#god I need to make a new tag just for commentary probably
blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Hi, I hope you’re feeling better soon! My question is, how much of the reboot do you think will be about the team’s personal lives vs the actual cases themselves? I feel like the reboot was very fan-driven, so my guess would be more of the characters’ lives and the cases might not matter too much other than just catching the unsub
Ty friend, I hope I feel better soon too. (I'm so miserable) Thank you for the ask!
We knew from the get-go that this season of Evolution was going to focus solely on the ongoing case of 'there's a serial killer network, how do we stop it?' [X] [X] [X] << Sources
Which is honestly not a format I think is interesting for a show that went 15 seasons being a 'killer of the week' crime drama. Sure, we had SOME serial killers that spanned a longer time frame (Replicator, Mr Scratch, Lynch) but they were going on WHILE the team still solved cases of the week.... Now they're just going to focus on this one thing and I'm not sure how that will work in the long-run.
Personally, I didn't think the first two eps were 'good'. We basically were introduced to three main plots:
Rossi is angry and taking out all of his rage on the team instead of fucking going to therapy and he had the most screen time even though he was retired at the end of the series and now not only has he returned but he's Unit Chief now and no one is going to give us answers about this change. Also we FINALLY have a woman-majority cast and it's STILL focused on Rossi????
Serial killer network (apparently the main focus of the entire first season)
Yet another 'higher up' is shitting on the BAU (god how many fucking times are we going to see this same plot?????)
IDK about anyone else, but I am NOT invested in any of the above. What I AM invested in is the amount of time we spent watching the characters' lives!!!! I literally never knew how much I needed a montage of Garcia going through her morning routine???? I never knew how much I needed to see Luke just running on a treadmill in Emily's old office while chatting to Tara on FaceTime??? I never knew how much I needed to see JJ and.... wait. No not that one. I mean, yes to seeing JJ at home where she apparently ONLY wears sports bras?
I cannot wait to see more of Tara's personal life, especially with Rebecca. I just want to see soft, domestic, goofy in love, Tara Lewis.
I honestly plan on skipping the case bits, just so I can enjoy the personal lives of the characters we know and love bits!!
I think it'll be very interesting because honestly, in ALL the years this show was airing, let's face it..... these characters had BARELY any characterisation/growth (unless you count Reid who had about 50 plot lines that focused on him and his man pain. I fucking hate it) So I think it'll be interesting to see what the showrunners come up with now that they've forced themselves to ACTUALLY consider what the BAU team members do OUTSIDE of work!!
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eyesontheskyline · 6 months
🧸🐝 🧩
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Ohh there's very little logic to who I follow back honestly, it depends more on what I'm doing when I open the notification than anything else. I'll nearly always follow back unless I miss the notification or the person obviously hates one of my ships, or posts only stuff I don't recognise. So I think the answer is. . . follow me. . . then if I don't follow you back, there's probably no reason for that so spam me with notifications or just ask and I'll follow back lol. Obviously I'm Hotchniss trash and Emily trash in general.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Forever faves @heartbash and @pictureofsoph1sticatedgrace and @justwanted2dance, who made me feel welcome when I made my first jump back into writing, and who don't even go here but continue putting up with my nonsense anyway. I love you guys.
@sayornissaya who wants to dissect characters and what-ifs in the exact same depth I do and wrote super thoughtful comments on my fic that made my entire week and will likely continue providing serotonin boosts for years to come if my past behaviour is anything to judge by.
@roseekara who wants to talk in ask form.
@archersmidnight who reblogs my fic with commentary in the tags, and is therefore a personal hero.
And then I suspect the kind anon might usually be the same kind anon? I appreciate the support of the kind anon a whole lot. There are also ao3 usernames I recognise as always commenting but they either have different usernames on tumblr or they're not here or they're always anonymous. . .
God I'm definitely forgetting people I really should be tagging, these things make me so anxious.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Paragraph-less wall of text.
No new paragraphs for new speaker - I just find this suuuper hard to follow.
Characterisation that feels too off to me. Honestly, too much swearing for some reason? (I swear all the time irl, and there will be some amount of somebody saying 'fuck' in every sex scene I write probably, but I find it really distracting when characters are very sweary in the sort of situation we see them not-sweary in canon.)
And then things that are like. . . trigger-y for me, which are just specific things that happen in smut that are very Not For Me and I need to nope out for my sanity.
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 4 months
Tag Game!
I got tagged by @wyxan for my last line and @cljordan-imperium for my last 7 lines and TECHNICALLY I am following the rules for both bc there are 7 lines (at least) and the last one is definitely for sure there. It's just, you know, down a bit. Thanks for tagging me!! This is the latest from my yet unnamed canon compliant fic where trans!Harley keeps Rose Hill from starving and dying out post-blip by stealing supplies in his homemade Iron Man armor :)
Harley knows better than to check in on his crew this early after a run. Josh and Elmer need their beauty sleep and God help anyone who disrupts Chrissy’s intricate morning ritual. Alison is probably up but he’d bet money they aren’t on speaking terms after last night’s fiasco and she always needs time to herself to cool off before any kind of productive conversation can happen.
He kicks dirt for an hour under the pretense of walking through town, making note of which buildings are in a state of disrepair beyond saving and need to be closed up or, in some extreme cases, torn down before they collapse. Rose Hill has always been a small, close knit community, but since the Blip the population has plummeted. They don’t have enough bodies to occupy all of the available real estate let alone keep it up.
His route through town lands him at the diner just as the sun pokes through the mist rolling over the mountains. About a hundred years ago, an old fashioned rail car was converted into what they now know solely as The Diner and its cherry red paint gleams as the sun hits it. He’d be surprised at how well it’s held up compared to the much more modern buildings on his list, but he knows how much pride Mama takes in keepin’ it prime.
She owns it as much as anyone in this town owns anything anymore. Old Bird left the key and the deed in their mailbox about a year into the Blip the night she skipped town. The next day Mama packed her bags and moved into a nice little cottage right around the corner that was similarly abandoned by a young couple with small hungry mouths under their charge some months prior.
Normally, he keeps himself busy enough to excuse his infrequent stops for a hot meal, but after last night Mama'll be expecting him. She’s not one to be content hearing about her children through the town grapevine. If he don’t make an effort to get the news to her first, he’ll be stuck with her wounded commentary for the next month or more. It’s best to get on with it.
He sucks in a lungful of misty morning and pushes through the door.
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
(disclaimer that I’m not out here simping for or trying to defend a million dollar company, just a fan with frustrations)
the njpw/aew partnership has always felt incredibly unbalanced. FTR didn’t defend or talk about the IWGP tag belts and skipped out on WTL, Kenny (as much as I love the dude) has done 0 with the US belt, AEW did nothing to promote Willow being part of the Strong Tournament. Desperado set a match with Mox and that didn’t get mentioned. They didn’t even talk about Dominion until after it happened. New Japan social media and commentary make a big effort to keep continuity and talk about things going on in their partner promotions.
Even with Takeshita. DDT has tweeted about the heel turn, their wrestlers have mentioned it, I cannot remember the last time DDT was even mentioned on the show
I get that All Together Again and the Road Tour means 90% of their roster is booked up and it would be a struggle to appear live. But a build to a show doesn’t need to be done 2 weeks before. This is something we should have had going since tickets went on sale. Or at the very least, ask them to film backstage promos to send in, not just play the promotional videos and press conferences that New Japan did themselves.
Sorry, you sent this after I fell asleep, but I agree with everything you've said! Like, I'm not even trying to shit on AEW―it's just facts.
FTR and Kenny were the first people I thought of when Aussie Open had to relinquish the IWGP and Strong tag titles even though Mark would only be out 6 weeks. And Kevin Kelly explained at a later date that if the Dominion match hadn't been set they could have just kept the titles which, okay, fine. But that doesn't change that FTR and Kenny just sat/are just sitting on their respective titles. Also, I was Big Mad when Kenny defended the US title against Jeff Cobb on Dynamite and not a few weeks later at Capital Collision. Like, that's an NJPW belt, my guy. Kenny by God Omega coulda shoulda woulda brought soooooo many more eyes to Capital Collision/NJPW. (And I thought he would have known better, too? That was his home for years?)
But you hit the nail on the head—it's an unbalanced relationship and I frankly don't know what NJPW is getting out of it? Forbidden Door 2 is probably gonna be another routing of their talent like the first FD was.
And like you said, there's absolutely ways to work around people not being able to come to America in order to build a feud/to a PPV. But like I said to that anon, David Finlay been around and available. AEW had the time to meaningfully address the long, long history between him and BOTH Jay and Juice. Juice literally turned on Finlay to join Bullet Club and now Finlay is the leader and you're just gonna ignore that?! And Jay's been exiled from NJPW but he's still out here acting like he's in Bullet Club?! As if (in storyline) Finlay would just allow that happen?! PLEASE. Make it make sense.
