#gonna go workout for an hour or two and then i'll be around to late night lurk and FINALLY get to all my IMs here and on discord
alienpossession · 2 years
Part 3: Spread a Little Wider (Jeff)
Aiden decided that its best to continue the construction of the house to not raise any suspicion. So he, Ricardo and Max decided to stick around in the property to also ensure the safetiness of the rest of their being while instructing the rest of the workers to go back into their respective after-construction life. Of course Aiden cannot let them leave without a handful of souvenir from the extraterrestrial world, and when they are ready, he set those infected puppet to the outside world ready to wreck a little havoc to the rest of the human population
Jeff White sidelined by injury in his sophomore year of university and his career simply never returned after that. In order to keep up the study despite losing his football scholarship, he worked in construction owned by his father's friend. Too bad the place that simply became the source that continued his uni life also ended his life as he knew it when the alien goo infected him just a couple hours ago. Now, he's more than ready to make the rest of his college friends turned into the same cause as him with the little help of the things stored in his massive carry-on
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He lived together with some friends that has been living with him since freshman year. The rule is for upperclassmen to no longer use dorm facilities and since Jeff is in his senior year, he's clearly not eligible for dorm any longer. But he and his dorm-mate and 2 juniors managed to rent a rather decent house fitting for 6 college kids who all love to workout and have frequent guests so they have no complaint whatsoever.
Trent just finished his classes late into the afternoon at 5 PM when he arrived in the house, but it seemed a little quiet, except for the lulling yet deep baritone voice of what he recognized as Jeff's voice coming from the kitchen. So Trent decided to swing by and take a peek on what his bro's doing before headed to his bedroom
"Hey bro, meal prep?"
"Oh hell yeah, you wanna come and have a taste?"
"Hmmm, I guess it's not gonna hurt,"
But Trent came for a little surprise as Jeff turned around and shown him a rather stuffed belly while smiling awkwardly
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"Glad I could share this with you bro,"
And just like that, Jeff grabbed Trent's head and then lodged copious amount of black slime right into Trent's mouth. The junior year student couldn't put up a fight as he eventually overtaken by the invading goo that quickly gained control of his body.
After the sloppy takeover/kiss from Jeff, Trent simply swiped the goo around his lips with his hands and give it a lick
"Umh so nutritious. Okay, now this makes the two of us. Shall we wait for the others or should we search them and give them a little surprise?"
"Don't you have a party to attend?"
"Oh yeah, Phi Kappa Alpha. But it's still tomorrow though. It's daytime pool party,"
"And who said that they wouldn't have a pre-game tonight? You know how Pike rolled. Infect the brothers before tomorrow's party and I'll wait here to get the rest of the housemates,"
"Sick, I like it,"
"What the fuck you two been talking about?"
A sharp and slightly terrified looking sound comes from the front of the kitchen. It's Gary's voice, and beside him, is Jae, the other two housemates,"
Jeff and Trent glared at the two smaller yet still muscular guy and decided that play pretend won't cut it, so they just simply do a full-front attack to the two that tried to run the quickest they can to exit the house. But the alien enhanced Jeff's and Trent's already insane physicality and stamina and that left both Jae and Gary subdued in less than a minute. The two writhed on the floor fighting for their dear life when both Jeff and Trent simply smiled wickedly and opened their mouth to let black shiny goo sludged down from their mouth to fill and overrun Jae's and Gary's system. Not long after that, the two also taken over by the alien sludge
"We should clean up. My girlfriend is coming,"
"And a nerd is going to tutor me,"
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"Hm, the more the merrier. Okay then, Trent, change your clothes and go to Pike. Take control of as many frat boys as possible. You two take care of your own subjects and I'll handle the two housemates, sounds solid?"
"Okay then, disperse,"
The alien inside Jeff runs the memory to really make sure what he spot in the human's memory was correct. And yeah, the two housemate left are two fucking muscle monster.
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Well, he can certainly take them down, but this might be the toughest battle he will have to face so far
Meanwhile, 10 minutes later, Trent is already standing outside Pike, ready to spread out a little blessings to the blissfully unaware frat bros of Phi Kappa Alpha
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Cog in the Machine, chapter 1: Buying Time
After flunking out of college, Hunter feels like his life is over. Galactic Corps is the biggest employer in town, so a job offer from them is just what he needs to buy him the time to turn things around. Or so he thinks, anyway.
I thought this would be an easy one-off to give me some time to plan for the next (and last) chapter of N's Journey, but it looks like this one will be multi-chapter, too. I'll write the end of N's Journey next and then finish this story. After that, I have two fun shipping one-offs planned- one taking place in Hisui, and the other in Unova with the Blueberry Academy characters.
The bus was only going to my hometown, but to me, it may as well have been headed to a hard, cold cell. How was I going to tell everyone what I’d done?
“Something wrong?” came a woman’s voice. Dark as it was and with my head full of thoughts, I hadn’t noticed her approaching the bus stop. It was the purple-haired woman I’d seen sometimes at my gym. I’d wanted to get one last workout done before I left Veilstone, and I was also hoping that if I came back late enough, my mom would be asleep by the time I made it.
“You could say that,” I replied.
She took a long drag on her cigarette and regarded me with piercing eyes. “Feel like telling a stranger about it?” she asked, almost sympathetically.
I took a deep breath. I wasn’t likely to live in this city again anytime soon, so why not?
“I flunked out of college,” I said bitterly. “I know that sounds like it’s not much to be upset about, but… I really like Veilstone, and living on my own, and all my new friends are here, and all my high school friends have moved out of Sandgem, and…” I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice from breaking. “And it’s gonna break my mom’s heart. She only has a few years left where she can work, and after that, she was going to rely on me. She’s not gonna know what we’ll do.”
“Hm,” the mysterious woman said. “Y’know, I might have something that could help you. Galactic Corps is looking for temp workers. It’s six months. You wouldn’t have to apply or anything, you just get the job. It would give you an excuse to hang around Veilstone for a little longer. And who knows? Maybe it’ll lead you to bigger things.”
The bus pulled up beside me, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the woman even as the others headed for Sandgem began to line up and get on the bus. She pulled out a business card with a golden “G” logo and a phone number on it. I took it, thanked her, gathered my bags, rushed onboard the bus, and took one of the last available seats.
The opportunity I’d been given seemed too good to be true. I opened up my pokétch to do a smidge of research, see if “Galactic Corps” was the name of some sort of known scam or pyramid scheme. As it turned out, it was an energy company, it did have a lot of six-month temp positions open, and they paid a lot considering the menial stuff they’d have us do. It took a second for it to sink in that this opportunity was actually an opportunity.
This was amazing. Once I got home, I wouldn’t be telling my mom that I flunked out. I’d be telling her that an amazing job opportunity came my way, and I was going to take a semester off to do the whole six months of it. That was plenty of time to get off academic probation or find another path in life, and so my mom would never have to know how I drank and partied my last opportunity away.
I got home sometime in the early morning hours and let myself in with my key. The house was dark and silent, and smelled like she hadn’t cleaned up in a while. That was to be expected- work really tired her out these days. I woke up around ten the next morning and did some dishes, threw out some of the old takeout boxes on the table, and put on some tinned soup before she got up around lunchtime. 
“Hey, Hunter,” my mom greeted me, staggering into a chair. “Thanks for cleaning up here. What time did you get home last night? I wasn’t in bed that early.”
“Uh, I’m not sure,” I said.
“Fair enough. How were finals? Did you get your grades back yet?”
“Uh, yeah. They were good. Let’s see… I got a 70 in English literature, a 73 in statistics, a 62 in astronomy…”
My mom laughed. “How did you manage to score that low in a basket-weaving course like astronomy?”
“Uh… I don’t know,” I said, stirring the pot faster. I’d been picking believable-sounding numbers from a hat. I should have chosen more believable ones, I guess.
“So, did you figure out what major you’re going to declare? A general studies degree never kept anyone warm at night.”
I turned around to face her, the pot in my hand with a potholder held under it. “Uh, about that, Mom. I found a job in Veilstone. It’s with an energy company. It’s a six-month position. I’m thinking of taking next semester off so I can do the whole thing. It pays well, so if I could save money, I wouldn’t have to rely on student loans as much, and… I kind of already contacted the university about it, so…”
“Oh,” my mom said, clearly surprised. “Well, I wish you’d asked me about it first. But what’s done is done. I guess now you’ll need an apartment in Veilstone. You can’t live in student dorms if you’re not a student. I’ll help you to sort that out. But Hunter- sometime during this, I need you to make a plan for what degree you’ll get and how you’ll use it. My MS is advancing. I don’t know how much longer I can support us. Alright?”
I agreed to it. And she did help me find an apartment. Sometimes I wonder if Mom helps me so much because she thinks I can’t take care of myself, or if she does it because she knows she might only have a few years left where she can. Regardless, I know she does it because she loves me.
“There you go, Evie. Home sweet home,” I said, putting down my middle-aged eevee once I’d unpacked. She looked around like she was appraising the place, then skittered over for her pet bed and curled up, head on fluffy tail. I sat down next to her on the floor and stroked her. “Yeah, this is gonna be a nice place for us, isn’t it? No roommates to keep you up at night, no one to look out for but ourselves… it’ll be great.” In a crazy way, even though the place was practically unfurnished, it felt almost like I was more mature than the guys who were still living in pre-furnished dorms.
My first day at Galactic Corps was unusual but not concerning. I met up at its entrance with about twenty other temp workers, mostly people my age with some teenagers and late twenties mixed in. A few of them were from out of town and were talking about the weirdly-placed spikes on the building or staring at the secretary through the glass door and asking why she was in some space-age costume, but as a Veilstone resident, I was used to that. I didn’t know that this building was Galactic Corps, but I did know that we had a weird spiked building looming over us, and I’d seen the weird little space dudes running around on occasion. Never thought I’d end up working here, but hey, it was a job.
At 8 AM, The secretary unlocked the door for us and told us that the person responsible for training us was out sick that day, and showed us to the cleaning supplies.
“Think of it as a way to get to know the place, find out where everything is,” she said. “Try to make yourselves useful in the meantime.” 
“Seriously?” one of the female temp workers said, arms crossed. “We don’t even know our way around, and you want us to clean with no instructions because one guy called in sick? This place is too weird, and too unprofessional. I’m out.”
Two others left with her. The female grunt shrugged her shoulders and left us to our devices. I heard someone say something to the effect of “She’s right, but I need this job,” while we were grabbing supplies, but honestly I didn’t get what the big deal was. Our trainer was out sick, what was she supposed to do?
I’d never thought of what an energy company’s headquarters would be like, but this wasn’t what I expected. Even rooms that seemed to have no unusual purpose- just their weird little space dudes (and girls, there were girls, too) tapping away at computers and whatnot- made me feel like I was in some sort of space vessel, with those metal automatic doors that opened and closed like mouths swallowing us up. A lot of the doors wouldn’t open. I counted six locked doors in the chemistry department, ten in the biology department, and four in engineering before I ended up in a hallway leading to a dead end. While I was sweeping it, a permanent worker carrying a box walked past me with a sense of purpose, like she was heading somewhere. She stepped on a weird circular tile at the end of the hallway, and seemed to disappear into thin air like an abra teleporting. Driven by unthinking curiosity, I dropped my broom and stepped on the strange tile, too.
My whole body seemed to tingle, and the ground shook beneath my feet. Then, a second later, I was in some sort of break room. Two space dudes were sitting at a table, chatting and playing cards. For a moment, I was too stunned to do much of anything. The female space dude walked past them and left through a door.
I didn’t know anything except that I didn’t know where I was, so I stepped off the orange tile and stepped back on, hoping for a ride back. Nothing happened. “Uh, a little help here?” I asked the workers.
Suddenly, two pairs of eyes were on me, and one of them looked angry. “Hey! You’re not supposed to be here. This section is for grunts only,” the shorter space dude snapped, springing up. “You must’ve took someone’s keycard. Give it here or else!” 
The little man took out a pokéball and stepped towards me. I put up my hands and stepped back. The taller space dude stood up and pulled the smaller one back by his shoulder. “Cool it,” he said in a calm, authoritative tone. “Keycards let the teleportation panels open, but they stay open for a few seconds after.” He held his keycard over the panel, making it light up. Then he looked to me. “You just wandered in because you were curious, right?”
“Uh, yeah…?” I said.
He chuckled. “Don’t worry, we’ll deal with that. Why don’t I meet you down at the lobby at quitting time so you can go out with me and some buddies?”
“Sure,” I said. It didn’t seem like a good idea to say no to someone who knew I’d fucked up.
“Sounds good. I’m Titan A3, by the way,” he said, gently pushing me to face the other way and step onto the teleporter. A second later, I was back in the empty hallway. All day, I had just the broom and my thoughts, so I wondered a lot about what was going to happen. Hopefully, it was as it seemed and I had a friend. But it wouldn’t surprise me if I was walking into a hazing ritual or worse.
As Titan asked, I showed up to the lobby after I got off work. Titan came to get me a few minutes after that. He told me to follow him, and he took me through a keycard-requiring door and a couple portals.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay since you’re with me,” he assured me.
One more portal, and I was in a room full of bunk beds, many of which were occupied by… well, I guess they call themselves grunts, like Team Rocket grunts in TV shows.
“Who wants to go out to the Crafty Flask?” Titan asked. Several grunts dropped what they were doing to join him. Some of them were raising their hands like kids in a classroom. Two even had temp workers with them, so some had clearly known the plan beforehand.
“Meet us outside in ten minutes,” Titan said, turning on his heel, “If you’re late, you’re left.”
Once I got to the lobby, the grunts had shed their uniforms and some of them had shed their weird hair. As we walked to the bar, there were a lot of whispered conversations between grunts. They seemed to be having a good time, giggling away and all that, but they also seemed to be hiding their conversations from me. I looked for the other temp workers, but it looked like the two of them were planning to hook up. So I went to the front of the pack with Titan.
With a whole bunch of them, Titan stuck out even more. He was fit, he was confident, and he had an air of admirability to him that the other grunts just didn’t.
“So, you guys live in the headquarters?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Titan answered. “You take a cut in pay once you become a grunt, but since you get room and board and don’t have to worry about bills and whatnot, all your money is fun money, so it kind of evens out. And you get to be with your favourite people all the time. It’s great.”
“Yeah, sounds nice,” I said, thinking about how I still had to figure out where to pay my bills and utilities for the new apartment, and figure how much money I should spend furnishing the place. I had a lot of adulting-type stuff to figure out in a hurry.
Once we got within a couple blocks of the bar, Titan turned back to the others.
“Alright, you guys know the drill. Low ranks pull back so the rest of us don’t look like weirdos,” he said to the crowd. Then he turned to me. “You can come with us, newbie,” he said. The grunts without the weird hair kept walking as the ones with it stayed behind, and soon we were at the bar.
“I am so glad I got to A rank,” one of the male grunts said as soon as we were seated. “Pulling non-Galactic girls is impossible when you have to wear your freak flag wherever you go.”
The female grunt next to him playfully punched him. “And what exactly is the point of fucking outside people again?” She said the word ‘outside’ like it was some kind of slur.
“Variety!” he shot back. “And thrill of the chase. You Galactic girls are too easy.”
“Wait,” I cut in, “Are lower ranks not allowed to take off the bowlcuts, or…?”
“Yeah, basically,” Titan explained. “Only the higher ranks are allowed to go back to being normal people at the end of the day because we’ve proven ourselves loyal. For the rest of them, well, it’s their actual hair. But you climb the ranks pretty quick if you’re halfway competent.”
I nodded.
“And for the record? He wasn’t lying about Galactic girls being easy. You know how I offered the bar and a bunch of people sprung up? Well, the same works for, say, a game of Scrabble, someone to watch the game with, and yeah, sex. Have you seen the ‘Make sure the bed is unoccupied before getting in’ sign in the-”
My eyes had been getting wider and wider until he’d mentioned that sign and taken me out of it. “Oh my God, that’s what that’s for!?” I’d seen that sign in the Team Galactic nap room, and I’d thought the same dirty thoughts anyone would, but I hadn’t thought I was right about it.
Titan laughed. “Yep.”
The rest of the night was great. I played beer pong with a team of three grunts and the two temp workers and I learned a little more about their lives. Apparently, the grunts learn to battle as a part of their job training, and dang, who wouldn’t want that? I’d take up hobbyist battling if I didn’t have to be the one actually taking care of six pets I don’t have time for. It seemed like a fun life, and one of the grunts even invited me to visit their training center later in the week.
I woke up the next morning to a throbbing head and Evie’s rough tongue scraping against my cheek. She whined softly as I opened my eyes, eager to be fed. I picked her up and rolled over to check my digital clock.
Shit. It was 8:15, and I was already late. I returned Evie to her ball and went through the familiar routine of throwing on some clothes, throwing my toothbrush and a baggie of Evie’s food into my bag, and moving as quickly as my dehydrated body would let me. Usually a morning like this meant feeding Evie and brushing my teeth between classes. Today I’d do it on my break. I was supposed to learn the Galactic Corps methods of encryption today, I remembered as I double-timed it to the headquarters. Hopefully the lateness, plus my appearance and probably my performance today wouldn’t count too much against me. I needed this job.
I showed up about ten minutes before 9 AM, got myself to the right room, and plunked myself into the correct chair. All the other plain-clothes workers were already there. The grunt next to me greeted me professionally and began explaining stuff, but I could barely absorb any of what he was saying.
“Hey, drink this,” a passing grunt offered, handing me a disposable water bottle filled with sludge that looked like pond scum. “It’ll help with your hangover.” He handed one to my instructor as well, who thanked him. They both uncapped their bottles and started drinking.
