pkmn-downtheline · 8 months
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I made these memes for Valentine's Day! hope you like them. "Yes, they are a bit poorly edited, haha."
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Pokemon Fankid Week Day 5: Romance/Shipping
Happy Valentine’s Day! I like to think that in the Pokemon world it’s tradition to give chocolates to someone you like inside of a Love Ball on Valentine’s Day!
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pkmn-downtheline · 4 years
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Hold on!!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
“Wanna dance?” For NickXEmilie
Louvel had always enjoyed the events that surrounded the Grand Festival. They had a charm and regalness about them that he adored. Plus, getting the chance to dress up for the post-Grand Festival ball was his personal favorite. 
However, he couldn’t say that he particularly liked spending it hovering over the endless buffet tables. He and Emilie had spent nearly the entire night thus far watching Nick stuff his face to his heart’s content. Louvel was beginning to grow tired.
“Here, buddy,” Nick offered, handing a piece of cake to the Zigzagoon sitting loyally on his shoulder. “This one’s chocolate flavored.”
“Zagoo!” Zigzagoon chirped as he took the cake between his paws and shoved it into his mouth.
“I don’t think Zigzagoon are supposed to eat chocolate…” Emilie commented with a worried expression, watching as Zigzagoon licked the remaining frosting from his paws.
“No worries. He’ll be fine,” Nick dismissed with a wave of his hand, looking to his partner with a smile. “Wontcha, bud?”
Zigzagoon nodded. “Zi!”
Emilie pursed her lips, and Louvel let out an exhausted sigh. “Right…” he responded, his eyes beginning to wander to the center of the room where coordinators were dancing the night away. He glanced to Emilie and an idea clicked in his mind. “Hey you know what?” he started, perking up and looking to Nick with a smile. “The two of you should dance!”
Emilie’s face immediately began to glow red. “W-what!?”
Nick lit up, putting down the pastry he held in his hand.“Hey, that’s a great idea!”
Emilie’s head snapped to Nick, and Louvel could have sworn he saw steam leaving her body from the embarrassment. “W-w-what!?”
But Nick paid her no mind, instead looking to the Pokemon sitting on his shoulder. “Let’s dance, Zigzagoon!”
“Zig!” Zigzagoon trilled in agreement, climbing onto the top of Nick’s head.
Emilie’s face fell and Louvel glowered as Nick began to sprint toward the dance floor. Louvel grabbed him by the back of his suit jacket before he could get too far. “I meant you and Emilie.”
Nick skidded to a stop, glancing back at Louvel who let go of his suit. “Oh…” He blinked then grinned and straightened himself out. “Well, yeah sure! That sounds like fun!” He turned his attention onto Emilie. “Em, wanna dance?”
“Zig zig!” Zigzagoon invited, waving his paw at her.
Emilie’s face heated up once more, and she looked to her brother for reassurance. Louvel gave her a smile and a nod. She inhaled through her nose looked to Nick with a smile. “...O-okay.”
“Great!” Nick grinned, grabbing her by the arm and yanking her toward the dance floor. “Then let’s dance!”
Emilie let out a surprised squeak and looked to Louvel once more, as if pleading for help. But Louvel only smirked and offered a wave. “Have fun.”
Send us a number and 2 or more characters!
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pkmn-downtheline · 8 years
What was Emilie and Nick's first date like? I can totally see them going rollerskating or going to some food place for a casual date.
They would absolutely go rollerblading!! Nick would know that Emilie would be nervous about going on a first date, so he would want to do something that made her comfortable. As such, he’d come up with the idea of going rollerblading! It would definitely settle Emilie’s nerves about the date, so the dinner they would grab afterwards would be a lot more relaxed!
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pkmn-downtheline · 8 years
How would Emilie react to Nick calling her cute?
If Nick called her cute, Emilie would freak out--going bright red and having no idea what to say. She would stumble on her words while Louvel is in the background whispering, “Just say thank you!”. But Emilie would inevitably end up saying something like, “I think you’re cute too!!” without thinking. She’d immediately cover her mouth and die a little inside while Nick stares at her blankly. But then Nick would just brush it off and laugh, thanking her before going off to do something else. Louvel has to catch Emilie before she hits the ground.
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pkmn-downtheline · 8 years
I was wondering if you guys have any small headcanons of your fankids shippings
Allie and Briar love going to festivals together. Whenever they go, Allie is sure to buy Briar a charm, each one giving him good luck or fortune in a different area of life. Briar saves all of them and usually keeps at least one on him at all times (he switches them out with one another). Also, Briar loves seeing Allie wearing cute kimonos or yukatas--he gets a lot of art inspiration from the colors and patterns! (Plus, she looks super cute).
The first time Nick saw Emilie, she sped by him on her rollerblades. Impressed by her speed, Nick decided to chase her on his bike so that he could talk to her. Unsure as to why this boy on his bike was suddenly chasing her down so quickly, Emilie assumed he was some kind of creep, panicked and attempted to get away as quickly as she could. Their high speed chase lasted for about 5 minutes until Emilie tripped over a root and crashed to the ground--Nick quickly coming to her aid. She was incredibly embarrassed to learn that he wasn’t a creep at all, and that she had just been overreacting.
