#gonna be an explorer! [Webby]
webbiigaiil · 2 years
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( i've been stuck in the mansion for so long; and I'm trying really hard to be normal : interactions ) ( one day i'm gonna see the world! i'm going to be an explorer : musings ) ( hi! i’m webby! : visage ) ( get ready to lose bad; baddies! : answered )
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dumbistsmartass · 5 months
saying something about every hatchetfield production
spoilers, some nonsense, zero consistency with what I talk about, hurriedly written text, and back Cinderella’s Castle, QUICKLY, the kickstarter ends on May 4th. Also I mostly won’t be talking about the message to take away from all of them because I plan to make that another post.
TGWDLM: the catalyst of it all, it set up many fan favorite characters. Also my personal interpretation is that the musical we watch is actually happening in canon and is being put on by Pokky/Paul. Also how much of someone’s personality remain after infection?
Black Friday: it does pretty good as our first (true) intro to the LiBs it works very well. We get more General Macnmara who quickly becomes one of my favs. It also adds a lot of my other favs to the Hatchetverse, Hanna, Lex, Ethan, and Tom
NPMD: probably my favorite of the mainline musicals. I really hate Dirty Girl tho. The musical version of Hatchet Town is better than the OST version. The characters all have really good chemistry. I love Grace as a warning about the consequences of using religion as a fear tactic, when she sinned and wasn’t instantly punished for it she decided to take matters into her own hands and became a bloodthirsty maniac. The fact we got so close to a good ending if Max hadn’t fallen is darkly funny.
Hatchetfield Apeman: I don’t know how to feel about this one, it’s an interesting story but I think shouldn’t have been the first nightmare time story as it set a bad precedent for a lot of people.
Watcher World: I FUCKING LOVE WATCHER WORLD. The horror buildup of “what the fuck is happening here?” was genuinely amazing. The idea of a paranormal amusement part made for the amusement of an elder god id so cool. I feel uncomfortable saying the work “Sniglet”
Forever and always: one of my favs, the mystery of the two Emma’s is amazing, and the twist of which Emma Paul chose is amazing. It does make me wonder tho, is Emma a robot in every timeline? Also im just gonna assume that Tinky is connected to this one.
Time Bastered: another of my favs, the way it connects with FaA and the very clever time travel writing were highlights. The Ted is The Homeless Guy twist is really clever, and the ending is tragic
Jane’s a Car: holy shit my opinions on this one is so mixed. I love the bonding of Becky, Tom, and Tim is so wholesome. I REALLY hate that scene. Also is Jane turned into a car in every universe?
The Witch in the Web: our true into too Webby. Massive lore dumbs sort of weighted it down for me but it was still good.
Honey Queen: god I love this one. The fact that the LiBs aren’t mentioned until the very end was a really good choice. Both Zoey and Linda going to any length to win was some great tension.
Perky’s Buds: I went into this one expecting it to be kinda mid, and I was right but it was on the high end of mid. Ziggy being NB and played by a real NB actor is great! The bird hive mind is genuinely kinda unnerving despite how cute they are. I personally think they should have died, then content on the rooftop with the fire would have been such a good ending, but the police showing up to arrest them packs less of a punch.
Abstinence Camp: again, one of my favs, I fucking love this one and it also has the best Nightmare Timr song. It’s a fun way of exploring the “if you have sex in a horror movie you die” trope. Grace once again gets some sort of power and abuses it.
Daddy: I have mixed feelings, it’s a genuinely interesting plot but it get pretty uncomfortable. The song at the start made me think it would be a more empathetic take on Sherman Young but it definitely fucking wasn’t.
Killer Track: what is there to say? Killer track is actually so fucking amazing, if you will watch anything from this list watch this. I’m saying nothing else
Yellow Jacket: not at all what I was expecting, but it was great! From what I heard I was sort of expecting a high school drama with Pokky doing his bullshit in the background, but I loved this too. Also the ending hurt me.
Workin’ Boys: Pokky strikes again, but I’m not sure why TBH. Motherfucker just decided to fuck with his one most loyal subject and for what?
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moonlighteclipse17 · 3 months
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Webby: But one day I'm gonna see the world. I'm gonna be an explorer! I'm gonna eat a hamburger! 🩷
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aestheticbyais · 1 year
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"One day, I'm gonna see the world. I'm gonna be an explorer! I'm gonna eat a hamburger."
Webby Vanderquack/McDuck character aesthetic.
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Webby: Tonight we’re breaking into this abandoned McDuckies’!
Lena: Nice. Got a hairpin, Vi?
Violet: Yes. And a set of newly acquired lock picks.
Webby: And we shall be exploring it’s dark and forbidden halls!   
Lena: Keep the picks, the pin’s for my bangs.
Webby: Armed with only our courage, a spiked mace, a diamond dagger, magic, Violet's survival badge, and my blackbelt in ten different unarmed martial arts-
Violet: Then how shall we gain illicit entry?   
Lena: By breaking, duh. Trespassing lesson number one- it’s not cool to make it look like someone forgot to lock up.
Violet: Noted.
Webby: Together, against all odds we shall uncover the mystery of this foreboding burger joint-
Lena: Lesson two, use a sweater to muffle the noise...
Webby: -which we have specifically chosen to trespass upon-
Lena: ..Aaaand we’re in.
Webby: -because it’s HAUNTED!
Lena: And nope, nooope we’re heading right back out.
Violet: Curses.
Webby: Wait! We haven’t even ordered anything yet!
Lena: Yeah because I reeeally wanna eat something fried up by a dead guy.
Webby: I know me too!!!
Lena: Sarcasm, Pink.
Webby: oh
Lena: The zero hesitation was cool though.
Webby: Thanks!
Violet: You enjoy Ducksworth’s grilled cheese and he is a ghost.
Lena: No he’s a demon and he wasn’t FIRED right before he kicked it. The guy’s got paid vacation. He’s chill.
Violet: Fair point.
Webby: Please Lena? My beautiful teenage trespasser par none? Please?
Lena: Ugghhh… Pink, can’t I just treat you to a normal burger?
Webby: Yes definitely! I’d love go on a date!
Lena: Great! ..... wait-
Lena: ...
Webby: ...
Lena: ..
Webby: ..
Lena: ...fine
Lena: Yay. Whee. Woo. Hoo.
Violet: You truly cannot say ‘no’ to her, hmm?
Lena: Shut up or you’re paying for your own ghost fries.
Violet: The price of my silence is two ghost fries and a milkshake.
Lena: What, you think I can’t say ‘no’ to you either?
Violet: Correct.
Lena: well jokes on you ‘cause im stealing the stupid ghost fries AND the milkshake so the price for me is gonna be zero. Ha!
Violet: Do not forget the ketchup.
Violet: ....Chump.
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
2 & 14
2. How did you get the idea to write this?
oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love) - Dissatisfaction with the Jamie's dad thing between Mom City and the finale started it, but then Roy going to therapy and becoming the new manager sealed it. There was just so much to explore. Plus, they gave my boy canonical depression in the second to last episode. How am I supposed to not do something with that?
From there it turned into a fun tetris puzzle of 'hmm, here's EVERYTHING THEY DIDN'T USE. FAIR GAME NOW.'