I eyed the bottle hesitantly. The stuff had to be edible if the others were drinking it. But it looked disgusting, and my stomach wasn’t exactly in the mood for a challenge.
“It’s not as gross as it looks, I promise,” said my instructor before taking another sip.
I uncapped the bottle and drank. The murky drink tasted like if someone had blended Gatorade, energy drinks, and protein shakes, and given its texture, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what it was. Nasty. But the other grunts handled them with a stiff upper lip, so I kept chugging. And my headache did go away. My stomach stopped hurting. My heart rate picked up. I felt legitimately as good as new- no, better- before I’d even finished it.
From there, the morning went smoother. My mentor demonstrated the code to me one time and I picked it up immediately. I was honestly pretty surprised at myself for learning so quickly. Within an hour, he’d left me to my devices, interpreting and translating the encrypted messages. It was repetitive, mindless work, and normally I’d have daydreamed while doing it. For some reason though, when I tried to, I just couldn’t. It was like those thoughts were out of reach. I didn’t get bored with the work, either, so I didn’t mind much. It was kind of unsettling how focused I was.
“Hey, lunchtime,” one of the grunts said to me. It felt like I’d only been working an hour, but sure enough, the day was already half over. I followed the crowd of grunts and temps to what must have been their lunchroom. After I fed Evie, brushed my teeth, and straightened out my hair, I decided to try out the trick Titan had taught me last night.
“Hey,” I asked the crowd of grunts, getting some of their attention. I wasn’t exactly sure what to ask them. Sex was obviously out. I was willing to risk looking weird, but not crazy. My eyes caught on two grunts playing cards. “Anyone want to play some poker?”
A few of them shot up.
“Sure,” one of the female grunts said to me. Two others, a guy and a girl, were behind her. I couldn’t help but smile. It really was that easy, huh?
It didn’t occur to me until the next day to ask why an energy company was doing encryption. And once I took another murky drink, that question faded away.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Two more night cycles to go and then it's National Blow shit up to remind people of what the cannon fire sounded like when our adult males were getting blown to pieces trying to secure independence from greedy politicians who were excessively taxing their colonies Day. It's a good thing we still celebrate holidays for what they actually are. By getting piss drunk on cheap beer, watching people set off increasingly excessive amounts of fireworks, complaining about how we thought it was going to be cooler... or... about how they kinda overdid it... I honestly... I'm not sure what holidays are actually left that aren't religious holidays that still hold their actual meaning. That meaning... holidays which are still celebrated by the majority as they were intended. We have somehow managed to make literally every holiday revolve around work, money and material possessions. It's just upsetting.
Maybe I'm just hearing the loudest voices. I really hope so, I've been feeling that way for a while... like, I struggle to get out and shit because of crippling anxiety stuff, and that oscillates into the realm of agoraphobia sometimes... and most of it... I've been really feeling like it stems from just... hearing the loudest, craziest, most extreme voices. And those people being massively amplified.
I see the worst case scenarios, the outliers, and I just... assume that most people are like that. Why? Because I was surrounded by fucked up people my whole life and never knew it. It just feels like it's so rare that people are good, and kind, and generous, and selfless, and compassionate. Because that's been my personal experience. And I want so bad to believe that there is a decent percentage of good people out there, but my survival instincts... the clusters of neurological tissue hugging my brainstem that are trained to keep me alive and intact... they are pretty familiar with what happens when you make friends with wolves in sheep's clothing. So... it's like any social step forward can feel like not just a leap of faith, but a battle against my own reflexes.
I'll get there. In time. Again, I just need to build a bigger bank of good social experiences, and the mental fire alarm will start calibrating back to something a bit more live-able.
I am actually nodding off, I have no idea if I'm even making sense. It's super hot and humid, and late. And I did exhausting yoga and a big workout today. I started with dreams about my dog, which was hard. Then woke up right as my Instacart delivery was en route. The guy refunded half of my essentials - two bags of granola for breakfasts, and two bags of chicken for dinners... And I had zero time to figure that out because I was fucking asleep, he had already checked out, no replacements, just straight to refund. I'm still upset about that. So... I'm gonna have to figure that out.
But I went to get my food and had no problems at all. No anxiety, no stress, nothing. Just popped some gum so I didn't overwhelm anyone with morning breath and just did my thing.
I did a new yoga video, it was intense but it was nice. I did my workout, which was super intense. Lots of kicks, and my hips are just... not great. So... I did my best. But I'm definitely noticing a difference in my range of motion, which is good.
Showered, played Hades, made really good veggie burritos for dinner and streamed. I streamed Blender animation. It went... good at first, but I got to a point where I put the cart ahead of the horse and... now I have to redo probably about half an hour of work. Not the end of the world, but enough for me to be upset. I called it there, ended the stream and played Hades again to round the night out. No one came to stream again. I really need to do something about that. Again, I think social media is the answer, I just need to build a habit.
Here's an idea... I'm gonna be ending this journal in just over a month. I think, I'm not sure. It's weird, I've grown so used to doing this, it's hard to imagine not doing it. But... around new years, my goal became to do this for an entire year, every night. And I think the year mark is around August 22ish. So... maybe when I end here... I do blogging on my primary account - which currently has absolutely fuck-all on it. Maybe a bit less personal... and more... about life stuff? And things I'm learning, things related to my work, my research, skills I'm developing, shit like that? Maybe less therapy-type stuff and more... things directly related to pieces I'm doing. And I can just slot that in where my current journaling time is. So I can be steadily putting out stuff on my social media. I mean, I have a social media habit, you're looking at it right now... I just... I've been using it as a social experiment rather than actually attempting to connect with people. It's not a bad plan, it's something, I'll keep thinking it over. I really should keep journaling too though... so... that's a bit messy... Hmm...
So yeah, it can be a bit depressing streaming to no one. But I've been doing it for years now. It just is what it is. Honestly, it's much less pressure with no VoDs on. Then I only have to worry about people watching in the moment, not anyone who might be digging through my recorded streams. And I don't have to worry about any potential DMCA, even though I have my audio split anyway.
Anyways, it's getting super late so I'm gonna do tarot and call it a night because I'm actually nodding off... and I really just want to lay in front of my fan.
Past - Four of Cups, inverted (Apathy, disinterest.  Being offered gifts and opportunities, but being uninterested.) Present - Seven of Wands, inverted (Standing your ground, defending your position; often when heavily outnumbered.  Courage, strength, fortitude and aptitude.) Future - Six of Cups, inverted (Nostalgia, memories, past relationships.  Learning from and reconciling with the past, to create a better future.)
First one is a new one, inverted Four of Cups. But I vaguely remember this one from when I was studying the Black Tarot, my other deck. The Three of Cups is the party card, the Four of Cups represents the hangover. That's all I really remember about it, so... I'd guess... sluggish, recovering, not feeling well? I'll study it at the end of this and add it to my doc.
This is connected to inverted Seven of Wands. Damn, another new one. I could only speculate about this, so I'm going to leave it for now.
The final card is the inverted Six of Cups. I have gotten this one time before. I think it's... reflection? Reflecting on past experiences and learning from them in order to move forward? Cups are all about emotions... Five we got last night, it's grief/sorrow/loss. So, I see Six as like... learning lessons from the past in order to overcome grief and move forward.
Alright, let's learn us some cards, shall we? Welp, I was... pretty far off with my speculation on Four of Cups. Four of Cups is apathy, it's turning away opportunities and offers out of disinterest. So, I mean... in a way the hangover idea fits? Kinda? But it's more emotional than having overdone it and just not feeling well. And I keep getting flashes back to... what I call "past lives"... past incarnations of myself from my late 20's and even early 20's, when I would just... out-of-hand dismiss offers from people, kindness from people. Which, now? In this social drought? Seems ludicrous. And there is regret and shame attached so it's difficult to engage with, but that lack of emotion, that symbol, that action... I'm assuming that is what the card is referring to as a source, and that apathy really wreaking havoc on my life, and I was very well stuck in it for a long fuckin time.
Next is Seven of Wands. This one is kinda intense. It's having the courage to stand your ground and defend yourself when severely outnumbered. At first glance, it's weird that wands have so much conflict-related stuff (you'd think swords would be more about conflict) but wands are fire... so... that kinda comes with the territory. So the whole... kinda being stuck in dysfunctional apathy and aloofness thing... it led to situations where I really should have been standing my ground, setting firm boundaries, having pride and confidence in myself and my life... my new self and my new life. And... I didn't. I was blocked, I caved. I failed to have the courage many of the times, and when I did? It took a heavy toll. But throughout, I was very fearful, trembling.
This resolves in an inverted Six of Cups. Which is actually pretty super dead on, actually. Struggling to connect with my past, and because of that disconnect, struggling to learn those lessons accurately in order to be prepared for the future. In fact, on stream today, I was considering playing Corelia's album from 2012. It used to be one of my favorite albums back then, I even did vocal covers of two of their songs. And I really feel uncomfortable even thinking about connecting with things from the past a lot of the time. One, because it's a reminder that I'm getting old very quickly. Two, because... of what happened in-between? All the things I've lost? I don't know. It's a haunting feeling. Hard to put in words. Nostalgia has not felt good for me in a while, it feels like... like seeing a ghost. It's eerie and unsettling, and I guess I've been afraid of the memories and associations that come with it. Periphery III is a great example of that. That album has multiple waves of trauma associated with it. And soon... soon I will be able to reclaim it. But this inverted Six of Cups really screams that specific problem to me. Not being able to connect with memories in a healthy way, so... because of that... I struggle to shape a clear perspective image in order to feel safe moving forward.
Very powerful message tonight. My past apathy (both med induced and... upbringing/depression induced) led to a series of massive defeats after I reconnected with my emotions, and both of these have put me in a state where I struggle to put the lessons I was supposed to learn from the past into practice, because of the emotional minefield back there. Let's see if the placeholder card has anything to contribute. The Sun. Revelation, the road ahead, optimism, growth. After three inverted cards. XD How weird is it that the culmination of that message is a struggle looking at the road behind, when the context card - the card I use to hold my place in the reference book when looking up definitions - represents the road ahead.
Maybe I should try that album out tomorrow. Might be a good time to reclaim some of my past, and prove to myself that these are still beautiful things. Just because they were in proximity to painful things, doesn't mean they themselves should be associated with them. It's tough with music though, music resonates emotion with me so intensely.
Anyway, it's super late. Bed.
0 notes
sahirmohan · 6 years
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.・:*:・゚’ twenty four year old cismale sahir mohan was made in brooklyn and attended st. jude’s. he still resides in new york, and is currently a model / aspiring musician. they are warm, moody eyes, vintage leather, smoky, whiskey-tinted kisses tattoos done in trashed hotel rooms, a tab of acid on a capable tongue. onlookers say they resemble zayn malik. ( g, 22, she/her, pst ) 
hiii so the truth is i am a greedy fuck?? shout out 2 becca for recruiting me into this group and giving me a whole new place to be one? so this fool is a brand new muse of mine and not that well fleshed out yet but i think that’s okAY bc it leaves a lot of room for development :’) tbh i just wanted all of the opportunities to plot with u fine folks so i decided i needed *dj khalid voice* anotha one
ight so his parents came over to the US from the UK (tower hamlets, one of the poorest parts of london) when sahir was still pretty young like ten or eleven, and it was kind of a weird adjustment to him but like? not really? especially since they moved to brooklyn and the overall environment wasn’t much different from the one he’d grown up in before that yikes
they opened their own pizzeria because they thought it would be a successful business venture and they’d be able to make a living for themselves in the city that way, but the truth is they struggled to do much apart from barely scrape by paying all of the bills and hardly breaking even each year
his upbringing and watching his parents hardships like that really fucked sahir up, and he found himself growing more determined to make something of himself that would allow him to give them both a comfortable lifestyle with each passing year
at freshly eighteen right after graduating from st. judge’s he started getting help from different benefactors (wealthy men ok) , they were paying for all of his rent, utilities etc and he was saving as much as he possibly could. by the end of that year he was able to start helping his parents out with their debts and that made him feel a lot better but! he couldn’t keep doing the sugar baby thing okay my boy felt weird about it
luckily one of his benefactors was kind and pretty influential in the high fashion world, and because of him sahir was able to have a rather late ~discovery~ and be swept up into it himself, becoming a highly sought-after and extremely popular model in just a couple years time
there’s just one problem,,, as grateful as sahir is for everything his career has brought him, namely the ability to get his parents entirely out of financial dire straits and give them something much more along the lines of the life he’s always wanted them to have, he fucking hates modeling rip
to him it was exciting at first, being fully considered one of manhattan’s elite despite where he came from, getting to attend all these lavish parties and big events, having all this attention, but he quickly realized that modeling isn’t something he’s ever going to have a real passion for
*big fat cliche voice* his real ~passion~ is in music, namely singing and writing his own original songs, so now he’s trying to work out a plan to use the social media following and regular attention that being associated with a lot of big brands and designers has earned him, in order to launch a career in music (his vc is zayn obv) 
he’s really not trying to get Help from anyone but lord knows my boy probably isn’t going to be able to make it where he wants to be if he doesn’t :( 
doesn’t like too rely too heavily on anyone, especially given his past of actually being fully financially dependent on others and feeling that power imbalance; apart from enjoying getting fucked up, he always likes to feel in control
bisexual &, unrelatedly, an abominable thot
a moody artistic little shit
my boy loves getting tattoos + tattooing, doesn’t have his license to do it but hit him up to give yc them anyway ok
TW: SUBSTANCE USE very much lives his life in the vein of ‘i’m here for a good time, not for a long time’, especially once he was introduced to a life of luxury and no longer having to constantly worry about money- does too many drugs, smokes too many cigarettes, drinks too much booze, fucks too many people
TW DEATH: he has this (ridiculous) fantasy that he’s going to be part of the 27 club someone stop his fake deep ass like my guy not only are you already 24 but are u really tryna die?
this is pretty much all I have for now but I’ll likely add to this as time goes on, or at least the version of it I’ll keep on his page here. you can also find his almost completely blank connections page here! can’t wait to plot w/ u guys :’) 
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natashaismylove · 2 years
My little secret |N. Romanoff
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Summary: Y/N wasn't satisfied in her relationship so she seeks relief in Natasha.
Warnings: smut, g!p Natasha(she has a penis), dom!natasha, unprotected sex, oral (Natasha receiving), spanking, dirty talk, degrading, praise, mommy kink, exhibition kink, cheating, choking, pet names(bunny)
As much as I knew that it was wrong it almost just made it more thrilling. The feeling that I could never let anyone know and that it was just our little secret. When I first met Natasha I had just gotten into a relationship with Mona. Two years later I was still with her and still fucking Natasha behind her back.
After the first night with Nat I thought things would change, that we would get together. I was wrong. She told me we couldn't date in fear of people finding out and using me to get to her, so we decided to keep in on the down low, a friends with benefits type of deal. I stayed with Mona for the relationship part but after a while I quickly realised Natasha was the only one who was able to satisfy me.
I sighed as Mona laid on my naked chest, drawing circles onto it mindlessly.
"That was great." she said with a tired smile.
I hummed in response and stared up at the ceiling, waiting for her to fall asleep. Once I heard her breathing even out I looked down and saw her fast asleep. I carefully took her off my chest and put her down on the bed, watching her snuggle into a pillow. I walked to the closet and put on some workout tights and a t-shirt with a light jacket on top. I put on my sneakers before grabbing my phone and headphones and walked out of the apartment.
It was late at night but being a shield agent I figured I could take care of myself. I hurried down the staircase and went out the door before beginning to jog down the street. I kept going until I reached my favourite park, where I now broke into a sprint. I felt my anxiety fade away as I ran and smiled as I enjoyed my favourite form of therapy.
After about an hour I decided it was time to head back but not before taking a quick glance at the giant Avengers tower.
"One quick visit won't hurt anybody..." I muttered before heading over.
I got into the lobby and entered the elevator, Jarvis immediately greeting me by name. The elevator took me up to Natasha's floor and I slowly walked out and looked around.
"Y/N, what a nice surprise." Natasha smirked as she walked out of her bedroom.
I nodded a little. "Trust me, this is a surprise for me as well."
"Yeah, last time you told me we couldn't do this any longer. What changed? Mona not able to fuck you right?"
I sighed and walked closer to her, gripping the collar of her shirt. "Shut up. You wanna fuck me or not?"
She scoffed a little before taking a tight hold of my throat. "You think you're gonna get anything by talking to me like that? Don't forget who's in charge, bunny."
I swallowed a little.
"Say it. Who's in charge?"
"...you, mommy."
She smiled. "That's right." she started to walk backwards into her bedroom, still holding onto my neck. "With you coming over unannounced I think the least you could do is be an obedient little girl."
I gave a small nod before I was thrown onto the bed. She crawled over me and pinned my hands next to my head before leaning down, brushing her lips against mine. "I'm gonna need you to say it."
"Say you need me to fuck you."
I took a deep breath and tried to kiss her but she pulled her face away with a dark chuckle. I sighed and looked at her. "Please, I need you to fuck me."
"Mhm. Need you to fuck me so hard."
She sat up and lifted her shirt over her head. "Get undressed. You have 30 seconds from now."
I quickly slid my pants off and took off my jacket before I grabbed the hem of my shirt to pull it off. I removed my sports bra and underwear before laying down on my back.
"29 seconds. You almost ended up with a punishment there."
I smirked a little. "But I didn't,"
She gave a small shrug. "Doesn't mean I'll go easy on you anyways."
"Good." I smiled.
She took off her pants and underwear until she was left naked. She stood on the floor while looking at me. "Get on your knees."
