, semakin tua kita semakin tahu kalau hidup itu gak akan pernah sesuai dengan kemauan kita. Ada energi yang sangat besar yang sudah mengatur hidup ini jadinya yang bisa kita lakukan memanglah mendekatkan diri padaNya dan menerima semuanya. Kalau kita terus-terusan menolak dan mempertanyakan ini dan itu, malah semakin gila. Terus, buat apa?
Kini, saya masih berusaha menyembuhkan patah hati saya. Mungkin sebentar, mungkin membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama, mungkin gak akan selesai sampai saya mati, siapa yang tahu? Saya yang sekarang sedang ingin membahagiakan diri saya, ibu saya, adik saya, dan teman-teman terdekat yang selalu ada kalau saya lagi di dasar jurang. Saya mau memberikan dampak kepada orang-orang di sekeliling saya dan hidup dengan cara saya sendiri. Saya mau lebih bersyukur, memberi banyak ruang besar untuk Tuhan, dan berbuat baik kepada siapapun yang gak saya kenal. Saya ingin terus hidup dan menghidupi diri saya. itu saja.
Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, saya gak punya doa apapun untuk 2024.
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lotusindiaholidays · 11 months
The Best Travel Agent in Delhi: Lotus India Holidays Guide to the Best Time to Visit India in 2023-24
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Lotus India Holidays is a travel agency based in Delhi, India, known for its expertise in creating memorable travel experiences for its clients. If you're considering the best time to visit India in 2023-24, here's a general guide to help you plan your trip: North and Central India (October to March, South India (October to March), Himalayan Region (April to June and September to October), Goa and Western India (November to March), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (November to April), Rajasthan (October to March), Varanasi (October to March), Ladakh (June to September), Kerala (September to March).
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lifeworksstudios · 2 years
Destination Wedding Photography & Wedding Films in 2023
Best wedding photographers in Gurgaon Being able to share incredible, organic memories with our clients is a dream job. I believe we’d still do it even if we retired. We’re lucky. We’re grateful.
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Maybe you’ve spent your entire life envisioning a small, intimate wedding in an actual castle in Italy. (If that’s you, skip the rest and just call us already.) Or maybe you started planning a fabulous 200-guest soiree in New Delhi / Gurugram Area and got a little overwhelmed. One of you closed the 17 tabs and said “Let’s just have a big fat wedding” and now you’re looking for the best (read: most fun) photographer to take with you.
Or maybe you came to our site looking for a New Delhi Wedding Photographer and happened upon this page. Because you maybe deep down want a destination wedding? Maybe?
Based in both New Delhi & Jaipur, we have the privilege of bouncing back & forth & anywhere else we can! — (IF its not clear) We LOVE to Travel!
Jaipur? Udaipur? Jodhpur? Jaisalmer? Neemrana? Goa? Puri? Mahabaleshwar? Mahabalipuram?
However you got here, you’re in the right place. Because magical destination weddings are kind of our thing. 
We’ve spent years developing relationships with planners and venues all over the country so we can better serve clients like you who are looking for something different (read personalised). We see love as both – Friday nights cuddled up on the couch watching Netflix – and – strolling down cobblestone streets of the city trying to decide where to stop for just one more glass of wine.
Love is your most ordinary moments and your biggest adventure. So why not start this whole marriage thing with your best trip yet?
OUR BAGS ARE PACKED AND READY TO GO. Our bucket list of locations: Italy (always!), Toronto, Switzerland, Middle East, Spain, France, Maldives, New Zealand, Australia.
If you are looking for something not cheesy and already done, please go for them! They have amazing unique ideas, and understand at first go what you want. They are the best in their field! Thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts!!” – Tanya & Aarohi, Dharamshala, Himachal
It’s our honour to retell these timeless tales and we cannot wait to begin yours!
We are the best destination wedding photographers and wedding filmers in Jaipur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Puri, Musoorie, Goa, foof! overall in India. We have been in the business of destination wedding photography and wedding films for over 10 years! and have an experienced team to do it all! We understand the importance of capturing the perfect moments of your destination wedding and work day & nights to provide you with the best possible service. We use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure that your wedding photos and videos are of the highest quality. We understand that your destination wedding is a once in a lifetime celebrations and we work hard to capture all the special moments so that you can relive them for years to come. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to book your wedding photography and videography requirements.
Indian weddings are some of the most vibrant and colorful celebrations in the world. From the elaborate decoration and lighting, to the traditional clothing and ceremonies, there is so much to see and experience at an Indian wedding.
We Destination wedding photographer understand the culture and know what shots are important! As professional destination wedding photographers and filmers, we have a deep understanding of the culture and traditions surrounding Indian weddings. We know what shots are important to capture and how to properly execute them.
Contact us today to book your destination wedding photography and wedding film needs.
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diahap · 7 months
Subang, 22 Februari 2024
Kembali lagi ke "kota pelajar" yang senantiasa meninggalkan banyak cerita setiap singgah kesana. Kali ini agendanya tetap sama, bersama dengan orang-orang yang sama saat setahun yang lalu aku kesana juga tapi tidak sempat ku ceritakan. Namun, untuk perjalanan kali ini aku mencoba ingin kembali bercerita..