When Misty isn’t using it, Skye sometimes likes to be able to take Misty’s boat out in the water around Pallet so that Wartortle can swim in the ocean. She likes to have Lizzie accompany her, and Lizzie’s Floatzel and Feraligatr keep Wartortle company too. The two like going out on the boat a lot because it’s private and quiet, but being out on the ocean adds a sense of adventure to it. Also, ocean battles.
Amber is incredibly camera-shy, but Coda always tries to film her anyways. He especially likes to film her battles--claiming that she seems to having more confidence when battling, and that she and her Pokemon look great on camera because of it.
Sorrel has a hidden love for punk music that he doesn’t like to admit to. He adores Cade’s music, and will usually listen to it on his phone with earbuds in while he’s cooking. He claims it gives him inspiration for more flavorful recipes.
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pkmn-downtheline · 9 years
nick x emilie with 20, 5, 4 & 10, championdaughtershipping with 24, 28, 29 & 2, and amber x koda with 42, 22, 33 & 45 if the ask meme is still open!!
Nick and Emilie:
who texts more often? Emilie! She likes to keep in close touch with friends and family (she texts Serena a lot). Nick has a really bad habit of losing or breaking his phone.
who’s uncomfortable with PDA and who loves it? Nick doesn’t think too much about PDA. He’s not against it, but he doesn’t always do it either. Emilie really likes PDA, but she’s always too shy to initiate it. She just really wants to hold Nick’s hand, and sometimes Nick notices this and grabs her hand for her. Emilie is way too shy to do much else in public though–even if she thinks it’s cute.
what’s “their song”? Camera Shy by School Boy Humor, What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, or Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars
who said “i love you” first? Already answered!
Skye and Lizzie:
24, 28 and 2 have already been answered!
who gets jealous easily? Lizzie. Though, it’s more along the lines of Lizzie is just a mix of being worried about losing someone she loves again and not thinking too highly of herself. It’s nothing unhealthy or super serious though. I wouldn’t even say she gets jealous “easily”. Skye, on the other hand, doesn’t really worry about that kind of thing–she knows Lizzie isn’t interested in other people.
Amber and Coda:
when they can’t sleep what do they do? Coda’s a pretty easy sleeper. If he has a hard time sleeping he might take a walk! He likes being outside under the stars. Amber, on the other hand, still gets nightmares from time to time due to PTSD. Though, she has her Mightyena as a therapy pet for this–so he’s the one to take care of her when this happens. Coda knows Amber is in good paws. Sometimes though Coda will tell some kind of story or something about something he did with a Pokemon until she falls back asleep.
christmas traditions? They like to have a big family get together with all of their families and Pokemon! Family is something very important to both Amber and Coda, so they like to spend holidays with them!
what lockscreens do they have? Amber has pictures of her Pokemon! Coda has a picture of himself and his little sister, Tempa!
who’s clumsier? Amber. She can be a little clumsy at times. Coda is generally a pretty careful person though from dealing with expensive equipment like cameras and lights–especially after living in poverty for so long.
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pkmn-downtheline · 9 years
All (which is code for whatever you feel like answering) for Goldskatershipping!
I’ll answer 10-20 since I did 1-10 for Actionidol!
who reads more? Emilie, simply because Nick’s too impatient to actually sit down and read a book.
who remembers anniversaries? EMILIE, she’s the type to write down anniversaries on calendars with hearts and count the days leading up to it. Nick never remembers, and since Emilie gets too embarrassed to remind him, it can take a while for Nick to actually even know it’s his anniversary (Louvel is the one to remind him and Nick’s face falls).
who is better with kids? Both are great with kids in different ways! Nick can tend to be more careless but he’s more outgoing, while Emilie is more attentive but more unsure. The two would love to take their kids skating.
who tops/bottoms? Nick tops while Emilie bottoms. Nick encourages her to top at times though. She’s super embarrassed about it but wants to, so he talks her through it.
what’s their favorite activity? SKATING, the two are happiest just going out and skating around. Their ideal dates are ones where they can do crazy skating paths and stuff where they can sight-see and have rest stops at fun places.
weirdest hobbies? Nick likes the Hoenn Rangers, while Emilie likes reality TV.
who would make a blanket fort? would the other help? NICK, and Emilie would notice and secretly really want to help, and Nick would pull her in to join.
who cooks? Emilie is a super good cook and she loves to do it, she loves to show how much she cares about Nick through her meals because Nick really loves to eat. Nick likes to try to help out, but he can be careless and be more trouble than it’s worth. She usually assigns him to more simple tasks.
how do they eat ice cream? what’s their favorite flavors? Emilie loves strawberry, while Nick is that person who gets 3 different flavors on one cone. If he sees a weird or exotic flavor he’s never tried before, he has to get it.
who said “i love you” first? Emilie. She just blurts it out without realizing it almost, and once it’s said she gets super embarrassed and red. It takes Nick a moment to actually process what she just said, and when it hits, it hits.
do they go on dates? what are they like? All the time! Nick and Emilie are very physical/outdoorsy people, especially loving to skate and sight-see. Nick also loves hole in the wall type food places and such, so the two have a lot of fun picking apart cities and Nick encouraging her to try new things.
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