#goddamnit. first cry of 2023
munch-mumbles · 2 years
trans people working retail should be allowed to tell one customer a day to ***
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ironvandyne · 1 year
Does it ever bother you that Janet Van Dyne is the only big-name Avengers whose past is never revisited or expanded upon? We know everything about Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Black Panther, She-Hulk, and Hellcat's past, and even Hank Pym got a special one-shot devoted to his childhood and upbringing. But Jan's life pre-Hank is a cypher. We had to find out important details like what happened to her mother from Hank of all people. It's just not fair.
Marvel has never really firmed the spotlight on Janet Van Dyne before 2023 which only took them over 60 years just to get her own solo (even if it was a four issue mini), heck even her step-daughter (who was introduced in 2015) got a solo before her! She may have had a prominent role during the Avengers comics due to her relationship with Hank and how she grew as a character, but her background is always ignored.
We know so much yet so little, even in adaptations such as the MCU and EMH we still don’t get to know more about her besides her romantic relationships. It’s ongoing issue of neglect that truly has hurt to the point she is never marketed enough despite being the FIRST female Avenger. She even was the one who named the Avengers goddamnit! Put some respect into her name.
I am quite happy she’s finally got her solo comic after so long but there is still a lot to go from here. Please don’t let this be a one-time thing and actually invest on what she has to bring into the table because there’s a lot of things that has not been told from Janet’s past that can be interesting to revisit or elaborate. I would love to hear more about her relationship with her parents and her aunt Amelia and how she got invested into fashion or how she met Constance. Hell, a full ongoing for Janet would be amazing and with the perfect writers and artists, it would be a great read all-around.
In summary, Janet Van Dyne deserves more recognition, everyone knows about Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, and even Ant Man but never the Wasp. And even if they did, it would be her daughter from the MCU. The lack of attention is purely disrespectful and is just baffling when she is one of the founding Avengers. And she shouldn’t be an interchangeable and disposable character as well (JOSS WHEDON.)
It’s never too late for Marvel to explore more within her point of view, learn more about her past, have more stories focused on her, or hell if Avengers Inc. does well, give her an ongoing for crying out loud.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Hey, you seem cool and I saw your posts about watcher, could you explain some of it? It looks epic!
First of all thank you so much!! Second of all, Ill do my best to justify it, but I highly recommend simply going to their YouTube channel to support the company directly and everyone that works there. They have all their series like Too Many Spirits, Ghost Files, Puppet History and so much more all in convenient playlists for the public. If my ask doesn't satisfy you enough I cannot recommend checking out @wearewatcher @trashworldblog and @bergoozter blogs enough!
I'll try to keep this short, but basically the main building blocks for this three year old (I think) company called Watcher Entertainment is Ryan Bergara, Shane Madej and Steven Lim. Three best friends who wanted to end a contract with a company that was limiting their creative freedom, namely Buzzfeed, so they could go on to do more. And the company was born—unfortunately right as the pandemic started.
They preserved through and the products are amazing. Ghost Files this year (or last year seeing as 2023 started officially an hour ago for me) got their channel to the first million views ever I believe, which is amazing. It helped bring back a lot of their old audience from Buzzfeed Unsolved and throw them into their other works like Puppet History.
Now, Puppet History is exactly what it sounds like. A fuzzy blue puppet teaching people about history. Sometime inbetween learning about getting thrown out of windows and a lady surviving the propellers of the Titanic, some crazy lore gets thrown in there. I wont say anything though becuase my dear anon that would be spoiling things for you.
Shane's the main cause of that show though. He constructed almost all of it in lockdown I belive. Building everything from scratch—from the stage to all the puppet—puppetering all of them and voicing them all as well. It's his pride and joy.
Ghost Files however is Ryan's baby. He loved Buzzfeed Unsolved when it was still happening and from my understanding it hurt like a BITCH to give that show up. But he did, mainly for all us, just so he could go on to do so much more. Thanks for that Bergoozer. But the funny part is, the show is about hunting ghosts. Capturing proof and all. Shane doesn't belive in any of that stuff. Ghosts? Nah. Aliens? Zip. Demons? Zero. Big fat goose egg. Meanwhile Ryan's in a corner crying and rocking himself when they come anywhere close to contact with a supposed supernatural being.
It's part of what makes the show so entertaining. Not just how hilarious it is knowing Ryan's afraid of his biggest hobby, but also the realness of it all. In the first episode I nearly post of laughing becuase a camera man farted. And while yeah farts are funny, after I was done laughing I realized they could have cut the part about them all admiting it was a farther, and just pretended they had found evidence. But they didn't. And if that doesn't nail it home for you that these people are serious and loving when it comes to their content, I don't know what will.
Also, Steven is a great cook. He eats a shit ton apparently (see Watchers latest episode) and owes a rat puppet a good meal, but honestly I could go on forever about that man. He's just so weird and stupid and crazy. I love him. Highly recommend watching Too Many Spirits just for the crazy names he gives the drinks he makes.
Probably weren't expecting an essay about all this, but this is just my long winded response in saying— go watch their stuff. Support the company. Support the creators. Support the fandom! God knows Watcher recognizes their fandom and appreciates them so much for everything. They repost fanart goddamnit. Name one company that does that almost everyday multiple times a day, if at all.
Cheers mate and happy new year.
