#gonna go ahead and get that going since i am incapable of shutting the fuck up
eviclair · 4 years
i don’t skip the genshin ads and this is the thanks i get
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato Ecstasy [06]
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ーー During the days which followed,
both me and Ayato-kun continued to care for Cordelia together.
She was steadily heading towards recovery.
While Ayato-kun,
would throw nasty remarks at her once in a while,
he would not scorn like he did up till now.
Cordelia-san seemed to have picked up on that as well.
Of course, it would be difficult for the gap which has formed between them,
to be filled right away.
However, if they take it one step at a time.
And thenーー
Yui: ( The flowers in the garden...It’s fine if I pluck one of them, right? )
( I hope Cordelia will feel a little better after seeing this. )
*Knock knock*
Yui: ーー I’m coming in.
ー Yui enters Cordelia’s guest room
Cordelia: Oh dear...You’re finally here. A little late, no?
Yui: Y-You shouldn’t be up and moving yet...!
Cordelia: I can handle this much. Please do not underestimate me.
Yui: ( Hm...I’m worried though... )
A-Anyway, what were you doing? There’s a bunch of dresses laid out on the bed...
Cordelia: Aah...This is...
I was choosing a new dress. ーー For you, that is.
Yui: F-For me!?
Cordelia: Exactly.
This has been on my mind for quite some time, you see. You...Why don’t you wear something a little more alluring? Like me.
Yui: Um...
Cordelia: Listen...You’re no child anymore (1), so you have to become a little more assertive.
When I was around your age, I could already no longer count all the guys I had made fall for me on the fingers of both hands, you know?
Or perhaps you do have a guy or two? You just can’t admit it in front of Ayato...?
Yui: I-I don’t!
Cordelia: Oh, what a shame. Your face is not half bad, but I suppose guys just have no spine nowadays.
Nfu~ If you doll yourself up a little, I’m sure they will come flocking to you in no time.
Good shoes make you want to go to good places, no?
And so, you are brought a little closer...Until one day, you suddenly run into each other.
You shouldn’t let that chance slide.
Yui: B-But, I already have Ayato-kuーー
Cordelia: That doesn’t matter. Go ahead and have some fun with other guys? A secret or two only adds to a woman’s beauty after all.
Yui: Wha...!?
Cordelia: Nfufu~ Oh come on, don’t blush over something like that.
Either way...Nnー Let’s see...Seems like you really are a Chichinashi, so we should go for something which can cover that up a little...
Yui: ( Uu...Now even Cordelia is calling me that... )
( ...However...It’s safe to say we’ve grown a little closer, right...? )
( Also, speaking of which... )
( Ayato-kun picked a dress for me the other day as well, didn’t he...? )
Cordelia: ...? What’s so funny?
Yui: U-Um...It’s nothing.
Cordelia: Oh well. More importantly...What’s that flower in your hand?
Yui: This is...I wanted to show it to you.
Cordelia: To me? ...Hm...
Well, unfortunately for you, I happen to be more fond of myself, finding my own appearance to far exceed any flower’s beauty.
Therefore, that flower...Here.
Yui: ( Wah! She put it in my hair... )
Cordelia: Nfu~ It fits you rather well, you know?
Yui: T-Thank you very much...
( ...She complimented me... )
Ayato: Oi, whatcha doin’?
You shitty hag! Don’t be messin’ with her hair by puttin’ junk in it!
Yui: ( J-Junk!? )
Cordelia: Haah, I guess it does not matter how nicely you dress up when the guy is incapable of appreciating it?
Ayato: Aahn!?
Yui: C-Come on, you two!
( They still get into an argument every time they meet but...This kind of banter should be fine, right? )
Cordelia: ーー Ayato.
Ayato: ...? W-What?
Cordelia: You should learn how to praise a lady.
Ayato: ...Shut up...
Cordelia: Listen to me. I do not intend to play the perfect mother at this point, but I will tell you one thing.
Yui: ( Cordelia...? )
Cordelia: Ever since you were little...I’ve always told you to become the very best, right?
Ayato: Yeah. So much so I’ve grown tired of hearin’ it.
Cordelia: But, I will say it once more. Aim for the top.
Ayato: ...Tsk.
Cordelia: Make her the happiest girl on earth.
I shall have you be the number one in the whole world.
Ayato: You...
Cordelia: Well, I’m pretty sure reaching Karlheinz’ level is simply out of your league?
Ayato: Fuck offー...
ーー I’m gonna surpass the shitty Old Man in no time.
Yui: ( Guys... )
Cordelia: ...I’m relieved to hear that.
Ayato: What? Why do you say that as if you’re ‘bout to die soon?
Cordelia: ...
Yui: U-Um...?
Cordelia: Exactly, I will disappear sooner or later.
Yui: Wha...?
Ayato: ...What do you mean?
Cordelia: Fufu, that’s nothing to be surprised about, is it? In fact, it is much stranger that I am standing here alive right now.
My physical body only exists due to that despicable man’s...Due to Carla’s powers.
Ayato: His...
Cordelia: Exactly. Therefore, he can decide over my life and death.
However...I can feel myself weakening day by day.
I would not be surprised if I were to vanish any moment now.
Yui: ...No way...
I...don’t want that...I mean, we finally...
Cordelia: ...
Ayato: ...I’ll do somethin’ ‘bout it.
Cordelia: Oh? Hearing those kind of heartwarming words from a child to their parent makes me sick, so please say no more.
Furthermore...It’s no use. You can’t stop him.
Above all...I’m not afraid of disappearing in the slightest.
Death is considered a blessing to Vampires, is it not?
Yui: ( But...! )
Cordelia: ーー Yui. More importantly, would you please pour me a cup of tea?
I want to spend my time elegantly, till I take my final breath.
Yui: ...
Cordelia: Well then, I’ll be counting on you. Make it mind-blowingly delicious, okay?
Yui: ...Yes...
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Ayato: ...
Yui: ( Ayato-kun... )
→ Stand in silence
Yui: ( I don’t know what to say to him... )
Ayato: ...Tsk.
→ Gently embrace him (♡)
Yui: ( Embracing him is about the only thing I can do but... )
Ayato: ...Ugh.
...It’s so lame but for some reason...I really needed this right now.
Ayato: Yui. Listen, I...
I actually...
...Tsk. Why did...?
Yui: ...
Richter: Cordelia! What are you doing...!? 
Cordelia: Shut...up!!
Yui: ( W-What!? It’s coming from outside...! )
Ayato: ...Let’s go, Yui!
Yui: Y-Yeah!
ー The two of them run outside into the garden
Yui: Hey!! What is going on over here!?
Cordelia: ...Uu.
Haah...Richter. We got discovered because you were taking forever.
Ayato: Oi! What are you tryin’ to do!?
Cordelia: What, you ask? Like I said...I’m trying to part with this world.
If I’m going to vanish...I want to...see Karlheinz...
And then...I want to know...the truth...!
If he truly only married me for my blood...
Or if he actually loved me!?
Yui: ( Cordelia... )
Cordelia: Come on, Richter...This is my final request.
If you love me...Take me to Karlheinz.
Yui: Y-You can’t! Not in your current condition...!!
Cordelia: Silence!!
Yui: ...Ugh.
Cordelia: ...I’m begging you...Richter...You really...are the only person I can rely on still...
Richter: Cordelia...
Cordelia: Please...
Richter: ...As you wish. If that is what you desire.
Yui: Don’t go...!
ー Richter and Cordelia leave
Yui: Ah...!
Ayato: Fuck...We’re goin’ after them!!
Yui: Yeah...! But...Where could Karlheinz-san be...?
Ayato: ーー Eden.
We’ll find him there.
It is said that at this place named ‘Paradise’ (楽園),
Karlheinz-san resides.
I wonder what kind of place it is?
I was too terrified to even imagine (想像) it.
Even so...I have to go.
I internally scolded myself,
as I could nearly feel my body tremble from fear,
before taking a large step forward. 
Translation notes
(1) Literally she says that Yui is around the right age, implying that she’s ready to start engaging in relationships with the opposite sex.
<- [ Ecstasy 05 ] [ Ecstasy 07 ] ->
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: cursing, angst, a dash of fluff, Dean being a big old softie.
Summary: the reader has been missing for almost four years, what happens when she suddenly shows up in the bunker unannounced?
A/n: after reading this some of you are gonna go “you’ve already written something like this!” And yes, I know! But either way please enjoy this little piece!
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Dean wasn’t sure which thing woke him up first. Maybe it was the clatter of someone moving around down the hallway or maybe it was the light suddenly streaming through the space beneath his door- either way, his alertness got the better of the hunter and he was slowly rolling out of bed, his hand reaching underneath his pillow for the gun that kept him constant company every night.
At first he just assumed it was Sam up and moving around in the early hours of the morning, but that was quickly debunked we he passed by the closed door of his room.The hallway lights were off, the lone light illuminating his path leaking from the open doorway of the kitchen up ahead. Or maybe it was Cas finally coming back from days of radio silence.
Dean slowly stalked forward, socked feet hitting the linoleum floors almost silently as he swiftly turned the corner, gun raised in defense in case of an intruder.
“Alright, who the hell-“ the words quickly died on his lip as his eyes landed on you. His eyebrows drawing together as his pupils widened in shock. “Y/N?”
You turned slowly, pulling your attention away from the small snack you had busied yourself with making. You drew in a breath, unable to find words of your own at his sudden appearance in the kitchen.
Dean lowered his weapon, seeing that there was no danger as he cautiously stepped down into the room, laying the gun down on the counter.
“You’re - you’re back.” The words felt heavy on his tongue as he took you in. It had been a little over three years since he last saw you- and for those three years he had convinced himself that you were dead.
And now here you were, standing in the bunkers kitchen making a sandwich and looking very much alive. You looked almost exactly the same as the last time he saw you- except you had cut your hair and your left hand was wrapped heavily in bandages, indicating you had been in some sort of scuffle recently.
“Yeah, I’m back. I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“Hey, no. It’s okay.” He breathed, finding himself physically incapable of taking his eyes off of you for even a second. “Where have you been?”
The sudden voice behind the older Winchester told him that Sam was now up, his brother slowly siding up besides him and looking almost as confused as him.
“Hi Sam.”
“What the hell is going on?”
Dean let out a light huff, still have some trouble in actually seeing you there in front of him. “Yeah, I was just about to ask that when you came in. Y/N, where the hell have you been?”
“Hunting.” You shrugged, turning back to your sandwich and acting as though you hadn’t been gone from their lives for almost four years.
“Hunting?” Dean breathed. “We- we spent months looking for you. . .”
