#goatverse au
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ro-bee · 1 month ago
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Kiran and Borowy (he of the pine barrens) first meeting?
Anyway I chose that name for goatverse's (lol) leshy because is another one of leshy many names and also because it fits perfectly with the tipe of grubb I choose for him since it's a pine processionary it was pure coincidence haha
Borowy will follow kiran holding his tail for a veeeery long time
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cotl-eyesofdeath · 4 months ago
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A princess forced to clean even as an octopus
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ro-bee · 22 days ago
Can't spam too much but god I'm willing to ahsjfuajev
This is attempted murder on my person by making me combust with happiness /pos aahsjfgaaahdajdjaja😭😭😭😭😭
I'll give you kisses
i drew @ro-bee 's ideas again...
i like them a lot :]
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shind91 · 19 days ago
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The Crown Bearer
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interstellarwizard2019 · 6 months ago
She who once was blessed with the power to create life itself, bound by Gilded chains and trapped between the realms of death and living. May the goddess who lies dormant break free from her prison...
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★°•. The One Who Must Be Awoken... .•°★
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In celebration of the Goat update being a few days away, I designed my version of Narinder's Goatverse counterpart, Gaia the former goddess of life. Many eons ago, Gaia, she of life ruled Faustia along side her siblings, The Bishops of Reverence, as the naive yet benevolent middle sister. Rather than rule over her followers with an iron fist, she much preferred the company of mortals seeing them as curious little companions rather than thralls. She even allowed a small civilization of them to build their homes in the safety of her temple grounds...much to her siblings dismay...
Jupiter, she of Order
Edesia, He of Sate
Asclepius, She of Cure
and Pax, They of Peace...
They who looked down upon their meek sister for her lack of devotion and yet they still had need of her capacity to control life itself...
Her mind and memories have become atrophied from centuries of isolation and sensory deprivation, to the point that she can no longer remember her own name, who she once was or how she ended up in chains. She eventually accepted her place in the void, believing that she must have done something to deserve her golden bindings...that was until a grumpy little goat somehow found themselves in her prison.
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littl3d0ll-art · 5 months ago
Do I dare stray from cartoon pictures and look at irl ticks for my Goatverse au Shamura?
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draconeko · 8 months ago
Ok so I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the Cult of the Goat idea, but it does make me wonder… What species are the other Bishops, if Narinder is a Dog?
It’s probably a difficult question to answer, as not as many of the animals in CotL have as clear of a cultural “opposite” as cats do, but I suppose that’s not the Only Way to assign them new species 🤔
Leshy is based on a Bagworm, for instance, so I can see Goatverse!Leshy maybe being some kind of Bird? Idk, it just seems like there’s some really fun potential in exploring what a universe where all the crowns chose different animals to be their vessels might look like. XD
ok, my main language is not english so there may be some errors, the narinder white dog that i am making belongs to an AU with its own story that i am making with my friend @chocosnowflake0
i have thought and drawn (not yet painted) the species of the other bishops! In this universe they are not necessarily opposite species, the only one who 100% fits that characteristic (according to my opinion) is Narinder
Returning to your question, in this AU, Leshy is a centipede, Heket is an Axolotl, Kallamar is an octopus (I still find it funny that his name is kallamar) and Shamura is a Scorpion. Following the rule of Goat, that is a Similar Animal with the opposite color.
Should Narinder have been another type of feline? probably, but Puprinder's idea was stronger Everything is thought and done just for fun so there is nothing seriously thought out
Leaving all that aside, the idea of ​​Leshy's opposite being a bird seems very creative to me! I think the Goat universe has a lot of potential and interpretation! I'm sure the cult of the lamb fandom will make incredible stories just by interpreting everything
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cosmicheartz · 15 days ago
Yknow I should talk abt Maveth more so here’s some tidbits abt him
( idk how to properly tw this but just know death and torture is bought up )
- missing their right eye ( the eye hidden under his hair ). Lost it before being sacrificed
- Never rlly trusted or worshipped Nari. Only saw him as a way to enact revenge on the bishops for what they did to their kind and was planning on usurping him after they killed the bishops
- he was planning to keep Nari locked in the temples dungeon after usurping him while they were a vessel but the torture aspect didn’t rlly come until after the Nari fight
- Nari actually did die from one of Maveths torture sessions but was revived afterwards in a private ritual bc Maveth thinks death is too merciful. They want to keep him alive and make him suffer for eternity
- the only lamb I have that actually acts like a cult leader. Solange is actively trying NOT to be and my third lamb ( ie the fervour favors fleece lamb who I’m calling Mary for now ) doesn’t exactly see themselves as a cult leader?
