#gonna try to avoid my brother as much as possible and see if the kids cool
homestuck--edits · 2 years
Hey, do you think you can make a kinsona edit? A mix between Dirk and Rainbow Dash? Where his hair has shaved sides with a lightning bolt, and its spikey on the top with rainbow highlights? He has piercings aswell, multiple ear piercings, a nose ring, snakebites and two in his left eyebrow. He wears a sleeveless jacket with a hood and has chains on his pants. Everything else is really up to you, sorry if this is very long or specific haha. Im alright with anything, but if you want, could you do the edit with the ultimate dirk pesterquest sprite? Of course you dont have to do this if its too complex, and you can change the appearence, id just like him to keep his tattoos and rainbow highlights.
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... what tattoos? you did not mention any do you just mean the sbahj one ?
-mod davesprite
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
the previous post got me thinking of my og Yuebei design for the slow-boiled au,and got thinking; what would she look like without LBD's influence?
immediately I got blasted with the mental image and had to draw her.
you've heard of Slow Boiled Yuebei, now get ready for Soft Boiled!
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basically Yuebei was born sooner for whatever reason and therefore didn't consume LBD's dao. I like to think she was actually originally gonna be a lot like pre-during jttw Wukong; loud, bright, abrasive. But by consuming an entire demon's dao it influenced her overall being, making her more chilled out. so she's basically the opposite of her Slow Boiled counterpart.
there are some similarities. she still has her glow-y ears and black fur from Wukong's yearning for Macaque, and her mask is still a skull-shape, just not bleached white by LBD instead red so it looks like the mask the eclipse twins have. however, she relies more heavily on the fire-y imagery of the sun rather then the soft clouds and bones of Slow Boiled Yuebei.
now, lore.
she might also be able to be considered an "opposite au" as I like to think the catalyst for the changes between Soft and Slow Boiled is the Samadhi Fire ritual. everything up to that point is the same as in Slow Boiled, but during the ritual Yuebei, still just 'the egg' reacts badly to the fire, but this time, instead of just causing a potential miscarriage scare, it sends Wukong into premature labor.
this is not good. obviously. premature baby is not great, likely to have health issues and complications. the labor takes many, painful, stress filled hours, close to a full day! unlike her Slow Boiled counterpart, Soft Boiled takes hours after hatching to start crying. Wukong is understandably a mess during this time. for a lomg portion of it he's grappling with the possible consequences of the ritual, and if he made the right choice to participate. luckily he has the pilgrims to comfort him until Guanyin comes back with news.
this also has the side affect to tipping off previously unaware parties of his pregnancy. PIF is having words with her brother-in-law later. Ne Zha is a little horrified, DBK is just trying to figure out if everyone is still alive while trying to keep a baby Red Son entertained. he too will be having words with Wukong later tho.
I don't think Yuebei will have ended up being a ring in this au, as she rejected the fire after originally trying to consume its dao, having learned the hard way it was too much for her. might have freaked out a little to much tho. but its possible have taken at least a little nibble of the fire to taste test may have contributed to her fire-y personality in the end.
as for her childhood. I think she'd be like, pre-teen to 14 as of canon lmk.
I feel like her being premature + samadhi fire shenanigans means she was a little sickly as a baby. maybe even with some permanent, though not overly serious, damage. perhaps she fried some of her nerves trying to absorb the fire, resulting in a lack of feeling around her chest area? maybe her taste buds too, she likes DBK + Red Son's cooking because it's hot enough she can actually taste it.
for as long as they were around, she grew up around the pilgrims, with them acting as a support group for Wukong. then, one by one, they stop coming. she doesn't understand why, having been so young. and with as young as she still is when canon rolls around, she also doesn't really understand why they don't remember her, and why they stopped coming around so they could run a noodle shop, and why they seem to have moved on without a second thought of her to raising another kid. she just knows Baba looks sad when he sees them around.
she probably is very jalous of/very avoidant while glaring daggers at MK when he first becomes Wukong's student. he took her uncles from her, was he trying to her baba now too? probably comes to a head in an episode of its own. perhaps he takes her to the shadow play to try and connect with her, Yuebei having shown an interest in theater, but she's quiet and grumpy the whole time. the two unexpectedly do end up bonding over beating on Macaque when they realize he's present, MK having been let in on some stuff by his mentor early and Yuebei also knowing some things herself.
you see, she knows about Macaque, Wukong having tried to raise her with the knowledge of his mate/her other parent. but he also tried to be honest with her, so the second it comes time to learn the full truth of how she was born she can't help but resent him a little bit. even more so when Wukong explains how, when, and why he died. she knows of his hearing abilities, her baba loved how her ears looked like 'his special ones', he should have known about her. she wonders is she wasn't enough for Macaque, if she wasn't worth trying to salvage the relationship for, or, worse yet, if he hadn't wanted her altogether. Wukong tries to tell her that couldn't be farther from the truth, but she can only believe him so much. she also isn't pleased with him for abandoning her baba in the first place.
the first time she meets Macaque (the shadow play) and clues into who he is, she decks him in the face and tries to fight him. having not even registered her presence previously, Macaque's just confused about where this sassy child came from- and why are her ears like that? why does she look so familiar?
no answers arise before MK, a slightly bigger threat then the runt that somehow got the jump on him, joins the fray, just as pissed at the monkey.
season 3 is... complicated, to say the least. Macaque reacts about as well as you'd expect him to when LBD reveals the girl who punched him mere hours before is his ex-mates kid. who is now a wanted enemy to boot, LBD wanting her as leverage against the king.
this got super long, how do i keep doing this? anyway hope you enjoyed my tangent on this new little au of mine
Link to; Yuebei's Slow Boiled au design.
One; I ADORE EVERYTHING about Soft Boiled au Yuebei's design! The fiery sun imagery, the red and black clothing that makes her look ready to Fight, her orange eyes, the little red ribbon in her hair!!! And she has her own version of Macaque's scarf!!
Two; Wukong about to get a talking to the second his adoptive family gets a hold of him. Once the monkey recovers from the early labour, and has emotionally recovered from the rollercoaster that was Yuebei's birth ofc. It would be so cute if Yuebei first started crying over something completely normal - for some reason, I'm thinking it's something like Zhu Bajie trying to pull a funny face for her. Wukong is so relieved to hear his baby crying that he doesn't even scold his pilgrim brother for scaring her!
Three; Wukong would be so protective of his little Moon Comet Star. She was so sickly and weak as a baby, that he worries about ever letting her leave places he knows to be safe. But of course she is growing up...
Four; I feel like Yuebei's growth was severely stunted by the Fire, hence why she's seems much younger than Red Son despite being only a few years apart in age. That and I can imagine Wukong took her to stay with Guanyin on her unaging island for a while to help her health improve. She's ultimately a big kid.
Five; And oooough! Yuebei not understanding that her pilgrim uncles have passed on and reincarnated, but believes that they've "abandoned" her and her baba!! Thinking MK has "stolen" her family from her and is attempting the same with her dad. MK wanting to be Yuebei's friend since she seems so lonely, but not knowing why she's cold towards him! (。•́︿•̀。)
I bet even with Guanyin, "Cousin" Nezha, and the very rare corespondance with PIF and Red Son, Yuebei spends a lot of her childhood lonely.
Yuebei is gonna have a time when she starts understanding whats really going on with the Noodle Gang, and why her family "suddenly" can't remember her. Wukong blames himself for not explaining it better to her earlier, but hadn't wanted to dump so much loss on his babygirl all at once - it was a lose-lose situation.
I LOVE Macaque's first impression of Yuebei being "Who's sassy child is this??" He don't hate her, he's just a little confused why some little kid has beef with him specifically. Also confusion on why she looks like him and Wukong mixed together.
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MK 🤝 Yuebei: beating up Macaque for being a doofus.
I imagine Macaque awkwardly trying to connect with Yuebei after S3, and reconnect with Wukong, especially since he hadn't even known she existed at the time of his and Wukong's big fight (or chose to believe so - Memory Scroll issue for later). Yuebei doesn't like Macaque, but she doesn't completely abhor the idea of him and her baba becoming close again. She just doesn't want either of them to get hurt again.
LBD likely gets destroyed closer to canon, since Yuebei doesn't eat her soul (I hope XD) like in the Slow Boiled au. Yuebei takes her skull tho. Trophy.
Azure Lion about to get decked in the face the second he comes around. When did the monkeys multiply? Why is he on fire?
Wukong is just watching Yuebei tear into their enemies like; "I love my strong little girl." <3
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Teach Me
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Summary: Y/n Potter is known for getting any person she ever wants, but what happens when she has to comfort the one she loves?
Hermione Granger x fem! Potter! Sly!reader
Warnings: y/n has loveable bastard energy, James and Lily alive, angsty to fluff, slightly suggestive towards the end, can lead to a part 2
Word Count: 3.1k
"Dad! Y/n is hitting on Ginny again!" Harry shouted, stomping into his father's office, his sister right beside him with a small smile on her face.
James sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"How am I supposed to ask her out like that?"
The man turned around to meet his kids, seeing Harry with red cheeks and teeth clenched and Y/n looking... well, looking like him.
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"Tell her to stop hitting on every possible girlfriend I have!" He said like it was obvious. "It's the third time already!"
It was true, last year every time Harry would even think about inviting a girl to some sort of date, she'd step in and kiss her first.
And now that Harry, with the help of his mother, realized how he actually wanted Ginny instead of Cho, there she was talking to her all flirty.
"Sounds like I'm doing something really good that you aren't." She waved, standing smug right beside him. "Step up your game, idiot."
God, sometimes Y/n sounded awfully like James, that's something he probably would've said.
"Well, Harry, she isn't completely wrong." He started, seeing the shock look in his son's eyes and a victory smile on his daughter's face. "You have such a lack of confidence I don't know where you got from. Maybe fight for her a little more?"
The boy scoffed, leaving his father's office and slamming the door on his way out.
"Y/n we've been here before..." James said, making her roll her eyes. "Your brother really likes Ginny, can you make things a little easier for him?"
"I'm just giving him a little nudge." She shrugged. "They were under a tree outside and she was practically begging him to kiss her, seriously, how is he that dumb?"
"Don't talk like that about your brother." He asked.
"Oh come on! Neville was thinking about asking her to the ball." Y/n told. "He'll lose her, I'm just trying to help. Besides, Ginny knows what I'm doing. And Harry should know by now redheads aren't exactly my type.'
James rolled his eyes at that, she was the first born-Potter who didn't feel attracted to a ginger.
His father, Fleamont, was. He was, and Harry was following the same path when fell in love with the youngest Weasley.
"Fine, just... tone it down a little."
Yeah right.
"Get your own girlfriend!" Harry shouted to his sister, two days later.
"Why do that when I can wait for you to pick one and just show her I'm so much better." She answered, not bothering to look back to see the boy rushing down the stairs to reach her.
"You're already going to the Ball with George!" He argued. "Why would you suggest to take her?"