“Well that’s all on you my guy. I would’ve thought you had put the pieces together when my room was empty.” You huffed, reaching for a knife to cut your sandwich.
Before Dean could open his mouth to speak again, his brother beat him to his words, voicing what he had been thinking all along. “Y/N, We thought you were dead for three years.”
“Well, as you can see-“ you spun around, throwing out your arms. “I’m very much not.”
Dean was trying everything in his power not to yell. Not to lash out and get angry- but with each passing second it was getting harder and harder. “Yeah, I can see that now. Thanks.”
You let out a deep sigh, head falling back as you grabbed your plate in one hand, while reaching for the half empty whiskey bottle on the counter. “Alright, there is no way I’m getting through this sober. What are you so mad about?”
Gnawing on his inner lip, Dean watched you seat yourself down at the table, almost completely forgetting the brother standing besides him. Something was different about you. You carried yourself differently, like you had a heavy weight bearing down on your shoulder.
“You’ve been hunting alone?!”
“Sam, tell your brother to calm down. It’s three in the morning.” You sighed, flicking off the cap from the bottle and watching it spin across the table top.
“I’m with Dean on this one Y/N, this whole time you’ve been hunting. . .by yourself?”
God, If you weren’t so tired you would have rolled your eyes at the two of them. It was like they liked to blow things out of proportion. Had you left announced? Yes. Had you been hunting by yourself? Also yes. But it didn’t matter. You were alive and you were home.
“Seeing as I probably won’t be eating my damn sandwich in peace, are you guys gonna sit down or what?”
Sam listened almost instantly, crossing the kitchen before sinking down in the seat across from you, while Dean on the other hand stood frozen in his spot. There was a mess of emotions raging inside him and they were locking him up. He was angry, he was relieved; he was stunned and confused.
“You gonna sit down or what, Cowboy?”
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” You mumbled around a bite of sandwich, giving him a sharp side eye.
“Act like everything is fine.” He huffed, stalking across the floor before dropping into the seat besides his brother. “It’s not. You were gone for years, Years Y/N. I thought you were dead. I thought your body was lying in a ditch somewhere and I had no way of finding it. And now you tell us you’ve been hunting alone this whole time?!”
Your mouth snapped shut as you swallowed, suddenly falling silent once more as you looked at the jade eyed hunter before you. Maybe you shouldn’t have come back. This might have been your worst idea yet.
“I have been hunting alone and I’m damn good at it I’ll have you know. I’m sitting here alive aren’t I?”
“Yeah, and look at you-“ he reached across the table, picking up your bandaged hand and raising it. “You’re injured.”
“I’m fine.” Pulling your hand back, you brought your gaze towards the table, finding it hard to look at the hunter.
Upon seeing the obvious tension between the two, Sam pushed himself up from his seat. “I’ll go find the first aid kit, looks like you need to change the bandages.” He was gone before either of you could say anything.
“Why are you so upset with me? It’s just hunting, Dean. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, just like you.”
You watched him drag a hand down his face, leaning forward on his elbows. “I’m upset because three and a half years ago I woke up and found my best friends room empty. I’m upset because you were just gone.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Best friends? Oh but I thought we had become something a little more than that right before I left?” You mocked.
There was a pause as he glared at you. “Well forgive me if I’m getting mixed signals as to where we’re at. You kinda just up and left without a word.” As he finished his sentence, a heavy band of silence stretched between you, neither of you know what to say.
“Why’d you go?” He spoke up again, this time his voice breaking even though he had tried hard not to let it. His waver catching you off guard and making you look up.
Did he- did he have tears in his eyes?
“Oh Dean.” You sighed, shoulders falling as you took him in. You had never seen him like this, at least not in the instance of you being the cause of his obvious pain. “I had to.”
“If I- if I did something to you, if I hurt you I am so sorry-“
“No! No, you didn’t do anything to drive me away.” You quickly interjected, pushing you from your seat to round the table and sit next to him. “I chose to do it of my own volition.”
“Why? Why would you choose to go hunting by yourself?”
Letting out another deep sigh, you turned in your seat to face him, your bandaged hand going up to cup his cheek. “Go grab your keys. I’ll go get Sam.”
“ I think it’s time we take a drive.”
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The road to where you were going was a long one that had Dean settled behind the wheel of the impala for several hours, Sam passed out in the back due to the fact that you had them ditching whatever sleep that had gotten back at the bunker. 
You on the other hand had yet to inform Dean as to where you were actually pointing him and what you were taking them to.
“You gonna fill me in on what the hell were doing?” He questioned, glancing over at you as he flexed his hands across the steering wheel. “Or you gonna make me figure that out for myself?”
“I made a deal.”
Dean almost slammed on the breaks right there, his head whipping back and forth from the road laid out in front of him to the y/e/c eyed hunter next to him.
“You WHat?!”
“It’s not what you think, Dean. Calm down.”
“I’m sorry, calm down?!”
Rolling your eyes, you trained your pupils on the pavement ahead. “Can you trust me for ten more minutes?”
Dean on that other hand was trying his best not to hit his head against the steering wheel and not have a full panic attack. “You know, you’re being strangely cryptic with your words, is it too much to ask for one clear answer?!”
“I don’t know how to give you a clear answer Dean!”
“Well try!”
“Why the hell are you two yelling?!”
Dean whipped his head around once more, looking over the seat at his brother. “She sold her soul!”
“No! No I did not!” You interjected, annoyed that you were now having a yelling match with two worried hunters in a vehicle going over 70 miles an hour. “Now would the two of you shut the fuck up?!”
Thankfully both brothers snapped their mouths closed, Dean shaking his head in annoyance as he brought his attention back to the road. “I can’t believe you.”
“Dean, I literally just said I did not sell my soul. Now if you could hang tight for the last ten minutes of this drive, it would be greatly appreciated.”
The hunter let out a huff, choosing to stare daggers into the horizon. Dean trusted you- of course he trusted you but without proper information it felt like he was teetering on the edge of insanity. You show up after almost four years of absence and then whisk him and his brother away to god knows where without much of an explanation.
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The moment Dean threw the car into park you were out of your seat as quickly as possible, almost like the leather beneath you had caught fire. The reality of what was happening finally settling into your bones.
“Alright, you gonna tell us now?” Dean mused, stepping out onto the asphalt as he slammed his door shut, crossing his arms over the roof of Baby.
Instead of answering him, you turned to his brother besides you. “You mind staying back for a few? I think Dean and I need to take this walk alone.”
There was a pause from the younger Winchester as he tried to read your features, slowly nodding a moment later. “Uh yeah. Yeah. Just call if you need anything.”
“Will do.” You nodded, turning back to the sidewalk and silently ushering Dean to follow you with your head.
“Sam’s not coming?”
“Told him to hang back for a few, now come on.” You swallowed, waiting for the hunter as he rounded the impala, tossing the keys to his brother with a swift flick of his wrist. His empty hand suddenly being filled by your own as you pulled him after you, slightly catching him off guard with the sudden force.
“Woah, no need to pull so hard.”
You muttered a quick apology, turning your gaze towards the cracks in the sidewalk. It had been a long time since you last set foot here, the suburban neighborhood slowly becoming more foreign to you.
“You ever gonna fill me in on why you had me drive the three of us to a suburban neighborhood in Noxville Tennessee?”
“Yes! Yes I am- I just don’t know how.”
“Well you gotta give me something Sweetheart. Earlier I almost had a heart attack when you said you had made a deal, so forgive me for poking.”
“It’s not anything life threatening if that’s what you think.” You swallowed, relishing in the shade given off by the massive trees lining the sidewalk. “Okay, and deal probably wasn’t the best choice in words. It was more of a promise I made to myself the moment a left the bunker.”
You tried not to pay attention to the slight falter in his steps, or the confused look he was giving you. “Good god, Woman. You could have said that earlier and saved me a panic attack.”
“Once again, I’m sorry.” You sighed, finding you hand starting to cramp up from how tight you were squeezing his as you walked, you dropped his hand, allowing yours to go back to your side. “I promised myself that I wouldn’t come back under any circumstances, to keep you out of this. To keep everyone safe.”
“Your still not making much sense Y/N.”
“I know, I know! Just let me try to figure out how to say this.” You breathed, dragging your hands down your face. “I’m having trouble.”
Because of that. your head screamed as you brought your eyes up from the cracked pavement. Up ahead a woman around your age was walking down the other side of the sidewalk, a dog leash in one hand connected to a golden retriever and the small hand of a three year old in the other, the little girl occupied with hopping over the cracks in the sidewalk.
The woman suddenly caught sight of you, pausing momentarily before waving, in which you kindly returned the gesture before watching them turn and head up the walkway to the the porch of one of the houses. You were almost unaware of Dean following your gaze until he spoke up.
“You know her?”
“Uh yeah- yeah I do. She’s an old friend of mine.”
Your steps had slowed significantly, eyes glued on the porch and the trio occupying it.
“Huh, well that’s nice.” Dean nodded, slowing his own pace to match yours. “Maybe we can stop by later and say hi.”
“Yeah, maybe.” You mumbled, mind filled with other thoughts and memories as you tried to loosen the knots in your stomach.
“Cute kid. Clearly has a fascination with cracks in the sidewalk like you do.” He joked, almost bumping into you when you abruptly stopped in your tracks.
“Yeah. . .” You swallowed, finding the words stuck like molasses in your throat. It felt like every nerve in your body was shaking. “That’s because she’s ours.”
That got the hunter to freeze, mouth ever so slightly falling open as his eyes widened in pure confusion and shock, looking quickly back and forth between you and the small child sitting on the porch across the street, busying herself with sidewalk chalk.
You watched his lips move to form words but nothing came out, the Winchester struggling to speak what was stuck in his throat. “W-what?”
“She was born seven months after I left the bunker.” You swallowed, trying desperately to ignore the rapid staccato beat of your heart as you watched him process the information.
Dean swallowed, jaw clenching as he tried to figure out how to address the situation, eyes darting around as he thought. “You’re saying that’s our kid?”
“Yes. But she doesn’t know that of course. A few days after she was born, I asked my friend Cami to take her.”
Dean was doing his best not to make a scene on the quiet suburban street, but with you just having told him he had a kid, he was finding it to be increasingly difficult.
“That’s why you left. You were-“
“Pregnant. Yeah.”
Running a shaky hand over his face, Dean leaned his weight against the trunk of one of the massive trees lining the sidewalk. “You should have stayed. We’re your family, we would have kept you safe.”
You knew he would say that. His need to protect people far outweighed everything else in his life.
“And why tell me now if you were originally planning not to?”