Perjalanan saat ini bersama rekan-rekan kerja dari Bidang Sumber Daya Air Dinas PUPR Subang dalam rangka trip tahunan..
Here We Go..
Persiapan sebelum perjalanan kali ini cukup challenging, karena cuaca saat itu hujan angin, banyak pohon tumbang, sehingga perjalanan agak "pending" dikarenakan menunggu beberapa rekan kami yang terjebak banjir dan pohon tumbang..
Kami berangkat dari Subang di hari Kamis Tgl 22 Februari 2024 malam, sekitaran Pkl. 22.00 WIB.
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Suasana di dalam bus sebelum keberangkatan.
Setelah menunggu beberapa saat, kamipun berangkat. dan hujan kini sudah mulai reda.
23 Februari 2023
Perjalanan menuju Prov DIY menghabiskan waktu sekitar kurang lebih 8 jam perjalanan, dikarenakan sering berhenti dan tujuan pertama kami cukup jauh yaitu di Kab. Gunungkidul.
Destinasi pertama kami yaitu di rafting pindul, lokasinya masih satu komplek dengan objek wisata goa pindul Kab. GunungKidul..
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Current Situation : Belum Mandi, Ngantuk, Panas, di "banting-banting.."
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Di tengah-tengah obstacle offroad setelah di banting-banting dan rela berbasah-basahan, break juga di pertengahan buat foto-foto. seru kok :)
Masih di hari pertama
Setelah selesai di lokasi offroad, kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Kota Yogyakarta, mengingat jarak dari Kab. Gunung Kidul menuju Kota Yogyakarta cukup jauh, medan jalan yang berkelok-kelok serta saat itu hari jumat sehingga diputuskan untuk melanjutkan perjalanan pada Pkl. 11.00 waktu setempat dikarenakan kami mengejar jadwal jumatan di masjid besar yang dekat dengan akses jalan provinsi.
setelah selesai melaksanakan sholat jumatan, kami menuju resto untuk lunch.
setelah selesai lunch, niat awal langsung menuju ke Hotel. akan tetapi saat itu waktu masih menunjukkan sekitaran Pukul 13.30, dan dikhawatirkan Hotel masih belum ready untuk ditempati, sehingga too early to check in. Oleh sebab itu, sesuai arahan travel agency, kami diarahkan untuk ke tempat oleh-oleh yaitu Grosir Batik Yudhistira maksudnya untuk killing time aja sampai hotel ready untuk check in. kurang lebih disini hampir 2jam.
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Setekah selesai ke tempat grosir batik, kami langsung melanjutkan perjalanan menuju hotel.
Hotel yang nanti kami tempati yaotu Hotel Grage Yogyakarta berlokasi di Jl. Sosrowijayan, konon lokasi ini masih di ring-1 malioboro.
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Begini kurang lebih potret depan kondisi hotelnya
Setelah selesai berbenah dan menaruh barang bawaan di hotel, kami masih ada agenda lain yaitu dinner. kebetulan untuk dinner kita musti keluar dari hotel karena lokasinya di salah satu resto di Kota Yogyakarta.
nama restonya "Lombok Idjo" resto
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Beginilah Ke"chaos"an kami. Aku yg berkerudung merah btw. :)
Setelah dinner, rasa-rasanya energiku sudah habis untuk hari ini sehingga diputuskan untuk istirahat saja di hotel. bersiap untuk mengumpulkan energi untuk menjalani aktifitas keesokan harinya.
Perjalanan hari ini ditutup dengan leyeh-leyeh saja malam harinya di hotel..
DAY-2 24 FEBRUARI 2024
Hari kedua aku di kota Yogyakarta, pagi-pagi sekali aku sudah standby di resto untuk breakfast. mengingat jadwal dari travel untuk hari ini kami harus sudah berangkat ke lokasi wisata pada pkl. 08.30 dikarenakan lokasi wisata memang luar kota dan menghabiskan sekitar kurang lebih 2 jam perjalanan.
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setelah breakfast, baiknya berjemur..
Kami melanjutkan perjalanan pada pkl. 08.30 meleset dari rencana awal dikarenakan ada keterlambatan peserta, tapi gapapa.. :)
Tujuan trip lokasi di hari ke-2 menuju wisata VW Safari, tepatnya di kawasan Candi Borobudur Kab. Magelang. kami menghabiskan kurang lebih 2 jam perjalanan menuju Kab. Magelang. Cukup lama karena traffic lumayan padat dan memang jaraknya cukup jauh.
akhirnya kami sampai lokasi kira-kira Pkl. 10.30 waktu setempat, cuaca lumayan panas kala itu. Biasanya kalau cuaca panas, walopun terik tapi pemandangan langit sangat cantik dengan warna biru berpendar.
