bittusirswal · 2 years
भजन संहिता 33:13-14
[13]यहोवा स्वर्ग से दृष्टि करता है, वह सब मनुष्यों को निहारता है;
[14]अपने निवास के स्थान से वह पृथ्वी के सब रहने वालों को देखता है,
#bittusirswal #Edwardsirswal
#Elaeanorsirswal #Komalsirswal #Holychurch #pentecostalchurch #Holyward
#Faithfull #Godislord #Jesusking #kingofking #Theholybiblestudy #Jehevahcallministries #Churchofrome #Churchofitly #bennyhinn #JoelOsteen #Josephprince #Joycemayer
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soy-una-florecita · 5 years
Los tiempos difíciles, vendrán. Es inevitable. Las nubes vendrán, y empezará a llover. Es inevitable. Pensar que ser cristiano te va a salvar del dolor, de los días grises o de las temporadas de oscuridad que parecen que nunca llegarán a su fin, es vivir engañados por un cristianismo inventado por humanos. El verdadero cristianismo, el verdadero evangelio, es un “a pesar de”. A pesar del dolor, seguir gozosos, a pesar del sufrimiento, seguir confiando, a pesar de la oscuridad, seguir creyendo en la luz de Jesús, a pesar del silencio, seguir cantando, a pesar de la tormenta, seguir calmado, durmiendo cubierto por la paz de Aquel Único capaz de calmar las aguas, y de caminar sobre ellas. Porque Jesús no vino a facilitarte la vida quitando el sufrimiento del medio, vino a salvártela. Vino a redimirnos. A sustituirnos. Porque éramos nosotros quienes teníamos que estar en esa cruz, nosotros éramos Barrabás, pero Jesús ocupó ese lugar. Nos dijo “vive, yo voy a morir por ti.” Y ahora por su sangre podremos vivir en la eternidad junto a Él, donde no habrá más dolor, más ansiedad, más temor. Y no me malinterpretes, en este mundo también podemos vivir llenos de paz, pero una paz que trasciende, una paz “a pesar de” cualquier situación. Porque nuestra paz está en confiar en Su soberana voluntad, y dejarnos caer en la gracia de la locura del Evangelio.
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melissamangus · 2 years
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“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; And the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭33:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/psa.33.12.KJV 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇸 #godblessamerica #wordsofwisdom #godandcountry #godislord #blessednation https://www.instagram.com/p/CfiRGhUslem/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ramdelaluna-blog · 6 years
I once was lost
But now I am found.
Was blind, but now I see.
Oh, I can see you now.
Oh, I can see the love in your eyes.
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awake--and--alive · 6 years
"Ha azt állítjuk, hogy nincs bűnünk, magunkat csapjuk be és nem élünk az igazságban"
(1János 1:8)
Mindannyiunk életében vannak területek, amelyek egyszerűen nem működnek. Senki sem a tökéletesség mintaképe.
Hazugság azt a látszatot kelteni, hogy minden a legnagyobb rendben van velünk, amikor mindenki tudja, hogy ez nem igaz. A Biblia ezt önbecsapásnak hívja.
Ezen a bolygón sosem leszel bűntelen, de lehetőséged van kevesebbszer vétkezni. De miért olyan nehéz változtatni azon, amit annyira nem szeretünk magunkban?
▪Mert már nagyon régóta tesszük.
A fájdalomra vagy a stresszre adott néhány rossz vagy bűnnek számító védekezési reakciónk már gyerekkorunkban kialakult. És bár lehet, hogy ezek a reakcióink hosszú távon romboló hatásúak ránk nézve, ismerősek a számunkra, és amikor ezeket alkalmazzuk, nyugalmat érzünk és azt, hogy urai vagyunk a helyzetnek. És mivel már régóta alkalmazzuk ezeket a reakciókat, beszűkül a gondolkodásunk, és azt hisszük, hogy nincs más módja annak, ahogy reagálni tudnánk a körülményeinkre.
Minden függés, legyen az "szer" vagy viselkedés, ennek következménye.
Az igazi megoldás, gyógyulás és szabadság azonban az Istennel való szeretetkapcsolatból fakad.
Ha megtapasztalod, h Istennek fontos és értékes vagy, szeret és elfogad, ez elindítja a változást benned.
Van szabadulás és új élet Jézussal.
Meg kellene próbálnod.
