roychewtoy 1 year
embarrassed to even describe my reaction to "is he in there. can we get him out." ........................it's gonna haunt me. and then getting hit with "when he let you in, when the sun shone... it was warm. yeah. it was really- it was warm in the light." ..........the fucking........slant of light......i genuinely cannot believe slant of light callback in shivs speech. i am doing Bad馃憤
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strangeauthor 6 months
the amount of zutara fics i backpedaled from because they called her "milk chocolate" is almost uncountable
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beachghoulz 26 days
i fucking hateeeeee art history oh my fucking godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
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gaberoothekangaroo 2 years
so we started a short campaign and it had been going pretty decently. it was a newbie campaign. get the one common friend and the one new person more comfortable with playing. common friend had played with us before but in a different campaign and the dm was a turd and we all got burned
we start, we鈥檝e been playing for like 3-4 months no issue. everyones having fun. theres some banter. theres relationships and bonds and growth between people. and sure theres some above table talk where we鈥檙e all good naturedly ribbing one another. no ones getting mad or pissy about some jabs or comments. like none of us are taking it that way. we鈥檙e all here to just have fun
we鈥檙e almost done with the campaign. last few sessions.
in game, during the night, the bad guy came to us all in our dreams and our dm pulled us into a different voice channel on discord and had a one on one with us. basically do you want to turn on your party and be evil. none of us are evil aligned and for the most part everyone has a good alignment. im pretty sure im the only neutral aligned character.
our new guy fails a saving throw and gets charmed. so now hes doing the bidding of the bad guy. not really a big deal cause if you damage that person and they make the save, theyre no longer charmed. ive been backseat dm the whole time so we can help everyone have more fun and not forget certain rules and that they can rush into situations and try new things if they want and im sitting back there with all my healing spells available to get them back in gear. and i damage the new guy so he can have a chance to get back in the game. he succeeds and is no longer charmed.
YET. he proceeds to continue to assault us. and then takes us down one by one while the dm is pulling their punches on the actual bad guy and npcs we were fighting.
new guy proceeds to stay ON MUTE messaging the dm what hes doing throughout the entire game (4+ hours). and even at the end when we鈥檙e all kinda discussing what to do next hes STILL on mute
come to find out that new guy and our friend i guess had some issues in a game they were playing an hour before? or something? and he got butthurt and was mad by some of the above table talk jabs and ribbing, none of which was particularly harmful cause most of it was focused on shitty dice rolls. like thats not something a person can control. you make a jab at it and everyone laughs and moves on cause it happens to everyone. literally 2 of our party members couldnt roll above a 10 half the time. like its just chance and probability and its not a persona slight. but apparently this guy took it that way
and now hes all butthurt that the campaign is over. my dm offered we could all come back at a different level and fight new guy and new guy promptly vetoed that. and is not understanding why everyones mad at him and sees that he hasnt done anything wrong
and its been almost a day and im STILL mad about it. like he was mad at our friend and took it out on the entire party. didnt just kill them and walk away. no he took the time to single us out while we were busy being swarmed by like 9 npcs. dude has also had the balls to gloat to our dm that he was such a badass taking out a whole party by himself when he really didnt because the dm was pulling punches and the party wasnt focused on attacking new guy.
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saintshigaraki 3 years
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LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!聽
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daengerous-af 7 years
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the duality of man 馃ぇ |聽漏聽HIGHLITE
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