#god fuck DC writers I swear
batbrainrot · 4 months
guys please tell me those batman #148 leaks of jason dying again are fake. tell me they're fake right fucking now i can't fucking do this shit right now i'm off my meds
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I somehow only just watched Nolan’s Batman and like I dunno, seems to me this Nolan guy doesn’t actually like Batman or comics.
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pendragora · 1 year
Sometimes tumblr recommends me things that are out of my orbit, and today it was a post about my favourite comics character being ruined by female fan base
He is only still relevant because of his female fan base
It is sending me when men complain women read comics when the numbers say that it is mostly women who read comics now
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righteousruin · 2 years
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Bane asks for help all the time, he grew up in a prison whose entire society hinged on people doing things for each other, his entire career is people needing his help, dc stop writing him like this??
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To say that I am riled up is a goddamn understatement. I understand that this is not permanent. I get that. But can Tom Taylor not have Nightwing be a normal person with flaws for one second?!
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The way Taylor writes this man... it's the definition on Mary Sue. I swear to god.
I don't condone anyone harping on Mary Sues in fanfiction because goddamn just let people express themselves and have fun but this is a published book??? By an established writer??
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patchiko · 8 months
What are your thoughts on Jason from Three Jokers?
particularly for me, his emotional dependence is so big just because he confused things with the Barbara
tldr; i ramble a little abt how i hate modern Jason fucking Todd and highlight how much justice this comic did for him
and how modern writers are just trying to turn him into a batfam insert of deadpool
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Yes! I dont think Jason had 100% feelings for Babs, like he said, he thought it could work. It definitely came from a moment of weakness/vulnerability, its often that Jason doesn’t get cared for too often, not in the way he needs. So when Babs let out a hand for him, it hit him HARD. Especially with just being traumatized by the last two jokers, I think its pretty obvious he doesn’t need someone to clean up/watch after him but like need someone to generally emotionally guide him.
my personal pet peeve with most modern Jason Todd canon ships is the laziness of it(b4 i get criticized i think ANY ship with ANY CHARACTERS can be good as long as the writings GOOD and makes SENSE) . GOD NO- i dont ship jason and babs, but they still put an odd amount of effort into it, to at the very least actually flesh out their characters.
Jason doesn’t need a character that fixes his mistakes when he’s overly impulsive, or babies him, or fixes his mistakes with a veil of ‘Your so dumb but i secretly care about you!‘ because then it leads to most of lazy writing where he does something stupid but his gf is here to fix it! so its ok! NO!! HES NOT LEARNING ANYTHING!! YOURE MAKING HIM LOOK STUPID AND MENTALLY BRAIN DEAD!! anyways sorry.
Jason needs someone to break him out of his cycle of impulsiveness and self-destruction, not have him indulge in it.Jason needs to go fucking soul-searching or something im so tired of his ass— REALISTICALLY I COULDN’T DATE COMIC!JASON IF HE DIDNT CHANGE,, HE WOULD FRUSTRATE ME RLLY BAD.
ahem. anyways. I think Jasons note shows a lot about his character and something that the modern writers ignore a lot. Jason CAN change, he just needs a reason, a solid reason to. He doesn’t have to put down his code, or the guns, he just needs someone solid to really make him think about himself. “All I need is one chance to you I can be better. And I will devote my life to making you proud. Happy. Loved.” WHERE IS THIS SWEETHEART RN?? I SWEAR EVERY OTHER WRITER IS MAKING HIM A EMO FUCK-BOY WHOS BRAIN MATTER GOT SUCKED OUT THROUGH HIS COCK?? ahem sorry.
I really love how much DC actually puts details into Jason in this comic. Ex. Jasons helmets abilities being highlighted, “Helmets registering multiple security doors opening across the facility.” OR him saying the chronic pain management book was helpful. SORRY— I REALLY ENJOY DETAILS LIKE THIS. It just makes Jasons technical skill and such more obvious then whats normally stated. Also Jason tracking sea water off a wrench to the Aquarium— where is this skill in more modern comics?? I swear they make Jason a braindead wannabe deadpool sometimes i swear to fucking god. Also him shooting the shark tank so it eats Gaggy— I DIE FOR DETAILS LIKE THIS.
They don’t even get rid of his humor in 3 jokers either, he still has a really well displayed personality and his banter with Batman is really bearable for once, it makes sense and its well written. I slightly dislike how hard Babs is being on Jason but i’m not 100% sure what Babs is like. I haven’t read comics centered around her, so I don’t mind it. Also dont mistake this for me disliking babs for rejecting Jay— thats not what i mean at all. Just her constantly saying how he’s a criminal and focusing on getting him in prison like he’s an opp was confusing 2 me..
anyways stop trying to turn red hood into the batfams deadpool challenge!!
inbox is open 2 yap or requests sum!!