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itshephzibah1world · 4 years
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He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the Lord’s unfailing love. The Lord frustrates the counsel of the nations; he thwarts the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart from generation to generation. Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord — the people he has chosen to be his own possession! Psalm 33:5,10-12 #righteousness #justice #godislord https://www.instagram.com/p/CHCCyoPB_lQ/?igshid=hfyt1g04igq5
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agapeluvme · 5 years
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Sunday Joy #WhoeverBelieves #GodIsLord #GodIsGood #GodLovesAll #GodIsLove #GraceOfChrist #BeALight https://www.instagram.com/p/BzD4NNTl5eB/?igshid=ej7p6caofj1z
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edinaldomoura-blog · 6 years
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Coisas de Deus.... #powerofgod #godislord #bible #conexaogospel101 #conexaogospel14anos (em Juazeiro do Norte)
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melissakennedy1 · 7 years
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Yay such a beautiful day ! Smooches , Happy holiday beautiful people 🤗😘🦋💕🎄🎁🎁🎁🎁🎄🎄🎄❤️❤️❤️💕💕🙏 #nomakeupkindaday#tooblessed #merrychristmas #allblackeverything#GodisLord
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brattbreezy90 · 7 years
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God, my Father, I thank you for the sweetest of sleep; not just tonight but every night! #Godislove #Godisgood #GodisLord #Godbless #sweetdreams 😘
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kellichunn · 7 years
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Happy Independence Day! May God bless America. #GodisLord #july4th 🎆🎆🎇🎇
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lamamarelis · 7 years
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Good morning Insta Fam Thanks for all ur Prayers and wishes on our Wedding Anniversary God Bless You More Amen 🙏❤️ #Rise&Shine #GodisLord
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momentumspinner · 7 years
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#abbotsfordconvent #convent #photography #tower #holyjolyspirit #holyspiritfilledlife #holyjolyspiritledlife #fun #photoswiththelord #photographywithmylord #jesusmylover #mylove #mylordmylove #treey #trees #abbotsford #garden #niceplace #holyjolyspiritphotography #holyghostislord #godislord (at Abbotsford Convent)
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awake--and--alive · 7 years
Mosolyogj. Isten szeret.
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salvagedtitle-blog · 8 years
When anxiety grips me
I'm not the only one in the world who has anxiety. When your stomach is so nauseous you almost can't sit up straight, your heart is racing and sometimes your emotions sit heavy on your chest or chokingly at the top of your throat, you can't sleep, your thoughts spin spin spin in repetitious circles,..... And you can't stop it all. It just goes. Sometimes I literally feel possessed. Like it's not me but I'm watching something happening to me. That nausea sometimes feels like a restless creature moving around inside me. Sometimes it all goes on for days. Can you relate? How do I handle this? In these moments it's a spiritual and mental battle for me. I fight with 2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ... " Because usually, the spinning thoughts that cause me anxiety are not true or ridiculous or exaggerated, I attempt, in repetition and moment by moment, to mentally place these thoughts under the authority of Christ. How? Well I know God's truths: that he is in control, that he is my "shepherd" will never let me lack anything (Psalms 23:1), that he cares even for the birds in the air (Matthew 6:26), that he will supply all my needs (Philippines 4:16) emotionally, spiritually and physically.... I know all these truths that should give me reason for peace, but I still can't always control my anxiety. And since our battles are not always with flesh and bone but with powers and authorities of darkness (Ephesians 6:12), I surrender all aspects of my anxiety under the authority of Christ. I SURRENDER. I give into the struggle. Fighting it myself is exhausting and feels like it makes the anxiety worse. So I battle by surrendering first to God and saying, "Help, I can't do this so I claim the power of God to deal with this, here God, deal with it. By the blood of Christ shed for me, I have the rights, by faith, to claim that power." So as much as my anxious thoughts repeat, I repeat to God my surrender and I don't stop. Like Peter in the storm in Matthew 14, the moment he looked away from Jesus and at the storm around him, he began to sink, which made him more scared which made him keep sinking until he called to Jesus and Jesus pulled him out. Lastly, I have also asked someone to pray for me, with me. Sometimes God uses other people to do a work in you. The last person I asked put words to my battle that I didn't have but wanted to say and feel. I'll finish with this text-prayer he sent me. It helped me to read it out loud, use it in battle by meaning what I read. *************************************** Lord, I come to you right now through the highest name of Jesus. By the power of His name I command every anxious thought to come under His authority. Lord I ask that you would fully replace the agitation of worry with a confidence and peace that is straight from you and beyond explanation. My hope and trust, all of my faith rests in you alone... I take no comfort in my own resources or abilities, but I take refuge in your limitless resources and your unshakable love for me. I'm trusting in your goodness and faithfulness. I'm trusting in your loving plans for my life and I break every agreement I've made with doubt, fear or the worries of this world that attempt to choke out my joy. Lord, as you scatter your enemies on my behalf, i ask for ministering angels to come from your presence to deliver your care. Holy Spirit, remind me of your nearness as you display once again the Father's love for me. Jesus, be exalted in every circumstance of my life... I am wholly yours.
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A blurb from the poem - Saints Who Hunger - Forgiveness Is The Key, You Are The Key, A Poetic Truth. Visit loveofchristwithin.com and purchase God’s lovely poetic book, read and be blessed all you divine souls🙏 #saints #hunger #lonely #lonelyquotes #lonelyplace #igers #instadaily #instagram #instagood #instamood #love #beautiful #happy #cute #tbt #ff #bookstagram #books #poetry #poeticminds #writerscommunity #godlyquotes #godislord #beautyinme #divinity #topofthestairs #handandhand #cuprunnethover #promises #godspromise https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsH3d_BYOq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p4kobbsohojx
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