Editing to add: there's still a chance to meaningfully introduce the White/Finlay feud AT Forbidden Door. As I said, Jay's been kayfabe exiled from NJPW (and working with NJPW talent, I believe?), so he really SHOULD NOT be anywhere near Toronto on June 25th if they're gonna uphold that. But he could show up because it's also an AEW event. And then Finlay could show up and be like, "Wtf do you think you're doing?" And boom, there you go. I HOPE that happens, genuinely. If not... I will fly to Florida just to smack Tony Khan.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Is it like, Dean's re-creating his parent's meeting to process his own story in a new universe he has created in heaven? and so the akrida are actually birthed/caused by Dean creating this new universe, and so they're going after Dean and the universe he built for himself? Are the akrida able to hop from the 1972 universe to the road where dean is? Does he know they're able to hop? From the bits of meta I've understood, is that going in the right direction? I like the question, why is dean wearing purgatory clothes. I'll have to mull on that one. He's stuck between going back to earth and going forward towards the garden/the place where all souls are created. In order to get to the garden the garden has to be in him--which I guess is about being unapologetically who you are? Probably Dean's whole thing is learning to love himself. ?
Everyone is so close. And not wrong. but not right. Remember my old blog tag, "it's all about the souls" before it became "goddamnit kids, get off my lawn" or whatever.
OK. Wipe away everything in your head you think you know about canon. It's the narrative Chuck wrote over it (we can break down What Earth Is later). But our souls are little slices of heaven.
There wasn't supposed to be a snake in the box. There was nothing, and it had a thought and asked if and why it existed, and chuck dreamed up barbies from there. But there was this fucking snake. Because there was something greater than his pride or Ego (lmao) waiting to be born, that just is, like he and amara just were.
So ok, people, families, souls, we are. that's real. But who we become is the experiences this slice of heaven had inside the brainbox. And it met other people that all had their own stories. Just he who had control of the most souls was god or whatever, in a narrative of control.
So chuck shoved all the slices in an eco system of heaven slice distribution because we were the one thing he couldn't control, and he feared us. He made the angels to make lesser beings, to make him BIG, like sealing Amara. But the throne didn't ever really belong to him. Angels were just. Colonizers. But there were billions of us, and we were here first.
What jack did wasn't evil, but the absence of good; the soul is the one true good, and simply, the one true thing, everything else is commentary.
But there's one thing that separates life from stillness. It's that we die. And we're afraid that's all there is. And even then uh, well I talked about berens plot failsafes in season 15. Why did death seek the garden.
Death is neither hostile nor malevolent. Why did she need to be sealed, after all that time without? ...and why was the empty in Death's Library?
Jack made it loud. The generational trauma, dean seeing this part of himself hs feared that went down to the bones of the abuse he endured and his terror of being left alone as people were ripped from him, again and again. of saying he was poison, that people that get close to him get killed, or worse. Akrida. Ticks and leeches. All this regret and shadow without the light is like a gnat in my HEAD and its BUZZING and YOU MADE IT LOUD. Rockin Roxxy coming through the cracks--
All of it was because of Mary. And all of it was because of Cas. They were a family and Cas didn't want to lose that because they became his whole world. He used to just mindlessly follow the plan but he became a father and rediscovered who he was. And he let the sun shine on his face, of that soul, and let it in and that moon became full and showed the way to the garden.
And that's it. That's the discord we were left at the end. Pieces that almost hit boxes and. Is this nihilism? depression? what even was this?
Why the world now again, why the trap, why the truth, the original 15x18 name. why through the cracks. That generational trauma is still rippling. But it was. When your life loses meaning, death can seem kind of comforting. Most people in the world at some time touch it in their hearts. Dean did, and he walked that path pledging to seal himself away into emptiness and boxes and space and oceanic abysses. Like a rugaru, by any other language or dub.
Heh.This seems like an aside, but it's necessary. Dean's leading narration is separate, that's him already finished the process. The Dean narrating is the dean that already faced his truth, hence his confidence, his tonal smile, and the story about how complicated family ties can be as he begins to take us there. The Truth. And the final door. The Trap. And The Truth--did dean lead them into another trap?
Would you do it over again if you could.
Dean's telling of John and Mary comes from a different angle of the writer. Right now, the corporate TV is unplugged (lmao TBS timeline inbound apollo dodgeball) but the stations are sort of picking up the stuff in the cracks that wasn't part of the package. That's where the Akrida and trauma hide. There's no change to the story, they're always there and always knocking, and were even knocking when Death went mad.
The locusts of the garden. What do you hate. Who do you love. What do you fear. Dean of the Infinite vs Dean of the Empty are singing two different songs right now, and it's time to start listening. The details of whether they lived in bumfuck Normal Illinois as chuck lazily googled or if as far as dean could read, it was probably lawrence, a lawrence formed the last he knew it was established. These details don't matter. That's just sorta the reader filling in the gaps.
Why do you love this world/hate this world enough to risk your life/burn it to the ground. Akrida. Must crucify the ego before it's far too late I pray the light lifts me out before narcissus dean pines away. The moon tells her secret, a green lit confidant. As full and bright as she is the light is not her own and a million light reflections pass over her.
But. This is the stuff that's important. The people stuff. The soul stuff. And the paths they chose when in this life.
Cupids never love roofie anyone. They play the right commercial, they trick the right skater. Chuck may have set the obstacles but John and Mary ran their own race, and made their own rules. What we see as inescapable destiny is only because we look back with despair. It's about celebrating life's grandieur, its magnificence, and finding who you are before you can go home to the garden. man's beginning.
And yeah. Dean of the Infinite already telling that story. He already opened that door. And now he's telling it again for us. Consider it Dean of the Empty. The liminal space at neither Being or Oblivion. He found his truth, and then he wrote it down.
He just cared about different things than Chuck did in what he made sure to highlight.
The people.
All of it's real. In their life, and in their death, past the final door. The rest is the legacy we leave for each other.
the cards are the slices
and theres never enough slices
Tollow the path of One towards Heaven. [insert funky spiral math riddles] I will always find you here.
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atwas-meme-ing · 9 months
You left some fucked up tags on that post about propaganda. You realize that post was by a jewish person living in Israel, right? If you were really concerned about propaganda, maybe question what you've been told in your church, cause believing that Israel needs to be destroyed for the antichrist to come is fucked up and probably about the most antisemitic thing you can believe besides being a straight up nazi.
Anon's talking about these tags:
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If this is "antisemitic," so be it. God will judge me for that, they're HIS people, they belong to Him more than to anyone alive today. But. Revelation clearly states that the entire world WILL gather together against Israel at Armageddon. Why would that happen if the world doesn't hate Israel before then?
I don't know where anon is getting the idea that I said Israel will be destroyed, because, like... it won't? Israel can't be destroyed, God won't allow it, He promised Abraham they will have a heritage forever- in fact, Revelation speaks of 144,000 male Jewish virgins that have been sealed for God's purposes. Just what their role is in Revelation, we don't know yet.
What I did say is that the world will hate Israel. I also said that they will hate God and His people- not JUST Israel, not JUST Jews, but Christians as well, whether Jews or Gentiles.
Contrary to what anon seems to think, I DON'T WANT THIS. But it's gonna happen. Or... I should say, this is what we think is gonna happen. Revelation 16 says the Euphrates river will dry up so that even the "kings of the east" will gather at Armageddon, indicating that Armageddon is just to the west of the Euphrates (which Israel is). As for the location of Armageddon:
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Now, then. Having said ALL this, I will also say: we're dealing with prophecy. No matter how much we study it, we don't know all the particulars. No one knows the future unless God divinely reveals it to them. He hasn't divinely revealed it to me, I'm just reading His word and some commentaries on it (eschatology having long been a fascination of mine).
WE COULD BE WRONG. Maybe Megiddo isn't Israel, maybe it's the last stronghold of Christianity, in a completely different part of the world. This is just what most people agree the Bible is saying.
Regardless of the location of Armageddon and whether it is about Israel, it is clear that Satan will gather every single human being that has not given their hearts to Jesus against the remaining few who have. The good news is that Jesus, Himself, will return, wipe out those who hate Him, and lock Satan up for a thousand years while His people reign over the Earth.
And Father, forgive me if I'm speaking ill of your people. You know that's not my intention. I'm simply trying to make sense of the lunacy in the world today. And warn people that your judgment is coming.
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chaoticgardenbread · 2 years
Ten Random Lines
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people. I was tagged by @scottxlogan Thank you for the tag!
I’m tagging: @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea @scottxlogan (no pressure if you don't wanna do this again) and everyone else who wants to have a go
I lol-ed because I only have 12 fics up, and it wasn't much of a headache to pick. Here's a guide if you want to skip or zoom in on a particular ship/fandom-
1-4: VanDieter (Army of the Dead)
5: DigShot (Arrow)
6-7: FrostIron (The Avengers)
8-10: WolveSilver (X-Men)
Here goes under the cut!