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kiloskywalker · 2 years
HOLY CRAP YALL WHAT AN EPISODE!  SO GOOD ON ALL FRONTS NO NOTES ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL thanks to @chaotictarlos again for screaming crying and throwing up with me. I have a super early call time and three flights tomorrow so my thoughts are going to be kinda brief but holy shit. -Already 5 minutes in and i was getting high heart rate notifications from my Apple Watch -APD comes off so fucking useless in this episode like did they do ANY investigating at all?  Seriously its ridiculous.  They missed the false wall, they missed the ash in the fireplace?  Like who is this detective and where is Detective Washington?  But you know who was one of the best detectives?  FUCKIN’ TK STRAND!!!!!!!  HE’s come a long way from misidentifying statues as people!  NO ONE is gonna stop him from finding his man. -Carlos you smart SOB, making that connection with Trudy.  Also him talking about Gwyn and her love for TK being flowed through him...fucking wrecked me.  I miss my mom and I hope I find someone like that.  Carlos balancing his need to scream for TK standing right there but also trying to protect him from the crazy lady with a knife, can you imagine. -Ugh both Ronen and Rafael were SO GOOD in this episode.  Probably the most intense we’ve seen from either of them, especially with Detective!TK.  Sidenote, Ronen’s instagram stories were so funny.
-Okay also, some of these one liners were so good.  Even if they were in stressful situations.  The serial killer adjacent old lady being more of a LGBT ally than my own father lol: “I love the gays!”  Also new favorite Owen line: “I’m a fireman.  Our codes are like: Fire!” -I swear to god the last five minutes of this episode aged me like 20 years.  SHE WAS SO CLOSE TO HELPING CARLOS!  THEN TK AND GABRIEL WERE SO CLOSE TO HIM!  UGH!!!  Who else had TK having to do CPR on Carlos.  I can’t wait for the residual trauma for the two of them!  I know there’s limited time for that but that’s why we have fic writers. -ALSO, the B plot was crazy: I’m getting real pissed off with the FBI.  They clearly have no idea how to run this investigation, they are treating their asset (Owen) with more contempt than the people they are trying to catch.  Clearly Owen is scared/uncomfortable with their plan and they are doing nothing to assuage that.  Like my god. -I also can see how they are going to set up an inevitable conflict between TK and Owen which I know Ronen has teased in previous interviews, why the two of them have kind of drifted a bit.  I’m excited for that conversation to come, I can’t imagine how TK is feeling at this moment.
ALSO: “Are you kidding, you died!”, “Yeah, look who’s talking” I MEAN,  exCUSE ME.....Fiancés that have-their-heart-stop-and-literally-die together, stay together. AND REMEMBER: ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE WEDDING All in all, an absolutely fantastic episode.  I can’t wait to read some fics about it.  I have a really early call time tomorrow (0500) and three flights (Orlando-Houston-Chicago-DC) so idk how available I’ll be, but I’d love to talk more about it with yall!
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ieatadoptmepets · 1 year
The dc titans instagram page has in their bio, "it all ends in blood" hello???? literally what does that mean do you wanna explain. Do you wanna explain yourselves. Who dies. I swear to fucking god if they give jason a really sad redemption arc and then kill him I'm killing every last writer myself
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Nightwing #105
This whole issue is really gimmick and there isn't a point to it. I know this idiot thought he was really smart for coming up with a concept that was really weird! And no one does that! Yeah, there's a reason no one does this except in porn. What, were you watching porn and you were like, whoo, someone should do a comic of this. Honestly, a porn comic might've been better, because this one had, again, no point.
Here's the thing, Tom. You are a terrible writer and I only read Nightwing to look at him drawn by a very talented artist. You literally made an issue where it was impossible for me to stare at his ass. And if you had a reason for it, if you were using it as a storytelling element, sure, okay, I like experimental stories. This wasn't that. This was just you thinking you were a supergenius for no reason.
Also. The apartment window thing? This is the most parodied thing in all of not only Batfandom, but all of superhero satire. You can't just have people jump out their own window in costume. Have some fucking opsec. At least have a secret elevator up to the roof or something, god fucking damn.