I got off of the bed and sat down on the floor in front of her.
"You know what to do, bunny."
I grabbed her cock and slowly stroked it as I watched it harden before placing my lips around the head.
She grabbed my hair and moved me further onto her. "Take what you can, bunny."
I put one of my hands on her thigh to steady myself and the other went on the base of her cock to stroke what I couldn't fit in my mouth. I gagged a little as I took her as far as I could and she let up her grip on my hair a little. I bobbed my head on her cock while swirling my tongue around the tip each time I could reach it.
She quickly pulled me off of her after a while and I gasped a little from the previous lack of oxygen. She pulled me up and moved me over to the wall next to the door. She grabbed both of my wrists in one hand and placed them over my head as she pushed my chest into the wall. She pressed herself into my back and I could feel her cock on my ass.
"You ready?"
I nodded and yelped as her hand came down onto my ass.
"...yes, I'm ready."
"Good girl."
She lined her cock up with my hole before pushing in quickly in one thrust. I gasped and she gave a dark chuckle. "I can feel your pussy fucking pulsing around me. Is my big cock too much for such a little hole?" she said in a mocking tone. "Is my little slut not prepared enough for me?"
I took in a shaky breath. "I can take it."
She hummed a little as she started to move inside of me. "I know you can. What else would you be good for, my little whore?"
I pressed my forehead against the cool wall and let my mouth fall open as she picked up the pace. "Oh god, Nat..."
She slapped my ass so hard I knew it was going to leave a pretty noticeable mark. "You know what to call me."
"I'm sorry, mommy-"
"You usually know better, you're really testing me tonight, bunny." she started to fuck into me even harder.
I gasped a little and bit my lip and slightly moved back against her. She suddenly stopped and I whined and tried to look back at her.
"No, come on, continue. Fuck yourself onto me." I thrusted my hips back onto her and she moaned. "That's how a good girl does it..."
I whimpered a little and pushed back faster, listening to the sound of skin slapping and the moans falling from Natasha's lips.
"Fuck, mommy~"
Suddenly she grabbed my hips and started to fuck into me as fast as she could.
I heard some footsteps outside and my eyes widened but Natasha didn't stop. Instead she put her hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.
"Natasha? Are you in there?" I heard the voice of Bucky Barnes say.
She chuckled a little into my ear. "Be quiet because if he hears you I'll be forced to make him watch you get fucked."
I whimpered and nodded.
"I'm a little busy!" she yelled to Bucky.
"It's game night, you and Steve are a team, remember?"
She gave a small growl. "I'm. fucking. Busy!" she said loudly, thrusting into me after every word. My eyes rolled back into my head and I let out a moan.
"What was that noise?" Bucky said and my eyes flew open.
Natasha tsked near my ear. "Such a bad little slut..."
I could hear Bucky sigh. "Never mind, Wanda can be on Steve's team instead. See ya later, Romanoff." We then heard the elevator door open and close.
Her hand landed harshly on my ass, only enhancing the mark that was already there. "You really can't follow orders tonight, can ya? Almost as if you wanted him to watch you get fucking destroyed."
"No- no~"
She let go of my hands but I kept them on the wall to steady myself. She grabbed my waist hard and pushed me entirely up against the wall before fucking into me at such a fast pace I could feel my legs start shaking.
"Aw, does my dumb little slut wanna cum?"
I nodded quickly. "Yes, please let me cum, mommy, need it so fucking bad!"
"Then cum for me, bunny, cum all over my cock like a good girl."
I moaned loudly and my head fell back onto her shoulder as I reached my peak. I gasped as she kept fucking into me but she suddenly pulled out and turned me around. She pushed me down onto my knees as she quickly fisted her cock. She moaned as her cum started to hit all over my chest and boobs, covering them.
She took a deep breath as she came down from her high. She gripped my jaw and smirked a little. "You're my little secret."
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bestedoesmeow · 2 years
➳top gun men : on holiday 
ps : no offense to phoenix i love her a lot
ps2:since it's impossible for me to add top gun characters' holiday pictures i added the actors' you can imagine them as if they are their character's pictures :*
hope you enjoy readiiiinngg and imagining a getaway to your dream place with your dream aviator!
-Definetly a calm atmosphere lover he'd prefer to spend your holiday at a nice , cozy and non-crowded hotel in Turks and Caicos.
''Cocktail by the pool?''
''Did we bring the tanning spray you know the one-
-Definetly enjoys sleep until noon it'd be too much job for you to get him out of the bed and he would pull you into bed whenever you try to wake him up.
''I am gonna swim real quick.''Then wouldn't be back until you start to wonder if he is dead or something.
-He would use the mini bar a lot , especially would drink beers after swimming while waiting for you to finish with your shower.
''You ready yet?'' kind of impatient.
-Would make fun faces behind people in breakfast , dinner , lunch queues.
-Would comb his mustache at least three times a day...
''I need to workout a bit hun.''Then starts doing push-ups in the middle of the room instead using the hotel gym.
''Oh honey, we should try the spa.''
''You eatin' those?''
-One night he'd get too drunk and would try to flirt with you.
-He would suddenly get silent during one of your dinners and talk about how lucky he is to have you
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-He would probably prefer going to a nice exclusive hotel with a lot of late night activity and rich bar options in Greece maybe ?
''But we just got here Y/N.''
''No honey no i don't swim on first days.''
''Gonna take a quick nap before the dinner baby.''
-He'd watch you make sandcastles with a pina colada and a smirk on his lips.
''Did you apply enough sunscreen sweetheart?''
-Would play ''Jaws'' or ''Mermaids'' with you in the sea.
-He'd buy a water gun for himself and would make you scream and run around the whole hotel.
-He would prefer strolling around the city instead of staying at the the hotel after dinner.
''Wanna shower together?''
-Totally an airport dad he'd be there 3-4 hours earlier.
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-He would love a nice trip to a warm and small hotel in Northern Italy.
-Forgets his passport , comes into realization the last minute.
''Glasses , oh my god i forgot my glasses Y/N, what do I do, what do i do ?''Then he finds them in his shirt's pocket.
''Okay i am taking few deep breaths and I'll be okay.''
-He'd read those articles about planes or mechanics of planes he uploaded day before the trip , instead of sleeping.
''Oh you know I love you right, honey?''Kind of sudden love confessions.
-He'd suddenly start talking Italian quite fluently with other people, shooking the hell out of you.
''Oh yes honey i used to learn Italian and a bit French and Spanish but i am not fluent you know -
-He would fall asleep trying to keep an eye on you while you are swimming.
-He would help you in building a sandcastle kingdom.
''Oh shit my back my back Y/N IT'S BURNIING.''
''Did you call your parents to tell them we safely arrived ?''He'd ask with overly suspicous voice since he realized you probably had not.
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-Well I think he'd prefer the Bahamas?
''We can take the other plane don't worry.''
''Ssh , ssh honey calm down.''He would pull you into a hug in the middle of the airport even though he knows that you really need to worry.
-Surprisingly, he would wake up at 6 a.m everyday to run on the beach.
-Definetly an orange juice and breakfast guy.
-He would simply grab you by the legs and carry you in bridal style if the two of you decide to go swimming.
-Calm swimmer.He would probably prefer talking and flirting with you by the pantoons to swimming alone.
-You two would love a late evening swim so you would probably miss the dinner and have to attend the late dinner.
-Flannel shirt, white tee and chuck taylors with shorts for dinner.(HE WOULD DEFINETLY PULL THOSE OFFFF SO DAMN WELL.)
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-Maldives or Caribbeans bestie :*
-Not an airport dad at all but he'd be there on time.
''Passports , licenses , painkillers?''
-Would stroke your head slowly to sleep and he would be watching Batman : The Dark Knight while doing that.(on the plane)
''Let's get changed and have a late evening swim huh?''
-Definetly a breakfast person period.
''Can you apply this to my face very throughly honey?''
-He would take you to a nice fish restaurant for your first dinner there.
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-You are going to Turkey to Antalya or Bodrum maybe?
-He would play strategy games on his iPad throughout the plane trip.
-DEF. a pool guyyyyyy!
''You want to play mermaids?''
-He would gossip about the other Top Gun graduates.
-Always drinks cocktails while sunbathing.That's his rule bestie.
-He would ask you on a dance to Celine Dion's ''Because You Loved Me'' after dinner at hotel's bar , encouraging other couples to dance with you two.
-Would take too short in the shower but like really.
''I don't have time for that much scrub , scrub , scrub i am gonna be in the water in a few hours babyyy.”
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Tease (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this was requested. I hope you guys enjoy it! And send in your own request!
Requested by: @universefangirl (Tumblr)
Warnings: Smut (18+)
I sighed typing away frustratedly at my computer attempting to get my work done for the night. Taking another sip of my wine I looked over to the couch to see my boyfriend scrolling through his phone.
"You know? It must be nice being a paid actor during a pandemic" I spoke catching his attention. A grin began to form on his face as he stood up making his way over to me in the kitchen.
"It has its perks. Can't say the same about you baby" He teased rubbing my shoulders. I rolled my eyes continuing to type away.
"You know you could take a break" He whispered getting near my ear.
"I can't. If I don't get this is by tonight I'm so fired"
"Fine. I'm just gonna go live for a bit. And relax afterwards. I'm pretty busy tomorrow"
"Yes Charles getting to sleep in and doing a live interview late afternoon sounds so exhausting. Meanwhile I have a term paper for English due and on top of that I have to do two more sets of these for work" I spoke holding up my papers.
"For your information I'm going on a hike tomorrow morning. Then I'm going live" He said another deep breath leaving my mouth.
"Aww baby. It's okay"
"Is it though?" I asked frustrated at his lack of sympathy. I love him and all but he seems to forget that his totally normal girlfriend works a 9 to 5 and still goes to college. And as much as I appreciate the times he said he could put in a good word for me with Kenny. I refused to be exposed in the spotlight more than I already was for being his girlfriend.
"I'm sure you can do it. You always do"
"Your right. I'm amazing. I don't know what you'd do without me" I joked trying to lighten up my own mood more than his.
"I don't either. I'd miss you too much" He said placing kisses just below my ear.
"Hmm really? Care to find out Gillespie?" I asked biting my lip. This was my opportunity to get him back where it hurt.
"What do you mean?" I smirked continuing to do my work. Without another word leaving my mouth.
“Baby. What do you mean?" He asked again standing up.
I stayed quiet as he repeated the question a few more times finishing up what I was doing. I had to get through all my stuff for school and work tonight if I wanted tomorrow to go as planned.
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Glancing over at the clock I smiled. On schedule. I moved over to the empty spot beside me with a grin. Charlie was really in for it today.
I quickly got up making the bed when my phone suddenly dinged. I smiled seeing it was a good miring text from Charlie himself.
“Good morning my love. Just finished my hike. On my way home with coffee.
“I'll see you in a bit baby" I read aloud. I smiled at the cute detail before continuing on with my plan.
Changing into yoga pants and a sports bra I made my way to the living room setting up for a morning workout. Something I rarely got to do since my second term started and I became ambushed with work. It'd been nearly half an hour before I heard the front door open. The smell of coffee carrying itself through the small apartment.
"Baby your awake" He stated taking in my appearance. No doubt the sweat droplets on my body making me look shiny as hell.
"Yeah. I finished all my work last night so I figured I'd have a day to myself. I did a morning work out and I'm gonna do more things I haven't done in a while" I smiled innocently.
"Mmm am I one of those things by any chance?" He smirked pulling me close. Placing a kiss to my sweaty forehead.
"You wish. Actually I invited y/b/n over. We were thinking of painting to clear our minds"
"Oh but you can't paint looking like this. So sweaty. So wet" He whispered rubbing circles on my hips.
"Yeah I'll probably hop in the shower in a bit" I grinned before pulling away to go finish my workout.
“You know I need to shower too. What if we hop in together? To save water"
"Um I don't know. Can you keep your hands to yourself Gillespie?" I asked bending down in front of him to stretch.
"I can't answer that" He growled coming to stand behind me. As soon I felt his hands on my waist I stood up turning around to face him.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk" I whispered pulling back.
“What baby? Why won't you let me touch you?" He whined.
"Because it's my only free day and I'm going to enjoy it babe" I said placing a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips before walking away.
"Where are you going?" He called.
"To shower"
"Can I join?"
"If you can keep your hands away" I heard him groan as I shut the bathroom door behind me. Giggling to myself I entered the shower washing myself down.
Purposely forgetting to bring in an outfit. Knowing Charlie didn't enter for a reason I called out for him after I was clean.
"Charlie!" I shouted waiting for him to come in.
"Yes baby?"
"Can you bring me some clothes please?”I asked peeking my head out the curtain.
"Can I touch you?" He asked.
"Uh how about no"
"Then no" He said hoping that would get a reaction out of me. It didn't.
"Fine. If you insist" I spoke shutting the water off. Within a matter of seconds I exited the shower. Feeling his eyes piercing through me.
"Close your mouth. Your gonna catch flies" I said wrapping my towel around my body.
"Mm baby you don't know what your doing to me" He moaned out.
"I don't? Or do I?" I asked opening the door further so I could slip past him. Heading to the bedroom I smiled to myself knowing it was working.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Rushing over I peeked through the hole to see y/b/n standing there. Thankful both of our COVID tests came out negative I smiled welcoming her inside.
"Hey y/n/n"
"Y/b/n!" I shouted happy to see her after so long.
"So how's he doing?" She asked knowing all about my plan.
"Not good. I love him I really do but paybacks a bitch. I can't wait til his interview" I smirked walking her to my room.
I was quick to change into a cute matching set with only one of his band shirts layering on top.
"Wow. He's gonna be drooling"
"That's the plan. Thanks for doing this again"
"Its no problem. What are best friends for? Just promise me you'll give me every detail tomorrow. You know after he breaks"
"I promise" I said as we both giggled exiting the room. We made our way towards the living room pulling out the supplies she had brought over for our eventful day.
Y/b/n and I enjoyed each other's company for a while. Catching up on our new quarantine rituals. It wasn't long before Charlie came out of the restroom completely shirtless with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I bit my lip coming back to reality when y/b/n bumped my shoulder.
"Y/b/n. You're here" Charlie said running his fingers through his hair. He knew what he was doing.
"Yeah. I came to spend time with my best friend. Did you see her today by the way?" Y/b/n said taking my hand and playfully spinning me around. I chuckled at her antics realizing she'd done it on purpose to give him a full view of what I was wearing. If something drove Charlie Gillespie crazy. It was me wearing his band tees.
"I didn't. Thank you for that" Charlie spoke sending daggers through me.
"I hope you don't mind. I barrowed your shirt to paint. I can change if you wa-"
"No! No no baby keep it on. It looks amazing on you" He said a small smile playing at his lips.
"Thanks baby. When's your interview?"
"In like 20 minutes. I'm gonna go get ready"
"Sounds good. We'll be on the balcony painting. That good?"
"Of course baby" I smiled walking out on the hard cemented area placing down our stuff.
We specifically chatted those 20 minutes waiting for Charlie to come out of the bedroom.
"I'm going live" Charlie called through the screen door.
"Okay good luck" I called back. I saw him send me a wink before setting up his phone where the sun was hitting him perfectly.
"This is perfect" I whispered to y/b/n as we pulled out our paints.
"I know. I can't believe he set himself up right there" She whispered back. I giggled pulling out the pastel pink from the bag.
"Charlie!" I heard the interviewer shout. My boyfriend clearly estatic.
"Hey man what's up?"
"What's up with me? What's up with you? Your our first cast member of the day. So for starters we wanna know what's up with you?"
"Nothing much man. I mean I've been writing a lot recently"
"Oh yeah can we be expecting any music coming out soon away from the Julie and the Phantoms band?"
"Uh no. That's kind of where I'm at right now which is amazing you know? Working with such great cast and bandmates it's great"
"Sounds like it. So where do you get inspiration from during this whole new situation we're in? It must get boring"
"Uh it does at times when I'm alone. Which is rare since I've been quarantining with my girlfriend. She's amazing company and overall my biggest inspiration"
"Girlfriend? Are you guys at her place or yours?"
"Hers man. I didn't wanna disturb her peace but she insisted and it's just been amazing. I love her" He said my heart fluttering at his words. I looked over at y/b/n to see her smirking at me.
"What about your cast? Do they know her?"
"Oh yeah. Like my family, they absolutely love her which is great. You know their approval means a lot to me so it's nice that everyone gets along with her just fine"
"That's good to hear so moving back to your music" The interviewer continued changing subjects. With his wholesome answers I almost felt bad denying him my touch today. And almost felt bad what I'd be doing next.
After about 15 minutes I began to laugh at nothing signalling it was go time. I glanced back see Charlie staring up at us. Clearly trying to focus on the interviewer speaking. Clearly.
"Stop!" I whisper shouted at my best friend who splattered pain on me. I repeated her actions earning a giggle from the girl.
Suddenly I felt a cold sensation hit me. She had thrown our water cup at me in return I splattered more paint towards her. Trying to stay as quiet as possible.
"No yeah thanks man. I had fun" I heard Charlie say. Signifying the interview was nearly over.
"No thank you. Charlie Gillespie everyone. Up next Owen Patrick Joyner!" The man shouted before the living room went silent.
"Done?" I asked turning back to look indoors. The door screen being the only thing between us and the indoors.
"Yeah. What happened?"
"I don't know y/b/n what did happened?" I asked the girl in a teasing voice. Moving back slowly letting the sun hit my body. The white shirt on my body becoming see through.
"Cover up baby"
"Y/b/n doesn't mind right babe?" I asked her.