I still feel like the same person I’ve been - aside from really really wanting to dig into the between moments of certain episodes, I've always liked the concept of a character who goes through tons of emotional development but when they look back at it they're like 'so why am I still me? why don't I feel like I've changed?' By tying this together with the pavlov thing, I thought it added an interesting echo. You are the same, but you've changed. You are still the habits you've learned, and they'll happen to you over and over again. Things will repeat, but that doesn't mean they have to stay the same. (I like themes)
the vacant house behind our home - I got a prompt from an ask game: “I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it.” I liked the peril of it, the lingering threat out of eyeshot bracketed by the pretense of a buy-in. But I had nowhere to put it. The easiest idea was to give it to one of the players, but that felt too easy and didn't spark any good brain juice. Then I was re-listening to some of the first episodes of Welcome to Night Vale and the idea came to me of Ted, the talker that he is, having to walk someone through this horrible nightmare of a place. From there the investigator, the journalist (scientist) Trent fell into place as the one who would remain calm enough to ask the right questions, and a dialogue was born
you're gonna go far kid - an old idea that I got from someone else who suggested that what with his stunt as an Amsterdam tour guide, Jamie would make a fun travel host. At the time I read that, I had just cracked on this backstory for Isaac that he's actually really into archeology. From there it was easy to slot into place - Jamie, Isaac, and Colin doing a mini travel show. Isaac with the old history and the archeology and Jamie with the culture and the latest things to do. Colin there, basically just hanging out. Occasionally Isaac and Jamie will disagree and he'll be the tie breaker. He really is the deadpan third wheel who has people going 'why the hell is that guy there?'
Mostly Colin is just grateful that he gets to go on holiday and didn't have to do any of the planning. He's living the dream.
Then someone popped up in my ask box and was all 'oh what about a fic where Jamie wins an award and everyone is proud of him?' and my brain for some reason went 'you have the travel thing loaded. give him a webby.' 'but that would have to be after he retired.' 'yep' 'so wouldn't that also be a really sad time?' 'yep'
Oh. Oh.
So now i have a fic where jamie copes with the death of his career by starting a tiktok recipe channel and becoming a mini Anthony Bourdain, and many people are proud of him. Comedy!
14. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you planned on doing, but now you're feeling like you're gonna scrap those ideas?
I don't think I've scrapped anything ever in my life. Either they'll get written, or they'll sit around in my drafts taunting me, or they'll slowly morph into something I can use somewhere else. Ideas are made for keeping, I think
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someone1348 · 2 years
This does contain spoilers for the Halloween episode of Ducktales Season 3 episode 10 "The Trickening!" Soo if you don't want to be spoiled here's your warning in advance!
The people in this: Ler!Louie, Lee!Huey
(Platonic of course they are brothers!)
Tw: A bit of angst but I promise it gets better!
With all that being said HAPPY HALLOWEEN and I hope you all enjoyyy!!
-K :]
The Best Costume!
Today's the day!! It was Huey's Favorite Holiday! A day full of nothing but Family, Friends, Fun costumes, scares, staying up past your bedtime and of course endless and free candy!!! You guessed it! It's Halloweennn!!
The Red Nephew could not be more excited! He got on his home-made, hand crafted! Gizmo Duck costume and raced to his brothers to show them his costume and his trick or treat plan for tonight!
"This is it, one night, every house in town! And we'll score us enough to last us all year! Suit UP!" He announced as everyone got ready. Huey's face glowed as he got into character
"Blathering Blatherskite! I love Halloween! This is going to be the best Halloween Ever!!!" He fell over on the couch onto his back, flapping his arms with happy stims as the gang prepared for the most epic night ever!!
"Rawr! I am Baylord demon king of the evil eye!" Huey and Dewey tilted their heads at Webby until she explained the roots of Halloween and why her costume is significant they nodded before Dewey spoke
"I'm a pirate on vacation" The pair fist pumped as another voice entered the room
"There's nothing scary about tonight! Halloween is about candy and only candy! Forget the leg work I've got a plan that will make us candy billionaires!" The youngest smirked as he leaned against the doorframe
"And what's your costume supposed to be?" Huey asked before Louie put on one of Huey's hats and acted like him
"You are a lazy costumer and stop stretching my hat!" He ran over to try and take it off him before Louie pushed him back
"We have the same head!"
Huey sighed before smiling and assembling the team "Enough chit chat! Move out!" They all followed Huey as he spoke. And so the best Halloween ever had officially begun
"Okay! First stop, Rockerduck estate's for the big bars and the candy corn relay then! Down to Silverbeak for the Haunted Hayride Spooktacular and I've scheduled bathroom breaks so just hold it till' we get to Mrs Klopecks, Great bathroom, freshly tiled" He finishes before Louie interrupts him, stepping all over his plans
"Orrr we could ditch all of that, go to one place and get all the candy we could ever want!" He said with a smirk before Dewey chimed in
"We're going to a candy store?"
"What no it's night time candy stores are closed"
"WE'RE GONNA ROB A CANDY STORE?!" Dewey said this time with more excitement before Louie sighed again
"No, we're going to Hazel House...the most haunted house in all of Duckburg!"
Louie stepped inside after explaining the myth "we do this and we'll never have to trick or treat again! Free candy for life!!"
Everyone but Huey was excited
"I've never even heard of this place, why chase a phoney myth from a phoney Huey when we can go trick or treating"
"Woodchuck rule number sixty something go in that house now!" Louie yelled as everyone rushed in, Huey reluctantly following them
"So much for a perfect Halloween" He mumbled quietly to himself as they explored the creepiness that is 'Hazel House!' Everything was dark, old and abandoned. It was honestly everything you could think of if you ever pictured a true haunted house
It was a place Huey did not want to be, but there was no turning back now, the doors were locked and Louie was persistent on continuing forward.
"Go for it Dewey!" The middle child in blue gasped lighty before entering one of the rooms
"No screams so I think we're good!" Louie said as they entered. The rest of the night was filled with scare after scare until they reached the end of the house into the outside
"We did it! We completed the house! And with some time to spare we can make the butt end of the trick or treat trails!" Huey smiled as he pulled out his map
"Nuh uh no way! Where was the candy im going back in there!" He tried to go but he was stopped "Hault citizen! Let's forget about this half baked scheme and go get some candy!"
"Last time I checked we were a family of treasure seeking adventurers! Why stop now? Because this house isn't on your precious map! Well I'm putting it on there give it to me!" Louie ripped it out of Huey's hands before he was tackled to the ground as the wrestled for it until Webby and Dewey broke them up
"Wait a minute, you had it on your map the whole time!" Louie said as he spotted what Huey was hiding
"I did yes,,," Huey hung his head low before putting the map away
"You told us it was fake! You tried to get us to avoid it! What were you gonna do?! Horde all the candy for yourself!" Louie said angerly crossing his arms
"It's not like that I-" His speech was cut short when the monsters attacked again capturing the quad in twos!
"We have no candy!" Huey screamed out before everything came to a stop
"No candy? Are you kidding me!" They were put back down on the ground as one of the monsters spoke "It's midnight trick or treating is over and we waisted it all on these fools who don't even have any candy!"
It's over "I missed it..." Huey frowned before walking over to an empty stone wall, Louie not much later following after him taking a seat next to his oldest brother.
