stitch1830 · 3 years
I can see kanto mastering rap god first try or so to much of toph’s dismay but she’s secretly impressed though
Okay YES this is definitely the case and while she's kind of pissed that Kanto mastered the lyrics so quickly while she's spent hours trying to get the first two minutes down, it also makes her want to make out with him because wow. He can perform the entire song in one go no problem.
I feel like she'd find it kind of hot LOL. Like... "Ya hear that? That's my boyfriend, y'all! He's Eminem Jr!"
I love this so much, Kanto the rap god :D
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itz-darktrax · 3 years
Hey Mr tomago! How’s the server doing? (It’s gorilla just so you know)
😊Thanks for the name lol. But I have to ask you to clarify. What server are you talking about? A Discord server? Because I manage a lot of those xD.
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Happy birthday, I literally just learned it this minute (or a minute or 2 ago)
Thank you!!!
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Also what music would each gaang member like?
Oooo This is a great question, and one I’m bad at answering LMAO. But I’m give it my all :D
They actually all listen exclusively to kpop.
Katara listens to BLACKPINK, Sokka listens to TWICE, Zuko listens to GOT7, Suki listens to EXO, Aang listens to SuperM, and Toph listens to BTS. Well, the whole Gaang listens to BTS because they're amazing.
LMAO okay maybe they don't all listen to kpop, but if they were to listen to a specific group, the Gaang gives off these vibes (except Aang. I just picked another group that I knew. Idk what kind of kpop vibes he'd prefer lmao).
But let me actually answer your question hehe :)
Katara: Hmmm Indie music, select bits of pop? Big fan of Jackson Wang tho ;) (he's our fancast for Zuko haha!)
Aang: He seems like an old soul kind of music guy. Like… Frank Sinatra and stuff lol. He's also a fan of jazz, and has a bit of the personality to try and explain why jazz is so amazing and more people should listen to it. Just a bit LOL. After a while, though, he realizes quickly that other music is fabulous as well and broadens his music tastes to what his friends like! Also love songs. He can't get enough of those.
Sokka: Pop music, classic rock, and a bit of the old school rap for the poetic pieces and rhythm (I'm thinking Biggie and Tupac and Eminem in particular). He has rap battles with Toph, too haha!
Zuko: Rock, hip hop. He's also not opposed to listening to what his friends put on, but he's got a hard stop with country music. Just can't do it.
Suki: Suki seems like she would enjoy indie music, but also Taylor Swift. She's a bit of a Swiftie LOL. Pop punk would also be her style too, I think.
Toph: Rock music, because puns. Also, she's got a great musical ear, so I think she'd appreciate complex compositions in classical music and picking all the different parts out. She's also a rap monster haha!
Bonus with Kanto: Alternative rock, rap music. He's big on songs with a quick bpm so that he can work out or dance! He seems like a guy that enjoys a solid beat/rhythm in his music.
Okay, I think that answers the question, but I would love to hear your guys thoughts! Thanks for the ask, and I hope you have a fantastic day! :)
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stitch1830 · 3 years
I realised while listening to this that this would be Toph’s favourite story to tell her kids hands down!
Continued from another ask:
Continuing from last ask since I messed it up, I can’t send a link but look up go the f to sleep
Hi there, thank you for the ask! :D And I would argue that perhaps Toph Beifong made up this story for her kids <3 haha!
She would totally say it in a calm and soothing voice as she combs through the girls’ hair and is like “Go the fuck to sleep <3”
The girls would be like, “Oh… okay.”
After a while, I bet it would be a running joke, and then imagine Lin and Suyin going up to Katara and being like “Can you read Go the fuck to sleep for us?”
Katara: 0_o “toPhHHhh!!!”
Also side note, the video I listened to was Samuel L. Jackson saying it and that was spectacular LOL.
Of course Toph has other stories she tells to the kids, but the fan favorite is actually go the f to sleep because they giggle uncontrollably! So a story Toph used to say out of annoyance is now a favorite for the family. :)
Thank you so much for sending in this ask! I absolutely loved the story LMAO what a perfect one to tell her children hehehe ;) Hope you have a great day!!
