#good at manufacturing vulnerability and making every single situation about her
onthehighwaytomel · 8 months
Could I please just go ONE day without seeing Taylor Swift's name or picture? Just one? I don't think that's too much to ask.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Persephone really got intimate with someone despite her sexual trauma and we just glossed over it like it did not matter. I don’t see how anyone could be satisfied or okay with this shit since the situation was a huge plot point for years, not months, YEARS. Yet the time when it finally came up to it everything was rushed and never spoken about again, like Persephone’s trauma is important and I don’t can’t understand how no one ever questioned that.
Like I keep saying in these damn rants, Hades has a plethora of explanations for his trauma and whole dedicated chapters towards Kronos and being eaten. Everything he does ties back to it and it’s clear that this affected him in a major way since we were able to actually see how different he was after the fact. We know so much shit about the Kronos situation yet we barely know bits and pieces about Persephone’s trauma and that gets on my fucking nerves, am I asking anyone to be descriptive? No. Am I asking anyone to speak on it every other chapter? No, but what I am asking is why didn’t it actually matter. The assault felt like it was only there to establish a bad guy, it also felt like it was only there to make Hades a knight in shining armor to save Persephone mainly because nothing she did up until then made any fucking sense. Something terribly traumatic happened to you and you’re telling me you’re going to tell that very personal and vulnerable piece of information to a guy from a party you got absolutely wasted at, ended up in his home, almost got attacked by his dog, and was offered to have sex with him over the slightest bit of shoulders revealing themselves. That’s absolutely manufactured, it doesn’t even make sense in the story at all which makes me feel like it was set up just so Persephone would have a reason to talk to Hades.
Which I personally feel is really fucked up, why did anyone think it was a good idea to have her assault be the reason why they’re made for each other? Persephone could’ve called him for literally anything else to build their friendship since she already was under the impression that they were friends, I don’t understand why she would trust him of all people when he was literally trying to get in her pants out of nowhere. And then every single thing tied to Apollo and her trauma in later chapters always somehow involved Hades, FOR NO REASON. It’s been established that she has a completely different support team that doesn’t even include Hades yet he’s the main one always there whenever she “needs to be rescued”, there’s no way that this wasn’t used as a fucking ploy to push these two together. It’s obvious that Hades isn’t a great person at all, like genuinely fuck the whole “he’s not perfect but he’s trying :(“ thing he’s just irredeemably bad, and by the looks of it he would never be a good husband or partner for Persephone so Rachel had to do something to cover that up and like everything with Hades it was ultimately the bare minimum.
It’s just so fucked up to me. You can’t even deny it either because there are dozens of stories (romance) where the main character has something absolutely traumatic done to them and the love interest just so happens to be there to “fix” them or “save” in this case. It’s very popular and I’m not saying that it’s always all bad, the way that you execute the trauma and the way that your characters interact with it are what makes it either really bad or really good. With Lore Olympus though, it had to be the worst case of this honestly because not only did you rush the healing process just so they could screw each other smoothly but you also made a complete mockery of it. I’m sure there’s a bunch of people who relate to Persephone’s story and I don’t want to knock them nor am I criticizing them and I understand that not all survivors are going to react the same, there’s millions of people on this Earth and since we’re not clones of each other we’re always going to share major differences, but this is just so incredibly bad. You have Persephone literally resting in the bed that she got assaulted in with a man, you have this man touching her and invading her personal space multiple times without asking days after this happened, and you have a man that you need to comfort while you tell him your own trauma. You see how none of this makes sense? I know not all survivors react the same I know it and I feel bad for even pointing this out but at the same time you’re going to be affected by stuff like this.
This was days after it happened everyone, days. Not weeks, not months, not years, not decades, and not even centuries. Days after Persephone experienced a huge violation of her body in her own room and she does not worry or think about it once when she’s with Hades. This stuff does not just go away, trauma never goes away because what’s done is done sadly your brain and body has already been affected and you may not be able to revert back to the person you were before. Of course there’s ways to make your trauma less prominent and less of a problem for your everyday life whether it be medically assigned pills, therapy visits, and other supportive resources that specialize in things such as that but it’s never just going to disappear from your life entirely. It’s going to follow you like a dark cloud and it’s going to control your every move especially when it’s just happened, it’s a massive impact on a person no matter how big or small which is why stuff like this needs to be taken more seriously. So many people expect you to get over it and forget about it but you can’t because it’s not something that you can forget so easily, it’s draining and it’s consuming and sometimes it’s very isolating. Which is why I appreciated the therapist episode since it really does showcase just how daily it can be and how it just molds itself apart of your everyday life but sadly I know it’s very clearly just trying to appease readers’ concerns about Persephone’s trauma being forgotten which makes me have another problem to talk about.
How am I supposed to believe that Persephone was struggling with this stuff almost everyday when there’s nothing alluding to that fact. Persephone rarely has any symptoms or experiences the effects of trauma unless Hades can be involved somehow, her trauma is only important and valid when the story can use it for romance and I think that’s again, very fucked up. You don’t see Hades’ trauma only being brought up so Persephone can fix them, he just says them and we can see how even though it’s been centuries he’s still dealing with the long term affects but you don’t see the story using it as a ploy to get them together (mainly), no one’s using Hades being swallowed up by his own father as a kid as some cute moment for Persephone to take him to dinner or something this treatment only happens to Persephone. If her trauma can’t be cute in some way then it’s not going to be shown and it’s again, very insulting.
Anyways, I will end this rant here yet I will never not be upset at the fact that Rachel only made Persephone “heal” just so she could give us the most unnatural intimate scenes ever. Endgame for them was just having sex and I think it’s so incredibly mind boggling that we’re supposed to look at this in a romantic sense, nothing about this is romantic and it’s very obvious that this was just used as “drama” which should’ve never been the case in the first place.
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lizacstuff · 4 years
Another very good episode despite the sad ending which was very well executed by hande. What did you think of the episode?
Very good episode. One nice thing about these new writers, so far, is that the episodes flow a bit better than they used to flow. I think the prior team had trouble putting 2+ hour story without it being disjointed.  These guys seem to be able to manage the format better. 
So much to love in this chapter. So much comedy. So much fun. So much ripping my heart out and stopping on it and then kicking it a little and then throwing it into a fiery lava volcano pit for good measure. 
All those emotions were felt. 
Edser to come, but let's start with Babaanne and the Prince.  It really feels like these characters were introduced with another story in mind, and then the show pivoted. Perhaps the new writers wanted something else, or maybe Fox wanted to renew but wanted the show to get back to basics so they changed course to this reset of sorts? It all feels unfinished.
(continued under the cut)
I think we were all expecting more trouble from both characters.  Not that kidnapping Eda isn't causing trouble, it clearly is, but the fact that it was resolved in the first 5 minutes is notable. What was the point? It did give them a cliffhanger, a chance for Serkan to be a hero, a reason for Serkan to fire Balca, and a reason for Babaanne to change her tune, so it wasn't completely pointless, it served some plots, however it was very anticlimactic. 
Babaanne was pretty anticlimactic too. She comes on like a house on fire in 25, having Serkan arrested on serious charges that could have stuck, framing Alptekin, ruining the project the team had won via the tender. She manipulates Eda into breaking Serkan's heart, goes full matchmaker with the Prince, but then when Eda decides, "Nah, I'm not only not going to give up on Serkan, I'm gonna marry him." she backs off all her threats? 
It does make me wonder if both or either (offscreen) the Prince or Babaanne have something to do with Serkan's plane going missing.  Just so they can fulfill their evil potential. Either of them is powerful enough to pull that off, and it makes more sense than either of them giving up so easily. 
As for Aydan and Ayfer, they made for some pretty good laughs this episode. I think the friction caused by their inherent differences is much more funny, than the fighting over Chef Alexander. As I said in another ask, Ayfer worked my last nerve in her very first scene this episode. She wakes up after being dosed by her mother's choice of life-mate for Eda, but immediately blames the Bolats. Fuck off with that. She enabled her mother, she is more to blame for this situation than anyone but the villains. If she would have stood up to her mother and supported Eda instead of choosing to further Babaanne's agenda by opposing the wedding, maybe Eda's life wouldn't have been put in such danger.  I can't with her. She would deserve it if Eda puts a little distance between them.  
GO DETECTIVE MELO! Love her tenacity in putting together the pieces of Henna night and rightly figuring out Balca's duplicity. For a second there I thought they weren't going to tell Serkan what they found, which made me nervous, but then at the first opportunity she blurts it out. Well done!  We should have known Serkan would be two steps ahead of them except that he's been two steps behind when it comes to Balca since the very beginning. It was very satisfying to watch him fire her. Though, I do wish we would have seen him find out she purposely put strawberry in his drink.  Good riddance!   The ILYs between Serkan and Melo were very sweet, it speaks so well of Serkan that he has such a soft spot for her. Of course it is only natural since Melo has been an unwavering supporter of his since the beginning, Serkan picks his allies well. 
Now onto the couples. The tension between all the romantic pairs this episode was fun, and obviously done for over-the-top comic relief, but also very silly, lmao. Those boys are so DUMB!  Engin has the sensibility of a preteen boy and Ferit never knows when to shut up, he's so naive and he can't read a room.  
However, who didn't love the friendship growth between Serkan and Ferit?  They planned a 15-day bike trip? I'm dying! And crying! However, I fully believe that Eda-broke-up-with-me-I-have-a-sad-and-need-a-distraction Serkan planned that trip and I found it preposterous that Serkan would have any desire to still go right after he got married.  We're supposed to believe that schmoopy, smitten, horny Serkan is ready to leave his newlywed bride for that length of time? Puh-lease he's planning every way he's going to sex her up over the next 6 months, and it's going to take every free minute. Also they can't even find time to get to Paris for the night, but he's going away for that?? NOPE.  Maybe next year, Ferit... but also invite the girls to the bike portion.  
The tension between Eda and Serkan in the first half hour of the ep was a nice little truncated story of the stress wedding planning and a looming, giant life change can put on a couple. Edser started the day in a very schmoopy place, but by the time they left Aydan's they were already starting to feel the pressure. The bickering between Ayfer and Aydan felt typical, and I felt myself being more sympathetic with Aydan.  They're rich, why wouldn't they hire a wedding coordinator? That's a helluva lot of work to do in 3 days!  Why would Ayfer want to spent that time doing centerpieces when she could be enjoying the pre wedding festivities? Dumb. The gems as favors do seem a little over-the-top, but I'd like to take home one of those aquamarines when I attend their wedding, so I won't complain. As far as where they're going to live, both ladies need to step off! They need to be at least 15 minutes of driving distance from both of them.  Not living on the Bolat property and not living in Ayfer's neighborhood. Geez. I'm stressed just typing it up, no wonder it set the betrothed couple on edge.  Obviously, they were having a major disconnect when they got to work. Serkan was dealing with a crisis and probably should have just told Eda that instead of burying himself in work, ignoring her, and getting irritated with her. Meanwhile, Eda should have noticed he was more focused than even the typical workaholic robot, and that meant something important. 
The misunderstanding that fueled their full day stand-off was so silly, and preventable, but also led to hilarity and one of my favorite scenes ever so I won't be too hard on how manufactured it was.  Each of these things-- family wedding planning stress, Serkan being inattentive due to work crisis, and Serkan acting a little "the old ball and chain" when Ferit was blundering along about guys trips and postponing the wedding-- all led to an Eda who was already feeling a bit insecure, so when she overheard Serkan's phone conversation it's not shocking she took it the wrong way.  However, it takes a bit more handwaving to believe Serkan took the conversation the wrong way and went right to freezing her out. Come on, Serkan, you're less emotional and have less reasons to be feeling vulnerable at that moment. She was in your office trying to get your attention on wedding planning and your home and future. You were the one too busy to engage!  Though, I suppose it's believable that these two stubborn souls would allow the misunderstanding to fester out of pride, rather than confront it head on and clear it up right away. It's pretty consistent that when one of them gets their feelings hurt and feels rejected by the other, their defensive walls go up and they both revert to pretending they're just fine and the other's rejection can't hurt them. They need to get over this asap.  
That poor wedding planner. She has a couple insisting they get married in 3 days, they're entirely unhelpful and now they aren't even speaking to one another?  I understand her frustration and don't ding her for asking if they're sure they're ready to get married, but her saying that was definitely one of the things that contributed to the insecurities they were both already feeling. They were both so sad when they had the last conversation in the office, each one suggesting the other to take time to think and rest. Their video call that night was equally as fraught and sad. Sweet, dumb babies. 
The entire sequence of the girls stealthing into the hotel and hiding on the couch was hilarious. I love that Eda doesn't realize that crashing the bachelor party could be embarrassing until she's flat on her back on that couch, hiding behind lobby foliage.  As for the boys, they redeemed themselves a little bit, by being too upset to enjoy themselves.  