“Because I can’t lie to you. I never could before. You deserve the truth.”
It was difficult to watch his reaction, because you couldn’t exactly pin point what he was thinking. He could be hard to read at times, especially in a situation like this.
“But why? Why would you give her away like that?” The desperation in his voice making you wince.
“You know why Dean. If monsters and demons caught wind of another Winchester in the world, they would be gunning for her for the rest of her life.” You paused, trying to fight the oncoming tears burning in your eyes. “I was getting her out of our lives before she was ever actually in it. I left without telling you because I didn’t want that decision weighing on you for the rest of you life. I made the choice and I chose to carry that weight alone.”
“Y/N, I should have had the option to make that decision too. She’s our kid.” He tried to mask the shakiness in his voice, “you don’t deserve to carry that weight by yourself.” Dean shook his head. He loved you, and without even meeting her, he knew he loved the little one across the street as well . . .and his heart was a mess because of it.
“I know that now, and I’m sorry.”
Another pause and then he slowly nodded, eyes on the ground. “So she doesn’t know who we are?”
“No. If she does she only knows me as aunt Y/N. Nothing else. I haven’t seen her in three years, Dean.”
Dean never really thought he would find himself in a situation like this. But now as he stood there looking at you, he wanted nothing more than to ditch hunting. And when he looked over his shoulder at the three year old he felt his heart skip. Even from afar he could see the resemblance to both you and him. Her honey colored hair the same shade as his when he was a kid.
“Why’d you bring me here?”
“Because I’m giving you a choice now, Dean.” You breathed, still not entirely sure if this whole thing was a good idea. But you loved Dean, and he deserved to have a say in the future. “We can either walk across this street, or we can turn and walk away and forget we were ever here, guaranteeing her safety 100%.”
You watched the muscles in his jaw tighten once more, jade irises darting between your and the small girl sitting across the street, attention on the chalk art in front of her. You knew he had made up his mind when he took a deep breath, shoulders falling.
“Whether you choose to go forward or backwards, I’ll go with you.”
And so after a lifetime of hunting and learning from mistakes and triumphs, Dean Winchester took your hand and made his decision- and you followed, because if anyone knew what was best for your child, it was him.
The End.
SPN Taglist (still open!)
@familybusinesswritingbro​​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​​ @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti​​​ @callmekda​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​ @orphiceseum​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​ @gladiosamicitias​​​ @castielsangelsx​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit​​​ @amendoise​​​ @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​ @ericalynne007​​​ @kaitlaitlaitl​​​ @neerness​​​ @totallyluciferr​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​ @dolanfivsosxox​​​@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts​​​ @akshi8278​​​ @defenderrosetyler​​​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​​​ @idksupernatural​​​ @patdsinner33​​​ @vicmc624​ @all-will-be-well-love​
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starkrogerrs · 5 years
you don't have to say you love me; [chapter 2]
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catch up: chapter 1 //
pairing: stevetony - modern/college au/ fakedating
warnings/tags: tooth-rotting fluff, Tony can't adult, steve is a cutie
word count: 2k+
a/n: really sorry for the late update but i hope you like the chapter!
"Can't. Breathe," Tony muttered as Sofia crushed him in a bear hug. For a five foot tall person, Sofia surprisingly packed a lot of strength. Tony smiled when she finally released him. 
"It's been so long, Tones!" she beamed from ear to ear. Tony nodded, his mouth twitching into a grin in spite of himself and took the two, heavy bags she'd bought along. Yup, she was definitely staying for a while. 
The ride home consisted entirely of Sofia filling Tony in about everything and nothing at all, with the brunet nodding here and there to let her know he was listening. While, in reality, he kept zoning out and thinking what would have happened if he had merely said, No, Sof. I don't have a boyfriend so please stop irritating the fuck out of me about it. 
He also wondered if he had it in him to be the one to invent time travel. 
"It's not much but I love the place," he said, unlocking the door, once they had reached his apartment and held it open to let Sofia through. 
His apartment consisted of one bedroom, a smaller living area and the kitchen. It was spacious enough for two people but since Tony lived alone it looked massive. Normally, there would be all sorts of metal scraps, circuits and random textbooks lying around but Tony had (with help from Rhodes) cleaned it all just this morning. 
Sofia let out a delighted yelp. "It's so pretty!"
For a college student, Tony did have a pretty decent living space. The walls were a dull ochre and almost all of the furniture that came with it, midnight black. Since his course at the university was fully funded, he could afford to pay the rent of the apartment with the earnings of his part time job. It was only an added bonus that the apartment's owner was deeply impressed by him. What could he say? He was a born charmer. 
"It's a bit noisy because it's near the road but I don't mind," he said, placing her bags by the couch.
Sofia plopped down on one of the beanbags that surrounded the tiny center table of the living area, letting out a drawn huff. 
"God, the flight was long," she mused. She looked tired now; she'd probably spent the last of her energy chatting away. 
"D'you want to eat something?" Tony asked, trying to remember if he had food in the fridge. He had stocked up on some groceries last night and could cook up quite a decent meal if required. 
"I had a good lunch on the flight," she answered. "I think I'll just sleep for a while."
Tony nodded, understanding. Flying all the way from Italy was bound to make even Sofia, practically a ball of energy, exhausted. 
"But anyway, tell me, how are you? How has college been? How is Steve?" she asked, pulling her long, dark hair into a ponytail and wriggling her eyebrows at him. 
Not this again. Tony had been dreading this since the moment he had spotted her waving at him at the airport entrance. He'd questioned every decision he'd made, questioned his own smartness and beliefs, questioned everything that led him to this very moment. Nothing like a good old existential crisis on a cold winter afternoon.
"I've been aces, Sof. College has been a breeze so far and uhh.. Steve is hot," he answered, and he knew this was crossing lines but hey, Steve wasn't here. 
Sofia was only a year older than him but she was the most motherly of all his cousins. In a way, her visit was refreshing because Tony did miss his mother at times but still, the thing with Steve outranked all of that. By a large margin. 
"I think I'll lie down for a while," she said, touching her forehead. "If you've got any plans," she added suggestively, "—please don't let me keep you."
Tony winced internally. "Nahh, it's alright. Haven't got any plans. I'll uh, be right here," he muttered, throwing her a fake smile and hoped she would drop the subject. 
Sofia frowned at that. Here goes. 
"We are meeting him today, right?"
Tony tried to hide the surprise on his face. Meet him today? 
"Uh—" Say no, Anthony! "— yeah. Yeah."
Fuck. Fuck. 
When had it gotten so easy to sway him? How was he suddenly incapable of saying the truth?
Sofia grinned excitedly at that and Tony returned what he hoped was at least half of that enthusiasm in his smile. Anthony Edward Stark when will you stop screwing yourself over?
He didn't want to admit that some part of him did want to see Steve but the other (major) part of him knew he was asking a lot from him. 
Fifteen minutes later, Sofia was dozing on the bed as Tony quietly shut the door behind him. He then ran to his couch, mind racing and rang up Steve, praying to the gods above that he wouldn't be pissed. 
He picked up on the second ring. 
"Hey, what's up?"
Tony massaged the bridge of his nose, inhaling deeply. 
"Please, please don't be mad, but we have a problem."
Sofia woke up just as the sun was setting; the sky a myriad of colors ranging from a dark purple to a brilliant orange. 
Tony was still sat on the couch, textbook in lap, half distracted by his own wandering thoughts. He gazed at the birds chirping on the telephone line that ran outside the window, thinking of the conversation he'd just had with Steve. 
Thankfully, Steve hadn't been busy but there was something else in his voice which made Tony wish he'd never asked him of this favor. Was it hesitation? Regret? He didn't know. Really, what had he been thinking? 
"Jet lag is real," Sofia declared as she waltzed into the room, smile turning into a frown when she spotted Tony. "Are you seriously studying right now?"
"Just thought I'd get ahead on a couple of chapters. You know I've got to be the best, Sof," he joked as she settled down beside him, on the couch. 
"Whatever, nerd," she said, resting her head on his shoulder. 
Tony grinned, shutting the books. He hadn't got any studying done though, he was far too distracted. 
"So what's the plan? Are we going out or..?"
"He's coming over. We can watch a movie, eat and call it a night. Sounds okay?" he informed. 
They had decided it was better to keep their- his- stupid idea as much under wraps as possible. Which meant, they couldn't let her see them around their friends. Or anyone for that matter. 
"Sweet," she chimed, bringing out her phone. 
The doorbell rang just then and Tony felt his heart fall into his stomach. He glanced at the clock, it was only half past six. Hadn't they agreed to meet at seven? 
He stood up, breathing deeply and opened the door to a visibly awkward Steve. Steve, who was dressed in comfy jeans and a dark leather jacket thrown over a plain white t-shirt. Tony tried not to stare too much. 
His brain at the moment didn't want to tell him how couples greeted each other, so he just smiled and let him in, and let Steve shut the door behind them. 
Steve, however, had other plans. Before he could process it, the blond was pulling him into his side and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Tony felt the soft brush of his lips on his cheek, Steve's body flush against him and he thought his soul was going to leave his body. 
What the fuck. 
It was a long second later that he realised that Steve had already let go and introduced himself to Sofia. 
"Oh god, Tony has told me so much about you!" Sofia squealed as Steve reached over to hug her as well.  
Tony's brain was still lagging like a 1984 Macintosh but blushed at the mention, nevertheless. 
"Well, I am a good boyfriend," Steve replied, glancing at Tony, a grin playing at his lips. 
How in the world was he so good at this? 
"Ah.. oh.. um yeah," Tony said intelligently, as Steve sat down on the opposite end of the couch from where Sofia sat. Tony flopped beside him, their hips touching accidentally and he forgot how to breathe. He was still reeling from the kiss, and if he'd pondered over it any longer, it would've sent him into shock. 
"I am going to just go freshen up a bit," Sofia announced, and Steve nodded. She smiled at him, clearly excited and Tony cringed internally.
The moment she had locked the door to Tony's room behind her, Tony jumped away from Steve. 
"Jeez, would you relax?" Steve hissed, eyebrows knitted. "Why are you so nervous?"
Tony looked at him like he'd grown a second head. "What do you mean why am I nervous? This is fucking weird!"
"It was your idea, shellhead!" 
"I know but-"
"If you want her out of your hair, act natural man. You're gonna blow your own plan."
Tony sighed. He did have a point. And if Steve had no problem acting like this, why was he being weird? Well, he knew exactly why but he would ruin things with Steve if— You're thinking too much, he chided himself. 
Sofia returned just then, having changed into different clothes. She was also holding a small package in her hand. 