"So we made a mistake, at least we're still alive! And we met some monsters so that's pretty cool right?" Louie said trying to cheer him up but every word he said fell deaf to Huey's ears
"On the houseboat Halloween was our biggest adventure every year! We would suit up, face the unknown and sure it was just neighborhood trick or treating but it was ours"
"I was just trying to get an endless supply of candy,,, and thats the problem" Louie sighed as he looked at Huey
"I just didn't want this one to be our last Halloween"
Louie put an arm on his shoulder "Junior Woodchuck rule 99! Who cares about the candy! Let's go home and make it the best Halloween ever yeah?"
Huey smiled and nodded before they grabbed everyone else and went home.
While Dewey and Webby got the living room set up and ready for a movie night Louie went to talk to Huey in their room
"Hey, I'm really sorry about tonight.." Louie said rubbing the back of his neck
"It's okay Louie I'm not mad or upset with you" Huey smiled before patting a spot next to him and opening his arms for the youngest to rest in
Louie sighed in Hueys arms "I just wanted unlimited candy and I wasn't thinking"
"It's okay Louie I understand completely, I should have been more honest to begin with but I was just nervous and everyone was so excited to go in so"
Louie nodded before rolling his eyes "Let's promise to be more honest with each other from now on especially when it comes to our feelings"
Huey smiled and nodded "Deal, that was very smart of you Louie"
"Trade mark Louie Duuu- I mean! Junior Woodchuck rule number twelve "an honest soul never doubts his role"' The pair giggled before Louie spoke again
"You know your costume is okayyy, maybe second best but mine is number one!" The duck in green smirked before pushing Huey's mask over his face
Huey fumbled with it getting it up again before scoffing "You're just me Louie! All you did was put on a hat, my hat! I made this with my bare hands! Plus Gizmo Duck is the best so I definitely have the best costume, technically speaking!" He smirked before Louie smirked harder
"That's where your wrong Huebert! My costume is you, yes, buttt you failed to see passed its simplicity!"
Huey raised an eyebrow out of confusion before Louie evilly giggled
"I am you but which version of you am I hmm Huebert?" Louies smirk grew more as he straddled Hueys legs
"Gehet off of me, I don't know, the Duke of making a mess maybe?" He guessed pushing at Louie
"Great guess but nope immm,,," he leaned closer to whisper in Hueys ear "Tickle Monster Huey"
The Red Nephews eyes widened before he bursted out into giggles as Louie squeezed up and down the length of his sides under his cardboard costume
"Lohohouiee!" Huey tried pushing lightly at his hands as he shut his eyes
"Who's Louie? My names Huey and I'm Louies personal tickle monster" Louie imitated what Huey always says to him as he moved to his stomach
Huey threw his head back onto the pillow before kicking out his legs letting himself laugh
"StAhAHAp IhiHiT! GIhiIzMO DuHuHuck Has Noho! WeHeakNesseS!" He played along as Louies smirk grew
"He seems very ticklish to me" he blew a raspberry into Huey's neck as his helmet fell off Louie gasped jokingly "Another Huey?! Well no wonder Gizmo Duck is so ticklish he's another me! And if that's the case I know exactly the place that will get you laughing the most!"
"Wahahait Louie pleasEEEE- AHAHAHAHA!" Huey's arms flapped around happily as Louie scribbled behind his knees
"Such delicious laughter, now this beats any candy in the world! Tickle Tickle Tickleee~" The youngest squeezed his knees some more as Huey's face turned a light pink
Louie stopped, rubbing away the ghost tickles and getting off of him
"I told you I have the best costume" Louie smirked before Huey giggled catching his breath
"Yeheah yeah whatever you say Louie"
"It's true because its based off of the best brother in the whole wide world" Louie smiled before he was tackled in a hug from Huey
"Thank you Louie, for everything"
"Anytime big bro, Anytime"
The sweet moment was soon interrupted by a voice calling out for them
"You two ready? We've got everything set up for the most epic Halloween night ever!!" Dewey smiled at them from the doorway as he spoke
Huey smirked at the youngest before getting up and running "Race you there!"
"Ughh effort!" Louie complained as he got up and started walking towards the living room
'Yep! Best Halloween Ever!!' Huey thought as he shoved a snickers bar in his mouth, wrapped up in a cozy blanket, surrounded by the people he loves the most.
I hope you all enjoyedd! HAPPY HALLOWEEN MY FRIENDS!! 🎃🧡
-K :]
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nightstalks-official · 7 months
What’re you gonna do to them next?
Depends on which one of us you ask.
We all have different plans. I’m gonna have a few more rehearsals before I bring it out into the real world.
Tinky is going to play a few “pranks”, Blinky is going to explore Virgil’s sight, Nibbly is being feed.
Wiggly, that greedy bitch, already started his transformation process, same with that Bitch Webby.
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wherethemusetakesme · 4 years
Webby! Who's that otherworldly being that keeps channeling Huey's body to speak to us???
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“WHAT? There’s an otherworldly being channelling Huey’s body? IS THIS ANOTHER DREAM DEMON CASE? DO I NEED TO FIND A METAL PLATE?!”
This was time for drastic measures; pulling out from her backpack several weapons that looked far too lethal for a child to have her hands on, Webby set off in search of the red-clad duckling. Knowing, as she did, the triplets’ favourite places around the manor, it didn’t take her long to find her target.
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“Alright, otherworldly being!”
Ignoring the poor boy’s startled squawk, Webby immediately launched herself straight at Huey with no regard for what he’d been doing the moment before. Grabbing him by the collar with her free hand (how did she have a free hand while still laden with weapons? Practice) she glared down into his eyes.
“Who are you? Who sent you? Why are you possessing my friend’s body? I will NOT HESITATE to use lethal force to make you talk!”
If that utterly terrified Huey, who began to stammer out protests, she didn’t seem to notice. Nor to register the fact that lethal force would be far more likely to harm the unfortunate boy himself than any otherworldly possessor.
A few moments ticked past, with no response nor other sign of anything controlling Huey except for Huey himself, before it slowly dawned on Webby that she may have taken this the wrong way.
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“Oh, wait. Did you mean possessing Huey, or did you mean that guy on the blog who uses images of Huey’s face to hide his own? Because that’s just the mun who writes about stuff we do sometimes. Huey and I have both met him, he’s mostly harmless.
Releasing her friend, who looked just a little traumatised by this experience, Webby hastily stashed her myriad of weapons away in her bag again.
“Yeah... sorry, Huey.”
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tagged by: borrowed from @humming-nerd​
tagging:  Anyone!