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VW Safari Trip Borobudur
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VW Safari trip borobudur ini berkapasitass 4 orang+1 sopir. Disini pula terdapat banyak kendaraan Volkswagen safari dengan beraneka warna cerah. Kami dibagi beberapa kelompok (memilih masing-masing) untuk menumpangi VW tersebut, dengan menumpangi VW tersebut kami mengelilingi desa-desa di sekitaran Kec. Borobudur dengan melewati beberapa produk UMKM.
Sentra Peternakan Lebah Madu
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photo session dulu di parkiran
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a whole SDA girls squad at sentra lebah madu
pemberhentian pertama di salah satu produk UMKM yaitu lokasi peternakan lebah madu..
2. Sentra Pembuatan Gula Merah
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hampir di sepanjang perjalanan dengan vw trip, disuguhi pemandangan beginii. langitnya biru banget, kayaknya memang low polution juga disini jadi masih asri, cuman memang karena timing kita pas tengah hari banget, jadi memang teriknya masya Allah.
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Kami menghabiskan waktu disini kurang lebih kurang lebih sampai jam 12.00an karena setelah itu kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju resto untuk lunch dan sholat dzuhur.
Resto kami di Kaliputih Resto, sama seperti saat trip tahun 2023 kami pernah singgah disini namun bedanya saat itu untuk breakfast. :)
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lokasinya di jalan raya Magelang-Yogya
3. Lokasi Omah Oblong Jogja
Setelah lunch, kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju tempat oleh-oleh kaos oblong yaitu Omah Oblong. Kami menghabiskan waktu disana sekitar kurang lebih Pkl. 14.00-15.30an.
disini gak banyak melakukan dokumentasi, jadi fotonya yaa apa adanya aja yaa :)
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hari ini lumayan padat ya, karena setelah dari lokasi omah oblong, kami melanjutkan ke lokasi oleh-oleh berikutnya yang paling khas di Yogya, yaitu makanan Bakpia.
Bakpia yang kami datangi yaitu Bakpia Pathok 25, tapi bukan di gerai utamanya dikarenakan saat itu lokasi gerai utama penuh banyak wisatawan lain, sehingga kami mendatangi gerai cabangnya yang tidak begitu jauh. gatau nama jalannya apa, tapi sepertinya tidak terlalu jauh dari hotel.
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Bakpia Pathok 25
Kami menghabiskan waktu disini sekitar kurang lebih 1 jam.
Setelah dari lokasi oleh-oleh bakpia, kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju resto untuk dinner..
harusnya makan malam setelah magrib, akan tetapi, diputuskan untuk dinner earlier mengingat efisiensi waktu apabila dinner tetap dilaksanakan sesuai jadwal.
resto yang kami kunjungi yaitu "Gulai Kepala Ikan Sangaji" (cmiiw ya takut salah juga, tapi seingetku disini.
gak ada dokumentasi apapun selama dinner disini karena memang situasinya sudah sore, dan gak kepikiran buat melakukan swafoto apapun. karena memang cukup lelah.
Setelah dinner, kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju hotel..
Sesampainya di hotel, langsung bersih-bersih mandi dan tentu melaksanakan sholat maghrib sampai isya, setelah itu memutuskan untuk hangout malam-malam. rasa-rasanya tidak sah ya kalau ke Yogya tapi gak ke Malioboro. :)
Dari Jalan Sosrowijayan, kami jalan kaki sampai ke 0 KM Yogyakarta. dan berjalan
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0 kilometer Yogyakarta
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kami berjalan sampai ke dekat alun-alun utara Yogya. di sepanjang jalan, banyak dijumpai live musik di beberapa kafe. awalnya kami mau menyaksikan love musik, akan tetapi memutuskan mencari mie nyemek dulu di sekitaran alun-alun utara. hingga pada akhirnya menemukan kedai bakmie Pak Pelek.
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beginilah kurang lebih bakmie goreng yang aku pesan untuk rasanya 8/10 lah yaa. karena laper :)
setelah dari kedai bakmi, kamipun kembali berjalan ke arah pulang, dan berhenti sebentar menyaksikan sajian live music khas malam minggu di pendopo lawas. konon disini tempat jammingnya musisi Tri Suaka. jika beruntung, kami bisa menyaksikan. akan tetapi pada saat itu bukan dia yang mengisi acara.
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Setelah dari pendopo lawas, kami memutuskan untuk kembali saja ke hotel dikarenakan waktu sudah cukup malam, kira-kira Pkl. 22.30an WIB dan karena kami kembali dengan berjalan kaki lagi, sehingga membutuhkan waktu beberapa menit agar tidak terlalu larut malam saat tiba di hotel lagi.
benar saja, kami tiba di hotel lagi sekitar kurang lebih Pkl. 23.00 WIB. Langsung bersih-bersih dan istirahat mengumpulkan energi untuk esok harinya.
Hari ini terakhir kami berada di Kota Yogya dalam rangka acara trip. Pagi-pagi sekali, seperti biasa kami langsung menuju resto untuk breakfast.
Berhubung kami dijadwalkan untuk check out di Pkl. 11.00, maka setelah sarapan, akupun berkeliling Jalan Malioboro dulu sebentar dengan menyewa becak.