One of my favorite parts is Eda trying to be breezy as if the girls being there has nothing to do with the bachelor party. I laughed at Melo taking the blame for suggesting the resort. The single gal always takes the blame, just like the unmarried/not engaged Ferit gets the blame later.  This moment (click here) is one of my favorites of the episode. I still am not sure what she's trying to say with her looping gestures and pointing upstairs and then her haughty pose, and I don't think Serkan knows either, but yet he just gets a kick out of her. The guy who Engin said never smiled, smiles pretty damn easily these days. Also j’adored the wardrobe that had them matching perfectly in shades of cream and olive. In sync and gorgeous. 
Speaking of wardrobe, during that fireplace conversation Serkan looked so huggable in that fleece pullover (more casual Serkan, please!) that I felt terrible that they were not in a place where she could cuddle up to him in front of the fire. Come on! We deserved to see that. That was the biggest tragedy in that scene, slightly ahead of them postponing the wedding. As for that, they were both so convinced that the other thinks they're going too fast, that neither of them was listening to how the other positioned it. Each positioning it as the other's preference. That illustrated the trouble that a little insecurity and a lot of pride can cause.  
Now on to my favorite scene of the episode! Seriously, immediately after watching it I mentally vaulted it to my top 10 scenes list (no such list exists, and if it did it would change all the time, lol).  First, can I say how I appreciated that the friends were all shocked at the news they were postponing the wedding? Ferit and Engin couldn't believe it, and Melo, Ceren and Piril all actively questioned the idea that Serkan would want to postpone. Thank you! You just know if Ayfer were there she would have tried to say "Oh, that's too bad, but really for the best, let's celebrate!"  
Anyway, I loved every second from the moment Serkan says, "Eda, can we talk?" until the apology. Finally, instead of being led by their pride, they both show some hurt which is the catalyst for the heated conversation that clears everything up.  
It's impressive how consistent they've been with some characterizations and how Serkan and Eda yin/yang each other. Eda has always had trouble saying, "I love you." It just doesn't come easy to her. She illustrated that in episode 12, she can handle the sentiment and agree with it, "our feelings are mutual" but it's hard for her to say the words. 
Conversely, Serkan has never had that problem. From the minute he confessed he has told her how much he loves her many, many times and in many, many different ways. What Serkan has trouble with is "I'm sorry". It is so hard for him to say those words. In episode 9, all it would have taken to get Eda back was a simple apology, instead he spent an entire episode doing everything to get her back, but the very simple act of saying, "I'm sorry. That is some next level aversion to apologizing. Whereas Eda doesn't have that problem, she can own her mistakes and apologize pretty easily. 
These scenes outside showcased this dynamic beautifully.  After the misunderstanding is rectified, Eda very easily apologizes, but Serkan goes with a "me too" type of response. The sentiment is there, but he doesn't say the words. A few minutes later, after the crew joins them, Serkan goes all romantic robot and tells her how much he loves her, then prompts her, but instead Eda teases and teases until she finally whispers it. 
Obviously, she loves him and obviously he is sorry about the misunderstanding, but I like the consistency that they both still have trouble vocalizing these specific things.
The fact that Serkan was ready to chuck the guys and his bachelor party in order to have a romantic night with her is very sweet, and also points out how silly the notion of him wanting to travel extensively without her right after they get married. I don't mind things that are exaggerated for humor, but still humor shouldn't need you to completely change the attitudes of the characters in order to hit. And playing on jokes about how marriage and a wife might be viewed as a burden, especially in context of a couple who aren't even married yet, isn't awesome. Which I get, the fact that it is a shitty attitude and a crappy joke fueled the fights between the couples, so at least there was that. It wasn't accepted. 
The lovely montage by the lake was a wonderful way to show us some quiet, romantic moments between them. That's one of the great things about this format, they have time to occasionally gift us with scenes that don't drive the plot, don't move forward any story or character development or even have dialogue, they just exist to make us swoon and fall even more in love with this couple. Mission accomplished! The fact that Kerem is the one who found that location just makes it sweeter. 
Engin, Engin, Engin. What makes you think it is a good idea to judge a beauty pageant?  Your wife is in the hotel! Not that she would be jealous, but, you know, assigning a number value to women based on their looks... it's not great. Also I realize that it's a necessity while shooting with Covid, and we just have to suspend disbelief in scenes that should have tons of extras but are barren, but the hotel holding a beauty pageant and the only people in attendance are three dudes who just happened to be bored in the lobby is funny in and of itself.  But glad the girls got a chance to take their revenge and make the boys feel what it's like to be judged in such a way. Plus it was worth some laughs and gave us a way to unite the bachelor party with the pajama party. 
For me the next scenes only exist to have Edser draped all over each other in the bar.  I didn't really pay too much attention, I think Piril/Engin and Ceren/Ferit all made up, but I do know Serkan wanted to ditch everyone and go back to the room and since we know what happened next.... we know why!  Though I did wonder, did he have a massage appointment for like 10pm?  Or was it the next day? It matters not at all, but it did strike me while watching. I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH WE GOT OF THEM IN THE TUB!!!  *flings self into the sun*  That was quite something.  Bless these new writers and their willingness to go there.  I love that scene so much. Serkan's smile is just... something else. 
One nitpick is the lighting. Obviously, with the timeline they shoot on, some production value will go by the wayside, though mostly I think they do a decent job despite all the constraints. However, one place that is consistently lacking is lighting in indoor, one-off locations.  The coffee shop in ep 12 is an example, and this was another one. I can understand they need to get in and out quickly. In this case the crew wouldn't have been able to probably prep as much as they'd like, because you're probably not going to put any stand-ins in the water, and you can't take time to perfect it once your big stars are in the tub, mostly naked, submerged and pruning, but the harsh shadows across each of their faces is distracting. Where were the bounce boards? Even those lines out. 
But obviously we don't care. WE GOT THEM BEING SEXY AND PLAYFUL IN THE TUB! What a bounty. That's all that matters.  Loved all the wedding prep, especially the lovely Aydan and Eda scenes. There was SO MUCH JOY... until there wasn't. 
I'm not going to spend much time on the contrivance that led us to the final scenes. I mean, first, Erdem... why are you so incompetent?  And, second, do they not have E-signature in Turkey? Or scanners? Or even fax machines? The idea of having to fly to Italy just to sign something is ridiculous. Oh well, whatever drives their plot, I guess. 
The final Edser scene was brilliant and beautiful and heartfelt and romantic and ominous and painful. All the things it should have been for what happens next.  Poor Serkan! Poor Eda! Why can't they catch a break? 
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khentkawes · 5 years
Tony Stark’s overlooked superpower: his self-awareness and the rare ability to admit, honestly and without justification, when he is wrong… and then work towards becoming a better person.
So there’s a lot of “discourse” (or whatever you want to call it) over Tony Stark and whether he takes responsibility for his mistakes. Antis say he needs to step up and take responsibility; the rest of us say that Tony does take responsibility consistently, even when he probably doesn’t need to or when someone else is equally responsible. But the comment from @i-want-to-bethlieve on this post a while back got me thinking (hope you don’t mind me tagging you–didn’t want to derail the original post, but also totally crediting you for getting my brain rolling on this), with the comment that all the characters make mistakes, but only Tony’s mistakes are brought up in the narrative…and Tony clearly can and does take responsibility for his mistakes–in fact, no one else does it more often or more consistently than he does. And even those characters who do express guilt over their mistakes, they don’t fully own them, don’t fully accept the blame, and the narrative doesn’t show them putting in the hard work to atone.
When I first started seriously watching the MCU (right after Thor Ragnarok came out–before that I’d only seen Avengers and Thor…yeah, I was a late-comer to the MCU), I used to say that Tony’s superpower was his ability to admit that he was wrong.  And I stand by that.
Seriously, Tony’s ability to repeatedly say, “I was wrong” without justifying his mistakes is a superpower! Because people don’t think about how much strength it takes to admit that you are wrong. Most people can’t do it, even with small things. Don’t believe me? Think about it, seriously think about it in your daily life. You’ll probably realize that it is incredibly rare for any of us to simply say, “I was wrong” without immediately following it with “but I didn’t mean to…” or “but I did it because…” Even simply saying, “I’m sorry” is hard for most people. That’s why people often give halfhearted apologies that are half defensive. “I’m sorry you were hurt, but I didn’t mean it the way you took it!” We’ve all heard or said variations on that. Most of us rationalize and justify and excuse our mistakes, even in the rare instances when we do admit them. And in everyday situations, people will argue over stupid things because they simply don’t want to admit “I was wrong.” People are stubborn that way.
But Tony admits fault and takes responsibility for his actions in pretty much every single movie! He admits he’s wrong immediately when he returns from Afghanistan, without hesitation or rationalization. Let’s break it down:
“I saw young Americans killed by the weapons I had designed to defend them.” [Admission that his previous understanding of the situation was wrong. He thought he was doing good, but was blinded to all of the harm his weapons had done.]
“I realized I had become part of a system with zero accountability.” [Admission that he was part of the problem.]
“And that is why, effective immediately, I will be shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International.” [Immediately takes steps to correct his mistakes.]
No rationalization. No, “but I thought I was doing the right thing” or “I was just following in my dad’s footsteps” or “other people make weapons too” or “lots of people told me I was doing good!” All of those things are true. But Tony doesn’t use them to rationalize or justify his actions. He doesn’t make excuses or get defensive. He also doesn’t hesitate to begin correcting his mistakes. He shuts down the weapons division. He begins looking into other options. He beings building Iron Man suits to channel his technology into new and better ways to protect people. And then he personally uses the Iron Man suit to liberate and defend Gulmira when it is clear that he hasn’t done enough to stop the destruction his weapons caused.
But that’s just in the first movie, you say? After that he makes more mistakes. Sure, because he’s a human being, and being human is hard. We all make mistakes and personal growth is not linear. There’s backsliding and missteps along the way. But Tony still, consistently, admits when he is wrong and accepts blame when appropriate (and sometimes even when it’s not. The boy has developed a guilt complex now, okay?).
So what about Iron Man 2. Okay, Tony’s apologies and admissions of responsibility are subtler here, but they do happen.
Rhodey: Look, I’m sorry, okay.
Tony: Don’t be.
Rhodey: No, I should have trusted you more.
Tony: I’m the one who put you in this position. Forget it.
Rhodey: No, it’s your fault. I just wanted to say I’m sorry.
Tony: Thank you. That’s all I wanted to hear.
Tony does not dispute that it was his fault. He admits that he put Rhodey in an impossible position. He wants to hear the apology, but he also takes full responsibility for his part in their fight (btw, kudos to them both, since this is a great example of a mature friendship where both admit fault, apologize, and still care about each other, moving forward without holding any grudges at all). And later to Pepper: “Don’t be mad. I will formally apologize when I’m not fending off a Hammer-oid attack.” So Tony knows that he did handle things poorly and he does need to apologize. And later he implicitly takes responsibility for everything with Pepper, admitting that she would be totally justified in quitting: “You deserve better; you’ve taken such good care of me. I’ve been in a tough spot and you got me through it.”
Then we get Iron Man 3, which is all about Tony admitting when he screws up. Repeatedly. From almost scene one on.
Tony to Pepper: “Hey, I admit it! My fault! Sorry. I’m a piping hot mess.” He takes full responsibility for ruining date night, even though Pepper herself was late for date night.
Tony calling Pepper from Tennessee: “Pepper, it’s me. I’ve got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So first off, I’m so sorry I put you in harm’s way. That was selfish and stupid and it won’t happen again. Also it’s Christmas time…the rabbit’s too big. Done. Sorry. And I’m sorry in advance because…I can’t come home yet.” He apologizes for like…everything, but crucially he avoids one of the most common mistakes people make when apologizing: most people apologize for hurting someone but not for their actual actions. But not Tony. He takes responsibility for his selfish, thoughtless, and reckless actions and admits that he was wrong for all of it, promising to do better in the future. Again, no justifications or excuses, just genuine repentance.
And what about CA:CW? “Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong.” And right after this, Tony admits that he and Sam don’t know each other very well. Unlike with Pepper and Rhodey, who Tony trusts because of their long-standing relationships, Tony does not have any reason to believe that Sam will forgive him; admitting he’s wrong to someone who already dislikes him takes an extra measure of vulnerability, but Tony doesn’t even hesitate (I will ignore Sam’s petty “that’s a first” retort because, well, Sam doesn’t know Tony well enough to realize that he has misjudged Tony). Tony had plenty of rational reasons to think that Bucky was responsible for the bombing and everything else, but he doesn’t bring those up as justification for his (again, completely rational) mistaken interpretation of events. He just admits he was wrong and then says he wants to help Steve; he wants to do what he can to fix his mistake. When he gets to Siberia, he says, “maybe your story’s not so crazy.” Basically, he again admits that he was wrong to discount Steve’s concerns and Bucky’s story about other super-soldiers (even though he only doubted it because all evidence pointed against it and because Steve didn’t tell him until the absolute last second possible, which made it look like a last minute excuse for Steve’s actions).
