#good lord. we all gotta sleep.
mysterywheeze · 5 months
what a weekend, huh
I've refrained from using this blog to share my thoughts on the [gestures vaguely] situation for- well, for a few reasons. For one, I haven't been directly involved in the fandom for a while for personal reasons (I will reiterate that I am Mostly Fine). For two, until today we didn't have an official update on the matter. And for three, there's been A LOT of vitriol within the fanbase, so saying anything felt like stepping into a minefield.
Point three still stands. But what the hell? I've thrown my thoughts into worse rings.
My opinions on the whole fiasco can be summed up in four points.
ONE: Their initial plan was bad, and the way they announced it was even worse.
I don't think I have to explain why cutting off a large number of low-income and international fans is a shitty thing to do. That the initial treatment of Patreon fans was poor is, I think, similarly self-evident. And not just because we weren't initially given free access to the streaming platform; the abrupt cancellation of WW+ and early access screwed a lot of annual-membership patrons over.
We now have confirmation that Watcher needed a new revenue stream to stay operational, and that the team viewed this change as essentially a last resort to avoid layoffs or worse. We did not get this information in the "Goodbye YouTube" video. The Watcher team could have been upfront from the beginning, but they decided not to be. Instead they hyped up the announcement, even had a countdown, leading us to think that this was a sign of something good, when in reality it was a sign of something dire.
I hope we can all agree that more initial transparency would have significantly improved the audience reaction to the announcement.
TWO: The update/apology video was a good one.
They addressed why they made their decision, admitted to their fuck-up, and changed their plan. That's Owning Up To Your Mistakes 101. What we got was a compromise; they aren't scrapping the streaming service altogether, but they aren't abandoning fans who can't afford it altogether, either. And of course, they've told us that the streaming service is necessary for the survival of the company. Better late than never.
There's still a lot that they need to do before they can fully gain my trust. And I say gain, not regain, because this isn't the first time they've had a business fumble (NOTE: this is not about the HWYD incident). From Patreon rewards coming months late to factual errors in their educational shows, to what I strongly suspect is mismanagement of funds leading to their current financial troubles, they've always had flaws that ought to be addressed.
But it's a start. A good start at that.
THREE: Some fans reacted to the announcement (and to a lesser extent, to the update) in deeply inappropriate ways.
Look, I don't think you have to ~deeply adore~ Steven Lim to be a Watcher fan. I'll admit that, as a diehard Unsolved fan since 2017 who rarely watched Worth It before 2020, Steven's shows appealed to me less than Ryan and Shane's content did. The average viewcounts of Steven's shows compared to Ryan-n-Shane's shows indicates that my preferences are pretty common.
That being said, as someone who isn't particularly enthused about Steven content, I can appreciate the things he's done for Watcher and as a human being. He's always been the guy pushing hardest for Asian-American representation, as Grocery Run, Hidden Narratives, and especially his response to the 2021 tragedy in Atlanta, made very clear.
From years ago to just last week, he's said some poorly-worded and even insensitive things. He's a human. We're prone to doing that.
If you think that it's okay to insult him on a personal level over this weekend's fiasco, to drag up an old mistake he already publicly apologized for, or to make unfounded accusations about his moral character, you are solely mistaken and have some serious maturing to do. If you actually partook in any of those activities, I sincerely hope that you regret your actions and avoid repeating them. And if you're one of those people STILL trying to pin all the blame on Steven, or even calling for his resignation(?!?)... I don't know what to tell you. I really hope you become a kinder person soon.
This also goes for people who started getting personal with the other members of Team Watcher, or with their friends or loved ones outside the company. So what if Sara had an imperfect take? She's not responsible for Watcher's bad decision, and we shouldn't be dragging her into the discourse just because she's married to a guy who did a fuck-up.
And yeah, Shane did a fuck-up. It ain't cute to act like he's an innocent anti-capitalist baby being dragged into this mess by Steven. Same goes for people saying Ryan didn't play a part in this, but over the past few days I've seen way more support for Shane among conspiratorial fans than for Ryan. I'm not going to act like racial bias is the only factor at play here, clearly it's more complex than that, but making up conspiracies to protect your white fave while scapegoating the outspoken-against-racism Asian guy... it's not a good look. You have to realize that and evaluate your biases.
FOUR: The backlash to the backlash has become excessive and unhelpful.
I get it. When people are being dicks online, it's natural to speak out against it. And boy howdy, were some people being dicks this weekend. Emphasis on the some.
Yes, there's been a lot of mean-spirited, unconstructive hate sent Watcher's way over the past few days. There's also been an incredibly large volume of constructive criticism from all corners of the fandom. Some of it's been discussed between fans, some of it's been shared directly with Team Watcher. It doesn't stick in your mind as strongly as blatant hate does, but I can assure you, it's there.
And in the effort to defend Watcher against that hate, a lot of you have made it really hard for good-faith criticism to be heard.
Seriously, every time I see someone on the Wiscord politely criticize one of Watcher's decisions, they're immediately shut down by a fellow fan. Same thing happened to me in an unofficial fan server earlier today. My good-faith critique wasn't as important as the fact that some asshole could hypothetically make a similar argument in bad faith. Any attempt at a calm, reasoned discussion of Watcher's issues as a company gets drowned out with blind positivity.
Let me make my stance crystal clear: people are allowed to be upset about things that they aren't being forced at gunpoint to pay for. That's like, the the basis of media criticism. "You don't HAVE to pay for it so you shouldn't complain about it" is not an argument that should be taken seriously here on Al Gore's internet.
There's also been a lot of disingenuous use of the "don't you believe artists should get paid?" argument, because yes I do, and yes they have been getting paid. By thousands of people at once - far more supporters than most working artists receive in a lifetime. I personally have been supporting them financially since January of 2020, literally since day one. Watcher's situation evidently isn't ideal, but as far as independent creators go they're pretty darn privileged to have the following they have.
And if you think that Team Watcher has actually totally been doing the right thing all along, then you're wrong. The guys at Watcher themselves admitted that. If they really are the bastions of honesty you're convinced they are, you'll accept that. Above all, the changes they announced today are not proof that "the bullies won". If the bullies won, there would be no streaming service. What happened was a compromise, and the assholes in this fandom didn't want a compromise.
Look, I know you guys. I remember the old days, when we weren't afraid to provide feedback to Watcher when they fucked up, and over much smaller fumbles than this recent one. I know we've all put a lot of money and time into this company and the people behind it. The sunk-cost fallacy is a very powerful thing. But please don't let your hatred for bullies and love for the boys completely blind you to valid criticism. You can't entirely shield them from growing pains if what you want for them is real growth.
FIVE: This isn't a real point in the list I just had to separate my closing thoughts from the rest of the essay I accidentally wrote. Whoops.
The other day, I saw somebody (can't recall their handle, sorry) describe some fan reactions to Friday's announcement as "post-divorce honesty". It's far from the only comparison to a breakup I've seen. That phrase has been ringing in my head for a while now. Because this situation has made a lot of people reevaluate what they like about Watcher, why they became a fan in the first place, and if it's worth sticking around.
Watcher made a mistake. One that they could walk back but can't undo. Their reputation is never going to be the same as it was before. Likewise, a lot of fans said things that can't be taken back, and now that's tied to their reputation in our community. I can't blame anyone for feeling uneasy right now.
Hm. When I started writing this, I had an actual ending in mind. I don't know where that went.
Maybe that's the note I end this massive ramble on? Watcher's future is uncertain, the community's future is uncertain, so I'm uncertain about the last part of this post...? Agh. There's a reason why I'm more of a fiction writer than an essayist. It's getting late, I've got stuff to do tomorrow, and my browser's beginning to slow down from the sheer weight of my draft being open for so long.
Just... try to take it easy on each other, okay? It's been a hell of a week, and we haven't even finished Monday yet.
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tiredsmashbros · 7 days
oh boy... i know a bunch of folks are hyped for this comic... and boy oh boy are ya'll's prayers going to be heard... kind of... butt for the celebration milestone, and granted majority are from this comic, i thought it was best to give EVERYTHING that i have currently.
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starting off STRONG with what you freaks most want: the completed pages. andddd yep that's it that all that i have done LMAO. i've been fixated on my own smg4 oc: tsb, and during the end of my summer was unfortunately fucked over by some personal issues that fortunately got resolved last minute good grief the anxiety prevented me from drawing the gays sigh... aNYWAYS LINEART WIPS!!!!
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here are linearts i have completed / in the progress of!! want to aim like i did in the past by finishing up lineart first, and then speed through with color + minor rendering. the reason i have a few colored is to test out what it would look polished and my god... i have improved A LOT. THESE GAY PEOPLE GIVE POWER I AM NOT KIDDING BELIEVE ME IM NOT CRAY- anyways onto wip pages!
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jumpscare: tsb stickman sketches. oh yeah. this is how i sketch and i blame sensei eiichiro oda /j. and in case anyone is unable to understand it {i don't blame u LMAO}, smg4 wakes up from the dream and is startled to see mario by his bed. they have a short convo before mario leaves, and we get a job to smg4 in the bathroom trying to put up a brave face. until the moment he leaves he's stunned due to seeing smg3 at his front door. will i elaborate more on specifics or unwritten dialogue? NOPE! gotta keep secrets to make it even more enjoyable at the end!!
currently at 13 sketched pages total, but this is probably gonna be reaching towards 20-ish pages, surpassing part two, but it will depend on how i come up with how to end it. additionally to confirm there will be a PART FOUR / chapter 3, to end this story. my goal is to have it done before i finish my senior year, or at least during the summer after i graduate bc good lord who knows whats gonna happen.
and lastly, before i end this crazy update, SCRAPPED PAGESSS!!!!!
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oh boy... dont draw comics while sleep-deprived at 6am... idek what i was even aiming with this ngl other than just for fun, but i scrapped it due to not being what i had in mind for the story. if it doesn't serve a purpose or narrative, its bye bye YEAH BYE BYE THIS IS THE CLOSEST NSFW UR GONNA GET FROM ME HAHAHAHAHA- i say that despite writing a nsfw jojo wattpad smh im only confident doing it in words good lord. btw not watermarking these bc i gen don't care since they're legit scrapped {left top part was kept and completed} so idk what to do with these. im just throwing it and walkin away
now to end with this update, i can hear your question, "when will this be done?" and to answer that question: i'm not entirely sure due to my heavy focus on my smg4 oc: tsb, but my best chance is postponing my oc lore a bit and complete this before november UOIYGJDSIUHJKDWSXYUGHJKCS but we shall have too see...
if you want to join the ping list comment on this post LMAO [click]
ignore below if you're not from the tsb birthday partydddjdhdhdjd
thurs: smg34 is canon in the tsb universe / au. though most of their encounters are platonic or best-friendy-way, they eventually express their feelings to one another and start dating 3/4’s way of the tsb storyline arc. tsb is a supporter of his friend's relationship and admires and takes inspiration from their relationship heavily to input his future love life. yearning to be in a similar position... to learn what is to really love someone... or what it's truly like to be loved...
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delcakoo · 2 years
enha giving you partner privilege ˖ ࣪ ˒ ‎♡⃕
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requested <3
PAIRING ! enhypen x gn!reader
GENRE ! cavity inducing fluff!