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bubsub69 · 1 year
Entry 22
10/10/2023 00:20
I dont understand, I finally have someone, why am i not feeling different, I thought I'd at least feel something from having a goddess but it just feels fake, it feels like I'm faking it, like shes faking it why cant I just be happy with it. Im probably overreacting, these things are about trust and after having so so many people asking for money I dont feel like i can trust anyone. When she first started talking to me I answered her questions on autopilot, I didnt care about anything, it was just like i was filling a form, I had other people approach then ask for money on discord hours before she contacted me, how was i suposed to know she was gonna be the one that didnt require them, and thats the thing she said:
So just to be clear between us. I won't be asking you to pay tribute probably because you're in college.but that doesn't mean you shouldn't show your mistress appreciation out if your own free will whenever your mistress deserve to be gifted. Hope we're clear on that. I don't do findom.
So does she expect me to pay at some point? is that her plan? play the long game have me hooked to her so i cant refuse paying her or i risk losing her? I havent received any verification from her either which isnt helping especially since ive sent pictures to her, and she refused a videocall for me to lock myself because I "hadnt earned it", she also found me im assuming from the chaster server but shes never posted there before, fuck writing this is making me distrust her more and more. Shes trying to get to know me she… might be doing it so i get feelings for her and pay up.. GOD DAMN MY FUCKING INSECURITY WHY CANT I JUST TRUST HER. I'd rather be happy now and cry later than be miserable now and cry later anyway if she ordered me to pay.
I dont even know if she enjoys this, she has multiple servants so that doesnt help.. she takes a long time to reply. while she isnt really the degrading type, actually shes been calling me good girl a lot but that just feels hollow.. maybe i should try to ask to be called good boy, that sounds a lot better in my head, but shes into feminization and sissification what if she doesnt agree or stops liking me because of it, i need to talk to her about this were suposed to be honest to each other but im so scared of her losing interest in me i dont know if i should tell her goddamnit im such a piece of shit to her. im not even being honest about her being the only one cause im also kinda doing a chaster session, but that ends when the timer runs out but still im being dishonest with her, the one fucking requirement in a healthy relationship and i cant even give that to her, i was right before i dont deserve to be in a relationship, im not mature enough for it, if i cant even give her honesty, nor can i trust her, nor feel anything when i do submissive tasks. Im such a piece of shit.
School has been troubling as well, the theory classes are so soul crushingly boring, i just delivered my first project that came out like shit cause i was incapable of working on it and procastinated for 90% of the time, this whole year ive been struggling to work or study in anyway while home im gonna be fucked arent i
So much for happy entries.. i wasnt even happy when i wrote it yesterday just mildly hopeful, i hope this changes soon, please let me be happy with her, plese.. let me forget about D as well Im so sick of being stuck thinking about someone that doesnt care about me. I wish i at least lived close to the new goddess so i could at least entertain the ideia of meeting up and cuddling or something, god that would be nice
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lbukisgf · 2 years
Hi!! I'd like to make a request for the student council members: how would they react if they found the reader crying? Would they try to comfort them, give advice, solve the problem they're going through, or perhaps something else?
What they would do if they saw you crying.
— gn mc/reader, slightly ooc charas. i assumed that this included megami.
not proofread.
Kuroko Kamenaga, Akane Toriyasu, Shiromi Torayoshi, Aoi Ryugoku, & Megami Saikou
— Kuroko Kamenaga
her first instinct would be to help you, getting what happened or is happening out of you, so she could tell the counselor if she thought it was needed. if you were completely sobbing, unable to breathe; she'd comfort you to hell and back, taking your hand and taking you to one of the bathrooms or a secluded spot outside for fresh air.
"(y/n)! are you alright? what happened? please, speak to me."
"I insist on helping you, I would not be doing my duty if I didn't help you."
"if it helps; you can hug me, squeeze me, I don't care. do what you must."
"It will be all right, I promise."
"I'm not going anywhere, and I will always, be here to help.
— Akane Toriyasu
she would immediately run to hug you, rubbing circles on your back, not even bothering to ask about anything until you were calm. only then she would ask, holding both of your hands gently, using a soft tone.
"(y/n)... it's okay. just relax."
"please don't cry, I don't wanna see you cry."
"would it help if I got some snacks or even a blanket from the supply closet?"
— Shiromi Torayoshi
she'd seem dismissive and annoyed but she'd ask who and why they made you cry, and make their life a living hell; and I mean it. she'd blackmail them, threaten them, you name it.
"yeah yeah (y/n), you'll be fine."
"relax, I'm just gonna talk to... someone."
"interesting, sucks to be them right about now."
— Aoi Ryugoku
first, she'd be worried; trying to calm you down a little, and getting to you tell her what happened. after you do, she'd be pissed; muttering to herself and when you try to ask her to calm down, she'd crack her knuckles and walk out the door.
"hey? (y/n), shit calm down!"
"goddamnit, (y/n) please relax."
"who's ass do I have to beat?"
— Megami Saikou
she's concerned, angry, and upset all in one. depending on how irritated she is that day; she'll either comfort you or ignore you. she has better things to do sometimes, but she would; majority of the time, comfort you.
"I'm right here. please settle down."
"would you like a drink of water? hm?"
— that's all !! thank u for reading :]
—— so sorry if this wasn't what you wanted anon, but I hope u enjoyed it! and thank u for requesting this.
lbukisgf Ⓒ 2023
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