The girl only laughed.
Both Weasleys knew what she was up to, in fact her and Fred thought about it together.
"I'm gonna tell mom!"
"You should. Cause if you keep up like that, she'll be the only woman in your life." Y/n mocked, turning the corner to go to Transfiguration class, not caring about her brother shouting behind her.
When the Yule Ball finally came, a week later, he finally had managed the courage to ask the Weasley girl to be his date.
Harry had his sister to thank, but he would never admit it.
Ron, however, didn't seemed happy in the least. He haven't managed any date and had to invite the Patil, Hermione being taken already. But to see his younger sister in the arms of his best friend, and his older brother holding his girl best friend, it was bloody torture.
Y/n and George were stealing some treats from the table when the girl saw Hermione leaving the hall with her head low after discussing with the ginger boy.
"Go for her." The Weasley said.
"What do you mean?" She asked, turning to the table again, avoiding to look at the door.
"Oh come on, Y/n. We all know you have a crush on her since day one. Ginny accepted you flirting with her because she knew you wanted to get under Hermione's skin. Just go get your girl and stop hitting on your brother's girlfriends."
Y/n hesitated.
George was right, unfortunately. Since the start of first year, on Hogwarts Express, she'd been head over heels for that little know-it-all Gryffindor.
But even though she wanted to try something, her feelings for the idiotic Weasley boy were way too clear.
And worse, Y/n was a Slytherin, and her house didn't exactly gave her the best reputation.
Leaving the hall, she tried to be as nonchalant as possible, holding her dress a little, but her entire act fell upon seeing Hermione crying in the stairs, untying the small heels and throwing them to the side.
"Hey." She called, approaching the girl. She immediately started cleaning her tears, forcing a smile. "Don't worry, he's a jerk."
"What do you mean?" Hermione pretended to not know, watching her sitting right in front of her. "I don't care about what Ron says, I just wanted- nevermind, you wouldn't understand."
"Wanted to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you?" She completed, making the gryffindor lift her eyes. "I understand more than you think I do."
Hermione frowned her eyebrows, not getting what she meant. She was known in all Hogwarts to always get who she wanted.
"Whatever, I'm just going to my room and try to forget all of this happened."
"Hey, no! Don't be like that." She shoved her knee lightly. "Come on, don't let a stupid boy ruin your night. I know one thing that would cheer you up, let's go!"
"Don't think too much, come!"
She pulled Hermione with her through the hallways, the girl murmuring they'd probably be expelled.
The Potter led the well known path to the statue of the witch her father taught her it was a secret passage.
"What's that?"
"Firewhiskey!" She smiled, shaking the bottle, seeing the reprehensible look in Hermione's face. "Please, one night won't hurt, and it will take your mind off that damn redhead."
Y/n didn't meant to hate on Ron Weasley, she never did. But he had a literal goddess all over him and he'd be dumb enough to not want her.
Even with that offer, the girl shake her head no, making the Potter scoff.
"Thought you weren't a coward, Granger."
"Coward?!" She took the bottle from her hands with heat, opening it and turning swallowing three big sips.
It burned her throat, making her cough and almost throw up, wiping off the excess of her lips.
"Hey, you good?"
She lifted her head, looking at her with challenging eyes. "Who's not drinking now, Potter?"
Merlin, that was hot! They both thought, Y/n's mind focusing on Hermione and her's thinking about the beverage.
"Easy, Mione." She asked, trying to get the bottle. “Don’t wanna send you to the Hospital Wing on your first time drinking.”
The girl laughed, adrenaline started to run in her veins and she was feeling bold tonight. If bold and brave girls, such as Y/n always got what they wanted, it was her time to try, no?
But her conception of bold was a tiny bit different from the Potter’s.
“We should be doing this in a dorm, someone might catch us.”
“Not you trying to put limits even when you’re being rad.” Y/n mocked, taking a shot of the whiskey. “And I think it’s the perfect time to show you this.” She said, hearing fast footsteps coming in.
Closing the passage, she hid the bottle behind the statue, not invisible enough not to get caught if someone took even one step forward and positioned her hand on her forearm.
Professor Minerva turned the corner, looking at them intrigued.
“What are you two doing here? The Ball is taking place somewhere else.”
“Yeah but it was kinda boring, Minnie.” She answered, feeling Hermione freeze by her side. “I wanted to do something else but this killjoy right here caught me.”
The girl looked at her, eyes wide in shock, she knew it would cost her house some points, but the Potter didn’t seemed to care.
“She was taking me to the dorms anyway.”
Minerva was far from dumb, she knew the Potter reputation with girls, the same as her father's, but it seemed like her and the one she loved could finally have some time together.
“That’s truthful of you to admit your mistakes, miss Potter. Fifty points from Slytherin, and I hope you know your father will hear about this. And to you, miss Granger, fifteen points for Gryffindor for acting right. Now please, get this over with, I don’t want another scandal.” And turning around, she made her way back to the Great Hall. 
“See?” The Potter asked, pulling away when Minerva was far enough and grabbing the bottle. “Don’t worry, your goody-goody reputation won’t go to hell.”
Hermione felt weird, heat from the drink and the adrenaline washing over her. Was this how power was? Feeling like you could do anything?
“Teach me.”
“Teach you... what? How to lie?”
“How to be like you.” She asked. “You’re not scared of anything, and it’s like you don’t have a care in the world. I wanna do that.”
“Well, Ms Bold For The Night, what is something you always wanted to do, but never tried for being too afraid of getting caught?”
There was so many things she could make an entire list and it would be miles long. 
A couple of things fired up inside her mind, and she found herself smiling dumbly, cheeks feeling numb and face blushing.
“Oh god, this is so scary.” She mumbled, face buried on Y/n’s back as they raised from the ground on a broom.
“Don’t chicken out now!” The girl warned, getting them higher and higher.
Hermione was already regretting her decision, her stomach twirling on itself as they flew up to the Astronomy tower, where she always wanted to be by midnight, to watch the starts and the moon.
Her hands were around Y/n’s waist, one holding the bottle of whiskey so strongly her knuckles became white.
The wind brushed against her skin and she got goosebumps, the heat of her body colliding with the cold air. The Potter was clearly laughing at how frightened Hermione looked, as if she could ever let her fall off.
“We’re almost there!” She announced, loud enough for the girl to hear, but not to someone inside the castle notice the voice. Instead of landing on the inside of the tower, she decided to stand on the roof of it, even further from the grass.
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
“They always check the Astronomy Tower, everyone comes here after curfew sooner or later.” She shrugged, sitting down. “Besides, it’s even better to look at the stars from here.”
The Granger looked up, seeing how close the waning moon looked, how bright it was. Before she even noticed, she also sat down really close to the girl, still looking at that big black sky.
Never, on the muggle world, could she get a sight like that.
That’s why she was so grateful for being a wizard, and she thanked the universe by learning everything there was to learn about that world.
“It’s so beautiful.”
“Yes, it is.” Y/n answered, but when Hermione turned to look at her, she quickly blinked stared at the moon. “Want some? It’s better not to get cold.” 
The gryffindor felt her cheeks burning even before drinking, but she gulped down two more shots to have the courage to finally voice a question in the back of her mind.
“Why you never flirted with me?”
The Potter froze upon those words, holding the bottle tight against her palm.
“I- uh-” She gagged, blinking so many times and avoiding eye contact by closing her eyes. Fuck it, she thought. “I only flirt for fun, like they’re attractive or kinda cool or something. I won’t flirt with someone I have feelings for.”
“That doesn’t add up, you flirt with George a lot.” Hermione snapped back, taking off some pins on her hair.
“I don’t have feelings for George.” Y/n answered immediately. “He’s only my date to the Yule Ball because... well, everyone who’s interesting were taken and we didn’t wanted to spend an entire night with some fans we can’t escape or some shit.”
She turned the bottle upside down inside her mouth, swallowing so many times she lost count, her throat burning and eyes watering.
“Wait, so, who is it you have feelings for but won’t flirt with?”
“Are you kidding me? It’s you, Granger.”
Hermione blinked, feeling a little tipsy already.
“I never did because I knew from day one you liked that motherfucker Weasley, so, what’s the point?” She shrugged, facing the moon and drinking one more time, putting on her best show of not caring.
Under the moonlight, Hermione looked at her, eyes shining more than usual, her body framed perfectly by the black dress with a slit on the left side where she could peek to see a little of her thigh.
That didn’t made sense inside her mind, a girl as pretty as her? Having feelings for a know-it-all everyone made fun of?
“It doesn’t matter.” Y/n sighed, interpreting her silence as a bad signal. “Let’s just go back and-”
“You said you’d help me.” She interrupted, slurring her words. “There’s also one thing I always wanted to do, but have always been too scared of.”
“What is it? Take a swim at the Black Lake?”
“No, we can do that later.” She answered, with a smile. “I always wanted to kiss you.”
As soon as she nodded, Y/n’s heart race increased so fast she thought it would come out of her chest. Hermione’s face was red and with a large smile on her face as she leaned in.
There, with only the stars and the moon as witnesses, they finally kissed.
After four years of misinterpreted feelings and suppressing emotions and trying to be interested in literally anyone else, they finally came together.
Tongues burning with the drink and dresses mendling on each other, bodies close together for the warmth they gave out.
Pulling apart after a while, Y/n dropped her head in the girl’s neck, wanting to make sure she was actually there, that she wasn’t dreaming once again. The smell of her perfume made her head spin and she nuzzled closer, feeling her chuckle.
“What ya laughing at?”
“I’m just so happy.” Hermione answered, lifting her hand to caress the girl’s hair. “But we have to get back soon, it’s really cold out here.”
Y/n smiled wickedly at that, pulling her head up, and it gave Granger the chills. Not only because she looked pretty, but she also looked like she just got an idea, and it was terrifying.
And she was right.
Their ride on the broom was so much faster this time, because they just got down from the roof to the inside of the tower, leaving the object on the side and taking her hand.
They’d have to go all the way to the Gryffindor’s tower by walking, risking getting caught while at it and the only thing she said when Hermione tried to argue was “live a little.”
“Come on, where’s Ms. Bold For The Night?” She asked out loud when the girl took of her shoes and was walking in the tip of her toes, getting a “shhh” as an answer.
They started walking and it was like every corner she’d hide behind Y/n, waiting for a monster to show up, or worse, a teacher.
When they heard the loud steps from Filch, Hermione’s breath hitched on her throat, but the Potter was quick to open up a door to a random closet and pull her inside.
It was the same size as a broom closet, however mostly cleaning objects, and they could only see each other by the pale moonlight entering through the window.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” Granger whispered, trying to disappear by shrinking. When Y/n told her to focus on literally anything else, her eyes darted to her again, and what she was wearing. “That really is an awesome dress.”
“You can try it on.” She suggested, a smug smile appearing on her lips. “But only if I can try yours on and you help me take it off.”
“There’s a spell for that! Let me see...” She started, pulling her wand and Y/n had to bite her lip to not laugh out loud.
