currentlyhungry · 13 days
attempting a 36hr fast !
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rules ;
no liquid cals except
diet coke
black coffee
—> please pray i get past my parents
longest fast completed: 12 days
goal1: 36hrs
goal2: 48hrs
goal3: 72hrs
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mairemoore · 5 months
Start: 230 lbs
Current: 197
Goal1: 190
Goal2: 150
Goal3: 130
Goal4: 120
Goal5: 110
Ultimate Goal: 90
Other: 5'6, Female, 15 y/o
I have to lose over 100 lbs before July 6 (my sweet 16 party!) I'm going to do whatever it takes to get there. Come with me on my journey!
Here I'll be posting progress pics, 1n$p0, etc!
If me or my account sounds interesting, helpful, or cool in any way then please follow me so you can come along with me on my journey!
xoxo, Máire 🌺
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gho2ty · 6 months
ii'm 2emii-new here, 2o, what ii2 'mafiia'?
oh ab2olutely all good. mafiia a2 a game come2 iin many form2 and play2tyle2 and even name2. they all work iin the 2ame day/niight round cycle2 and wiith the 2ame general wiin condiitiion2.
the epiicmafiia ver2iion of iit ii2 onliine, text-ba2ed, and the ho2t ii2 allowed two cu2tomiize the role2 iinvolved.
you get a group of people, then they all wiill be a22iigned role2 randomly.
2ome of the2e are good (town) role2 that can eiither do nothiing or have 2ome 2ort of actiion at niight (thii2 can be 2aviing 2omeone iif they were two get attacked that niight, iinve2tiigatiing role2 of other2, or many other thiing2) and ultiimately they need two be able two get riid of all the mafiia member2 (and 2ometiime2 3rd party member2) two wiin.
on the other 2iide, 2ome wiill be a22iigned bad (mafiia), where each niight they vote two attack 2omeone and iif that per2on ii2 not 2aved by another then by morniing they are dead. theiir goal ii2 two eiither kiill off all the town or otherwii2e make theiir votiing block large enough that there ii2 no way for town two wiin a daytiime vote.
each day cycle iit ii2 up two the town two fiigure out who the 2ecret mafiia ii2 and they get the chance two kiill off one per2on by the end of the day, iin hope2 two have gotten riid of the mafiia.
there2 al2o the mentiioned 3rd party role2, whiich come iin many flavor2 and 2peciial wiin condiitiion2. 2ometiime2 they kiill, 2ometiime2 they dont. 2ometiime2 they can wiin wiith town, 2ometiime2 they need town two kiill them two wiin, or other thiing2. theyre wiild card2 wiith 2peciifiic goal2 two make the game more iintere2tiing.
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lamyaasfaraini · 9 months
Day 30 - Briefly reflect on this exercise and name three things you have learned about yourself during the past 30 days of gratitude. Will you try another this challenge?
30 days of gratitude challenge
Eeett dah disuruh merenungkan 3 hal yg kamu pelajari dalam challenge ini? Wkwkwk apayak~ disuruhnya 3 yaah
Sesuai judul challengenya, aku jadi bisa lebih bersyukur sih dengan kehidupanku. Dengan diriku sendiri, dengan orang2 yg aku sayangi yg sering ku mention disini terutama suami dan anak yaa. Dari hal kecil sampe hal besar ternyata Allah udah ngasih banyak huhu. Bersyukur jg pada hal yg sederhana yg kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari2.
Jadi tau juga ternyata aku mengalami perubahan hidup yg lebih baik daripada dulu, walaupun sempat mengalami jatuh bangun namun Allah selalu menguatkanku saatku sedang jatuh. Tekadku ternyata kuat jg, padahal pas dijalani mah terseok seok, aku syukuri tiap melewati hari dengan damai walaupun ngga tiap hari juga.
Goal2 sederhana yg bisa kucapai, ternyata bisa juga. Alhamdulillah.. Kadang meragukan diri ini karena aku orgnya pesimis dan ngga pedean. Ganyangka aja bisa mencapai goal yg udah aku targetkan. Tentunya semua terjadi karena ada support system, org2 yg kita sayang yg support. Dengan challenge ini jadi lebih menghargai setiap momentnya, nostalgia kebelakang berefleksi..