WC ! 3.1k
WARNINGS ! being judged for wearing a skirt in jungwon’s
a/n: help i’m sorry this took literal months but finally feeding u all an enha reaction-ish T-T i took multiple long breaks between most of these so. sorry if it’s weird lol
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if literally anybody tries to tease or make fun of this man.. oh no
he is NOT afraid to retaliate and tear them to shreds, even if it’s his closest friends or members <\3
when it comes to you though..
he just ,, LETS YOU ?!
and everyone else agrees that it’s totally unfair, INCLUDING YOU because you wanted a reaction.. that’s the whole point of teasing :(
but instead he just sits there with a dumb little smirk because he thinks you’re so cute and wants to give you a kiss as you continue calling him a loser 🧌
“hah, you suck. i don’t even play video games and i won,” you taunt with a big, victorious grin
heeseung doesn’t even complain or fight back, continuing to go past the results screen with a nonchalant smirk, “yeah yeah.. you just got lucky”
however, you begin to pout slightly, earning no actual reaction from your relentless teasing
so you try and push him further, “nuh uh, i think you’re just bad. but it’s okay seungie, you can’t be good at everything~”
well, that doesn’t work either
instead of getting mad heeseung just GRINS, quietly admiring how cute you look when you’re all cocky and smug about your little victory
aaand then everything goes downhill when sunghoon enters the room 😟
the tall boy snickers immediately at the sight of the tv, watching your character dance in victory, “nice one, y/n!”
you grin up at the younger with a wink, “thanks hoon, i must admit, it was an easily won battle.”
he laughs harder, “next time you gotta go easy on him,” feeling brave apparently, sunghoon has the nerve to ruffle your boyfriend’s fluffy hair with a mischievous smirk, “you know how hyung gets when he loses.”
heeseung’s once adoring expression turns into one of (half joking) annoyance, jaw clenched as he swats sunghoon’s hand away from his head
“really bro? 1v1 me right now then, i’ll kick your ass and we both know it,” he sasses, getting ready to throw the other controller at the boy
the speed in which sunghoon bolted outta the room in pure terror
you’re just 🧍
“no fair, how come you don’t get mad when i tease you?” you complain, crossing your arms like a toddler
heeseung’s expression softens again, pulling you towards his side of the couch for a warm hug, “s’cause you’re my baby,” he murmurs cheesily against your skin
“and ‘cause i let you win.”
“aw— wait what?” 😕
the amount of privilege you have as this man’s partner?? lord
there is a lOt
you get excused for every little thing
even though jay hates ppl touching his hair he lets you?! and of course will make you food ALL the time
while if anyone else asks, they’ll prob have to spend some time convincing him for a while or bribe him y’know
but perhaps the biggest one..
disturbing jay during his naps is equivalent to asking for a punch in the face
it’s pretty much common knowledge amongst the members that it’s impossible to wake him up anyway
but if they somehow do get him up, they should expect many annoyed grunts and remarks and probably a middle finger before he inevitably falls back to sleep
naps are very serious business for mr park
BUT when you’re in the picture..
suddenly he gets all soft and compliant..
his members find this very annoying and you’re just like hah losers 🥰
at this point they start facetiming you whenever he’s napping because bro practically launches out of bed at the sound of your voice
“hyung, hyung wake up!” jungwon is literally shaking the older boy, pushing him back and forth on the bed
yet he is sTiLL asleep
there has to be some kind of sleeping competition they can sign him up for because god he deserves an award <\3
jungwon eventually gives up, calling for sunghoon’s help
and how does he help?
giving him a big smack on the head of course
finally, jay flinches awake, groaning as he touches his head, “what the hell hoon?!”
“dinner’s ready! ” jungwon quickly announces with a grin, “me and sunoo tried cooking this time and i swear, we didn’t burn anything and it actually tastes—“
“don’t care. let me sleep.”
“but hyung the—“
sunghoon sighs, “alright, it’s time we pull out the big guns.”
by that, they mean forcing you to come over there in exchange for some of the boys’ homemade dinner
jungwon and sunghoon watch from the doorway as you tiptoe over to the bed, doing what you do best: tricking your boyfriend
“pretty boy,” you whisper, tracing down his sharp jawline with a feathering touch
and like that, jay starts stirring, eyes eventually fluttering open
“oh, so i have to slap him, but they just cARess his face and suddenly he’s rising and shining— ow!” sunghoon groans when jungwon elbows him into the wall to shut him up
jay yawns, “y/n? what’re you doing here?”
he reaches up to give you a peck, and you nearly coo at his raven hair all tangled cutely
“wanted to have dinner with you guys,” you lie, grabbing his hand to pull him up
“yeah but i was napping..” he protests childishly, making jungwon roll his eyes in the background
it was rare for jay to have his baby moments, but it happens !!
you continue rubbing his hand, “well you also have to eat babe, and i’m gonna be here too.”
at that, he sighs, but gets up from bed, stretching with a yawn
“hallelujah!” sunghoon cheers, prancing over to give you a high five
jungwon groans, “what would we do without you y/n”
jay is just 🧍
“aish.. you were forced here to wake me up weren’t you?”
all three of you make nervous eye contact before running off to the kitchen jungwon claps his hand at last, “who’s ready to have the most life changing meal of your lives?”
jake’s a little shy about it
but if someone takes something of his he will definitely go D:
he does a little pout!!
and if it’s something that he absolutely REFUSES to share
like a straw
then he’ll be like “ay that’s mine, go get your own!!” in a half joking, jake way y'know?
but when it comes to you…
he cant say no to your cute face <3
everything jake owns? yours
congrats you have a whole second closet now
want some of his food? take the whole plate !!
he even calls you layla’s other parent despite being very very protective of her :(((
thats when you knew you’re extremely special to him !
jake’s just peacefully lying on the couch, waiting for you to finish up showering
when all of a sudden heeseung strolls in, humming as he goes to fill up a glass of water in the kitchen
as jake was about to greet him, his brows furrow at the sight of a familiar logo on the back of the older boy’s green shirt
“hyung..?” he calls suspiciously
“is that my shirt?”
heeseung looks down for a moment, scanning his outfit before shrugging
“maybe. found it on the floor,” the older replies
jake just frowns
“bro, i don’t wanna share shirts with you! you’re always sweaty as hell after playing league until 3am!”
heeseung takes a leisurely sip of his water, uncaring of the whiney younger boy on the couch, “well too bad. stop leaving your shit on the floor then.”
before jake can give him another pouty complaint, the sound of a yawn coming out of his room leads both boy’s to turn and investigate
a huge smile rushes to jake’s face at the sight of you in one of his t-shirts just like heeseung, the soft white fabric overflowing down your thighs
“angel! is that my shirt?” he giggles cutely
“uh yeah, is that okay?”
“what, of course! you look adorable, c’mere angel,” your boyfriend demands with grabby hands, ignoring heeseung’s disbelieving eye roll nearby
“but when i wear your shirt it’s the end of the goddamn world, huh?”
you snicker quietly as you walk over to jake, letting him pull you in for a kiss
jake smirks, “mhm, now give it back or i’m eating all our ramen without you.”
“you wouldn’t..”
“try me, hyung~”
then he sticks his tongue out in his classic jake way 💪
getting straight to the point here
when someone touches sunghoon he’s immediately on guard
he’s a lot better with those who are close to him, but he still gets a bit stiff and awkward
and with strangers.. he’ll just try and find an escape right away
this goes especially for his facial area
he will not hesitate to swat anyone’s hand away or flinch in annoyance if they try to pinch his cheeks or poke his nose >:(
similarLY to how sunoo was now
“i saw you blushing when that engene in the front row called you hot~” the younger boy snickers, “you’ve been an idol for two years now, and you’re still not used to that?”
then suddenly hoon’s cheeks are being pushed together, making his lips form a pout
“our sunghoonie is so cute~”
his hand is quickly slapped away 😒
before sunoo can even complain you’re rushing into the dressing room with a vip pass around your neck, running over to give your boyfriend a hug
sunoo watches with a pout as you cup sunghoon’s jaw, reaching up to give him a peck
“you did amazing as usual, i’m so proud!”
contrary to pretty much everyone else, sunghoon wants your touch and enjoys it thoroughly <3
in your hold, he’s completely relaxed; pushing his cheek further into your hand as he wraps his arms around you
“thank you,” he whispers with a cheeky grin
feeling playful, you even go to pinch his cheeks
and instead of getting mad the boy just gigGLES like a whipped idiot
sunoo crosses his arms, “what!? no fair!”
hoon kinda forgot his bandmate was there to witness everything 🧌
“yah, why’re you still there?” he barks, “shoo!”
you purse your lips to hold in your laugh, waving bye to the sulking boy who only rolls his eyes
you snicker once he’s gone, “so.. what was that about?”
sunghoon sighs, “don’t worry about it..” you raise a brow when he scoops you up, placing you on the makeup table, “now, where were we? celebrating how good i did, right ;)”
this one’s a lil’ hard because sunshine is kinda bad at saying no and lets his members get away with a bit toO much
but he still tries to be is very strict when it comes to paying for things because why should he be paying for niki’s new pokemon game ??
of course if it’s his members birthday, an occasional treat, or maybe if he lost a bet it’d be an exception
but besides that he’s pretty good at not falling for the members puppy eyes and pouty whining
this of course isn’t the same for you
you’re literally the love of his life!! his partner of COUrse he has to spoil you and buy you absolutely everything you want >:(
sunoo will literally tell you beforehand to not let him sEe your wallet on dates or he’ll get upset
(even though when he becomes all pouty you only think he’s adorable)
sunoo would be doing his skincare
having the time of his life y’know putting his face mask on and—
“hyung, can you—“ before he can even finish, riki starts CACKLING and sunoo already knows it’s because of his green face mask ..
“you— you look like-“ he snorts, “the little green guy from monsters inc-“
sunoo slaps his arm, “yah, i do not. what do you want, brat?”
the younger boy grins, staring at him through the mirror
“so… splatoon 3 came out and..”
“absolutely not”
riki gAsps in offense, “why not!? it’s only like 90$!”
“do i look like your mom?”
“shut up. go ask jake hyung, you know he can’t say no to you”
then suddenly
you, who was on your boyfriend’s bed waiting for his return, prance into the bathroom as well
“sunnie guess what!?”
sunoo smiles brightly at your arrival, pausing his ministrations to meet your eyes
you grab his arm, shaking him back and forth, “seventeen is coming on tour here next month! we have to get tickets!”
he gasps, “really!? okay, i’ll get us tickets tonight!”
but then riki.. 🧌
“hyung, why will you buy y/n a concert ticket but i can’t get a game?”
“because they’re y/n and you’re riki ☺️”
ouch <\3
AWHhh won’s the cutest with giving you privilege T-T
there’s a lot of super small things that you might not even notice
like letting you touch his dimples, wear his clothes or play with his hair
you may not realise your privilege ‘cause if anyone else did those things he proBably wouldn’t say anything
because he’s jungwon
BUT when you do it he genuinely encourages you and gets all giggly <3
one thing you’ve definitely noticed though is how protective wonnie tends to get over you compared to others
he’s already quite protective of the people he loves as is
but 99% of the time he won’t mention or say anything if an issue comes up:
say an interviewer makes a comment he doesn’t approve of
some backhanded compliment to one of his members
or maybe a joke gone too far
he isn’t the type to say something rude in response or bring it up off camera, at most the interviewer would receive a very harsh glare and frown
when it comes to his partner though..
no no absolutely nOt.
you are his responsibility!! his person, his love and therefore he will not hesitate to defend you and fight anyone who dares to bring a tear to your face
suddenly his normal coherent thoughts of ‘it’s okay jungwon, don’t say anything, be professional’ FLIES OUT THE WINDOW BECAUSE no. he will not accept this
for example!!
one day you and won were going on a cute lil picnic in the park <3
you decided to wear a skirt for the heck of it, thinking it’d look cute especially with the picnic idea and the weather getting a tad warmer
so once you’re both out of the car, jungwon holding the basket of pastries while you carried the drinks and blanket, you were both pretty sure nothing could ruin the cheery mood
jungwon even complimed your skirt, mentioning how he thought it suited you perfect :D
“wah, i’ve been wanting to have a picnic all year. really, this is gonna be perfect!” your boyfriend says cheekily
“mhm, next time we should bring mauemi though!”
you wait for jungwon’s reply with a smile, but it quickly drops when you look up to see an old woman on a bench staring at you as if you’d done something terrible, her wrinkly face pulled into a displeased frown
brows furrowing, you follow her gaze to your bare legs, a tug of insecurity forming in your stomach as she scans you up and down
“..and the squirrels would be perfect to chase—“ jungwon pauses when he glances over at you, worry increasing as he notices your visibly deflated expression, “jagi?”
his eyes follow yours, widening when he sees the lady send you daggers from across the park
jungwon’s brows furrow, holding your hand tighter with every step you take closer to her
if it was anyone else, he knew that he wouldn’t say a thing; probably brush it off, maybe send her a frown back
but he simply can’t help the words that tumble from his mouth, “is something wrong, ma’am?”
your eyes widen right away because wonnie nEver has the guts to call people out like that usually???
