#golden lie
ideas-on-paper · 4 months
Real Boy ending, Golden Lie & NG+ death counter
(Nothing special, just a few final comments on my NG+ playthrough)
[MAJOR Spoilers for Lies of P]
When Geppetto calls Pino a puppet after you give him the heart:
It was at this moment that Pino knew: He fucked up.
(It does confirm that Geppetto sees P merely as a puppet though - when he is talking to "his son", he is really talking to Carlo's heart.)
But hey! I finished my second Lies of P playthrough! Wohooo!!!
It's a bit of a bummer that I wasn't able to get the Golden Lie in this playthrough either though, despite technically having more humanity points than the last time. (Also, if I ever do a third run, I'm gonna go for the Free from the Puppet String ending, so I won't get it then either.)
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However, I think I may have an idea what the reason for this is: As far as I can tell, the pop-up message "Your heart is pounding" only is displayed after you gave Sophia peace. I only got it two times in my first playthrough, after listening to the last two records, which wasn't quite enough to unlock the Golden Lie. However, even at the point when I long should've exceeded the humanity points necessary for it, I only got "You feel warmth" in my second playthrough. This is because I chose to let Sophia live the second time around, for roleplaying reasons. I was playing a Pinocchio who lied on every possible occasion, but who didn't have the heart to kill any person he was close to. (The cruel irony being, due to his inability to see any evil in his beloved father, he ultimately ended up killing all the people he cared about.)
So, if you want to get the Golden Lie, you have to give Sophia peace. I thought the choice with Sophia only affected the ending, but apparently not.
As a result, I had never seen the description of the Golden Lie before, so I googled it. And, as with so many items, it actually contains lore-relevant information:
"There are two kinds of lies. Yours is the lie that makes your nose long." The boy loved the fairy tale about the wooden puppet's adventure. At least the wooden puppet's father was kind.
Since I wasn't aware of this, I had assumed the fairy tale of Pinocchio being Carlo's favorite book was just a really good fan theory, but this pretty much confirms it. Also, judging by the wistful remark "at least the wooden puppet's father was kind", I think Carlo's heartfelt wish was just that Geppetto would love and appreciate him, deep down.
Last but not least, I'm pretty proud of myself that I finished the game with just 16 deaths in total, 9 of which were from boss fights - discounting the Nameless Puppet of course, since I didn't fight it in my second run. (Once again, I did the boss fights without Specter for my own fun, since they're a bit too easy for my taste otherwise.)
I'm actually sort of curious: Has anyone else managed to beat the game with less than 20 deaths? (I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if there are pro gamers who can finish the game with below 10 deaths, but just out of curiosity. ^^)
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teaboot · 1 year
I love all animals so much but I can't lie there's a special place in my heart for the Golden Mole
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Look at him.
He has no eyes. His face is an ear. He's iridescent. What can't he do
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This narration is killing me. Orthur his ass is NOT relaxed!
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temporary-tats · 18 days
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Mon Loup
Please send help, Wenclair has taken over my brain.
Per usual, do not reupload without credit/permission. Thanks folks!
(My ko-fi, should you wish!)
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anathemafiction · 10 days
If the Ros had to tell the mc a lie In order for the mc to stay with them or tell the truth and have the mc leave them. Which would they do?
Oooh, this is juicy!
Lie and take the secret to their grave: Alain, Rafael, and Vallen.
The truth, always: Hadrian, Neia, and Lance.
Lie at first, as a knee-jerk reaction out of dread of losing you, but eventually, confess the truth: Alessa, Ysabella, and the Pirate King.
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deadshadowcreature · 2 years
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I’m trying not to draw Nezha rn and it’s so DIFFICULT
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tainebot01 · 3 months
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I would like to officially welcome Eustace Winner to the "My Name Is A Cruel Joke My Paternal Figure Played On Me" club
[Image Description: A digital drawing of Eustace Winner from Ace Attorney and Hunter from The Owl House in a handshake, against a purple background. Both are looking towards the camera as if they are taking a picture and both have a look of concern on their faces. Eustace’s expression is significantly more distressed than Hunter’s. End Description]
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Mentioned in a Post a while back about a Jttw/LMK AU I had regarding the "Yellow Robed Demon" Arc when Tripitaka got turned into a tiger.
Book Summary;
Tripitaka manages to escape his capture (for once) and passes on a message to the King of Baoxiang from his daughter, Baihuaxiu, explaining that she was kidnapped and made the forced bride of a demon (ironically making it a magical version of what befell Tripitaka's mother when he was a baby).