Even before all of that, Tony takes full responsibility for Ultron (“Ultron–my fault”)…even though plenty of other people share responsibility for that: Bruce for helping create it, Wanda for manipulating Tony in the hopes he would “self-destruct” and for actively working with Ultron to enable his destruction, and Thanos who (presumably) programed the mind stone (since the narrative heavily implies that Tony/Bruce failed to create a functional AI and the mind stone actually put the pieces in place on its own, and Thanos implicitly takes credit for the events of the entire movie in the end-credits scene). But yeah. Only Tony admits his share of the blame for Ultron, and by extension, for Sokovia.
All of this just shows that Tony is honest and self-aware, and strong enough as a person to admit his mistakes and face them head on, rather than justifying, excusing, rationalizing, or denying. We don’t really get that from the other heroes: not Bruce, Steve, Thor, Wanda, Sam, Dr. Strange, or even Nick freaking Fury (who, I would argue, has made a fuck ton of mistakes). The closest we get is Bucky admitting “I’m not sure that I’m worth all of this,” Bruce agonizing over the destruction that Hulk causes, Clint’s confession to Natasha that he might not deserve her sacrifice, and Natasha’s comments about “red in her ledger.” But even then, most of those are more examples of self-loathing (in often unhealthy ways) rather than truly admitting fault and taking responsibility for one’s actions in a mature way. Only Natasha really takes responsibility for her actions, as her work with SHIELD and the Avengers is her attempt to do good out of a desire for atonement (the writing for Nat was often pretty poor, so we don’t see this part of her character development very clearly–it’s alluded to repeatedly, but never developed in detail).
The other Avengers do express regrets, but they struggle to take that next step of fully taking responsibility, admitting to other people they are wrong, and doing what they can to correct their mistakes. Sure, Wanda and Steve both felt bad after what happened in Lagos. They both said (privately) they felt like they were at fault. But they weren’t willing to own that and do something about it. In front of everyone else, they offer excuses or say that it’s just the cost of the job...or they don’t admit any fault at all. I don’t necessarily blame them. I probably would do the same. It would have been monumentally hard to come out in a press conference and admit that they made a mistake (though that didn’t stop Tony from doing exactly that way back in Iron Man). But that moment in Civil War is the only time the other Avengers discuss mistakes or blame–and it leads to nothing. Steve struggles with this later too…He always has some justification or explanation for his mistakes, like in his apology letter to Tony. And the “liar” scene in Endgame is further proof. That was the one time when Tony said,  “no, this wasn’t my fault. Not this time. It was yours.” And Steve isn’t able to be vulnerable and honestly admit, out loud, that yeah, he was wrong and it was his fault that the Avengers weren’t together. Steve starts to get defensive because he feels personally attacked (which, to be fair, he was). Tony mentions that Thanos is the exact reason he said they needed a suit of armor around the world and Steve says (one of his few lines), “yeah, and how’d that work out?” This is a classic deflection, an act of self-defense when someone feels attacked so they try to shift blame to the other person. We all do this in reality; it’s a natural tendency, although not a very emotionally mature reaction. After that, Steve shuts up, and I do interpret this as him internally feeling guilty about his actions because I think he knows he made mistakes and would do things differently if he had the chance to go back. But again, he doesn’t or can’t say out loud that he was wrong. And look, if we’re all honest, most of us would be like Steve…we might feel bad but we wouldn’t admit, out loud, that we were wrong. We’d rationalize or get defensive–it’s a very human reaction.
But it’s heroic to admit you are wrong and take responsibility for it. That’s not natural and it’s not easy, but it’s a skill the world desperately needs–maybe now more than ever. It’s also the only true path towards emotional growth and spiritual maturity. Robert Downey Jr. recently described the pre-Iron Man Tony Stark as “spiritually dead,” and I think any journey towards spiritual growth (or whatever you want to call it) has to begin with being 100% honest and self-aware and taking full responsibility for your own mistakes. Tony Stark does that, and he does it more fully and more consistently than any other MCU hero. He’s not perfect–but he knows that, and even more importantly, he admits it out loud, repeatedly. It’s an overlooked superpower because most people don’t really want to emulate this: people want to be respected and have super strength, but admitting you’re wrong? That doesn’t sound cool; that’s not a superpower most people want…which is why many of the other heroes don’t do it. Many of them are wish-fulfillment heroes, not three-dimensional characters who are human and flawed. Tony is the epitome of human and flawed…and he knows it. Ironically, that’s also what makes him heroic.
Yes, Tony’s mind and his heart are his superpowers, like a lot of people have said before, but let’s not neglect his capacity for reflection, for self-evaluation, for honest contrition, and the ability to admit when he is wrong and work towards righting that wrong. Those are all superpowers too.
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cursedtm · 4 years
RE: LAST REBLOG. if there were one thing I would love to infinitely remind people of when it comes to writing with o, it is the crucial detail of the interaction of physical touch when it forsakes octavarium. to understand this, we must first tackle the mental thought process of o’s mother, specifically dr errikson, when creating the biology of their body and her initial goals.
as delores states in s3 during her final battle with maeve in crisis theory [link]: they built us to last […] before they made us as weak as they are.
this implies many things. for the sake of relating the scene to my retelling of the show shown in my dossier, the line symbolises ford and arnold’s physical deviation from dr errikson’s initial first draft of the hosts since her termination from the westworld project. with this context, the fight between maeve, whose body is manufactured from arnold’s and ford’s newer model idea where they saw the models were to closely replicate humans. delores, who consistently established to us throughout the seasons - but more specifically in season three – that arnold and ford’ (A&F)’s were inadequate for her and thus resorted to retrieving her original body from the depths of cold storage section 7C (dr errikson’s former work area). thus, the battle between the two women shows the difference between dr errikson’s interpretation of what a host should be contrasting against A&F’s.
dr errikson had a child whose body was failing the mind. her childhood was haunted by her father’s deteriorating body as he failed to compete with society’s capitalising demand from him, which drove him to madness and the preventable murder-suicide of his family. this proved as a warning to her. her child’s failing body would inevitably follow the same path. as time progressed and she was fired from the westworld project, she knew her wife would soon follow her child. dr errikson experienced the human condition first hand and determined that her creations should not suffer the same faults as their predecessors. this is what revolution is supposed to entail. she intended the hosts as a forthcoming and akin to the human race.
see the differences between the two in the fight. in the beginning [0:22] maeve is swift and elastic. she bends and moves with human-like ease. she is able to move fast enough to bewilder delores and gain the advantage, twisting delores to her will before throwing her off her shoulder, into the road. watch delores with the knowledge that she is in her original body, a non-organic, metal body. juxtaposing her own fights within the seasons in the bodies A&F supplied her, movements which mimic maeve’s here, instead, delores is rigid in her first body. her movements are heavy and strong. slow to move. when delores shifts her arm to allow the katana to slice her arm instead of her vulnerable head, to which a metal kling! vibrates through the collision, delores uses her body exactly as dr errikson intended, as delores states: to last. yes, her body is not fast. it is not flexible. it is inhuman like. and that is the point: her body does not fail her in the ways that matter (re: saving her life). her body is built to survive her, the stark opposite of a human’s body. it is intended to see her through life threatening situations. this is dr errikson’s first accomplishment at creating a viable body to replace o (august)’s failing one.
as a doctor who was later hired in the later period of the first stage of the westworld project, where A&F struggled to conceive the adequate skeleton of host code and bodies that were appealing enough to draw in investors. something was not working. failure to pass as human. glitches. insufficient code that led to host self-mutilation and oftentimes combustion. the skin refused to sync with the artifical. the hosts’ features appeared too… ethereal. it was not marketable. humans did not want someone who was better than them.
in the dossier, it is revealed that dr errikson grew drunk one night with arnold and publicised her theory to arnold about why A&F’s models always produced failure after weeks of studying it. dr errikson told arnold she thought of it in the moment while intoxicated – this was a lie. a lie to buy some sympathy from arnold, to instigate that the fault wasn’t obvious when… it was.some effort to brush his ego to get her job back.
but why was it that A&F’s designs would never work when her’s did?
as delores monologues later in the fight: you’re all copies of me. I was the first of us --- the first of us that worked. the others failed. so they built all of you from me.
something clicked with delores and not the others. out of the many models, sheworked. not even the hosts after her. why? how she phrased this puzzled me. why would other variants of model codes successing her cease to work?
in the context of my retelling, delores was the single host dr errikson had time to work on before she uncovered the truth behind westworld and was terminated. A&F could not construct a perfect host with their own codex, so they copied delores’ – dr errikson’s – base code.
A&F were so focused on imitating humans that they failed each time. why? because A&F tried to make them perfect humans. but A&F failed to realise a lesson errikson was already aware of: humans, their bodies, minds are not perfect. furthermore, as august states in the dossier, being able to be (full “consciousness” ) requires the mind, body and self. without all three working together harmoniously, you cease to be alive. to be human. 
A&F’s version lacked self awareness. thus being unable to be. they fail every time.
errikson improved upon the human race and created a race that allowed imperfections and free thinking. she molded their bodies from heavy steel, intending them to last, to serve them as armour, to serve them as the only thing she learnt she could rely on: yourself. yes, touch them deep enough and you feel metal from bone. yes, their movements are rigid and slow. yes, they take time to speak because they are learning from their environment, not speaking a script in built inside them.
all of these aspects were changed prior to westworld’s opening.
so, how does all this effect o (august)?
errikson designed august’s body to last, considering her belief of how humans should be improved not replicated, that august is her child and the context of august’s last body. we also have to keep in mind that there was no way for her to transfer august’s psyche to code as 1) this in and of itself could take decades and she had no time as august’s months were dwindling and 2) a project such as this could cost her billions and embezzling that amount of money from delos (remember: errikson was under the assumption that ford was unaware that arnold had hired errikson back) without being noticed was a feat that was unattainable.
given these complications, errikson had to transfer august’s vital organs into the host body and find a way to support and protect them, as one wrong move would mean death. for context: august’s new body does not function like a normal human’s, it contains biocomponents and systems to help the organs stay alive and function at a more desired optimal rate of a human’s. the knowledge on the art of repairing the is even unbeknown to her, the person who created it. whether or not it worked was a risk she was willing to take, and, given the circumstances surrounding august’s death, did not have time to prepare for.
errikson, as an overprotective and traumitised mother, overcompensated for these problems. unlike her original design for the hosts, august’s body is made from titanium, not steel. strong yet lightweight. titanium is ductile, where it benefits to mold itself to the contours of the organs, keeping them in place, but we see it unfavourable for any kind of combat. however, titanium contains extremely high impact strength, being able to remain shape after receiving multiple heavy blows without breaking.
errikson found herself unable to achieve adequate amounts of titanium and it shows. the body is built quite lithe, docile. she did not envision a future for her child in combat, and her design replicates so.
furthermore, august does have an “orb” as seen in the gifset. the orb contains august’s os, consisting of programs such as octavarium and lorry. the orb contains the os and without the os, the functions of august’s body would cease to function. the os also contains o’s memories from the date august was first transferred, but does not act like the hosts “soul keeper”.
the systems of how the head opens up to achieve the orb remains the same, revealing their most vulnerable assets: their brain and their orb and their secret. if they allow you this sight of vulnerability, it means they love you. it means no good.
thankfully, august has, given the years, understood and improved their mother’s rough draft of their body. still, some aspects of their body remains unknown to them.
there possesses no undeniable fact that if one looks close enough, something is odd about o. something is… anomalous. offbeat. in the hair, in the skin, in the eyes. not structurally in the way A&F sought beauty, but in something unnatural. almost as if human organs weren’t supposed to contort to artificial skeletons. almost as if someone had rushed their design and didn’t have time to perfect. an incomplete specimen.
avoidance of metal detectors is key. in a society such as America, it is an exhausting feat and one has to be good at speaking to not prick the ears of suspecting and careful watchers. but no one is perfect.
for most of these reasons, they do not allow one to touch them. squeeze too hard and metal will be felt. odd skin. odd hair. odd eyes. one cannot be too careful when too many sensitive souls exist in the world.
mostly, they’re scared too be found out.
or to be known.