Then he gets a call from his sister. And I'm like Cass! (Or maybe Steph, because Babs is obv already sleeping over.) But it was not Cass. It was the character I thought had been written out of the story and never needs to be mentioned again. Who literally never needed to exist in the first place and legitimately could be replaced with like three sticky notes with one sentence each on them. Because this asshole hates Cass, and doesn't want to acknowledge her existence. For fuck's sake, Dick, at least ask which sister.
Okay, and then he fucking Mansplains trains to Babs??? Like, oh, Barbara, did you know that, in fact, trains move? And she's like, oh, teehee, I didn't, I can't jump, I'm not a trained vigilante like you Nightwing, I need you to teach me how to do basic tricks!!! I almost died teehee teehee! No. Babs is so much better at timing and trajectories than Dick is. She can literally calculate them in her head while she's moving. She doesn't miss. Also what did it add for her to miss? Other than another chance for Tom to show off how much better he thinks men are than women? I swear to fuck this is the most sexist writer at DC.
Unrelated, why the fuck are all the train seats the same weird hot pink color? Usually they're several different colors or uniform gray. What choices is the colorist making here.
Then we have even more sexism. Hurhur a cheating joke! How funny! Literally what is the point of including that? It's funny that Babs doesn't trust Dick or something? Like what exactly is even supposed to be the underlying humor there, that they don't have a healthy relationship and he constantly makes her feel self-conscious and inadequate? That he threatens her in order to coerce her into doing things he wants? Or else that she's asserting that she has control over his body and is trying to curtail his autonomy? Or is it just supposed to be relatable because like. Of course women constantly test their men! That's just what the female species is like! Only misogynists think like that. No, Tom. Skill issue.
Then this thing about reverse engineering vaccines out of someone's bloodstream because they injected themselves. Which I know is this really common trope but it's so stupid and not at all how vaccines work. What's going to be in someone's blood is antibodies. Vaccines aren't made of antibodies. They're made to mimic the original disease in shape. So it's like this: did they inject her with the vaccine, in which case why the fuck don't they remember she has short hair, or did she just get her hands on it, in which case why didn't she just fucking carry it like a reasonable person.
Anyway then it's like 'oh let's switch bodies' and the lady is like. I don't get it. Where will we get a body double who is also athletic and also has red hair. Well, newsflash, lady, 50% of women in DC have red hair. And 98% of them are in the top 2% of athletes worldwide. So. But literally Babs is sitting directly next to her and how stupid does Tom think women are that she wouldn't get that immediately? Or, worse, how stupid does he think the reader is that they need that explained? (I mean, I guess his fans might need that explained.) I hope it's just included because he thinks his fans want to laugh at how stupid women are that they need obvious things explained, because that's honestly less depressing.
So here's my question, why would changing on a giant empty train be awkward? They can go to a different car if they want to. And there are still bathrooms, even if they don't. Or they can just move behind the seats further away. Plus, they're both women, so it's not really awkward for them to change in front of each other; Dick doesn't need to be changing and can just turn around or close his eyes. (The only funny use of the gimmick possible, which they just skipped.) And Dick has already seen Babs naked lots, so why would either of them care? They're all capes. They change en masse all the time. And also there was a whole third outfit that appeared out of fucking nowhere, so they didn't even have to be naked at the same time or do a naked handoff. (Which wouldn't really be naked, because underwear.)
And, really, where did that uniform come from? Did she strip the conductor naked when she threw them off the train? Or does Tom think that people just keep spare clothes on the train like they live there? They change at home like everyone else does for their job. They're not storing spare uniforms in the train closet and, what, sharing them with each other? That's even more annoying than Babs trying to relationship test him again for no fucking reason, what would that even mean? Like, oh, you think the villain outfit is hot, therefore you're basically cheating on me. What fucking logic.
This story is really boring and has no point and wouldn't have been good anyway, but the gimmick is super annoying all the way through, and in parts just makes it hard to read. Also it includes way more mirrors than would actually come up in telling this story in a normal way, just so the artist was allowed to actually draw Nightwing sometimes. This is just a failed attempt at cool artistic choices.
Here's the other question: why would Dick try to go rescue Babs? She can take care of herself. She can take care of their victims, too. His priority should be getting the vaccine to the people who need it (and, also, how can they pay her if the point is they don't have money to pay for the vaccine?) and then sending her sister after her, later, after they do the rescue. Without her. Because why the fuck are they taking her near where the kidnappers who want to kill her are??? Why didn't they just let her get captured and put a tracker on her then? Why bother with deception if not to buy time to get her out of there? Just because Dick needs to prove he's a man, who women of course always need to rescue them?