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stitch1830 · 3 years
How would the gaang (including suki) + the beifong family react if this interview came on whatever media but it’s Aussie Kanto! (I’ll send the link in a separate ask)
Continued from other ask: Cant send a link so just look up aussiest interview ever by good morning Australia
Omg please I love that.
I feel like they'd all have this :O look on their face, because part of them is like "what is he saying?" and the other is like "he's on TV!"
Aang: He probably would've actually been super excited to see Kanto on TV, no matter how silly he sounded. Aang is just like "Hey! That's my friend! On TV :D" Aang is supportive of all his goofball friends <3
Katara: Katara would raise an eyebrow at the interview when she watches it, just like "You really said that on TV?" After, she would totally tease Toph about it, just that her partner was so goofy on live TV.
Zuko: He probably is like "I'm just ignoring this" LOL. His friend is rambling on TV and instead of being all embarrassed or annoyed with Kanto, he's like "Yep. This happened." haha!
Sokka: Sokka would've been behind the camera, egging Kanto on and hoping he said more dumb shit. If it's not Toph that persuades Kanto to do silly things, it's almost always Sokka.
Suki: If anyone asked Suki about her friend that was recently on TV, she'd probably blush, but brush it off LOL. She's the kind of person that would be like "Oh, yeah. That's Kanto for you."
Toph: I feel like the first time Toph hears the interview, she's a little mortified. But the more times she hears it, the funnier it gets. Eventually she eggs Kanto on with Sokka and is like "You need to say really dumb stuff next time you're on camera!" Because that's her Kanto, and she wouldn't change a thing about him <3
Beifongs: Lao and Poppy are definitely :O when they see the interview. They just can't believe that he is their son-in-law (affectionate). It takes them a while to warm up to Kanto, especially when they know how ridiculous he can be on live TV, but they learn to love and appreciate his.... quirkiness haha!
They also have no idea what he says half the time, but they just smile and nod at him lol.
Fun ask! I think that covers everything.... Feel free to send more asks if you'd like! I love them :D Hope you have a great day!
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Australian Kanto’s Nicknames for the gaang. Sokka: Boomer-Thief, Sock Boy. Katara: Hydrophilic Hydra. Zuko: Summer Face, Red Hot Chilli Pepper. Aang: Airbud, Arrow skull. Suki: Beauty Fan. Toph: Tofu, Toffee, Toffee Bean, (when annoyed or overall bad mood) Marsupial Mole, Mole.
Omg all of these are fantastic like ???
I support Toph and Kanto being the Nickname champions. The couple that creates outlandish nicknames together, stay together :')
Also pls Toph being Marsupial Mole I love that. "Ahh my lil' Mole is all shook up. C'mere babe." LMAO.
Toph thinks the nicknames are amazingly ridiculous. She found her soulmate <3
What do you think Kanto's Australian nicknames would be for himself?
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Prompt: Kantoph but kanto is a avatar version of a Australian (like me) or him as old as toph in lok! What would he be like? Personally I think him as a old man who is just done with everything except his girls… also complains about everything to toph’s sympathy/annoyance.
Omg I love these!! Okay so I'm not sure I got the prompts correctly, but hopefully you still enjoy LOL. They're kind of short, but still fun and capture the energy of our beloved Kantoph haha ;)
Kanto if he was from the Australian equivalent place in the Avatar:
The very first thing she noticed was his voice.
He sounded like he wasn’t from the Earth Kingdom, like he traveled very far to be where he was now.
And yet, his voice had a familiarity to it, like even though she never met the man, he sounded like home.
Or at least, what could be home.
“”Scuse me, ma’am.”
Toph turned to face the man after he tapped her shoulder. And despite her surprise that he stopped her, Toph smirked. “Ma’am? Little formal, don’t you think?”
The man chuckled. “Just tryna be polite, ma’am. Is there something else I should be callin’ you?”
“Toph is fine.”
“Toph,” the man repeated. “Well, Toph, I need some help navigating this big city of yours, you think you can help a man out?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Where are you needing to go?”
“To start, the market. Gotta get some good food if I’m gonna be livin’ here.”
“Ah, you just moved here?”
“Yes ma—Toph,” he replied, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, I was just making my way to the market. We can walk there together…” Toph paused, hoping the man would give his name.
