#godlike oc
merry-harlowe · 1 year
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My watcher girl for pillars of eternity 💕
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pretty women hours
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boiledegghole · 6 months
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window into mortality
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friberchi · 7 months
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New portrait of my moon godlike Watcher 🌑
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y-rhywbeth2 · 9 months
I'm always fascinated by Sceleritas telling Durge that they always struggled to function without his assistance (and Orin seems to agree). I've seen it interpreted as Durge struggling with their instincts, but I'm not so sure (Gortash describes them as being in control of themselves, and I'm inclined to agree with his interpretation).
Naturally all this applies to my Durge not necessarily Durge in general, but: My first impression on my first playthrough (and the one I kept for my Durge) was that it was more of a mental health thing. So far I'd seen Durge suffering signs of illness caused by lack of death and violence, which causes euphoria. It looked like addiction and withdrawal symptoms (which, to be fair, it is). The way they talk about themselves and their body (wretched thing, rotten skull, contemptible blood pervert, unlovable carcass, a rabid dirty dog that bites) indicated a lot of self-hatred...
Honestly, my take on it is that pre-amnesia Durge was extremely depressed and basically a functional addict (with the rush Bhaal gives them for killing being their fix). They have no interest in the "artistry" of killing, much to Orin's annoyance, they're just phoning it in and avoiding thinking about their lives as much as possible. Bhaal gets death; Durge gets Daddy to pay attention and love them for five seconds and ecstasy enough to forget their misery for a bit. That's all that matters, fussing around with corpse dioramas and dressing up your kills doesn't get you extra points (well, Bhaal never paid attention when they did it, anyway).
Eventually they'll wrap up their purpose on this "vile" world (ie the apocalypse, (followed by repopulating the world with Bhaalspawn, by the look of it?)) and then they can finally fuck off and die.
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madameoni · 10 months
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Avyssal of The Land, Watcher of Caed Nua, Child of Berath, fashion enthusiast.
If there is something I love doing, is costume designs.
I have open commissions!
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layalu · 4 months
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so i uhhhh. started PoE
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rothvantes · 3 months
Penny, my moon godlike cleric.
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(She needs a proper portrait in-game).
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herearedragons · 5 months
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two of them
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the-apekspredator · 1 year
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kendsleyauthor · 8 months
Godlike Universe (Brielle, Cameron, Nikolas)
~2000 words
New characters?? 👀 Nikolas is a size-shifting deity--the Lord of Autumn (AKA Lord Taranis but he prefers his chosen human-like name). Brielle is an ex-princess, and Cameron is an ex-knight. How did these humans earn the favor and protection of the literal personification of autumn?? It's complicated.
But they're all in love teehee 😘
@marydublinauthor 🌸
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Brielle hopped from root to root delicately while Cameron muscled down the urge to stay within catching distance, imagining her cry of pain if she slipped. Old habits died hard.
Flashes of the grand Autumn manor were visible in the distance as they trekked back toward the property. Although the Rite had occurred just that day, signs of spring were swiftly taking hold. The snow had melted a couple of weeks ago, and the harsh sting in the air had all but dissipated. Before long, the forest would be saturated with fresh color.
“Could we start dinner when we get back?” Brielle asked.
“Don’t be coy. You mean to ask if I will start dinner when we get back,” Cameron said.
“I’m starving!”
“You poor thing,” he crooned.
A dramatic exaggeration if there ever was one. Nikolas ensured they never went hungry. But although they were living in a far grander place than ever, they were dressed more simply. Cameron had little need for armor, choosing light tunics instead. Brielle’s boots were already worn from months of exploring the woods. The hem of her dress was speckled with dirt. Her leggings were comfortable for climbing places she ought not to.
Nerve-wracking as her decisions could be, Cameron had to admire how flushed with life she was these days.
“Wait.” He hurried to Briell’s side and put an arm out to stop her from striding to the next thick root. “Do you hear that?”
He swore he could hear wind, but the pine needles weren’t rustling. Squinting through the sparse foliage, Cameron caught a glimpse of fabric that lay across their path like a wall. All at once, he realized it wasn’t the wind he was hearing.
“Nikolas?” Brielle whispered. “Could he be hurt?”
“Doubtful.” Cameron seized Brielle’s hand and hurried her forward nonetheless.
The Lord of Autumn lay on his back, head turned to face them. His eyes were shut. One hand rested on his chest, while the other sat palm-up on the ground by his face. Late afternoon sunlight dappled through the branches overhead, spilling across his skin. His breathing was steady, chest rising and falling peacefully. The ground, though thawed, shouldn’t have been a comfortable place to nap, but he made it seem so.
Cameron relaxed when all appeared to be well. “I didn’t expect he’d be back already.”
“He must’ve fallen asleep waiting for us,” Brielle said, utterly endeared. “Do you think the ceremony went well?”
“As well as a gathering of childish deities can go, I suppose.”