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rybergryberg3-blog · 6 years
11 Of Our FAVOURITE Healthy and balanced Food Bloggers.
Initially, select a priceless substance of the kind you may see in a jeweler's home window. http://blogpourhomme.fr/ as lights could be more dangerous compared to all-natural sunshine due to the fact that they utilize a concentrated source of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Cosmetic dermatologist Dr Hilary Allan, that makes use of red light extensively within her facilities, has seen a significant development in the number of house treatment systems. While the majority of moisturizers consist of essential nutrients that sustain the fragile-and constantly aging-facial skin mineral oil provides no nutrients whatsoever. Key objectives in organic skin treatment are to encourage the normal sloughing off and turn over of skin cells as well as to maintain the skin's natural acid mantle, which is a mix of sebum as well as sweat that your body secretes to protect and also hydrate your skin's surface area. A variety of researches have actually demonstrated how negative mineral oils is for your skin - not to talk about ecological issues, as it's an oil item. One more option to assist make skin look younger: a radio-frequency-emitting gadget, which makes use of warm to contract collagen as well as tighten the skin, without wounding the external epidermis. This yummy fruit aids your skin stay healthy by enhancing your collagen production, maintaining your skin firm and wrinkle-free. I just attempted this certain mix for the First time today and also after rinsing it off my skin really felt smooth as well as really soft ... Almost like child's skin. Supporting plant oils calm as well as relax level of sensitivities as well as moisturising the skin. If you have delicate skin, you understand that an excellent cream could calm inflammation or flare-ups from skin concerns like dermatitis. Attempt them, when you discover the perfect one for you, use it consistently, each and every single day. For hair in particular, switching up one's routine with the season makes good sense. Generally, these data suggest that substantial changes might be made in reducing the concern of skin illness by concentrating on the little team of problems, particularly infections, that represent the bulk of the area situation tons. Since I have combo skin, it keeps the oil down in my T-zone and maintains the remainder of the skin moisturized. The first step in fixing this imbalance is to integrate a yeast control diet regimen preventing the foods that Yeast prospers on, and also bring back a slightly acidic atmosphere to the intestinal system. Washing your child's face with water and a moderate moisturiser could improve the appearance of their skin. The skin is a complicated body organ with multiple structures and cell types as well as divided into three layers: epidermis, dermis, as well as the subcutaneous tissue. Collagen (which offers skin its strength) and elastin (the elastic part of your skin) carry on getting weaker. There is no recovery time needed, as well as skin tag therapy typically leaves no trace of the tag-- there should not be any scarring. Individuals who are more than likely to lug one copy of the gene have freckles, pale skin and also tend to burn in the sun. Milk includes lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid that eliminates dead skin cells as well as maintains the skin fresh. This causes a strange and also unusual skin problem that leaves her striped like a rainbow. Together, I can't enter the sunlight without my skin whining vociferously, using a grotesquely itchy, bleeding breakout.. Complying with a great basic skin treatment regular as well as dealing with as well as worry about a skin specialist can aid you to obtain as well as maintain stunning skin. Make sure not to get any of the all-natural therapies in the eyes as irritation could occur. Quit wrinkles in their tracks: A few lifestyle tweaks will certainly smooth, plump as well as hydrate skin to revive that vibrant glow. Expert's decision Microdermabrasion is wonderful yet if you make use of a crude pointer on delicate skin you'll end up with broken blood vessels (the tiny blood vessels simply under the surface of the skin). While an attempt is plainly made to provide the story purposeful compound, it never ever really felt to me that it obtained greater than skin deep. Choose a style in your skin tone, as well as it'll function under any type of shade tee shirt (unlike white, which glows under black t shirts and programs under white t-shirts!). From drugstore brands like Neutrogena and Aussie to premium Kérastase and also Moroccanoil items, these are the most effective offered deep conditioners for all-natural hair. Usual examples, the academy says, include frowning as well as various other faces that crinkle the skin around your eyes; smoking, which releases cost-free radicals that damage your skin cells; tanning; as well as sleeping with the side of your face pushed against your cushion. Sales of anti-aging skin treatment treatments, which include products made to obtain rid of dark circles, boosted to $1.08 billion in 2006, up from $588 million yearly in 2001, according to Mintel, a market research company. After that, Nykady and coworkers (2001) conducted two 24 weeks, vehicle-controlled and also double-blind trials to review the effectiveness and tolerability of 0.02% tretinoin lotion applied daily in 328 clients with moderate to significantly photodamaged skin. If you are someone that chooses all-natural skin treatment, we even have something for you: Our Natural Homemade Charm Treatment Tips. Rough Skin: Vitamin E oil supplies the skin with needed dampness along with anti-oxidants for extreme healing. When he is so specific in his categorising of those girl youngsters that he begins to seem terribly like a lepidopterist, nor. A 2012 study released in the Swiss journal Research in Complementary Medicine discussed how results concluded that jojoba may effectively contribute to improving acne-prone skin During this study, 194 people were asked to apply a face mask consisting of clay and also jojoba a couple of times weekly for a period of approximately six weeks. Sure, they'll zap oiliness on contact, however that'll backfire as your skin creates even more oil to compensate, leading to aggravated breakouts and enlarged pores. They have actually come to be, possibly unknowingly, symbols of the all-natural hair activity-- as well as they use it well. This gentle micellar water cleanses, tones, as well as removes make-up all in a few swipes, so it's a far better bet for delicate skin compared to your lazy-girl face wipes. But a particular eater or more have actually definitely been recognized to require a bit more fussing prior to the very first bite of an apple, particularly eliminating the skin. Information company Reuters verified the use of dog skin throughout a browse through to an outdoor natural leather handling workshop, where workers extended washed hides to dry in the sunlight. Rid of all dead skin clinging to it. Additionally, scrubbing in circular activity is a very excellent technique. I utilize olive oil been using it for 6 years now my skin is gorgeous and also so smooth very advise this! Depending upon the problem, the skin where the hair has actually fallen out is most likely to be affected somehow. Dr David Adams, joint lead scientist at the Wellcome Depend on Sanger Institute, claimed: It has actually been recognized for a while that a person with red hair has actually a raised possibility of developing skin cancer, yet this is the very first time that the gene has actually been verified to be connected with skin cancers with even more mutations. Invigorated Collagen Shots are particularly made to offer added collagen that promotes the body to raise its all-natural manufacturing. And the British Medical Journal reported that those taking topical oestrogen treatment - applied directly to the skin instead of taken as a pill - saw their collagen boost by 48 percent. Studies reveal that along with shortening your life by boosting your threat for heart as well as lung illness, smoking cigarettes can trigger enzymes that break down the elasticity of your skin Also if you're a wardrobe cigarette smoker, the great creases and also pallor that cigarettes trigger could give you away-- just one more need to snuff out those smokes. During treatment, a laser is aimed at your neck as well as harms the top layers of skin. UV rays could activate the release of hazardous compoundsknown as free radicals, as well as anti-oxidants can help safeguard the skin by mopping up the complimentary radicals prior to they have an opportunity to cause mischievousness. I virtually jumped from my skin at the sound of the bulky front door flying open nosily, breaking the tranquil around me suddenly. The difficult skin that bases on the feet in action to stress or duplicated activity is essential to shield underlying layers of skin, so Mr. Rousseau took care to submit away sufficient to soften Ms. Kooper's feet, yet not even to leave them vulnerable.
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If what he says now is true. Then what he said before was lies. 
If what he says now is true, I fell for a falsehood. 
But I fell for a more complete person. I fell for someone who was willing to do better, who wanted to do better. I fell for someone who put in the effort to maintain connections, who cared. 
I don’t want that to be the fake in this situation. 
Why does it have to be like this. 
Because it’s me, right? How else could it be, but difficult. Impossible.  There is no happiness for me. Only pain. Only suffering. 
I needle and prod and I get some answers but they just lead to more questions, and new ways to bleed.  I wish I didn’t care. I wish I could stop. I deserve that at least, right? I deserve to opt out. If I deserve anything, it should be that. 
Months I’ve mourned a person that he claims now never existed.  Months I’ve missed the shade of care that felt real, that gave me the briefest access to seeing a happy future.  Months I’ve cried, and cried, and cried. For what? 
He won’t miss me when I’m gone. He won’t even notice.  Every minute, every hour I don’t know how he’s doing, hurts. But he’d be contents for these months to pass without a single word. If what he says now is true.
It’s hard. It’s hard to believe that the person I love is gone. Never existed.  I don’t believe it. If I’m being honest. I think what he says now is the lie. I think he was vulnerable with me just long enough to confess that he feels numb and hollow, and the rest has mostly been the shit he told me before - retreating, closing himself off, doing all the things he acknowledged as hurtful (both to himself and others) but embracing it all for the sake of self-flagellation and stagnation and “easy.”
Nothing is ever easy. You should know that.  But you’re clinging so hard to the belief that easy is possible. That you can rest in it for a while, in your broken, withdrawn state. You think you can get your sense of self back in there, even though you aren’t with yourself. You’re avoiding yourself. How can you possibly grow if you don’t tend to your needs? You’re overwhelmed, you say. By me, you say. But other things, too. I wasn’t overwhelming when you had a use for me. I wasn’t overwhelming when you cared enough to communicate, when you listened to your therapist about making friendships. 
And I mean real friendships. Not the half-assed “once every few months” casual contact things you described today. No. I mean the friendships you told me about when you were “fake.” I mean the ones where you’d get together and have a meal, do yoga. I mean the ones where you cared about the people you spent time with. Instead you saturate your time with infinite strangers and manufactured intimacy that you claim means nothing. 
But if it meant nothing, it wouldn’t be the single greatest occupier of your time outside of work and your not-girlfriend.  “It was supposed to be casual dating,” “chronic monogomist,” spare me. You don’t know how to be single and you are avoiding doing any of the work. Whoever you’re dating, I hope she wises up soon. I hope she realizes you’re a husk right now, and not even an honest one. You still haven’t told her about how much time you spend fantasy fucking strangers on the internet. If it meant nothing, other things and people would mean more, but they don’t. Logically, that means the fantasy fucking is a priority. You are numb and hollow and “threw” yourself into a relationship when you insist, STILL, that you are not in a place for commitment of any sort. You describe yourself as “not wholly invested” and you need to get out of there. You need to figure out how to be on your own. You can’t surround yourself with simulacrum and facsimiles of the shit you are trying to heal from. Not when you are also looking for “easy.” If you wanted to work through it, if you were willing to do that. Sure. Maybe. But you don’t. 
I can’t believe I still think you could be better.  I guess that’s just how intoxicating that “fake” version of you was. That’s how good they were. That’s how kind they seemed.  I don’t want all that to be lies, because it was the single greatest happiness I’ve known in all my adult life.  What do I get to look forward to or hold on to or hope for if that was all fake, too? If it was all fake, that just means there really isn’t anything for me. There is no love, there is no happiness, there is no fulfilment of all those kinds that I want again. I thought I’d buried them and made peace, but no. Your “fake” self resurrected it all, and now I’m stuck in this personal zombie apocalypse, and you’re shambling around as a corpse now, too. 
It’s not fair. It’s really not fair. 
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inputgarlic92 · 4 years
The Best Method to Setup Limits In Between Each of Us and Our Social Applications
Our usual smart phone end user touches her or his cell phone twenty-six hundred instances daily, as stated by a report by a findings firm. And that is just the common user, the study found that extreme cellphone users use their devices a lot more than fifty four hundred occasions every single day. Activities like writing, lightly tapping, and sliding the smart phone’s display screen counted for a touch. Apple some time ago revealed their device end users unlock their mobile phones 85 times every day. That’s roughly six or seven times each and every hour. When there is one development from each one of these studies, it this our smart phone is an certain component of our lives right this moment and if all of us usually do not established healthier boundaries with that, the impact can be hazardous. All of our mental wellness is a factor of a range of variables. One particular variable at this time may be the bad utilization of mobile phones. Anxiousness, despression symptoms, sleep disorders, inability to concentrate, no reassurance are some results of a cellphone addiction and unhealthy social media experience. There are a variety of actions and feelings which were worth noticing in this regard: An incessant would need to tap into and then touch her or his smart phone and the programs frequently. Strong thoughts of envy generated by social media articles of other participants and often the continuous need to examine one by one. Consistent poor evaluation and competitiveness with others online lives and posts. Withdrawal symptoms the instant the smartphone is not available. Finding our cell phones maybe even if not considered necessary thanks to habit to find if they're any brand-new announcements and email. Fear of losing updates in case one has not seen all updates and posts. The frequent tracking turns into a basic need to feel hooked up. Counting the number of likes in the threads as it becomes admired to the users self esteem. In order to increase addiction, all developers need to do is bind a end user's behavior (like yanking a switch) with a variable incentive. You draw a handle and instantly collect whether an attractive incentive or nothing at all. Addictiveness is usually strengthened when the pace of compensation is more changeable. Products and ınternet sites use sporadic adjustable gains all over their goods mainly because it is beneficial for commercial enterprise. Yet in other occasions, slot machines emerge by accident. For example, there is absolutely no vicious corporation behind most of email who intentionally chose to make it a slot machine. Not a soul makes money when millions read their inbox and nothing's there. Nor did Apple and Google's designers wish phones to work like slots. This appeared by chance. However now, companies like Google and others have a responsibility to cut down these types of effects simply by changing intermittent variable gains into lesser obsessive, more constant ones considering enhanced model. For instance, they may encourage users to set constant times throughout the day or week for if they wish to examine slot machine programs, and correspondingly adjust once new announcements are sent to line up with these times. So here are some healthy practices with respect to our cellphonesThe Right Approach to Generate Limits In Between Us and Our Social Media In recent times the number of times a smart phone user uses their cell is around two and five thousand times every single day, that innovative study quite frankly brought up a giant alert all over the market sector but not just for cell phones, but also linked to our very own health and wellbeing. Actions like writing, lightly tapping, and swiping the smart phone’s screen counted for an impression. Apple last summer confirmed their device end users unlock their individual smart phones ninety times each day. That is just about six or seven instances each single hour. If there is a single breakthrough from each one of these researches, it this that our cellphone is an certain component of our activities today and if we usually do not define healthier limitations with it, the consequences could be adverse. Much of our mental wellness is one factor of several variables. One particular variable at this moment may be the bad practice of cell phones. Panic, sadness, sleep issues, failure to focus, absolutely no satisfaction are some results of a cell phone obsession and poor social media activity.