"Hey, I bought this for you," Sofia said, handing the package to Steve who looked somewhere between awkward and shocked. 
Tony nodded at him assuringly and also hoped he could see the apology in his expression. He had forgotten to tell him about how Sofia could be a little over the top, but knew Steve wouldn't mind that much. 
The blond accepted the gift gratefully, lips stretched into a thin smile. God, this was torture of the purest form. If Steve stopped being his friend after this, Tony wouldn't be surprised. 
"So.. should I put on the movie?" Tony asked, enthusiastically, reaching over for the remote. The room had a weird energy now and Tony wasn't exactly a big fan of awkward silences. 
Sofia nodded, as did Steve and Tony silently maneuvered to the Netflix app. He settled back into the couch, in between Sofia and Steve as the movie loaded. 
The title track blared into the room then, and Tony felt himself relax a little. He didn't know his muscles had been tensed all this while. 
As luck would have it, he spoke rather, thought, too soon. 
Steve reached over just then, his right hand finding Tony's and laced their fingers together. The brunet tensed at his touch immediately, eyes wide. Now, Tony and Steve had held hands before but this, this felt so different and oh, so much better.
Steve looked up at him then, bright blue eyes peeking out from under the long eyelashes. Relax, they seemed to whisper. 
Tony's body uncoiled, as if on command. He felt himself sink down further into the couch, aware that they were holding hands but it felt almost... natural. 
Steve shifted in his place a little then, adjusting himself so he could comfortably rest his head on Tony's shoulder. They were pressed together now, almost cuddling, Tony realised. He was cuddling. Cuddling Steve. 
He didn't know what the movie was about, didn't really comprehend what the protagonist was saying. He was too fixated on the way their legs were touching, the way Steve's large hands clasped his smaller ones. He flicked his gaze to Steve then; eyes trailing over the golden bangs, down to his long lashes, to the bridge of his sharp nose and then to the cupid bow of his perfect lips. 
There were little things about Steve that not many people noticed, like the fact that he had a little green in those sparkling blue eyes or that he wasn't as shy when he was with his friends or just how kissable his puckered lips looked right about now. 
He had to look away when Steve glanced up, pausing to look at him for a moment. His breath stilled when Steve relaxed back into his shoulder, sighing deeply. Tony's heart was beating really fast and he was sure Steve could hear it. 
A part of him wanted to believe that Steve had feelings for him too but the casual ease with which he was sat beside him right now, told him the contrary. 
Tony, unlike the boy leaning against him, was a nervous wreck. His thoughts spun around Steve and Steve only, in spite of him trying to switch his focus to the device in front of him. This sudden and close proximity with Steve had thrown his senses into a dizzy but... he wasn't sure if he wanted anything to make sense again. What he was sure of though, was that he wanted to live in this moment forever. 
He dared to glance at Steve again and a feeling, thick as cement, settled into the base of his stomach because, with a start, he realised that he was in deeper waters now. 
Because this wasn't an average crush. 
Because Tony had never, ever, ever felt this way before. 
Because when Sophia "awww"ed at him when she noticed him gazing fondly at Steve, he was doing anything but pretending. 
Because he had fallen for his best friend and fallen hard. 
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sir-skarsgard · 5 years
Prompt List
My list of prompts that I’ve found on the internet or from movie quotes for one-shots; pick a character, pick one or more dialog prompts below and send in a request! Maximum prompts per request is three. 
List of character I will do: 
Axel Cluney (Deadpool 2)
Bob Gray (IT) 
Henry Pearl (Battle creek)
Gordan Merkel 
Mark (Assassination Nation) 
Mickey (Villains 2019) 
Roman Godfrey (Hemlock Grove) 
The Kid (Castle Rock) 
1: “Sometimes I get sad and I don’t know why. I’m sorry.” 
2: “I hope you find the happiness you pretend to have.” 
3: “I would love you in any shape, in any world, with any past. Never doubt that.” 
4: “If your life had a face I’d punch it.” 
5: “Do you have any fucking clue what you do to me?” 
6: “Sometimes I wish I could turn back time. Not to change anything, just to feel some things twice.” 
7: “I feel like I should stop thinking about you, but I can’t” 
8: “It’s a classic. He/she loves someone else.” 
9: I think you’re enough. You’re enough for you. You’re enough for me.” 
10: “I have nothing.“ “You have me. Am I not enough?“ 
11: “ I shouldn’t be jealous, he/she isn’t/aren’t even mine to be jealous over.” 
12: “Who am I to be in love when your love was never for me?” 
13: “Except for being a bit fucked in the head, I’d say he/she’s normal.” 
14: “I love you. I knew it the moment I met you. I’m sorry it took me so long to catch up.” 
15: “Words... how little they mean when you’re a little too late.” 
16: “It’s a party. So I’m pretending to have fun.” 
17: “When was the last time you were hugged?” 
18: “How can someone just not be there anymore?”  
19: “That wasn’t very romantic. Kind of gross too.” 
20: “I’m not a person you should fall in love with.“ 
21: “I don’t mind you breaking my heart.” 
22: “Do you know how it feels when the person you love the most tells you that you shouldn’t love them?” 
23: “Just admit it; you want to kiss me.” “Or maybe you want to kiss me and you think using reverse psychology is going to make me kiss you.” 
24: “Did you really just push that guy/girl off the couch so you could cuddle with me?” ‘Yes.” ‘This is why I love you.” 
25: “Is there at particular reason you’re in my room half-naked?” 
26: “Oh, would you look at that. There’s nowhere to sit besides my lap.” 
27: “Can I have some of that blanket? I’m freezing.” 
28: “Why are you so jealous?” 
29: “What’s the matter, love?” “Nothing, I’m just a little sad.” “Come here.” 
30: “I know I’m supposed to be mad at you, but I miss you so much.“ 
31: “What did I ever do to you?” 
32: “I’m just scared that you’ll leave me one day.” 
33: “I wanna kiss you so bad right now.” “So then kiss me.” 
34: “I can’t sleep. I had a nightmare again.” 
35: “I can’t have a proper conversation if you’re shirtless.” 
36: “Holding you in my arms is the best feeling in the entire world, and I don’t ever want to give that up.” 
37: “You know I’d never leave you. I love you too much and I’m too selfish to walk away.” 
38: “Did you... shit, that was smooth as fuck.” 
39: “You’re better than my favorite fictional character, and that’s saying a lot.” 
40: “You may not be my first girlfriend, but you‘re the only one that matters.“ 
41: “Out of all the things I like to eat, you’re my favorite.” 
42: “I always joke around because it makes you smile and I love seeing you smile.” 
43: “Why are you so quiet around me?” “Because I’m worried I’m gonna say something stupid and scare you away.” 
44: “Stop looking at me like that!” “I’m sorry to have to be the one to inform you, but that’s what eyes do.” 
45: “My mom would love you.” 
46: “I’ll always be there.” 
47: “You can miss someone and still be mad at them.” 
48: “The more people you let into your life the more they can just walk right out.” 
49: “Why are you like this?” “Unresolved daddy issues.” 
50: “I was being sarcastic.“ 
51: “It’s no big deal.” 
52: “You scared the shit out of me.” 
53: “Thanks, but no thanks.” 
54: “That’s easier said than done.” 
55: “Wow, you look like shit. What can I do for you?” 
56: “I don’t believe in love at first sight, but if you’re willing to walk by again I think I can make an exception.” 
57: “I loved you.” “You did what?” 
58: “Listen.” “What am I listening for?” “Nothing, I just wanted you to shut up.” 
59: “We need the cavalry.” “I am the cavalry.” “Fuck you mean you’re the cavalry?” “I’m all that’s left.” 
60: “Do you think you could ever love me again?“ “I never stopped loving you.“ 
61: “I need a favor.” “I already gave you a favor and you got my girlfriend shot.” “She’s alright.” “And? That doesn’t change anything.” 
62: “You have this smile.” “What kind of smile?” “The type of smile that would be cruel not to kiss.” 
63: “Sorry I’m not a heartless bitch like you.” 
64: “I’m sorry I wasn’t the friend you deserved, but you were the friend I needed.” “You’re saying that like you’re never going to see me again.” “I’m not. I’m leaving.” “But you just came to make amends!” “No, I came to apologize.” 
65: “If you think, for even a second, that I wouldn’t risk everything for her/him, then you’re wrong.” 
66: “I love you.” “I love you, too.” “Do you?” “Hey, you know you’re mine.” “Yeah, but are you mine?” 
67: “People are so quick to leave. It doesn’t matter if they're all you have.” 
68: “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you while I was hurting.” 
69: “It hurts so much, and you don’t understand how much it hurts. You don’t care because it’s not happening to you.” 
70: “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t just sit here and wait for you to come back.” “I don’t want that either.” “Then stay!” “I can’t.” “Then leave. Leave and do not come back.” 
71: “I love my boyfriend/girlfriend more than anything in the entire world and I would die for him/her, but I know that’d make him/her sad, so instead I’m gonna live for him/her.” 
72: “What can I say? I’m irresistible.” “And yet, here I am, resisting you.” 
73: “You don’t get into a relationship to mess around and cheat you get into a relationship to search for that one person you love more than yourself. And I know now that that’ll never be possible for you, because you’re incapable of loving anyone besides yourself.” 
74: “Give it up and she lives.” “You’re an idiot if you think she can’t take care of herself.” 
75: “Don’t tell me you're afraid.” “I was born afraid.” 
76: “Go ahead. Do what I can’t do.” 
77: “I don’t want to speak to you anymore.” 
78: “This is everything!” “No, he/she is everything.” “You’re going to give all of this up for him/her?” “Yes.” 
79: “”You wouldn’t understand. its a secret.” “I wouldn’t understand or it’s a secret?” “You wouldn’t understand (character), it’s a secret.” 
80: “Thinking I had the heart to care for you was your first mistake, followed by countless others.“ 
81: “I can’t figure out what you are.” “Excuse me?” “Good influence or bad.” 
82: “I’m scared of sex, but not because I think it’s going to hurt, but because I’m uncomfortable with my body and I’ve never been naked in front of anyone before.” 
83: “Does he/she really think of her/him as just a friend?” “No, he/she’s in love with him/her, he/she just won’t admit it.” 
84: “All I ever really wanted was for him/her to love me.” 
85: “Nothing is going according to plan!” “That depends.” “On what?” “who’s plan you’re talking about.” 
86: “You intrigue me.” “I’m not very interesting.” “Funny, uninteresting people don’t usually have to say that.” 