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Becak Malioboro di pagi hari
Menghabiskan waktu pagi-pagi after breakfast lumayan sebentar, jam 08.30an juga kami sudah di hotel lagi karena matahari udah lumayan terik.
Sambil menunggu jadwal kepulangan, setelah packing barang-barang maupun oleh-oleh. untuk killing time kami pun ngumpul di salah satu kamar sambil ngobrol-ngobrol saja.
FYI, antar 2 kamar terhubung dengan connecting door, jadi memudahkan jika kami menyambangi kamar sebelah..
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setelah semuanya selesai, kamipun bergegas untuk check out hotel. dan bersiap-siap untuk pulang kembali ke Subang.. Namun, sebelum itu, kami pun mampir sebentar ke resto untuk makan siang dan sholat. setelahnya kami langsung melanjutkan perjalanan sampai Subang.
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divafeshion · 8 months
"In Goa, every hour is happy hour." the name is enough to fill you with excitement & thrill and bring a smile to your face. With surreal evenings, exotic nightlife, inspiring mornings, and charming beaches, the place hypnotizes every soul and makes people fall for it.
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avocetandperegrine · 8 months
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another rare bird for Goa in this streak of 15 days Pectoral Sandpiper Curtorim Wetlands 6th January 2023 clicked on an Avocet & Peregrine trip!
Visit the website: https://birding.avocet-peregrine.com/
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sophia1212 · 8 months
Enjoy trip Golden Triangle Tour with Goa
An unforgettable journey to Goa tour packages, meticulously curated for every traveler. Immerse yourself in the sun-kissed beaches, vibrant nightlife, and cultural tapestry of Goa. Our packages offer a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement, with options for water adventures, historical explorations, and beachfront indulgence. Discover the fusion of Portuguese and Indian influences in architecture, cuisine, and lifestyle. Tailored for romance, adventure, or cultural immersion, our Goa tour packages ensure a seamless and delightful experience. Explore iconic landmarks, vibrant markets, and luxurious beach resorts, creating cherished memories in this tropical paradise.
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paritoshwords · 9 months
Exploring the Andaman Islands: A Guide to Port Blair, Swaraj Dweep, and Neil Island
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In December 2023, I explored the Andaman Islands, an extraordinary place. Here’s how it went and some advice if you plan.
Chapter 1: Exploring Port Blair
Cellular Jail Light Show: This is something you've got to see. I booked the 7:30 pm show online. It’s really hot there, so bringing a water bottle is a good idea.
Samudrika Marine Museum: This place is amazing. It displays rare sea creatures and provides information about the local tribes. It’s definitely not your ordinary museum.
Marina Park and Corbyn's Cove Beach: Spending an evening at Marina Park is so peaceful. It’s a great spot to relax. Then, I took a quick ride to Corbyn's Cove Beach. The beach itself is okay, not the best, but it’s a nice place to visit. The jet ski experience there is pretty cool. Also, make sure to check out Flag Point; it’s along the same route.
Chapter 2: Adventures in Swaraj Dweep (Havelock Island)
Ferry to Swaraj Dweep: If you're going to Havelock, definitely opt for the deluxe class on the ferry. The sea can get pretty rough, and the extra comfort really helps.
Elephant Beach: This place is a paradise for fun activities. You can enjoy snorkelling, seawalk, and jet skiing. Trekking there gives you more time to enjoy everything. The snorkelling is a must-do – the coral and fish are just amazing. And the seawalk, well, it's something else. I couldn’t do it because my ears didn’t agree, but you should totally try it if you can. It's the only place in India where you can do this.
Kalapathar Beach: The sunrise here is absolutely stunning. I rented a scooty, which was great because I got to enjoy Kalapathar in the morning and then head to Radhanagar later in the day. Radhanagar Beach is just so beautiful, especially at sunset. And hey, if you're there, get some photos taken. There are local photographers around who really know their stuff – they've got the best poses and spots figured out.
Chapter 3: Neil Island (Shaheed Dweep) Discoveries
Lakshmanpur Beach: This beach is a quiet place where you can really feel the peace. The sea level changes a lot here, which is cool to watch. But a heads-up about Neil Island — it's a bit off the grid. If you're relying on your phone, you might find it tricky. I barely got any signal with Jio, and Airtel was just a little better.
General Observations and Conclusion In Andaman, the locals are incredibly friendly and welcoming, making you feel right at home. It's funny, due to the islands not being overly crowded, you often bump into the same tourists at different spots, which adds a familiar feel to the whole trip. It's perfect for family vacations – I'd totally recommend bringing your parents along. Wrapping it up, Andaman is a world apart from busier places like Goa. It's the ideal spot if you're looking for a laid-back, family-friendly getaway. The rich Bengali culture and stunning natural beauty here make it a truly unique destination.