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Webby Vanderquack
you love hoodies.  you love shorts.  dogs are better than cats.  it’s hilarious when people get hurt.  shopping is torture.  sad movies suck.  you own a car racing game. you played with hot wheels cars as a kid. at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.  you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega.  you used to be obsessed with power rangers.  you have watched sports on tv. gory movies are cool. you go to your dad for advice.  you own like a trillion baseball caps.  you used to collect hockey or baseball cards.  baggy sweats are cool to wear.  it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. you love to go crazy and not care what people think.  sports are fun. you talk with food in your mouth. you sleep with your socks on at night. you have fished at least once. you took martial arts classes.
you love to shop.  you wear eyeliner.  you wear the color pink.  you go to your mom to talk. you consider cheerleading a sport.  you hate wearing the color black.  you like going to the mall. you like getting manicures and/or pedicures.  you like wearing jewellery. you cried watching the notebook.  dresses are a big part of your wardrobe. shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.  you don’t like the movie star wars. you are/were in gymnastics. it takes you around more than one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. you smile a lot more than you should. you have more than 10 pairs of shoes.  you care about what you look like.  you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes. you used to play with dolls as little kid.  you like putting make-up on others.  you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”.  i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color. i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.  i have a tattoo branding. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings.  i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city. i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star. i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.  i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night. i’ve played a prank on someone. i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.  i’ve cheated while playing a game.  i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime.  i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well.  stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar.  i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well.  my favorite color is either white, yellow, or pink. i would wear pajamas to school.  i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun.  i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class.  i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate.  i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
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pastthebutterflies · 2 years
Through the Vents to Grandmother’s House
Part one of a silly little au I’ve had in the back of my head for years now. Webby and the triplets have swapped places in a sense and yes, I would absolutely love to ramble about this au, thanks for asking!
When Webby first arrives at McDuck manor, she can’t quite believe her eyes.
The main foyer alone is enough to make her jaw drop, never mind the rest of the house, including her bedroom.
When Granny went missing, Webby wasn’t sure what she had expected to happen. Most likely, she would have been shipped off to one of Granny’s former partners from her old business until she had been found and safely returned home. She could have stayed with Mr. Drake or maybe Doctor Hooter, from accounting.
However, what she hadn’t expected (not today, not yesterday. Not ever, if she was honest) was to be dropped at the doorstep of Scrooge McDuck, patriarch of the renowned adventuring family, the richest duck in the world, and, apparently, dear old friend to one Bentina Beakley.
She clutches her suitcase (the only thing she had been able to pack in time) a little tighter as she stares up at the driver who had picked her up- a talkative, red-haired man. Launchpad, apparently- and who Webby was pretty sure was the Della Duck staring down at her from the doorway.
“Hey, kiddo,” Della said, awkwardly waving at her like she wasn’t quite sure what else to do. And yeah, that was most definitely her, Webby had heard her voice enough times on Granny’s old radio, reliving adventures from her childhood, to know.
Now though, that same voice, usually so excited and lilting, is tinged with nerves Webby didn’t know she posessed. Della and Launchpad exchange a glance that Webby is pretty sure she isn’t supposed to catch, then look back to her. Launchpad clears his throat.
“So! If you’ll follow me, Mr. McD has a room set up for you until we find your grandm- ack!” Launchpad winces harshly as Della’s elbow meets his ribcage, sharp enough that Webby can practically hear the thud from where she stands.
“Let’s find that room, huh?”
They trail down the hall and up a flight of stairs, then circle through a maze of more hallways, all lined with lightly swinging doors, until they reach the only one still locked tight. Here, Launchpad slips off, leaving Della with a small, rounded key and a nod to Webby, his lumbering footsteps fading behind them.
“You can decorate however you want,” Della says as she turns the key in the lock. “I don’t know what you were able to bring, but we can pick up whatever you’re missing, or see if the boys have it, they won’t mind.”
“The boys?” She asks. Webby knew Della had sons, but after continuous threats from old enemies of Scrooge’s, they had largely been kept from the public eye. Rumor had it they sometimes popped up in town, but nothing substantial had ever come from it and, by now, no one knew them well enough to recognize the three if they did.
Della brightens. She lets the door swing open and together, they step inside.
“My sons,” she explains. “They should be in their rooms right now, finishing their lessons, but you’ll see them later. Dinner is in a few hours, take some time to settle in and explore if you want.”
It’s a bigger space than Webby is used to. At home, her room was at least half the size with her bed in one corner and a cluster of shelves stuffed with books and old notepads under the window. It was small, but it was hers and some nights, if she was quiet, she could hear Granny sparring down the hall.
Now though, the silence is deafening and she is reminded all over again how utterly alone she is here. Della and the others, as nice as they appear, weren’t her grandmother. Granny may have trusted Scrooge to look after Webby in her absence, but Scrooge has yet to show his face, much less help her or Granny get back where they belong.
“Hey,” Della says. She kneels and gently rests a hand on Webby’s shoulder. “Your grandma is a tough lady, we’re gonna bring her home.”
Della’s tone is sincere, polished off with a small smile, different from the ones she’s seen in photos over the years. More genuine, like it has been reserved just for her. Something about it tells Webby that she means it. Della, and the rest of the family, she hopes, are going to help her fix this. One way or another.
Webby just isn’t sure how long she’s willing to wait.
Della leaves Webby to her devices soon after.
Her bag is slumped next to the door. She hadn’t had time to pack much before Launchpad had arrived, so she mostly has clothes and a few odds and ends she remembered to take before she left.
She drags it across the carpet and to the dresser, laying out shirts and skirts and sweaters in neat rows like she would any other day. The room, even as she fills it with her presence, feels cavernous and overwhelming, like she could shout and hear the echo all through the night, a stark reminder that, no matter how nice it may be, this room, this house, isn’t where she belongs.
Tears well up in her eyes as the realization hits her. Webby slumps against the dresser, pulls her knees to her chest, and sighs. She keeps her eyes shut tight against the tips of her knees. Granny has never been the type to disappear, not without a good reason. She’s gone on long trips before, sure, mostly to help old friends out of a bind. But she always came back and never would have left without telling Webby. What happened today- it wasn’t like her. Granny had left the night before, she wasn’t supposed to be gone longer than a night.
But only Launchpad had been waiting when Webby had returned from school.
There was a mishap, he said. Granny was gone. No one knew where she went, much less where to find her. Granny was, for all intents and purposes, gone. Webby doesn’t quite know what to do with that.
Suddenly, before Webby can sink further into the hole she finds herself spiraling into, a creak echoes across the room. She freezes.
Granny raised her with a stark paranoia surrounding the rest of the world. Every bump in the night had been a risk if left unchecked and Webby had given endless lessons on self defense as a result. Blocks to kicks to flips, drilling her over and over again until Webby could fight a grown duck in her sleep.
As another creak sounds, Webby shoots to her feet, hands balled into fists as the metal grate covering the vent in front of her falls to the floor.
There’s a pause, followed by an explosion of angry whispers as three ducks spill out of the vent in a tangle of limbs.
“Dude, ow.”
The duck on the top of the pile is the first to roll off. He falls to one side and leaps to his feet as his friends continue their struggle on the floor.
He glances around, eyes wide until he lands on Webby. He grins.
“Guys! ” The duck blindly flaps a hand at his friends as he bounds up to Webby. “Hi! You must be Webby, welcome home! Well, not home, I guess, more like home for now- or forever, maybe? Are you-”
“Hey, let her breathe,” says the duck in red. He puts a hand on the other’s shoulder and pulls him back. Then, to Webby, “sorry about Dewey- he gets excited.”
The one in green snorts, “that’s one way to put it.”
“I’m Webby,” she says because she is certain any other response would just come out as a verbal key smash right now.
“I told you,” the blue one shouts.
“No one doubted you?”
“Both of you, cut it out,” the red one says.