87: “Why is he bleeding?” “Because he’s an idiot.” “I didn’t know idiocy cause people to start spontaneously bleeding from a gash in their (body part).” 
88: “That is a terribly, horribly, incredibly stupid idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.” 
89: “He/she’s an idiot, I’m an idiot. We’re co-presidents of the Club Idiot.” “Don’t you mean the Idiot Club?” “Exactly.” 
90: “He/she’s crying. What do I do?“ “Go comfort him/her.” “How?“ “Start with hugs.“ “With what?“ 
91: “You know you’re in love with her, right?” “Since when?” “Since pretty much always. That’s why I’m breaking up with you.” 
92: “Will you hit him over the head with a frying pan?” “I believe the technical term for that is ‘will you murder him’.” “Fine, then. Will you murder him for me?” 
93: “I would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your life.” “You’re the worst at this comforting thing.” 
94: “You don’t strike me as a professional criminal.” “That’s what makes me so good at it.” 
95: “Literally everything about that is illegal.”  
96: “Why are you doing that?” “Doing what?” “Treating me like a person.” “Because you... are one...?” 
97: “My mascara is too expensive to ruin by crying, but just know I am feeling a lot of things on the inside.” 
98: “Did you bring us here to die?” “Obviously.” “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.” 
99: “Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?” “I don’t know. Probably both.” 
100: “That’s not funny.“ “I thought it was.“ “You don‘t count. You stared laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw.” 
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ad-drew · 6 years
The Shaman Society | An Excerpt, Part 11
So, got another excerpt ready to go! But the big news here is that I’ve finally finished the second draft of the manuscript, which means I’ll be opening up to beta readers soon, I hope. I’m probably going to be using betabooks, as it seems like an incredibly organized and helpful tool for beta reading. I’ll be making a post about looking for beta readers later on, but if anyone would like to get in an early request, go ahead and shoot me a message!
Tagging:@mania-junkie-writes, @seamusings, @haline-penthorn
If you want to be added to my humble tag list, just send me a message and I’ll be happy to do so!
Rei glared at the yawning wound in the side of the warehouse. Harsh beams of moonlight filtered through the gaping hole, filling the otherwise pitch dark interior with a dull silver glow. Of all the places Saki could have taken her for training, did it have to be where two of her classmates had died yesterday? Bad enough to place looked like a scene out of a bad Duskwell horror flick at night.
“Could have picked a better spot,” she muttered.
Saki shook her head. “Normally, I would take you to Takama-ga-hara for training, but as we’re on an active investigation we should remain in the area in case another yōkai decides to strike. But this place is quiet and out of the way, and should provide a suitable substitute for the time being.”
“If you say so.” Rei wandered away from the busted wall, back into the warehouse. “So, we gonna start or what?”
Saki was already kneeling on the metallic floor of the warehouse, strips of blank paper tags spread out in front of her, along with a dish of black ink and calligraphy brush. “Whenever you’re ready to pay attention.”
Rei lowered herself to the floor with a grumble. “Get on with it, then.”
Saki dabbed the tip of the brush into the ink. “Shaman spells are typically an advanced form of training, taught only to those with the proper experience to wield them. However, you are correct in that all shamans must eventually learn them. Since you’re so eager, I don’t see the harm in teaching you the basics. Better you showing an interest in your work than running off on your own and causing trouble.”
Rei bit her tongue. “So, I take it you inscribe some sort of activation word on the tag?”
“As a matter of fact, yes. How…?”
“I’ve played a lot of video games, read a lot of books,” she said, with a wry smirk. “Easy enough to guess. No need to look so impressed.”
The slightest hint of a grin curled across Saki’s lips. “So, perhaps you’re not completely hopeless. But there is more to it. Both the ink and paper contain special properties making them highly absorbent of spiritual energy, and are found only in Takama-ga-hara. Combining ink with paper, transcribe a word insinuating the desired effect of your spell. For example.”
Rei tilted her head sideways, trying to get a better look at the kanji Saki wrote on the vertical strip of paper. “Kasai? Fire?”
“Indeed.” When Saki completed the calligraphy, she laid the tag flat over one palm and pressed her other hand over the top of it. “Finally, a shaman must channel an appropriate amount of ki from her soul gem into the tag, giving it the power to activate when called upon. A lengthy process, but necessary.”
“And by ‘lengthy’ you mean…?”
“Half an hour, on average.”
Rei’s brow shot upwards. “Per tag? Jeez, sounds like a nightmare if you want a full stack.”
“A good reason only to use them when you need to. Although, for the purpose of this lesson we won’t be so stingy.”
“Great, cool. Now what?”
“Now, you wait until I finish channeling so I can show you the next step.”
Rei pinched her thumb and forefinger against her eyes. Should have known asking for actual training would bite her in the ass. If these things took a half hour each to make, they’d be here all freaking night. Sounded about as much fun as watching ink dry.
“Try not to get too discouraged,” said Asami’s voice. “Spells are a vital tool for every shaman, even if creating them can be tedious.”
“Yeah, I get it.” Rei thought her response, keeping the conversation internal and private. “But I kinda imagined shaman training being, I don’t know, more exciting?”
“Oh, there will be plenty of that kind of training. Spell creation is more methodical. Give it time.”
“Got nothing but time right now.”
Ten minutes past. Fifteen minutes. Rei leaned back on her hands, fingers tapping the cold metal floor. She stared at the ceiling. Twenty minutes into the channeling, she’d finished counting each individual panel of the ceiling—four hundred and twenty-five, to be exact. Twenty-five minutes now.
“Sooo…” Rei lowered her attention to Saki, who hadn’t moved. “What’s the deal with your uniform? Why the whole shrine maiden motif?”
Saki glanced at her with curious eyes. “I work as a miko at Yasaka Jinja Shrine in Kyoto. Part time, since I was twelve. Always liked the design.”
“Oh, no shit? So what, you perform cleansings, and ritual dances, that kinda stuff?”
“On occasion, yes. I’ve assisted with weddings, funerals, even preparing for festivals. Mostly work in the gift shop, though, or answer visitor questions. And sweep. There is a lot of sweeping.” Saki’s lips coiled into a slow, almost not even there smile. “It may not seem like much, but I enjoy it.”
“Hey, wasn’t judging. More power to you.”
“In any case, my uniform is far more practical than the abomination you’re wearing.”
Rei’s eye twitched. “The fuck’s wrong with my uniform?”
“Nothing, I suppose. That is, if you were going for a goth ninja who fell blind into a Hot Topic.”
“You—” Rei stared slack-jawed at her cousin, words lost to her. Every time she went to retort, her brain fizzled over how bizarre those words sounded coming out Saki’s mouth. She’d call it a joke if she wasn’t certain Saki had a permanent stick up her ass making her incapable of humor.
The subtle, barely noticeable grin on Saki’s face curled the tiniest bit more. “Shouldn’t stare with your mouth hanging open. It’s impolite.”
Rei cocked her head sideways, gawking at her cousin. At that smug half-grin mocking her. Nausea bubbled like a bad aftertaste into her throat. “Is this you trying to joke around? Because you don’t get to joke around with me. Just because you’re training me, doesn’t mean we’re suddenly friends.”
As quickly as the grin had appeared, it vanished into flat indifference. “Of course, you’re right. But I am still your superior, so at least try to show respect for once. As difficult as that might be for you.”
“Respect?” Rei shot to her feet, standing over her cousin with clenched fists. The fucking nerve of this bitch! “You want to talk to me about respect? How about the ‘respect’ you showed at my grandparents’ funeral, huh?”
Saki lowered her head, staring at her closed palms. “Be quiet.”
“Quiet, my ass! A freaking oni would have been more respectful than you and your stuck-up family!”
“That’s enough.”
“Walking in here like the whole thing was some kind of burden, like you don’t even care they’re dead—”
“I said stop.”
“—treating me like I don’t belong—”
“Shut up!”
“—and you act like I’m at fault for not knowing about this whole shaman shit I was never told about? Well, screw you! My grandparents were good people, and they deserved better!”
“Our grandparents!” Saki’s voice thundered, an unnatural echo pulsing into her tone. She glared upward, tears wet in her eyes. She blinked twice, and they fell in a wet line down her cheeks. “They were mine too, and you know nothing about what I felt for them!”