Or else he could just let her go off and sell her vaccine or whatever she's doing. Instead of having the most fail emotional dialogue ever written. Completely scrubbed of any personality or purpose. Giving no catharsis to either character or the audience. And also I don't care about her or what she's doing, but her motivations would've been a lot more interesting than the conversation they actually had.
Meanwhile, Babs frees herself, of course she does, that's only reasonable, and then Dick is surprised? Why, is he as much of a misogynist as you, Tom? These kidnappers are clearly super incompetent, you really think a trained vigilante with the element of surprise is not going to get the upper hand? She needs you to rescue her because she has an F on her driver's license? And then what was with the bizarre sex banter. That was unnecessary, especially since Dick apparently doesn't even like sex, according to the line he said.
Now the villain - who the editor explained the situation in full to us, on the assumption no one remembers or gives a fuck, which, good on her - is presented as if he's obviously a bad dude because he's a rich guy. Like those are the markers of why you're supposed to distrust him. Only the thing is Dick is also a rich guy. He grew up rich, and now he's a multibillionaire. And that is actually very important to his story, because, if anyone's paying attention, the entire Batman story is about how a) money or power alone is not enough to fix things without enough popular support, and b) even if everyone around you is terrible you can choose to be good, because people are not predestined based on their fucking genetics or whatever. So just relying on stereotypes is so fucking disrespectful to that entire tradition, a tradition where Dick picks up those lessons from his father and applies them to his own life.
There's also an issue where Tom is confusing sociopaths and sadists. Sociopaths are low empathy people who are often willing to hurt people incidentally to achieve their goals, although it is important to note that many people regardless of empathy are willing to dick people over. They hurt animals as children out of curiosity without regard for the harm, not because they seek the harm specifically; they want to perform dissections and learn biology. Sadists, on the other hand, are extremely high empathy, and have an easy time making friends and getting to know people intimately, and don't have the problem of feeling lonely or misunderstood. They manipulate the people around them intuitively, often without even knowing they're doing it, and slowly become abusive. If they're that type, of course; both sadists and sociopaths are almost always very normative people, just like everyone else, and don't do anything notably out of the ordinary. This is such a common error in fiction and it's boring and annoying. Do better. It just makes him the stupidest villain in all of DC, and that's compared to stuff like Packrat and Killer Moth.
"It was 25 minutes." What does that even mean, Dick? How long do you think it takes to legitimately fire someone once you watch the news? Especially if they weren't legally hired in the first place? And you already know they're lying and not being legitimate, so what are you trying to prove? That they're lying? To whom? This literally wouldn't mean they were lying, and also everyone knows they're lying so what exactly is the point. And then he takes the drugged water!
Don't drink that, Dick! Why would you take supervillain water from a supervillain? Why would you take any food or drink you didn't have to, ever, but especially in costume while dealing with ethically sketchy people you know are totally comfortable with murder? He's definitely got tiny nanites in him that are tracking him or trying to rewrite his brain or something now. Or they put LSD in there so they can fuck with him later.
What's with the defense that she's a thief, too - does Tom think if someone's a thief, you're allowed to kidnap them? Thieves have rights and are still protected, so unless it was a citizen's arrest, in which case they would have to say that and wouldn't be allowed to deal with her personally (and would yell that as a defense anyway, not just be like, it's okay she steals stuff)... why would anyone think that was a defense to taking hostages. What does that mean. Shouldn't that tell Dick that they're supervillains and not just asshole CEOs.
Hoho, Dick made a funny, he almost said a bad word! But he didn't! Because he's a pure specimen of ideal manhood, right. First of all, Mr. Wing is a super cute nickname, second, how is Jason Little Wing if Wing is not their shared surname, and third, at least pick a funny insult if you're going to make that joke. Assclown, maybe? That has genre implications. Or canoe, maybe, because it has clear implications but it's also a funny word, even without the Oh No Words in it. Or just call him Mr. Fucker! We'd get it even censored!
Also this is the stupidest ending. Oh look, they resolved stuff, let us inform you of the resolution. I didn't even care while it was happening, Tom, you don't need to spell out all the things that were implied by the fact that the story ended. Why is it interesting they left? Or took a motorcycle? Why is Babs waiting? Doesn't she have better things to do? I did. But I read this comic anyway.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
john texting bruce: we still on for dinner later? ;) bruce: Delete my number. john: so i'll see you at 7? bruce: Delete my number or I will arrest you for whatever drugs you have in your pocket right now. john: okay i'll meet you at ur house then
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About the interpretation and characterization of some beings and concepts.