“Yes?” Only then she noticed her smile and her tongue licking her lips lightly, eyebrows arched. 
The girl thanked they couldn’t see each other well, because she was blushing like hell, but she had a feeling Y/n could guess what was happening, because her flirty smile turned into a genuine chuckle. 
Hermione cleared her throat as low as possible. “Oh, would you teach me that too?”
“I’ll teach you anything you want, princess.” 
“Then yes, I’d like to try on your dress.” She dared, gulping down her fear and shyness.
Y/n pulled her even closer, one hand in her waist and the other on her cheek.
“I know Minnie said she couldn’t handle another scandalous news on Hogwarts, but I think she’ll have to get used to the fact a Slytherin and a Gryffindor are sleeping together.” Y/n told, tracing kisses down Hermione’s neck.
The girl felt like melted butter on her hands, knees shaking and ready to give up and just ler herself be mold by the Potter. 
She forced her body between the slytherin’s legs, feeling her smile mid-kiss by her sudden audacity.
“I know we can’t sleep in each other’s dorms but I wish we could.”
“Well, technically...”
A few moments later, Hermione rushed into the Gryffindor’s common room, finding Harry, Fred, George and Simas sitting there. 
“Harry, I need the cloak!” She asked, looking flustered and out of breath, the boy just indicated the stairs to the dorm with a confused look and she ran past him. “Thank you!”
“Wait, why are you wearing my sister’s dress?” He asked when she came downstairs, fabric in her hands and a small smile on her face.
“It’s the end of a Ball, you stupid thing.” Y/n answered, coming through the passage and looking at him, Hermione's dress framing her body. “The real question is, why isn’t your date wearing your clothes? Now, thank you for the cloak but I feel like we still might have to stop by some broom closets on the way to, you know, hide.”
Hermione passed the boys, her mouth hung open in a smile, she knew what that actually meant, as excited as ever, and vanished through the passage with the Potter girl right by her.
“Harry, piece of advice.” George called, standing up. “Don’t look at the map tonight.”
“Unless you wanna know how fast your sister can make Hermione cum.” Fred finished, making Harry’s chin fall.
Well, at least, now she wouldn’t be going after his girlfriend.
Part Two
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xoxo-sarah · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 6
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Part 5 | part 7
↝a/n: this past month has been hectic. Forgive me for being, like, 3 weeks late.
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝ Warning: slightly proofread. Possible spoilers, Canon events, Ted Wheeler is a dick, it's hinted that Ted and Reader don't really get along as father and daughter
↝⎙ 9.1.23
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Has that floorboard always been warped?
You couldn't help but zone in on the piece of wood at the top of the stairs. It looked so…odd.
“I know you guys are staring at me.”
The three boys on the couch to your right shuffled to find something to look at other than Max. “What, sorry?” “Huh?” “You said you needed something?” “Just hanging out.”
You glanced away from the wonky piece of wood and looked at the boys, then Max.
“How you think your eyes boring into the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna, I don't know.” Max shuffled the letters against the desk, before getting up. She walked over, watching Steve throw the baseball up into the air and catch it, and the other two finding whatever lies in the pages of the random books so interesting. “You can look at me now.” They apologized, looking up at her.
She stuck out one envelope towards Dustin, “For you.” Next, Steve. “For you.” He looked surprised to be getting one. “And, uh, you.” She didn't spend much time giving Lucas his, instead turning towards you with an envelope.
“Max.” You cooed, hesitantly taking it. You two weren't the closest. Come to think of it, you weren't the closest with any of your brother's friends. You all knew each other and talked a little, but there wasn't much to talk about. You didn't think you'd be worthy of a letter from her.
“Oh, and, um, give these to Mike, El, and Will.” Max handed the rest of the envelopes to Lucas. “If you can ever get a hold of them again.”
Steve and Dustin went to open theirs, but stopped when Max blurted out, “Hey, what are you doing? No, don't. That's not for now. Don't open it now.”
“Don't?….okay.” Dustin looked at Max, confused. “I'm sorry, what is this?”
“It's um,” Max avoided their eyes, fiddling with her hands. “It's a fail-safe. For after.” You stared at the side of her head. She's just a kid. “If things don't work out.” She stammered.
Lucas sat forward on the couch, “Wait, woah. Max, things are gonna work out.”
“No!” She exclaimed. You sat further in your chair, just watching. “No, I don't need you to reassure me right now and tell me it's all gonna work out because people have been telling me that my entire life, and it's almost never true. It's never true.”
“I mean, of course this asshole curses me. I should've seen that one coming.” She inhales deeply, before looking at the table on the side of the room. She walked towards it, grabbing the Walkie. “If we go to East Hawkins, will this thing reach Pennhurst?”
“Of course, yeah.” Dustin answered.
Steve looked confused. “Wait, why are we talking about East Hawkins?” He looked around, seeing everyone looking at him. “No, no. No!”
“Max! Max, seriously.”
Steve jogged behind her, trying to reason with the stubborn girl. “Seriously, I'm not joking. I'm not driving you anywhere.”
“Steve, if you think I'm going to spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler's basement, then you're out of your mind.”
As you jogged to keep up with them, she turned to look at you. “No offense.” She turned back, “So, either take me where I need to go or you're gonna have to tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor. And if I live to see another day, Steve, I swear to god, I will prosecute.” Coming to the car, she tried to open the door, jiggling it before glaring up at Steve. “Open the door.”
“Uh, no.”
“I know a good lawyer.”
After a moment, Steve scoffed, grabbing the keys out of his pocket. Determined little shit.
“Henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst.”
As everyone got in the car, Max stopped, looking behind you. You moved to block whatever she was staring at, with a glum look on her face. She blinked a few times, before getting in the car.
You don't know about the front of the car, but in the back, the tension could be cute with a knife.
It was kinda awkward, really.
You nearly sighed in relief when Steve pulled up to the trailer park.
“Alright, this better be fast, Mayfield.”
“Twenty seconds.” Max shut the door, and began jogging up her porch.
Steve turned to Dustin. “That thing's got batteries in it, right?”
Dustin looked at Steve before looking out the window, disappointed. “I'm not even answering that question.”
“Yes, it has batteries.”
“Yeah, got it.”
Max came around the house, looking disoriented.
“Hey, that was longer than 20 seconds.” Max ignored him, walking past him and opening the door. Steve looked at you, confused and concerned. “Hey, woah, woah. You alright?”
“I'm fine, just drive.”
“Did something happen?”
Max shrugged off Dustin's questioning. “Can we please just go?”
For once, it wasn't your bouncing leg shaking the car. Max's leg hadn't stopped shaking since she got back in the car. Something had to have happened back there. You weren't about to be the one to ask about it, though. The poor girl has been asked questions and had eyes on her nonstop. It's probably exhausting. All of that, plus the symptoms she had talked about, seemed like a lot. The symptoms you were having were probably just a coincidence. It was most likely due to stress. Right?
“Turn here.”
Max looked at Dustin, nodding.
Roane Hill Cemetery.
As Max got out of the car, Lucas was quick to follow. You could faintly hear them from inside the car.
As you all watched them talk, you began thinking about how much they care about each other, together or not. You can easily see they'd die for one another, any of the kids in that friend group would. But Lucas and Max were something else. He wanted to understand her pain so badly, it almost hurt him just as much not being able to help her. And now she was walking around, waiting for Vecna to strike any minute, and there's nothing he could do.
Was there somebody out there like that for you? Was Robin that person, your person? Would she get to know your little tells when you're upset? Was she the person who'd try to make you feel better? No, there's no way. That could never happen. She doesn't-
“She's gonna be okay.” It came out more a question.
Steve looked away from the other two, your croaked voice bringing his eyes to you. “Yeah, yeah. Of course.”
Dustin slowly nodded. Max would probably be okay. Maybe.
From your spot leaning against the back door, you saw Steve check his watch for the tenth time. “Alright, It's been long enough.” He threw his door open, going to make his way towards where Max sat, in front of Billy's grave.
“Steve, just give her some time.” Lucas suggested.
“I have, alright, Sinclair?” Steve continued to make his way, walking backwards. “I'm calling it. She wants to get a lawyer, she can.” He turned back around and continued to walk up the hill, towards her.
After a moment, you heard Steve's voice get louder. “Max!” When you looked up at them, he was shaking her, she didn't seem to be moving, or responding at all. “Max, wake up!”
“Oh something's wrong.”
“No shit.”
You hurried up the hill, the boys shortly following you when Steve yelled for them.
What were you to do in this situation? This wasn't something they taught in school.
Everyone was yelling all at once, panicking. Rightfully so.
Steve grabbed Dustin's jacket, yelling at him and frantically pointing towards the car. “Call Nancy and Robin! Go get 'em! Call Nancy and Robin! Go!”
Dustin went stumbling down towards the car, cursing in the process.
Max continued to be yelled at and pushed and pulled, being begged to wake up or come to, something, anything.
When Dustin finally came back, he stumbled, dropping everything he had in his arms.
“Wha-what is this?” Lucas looked at Dustin like he had grown another head on his way back.
“Her song- what's her favorite song?!”
“Why? Why?”
“Robin said if she listens-It's too much to explain right now-”
“Favorite song!" You finally bellowed.
The tapes became a mess in the grass as you all went through them, frantically looking.
Finally finding the one, they threw it in the Walkman and slammed the headphones on her head, waiting.
“Max!” “C'mon, Max!” “Max, Wake up!” “C'mon, please! Max!”
“Holy shit!” As Max began levitating, Dustin fell back onto you in shock, horror.
Jumping up, you all began yelling for her again. What else was there to do? Holy shit, she's going to die. It's all that clouded your mind. This is unbelievable.
She suddenly fell back down, gasping.
She was panting, gasping, and crying as Lucas held on to her for dear life.
“It's okay.” He tried soothing her while she began hyperventilating. Your heart pounded loudly against your rib cage. “It's okay. I thought we lost you.”
“I'm still- I'm still here.”
“Holy shit,” you rubbed her arm, making sure she was really here. Holy shit.
“Dustin?” Eddie singsonged, coming from the walkie. Having been leaning against a snoozing Robin, you went to get up to grab the said walkie, but stopped when Nancy jerked up from where she was asleep. She moved to grab the walkie and began talking into it.
“Wheeler! Hey, um, I'm gonna need a food delivery, like, really soon. Unless you want me going out into the world.”
“No. No, no, no. Don't do that. Just…stay where you are, and we'll be there as soon as we can.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, um, can you pick me up a six-pack?” Nance looked over at you. “I know it's stupid as shit, drinking right now, but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves.” Nancy moved to look around, your eyes following.
Her body went stiff. “Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back.”
“Dustin!” She shook the boy awake, ignoring his mumbling. “Wake up.”
Was that…drool on his face? Oh, that's nasty.
“Aren't you supposed to be on Max watch?”
You guess she must've gotten up when you were staring off into the ceiling, thinking hard about whatever because you hadn't gone to sleep like everyone else, and you didn't see her get up.
“Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Sorry.” He wiped at his eyes.
“Then where is she?”
“She's right there.” Pointing at the empty couch, he felt his stomach drop. “A second ago. I swear, I just dozed off for…" He checked his watch, looking back at Nance. “An hour.”
You three ran up the basement stairs, minds running overtime, thoughts running over thoughts of where she could be, when she got up, why she got up.
You nearly ran into Nancy's back when she suddenly stopped. You moved to look over her shoulder.
At the table, sat Max and Holly.
“Morning, guys.” Your mom walked over, food in her hand. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything's okay.”
Smiling at your mother, you glanced at the food she was cooking. As if on cue, your stomach growled.
“I think it's so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this.” She plopped another pancake into the tower.
The newspaper crinkled under your father's finger as he looked up. “Could try sticking together at a different house for a change.”
You moved towards your father, taking the coffee cup right out of his hands as he went to take a sip. “Is it good today?” You took a sip, looking at him as if you were totally not trying to get under his skin.
Your mother glared at your father for a second before turning to Dustin, “You know you're welcome here any time.”
“Totally. You're like family.” Your mother ate Dustin's words right up. He might be her favorite of Mike's friends, honestly. He pointed to the plate of pancakes, “May I?”
“Absolutely.” He got handed a plate as your dad continued to blabber.
“Yeah, why not? Take us for all we're worth.”
“Okay.” Dustin was being cheeky, adding a smile as he grabbed like 4 pancakes.
Nancy and Dustin moved to the table, talking to Max. You stayed talking to your mother. “I feel like I hadn't seen you guys.” She smoothed at your bed head. Two of her children lost a friend in a short amount of time. They couldn't possibly be grieving properly, she thought. And she was right. You wouldn't say you had time to grieve. There were problems after problems, building up. At least for you, grieving for Chrissy was on the back burner. It would be for a while. She had physically seen you and Nance, around. But she could tell you were fully here, emotionally. For all she knew, the death was taking a toll on you both, not the whole Vecna killing them and targeting Max.
“Been peaceful.” Your dad butted in.
The glare your mother sent him would probably make anyone cower. “He's kidding, Darling. You know that.” Her hand moved to your cheek, trying to offer you all the motherly comfort she could give. Mike was, well, Mike. Nancy wasn't too fond of letting her emotions out. You were the only one who didn't stop letting her in on your feelings or drama at school when you had hit teenage years. She had still felt like you kept something from her, she tried and tried to let you know you could tell her, but you never did. She wasn't going to force you. Whatever it was, you would tell her when you're ready. Hopefully.
Nancy's chair scraped against the floor as she got up from the table, rushing to the basement. Dustin got up, following her. He stopped in front of your dad, getting a disappointed scowl in return. “Sorry, fuel for the road. Thanks, Mrs. Wheeler!”
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
• My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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inmyminditsreal · 1 year
Hey Melody,
That last request was so good. Can you write one where the reader takes Spencer home to meet her family? He's super awkward and smart like he always is. Love you so much! Thanks for being great!!!!!!
Hiii!! Of course your wish is my command!! Idk why but recently ive been writing longer fics, so i hope you enjoy! 💞
Summary: you're taking spencer to meet your family and hes smart and awkward and adorable. Your family loves him.
Fem!reader x spencer reid
Word count: 1.1k
Today is the day you would be taking Spencer to meet your big family. You’re somewhat nervous (almost having a panic attack) because your family can get a little crazy. Nothing harmful, necessarily, but they get excited about things like this. When your brother had brought his girlfriend home they threw a party, ribbons, streamers, gifts, games and so much more. Your brother wouldn’t be coming though, he had work. You’ve already told Spencer all of this and he thought it was sweet. You noticed he was a bit nervous too.
“You okay sweetheart?” You ask while walking up behind him. He’s fixing his tie in the mirror. With a deep breath he says, “Yeah, just a little nervous. Are you sure they’ll like me? I mean you’re you and I'm just me.” 
“Yeah and you know what? You’re the best person I've ever met and - might I mention, the love of my life. They’re gonna love you just as much as I do.”  you reply back.
He smiles as you lean over and kiss him on the cheek.
“Okay, let’s go?” He says.
You walk out hand in hand and begin the drive. Even though you know how awkward Spencer is, you know your family will love him nonetheless. Arriving at your family’s house, you park, then step out. Spencer gives you a nervous smile before you whisper,
“It’ll be okay, trust me.” While you hold out your hand. He takes it and gestures to you to walk toward the door, you do. With a simple knock the night has begun. The door opens and you’re both greeted by your mother,
“Oh hi! You must be Spencer- I’ve heard such great things about you!” She says while wrapping him into a mom hug. You could see his arms try and figure out where to go. They land awkwardly on her upper-back and he gives her a gentle ‘pat pat’. After the strange hugs come to an end Spencer gives her that clumsy nervous smile he always gives and says,
“Yeah! And I-I’ve heard such good things about you as well. Thank you for letti- uhm inviting me Mrs.!” 
your mother gestures for him to continue along in the house. He looks to you for the look of approval. You smile and walk with him into the living room. You stop dead in your tracks and see that there's ribbons. There's streamers, and THERE IS a BALLOON WITH ‘Welcome to the family, Spencer!’ ON IT!
 You blurt out, “Oh my god, mom! You did not have to do all this!”
“Well, of course I did, honey, this is important.” She laughs.
You shake your head and mutter, “You seriously didn’t.” under your breath.
Spencer smiles and looks at you. You have a look that says ‘sorry my parents are insane.’ 
He shakes his head and whispers, “It's okay, you aren’t gonna scare me away with balloons and ribbons.”
You smile and nod. Your dad walks up to Spencer while holding out his hand, Spencer hesitantly shakes it and tries to be as firm as possible, clearly. 
“Spencer! How are ya?” He says while making scary eye contact with him.
Spencer looks like he’s trying to find words and lands on, “Uhm yeah I’m good, great.”
Your dad gives him a death stare, then guffaws and almost shouts, “HAH! Got ya pal! I’m just kidding! Thanks for coming. You know she really is crazy about you. She keeps having like- hour long phone calls with her mother in the middle of the night, all to talk about you!” 
Spencer looks surprised and smiles at you. But he can see you're already giving your dad a mean glare. He can tell you’re joking but, not fully.
Next are your aunties, who seem to be darting directly toward you and Spencer. You can’t avoid what's about to happen.
“Spencer of my gosh you are so handsome!” your first aunty says while cupping his cheeks and then finally, giving the boob-smothering aunty hug and finishing him off with the not-so-subtle cheek kiss. Spencer barely makes it out and you can tell. 
“Nice to meet you too.” He says.
Your other aunty just seemed to be entertained by her wine glass so you take that as an escape. You grab Spencer by the hand and go towards your parents. But get caught many times by different family members. With lots of cousin hugs and aunty kisses later, Spencer faintly seems to be surviving. Though, occasionally you give him an ‘are you okay?’ look that he always nods at.
“Can we eat now?” You quip with a pleasant smile. Now finally infront of your parents.
Your mom, standing next your dad, says, 
“ Of course! Dinner is ready and we wouldn’t want it to get cold, follow me.”
And we follow her, which lands us sitting at the dining table. You get up to go help your mother, which follows by her pleading that you sit back now. With not too much of a fight, you oblige. You smile at Spencer, he smiles back. You hold his hand under the table. Your mother begins to bring out an entire roast chicken. With mashed potatoes and so much more. You begin to feel hungry, like really hungry. You’d always loved your moms cooking and right now it felt like a necessity to devour it, and you did. You were honestly too busy eating to notice Spencer talking. 
“And also 88% of Americans regularly partake in family dinners, 59% of families dine together at least five times weekly. And more generally, 84% of parents agreed that family meals were important but only 50% of family dinners were eaten together.”
You look up at him and can see that your parents eyes are darting in between Spencer and each other. All of your cousins, aunts, and uncles stare at him. 
“Wow! I mean honey you told me he was smart but I didn’t know you meant a walking encyclopaedia!” Your mother looks at you and laughs.
Your dad smiles and adds, “Way to go kid!”
Everyone makes sweet remarks and begs him to tell them about random topics regarding their lives.
Spencer smiles at them and then at you. You all spend the rest of the night listening to Spencer's occasional genius blabber, your parents' corny jokes, you laughing at them, your uncle's bold jokes, and your aunt's wine glass clinking against yours. As the night comes to an end, you and Spencer are standing at the door, saying your goodbyes.
“You are just great together! It was a pleasure meeting you Spencer.” Your mother says, giving him yet another mom hug, but definitely not the last one. And your dad walks up to Spencer, pats him on the shoulder and says, “You really are a special kid, glad you two found each other.” 
You're surprised to hear that coming from your dad, and you give him a reassuring look that he knows is a, ‘thank you.’ 
“It was great to meet you guys too. I look forward to seeing you both again.” Spencer promises.
You smile, giving your parents more goodbyes and hugs. With the shut of the door the night ends. 
You both walk out, hand in hand. Smiling at each other and giggling.
“How’d I do?” Spencer asks.
“You were perfect, absolutely perfect.”
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running-with-the-feels · 10 months
okay, yall, the existence of MK1 is pissing me off again, not bc it's bad necessarily, bc it does introduce a lot of interesting concepts and character dynamics, but bc I don't think there was really a need for another re-boot and NRS imploding their continuity (again) makes it really hard to get invested in their characters bc I know they're just gonna get reset after a handful of games that don't even really give them satisfying character arcs and it annoys me that MK11 was used pretty much solely to set that up rather than paying off the character arcs and conflicts I was invested in (like the revenants)
That being said, here are my ideas fr what MK11 could have been that didn't end in a reboot
Another tournament, Havik is the main antagonist of the MKX blood ties comics and all he wands is endless and eternal chaos so have him declare Mortal Kombat between Earthrealm and Chaosrealm. This lets us see the kombat kids face what their parents did and also lets us see how characters react to the idea of another thousand year war. Bc Havik is Havik, you can even have him get impatient and do a rule change like Shao Khan did if you want to avoid having to carry that story into the next game. Plus, Kuai Liang, Takeda, and Hanzo have beef (and some trauma) related to Havik so you can play around with that. You can use this to bring back a lot of old characters too, and even add some new ones (not Kronika she was annoying and pointless and could have been replaced by a necklace without really affecting the story all that much, she's only just Barely not whatever the non sexy version of a sexy lamp is)
Or, if you're really attached to the idea of characters interacting with their past selves (Fair, its a really cool idea) Have the elder gods sense some looming threat on the horizon and declare a trial for Earthrrealm's defenders to ensure that they are ready. Maybe Raiden protests, bc the trial used to train champions until he saw too many die to it so he abandoned it which gives us a reason to like him. But the the defenders have to go through various challenges, one of which is facing down and coming to terms with their past selves, which lets us see this concept used more and with more characters (which is good, bc it was a Good Idea!) and creates the interesting possibility of having a trial ending as well as a tower ending so you can have other characters who aren't in story mode do this too. To add stakes, you could have the gods offer a boon (heh) to whoever completes the trial where they will do them one favor, so then you can have Hanzo want to resurrect his family and clan, Kuai Liang want to resurrect his brother and then they work together to do it only to find out that the boon only goes to whoever completed the trial first so they fight about it, each trying to offer it to the other out of guilt, which helps solidify how close the two are now and how far their friendship has become
Or, if you really wanna do timeline fuckery, just have a handful of characters get tossed into another timeline bc of the revenants and need to find their way home. You can have them meet their alt selves and you can introduce new concepts and character dynamics, without destroying the ones we know and love as the characters will eventually go home in the end. You could even have the characters get tossed into different timelines, so Subscorp in one, Cageblade in another, the kombat kids somewhere else, and watch them each navigate that and try to find one another to get home. Maybe each timeline has a piece of whatever artifact sent them to the different timeline and they all need to find the pieces and their alt selves either help or hinder.