The three start to argue amongst themselves, each of them struggles to shout over the others which causes a cacophony of noise to once again fill her room. She isn’t entirely sure what it is they’re fighting about and honestly, she doesn’t really care to find out.
All she knows is that the noise is attacking her eardrums in a way that leaves Webby covering her ears and scrunching up her eyes again. She isn’t great with so much input all at once, never has been. So the sudden attack coupled with the heaviness of the day- any more and she might have to start throwing books.
“Stop!” She yells after a moment, and they all fall quiet.
“Ooh, guys, she’s upset.” Says the blue one as realization dawns on his face.
“Yeah, Dewey, we got that,” says the green one, not glancing toward his brother, but sending a sympathetic glance her way.
“Thank you.” Webby scrubs at her eyes. Granny wouldn’t want her breaking down like this, not over a little thing like homesickness. Or noise. She could deal with that later, right now, there were more important problems at hand. Such as the three boys crowding around her.
“Ignore them,” the third steps forward. “I’m Huey, these are my brothers, Dewey and Louie. I’d say they aren’t always like this, but that would be a lie.”
She laughs. The anxiety ebbs at the edges of her mind, still disconcerting and all too present, but beginning to fade. In its place, a small bubble of excitement starts to take up residence. “Do you guys always go through the vents like that?”
“Duh, it’s the only way to get around.”
“That and it’s way quicker than dealing with people,” Louie tells her. He pulls out his phone, where he shows her what looks like a map of the entire ventilation system throughout the mansion. “Huey made it, I navigate, Dewey...narrates. We have a system.”
“Uncle Donald said to give you space, but we figured you could use some company,” Dewey says.
They glance around the room, taking in their surroundings for the first time. “Isn’t this Scrooge’s old library?”
“No way.”
“Scrooge would never-”
Webby frowns, actually, he’s not wrong. On closer inspection, that may be exactly what this is.
Her bed, which is propped up high above their heads, is lined with shelves that lift up her mattress and mold themselves into two out of the four walls, with a ladder propped against one side. The far wall looks out over the front yard, giving a wide view of all of Duckburg. The fourth, where the door sits, still propped halfway open, is decorated with wallpaper and outdated wood paneling.
Overall, removing the addition of her bed and a dresser, the room largely resembles a long-forgotten library.
Webby crosses to one of the shelves that make up her bedframe and pulls off a thick, dust-coated book, titled “The (Current) Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, circa 1946” and opens to the first page.
The others crowd around her as she flips through the pages, carefully lifting each one as she goes, wary of the way the paper seems to crumble under her fingertips.
“Jeez,” Louie mutters. “He never lets us in here, what makes you so special?”
The book goes back where she found it and she shrugs. “Your mom said Granny used to be close with Mr. McDuck, maybe that has something to do with it?”
“I didn’t realize Scrooge had friends outside the mansion.”
“I didn’t realize Scrooge had friends.”
“They used to work together, I think. It’s funny, Granny never mentioned him.”
Already distracted, Huey turns from where he kneels by the window, notepad in hand as he jots something down. “We all know Scrooge has his secrets, after Mom...I wouldn’t be surprised if there was more we didn’t know about.”
“Where did they say your grandma was, again?”
“They didn’t,” she says.
“Oh,” awkward. “Well...you wanna go crawl through some vents?”
Ten minutes later, Webby is on her hands and knees crawling through the- surprisingly clean- ventilation system that connects all of the mansion. Louie leads the way, with Huey hot on his heels, shouting directions. In the back, Dewey gives a hushed tour of the mansion, pointing out their bedroom, the living room, as well as several rooms seemingly dedicated solely to storage. Most appeared to be filled with old gear and memorabilia; old swords, glimmering gemstones, specially molded shields. She has only ever seen so many amassed artifacts at the Duckburg National History Museum and even they couldn’t compare to the sheer mass of what they pass over.
“Someday,” Dewey whispers as the others carry on. “Huey wants to get all of this transferred to a museum or something, says it’s sad, seeing so many learning opportunities locked away like this. Better than sitting here forever, I guess.”
And it is sad, in its own way. Everything is stacked carefully, with cards under each pedestal to commemorate the item’s history, according to Dewey. But most of the items look as though they hadn’t seen the light of day in decades. She pictures striking out on epic adventures as often as the McDucks used to, with grandiose speeches of impending peril and bravery, bringing home priceless artifacts, only to turn around and stow it away the same way it had been before they had found it, and shivers. Huey may be onto something.
They move on after that, leaving the treasures to gather dust. Up ahead, Louie and Huey start arguing over where to go next, until Dewey joins in, suggesting a new idea entirely, which sets them all off again. None of them seem to realize that, as they continue to move, they end up following Louie’s lead.
Relatively certain she can follow their voices to catch up later, Webby pauses outside the nearest grate and lets the fresh air rise up to greet her. Despite being dangerously close to summer, the vents are much warmer than she had expected them to be. This hadn’t been exactly how she planned to spend her day, but when the only alternative is sitting alone in her new room, she finds that she is more than content with this.
The triplets are exactly what she would expect from the McDucks. Growing up, everyone in Duckburg was familiar with the stories surrounding Scrooge and his family. Donald and Della had come to stay with him as kids and from there, a legacy was born. The adventures they undertook were the stuff of legends. Della, wild and largely unpredictable, had been their pilot. She had led the way across every continent up until the day she had announced her three eggs. Donald, on the other hand, had always been right alongside Scrooge, stomping his way out of any situation if it meant keeping his family safe. And Scrooge, right at the head, had led the way, each and every time, until the day he just...Stopped. Some say it was to protect his great-nephews, others suspect a greater conspiracy. Most don’t care.
Webby has always followed them closely. With the kind of history they carried, how could she not? The entire family is like a walking, talking mystery, waiting to be solved. Waiting for her to solve. Even now, as she listens to her new friends fade into the distance, the idea sends an excited jolt up her spine. The answers to the greatest mystery in town- right at her fingertips.
A new wave of energy passes through her and she shifts to go join the others when she pauses.
Whispers begin to drift up through the grate at her feet as she passes over what Dewey had said is Scrooge’s personal office (“we are not allowed in there, under any circumstances. Wanna see what I stole from it?”)
“There’s something off about this, Uncle Scrooge, you know her better than any of us, you can’t sit there and pretend this is like her. Beakley was always more careful than that, especially with her granddaughter on the line. She’d never be that sloppy.”
As Webby peers down, she sees Della sitting across from Scrooge himself, looking tired. She leans back in the leather chair, one hand dragging across her jaw as she stares over at him. Scrooge, to his credit, looks every bit the duck Webby remembers seeing in the papers, if several years older, now. Even so, he strikes an imposing figure as he hunches over his desk and glares a hole through the carpet.
“Aye, this isn’t like Agent twenty-two. I was under the impression that she gave this life up,” he snorts. “For protection, she said.”
Webby pauses, ducking just out of the way of the grate. Below, the conversation continues.
“She was looking out for the only family she has left, I seem to remember you doing the same thing when the boys were still ducklings.”
“And I turned to my family! She could’a done the same and we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
Suddenly, she hears a gasp and scuttles further back, only to find Dewey staring back at her. “Find some gossip?” Dewey leans further over the grate to stare down at the two and grins.
