#gonna make a promo someday haha
tkblythofficial · 9 months
So do you think T and R are gonna get together ? I mean she seems to really like him more than friends at least to me . Also he said something about falling in love with her is easy . If I was T’s gf I would be pissed ! Seriously …. I get press but it’s an insult to their relationship to keep doing that , sorry . Yes J didn’t defend her and all that…. I just think it’s wrong for them to flirt like that when they are dating others , sorry not sorry . No yes I get press but still …. No if people can’t distinguish between movie and real life than they have issues because that’s what they are paid for … ACTING.
Yes it’s very possible! I have good luck when it comes to shipping real life couples so hopefully my good luck continues? Haha. Tom/Zendaya, Bob/Eliza, Ginnifer/Josh, etc and some more than didn’t work out but they still dated so it counts!
I will say this though… they need to be another movie or TV series for it to work. All my other ships took years to happen because they worked together often or were in similar circles. T and R are also young (especially R) and their careers are just starting so it will take time for it to develop fully.
“Easy to fall in love with” he could have said anything and choose to say that. He has zero chill. I have no idea who his gf is but I’m sure she had a sour face like J throughout the promo tour lol. I know they hung out (R, J, T and his gf) on Halloween 2023 and I WISH I was in the room to see the interactions between the 4 of them. There was a video I saw a while back were the 4 of them were together again (looked like a group dinner with 6+ other people) and I’m curious how T and R acts with his gf around
I also find it funny how R doesn’t follow T’s gf but J does on ig. Weird.
R said it herself you can’t fake chemistry like theirs. It’s a part of their job to sell the movie and make the romance believable but it comes naturally to them so I know it’s not forced. He cried when she sang to him the first time! That was only with a few minutes into knowing her. Clearly this is the real deal and can lead to more than friends someday.
The crazy part is I don’t think they realize they are flirting lol. So to them it’s not “wrong” because they’re just being themselves. They have easy banter and conversations so it just happens. I can easily see someone telling them “stop flirting!” And they both go “wtf! We’re not flirting, we’re being friendly!”
They’re actors, yes, but you can fall in love at work. It happens everyday.
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knivesnchill · 2 years
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tany/morozova, 28, she/her, gmt-3, ptbr/eng - semi-selective multiverse and multimuse -  a simple plost with what you need to play with me:
ask memes (accepting)
ooc posts
daisy verses (st, mcu, dbh, tua, the boys)
alina verses (s&b and real life/modern au)
interest tracker
discord: Tany#0339 (mutuals only, please)
wires: daisyinhawkins (for daisy, any of her verses) | chrissydidwakeup  (for chrissy, st and modern au) | eddie_munson (for eddie, st and modern au)
drafts: 44
queue: 7
askbox: 41
credits: psd and screencaps: @mazcaps | muse themes: @index47 | ask banner, promo banner and psd: @supersources | interest tracker: @indiedocs | blockote: @jaynedits​ | icons: @helpersofindie​  @eviebugsicons​ |  psd: @ariapsds | promo banner: @carsonism (on twitter)
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piikakyu · 4 years
DISCORD TEXT THREAD FEATURING : namkyu & @darlingboi​
WHEN : march 7th, 2021
DESCRIPTION : namkyu slides into valentine’s dms on instagram.
TRIGGER WARNINGS : none ( i don’t believe . if you see any , please let me know and i will tag accordingly <3 )
Namkyu ok i saw your recent, you’re in ny??
Valentine yes!! born and raised in the city. still living here! why?
Namkyu i didn’t know you lived here, just thought you were staying in the city for a promo or something. i moved here a month ago bc seoul was kicking my ass :sob: any recommended cafes??? im dying and my keurig just isn’t cutting it
Valentine haha nope!! born and raised in the city. wouldnt have it any other way really. how am i just figuring out now that you’ve been here a month?? :hushed: the grind is one of the best if you haven’t been yet!!
Namkyu i don’t know, you haven’t been paying me any attention maybe 
Valentine i’m constantly liking your pictures!! i don’t wanna be too pushy :weary: though your last post, you’re so incredibly gorgeous.