DARK RAIDEN, why go through all the effort to set that up (especially when it makes So Much Sense for his character) only to do nothing with it? Have the amulet corrupt him beyond what the defenders can tolerate so they all make a plan in secret to recover something that will fix him and then trap him so they can use it on him, maybe leading to the revenants getting fixed and revived or even just allying with Earthrealm temporarily in order to get revenge on the god. Then, once they've fixed Raiden the revenants could try to kill him leading to a battle between them and the defenders.
Or, again, if timeline fuckery is your jam, send a handful of characters back into the past, either to MK9 (which might not work as NRS technically already did that) or before, or hell even mkx. Then you have the characters trying to navigate getting back to their time only to come into conflict bc some of them (Kuai Liang, Hanzo, probs Kung Jin) want to change things so their loved ones live or better choices are made and others (Johnny, Sonya, maybe even Cassie) want to keep them the same so that their lives take the same path, AND you can have them interacting with their past selves in some really interesting ways
Similarly, that same idea, but instead of the present selves getting knocked back to Meet their past selves, they just get tossed back into their past self's bodies with no idea what's going on. So then they're all separated and trying to figure out how they got here and what to do next with each getting different pieces of the puzzle. This lends itself to some really interesting character moments bc can you imagine Kuai Liang waking up in the Old Lin Kuei again? Can you imagine how terrifying and triggering that would be for him? Or Hanzo waking up in the Shirai Ryu before the attack, able to actual save his family (whether he succeeds or not both have interesting potential)? Or Kung Lao at MK9 suddenly remembering dying in the arena (in a truly stupid way like you're telling me Raiden saw SHAO FUCKING KHAN walk up behind the guy who just beat some of his best warriors and is gloating about it and just decided not to say anything? Just assumed the LITERAL TYRANT had innocent intentions? Come on. Either I'm supposed to like Raiden, in which case GIVE ME A FUCKING REASON TOO, or I'm not in which case stop pretending he's a saint.) and being a revenant and having to navigate that?
Idk, this is probably just rambling nonsense but I needed to get the ideas out so here ya go. I might think of more later and add them, so apologies in advance
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Would it be possible for you to write a fanfiction on ao3 about Metkayina Spider human au? It sounds so interesting that I don't even know how to comment
I think I might after I finish up with Days Into Decades. I'm in school rn (and trying to get a job) so I don't want to take on too many projects at once. I've definitely started fics, then got a new idea, started a new one, and accidentally ghosted the first, so I'm hoping to avoid that atm, lol.
I have three-ish ideas for new fics that I've written a little about, but I'll probably decide once I've finished with Days Into Decades (I'm starting the last act rn, actually).
The options are as follows, for anyone interested:
Metkayina post-battle Spider AU
(After the battle) Spider is taken in by Ronal and Tonowari. Either he washes ashore like Ariel and is taken in before the Sully's even notice he's there, or he's doing his little beach-boy thing and sleeping in trees and they notice.
I also think it'd be really funny if all the Metkayina people think Spider's, like, ten or something because surely human's get bigger than that, right? Like, it's been awhile since they've seen any humans and they never worked closely with them/interacted outside of fighting. So, they never really paid attention.
Young Spider (Adopted) AU
AU where humans don't age as fast as the Na'vi, so Spider's like 12-14-ish and his friends are all fifteen/sixteen. Also, in the AU, I would probably have Spider be adopted by the Sully's. I've touched based on it before, but I'd probably do something where Spider was raised (properly) besides the Sully kids and the rest of the movie takes place pretty much the same (minus my boy Neteyam dying, never gonna go there).
Brainwashed Spider AU (Probably my fav atm)
Spider is 'rescued' by the Sully's after the battle, except he doesn't remember them. At all. As far as he's concerned, he's Miles Quaritch Jr. and Jake Sully is a traitor of humanity.
There's a couple different ways this could go. Either Quaritch lives and takes him back at some point, only for Spider to realize he was treated better with the Sully's. Or, Spider finds out Jake killed his dad and feels bad for starting to trust him. Spider could run away at some point, he could try to off himself like the 'good soldier' he is. Idk, there's so many options.
Modern Metkayina/Foster kid Spider AU (the more I think about this one the more ideas I get)
Spider is a foster kid sent to live with Ronal and Tonowari's family.
Two options for Spider's childhood before this: (one) he was living with the Sully family until they had to move to another country to be with Neytiri's ailing mother (two) he lived with his father in the mountains and was homeschooled, but his father was arrested and Spider's been sent far away to avoid anyone knowing his situation/any of Spider's uncles/aunts being able to find him while the case is investigated. I'm partial to the second version, because I feel like it'd be interesting to see Spider have to learn how to be a Real Boy. But, I also like the angst that comes with Spider getting comfortable with his new foster family and his old foster family (the Sully's) moving back to the States and wanting to adopt Spider, basically making Spider pick where he wants to go.
Whichever backstory he gets changes how the rest of the fic goes, but we'd definitely see Spider learning to surf (maybe to swim?) and Aounung at first bullying the guy and then getting in a fight for him or something whenever someone else tries to do it (very much 'i'm the only one allowed to make fun of my brother' vibes).
Those are the main fic ideas I have atm, lmk which one(s) you like the best or if you have any more ideas for me to hyperfixate on lol.
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These are so incredibly deeply old drawings and my style has changed so much since then xD It was also a simpler time before all the crap with Rowling and I know that's soured so many on Harry Potter and I don't blame them. But I found these again and really wanted to share.
Anyway, a long, long time ago, I made up an AU where everything was the same, but Harry was one of triplets, with a younger sister and brother, Heather and Henry. He was still The Boy Who Lived and the one Voldemort went after but now he didn't grow up totally alone (and the Dursley's had to put them in the second bedroom sooner as three kids no matter how scrawny arnt gonna fit into a broom closet)
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Harry was the balance between the shy Heather and the brash Henry. Where as Harry responds to confilict with snark, Henry hits back literally, and Heather tries to stay out of it and usually ends up patching the boys up after. Throughout the series the other siblings would learn both restraint and courage as Harry grows as well.
The boys ended up in Gryffindor together while Heather went to Hufflepuff, the first time they'd ever really been separated, and its a bit hard for all of them. But they still stay close throughout their school days (I felt in this hypothetical version of the books this would give us an excuse to actually see the Hufflepuff dorms in canon. Plus, logistically, they really wouldn't all end up in the same house)
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Harry still gets very into Quidditch, Heather turns her talent at patching up her brothers (mostly Henry) to Herbology and wants to become a Healer at St Mungo's. Henry for all his boldness is actually afraid of heights (and dogs, blame Sirius startling him as a baby) and its Malfoy sending him off on a broom after he tries to get back Neville's rememberall in their first lesson and Harry having to save him that gets Harry's flying noticed. But Henry takes this as a point to improve his ability to fight in the magical world and actually gets really into dueling (he's incredibly disappointed by Lockheart's Dueling Club and tries to get it going for real after).
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In year one Heather solves the Devil's Snare trial, and the troll is still awake in this AU and Henry gets to fight it (having learned from their first battle in the bathroom) but also gets knocked about so Heather stays behind to get him and Ron patched up with Hermione so Harry still faces Voldemort alone.
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Henry also gets Petrified in book 2 after a fight with Harry which gives Harry even more personal incentive to track the true Heir down and stop them. Heather stays with him and Hermione in the Infirmary trying to help Madame Pomfrey.
Henry is both pleased to find out he doesn't need to make up his exams when he's de-petrified, and furious that he missed out on the chance to punch a giant snake. Or Voldemort. Or both.
Book Three sees Henry not letting Snape get off with trying to posion Neville's toad and calling him out on his crappy behavior.
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Henry, being the actual spitting image of James with no Lily's eyes to even remotely stave Snape's loathing actually almost gets himself hexed pretty bad when Snape, letting his emotions again get the better of him, agrees to duel a /thirteen/ year old out-of spite (and the chance to bully James Potter in miniature)
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Luckily Dumbledore steps up for once as an actual sensible adult and chews Snape out hard for it.
Henry loses sooo many points for Gryffindor over the years with his Cast First Think Second tendencies. He would get detention byt that would mean Snape would have to be in the same room with him for even longer, and Henry doesn't grit hisbteeth and shoot out one sarcastic comment like Harry does, he talks and constantly.
Snape avoids looking at or interacting with Heather at all costs. His policy seems to be torment Harry and Henry and ignore her existence as much as possible. (This was mostly kid me playing with "How would Snape change with Mix and Matched Potter-Evans traits--oh and Albus Potter is not named after Snape in this for sure :p )
I had the whole Canon Divergance AU planned out, down to what happened to each of them after Hogwarts (and a few fun AU AUs, like one where the kids are lovingly raised by Wolfstar instead of the Dursley's, and a The Potter Parents Live one thstvwas just domestic fluff) but this was all the art I did that I could find. So I'll end with the triplets asking their newly aquired Godfather a pertinent question:
Harry:" Hey if you're our Godfather...then you can answer a Really Important Question for us"
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Sirius: "Uh, sure. What is it?"
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All Three: " Who's the Oldest?"
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(This is something they argue about constantly as kids anytime they want to Pull Rank and Harry is rather smug to find out its him x)
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partnersatfazbear · 11 months
Last minute predictions, some art, my spoiler tags for the film
So I'm going to see the FNAF Movie in a few hours!! I will be marking my review with #FNAFmovie #FNAFmoviespoilers #spoilers so make sure you MUTE those tags for a bit!
I will be seeing the movie at least once in the theatre and on streaming, so I'll write my review once I've watched both (especially twice) and I'll type up a short like 'first impressions' before that, all in the same post.