Fifth time’s the charm (VanDieter)
Dieter knocks, taking an expectant step back as he stands outside Vanderohe’s room, smelling a little too fruity after his shower, beaming as he thinks back to the events of the past hour, where Vanderohe had most definitely kissed him, before instructing him to come over anytime he’s ready. 
It was something he could do forever, Dieter contemplates while waiting. He never felt love quite like this before, and Dieter was sure that apart from Vanderohe, he might have really only been in love just once.
“Are you always this happy?” Vanderohe says with amusement, as he opens the door for Dieter.
2. On the edge of the precipice (VanDieter)
Guz and Chambers were menaces, honest to god— which was probably, and unfortunately, one of the many reasons why they got along with Diet like a house on fire.
3. A series of firsts (VanDieter)
“We could make this a thing,” Vanderohe says, drawing circles with this thumb around the inside of Dieter’s wrist.
“Are you a mind reader now?” Dieter catches himself smiling for what must be the thousandth time since the day started, “I would very much like for this to be a thing”.
4. How to stage an intervention: Chambers’ Edition (VanDieter)
Sometimes the muted resonance shatters and Dieter resonates. Feels everything from his heartbeat to the smell of rain, to the comfort and thrill of the night. Gives as much as he gets.
Somedays, like today, the endorphins consumed him. The space in his chest light like it was floating outside of him.
5. New Beginnings (DigShot)
A couple of weeks after Oliver and Felicity’s return to Star City found Diggle at the end of his wits. The entire Ghost situation was a clusterfuck; not that he expected any less, but he couldn’t say that he had expected, nor was he adequately equipped for, everything that the situation landed on his plate. Bloodlust. The dead coming back to life. Magic. Most of all, a brother he didn’t know anymore. 
Oliver had encouraged him to try. Diggle didn’t know what to make of the unsolicited advice. It might have been more convincing had Oliver not felt like a bed of roses fresh out of his honeymoon. Lawton had conversely blessed him with an unimpressed look that said: he was stupid for even considering; a calculated, rational conclusion, the only one which the darker side of the assassin was capable of. But just because it was sound didn’t mean that Diggle had to like it. The deliberation had escalated into a heated exchange of words, a scuffle, and finally, to him getting the cold shoulder. Diggle pointedly chose not to spare any thought about why it affected him the way it did. 
6. Controlled Chaos (FrostIron)
“Dum-E!” Tony’s indignant squawk thankfully derailed that train of commentary. Tilting his head, Loki notes that the said bot was now pressed against him following its close pursuit of them in their tour of its home. “Don’t antagonize Loki like that, god knows he’s more likely to actually dismantle you and use you for knife practice”
“Hardly,” Loki clarifies, unable to stop his right eye from twitching at the notion of using something so sentient for knife practice of all things. Such an exercise hardly bode any good results for the wielder— something he decided Tony strictly didn’t need to know. 
7. Home is Where the Heart is (FrostIron)
“Please say you don’t wanna bail, Houdini,” the said menace was now looking at him with wide pleading eyes. “I was promised three days of you waltzing me around this place,” Likely the widest he could possibly manage.
Meddling, sentimental fool . Loki thinks with an affectionate huff.
“That insult had better not be meant for me,” his lover complains without missing a beat, nose scrunched up in mock offence. 
Loki arches an eyebrow in confusion. He most certainly had not said that out loud. 
“Oh c’mon Lokes,” the genius has the audacity to roll his eyes at Loki’s confusion, “every time you huff, there’s an insult to be found in there somewhere,”
The man made a fair point.  
8. Two Halves of the Same Whole (WolveSilver)
Where Wolverine expects pain, there is nothing. 
For a moment, Logan is confused. When the confusion clears, he notices the silver-haired mutant braced above him by the side of the remote temple that he’s been spending the better half of his day trying to reach. 
Logan has only seen Quicksilver in passing. He’s only ever offered the younger mutant a nod of acknowledgment when they cross paths. He doesn’t know anything beyond the fact that Quicksilver has superspeed, talks way too much, and his father is a grade-A asshole. It somehow makes the current situation where Quicksilver is starting to slump over him, a gaping hole in his side, much, much worse. 
9. Life in Technicolor (WolveSilver)
Not being able to catch a break proves itself to be a very much persistent sentiment when ‘lousy co-sleeper' turns out to be a gross understatement.
Quicksilver, the one that’s 50 years too young, mutters something in his sleep before flipping over with vigor and kicking him in the shin. Logan grunts in frustration, stirring for the umpteenth time since he’s said his goodnights to the speedster. It isn’t something he’d ordinarily do, but this Quicksilver is nothing if not insistent. 
This Quicksilver is also much more fidgety compared to what Logan’s ordinarily used to, and he hasn’t caught a decent wink of sleep yet. 
10. Ritalin (WolveSilver)
“Yeah, Pete?”
“Are you tired of me?” 
“What— no, of course not,” Logan says slowly, postcoital lull shattering as Peter’s question sends a wave of alarm spiking all the way up to his throat. So help him, because he had thought that they were doing well enough, and now it appears that Logan’s most certainly not doing something right. It can’t be the sex that’s lacking, so perhaps it’s the number of dates they’ve been on, or perhaps the type of attention that’s the problem. Logan decides that the easiest way to find out is to ask. “Elaborate. What brought this on?”
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achilleslastwar · 1 year
WWE: Battleground 2016
I have decided to watch one of the PPVs that got me back into wrestling fully and still my favorite wrestling PPV ever: Battleground 2016. Here's some thoughts, I won't spoil any real results in case someone wants to follow along. Just because I kept some of my reactions doesn't mean a match was good or bad, I just have more thoughts about certain matches than others.
Pre-Show: Breezango vs The Usos Fun match. Hilarity, great tag team action and some fun spots.
Charlotte and Dana vs Sasha Banks and her Mystery Partner Put Emma and Dana back together and have them go after the Women's tag team titles. Do it you cowards! This was all just a big set up for Sasha vs. Charlotte at Summerslam and the mystery partner made it for me. But damn, Charlotte got booed. Dana Brooke and Charlotte were a fun team for a bit but they never really capitalized on it.
One of my favorite debuts ever. And Sasha was so proud of the reaction.
The New Days vs. The Wyatt Family God, I miss the New Day. And I hope Bray's ok, cause his absence is really starting to worry me. And I hope Big E and Kofi are recovering and come back. And I hope Erick Rowan is still doing well and adding to his collection of excellent music t-shirts. This match was kind of weird but Woods being frozen kind of was dumb. This was the final match before Braun actually became truly a monster amongst men, James Ellsworth came and went and Bray and Erick went to Smackdown. The overall RAW versus Smackdown commentary on this entire event including the main event kind of distracted from some of the matches, honestly. Still though, this match is free on Youtube: https://youtu.be/R6CrMJs90qI
Rusev vs. Zack Ryder (US Championship) Rusev smash and Zack Ryder babyface.
Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens The match that fully got me invested and back into wrestling. Sami vs. Nakamura actually lured me back into wrestling, but this is what actually sold me on the storylines, the work, the fun. It's probably my all time favorite match because it got me back into a lost hobby. The Underdog from the Underground versus the Prize Fighter. I had been lapsed so I didn't know about their previous history in ROH. Owens mocked the crowd and he does need to turn back heel so he can do more mocking of the crowd. Zayn did a brainbuster on Owens on the ring apron, which proved how much WWE already trusted both of these guys in their decision making. The finish. "Why won't you stay down? Don't make me do this."
Becky Lynch vs. Natalya This match should have gotten more time. Becky had such a good babyface performance here. This was still solid, especially Pre-The Man. Still though, the full match is free: https://youtu.be/lMNC86wjl9w
The Miz vs. Darren Young (IC Match) Weird match, it had Marsye, Bob Backlund, Darren Young going into a hulk like rage. Very odd and prolly the dud of the night.
The Club vs. John Cena, Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady It's kind of ironic I want Big Bill to join the Bullet Club Gold in AEW now because my favorite performance by him is still in this match. Enzo and Cass were so, so over and the inclusion of John Cena just made it all the better. I can't really stand Gallows or Anderson but AJ Styles is insane talent and just makes them worth it.
Chris Jericho, Randy Orton in the Highlight reel that just should have been on RAW This was also pre-Brock Lesnar beats the absolute tar out of Orton, which is still outside of chairshots to the head and stuff like that one of the times I've ever felt truly uncomfortable watching wrestling in. Just the biggest of OOFS now with hindsight. Still, Orton and Jericho had some back and forth lines. I hope Randy comes back soon.
Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns (WWE Championship) If the Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens match hadn't happened on this PPV, this match would have still gotten me back into wrestling. The Lunatic Fringe vs. the Architect versus Roman Reigns still in his Shield gear. Moxley and Seth are on the top of my list of favorite wrestlers and Roman has great to amazing level matches with just about anyone and any style. I'm not gonna get into the Tribal Chief thoughts here, but he's still a top level wrestling talent and also probably one of the safest workers in the business. Seth and Ambrose had to team up to overcome Vince McMahons booking at one point in a temporary alliance. They all traded shots amongst each other until they were all rocked. Seth Rollins tried to get them to do the Shield pose and Roman Reigns destroyed him. And I had missed all the Shield stuff during my lapse in wrestling fandom and this match still sold me on it with the promos WWE did for. The intro video to this PPV is also one of my absolute favorites. The trope RAW Is 3 hours long and needs Recaps is absolutely true with WWE sometimes, but they did this perfect.
Oh, I will say to close: Thank god JBL is no longer on commentary.
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rosafulmen · 2 years
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random  wishlist  of  ideas  i’d  love  to  explore  for  light  (  kind  of  an  ice-breaker,  kind  of  like  a  springboard  )  :
anything  in  her  verses  tag.  or,  when  looking  more  at  the  themes,  explorations  of  guardianship  and  its  failings,  what  makes  a  god  a  god  (  the  question  of  benevolence  verses  malevolence  ),  clawing  oneself  from  the  brink,  themes  of  found  family  and  love  despite  unfathomable  odds.
explorations  of  the  verses  xiii  lore;  including,  but  not  limited  too  :  the  influence  of  etro,  light’s  memories  as  ‘the  saviour’  and  what  that  means  for  this  new  world,  watching  the  war  of  a  world  she  helped  bring  about  (  all  the  while  knowing  most  of  the  world  has  no  memory  of  her  or  her  friend’s  sacrifices  ),  themes  of  faux  gods,  worship  and  the  suspension  of  vahalla.  there  are  so  many  themes  that  can  be  snatched  from  both  xiii  and  xv,  take  your  pick.
i  have  to  properly  write  out  my  kingdom  hearts  verse,  but  literally  anything  in  that.  lightning  and  her  sister  were  from  radiant  garden  but  she’s  very  estranged  from  the  main  crew.  let  her  mentor  the  kids.  let  the  kids  crack  past  her  protective  layer  to  all  those  themes  of  hope,  perseverance,  and  strength  of  heart.  watch  light  panic  when  serah  runs  off  to  help  them.  let  her  begrudgingly  assist  because  she  claims  she  ‘doesn’t  care  about  them’  (  she  absolutely  does ).
anything  to  do  with  the  horror  /  existentialism  of  being  the  saviour???  the  very  fact  light  had  no  guarantee  she  would  remember  people  in  the  next  world  and  vice  versa  so  every  ‘saving’  was  just  a  heralding  to  death.  that  liminal  space  of  being  like  ‘we  have  no  promise  of  tomorrow,  so  let’s  live  for  today’.
same  deal  with  l’cie,  just  a  different  topping.  what  if  tomorrow  our  brands  advance  and  we  lose  ourselves.  what  makes  us  who  we  are.  what  makes  us  monsters  ?  just  all  the  horror  of  gran  pulse  and  seeing  those  cie'th  stones.
angst.  i  am  an  angst  fiend.  again,  the  xiii  verse  deals  with  a  lot  of  themes  of  loss  /  death  and  how  people  cope  with  it.
anything  where  light  is  a  bodyguard  sounds  absolutely  hilarious.  let  her  make  flying  commentary  under  her  breath  while  your  muse  holds  it  together.  let  them  take  her  to  places  she  would  HATE.
i’ll  probably  expand  on  this  later,  this  is  just  a  dump.
character  specific:
hope  —  to  this  day,  i  have  still  not  roleplayed  with  a  hope  and  i  am  DESPERATE  to  explore  the  bond  between  them.  give  me  all  the  themes  of  family  and  light  coming  to  terms  with  how  poorly  she’s  treated  serah  through  him.  let  her  do  right  by  hope.  let  her  love  him,  protect  him  and  watch  him  become  a  man.  give  me  all  the  themes  of  how  his  name  embodies  what  he  is  to  her.
serah  —  a  lot  of  the  same  themes  as  hope.  ALSO  if  serah’s  want  to  indulge  in  my  snow/light  angst  i  will  just  eat  that  up  for  breakfast.  it’s  the  absolute  self-hatred  lightning  has  that  her  sister  is  in  crystal /  dead  and  she’s  alive  and  she’s  still  managing  to  ruin  her  life.  how  serah  responds  is  totally  up  to  you.  also  themes  of  sisterhood  and  companionship.  let  them  go  to  coffee  shops.  let  light  teach  her  how  to  do  her  hair  and  makeup  when  their  mother  died.  PLEASE.
snow  —  hi,  i  ship  them.  outside  of  that,  just  the  development  of  their  bond  ;  where  light  once  considered  him  an  adversary,  now  he  is  a  friend.  how  his  staunch  optimism  imprinted  on  her  to  the  degree his  ambivalence  in  returns  gave  her  the  worst  anxiety  attack  of  her  life.
fang  —  how  two  women  can  be  the  same  but  also  very  different.  themes  of  guardianship  and  looking  after  those  smaller/weaker  than  you  (  the  costs,  the  sacrifices,  etc  ), drawing  strength  from  each  other.  the  growing  pains  and  awkwardness  of  two  people  primed  for  war  now  having  to  all  but  domesticate  at  the  end  of  LR.
vanille  —  a  lot  of  the  same  themes  of  sisterhood  that  i  applied  to  serah.  exploration  of  godhood  and  its  flaws  (  girlie  you  absolutely  did  not  need  to  pull  your  shit  in  LR,  love  you  ).
sazh  —  dajh’s  awkward  babysitter,  lightning.  i  love  the  role  he  took  in  xiii  as  a  sort  of  semi-parental  figure  /  guide.  he  wasn’t  overbearing  or  pushed  boundaries,  but  there  was  a  mutual  exchange  of  ideas  and  advice.  let  him  complain  his  bones  are  old  and  creaking  but  he’s  loving  every  second  of  it  and  light  just  smirks  so  sardonically  and  ups  the  anti.
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sleepytime-muses · 2 years
Hello there! Welcome to my rules post! These rules are password protected so please keep an eye out for it! You can send me an ask or DM me the password so I know you’ve read them and want to interact. This is a main blog so asks/follows will come from here, but urls for other blogs will be specified.
1.) General roleplay etiquette applies. No god modding, no controlling my characters, etc. Literate roleplays are my go-to unless they are crack/joking with others and dash commentary. You are not obligated to match my length and vice versa, but do put some effort into the writing! I use icons as well that I make myself and format my lettering. If you want to write and find my formatting difficult to read, just let me know and I will happily use plain text. Also, if you are new to roleplaying/writing on Tumblr, I probably won’t write with you. I also prefer people who use XKit to trim posts and make them better to read.
2.) Plotting is important to me, but not absolutely necessary. I enjoy knowing where to push the plot towards for better and more efficient writing. However, I am very capable of spur of the moment interactions so feel free to do either.
3.) With my muses coming from all types of moral backgrounds, please don’t take anything said as beliefs or morals of the mun (Me.) Sometimes bad guys say bad things, sometimes good guys say bad things. I also write my characters the way I want to, which takes canon and inserts personal headcanons into blank spaces and such. I write as true to character as I can, but if you don’t care for how I portray them, then that’s fine.
4.) Activity can be spacey. I love to write, but irl responsibilities take priority. As a college student and an artist, I dip often. But I almost always lurk so feel free to send messages/asks.
5.) Let me know if you’re interested! I’m usually not the type to message first because I hate to come off as pushy. So just let me know if you want to write! I also have Discord available to write on, and it is my preferred platform.
6.) Original Characters and Crossovers can be hard for me to write. Not impossible, just difficult. If I believe I can’t properly write with your character, I will let you know when you show interest. If you write a character from a franchise I’m not familiar with, I’m also less likely to write with you. I hate going in the dark when it comes to writing partners.
7.) Triggering content will be tagged, if you have specific triggers that are uncommon I will tag them for you with a tw [CONTENT] tag. I try to pay attention to other people’s rules and general discomforts, so if I write something you don’t want to see, I’ll do my best to tag. I’m not perfect though, so let me know if I need to do something.
8.) I love shipping. Anything NSFW will be taken to my nsfw blog. I will not write anything NSFW with minors, it is an 18+ blog over there. I prefer to ship with people who are 18+. I am multi-ship so feel free to initiate with any character. Just respect my choices and I will respect yours!
 If you’ve gotten this far, send me “Sweet Dreams’’ to let me know you’ve read my rules! It means a lot to me! Discord roleplays/chatting is available upon request for Mutuals.