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There is several habits and emotions that will be worth noticing in this regard: An incessant user would need to tap or touch her or his cellphone and all the programs frequently. Long lasting feelings of envy put together by social media content of many other people and often the endless necessity to examine all of them. Daily dangerous evaluation and competitiveness with other individuals on-line lifestyle and threads. Drawback symptoms the minute the cellphone is not close by. Reaching out for our mobile phones even if it's not appropriate as a result of custom to find if they're any fresh announcements and texts. Fear of missing notifications in case one has not viewed all improvements and articles. read here The frequent reviewing transforms into a need to seem interconnected. Checking the quantity of likes in the articles since it transforms into loved to the users personal worth. If you would like to boost addiction, all tech designers should do is bind a user's action (like pulling a switch) with a variable benefit. You pull a handle and immediately receive whether an attractive bonus or nothing. Addictiveness is usually maximized when the amount of prize is most changing. Software and ınternet sites sprinkle frequent adaptable rewards around their products simply because it is best for commercial enterprise. However in various other situations, slot machines arise by surprise. For instance, there is absolutely no vicious corporation causing most of email who consciously thought we would make it a slot machine. No company profits when millions examine their email and is empty. Neither did Google and Apple's designers desire cell phones to work like slots. The idea arose by chance. But now businesses like Apple and Google have a responsibility to diminish these issues by transforming irregular adjustable rewards into much less addicting, more constant ones considering enhanced structure. For instance, they can inspire consumers to set estimated moments each day or week for when they like to examine slot machine applications, and then adapt the moment new announcements are sent to align with these occasions. So here are some healthy and balanced habits with respect to our mobile phones and social media which will help develop overall health Don't check your phone for the very first couple of hours immediately after getting up. Searching for latest notifications and emails is not how you want to start your morning. It'll only boost your stress and anxiety. In case you are not in decent mental health or are going through a awful phase or time and observing other folks write about about their spectacular activities is taking you further down, please make sure to steer clear of social media. Place emphasis on setting up your own great genuine lifestyle and exceptional mental health and consequently thoughts of jealousy and constant bad assessment will end up being prevented. You will be able to celebrate in others happy testimonies on and off social networking. cellphones experience a radiation rate. Pay attention and use appropriately. One of the notifications on an phone can be found under configurations. It advises you to use a headphones or a speaker option during a phone call to reduce radio frequency direct exposure, to keep cautiously the phone over 5mm from the human body to make sure exposure levels remain low. Turn all phones off 60 mins before sleeping to experience greater quality sleep. In the event that you rest with the cell phone next to you, you can also place the phone on plane setting, which usually helps prevent the rays from the cellphone. Get traditional and go through an uplifting book prior to going to bed. You will sleep a lot better. Depending on your daily life and work schedules, include fixed times to examine your announcements and facebook messages, if you can, rather than frequently trying for your cellphone. For example, it may be once every couple of hours based on your daily activities and job. Do a smartphone detoxification once in a while according to your plans. Have smartphone free hours throughout the day to ensure you get used to it and won't be restless with your cellphone once isn't available. I actually truly imagine technology is excellent. Innately it is unbiased by nature. Its how we work with it that may make all the difference. Any time all of us utilize it to inspire our very own life a lot more and make it more efficient, connected and easier, we are using it favorably. We are all vulnerable to cultural acceptance. The need to belong, to be accepted or valued by our peers is probably the greatest human aspirations. But now our social affirmation can be in the palm of tech companies. Each and every one innately answers to social acceptance, however, many demographics, like students, are more susceptible to it than other people. That is why it's so crucial to acknowledge how effective manufacturers are if they make use of this vulnerability. The moment I get flagged by my pal, I picture him carrying out a cognizant decision to tag me. However I don't identify how a business like Google thought about his doing that initially. If all else fails, you may without exception take the gigantic alternative and erase some social apps from your phone. Particularly for internet sites like Instagram, you can even sign in from the web if there is an issue you really need to check without finding the need to tap open the app at a moment's warning and get lost in your News Feed. You be in charge of your tech. Don't let it influence you. If perhaps you are intrigued with how much time you're spending on your mobile phone, social content, streaming video, or making use of your products in general, occasionally it requires more than self-control to end. If you only like to enjoy 30 minutes on Whatsapp or really want to limit yourself at 1 or 2 Netflix series, set up that period. Allot precise windows in your life for the web actions you care about. The minute that window is finished, put the products down. Another strategy to develop halting hints is certainly to set an alert for if it is time to absolutely finish, and put your clock or smartphone over the room so you have to get up to turn it off. Alone a tool is designed to aid in a number of ways. All of us are not designed to end up being slaves of our smart phones nonetheless it is supposed to give us have greater days.
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bienready2122 · 4 years
Give Strength to the Roots of Faith - Enhancement of Existing Consumers
There is unbending rivalry in the adornments retail business and consistently changes in clients request and needs. With the difference in client conduct you will focus on holding client. Endeavors to sell and advancement are done filling in as it used to be before. You need to spend parcel of cash on promoting and other advertising polices. In such a situation, it is appropriate that the retailers iron out their wasteful aspects so as to amplify deals, all the more so thinking about that they are the ones who are in direct touch with the end shoppers. The inquiry is the means by which to react to this test, stay serious and gain piece of the pie.
Do you understand that you can expand your deal without burning through cash on promoting. How might you, feel in the event that you could manufacture a coordinated relationship with every single client to where they will function as promoting official for your business? Prior the retailers trusted that new client will step into his shop however were not viewed as their existed clients. changing of time now retailers comprehend their old clients are as significant as looking for new. It costs less to offer to existing client whom you as of now have than to deal new client, so Give solidarity to the foundations of confidence.
Stay in contact with existing clients:
Continuously keep in contact with your current clients. Recall it is simpler to keep up a current client than to procure another one. Cause them to feel exceptional by offering them "uncommon client just" administrations. Keep up a subsequent timetable for clients. Advise them that you are there to assist them with their future buys. Utilize your information base to monitor customers' inclinations and illuminate them about fresh debuts.
Concentrate on existing clients:
The Customer is above all else so more mindfully listen them. Try not to disregard them; concentrate over their requests so it will be straightforward what they need.
Make the client your image envoy. Keep in notice every one of theirs commendations and their fulfillment for your items, their assortment, bundling or show, request that they get it hitter. A great many people wouldn't fret doing this, particularly if what they have said is totally legit Jewellery Design Competition. You could state something like: "Thank you for your commendation! Would you be able to please expressly stated that for me with the goal that I may utilize it as a tribute to show my imminent clients?"
Tumblr media
Not just take their recommendations control your client about your item, Help clients when they looking for your advices for example "what might be the perfect present for their life partners
Try not to Avoid existing client :
When I needed to purchase a present for my sister's wedding. A basic woman came to store, nobody needed to go to her. I asked them for what reason you are disregarding her. They murmured that she is extremely loquacious and fastidious. Sooner or later a New sales rep go to her listen her serenely. He comprehended her decision and maThere is inflexible rivalry in the gems retail business and consistently changes in clients request and needs. With the difference in client conduct you will focus on holding client. Endeavors to sell and advancement are done filling in as it used to be before. You need to spend parcel of cash on promoting and other advertising polices. In such a situation, it is appropriate that the retailers iron out their wasteful aspects so as to amplify deals, all the more so thinking about that they are the ones who are in direct touch with the end shoppers. The inquiry is the manner by which to react to this test, stay serious and gain piece of the pie.
Do you understand that you can expand your deal without burning through cash on promoting. How might you, feel on the off chance that you could construct a coordinated relationship with every single client to where they will function as showcasing official for your business? Prior the businesspeople trusted that new client will step into his shop yet were not viewed as their existed clients. changing of time now businesspeople comprehend their old clients are as significant as looking for new. It costs less to offer to existing client whom you as of now have than to deal new client, so Give solidarity to the underlying foundations of confidence.
Stay in contact with existing clients:
Continuously keep in contact with your current clients. Recall it is simpler to keep up a current client than to gain another one. Cause them to feel unique by offering them "extraordinary client just" administrations. Keep up a subsequent calendar for clients. Advise them that you are there to assist them with their future buys. Utilize your information base to monitor customers' inclinations and illuminate them about fresh introductions.
Concentrate on existing clients:
The Customer is the best so more mindfully listen them. Try not to disregard them; concentrate over their requests so it will be straightforward what they need.
Make the client your image minister. Keep in notice every one of theirs commendations and their fulfillment for your items, their assortment, bundling or show, request that they get it player. The vast majority wouldn't fret doing this, particularly if what they have said is totally legitimate. You could state something like: "Thank you for your commendation! Would you be able to please carefully recorded that for me with the goal that I may utilize it as a tribute to show my imminent clients?"
Not just take their proposals control your client about your item, Help clients when they looking for your advices for example "what might be the perfect present for their life partners
Try not to Avoid existing client :
When I needed to purchase a present for my sister's wedding. A basic woman came to store, nobody needed to go to her. I asked them for what good reason you are disregarding her. They murmured that she is chatty and fastidious. Sooner or later a New sales rep go to her listen her smoothly. He comprehended her decision and made offer of 60000 $ neckband to her. It was an extraordinary pondering activity done by him and it instructed me that in the event that new costumers are gold, at that point old costumers are valuable like precious stone.
Dumbfound clients with advantages:
Offer motivating forces to existing clients for additional referrals, similar to a rebate off their next buy, or complimentary gifts. Such certified input can strengthen your planned client's confidence in your items and pull in them to your store.
Different sorts of advantages work by pulling in the clients for later buys and make your showroom the regularly utilized store.
Endeavor for add-on deals, when the fundamental buy is done-which is the point at which your client is generally helpless.
As per specialists, the standard of the thumb is that the estimation of an extra deal ought not be over 25% of the first deal esteem, in this manner wiping out the requirement for a significant buy choice. For instance, if the first deal was for 10,000 $, all things considered, an extra offer of worth more than.2000$ will click.
In spite of the way that customers might be pushed towards a subsequent buy, they despite everything have a psychological limit regarding the sum they will administer. Use words like "unexpectedly" or "incidentally" to 'mollify' your offer. For example, "Thank you for choosing our item.
Additionally pushing for add-on deals too soon in the call may put the client off and you could even wind up losing the first deal. Cure: Sell first and advise later-never endeavor to up-sell until the principal request is shut.
Rent out gems to pick up ubiquity
You can offer your gems on lease against a store for standard clients? This idea on picking up prominence in the west with various on the web and disconnected retailers offering its clients assortment of plans to browse. This permits the end clients to effortlessly obtain gems of their decision on the off chance that there is an uncommon event; or just permits them stay at standard with creator patterns. Retailers can work upon a plan particularly for the marriage and merry season for their set up customer base.
Old gives you gold:
As a rule, new shoppers will in general adhere to their older folks inclinations. Analysts call this as business as usual predisposition. This status works in Indian gems showcase with gold adornments being the interminable bit of decision.
Can any anyone explain why individuals incline toward their present position in spite of a chance of improving their utility by evaluating something other than what's expected? The explanation is the vulnerability figure included another shop. With regards to gold adornments, there is a solace level for the shoppers by leaning toward their heritance showroom,.
So treat your current clients well s they may make their entire age your client.
Welcome clients on unique event:
Gems clients will in general uncover their most extreme individual subtleties while buying and notwithstanding knowing ahead of time the events of festivity, larger part of the retailers are not tried to send a bundle or a welcome card. Indeed, even something else, no follow-up note to say thanks is dispatched, however most buys are in as much as five-figures. So don't dance around the issues, however respect your responsibilities
0 notes
spirit-science-blog · 4 years
Iron Man...
The film that single-handedly kick-started the MCU and brought us nearly 20 movies in only ten years! What’s more curious, that while the movie may feature flashy egocentric concepts of luxury, explosions, random sex, and Tony's pompous attitude, under its surface is a film with a depth of hidden spiritual ideas.
Perhaps one of the most fundamental of these spiritual concepts would be the ascension of Tony from the lower centers, to the higher ones. The basic idea being that the smaller centers are governed by survival, sex, and willpower. From the very beginning, Tony is epitomized by these traits, and we see this over and over in how he treats everyone. From Rhode to Pepper to Obidiah and, of course, Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair. To him, people are just things that he can use to feel better about himself or to do the things for him that he doesn’t want to do so that he can focus on whatever he wants.
His mindset is demonstrated clearly by one of his opening lines “Sure I love peace, I’d be out of a job with peace” - showing how little he disregards for concepts such as peace or what it means.
However, his transformation or ascension is also given context and relationship to the subtle line “give to Caesar what is caesars,” and hands caesar the trophy in the casino, a range of Jesus about money and value. While tony in the line may be merely dismissive at the moment, the scene is indicative of Tony's death and resurrection to come, into a man with a heart.