Andaman ocean :
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peacefulpathways · 9 months
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indiator1 · 10 months
Top Indian Destinations to Celebrate Christmas and New Year
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by Indiator
December 7, 2023
in Adventure Travel, Things to do India, Transfer Services
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If you are planning a trip to India during the Christmas and New Year holidays then get yourself ready to experience the unique blend of traditions, spirituality, and celebrations. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the sun-kissed beaches of Goa, India presents some of the destinations that promise an unforgettable Christmas and New Year celebration.
Do you know which place is best to celebrate Christmas in India? Which is the most popular offbeat destination to enjoy the biggest New Year celebration in India? In this blog post, you will get to know about the top destinations in India that promise unforgettable celebrations during the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Best Places in India to Visit During Christmas and New Year Holidays
Following are the 6 most popular places to visit in India for celebrating the Christmas and New Year holidays-
1. Goa – The Paradise of South Asia
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Goa and its beautiful beaches are very famous and tourists from all around the world visit this smallest Indian state for partying and enjoying holidays. However, during the time of Christmas and New Year, Goa becomes more amazing and lively. Imagine palm-fringed shores adorned with twinkling lights, lively beach parties, and a contagious festive spirit all around. Nightlife and Casinos in Goa are very popular among tourists from abroad.
2. Pondicherry – India’s Little France
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Pondicherry, known as India’s little France is one of the best places to visit in India during the Christmas and New Year period of time. You can visit the historical Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the Christmas celebrations and a beach resort for the New Year party. Pondicherry offers a unique slice of India that beautifully combines European influences with Indian traditions. Pre-book a full day Pondicherry tour for a better holiday experience.
3. Sikkim – Where Nature Smiles!
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Sikkim is the smallest state of India in terms of population, but it draws big crowds during the Christmas and New Year period. It is a major Indian tourist destination full of natural beauty where you can participate in cultural festivities at monasteries, where monks perform traditional rituals, chants, and dances. If you want to experience a unique way of celebrating Christmas and New Year then Sikkim is a must visit destination for you during this festive season.
4. Himachal Pradesh – Mini Switzerland of India
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Nestled in the lap of the snow-capped Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh offers a magical Christmas and New Year holiday experience. Some of the most popular destinations to visit in Himachal Pradesh during the Christmas and New Year period are Shimla, Manali, Khajjiar, Kasol, Kufri, and more. If your flight is landing in Delhi then you can book a Delhi Airport to Shimla or Manali Transfer service. In Himachal Pradesh, you can enjoy several adventurous but fun snow sports, sip on steaming cups of local tea, and relish the cozy ambiance of quaint cottages while celebrating Christmas and welcoming the New Year.
5. Meghalaya – Halfway to Heaven
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Meghalaya is another great destination in India for Christmas and New Year celebrations. Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya offers the best Christmas celebration scenes. If you want to celebrate Christmas and New Year with a religious fervour and philanthropic spirit then Shillong in Meghalaya is the place you must visit. Mary Help of Christians Cathedral is the oldest and the biggest church in Shillong that you visit for Christmas celebrations.
6. Kerala – God’s Own Country
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Kerala, the God’s Own Country welcomes the Christmas and New Year holiday season with open arms and paves its own way to celebrate the festivals. The lush greenery, serene backwaters, and rich cultural heritage of Kerala set the stage for a magical celebration. You can visit the iconic churches in Kerala like St. Francis Church in Kochi or the Basilica of Our Lady of Dolours in Thrissur for the Christmas celebrations. However, you can visit places like Munnar, Alappuzha, Varkala, Kovalam, and more for New Year celebrations. Pre-book a Kerala tour package to get the best Christmas and New Year holiday experience.
These are the best and most popular tourist destinations in India for celebrating the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Original Source : https://indiator.com/tourist-places/top-indian-destinations-to-celebrate-christmas-and-new-year/
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seemabhatnagar · 10 months
Maintenance pendete lite
Matrimonial Appeal (Family Court) 231/2023
Before Delhi High Court
Judgement was pronounced by the Division Bench of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Anoop Kumar Mendiratta J and Hon’ble Mr. Justice V Kameswar Rao J on 04.12.2023. It was observed that as there is no straightjacket formula therefore a balance has to be drawn between the status of the parties reasonable needs of the wife and dependent children, whether the applicant is educated and professionally qualified, whether the applicant has any independent source of income, whether the income is sufficient to enable her to maintain the same standard of living as she was accustomed to in her matrimonial home, whether the applicant was employed prior to her marriage, whether she was working during the subsistence of the marriage, whether the wife was required to sacrifice her employment opportunities for nurturing the family, child rearing and looking after adult members of the family.
By means of this Matrimonial Appeal the order of the Family Court Judge passed on 06.04.2023 in Divorce Petition and Application for maintenance is challenged by the appellant wife before Delhi High Court.
Family Court judge ordered minor girl child to be paid Rs. 20K per month from the date of the filing of the application till the disposal of the case where as wife was declined maintenance pendent lite*(during pendency of divorce proceeding*). Whereas Appellant wife has made a claim of Rs.75,000/- PM for herself and her minor daughter and litigation expenses.