“Shh!” Brielle glanced up at the branches. “You never know what could be listening.”
“It’s the day of the Rite,” Cameron said back in a mocking stage whisper. “They have more important things to do than listen in on us lowly mortals.” Nonetheless, his gaze briefly wandered in search of the odd snowy owl or rabbit.
Then his attention was inevitably drawn to Nikolas’ relaxed expression. Although Nikolas had nothing to do with the shift of winter to spring, he had still attended the Rite to hold council with his siblings. He had been glum the past few weeks, claiming that he was at his weakest during the spring, given that he was as far from his autumnal power as he could be.
And yet, he was still intimidating. At his full size, there was hardly anything else he could be.
Brielle almost shared the same sentiment. “He looks breathtaking in his sleep, doesn’t he?” she asked, still hushed like she couldn’t bear to wake something so precious.
“Godlike, one might say.” Cameron hummed thoughtfully. “Menacing, another might say. Alarming—”
She elbowed Cameron’s ribs. “Look at him! He’s so sweet.”
“If I recall,” Cameron said sourly, “you would fling acorns at my head and call me lazy when you caught me napping in the Queenswoods.”
Brielle grabbed an acorn from the ground and raised it threateningly. “You had barely lifted a sword on those days. Nikolas has every right to be exhausted after spending the day with his… charming relatives.” 
She tossed the acorn, which Cameron nimbly plucked out of the air. He thought she might grab another, but she lost interest in landing a hit. Instead, she turned back to Nikolas and began to approach his sleeping form. Cameron hurried to catch up, taking her arm. 
“You were just going on about how sweet he looks—why would you want to wake him?” Cameron asked.
Brielle gave him an impish smile that typically accompanied her worse ideas. “I don’t mean to wake him, silly. How often will this opportunity come around?”
“To simply… admire him. Besides, even if he wakes, it’s not as though he’d be opposed to the attention.” She slipped her hand into Cameron’s and tugged him with her.
Protests bubbled up, but they never reached his lips. She was going to do what she wanted, so he may as well stay by her side to keep her from doing anything too foolish. Besides, he had to admit there was something enticing about exploring Nikolas up close without that intense stare following their every move. 
Naturally, they were drawn to his face first. His gentle breathing stirred the air like a faint autumn wind. Brielle reached out first, gingerly brushing a hand over the stubble along his cheek. Her fingers traced the edge of his top lip. She looked at Cameron, eyes sparkling. 
“So soft,” she whispered to him. “Feel.”
Cameron was perfectly familiar with Nikolas’ lips, but he reached out anyway. His heart stammered. Gods, it was just like Nikolas to be irresistible even in his sleep. 
There was a slight shudder in Nikolas’ breath, and the two of them pulled away swiftly to rid him of the disturbance. Brielle sidestepped and leaned up to push the hair out of his eyes. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, soothing him back into his deep slumber. To Cameron’s surprise, his breathing evened out again.
“He may not sleep for much longer,” Brielle said, stepping away from his face and toward the open-palmed hand behind her.
Cameron bit back a groan. “Meaning?”
She served him another grin. “I want to feel his heartbeat before he wakes. Come on.”
He dragged a hand down his face. “You’ll be the—”
“The death of you. I’m well aware.” She climbed onto Nikolas’ palm, throwing her arms out for balance. “Now, help a lady up?”
He had half a mind to leave her to it—to use a giant deity as her personal playground, and see where that got her. But he trudged toward her, grumbling. The moment he stepped aboard Nikolas’ hand, his heart gave another lurch. There was something to this little adventure, and he couldn’t keep it off his face. Brielle beamed at him like she could read his mind. 
Before proceeding, Cameron couldn’t help but kneel down to briefly run his hand over the palm that held them. How many times had he been held in this hand? And yet it felt like the first time all over again. He traced one of the lines, eliciting a small twitch in the fingers curled loosely beside him and Brielle. They needed to move on.
“I swear I can already feel his pulse,” Brielle said in wonderment as Cameron helped her onto Nikolas’ shoulder.
Together, they made their careful way to his chest. His shirt was soft, practically begging for them to curl up in its folds. The warm surface beneath them rose and fell at a steady pace as Nikolas continued to snooze, peacefully oblivious to their presence. When the two of them finally came to a stop, there was something almost meditative about his breathing. Cameron could feel his eyelids growing heavy.
“How beautiful,” Brielle said quietly, dropping down slowly to place a hand over Nikolas’ chest. “To think that someone like him has a heart beating right here. Just like we do.”
Cameron wasn’t sure whether to tease her or agree with her. He didn’t get a chance to decide—at that moment, Nikolas decided he had napped long enough. 
The world shifted, and Cameron found himself plunging downward. A cry caught in his throat, while Brielle, who was situated farther above him, screamed for help. Cameron, trying fruitlessly to take hold of the fabric of the shirt, looked up in time to see a massive hand swoop up and catch Brielle. 