ESPEcially not an elderly person ..
of course, the old woman only scoffs rudely in response, muttering something in a malicious tone under her breath
the boy holding your hand smirks in satisfaction and you sigh, quickly leading him away as fast as possible
“yah, why’d you do that?!” you whisper-yell
he gives you an obvious glance, “because i didn’t like how she looked at you”
jungwon looks cute 99% of the time, but at that moment with the harsh glare on his face, he’s a bit intimidating even to you <\3
you gulp, “still..”
“no, y/n,” he interrupts sternly, “i refuse to let my pretty s/o stay upset when there’s something i can do about it”
with that, jungwon places down the picnic basket and starts pulling out your snacks like nothing happened <3
“so, what should we eat first?” :D
now for this boy your partner privilege is THROUGH THE ROof okay
the difference in how he treats you to everyone else??
literally anyone can see the difference even if it’s their first time meeting you guys
riki’s a combo of all the previous ones
lets u wake him up whenever and even interrupt him while dancing/gaming
definitely gives u all the pda u want but if anyone else tries it he may bite them
and ofc defends you withOut hesitation even if it’s just some lame joke he will roast them right back mf !!!
the most noticeable point though is for sure how a majority of the time he listens to whatever you say ON THE FIRST TRY
it’s ‘majority of the time’ because if he didn’t annoy you at least a bit that wouldn’t be riki
it could be something so small
sunghoon and you would be chilling on the couch, then he’d see riki walk in
“yah, can you get me a water?”
mans gets ignored as niki pUshes him over to sit next to you instead
“no, i’m lazy.”
sunghoon just rolls his eyes, meanwhile you were on your phone; completely oblivious to the conversation as you reach over to kiss the younger boy’s cheek
“babe, can you go grab me a drink please?”
bro SPRINTS to the kitchen without another word 🧌
nobody knows why he’s so enthusiastic to serve you but !!
sunghoon is tempted to call him a simp
or exhibit b
you’re at the dorms watching jake and niki play some video game
or at least. they were supposed to be playing together
but apparently it was a single player game and your boyfriend was being a bit of a hog judging by how they were practically wrestling on the carpet for the controller 😟
then after a while longer jake desperately calls out for you
“y/nnn he won’t give me a turn!”
you realise at that moment that this is what having kids must feel like
meanwhile riki gives u that innocent look as if he did nothing
you sigh, “yah, give jake a turn. haven’t you been playing for like 15 minutes straight?”
jake nods furiously in agreement
he pouts, “well yeah but..”
you give him the stink eye
aaand he passes the controller over without any more complaints <\3
jake lets out a vEry sarcastic thank you while riki wanders all the way over to you and plops down in your embrace like a whiny toddler
then he just looks up at you from your lap
“you look pretty today.”
jake groans in the background while you nearly choke
“all of a sudden??”
“yeah,” he replies simply, “i don’t mind giving up my spot to jake ‘cause i have a much better view now~”
what will you do with this boy 😞
if u enjoyed, reblogs n’ comments r always appreciated!
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @lov3niki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @taejays @kodzukii @yjjungwon @miou45 @rosie-is-everywhere @yenqa @rosenatorfirst @millsielovesgyu @syrxiee2 @ily-cuz-i @soobin-chois
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cherryheairt · 1 month
saw a tiktok of a guy begging his gf to keep scratching his back whenever she paused it made me think of benjicot. I keep seeing kieran's tts hes so feminist bf coded
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"Please." he begged.
Sighing, Rena complied with his plea and began her delicate movements once more. This had become a nightly routine since their wedding, when the couple were finally allowed to share their chambers–though that never stopped them from sneaking around before.
She liked to keep her nails shaped finely, slightly above her fingertips and well-cleaned. Benjicot discovered the benefits of her self-care one day when they both lie in bed, naked. His head was on her bare chest, content to listen to her humming while he was resting on the plush skin. Her nails dragged up and down his back, making him shiver almost violently.
When she paused, he groaned loudly, "don't stop."
Giggling, she continued her motions til he was asleep.
This had been going on for months. When the couple sat in bed after their coupling, knowing their nights were spent all to themselves instead of serving their house and Lord and Lady. Benjicot was weak to her touch.
Though, he hadn't always been so aware.
Her lashes, thick and long, were the result of oiling them before bed. Her hair, volumous and long because of the messages she worked on during her baths. Legs and arms smooth from concentrated shaving. Her unique floral scent, only present thanks to the perfumes from Dorne.
Many things went into a noble ladies' looks, though any unknowing man thought that it just came naturally. 'Just born pretty and smelling good,' was a common misconception in their life. Also, an excuse for the men to be the opposite.
Benji was one of the clueless ones, in awe of Rena's beauty and always complimenting her scent with his head shoved to her neck.
It was only after they married that he found out how long it took to get that way. He would be out of their shared bath for a half-hour, just watching dumbstruck as she razed her limbs. "You have to do this every bath?" He asked, wincing when he thought she might nick her leg.
Rena laughed, shaking her head. "Once a week, maybe."
He sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. He was only covered by his waist cloth, content with sitting in the bathroom until she was done. "You don't have to, if you don't want to." Benjicot said. "I won't mind."
She smiled up at him, grateful that he was he husband and not some ignorant old brute. "I know, I like my routines. It makes me feel pretty." Rena preened under his loving stare.
"You're always pretty." He declared with a soft kiss to her knuckles. He nearly leaped with joy when she stood, done with washing and shaving–only to deadpan when she slathered herself in scented oils outside of the bath.
Tonight was like all the previous ones, Ben insisting that he could not sleep without her tender massages. It had been a long day for both of them, both content to relax in their shared silence. Until she paused her motions to move potsitions.
For minutes at a time, she would scratch, wondering how he had not fallen asleep yet. He would moan whenever she paused, pleading desperately. "You won't die without it for one night, my love." She snorted quietly in the candlelit room.
"I might. How do we know that I won't?" He grunted, face deep into her smooth neck.
"My husband, killed not by the sword of a fearsome enemy, but by not getting enough attention from his wife." Rena sighed.
He nodded, smiling. "That will be put on my gravestone." They both laughed.
"You really can't sleep without it?"
"Truly." Benji answered.
"Hm. What if I couldn't sleep, would you not return the favor?" Rena asked, amused.
Benjicot answered by lifted his hand to her face, showing off his blunt calloused fingertips. "Gotta keep 'em short."
"Ah, yes. For swordfighting.' She mused.
"No, for you."
"Me?" Bemused, she glanced down at him, only to see his smug face.
"Gross, Ben." She said, through a poorly hidden laugh. Benjicot looked very pleased with himself as he wetly kissed her check, producing a dramatic 'pop!' sound.
"You weren't complaining earlier."
Rena shoved his face away, groaning at his boorishness. "Go to bed." She huffed.
"I will, once you scatch my back."
They held prolonged eye contact, neither backing down until Rena blinked accidentally. "Ha!" Benjicot cheered. "I win."
Rena rolled her eyes, knowing she couldn't argue with their years-long tradition. Any petty and unserious argument must be solved with a staring contest to swiftly end it, lest it be turned into a serious one.
She sat back once more, hair a mess around her when it scrunched into the pillow. Benji followed, laying right were he always did, on her chest. He sighed with content when she started moving her nails in patterns across his skin.
"Thank you, my love."
Rena hummed her response, kissing his messy hair goodnight.
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slutforln4 · 9 months
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🖇️ in which your ex-boyfriend is the perfect muse
🖇️ faceclaim: sabrina carpenter
🖇️ not a request, just an idea i've had for a bit
🖇️ oscar piastri x singer!reader
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oscarpiastri uploaded a story
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[caption: late night talking]
landonorris we have a race tomorrow 
oscarpiastri i’m aware
landonorris you need to sleep 
oscarpiastri i can risk a few hours of sleep for her 
yourusername 🩷🩷
oscarpiastri pretty girl 
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, landonorris and 984,347 others
gracieabrams there’s gotta be some sorta compensation for thirdwheelers
tagged | yourusername
user1 is that y/n
user2 that’s y/n omg 
user3 who’s she with tho….
user4 the f1 girlies know
yourusername i wonder who that is…
gracieabrams only the most disgustingly cute couple i’ve seen
oscarpiastri not a couple
yourusername yeah, we’re strictly business partners
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liked by yourusername, gracieabrams, landonorris and 2,892,927 others
oscarpiasti Race weekend + other things
user5 other things = y/n
user6 business partners are surely partnering
yourusername you slayed that race tbh
oscarpiastri all thanks to you :)
gracieabrams that's disgusting
danielricciardo i agree
landonorris me too
yourusername stay mad 
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, gracieabrams and 679,638 others
yourusername sooo is t-posing a necessity to win or is that just an oscar thing?
landonorris long story short, george russell happened
yourusername ah, that explains it.
oscarpiastri did you have to post that specific image?
yourusername would you rather i post the one where your cheeks are so full you look like a squirrel?
oscarpiastri no ma’am
user7 “ma’am” she’s got him wrapped around her finger good lord
gracieabrams the taylor swift lyrics. you’re so down bad it’s sickening
yourusername it’s just a nice song 😇
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liked by gracieabrams, danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and 749,937 others
yourusername sad girls write sad music
user8 awe :( 
user9 someone zoom in and decipher what that says PLEASE 
user10 methinks an album is coming
user11 new heartbreak anthem, can’t wait 
danielricciardo is taylor swift finally featured in it
yourusername she didn’t reply to my email (i forgot to send it) 
user12 😭
gracieabrams sad girls unite 
yourusername i love u more than he ever could’ve <3
gracieabrams shade but true (love you too) 
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, gracieabrams and 983,837 others
yourusername same time here next weekend? 
user13 paris was blessed with her presence 
gracieabrams girl wyd in paris 
yourusername hunting for french boys ❤️
gracieabrams find one for me ty  
user14 next weekend is french gp GUYSSSS 
user15 is she hinting at smth…
user16 i hope not, because she deserves better 
charles_leclerc can’t wait to see you on the paddock! 
yourusername and at your house, obviously 
charles_leclerc silly me, how could i forget
used17 ??? WHAT 
user18 girlie is moving on fast huh
user19 no bc this is insane
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liked by landonorris, gracieabrams, danielricciardo and 3,837,837 others
oscarpiastri Tiny victories :)
user20 oh! okay! 
user21 why’s he smiling as if he didn’t cheat on his girl… uhm
landonorris tiny victories + huge losses
oscarpiastri you win some, you lose some
landonorris and you lost, big time
user22 uh. What
user23 HELLO???????///
user24 idk if this is y/n or lando’s homie hopper era, but i support it
gracieabrams boo no one cheered
oscarpiastri yawns
user25 gracie babes…
user26 taking her bestie’s man right in front of her 💀
user27 y/n’s bestie isn’t gracie but! good riddance!