Principally magical ones and demons (I not including Youkai, they are spiritual non-catholic beings from Japanese folklore. I am not demonizing other cultures), they often got portrayed in two different ways: I am calling them 'subtle' and 'blunt' cuz its kinda fits.
'Blunt' is the most common in animes, portraying beings that can be fought more physically. Many fantasy medieval like to shove mythological beings around with no development, the term 'Demon King' is throw around like a fucking hot potato I swear, the way those being are introduced make them more 'real people' than 'creature' and kinda...weaker in a way.
Ancient Magus Bride is a good exemple of a wonderfull portrait of celtic culture and that 'mystical vibe' of the Fair Folk and Noragami put a cool concept into the whole 'influence people to do evil' thing, even if the latter is not the subtle type.
'Subtle' magic is less superpower and more mystic/fairy tail like. Tolkien was pretty much the first writer to put a mythological race (Norsen Elves) was people, before that they were simple...things? They weren't people for sure, they were...the Fair Folk. (See my post about 'Mystical Vibes', Legendary and All That Stuff.)
You don't imagine those type of people being defeated the 'blunt' way.
Dragon Ball is really blunt in its attempts to show that Ours-Characters-are-OP-as-fuck, destroying planets and universes like its nobody business. DC and Marvel still driving me nuts with their confused Tier levels and infinite number of cosmic-OP-weirdoos-with-generic-names that stop caring about making sense and yet, works with a more poetical touch like Silmarillion tend to give a 'air' of a superiority compareted to the others. The Presence and the One-Above-All are clearly far weaker than Eru, even when all are based on the Christian God.
Like Dustfinger from Inkheart is not just a fire manipulator, he's said to speak the tongue of fire, for fire itself kiss him in the lips. The mystical vibe on this give me the impression that the Fire Release from Naruto and the Fire Alchemy of Roy Mustang would not work on the guy, maybe not even Ryujin Jakka.
Addams Family is pretty much it, the new Wednesday series not much (its too blunt).
Or the Theft of Intagible Things (like fears, ambitions, feelings...) or weapons like...an sword that does Emotional Wounds. Just...mystical vibe.
I...tried to explain. Its complicated, lost myself here. Sorry?
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birdybat · 3 years
Leave Talia ALONE DC I swear to god why the fuck is this still happening like all this racism and fucking slandering and all just to prop up Bruce as a “good” parent like wtf. She is literally so abused and like what do you mean she said living attachments make you weak like have the writers actually read the comics like this is so fucked up.
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I don't think I've ever really cared about shipping in my life. I'm generally just cool to go with the flow. If something is written well or drawn well then I'm for it.
But I will say. The DC writers trying to push Jon/Irey and Damian/Irey tire me. I am not impressed with the dynamics going on there and the idea of Irey being in the middle of a love triangle is contrived and upsetting.
I felt safe before because Irey is 9, Jon is an adult with a boyfriend and Damian is a teenager. DC wouldn't let that happen. I knew the shipping going on behind the scenes but everything was fine. It couldn't happen.
But then we got alt universe Supersons. The same age as Irey. And Irey blushing at them.
Suddenly everything was very much not okay.
Again, I'm generally cool with whatever but I'm putting my fucking foot down at this one.
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A/N: I got inspiration for this piece from the Tumblr account @xxfanfiction-emo-trinityxx​ (I got their permission to tag them!) however I think they’re a wonderful writer and always one of the top ones with a huge amount of Gerard x Reader fics that I keep on crawling back to. They have a work called “Gotham City Rivals” (with two parts) that I fell in love with and decided to do my own spinoff of with their idea. I also don’t know that much about any DC comics, most of Gerard’s character in this is based off of Bruce Wayne, but I didn’t do a bunch of research so I apologize for any inaccuracies. Hope you guys enjoy! Pairing: Batman!Gerard x Catwoman!Reader Word count: 2,781 Warnings: Angst, minor fighting, swear words, injury, mentions of blood.
You slipped off your skin tight suit with a harsh gasp, your teeth grinding together at the rough cuts that the latex and leather of your suit now brushed against. Yet the sounds of a hot shower and the steam that you could already see promised some element of relief to the pain. “You alright?” You heard your boyfriend walk in the room, armor still on in it’s completion besides his mask and gloves that he was currently carelessly throwing on the marble counter.
“Yeah, I think so.” You responded, examining the damage of your wounds in the mirror. “Not the worse I’ve taken.” Reflecting back on the various gun shots and stabs you’ve received over the years.
He came over, standing behind you. His metal armor always looked so good on him, solid black with small decals that you felt lucky enough you only got to see. He gave small kisses on the cuts and bruises along your shoulder and collarbones. It wasn’t in a sexual way, more in a caring one.