"Nope. We've been best friends forever Charles. I know her inside out. I also know you should probably get changed out of that"
"Or I could just do this" I replied removing the shirt from my body altogether. I watched as Charlie's jaw dropped in surprised.
"Cute set. Victoria secret?"
"Pink" I answered walking into the living room.
"Huh. I would've never guessed. Oh shoot it's already 5:00 o'clock? I should get going. I have to get to Dylan's house. Do you need help cleaning up?"
"No!" Charlie shouted before I could answer.
"No. We've got it y/b/n. No worries"
"Thanks guys" She smiled pulling me into a hug then Charlie. I watched as he walked her towards the door.
Not knowing which one was rushing more him or her.
"Thanks for coming!" I called out grabbing some paper towels to wipe off the water still on my body.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Charlie asked once the door shut.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"You've been such a bad girl"
“Me?" I asked looking behind me jokingly knowing I was the only one here.
"Teasing me all damn day. Having y/b/n come over to be a cock block. And then pulling that little stunk during my interview"
"I don't know what your going on about Charles. I didn't know y/b/n name was gonna- Ahhh" I squealed feeling his strong arms wrap around me from behind lifting me up.
"Charlie!" I shouted as he carried me towards the bedroom.
"Yes?" He questioned when he put me down on the bed gently.
"Seriously?" I asked ask he removed his shirt.
"Seriously" He confirmed moving in to kiss me. It was gentle at first but that gentleness soon became hunger. From both ends we fought for dominance. Tired of fighting I gave in as he pushed me further up the bed.
"Charlie please" I pleaded beginning to palm him through his jeans. Feeling him get harder by the second.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Not yet" He whispered making me whine. He chuckled before speaking once more in a hushed tone.
"Now are you gonna tell daddy exactly why you teased him all day?" I groaned knowing there was no way of getting out of this one.
"Nope" I said hoping to move on.
"Mm I don't like the sound of that" He said removing his jeans. I moaned seeing his full body. He was too hot for his own good.
"Now are you gonna tell me or should I return the punishment" I internally groaned not in the mood to be teased.
"I-I just feel like you forget sometimes that I have so much on my plate. And maybe sometimes you could be insensitive about it" I muttered the last part hoping he wouldn't hear. But judging by his features softening he had heard every word.
"I make you feel that way?" he asked caressing my cheek.
"Not all the time but yeah sometimes"
"Baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" He mumbled placing soft kisses on my lips.
"I guess I just forget sometimes that you have so much to do. I just wanna spend all my time with you since that's all I have. I also guess offering to pay for things like your college doesn't help either when your girlfriends independent"
"And capable of doing everything on her own. Including paying for her school and home necessities. I mean it's a nice gesture baby but I'd just appreciate it if maybe you could take a step back and realize I'm only human. And not everyone wants to become an actor. I'm studying really hard to get to where I wanna be. And even if I'm working a boring desk job right now I won't be in the future"
"I know baby and I'm so proud of you for that you know that right?"
"Of course Charlie. And I know your my number one supporter just like I'm your number one fan" I said as he placed small kisses on my nose.
"Good....So you did all this today to get back at me?"
"Well yeah I wanted to have fun. But it's no fun when I too need to resist the urge to jump on you when you come out of the shower shirtless"
"Yeah about that I didn't know y/b/n was here or I wouldn't have walked out like that"
"I know baby. But now that we're alone so can we please just-" My words were cut off by his lips once more.
Giggling at his eagerness I began to palm him through his boxers once more.
"You don't know the things you do to me baby" He whispered pulling my bra down letting my breast fall free. I moaned as he began to suck on the left one and toying with the right one.
"God I missed these"
"Charlie please hurry up" I spoke. He didn't hesitate to remove my panties and his boxers immediately lining himself up at my entrance.
"You've been taking your birth control right?"
"Of course you idiot"
"Ooo aggressive much"
"Charlie if you don-" My words were cut off by a moan as he entered me. Not hesitating to start moving at a steady pace.
"Charlie" I moaned wrapping my legs around his waist.
"I'm so close baby"
"Me too" I panted as he sped up. His thrust becoming sloppier by the second.
"I'm gonna-" He groaned being the first to release. My climax coming not long after. I sighed as we rode our our highs together.
"I love you baby" Charlie said standing up and cleaning me off with a t-shirt of his.
"I love you too" I said as he finally came to lay next to me. Pulling the covers over us.
"You do know I really am proud of you right?"
"I don't know I think you need to prove it to me" I halfheartedly joked.
"If you insists" He whispered pulling me in for a sweet tender kiss.
Time slowing down as we spent the night tangled in each other's arms. Enjoying each other's company. Each other's love.
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mageofseven · 4 years
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Part 3 with Beel and Belphie is ready!
Part 1 | Part 2
The big guy noticed the changes with his girlfriend before she even mentioned them; the sixth brother is pretty observant with those he cares about after all.
Whenever he discussed how worried he was about her, about her lethargy and dizzy spells, the woman would just smile and say she was fine, that it was just her body being off and human bodies are just weird like this at times.
Beel didn't know much about the human body so he chose to believe his Muffin on this, even if he was still worried.
As the months went on, MC started to gain weight. The demon noticed this, but it really didn't faze him at first; he didn't mind it if his girlfriend was a bit rounder in her torso.
What he did mind however was how self-conscious his girlfriend got about it. She had been eating a lot more recently and she couldn't really fight it, but she also hated every pound gained from it all.
Beel always told her how beautiful she was and how her weight never changed that to him.
However, she'd glance down at how her belly poked out now and looked to her boyfriend, who was so incredibly strong and was practically the living definition of fitness and was so good looking... and she couldn't help but fall even deeper into the slow burning feeling of loathing with of her own body.
One day, MC asked if she could go to the gym with him. The Avatar of Gluttony was immediately tense because she still wasn't feeling well, but he knew it would probably make her feel a bit better if she was exercising and actively working on what was bothering her
So he agreed, but the man couldn't bring himself to do his usual workout routine with her there. The big guy was just too worried about his Muffin.
At one point, the man just noticed that something seemed off about his Human.
He set down the weights and walked over to the treadmill she was on-- and got there just in time to catch her as she fainted.
Luckily, the woman woke up fairly quickly, but her boyfriend had enough; no more exercise for her, not until she got her dizziness under control.
For the next few days, the MC was extra depressed and just found herself in bed more, usually snuggled up with either Beel or Belphie.
It was one such day when the cramping started.
She had gotten to lay with Beel for awhile, but eventually he had to leave for the game with his teammates.
Usually, MC would go and watch him play, but since her cramps were so bad, she didn't really have this option.
She was cuddled up in bed with Belphie when the redhead gave her a kiss goodbye and told her and his twin that he'd come straight home, receiving a nod from his Muffin and a thumbs up from his twin.
The pain just got worse while he was gone though and things evolved to MC gripping onto the Avatar of Sloth and heavily sobbing into his chest.
The seventh brother couldn't move and get help; everytime he tried, the human would beg between sobs for him not to leave her. He couldn't call for help either because he realized that he left his phone up in the planetarium.
Belphie was stuck with the sobbing human for over three hours until Beel came home.
Eventually, MC could feel something lowering within her and the need to push was unbearable.
"B-Belphie, help me up!"
The man did as he was told and helped her off the bed.
Beely came into the room just in time to see his girlfriend squatting and pushing out the head while his twin held onto her to help keep her balanced.
Eyes wide, the demon ran to girlfriend. His brain wasn't fully registering what the heck was happening, but his immediate reaction was still to rush to her side and help her.
MC immediately grabbed onto her boyfriend.
"B-Beely--uhhh... i-it's coming out."
Still deeply confused and concerned, the man's gaze dropped down between her legs, now letting himself focus on the head between them.
MC... his Muffin was having his baby!
Okay action then thoughts. Right now, the man just had to be there for her.
"Belphie, go tell Lucifer. We need a doctor."
The man was really trying to keep calm for his Muffin.
Without really pausing to answer, his twin rushed out the door.
"It's okay, Muffin, I'm here."
The redhead held onto his girlfriend and encouraged her as she pushed.
When the baby was finally pushed out enough to be freed from it's mom, Beel already had his hands around it so it didn't fall to the floor.
The demon forgot to breathe for a minute as he stared down at his daughter. His daughter.
Smiling, Beel lifted his gaze back to his girlfriend, but found that the woman was still crying in pain.
"I-It still--ughhhh, I think there's another."
The man's eyes widen.
Beel noticed his girlfriend's legs shaking and knew she wouldn't be able to keep herself up.
He adjusted his hold on his little girl before guiding MC onto the bed to lay down. He stayed between her legs and continued to give her encouraging words.
Since their sister already stretched the way open for them, the second baby was crowning in very little time.
A few minutes later, MC birthed the second baby, another girl. Both girls had his wings, horns, even his hair and eye color.
The man held both girls in his arms, already overwhelmed with his love for them, before looking up at MC, who was regaining her breath.
Beel sat down next to her and kissed her cheek.
"Are you alright?"
His girlfriend nodded, gaze falling to their girls.
"Beely... we're parents now?"
Beel smiled and nodded.
"I..." The woman sighed. "How did this even happen?"
"I dunno... are you okay with this, Muffin?"
"...Are you?"
His smile grew.
She gave her boyfriend a small smile.
"Then... I am too."
Beel leaned down and kissed her.
"Good. I love you... I love our girls." The demon smiled down at the twins in his arms before meeting MC's eyes again. "This is... a dream. All at once, I got everything I wanted in life. I'll make sure to give you and the girls everything I can."
The doctor finally came a few minutes later, obviously late. Still, he checked MC and the girls to make sure they were okay and before he even left, the rest of House of Lamentation knew that the two were now parents.
It took Belphie a bit longer than his twin to realize something was wrong with MC.
Sleepy boy... well, has a sleepy mind.
Not to say that it took him long though; while Beel noticed the human feeling off in his scenario on the first day, it took his twin about three days.
Honestly, he wasn't really worried about how tired they got. Hell, that just meant more naps they could take together so the Avatar of Sloth was winning in that regard.
He didn't really care about the weight gain either. Yeah, he teased her about it a bit, but it was always followed by wrapping his arms around her waist and if his words actually hurt her, which sometimes they did, he'd sleepily kiss their neck, their cheek, their lips
"It was a joke, Butthead." He'd tell them. "If anything, you're even cuter with a belly."
And the boy thrived off the blush that came after.
What the boy didn't enjoy, however, was her dizzy spells. The woman would go pale and suddenly have to grab onto him. Sometimes, MC would even full on faint and he'd have to quickly catch her before she hit the ground.
The first time that happened, the two were on their way to lunch at RAD and suddenly his girlfriend stopped walking. He turned around to ask why she stopped just for the woman to fall forward and for him to have to scramble to catch her.
Luckily, the woman was only out for a minute and was confused when she woke up in her boyfriend's arms, laying on the hallway floor at RAD.
Belphie took her straight home after that, not even giving the human the option to stick around and finish the school day.
The demon didn't understand what was wrong with his Human and whenever he'd ask MC, the woman didn't seem too concerned. Lightly, yes, but she said it'd probably correct itself and human bodies are just weird for the sake of being weird sometimes.
The seventh brother wasn't sure that he believed it, but he also didn't have any other answer so he just chose to leave it at that.
Basically, it was months of Sleepy Boy pretending he didn't care, but secretly hovering over his girlfriend.
After nine months of this hovering, it finally ended.
The two were upstairs in the attic, napping.
MC had been having cramps all day and Belphie suggested just sleeping through them, saying that eventually they will just go away.
Technically, he was right, just not in a way he expected.
He woke up to MC heavily sobbing his name. The man jolted awake and found his girlfriend gripping his shirt and burying her face in his chest.
"What's wrong--"
That's when he noticed the bed was... wet? Why was it wet?
"B-Belphie, somethings--gaaahh." The woman was panting through the pain.
The demon threw the blanket off of her and saw that the bed was soaked, as was her leggings, but there was also a slight bulge.
He pulled them down and saw that she was crowning.
His eyes went wide. She's pregnant? How the hell is she pregnant?
He looked back up at MC, who was still crying from the contractions, and knew he had to handle this before anything else.
He got up from the bed and positioned himself between her legs.
"You gotta push." He told her. "It's not gonna end if you don't push, Butthead."
His voice was firm, but tinged with some sympathy.
The woman was in too much pain to argue.
It took twenty minutes, but the MC managed to push the baby out half way, only to be pulled out completely by her boyfriend.
The demon stared down at the baby, a boy with his tail, eyes, and hair, and didn't know how to feel. He had gotten so focused on helping MC that his emotions felt lightyears away.
The human cried out and his head snapped up to look see her still writhing in pain.
Was there another one? The man quickly found out that there was.
And so it all repeated.
Once the second one was born, a little girl with his horns and eyes, but MC's hair, Belphie stared down at the twins on the bed, crying at the top of their lungs.
The man was already so tired of hearing cries.
He looked up at MC, who had a panicked expression on her face.
Leaving the twins laying between her legs, the Avatar of Sloth went back to his side of the bed and pulled her into his arms.
Neither said a word for a while. The only sound in the room were their twins' cries.
"I didn't know..." MC mumbled.
Belphie pulled back to meet her eyes, just staring into them for a full minute.
"Promise me. Promise that it's true and you didn't know."
"I promise. I swear on everything I have with you that I had no idea."
He sighed.
"Okay." He leaned in and kissed her.
After a moment or two, he pulled away and looked down at the crying babies on the bed.
"So... what do you wanna do with them?"
"I..." The woman stared down at her babies. "C-Can you bring them to me?"
Her boyfriend nodded and scooped up the babies one at a time to bring into her arms.
The woman brought them to her chest, causing them to finally stop crying in favor of feeding from her.
Belphie watched this quietly, not really sure what else to do.
After about a minute or two, MC spoke up.
"Belphie... would you be mad at me... if I said I wanted to keep them?"
The woman knew her boyfriend wasn't a fan of kids, a topic they always clashed with a bit. MC didn't think she could survive losing her twins in anyway now that they're here, but she worried about what Belphie would think of this.
The man pursed his lips. He honestly never wanted kids before, never liked them. Still though... he felt odd. Different.
Maybe it was seeing MC hold his children so sweetly in this moment, but he wasn't as against this as he always imagined himself to be.
Was he at the beginning of developing paternal feelings or was he simply not strong enough to take away something that his girlfriend obviously wanted so much? The demon wasn't sure.
"No. I'm not mad." He shook his head. "I... damn, I don't understand how this is happening but... if you want this then I'm here for the long haul. I'll take care of them; I'll take care of you. We'll do this together."
Part 1 | Part 2
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i-desire-jake · 3 years
Let's Dance (part 1)
Charecters : Jake and fem (mc) pairing. The DW group and a few imaginative Charecters.
Genre: Romance, fluff and comedy
Summary: It's an AU, where everyone from the group are high school students. They all are members of a dance group who are practicing for the annual function competition. The DW couple dance group.
Author's note at the end.
*music plays in the background*
-  Ok, let's start 1..2..3.....1..2...3.....1...2-
 - aaaahh!..... *Alex falls down on the floor*
-oh my God Alex! Are you okay?!
You ask visibly shocked and panicked after seeing your dance partner twisting his leg, falling to the ground the next moment and wincing in pain.
- Hannah! Call the teachers now. I think he's got a sprain.
You say crouching beside him and helping him to his legs.
* The teachers arrive and carry Alex to the medical room*
- oh my God. I just hope he is fine and not badly injured.
You say
- I hope so too. Hannah says.
You and all your friends in the group wait outside the medical room to hear from your teachers.
After a few minutes of waiting, your dance teacher finally arrives and mentions that, He's got a sprain and he won't be able to dance properly for the next few days.
You all go to his room to check his condition.
- Hey guys. He says with a sad smile.
I'm sorry Mc but I don't think I would be able to dance with you. You'll have to look for a new partner.
You crouch next to him saying
-It's okay. I'm just glad the injury is not severe and that you'll recover soon.
After chatting and gossiping with him for half an hour, you and your friends leave him to get some rest.
- what are we gonna do now? You ask Hannah and the group.
- we don't have anyone else to replace Alex. All other boys are already in some other group and the few who are left are either too blunt or too rough. Says Jessy.
Everyone starts thinking  as of what to do now. You were about to say that you'll quit when suddenly Hannah speaks loudly clapping her hands.
- I've got an idea, as of who will partner up with Mc.
Everyone stare at Hannah questioning.
- I think my brother will perfectly fit in the role. He doesn't know much about couple dance but I'm sure Mc will teach him. Hannah says giving a wink to you.
You blush at the mention of Jake. Everyone in the group knows that you have crush on Hannah and Lilly's half-brother Jake.
- uh... that computer nerd. Really?
Dan grumbles visibly annoyed.
- so what? He's good at what he does.  His dance partner Lilly says while nudging him with her elbow.
- so?? What do you think Mc? Hannah asks.
- umm.... I think...If Jake will agree.., then why not.
You stutter shyly.
- OK then. Let's ask Jake. He won't be able to deny me.
Hannah says while pulling you with her to Jake's classroom.
You both enter the class to see Jake focused on his computer and typing something.
-Hey big bro! Hannah says with a bright smile.
He turns his head to greet Hannah. But when his eyes meet yours, you both just stare at each other. You both break your gaze blushing when Hannah coughs to get his attention.
- Enough staring guys. Now let's come to the topic. Hannah says with a teasing smile on her face.
-uh... ummm...  Hi Hannah. You wanted something? Jake says in  embarrassment that he was caught staring at you.