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redshoes-blues · 3 months
Reading The Priory of the Orange Tree 🍊🐉🗡
Yesterday I started The Priory of the Orange Tree, and I’m LOVING it so much, so I’ve decided to start a tag on my blog to share my thoughts and theories as I read, since I have nobody to rant to. Might as well rant on here. Sort of a liveblog, but not exactly “live.” I’ll be putting all spoilers under the cut for people who haven’t read the book yet. If you haven’t, you should. It’s really fucking great :)
Here are my thoughts up to Ch. 9, aka the first 100 pages of the book.
Do you ever start a book and know it’s going to be your new favourite book? Because that’s how I felt starting this one. And that feeling has only grown as I’ve read onwards. Oh my god.
I’m someone who takes ages to finish a book these days, because I get distracted or don’t have time to read, and so I struggle to get absorbed into the books I’m reading like when I was a kid. When I was a kid I would be transported into books and feel like I was there. Which is exactly how I feel as I’m reading this book, and it makes me so excited!
First of all, I ADORE how we’re seeing both the East and West perspectives, because it adds so much nuance to the story and helps to show the biases inherent within especially the West’s view of dragons and the events surrounding The Nameless One. The two sides have such different worldviews, though both stemming from the same legend, and I find that fascinating and very realistic to how the real-world operates. Dividing the story up this way is also a great way to show how different the two regions are, and I’m loving the contrast. I’m also interested to see how the stories continue to connect, as so far, Niclays is quite connected to the plot in the West, but Tané isn’t.
WHO/WHAT ARE PRIORY! WHAT IS THE ORANGE TREE! Don’t answer that. I’m so intrigued.
A magic order of some sort??? Idk. But Ead’s backstory is so interesting and I need all the details. Already, the fact that she has to pretend to be a convert of another faith (love how this is revealed), has to hide her magic, which seems to be dwindling (magic oranges?), etc. is just damn. Girl tell me everything. Spill the details.
Also. OKAY. The suggestion of the iconic privateer lady that Sabran may have some sort of powers and that’s why the Queens look the same and only have one daughter. I have so many questions. Because at first I assumed there was some sort of divine intervention playing into this. But now I’m wondering if she truly is hiding magic (along with her probable lesbianism).
I adore court drama. Seriously, I’m a period drama girlie through and through, and these dynamics are a blast for me to read. The way the religion functions in Virtudom is especially fascinating to me. I could read pages of lore on that alone. And seeing the contrast in Ead’s beliefs, how they treat her because she’s a convert (though not actually a convert in terms of belief), hurts my heart. There’s so much bias in Virtudom. Ironically, despite them seeing Seikii as this closed-off place, they’re closed-off in an entirely different way.
It’s SO very interesting and realistic that Virtudom would wind up worshipping a male Saint rather than the woman who actually put The Nameless One to rest. Sigh. And how she’s depicted as a damsel in distress in their version of the story is very sad when in actuality (at least according to Ead who I very fully trust right now) she is the hero of the story.
That commentary on how stories have immense power is brilliant. The way we tell stories, the perspectives we tell them from, IS incredibly powerful. And when we look at who is telling much of this story, that becomes clear. Ead is an outsider in the court—from her lack of noble blood, her religion, where she is from, to her magic. Niclays is an outcast from that same court. Tané is from a place that Virtudom stereotypes and really knows nothing about. Loth may be from the court, but he’s about to learn a whole lot about what he doesn’t know about the people who supposedly worship The Nameless One.
I love when the structure of a story supports its thesis. God, Samantha Shannon you are a genius.
I fully expected this story to be told mostly by Sabran, so seeing that she doesn’t have a POV at all (at least yet) has been surprising but also refreshing. It’s clear there’s a lot we don’t know about Sabran, and I’m interested to know more.
Another thing, I knew this book would feature a relationship between Ead and Sabran (I assume those two. I know there’s a main lesbian romance), because it’s widely discussed online. Clearly this isn’t knowledge we’re meant to have at this point in the story, but the hints are definitely there.
Also. I fucking love Loth. And Kit!
One silly, tiny thing that has been plaguing me. Inys has tea. Where do they get tea from? I assume tea doesn’t grow there given the historical inspirations for various countries in this book. Obviously the tea doesn’t come from Seikii. That makes me think they have some trade with the Empire of the Twelve Lakes, which has yet to be mentioned. This is such an inconsequential thing, and I’m probably the only one concerned about the trade relationships allowing them to have tea lmao, but here we are.
I know this is high fantasy and not a one-for-one with historical periods, but the inspiration of Seikii seems to clearly draw from Japan’s policy of Sakoku, aka their period of isolation wherein they only really traded with China and the Dutch. This is one of my favourite historical time periods, and not one I’ve seen shown in fantasy before, so that has been great for me, a former history major.
Oddly, one of the main complaints I’ve seen towards this book is that lots of people weren’t interested in Niclays’ POV. This surprises me, as I’ve really enjoyed his POV so far. He’s so whiny and grumpy, which is very valid of him considering what he’s gone through. The bit of his love story I’ve seen so far pulled at my heartstrings and had me feeling for the guy. I’m very sad he’s been captured and hope he’ll be alright. I shall miss his silly alchemical endeavours.
Okay. The way Seikii reveres their dragons is sooo interesting. The selection ceremony way very beautiful and god those descriptions of the dragons were everything. Love how the prose for Seikii is different from the West, with more watery imagery and so forth. It really helps paint a picture of two separate places and I love that.
I don’t have much to say about this part of the story yet, just that I love the prose and descriptions and how it differs from the West, and how the culture is being shown so far. Aside from that, I definitely have questions about the dragons. The West really is fearful of them and hates them, even viewing them as evil, their worship as heretical. But on Seikii they have a very peaceful and symbiotic relationship with their dragons. That contrast is interesting. Is the violent nature of some dragons due to their biological differences? Is it projection from Inys and Virtudom? Is it a consequence of how they’ve treated dragons—aka their hatred of dragons and lack of respect for means the dragons don’t respect them in turn? Dragons in Seikii seem to be sentient creatures, as in the story of The Nameless One. Could the dragons hate Virtudom for how they’ve treated them?
That’s about it for now!! I shall return with more thoughts :)
Ps: I FORGOT TO MENTION THE MAPS! I fucking love maps. And glossaries. And the name chart at the back is so useful. Gah. I love books that come with that sort of thing.
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arabian-dream · 1 year
Mobile Rules
Hello there! Welcome to my rules post! These rules are password protected so please keep an eye out for it! You can send me an ask or DM me the password so I know you’ve read them and want to interact. This is a side blog so asks/follows will come from @sleepytime-muses, url for other blogs will be specified.
General roleplay etiquette applies. No god modding, no controlling my characters, etc. Literate roleplays are my go-to unless they are crack/joking with others and dash commentary. You are not obligated to match my length and vice versa, but do put some effort into the writing! I use icons as well that I make myself and format my lettering. If you want to write and find my formatting difficult to read, just let me know and I will happily use plain text. Also, if you are new to roleplaying/writing on Tumblr, I probably won’t write with you. I also prefer people who use XKit to trim posts and make them better to read. Do not approach me for strictly 18+ roleplays. Do not ask me to write characters for you that aren’t on my muse list, unless so prompted or we’re close. Do not ask me to write your harem for you.
Plotting is important to me, but not absolutely necessary. I enjoy knowing where to push the plot towards for better and more efficient writing. However, I am very capable of spur of the moment interactions so feel free to do either. If we’re mutuals, always feel free to send in ask memes and such I’ve reblogged even if we haven’t interacted before.
With my muses coming from all types of moral backgrounds, please don’t take anything said as beliefs or morals of the mun (Me.) Sometimes bad guys say bad things, sometimes good guys say bad things. I also write my characters the way I want to, which takes canon and inserts personal headcanons into blank spaces and such. I write as true to character as I can, but if you don’t care for how I portray them, then that’s fine. Take your business elsewhere! I’m gonna be sitting here playing dolls with others in peace.
Activity can be spacey. I love to write but irl responsibilities take priority. As a wage slave and an artist, I dip often. But I almost always lurk so feel free to send messages/asks. I promise I see them, its just getting around to them that’s the issue.
Let me know if you’re interested! I’m usually not the type to message first because I hate to come off as pushy. So just let me know if you want to write! I also have Discord available to write on, and it is my preferred platform. You are free to message me, ESPECIALLY if we are mutuals. Yes, YOU. The person reading this.
Original Characters and Crossovers can be hard for me to write with. Not impossible, just difficult. If I believe I can’t properly write with your character, I will let you know when you show interest. If you write a character from a franchise I’m not familiar with, I’m also less likely to write with you. I hate going in the dark when it comes to writing partners. A bio page is a great start for anything oc or non-canon related. Also, I have no issues with people who make self inserts, but I do not write with them at all. Please don’t approach me if your character is a self insert.
Triggering content will be tagged, if you have specific triggers that are uncommon I will tag them for you with a tw [CONTENT] tag. I try to pay attention to other people’s rules and general discomforts, so if I write something you don’t want to see, I’ll do my best to tag. I’m not perfect though, so let me know if I need to do something.