Like they know they’re essentially running a Cult but they see themself more as like royalty/a celeb and eventually a goddess ( think that one monologue bit in Roxie from Chicago bc that’s their mindset )
- still figuring out the spouse situation. Idk if I wanna go with my initial idea for them but we’ll see
- would most likely sacrifice Ratau
- keeps the bishop relics as “ trophies “ and tbh if given the chance would totally replace his missing eye with either leshys or narinders third eye they gouged out
- Narinder is literally miserable and broken. He fears Maveth and has panic attacks hearing foot/hoof steps above the temple even if Maveth isn’t coming down to the cellar or if it’s even Maveth at all
- Saw Solange as a sister ( both in Solange’s universe and in his ). She died a younger than she does in her universe ( like 15-16 as opposed to 18-21 ) and her death along with his mothers fucked Maveth up
- Speaking of Solange if she ever got to meet him in a lambswap esque situation she’d be horrified/disgusted. She may not like Nari that much ( and depending on the au has killed him ) but the idea of torturing him for eternity makes her feel I’ll
- Was genuinely a decent/caring person before all of this happened. The genocide and seeing Solange and his mother die in front of him basically fucked him up so bad that they want revenge/justice ( not even just for their family and the sheepfolk either. He’s heard literal horror stories from his followers about their lives before joining his cult )
- frequently switches between He/Him and They/Them ( which differs from Solange who primarily uses She/Her and feminine terms but doesn’t mind ppl using They/Them )
- haven’t rlly decided on Maveths goat counterpart but I’m thinking that Maveths goat kills Naenia ( my goatverse Nari ) but regretted it and tried to resurrect her which resulted in her becoming a zombie/corrupted ( which is a lot more dire here than in Lambverse bc there isn’t any known cure for it )
So Maveths goat keeps her in the temple dungeon to keep her from harming their followers while they try and find a cure
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ro-bee · 22 days ago
ok chat i "edited" (basically just drew over...) the sprites to make the gang
(goat is here for scale)
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name droppig for these babygirls from left to right
Shamuda (god of pestilence and knowlege) they're a venomous scorpion
Nereus (god of war and violence) he's a kraken hehe
Keketh (goddess of famine and family) she's a blue geko
Borovoi (god of chaos and nature) he's a pine processionary but also a leshy?? yeah
Kirander, the one who acts (god of death ruler of the underground)
most of their names are variations of the og names expect nareus lol
i decided that yes they deserve to be gods of more than one thing aaaand kiran's title was originally made by one of my friend when i was lore dumping them about him and is so clever!! i love you pookie
each bishop have 2 chain to contain this bad boy, he can't bow to goat because the chains on his neck are tight so he's stuck lol
injured bishops below lol
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everyone is trying to fix teir wounds and then you have borovoi that is just "let it bleed sister" is not like it's going to heal anyway
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ro-bee · 23 days ago
Do Aym and Baal (and kirander's aym and baal) get along with all the shittens or just the shittens of their respective worlds?
They do!! Aym and Baal and Deb and Cal are like big brothers for the shittens! They babysit and play with them sometimes
Here I'll repost that big drawing I made with them because I'm evil like that🔥🔥🔥
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I should never draw so many people together again
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ro-bee · 2 months ago
Could maybe say something more about your Goat Realm?
What is story of Puppy narinder here?
What heretics look like here and how are they behaviour? (I'm curious about it because I love these beans. I'm all ears to any littlest detail)
How other bishops look like?
And anyway anything. I'm all ears to all ramble!
Drink your water!
It is time for the goatverse yap section ! Everybody cheers!!
Anyway little disclaimers :
1_ is very work in progress... Unfortunately all my focus is on those two gay furries and not much on the world so I don't have many drawings to show :(
2_ it's heavy... And I mean there are strong themes and stuff (I'm not gonna go in details here) ... You'll see it better when I finish one of my many projects but it will require a lot of time... Like a lot, sorry... Anyway :)
Goat's world is very harsh. Here we live by the philosophy of kill or be killed very often, despite that there are some people that manage to live in piece and tranquility (example: goat's family and people that don't venerate any specific bishops or that venerate Kiran)
The world is ruled by the 5 bishops (these design are still concepts expect our beloved wolf lol)
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Four of them command on different regions, Kiran being the god of death rules the purgatory
He doesn't have many followers like his siblings but he prefers it like that, it doesn't really matter to him because people souls would end up to him anyway.