“Agent twenty-two,” Webby whispers to herself. They were talking about Granny, right? Who else could they be discussing? But that didn’t make any sense-
“Wait,” Dewey frowns. “Why are they-? Webby, we should go. Now.”
Before she can protest, Dewey is dragging her further into the ducts and away from the conversation.
“And Webby?” She hears as they go.
“We honor Bentina’s wishes.”
Then, they turn the corner and the conversation drifts out of earshot.
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jadeyarts · 2 years
you too hated that part of the amj plot twist?! I am happy to know I wasn't the only one!😰
yeah <3 - like, obviously i get the meta-textual reasons why the decision was made because i'm already familiar with the developmental history behind webby as a character in the original ducktales... but it's a decision i don't like lmao.
i can get behind the part where webby is scrooge's clone, because it made narrative sense and it's not like they had enough time to explore any alternatives, like dickie... though i personally would have been more interested in the cloning thing being dt17's explanation for Phooey Being Real (versus the triplets getting struck by lightning like in the comics) it still worked fine for the context and the story without detracting from anyone else's life or story - but you remember how frank held off on introducing daisy sooner because he felt his earlier ideas for her weren't letting daisy have enough of her own life outside of donald and scrooge's bullshit? i feel like deciding to look at her nieces and say "april doesn't really exist because she's webby, may and june are clones of webby, who is a clone of scrooge" is really counter-intuitive to letting daisy have her own life and family outside of donald and scrooge's bullshit, don't you think?
frankly i don't think it's a very imaginative way of writing in amj, who kind of... didn't even need to be written in anyways... nor is it a very imaginative way of setting them apart from hdl (SHRUGS) its perfectly fine for daisy to have a perfectly normal relationship with a perfectly normal sister who had triplet daughters that daisy sometimes babysits and it's not relevant to the story being told in ducktales. and its, quite frankly, altogether bizarre when you recall frank's claim that "everything is canon" - okay but frank do you remember the issues of the comics you reference in your show that depict amj as love interests to hdl? making them related isnt gonna suddenly make that go away, you know...
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lettheladylead · 3 years
So you don't think that the reason Donald and Della went to go live with scrooge was because their parents died- but do you think that they are alive in current day?Because it seems kind of complicated to think about because even though scrooge is like a bajillion years old Hortense and Quackmore could easily be in their 70's(which isn't that old)seeing as they have children around36-40yrs old.But also they could have gotten themselves into some sort of wack Mc Duck situation-deaged-had don+dell
i don't! because of scrooge's line in the matilda ep where he's like 'why didn't you call one of your other kids' i think hortense is still alive. and since i pretend gideon and rumpus are both half-brothers they wouldn't count cuz scrooge was yelling at both of his parents
ok for my own personal canon this is what ive done with hortense n quackmore, its convoluted but it works for me:
(this turned out long its under a read more now)
hortense born in 1876 still
scrooge makes the castle magic and immortalizes everyone living in it around ~1900 (i dont remember the exact year i used)
hortense stays in the castle for a while cuz shes never lived in a castle thats badass. just enjoys it
around 1920?ish? she and matilda finally leave for duckburg. physically hortense is about 25
thats when she meets quackmore who is a little younger but around the same age, they bicker and bond or whatever and then eventually she tells him about castle mcduck and the immortality and of course he's curious so they go back to scotland together
(his parents are currently not around because they were magically sent to the future. for now he thinks theyre dead so he has no family so why not go with the hot scottish girl to her magical home?)
they fuck around for a while 'cause since they're stuck in the castle they're still young and neither feels ready to be a parent so they're just gonna be a young couple for a while. having young couple shenanigans
around 1950, quackmore learns that his parents have returned and they go to visit them for a few years. his parents are only a little bit older than him and its weird. his parents have two more kids
quackmore n hortense go back to castle mcduck and talk about maybe trying to have kids of their own
takes them a lot of tries. the immortality magic might have something to do with that. its a struggle
lots of consulting with doctors on their free day away from the castle
but as long as theyre still young theyre gonna keep trying! and finally it happens in late 1982
hortense lays two eggs but theyre not, like. it doesnt seem like theyre growing. they get worried the babies might be stillborn or something but then quackmore suggests its the magic so they bring the babies to duckburg and BOOM: donald and della hatch. so they decide to stay in duckburg cuz theyre worried the kids wont grow if they stay in the castle
and then they age normally so theyre liiiike. late 60s? and quackmore's parents are still alive and his brother and sister arent too far from him in age and theyre alive too! (well no his sister died like 6-7 years after giving birth to gladstone)
matilda's journey involved more going out and exploring the world but then coming back so she wouldnt age and thats why shes physically like...65 at the most (in the show) where hortense is physically 70-75 and thats why webby calls matilda the youngest. (rumpus and gideon are also in their 70s at that point)
so tl;dr hortense and quackmore live in castle mcduck together for a long time and just have fun together until quackmore's parents come out of a time rift and then quackmore's like wait maybe i DO want kids so they struggle to have kids because of the castle mcduck magic but finally it happens and they leave the castle so the kids can grow normally
(you might be thinking, carro why didnt you just have quackmore be born in the 50s and he and hortense dont meet until the 70s so theres less of a huge amount of time where theyre not parents? well because i wanted to have his family go through some time-related nonsense as well.
also 'carro how do you explain the old timey photos of quackmore and hortense as old people?' those were taken at an Old Timey Photo Booth at an amusement park. they both thought itd be funny to see what they would've looked like had they lived their lives normally)
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ducktales-and-ducks · 3 years
I have the feeling that the world would be a better place if everyone reads Scrooge’s Life and Times from Don Rosa’s canon.
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I’m reading it now, I’m on chapter 7, and I’m amazed and really inspired by the beautiful art, lovely characters, astonishing landscapes and incredible story of Scrooge.
(I wanna know the author of this fan art please tell me the name if you know them. Credits to the author)
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Reading about his life is an amazing journey. Now, I was also thinking about DT17 canon, about Webby, who also has this complete admiration and love for his life and adventures. This gains a new splendid significance when she discovers that she indeed will inherit this incredible legacy from this adventurer (because is literally in her blood). Even before knowing she was (the Last?) of the Clan Mcduck, discovering this will definitively inspire her to do what she promised herself on the first episode:
“One day I'm gonna see the world! I'm going to be an explorer, I'm gonna eat a hamburger!”
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But, unlike Scrooge, this time she won’t leave her mark on the world alone, because she has a family of adventurers that will go with her in her new journeys.
I like to think that in the future (post-canon) Webby ended up being the greatest explorer and adventurer she always wanted to be (and the best one of all history), traveling the world, solving mysteries and rewriting history for the rest of her life! ❤️
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(And doing all that with Lena, her future wife and adventure partner xd)
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americangirlstar · 3 years
Very bored and JAKKS is doing a product preview on April 1 so. Predictions for the second wave of Disney ILY dolls
Next wave of dolls will be: Tiana, Rapunzel, Moana, Belle, Snow White. Belle and Snow were promised as upcoming characters so I believe they’ll be getting dolls. The other three have packs already; Moana and Jasmine are a tossup between each other but Moana is Disney’s current cashcow so I think she’s a definite. Rapunzel has several sets so she’s getting in. Tiana is getting in because she’s Tiana.