- Actually yes. We want you to pair up with Mc for our upcoming annual function. Her dance partner Alex got a sprain this morning and so he won't be able to dance. Hannah said.
- but I don't know how to dance. Argues Jake.
- Please big Bro. I beg you. Mc is a good dancer but she won't be allowed to dance without a partner. It's a couple dance, she can't dance alone.
-But Hann-
- Please Jake... You speak looking him in the eyes.
He huffs but then finally agrees to it.
- yay!! Hannah cheers and leaves the room to you two.
- Thanks Jake. It really means a lot. But if you are not comfortable with it you can tell me. There's no pressure. You say to him in an understanding tone.
- No, it's okay. I'll pair up with you. It's just that I don't know much about dance. Jake says blushing.
- Hey, I'll teach you, don't worry. We'll be a great partner.
You wink at him. You both chat for a little while then you leave him to his work after telling him about the schedule of the dance practice.
*In the practice room*
You were stretching and doing a little workout before practicing to warm yourself a little and become more flexible.
When you turned around you saw Jake standing at the doorway staring at you. You cough a little make him come out of his little daydreaming.
- Hey! I'm here. I hope I'm not late. He says.
- No, of course not. I just came a little early for warm up.
So...um..... Why don't you change into something comfortable. Some clothes are kept over there, in the closet.
Jake glances down at his black hoodie and jeans then nods and leave the room to change.
When he comes back, you both start practicing.
You both were dance practicing. But from what it looked from outside it was more of him stumbling and falling over you and stepping on your toes.
-aah! Ouch!...
- I'm so sorry again Mc. I suck at dancing. He mumbles before moving away.
-Hey, it's okay. It's your first time. Everyone stumbles when they do this for the first time. In fact I think you are better than others. You assure him.
- Really? He asks.
- Yes really. When I first started dancing I was really bad at it. I stumbled over and fell on the floor for God knows how many times. Atleast you are better than me.
- OK OK. ... enough flattery let's continue. He says.
 He holds your one hand and the other snakes behind your back on your waist. You hold his one hand and keep the other on his shoulder and continue practicing.
*music plays in the background *
- OK,  1... 2....3......1....2...3....1- aaahhh!!
He steps on your toes so hard that you wince in pain and fall behind pulling him over you. What happens next is you lying on the floor with him on top of you. You both just stare into each other's eyes.
*Everyone in the room turns around at the sound and stares at you both surprised.*
Jessy covers her and her partner, Richy's eyes. Lily, Hannah and her boyfriend blush
You both only come to senses and realize what's happening when Dan grumbles - get yourself a room.
Jake awkwardly removes himself from you and mumbles sorry, with you following him in the aplogy process. You both look around and see some of your friends staring. Before you could explain the situation everyone starts laughing.
Jake and you just blush brightly and both look at the floor to avoid further embarrassment.
- Our computer boy knows romance too. Dan grumbles.
You give him a death stare and tell him to shut up
- uh...ummm.... I think our practice for today is over. We can meet tomorrow to continue. You mumble in embarrassment.
Jake just nods and then you both leave the dance room.
From the next day you both decide to practice somewhere more private so you both won't have to feel embarrassed with others staring at you.
Both of yours practice continued for the next few weeks before the annual function. Of course stumbling and falling over one another wasn't just a one time thing. You both made mistakes at starting but then you both became perfect in swinging your hips and moving your legs on the rhythm. The dance practice together brought you two closer to one another. You started spending more and more time with him.
You both would leave the class together chatting and smiling, go to the nearby cafe together and sometime you both just hold each other's hands and stroll in the park.
This dance practice definitely brought you two closer. You sometimes even wished to be his girlfriend. The others of course noticed your behaviour and would often tease you about this.
The day finally came. The day of annual function. Several competitions were held. Group dance competition, solo dance, singing, drama, dance drama and many more.
All the members of your group collected on the backstage. Everyone were holding their partner's hand.
They all were nicely dressed. Girl's were in knee length dress and boys wore shirts paired up with trousers or jeans.
Your eyes kept on drifting on Jake's.  He was wearing a deep blue shirt with black jeans . Jake was also just staring at your beauty. You wore a shimmery red dress which reached just a bit above your knee. You had a pearl necklace around your neck and a silver bracelet around your wrist.
- Now our next group of dancers are requested to come on the stage and enthrall us with their performance. This is a couple dance which will fill our atmosphere with love and romance. Please welcome them with a huge round of applause. The host announces.
* followed by a huge applause*
- looks like it's our turn. Let's go. Hannah says.
Everyone nods in agreement and moves to the direction of stage.
- I'm nervous. Jake says.
- It's okay. You don't have to be nervous. We are the best team. You squeeze his hand a little to reassure him.
Everyone in the group takes their respective position to start performing. The music plays in the background and everyone starts their dance.
After a few minutes,
*music plays in the background *
- I'm getting nervous again. Jake whispers when you both were swinging your hips and moving to the rhythm.
- It's okay. Just look me in the eyes and forget the rest of the world. Just focus on us and the music. Your body will automatically move. You say him sweetly.
You yourself were nervous but then you both just followed your advice and stared into each other's eyes.
You both don't know when the time passed. You both were so focused on each other that you didn't even realize that the music was coming to  it's end.
You only realized it when you heard applause and cheering from the background.
The ending song played..... you all swiftly performed the ending steps, bowed and left the dance stage when the music came to an end.
The anchor continued
* followed by a huge round of applause*
- wow that was indeed a mesmerising performance. It filled the air with love and roma-....
The background chatter continues when you all come back stage.
Everyone just starts chatting hysterically with their partners about their performance. They laugh, chat and even worries whether  their performance was good enough to win. Jessy even starts arguing with Dan, Richy and Thomas. Hannah and lily are in their own world chatting and giggling like kids.
When everyone is busy with their own stuff, Jake suddenly hugs you mumbling - I was so scared and nervous. I was sure that I would stumble and ruin our performance but you really helped. I can't believe that it's over and I didn't got a heart attack. Jake says laughing in your arms.
You return his hug pressing your head on his shoulder saying
- We were really good. I don't care if we win or lose, I'm happy that we gave our best.
- But I would prefer winning this competition than losing. You say laughing.
You both separate from each other and join the group in their non stop rambling.
Your whole group waits in the audience room desperately waiting for the results to be announced.
- Jessy will you please stop tapping your feet on the ground. Don't you know nervousnes and anxiety are contagious..... Richy grumps.
After about half an hour, the host stands on the stage announcing the winners.
- That moment has come for which everyone were waiting for.  Our judges have decided the winners from all categories of performances.
* The host opens the envelope, taking out a glossy sheet of paper*
- So..... from solo singing we have two winners. The first one is ........ Amalya from 'rock n roll' and the second one is Mark from 'slow tides'. Give a huge round of applause for our winners.....
The award giving session continues untill  it finally comes to dances performances.
- Now it's for our dancers to get their awards. From solo dancers we have again two winners. They are............Leslie smith and Maria Blake.
- Now comes the announcement of winners from group dancers. We have seven groups from which only one group would be the winner. So, are you all ready???  The host shouts creating an atmosphere of suspense.
* The audience cheers and whistles*
- So, from group dancers the winner group is.............. The couple dancers of DW group......
* the audience shouts, whistles and clap their hands in approval and excitement*
You and your group rushes to the stage when you all hear that your group has won the dance competition. None of you are able to control your excitement. You all happily recieve the award enjoying the moment. When you all finally get off the stage, there's a big round of happy chattering and body crushing hugs.
Jake still looks surprised. He still can't believe that they have won the competition.
A/n:I wanted to post it as a one shot. But it exceeded the word limits, so I'll have post it in two parts. The second part will be posted as soon as I have completed it's editing.😉😅
And please let me know how it is. I have changed my style of writing. This fiction really took a lot of my time and effort. Please let me know😅.
Advices for improvement are always acceptable and appreciated.💕
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itsadamcole · 4 years
live a little
fem!reader x finn balor
reader and Finn go for a late night swim in a pool ...
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word count: 2.4k+
warnings: a lil fluffy, skinny dipping, smut, slight hair pulling
— enjoy loves, even tho i really have no idea how this came to be a thing but yeah —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You're sitting on the couch when your fiancé walks into your shared house. You're watching the new season of Cobra Kai on Netflix when he walks into the living room. He puts his title on a little table by the doorway and you pause the TV.
"Hi," you say, watching him walk over to you on the couch. He hugs you from behind, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "How was work?"
Finn says, "Exhausting, as per usual. I got my arse beat by Kyle O'Reilly, Adam Cole, and Roderick Strong in the ring for a promo."
He kisses your temple and you ask, "Is there something I can do to make it better?"
You turn your head and look up at Finn. He says, "I was thinking about going for a little swim to make sure my muscles don't tighten up. It's a warm night so maybe ya could come with me?" The last part was more of a question.
"This isn't a plot to get me into a bathing suit, is it?" you tease.
Your fiancé laughs and says, "As much as I love the sight of that, no. I do want to keep my muscles loose. Will ya join me?"
Nodding, you say, "Of course I will. I won't pass up the opportunity to see you in swim trunks, but I have ten minutes left in this episode so I'll join you after it's over."
Finn smiles and kisses your cheek. "See ya in the water," he says before letting you go. You hear his footsteps go up the stairs and you resume your episode of Cobra Kai.
You're curled up on the couch as you finish up the episode. When there are five minutes left, you hear Finn walk back downstairs and the back door opens. You glance back into the foyer to see Finn closes the sliding glass door. He's in a pair of black swim trunks and no shirt. Your thoughts immediately start to go to the dirtier side as you turn your attention back to the TV show that's on your screen.
Once your episode is done, you turn off the TV and you walk up the stairs to your and Finn's shared bedroom. You grab a black bikini. The top has thin ties that tie behind your neck and behind your back. You fix the top so you're not falling out of the top. You pull on the bottoms, which tie at your waist. You tie your hair up into a messy bun on your head.
You peddle out of the room when you've changed into the bathing suit. You grab a beach towel out of a closet in the hallway on the second floor. You walk down the stairs, and you can faintly hear music coming from the backyard. You open the sliding door and step into the warm and humid air.
Finn's swimming laps in the pool and you smile at the sight. His workout music playlist is playing via a Bluetooth speaker that sits on a chair by the pool. You throw your towel on another chair before sitting on the side of the pool by the five-foot area. You kick your feet in the water, trying to get used to the cool water on your skin.
Your fiancé takes a break in the eight-foot area of the pool. He wipes the water out of his eyes and you get his attention. "Hey, stranger," you say, leaning back on your hands. Finn looks over at you and smiles.
"Look at ya," he says, slowly swimming over to you. "I like that suit."
Giggling, you say, "That's because it barely covers me, Finn."
He stands between your legs in the water, his hands on your thighs. They're cold from being in the cold water. You shiver slightly as Finn says, "Ya should just take it off since it barely covers ya."
You run your fingers through Finn's short wet hair and say, "You would like that, wouldn't you?"
Finn nods and smiles. "It's not a bad night for a nice skinny dip, Y/N," he says, starting to negotiate with you. "Live a little, baby."
His hands run up your thighs to the ties on your bottoms. "Finn," you giggle. "We have neighbors."
Your fiancé leaves light kisses on your thighs and gives you puppy eyes. "I'll take my pants off if ya take that off," he negotiates with you.
You gently nibble on your lip before you slide off the wall and into the water. You're up to your collarbone in the cool water as you stand between the wall and Finn. You stare up at your fiancé and say, "Baby, we have neighbors and they can look out their windows to see us."
"It's almost midnight, and the only light we have is the lights in the pool. All they'll see is two people in the pool," Finn says, making a good case. You blink at Finn.
After making a decision, you reach behind your neck. You pull the tie until it's untied. The top falls and Finn's eyes are on your exposed chest. You pull the fabric away and put it on the wall behind you. Finn pulls at the ties on your bottoms and pulls them off of you. The bottoms join your top on the wall behind you. Now you're naked in the pool in front of Finn.
Finn's eyes are on your body as you hook your fingers into the waistband of his swim trunks. "Time to get these off since you told me you'd take your pants off if I took off my bikini," you say, pulling the swim trunks off Finn.
He laughs and helps you get them off. He throws the trunks with your bathing suit. Now you're both naked in the pool. Finn takes your hands and says, "Come swim with me, love."
You giggle as he pulls you off the wall. You kick your feet so you can keep up with him. He brings you into the deeper end of the pool where you can't stand. You kick to stay above water and Finn has to do the same.
"This is nice," you say, trying to keep your eyes on Finn's face instead of glancing down into the water to see what you've been wanting to see since his trunks came off.
Finn smiles and says, "I told ya that it was a nice night for a skinny dip."
A smile forms on your lips and you say, "You just wanted to get me naked."
Your fiancé says, "No way." You give him the look. "Okay, fine. Maybe I wanted to just a teeny tiny bit. I have wanted to see ya like this for a while. I've been so busy with defending that title and keeping up with my training. It's been a little bit since I've seen ya naked."
You laugh and swim a little closer to Finn. "This is the longest we've ever gone with being naked and not touching each other, you know. I'm surprised we haven't yet considering we haven't done anything for a while," you say to him.
"Ya trying to tell me something, love?" Finn questions.
Smiling, you say, "Possibly. You come home from work and just go to sleep. Plus, we're already naked."
Finn smiles at you and says, "Now who's the one negotiating something."
You tease, "Fine, don't have sex with me. It's not like I actually wanted you to fuck me anyway." You stick your tongue out at him and begin to swim backward, away from Finn. His eyes are on you as a smile forms on your lips.
"Who said that I didn't want to have sex with ya?" Finn asks, swimming after you.
You climb out and say, "I just assumed." You wrap your towel around your nude body and Finn gets out of the pool.
He walks over to you, but just before he gets to you, he says, "Ya assumed wrong, love. Ya know how much I love to fuck ya." Then he cups your face and pulls your lips to his. The kiss is quick and intense from the start. Your hands are on his waist and you pull him closer to you. Finn's tongue finds its way into your mouth, a moan leaving your lips.
Finn walks over to one of the pool lounge chairs under the awning that's connected to the house. He lays back on it, breaking the kiss. You crawl onto his lap, straddling his thighs. Your lips attach to Finn's neck and soft sighs escape his lips as he pulls at the towel around your body.
As you leave marks on his neck and chest, Finn pulls off the towel you're wearing. It falls to the ground and you pull back from Finn. You look at your work and say, "I hope makeup can cover those up."
"Oh well if they can't," Finn says before he kisses you harshly.
All the pent up sexual energy between the two of you is coming out now. It's been months since any kind of intimacy between you and Finn. Since he won the title, it's been the only thing he's been focused on. Of course, he's always made sure you were taken care of and that you were okay, but he'd been training harder, working more hours, and traveling a little more so he's exhausted when he's home so he usually sleeps.
You don't know why he actually wanted to go for a swim on a random January day and have sex with you on a chair next to the pool. Honestly, you don't care why. You're just happy you have something other than your fingers to pleasure you.
Finn's hands are roaming your body and you sigh softly, having missed his touch. You grind slowly against his member. The tip runs through your folds and you bite back a moan in your throat. Your hands are on Finn's six thousand abs to keep yourself balanced.
"Love, ya keep doing that and we're gonna have a problem," Finn warns you.
Instead of stopping, you move faster. Moans pass your lips and Finn cups your face with his hands. You sigh, "I've missed you like this, Finn."
Your fiancé brings your face close to his and you meet his pretty blue eyes. You sigh softly as you roll your hips. Finn's lips brush against yours as he says, "Baby, please do something because ya are driving me crazy."
You lean in and kiss Finn as you take his hardened length in your hand. You pump him a few times as you position him outside your entrance. The kiss deepens as you sink onto his member. A moan leaves your lips as Finn begins to will you. Finn's hands slide into your hair, holding your face to his. Your hands are on his chest as you adjust to Finn inside you.
Finn's fingers curl in your Y/H/C locks as you begin to slowly move your hips. You drag your fingers down Finn's chest as you pull back from the passionate kiss to get some air. Your breathing is becoming more and more labored with every roll of your hips. Finn's eyes are on yours as you move.
He not-so-gently pulls your hair back and tilts your head up, exposing your neck to him. A soft moan leaves your lips when he does this. Finn smirks and begins to kiss your neck. "Did ya like that, baby?" Finn mumbles against the sensitive skin on your neck.
You gasp, "Kinda."
"I'll have to remember that," he says.
One of Finn's hands leaves your hair and you wonder where it went until you feel his thumb start to rub your clit. You gasp softly, moving your hips faster. Finn groans, "Just like that, mo ghrá. Ya feel so good around me."
Your body shakes with overstimulation as you move faster. The tip of Finn's member hits your g-spot as he finds the sweet spot on your neck. You cry out in pleasure, moaning Finn's name. A knot forms in your stomach as you're pulled closer and closer to an orgasm. Finn says, "Ya look so good on top of me, baby."
You look down at Finn and pant, "You should let me do this more often then."
Finn pulls you down to him and you kiss him as you move rougher. Your moans and the sound of slapping skin fills the warm night air.
"I'm about to cum, Finn," you moan against Finn's lips.
Your fiance says, "No one's stopping ya, love."
After a few more movements, your body jerks as you cum around Finn. You moan his name mixed with profanities as you ride out your high. Finn quickly pulls out of you and he cums on his stomach. You're panting a bit as you look down at Finn. He looks up at you.
You say, "Please start letting me top occasionally. It's fun."
Finn laughs and kisses you slowly, full of tongue. He says, "We'll see."
You giggle against his lips. A small makeout session is ignited from this kiss. Your hands roam his body and yours roam his.