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liked by gracieabrams, landonorris, charles_leclerc and 1,928,508 others
yourusername what it was and what it wasn’t
user28 is this her official statement of them breaking up? 
yourusername yes
user29 mother confirmed they were never together 💔
user30 brb crying
user31 love isn’t and never was real
oscarpiastri and what was it?
yourusername you giving too much and then getting scared
user32 OH???
user33 are they about to settle their argument in an instagram comment section…
user34 mmm no… this is sus. y/n wouldn’t do that in her own insta comment section
user35 no fr like she’s not as immature as other celebs to just handle her private love life in public 💀
user35 but then again, what do we know about her to assume this? cause she did it even when we assumed she wouldn’t
gracieabrams something is brewing
yourusername something’s cooking mhm mhm 
gracieabrams someone lock this girl in the kitchen, she’s cookin up bangers 
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, landonorris and 2,928,937 others
gracieabrams so incredibly proud of my girl y/n 🩷 second slide is probably one of her best moments as a songwriter. who could’ve thought he used a fork? or that forks are everywhere? genius stuff, i tell you. no but honestly, she’s worked so hard for so long and “email’s i can’t send” is finally out. everyone go listen or else third slide y/n will stab you with a fork.
tagged | yourusername
user36 the subtle bullying 😭 i love them
user37 the best friendships are like this
yourusername you’re such a loser ily 🤍
yourusername thank you for the help with the fork lyrics! It was all gracie’s idea guys, don’t listen to what she has to say
gracieabrams i knew you’d somehow put the blame on me
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liked by oscarpiastri, gracieabrams, charles_leclerc and 3,384,038 others
yourusername “emails i can’t send” is out and i couldn’t be happier. not only because it’s released, but also because i can finally stop getting oscar into trouble haha 🤍 i’m just a girl in the world, sorry os. this lovely boy continued supporting me even when i suggested such a crazy idea, so that just proves he’s the right one for me (seriously, who would cook pasta for a girl that asked if they could fake a breakup?) last slide is oscar’s actual reaction to seeing me be silly on the gram. listen to my new album and stay delusional, my loves. 💌
tagged | oscarpiastri, gracieabrams
oscarpiastri i can’t even be mad about the last slide cause it’s true…
oscarpiastri i love you princess, couldn’t imagine my life without you.
yourusername os :( i love you so bad
user38 wait huh
user39 IT WASNT REAL????
gracieabrams my bestfriend is batshit crazy, and i’m all here for it
yourusername love you always
user41 so all of that… was all a marketing strategy…
user41 honestly, y/n is a mastermind
landonorris finally, oscar will stop asking me if you were serious about the breakup or not
danielricciardo the grid shall know peace once more
charles_leclerc i can’t deny that it was kind of funny seeing oscar walk around the paddock with his tail between his legs
oscarpiastri okay guys haha the bit’s over, shut up
landonorris @/yourusername break up with him again, he’s being mean 
oscarpiastri no please don’t 
user42 i’m crying 😭 why’s this kinda funny
user43 y/n messing with oscar’s reputation is funny to you? She could’ve fucked up his career lmao
oscarpiastri she didn’t mess with anything, i agreed to joke around and fake a breakup. I asked my pr team and they thought it was as funny as we did, so we did it. and it ended up putting my girl on the top of the charts, so :) stay mad, i guess liked by yourusername
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, gracieabrams and 4,974,093 others
charles_leclerc thank you so much to my *friend* y/n for letting me feature on her new album. and to oscar, thank you for not murdering me when the dating rumours happened. wishing you two all the best.
tagged | yourusername, oscarpiastri
user45 aw wait this is so sweet :(
user46 y/n is besties with all of the grid this is adorable
user47 him having to clarify that they’re friends HAHAHA
yourusername love u charlie <3 was lovely working with you. (all the piano bits you hear in the album are charlie’s work, round of applause everyone)
user48 clapping so loud
oscarpiastri cheers mate, thanks for keeping her busy and me sane
yourusername such a liar, you were at home weeping for me to stay 
oscarpiastri no i wasn’t (yes i was)
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, gracieabrams and 5,937,938 others
oscarpiastri So proud of this crazy girl, for more than just her new album’s release. She’s been so strong and so hard-working, and so loving. Peep the second slide to see her crying selfie that she sent to me immediately after commenting “yes” and confirming our pretend break-up. The third slide is of my girl and her best friend, because they’ve kept me on my toes for the past two months. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you to the moon and to saturn, y/n.
tagged | yourusername, gracieabrams
user49 i love my virtual parents 🫶
user50 love is real and they’re proving that everyday
yourusername me too bff, i love this boy so much
landonorris is gracie single
yourusername no
gracieabrams yes i am?
yourusername you don’t want lando, trust me
landonorris okay what the fuck
yourusername i’m breaking up with you for reals this time
oscarpiastri what the fuck :( 
yourusername was the crying selfie really necessary 💔
oscarpiastri you look cute 
yourusername don’t even.
yourusername i love you so much, thank you for being my muse
oscarpiastri i hope i’m your muse for happy love songs too? (pls say yes)
yourusername next album is called “oscar is the love of my life”, so i’d say yes
oscarpiastri fuck yes 
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🖇️ just a silly little story. hope you enjoyed <3
607 notes · View notes
diorsluv · 7 months
die for you , part 1
“ swear i couldn’t sleep a wink last night ”
series m. list next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by jasonrob19, mush__27, trevorzegras, and 314,882 others
yourusername got new pink leg warmers 😈🎀
view all comments
username12 trevor has been liking and commenting for MONTHS there’s no way they’re not hooking up
→ username25 calm down she’s friends with turcs and cole 😭😭
logan.stankoven WE GET IT you got new skates or whatever
→ yourusername i will personally send you back to the ahl
→ logan.stankoven okay i was on fire on the texas stars 🥱
→ yourusername what if i light you on fire 🤗
→ logan.stankoven oh!
→ jpav8 let’s be nice guys
_alexturcotte is that the lululemon water bottle
→ _alexturcotte my spidey senses tingled
→ yourusername turcotte tingle is insane
→ _alexturcotte HEY MAN don’t slander the family name ❌❌
username36 my figure skater idol 🙇‍♀️
username4 trevor zegras eh??
colecaufield and new skates and new skate guards and a new bag
→ yourusername you sent me money what was i supposed to do with it????
→ colecaufield use it to pay off your student loans 😒😒
→ yourusername but you already paid them off for me 😶
wyattjohnston_ that’s so preppy and coquette
→ yourusername stop. just stop 😭
→ wyattjohnston_ I’M TRYING TO BE SUPPORTIVE
→ yourusername THEN STOP
→ wyattjohnston_ you don’t want me to be supportive of you? 😔
→ yourusername no
jasonrob19 i bought those skates for you
→ mush__27 we know you spoil her 🙄
→ t.harley48 fr you ain’t gotta flex
→ yourusername indeed you did 😈😈
username41 i’m patiently waiting for the day trevor accidentally posts that they’re dating
→ username88 is he not with dixie??
→ username12 LMAO as if
jackhughes niceee solid skates
→ yourusername jack hughes 😱
→ jackhughes yes that’s me
→ yourusername i feel like a successful fangirl
→ jake30oettinger i thought you liked the stars 😒 yourusername
trevorzegras 👍
liked by yourusername
→ _alexturcotte you’re such a pussy
→ trevorzegras you are what you eat
→ _alexturcotte stfu
→ colecaufield stop being so critical turcs
username53 it’s so preppy in here!
ilia_quadg0d_malinin oh please we all know i can do better
→ yourusername your ego is unbearably big
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin say that to me when you land a quad
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin that’s a lie and we both know it
lhughes_06 Ma’am, would you like to visit the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey to watch us practice prior to our game against the Anaheim Ducks?
→ jackhughes you’re supposed to dm her, not publicly comment…
→ lhughes_06 this is ur fault
→ yourusername YES I WOULD
→ lhughes_06 see it worked anyways jackhughes
t.harley48 you messed up the ice before practice 🤬🤬
→ yourusername stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ wyattjohnston_ stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ logan.stankoven stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ mush__27 stop whining start grinding 🥶
→ t.harley48 once i get on that zamboni it’s over for you all
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liked by miroheiskanen, trevorzegras, _alexturcotte, and 300,024 others
yourusername someone tell him i’m outside waiting rn 🙏
view all comments
ilia_quadg0d_malinin oh! when did you start posting about your crippling love life 😍
→ yourusername you’re like the only person i told and you proceed to make fun of me 😃😃
→ wyattjohnston_ no you told me
→ logan.stankoven and me
→ jpav8 and wyatt told me
→ hhinee you told me as well
→ miroheiskanen i also know
→ matt9duchene so do i
→ tseguin92 oh you told me too
→ t.harley48 don’t forget about me
→ jake30oettinger you literally told me too
→ mush__27 good lord how many people did you tell (i know about it too)
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin you told an ENTIRE nhl team. yourusername
→ yourusername ……..i told you first…..?
→ jasonrob19 what are we talking about
nickrobertson01 that’s not one of your jackets…
→ yourusername how would you know if you haven’t been in my closet 🤨
→ nickrobertson01 you just gave me a closet tour on ft yesterday…..?
→ jasonrob19 then whose jacket is it?????
→ yourusername no one i swear it’s mine 😰😰
jamiebenn14 is that not a literal nightgown?
→ yourusername stop judging my stylistic choices 💔
→ yourusername you old men are NOT hip with the kids
→ jpav8 you’re breaking our hearts here 😔😔
username33 is that or is that not the outside of an ice rink???
username20 i swear to god she’s seeing trevor
username94 someone tell me i’m insane because i swear i’ve seen the ducks practice there before
→ username17 no no you’re not insane i think you’re right 😰
→ username11 lmfao maybe she just practices there too???
hhinee so to be clear, “him” is HIM right?
→ yourusername yes yes you’re right roop
→ jasonrob19 why do i not know what you’re talking about
username6 IF I’M RIGHT, i think i’ve seen that backpack in the background of one of trevor’s stories before…
logan.stankoven so what i’m hearing is if you hang out with him, you leave us alone?
→ yourusername what happened to the kid that BEGGED for my autograph when i showed up to one of the texas stars games
→ yourusername 🙄
→ wyattjohnston_ HE BEGGED?????
_quinnhughes cool fit i like it 👍
→ yourusername aw thank you ☺️
→ username37 OH MY GOD IS IT QUINN
colecaufield i see you’ve been gaining more attention..
→ yourusername are you saying i’m not successful enough to regularly get attention??
→ colecaufield oh my god YOU ALWAYS DO THIS
_alexturcotte i have never seen someone leave mid-convo as quickly as i just did
→ yourusername you were with him?
→ _alexturcotte no he just stopped typing all of a sudden
→ yourusername so you were.. texting him????
→ _alexturcotte yeah??
→ yourusername you know for someone so smart, sometimes you make no sense 😭
mush__27 you being 1,500 miles away should be a crime
→ yourusername oh stop complaining i was literally back home like 8 hours ago
username17 has trevor not commented yet??
→ username99 it’s not as if he comments frequently
jake30oettinger you’re so not slick
→ yourusername that’s great i’m so glad you noticed even though you literally didn’t know until i told you!
→ jasonrob19 PLEASE GOD JUST TELL ME 😔
next chapter notes ) your bitch is back with a trevor au and this time it’s gonna be irl + smau because i was fucking STRUGGLING with feather.. and also i’m thinking of the nickname being lacey because i think it’s just so cute and also i got a whole backstory and all… 😈 but regarding ilia malinin and all of my favorite dallas stars.. yall might have to know some stars and figure skating lore for this one but i don’t really think it’s gonna affect the plot of the story or the story itself (you just might not know who anyone is 😭😭) as always if you wanna be tagged, just comment or dm me!!
303 notes · View notes
seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
this is how i think bts would be if you were in an on again off again relationship
a/n: i'd like to interrupt my regularly scheduled drought to drop off this headcanon that nobody asked for <333 lemme know what you thoughttttttt
"why do you let me treat you like this?" you asked, pushing at his chest forcing him to lay straight down.
“you don’t wanna be on top?” he asked brows furrowed, undoubtedly confused seeing as you were the one that climbed on top of him. he tried to sit up, but you kept your hands flat on his chest not allowing him to move.