His siblings have more of an evil alineament, they use their godhood for bad often, taking entertainment on their followers pain. Kiran is the opposite and witnessing his followers suffering fills him with sorrow, that's why he always gives his followers a painless death, is the last he can do for them... After all their souls gives him power :)
Anyway I think I already explained kiran's plan here , tldr bro is sad people suffer so he thinks that killing everything is a good solution
A little thing I want to add to kiran's backstory thing (idk):
I think that unfortunately we're not gonna have a ratau in this world, since Kiran's objective is to get rid of pain with putting everyone's soul to rest I think he won't let any previous vessel go away after failing (I'm not doing this because I hate ratau, he's my dad I love him so much)
So goat had no guide in what they were doing
Heretics here are just like regular heretics(?), if you wanted to know more about their design unfortunately I don't have anything with them :( I have some sketches in the comic I'm working on but I need to keep it as a surprise
Most of them are just regular people that want to survive...
Talking about people who want to survive:
Goat wasn't always this fucked up in the head, this whole deal changed them for the worst. Before the crown they lived a normal peaceful life with their family, when they lost everything they were forced to learn how to fight back to survive. So they spent many years running away and fighting back, they felt terrible at first but then it started to feel normal, almost enjoyable. Getting the crowns powers made killing people fun for them so yeah lol this is the evolution of goat going from calm Lyra player to killer machine, they have a loooooot of anger issues lol.
About the bishops... I'm currently drawing them better and they still have no name right now...
Their personality is the opposite of the canon one basically
The leshy is calm less impulsive
The geko is a prudent and a bit coward
The kraken is fearless and violent
The scorpion is ruthless and impulsive
Kiran is their older brother and loves them very much!! the feeling is not very mutual but anyway :)
I need to work a little bit more on them ngl
Aaaand I think this is all? Hmm idk feel free to ask more :)
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ro-bee · 1 month ago
He's an albino gray wolf, he acts a lot more like a dog... Maybe millennia in the void tamed him or maybe is just his people pleaser nature. (Despite that he can be authoritarian I think)
Kiran is very old, the oldest of bishops, the first of them to find a crown.
He's not a big fan of fighting but is very good at it, he taught his siblings some techniques!
The relationship with the other bishops isn't really good, he loves them but they don't like him much because he's "too affectioned" and overall strange. They don't understand his vision of the world and I mean fair.
His morals are mostly pessimistic he believes in the concept of destroy and rebuild, his "excuse" is that he doesn't want to see people suffer so he comes to the conclusion that dying is better than living and that the world would be better without gods.
He's very impatient but doesn't show it... And he doesn't allow more than one (1) second chances, all his previous vessels were definitely killed by him after their first death againsts the bishops
He would come up with some bullshit like "I'm sorry, I won't prolong your pain any longer, I clearly was wrong you're not fit for this... Now rest" or "you tried but it wasn't enough" a bit evil... And not very productive from him since he can't free himself alone... Ironic because he's impatient lol his morals are very strong
So yeah basically goat killed all bishops without dying even once... That was hell
(Goat playing hardcore lmao)
Cal and Deb (kiran's Baal and aym) weren't given by the bishops but by they're mom did a ritual to gift them to their father (yes I'm gonna make Kiran x forneus (name need a change) canon here and make him the bio dad of the pups , how were they born? Idk immaculate conception probably), they are demigods, kiran loves them very much and they keept him "sane"
Also forneus is his most Loyal follower 🔥🔥🔥🥴
After goat kills all bishops Kiran uses his freedom to... Take care of the pups...
They knew this was going to happen and let him do it (like... Brainwashed behavior)
If the world was to be freed from gods then demigods shouldn't be here either, so he killed them. Fast and painless.
Ok ok relationship with goat :
Is always ups and downs but mostly it starts as just you help me and I help you kind of deal... After the first bishop down Kiran kinda start to catch feelings... Nobody went so far yet this goat was the one, goat never died again so they saw each other's only after the first chain got destroyed and Kiran was able to use a bit of his power to bring them to him as the pleased, they use those summonings to talk e know each other's better lol.
So after bishop one was down they were in a friendly mood? Relationship??? Positive?
After the second bishop goat started to be a bit confused about their big friend's plan... The bishop told them some stuff but they decided not to believe him still doubt started forming in their heart even if Kiran was always so affectionate
I think the crush start here
After bishop 3 was down the seed of doubt finally sprout and Kiran noticed that goat started to be more distant from him... After one day goat asked him "after you're free, What will you do to me? " and Kiran simply responded with "I'll free you too, from you're regrets and from all the pain, I'll free your soul and we will be together in peace" that didn't reassure goat one bit but they let it slide because they wanted to believe their god
At this point their relationship was a bit confused but I think there was love in there under all the doubts
After the fourth bishop was killed goat was scared, terrified even.