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Kisses in the Rain
Pairing: Yoongi X Reader Genre: Angst, Floof Warnings: Swearing A/N: so my ear feels a LOT better, and I was out in the rain earlier and it infired me to write this. Enjoy~ ~^*^~ You sat with a scowl on your face, watching the exchange in a conversation between Yoongi and Hoseok. For the past two hours, you'd been sat in Yoongi's studio, trying to spend time with him, with him pushing you away and telling you he was too busy to talk. But, as soon as Hoseok had brought his happy little ass into the room, Yoongi had stopped working to talk to Hoseok about some stupid fucking prank they'd pulled on Tae a couple days ago. You were livid. How could Yoongi tell you, his girlfriend, off for talking, but as soon as a Bangtan member walks in, he's happy to stop working. Days in the studio were the only times you had to see Yoongi awake, so they meant a lot to you; especially since there was a comeback right around the corner. He was always too busy. Only too busy when it came to you. When Hoseok left, Yoongi went back to work, and that was when you were finally finished with this bullshit. "Yoongi?" "Not now, [First]." "Oh, so you and Hobi-Oppa can have a full conversation that interrupts your work, but I can't even say one thing to you?" He sighed as you spoke. "Look, you know how much this means to me, let me work." "No, Yoongi, the others can come in here whenever they please, talk to you for as long as they want, and you can't make any fucking time for your girlfriend. I don't have to be here-" "No you don't have to be here. You might as well go home because you're wasting your time." Your heart stopped. "Are you fucking serious? Yoongi, if I go home now, I will not be there when you come home. And I will not be there again." "Why are you being such a bitch today?" He spun around his chair so he was facing you. "Why am I being a bitch? I don't know, Yoongi, maybe it's because I feel like this relationship is dead? Maybe it's because I'm sick and tired of trying with you, only for you to push me away - only me! You don't push anyone else away but me!" "Because you shouldn't be here. This is my work-" "THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I CAN SEE YOU!" You pushed yourself up, rushing out of the room. Yoongi called your name, but you ignored him. You even ignored the footsteps that followed you to the elevator. Just as the doors closed, you could hear Yoongi calling for you to open the doors. Yoongi panicked. He'd fucked things up and badly at that. When the doors snapped shut, he raced down the stairs, praying to god he could get down 4 flights as fast as an elevator. He felt his heart stammer in his chest, and it wasn't from the running. He was going to lose you, he could feel it. When the elevator doors opened, you ran. You could hear Yoongi, finally at the bottom of the stairs, scream your name as you rushed out from his sight. It was pouring with rain outside, coming down heavy from the dark skies ahead. You (stupidly) had left your coat inside, so you were in just a wooly jumper and jeans. The cold but your skin as the rain rushed down, soaking your exposed form. Yoongi ran to the doors, but could only watch as you ran down the street, getting soaked with every step. ~^*^~ "Has anyone seen Yoongi hyung? PD-nim is looking for him." Jimin inquired. "I just saw him," Tae said nonchalantly. "...and...?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "He was running down the stairs screaming [First]'s name. I think they must have been racing or something..." "Why would they be racing down the stairs?" Jimin asked. "Jimin don't ask him. Just leave it." Namjoon rolled his eyes. "I'll go down to the lobby and find Yoongi hyung." Hobi suddenly stood up, striding out the room. When he came to the front doors of the BigHit building, he saw Yoongi, head against the wall by the doors, sobbing. Hoseok's forst instinct was to grab his friend, and pull him into a hug, which he did. Nothing was asked by Hobi, but Yoongi sobbed out the story, anyway, telling his friend what had happened with you. Hobi frowned. "Hyung, you need to go and find her. What you said was wrong, and I can see you acknowledge that now. You need to apologise to her, and kiss her, and make up, because I don't think you will ever find someone as amazing as her again. Don't let her be the one that got away, Yoongi hyung." Hobi said, voice soothing his hyung. Yoongi wiped his tears with the back of his hand, and thanked Hoseok for the advice, before darting out of the door to find you in the streets of raining Seoul. ~^*^~ You had reduced your run to a walk, completely soaked. Your woollen jumped clung to your skin, a feeling which was absolutely disgusting to you. Your jeans had become like a wet second skin, and your shoes were practically pools. Your hair was wet, in small locks, falling on your head, the ends dropping rain water which still hasn't ceased in the slightest. Your feet patted against the tarmac, splashing the surface runoff every single time. Tears streamed down your face, and Yoongi's cruel words spun around your head like a broken record. He didn't love you after all... You tried to think where everything had gone wrong with the "us" you and Yoongi had seemingly faded from. Maybe it was the first time you'd said "I love you" and he'd frozen up, unable to say it back. Or maybe it was the pregnancy scare, where he'd disappeared for three days, thinking he was incapable of being a father with his mental disorders. Or maybe, he'd just fallen out of love with you. You'd heard about that happening, but it had never happened to you before. That was probably it... he just... didn't love you anymore... "[First]!" You froze, hearing Yoongi's voice and running footsteps behind you. Anger and hurt coursed your veins, and you sprinted forwards, only to find yourself behind pulled back into a chest moments later. Yoongi breathed heavily in your ear, panting, grabbing onto you as if you were physically slipping away from him. "I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so sorry." He whispered. "You don't want me." You chocked through your tears. "Yes, I do. I want you. I want only you. Please, please, please forgive me, baby. I feel fucking awful. I love you, and I'm so sorry for not putting you first. You know how I get when work piles up on me. Hobi was... he's my colleague, I have to talk to him. And I need to talk to you. I have to learn that you only come to my office to help, not to distract. I will change. Please, don't leave me." "Yoongi, I-" He spun you around, grabbing your cheeks, crashing his lips to yours. Yoongi had never been big on PDA, so this action alone spoke volumes. He was serious about this. He was sorry. Water ran between your faces, making the kiss wetter and messier, but he didn't care, kissing you with as much love as he could muster from within himself. When he finally pulled away, he looked into your eyes, and waited. "You're an asshole, do you know that? But, that, that kiss, told me that your my asshole." He chuckled, pulling you in for a hug. The rain wasn't subsiding, however, the sun had appeared from within the clouds, lightening the sky and the world beneath. "I think a hot shower is in order, now, don't you think?" He whispered, "and I mean hot in both ways. I still have to show you how sorry I am." "Shower sex? Really?" "Not just shower sex, I'm gonna make you realise just how sorry I am, even if that means fucking you on every surface our house has." "Real fucking romantic, Yoongi." "I don't do romantic. I do you." "Jesus, fucking stop." You pressed your lips to his again, silencing his bad jokes before any more could come from his mouth. The rain pounded down, continuing to soak the both of you. Then, Yoongi sneezed. It was high pitched, and tiny, like a kitten, causing you to burst out laughing. Yoongi poured, grabbing your hand to have you run through the rain with him back home, for that promised hot shower
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: Hey Fraze: What do you want, red? Bea: Talk Fraze: Didn't gloat enough last night, yeah? Fraze: Go on then Bea: That wasn't even what I intended then, even though I was obviously shitfaced, so yeah Bea: Christ Bea: I'm sorry, alright? Fraze: Fuck sorry Fraze: I was shitfaced last night too, I didn't stick my tongue down anyone's throat Bea: Well, you could've Fraze: Cheers for the written permission Fraze: I'll go make a friend, gimme a sec Bea: I'm just saying, not the point, is it Fraze: Your point is, it ain't fun unless you can throw it in my face, like Bea: It wasn't actually about you, sorry to disappoint Fraze: Funny way of showing it Fraze: Should've kept your hands busy, babe Fraze: It would've avoided this Bea: Don't be disgusting Bea: it was bad enough what I did Fraze: You came to the wrong place for sympathy Bea: I'm not after it, I'm just trying to tell you I've sorted it, alright? Fraze: Now you've said it. Run along and pat yourself on the back Bea: Yeah got it, you hate me Bea: but I don't love him, hear that Fraze: What do you expect me to do? Like I could cast my mind back to how it feels pining for someone but I was only a kid Fraze: Fuck off Bea: That isn't close to what this is Bea: How do you manage to still be so arrogant whilst being totally fucking wrong? Bea: A real talent Fraze: Better mine than yours Bea: Obviously Bea: Hope its good company, like Fraze: We done or is there more sob story to come? Bea: Fuck it Bea: You've heard it all before and if you're incapable of connecting the dots by now, you never will Bea: why waste any more time Fraze: Wouldn't want you keep from walking the fuck away again Fraze: Off you go Bea: Again? Seriously? Bea: Where have I gone that you haven't Fraze: You tell me Fraze: The distance ain't being measured in miles, is it, babe Bea: Exactly Bea: Don't act like it was all my idea Fraze: Likewise Fraze: Not for one second was your hand being forced Bea: Didn't say it was Bea: Doesn't mean I had it under control, all cold and calculated, so fuck you Fraze: Hurts doesn't it, when people reckon you're that cunt Bea: I haven't accused you of fucking anything Bea: That's all you Fraze: Bullshit Fraze: Ever since uni started it's like I masterminded this whole fucking plan to fuck you over Bea: You're the one bringing that up Bea: What, you want me to say I'm perfectly capable of that all on my own? Bea: Got the proof, now who's fucking gloating Fraze: Fucking hell Fraze: If the cap fits though, babe Fraze: Go ahead and gloat about how you picked someone who was off limits and broke what few rules there were, on your way out Fraze: Proud of you, like Bea: Fuck off Bea: You don't get to be faux angry on his behalf Bea: You don't even think he's legit or like him and now you're his defender? Don't make me laugh Fraze: You fuck off Fraze: I'm angry on my own behalf Fraze: I don't get attached, deliberately, but you just had to one-up me and go harder, yeah? Congrats Bea: I'm not attached! You aren't listening Fraze: I could give less of a fuck what you're TRYING to say Fraze: You didn't pick him up at the club, no names Fraze: And you knew how I'd react Fraze: You fucking love this Bea: You don't get to listen last night and not now Bea: not how it works Bea: also no Bea: I know it's hard when you're so self-involved but consider for a second that it was actually about HIM and not YOU Bea: pushing HIM away Fraze: Shut up Fraze: I know how important he is to you, no need to shove that down my throat after you've tongued his Fraze: I can think, do and say what I fucking like Fraze: That's how it works Bea: Then do Bea: if this is the hill you wanna live and die on Bea: but you're being ridiculous Bea: frankly Fraze: And that's only for you to be, yeah? I forgot Fraze: You're a fucking farce Fraze: And still judging me Bea: Least I'm owning it Bea: what the fuck are you doing? Fraze: I'm not the one shitting on everything from a great height last I checked Bea: You're complicit, you said as much Bea: but nah, all me Bea: wouldn't that be helpful for your complex Fraze: You're wasted not studying psychology, babe Fraze: Truly Bea: Whatever Bea: I know I'm right and so do you Fraze: Feel good, does it? Fraze: I hope so 'cause it's all you've got to show for this Bea: Yeah, great Bea: Can't you tell? Fraze: Yeah Fraze: Doesn't take a genius Bea: Thank fuck Bea: 'cos you're a total moron Fraze: Fuck you Bea: No, you Fraze: That's the best you've got? Fraze: We ain't 7 any more Bea: Stop sulking then Fraze: Stop messing me about then Bea: I ain't Bea: it was just drunk texts, we've all been there Fraze: Still fucked me up Bea: I said sorry Bea: I am sorry Bea: what can I do? Fraze: Say