You did great, LAMYA! Meskipun kehidupan gabisa ditebak gmn kedepannya, semoga kamu lebih banyak bersyukur dan lebih kuat yaa. Waktu gadis kamu bisa sekuat itu ko, kamu kan anak sulung terbiasa bertanggung jawab atas segalanya, terbiasa jadi sandaran hidup yg lain. Ngga ada manja2, gatau jg mau manja ke siapa, mengeluh jg telen sendiri karena kamu udah kenyang dgn keluhan org2 sekitarmu. Gabisa kamu menye2, gatau gmn caranya menye2 semenjak ibumu ngga ada. Kembali lagi ternyata manusia itu dinamis, semua kelelahanku sebagai anak sulung runtuh semua ketika kamu menemukan the loved one, org yg tepat, lelaki yg tepat, teman hidup, partnerku.. Aku menjadi diriku sendiri, aku melepaskan semuanya, aku lelah blg lelah, aku gamau jadi "so kuat" lg bersamanya, aku pengen meratapi kalo sedih, aku pengen berdiam saja kalo moody, aku nangis ya nangis aja ngga aku tahan. Hanya dia satu2nya yang bikin aku jadi "wanita banget". Anakku pun harus tau saat ibunya mengalami berbagai mood itu, aku ngga berusaha so kuat di depannya. Aku nangis depan dia, aku blg sedih ya sedih, happy ya happy, kesal ya kesal. Aku harap anakku lebih pandai mengenali segala emosi yg ada didalam dirinya, memvalidasi perasaannya. Kamu harus lebih baik dari ortumu yg problematik ini ya nak!
Hemm jadi panjang, selalu saja~
Mau ikutan challenge kaya gini lg? Ya ofkrosss kalo nemu lagi itu juga wkwk.. Gosah ada challenge2 aja udah cerewet aja disini yekan.
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starvingxgh0st · 10 months
im ghost, im 20, and i have an 3d. i don’t actually know which one, because its pretty new, but whatever.
here are my stats
5ft 1in
starting bmi 32.7
current bmi 28.3
goal1 bmi 27.4
goal2 bmi 24.6
goal3 bmi 21.7
final goal bmi 18.5
i might keep going tbh.. when my boyfriend leaves for college i might push it and get to bmi 17.8…we’ll see.
i’ve not been eating right since mid oct
i want to be skinny so fucking bad!! i feel like i have full control over losing weight and that really makes me happy.
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shutitillbeskinny · 2 months
I decided to be back on my bullshit
Current stats:
162/163 cm (5'4)
65 kg (143,3lbs)
24,5 bmi
Goal 1:
21.8 bmi
18.8 bmi
If I am not satisfied, I'll add goals later
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soccerwithson · 3 months
FC24 EURO2024 Spain VS Croatia goal2
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tribhadigital · 5 months
What is Google Algorithm Core Update March 2024 and Its Impact On SERP Results
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Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Google’s March 2024 Core Update and its profound impact on SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rankings.
Google’s March 2024 Core Update: A Game-Changer
Deindexing Websites Completely:
Imagine waking up to find your website vanished from Google’s search results. Unfortunately, this was the reality for many websites after the March 2024 update rolled out.
Google’s goal with this update is to reduce unhelpful, irrelevant, and unoriginal content from search results. They aim to remove up to 40% of low-quality websites that provide little value and a poor user experience.
Websites violating Google’s guidelines or employing questionable SEO tactics are not just penalized; they are completely removed from both search results and the index
Swift Penalties:
The penalties from this update were swift and decisive. Site owners found themselves scrambling for answers.
To check if your site was impacted, search for it in Google using the query “site:tribhadigital.com.” If you’re not showing up in the search results, you may have been affected.