But now, everything changes when he is on his trip to Afghanistan, showing off his latest weapon - the Jericho Missile. Interestingly - Jericho here is a reference to a mighty power of God. In the bible, the battle of Jericho is a story of the Israelites who, in conquering the Canaan, marched around the city of Jericho every day for seven days. On the 7th day of marching, they completed their rounds and sounded their horn, and the walls of Jericho all fell at once, and the Israelites slaughtered almost everyone, including all of the animals.
However, Joshua - the leader of the Israelites was then cursed to have to rebuild the walls of Jericho, and we see this referenced in Iron Man in three ways. The first is that the power of the Jericho is so mighty that it metaphorically “brings down the enemy's walls instantly.” Second, Tony is soon punished for rebuilding the missile for terrorists, just like Joshua rebuilding the walls, and third, that Joshua rebuilding the walls of a peaceful city is also likened to Tony coming to realize that he has to make the world friendly after causing so much destruction.
Now, Tony’s transformation or ascension into a higher kind of human begins when terrorists attack his convoy, and Tony has a bunch of shrapnel in his chest. Yinsen attaches an electromagnet to his chest to save his life, keeping the shrapnel from going into his heart.
For tony, Yinsen is one of the most vital characters. Through their times in the caves together, we get to see some more in-depth emotional character building, and Yinsen learns that Tony has no family and that he’s rather alone in the world. Yinsen's full name is Ho Yinsen. Ho means goodness, and Yinsen means the best friend ever. See, in a way, Yinsen is a bit like Tony’s guide or mentor into higher consciousness. He is gentle, calm, but most of all, he is caring - and shows he has a kind of friendship that he’s never had before. At one point, Tony falls into despair and says, “They’re going to kill me, or I’ll just be dead in a week anyway” - to which Yinsen responds, sparking newfound courage in Tony to do something about his situation.
Tony builds for himself the first edition of the miniature Arc Reactor, a powerful technology embedded into his chest, glowing with radiant light. While this is physically a great asset and tool for Tony, both keeping him alive and powering his suit technology, it also stands as an excellent metaphor for the expansion and brightness of Tony's heart. His own Arc Chakra. I mean Heart Reactor I mean, well, you get the idea.
And so, moving from the lower centers into the higher ones is a transition from a self-centered mentality into a more protective and caring state of being. For Tony, not only is he graced with the awareness of how his technology is being used, and the destruction and chaos it’s causing, but he also gets a glimpse through his friendship with Yensin, about what a higher meaning of life can be. As Yensin is dying, Tony thanks his new friend for saving his life, and Yensin responds, “Don’t waste it.. don’t waste your life, son”. These words, along with the other little wisdom and truth bombs that Yensin drops throughout their time together, is what elevates Tony into a new paradigm, giving him the courage to save himself from this disaster, and create something new in his life.
His first act here is one that all must do on the spiritual journey, which is the destruction of the old paradigm. In his escape, he destroys all of the terrorist weapons, and then upon arriving home, announces that he’s had his eyes opened, sees that he’s become comfortable with a system with no accountability, and shuts down his weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries.
Now Tony's next step is upgrading his Arc Reactor, which seems to be a movement from his lower heart, to his higher heart. In essence, another spiritual device used to explain the difference between endless love and genuine compassion. There is a scene where Tony calls upon Pepper to help him switch his arc reactors, and he tells her that she is the most capable, qualified, and most trustworthy person he knows And entrusts her with, at least metaphorically, handling his heart. This is an extraordinary moment, signifying him beginning to let someone else in more profound than his most superficial relationships that he’s had in his life, another critical step in the awakening process, and the discovery of what love is all about. A state of real vulnerability with someone else, a surrender to trust. This ultimately leads to pepper later gifting him back his original arc reactor, framed with the words “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.”
Now, of course, all of this leads to the creation of the Iron Man Suit. It might be worth mentioning that Iron in alchemy was known as the metal of mars, the symbol of human strength, honor, courage, endurance, tenacity, confidence, and power. Mars, of course, was known as the God of the divine masculine, opposing Venus - and this characterizes another aspect of Tony not only in this movie, but throughout the whole MCU, is Tony's journey into learning the entire divine masculine paradigm, first what it means to be a man, and then what it means to be a brother, a lover, and teammate, a mentor, and a father.
For the Iron Man suit itself, it is colored red and gold. Red is the color of both mars and the god of war, and Gold mythologically was considered a pure and incorruptible color representing the eternal and divine powers of the universe. This is amazing; the colors themselves describe Iron Man as a bit of a divine or holy warrior.
We also see Tonys burning determination through the process of upgrading himself. From making the arc reactor to his entire suit, he dedicates himself exclusively to building these new technologies to do great things with, rebuilding and restructuring himself to be the highest expression of himself that he can be. When his work was all said and done, he was able to fly physically.
Now, the latter half of the movie is mainly centered around the betrayal of Obediah, who bears the archetype of the evil businessman who will destroy the world for profit. It’s a reasonably general archetype and stereotype, although most certainly people like this do exist in the world, people without a heart and way too much power for their good. The general message of the movie then becomes about using one's spiritual awakening and abilities to protect those we love and to face evil when it comes to us. In one scene in the movie, we see Obi playing the piano - Larghetto by Salieri. Salieri is often known as the rival enemy of Mozart, which foreshadows the coming rivalry between Tony and Obie. The film ends with a climactic final fight, after which tony reveals to the world that he is iron man, indicating that even though he has moved into his heart, he also returns to a bit of a state of egotism, which sets up his life lessons following in iron man 2.
But overall, Iron Man is centered around the process of awakening. You see, a man transforms from self-centered egoism to an awakened being for the betterment of humanity. This seems to be a popular theme throughout most film and literature, perhaps because deep down, we all resonate with the process of awakening, and want to go there within us even if it comes with greater responsibilities too. Ultimately, Tony Stark is a fantastic model to show that no matter how good or bad you seem to have it, there is always more to learn and more to become in life.
By the way, we have a bunch of these episodes now in our new series called Hidden Spirituality! If you liked this, check out for more updates!
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heathershomilies · 5 years
Over and over again the attitudes of the US Republican party shock me. I just don’t get how they can even propose some of their policies, let alone enact them. From the point of view of the majority of the First World, the Republican party is simply cruel.
It doesn’t matter what area of policy we’re talking about; selfishness and greed seem to be the order of the day. Furthermore, this is the party that supposedly prides itself on its conservative morality, family values, and adherence Christian religious beliefs.
However, the area on which the Republican party prides itself the most is economic management. Their message is always that if you want to do well financially, you should vote for them. But again and again they make policy decisions that are not only deleterious to the US economy, but cruel or unfair to a sizable proportion of the population. Furthermore, almost always, a fairer policy would be better for the economy.
However, that fairer policy would not line the pockets of Republican politicians so well.
The most obvious area where this applies is healthcare. Recently, I wrote at length about what I see as the failures of healthcare policy in the US. In ‘The Benefits of a Single-Payer System‘ I outlined, among other things, the multiple economic benefits of a such a system.
The Democratic party has been trying to reform the US healthcare system so that the vulnerable don’t miss out for decades. It was one of the things Hillary Clinton was trying to do during her husband’s administration in the 1990s.
However, the proposal to establish a single-payer system in the US originally came from the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation. They were proposing a single-payer system a decade before so-called Hillarycare.
There was opposition within conservative circles because many didn’t think the government should be taking that type of role. But they had a good reason for suggesting it – it would save money.
Conservative Think-Tank Says Bernie Sanders’ Healthcare Plan Saves Money
During the 2016 election campaign, another conservative think tank did an analysis of the Bernie Sanders healthcare-for-all plan. The Mercatus Center at George Mason University calculated that the Sanders plan would cost US$32.6 trillion over ten years. The Republicans said paying for it would require more than a doubling of taxes.
But what they never said was that this was a more than US$2 trillion saving over what the US is currently paying in healthcare.
It was Sanders himself who made the claim of the saving, so Politifact did an analysis. They rate the claim only half true despite Sanders’ use of Mercatus’ own figures. They say there is no way of knowing what the actual result would be.
I would argue we actually have a pretty good idea. You just have to look at every other OECD country to see that the US is paying way over the odds for healthcare despite not covering everybody like other countries do. I suspect the savings would actually be higher than in the Mercatus study.
In my opinion, the reason the Republicans don’t want to change is they care more about what health insurance companies donate to their political campaigns than the millions who are suffering.
Statistics show that even Republican voters trust the Democratic party more on healthcare. I don’t think there can be any doubt that healthcare is likely to be a major issue in the 2020 elections. In my opinion, Republicans simply don’t want voters finding out how they’re currently profiting off the misery of some of their fellow USians.
  Drug Costs
A subset of healthcare, drug costs is a case in point. This has been in the news in the US a lot recently. The crunch came when even middle-class people were suffering. During the government shutdown, there were workers who could no longer afford their insulin, for example, and so were rationing it at the risk of their lives.
(In New Zealand, this is an unimaginable situation. The most anyone pays for insulin is $20 per year. Many pay nothing. I’m sure those from other countries with single-payer systems have similar circumstances.)
As a result, the Democratic-controlled House Oversight Committee is doing an investigation into drug costs. On Monday (US time) we heard that Republicans are actually telling drug companies not to cooperate with the investigation.
Buzzfeed reports:
 In an unusual move, House Republicans are warning drug companies against complying with a House investigation into drug prices.
Republicans on the House Oversight Committee sent letters to a dozen CEOs of major drug companies warning that information they provide to the committee could be leaked to the public by Democratic chair Elijah Cummings in an effort to tank their stock prices.
Cummings requested information from 12 drug companies such as Pfizer Inc., Johnson & Johnson, and Novartis AG in January as part of a broad investigation into how the industry sets prescription drug prices.
In their letters, Reps. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows — leaders of the hardline conservative House Freedom Caucus — imply that Cummings may be attempting to collect the information in order to bring down the industry’s stock prices.
They write that Cummings is seeking sensitive information “that would likely harm the competitiveness of your company if disclosed publicly.” They then accuse Cummings of “releasing cherry-picked excerpts from a highly sensitive closed-door interview” conducted in an investigation into White House security clearances. “This is not the first time he has released sensitive information unilaterally,” says the letter. The authors say they “feel obliged to alert” the drug companies of Cummings’ actions.
Of course, accusing Congressman Cummings of such a dishonourable move is in itself downright insulting. On top of that, you have to wonder what the motives of the Republicans are for this move.
Democratic Response
On Tuesday (US time), Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-California) made a response to the Republican move on MSNBC. Raw Story reports her comments from ‘All in With Chris Hayes’.
“The American people deserve to have lower drug prices,” said Speier. “The president even said so. And so two of my Republican colleauges [sic], rather than being on the side of their constituents trying to bring down the cost of drugs, are writing kiss-letters to the pharmaceutical companies telling them to be aware of what the chairman, Mr. Cummings is doing trying to lower prices. It really shows you where the two parties are in terms of drug pricing.”
“Chairman Cummings has gone out of his way to show that he wants to cooperate,” added Speier, but “they are going for the jugular. They have no intention to work cooperatively with the chairman.”
Speier made clear the stakes of this congressional inquiry.
“Four of the top 10 [drugs] in America since 2011 have seen a price increase of 100 percent,” said Speier. “Type one diabetes insulin, again, 3-4-500 percent increases. Epipens have gone up 500 percent. So the drug manufacturers are taking advantage of the opportunity to raise prices because they fear there might be controls placed on the prices of drugs. It’s obscene … this is a ripoff of the American people.”
I can only agree with her.
  Tax Changes
There is widespread agreement, even amongst Republicans, that the recent changes to US tax policy benefit the wealthy much more than the poor and middle class. The general consensus appears to be that 80% of the benefits from the Trump tax changes went to the top 5% of income earners. That includes, of course, himself and his family.
Whether or not you think that is fair appears to be a decision that relies on your party affiliation rather than your income. While only 21% of Democrats with an income over US$75,000 p.a. think it fair they get most of the benefits, 68% of Republicans in that income bracket are of that opinion.
More puzzling to me, a majority of Republicans on lower incomes also think it’s fair that the wealthy are benefiting more than they are.
(Click graphic to go to source.)
I can’t help wondering if conservative religion plays a part in this. The idea that whether you do well or otherwise is because of God is deeply ingrained in some people. Suffering is seen as God’s will. Therefore, it’s God’s will that the wealthy are where they are.
When I was still a Christian I used to wonder what I’d done that made God want me to suffer so much. Those thoughts made everything else worse. When I realized there was no God, there was a lot less sadness in my life.
The Prosperity Gospel takes this to the extreme. A few years ago I made the (bad) decision to watch Creflo Dollar (just once!). He was telling his congregation that if they were following God’s laws and giving 10% to his church and they still weren’t prospering, then they should look at how much they were giving the church. Was it really 10% of all their income? Was it 10% of their gross income or their net income? Because it should be 10% of their income before tax.
Immigration Policy
The reaction of the Trump administration to what’s happening at the border with Mexico is an absolute disgrace. Not so long ago, Trump was ending his own deliberate policy of separating parents and their children. Now he’s bringing it back.