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This is my outfit for the movie! I was SO HAPPY my wife got me this Springtrap shirt because I LOVE this artist so much and I got to support them. I'll also be sporting my purple bunny ear bow, hopefully carrying Spring Bonnie, and my Tamagotchi Pix Party (purple, with Mametchi in his FNAF themed room! Of course I will have it on silent / in my wife's purse for the film itself. Remember movie etiquette people, don't be an asshole) I also have my plaid face mask but I shouldn't need it.. lol Also my wife put some of my Willry art on one of those phone pop holders! I needed a new one for my crappy phone that is more busted than Springtrap lol...
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So my predictions, what you came here for...
I think the movie is gonna be fairly easy going and similar to the novels in the terms of the first batch of kids meeting their happiest day/being freed. I think a lot of the film will be Michael trying to keep Abby/Elizabeth in line as he tries to work his 6 hours. I imagine this trouble will summon Vanessa or Vanessa will be Michael's boss. I think we will get flashback footage to Fredbear's Family Diner but it will be minimal. I have been staying spoiler free, but I think Hank/(Maybe?Henry) will be more present than he has been in previous material, but not by much. Perhaps as Uncle Hank he took care over for Michael and Abby after William's disappearance. Who knows? My biggest fears for the film are my perception of William changing a lot... I have a very counter-fan view of him but I also think the sociopath fans make him is inaccurate. Scott's William is very much a madscientist with a flamboyaunt streak and that's what I wanna see! (I mean, he's still a serial killer, so he will be creepy, but I think in a very fun camp way ala 90's slashers, perhaps something closer to a 70's sci-fi mad scientist if we see more of Scott's personal influence) All in all, I think the first 30 minutes will focus on the status quo of the Diner, Fazbear's backstory, and Michael and Abby's relationship leading up to the night shift. The night shift itself will be a slow build for another twenty to thirty minutes, probably prolonged by Vanessa's inclusion and her explaining more about the history (from what I heard in the trailers) after the animatronics start to move. We'll get an action sequence kind of like Aliens where they learn how to animatronics work / attack and avoid them, Abby will probably be a huge PITA and get seperated, possibly running into Spring Bonnie and the dead kids. Michael and Vanessa try to rescue her, ultimately leading to a confrontation with William/Spring Bonnie that will tie into FNAF 2 (and based on what my wife told me about Bazz, this will be where we see the original 4 kids set free--I can't say how active Golden Freddy will be... I imagine if he IS Michael's brother, we will get splashes of him through the film and I don't think he will be freed at the end). The post-credits scene will show Springtrap and maybe a hint of the Toys for FNAF Movie 2. That's my prediction!! :)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Chapter 22:
Wilbur blaming himself for cursing Tommy because he’s the one whose cursed and feeling guilty about it vs. Tommy blaming himself for getting curse because he told Wilbur to take of his blindfold and feeling guilty about Wilbur blaming himself and feeling like shit. (Probably also about stressing Phil and Techno out).
The resurface of Wilbur’s ‘death wise’. It’s not that he wants to die per se, it’s more that religious guilt and what he thinks he deserves + jumping to the worst conclusions any time he can. But we are in his head, everyone around him is not and therefore worried(TM).
Phil and Techno clearly being upset, but trying their hardest to not let it show because they know Wilbur and Tommy probably tried everything in their power to avoid this, so it’s not their fault and being angry at them won’t help. Also, Wilbur will (and did) that their frustrations as anger at him. (I just love their ‘parenting’ style, they are so chill whereas in other stories characters like these would get a very for plot, they are just here to be (mostly) reasonable.)
The codependency kicking in strong. Sleeping in the same room. Constantly being together and when they aren’t there’s always someone else with them, most often Phil and Techno. When one of them needs a 1 on 1 talk the other will always stay or escort the remaining member of the codependency gang. (Which is how we get Wilbur not noticing Techno is still with him at the end.)
Speaking of the end: Tommy is still the only person who knows that Wilbur used to be a street kid, so his little rant might tip Techno of to that. At which point Techno could suddenly understand why they get along so well. (At least I’m pretty sure Wilbur says that nobody cared about him on the street, I’m not going back to check).
Also, Tommy being very scared of dying even though he doesn’t really (fully) believe in the curse vs. Tommy not wanting anyone (especially Wilbur) to be worried about him (or get made at Wilbur). So he hides that he’s cursed and he’s so damn good in pretending he doesn’t feel like shit. But then the second he’s just with people who know he’s cursed, you can sort of see him unravel, because he’s still scared.
Also, Phil telling Wilbur that he’s going to need to decide if he still wants to be Pythia and soon is food for my ‘they are working together with Eret to take over and possibly using Wilbur as a gambling chip’ theory. There’s more to fuel that theory in chapter 23, so I’ll get to it.
And lastly, Phil pointing that Wilbur couldn’t have changed the vision is fuel of the ‘the Pythia can see the future, but never change it and maybe even help cause it’ theory. There’s also a bit with Tommy but I can’t remember which chapter that’s in, so I’ll put it in the next one.
the totally not brothers are in a competition to out self-guilt each other
yeah I thought it was really interesting to show wilbur returning to that mindset even if it was just a brief moment. just showing that even though he's improved a lot, he's still got a lot of issues and some troubling mindsets that are ingrained into him which led to some very unhealthy thought patterns. he never wanted to die, but he's been made to feel like his life isn't worth much at all so if he's not serving his purpose and/or he's done something wrong, dying might be the best option
I think it helps that phil and techno are also literally worshippers of death. like of course they're worried and upset and don't want tommy to die, but they have a different view of death than most people do, which also lends itself to their more chill reaction. and like you said, they know wilbur and tommy definitely did everything they could to avoid this.
oh yeah the codependency is only gonna be kicked up higher with this whole situation. the brothers are attached at the hip and phil and techno can tell.
tommy IS scared yes!! despite worshipping death he's also an 18 year old who doesn't want to die yet. sure death isn't as scary for him as it is for most people, but he's not ready to go. tommy's actually got a really interesting internal struggle going on right now with his own religious beliefs conflicting with his fears of dying that I don't have much opportunity to show. but yeah he's got a lot of internal conflict going on with his belief in kristin right now
hmm theories theories theories :)
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reddtea · 2 years
Lonnie Machin, Anarky
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I think this character has been done pretty dirty, though starting off he didn't really have a great impact or was all that endearing. He was really just an excuse for Alan Grant to go off about Anarchy philosophy so this character just went off with these massive walls of text in his speech bubbles at Batman while Batman is trying to fight him, usual hero villain fare. Which I'd imagine didn't make him a particularly approachable character when it comes to writing. It would probably be a good idea to do a bit of research to figure out what the anarchism philosophy is before you're trying to write a character that's supposed to be very intelligent and knowledgable about the political school of thought he's supposedly driven by. From a panel I've attended about comic book writing I don't get the impression that writers are given a ton of time to really think and stew on their idea for long running stories that a character like this would seriously benefit from, to you know avoid word vomiting all over a single given comic issue.
So to keep the character a bit more concise and to not think to much on a character that isn't notable enough to be anything more than a one off beat em up and move on you get a Lonnie who's a loser joker wannabe (as if we don't have enough of joker) or an Anarky that's espousing a straw man version of whatever the author hates about the opposing political party to their own (making the work kind of feel empty and dated). I get it investing in making a nobody character is probably not worth the limited time and issues available when it's not an immediate Cashcow that you know Joker to be. --- I get it I get it. However as a person with their own canon version of characters. This part is gonna be about my Lonnie... First off I needed to trim off some aspects of Red hood simply because of the certain events I want to happen to him that just make others not viable for that character anymore. because of that Lonnie is Jason's best friend basically a brother from the very beginning and to the very end. Additional reasons is that Jason should have friends in his formative years as Robin and I think I've heard of something saying that Lonnie was considered as a possible Robin number 3. So here I want him to be kind of a Robin 2.5 so he's not really a Robin but can still technically cover for him but he mostly watches over Jason as a pre killing joke Oracle before Barbara gets paralyze and actually gets to become Oracle. I also think it could be a fun source of a rumor that Robin 2 is ginger because a thug saw Lonnie covering as Robin, lose his black wig for a moment and just assumed that Robin is actually a ginger kid pretending to have black hair.
Second Lonnie can be a counter weight to Jason's gung ho attitude towards being Robin letting himself get really invested and excited about taking on the role and responsibility. Letting Jason do anything to make Bruce and Dick proud as Lonnie approaches the Batman business with a lot of wariness never really being 100% on board with Batman's brand of justice. Partly I was thinking that Lonnie's mother is an overworked single parent, who works as a unit clerk at a ER desk. So she sees and complains to Lonnie about all the injuries that come in of which she can tell are from Batman or some other nonsense. Sometimes discussing her frustrations with higher ups (sometimes Bruce Wayne) that don't understand how the hospital really operates constantly trying to make her job harder. So Lonnie never really likes Bruce or Batman that much.
Third someone to mourn Jason. Lonnie doesn't actually go off the deep end and want to ruin Bruce for just the loss of his best friend. While he blames him for Jason's death, he comes to accept that there's not much else to be done in the end but to pay respects and remember him in his heart. That doesn't mean that Lonnie handles grief well, deciding to cut himself off from Bruce not providing tech support and getting drunk by himself. Lonnie resents Batman but understands what's done is done. He's never going to see his brother by bond again. Fourth Lonnie becomes Anarky when he catches wind that Batman has the nerve to get a new Robin working for him. Anarky is ready to rally and tear down Batman because this Robin is just some asshole rich kid with some tech skills, blind loyalty and holier than thou attitude about Batman's justice. Going on and on about how Batman NEEDS a Robin. Jason his best friend has been replaced by an annoying new Robin who thinks he's better than him, looks down at Park row (crime alley) and calls Jason an unfortunate accident and "batman's greatest failure". Lonnie loses it and goes on the warpath against Batman. Fifth this Lonnie is the one to make Redhood a name on the streets. The sort of name that means sanctuary for the denizens of Crime Alley cutting it out as special section of the city that looks out for it's own and doesn't welcome cops or Batman and Robin into it. The only problem with Anarky trying to cut out his own little turf of Gotham is that he doesn't really have the strength or the guts to enforce and protect Park Row to make it what he wants. So he's sort of stuck striking deals and cowtowing to some mobs that he doesn't like too much (black mask) . It's not until he runs into Jason that they're able to rule over Park Row as they dreamed as kids even if Jason doesn't completely remember what that is. Sixth I'm not totally sure about this one tbh, but I was considering the idea of Lonnie's mother's name being Jenny. Changing her name from Jeanie and running away, when she caught on that her husband was going to do work with the Redhood gang...yeah, with Lonnie not ever knowing who his real dad is. Having Joker mess with him calling him son because Lonnie is conflated with the Red hood moniker and enjoying the thought of screwing with the kid who calls himself Anarky, as the crown prince of chaos. All the while not knowing that the Robin he murdered and Anarky were best friends basically brothers and that Lonnie, Joker's actual biological son with the only woman he's ever cared about, absolutely HATES his guts. This is my Lonnie. I don't think I've ever really expanded much on what his character was so this is kind of the plan going forward with this character in my version of Batman.
here's a few drawings
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i made a fake aita post for the immortal primeboys animal crossing joke help
AITA for helping my little brother with his Animal Crossing island?