Notably, sites impacted by this core update or spam update do not receive notifications through Google Search Console’s manual action viewer. Algorithmic updates are automated, and Google doesn’t notify site owners of negative (or positive) impacts caused by these updates1.
Older Websites Aren’t Immune:
Even older websites that survived previous algorithm updates are not spared. Those previously untouched now face repercussions.
Some celebrate this as a long-overdue cleansing of low-quality sites that gamed the system for years. Others, however, are left wondering why their entire network has vanished1.
Reducing Unhelpful Content:
Google predicts that this update, combined with previous efforts, will reduce low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by 40%.
The focus is on surfacing useful information while diminishing unoriginal content. Efforts initiated in 2022 are being built upon to achieve this goal2.
In summary, Google’s March 2024 Core Update is a seismic shift in the SEO landscape. Staying informed and adapting your strategies is crucial to maintaining your standing in search results. Brace yourself for the winds of change!
Dive into the realm of SEO excellence with Tribha Digital Solutions, where we unveil the secrets to boosting your brand's online visibility and driving organic traffic. Visit us to get best seo services.
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dyanamira-blog · 8 months
Hari ini seharian kepalaku pusing banget. Jd ga banyak ngerjain apa2.
Hari ini ajak jejes ke Mall. Terus main sama jejes, mandi in dia, barusan malam ini nge roll 8 cake. Dan skrg aku mau bobok.
Tp so far semua baik2 aja dan on Tracks juga.
Mesti e goal2 ku tahun ini semua bisa tercapai. Amin amin amin.
Love love
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currentlyhungry · 8 days
extreme weight loss diet
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—> starting this diet on 20/9 !!
rules !!
liquid cals count! (except black coffee :3 )
if hungry drink water
eat infront of parents
no cheating
no scale:(
cw bmi 19
wish me luck 🐇 !!
goals :
goal1: reach day 5
goal2: reach day 10
goal3: reach day 15
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oliviojai-official · 2 years
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gho2ty · 10 months
Please I am desperate to know how I am perceived
ember ii2 2omeone who put2 2o much iintwo what he doe2, and he doe2 a lot. ii feel liike every day there2 a lot happeniing iin hii2 liife, up two 2o many diifferent actiiviitiie2. expan2iive goal2, but all entiirely wiithiin the realm of po22iibiiliity becau2e theyre a liiteral god and powerful iin that.
more than a biit reckle22, but iit2 entiirely par for the cour2e. iive wiitne22ed that people who are or are mo2tly iimmortal tend two be that at lea2t iin pha2e2 iif not a2 a con2tant.
a good friiend two have. ember 2eek2 out way2 two help, con2tantly. one of the people who make 2ure iive eaten, and regardle22 of my an2wer offer2 two 2end over 2omethiing. ii appreciiate thii2 2ort of care a lot.
he2 2weet and thoughtful and pa22iionate.
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Welcoming October! Here's my September Recap..
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Actually i'm not posting this.. I saved this and writing here~
First photo i dedicated to my only one dearest daughter! Selamatttt dan terimakasih atas keberaniannya menjadi petugas upacara. Melawan rasa tegang dan melaluinya dengan lancar. Suaramu lantang terdengar 1 sekolah. Alhamdulillah ibu dan ayah punya kesempatan menyaksikan semua itu dan ngga berhenti tersenyum lebar. Sungguh sangat bangga, kami nak! Keep going ya nak..
First time join Strength Training karena "dipaksa" bapack suami. Alhamdulillah aku bisa keluar dari zona nyaman. Melawan rasa malas, rasa ngga pede, rasa resah yg ada pokonya. Terimakasih untukku yg selalu ingin merubah diri menjadi lebih baik dan terimakasih untuk suamiku yg selalu support utk ku dlm segala hal.
Cooking class bikin sushi. Bukan pertama kali nemo makan sushi tp pertama kali dia bikin sushi lalu memakannya sendiri dan lahap haha sesuka itu dia. Ntar gedean dikit makan sashimi pake soyu nak enaaaak ituuu haaaa~ she's so happy joining cooking class, katanya ingin lagi dan lagi dan lagi wkwkwk.