“no. why do you let me treat you like this?” and you weren’t referring to the position at all. you were talking about the way he always let you back into his bed, back into his heart.
every time it didn’t work out with someone else, you’d call him and he’d answer every time. he would kiss you all over until it didn’t hurt any more and help you put the pieces of your heart back together. kept it safe for you until you were ready to give it out to someone else. and every time you walked away he let you.
here, now, sitting in his lap, in the exact position you’d been in countless times, a wave of deja vu so strong you couldn’t even pretend to ignore it any more passed over you. all lust abruptly replaced by confusion and the only thing running through your mind was why?
he gently removed your hands from his chest and sat up. a subtle reminder that he had more power than you realized. he kept you close to him his hand on your lower back, keeping your chest pressed against his, leaving you nowhere to look but right at him. "because i love you. and i want you. in any way you'll let me have you."
you shook your head fiercely. "you're too good, joon. you don't deserve any of this."
"then do better. be better. for me."
you opened and closed your mouth multiple times, left speechless at his suggestion. "i- i don't deserve any of this. i don't deserve... you," you concluded, eyes cast downward.
he tipped your chin back up. "you deserve everything. and more."
"i'm sorry. i didn't want to call you but..."
"it's fine, hobi, really."
"are you sure?"
you nodded giving him as kind of a smile as you could muster. "i can take it from here."
he pulled you into a hug anyway. you were grateful for it. it gave you a little bit of strength and lord knows you were gonna need it to deal with the drunken mess before you. "alright seokjin. come on. get up now. i'm here."
you couldn't keep in the giggle that slipped out as he popped up, the complete opposite of the dead weight he'd allowed himself to become, refusing to get off the floor unless you were the one picking him up.
"i missed you," he slurred, latching onto you, head obviously swimming, thoughts lost to the whiskey he downed with his friend.
"i missed you too," you admitted. it wasn't like he was going to remember in the morning. "we gotta go now. hobi wants to go to bed."
he perked up once again at the mention of hobi's name. "ohhh yeah j-hope. thank you bro!"
you heard him giggle from down the hallway and call out a "take care!" as you stumbled out of his home.
you huffed as you made your way down the street. seokjin wasn't that heavy but he was nearly six feet and really leaning into you. it was a good thing they lived in the same neighborhood. you hummed along to whatever he was babbling about, not really paying much attention until he suggested the one thing you knew you couldn't do. "stay with me."
"i will. just until you get to sleep," you replied, taking his keys from him and letting you both inside, opting to play dumb.
even in his inebriated state he wasn't having it. he gripped your hips. "not just tonight. forever."
you sighed. "seokjin... we want different things. you know it won't work. we tried and it didn't work."
"i'm different than i was before. i don't care about all those other things. i want you. as long as i can have you, i have everything."
you shook your head. you weren't having this conversation when he was drunk. "come on. let's get you to bed."
he relented, letting you move him around as you pleased, undressing and redressing and just before he finally succumbed to slumber he grabbed your hand one last time. "stay."
"are you going to stare at me passive aggressively all day or are you going to say something?"
you didn't appreciate his attitude at all, so you had no problem pointing out what'd been bothering you all morning. "there's a mark on your neck."
he furrowed his brows in confusion, raising his hand up to feel around before walking to the mirror in the hall to see what you were talking about. "hmmm... that's weird."
"yeah i think so too," you spat. "imagine my surprise when i wake up and see that on you after you were out all night with namjoon doing god knows what."
"we were doing crossfit."
"i don't know who that is or why y'all chose that codename, but it's stupid as hell."
"it's not a codename. it's a type of workout."
"that leaves hickeys?"
"it's not a hickey. it's a bruise."
"on your neck?"
you could tell he was getting angry by the flush that was creeping onto his face and the way his nostrils were flaring, so it's not a surprise when he says "you can go if you want. no one's stopping you."
but you were ready for a fight. you'd been stewing ever since you woke up and found him in the kitchen, sipping on coffee with that mark on his neck. had been waiting around for an explanation and the one he was giving now was way too lame. "oh. so you want me to leave now?"
"no. i want you to trust me." he sat down next to you. "i just got you back. why would i go out and do something stupid like that? why would i go looking for anything else, when everything i've ever wanted is waiting for me at home?"
and suddenly all the anger in your body dispersed, transforming itself into shame, relief, love. you crawled into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.
he hugged you back for a moment then pulled away, swiping at the tears welling up in your eyes before they got the chance to fall. "don't cry, okay? just trust me."
you nodded. lord knows you'd follow him anywhere, but if he cheated on you, that's a trip you wouldn't make it back from. "i will. just don't go where i can't follow."
you jumped at the sound of his voice, accidentally dropping the shirt you'd just picked up.
"if you leave this time, don't bother coming back."
“i- i- i wasn’t.” you were.
it was dark in the room, so you couldn’t make out the expression on his face but the way he rolled over, back turned toward you spoke volumes. if you were leaving he didn’t want to watch you go.
you scurried to the bed, tucking yourself against his back. “hobi. i wasn’t.” you don’t know how you were supposed to convince him when you couldn’t convince yourself. “i was just cold.”
he grunted. you wrapped your arm around his middle, rubbing at his abdomen. “do you believe me?” you peeped.
your heart cracked. “do you want me to go?” you wouldn’t blame him if he did. wouldn’t blame him for saving himself from you.
a beat of silence passed. he intertwined his fingers with yours. “no, but i want you to want to stay.”
you didn’t know what to say so instead you just hugged him closer and hoped that for now that could be enough.
jimin was good with people. better with you. that's why you came back here again after three months. that's why you always came back.
jimin was too good with people. they loved him. he loved them back. he loved you more. at least that's what he always said.
it was hard to remember when he was touching and kissing on you in a way that varied from the practiced ease you were used to before you broke up. it wasn't bad but it had your mind racing trying to figure out who he was touching, loving, while you were trying to get over him.
took away any ability to focus on the feeling of his lips on yours, trailing down your neck, sucking and soothing the marks he was leaving on your collar bones. your lack of response had him reversing his path, kissing back up your neck, on your cheek, the corner of your mouth, until he was able to look you in the eye. "everything okay?"
you stared at him dazedly. he nudged your nose with his trying to regain your attention. "were you with anyone else while we weren't together?"
he opened and closed his mouth a few times like a fish out of water. "i- i- yeah." he deflated at his admission.
you recoiled slightly. it hadn't been that long since you two decided that you wanted to work things out again. your heart was still tattered and torn. you felt a piece of it slip out of the confines of your chest.
"i didn't cheat on you," he defended.
"i know." and you did know. but it didn't stop you from feeling a hint of betrayal. while you were somewhere curled up unable to even think of anyone else, he was already on to the next thing. someone better than you probably. someone he wouldn't have to keep doing this back and forth thing with. a single tear slipped down your face.
he cupped your cheeks in both his hands. "it was one night, and it didn't mean anything. we had already been broken up for like two months when it happened. we've never been broken up for that long. i thought we were done for real this time," he explained softly.
"i know. i'm not mad. i'm just..." you needed to get out of there. you needed some space. you started gathered your belongings.
he grabbed your wrist before you could get too far. "babe... don't go," he whined.
"i have to. i need to think."
"think with me."
"i need to do this alone. i'll call you later."
you slinked out the door, head and heart a complete and utter mess, and spent the rest of the night wondering was it all worth it? is he worth it?
you came back in the morning. you always came back.
he frowned looking at his screen, you blocked him on instagram and like everything else. his messages weren’t even being delivered and every call was going straight to voicemail. straight away he could sense that this was different.
you two fought a lot and he could take some of the blame for that. he liked to pick fights with you probably more than necessary. he couldn't help it though. it was the only time he was sure he was on your mind. and he'd take the knowledge that you were seething over him over thinking you weren't thinking of him at all any day.
the fight that transpired a couple days ago, however, was not like that. it was major. it wasn't solved after a couple hours. the last thing you said to him was that maybe you two shouldn't be together and he agreed, and now he was here 2 days later, staring at his phone, with no feasible way to contact you.
he wasn't going to let that be the end of you. not over things he said in the heat of the moment, things he didn't mean, he'd never mean. he was in his car before he realized what he was doing. at your doorstep knocking before he thought of words to say.
you opened the door slowly, not entirely surprised at his presence but off put all the same. "yes?"
he just stared at you for a moment. you were so pretty sometimes he forgot how to speak around you. definitely lost his mind at times because he simply couldn't be without you, but he'd fix that. he'd be better as long as you took him back. "you blocked me," he stated dumbly.
"bc we're not together anymore." you don't know what he wanted. why he showed up on your door stating the obvious.
he huffed, running his hands through his hair. "i didn't mean that. when i said we shouldn't, i- i didn't mean that."
"i did. taehyung our relationship is unproductive. we're not getting anywhere except on each other's nerves. let's just stop before we hate each other for real."
he stared at you in shock. he knew he could be petty at times. he knew when you two were fighting he said some things he probably shouldn't have, but how could you ever believe that he felt anything but love for you? he was so wrapped around your finger, so irrevocably yours that he couldn't fathom being without you. how could you not see that? his only problem was that he felt you weren't as invested as him and maybe he could've done a better job of communicating that and he would after he was sure that his last time holding you in his arms wasn't his last time.
he dropped down on his knees. "one chance."
"tae," you sighed.
"please," he begged, eyes getting teary, "give me one more chance."
you sighed leaning back from jungkook's embrace. his hands were lower than they should've been, grazing at the very top of your thigh right below your butt. you let him. you always did.
you stared at each other for a few more seconds. he was so handsome. he always was. kind eyes, sweet smile, hair all soft and fluffy. you wanted nothing more than to run your hands through it. you stopped yourself when you saw the way his eyes dropped down to your lips. time to pop the bubble you found yourself trapped in.
"thanks for the ride, jk. i had a really good night."
he whined out your name, hand going from lightly grazing your thigh to flatly palming it, attempting to keep you in place. "you really not gonna invite me in?"
you couldn't help yourself. you draped your arms around his shoulders, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck, dopey smile set on your face. "what would i do that for?"
he wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you tight, and nosed at your neck. "because i wanna make your good night a great night."
"mmm... i want that too," you agreed. and because you were a weak weak woman you couldn't help but peck his lips. he perked up at the feeling of your lips on his, but deflated once you continued talking. "but you know what i want even more?"
he averted his eyes, tongue poking at his cheek. he knew the answer to the question.
"i want you to be mine!" you chirped. he knew that. it was the only reason you'd even agreed to go out with him again. you'd given your heart to him so many times and just sat back and watched as he tossed it around carefully, strung you along for months with no promises of more. you were done with that though. you needed more. you told him that. he promised he'd consider it. it was the only reason he was standing too close to you right now. and until he could commit to you a peck on the front porch of your house was all he was gonna get.
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amphibiahawks321 · 5 months
[Y/N on the phone with F/N]
M!Reader : Dad for the last time yes I'm doing fine
F/N : And is there a reason why you keep ignoring your mom's messages?
M!Reader : Dad, mom literally sends me like ten messages a day....
F/N : But you know how your mother is right? Not messaging her back would mean more trouble...
M!Reader : Sighs you got me there.... Fine fine I'll text her back..
F/N : Good! ......Sooooooo How much did you pay to make those girls be with you~?
M!Reader : DAD!
F/N : Just kidding! Just kidding! But seriously when are we gonna meet those two girls your dating Hm? Your mom is getting too eager
M!Reader : Ummm...
[Y/N stares at Beidou and Ningguang sitting on chairs, both of them seems to be hearing the conversation the entire time with beidou holding a cracker with a curious expression while staring at Y/N and Ningguang staring at Y/N while holding a cup of tea]
M!Reader : Ummm... They're kind of a big deal...
F/N : Big deal? Pfftt! What are they famous restaurant owners?
M!Reader : No not like that they
M/N : F/N! The raccoons are trashing the trashcans again!
F/N : Again!? Y/N I seriously would love to stay and chat but I gotta-
M!Reader : Get rid of the raccoons I know I can hear Mom's scream y'know....
[F/N ended the phone call]
[Y/N walked up to beidou and Ningguang and sits down on the chair]
Beidou : That was...
Ningguang : Quite interesting, You seem to be very afraid of telling them about us dear
M!Reader : How can I not! Hey mom and dad! I'm dating THE tianquan of the liyue qixing and THE uncrowned lord of the ocean-
🟩 🟥
Accept Decline
M!Reader : Oh man...