The man understood, and he answered, “Kanto.”
“Kanto,” Toph repeated, grinning. “Follow me.”
And then Kantoph as an old couple :)
She heard his back crack a hundred times before he sat down in his comfy chair, and with that, came the eventual complaints.
“Agh! I’m too old for this!”
“You’ve always been old,” Toph mumbled with a smile. She walked into the living room and took her seat next to Kanto, and listened to him continue to rattle off his woes. “I’m too old, and it’s too cold here!”
“It’s the middle of summer.”
“And you know that family that moved in next door? The kids are menaces.”
“They’re 13 and 15, what did you expect?”
Kanto shook his head. “No, no. Our Linny and Suyin were sweethearts at that age, so other kids should be that way.”
Toph stifled a laugh. The man’s patience had become so short with age, and most of the time, it was humorous. He wasn’t one to complain, so it was a nice change of pace now that they were old and senile and the tables were turned.
“Well, we can’t expect every kid to be as perfect as ours,” Toph tried to reason.
“Sure, but did the worst ones have to live next to us??”
She actually laughed at that.
“What’s so funny?” he demanded.
“You’re just a cranky old man, now, aren’t ya?” she replied through her chuckles.
“Wha—no I’m not!”
“Yes, you are.” Toph leaned over her chair and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “My cranky old man.”
Kanto let out a quiet grumble, but made no further protests. If he was gonna be a cranky old man, at least he was Toph’s cranky old man.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Toph’s reaction to AD/DC (Thunderstruck) and Eminem (Rap God)?
Oooo okay this is a good question!
I would say with Thunderstruck, Toph loves the instrumentals. The guitar parts, the beat, all of it. The singing itself is a little too screechy for her sensitive ears, but she vibes with the song enough that the singing parts grow on her. This is probably one of those songs that she has on her workout playlist from when she was a kid and it gets her pumped every time it comes on. That kind of song.
And with Rap God? I bet she hears the song for the first time and is like "I need to learn this entire song's rap as soon as possible." She takes the song as a challenge, and she becomes a tad obsessed with the cadence and the structure of it all. The simple beat is still catchy, and I feel like she'd be impressed with the 6 minute marathon this song is LOL.
Those are my initial thoughts, but if you have any other thoughts, I'd love to hear them! Thanks for sending this in, G, hope you have a great day! :D
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Modern AU Toph’s favourite Band is Metallica, and the song was played in her wedding. Agree?
Ooooo good question! The one song I think of is Nothing Else Matters. Is that the one you're thinking of? The only other Metallica songs I know are the ones you play on Guitar Hero and Rock Band LOL.
I mean, I can see Toph playing Enter Sandman at her wedding haha! She'd be unapologetic about playing the songs she wants to hear on her wedding. So if she wants all rock themed songs or rock artists or mentions of rock and metal in the band or group or song, then that's what she's gonna get haha!
But yeah I would say that if Metallica is her favorite band and her s/o (Kanto? 0-0 LMAO) knows this, perhaps they agree to have a couple songs played, or maybe he surprises her with a couple songs to be played. Maybe both of them bond over Metallica, so it's a must that they have their favorite band playing at their wedding!
Toph doesn't seem like the type to get too passionate about the details of the wedding, so when she goes up to her s/o and asks for her favorite song played? It's gonna be played lol.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Look up and listen to The Sound Of Silence by Peter Hollens and Tim Forst to find the song toph and kanto sang together when alone.
HAHA okay idk about you, but I can see them doing this just to be goofy and ridiculous! They'll just come home dead tired from work, but then Kanto just starts singing the part "Hello darkness my old friend" and then Toph is like "Really? We just worked 15 hours."
... and then she harmonizes LOL.
It becomes this whole dramatic spectacle as they're cooking dinner or getting ready for bed. Just pulls out brooms as makeshift microphones, dramatic hand gestures, and somehow, at the end of their dramatic performance, they end up hugging and kissing and being saps. ;)
Oh Kantoph... They're goofy saps in secret :)
Thanks for the ask, and I love this idea. Would love to hear more ideas/thoughts you have around Kantoph! Hope you have a great day! :D
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