After about ten minutes of this, Finn grabs a towel and cleans you both up before saying, "Let's head inside, yeah? It's getting kinda cold."
You don't object to going inside. You get up and quickly run inside. Finn's right behind you. The two of you retire to your bedroom, where you cuddle naked beneath the sheets.
Both of you lay intertwined with each other when you say, "I don't wanna go weeks without doing this again, Finn. I need to be close to you like this."
Finn looks down at you and says, "Regal is going to cut back my hours that I spend at the Performance Center so I can spend some extra time with ya before our wedding. We have two weeks before the wedding, and I'll be spending half the time at the Performance Center."
You smile and say, "Really?"
Your fiancé nods and says, "Really. It was also his idea, and I wasn't gonna object to spending more time with my beautiful fiancée."
Overwhelmed with excitement, you say, "I'm so happy." You happily kiss Finn and he smiles into the kiss. "I love you."
"I love ya too, my ghra," Finn tells you.
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raendown · 3 years
I return from the dead with a fic that isn't even for the Naruto fandom and I don't really have an explanation for myself.
Pairing: SamBucky Word count: 2317 Fandom: MCU Summary: Visiting Steve was always strange now that the guy was old and retired. Still, of all the things Sam expected out of today, witnessing a prime example of gay panic from the co-worker that's been mysteriously avoiding him was not one of them.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info under the header!
Honestly, the fact that Steve's house smelled like prunes was probably one of the funniest things that Sam had ever heard in his life. More than anything he would have loved to go back in time, to the days of reading about glorified heroes in history textbooks, and tell his fifteen year old self that Captain America, Steve Rogers, retired in a house that smelled like prunes. God, his best friend just had to throw himself in to being old the way he threw himself in to everything else.
"Is there a special reason for you visiting?" Steve's voice was more tremulous these days, less steady but no less warm. Just hearing him again after the shameful amount of weeks it had been since his last visit made Sam grin.
"Nah, just thought I'd pop in and see if you'd expired yet. Your birthday's coming up. Gonna be, what, three hundred? A thousand?"
Steve narrowed his eyes but there was fondness in them so it wasn't very scary even if he could probably still tackle Sam across the room if he wanted to. At this point it would hurt him too but he could do it. "You, young man, are-"
He looked chagrined at himself when Sam cut him off with a laugh.
"You shitting me? Did you really just call me young man? See if I ever let you live that down."
His friend grumbled but accepted the teasing as his due. That was just what he got for going back in time and doubling down on being so much older than his own best friends.
Since it had indeed been a little too long after they last saw each other there was quite a bit of catching up for them to do. Over cool glasses of sweet tea and a plate of cookies the two of them spent a pleasant couple of hours shooting the shit until Sam could almost forget the years that stretched between them now. It was jarring, sometimes, looking away from those clear blue eyes to realize all over again just how many wrinkles they were set in. Sometimes he hated it. Other times he could only smile to know that at least one of their ragtag bunch had found the peace they were looking for.
Eventually all that sweet tea went right to his bladder and Sam excused himself to use the bathroom. When he returned he took in the sight of his friend all snug under one of the blankets his late wife had knit and sighed, feeling maudlin suddenly for no good reason.
"I should probably get out of your hair," he said. "Let you get in your afternoon nap or whatever. No, stay there man, I'll clean up." His smile was easy as he snagged the dishes from their grazing and hauled it all over to the kitchen.
"You sure?" Steve's voice floated after him. "Nothing else you want to get off your chest?"
Sam frowned at the cups he'd just placed in the sink, running back through his mind. They'd talked about pretty much everything he could think of.
"You didn't mention Buck once, you know. I thought the two of you were friends now."
"Ah. Yeah. So did I." The corners of his mouth twisted with a little bitterness, a little confusion. After everything they'd been through and the number of times Bucky had accepted his invitations down to Delacroix he'd thought they were well past the point of calling themselves friends. Maybe he himself felt something a little more than that but he knew better than to push.
That was probably why Bucky's sudden radio silence hurt so much though.
"Trouble in paradise?" Steve called from the other room and Sam snorted.
“Shit, I don’t know. One minute we’re fine and the next he just up and disappears on me again. I may or may not have checked a bunch of obituaries for your name just in case because I have no idea what I might have done to piss him off.” Sam pursed his lips. He’s already gone over all this with Sarah a half dozen times and in all the recounts he’d done of their last couple missions he still couldn’t find any particularly bad moment between him and his best friend. Unfortunately the sweet tea he was glaring at didn’t have any answers either so he snatched the pitcher up and moved to put it in the fridge.
“Have you tried, oh I don’t know, asking him what’s wrong?”
“You think I didn’t try that?”
Steve’s hum drifted down the hallway with a distinct note of sass. “Neither one of you is very famous for your communication.”
“Excuse you, I was a counselor. A certified veteran’s counselor. Communicating with people was literally my job until your overly buff ass came running around all ‘on your left’ and ‘everyone I know is trying to kill me’.” Sam huffed as he snapped the fridge closed. “I damn well tried to talk to him but he’s not answering my texts or my calls. Short of breaking in to his apartment I don’t really know what else you want me to do.”
Without any other excuses to keep him in the kitchen Sam heaved a sigh, knowing he couldn’t dawdle any longer. He could only get to the door by going though the living room so his choices were either run away out the back, which he would never ever hear the end of, or go back in to the living room and face Steve with his stupidly wise and knowing eyes. Seriously, let a guy live to almost two hundred and suddenly he thought he knew everything. Annoying was what it was.
He was only halfway down the hall when he heard the front door open. Sam very carefully swallowed down the jibe he’d just been about to deliver and hoped that meant what he thought it meant. Maybe Steve had finally gone vague after all and bailed in the middle of their conversation; he’d rather chase a crazy old coot down the street than talk about his feelings regarding one James Buchanan Barnes. Actually if he looked at it from the right angle then chasing an old coot down the street was pretty much his job description whenever he and his partner teamed up on missions. Sam was just glad they hadn’t been called in to one since this whole silent treatment had started because he wasn’t sure he wanted to know whether or not Bucky would still have his back even when the guy was mad at him over reasons unknown.
Two more steps and Sam froze in his tracks, eyes wide with disbelief. Bucky’s shoulders were hunched in to himself with something bridling on panic as he fit himself through the front door and kicked it shut behind himself, eyes wild and fixed on the ground between his feet, nervous energy pouring out of him in a way Sam hadn’t seen before. From his spot on the couch Steve watched his childhood friend let himself in with serene indifference.
“Didn’t know you’d be over today,” was all he said. Then he smiled benignly when Bucky let out a soft whine.
“Help,” Bucky pleaded. “I’m dying.”
Then Bucky slid down to his knees and face planted in the carpet, arms and legs splaying out wide. Steve hummed.
“You know,” he murmured, “no one ever believes me when I tell them you’re this dramatic.”
“Steve! I’m having a crisis!”
“I tell everyone you’re a drama queen and they just shake their heads at me.”
“This is important! You have to kill me, Steve. Or I’m gonna just- just-!” Bucky’s voice petered out with another extended whine muffled by the carpet that probably didn’t smell any better from that close up.
Crossing one leg over the other, Steve folded his hands in his lap with a great lack of concern for the ridiculous scene playing out before him. Sam remained frozen in the hallway, wondering if Bucky even realized he was there, but he got an answer to that almost faster than if he’d bothered to ask himself.
“What’s wrong, pal?”
“It’s Sam!” Bucky cried. His arms lifted up like wings to flail briefly before falling back to the floor in a boneless sprawl. “Please just crush my head or something. I can’t take this.”
“Ah, yes, I hear you’ve been avoiding him.”
Whatever kind of noise Bucky was trying to make, it came out sounding more like he was choking on carpet fumes. “Of course I’m avoiding him!”
“Now why on earth would you do that?”
“I want to stick my tongue in the gap between his teeth!” Bucky said, entirely unaware of the sparks that were suddenly running up Sam’s spine in the hallway. “Help me, Steve! I want to press my thumb in the little dimple on his back. He has a dimple on his back! Why!? Steve I want to hold his hand! What the fuck!”
Steve had both eyebrows up near his hairline and the most shit eating grin any human on the planet had ever worn when he turned his head to look at Sam. Frozen with his eyes on the figure currently panicking in to the floor, Sam paid him no attention. He was busy processing. After getting to know Bucky, inviting him to stay in Delacroix time and time again, the dramatics weren’t actually that much of a surprise. Obviously as they grew closer he’d gotten a number of glimpses in to who the real Bucky Barnes was under the grouchy veneer he presented to the world. Watching him starfish on the ground and whine wasn’t too far from what he’d already seen.
Hearing him say anything about his tongue in conjecture with Sam’s teeth, on the other hand, now that was a bit unexpected. More than a bit.
“I think Shuri called this ‘gay panic’ and honestly I’m in agreement,” Bucky went on mindlessly. “If I have to watch him go through one more workout and not grab his ass with both hands then I’m just going to rip both of them off. Who needs hands if I cannot grab Sam Wilson’s ass with them!?”
“You may be slightly exaggerating the situation, I feel,” Steve told him.
Bucky snorted. “I am not. I absolutely am not. Why is he so hot? And nice? I hate that. Except I don’t. Steve why is he so nice to me?”
“That might be a question you should ask him.”
“Oh yeah, sure, I’ve got lots of questions for him! Hey Sam, why are you nice to me? Hey Sam, can I lick your cheekbones? Hey Sam, how big is your cock?”
“Well. Not that I’ve ever thought to ask that myself but, alright. Go on, Sam, how big is it?”
Sam had just enough time to cross his arms over his chest and assume a very casual pose leaning against the wall beside him before Bucky’s head shot up off the carpet. If possible, his eyes were even more wild than before when he fixed them on Steve, full of the deepest betrayal. Then he very slowly dragged them sideways to see the man he’d just been panicking over. Sam gave him a very friendly smile.
“Depends on your frame of reference,” he admitted. “I’d say sizeable.”
“Hi Buck.”
While Steve very poorly disguised a laugh behind one hand, Sam pushed off from the wall and sauntered further in to the living room. Bucky slammed his face back in to the carpet.
“Leave me here to die,” he pleaded in a very small voice. Sam tutted, reaching for the front door, only looking over his shoulder once he was halfway through it.
“Come on, Buck, can’t lick my cheekbones if you don’t get off the floor. It was a nice visit, Steve, but don’t be looking out your front curtains for a bit. I think I’ll let Bucky decide for himself what sizeable means.” He thanked god for the mercy of Steve’s house being situated out here so far from any other homes, surrounded on all sides by enough trees that you couldn’t see it from the road. A gorgeous little island of privacy. Sam was fairly sure he wasn’t the only one grateful for this, judging by the mad scrambling noises he could hear going on behind him.
Bucky’s voice garbled out something that sounded like ‘fuck you, thank you, bye forever’ and then Sam was listening to the slam of the front door barely a second before strong hands were wrapping themselves around his hips. He laughed even as Bucky’s face came in to view.
“Greatest assassin of several generations and you didn't notice my truck in the driveway?” he said.
“I may have been a bit distracted.” That was definitely a pout on Bucky’s lips.
“By being so hot for all of this”-Sam gestured vaguely down his own body-“that you literally ceased being able to function.”
He didn’t expect such easy agreement as the sheepish nod that followed his words. “Pretty much.”
Sam blinked slowly once, twice. For one long moment he considered teasing the man. Then he decided that their time was much better spent doing things they’d both obviously been wanting to do while assuming they would never get the chance.
“I was promised a tongue in my teeth. Are you gonna get to that any time soon or am I gonna sit here and pine some more for something I apparently could have had all along?”
Bucky keened piteously. Then he surged forward to follow through on his own promises and Sam really hoped that Steve had taken his words to heart about the curtains. The man was way too old to be seeing all the ways they were about to defile the side of this truck.
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
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Akaashi Keiji X Reader 
Genre: slight angst 
Tokyo has always been a busy city. A lot of people walking down the streets, some were talking on the phone, some were anxiously staring at their watches and some were just having a peaceful evening walk. 
It was the holiday season, so there’s no shock that the busy streets of the city was filled with couples more than usual. Two people in love with each other, being in each other’s arm as they stared at each other with love-struck eyes. Love seemed to fill the air of Tokyo and the giant tree in the middle of the city made it even better.
But then there you were, a single salary woman who can’t get into a relationship after her break-up three years ago
you stared at the window of the café you. were staying in, looking at a diversity of couples that walk by every few seconds
“geez even grade schoolers have dates” you mumble to yourself as you took a sip of your latte
It’s not like you haven’t tried dating, you’ve met up with a lot of people, every gender but you can’t seem to find someone who can satisfy you, even your friends had to get involved in your dating life, making profiles for you on online dating apps and even setting you up with people they know ranging from their friends to their colleagues and even their family members, but nothing clicked.
after trying for two years you eventually gave up “the right person will come at the right time” you told yourself over and over again
well seems like that person is taking their precious time
"wow talk about looking miserable*
Your head jolted up and saw non other than Bokuto Koutarou standing in front of you with about six different kinds of cake
You scoffed at him as he sat down in front of you
"I think Iwaizumi wouldn't be happy if he sees you eating that Kou" you pointed out to your athlete cousin
"don't worry I'll do extra workouts at home" he says as he begins to dive in the chocolate mousse cake
After being tied with him since like the day you were born, you are now convinced that Bokuto Koutarou will never grow up
"By the way, are you coming next friday?" he asked as he takes another bite of his cake
You tilted your head in confusion
"Akaashi's enggagement party" he looks at you eyes held a hint of worry
"yeah" you nodded
A comfortable silence engulfed the two of you as you stared at the couples passing by again
Do you ever think about me?
"Keiji, what do you want to do for christmas?" you asked your boyfriend who was immersed in his book
He quickly looks up to you his eyes soft
"whatever you want to do love" he said this with the most gentle voice
"but I want you to enjoy the holidays too" you whined and plopped down the couch beside him
"being with you is already enough for me" he says as he leans in to you and gave your shoulder a kiss before resting his head on your shoulders as he continues to read
You smiled ruffling his hair your heart beating a little faster and louder than usual because you knew you felt the same way
When she ain't around, is your bed cold without me?
"Keiji let go I need to make breakfast!" you try to pry your boyfriend's hands off your waist but he just held on to you tighter
"but its a weekend~" he whined
You sighed, he's always like this when he's sleepy especially in the mornings
"but we need to eat, we have plans remember?" you try to convince him
"but I want to cuddle more"
imnotgivinginimnotgivinginimnotgivingini you replayed this pharse for a hundred times in your head now
"how about you stay in bed while i make breakfast yeah?" you try again
Manz quickly shook his head "don't want, the bed's too cold without you"
Well that crumbled your resolve, you just went "screw it" and laid in your bed nuzzling your face on the crook of your boyfriend's neck
Yeah you ended up starting your day two hours late than your original plan
Does her love feels just the same?
"Keiji you need to rest! You're going to get sick!" this is the sixth time you tried to tell him that, you try to pry off the stylus pen on his hand but he just swatted you away
"I need to finish this" he says plainly and continues with his task
"no Keiji, you are not pulling a third all-nighter, I'm not gonna let you ruin your body"
"geez can't you just leave me alone?! you're always nagging and it's very annoying, unlike you, I care about my career"
His sudden outburst made you quiet, you knew that this project was important to Keiji, but he haven't had sleep in like three days, he barely eats and has already consumed a lot of coffee
You only wanted him to take care of his body is that too much to ask?
Your boyfriend's eyes suddenly widen at the realization of what he said
"I-" he couldn't form a form a proper sentence, it seems like fatigue was already hitting his system
You stepped closer to him and gently carass his face "I know love, we can talk about this later, but you need to sleep right now, please, I'll wake you up so that you can finish it on time okay?"
He looks at you, eyes tired, tears threatening to fall down but still had the softness that was only there for you
He nods and encircled his arms on your waist pulling you closer as he nuzzled his face on the crook of your neck
"c'mere big guy, lets get you to bed"
Is she the one to take your last name?
You were cooking dinner for you and your boyfriend who will arrive any moment now
You hummed to yourself as you stir the soup you were making
Too occupied to notice the arrival of your boyfriend, you only noticed when you felt strong arms encircling your waist
"Keiji don't scare me like that!" you scold him
He chuckled and kissed your cheeks "i'm sorry love, you just looked too perfect, I can't wait to marry you"
Whatever the case, I'm glad you're happy
"So this is it huh?" you stared at your now ex-boyfriend tears streaming down your face non-stop
"I'm sorry, things are just not the same anymore" he was also crying
How you ended up this way, nobody knows
"don't apologise, it was the best five years, i hope the best for you, I'll be packing my stuff now" you ended the conversation abruptly not trusting your voice, you immediately got up and entered your room making sure to lock it, only then were you able to let out the whimpers and hiccups you've been trying to hold in
You sighed, it happened three years ago, you were already over it
You stared at Akaashi who was now greeting some of his visitors with his fiance in his arms
His eyes landed on you and you gave him a soft smile, lifted your glasses and mouthed "congratulations"
He also smiled at you and nodded proceeding to talk to more of the guests
You looked down at your drink and let yourself sigh for the second time, your ex is getting married and here you are still single as a pringle
After catching up with some old friends and a little bit of drink you decided it was time to head home
As soon as you stepped out of the venue, the chilly air greeted you, you immediately shivered, you were wearing slacks and a thick long sleeve top and your house was like three blocks away so you didn't feel the need to bring a coat
"geez i forgot its December" you said to yourself as you rubbed your arm in attempt to keep you warm
This was stopped when you felt a coat drape over you
You looked up to see where it came from and a sight of a tall black-haired boy greeted you, judging by the way he dressed, it was clear that he was from the party as well, he also looked very familiar
"uhm-" you were about to take off the jacket when he said
"keep it on, you look like you need it" you decided to not take it off because he was right and he didn't look suspicious but you were still on guard
"thanks" you gave him a small smile
He just nodded but a hint of redness was evident at the tip of his ears, you assumed it was just because of the cold
"I'm Y/N by the way, L/N Y/N" you introduced yourself
"Kageyama, Kageyama Tobio"
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I think I can safely say that today sucked. I was woken up 1 hour after I fell asleep to a phone call from a family friend. The dude lives probably 20-30 minutes away and has a history in art. We were last supposed to link up... I think in February or March? And I told him then that afternoons and evenings work for me. Like... I always make a point to specify that.