Marriage was solemnized in the year 2000 & a girl child was born in 2010. The appellant wife filed divorce petition as well as petition u/s 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955* (HMA*) on the ground of cruelty and desertion by the Respondent husband constraining her to live separately since December 2013.
Pursuant to summons Respondent husband appeared before Family Court and submitted he is ready to give divorce on mutual consent and sought some time for giving his offer for divorce. The time was granted. But thereafter Respondent husband didn’t turned up before the Family Court.
The opportunity of filing written statement to the divorce petition & also for maintenance petition filed u/s section 24 of HMA by the husband was closed.
The Respondent was proceeded Exparte in Divorce Proceeding & the matter was listed for Exparte evidence of the petitioner/appellant.
Observation of Family Court Judge on Maintenance pendete lite
Appellant/Wife is capable of earning and maintaining herself & is earning and as such does not require any financial support.
Considering that an amount of Rs.36,066/- per month is being spent on education and other expenses of the minor daughter in custody of the appellant, who is a joint liability of both the parties, respondent was directed to pay Rs.20,000/- per month towards maintenance of the minor child from the date of filing of the application till decision of the case.
The appellant wife was also granted litigation expenses of Rs.11,000/-.
Since Respondent husband didn’t appeared before the Family Court Divorce was granted on 06.04.2023.
Submission in Appeal before Delhi High Court by Appellant (Wife)
Feeling aggrieved by denial of maintenance to the her during pendency of the Divorce proceeding, present appeal was filed submitting that maintenance was wrongly denied to her and maintenance to the child be enhanced.
Family Court erred by not taking into consideration the status of the parties after the marriage and the fact that the respondent had been maintaining three cars after marriage. respondent husband owned a three-bedroom duplex house with terrace rights in South Delhi. The parties (Appellant & Respondent) had visited Mumbai, Shirdi and Goa for a trip as well as to other places also by air along with stay at five-star hotels. Respondent is the practicing Advocate(20 years practice expeience), maintaining a double storey chamber in Tis Hazari Complex. The income of respondent, was claimed to be not less than Rs.2 lacs per month.
The appellant was constrained to live in a tenanted premises and had to spends a sum of Rs.16,500/- both for self and daughter. The expenses for maintenance of the child are much higher.
Prayer in Appeal
The maintenance be enhanced to Rs.75,000/- per month for the appellant along with minor child and litigation expenses of Rs.2 lacs be provided.
Observation of the High Court
In the present case notice on the Respondent Husband was served in December 19, 2019 & petition of divorce & maintenance were together decided in April 06, 2023.
Where the contesting party to the proceedings chooses not to contest, the decision on the application for interim maintenance should not be deferred to a later stage of conclusion of the proceedings.
The grievance of the appellant is that since she has disclosed her sources and amount of earning Family Court Judge denied maintenance to the appellant holding she is capable of earning & maintaining herself therefore she does not require any financial support from the Respondent Husband.
The maintenance sum to be accorded monthly during the proceedings has to be reasonable, having regard to the petitioner’s own income and the income of the respondent.
The maintenance has to be realistic, avoiding either of two extremes oppressive or extravagant, nor meagre to drive the applicant wife to penury or mere support. The duration of the marriage as well as the conduct of the parties, which is apparent on the face of record also needs to be kept in perspective.
We are of the considered opinion that merely because the wife is earning, it does not automatically operate as an absolute bar for awarding the maintenance. The parameter remains whether her source of income is sufficient to enable her to maintain herself along with minor child.
The obligation of husband to provide maintenance is on higher pedestal than wife since the provision for grant of maintenance/interim maintenance for women and children in the concerned statutes. The purpose remains to provide recourse to dependent wife and children by way of financial support to maintain herself along with the child.
On the face of record, considering the status of the parties along with the standard of living in the matrimonial home and the income of the respondent, the appellant wife is also entitled to maintenance apart from the minor child.
Since the respondent husband chose to remain absent during course of proceedings after initial appearance, the task of estimating the income becomes onerous for want of relevant details of the income and assets affidavit of the respondent. An adverse inference has to be drawn against the respondent in the facts and circumstances, since he deliberately chose not to contest the proceedings.
We are of the opinion that the appellant wife is also entitled to maintenance @ Rs.15,000/- per month apart from the maintenance @ Rs.20,000/- for the minor child as awarded by the learned Trial Court from the date of filing of application till the disposal of the proceedings.
Maintenance pendente lite shall be set off/adjusted against any other amount of maintenance received by the appellant. The respondent shall also be liable to clear the arrears of maintenance within timeline as directed by the learned Judge, Family Court.
Seema Bhatnagar
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groupbookingz · 10 months
Planing For Trip at Goa? Here is the Post With all details of the Tour Package From Bangalore To Goa Starts From 2023 to 2024
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sughoshperur · 1 year
Christmas in Goa: Ever Tried Flyboarding for a Unique Celebration?
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Christmas Celebrations with Flyboarding in Goa!