Namkyu if you think being pushy is liking insta pics, you haven’t seen pushy :rofl: no i was literally about to say how bomb you looked in your last pic fr i regret not flirting with you longer  how’ve you been though? still with that boy you were posting about for a hot minute? i’ve got to say i was a bit jealous. cue justin bieber’s that should be me 
Valentine i guess i can’t say i’ve ever have... wait there was one guy a long time ago... we don’t have to think about that though :joy: don’t turn this around on complimenting me now! and why didn’t you, hmm? which one?? i’ve been single for a while now. all by myseeeelfff
Namkyu let me think.. i think someone said the time difference was too much for them?  i didn’t make an effort to remember any of your week long flings’ names, since they weren’t mine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Valentine how am i meant to flirt with someone 13/14 hours ahead of me hmm?? too be fair one last longer than usual but don’t worry you don’t gotta be a week long fling 
Namkyu you get creative  ooo so you had a two week long fling then? no i can be a one night fling then
Valentine sorry im more down to paint to get creative then flirting with someone halfway across the world that i can’t touch  it’s called having a boyfriend for 6 months, pretty boy. wow lameee expecting to only want a piece of that for one night??
Namkyu that’s what snapchat is for duh cmon endless dick pics. oh wow :0 didnt think you were the settling down type. well yeah, wouldn’t want to be getting attached to you :eyes: been there done that jealousy shit, not gonna do that again
Valentine hmm  hey, every relationship has been at least a month or two. i’m getting somewhere. i wanna get married someday lol. no whores in this house. well damn, wouldn’t suggest sleeping with me for at least one night :joy: then again, not many guys grow attachments
Namkyu look at you go! wanting a full ass relationship and all that! how about a weekend then? a three night fling. friday saturday sunday and then maaaaybe we could join the mile high club if we go somewhere exotic.. 
Valentine let me run the whole house and dick you down when you want :rofl::rofl::rofl: a pretty boy in an exotic all to myself for a few days, huh? can say i’m definitely down for that.
Namkyu can i say 24/7? is that appropriate? where you wanna go? 
Valentine i mean it’s possibly appropriate. i’m thinking hawaii? bora bora? depends on how far you wanna travel. don’t worry though, our place will be completely private 
Namkyu ooh hawaii sounds nice. so you’re making the arrangements then?  i can, too, you know.
Valentine yeah, i’m making the arrangements, don’t worry. i know, but let me treat you 
Namkyu it was my idea tho. damn, stealing the spotlight already and we aren’t even there yet. here’s my number 123-456-7890 
Valentine *laughing emoji*
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kierawaffles · 4 years
hey so since i'm almost to 300 subscribers on youtube, i'm gonna do a little self promo
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i make goofy, low budget (often $0 budget aside from like, my phone) and like no editing scouting videos on various gacha games. I have also made one (1) speed drawing video so far but i hope to make more, i also hope to someday do actual let's plays on like rpg maker games, but i'm not sure when that will happen haha.
i don't post videos that often since this is very much a side hobby (and not spending money on gacha games means less opportunity to scout), but i do try to at least something out once or twice a month.
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allwaswell16 · 5 years
Answer the 11 questions, think of 11 of your own, tag 11 people.
I was tagged by @kingsofeverything Thanks, Lauren!
1. How many active WIPs do you have?
Crying. I usually only do one at a time! But I guess I have three-ish?
2. Where do you write?
Usually my living room couch or my kitchen table. Sometimes my bed. Sometimes the many waiting rooms I sit in. I love sitting at my desk in my basement but we got water in the basement and are fixing that right now. sigh. 
3. How do you feel when you finish the first draft, before editing?
I usually edit a lot as I go, so I really don’t have a ton to do when I reread to make changes. Sometimes I’ll add to it, but generally by then I’ve taken out everything that needs to be deleted. So it’s mostly proofreading at that point. So I guess I usually feel pretty damn relieved! lol 
4. What’s your least favorite of all the fics you’ve written?
Ouch. Hmmm. I’ll have to go look. Oh man, Mac’s gonna kill me but probably the email chain canon drabbles I used to write. The only reason I like them at all is because Mac loves them. lol. 
5. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write but haven’t? Why?
Oh man, before I wrote an amnesia fic, I would have said that. Okay, this took me a hot minute to figure out, but I’d love to write a great fantasy story. Sadly, I don’t think I have it in me. I tried to write one, but I’ve been stuck after the first 5k forever. I think it’s not gonna happen. 