So, I woke up and immediately rolled over and went back to sleep, then woke up to another call 2 hours later. I listened to the original voicemail. He was heading through my city and... wanted to see if I wanted to go with him? To another town upstate? And didn't even tell me what he was doing there... And he called at 8AM, with no advanced notice. And I barely know the guy.
Engaging the voicemail with my brain made me fully awake, yet exhausted. That horrible feeling. I put the box fan on and... still couldn't get back to sleep for at least another hour. I took the opportunity to finish the Amazon order. Fuck it, right?
Eventually, I got up. I ate some food, that usually helps me fall asleep. Then I went to the comfy chair and got myself to pass out for another hour and a half. And... I've been up since then.
I even did yoga, and a small workout. I got a pizza delivered so I didn't have to worry about food. But... I never made coffee all day. My whole rhythm was thrown off all day. And it's been pretty hot all day too.
So I've been enduring most of the day with this nasty headache, and I've been really hot, and even a little nauseous for bits of it. It's been really rough.
I can't keep living like this. I swear, it's just one little thing and it just --- ugh. I don't even feel like catastrophizing. I don't even have the energy.
It's early (for me). It's 1:45. I've been nodding off for the past 4+ hours. Now, I'm gonna make sure I get to bed at a somewhat decent time. And I'm going to pray that I can actually sleep in the heat. Apparently it's supposed to get into the 90's tomorrow.
I did the test beads too. Not the spray part though, but I finished designing them and Mod Podge'd two of them. The other two I'm just going to spray without Mod Podge just to see the difference.
So yeah, the rest of the thoughts I have rattling around in my head are just... catastrophizing and lamenting, and... again... I just don't have the energy for that. I just wanted to say, because it's been in my head all day... that I feel bad for flaking and not texting that family friend back. It's just a text, I could've done that at any point today and I just flaked. I feel bad. I don't need to, it's not the end of the world and I'll likely text him tomorrow, but like... I've been doing that more and more lately, not responding... because I just get distracted or sucked into something, or just flat-out forget, then hours go by and I remember and by that point... it's awkwardly late. I've never really had a problem with this my entire life until the last couple years, in fact... I was always really good at reliably getting back to people and responding. Just something I noticed. I'm going to do tarot and then water my plants and head to bed.
Past - Ace of Swords, inverted (Intellect, apply logic and reason, Clarity and focus of mind.) Present - XVI: The Tower (Drastic transformation, unforeseen change, paradigm shifts.) Future - XIII: Death (Life-altering transformation, sudden natural change.)
Wow. I was not expecting something this heavy tonight. I guess we'll see what to make of this. Two cards back to back that make my heart do that tight spasm thing. Fun.
Let's start on a... naw, its not a good note. The source here is something interfering with my clarity, my ability to deal with logic and reason. Sound familiar, fellow anxiety disorder victims? It could be other things too, but that's where my intuition is bringing me tonight so... let's explore. That thread is connected to a card that I never like seeing. The Tower. The Tower means... okay... say your current life, your personality, your routine, the things you know and love... they're all bricks in a tower that you are building to keep you safe from the chaos and unpredictability of the world. The Tower is the sudden unexpected lightning bolt that strikes that Tower, throws you from the parapet and sends the whole thing crumbling to the ground. And what this catastrophe leads to... is Death. Death gets a bad name, of course. Why wouldn't it. It's fucking Death. However... Death in this context is about... a natural conclusion. I had to do some research on it because The Tower and Death are actually really similar cards. The closest I can tell is that... The Tower is more... unforeseen? More out-of-the-blue. And Death is... a natural conclusion to a chapter. Not necessarily "the end" in totality, but a natural, inevitable conclusion. That's what I got from it, at least.
What this means for me? I'm not sure, honestly. And, if you've been following these readings, I've had a pretty healthy ability to intuit my way through this... but... I honestly think my anxiety and a latent fear that fate might actually be real... they might be causing me to draw a self-protective blank. What life structure is being shattered? The staying up until 7AM crap? The nocturnal thing? I mean, I barely have any structure at all. Which is why I dread The Tower so much. If you have a schedule, a family, a job, a routine, all of those things concurrently... if you lose one of them... I mean, it fucking hurts, don't get me wrong... but like... you still have the others. If you have schedule, job, routine, but lose family? You still have the other 3. So... I've already lost my family... I barely have a routine other than yoga at the start of my day and this at the end, and making sure I do something productive in between, and try to do my one meal that I call "dinner" before too late. I don't have a schedule at all, really. So... the only thing left is... my job. And that one... I really don't want to get back into that.
So... I'm kinda hoping that... given the surrounding circumstances of today... that The Tower is my sleep schedule change. And maybe weaning off of RP streams. Maybe getting away from RP in general, other than as a tool for me to socialize. And maybe that's where the Death comes in? The inevitable conclusion that I'm going to have to walk away from?
I feel like I'm missing a piece. I feel like I just skipped right over the start. Maybe I don't really understand the Ace of Swords as well as I thought, let me look at it. Because the other two make a lot of sense to me, and seem to be echoing a very clear message of an imminent dramatic life change, but I just... don't really understand what about. Maybe... it's exactly that. Maybe the problem is a lack of clarity and vision.
I don't know, maybe I just need time to reflect on this. This was pretty heavy. It makes the past few nights feel like training wheels or something.
Agh, what am I not seeing clearly! It's nagging me. When I get big things like this... my puzzle-solving brain comes out and feels like some kind of time-travel movie where the protagonist has a very important but cryptic clue and they have to figure out what it means so they save the world or some shit.
Look... My world got flipped upside down like... 3 or 4 times over the course of the last 365 solar cycles. What's one more, eh? XD What's one fucking more.
Well okay, lets try to do breadcrumbs then. So... if The Tower is the Present, it means... it's happening right now. And there was a giant paradigm shift that fucked me up today. My family's intervention into my life, through a family friend that was almost guaranteed to be urged on to contact me by my mom. This fucked up my sleep severely, which has had me feeling like garbage and could take me days to recover from. That's sudden, it's unexpected and out of the blue, and it made a dramatic impact. So... if that is The Tower... then... how the fuck does the inverted Ace of Swords connect to that? A blind spot? An impairment or inability to use reason? What, because I wasn't prepared for it? I mean... I was fucking asleep. I don't know. Maybe because I was too anxious to follow up with this guy, because my last interaction with him was talking about how it was tough for me to leave my cat alone because she was very sick... like a week before she died... I don't know. Even that seems shaky. And then how does this phone-call fucking up my sleep... turn into Death? It could be Death of the staying up until dawn shit. It could be Death of going to bed when it's light out, and bitching about the neighbors making noise at 10 AM. I mean... it can be that. If I choose. If I can make it work.
Yeah, that's the best I've got tonight. I really didn't wanna do anything taxing tonight and then... this happened.... XD Oh well. I gotta go pass out.
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sheerbeautyreigns · 3 years
You Have My Word
Part 3
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It was just gone 9am the following morning when Seth started to stir. Roman was still sound asleep next to him, his hair splayed out on the pillow and a little over his face. Seth carefully rolled onto his side as not to wake him and quietly observed his features. They hadn’t seen as much of each other in the past year thanks to the pandemic so he was grateful to have been drafted to Smackdown. He had missed him. They’d been on separate brands since 2019 so he was appreciative that he would be seeing more of him now.
In the midst of his thoughts, Roman rolled onto his side. Seth couldn’t help but smile at the angry looking expression on Roman’s face as he slept. He remembered their brief conversation last night and agreed that Roman had a lot going on right now with Cesaro and Jimmy returning. He’d hoped that things could be simpler but Jimmy was going to make things difficult by the looks of it. Seth was prepared to help out his Shield brother if needed. After all, it was Jimmy that cost him the win and now he’d be getting a title shot at Wrestlemania Backlash.
In the midst of his thoughts, Roman’s eyes fluttered open slowly as he groaned lowly. It had been some time since they’d woken up next to each other. “How long have you been awake?” his voice croaked before he cleared his throat and made himself more comfortable by resting up against the pillows.
“Not long. I think you were having trouble sleeping last night. You were moving around a lot.” Seth told him cautiously. Roman looked slightly embarrassed. “Oh, sorry if I kept you awake. It’s been happening on and off lately.” Seth looked concerned. “Do you know what’s causing it?” Roman shook his head and shrugged “Work probably. Who knows.” He went into a yawn and stretched a little.
Seth sat up on the bed and clasped his arms around his knees. “I know you’ve got a lot on right now but it’d be cool to do this again.” He looked over at Roman. “Sure, sounds good.” Seth had come to expect this kind of response where it sounded like he couldn’t care less. “Well, I’m gonna make tracks.”
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“Already?” Roman asked. “But it’s only like 9am?” Seth got out of the bed and slid into his jeans, followed by his t-shirt. “I’ve got some things I need to do.” He lied. He just wanted Roman to want him and not be so passive all the fucking time. He followed him down the stairs to the front door. “What are you doing next weekend? Roman asked. “Well, it looks like I haven’t got a match at Backlash so...” Seth seemed slightly annoyed “Sorry man.” Roman looked at him awkwardly. “It’s not your fault.” Seth started, sounding defensive. “I know but if there was something I could do-"
“Man, it’s OK. I’m not a charity case.” Seth told him firmly leading Roman to nod his head. “Whatever you want...are you around during the week?” The Samoan wanted to change the subject. “I can be. What did you have in mind?” Roman pulled Seth close to his body and kissed him. “Just come over.”
Roman made himself a protein shake after Seth left and had a two hour workout in his gym. It gave him time to think about last night. It had been a long time since he last slept with Seth but it felt so easy. He just didn’t know if now was the right time. WWE clearly had him out front as the face of the company and it was something he always revelled in but it wasn’t something he was always comfortable with when it came to Seth. He knew he deserved more shine.
Thanks to Paul, Roman now had much more input when it came to his storylines so maybe he could use that influence in order to get Seth more spotlight.
It was Wednesday when Seth stopped over. They’d decided to have a chilled evening with a few beers and steak that Roman had cooked. “You’ve certainly brushed up in the kitchen over the last year.” Seth sat back in his chair, observing his pretty much empty plate. Roman pushed his plate aside and propped his elbows on the dinner table. “What can I sat? I had plenty of time on my hands.”
“I’ll look forward to trying more in that case.” Seth smirked, rising to his feet. He started to clear the table. “Chill, you don’t have to do that-" Roman told him, raising his hand. “It’s fine. It’s the least I could do.” He let him get on with filling the dishwasher. He was always that way inclined. As soon as he was finished, Roman pressed his crotch against Seth’s ass, pinning him against the worktop. He couldn’t help but let out a playful laugh as Roman nuzzled on the back of his neck. He could feel his hardness through the material of their clothes.
Before he knew it, Roman was already undoing Seth’s jeans and lowering them down his legs along with his boxers, exposing his ass. “Here?” Seth asked. “Shhh...” Roman told him as he pulled his hard cock out. He spit on his hand and spread it on Seth’s opening and gently entered him. A sharp gasp escaped him as he laid his hands flat on the worktop. “Lean forward.” Roman instructed. The younger man did as told, briefly glancing over his shoulder before Roman began to fuck him. It was never like this before for Seth. Something had changed in Roman over the last year and he couldn’t place it. He was, however, happy to be fucked by him again, even if it was over the kitchen island.
When Roman was finished his business, he washed his hands and went into the pantry as Seth composed himself. “I’ve got that ice-cream you like.” He smiled as he set the tub on the worktop and started towards Seth. I'll tell you what, let’s change into something more comfortable and veg out in front of the TV.”
“Sounds perfect.”
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 years
JJ: Nothin but My Feelings
song: nothing but my feelings by little mix
probably the most smut ive ever written so uh, viewer discretion is advised. 
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kinks mentioned: public kink, “rich” kink, sitting on face, eating out 
I'm layin' here in nothin' but my feelings. 
JJ was having a rough time since the divorce, it’s been a year. All she could think about was your lips, her crush on you wasn't easing since Garcia asked her how she felt about you. 
Thinkin' 'bout our shadows on the ceiling
JJ couldn’t help but let her mind wander; her mind wandered to soft skin against each other. What your moans would sound like, how you would taste. She groaned at the thought, her hand wandered to her bedside table drawer, her hand grasped the silver bullet as she thought, “well might as well.” 
Waitin' for you
So you should probably come through
If you know what's good for you
Over the next couple of days, she noticed how you seemed more stressed than ever. So, she came up with a solution. 
The good ole one night stand agreement. Now, she just had to think of a way to ask you.  
It was just you two at work, “hey, Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You sighed. 
“You wanna stay at my place tonight?” JJ asked, “we aren’t gonna be done until midnight, I dontttt want you driving home late.”
“Okay, what’re we gonna do?” 
She saw an opportunity, and she took it. “each other?” 
She looked up despite her fear and saw you wide eyed. “JJ, I meant the paperwork but….” You shrugged. “Hell, I’m down.”
“You serious?” She asked, shocked. 
You swallowed. “Yeah.” 
I know we will never work, yeah (I know we will never work, yeah)
But if you lookin' for a workout, you should come 'round
Breaths dispersed from both of your mouths as your teeth and lips clashed together messily. JJ felt hot everywhere and you felt desire course through your veins. She pushed you against the wall, she picked you up and your legs were around her waist. 
You felt bursts of hot arousal spark in your pussy and through your thighs as your hips grinded against each other. You moaned as JJ kissed down your neck, and trail a valley of kisses down your cleavage. 
JJ wanted you underneath her, she wanted to taste you as you moaned and writhed against her clever mouth. 
“Where do you want me?” You asked. Your breathing was heavy, the swells of your breasts pushing against JJ’s face as you breathed heavy. 
It felt like heaven to her. 
“God, anywhere and everywhere. Preferably on my face.” JJ said. 
You felt your pussy grow wetter at her words. “Your wish is my command.” 
You ain't even gotta worry (You ain't even gotta worry)
'Cause ain't no strings up on my body
I aint tied down. 
By the end of the hour long hook up, you two were covered in sweat, sheets twined in between your legs. “So when can we do this again?” You asked, breathlessly. Enjoying the way your pussy ached, as well as your legs. 
JJ laughed breathily. “In ten minutes?” 
You laughed, “I meant after today, this can be a one night stand if you want it to be?” 
“It’ll have to be, I’m not ready for a relationship. Not with the kids.” “Babygirl, I was thinking of a good ole fuckbuddy agreement.” 
“So many more times?” “As many times as you want. No strings attached. We’re still best friends, we’re just friends that fuck.” 
She laughed, “we should’ve started this right after the divorce.” 
You laughed in response, then that turned into a noise of surprise as JJ rolled over on top of you to fuck you into next week. 
Cause I warned you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I told you, told you
You're my mood
Come over now
It became a regular thing that you two happily volunteered to room together on cases, when the case was finished is when the fucking would happen. Showers were a favorite spot. 
She also had a public kink. 
It was about 4am on the plane, every single team member had their own headphones in or else you wouldn’t have done what you were about to do. They had also been asleep for an hour so there was zero risk. And, you two were far, far away from everyone else. JJ was especially worked up due to the fact you two hadn’t fucked in two months due to the increased caseload and kids on her end. 
So while she was reading a book you told her, “if you can whisper-read through a whole chapter without moaning, I will go home with you and be your personal fucktoy for as long as you want. Anything is on the table.” You whispered in her ear. 
“And if I lose?” She breathed as your lips ghosted over her neck causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. “Then I get to control a vibrating egg in you while we grocery shop tomorrow.” She felt your teeth graze across her skin, she knew you were smiling. 
“Deal.” She gritted her teeth as your fingers trailed around her nipples through her t-shirt. 
“You don't have a bra on.” You laughed, huskily. “Naughty girl.” Her nipples were pointed, as you pinched her. “I don’t hear you reading.” 
And then she began reading. She took many pauses to regain composure as your fingers slipped under the waistband of her sweatpants, causing her to shiver. 
She was doing really well, you had two fingers inside of her, massaging her walls. She lost control when you pushed the tip of your finger against her g-spot. 
She came. 
As you licked your fingers clean, you smiled, “you lost.” 
I'm layin' here in nothin' but my feelings
Plus some diamonds, drippin' from my earrings
Waitin' for you
JJ had a “rich” kink. That’s the only way you could explain it. She loved you looking luxurious. She bought you a chest piece of sorts. It was all diamonds and white lace, it was a bralette with diamonds strung everywhere, it sparkled bright in the moonlight as you waited for JJ to enter the hotel room. You wore white heels and a white sheer thong. Everything was on display. 
You two splurged on a hotel room in vegas, you told the team you were visiting your hometown, and JJ was heading to vegas with her mom. 
Her flight had landed, you called the hotel lobby with her name and said she’d be picking up a key to your guys’ room. And now, you were waiting on the bed with your legs crossed and you lounging around.