Okay, so I (21M) have this little brother T (16M) and I adore him beyond anything else in the world. We're immortal and have been for centuries at least (I used our ages at the time we became immortal for simplicities sake), and he’s been the one constant in my life, and I the one constant in his.
Now, T's a good kid, but he's also… troubled. He's got issues with false memories, and this really elaborate story in his head where I did the harm his prior family did to him. He's often uncontrollably emotional, or entirely emotionless. Sometimes he has periods of extreme anger and violence, or being entirely comatose, and at the worst times these can last weeks.
I don’t blame him, of course. He came from a traumatic background before I took him in, and that’s something he cannot help. It’s heartbreaking to see, honestly, and if I could take the pain onto myself I could, but I try my best to help. He needs a lot of structure, and a lot of love and support, and I adore giving both to him. It makes me so honoured I’m the one he relies on.
Now, T's picked up a lot of hobbies over the years to keep himself busy. Safe ones, where he doesn’t have to interact with other people or anything haha, he’s got really bad social anxiety and if I’m gonna be honest I don’t really trust others to understand and empathise with him like I do, people used to find him annoying and treat him cruelly before I took him in. He enjoys gardening, sewing, cooking, cleaning, lots of things, really! He's such a clever kid- a genius, I’d say, honestly, even if he’s a bit silly compared to me.
One of his favourite, though, is Animal Crossing. It’s been something he’s used as a coping mechanism in the dark times even before I was able to save him, and sometimes he'll spend days at a time just… walking around his villages. Of course, I've made sure to get every game in the series just for him, and of course he’s very grateful.
Now, I like to watch him play- any time spent apart from him is excruciating agony in general, and I think it’s adorable seeing what he does in a game with so much freedom. He names all his towns BIG MAN!! for one, which I think is the funniest thing ever, he’s so entertaining. I would be so bored without him.
A few days ago, I saw him playing New Horizons, and I noticed how much of a cluttered mess his island was. It was so unoptimally designed, with wayyyyyyy too much flowers everywhere and everything in annoying, hard to reach spots, and it was a patchwork mess of conflicting, chaotic styles. I felt really bad- my brother deserves a pretty, easy to play island, doesn’t he? So, of course, I offered to help clean it up!
Now, and I don’t know why this is, T defied me. He said his island was fine as it was- when it clearly wasn’t- and he didn't want my help. Obviously, this frustrated me, so I told him off, and gave him a little tap to remind him of his place (not even hard enough to bruise!!!), and he came around, and so I presumed this was just another one of his episodes.
I spent days with him, making his island the most beautiful but most fun island even possible to make in New Horizons, and I made sure to keep as much stuff from his previous island as I could, and made everything new something I knew he’d loved, and I even made a little portrait of me and him to hang in his house which was his favourite thing! He seemed so happy with the whole thing, so I was sure I did something good.
But over the past few days, I’ve noticed T has been trying to avoid me when doing his hobbies now. Previously, he'd love to sew or play video games in the room with me, and we'd chat for hours or even days without a break, but now he tries to hide in our room whenever he does anything.
Being the loving and understanding big brother I am, instead of immediately punishing him for his avoidant tendencies I asked him what’s wrong, and he said he was scared he wouldn’t be able to get a choice in what he made anymore, and I’d make decision for him. Now, I don’t understand the issue there- I’m clearly far better at making decisions than T, he's a mentally I’ll child while I am a stable adult who wants what’s best for him- but I really don’t want to spend a second without him in my life, and I’m willing to consider maybe we're both in the wrong here. So, AITA?
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
maulkie actually means everything to maul. genuinely. his existence changes maul in a way he didn’t think possible. while his need to get revenge against sidious is still very much a driving force for him, his need to keep maulkie safe is stronger. initially he thinks maulkie could be a key part of helping him take down sidious. now the thought of losing maulkie is more terrifying than the thought of facing sidious alone (he’s not dumb tho so he’s not gonna do that either). maulkie is the first person maul truly cares about since savage and he has no intentions of repeating the same mistakes he did with his brother. BUT ALSO. i think the relationship with maulkie is gonna fuck up his connection to the force bc he’s essentially (trying) to let go of his revenge needs for maulkie’s benefit. SO HIS LITTLE PRINCE MEANS EVERYTHING TO HIM.
quinlan,,, the first time maul lets his need for companionship win. for one night,, but it was worth it lol. he’s reaping the benefits of kilindi and komari coming before him bc while maul is good at living in denial about both situations, the need to have what he lost is still there. maul is so terrible at letting his guard down around anyone, but quinlan is so good at getting him to do it anyway. touching him without any intentions of hurting him. loving him and being devoted to him with no catch, no ulterior motives, just wanting the feelings to be reciprocated. i know we were joking about the power imbalance ships ndkfnjfknjgk but this is actually the first relationship he’s experienced without that imbalance. they’re equals and maul doesn’t (usually) feel the need to assert dominance like dear old daddy palps always taught him. 
i’ve rambled now but he loves his kids too. cal and galen are his little guys. they’re a big deal for him too bc they’re the first time he has the position to train how he was trained, to punish how he was punished but he can’t. he can’t put someone through the same things he was put through.
FERAL. maul thinks feral was born with the instructions to purposely piss him off everyday. but he loves him. would do anything for him. i love the relationship arcs they go through and feral ultimately being the voice of reason.
and finally maul respects rook which is saying a lot considering how he treats most of his… soldiers?? employees???? while he will direct her towards potential death should he need to, he would always prefer it if she didn’t die.
What does my Muse mean to yours?
I love this so much AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Maulkie loves Maul. He looks up to him both as an example that someone can walk away from Sidious and live, which gives him more hopes for the future than he ever thought he'd get to have, as a cautionary tale on what to avoid doing (don't go after Obi-Wan Kenobi, basically), and also as the father he never thought could want him considering he was created to kill him. He's learning so much from Maul and is really grateful.
Quinlan feels safe with Maul, which is a little ironic considering everyone is constantly telling him that Maul is incredibly dangerous. But Maul is the first person he's felt he's an equal to, Maul doesn't judge him for his 'crazy' thoughts or because he fell to the dark side and committed atrocities.
Cal and Galen both have different approaches to being mentored by Maul. Cal was used to the boogeyman-like tales about Darth Maul all through the clone wars and even before that, but then he meets Maul and it's... different, Maul is far from a good person, but he's trying to be a Master to Cal. As for Galen... well, he's used to his mentors being Vader, who was quite neglectful, distant and violent when it came to training him, and Proxy, who was supportive and his only comfort... when his primary directive wasn't making him try to kill Galen; but Maul is different from Vader, and Galen sees a lot of himself on Maul- like Maul is the adult version of the child taken away from his family by a Sith that Galen is.
Feral grew up in Maul's shadow, actually meeting him was something he never thought he'd get to do and it's... strange. He's not disappointed, far from it. It's actually a breath of fresh air to see that Maul is just some guy. Yes, he's powerful and he's different, but he's also just a mortal Zabrak just like him- one that Feral feels he can actually teach some things to, mostly about their culture and heritage.
Rook admires Maul. Ironically, he brought her hope that perhaps Mandalore could go back to its former glory. Perhaps the Death Watch was not the way, but Maul's lead was by far better than Vizsla's. Even if he had ulterior motives, he had actual goals and was ambitious and determined to reach them, not just wanting the throne because some ancestors of his used to sit on it. She also respects strength and Maul is the strongest person she's ever met, so it's easy to follow him.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Idea: Chaotic Creeper Hybrid!Reader holding something, that can conduct electricity, up while a thunderstorm is happening. They’re just screaming "strike me down Zeus!" while panicked SBI is trying to stop them. Tommy probably cheering reader on?
Strike me down, Zeus! - Creeper!Hybrid!Reader and SBI
Pairings: none
Characters included: Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur, Tommy
Warnings: cursing
Series: a request :D
Summary: When Y/N ran out to get intentionally hit by lightning, of course their family runs after them to make sure they don’t die! Well, Tommy was excited to see if Y/N could indeed be charged up like a proper creeper seeing how they were a Creeper Hybrid, but that was just Tommy being Tommy. Philza, Wilbur and Techno though were very much intent on saving Y/N from their own stupidity.
Words count: 1365
Authors Note: Thanks for the request! It was fun writing something more lighthearted and shorter :D Would love some feedback on this one!
„Come on! Do it you coward!” Y/N frantically yelled out as they climbed up another hill, still holding firmly onto the trident.
The rain was making it a bit harder for their feet to find solid ground to climb but somehow, they managed to get on top of the hill. Their clothes wet and caked in mud, but they made it on top of the highest place around at least. Ignoring the worried and scared yells from their adopted family.
Well, everyone but one was worried. The youngest of the group was cheering them on. Throwing his fists in the air as he peeled his eyes for what might happen.
Philza opened his wings and jumped up into the air. Trying to get closer to Y/N but still making sure to stay away from them as they swayed around his trident.
“Give that back to me, kid!”
But Y/N just turned around, looked him in the eyes and begun jumping in the air, holding the weapon high above their head.
Another lightning struck down somewhere but nowhere near Y/N which seemed to infuriate the Creeper Hybrid even more “Fuck!”
As Phil landed close by them, but not too close to avoid being accidentally struck by lightning as well should it indeed happen, he stretched his hand out “Give me my trident back, Y/N! You will fucking die!”
Y/N just turned around and let out a sharp hiss, their eyes lighting up similar how Creepers do right before they blow up, but Y/N stopped themself. They could emit something like a blast but it hurt them as well, so they often just used the flashing as a threat.
After all they have blown themself up in the past just to prove a point, so it wasn’t an entirely empty threat.
Now the group consisting of Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy arrived as well. Having to climb up since none of them could fly like Philza.
Technoblade tiredly rubbed his face as he stared at Y/N who was still swinging the trident into the air, jumping to reach further up.
“Y/N do you really wanna die like that? It would be a pretty cringe death not gonna lie.”
He loved his sibling but, man, sometimes they were a handful.
Before Y/N could even defend themself Tommy chimed in “No! Do it, Y/N! You can kind of blow up like a creeper so why shouldn’t you be able to charge yourself like one!”
Of course, Tommy would encourage them even more. The two were hunkering down an hour ago and the rest of the family just assumed they were scheming, which in a way was true but the others didn’t expect them to discuss what would happen if Y/N, the resident Creeper Hybrid, got struck by lightning.
Wilbur was biting on his lower lip. Trying to hide an amused smile and instead put on a worried expression. As much as he revelled in chaos like the others, this was a bit too dangerous “Come on. Just get back home. I’m freezing. Aren’t you freezing?”
With an almost incredulous look on their face, Y/N’s gaze pierced through Wilbur cool and relaxed façade. This really spiked his worry now. They weren’t just doing this for fun or to cause chaos, no, they were deadest on doing this.