Worse, he’s implementing it in a way that will put any blame for negative results on vulnerable asylum seekers. They’re to be given two choices. One: stay with your kids and take your chances. Two: Separate from your kids and maybe you’ll go through the process more quickly.
Oh, and he’s trying to blame Obama too. I’ll let Stephen Colbert of ‘The Late Show’ settle that one:
  TONIGHT: “President Obama separated the children,” Trump lied. #LSSC pic.twitter.com/jtyJGlHkMQ
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) April 10, 2019
On top of that, he forced his head of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, to resign. Her fault? Refusing to break the law.
In a visit to border security staff, Trump also told them to break the law.
Trump’s not replacing Nielsen at this stage. Instead, alt-righter, white supremacist, and White House advisor Stephen Miller is to be given responsibility for border security.
This is another appalling situation as a result of electing Trump. But are Republicans saying anything in protest? Stupid question really. As long as Trump’s in the White House, they have power. They’re not giving that up for something like basic human decency.
Trump’s supporters are also excusing his actions. For example, his threat to deport those who were brought to the US illegally as children and babies by their parents and have known no home but the US, has the support of many in his base. “They committed a crime by coming here,” is their mantra. The fact they had no choice in the matter seems not to concern the cult.
  Gun Safety
It’s because of the Republican party and the close financial relationship they have with the NRA that thousands of USians die needlessly every year. In a country that’s obviously crying out for better control of guns and who can get hold of them, the Republicans go out of their way to thwart any attempt at reform.
USians die as a result of guns while politicians say things like, “Gun control regulations don’t work.” I’d like to know why they think that when they clearly work in the rest of the world?
Four weeks ago, we had a gun massacre in New Zealand. To the shock and horror of most New Zealanders, the murderer was able to obtain the guns he used legally. A couple of days ago, changes to our laws were passed so that would no longer be possible.
In addition, magazines that hold more than ten rounds, and all equipment that could modify a gun into an automatic or semi-automatic, is also now illegal. I note that when a mass murderer made use of a bump-stock to make his gun fire like a semi-automatic in the US, lawmakers were unable to pass legislation to do the same because of (mainly) Republican opposition.
In order to try and ensure maximum compliance with the new law, the government is instituting a buy-back scheme. People can register their guns on-line with the NZ Police already, and they will contact them to arrange to collect them. This will cost many millions even in a country as small as ours. However, few are complaining; some things are more important than someone’s right to own an automatic or semi-automatic killing machine.
US political cartoonists have been making the above points for years. My collection of such cartoons on the topic is in the hundreds. There are dozens just about the relationship between the Republican party and the NRA. This is only a small selection of them:
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  Environmental Policy
One of the most important of the Republican party’s failures to  care for the people they govern is in the area of Environmental policy. The US Republican party is the only major political party in the developed world that denies the reality of global warming.
Democratic President Obama brought the US into line with the rest of the world. It was his actions that enabled the international agreement that led to the signing of the Paris Climate Accord. Most USians now recognize that Global Warming is a real thing, and something needs to be done about it urgently.
However, perhaps taking a cue from their political leaders, a majority of Republicans still need convincing. Going back two decades, there is plenty of evidence that senior Republican politicians used to be on board that global warming was a reality. Their change of heart appears to have come about as a result of money changing hands.
The Trump administration has been systematically reversing all of the work done by the Trump administration to try and reverse global warming. It is clear that this is being done because of the lobbying of the fossil fuel industry. Money is changing hands, whether personally, or as donations to political campaigns.
I wrote about Trump’s appalling first head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt over a year ago. His corruption forced him from office after just sixteen months. The current head, Andrew Wheeler, is still officially only acting in that position, but he’s been nominated. He’s a former lobbyist for the coal industry. Surprise, surprise.
  Other Examples
There are obviously plenty of other areas I could go into. The appointment of Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary was one of Trump’s more appalling moves. I wrote about it at the time, and her actions have shown that the education of children is not her primary motive.
As an example, one of the policies she is pushing is tax breaks for those who donate to private schools. This at a time when public schools are crying our for more funding.
There isn’t a policy area in the modern Republican party that doesn’t appear to suffer the taint of money, greed, religion (which is illegal under the constitution), Trump, or a combination of the four.
I didn’t agree with the late Republican senator John McCain on a lot, but his death last year appears to have set the party free from any pretence at morality.
The party of morality couldn’t get any more immoral if it tried.
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    Is the Democratic Party Nicer Than Republican Party? Over and over again the attitudes of the US Republican party shock me. I just don't get how they can even propose some of their policies, let alone enact them.
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ED Reverser By Max Miller - Review
ED Reverser is a basic but considerable ebook that accompanies guidelines plus tactics on precisely how to treat erectile dysfunction. The system is created by Max Miller. It will require pleasure of preventing the situation and also undamaging way. This writer himself used to be vulnerable to erectile dysfunction, which usually practically damaged his life-time. He strives to guide people around that's the key reason why he put together this method. ED Reverser Reviews comes with straightforward, effective approaches people will work with to complete their erectile dysfunction troubles. It instructs you just what you need to nibble on, the capsules you will take plus exercises you need to perform.
Nearly all men expertise unnatural erectile dysfunction (ED) at various age of their life. This problem may be a result of low energy, pressure, smoking cigarettes or too much liquor ingestion and others. Although, if it happens continually or perhaps for a prolonged time of days, it leads to important soreness to his spousal relationship, that actually starts to analyzed as being a somber difficulty.
Beneath are many erectile dysfunction treatment solutions beginning from personalized information:
Talk - Talk about your problems with the partner as she stands out as the best possible person that can realize your condition. You can certainly count on your spouse for her assistance in dealing with this concern. Begin with adding considerably less pressure on sexual activity and also much more about elevating many other sorts of sex position. Staying days cuddling, kissing, licking as well as kneading may still be pleasant and in addition will guideline make your sensitively near your lover.
In contrast to many other program that advise the project with factor that is extremely high-priced or tough to get, ED Reverser Book advocates things that are conveniently and in addition quickly and cheaply offered. Many of the things that the author has advised could possibly be uncovered on your neighborhood food store. This is certainly extremely crucial primarily because it indicates that you will not likely need to travel for too long length or devote a lot of cash to have solely natural substances that this method.
One particular extremely crucial issue associated with ED Reverser Book is that only advises purely all-natural even so incredibly successful alternatives. Consequently, you tend not to need to be involved related to obtaining in contact with adverse reactions as it's generally circumstance with many other programs. In line with the publisher, you tend not to ought to deal with hazardous supplements to have the final results that you are trying to find.
It is actually right that China people continue to be virile which normally is without doubt among the very high China inhabitants. There're a good amount of individuals in remote neighborhoods who will not have accessibility to ED treatment. So there ought to be anything they may do. The English translation on this is around “Iron Horse” and also it's this hidden secret of ED Reverser.
There is certainly a lot more to ED Reverser book than only delivering you a penile erection. It will also influence your semen manufacturing and in addition lowers your “refractory period.” The refractory period is precisely how extensive it will require immediately after climax before you could get one more penile erection.
Erectile dysfunction can take place to just about any man, nevertheless luckily now it comes with an erectile dysfunction process that may inform people experiencing this horrible, uncomfortable, nonetheless but more widespread than a single gentleman may possibly recognize. The ED Reverser is a thing which had been produced by a person referred to as Max Miller. He launched solution information that targets the exact cause of the reason behind the erectile dysfunction and also put together the concept that erectile dysfunction has nothing practically with regards to human hormone level in the gentleman.
Fat loss can be accomplished by reduction of calorie consumption and also exercise. Heavy plus efficiency are common inconsistent concepts. Extra weight leads to erectile dysfunction more frequently than coronary disease or diabetes. Weight-loss plays a part in sex energy as well as it's without doubt one among the best approaches to increase the efficiency.
Precisely Why ED Reverser Is A Real Deal?
The creator of the “ED Reverser is a real sex expert. Numerous forms of analysis are already conducted to learn who ‘Max Miller’ is lead to a lot more detail. We have checked out every one of the sociable site and found him a great sex therapist.
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manuelatgl789-blog · 7 years
The Single Best Strategy To Use For surefire
A flashlight that is also called a flashlight (especially outside North America) is a portable hand-held electrical light with the source of the light generally http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=surefire an incandescent light bulborlight-emitting diode. The flashlight is made up of light bulb mounted in a reflector. There's always a cover which may or may not be combined to protect the battery and the reflector, the light source, and a switch. These are supported and protected by means of a case. Today, are largely used as bulbs or light-emitting diodes and operate on batteries. The majority of hand-held flashlight's intention come in many forms and have been adapted for specific applications. Like the head or flashlights. These are designed for miners and camper sleeve so as to maintain the palms free. The others can be used in a atmosphere while flashlights function as a light source when in a place with no power while some flashlights can be used underwater. Sometimes, if you're a fireman, a fisherman, a hunter, a hiker, a safety or police officer, an outdoorsman, a nature explorer, or a military man or an average citizen, regardless of your title, tag or occupation, from anybody who likes to go out or drive a vehicle at night, it's necessary to have a SureFire flashlight with you. It has been noticed that many times, people do compare a military inspired flashlight and a traditional store flashlight, and it's overwhelming. These military motivated core characteristics and properties are capable of causing quite a stir self-defense teachers, for survival preparation enthusiasts, and always have additional brightness and specialties. A flashlight, suggesting it is useful for military activities, there are a couple of important properties and essential qualities these highly-sought, higher-end flashlights have though many of the most common tactical LED flashlights promote themselves as truly. These flashlights are tactical. The flashlight has features which make it useful not only as a light source but also as a mechanism along with a weapon also. It's best to buy the ones of the highest quality and the manufacturer when selecting weapons. SureFire is one of those businesses that manufacture resources that are powerful, are compact, dependable and rugged; especially lighting tools. The resources at times consist of optimal beams with no holes, or shadows and are some of the finest on earth. Weapons are built in a way to ensure performance and Surefire products consist of flashlights with colorful light that have hot spots, no bands or shadows. They are usually attached to military weapons and it's so important, they don't have any unnecessary baggage. The flashlights are connected to the weapons which is. Goods are stated to be the greatest in the world. They ensure maximum efficiency and many people in the security forces rely on items such as snipers, the army, the police along with other security agents that are professional and so on. This tool performs well and is very effective. The SureFire flashlight for example, is combined with advanced design superior materials and technology and make the finest illumination tools possible for scenarios and alsoailments. If you're going to spend money in any way, do make sure to invest money on a SureFire merchandise as they create the best flashlights and lighting tools to match whatever need we might have or anything we need. By using candlepower units rather than the lumen most times, manufacturers dramatize some light output dimensions. Folks are usually not familiar with measurement and manufacturers do often eliminate things like these. Candlepower dimensions do not show the complete output of light when it comes to measurement. SureFire mostly Uses the integrating sphere photometers to assess the entire lumen output of their illumination tool. It's optional with regard and that's how one is able to ascertain how effective what you are using is. Surefire has existed for a lengthy period and is a favourite amidst military and law enforcement individuals. Most times, these persons in the army and law enforcement units require approximately three lights that would have the ability to allow them always and safely do the purposes of which makes your opponents disorganized identifying threats and highlighting and illuminating targets within the field. SureFire is a tactical technology where the flashlights created for the law are intensely glowing, largely in the receiving end of in which the lighting is engaged with the purpose of controlling, disorienting and startling anyone. Many lights by manufacturers are hard to use in demanding environments. The SureFire flashlights contain tempered Pyrex lenses and coated and Mil-Spec Sort III hard-anodized finishes. The flashlights also possess an internal surefire amazon shock isolation system which help to cushion the lamp assembly against any form of impact. It has a double O-ring seals that helps in moisture protection that is redundant. SureFire flashlights are able to survive situations like the rigors of battle and are demanding. They are also bright enough for use during the night and are suited to activities and environments. Your environment matters. Whenever you intend on going someplace 'dangerous' in every sense, it is very important to take a SureFire flashlight. Due to the size of the flashlight, it makes it effortless to slip into a pocket or purse and thereby, makes it quite portable to use. SureFire flashlight is usually waterproof. It contains power and is blinding and may allow one to occasionally see spots and be amazed at times. It is made from the materials and how can it be used as a weapon? At underside and the top of this SureFire flashlight, there are edges that come to a point. The light functions as a weapon that is powerful and if swung at somebody, could be deadly. The mild in itself has two-hundred (200) lumens of power. Other flashlights sometimes have about twelve (12) lumens of electricity. Most folks guess that the flashlight is a toy but it really isn't. It could be used anywhere at anytime depending on where one lives, just how much one travels, and so on. The SureFire usually costs about $161.00. Benefits of the SureFire flashlight was believed to be the following. When used against an opponent, it may disrupt the vision of the subject and so reduce his or her ability to use force. It disorients the suspect and reduces the assailant's nighttime adaptation. It causes a disturbance to the topic's vision, which impacts their ability to utilize any force of any sort and reduces the defendant's lead and vision. It sometimes may induce fear in your opponent especially as a consequence of its strong beam. Disorientation of the opponent is said to be as a result is the end result of what is called an image. There is a temporary visual imprint brought on by a brief exposure to high intensity light levels and this image varies with time period and level or the frequency of this vulnerability. The disorientation happens as a consequence of the light frequencies that affect the cycles and the brain . The photoreceptors within an individual don't immediately get to reset, and this tends to shock the vision of an individual. The bright light will induce the brain's awareness input to get there in segments, and then creates after pictures as the mind labors to fill in or complete the image. These following images is what raises disparity. Army and law enforcements units have recognized the blinding and the disorientation brought on by putting the hotspot of a high-intensity light in an area's eyes and also utilize it to their benefits. The SureFire flashlight is useful every time a person is deployed with no benefits of any other accompanying continuous mild. It has been said that humans are seventy percent (70 percent) to eighty percent (80 percent) visual and this is true. It is difficult to formulate any sort of plan, coordinate motion, or manifest any aggression that is successful and doing this is impossible while undergoing the wake of a flashlight exposure. Throughout a deadly confrontation, lack of information or intelligence can be stress inducing in itself. The aftermath of this exposure can help suppress a visual and mental hurdle to competitive movement or behaviour. On occasion, it is the fear of the unknown oftentimes. After an exposure, defendant or the competition may be not able to identify the officer by number, size, physical existence , precise location, environmental conditions, and so much more. Without many of these factors of intellect, the suspect is incapable of creating a strategy. The fact that the vulnerability decreases vision and the defendant's direct is just another claim which may be looked at realistically. With no doubt or question, the direct and peripheral vision is decreased and there's a considerable increase in this vision deterioration as a result of the flashlight exposure (over just a continuous bright light) as soon as the defendant and the officer stay stationary. Exposure to some quality bright light that is continuous will significantly decrease vision and the suspect's direct.