Not to toot your own horn, but you looked hot as fuck
So you should probably come through
I'm layin' here in nothin' but my feelings
Your phone rang, “hey JJ.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. Traffic is so bad.” 
“It’s alright, I’m just laying here in nothing but my feelings.” You talked in a lower octave. “I bet you look amazing.” 
“Good enough to eat.” You responded. 
“Oh, I will definitely be doing that when I get there.” She said darkly. You knew her panties were wet. 
“Mm, well I have to go. The person I’m meeting tonight is running late, I have to go take care of myself.”
“I swear to God-” 
“Bye babygirl.” You said and hung up. 
Then you grabbed her favorite vibrator you use on her, you popped the tip in your mouth, and took a photo to send to her. 
Thinkin' 'bout our shadows on the ceiling
Waiting for you (Waitin' for you, baby)
You received a text back,  “god damn, do I wanna rail you so hard that the wall dents.” 
You giggled, then you laid back against the soft bedding as you waited for JJ.
You thought about all the times you two had hooked up. How much you loved the sound of her moans, the feeling of her thighs clenching around your face as you ate her out. How it felt when her hands cupped your ass as you sat on her face. The feeling of her walls clenching around your fingers as your tongue assaulted her clit rapidly. 
God, what’d you do for her to sit on your face right now. 
So you should probably come through
If you know what's good for you
“Y/N!” JJ said as she got in the room, you were in your fancy position. 
You looked up at her, bored. “Took you long enough.” 
She admired you, “I’m so sorry. You look like….God.”
“Goddess.” You corrected, smiling. 
She smiled, “how can I worship you? My beautiful, sexy, delicious Goddess.” 
“Oh I don’t know.” You mused, as she climbed on top of your lap. “Sit on my face, eat me out, fuck me with that strap on over there, the list is endless.” 
“She smiled, “well, who am I to deny the wishes of the Goddess?” 
Kinda tipsy but I'll wait up (But I'll wait up, wait up)
And I ain't takin' off my makeup 'til you take mе down
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, take me down
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Later on that trip at a casino, someone was flirting with you. And to get back at JJ for being late, you acted absolutely oblivious. 
You paid for it once you got back to the hotel room. She slammed you against the wall, her hand on the back of your head so you didn’t get hurt. “Baby, baby, baby.” She shook her head and tsked. 
You groaned, “you hadn’t been paying attention to me.” You said. 
“Oh?” She cocked her head. “Well, let me make sure my babygirl knows how much I love the taste of her.” You moaned as she picked you up, your lips slamming together, her hands cupped your ass, she laid you down on the bed. She used her arms as support as she looked down at you. Your flushed cheeks, watching your breasts rise up and down with your deep breathing, your swollen lips and the straps of your silk tank top down your arms, your tits nearly popping from your shirt due to you not wearing a bra. 
She yanked your short skirt down, and smiled when she saw the lavender colored thong. Her teeth scraped your hip bone as she grasped the flimsy straps between her teeth. You groaned as you looked down and met her eyes. Her hands cupped your calves as she pulled the thong down your smooth legs. She pulled your thighs apart, she kissed a trail from your knee up to your pussy. She blew on it causing you to moan. She licked a long stripe up your slit, flicking your clit with her tongue. “I want you to ride my tongue.” She said.
And who were you to deny her of anything? 
'Cause I warnеd you
I told you, told you
You're my mood
I'll show you tonight
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
For some reason, Michael had been a lot more controlled lately.
He was hiding what he felt, never really showing emotion unless it was anxiety about Brook Lynn or happiness around Willow. Sometimes, of course, he'd show emotion but not normally.
The gym was the only place he really let out all his anger, as always, but lately he'd been punching the bag harder, working out more intensely. Maybe it was because he was trying to get into shape, but Michael was already in great shape. So maybe it had something to do with the fact him and Willow were getting an annulment and he hadn't done anything to try and stop it from happening. For God's sakes, he'd suggested it, thinking Willow needed to hear she had an option.
Dante was right. He is an idiot. Suggesting that him and his wife - the woman he's in love with - get an annulment may have been the stupidest thing he's ever done, and he killed someone, kept a kid away from his dad, and did a lot of other morally questionable things in his life.
Willow knew all of this and still spoke his praises. She still told him he was a good person, that he's different than he was when he kept his little sister from his dad, or killed Claudia. She thought he was amazing for changing his life around, told him she was a different person back then too. People evolve and grow, she said, and so whatever you've done in the past, it doesn't reflect on who you are now.
They met, and then he fell. It was slow, him falling for Willow. At first, it was just a friendly face at their support group. Eventually, though, it became more than just friendship. It became a marriage, a marriage built upon love for their son and keeping him safe, a marriage built upon truth and honesty in the face of dishonesty and lies that Sasha and Chase had told them. When they got married, that was their promise. No lies, never. Lies complicate everything too much, make it easier to fall into what Chase and Sasha did.
She was way, way out of his league and he knew it too. Willow was a genuinely good person, who had always been honest and kind. Not to mention, drop dead gorgeous. So that probably had something to do with the fact Michael was skirting around the one rule of their marriage and not telling her he loved her. But she hadn't asked, so technically he wasn't lying to her, just holding back the truth.
Thinking about he suggested the annulment, Michael punches the punching bag harder. All of his anger starts to leave as he punches harder and harder.
And then Chase and Sasha walk in the gym for their workouts, talking about something. The punches hit an abrupt stop when he notices them, but the anger that just left comes back tenfold. Sasha smiles at him, but there's something off about her in general. It's probably just the breakup.
"I just realized, I forgot my phone at the Metro Court. I'm gonna go back there," Sasha says, backing away.
When she leaves, Chase is still there. "It's been a while," he breaks the silence.
"Yeah, it has been," Michael agrees, frowning at him.
"If you want, I can come back later, or we can work out together," Chase offers.
Michael ponders the offer for a minute. He either gets a workout partner or ends up keeping someone from the gym. "Yeah, sure, we can workout together."
A few minutes into their workout, Chase brings up Willow. Before that, the conversation had been all about sports and stuff like that, easy conversation. "For whatever it's worth, Michael, Sasha and I never meant to hurt you or Willow."
"Well, you did. Regardless of intent, you both cheated on people you supposedly loved," Michael says, punching the mitts harder.
"I do love her, Michael, you've got to believe me on that," Chase tells him. "That's why Sasha and I didn't want to tell either of you, we didn't want to break your hearts."
"You don't love her if you can break her heart, Chase! If you could cheat on her, if you could want another woman, you don't love or deserve Willow. She loved you with every fiber of her being, and you broke that. You broke something precious," Michael says to him, feeling a sense of relief as the words leave his mouth. "And I know that will never happen again."
Chase looks confused. "Michael, I love her so much. It kills me to see that she's not with me, to know that I broke her heart and that she's moving on with you, who I considered to be my best friend."
Huh? They've only kissed once, and Michael doesn't think Chase knows about that. "What happens with Willow and I hasn't been your business for a long time and it still isn't, but I want you to elaborate."
"You- maybe it's her that's in love with you, I don't know, but I can tell one of you is in love with each other, at least," Chase says as his phone rings. He steps away to answer it.
It's possible Willow's in love with him too? Michael had been in his head so much, maybe he didn't see what was right in front of him.
"Look, I hate to put a stop to our workout, but I've got a work thing. I'll see you later maybe," Chase leaves the gym.
Jason walks in, confused by what's going on with his nephew. "Why do you have that look on your face, Michael? What happened? Is Willow alright, Wiley? Your mom?"
"Jason, everyone's fine. It's just something Chase said about Willow and I, that's all," Michael reassures him.
"You only get that look on your face when you noticed something great or terrible happened, so what great thing happened to you?" Jason asks.
Michael smiles, "Chase said that apparently Willow's in love with me."
Confused further, Jason asks, "Are him and Willow close enough where they talk about who they're in love with now? Because the last I knew, Chase was in love with Willow and she was in love with him and you two were getting an annulment and you were in love with Sasha."
"I can't believe I forgot to tell you! Sasha, she was great, but I'm not in love with her anymore. The longer I spend thinking about Sasha and I, we weren't going to last long term. As much as I loved her, and I did, I don't feel that anymore."
Smiling at his nephew, the assassin asks, "But you and Willow?"
"We're married. I'm married to a woman who is incredibly out of my league and adopting my son. I-I love my wife, Jason. I love Willow," Michael smiles.
Jason pulls him in for a hug, saying, "I think you two make a lovely pair, especially if she makes you this happy. You're smiling wider than you have since you won custody of Wiley. Do you want my advice?"
"I'd be dead if I didn't take your advice," Michael truthfully tells his uncle. "So yes, I'll take it."
"Tell her how you feel before the annulment, Michael, please. You do this thing, I do it too, where you wait to say what you feel or you don't say it because you're afraid of what you could do if you actually said what you feel. Let down your guard and tell Willow the entire truth, nothing left unsaid between you two," Jason advises his nephew.
"When do you think I should tell her? Should I set something up like a date thing or-" Michael starts, anxiety creeping up into his voice.
"I think you need to breathe deeply for a few minutes and be calm," Jason emphasizes his breathing, "but I also think you should just tell her. Don't stress out so much or overthink it, because overthinking messes things up. If you tell her, honestly, how you feel, let her respond, you'll be okay."
"And if she doesn't love me back?" Michael asks anxiously, starting to stutter.
"I doubt she doesn't love you, Michael," Jason tries to assure him, "but if she doesn't, we'll cross that bridge when we reach it, and you're getting an annulment anyways."
Michael breathes, letting his anxiety leave. "Alright. I'm gonna go get cleaned up, I'll tell her when I get home."
"I'll leave you to it," Jason says, leaving the gym as Michael showers.
Arriving at the Quartermaine mansion, Michael can tell something's up. Opening the door, he sees Chase. In his home. Talking to Willow, who Michael can tell isn't in the mood but is also intrigued.
Chase leans in to kiss her, their lips connecting briefly as the door closes behind Michael and he doesn't, turning his head abruptly. "Hi again," Chase says awkwardly.
Calming himself, Michael asks, "Why are you in my home kissing my wife?"
Willow walks over to her husband, glancing at Chase fleetingly. "I can explain," Chase stands, eyes following Willow.
"Then please explain what inspired you to come into my house, which is very out of your way, and kiss my wife. I'm sure it'll be enlightening," Michael responds.
"I was just talking to her and realized that she loves me as much as I love her so I kissed her," Chase smiles, getting a pair of glares in return from the married couple, who don't seem to agree with what he said, especially Willow.
Michael looks at Willow, who looks visibly upset and anxious, as he says, "You tell me an hour ago you think she loves me, then you come to my house and kiss my wife, who you cheated on, by the way, and somehow think you're justified? Chase, you're playing mind games is all you're doing."
"When I said she loves you, I was wrong. I know, in my heart, that Willow and I will be together," Chase smiles again. "So I kissed her."
Anger takes over Michael as he fights for controlling it, suppressing it until he can get to the gym but he can't hold back anymore as he shouts, "Do you think, truly, that if she loved you she wouldn't tell you? You broke her heart, and yet you're justified in kissing her because you can rationalize anything, can't you, Detective?"
Willow looks at Michael, confused, as she's never seen him like this before. However, his rant continues. "When we found out you two had cheated on us, I told you that I wasn't going to let someone treat her like that ever again, and I'm still not. Everything I said to you that day was completely true, so leave my house before I do something you'll regret."
"What did I do here to make you so angry?" Chase asks calmly as Dante walks downstairs.
"You think this is just you kissing her, Chase? You broke everyone's heart, even your own, and now you're trying to escape taking any responsibility whatsoever for your actions by kissing my wife, because you can't move on!"
Dante tries to intervene, standing between the two as Michael still yells, "I can't believe you act like this now but an hour ago you were convinced that she loved me. Chase, I love Willow, and I'm her husband, so it's my job to make you realize that you need to get out of my house before I do something we'll both regret!"
Willow looks at Michael, pulling him out of his anger and into a soft face he makes around her. "You love me?" She asks, a small smile playing on her lips.
"This isn't how I intended to tell you, but yes, I love you, Willow. I had a speech to go with that too, but life doesn't always work out how it's planned," Michael says, smiling at her. "But if you don't feel that way back, then of course we'll just forge-"
She cuts off his anxious ramblings by kissing him, the pair melting into the kiss that felt perfectly right. When they pull apart, she smiles widely at him. "I love you back," as they kiss again.
"What the hell, Michael?" Chase asks, ruining the sweet moment for the two. "You're supposed to be my best friend."
"And you were supposed to leave my house," Michael's voice is at an icy level, one that could explode at any second if tempted to. "So leave before I have a guard throw you out."
Dante smiles at his little brother as he addresses Chase, "Leave dude. It's clear you're not getting her back."
"I can't believe this. Willow, you know that he's just your rebound. You don't love him, you're going to come back to me," Chase says.
Michael, unable to deal with this anymore, serves a strong right hook to Chase's head area. Jason taught him how to punch and how to take a punch when he was in high school, Michael's pretty good at it by now. "That was on purpose and assaulting a police officer!" Chase shouts at him. "You're under arrest for assaulting a police officer. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you."
"Chase, stop! Don't arrest him because you're mad at me," Willow pleads, looking upset. "Please."
Looking at Willow, Chase takes Michael and handcuffs him. "No."
The ride to the police station is absolutely silent, Michael angry and happy at the same time about Willow loving him back but him being arrested for punching Chase.
When he's being processed, Michael's allowed to make his two phone calls they allow and calls Willow. "Michael? Are you okay, did Chase hurt you? Have they detained you yet, or processed you fully?" She anxiously asks, sounding just like any wife would when her husband gets arrested. Michael can't help but chuckle quietly. "Why are you laughing?"
"Willow, I'm fine. I need to be bailed out, but I'm absolutely fine. No one hurt me and I'm being processed again but I'm not injured except for my ego. You sound so much like my mom everytime my dad or Jason gets arrested right now, it's funny."
"It's stressful having your husband in jail for punching a cop!" Willow laughs back. "How much is bail?"
"Bail is $1,000. I wanted to let you know I'm okay, but I'm gonna call Jason for bail money. He's been through this before and won't be as much of a stressed out mess as you," Michael tells her, smiling.
"I can handle bailing you out, but you're right, I'd be too stressed. I'll meet you at the station, though, and hopefully you'll be out as I'm there," Willow chuckles with her husband. "Alright, well I'm not gonna keep you any longer. Go call Jason."
"I love you," Michael smiles as a way to end the call.
"I love you too," Willow says as she hangs up the phone and he swears, he can hear her smile through the phone as he dials Jason.
"Jason Morgan," he answers the call.
"It's Michael. I'm at the station and need $1,000 for bail money because I punched Chase. Can you bail me out and not tell my mother?" Michael asks.
"Why the hell did you punch Chase?" Jason asks him.
"He kissed Willow and started saying she was in love with him, even after she said she's in love with me and we kissed again, twice," Michael smiles again, thinking about the kisses.
Jason sighs. "I'll be there in twenty minutes. Should I be expecting to see your wife there, pacing?"
"Probably not. She's going to be here, but I don't think she'll be here for a few minutes after I get bailed out. Are you telling my mother about this?" Michael asks again.
"I'm not dealing with Carly finding out you got arrested. You can."
"Thanks, Jason. I'll see you soon."
The twenty minutes pass and Chase continues booking him in, taking pleasure in it. It's sad how what was once a beautiful friendship is now so pathetic that he's booking him into a jail cell.
Bail is given, and Michael gets out roughly fourth minutes later, being uncuffed and getting his cell phone and wallet back. Willow isn't there yet, but Jason is and looks like he's trying not to laugh as he hugs his nephew. "Michael, your parents and I have always told you to follow the law. A part of the law is not punching police officers," he says in a fake stern voice. "You're so lucky that they didn't have to call Carly or she would've been down here raising hell and you'd be either let go free of all charges or she'd be in jail too by now."
"I know. Mom's not exactly silent about her beliefs," Michael smiles as their hug ends.
Willow runs into the station, clearly stressed but holding it together as she runs to him. "You're okay? Nothing happened? Did Chase drop the charges?"
Michael hugs his wife, glancing at Jason in his happy moment. "Willow, look at me. I'm fine. Nothing happened to me and Chase agreed to drop the charges because it's a first offense. All that's been injured is my ego."
Smiling at the sight in front of him, Jason says, "I think that it's safe to say this is a sign you're really married now, she's worried you got hurt in your short jail stay."
"Hey, we've been married for months!" Willow objects, chuckling as Dante walks in casually with Wiley in a stroller.
Dante greets the staff he knows and says to Wiley, "See Daddy? He did a bad thing to Chase and now he had to get bailed out. But it looks like him and Mommy are finally admitting they love each other, so something good happened."
"Uncle Dante is a little bit too excited to see me bailed out, isn't he, Wiley?" Michael asks, pulling apart from his hug with Willow to take his son from Dante.
"Yes, I am, little brother. If you weren't an idiot, we wouldn't be in this situation," Dante cheekily responds. "As cute as this moment is, I'm going to leave you two to it and go do something else. Jason, Carly needs us for something. I will be telling her that you got arrested, Michael."
Michael glares at his brother while he leaves the station. "Great, now my mother's going to be mad at me too."
"I'm not mad at you," Willow tells him, smiling. "I think he deserved it and abused his power. And I think Mr. Wiley agrees with me."
"I think Wiley would have to agree with me as well that he's got the greatest mommy in the entire universe," Michael smiles at her.
"Greatest parents," Willow corrects him, kissing him again. "You don't give yourself enough credit."
Their family leaves the station together, laughing.
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