Other dolls I would not be surprised to replace one of the above: an Anna doll, meant to serve as a sister to the Elsa doll, or a Daisy Duck doll to go with the Minnie.
Slightly less excited expectation: as we’re getting two characters of color, there’s gonna be discourse over the dolls. The previous five dolls were designed specifically to not look like their OG (ariel being blonde, tink being east asian with long dark hair, etc). I seriously doubt Disney would not let Tiana be black bc that backlash would be immediate but Moana is gonna be tricky. Honestly my expectation is that Tiana will have a cool natural black hairstyle and maybe different eye color– maybe green as a shoutout to the frog? God only knows what Moana will look like but fingers crossed!!
If there is a Jasmine doll I would KILL for her to come in a hijab.
Packs for Raya at the very least. I don’t think they would have had time to make Encanto or Turning Red packs before knowing those movies would be a hit, and while it’s possible we’ll get a Meilin or Mirabel pack, I feel like that would be more likely wave three. Raya was expected to succeed (and did) so we’re getting at least a pack for her, maybe one for Sisu.
More packs for Mickey-centric characters; it’s Disney’s icon, I fully expect at least a Daisy pack.
I’m expecting more Disney Princess packs as well: with Belle and Snow promised, we’re missing Aurora, Pocahontas, Mulan, Mérida and obviously Raya and Mirabel. I would ADORE if Aurora and Snow got pajama packs (maybe also Giselle?)
Cinderella and Tinker Bell have dolls but no packs, so I expect those two to get packs asap. Esp since the new Peter Pan is dropping this year, they’re gonna wanna market the shit outta Tink.
Fully expect an Alice pack at some point. I also see definite probability for Toy Story packs, themed around Jessie and girlboss Bo Peep. Can also see them slipping in a Judy Hopps pack at some point
We got two Very Deluxe™ packs last drop and a huge accessory (Minnie’s car); I feel like we’ll get those too. My guess is one of the Deluxe Packs will be Raya-themed, the other will be Daisy (if they use her) or one of the other princesses they’ve utilized. The big accessory prob won’t be another car but if it is I’d love a Vanellope-inspired one
Now. Those are my predictions, here are things I would LIKE but don’t think would happen, at least not this soon:
Rare Disney ladies getting packs. Maid Marian, Giselle, Melody, ESMERALDA, Nala, Lady, Kida, Megara, Vanellope, Duchess and Marie, Mary Poppins... when Encanto stuff drops I DEMAND a tie-dye set for Isabela and some kind of Dolores and/or Luisa set. Big Hero 6 packs would also be cool as shit
Some VERY rare girls I would love to see: Kiara, Miss Bianca and Penny, Jenny Foxworth and Rita/Georgette, Eilonwy, Olivia Flaversham, Spring Sprite
Jane Porter is unlikely bc Disney ran into copyright issues with her but a lil jungle explorer kit would be cute
oh my goooood could you imagine like. a babysitting pack themed around Kanga
I would DIE for a halloween set based around Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas. The Stitch set also proves they’re not limited to inspo from women so we could even have a Jack set to match!
I don’t see them doing TV shows but God I wish they would. I want Elena and Cassandra and Webby and LUZ AND AMITY AND ANNE AND
this probably won’t happen but villain sets would be super cool. can you imagine the fashion that a cruella or ursula set would bring
if they try to slip in marvel/star wars packs i will kill them
so. what about y’all
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aftermathfanfic · 3 years
Chapter 14: Dewey
Tired and sore, the family of adventurers returned to the cheap hotel they’d rented for the weekend, most of them sleeping well through the morning and into midday. It was towards the afternoon when they returned to the Cloudchaser, eagerly departing homeward bound.
Excited stories were shared the moment the youngsters arrived back at the manor. The four young ducks were quick to recount the adventure to May and June, both twins eagerly listening to the details. Once the story had been told, Scrooge gathered the family in the television room to give them an apology – apologising for the deceit, for not researching the temple as thoroughly as he should have, for letting them down within the ruin’s confines. There was a bit of tension, a bit of anger… but in the end, they forgave him.
Louie was quicker to forgive than the others. “It helped.” He said simply, wearing the same smile he’d been sporting since they’d left the temple. “Either way, it helped.”
It wasn’t long before they were eagerly discussing possibilities for their next adventure. Webby was throwing out suggestions the second she was able, excitedly putting forward artifact, locations, even ancient heroes that the family had yet to find or explore. Huey was quick to add to this list, expounding upon the things he was eager to see. Scrooge assured them confidently that now they were back in the swing of things, they’d be able to see all of these things and more. They were back, well and truly back, and nothing was going to stop them this time!
The revelry was short-lived after Della brought up the stolen gun.
As much as Dewey tried to explain and defend himself, he found himself wilting under the combined glares of all four adults of the house. Giving in, he ended up swearing ten times over that he’d never touch a gun – any gun – ever again. After a bit more chastising, they relented, relieved that he hadn’t gotten anyone hurt.
The evening began to close, and the family began to retire for the night. Sleep came slowly to the four young ducks, each returned to their rooms, still full of energy and excitement.
Webby quickly took to her phone, holding an eager, semi-coherent conversation with her friends.
Huey spent a while reading the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook front to back, something he hadn’t done in a while.
Dewey threw out the adventure costume he’d bought and pushed his Ford Windfall movies to the back of his shelves.
Louie, meanwhile, just lay on his bed, looking up at the ceiling with a smile on his face.
Dewey didn’t waste any time telling his school friends of the craziness they’d gone through during the previous adventure. The second he got a lunch break during school the next day he recounted the whole thing to them, starting with Scrooge’s surprise announcement and ending with the encounter with the Phoenician gods. They were enraptured, hanging on to Dewey’s every word. He couldn’t resist from embellishing a few details, leaving out the… not-so-flattering parts, but otherwise told the story as it happened.
“…And then we rode out of the temple, onthe giant snake that had been chasing us!” Dewey declared as he finished up the tale. “And as we left, we were told never to return, not until we’d spread their name all across the world!”
A synchronous ‘woah’ travelled through the three teenagers sitting across the table from him.
Simon leant across the table, staring at Dewey with wonder in his eyes. “And are you? How are you guys gonna do that?”
“Oh, Scrooge put it in the adventurer’s wing of the Duckburg Museum, said that people would spread word of it from there.” Dewey shrugged. “Like, I dunno if it’s as easy as that, but he and Louie seemed to think so.”
“That’s crazy, man!” Ted shook his head. “I thought you guys didn’t adventure anymore.”
“So did I! Like, I’m still trying to believe it! And we’re going on another adventure next weekend, too! I think, anyway.”
“Really?” Simon said excitedly. “Where to?”
“I don’t even know! That’s what makes it so exciting!” Dewey said excitedly.
Pete leant forward at this point. “So, what does this mean for the team?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” Dewey asked blankly.
“Nothing, just…” The young sparrow hesitated. “You know, since you’re gonna be doing all this adventuring stuff… you reckon you can still make time for practice and stuff?”
“Oh, yeah, totally.” Dewey replied confidently. “Just because I’m travelling all over the world now doesn’t mean I’m going anywhere, right?”
The other three shared a look.