Cameron’s descent came to a sudden pause when he landed on Nikolas’ lap—too close to the edge. He slipped, briefly catching hold of the inseam of his trousers before falling to the ground between his legs. 
“Should I ask what you two were doing?” Nikolas spoke around a yawn, sounding faintly amused. 
Before Cameron could orient himself, a hand descended and plucked him from the ground. He found himself reunited with Brielle, who was catching her breath in Nikolas’ other hand. His stare, though groggy, was quickly sharpening with alertness as he regarded the two mortals in his cupped hands. 
“Her idea,” Cameron said at once, sitting back against Nikolas’ fingers with a huff.
“No, really?” Nikolas raised his eyebrows, feigning shock. 
Brielle scoffed as though she had any right to be offended. But her expression quickly sweetened. “We wanted to be right here with you when you awoke,” she said. “How was the Rite?”
The brightness in Nikolas’ face dimmed somewhat. “Well, Aldwin is certainly pleased to be back in power. He created a whole field of wildflowers outside the sanctum. The show-off.”
Brielle swooned. “I remember I would peek out the window when Lord Aldwin passed by the castle on the first day of spring,” she said. “The trees and flowers flourished along his path—it was all very magical. I was so taken with him as a girl.”
Cameron laughed. “As a girl? You were doing this last year.”
She shrugged. “He’s dashing.”
“You wound me,” Nikolas said, looking thoroughly disappointed. The glint in his eye was unmistakable, though. “That settles it… Cam is my favorite now.”
Cameron wasted no time in beaming smugly at Brielle while she stammered indignantly. She moved to hands and knees, crawling closer to Nikolas’ face. “You said you didn’t have a favorite!” she exclaimed. 
“Well.” Nikolas leaned closer, those perfect lips pulling into a smirk. “If you’re allowed to have a favorite season…”
“I didn’t say spring was my favorite!” She threw her arms around Cameron suddenly and snuggled against him. “And besides, Cam can’t be your favorite because he was mine first!”
“Oh, Bri…” Cameron gave her an innocent look and leaned his forehead against hers. He tipped forward as if to kiss her, then stopped short. “But what if Nikolas is my favorite?”
Brielle shoved him back. “You two are insufferable!” She crossed her arms, pointedly turning away from them both as they chortled. 
“Come now, you can’t stay mad,” Nikolas said. He brought his hands closer to his face. “If I forgive you for fawning over my brother, can we agree there are no favorites?” He nudged her back with the tip of his nose.
She turned to face him, still pretending to pout. Nikolas moved swiftly, brushing his lips against her cheek with tender grace. She clearly couldn’t continue her dramatics any longer; a smile spread across her face, which only grew wider as Cameron kissed her other cheek. Before long, she was squirming and giggling, telling them that’s enough.
Giving them both a look of overwhelming affection, Nikolas brushed his lips one last time over the pair of them before settling back down on the ground. 
“I could use five more minutes,” he said with a yawn, depositing them back onto his chest. 
“Not a minute more,” Cameron said, pulling Brielle into his arms and lying down with her. “She says she’s starving. If we don’t have dinner soon, she may resort to devouring me.”
A chuckle rumbled beneath them. “Lucky you.”
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fukiana · 1 year
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     Deep within you, you feel an uncomfortable roiling. You can’t be certain if the sensation is physical or spiritual, but it immediately induces nausea and fills your ears with the sound of blood rushing through your head. The Pallid Knight- Show. Them. What. You. Are.      You close your eyes and turn your mind inward, blocking out the sounds of the harbor and the menacing pack of guards. Soon, all you can hear is the rushing of blood in your head and a muffled chime ringing somewhere far away.      You open your eyes. The harbormaster is gesturing wildly, presumably to get your attention, and yelling in your face, but you hear no words, only the ringing of the chime as your heart rate slows.      And slows.      And slows.
PILLARS OF ETERNITY 2: DEADFIRE (2018) dev. Obsidian Entertainment
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karjalantroll · 6 days
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(me on the left, that little punk on the right)
I like to do a million AU on games/movies/whatever just for no reason hehe
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shpepyao · 2 years
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THE UNFORESEEN and her many forms
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bill cipher is the character ever. he swears in cartoon sound effects. he has beef with a baby. he didn't know what colors were until he was like at least 27. he's the most powerful being to ever visit earth. he only exists in dreams. he's an alcoholic. he's a victorian. he almost certainly worked retail. he doesn't know about his own gender. he also doesn't care about his own gender. he's depressed. he likes silly straws. he knows everything. he's stupid as shit. he thinks that normal is just a setting on a washing machine. he's touchy about his sides being uneven. he's a flatland oc. he's owned by disney. he responds to "willy." he thinks in all caps. he has a reddit account
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quenthel · 1 year
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The former Watcher of Caed Nua retired forever!! With her boyfriend!!
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