6. Do you enjoy writing original characters in your fics?
I do! I don’t use tons of original characters, but the ones I have I generally like quite a lot because they’re based on people I know and love haha. Cynthia in Consequences, Annie in the Dive series, Maggie in Sound Like a Song, Emily in Staring Across the Room. I could definitely go on. haha
7. Do you prefer specific towns/places as your settings? Do you have a favorite?
I definitely do! I like being able to truly picture something and I look up tons of things about the setting usually. I like to feel like I’m really living in that world for a bit. My favorite was probably Antarctica in When the Sun Won’t Let You Sleep, but I’ve written a ton about Chicago and the Midwest haha. 
8. Do you research or do you prefer to just make things up?
See the last question. haha. I research the shit out of things until my beta has to tell me to knock it off. It’s one of my favorite parts of the process though. I need to know all the details even if it never makes it into the fic. 
9. What is your favorite (type of) fic to read when you’re having a bad day?
I like to immerse myself in a painful, angsty fic if I’m trying to escape a bit. If I’m feeling anxious though, I go for a certain brand of short fic as written by @londonfoginacup haha
10. Do you prefer to write from one POV or multiple POVs? If one, do you have a preference as to whose POV you write from?
I don’t really have a huge preference. I definitely don’t feel like I just decide on one or the other or both. I just go with what feels right for the story. If I had to choose, I’d say I enjoy writing from Harry’s pov because I generally infuse the Harry character with my own personality traits. lol. So it’s easy to get in his head in general. 
11. Self promo one of your fics. Link it and talk it up!
Please read my Big Bang fic, Consequences! 
It’s 78k, which is the longest of my fics so far. It’s an amnesia au set in a fictionalized version of my hometown in the Midwest. I love exes to lovers, so it does begin with a prologue of their breakup. The fic is a journey not only of them finding their way back to each other, but Harry’s own of recovery and healing. It’s very angsty with a happy ending, and no spoilers, but everything is not as it seems. 
My questions:
1. What fic have you written that you wish everyone would read?
2. What’s your favorite character you’ve ever written?
3. What’s your most popular fic and why do you think it’s your most popular?
4. What’s one of your favorite fan fics that you haven’t written?
5. What is your current WIP about?
6. What is a fic that you hope to write someday?
7. Do you read fics from other fandoms? Which ones?
8. What author or book has influenced you as a writer?
9. What’s one of your favorite books from when you were a child?
10. What’s an au/trope that you thought you didn’t like until you read one and loved it?
11. Choose one: angst or fluff?
I’ll tag these eleven people to answer my questions! @taggiecb @becomeawendybird @jaerie @jacaranda-bloom @hi-larrie-ous @londonfoginacup @realitybetterthanfiction @ham-palpert @helloamhere @phd-mama @scrunchyharry
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fleetwoodsushi · 7 years
I'm trying to just add a little harry positivity to my dash so I'm sending these questions to my favorite blogs! ❤️ If you have some time, I would love to see your answers! 1. What's your favorite part of Harry's promo so far? 2. What's your favorite thing about harry? 3. If you could pick 3 new covers for harry to do, what would they be? 4. Besides music and movies, what is something else you would love for harry to try someday? 5. Describe your ideal red carpet look for harry
This is very cute! I have some downtime right now from all this moving so I'm gonna do this, and I'm determined to give you a solid & brief answer for each one haha! I love Harryyyyy1. What's your favorite part of Harry's promo so far? All the small gigs he did for charity at all these iconic venues, the day-of notice and making it so old school, so cool! Singing with Stevie Nicks!2. What's your favorite thing about harry? If I had to pick a few I'd say, his humour and wit, his kindheartedness, his musicality. 3. If you could pick 3 new covers for harry to do, what would they be? I answered something similar a while ago, Love on The Brain was one, Cherry Wine by Hozier, I'd love to hear him sing Here Comes the Sun 4. Besides music and movies, what is something else you would love for harry to try someday? I'd like to see more of his artistic side? Maybe a book of photography or paintings. 5. Describe your ideal red carpet look for harryHe looks great in everything tbh but I love his funky suits, so I'd love another Gucci suit like the one on Late Late and those big high waisted trousers in the Behind the Album doc was such a lewk!
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