“For real! Let’s get home!” he tried to reinforce his statement but Y/N’s head turned back around into the air.
Staring at the black clouds as the rain continued to fall. Their clothes wet. Didn’t even bother putting on a jacket. Just standing their in their simple clothing with their arms far above their head.
Philza took a step closer. Y/N was compared to the others further up on the hill but also surrounded by a drop all around them. So, realistically they could properly do something, but it was dangerous with them swinging around a weapon that also worked as a conductor during the storm.
“Y/N! This isn’t funny! You will seriously get hurt!” Philza urged them again.
Suddenly the world lit up again, closely followed by a loud crash. Lightning struck again but sadly, or luckily, nowhere near Y/N.
Y/N let out a frustrated yell “Come on! Strike me down Zeus! Do it you coward!”
Tommy groaned as well, directing his eyes towards the clouds as well “Seriously! Do it you pussy!”
This earned him a soft slap against the back of his head by Techno who just shook his head like only a disappointed older brother could. Naturally, Tommy responded with sticking his tongue out just like only a younger brother could.
While those two were dealing with each other, both Philza and Wilbur saw their chance. Lightning just struck that meant they had a small window to get to Y/N.
The two ran.
Wilbur slipped for a second on the wet grass but caught himself before he lost balance, following his father who was running towards his, frankly idiotic, kid with a determined expression. Brows pulled deeply down.
Y/N only noticed how Wilbur and Philza were running towards them when it was already too late. Both had their hands outstretched and crashed into them. Pulling them down into the mud, wrestling the trident out of their hand.
“That’s unfair!”
“We are saving your life, idiot!” Wilbur grumbled as he gave Philza his trident back, “Now, home.”
Wilbur didn’t often act as a proper older brother, only occasionally bringing out the “older brother voice”, but Y/N still tried to get back up. Trying to lunge for the trident. Steal it back. Fortunately, Wilbur caught them and just threw them on his shoulder which left them only able to drum and punch him in his back.
He immediately made sure to slowly jog the hill back down. Ignoring the writhing and yelling Y/N who just wanted to satisfy their curiosity! How dare he! How dare he care about their wellbeing and make sure they would be fine!
“What? You went down so easily, Y/N!” Tommy yelled out surprised as he watched Wilbur pass him and Techno, earning himself another soft slap to the back of his head. It didn’t hurt but did bring the message across.
All the while Philza was sighing, clutching the trident, slowly following his children down. Sometimes he wondered what he did to live through this kind of chaos while only on one life left.
“I’m gonna blow you up, Wil!” Y/N hissed as they continued to try to get out of his grip.
This time Techno softly bopped them on the head “Don’t even try it. Stop having a temper tantrum you are too old for this. It’s embarrassing. Besides, we are just making sure you are alright. I’m sure we can find other more safer ways to test out if you can become a charged creeper, well, charged Creeper Hybrid.”
This seemed to calm them down a little bit. A spark of hope burning in their eyes only for them to pout and look away “I mean, I guess.”
“But not today! You gave me an Ender damned heart attack, Y/N! Never do that again.” Philza spoke up, still making sure to keep the trident out of Y/N’s reach.
Y/N had to concede. There was no way they could get out of Wilbur’s grip like this, especially while they were surrounded by their family. Instead, they made peace with the fact that they wouldn’t get to test their theory today.
Still pouting once they were back inside their home, now in clean clothes and sitting close to the warm fire as Philza and Techno prepared some hot drinks for the family. Wilbur grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself while also enveloping Y/N. All of them being frozen from the storm outside.
Even still, they all got colds afterwards and Y/N felt a tiny bit guilty, though this got thrown out the window as soon as Techno announced he would start on helping researching ways to test Y/N’s hypothesis.
Wanting to do it correctly and as safely as possible.
It didn’t surprise neither Techno nor Y/N when Tommy asked to help as well, even if only to use the knowledge to plan up more schemes with them.
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flooficandii · 3 years
what do u think ab an au where the vp takes in kids with radiant abilities to train them as the "future" of valorant
this idea's kinda scuffed af bc idk much ab the lore actually i'm still confused ab kingdom n earth but i just want an excuse to see the agents babysitting chaotic kids with powers LMAOAoadjdj
IM NOT GONNA LIE THAT WOULD SOUND SUPER CUTE LMAO RADIANT BABY DAYCARE,,,, also this is a perfect excuse to put my headcanons about which of the agents are the best with kids
parents. like, literal parents dude
brimstone. he is the first immediate thing that comes to mind when i think of parenting. i mean look at the way he talks to the rest of the agents, you can't tell me he won't do well with kids
CYPHER!!! bro cypher would LOVE kids,,,,i hc he was really excited to be a dad but nora kinda died with his unborn baby so,, yknow he has that yearning feeling and he kinda projects that nature onto the younguns. he may be super secretive and shifty but you can tell he cares for them and would love to have children running around the base
sage!! sage radiates this energy of warmth and comfort and security, you'll always feel safe with her so she'd be wonderful with children :]] she won't hesitate to be strict if needed though so just make sure to stay on her good side unless,,, "YOUR HOMEWORK IS NOT OVER!!!"
reyna. surprisingly. although she isn't as much a parent as the rest of them, she wILL break someone's arm for a kid. she may be very murderous but kids might be her soft spot (glances vaguely at her little sister)
tbh i see her as the kind of caretaker that'll let her kid do awful things lmao
"miss reyna can i say a curse word ple a se ,,,"
"of course, cariño."
okay at it/awkward but trying
omen. omen isn't sure how to interact with children,,,, like, i headcanon he scares them away a lot
if one of them happens to be NOT scared?? *immediately imprints*
i think the most he'd do while watching over children is just sit there with his knitting needles and grunt Menacingly whenever they start causing trouble
viper. viper also scares kids away, understandably so, but she does have this maternal nature despite her scary aura (exhibit a: duality)
i headcanon she actually dislikes children and tries to avoid them as much as possible but will be incREDIBLY protective if they're threatened
yoru. he finds kids annoying. but if he were put in a situation where he HAD to keep an eye on them he'd probably try
just a little bit
as a treat
he'll call them brats or something lmAO what a bitch
unless one of them calls him cool and feeds his ego
then yeah he'll love them lol
imagine yoru going into his rift and picking the kid up to make it look like they're flying
a parent? maybe not, it's really not something on his list of ideals. but a big brother figure? sure! it means he gets to bully tease children to his heart’s content
sova. sova is okay at babysitting. he’s very quiet though so the kids usually get bored with him
he’s quick to straighten them up if they’re misbehaving
maybe he’ll tell fairy tales about the mountains or something
*deep thick russian voice* “When I was still living with my babushka in the frigid mountains of the North,”
babysitters at most
jett. jett seems like the cool babysitter who lets you do anything and everything lmao,, stay up past your bedtime?? sure thing. snacks before dinner?? hell yeah. you want her to show you her cool spinny wind trick?? of course!!
raze! raze gives off the vibes of the girl next door who everyone in the neighborhood knows and loves. she probably hung out with the kids in her town a lot and would draw with them, make music with them, etc. very big sister vibes 10/10 just don't let her have explosives around them
ASTRA!!! astra astra astra i bet she’d be the type to give piggy back rides and make little stardust confetti to wow them with!! she’ll sing songs and read stories and maybe do little puppet shows for them  
skye would do great with kids! she’s strong enough to catch up to them during vigorous games of tag and she’d let them pet her tiger
her animals love the kids too
imagine taz lying on his back as they pet his belly and hawko perching on top of their heads
haha! *slowly pulls them away from the children*
breach. i dont know about you guys but if you left him with a kid he would lose them in like 1.5 minutes
“what? they’re tiny, you think i’d notice?”
bro he is such a fucking bully he’d punt a kid across a football field
i guess he’d let them sit on his giant bionic shoulders but thats it
says he has it under control
does NOT have it under control
“alright, fam! leave it to me, i can handle some younguns-”
*burns down the entire hq after trying to show them a trick*
killjoy. bro she would use them for her experiments without batting an eye
“testing the sensor range of my turret!! :DD relax, it won’t hurt them- they’re wearing helmets!”
i dunno man i don’t think he’d even know what to do with kids
also he might accidentally break their spine if they wanted a hug lmao
he won’t hurt them on purpose but this is just,,,a safety measure
k would do great with kids though :]] big friendly guy
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molotovmetro · 3 years
Hi 🥺 I hope you’re doing well
If you still take in requests can you do a headcanon for Leon Kennedy, Piers Nivans and Chris Redfield (if possible Carlos too) x Reader where they kinda just idk care for/adopt the reader just because? Or that they mentor the reader who’s quite young?
Thanks in advance
Ngl this is my favourite kind of scenario, maybe it's the daddy issues I love found family so much
I took some ~artistic liberties~ especially with reader's age and the setting to avoid repetition and hopefully make it a more interesting read. If it's not quite what you wanted, let me know!!
Chris Redfield
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You're the newest member or Chris's team. The man saw potential in you, you remind him of his younger self. So, he takes it upon himself to look after you, mentor you a bit
He's not gonna baby you, that's not what you're there for. It's your job to be tough, and he's gonna make sure you're prepared for it
After knowing each other a while, work exercises, tips, and training become him making sure you have enough food, that you drink enough water, that you're not pushing yourself too hard
He's really not trying to have favourites in the team, but he just feels protective over you
Leon Kennedy
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Leon and yours relationship is like that between Sherry and Claire. You two met during an outbreak, one that killed your parents, and he stuck around to look after you a bit
At first he would just come by every now and then to check up on you. He couldn't bear to see you go into a cruel system as an orphan, so after a while he officially adopted you
It took time for the two of you to find a routine in Leon's humble apartment, but you work it out
After all, he's not exactly used to having a kid around and is a bit clueless in the beginning
If you ever call him dad he'll pretend not to cry. He is crying.
Piers Nivans
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Piers is still in his mid 20s, but he's seen enough disaster, suffering, and misery to last him a lifetime. It's due to this that starting the second you meet he becomes fiercely protective over you. You're still so young, he doesn't want you to be involved in any of it
He's more of a big brother figure to you. Someone you can always count on to watch out for you and watch your back
If you're old enough, he's gonna teach you some self defense and combat skills. You never know when you might need it
Like a classic overprotective brother, he won't hesitate to look for a fight if someone bothers you
Carlos Oliveira
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The moment he meets you, the dad mode he didn't know he had kicks in. It's already bad enough adults are in this mess, but you're just a kid, barely a teenager
Carlos is absolutely the cool uncle type
He feels bad you have to go through so much at such a young age, so he tries at every opportunity he sees to make you laugh
He's your personal clown. He is not afraid to embarrass himself a bit to amuse you
But he's also very caring. He checks up on you a lot and wont hesitate to give you a piggy back ride if you get tired
This man would go hungry if it meant you would be properly cared for. Especially in these circumstances, life is very hard until you manage to get out of Raccoon City. So while you're working in that, he does everything in his power to make sure you're cared for
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