“…Sure.” Pete said.
Dewey’s grin faltered. “Come on, guys. You know I never let you down. Even if I can’t make it to practice, and I will, I’ll definitely be-”
Dewey blinked and looked over his shoulder to see Huey, a look of concern on his face.
“Oh, hey.” Ted looked up at the red-shirted triplet. “It’s, uh… Louie, right?”
“Huey, right.” Ted shook his head. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, happens all the time.” Huey said dismissively. He turned to Dewey. “Speaking of, though, have you seen Louie today?”
Dewey blinked in confusion. “I mean, we don’t share any classes, so… no.”
“Okay, okay…”
Huey wrung his hands nervously, looking away from him.
“I’ll, uh… I’m going to check if Webby’s seen him.” He muttered, wandering away.
Dewey watched him go for a moment.
“…Uh… gimme a minute, guys.” He said quietly, getting up from the table. The other three nodded and excused him, returning to a casual conversation as he left.
Once he’d caught up with his brother, he sidled up next to him with a forced grin and said, “So… what’s goin’ on?” He asked nonchalantly.
“I just- Well, you know he left for school early today, right?” Huey asked. “Like, he took the bus that comes beforeour normal one?”
“Don’t you think that’s just a littleunusual for him?”
“Maybe he wanted to catch up on assignments or something, I dunno.” Dewey replied, annoyed. “I thought you said you were going to stop confronting him about this stuff?”
“I’m not going to confront him, I just want to make sure he’s alright!” Huey snapped.
They walked up to another table in one of the other courtyards of the school, at which three teenage girls sat. Webby stood on the seat of the table, excitedly going on about something, probably their latest adventure. Violet was sitting on another side of the table, listening intently.
Directly opposite Webby was Lena, leaning on the table in a relaxed, casual manner. She was wearing a black, unzipped hoodie over a light blue singlet, a pair of blue sneakers on her feet. Her front headfeathers were coloured a deep cerulean blue, though whether it was hair dye or some magical glamer was anyone’s guess. She wore an amulet, though it was hidden underneath her singlet, out of sight.
“…and then it turned out that the golems were actually his weapons!” Webby was gushing to them. “They were so cool! Completely unlike any of the other gods that I’ve met, and I’ve-!”
“Hey, uh, Webby?” Huey interrupted.
The three girls turned towards them. Webby’s bright smile didn’t waver for an instant. “Hi guys!” She said happily.
“Hubert. Dewford.” Violet greeted them cordially.
“Sup, nerds.” Lena drawled, smirking at them as she usually did. “Heard you guys are adventuring again?”
“Yeah, seems like it.” Huey replied. “Uh, have any of you seen Louie today?”
Webby thought for a moment… “Uh… nope.”
Violet shook her head. Lena, however, leant back in her seat and frowned in concentration. “Uhhhhhh… think I saw him down at the library earlier.” She told them.
Huey blinked. “The library?”
“Yeah.” She nodded as she replied. “Pretty sure he was studying or something.”
“Louie? Studying?” Huey said, bemused. “Are you sure?”
“Hey man, I’m just telling you what I saw.” Lena replied with a shrug. “He had, like, a whole bunch of workbooks in front of him
“See?” Said Dewey, elbowing his brother in the arm. “He’s fine.”
“I guess…” Huey replied, frowning to himself. He looked towards Dewey. “But… when have you ever heard of Louie doing his schoolwork?”
“Okay, look.” Dewey said irritably. “I’m gonna go back to my friends, and you can be all overprotective or whatever by yourself.”
“See you guys later, have fun next period, Webby and Lena should totally go out, later!” Dewey shouted rapidly as his impatience got the better of him, and he ran back to rejoin his teammates, leaving Webby to freeze up in her seat behind him.
“…What did he say?” Lena asked, frowning.
“Nothing.” Webby said quickly.
Dewey paid for his hubris after school, as he and Huey were waiting for their bus to arrive. Dewey leaned against the bus stop sign while Huey sat on the bench, poring over one of his textbooks. His right hand in his pocket and his left dangling by his side, he didn’t notice Webby sidling up to him until she had already grabbed his arm and twisted, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from the adolescent duck.
“Why?” He cried, cradling his arm.
“I dunno, because of what you pulled at lunch?” Webby snapped angrily. “If Lena had heard you, I don’t know what I would’ve-!”
“What? How did she not hear me? I was being so obvious about it!”
“That’s why I’m mad!”
Huey looked up from his book, glaring at Dewey irritably. “Don’t you remember what we were talking about last week?”
“No.” Dewey replied blankly.
“Just stay out of it, okay?” Webby told him, chucking her backpack next to the steel seat. “I wanna find the right moment, I don’t want you to just blurt it out in the middle of-”
“You are never going to ask her out!” Dewey protested.
“I will. And I’ll do it by myself.” Webby told him, sitting down and crossing her arms over her chest.
“…Fine.” Dewey muttered, still nursing his wounded arm. “What did you do to me, anyway? Was that a Chinese burn or something?”
“Yeah, but we’re not allowed to call it that anymore. We just call them burns now.”
“…Yeah, that makes sense.”
A couple of minute before the bus was due to arrive, the sound of running and panting caught the ducks’ attention. They all turned to see Louie rushing up to join them, a mildly panicked expression on his face. He steadied himself against the bus stop, his satchel dangling from his shoulders as he doubled over, gasping.
“Hey guys.” He wheezed.
“Hey.” Dewey said casually. “You alright?”
“Yeah, just… lost track of time.” He mumbled in reply. “Had to run all the way from the library to here.”
“Why are you wheezing?” Webby asked. “The library is only fifty yards from here.”
“Fuck off.”
“Language.” Huey chastised him, raising an eyebrow at him. “I am proud of you for spending your day studying, though. Nice to know you’re finally taking school seriously.”
“What?” Louie looked up at him, laughing a bit through his breathlessness. “Oh, no. I wouldn’t be caught dead studying.”
“Oh.” Huey said, disappointed.
“Then what were you doing?” Webby inquired curiously.
Louie stood up, leaning against the bus shelter with his arm in a cocky, confident manner, the illusion only slightly ruined by the fact that he was still panting for breath. “Well… if you must know… I’ve been planning something.” He smirked. “How’d you guys like to make an easy five thousand bucks?”
The three instantly perked up, listening intently. “Wait…” Dewey spoke up with a sly grin. “Is this a new scheme?”
“Oh yeah.” Louie replied with a similar grin. “I’ve gotten a bit of inspiration lately, and some new information.” He pulled out a large notebook from his bag, colour-coded sticky tabs jutting out from the edges of the paper. “I’ve spent the whole afternoon coming up with this plan. It’s basically guaranteed to work, and all you guys have to do is…”
Louie winced and doubled over again. “…I think I have a stitch.” He groaned. “Hoo boy.”
The other three ducks shared a knowing smile, patting Louie’s back and hauling him back up to his feet as the bus pulled up in front of them. They stepped on and took their seats, helping Louie into his, and spent the whole trip home eagerly discussing the new scheme, their future adventures, and sharing their collective joy and enthusiasm for what was surely to come.
None of them noticed the brown-feathered duck watching the bus leave from afar, her arms folded across her red top and her dark beak curled into a frown.
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