The almighty baso gandapura! Sesuai bgt aku julukin itu karena enak bgt dan super kenyang. Masih jadi top list sejauh ini perbasoan di bdg. Beruntung nemu di twitter deh itu yg riviunya. Nuhun ah akang eta kita jadi tau baso yg enak..
First time long run for beginner.. Aku pake track mama runner, strava ku gabisa ngesave space penuh huhu. Achievement unlocked lagi this month.. Alhamdulillah ternyata aku berprogress dlm hidup kirain msh jalan ditempat atau bahkan mundur huhu. Walaupun pace lambat tp mama runner membersamaiku, sepanjang jalan menyemangatiku, menungguku, ngasih minuman energizing, foto2 jg tak lupa (si aku yg gapedean pdhl). Haturnuhun mam, so glad to know you pokonya.. Untung anak kita sekelas yah. Skrg aku jadi suka lari gara2 mama runner! Semoga istiqomah yaa..
Cuaca Bandung sepanas itu. Kayanya ngga beberapa hari ini ya udah berbulan2 kan? Hari kamis kemarin itu capai 32 derajat celcius. Bawaannya buka kulkas mulu nyari minuman dingin. Udah abis di stok lagi.. Biasanya mandi disini water heater selalu nyala terussss.. Sekarang pgnnya mandi air dingin biar seger. Tapi aku berharap musim hujan segera tiba. Mudah2an Allah menurunkan hujan yg bermanfaat.. Aamiinn
Terimakasih bulan September dengan segala kejutannya, suka dan dukanya. Masih berkutat dengan ketidakstabilan pikiranku. Alhamdulillah bersyukur jg atas nikmatnya dan semoga terus belajar bersyukur dari hal hal kecil.
Oktober.. Kami berharap jadi bulan yg lebih baik, lebih banyak goal2 tercipta lagi. Ketenangan dan kedamaian segera menghampiri. Rejeki bertambah, sehat selalu. Tetap konsisten lari hehe. Bismillah untuk oktober.. Semoga Allah selalu dampingi di setiap langkah yg kita ambil..
Tag @sagarmatha13
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jose-joses-posts · 4 years
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Ilusiones... . . . . . #p #love #perdidaseneluniverso #fendi #unfao #gucci #foodwaste #fenerbahçe #globalgoals #fenerbahce #notwasting #amor #zerohunger #festival #desperdiciodealimentos #ferragamo #environment #galatasaray #goal2 #feliz #foodrescue #felt #rescuefood #moda #savefood #feel #thinkeatsave #instagood #hunger #feta https://www.instagram.com/p/CHc4GyulaCn/?igshid=ktwzi8lx79l4
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jarulortega · 4 years
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SDG2 - ZERO HUNGER ⁣ ⁣ This piece represents the end of world hunger. Gaia, mother nature, feeds humanity with the nutrients of the planet earth itself and is, consequently, we know that our planet can feed us all, if food were divided in a fairer and equitable way, there would be no hunger in the world. ⁣ ⁣ One of our worst problems and that affects many countries on our only planet; According to the UN in its 2019 report, more than 820 million people today are hungry, while others waste tons of food daily ... It must be a job for humanity as a whole, in order to achieve this goal, we must work together, separating pettiness and our own differences, to the detriment of a more equitable and fair quality of life for all.⁣ ⁣ That is why, this piece "Gaia Feeds Humanity" mother nature feeds us with her chest, the planet earth and all, represented by the unification of the flags, we benefit from it, as long as humanity works as it which is a single race, a single being.⁣ ⁣ As John Lenon would say⁣ "No need for greed or hunger⁣, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world "⁣ ⁣ The 3 artist i nominate:⁣ @josedoodles @@nathammer @Julianamado13 ⁣ ⁣ #Goal2 #sdg2 #sdg #towardtomorrow #toward2030 #yosoyjarul #sdgaction #unitednations #zerohunger #Goals2030 #digitalillustration #sdgaction (en Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBT_uBcj5Wa/?igshid=1seuxghf6yiaa
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