They finally knew what the real plan was, the last bishop told them, He told them everything and how that wolf would take their second life just for a crazy ideology. They won't let that happen, they are stronger than him anyway... This whole deal made them go a little mad and on a full rampage, it didn't help finally knowing that the stermination of their kin was basically kiran's fault, yes the bishops started it but it was all to stop the crazy plans of the wolf, a "little" price to pay to save everything else.
When they arrived to purgatory they noticed the pups were gone, not surprising considering everything they learned that day about their beloved wolf.
Their fight wasn't long, Kiran asked goat to just listen to him but they were not willing at all.
it all ends when they finally manage to pin him on the ground.
The relationship right now is divorce 😭😭
So Kiran dies, a very painful and slow death. Goat claims his place and they become the new God fo death.
That didn't satisfy them toh, now there was emptiness in their heart. They loved that wolf! They felt safe with him, he always attended their words wounds and now just like that he was gone. They killed him.
Goat would stop thinking about it for some years and would keep attending on their cult (in a very bad way) until one night they decided to bring the wolf back and make him pay and his actions again, like yes out of spite and to fill the emptiness.
Now can start the toxic yaoi
Bringing Kiran back will start this circle of love and hate, a desperate attempt from goat to fix the problems in their head??
Bro needs therapy (lamb is their therapist and will help them)
Every time Kiran would die goat would bring him back, bro doesn't deserve peace🔥🔥
Ok but with time goat calms down, realize that this is useless, Kiran realize that his actions were actually the problem, that he missed his siblings and his pups so much.
Sorry chat he changed a bit I think 😔
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ro-bee · 15 days ago
I know that The Bishops of Kiran were described as evil and well, not so redeemable characters, but in your Au is there going to be a genuine reconciliation scenario? Because I can't get a scene like the following one out of my head, maybe The Kraken (Daddy) or your version of Shamura (Sorry, I'm bad with names) Confront Kiran with something like: "Why don't you hate us? We literally tried to kill you" and Kiran says: "Because you are my family and I still love them", you can't tell me that something like that wouldn't break them emotionally, because let's be honest, if Kiran is the eldest, that means that they are alive because of him and at least there must be a little affection (Very very very deep in their rotten souls)
Anyway thats all, Also I wanted to tell you that your art Is my biggest font of comfort Now, your art Is amazing and you are amazing, hope you a nice day/night and take care of yoursel
ok so i want them to be redeemed someday ... it would take so much i think ...even more for two of them in particular
their relationship is difficult because they're still angry at kiran for their injuries and stuff
i'm still trying to figure out how their fight went but beside that... borovoi and keketh would be the frist ones to try to actually make peace with kiran, oh it would be emotional i think
they will cry and talk and cry again (kiki will cry tbh) and then hug
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i mean they'll try to hug...
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anyway for shamuda and nereus would be harder to forgive kiran... they can contain a lot of anger and spite
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btw thank you for checking on me ^^ i'm not doing do great again but i keep going your words mean a lot <3!!!
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ro-bee · 2 months ago
Remember kiran's siblings? I'm almost done picking up names for them I just need something for the kraken 😔😔😔 should I steal something from Lovecraft?
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ro-bee · 16 days ago
If goatverse and lambverse fought eachother who would win-
Who would win 50 Kallamar sized Shamudas or 60 Shamuda sized Kallamars
If goat did an armwrestle compition against everyone, would they win....
....wait they prolly would...........nvm
OOOOOHHH!!! YOU WANT ME TO POWESCALE??? I... I secretly love powescaling ngl
But anyway... Yes I'm convinced that goat would win in a big battle Royal since you know... They already beat the shit out of everyone else once
Maybe they will have a hard time with lamb since they are different but also the same
Hmmm... But if goatverse and lambverse fought each others it would be like this:
Lamb = Goat (lamb is probably faster and analyzes the situation to make the best attack choice while goat has more stamina and pain tolerance and attacks like me when I play fighting games... Spamm...)
Nari < Kiran (but oh we all know Kiki would let anyone win against him)
Shamura > Shamuda (shamura has more experience with battle and is more patient... Shamuda has anger issues that make them lose often lmao)
Kalamar < Nereus (... You saw Mr kraken daddy I don't have to explain anything here)
Heket > Keketh (a strong warrior against a wet coward... Yeah sorry Keketh you have no chances)
Leshy ? Borovoi (I can't calculate chaos... Borovoi is older and more experienced in fighting than leshy, also borovoi has quills? Stingers?? That are toxic and painful, leshy on the other hand is bigger... A lot bigger... And chaotic and reckless and just leshy)
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ro-bee · 15 days ago
i have an anon ask about keketh and aaaah i want to draw her for you anon !!! i want to but my brain goes blank and i forgot how i want to draw her :(((
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