it like you mean it Fraze: Say it to my face Bea: Really? In the middle of a School week? Bea: You are high maintenance Fraze: Fuck it Fraze: I can own how much I miss you Fraze: How shit this is Bea: Still? Fraze: Do you want me to come or don't you Fraze: Simple enough Bea: Yes Bea: obviously Fraze: Shut up then Fraze: Always fighting me Bea: Yeah, like I'm letting that one slide when I've got at least a solid day before you get here and can make me Fraze: We both know when I get there you'll only be making more noise Fraze: That's why I need you to give in now and let it happen Bea: I'm not stopping you Bea: student loans might have something to say about how you utilize your funds; your profs, your time Fraze: That shit's the least of my worries Bea: Cheers, I ain't THAT bad.. Fraze: Don't get it twisted, babe Bea: Well what else would be giving your grief? Fraze: It's the lack of you Fraze: You're not the problem like, it's that bullshit getting in my way Bea: Yeah Bea: I get it Bea: Got to be done Fraze: Yeah, but I've got to see you first Bea: Come Fraze: No pretty please? Bea: Pushing it, boy Fraze: Would you rather I didn't? I don't reckon Bea: You know what I'd rather Fraze: As a total moron, might need it spelled out, like Bea: Aww babe, you need your ego stroked after that one? Bea: Gone soft on me, like Fraze: It ain't my ego Fraze: And not unless you've lost your touch, babe Bea: Doubting my talent after lauding it only seconds ago? Bea: Hot and cold you are Fraze: Making sure you're listening and keeping you interested Fraze: Bit of multitasking and that Bea: Hmm Bea: Bit tryhard but appreciated Fraze: What else do you reckon I'm learning at college? Fraze: Might as well be an arse kissing degree this Fraze: They call it business but Christ Bea: Whatever gets you the deal, babe Bea: 😂 Bea: Love to see that in action Fraze: You and all these other cunts Bea: You don't like your course? Fraze: What gave it away? Bea: You could change Bea: Not too late Fraze: Not technically but we ain't all loving dealing with superhuman workloads, babe Fraze: Fuck starting over Bea: Alright Bea: It'll still be worth it in the end Fraze: Yeah Fraze: I'll get it done, it ain't that bad Bea: Good Bea: Not just saying it, yeah? Fraze: I'm not a pussy I've done this much, I can handle the rest Bea: I know you aren't Fraze: Don't treat me like one then Fraze: Take my word for it, like Bea: Alright Bea: Calm down Bea: Only asking Fraze: Only saying Bea: Yeah Bea: well I'm sick of not knowing how you're doing Fraze: You are losing your touch if you ain't keeping decent tabs Bea: Fuck off Bea: I've got a life, thanks Fraze: Did have, before you fucked it, like Bea: Shut up Bea: Not funny Fraze: Not laughing Bea: Not what it sounds like from here Fraze: Well, you've got it wrong Bea: What else is knew Fraze: Your turn to sulk now then, yeah? Bea: thought you was being nice Fraze: Now who's gone soft? Bea: Fuck you then, gonna go back to icing you out, like Fraze: You reckon Bea: Yep Fraze: Gonna slam the door in my face, like Bea: Bold of you to assume I'm answering the door Fraze: Come on Fraze: You didn't want me to laugh a second ago, make your mind up Bea: Joking Bea: Keep up Fraze: Hilarious, of course Bea: Yeah, now you've got not nothing, not even a pity laugh Bea: Rude, tbh Fraze joined the chat 14 hours ago Fraze: Like you said, what else is new Bea: could pretend to be nice 'til you leave Bea: not asking for much Fraze: Could do, yeah Bea: Promising Fraze: Not tryhard, like? Fraze: Changing the rules to suit yourself again, babe Bea: You're so bloody awkward Fraze: Cheers Bea: Are you still moody or what? Bea: I've not got a clear enough head for this Fraze: Hanging too hard? Bea: Big time Bea: you reckon I was fucking up my life sober? Bea: little more credit Fraze: I thought you could handle the morning after, but that's too much credit clearly Bea: What can I say? Not an old pro like you Bea: not that this was your finest hour Fraze: Being away from the homeland is making you weak Bea: you reckon Bea: i should come to you then Fraze: You'll have to work harder than that to keep me away from your former bestie Bea: Yeah right Bea: as if that's happening regardless Fraze: Yeah right Bea: You've not been arsed to meet him so you aren't showing up now for a scrap Bea: I'm going back to Cambs so Bea: enjoy your reunion with Joe if you show up there, like Fraze: Fuck off Fraze: You're not funny, babe Bea: Who's joking Bea: Pure facts Fraze: Whatever Bea: ain't getting you nothing from the shops then Fraze: Don't act like you were gonna Bea: might've Bea: got a twofer in the perfume bit but I'll just treat myself x2 now Bea: 'cos I'm such a bitch, obvs Fraze: Again, if the cap fits like Fraze: Think on and buy your friend back Bea: Way ahead of you Bea: Not out for my health, am I Fraze: As per Fraze: I know, priorities Bea: talking to you, ain't i? reckon if i was really into him wouldn't be looking at my phone, yeah? Fraze: Not when you gotta play your cards closer to your chest after last night's fuck up Bea: Oh yeah Bea: playing it cool, like Fraze: Better late than never Bea: What's my master plan here then, like? Bea: be his beard for life Bea: not exactly what I had in mind Fraze: 'Cause he rejected you, he's gotta be gay, yeah? Bea: Duh Fraze joined the chat 2 hours ago Fraze: Whatever you say, babe Bea joined the chat 2 hours ago Bea: Not me who needs reassuring Fraze: First time for everything Bea: If its SUCH a struggle for you Bea: don't bother Fraze: Don't start that shit again Fraze: Christ Bea: Just saying Bea: If you're gonna be this moany Fraze: Don't Fraze: Trying to give me a headache to match yours like Bea: You ain't already? Fraze: It wasn't a challenge Fraze: No, I ain't Fraze: It's all woe's you Bea: Ook. Fraze: Get some hair of the dog on your date you'll be grand Bea: I dunno if the tea room in John Lewis is gonna be up to the challenge Fraze: Unlucky then Bea: as far as dates go Fraze: No shit Bea: good thing i'm just running errands really Fraze: Fair enough, gotta stay sober round that lad now you can't trust yourself like Fraze: Wouldn't wanna fuck up the making up with another kiss Bea: Yeah right, just can't help myself Bea: Is that actually what you think? Fraze: Fuck off Bea: Seriously? Bea: I thought you were joking Bea: you actually think I fancy him Fraze: Don't be an idiot Bea: You first, babe Fraze: What the fuck do you want from me, right now? Fraze: This ain't how I aspire to kick off my mornings Fraze: You got your bestie back. I'm thrilled for you Bea: To hear me! Bea: and yeah, to maybe give a shit Bea: I've never fancied anyone but you Fraze: Act like it then Bea: What else can I do? Fraze: Tell me what the fuck you need him for? Fraze: You've got me Bea: It's completely different Bea: it's just good to have someone a little more Bea: I don't know, impartial? Less...involved Bea: You know, you have friends Bea: That's all it is Fraze: Forget it Bea: No Bea: Don't Bea: when we're finally getting somewhere Fraze: To you making me look a cunt Fraze: Cheers Bea: No I ain't Bea: How is that what you take from that Fraze: What can I say, must be that thick, don't you reckon? Fraze: No worries. It is what it is Bea: Nah Bea: I'm not saying I don't want you to be those things Bea: but that's just you Bea: I'm saying, he ain't Fraze: And I'm saying, you never needed mates before Fraze: So what's different, him or me? Bea: Not like I had much say in the matter, was it? Fraze: I've just never been good enough from day one then, yeah? Fraze: You already spend all your time with those dossers. Fuck's sake Bea: Shut up, no! Bea: What do you want me to do, commute back every day? Bea: If it was feasible, I would Fraze: Jesus Fraze: You want me to have all the answers, but newsflash, red, I ain't Bea: Well, me neither Fraze: Nah Bea: So, what? 'Cos you ain't, you're just giving up, yeah? Fraze: Fuck you Fraze: I'm not a quitter Fraze: I'm still fucking here, ain't I? Bea: Are you? Bea: Prove it Fraze: I'm already getting a flight, what more do you want? Bea: Say you still love me Fraze: Of course I fucking do Bea: Not what you said last night Fraze: Last night I was drunk and angry Fraze: End of Bea: Alright Fraze: You're not the only one who gets to fuck up, you know Fraze: I still love you, Bea Bea: I know Bea: I love you Fraze: Prove it. Leave that twat to his own devices for a sec and call me Bea: [Calls] Fraze: I change my mind, you are funny Fraze: What's not to love, like Bea: It was you trying to make me laugh amongst other things in the middle a busy shop Fraze: You love it Bea: Yeah Bea: didn't need to change my mind there Fraze: Good. Enough of a battle getting here Bea: Shh Bea: Enough of that for one day Fraze: Yeah
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agreementtale · 4 years
Chapter 16: turn around and shake my hand.
“human” now that they got here, whole body paralyzed by an invisible force in the narrow path, they were just a bit nervous.
Flowey coiled his vines around their torso, without moving the outside of the sweater, they had convinced him to let them lead this interaction, and stay still. He reluctantly accepted, but only when they assured him he was not going to be electrocuted again.
“turn ‘round ‘nd shake my hand” That was the cue, they were rehearsing the lines in their head during the whole path.
With the friendliest smile they could muster they turned to the offered left hand, raised their right hand and shook it from the back, successfully avoiding the hidden device on his palm.
The handshake was awkward, but before he had a chance to say anything or they had the chance to break character by not being able to contain their giggliness, they retreated their arm.
“Sorry, it’s that not how you shake hands down here?” Said with an innocent face “That must be a real culture shock” they tried to make the pun smooth, but couldn’t maintain a pokerface any longer and ended up having to hold in a chuckle while he just glared at them, still weary.
“ya must have a pretty good eye to see thru da old joy buzzer trick” his toothy grin was on place, but didn’t seem to be kind nor amused, the crack on his maxilla and that one weird colored teeth made it harder to concentrate on a proper retort.
“Eye get that a lot” dismayed for the lack of reaction they improvised, still with no reaction, maybe this pun only worked when written? But… they knew he could see the difference… somehow? Or was that just wishful thinking?
“lots of humans try ta electrocute ya on the surface?” Maybe? Do not explain the pun, it is never fun if you have to explain it, just… go with the flow…
“Shockingly yes” They improvised, again, gladly he seemed less wary this time. They swore to themselves they would improve their pun game, it appeared to be awfully rusty.
“heh, so the human enjoy puns? ain’t I a lucky guy?” He took the device out putting his hand on the pocket of his leather coat “name is Sans, Sans the skeleton” it seemed warm, with all the fur, plus the red sweater inside. The cold wind was stronger than they remembered, even with three shirts and lots of socks, their legs were still cold, not unbearable, though, they’ve been worse.
The skeleton was taller than them, but not by much, if they got on their tippy toes they would be the same size. But by his posture and his clothes, it seemed he was trying to appear bigger, so there was a slight chance of them offending him with that… And the red eyelights? It wasn’t the most forgiving colour.
“I’m actually supposed to turn the humans to the guard. but ya seem like a nice fella, so let me give ya some little advice, ‘right kid?”
He loomed over them, exhibiting his incredibly sharp teeth in a big wide grin, for the first time they realized that despite being almost the same height, he was much larger than them, maybe the clothes helped, but still, his posture… wasn’t the friendliest sight.
“nice gets ya killed” Empty eye sockets stared right through them, while his teeth moved slowly with each word, they felt cold running down their spine, acutely aware that, by the range his mouth stretched and appearance of his teeth, he could probably rip their face off with a single bite. For the sake of their composure, they buried this thought under several layers of denial.
“Oh, thank you for the advice” they wouldn’t let him intimidate them “But I believe being nice is the least I can do” they started to motion their hands, like explaining a hard concept “I mean, I do intend not to be killed on the process” Ok, maybe they were a bit intimidated “but when being nice costs me nothing, why not?” they shrugged, forgetting where to put their hands and hoping that he could understand the concept, Flowey certainly couldn’t.