Kui Mulang rolls in with a human glamour and goes: "Nu-Uh! I'm but a humble human hunter. THIS guy is a tiger demon who attacked a girl some time ago. I save her and we've been living a simple life for the last 13 years!" (Lie)
So the dude pulls an Uno-Reverse and transforms Tripitaka into a tiger (or in some versions, glamours him into one). The King and his subjects believe this 100% since Tripitaka and the Pilgrims don't look so great without Wukong there to act as PR (he was exiled at the time for the White Bone Spirit incident).
Tripitaka is apparently aching-beautiful no matter his form though;
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Wukong even feels kinda bad for his Master, since the transformation is so good that he can't even see through it with Gold Vision. Also imagine a sad giant kitty, that would bum anyone out.
Of course things are resolved by the end of the arc; the gang reunite with their monkey, Ao Lie gets his own badass chapter, the Princess is saved, Bajie kills the couple's two half-demon wolf children, the Yellow Robed Demon is revealed to be Revatī - the Wood Wolf of Legs after Wukong catches the demon commenting on his performance during the Havoc (Wukong has a few Columbo moments in the book like this), and Tripitaka is transformed back into his squishy monk self.
Bonus - Tripitaka as a tiger from a book illustration + the 1999 cartoon.
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The book illustration + description suggests he's a rare Pseudo-melanistic "Black Tiger" seen in India, possibly an Indo-Chinese Tiger, or a South China Tiger with a darker back.
So here's where the timeline shifts...
The Wood Wolf of Legs ain't happy to be dragged away from (what he believed to be mutual) his true love on earth + his two kids, so he curses the Tang Monk to not only retain part of the glamour he imposed upon him, but to transform him fully into a carnivorous feline demon. Also as an extra "F-k you!" to the Jade Court he and his past love fled from, since the Queen Mother is a celestial tigress herself.
The Pilgrims freak out, obviously.
Guanyin is called up and is like;
Guanyin: "Well, you did unjustly punish and exile your best bodyguard because you didn't trust his judgement, seeing him only as a murderous beast... so *your* punishment is to deal with the rest of your Journey as one of the very same creatures you see as mindlessly bloodthirsty." Tripitaka, now cursed to stay a catboy: "Dang it." (≽^╥⩊╥^≼)
He still gets to wear the robes and walk upright -think Master Tigress from Kung Fu Panda but as a wimpy, twink-shaped, monk.
Tripitaka aint' having fun. He's a life-long vegetarian who's suddenly an apex hypercarnivore. He tries his best for the longest time to stay on the veggies (and durian weirdly enough since tigers like those), but eventually he will need to chow down on some bleeding protein.
And his team literally consists of the main diet of a tiger...
Wukong, a monkey: "Master isn't looking too good." Zhu Bajie, a pig: "I don't like the way he's been looking at us. I burnt my finger making the campfire and he looked ready to pounce!" Sha Wujing, a fish: "I'm not surprised. Cats are of few beasts that absolutely require meat protein to survive." Ao Lie, currently a horse: "If he goes feral, I vote we sacrifice the pig first." Wujing & Wukong: "Agreed." Zhu Bajie: "HEY!!" (₍•̀ ⚇•́ ₎) Tripitaka, meditating hard: "Perhaps if I eat a watermelon, it would sustain my desire for flesh?"
What worse?
Tripitaka is still considered smoking hot. Now by demon standards too!
The Trio of Lion Camel Ridge prepare to attack the Pilgrims when;
Azure Lion: (*sees that the Great Monk is actually a beautiful tiger.*) Azure Lion, lowering his sword: "Guys, do not mess this up for me." Peng & Yellow Tusk: (*annoyed groans!*)
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sleepy8 · 7 months
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this is the last time you’ll see a meme with this idiot on my blog.
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scarapanna · 9 months
I'm a serious artist I will not be unserious, I'm a serious artist I will not be unserious, I'm a seri--
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[Original colt classic undercut]
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ningadudexx · 1 year
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3lsmp · 1 year
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wawawawa polysho
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whos-hotter-jjba · 22 days
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Kujo Jotaro Preliminary Poll
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the-genius-az · 5 months
Omega!Ty Lee pregnant with Azula puppies and headcanons of Alpha!Azula taking care of her pregnant mate
Thanks for idea, Amor!
Azula gets clingy on Ty Lee.
Ty Lee has to hide to have some alone time.
Azula perfumes her Omega completely with her pheromones.
Sometimes Ty Lee gets angry and yells at everyone saying they are useless.
Thanks to pregnancy hormones she kicked her Alpha out of the room.
Everyone in the palace could see Azula sleeping at the door of her room.
Ty Lee couldn't stand to see her Alpha for even a second.
That era ended and the horny era began, Azula had her reward!
She was definitely not going to get her Omega pregnant again because it hurt her to see how he rejected her.
She DEFINITELY wasn't going to get her Omega pregnant again when her three puppies were born.
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