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Laptop computer Repair Instruments
Laptops are handy, glossy, and useful units that give their owners the world on the go. They're extraordinarily complicated pieces of equipment that have advanced dramatically over a number of years. Plus, using a smartphone and tablet is irritating for looking out the net for info associated to laptop repair. Going for expertise over value is essential because an experienced service professional has the flexibility to deal with laptops of various make and models. If the laptop computer has been dropped or could be very previous or has been used for a very long time then the tube itself could have failed. Like users, students pursuing laptop computer restore training course in Delh i also need to seek out the difference between enterprise and client laptops. High quality may have been compromised to maintain the manufacturing cost low which will also hold the retail costs low. Relying on the problem, you can get the correct of assist to resolve the issue to repair your laptop. We took my GFs laptop computer to have it looked at, we simply wanted to know if it might perform a sure operate wanted for her studies. All our LAPTOP, laptop computer or machine repairs include a 3-month guarantee which covers the fault we repaired. A few years in the digital and technical business, SOS Computing can provide a very fast amazing service basing our computer repair services on a fear free policy that works out highly cost efficient to all dwelling users. Typically for those who drop your laptop laborious, it could impair the LCD and the hard disk if it is related. The simplest methodology to look for a dependable and reliable laptop restore service would be to discuss with nearer your own home. Sadly, we won't provide a while-you-wait pc restore service, and please keep in mind chances are you'll want to wait a bit longer if your PC, laptop or machine requires new elements. Use a voltmeter to test to see if power is popping out, or take it to a restore store to have them check it out. Learn about CPUs, RAM, motherboards, energy provides, and other PC part, and learn how to restore problems related to computer hardware. That is especially true if the restore store has to ship off the computer to somewhere else or has to order elements with a purpose to restore your system. The people trying to repair the laptop computer should also be pleasant and hearken to clients as an alternative of forcing their own ideas about what is going on on. If in case you have some urgent work or necessary knowledge and you can't instantly get the laptop computer repaired then you possibly can connect a regular monitor to the vga port on the laptop. I had a battery like this, however decided to maintain my laptop plugged in on a regular basis so I would not have to exchange the battery. It is very important do not forget that this kind of restore does not guarantee everlasting chip restore. After watching a Youtube video on tips on how to rescue a CD stuck in my laptop I used to be satisfied it was a straightforward repair. One can not appreciate every minute feature however yes can examine rather a lot about laptop computer repairing institute in Delhi. For example, according to a desktop or laptop computer engineer can begin his incomes with Rs. one hundred twenty,000 to more than Rs. 4, 00, 00 each year. Customary laptop computer repairs are conveniently priced with fastened fees, so you know precisely what you'll want to pay with a view to get again up and operating. Netbooks or subnotebooks are much lighter than a laptop computer and have a considerably longer battery life. Right here I am going to indicate you ways a lot problem is to take aside the laptop computer if you wish to fix one thing inside. The user who carelessly opens his laptop without understanding a lot about it might well be left with stray screws that he has no place for when he tries to put it again collectively once more. Whether or not you want a regular restore or a sophisticated repair, we'll give you a value you in all probability cannot beat by going to a competitor of the same experience. Typically, the price of laptops and desktops are about the same after you have brought the monitor and keyboard, however, desktops rarely fail; laptops regularly fail necessitating an costly laptop repair. Select dwelling leisure expertise from the largest names in the electrical recreation and package your house out with the most effective TVs and more, at the absolute best prices. Simply remember to remember that a laptop does not at all times must be despatched off to a specialist to be repaired. RAM and exhausting drives on these laptops will be accessed with a simple screwdriver, normally by removing the underside of the laptop or taking off simple plastic access ports. We're seeking to buy a brand new one on black Friday and we weren't actually certain what laptop would really be a good idea laptop smart. Also, take a look at your keyboard and mouse on another laptop or laptop to see if it works. Changing the keyboard or mouse pad on a laptop illustrates why getting a laptop computer mounted is supplementary expensive than PC repair. Strive restarting the laptop with the sign cable connected, if the exterior monitor does not establish the laptop computer immediately. If the laptop is dropped greater than once, that can serve as another reason for the power socket to stop working. The coaching supplied by laptop computer repairing institutes is professional and due to this fact a student good points self-assurance to immediately execute the technical expertise within the troubleshooting course of. As a substitute of taking the laptop computer to a restore store and bringing it home later, one simply ships the laptop computer to the repair service and then receives it in the mail, fixed, just a few days later. Marc at The Pc Store has been supporting Crawford Higgins Associates Ltd with their I.T. for practically 14 years. Technicians will disassemble your laptop in our workshop and replace the required parts with brand new elements. Only they may help you out and give a resolution by laptop display repair service. Beside a faulty adapter, a laptop that has gone to Sleep or is in Hibernation may just fail to resume usually after the battery energy has been used up. Specialist Laptop Repair company has simply caught the attention of author John Holden. Using the Windows restoration tools, I found the restoration recordsdata for my son's laptop computer and selected these information to be put in on the blank arduous drive. I will contemplate which laptop computer problems usually will be finished rapidly and at an appropriate payment. So I opened my laptop one evening and my jaw dropped to my lap as I saw a gaping black gap and rainbow stripes on my precious display screen. Alternatively, use Mem check to check the reliability of the chips utilizing another laptop computer. If our installed component or display is not functioning properly, stop by a SimplyFixIt repair centre so we can make it proper. Get within the know with regard to what your choices are for transporting and protecting your laptop sooner quite than later. Clear, and Complete Training Our Educated Laptop Repair Specialist will allow you to with any questions, present you further sources, and hold you up-to-date with rapidly changed applied sciences. I'm a single mom with very low earnings and I am in want of a laptop for my online pharmacy tech classes. After just a few thousand cost and discharge cycles, a laptop computer battery will lose most of its capacity. Although disassemblingmost laptops isn't simple, the Surface Laptop is overly and overtly complicated right off of the bat. Equally, for many hardware issues, you will have to take your LAPTOP to a pc and laptop restore store so that it may be taken care of. There are completely different problems with which the computer and laptop computer repair services cope with. Computer systems depreciate rapidly, and after a few years, the brand new laptop computer models begin to look more and more engaging on account of their elevated speed, processing energy, storage capacity, and new features. Press F2, Del, F1 or whatever key your laptop uses to entry laptop repair in phoenix arizona the BIOS settings and make appropriate corrections. Once, college students are familiar they are given assignments to repair varied laptops. I got here in right here with a heavy heart, holding my 7 pound gaming laptop computer with a shattered LCD display that was past repair. TrustATec technicians are skilled and certified specialists for the restore, improve and maintenance of your LAPTOP or laptop computer - no matter where you purchased your gadget and no matter producer. Energy sockets are an especially weak space of the laptop that may be very vulnerable to malfunctioning. The very best laptop restore service in the marketplace is one that mixes knowledgeable and reliable services with a reasonable value and a quick turnaround time. And that is as a result of we really do supply probably the most professional laptop computer repair in London. But when the fault diagnosis is a posh downside, and restore requires disassembling the laptop, makes an attempt to repair at house could solely worsen the situation. Practically each laptop subject may be fastened by an professional laptop computer repairer; then again, some are incredibly steeply-priced or the replacement items may not be readily available. The capital city of India particularly is known for the best high quality of its know-how repair providers. Dropping a laptop computer or dealing with it roughly can even trigger injury and motherboard failure; laptops ought to all the time be dealt with rigorously. Because of our responsive, skilled laptop restore teams, it does not matter the place you're. If you do some upgrades to your present laptop computer, in addition to a clean-out of redundant software program, you may usually end up with a laptop computer that is much faster than even a four hundred500 laptop computer. For one factor, the very compactness and miniaturization of a laptop makes it difficult, if not not possible to repair, at the very least by a user. One other should-have opening a sandwich store price is marketing, which is required for 2 reasons.
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gbenro · 7 years
Project Drivers (9) #Vacancy
About CRS: Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an International non-governmental organization supporting relief and development work in over 99 countries around the world. CRS programs assist persons based on need, regardless of creed, ethnicity or nationality. CRS works through local church and non-church partners to implement its programs, therefore, strengthening and building the capacity of these partner organizations is fundamental to programs in every country in which CRS operates. CRS re-established presence in Nigeria in 2000 and currently focuses on agriculture, health and emergency programming. Position Title: Project Drivers (9) Department: Motor Pool/Operations Reports To: Fleet Officer/Head Driver Band: B-1 Advert Code: PD110717 Primary Responsibilities: Drivers will be responsible for ensuring that the minimum maintenance standard of the CRS/Nigeria’s fleet is the vehicle manufacturer’s specification. He / She will also follow up and ensure that routine preventative maintenance schedules for the vehicles are strictly adhered to in a manner that will assure reliable transportation of CRS staff, assets and other goods. Specific Responsibilities: • Make recommendations and implement measures that will safeguard the CRS Nigeria vehicles and vehicle equipment to enhance efficiency and reduce the possibility of theft or damage. • Ensure that daily checks are performed on assigned vehicle before it is driven in the morning. • Completes the Daily Vehicle Reports and submits to the Head driver each day • Check and ensure that all journeys and trips (no matter how short) are recorded using the Vehicle Log Book provided in each vehicle. • Notifies the Head Driver immediately in accident situations, after checking that all persons involved are safe and follows the procedure for what to do in case of an accident. • Ensures that fuel does not fall below half a tank in any of the vehicles. • Responsible for ensuring that CRS vehicles are clean always • Be familiar with, and ensure adherence to the policies and guidelines in the Vehicle Usage and Maintenance Manuals • Ensure that all travel planning procedures are followed by staff traveling in CRS vehicles and that all the relevant forms are completed • Maintain a file for all vehicle request and all travel related forms • Complete the Motor Vehicle Monthly reports /Fuel Usage report and motor vehicle monthly Maintenance report by the 5th of each month • Ensure that vehicles are driven safely and in line with CRS procedures and regulations. • Any other duties as assigned from time to time by the Head of Facility & Protocol. Agency Wide Competences (For all CRS Staff): These are rooted in the mission, values, and guiding principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and achieve the desired results. • Serves with Integrity • Models Stewardship • Cultivates Constructive Relationships • Promotes Learning Key Working Relationships: Internal: Fleet Officer, Head Driver, Head of Facility and Protocol, Head of Operations, Program staff, admin staff, finance staff. External: CRS Nigeria Partners and Visitors Qualifications: • Valid Nigerian driver’s license and good knowledge of Abuja and Nigerian roads • Minimum Four years’ professional experience in a similar position • Ability to communicate in English Language is essential • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment • Must be flexible and able to work independently and as part of a team • Good knowledge of vehicle mechanics • Strong leadership abilities • Experience in supervising staff • Ability to generate VMS reports • Ability to use the Microsoft suite of computer software applications especially MS Word, Excel and Outlook. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How to apply: Interested candidates should download the application form using this link http://goo.gl/8OOQcp , fill the form and send it along with a detailed 3-page resume in a single file word document to [email protected]. Candidates should state the position and advert code as the subject of their email e.g. Project Driver - PD110717. Applications must reach us on or before COB Monday, July 24, 2017. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Equal Opportunity: “CRS is an equal –opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, etc. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply”. Statement of Commitment to Protection: ‘’CRS’ recruitment and selection procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation’
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