I love shipping. Anything NSFW will be taken to my nsfw blog. This includes adult cartoons or triggering characters that I want to keep off my main. I will not write anything NSFW with minors, it is an 18+ blog. I prefer to write with people who are 18+ already in any case. I am multi-ship so feel free to initiate with any character. Just respect my choices and I will respect yours!
If you’ve gotten this far, send me “Arabian Nights’’ to let me know you’ve read my rules! It means a lot to me! Discord roleplays/chatting is available upon request for Mutuals.
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darthnell · 1 year
11, 19, 28, 30, 42
Hi anon ! Ty for the ask ! :D
11. Link your three favorite fics right now.
Oh god three of mine or three in general..??? Um. A..? I guess I’ll do both !!
Three of mine: True Vengeance, THE REPARATION CLAUSE, The Bridges We Burn
Three of others: The Illusion of Life, A Great Leap in the Dark, Mors Vincit Omnia
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
Oh I bet for sure it’s gonna be “graphic depictions of violence” LMAO. Aside from like. The thg fandom tags. Also “original characters” and “alternate universe”. The “canon-typical violence” tag is also my best friend and i love when I surpass that one. Canon atypical violence. I think ive used that one before but only once so it doesn’t count here, but it is funny. OH- the “careers have issues” tag. Also my best friend<3 really fucking excellent tag
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Pshhhhh uhhhh…. I’m actually just coming off of an event where i wrote like 35k in the span of 5 weeks which is. Not typical ! This past week-ish I have written exactly Zero words (: …at like. Normal times, I probably can do a solid 1k or in that ballpark. I have been known to bang out like 3k in a day if I’m rly in the zone (i was Unwell last july LMFAO) but also I rly don’t typically write every day. Would like to! Need to build a new schedule though. Hard for me to write on the days when I work but I only work part time atm. I am also. Kind of a slow writer usually. I’ve only written as much as I have bc I write frequently ! ((Or I try to))
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
Good god I think I’d perish if I shared rough drafts. Like, on ao3… is that a thing..? So like. My shit isn’t perfect. There’s definitely typos I’ve missed and all that jazz, but I usually heavily edit my chapters before posting. The event I did recently was also like my first time having a beta which was neat but. This is rly silly, bear with me - so I had two separate docs for that, one I wrote the fic in and another that I shared w the betas, because the idea of someone having access to all my rough outlines and watching me on the doc as I write makes me Viscerally uncomfortable, I can’t rly explain it better than that. Anyways, the funny part is, said beta would point out a grammar mistake or typo, and I’d go “nice” and fix it, but forget to fix it on the other doc. So when I. When I posted the fic from the original doc… you can see where this is going maybe. Actual clown idiot moment LMFAO. Tl;dr - I attempt to polish. Doesn’t always turn out shiny jdjddjdk
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Ooh ! Last one I read was In The Clear by District11-Olive on FFN. So this one is technically thg but very au; it’s set in modern day Canada where a show called The Cut forced teenaged criminals to fight to the death in order to regain their freedom or get a “second chance”. It’s Really well written and also an excellent commentary on what it means to be a criminal and prison systems in general. This one’s actually the third and final installment of the series, wooh! It’s not complete yet; the story just reached the start of the death match part and its so 👁️👄👁️ It’s also a SYOC fic (Submit Your Own Character). Not open for submissions now, but u might see some of my characters if you check it out c:
Gotta also rec The Furthest Star by geologyisms on FFN since I’m in the middle of (re) reading it.. again 🥺 This is the fic I received from the exchange I took part in recently ! So the main pov char Solan Gardener (D9 tribute in the male slot but uses they/them) was created by me but the story was written by erik/geologyisms ! Ve did such a lovely job with my kiddo u should definitely check it out!! 10/10 new comfort fic fr ;—;
Ty again anon for the question, I had fun !!! <3
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malevolent-fairy · 2 years
Kingdom Laws
Hello there! Welcome to my rules page! These rules are password protected so please keep an eye out for it! You can send me an ask or DM me the password so I know you’ve read them and want to interact. This is a side blog so asks/follows will come from @sleepytime-muses, url for other blogs will be specified.
1. General roleplay etiquette applies. No god modding, no controlling my characters, etc. Literate roleplays are my go-to unless they are crack/joking with others and dash commentary. You are not obligated to match my length and vice versa, but do put some effort into the writing! I use icons as well that I make myself and format my lettering. If you want to write and find my formatting difficult to read, just let me know and I will happily use plain text. Also, if you are new to roleplaying/writing on Tumblr, I probably won’t write with you. I also prefer people who use XKit to trim posts and make them better to read.
2. Plotting is important to me, but not absolutely necessary. I enjoy knowing where to push the plot towards for better and more efficient writing. However, I am very capable of spur of the moment interactions so feel free to do either.
3. Maleficent is evil. Evil evil evil. She will say and do bad things. Her morals do not reflect the beliefs of the mun or anyone I interact with. This blog deals with mature and dark themes, so 18+ is mandatory for an interaction.
4. Activity can be spacey. I love to write, but irl responsibilities take priority. As a college student and an artist, I dip often. But I almost always lurk so feel free to send messages/asks.
5. Let me know if you’re interested! I’m usually not the type to message first because I hate to come off as pushy. So just let me know if you want to write! I also have Discord available to write on, and it is my preferred platform. Mutuals only.
6. Original Characters and Crossovers can be hard for me to write. Not impossible, just difficult. If I believe I can’t properly write with your character, I will let you know when you show interest. If you write a character from a franchise I’m not familiar with, I’m also less likely to write with you. I hate going in the dark when it comes to writing partners/characters.
7. Triggering content will be tagged, if you have specific triggers that are uncommon I will tag them for you with a tw [CONTENT] tag. I try to pay attention to other people’s rules and general discomforts, so if I write something you don’t want to see, I’ll do my best to tag. I’m not perfect though, so let me know if I need to do something.
8. I love shipping. NSFW will be present on this blog. 18+. I am multi-ship so feel free to initiate with my character. Just respect my choices and I will respect yours!
If you’ve gotten this far, send me “Once Upon A Nightmare’’ to let me know you’ve read my rules! It means a lot to me! Discord roleplays/chatting is available upon request for Mutuals.
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
Hello so glad to see you write for Shinichiro!! Could I have some headcanons of spending the day as Shinichiro’s s/o with Shinichiro, Mikey, and Emma? Maybe having a picnic or going to the mall together? Just some fluffy Sano family time!
spending a day with shinichiro sano (feat. emma & manjiro sano): headcanons
[𖤐] hii anon; thank you for requesting this!! it was so cute and fluffy to write i kinda melted a little bit when i was writing this aaaa, i hope you like it!! <333
❧ masterlist
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✂︎ honestly, the day was supposed to be just a casual date with shinichiro; going to the mall and doing some window shopping and maybe buying a few things, then going to the food court to get some food before riding to the riverside to watch the sunset. nothing really out there, but just spending time with him was enough for you, so you didn’t really need any sort of fancy date.
✂︎ at least, that was the original plan. you weren’t sure how you had ended up taking emma and mikey along with the two of you, but frankly, you didn’t really mind. there’s probably a lot of other people who would have some...thoughts, if their boyfriend’s little siblings tagged along on their date, but emma and mikey were always such sweethearts, (to you at least) so you actually thought it was a nice change of pace.
✂︎ hm, well, now that you think about it, the both of them coming wasn’t really supposed to happen in the first place. it was pretty nice weather out, so you and shinichiro had decided to walk to the mall instead of taking his bike. the both of you had figured it would be a nice change of pace and that the fresh air would do both of you some good, but you two were so wrapped up in your conversation with each other that you didn’t even notice the steps following you two. it wasn’t until you were almost at the mall that you and shinichiro had realized emma and mikey had tagged along.
“what were you thinking of buying, (y/n)?”
“hm, i’m not really too sure yet, maybe some-”
“i can’t believe that didn’t see us the entire walk!! we’re just that stealthy, emma!”
“what the hell-”
✂︎ and just like that, your date was crashed by the two little kids who had followed you on your way to the mall. according to emma, the only reason she was here was because she was trying to stop mikey, but by the time she finally was able to pull him back, she didn’t know how to get back home, so she just decided to follow you. according to mikey, he had followed you two because...well, just because he wanted to.
✂︎ mikey’s response earned him a punch on the head from shinichiro, who started yelling about how he can’t just crash his date, ‘just because he wants to’.
✂︎ it was obvious from his body language that shinichiro was feeling pretty exasperated from all this, and you can’t really blame him. i mean, who would expect for their little brother to purposefully follow him while he goes on a date?
“sorry about this (y/n), i should’ve noticed they were following us sooner. if you don’t mind, i can run them back real quick while you go look at some shops, how’s that?”