M!Reader : H-heeeeeey mom...
M/N : Hey Y/N how are you! And-
[F/N grabs M/N's phone]
F/N : sweetie you promise we'll just ask Y/N how's he doing!
M/N : Fine!
F/N : Y/N we'll just make this quick okay? How are things in liyue?-
M!Reader : dad I'm doing fine geez! I've got a good place to sleep, I'm eating right and I got two hot girlfriends to keep me-
Beidou : Fiu Fiu~ very bold~
[Ningguang chuckles]
[Y/N moves his phone far away so the phone can't be heard]
M!Reader blushing : It was a rush thinking okay!
[Moves the phone closer to him]
M!Reader blushing : like I said... I'm COMPLETELY fine okay!
M/N : Wait! Have you been brushing your te-
M!Reader : yes! Okay that's all you guys gotta know now bye
[Y/N ended the phone call]
M!Reader : Sighs they're both very protective but they mean well...
Ningguang : You know they're just worried about Y/N..
M!Reader : Sighs I know I know...
Ningguang : And you know that they just wanted you to be safe..
M!Reader : Yeah... Your right.... I'll text her after this
Beidou : Soooooooo~ what's that about two hot girl-
M!Reader : It was a rush thinking okay! I can't process my brain quickly!
Tumblr media
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thndrs-wrtr · 11 months
Hello!! That Chan pic with the baby is just sjdjsjdj and the entire video, lord. I was wondering if u could write something like thar pls, needing fluff dad Chan 🥹
OMG YES. ABSOLUTELY . Also, golden star for you for being my first request ⭐️
Let's see what I come up with.
Warnings: Dad Bangchan. Fluff, extreme domestic fluff.
Big hugs
Ever since Chan came back to work after his hiatus, he promised he would come back home earlier. In the end, he had to come back not only to his house, but to his home. It wasn't just you waiting for him, now there was a tiny little human being that would wait for him.
However, Chan's promise was forgotten that day. It was already 10pm and he was nowhere to be seen. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, for Daesung refused to sleep for the entire day. No nap time, and he was definitely far from falling asleep anytime soon. He's definitely his son, you thought when the tiny almost two year old refused closing his eyes.
Walking around the place, singing, showing him toys, begging, anything worked. Instead, his tears kept flowing and so did your stress. His diaper was clean, he ate his dinner, he didn't seem to be hurt, the thought of taking him to the hospital faded when he finally sat still on the floor and started playing with his toys, and if he was not sleeping, at least he have you some peaceful minutes to a quick trip to the bathroom.
Chan finally arrived home, quietly. He smiled when he saw the boy giving his entire attention to his tiny, tiny guitar, pulling the nylon strings one by one, thank you uncle Han for the present.
He hid behind the wall, just showing his face when he finally spoke, calling the baby's attention.
"Hello there"
His dimples appeared on his cheeks and his eyes became smaller thanks the smiling expression. The baby quickly turned around, and started moving his legs and arms in an attempt of getting up.
The older man left his hiding and went straight to him, kneeling as to pick him up. Daesung started giggling right away, gripping onto Chan's shirt without hesitation.
"Your eyes are so red, had you been crying, hm? No, don't cry! Let's whipe those eyes, yeah? Don't cry, I've got you, ok?."
He said with a downward smile, rubbing his nose against the chubby cheek after cleaning the dry tears on his cheeks, making you melt right away when you appeared in the room once again, leaning in the doorframe for a few seconds while Chan didn't notice you.
"Two good looking boys and I look like if I'm back from a camping night" you said in between giggles.
"Ah, baby" Chan laughed as well, walking towards your way and kissing your shortly as a hello. "I'm sorry, yeah? I knew I said I'd arrive early and-" you cut his words.
"Watch him while I take a quick shower. I need it. Then I'll forgive you."
"Sounds like a fair deal"
Chan agreed, and his attention went back to Daesung. He lifted him in his arms in swift motions, the baby giggling and kicking his legs whenever Chan would lift him up in the air, and then back down using his mouth to immitate the sound of a rocket. Their tiny game continued for a few minutes, until Chan took him back to the bedroom.
"Shall we put you on your pj's, yeah?" He said with a kind of high pitched voice, "yeah, you need to be in your pj's. Is late and you gotta sleep, ok?" He told him as if he'd get a solid answer in return.
"I wrote so many verses for you today, probably a bit cheesy but yeah. Ah, you're gonna hate me when you're fifteen aren't you"
Chan giggled while he was changing Daesung into his onesie. He leaned forward, gently tickling the boy's belly, and the multiple "nom noms" on his neck, hands and belly didn't take long in appear, making the baby giggle and kick his feet at his dad's attention.
You had no idea how time you spent taking your quick shower, but after a long day after barely eating, constantly trying to calm down Daesung's crying, you really needed some time alone, and you knew Chan had it all covered outside.
However, when you got out the silence made you worried. Usually, Chan would be singing, or holding conversations with no replies back other than babbles, or music playing in the background. But now? Silence. Pure, and absolute silence.
The dim light of your bedroom made you walk towards it, the scene making you feel like sit down in that same spot and cry.
An unsual, asleep shirtless Chan under the sheets, accompanied by the image you wanted to see the entire day. Daesung finally, finally asleep. And not only asleep. He was soundly asleep using Chan's chest as bed, his tiny hands holding onto him while Chan's arms were perfectly wrapped around him a very, very big hug.
You walked towards them very cautiously, keeping your hand on Daesung's back for brief seconds as you leaned forward to kiss his head, repeating the gesture but this time on Chan's temple. Apparently, someone was refusing to sleep without his dad.
And you understood your son perfectly, you couldn't fall asleep easily when Chan wasn't there, how could you, if not wrapped in his arms?
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Could I request the Obey Me brothers reacting to their s/o sending them selfies of them in skimpy outfits or completely nude?
Obey me Brothers + spicy pics from MC
Another tedious meeting that should have been an email. But Lucifer remained professional and stalwart as ever, so as to not embarrass Lord Diavolo.
The only exception he made was for his cellphone. Keeping it on silent, but on the table, as Lucifer had learned in the past if he didn’t check it at least regularly during these meetings it might be too late from when his brothers’ hijinks might ensure. Vering into calamity past hijinks.
He noticed he had a text from [Y/N] and was surprised as they usually never texted him when he was in these meetings. Respecting his work. If they were texting him, Lucifer assumed it was important and opened the text in a reserved manner so as not to draw attention.
When he saw what the text was, however, he had to grip his phone tight to the point of cracking to maintain that composure.
“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to excuse me. It seems there is an important matter I must deal with at home. I’ll be back once the matter is taken care of. Thoroughly.”
“Mammon-san! Over here!”
“Yes! That’s perfect! Hold that pose!”
“You look amazing Mammon-san!”
The Avatar of Greed grinned roguishly as he was showered with praise. He had to admit, he really was killing this photoshoot.
The photographer took a few more shots before they called for a break and the team moved in to touch him up. Offering him compliments still, along with water. Both of which Mammon drank up. One of the attendants handed him his phone from his dressing room. Giving him a few moments to check it before it was back to work.
He looked at a missed text from [Y/N] and nearly did a spit take of his water. Able to thankfully keep it down, but still coughed in a very un-model like manner at seeing their nearly naked form.
“I uh…I gotta go. We have enough for the magazine right?? Good. Great! Thanks for the opportunity and be sure to call me again!”
Mammon was then out the door fast than anyone could catch him. Including to get his wardrobe outfit off.
“Models….” The photographer muttered as he reset his camera to take shots of the background models in the meantime.
“On your right! On your right! NO! Your other right!!” Levi shouted into his headset as he tried to lead his team through the maze of undead swarm.
Zombie Zion XX9 had just come out this week and Levi had been grinding non-stop. He barely made time to sleep, much less do anything else, in pursuit of this final battle with the Mother Swarm of zombies (there by defeating the plague and saving the world from the undead at last).
“Guys, we have to get through the door together, otherwise we don’t get the ‘In This Together’ buff! You need to catch up to me! It’s…It’s…ugh! Hold on!” His phone had been buzzing beside him non-stop for the past minute with various texts.
Usually, he would ignore it. But something this persistent typically meant it was important, and what if it was his brothers telling him the house was on fire? He’d have to save his Ruri-chan figures if that was the case.
When he opened the text, Levi’s eyes bugged out and he felt his nose begin to well up with blood as he looked at the picture of [Y/N] in their cosplay panties.
“Levi! Where are you?! We’re getting hammered out here! Levi-!” The connection on his game went dead as the last of his team members died. The screen fading into a black screen of ‘game over’.
“Oh, come on!”
This anthology that Simeon had recommended to him was thrilling. Truly a masterpiece.
Satan had been absorbed into the new series almost since the first page. Devouring each of the nine books with vigor, much like his little brother did with food. He had forsaken all else, honestly, except reading the past few days. Anxious to find out who the final killer & mastermind behind the protagonist’s plight was, and finally get some answers.
He was nearly at the climax, the big reveal, when his phone started to buzz.
Grumbling that his concentration was broken, Satan picked it up to see who it was. His irksomeness quickly dissolving as he saw [Y/N]’s nearly naked chest in front of him.
He had a choice to make.
Continue reading and get the answers he needed, or put the book down and go to the person clearly in need of him. How was he to choose?
In the end, he put the book down and sprinted off to where [Y/N] was. If the main character could wait 10 years to find out who the killer was, surely Satan could wait a little longer to find out as well.
Shopping was one of Asmo’s favorite past times. Going to stores and looking for the perfect item or accessory was like a little treasure hunt to him. Or just perusing the aisles and new merch like one would an art gallery, with the same enthusiasm for beauty. It was a wonderful afternoon. Especially if [Y/N] was with him.
[Y/N] had gone to try on some items that they found while Asmo continued to scan over the racks. His cellphone eventually buzzed, and he fumbled with his iced coffee to get it out of his bag. Seeing a picture of [Y/N] in the dressing room in a super cute bra and panty set with the question :should I get it?:
:OMG yes! 💓🥵🔥🔥: Asmo texted back immediately.
:It looks so good on you! Which dressing room are you in?? I want to see it in person! Should we get matching ones??:
He eventually found [Y/N] and showered them with praise. Insisting that he would buy it for them if they didn’t get it themselves, and offered to buy it in every color as well.
Beel lifted the weights one final time and put the bar back on the rack. The weights clanking down with a heavy thud with the sheer mass of them. He loved getting a good workout in before he went home.
Heading over to his locker space to get some water and check his phone, Beel saw he had a text from [Y/N]. He opened it and saw the spicy picture they had just sent him. Usually only the 5x Hellfire Spicy noodles were the only spice that could make him drool this much. Clearly he was wrong.
Beel decided to, for once, cut his work out short. He quickly packed his bag and ran home to do some cardio on the way home. Planning to do some more ‘cardio’ when he got there.
He could make up for the missed sets in the morning before school. Since he’d be busy the rest of the night.
Belphie yawned and rolled over as he woke up from his nap. His fifth of the day, so it was a pretty short one. Only about an hour this time.
He stretched and rubbed his eyes before reaching for his phone to see what time it was. He was immediately greeted with a text from [Y/N] on the screen. He felt a little bad for missing it while he was a sleep, but by now they had to know that he would get back to them eventually. Belphie opened it and was immediately greeted with something from his dreams.
:Are you still wearing that?: He texted them back.
:Come to my room: He then added. :In the attic. I’m still in bed. So half the work is done😉.:
He waited to hear back from [Y/N] and grinned when he saw them respond with they were on their way.
And his brothers made fun of him for being in bed all the time. With his soft mattress and [Y/N], why would he ever want to leave?