He finally decided to take off his suit as well, revealing his soft muscles but well built frame. You always found it funny how comic and cartoon artists portrayed real life heroes. They ignore your hip dips, made your waist the size of a pencil, and even overemphasized your boobs. And with Gerard, well, he was actually a lot like what artists portrayed him as, maybe just a little less triangle shaped.
“Next time,” You sighed as you look at him in the mirror that was now fogging with steam, his eyes on yours through the reflection, “You’re taking more hits.” He lightly laughed.
“Fine.” He agreed with a kind smile, “If you insist.”
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“I’ve told you a million times, Gerard, I don’t know anything about those two!” You paced around his marble office trying to explain to him, “They are batshit crazy. They hold no patterns, no compunction, it’s part of their game and it makes it fun for them.” Your feet hastily moved back and forth on the gray tiled floor, the only light source was the sun creeping through the gray clouds outside and small desk-lamps around the large room.
“You’ve worked with her a few times,” He argued back from across his desk where he sat, “You have to know something.” “Those ‘two times’ happened probably five years ago, and it was exchanging files for some cash that’s it.” You sighed, “They don’t have a plan, ever, that’s what I’m telling you. Gerard, I know you’re incredibly smart and think with a plan. And the Joker’s really fucking smart too, but he’s also mentally insane and has no grip on himself other than to kill. He’s like a wild fucking animal.” Your boyfriend leaned back in his chair with a heavy sigh, his finger holding his temple together as he collected himself. “If I could help you on this, you know I would in a heartbeat.”
“Would you though?” His anger was growing, both he and you knew it. In fact, the entire room and all its objects were now drowning in the tension.
“What?” You asked barely above a whisper and through teeth clenched together, eyebrows furrowing as your vision grew red. There was no response. “If you’re questioning the integrity of my current work then fuck off. You’re too scared to kill the man, and now you’re gonna put some of this one me?” You snapped, he remained emotionless. Damn he was good at his job. “Go fuck yourself Gerard.” And with that, you stormed out of the room and up to your shared bedroom.
This stupid mansion he lived in was still a maze to you, and stomping through it in your utter fit of rage didn’t help, the sound of your feet bouncing off the large halls. It made your head want to explode.
You had never once blown up on him in your two years of dating and partnership. But never had he ever questioned your morals, or more importantly your loyalty. And you were expecting some form of an apology in the least.
Sure, you felt a little bad about bringing up his own methods of working. He had his extremely valid reasons, but it was a button to push in response to him pushing yours. You knew you would apologize eventually, but you needed him to come to you first.
After all, he was the one acting like a child. It was almost like an interrogation of you, despite the fact you had told him countless times that you knew nothing about the Joker or Harley. Other than the two deals you made with them in your early days for some extra money, those two were wild cards.
So you sat in the absurdly big California king with decorated in a gray and black and decided to do some breathing exercises so you didn’t use the wall as a knife throwing target.
It was hours, no, more than hours before you saw your lover again. And if it wasn’t for your stomach grumbling in hunger you would’ve stayed cooped up in the room. You wandered your way into the grand kitchen, beginning to look for whatever you could.
Grabbing a cookie from a batch you had baked just the day before, you began brewing some coffee for yourself. Of course you didn’t hear Gerard walk in, since you two had begun this whole partner/dating thing he had begun picking up on some of your specialties, such as being extremely quiet. On missions and such you were thankful for it, considering his armor was quite clunky, but now you regretted it.
The two of you didn’t even acknowledge each other’s presence, despite the fact that you were only a few feet a way. It was like a silent game, but just completely ignoring each other. It was like the other person didn’t even exist.
But the tension was a whole other level. You literally felt suffocated by how tense it was. And you knew your lover felt the same. With the extremely small glances you took you were able to piece together how he was definitely a form of uncomfortable, his emotions starting to break through, which you knew they would eventually.
You decided once your drink was done to leave the room, leaving Gerard and the extreme conflict behind. Well, some of it at least. And back in your room you grew bored, fast.
You didn’t want to show your weak side, determination to not be the first to apologize flowed through your veins. So, you decided to relieve your stress the way you always did.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You heard Gerard’s voice echo through the hallway next to you. Your skintight suit hugged your body, kitten heels hitting the ground in rhythm.
“Going out.” You replied.
“In your suit?” He questioned, this time grabbing your arm tightly with his hand. “I don’t think so.”
“Oh?” You questioned, turning to him and eyeing him through your mask, “And what are you gonna do about it?”