“...hm, actually, if it doesn’t bother you, how about we just take them with us? i don’t really mind that they came along; i really like emma and mikey, and if we take them with us, then you don’t have to go all the way back. is that alright with you?”
“are you sure, (y/n)? mikey can be a little troublemaker sometimes-”
“hey, shut up!! am not!!”
“yes you are!!”
“i’m sure it’s fine, now both of you stop yelling at each other, people are staring!!”
✂︎ gonna be honest here, the two of you looked like a family when you walked into the mall. mikey was sitting on shinichiro’s shoulders while shinichiro kept a firm grip on his legs, and emma was holding your much bigger hand in her smaller one, looking around a bit curiously.
✂︎ as you all walk around, looking at the different shops, there’s going to be a lot of commentary about literally everything from mikey. he’s going to be commentating on everything he sees, whether it’s clothing or a food stand that he wants to go try, his commentary will just be endless.
“do girls really wear that sort of thing??”
“woah, that looks super cool!”
“can we get the dorayaki that’s over there, (y/n)-nii?!”
✂︎ you’ll probably start to notice emma’s longing glances at some of the things that she sees in the windows. she won’t really say anything about it, but you can tell that it’s something she wants, so you’ll go into a couple of the stores with her, asking what it is that she wants. she’ll definitely be surprised at first, but she’ll get really excited that you’re willing to get stuff for her and will show you the things that she thinks are pretty. she’ll probably start talking about how she wants to be able to wear all of the cute stuff she saw in some of the other windows someday, so you just ruffle her hair and tell her that when the time comes, you’ll definitely buy it for her.
✂︎ your actions don’t go unnoticed by shinichiro, so he’ll just be waiting for you outside the store with mikey, looking at you with a small smile on his face. he doesn’t know why, but whenever he sees you getting along with her and mikey, it just warms his heart and reminds him of how much he loves you and how much he wants to be with you for the rest of his life.
“stop staring at (y/n)-nii, it’s weird.”
“wha- i wasn’t-!”
“yes you were! i saw you!!”
“be quiet mikey, i’m trying to have my moment!”
✂︎ ah, well, he actually does know why his heart skips a beat whenever he sees you smiling and getting along with emma and mikey, but he’ll save that for later.
✂︎ when you and emma walk out of the store, the giddy smile on her face makes shinichiro smile down at her before turning his gaze to you, who was looking at her with a giant grin on your face as well.
“let’s go look at some more places?”
✂︎ emma is a lot more vocal from that point onward, pointing out all the different things in the shops that she thinks would look best on you. she actually has a pretty good fashion sense, so you ended up buying some of the stuff that she suggested.
✂︎ she’ll even have you try on all the clothing that she picked out for you so that you can show shinichiro, (she whispers to you it’s so that he’s struck with love when he sees you). her plan definitely worked though; when you came out of the dressing room in the clothes she had picked out for you, shinichiro was wordless for a few moments, so captivated by you that he doesn’t even know what it is he should say. he’ll probably stutter out some words after a few moments, the broken sentence resembling that of a compliment, but you’re not quite sure since it’s all pretty broken up.
“wow, uh, you look, uh...wow, you’re very...wow…”
“shinichiro-nii, can’t you think of anything else?! i thought you were supposed to be their boyfriend!! you’re making my plan fail!!”
✂︎ mikey will probably be more interested in going to the food court, and will be asking every five minutes when you guys can be finished with window shopping so that he can eat because he’s absolutely starving, (it’s a lie, he just wants dorayaki).
✂︎ you’ll probably tell shinichiro that he should probably get some new clothing as well, with emma chiming in that his taste in clothes is kinda boring and that he should spice up his wardrobe, (he feels very wounded by this and puts a hand to his heart as if he’s been fatally shot). with that, the four of you will start to look for new clothes for shinichiro. it’s quite the serious mission, so the three of you will be closely examining him whenever he steps outside of the dressing rooms. it’s also like you three are judges at a fashion show, and if you could, you would all be holding up numbers that were rating his outfits, (the employees are fairly amused by all of this).
✂︎ after you all finally find some new clothes for shinichiro, you’ll be making your final stop at the food court, the place mikey has been pestering you about going to for the entire time you were there. he immediately dragged you all over to the dorayaki place, eagerly asking if he could get one. really though, how could you say no to those eyes?
✂︎ after getting everyone something to eat, you’ll all be sitting down, emma and mikey chomping down and their food, and you and shinichiro resting your feet after all the walking you had just done.
“remind me to never bring you to the mall on a date again.”
“what, you didn’t have fun?”
“no! no, that’s not it, i just...my wallet feels lighter than before…”
“you’re so dramatic sometimes, i swear.”
“but you love me.”
✂︎ by the time you all are done with your food and are exiting the mall, it’s dark out, and emma and mikey are barely able to keep their eyes open, meaning that for the walk home, you were carrying emma on your back and shinichiro was carrying mikey. the walk back was rather peaceful, but what you enjoyed the most was the whispered conversation you were keeping up with your boyfriend, who was complaining about how mikey was drooling on his neck and he could feel it dripping down to his shoulder.
✂︎ after putting both the kids in their respective bedrooms and tucking them in, the two of you just crash on shinichiro’s bed, tired from all the events that had happened that day. you really had to admit though, it was times like these that you would always remember the most. the way he looked like when he was beside you, his eyes already closed as he rested his head on your arm. god, he looked so pretty…
“hmm, what do you think you’re doing?”
“just fixing the hair of my beautiful boyfriend, that’s all.”
“i see...carry on then.”
✂︎ neither of you bothered to change out of your clothes into pajamas, just deciding to leave them on and stay in each other’s embrace. in your opinion, there was truly no better way to end a day than to have shinichiro on your arms, his head fixed into the crook of your shoulder as he peppers kisses all over your neck and jaw.
“love you so much (y/n)...”
“mhm, i love you too.”
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ratcatcher0325 · 2 years
A Fraction of Justice (Chapter #18)
Chapter #18. Alexander and Natalie find some common ground. 
Previous: Chapter #17
Next: Chapter #19
Word Count: 2,650 Read Time: Approx. 20 mins
CW: adult language, injury
Tag list: @gatlily @grbene @patrocolus3 @beautifulunknowntrash @titan-god-420 @andraimeide @themarlo @cup-o-chai @lucentbliss @raccoontoaster @tolsizedlove @not-a-space-alien , @thegodmother007 @honey-olive, @kitn-underfoot
A Fraction of Justice
Chapter #18: For the love of a Bard 
[Alexander’s POV]
I awoke slowly, my senses returning to me as if through static. My brow furrowed as my fingers and toes twitched, life returning to them. I felt comfortable, warm, but without the burning sensation of a fever. I heard a strange popping sound, as a distinct smell hit my nose: garlic. I listened for a moment as my sleep-addled brain struggled to comprehend. Finally I recognized the noise: it was the sound of oil popping in a hot pan. Confused, I snapped open my eyes, only to find myself lying down in her cupped left hand, her right, armed with a wooden spoon, was shuffling the diced garlic among other ingredients in the pan below. She was cradling me while making dinner.
My first instinct was to rant and rail, shoot up and demand to be put down and I was about to do just that, when a new sound hit my ears. This sound reverberated from her chest and I could practically feel the vibrations in the air. She was humming, quietly to herself. I laid there stock still, being very subtly rocked by the natural swaying movements of her body as she stood before the stove top. She was humming some tune I’d never heard before… she was truly awful. Her singing was all off key and frankly offensive to whatever poor musician composed that song in the first place. But, somehow, in spite of that, I didn’t want it to stop.
As I laid there, an insignificant weight in her cupped hand, I realized I’d never experienced something so… tender or domestic before. No one in my life besides my own mother had ever held me, gently, like this before. In the library of the old man there was no music of any kind. It was a “frivolity” that men like him “simply couldn’t afford”. I shuddered as a memory of his grim and ghastly visage appeared in my mind’s eye. I wondered just how his successors were getting on and if they still laughed about the time they fed pathetic little Alexander to their hungry dog.
My cringing over my past life was evidently enough to catch her attention, because I felt her whole body jump, as she locked eyes with me, down below.
“You’re awake! You scared me. S-sorry I didn’t expect you to wriggle around like that…” I was glad to see he was stirring, he’d been out cold for so long I was beginning to wonder if I’d just have to save him dinner for later.
I’d justified holding him like this in my head by convincing myself it was the best way to know the moment he woke up, if I kept him near. However, staring into that face that had spit so much vitriol at me before, I began to question my resolve. I realized with a pang of guilt that it was probably wrong for me to coddle him like this without his say so. “Don’t get mad… okay? I just wanted you close by in case you needed something, that’s all. I wasn’t trying to disrespect you…. Here, I’ll put you down right now, alright? No need to pitch a fit…” I turned away from the stove top, and lowered him down to the opposite counter by the sink, well out of reach of any stray hot oil. Instead of being met with some sarcastic or scathing remark, he just stared up at me, blinking sleepily, making no effort to protest whatsoever. Who is this man and what did he do with Alexander?? “Really? Nothing? No grumpy side commentary?” I raised a brow.