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Naruto Love Languages (Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings)
Naruto Uzumaki - Words of Affirmation
This man is your #1 fan. Everything you do he is behind you cheering and hollering the whole way. It doesn't matter if it's something stupid like trying to do a bottle flip, Naruto is gonna hype you up. He just adores you so much and wants you to know that! He wants you to know that he believes in you fully. When he isn't being a hype man, Naruto is just genuinely complimenting you and showing his appreciation for all you do. Nothing you do will go unnoticed, you WILL feel this man's love
Sasuke Uchiha - Gift Giving
Sasuke is, uh... kinda rough when it comes to romance. He's gone through some shit and even after all these years doesn't quite know how to deal with it. He isn't good at words, is wary on physical contact, and isn't around often. But the one thing he succeeds in is giving you gifts. Everytime he leaves to go who knows where, he will always return with an incredibly thoughtful gift. Sasuke doesn't just grab whatever he see, he knows what you like and what you appreciate. Every gift he gives you has meaning and fits you perfectly
Sakura Haruno - Acts of Service
Sakura is a girl who heavily desires to be loved. Ever since she was a child she was a hopeless romantic, so when she finally got together with you she fell head over heels. She's quite open with her feelings for you both physically and vocally, but her favorite way to show she cares is by helping you around the house. She'll cook for you, help clean up, give you massages, and of course heal your wounds. As long as you are dating her you will never see another Medical-nin. Every injury you get will be treated by her with full seriousness (even if it's just a paper cut)
Sai - Gift Giving
You though SASUKE was bad with feelings? Dear lord you gotta have a lot of patience with Sai. Unlike Sasuke though, Sai tries his hardest, even if it's a bit rough. He tries to say nice things and touch you, but it's still incredibly foreign to him (not to mention he can get a bit brutally honest about some things). The only thing Sai is confident in is his gift giving skills. He loves to draw art for you, pretty much everything he sees inspires more art to give you. It's gotten to the point that you have a whole room filled with them (Sai keeps telling you it's okay to get rid of some, but you refuse! They are so pretty!). On special occassions, Sai loves to bring his drawings for you to life, enjoying the look of amazement on your face
Ino Yamanaka - Gift Giving
This girl is gonna treat you RIGHT, believe that! She's is incredibly open with her feelings, especially when it comes to flowers. You will be getting flowers for every occassion, sometimes just randomly. She'll buy you other gifts like jewelry and clothes and books, but her real love language is flowers. Her bouquets aren't just randomly put together either, Ino carefully hand picks each one and take in mind the meaning of each one. The longer you date you will soon learn the different meanings, which makes her so proud. Although she doesn't really expect anything back every time, make sure to get her a lil something for special occassions, she'll appreciate it~
Shikamaru Nara - Quality Time
We know Shikamaru is a lazy bitch, but that's what we love about him! He may seem distant and seemingly uncaring, but if you look closely you can clearly see how he shows affection. Sure he may not wash you with praises or get you expensive things, but he stays by your side. Always. Somehow he always is in the same room as you, even if you are doing two different things. You're always together in some sort. He'll definitely deny it, but you notice he doesn't leave still. It's kind of like a cat, ya know? Shikamaru gets especially clingy when you're in bed together. This man doesn't get up for hours, and you aren't getting up either. You will lay and sleep with him for 3 more hours, no discussion
Choji Akimichi - Acts of Service
Just... just so sweet. My boy is such a sweetie oh my god. Choji is quite nervous in your relationship, both due to low self-esteem and just anxiety in general. Just you surprising him with a hug is enough to fluster him for a solid minute. Since more direct ways get him anxious, Choji prefers to do things for you, and his favorite thing is to cook for you. This man can COOK like no one's business! You guys will go out to eat on the weekends (there is nothing like fresh barbecue), but through the week he is in the kitchen cooking your favorite meals full of love. Seeing your giant smile and hearing your satisifed eating makes his heart soar. Also, you are one of the only people who he'll always share his snacks with, no hesitation (the other is Shikamaru, obviously)
Kiba Inuzuka - Physical Touch
Kiba is a toucher, hands down. He LOVES to just touch you all over. He is always in contact with you no matter what, appropriate or otherwise. Hands on your waist, head on your shoulder, fingers in your hair, sometimes he will just randomly pick you up to get a reaction out of you. Let's be real, Kiba's a dog through and through, and dogs adore attention. Whenever he wants your attention or love, Kiba will poke you and bug you until you give in and cuddle with him. Spooning is his absolute favorite position. Give this man his head pats and belly rubs god dammit, and don't forget Akamaru!. Oh and uh, warning, this man is also perverted. Quite perverted. Your cuddle sessions will devolve into him dry humping you 50% of the time. You gonna get manhandled and groped quite a bit (every touch full of love <3)
Hinata Hyuga - Words of Affirmation
You thought Choji was shy? You haven't seen nothing yet. Hinata was already a sweating mess when you were just friends, the moment you asked her out she literally fainted and collapsed on the floor. Thankfully she is better now (and didn't get brain damage), but it's still nerve-wracking to be in a relationship with you. You're just so... perfect. And Hinata wants you to know that. Throughout the day she is normally very sweet and appreciative, but whenever you are on dates or cuddling in private, she lets all her feelings out. She shares her admiration for you, her appreciation for you, and just how happy she is to have you in her life. It always makes you cry, which makes Hinata feel bad, but you always assure her they are happy tears
Shino Aburame - Acts of Service
Shino is a man of little words, and you knew that going into a relationship, so you have no issues with that! It makes the times he does speak up mean even more. Since he's inexperienced with relationships and romantic gestures, Shino's main way to show he cares is by protecting you and keeping you safe. He always is ready to defend you in public, and whenever you go somewhere alone he gives you one of his bugs so he can know you're safe. Anyone who even tries to harass or injure you is getting shot down immedietely. Losing you or you getting hurt is one of his biggest fears, and he'll never let that happen. You'll never feel unsafe when Shino is around
Rock Lee - All of Them
You can call this a cop out, but let's be real, Lee is the embodiment of EVERY love language. He never stops gushing to you about your beauty and skills, and screams how much he loves you from the rooftops. Anything you ask him to do will be done in record time perfectly. He loves to give you extravagent gifts for your anniversaries and random occasions. Spending time with you is his favorite thing in the world, especially when you train together. And physical touch? He is always happy to hug and kiss you all over. Lee is just full of love for you!! He knows he can be a bit overwhelming at times and will calm down if you tell him. He just is so grateful to have you in his life, and wants you to know that every day for the rest of your life
Neji Hyuga - Words of Affirmation
It may come as a shock to most due to his sharp tongue, but the way Neji shows his love is by words. To most he is aggressive and stand-offish, and ocassionally is to you too. It's just how he is unfortunately. But unlike with others, he is noticabely incredibly soft with you and is much more open. Neji isn't afraid to compliment how you look or give praise when you succeed at something. Even when he gets annoyed he doesn't raise his voice or throw insults at you, he stays respectful. The fact that he calls everyone an idiot except you says a whoooole lot about how he feels about you. Wear that honor with pride
Tenten - Quality Time
Tenten is pretty easy going and prefers a partner who is the same. Of course some spice and excitement is greatly welcomed, but at the end of the day she just wants to sit back and relax with her partner. So spending time together means a lot to her. She loves going on dates where you guys try something new (just no long hikes, please) but if needed will default to the local weapon museum. By the way, everytime one of you has to go on a mission, Tenten will act cool but will secretly pout the whole time until you meet up again
Gaara - Physical Touch
As he's grown, Gaara has turned into a real sweetheart. With you he is incredibly gentle and cares for you deeply. You are his treasure, you deserve the world. He still is dealing with social anxiety, and can be a bit awkward sometimes. But Gaara is always comfortable touching and holding you. His touches are gentle and kind, and sensual when he wants. He likes to give gentle kisses all over you throughout the day, and whenever he leaves for work he gives you a loving kiss before he leaves. Gaara also really values cuddling together. This man is touch starved like no one else, everytime you hold eachother he feels like a part of him is healing. Please reciprocate, he deserves it
Temari - Words of Affirmation
Temari is fiery as hell, and you knew that the moment you met. And her words are just as sharp! She isn't afraid to tell off people who annoy you guys (especially when you are on dates, they are DEAD). With you she is still mildly aggressive and intense, but in a more lighthearted way. She just gets so worried about you, she can't help herself from scolding you for being an idiot. Every word she says (positive or negative) comes from the heart. When you manage to not be a fool Temari is vocalising her approval and pride. Oh, and she has a habit of openly bragging about how amazing you are to your peers (much to your embarrassment)
Kankuro - Quality Time
This man is a teeeeeease (in a good way or bad way, your decision). He is constantly joking and making fun of you, reveling in your cute annoyance. He even likes to annoy you physically like blowing on your neck or pinching your butt. Kankuro is quite playful pretty much 95% of the time, but the other 5% he's actually quite sweet. Spending time with you is his favorite thing in the world! Yeah it's fun messing with you, but he likes to just have genuine connections and going on more mature dates. His favorite thing is dancing surprisingly, and he honestly is quite good. Holding you close and swaying makes him content ... Until he sneaks in one of his puppets halfway through, scaring the shit out of you in the process (he slept on the couch but it was worth it)
Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings | Shinobi & Founders | Akatsuki
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darkness-follows · 3 months
hey! i love your writing! there’s so little for Boyd x reader out there, so if you’re up for it could you maybe write something for him? maybe a little hurt/comfort and smutty?? he’s such a weirdo and i love him sm
thank you! and have a nice day :)
Thank you, thank you !!!! And of course!!! I hope the changes I made and the idea it turned into still all work for this !
Boyd x Female Reader
I'm still not over the end of City Primeval because it was so perfect and makes up for how in my opinion the other 7 episodes were a bit of a tough chew. Not bad! But not fantastic either.. but still, consider giving it a watch especially for the end of episode 8 for this mini multi part fic might spoil some things!!!!
It hurts so good aka a Justified: City Primeval sequal to the OG show with older Boyd and a Prison Guard reader who falls madly in love with him.
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TW: Blood. Wounds. Prison stuff. Smut (cavity/strip search). Gross other prisoners.
Enjoy PART 1:
First day on the Job. A Female prison Guard in a men only Penitentiary, it takes a lot to stomach everything, the comments, the looks, the disgusting things prisoners say to you. But you prepared for this, you got trained for this and hell you will make the best of it! You get to meet the non violent prisoners first, the ones who aren't arrested for rape or torture or anything of that kind. It's also the first time you meet Boyd Crowder. Your family being from Harlan Kentucky you heard some stories..
You know of him, but not a whole lot about him.
Though mistakes happen in prison especially on a first day. Your partner accidentally left you alone with Boyd and another prisoner in the back of the kitchen. And men who were locked up for a long time...don't exactly behave the best towards a young, pretty attractive new Guard. "Didn't know they hire models" the prisoner says, it's a mild start but it gets worse and worse. Until he makes a move towards you, he grabs your wrist and tries to pull your hand towards his crotch "let go! Let go of me!!" You try to pull away but he's twice your size.
You hear a loud bang and all of a sudden the prisoner has his eyes snapped on Crowder.
"Jerry! That ain't how we treat women now is it? You better confess what you've done if you wish to sleep in peace tonight" Boyd turns to take the man's shoulder, guiding him slowly out of the kitchen. "You don't want any suprise visits tonight do you Jerry?" He whispers before he shoves him out of the kitchen.
Shaking his head "I'm sorry about that, some of em really don't know how to behave. You okay?" He asks and when your eyes meet his it's almost..magnetic. "hm? Oh! Yeah! Yes thank you, I was ready to get that taser out" You huff.
"Oh please there is no need to thank me, I'm sorry your first day went like that, I sincerely hope one bad Apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch for you now. There are some good men in this place." He points out. The way he speaks and the methaphor.. you heard he has a certain charm to him but seeing it in real life, hearing his buttery accent and the way he carries himself despite the orange prison attire? He's a bit Interesting..
"I'm known to hand out a few chances" You smile and open up the knife drawer with your keys. Your duty is to observe their cooking and Crowder was listed as green when it comes to kitchen supplies such as knives.