Get ready to elevate your Christmas celebration to new heights with a unique twist that will make your holiday unforgettable. In this blog, we explore the enchanting charm of spending Christmas in Goa while adding a thrilling element to your festivities - flyboard in India! Imagine soaring above the azure waters of Goa's pristine beaches, feeling the adrenaline rush as you hover over the sea, and taking in the breathtaking coastal scenery as you create cherished holiday memories.
Join us as we dive into the world of flyboarding and discover why it's the perfect way to make your Christmas in Goa extraordinary.
>> Planning for Christmas vacations? Visit New Year and Christmas Celebration in Goa 2023.
Soar Above the Waves: Try Flyboard Flying in Goa!
If you seek an adrenaline-pumping adventure with a dash of coastal beauty, look no further than flyboard flying in Goa. This thrilling experience combines the serenity of Goa's pristine beaches with the exhilaration of defying gravity.
Imagine the rush as you levitate above the water, propelled by powerful water jets beneath your feet. With Goa's azure waters as your backdrop, you'll feel like a superhero taking flight. Flyboarding offers a unique blend of excitement and scenic beauty, making it an unforgettable experience. Whether you're an adventure enthusiast or a first-time thrill-seeker, this water sport promises a special holiday memory. So, if you're in Goa, take the chance to try flyboard flying for an unparalleled adventure on the Goan shores.
Mastering the Waves: Tips for Flyboarding in Goa
Flyboarding in Goa is an exhilarating adventure, but to make the most of this thrilling experience, it's essential to stay safe and have fun. Here are five tips to keep in mind when you're ready to take on the waves:
Safety First: Prioritize safety by wearing a life jacket and helmet. Listen carefully to your certified instructor's guidance on handling the equipment and maintaining balance.
Body Control: Flyboarding requires balance and core strength. Keep your body relaxed and use your legs to control altitude. 
Lean Forward: To soar higher, lean your body forward. Conversely, leaning backwards will bring you closer to the water's surface. 
Be Water-Aware: Understand the currents and depth of the water. Avoid flyboarding in shallow areas or near obstacles to prevent accidents.
Timing is Key: Timing is crucial in flyboarding. Use short bursts of power to ascend and descend smoothly. Mastering the timing will make your ride smoother and more enjoyable.
With these tips in mind, you'll be ready to have an unforgettable flyboarding experience on the stunning beaches of Goa. Enjoy the thrill and make lasting memories!
>> Looking for tips on flyboarding? VIsit Flyboarding in Goa: Where Dreams Come True!
Flyboarding Price in India: An Adventure Worth Every Rupee!
When it comes to the thrill of flyboarding in Goa, you might be wondering about the cost. Well, the flyboarding price in India is surprisingly affordable for the unforgettable experience it offers. On average, you can expect to pay between INR 2,999 to INR 3,499 for a 15 to 30-minute session in Goa.
Consider it an investment in creating cherished memories and an adrenaline-packed adventure that will make your trip to Goa truly unique. Whether you're a seasoned adventure seeker or a first-time flier, the cost of flyboarding is a small price to pay for the exhilaration of soaring above the pristine waters of Goa's beaches. For more information on plans and packages visit Universal Adventure.
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Explore the Thrill: Adventure Activities Goa
Goa, often associated with serene beaches and vibrant nightlife, also offers a treasure trove of adventure activities Goa that will get your heart racing. Beyond the waves and sands, Goa's adventurous side beckons with a diverse range of thrilling experiences.
Scuba Diving
Dive into the azure waters of the Arabian Sea and discover a vibrant underwater world teeming with marine life. Goa's scuba diving spots, including Grand Island and Palolem Beach, offer a chance to explore coral reefs, shipwrecks, and colourful fish.
Jungle Safari
For nature enthusiasts, Goa's lush jungles are perfect for a wild adventure. Embark on a jungle safari to spot exotic wildlife like tigers, leopards, and various bird species in the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary.
The Western Ghats that surround Goa are a trekker's paradise. Hike through dense forests, picturesque waterfalls, and steep hills to experience the region's natural beauty up close.
White Water Rafting
The Mhadei River in Goa offers exciting white-water rafting opportunities. Paddle through thrilling rapids and stunning landscapes for an adrenaline-pumping adventure.
Soar high above the coastline as a parachute is harnessed to a speedboat. Parasailing in Goa offers breathtaking views and an unmatched sense of freedom.
>> Are you looking for some Aerial Adventure? Checkout Paragliding in Goa.
To Sum It Up!
Celebrating Christmas in Goa with the exhilarating experience of flyboarding is a unique and unforgettable choice. The thrill of flyboard flying against the backdrop of Goa's stunning beaches adds a whole new dimension to your holiday festivities. While the flyboarding price in India might seem like an investment, the memories and excitement it offers are priceless.
This festive season, step out of your comfort zone, soar above the azure waters, and make your Christmas celebration extraordinary. Embrace the fusion of adventure and merriment as you create memories that will last a lifetime. Flyboarding in Goa is not just a sport; it's a celebration of life, and it's the perfect way to make your Christmas truly special.