“Your singing is terrible….”
I practically breathed a sigh of relief, “Okay good, you’re still mean ol’ you. I was worried for a sec! And fuck you, my singing is fine!” I pressed a finger up to his chest, without applying any pressure, I didn’t want to kick him while he was down, even if he had just insulted me. I was about to check his temperature again when an awful, acrid smell filled my nostrils. “Shit! The pan!!”
By the time I turned on my heel and rushed to the stove top it was too late, the diced garlic, green onion and mushrooms were now shriveled and turning black. “Damn…. Alright I’m gonna have to start over. Hope you weren’t too hungry?” I turned over my shoulder to see him lying there, on his side, his head propped up on a bent arm as he stared at me across the expanse of the kitchen, like a chasm compared to his little form. He shook his head no. “Okay. Cool.” I fished out the green onion, shiitake mushrooms and a few cloves of garlic to mince and dice all over again, before bringing everything I needed to my cutting board which was not far from where the sick little man lay prone. I began chopping with a sharpened and very efficient expertise, that is until I caught a tiny flash of movement out of my periphery. When I looked down, Alexander was propped up on one hand, almost cowering as he stared at my glistening kitchen knife.
Oh. “I can imagine this is a little disconcerting for you, huh?” His brow furrowed as he shook his head, clearly trying to play it tough… But the reflective blade of my knife was bigger than he was, of course this was scary! “Here, I’ll move—“
“I’m fine...”
“It’s okay, it’ll take like two sec—“
“Natalie, I said I’m fine, I can handle it.”
I continued to dice in silence. The squelching sound of the blade passing through vegetables seemed somehow foreboding when I thought about it from his point of view. I tried to brush it off by starting conversation, “So since you despised my golden pipes, why don’t you sing me something?”
“I don’t sing.”
I paused in my chopping, “Awww c’mon, sourpuss, don’t be like that. What genre of music do you like to listen to?”
“I don’t have one.”
“What do you mean you don’t have one? Ugh, please don’t tell me you’re one of those people who says ‘I like a little bit of everything… except rap… and country’??”
My brow furrowed. What the hell was she going on about? “No. I mean I have no genre preference because I don’t particularly care. It was never allowed in the old house. I’m not exactly familiar with…. Well, any of it.” I saw her eyes brighten, and it was like her thoughts were being projected onto her forehead as she formulated them, “No! No, we’re not doing some mixtape nonsense where you expose me to different types of music as we giggle and bond. I’m not interested, I don’t care.”
Her expression fell, she chopped with a bit more pointed rigor, “If you looked up killjoy in the dictionary it would have a picture of you next to the definition. Like, who doesn’t like music? Everyone likes music. Do you just hate fun? Like, do you get your joy from destroying everyone else’s??”
“Oh, come on. That’s a bit harsh don’t you think? I’m fun!” She stopped dicing to give me a deadpan stare.
“Literally name one thing you do that’s fun… besides studying depositions, you weirdo freak!”
“I love to read, how’s that? Especially out loud. I don’t sing, but I’ll happily read to you. Does that pass?”
“Depends on what you like to read… and if you say courtroom transcripts I won’t hesitate to knock you into the sink.” She winked as she said this.
He paused for a moment, chuckling and clearly recalibrating his answer to avoid being shoved into the stainless steel basin, “I enjoy classical epic poems: The Aeneid, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Elektra, Beowulf, The Inferno, The Iliad and The Odyessy….”
“Woah, woah, slow down, grandpa, I only recognized literally one of those things, and it was the very last one. Are the rest of those even real??” He stared at me like I was too stupid to bother responding to, “Hey! Don’t be an ass! Is there anything in your repertoire that was at least written in the last hundred years??”
He snapped his fingers and pointed, as if remembering something, “The Lord of the Rings! You appreciate Tolkien’s work too, don’t you? I saw the mug on your desk…”
I immediately dropped what I was doing, the knife clattering as it settled on the scarred wooden surface of the cutting board. I fell to my knees, propping my chin on the counter, mouth agape, “Oh my god!!! Oh my god!!! You’re a Ringer?!?” I couldn’t believe it! Finally, something we had in common! I was so happy I could cry.
“You don’t have to lose your marbles over it, but yes…. I quite enjoyed those books as a boy when I was first learning to read.” She stared at me with this positively giddy look in her eye as her face flushed from excitement. I couldn’t help chuckling at her, in spite of the sudden wave of nausea that threatened to overpower me, “It seems you are a nerd in your own right, Ms. Marquez… those with glass houses…” I raised eyebrow, before wincing a bit. Her smile faded and she rushed to standing, casting a shadow over me as she leaned in.
“What’s wrong?? You okay?” It had somehow escaped my attention until then, but I noticed for the first time that she had doctored my wound again. She must have done it while I was unconscious. For all my grievances against her, this act of selfless care did warm my heart. I nodded in response to her question.
“I-I’m fine. Just seems like the flu-like symptoms are retuning. I’m experiencing bouts of nausea, coupled with muscle aches and it seems my fever is returning, I feel quite warm.” She placed a finger to my forehead to confirm this. She bent down and opened a drawer, before producing a tea towel which she folded in on itself four or five times. “Here, this should be a bit more comfortable to lie on… you gonna be alright if I continue making dinner?” She set the folded checkered towel down on the counter and I crawled onto it, grateful for the makeshift mattress to ease the pressure on my aching joints.
“Yes, I’m fine. As you were.”
“Sir, yes, sir!” She gave me a mock salute. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, “I’m right here if you need anything, okay?”
“I can plainly see that. Thank you for reiterating the obvious.”
She put her hands on her hips, “I could easily just eat this on my own, I don’t have to share with you, you know…” My growling stomach reminded me of where my priorities lay. I kept my mouth shut and stared at the formica countertop. She drew closer, a hand inching towards me. Suddenly her finger tip was guiding my chin upwards to meet her eyes, “Hey, you know I’m just fucking with you, right? I’d never withhold food from you just because you pissed me off. I wouldn’t be cruel like that, you know that, don’t you?” Admittedly, I didn’t. That had been a commonplace strategy for conformity in my previous life. I seemed to upset her so often I just assumed the the same reaction would apply here.
Hesitantly, if not a bit awkwardly, I gave her finger a sterile pat or two, “Th-thank you.” Her delighted smile when I touched her did not go unnoticed. It’s the simple things for you humans isn’t it? You’re all so overly excitable!
She soon turned from me and continued with her cooking. I laid on the flat of my back, my heart thundering in my chest. I was burning up. My knee was aching. I wiped the sweat from my brow. I wondered just how long I’d be fighting this infection and if it would significantly delay my eventual departure from this place. My departure. That reminded me… I’d have to use my time with this law student wisely if I wanted to ascertain the best way to infiltrate Harvard without being caught. Why had the thought of running far from her grasp suddenly appealed to me slightly less? Surely it was the fever talking.
I closed my eyes, pushing the intrusive thoughts from my head. I inhaled, deeply, the various aromas of her cooking. It smelled quite pleasing. I clasped my hands just below my navel, struggling to recall one of my favored poems from Tolkien’s works. Eyes still sealed shut, I whispered the passages I’d memorized feverishly as a boy, frankly quite surprised I’d managed to remember them at all:
I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen of meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green.
My eyes snapped open when I could feel her gaze on me. I jumped to find her looming directly above, pouring the steaming contents of the hot pan onto a plate to the right of the kitchen sink. She smiled as I stared up at her, still lying on my back, “Don’t let me interrupt you…” she breathed, her gaze dreamy. I pushed my bangs from my forehead, tucking my arm behind my cranium, the other hand resting easily over my chest. I nodded, and continued the poem:
I sit beside the fire and think
Then, much to my surprise, a second voice, human, female, joined me in my recital of something I hadn’t read in at least eighteen years. Together, we completed the text:
of people long ago and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.
There was a moment of stillness. She’d propped her chin up on an elbow, while she leaned over me. I’d pushed myself up to sitting. We each stared at the other a bit impressed, a bit embarrassed. Finally she cocked a smile and pointed at me, “What did I say? Fuckin’ nerd alert, over here!” I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest, face burning red, “Hey grumpy gills, you hungry? Dinner’s ready.”
As if on cue, my stomach rumbled in anticipation and I wondered what she’d made. “You gonna spit and hiss at me or am I cool to pick you up and put you on the dining table?” A playful smile brightened her features as she teased me. I sighed with exasperation.
“Do what you must…” I responded with theatrical protestations before raising my arms. Somehow I was beginning to flinch less and less every time those fingers encircled my body. I chocked it up to my own personal resiliency as she lifted me off the counter. Don’t get used to this, Natalie… shared poetry or no, I’ve no plans to be your little pocket-sized companion.
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