He chuckled, kind of amused, if by their idea, or their inability on putting it into words, they didn’t know “won’t get far thinking like that, kid” relief washed over them, he had his eyelights back and looked a bit more approachable, and despite not agreeing with them, he didn’t outright try to make them change their mind, not like Flowey.
“That’s what I am trying to tell them!” Speaking of which, yellow petals bloomed from the collar of their sweater, obstructing their vision.
“I’m not killing anyone Flowey” they chastised him, trying to brush his head out of their way, that talk was getting old and they didn’t need him talking for them.
“You will end up getting killed!” But his outrage in their behalf was always endearing. So what if they got killed?
By the gaps between his petals they saw his shoulders shaking, attracting their full attention again.
“never thought I would have the Weed insisting on someone to kill, can’t picture that” what did he mean by that? Flowey didn’t shut up about that since day one…
“Good to see you too bag of bones” he greeted him like an old friend “I thought someone would have dusted you by now” well… maybe not so much like a friend after all.
“they can try” he looked at them, red eyelights back into place, rounder and much less aggressive “so ya taking care of the lady’s pet human?” their palms itched, that word didn’t sit right.
“I’m not a pet” he… this… fell monster seemed amused by their reaction, but at the same time happy to ignore them.
“They were the ones choosing to come here” and he was not the only one, they were going to protest, but he put a leaf on their mouth “Adults talking” Really Flowey? Closing their fists, they took a deep breath, since he was right on their face, the air ended up smelling like flowers, which was oddly calming.
“too bad, too bad, would have lived a long happy life being the old gal’s pet” ok, kiss that ‘calm’ goodbye.
“I’m not a pet!” They reiterated, but both Flowey and Fell ignored their indignation.
“see I may be too lazy to report ya” he said to no one in particular, despite obviously talking to them “but, if it were anyone else... like Boss...” his smile grew menacingly, and now he decided to address them “well, let’s just say if I were a human I wouldn’t be dying to meet him”
Understanding he wanted a reaction out of them, they just smiled “Thank you for the advice” and turned around to inspect the gate.
“ya gonna turn yer back to me like that?” his voice was more surprised than angry.
“I’m sure there is some sort of way to pass through this” they spoke softly to themselves, the gate was narrow, with barbed wire intertwined with wood “It’s firm!” and incredibly well built, they put a foot in the wire and it hardly gave in.
“They have no common sense” Flowey said facing the skeleton at their back, they were too preoccupied with the challenge ahead to pay attention to the monsters “Don’t know how they even survived before we met” they climbed on the wire, being careful not to cut themselves. Seeing their struggle Flowey used his vines to help, they murmured a thanks and kept going “But considering they just fell into a giant hole in a mountain, it shouldn’t be that impressive” step after step, they successfully climbed the wire crossing the bridge, jumping safely to the other–/
They landed head first on something hard “brave kid, huh?” nursing their forehead, they looked to the skeleton in front of them, their brother looked to where he had been a moment ago and where he stood now, in a silent question, but didn’t say anything “but ya know, brave means shit if ya have nothing to back that up”
“I have mildly functional athletic skills, a high tolerance to bullshit and a wide range vocabulary, would that work?” That was a lie, they didn’t have a ‘wide range vocabulary’, just a big mouth, that didn’t know when to shut up.
He just sighed and shook his head, they could almost hear him thinking ‘this kid is going to get killed so many times’, not that he had time to voice that, as Flowey already was shouting on their ears “No, it makes it worse!”
Something else caught his attention “fuck” he muttered alarmed “Boss is here” before they knew they were being pushed out of the path to the tree line “hide”
Flowey got inside their sweater, vines tightly on their stomach, they crouched behind a tree, beside them there was a broken lamp, they thought of changing places, but mentally slapped themselves, a broken thing like that, it would obviously offer no cover.
On the distance they saw a glimpse of red and took a deep breath. They had cover, they had Flowey, they knew what was happening.
Papyrus, they remembered him, Sans’ brother. He was going to start complaining about something.
“sup, Boss” something sounded wrong, they didn’t know what it was, just knew it was wrong.
His shouting ceased, the noise being replaced by the soft sound of the cold wind blowing on the branches. The air got caught in their lungs when their body was surrounded by a blue light. Not a second later they were yanked from the trees.
“WHO DARE SNEAK ON THE ROYAL” Red eyelights stared at them “GUARD?” they tried to reach the ground, but it was too far away.
“they just a free-EXP, Boss” standing near his brother Sans was sweating, “probably tried to hide seeing how terrible ya are”
Floating above the ground, incapable of moving their body, they did the only thing they could think of, and waved slowly at the new skeleton “Hi”
“EXPLAIN” His face morphed quickly from surprise to suspicion to rage “RIGHT” on his left eye there was a nasty scar, it pained them just to look at it “NOW” his magic was wild around them, a promise of pain and death “WHY IS YOUR SOUL UPSIDE DOWN!?”
The so obvious question shocked them to silence “are ya sure Boss?” maybe it was the right response because Sans took a step forward, positioning himself between them and Papyrus “seems normal enough to me”
“KEEP YOUR DISTANCE SANS!” the taller pulled his brother away from them “HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE THAT THIS IS ONE OF OUR MOST DANGEROUS ENEMIES?” they saw silently how the loud skeleton stuffed his chest in pride “I THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS HAVE CAPTURED A HUMAN!”
“maybe ya just holding them upside down?” Sans tried, but he already looked defeated “those are the legs, see?” he poked at their arms, the scene would be comical if they weren’t aware of the killing intent on the air.
“NONSENSE! YOU MORONIC SLOB! I’M TAKING THIS HUMAN TO UNDYNE” This name was enough to shake them back to reality, this was not a show to be watched, it was happening with them, right now, and if they didn’t do something, they knew very well what would happen next.
“I’m definitely not an enemy” said a little breathless, putting their hands if front of them in an attempt to placate him.
“HA! YOU THINK YOU CAN FOOL ME WITH SUCH A PATHETIC LIE?” they could feel Flowey moving under their sweater, he had been hidden since Papyrus showed up, as they asked him to.
“But it’s true! I never hurt any monster” they said confident in their lack of LV to back them up. They tried to think in a better plan, but Flowey moved again, it was getting too distracting.
“AND YOU THINK THAT THIS DETAIL WOULD MAKE ME PITY YOUR EXISTENCE ENOUGH TO LET YOU GO?” he eyed them with disdain, that… that emotion didn’t sit well on his face at all! “YOU ARE A FOOLISH HUMAN”
“But–/” but he didn’t let them finish, with the wave of a finger, they had the wind knocked out of them again and were moving on the air, fast enough to match his steps, behind them Sans had to jog to keep up.
“ENOUGH TALKING! TO UNDYNE YOU GO” Flowey was starting to be an inconvenience moving so much, they were trying to think and his vines were a tad too scratchy.
“I thought we could” they winced as the vines compressed their stomach “maybe” blinking the memories away they continue “do some puzzles instead?”
“PUZZLES?” he stopped walking, a thorn pressed on their stomach, dammit Flowey, be quiet! Papyrus turned to them, and they forced the pain away, eyes a bit too watery for their taste “PUZZLES ARE FOR CAPTURING HUMANS WHY SHOULD I WASTE MY TIME WHEN YOU ARE ALREADY CAPTURED? IT WOULD MAKE NO–/” Papyrus stared at them for a moment, as if he was staring at a point in the air beyond them, another light shuffle interrupted their observation, if Flowey didn’t went quiet right now he would be discovered.
“Because it is your last chance to use them” they blurted to avert his attention of their moving sweater. He shot them an wrathful glare “I’m the last human to ever fall here, the puzzles will go to waste”
He didn’t say anything, just scowled.
“c’mon Boss, how many years went on calibrating those traps?” Sans caught up with them “ya never waste time like that”
That comment earned him the same hateful glare, they could see him burying himself on his coat “I was told puzzles are part of monster culture” he looked at them, the same red angry eyelights, they could feel under their skin the urge to run and hide, but they pressed on “I am sure you put great effort in yours” the look of a predator, that was what that was. The intent alone was intimidation, but he definitely had the power to fulfill the threat if he had to “And I would be honored if I could see them”
They thought the admittance was going to soften his features.
It didn’t.
Then gravity changed.
They fell feet first, but no balance, so ended up hitting their ass on the ground with a undignifying ‘ouch’, more out of surprise than anything else, thanks for the snow it hadn’t actually hurt.
“IT IS SETTLED” Papyrus waved a dismissive hand, while they got up to their feet “ALL THE TRAPS ON THIS AREA HAVE BEEN EXPERTLY COOKED TO PERFECTION, LETS SEE IN WHICH ONE YOU WILL FINALLY PERISH” crossing his arms he glanced at the path ahead, but they could feel his attention lingering on their movements.
“If I survive, is there a prize?” they patted the snow out of their clothes, careful not to jostle Flowey again.
He shot them a sour look, and they were starting to believe that this was his default expression “THE PRIZE IS NOT DYING” it might be, the scowl seemed to be imprinted on his face “SURVIVE THEM AND YOU WILL HAVE THE HONOR OF DYING BY MY HANDS”
“Like in a fair honourable fight?” they couldn’t not ask, it was bothering them, the gravity magic had been used outside of an encounter, the electroshock had gone as far as killing them without triggering one. It was a foreign and dangerous concept, if he just threw bones out of nowhere they would hardly have a chance.
“OF COURSE IT WILL BE A FAIR FIGHT!” Anger was still there, but little by little they could distinguish more emotions on his face, pride being a strong one “DO YOU THING I, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS WOULD HAVE TO RESORT USING VILE TECHNIQUES TO DEFEAT A PITIFUL THING LIKE YOU?” he scoffed, Sans grinned, his posture more relaxed than before, it made them feel calmer in return.
“Then is settled” They could deal with that, it was simple and familiar “I will do my best to survive the puzzles and be rewarded with a fight with the great Papyrus!” They would befriend him in no time.
Tapping his sharp gloved fingers he grunted something undistinguishable while glaring at them “CONTINUE ONLY IF YOU DARE” then turned around and just started walking.
Sans stood where he was, smile in place, but something was off “if yer smart, yer gonna go back to where ya came from” he said the words slow and careful, like trying to spell out a threat to a particularly dumb human.
“It may be too late for that” they said pleadingly, all this uncalled aggression was making their head spin.
“STOP WASTING MY TIME, YOU USELESS RASCAL” Sans winced at the voice and followed quickly, leaving a troubled human behind.
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