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bhaveshholidays · 1 year
5-Day Heartwarming Power-Packed Goa Getaway Delight: Goa Tour Package from Pune
Are you ready to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and embark on an extraordinary journey to an offbeat destination? Look no further than Bhavesh Holidays’ Goa Tour Package from Pune! This exclusive tour is your ticket to explore the hidden gem of India – Goa.
Unleash the Power of Paradise in Goa!
Are you ready to experience the extraordinary? Join us for an unforgettable journey to the vibrant land of Goa Tour Package , where the power of beauty, adventure, and relaxation collide in spectacular fashion!
Beach Bliss: Feel the power of the sun and surf as you laze on pristine beaches with golden sands. Whether it’s the popular beaches like Baga and Calangute or the serene shores of Problem, Goa’s coastline promises endless relaxation and rejuvenation.
Nature’s Bounty: Explore the lush greenery of Goa’s tropical forests and the power of its breathtaking waterfalls. The Dudhsagar Falls will leave you in awe as you witness the sheer force of cascading water amidst the dense jungle.
Historical Wonders: Discover the historical power of Goa Tour Package with visits to ancient forts like Aguada and Chapora. These majestic structures stand as a testament to the region’s rich history and the power of its past.
Vibrant Culture: Immerse yourself in the lively culture of Goa. From the vibrant festivals to the colorful markets, you’ll experience the power of Goan traditions and hospitality.
Culinary Delights: Savor the power-packed flavors of Goan cuisine, known for its spicy and delectable dishes. Be sure to try the famous seafood, vindaloo, and feni, the local liquor with a punch!
Sunset Magic: Witness the power of Goa’s magical sunsets. A beachside sunset in Goa is an experience you’ll never forget.
Adventure Calling: Feel the adrenaline rush with water sports like parasailing, jet-skiing, and scuba diving. The power of adventure in Goa is simply electrifying!
Relaxation Unlimited: Whether you seek the power of tranquility at a yoga retreat or a soothing massage at a spa, Goa offers endless options for relaxation.
Nightlife Extravaganza: Experience the power of Goa’s nightlife with beach parties, vibrant clubs, and live music. The party never stops in this coastal paradise!
Why Choose Our Gao Tour Package from Pune?
Scenic Beauty: Gao is known for its picturesque landscapes, lush greenery, and serene backwaters. Our tour will take you to the most breathtaking viewpoints and natural wonders in the region.
Cultural Immersion: Explore the rich cultural heritage of Goa Tour Package through interactions with the local communities. Witness traditional dance and music performances, savor authentic cuisine, and learn about the local way of life.
Adventure Activities: If you’re an adventure enthusiast, Gao won’t disappoint. We offer thrilling activities such as trekking, water sports, and wildlife safaris to add excitement to your trip.
Relaxation and Wellness: Gao is a perfect destination for those seeking relaxation and wellness. Experience rejuvenating spa treatments and yoga sessions amidst the tranquil surroundings.
Customization: At Bhavesh Holidays, we understand that every traveler has unique preferences. That’s why we offer customizable tour packages to ensure your Gao experience is tailored to your liking.
Booking Your Goa Tour Package from Pune
Booking your Gao Tour Package from Pune is a breeze. Simply visit our website and choose the package that suits your interests and budget. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is always ready to assist you in planning your dream vacation.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore the hidden gem of India with Bhavesh Holidays’ Gao Tour Package from Pune. Reconnect with nature, immerse yourself in local culture, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Book your adventure now and embark on a journey you’ll cherish forever.
Ready to pack your bags? Visit Bhavesh Holidays today and start planning your Gao adventure!
Gao Tour Package from Pune – Discover the Beauty of India | Bhavesh Holidays
Meta Description: Embark on an unforgettable journey with our Gao Tour Package from Pune. Experience the charm of this hidden gem in India with Bhavesh Holidays. Book your adventure now!
Permalink: https://www.bhaveshholidays.com/gao-tour-package-pune
Certainly! Let’s dive deeper into what you can expect from our exciting Goa Tour Package from Pune.
Exploring Goa’s Beaches: One of the highlights of your journey will undoubtedly be Goa’s stunning beaches. Goa Tour Package Whether you’re seeking a lively atmosphere with water sports and beach parties or a peaceful retreat with palm-fringed shores, Goa has it all. We’ll take you to renowned beaches like Baga Beach, Anjuna Beach, and Beach, each with its own unique charm.
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Goa, known as the “Pearl of the Orient,” is a destination that captivates the hearts of travelers from around the world. Its irresistible charm lies in the seamless blend of sun-kissed beaches, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant nightlife. Whether you seek relaxation by the shore, adventure in the water, a taste of delectable cuisine, or a glimpse into history, Goa offers it all. The warm hospitality of its people adds an extra layer of comfort to your visit. In Goa, every moment feels like a celebration, making it a must-visit destination for anyone in search of a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement.
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avocetandperegrine · 10 months
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One of the most sort-after birds in Goa! Blue-eared Kingfisher Bhagwan Mahaveer National Park, GOA India 21st November 2023 clicked on an Avocet & Peregrine trip!
About us: https://birding.avocet-peregrine.com/about/
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