“Don’t test me.” He warned, his voice growing deep. This time, you pulled your arm harshly from his grip, which he didn’t fight back.
“That’s what I thought.” You spat, walking off.
Patrols were not the most enjoyable thing, the only time they were was when you were stressed and needed something to take your mind off of all your problems. A relationship limiting argument between you and your boyfriend was a perfect example.
Very rarely, if ever, did big stuff happen in Gotham. Small crimes like robberies, domestic cases, so on and so forth could be dealt with by the excuse of a police department the city had to offer. You were wondering when the federal government would finally come and kick a shoe up their ass.
It was funny, Gerard with all his power, I mean being the Gerard Way (despite the fact absolutely no one knew he was Batman) still couldn’t convince major officials to bring in more backup despite his numerous requests hidden in comments within conversations. The excuse was always that Gotham didn’t need help: they had Batman.
And let’s not forget his stealthy partner who did a lot of the work as well, the wonderful Catwoman who always got overlooked by the patriarchal influences that still flushed their way into society today. You scoffed at it.
On your earpiece you heard an incoming for an “escalating situation” at one of the prisons, which was just icing on the already destroyed caked for “a bunch of dangerous prisoners just got out.” Great.
It took you less than five minutes to be at the scene, strutting in and flashing your badge. It wasn’t that you actually needed one, it was just for good measure.
You got led through the dozens of police cars lining the outside of the prison all with flashing lights and a few sirens still going, escorted by one of the main detective inside where you were met with another officer talking to the one and only man himself.
Those hazels eyes hidden well under the mask looked up and met yours, softening just a bit from the black optics of Batman’s as you approached him. “Catwoman.” He said in a stern tone.
“Batman.” You responded the same, arms crossed over your chest.
You were briefed on the situation: A bunch of highly dangerous criminals did escape and were on the loose. The police felt that they needed help because some may or may not have ties to the Joker, therefore it made it a case for you and Gerard to deal with.
“Be careful,” Gerard told you, the two of you walking side by side in the street on patrol and looking out, “I don’t want you getting hurt again.” “Please,” You scoffed, “These guys probably have guns and a destructed god complex. I don’t see a problem.” “Some of these are former Arkham patients.” He warned, “They could be dangerous. And crazy.” “Like we haven’t dealt with that before.” You reminded him, “Or more specifically me, because I could have connections, ya know?” A verbal stab for sure. He looked over and glared.
“We’re not having this conversation right now.” “So when we get home are you finally going to grow up and have one after the entirety of today?”
“I told you-” Before he could even finish the two of you were surrounded by men with guns and various other forms of highly illegal weaponry. “Shit.” He muttered.
“Yeah shit.” You responded as bullets began shooting towards you. A few of them managed to ricochet off of nearby metal beams hitting your attackers, while other nearly missed you as you managed to jump behind them. With a few solid kicks and swings you were able to disarm and knock out four or five of them, Gerard getting the other 10 of them or so considering his suit and physical ability was greater than yours.
“How many were there again?” You asked him.
“15.” He responded. You looked around, mentally counting the bodies.
“Perfect, 15.” You responded with a sigh. “Do they not know how to scatter?” He shook his head.
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A deafening silence filled the car on your way home, the only thing being heard was the soft engine rumbling of the mobile. You were still going to be strong about this whole thing, despite the fact that you wanted it to be over with.
You looked around out of boredom, and down at your suit to see if there was any damage. And, well, there was more than damage. “Well, would you look at that,” You lightly laughed, looking at the left side of your torso where a big slash and blood was seeping through. You hadn’t noticed any pain or anything until you looked down.
“What the fuck?” He asked, looking down to from the road.
“Gee, pay attention to the road.” He reluctantly huffed and put his gaze back there.
“You have a huge fucking slash on your side.” “I know,” You commented, “Oh well, we’ll fix it when we get home.”
You hadn’t noticed his increase in speed or the extra few minutes he cut off as you pulled into the large and modern mansion. Before you could even step out of the car in the garage Gerard had already opened your car door and picked you up, carrying you bridal style.
“You know I can walk.” You lightly laughed, holding on to his arms, “I think it was just a bullet graze.”
“I don’t want you hurting yourself.” He placed you down on the couch, “Let me grab the first aid kit.”
He was gone for only a few moments, coming back with the kit in handy, no mask and gloves this time, with no time to remove his armor. It wasn’t a life threatening wound, that’s for sure. “May I?” He asked, motioning to the zipper on the back of your suit. It was so cute to you how he always asked, despite your years of being together. You nodded, moving your hair out of the way.
He took your suit off with ease, helping you step out despite the harsh feeling you got from the slash. Carefully he sat you back down, dabbing your wound with a bit of alcohol and making sure not to directly touch the affected area. There was a certain spot where he had to touch the wound with the cottonball. You couldn’t help but cringe and gasp at the painful feeling, shutting your eyes as it felt like your flesh was burning. “I’m sorry baby.” He commented, squeezing your thigh for support. “You’re doing so great.”
It took him only a few more minutes, and the two of you deciding stitches may be stretching it too far, for you to finally be all bandaged up. You slowly got up, Gerard coming right to you and helping to hold your hips up. “I would suggest a bath but-” “Not a good idea.” You lightly laughed, placing your head on his shoulder. “Thank you.” You mumbled.
“No problem.” He responded, kissing the top of your head. “You alright?” You nodded as he picked you up again, taking you to the bedroom to rest.
He placed you lightly on the bed while removing the covers on the side you always slept. You crawled into the open area he had created, placing your wounded body onto the sheets and covering it up. “Do you want some pajamas?” He asked, now removing some of his suit, his unbrushed and tangled black hair fell just below his eyes.
“Yeah, actually,” You lightly smiled, “If you wouldn’t mind. This sports bra is kinda tight.” He nodded, walking into your closet and grabbing some sweatpants, while walking into his own to grab an old t-shirt, knowing those were your favorite things to wear.
He gave them to you, and stood there watching to which you rolled your eyes, “C’mon now, turn around.” You instructed, his eyes went wide with a form of embarrassment, “You don’t get to see my tits, yet.” He sighed, complying with you as you slipped your bra off and shirt on in a few seconds.
You decided against pants, considering that would take a lot of extra effort. So you just pulled the covers over you, sinking back in. “You can turn around now.” And Gerard did, looking at you with the shirt on and residing to his own side of the bed next to you.
You chose a petty play next, completely ignoring him, waiting for an apology. “I’m sorry.” He said, leaning back on the frame of the bed and looking at you. You looked back at him signaling him to do more explaining, “I’m sorry for questioning your loyalty and moral of your work. I know those two things matter to you very much, and I had no right to question either of those.” You took a moment to let the words settle in.
“Thank you,” You responded, “I’m sorry for bringing up the way you work. I know why you do it and I, too, didn’t have the right to do that either.” “Thank you.” He responded, both of you taking sighs of relief as most of the tension alleviated. “I love you.” He told you next. It had taken him a full year to speak those wonderful three words to you, and whenever he said them you always cherished the way they sounded.
“I love you too.” You responded with a small smile, placing your head on his shoulder which he happily complied with.
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beebthatscreams · 3 years
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Give me this Batman back I swear to god. I will destroy every official dc writer who dares make him abusive to his own kids when we were shown this kindness he extends to children he not only doesn’t know well, but who have endangered lives and caused harm.
10 was a little girl and Batman, out of all the justice league, was the one to talk her down and sit by her as she died. She was sacred and hurting and he made sure she felt she was safe in her last moments. So don’t you fucking DARE come at me with mean Bruce takes I will throw hands. Y’all tell the writers to fuck off all the time but suddenly “abusive Bruce is canon” this is DC nothing is canon there are a zillion earths and nothing matters. Bruce is a good man who’s good with kids.
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flashfuture · 3 years
DC would be so much better if they just let the gay vibes out instead of forcing these het relationships that turn out so toxic
The thing is for a medium that focuses so heavily on men and their lives comics can not write men well. 
In the 90s there was this massive shift in the status quo. And the writers decided every single male needed to act like Hal and Roy. So people like Ollie and Dick who never ever flirts like the others became massive flirts. 
Bruce became darker and darker as the years went on. Bruce would have never married Selina as she is now because it goes against everything she stands for but sexy furry lady say meow I guess. They’ve started to use these men as self interest so you can quickly see how garbage these writers are. 
Consistency where? 
Like Dinah and Ollie is one of my favorite ships ever but the 90s-early 200s was very very fucked up because they gave Ollie, a socialist, to a bunch of right-wingers who hated him and wanted to debase him and any of his claims by making him seem like a bad person. 
Also DC really seems to think girl power really is ‘gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss’ Sometimes I read things where the girls are doing something that if the situation had been reversed would immediately be called out as abuse. but double standards
And yes DC needs to let out their gay vibes more and not just on their villains my god please stop doing that. Also if they make one more queer bootlicker I swear its on sight
Also also DC should let characters explore their sexualities more. Not everything is set in stone for them and just yeah I have thoughts about this 
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