"Gotta admit I might be the same way, Lord knows I've been giving away chances like free candy" He takes one of the bigger kitchen knives to start cutting the vegetables Jerry was supposed to take care of. The way he keeps looking over his shoulder at you to talk makes you feel a certain kind of warmth. He's really making sure to adress you respectfully, keeping eye contact and not looking you up and down like the rest of em in this place.
"Well, thanks again Crowder." You nod. Keeping it professional.
2 weeks into a new job and it's safe to say that you adjusted well, you know who to trust and who to get along with, which prisoners are the nice kind and which ones are the bad. This place works like a perfectly oiled machine, everything is time based and the system of the prison works. You shouldn't have a favorite prisoner but this Crowder guy doesn't seem too bad. You've been through his file a little, it's a hefty record for a man who seems so nice and collected. You also stumbled across some pictures of an injury he got inside.
Graphic pictures of a mean looking burn on his upper arm, investigation showed second degree burns to apparently scorch a hateful Tattoo off of his skin. Ouch. Yet no agressor is listed, apparently, he wouldn't say who did it to him. It was his first week of kitchen duty too.
You see Crowder again in the kitchen, it's easy for New Guards to be posted at Lunch and dinner. Observe everything.
"You've got to try this! For prison chow it really is somethin' " Crowder points out, stirring a pot.
You hesitate at first but you are pretty sure he wouldn't try and poison you. Not like this anyways. "I don't know If..- I'm allowed to" You frown but with a smile. Though no other guards are around so maybe it's fine. The smile on his face when you step closer is almost sweet, he takes a spoon and puts some of the food onto it, holding it out to you. You don't even really think about it when you open your mouth and your lips move around the spoon that he's holding. Too distracted by the taste.
"Wow!" You huff suprised, chewing slowly. "That really is good" How on earth does prison food taste better than the food at your own table at home?
"You like it? It's a old Crowder family recipe. It's easy to make but got quite the kick to it!" He throws you another rather off putting smile, why is he so nice? You read his file you know he's not violent for no reason but it's still a bit unusual.
"Yeah I do like it! You gotta give me that recipe" You take a few steps back again, licking your lips softly. That was really tasty.
"Is that an order, Guard?" He asks, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel and turning to face you. The tension in the room is suddenly different, heated, you don't know what he's getting at but it's best to put a cork in it, now.
"No?" You question. "Now get back to work" .
"That was an order" You tease.
His chuckle rings in your ears for a moment, you really do have a strange relationship with him.
Its not unusual to play favorites in a place like this but you and Crowder became..close. It's been a month now for you in Kentucky's Tramble Penitentiary. Everytime you interact with Boyd you laugh, you smile, he smiles, it really feels like you starting to develop a crush. Which is bad. Biggest rule in the game. Don't fuck the inmates. Ever. Cooking duty for him means you can always watch him fix up something nice for the other inmates. He really always takes his time, he always makes it great.
Up until today.
"God! Fuckin' damn it!" You hear Boyd curse loudly and when you rush to the kitchen to take a look you can see blood. Your hand moves to your taser.
"Easy! Didn't stab nobody, just cut myself, the fucking cucumber slipped off the board." He holds his fingers and you can see blood slowly running down his hand and arm. Luckily you have some mild medical training.
You radio in the incident and your current Boss gives the clear, your allowed to take care of the injury and put someone else on cooking duty.
You swap out inmates and a coworker takes over the Observation while you take Crowder to the small medicial room at the end of the hallway. A own room for minor things so they don't all end up clogging up the only Hospital wing in the entire prison.
But you've never been in this area or this room before and suddenly it dawns on you, you are new and your alone here with a prisoner known for Manipulation tactics. The fear becomes reality when you finally take a closer look at his injury. No way in hell was that an accidental cut, the placement is way off.
"What's the plan Boyd? Jump me. Take my keycard, my taser, make your way out the back?" You huff.
You hope you are wrong but when he starts to chuckle you can feel your stomach turn.
"No darlin' not quite." He points out.
"God and here I was thinking you weren't like the other's" your hand reaches for your Radio again to call it in when he's suddenly a few steps too close.
"It ain't like that" Boyd takes another step closer.
"Come one now, you need me to spell it out for you?" His voice...his smile.. he's...- is he trying to seduce you?!
"What? Yes. I think you do" your hand leaves off the radio.
"We have been dancin' around reach other for a month now, as nice of a dance as it was, you wanna leap off that stage now don't you? See the Real Deal." He suggests.
You can't help but to burst into a soft laughter "You think I want to sleep with you???" You shake your head and turn away from him, grabbing some rubbing alcohol and a Band aid for his self inflicted dumb cut.
"I don't just think so, I know so" He points out. Stepping behind you while you gather the supplies.
"Your crazy. I really underestimated your Level of crazy. Now give me that hand and then I'll take you back to your cell" You chuckle again. Staring at him when you turn around and he holds up the cut in his hand. Your hands tremble while you pour the alcohol onto a cottonball. Taking his hand into yours, cleaning the cut and then the rest of the blood from his hand and arm. His fingers, his breathing.. He takes another step forward and you take one back. Feeling the wall against your back, shaky hands trying to hold still while you slap the band aid onto his wound. Once that's done his hand closes around yours.
"You mean it? I've been imagining things... you don't want me?" He tries to confirm that he actually might have been wrong about you.
But you can't help it, you let his hand take yours.
Your hesitation speaks volumes.
Your hand presses against his chest, but he leans in to kiss you anyways. His lips are so gentle, so careful, he's not aggressive or demanding. It's almost sweet if you don't think about the fact that this could get you fired and that having a crush or fling with him won't work. Because at the end of the day he's in here and you are out there.
You break the soft kiss with a sigh.
"No..- I don't want to sleep with you, now take a step back Crowder" You raise your shoulders, making yourself a bit taller.
He nods. And he does.
"Apparently im off my game, it's been a while" He frowns. "I deeply apologize." He keeps his head down for a moment.
He genuinely seems sad. As if he can't believe he made such a mistake.
"Your not off your game." You finally say. "Imma have to get a uh, a transfer I think, to another ward, having feelings for an inmate is unacceptable."
His head lifts up slowly.
"Here I was thinkin' all these little things were signs you wanted my flesh. But it aint just that huh?" The smile on his face makes you roll your eyes. "You like me" He grins. "Shut up" You groan.
"As in, a little crush! Or a big crush? Good Lord! Are you in love with me?!" Now he's just being mean.
"I said shut up!" You chuckle.
And then he hugs you.
You expected everything but that...
His arms around you feel so strangely comforting, you know this is wrong, you read his charges, you know very well why he's in here and yet here you are, in his damn arms. Your hands are hesitant, but slowly you stroke your palm over his back and your other holds onto his upper arm, where you feel the scar tissue underneath your finger tips.
"Why did you never tell who did this to you?" You ask, hand soothing over the uneven skin. It's a really bad burn scar, thick and leathery almost in it's texture.
He slowly lets go of your frame, placing his palm onto your face. "Cause I did that myself." He tugs a piece of your hair behind your ear before his lips place a kiss onto your head. "They woulda thrown me into isolation for it, marked me up as a danger to myself, couldn't risk that...-" He adds. Taking a step back then.
"Why did you do it? Apart from the obvious.." your skin feels on fire, you want more, your lips are dying for a kiss that takes your breath away and your hands are aching for a body to cling to.
"Form of self punishment, I guess." Incredible how sane and yet insane such a Statement sounds, you kind of understand. Pointing to his hand "And you did that to sleep with me?" You huff. It's a strange way to go about things, that's for sure.
"Well, had to get you alone somehow didn't I?" His face changes when he looks at you a little while longer, taking a deep breath. "But I gotta admit, this was quite the suprise, might be even been better than a simple, fleeting, lustful exchange. I deeply honor that you.. care about a man such as myself." He likes it, he wouldn't have it any other way actually.
"Doesn't matter much does it? Not like there is anything to be build here" The alarm starts blasting which means Lunch is over and it's back to the cells.
He missed Lunch for you.
You take a hold of his shoulder to walk him back to his cell, his cellmate not being there yet you step inside for a second.
"Don't request a transfer.." He whispers. "Seeing your face every day for the last month while cooking has been the happiest I have been in a while, don't take that from me, please." He seems really sincere.
You nod "Okay." Then you leave his cell.
Fuck, you can't believe you have a crush and that he kissed you, and that he hugged you, hell he even knicked himself with that knife to get to be alone with you and then also asked to not stop seeing you everyday.
Falling for an inmate was not on your list, especially not THE Boyd Crowder.
Fights happen very very often in tight spaces like these with a bunch of criminals. Unfortunately Crowder was in the room where it happend, which means by the damn book, strip search. Someone could be hiding a self made knive, razorblade glued to a toothbrush..hide drugs.. anything.
"Crowder. Room 3." The guard yells, FUCK. You were hoping he'd be called to a different room, you change your gloves from the last inmates search, leaning against the medical shelf when he steps inside. The instant smirk on his face makes you flush Red.
"Well ain't that somethin' , guess it's your lucky day" He closes the door and takes off his shoes. Not his first strip and not your first search but.. this is pretty damn intimate. Even if you try to not treat it that way, you like him, and he knows you like him, and now you get to do a body search on him? It might really be your lucky damn day.
"Hey now! Im a pro" You wiggle your gloved fingers.
"I bet you are darlin' " He steps closer, opening the buttons on his orange prison jumper. The reveal of his chest and his shoulders is already pretty nice to see but when he drops it lower and you get to see his abs and his hips and his V line it's starting to get steamy in the room. He Strips the jumper and stands in his white boxershorts.
"Don't you worry now, I think I'd be quite alright with a bit of touching" He clicks his tongue, taking off his boxers. And Jesus christ. Seems like Boyd Crowder isn't just all talk, he really got the package to back it up. Good for him!
"You are staring" He comments.
"No! What? Im not! Turn around" You huff, watching him turn around and place his hands against the wall. Fuck, this shouldn't be so damn hot.
"Bend uh, bend over...you know how this goes come on Boyd" You sigh.
His chuckle makes your head spin, you really didn't think this would happen today. But you got a job to do, it's not like you don't trust him but .. you have to do this right?
You take a deep breath before you step behind him, patting down his hair first, armpits, his hips, people get creative. Some even hide blades in their own damn skin. When your hands move to his pretty nice butt you hesitate.
"Oh come on now sweetheart. Ain't my first rodeo. Let's go" He huffs. You nod. Taking the lube from the medical cabinet, you hands spread his buttcheeks apart, when you don't see or feel anything it's time for the uncomfortable finger. You apply enough lube and with a soothing hand on his hip you gently push a finger inside of him.
You don't take him for the type to shove drugs up his damn ass but this is simply part of the job. Of course you don't feel anything so you move to take your finger away again but then he..moans.
A long deep right out of his lungs kind of moan.
You move your finger slowly again in the same motion and his body tightens. "You uh, you okay?" You ask.
He nods. Which is not a yes and not no to you.
"Bit sensitive are we Crowder?" You ask and you could swear to god that he pushes back against your hand. "I think I have to be really thorough here." You slowly push a second finger inside of him.
"Fuck...-" He moans deeply.
"I'm so sorry!" You panic a bit.
"No your fine..- just god please don't stop".
"Don't stop what? That?" You move your fingers the way you did before again and again..- getting a bit deeper each time. His head is resting on the arm that's holding him against the wall, you can tell he's breathing faster, his skin is flush. Someone likes a bit of a prostate massage.. Interesting.
Boyd's breathing sounds so insanely erotic, you never heard a man make these noises before.
His other hand spreads him open a bit, watching your fingers move in and out of him. You never thought you'd be into that but? The way he sounds so broken by how good it feels? The fact that it makes him feel so good makes you feel good in return. That's all that matters right?
You step closer to him, placing a gentle kiss onto his back while your free hand reaches around him. Stroking over his Rock hard cock.
"Good lord, Ain't that some kind of abuse of Power?" He comments but he likes it, he could easily make you stop if he wanted to. Looking at you with big desperate beautiful eyes.
"You wanna file a complaint?" You kiss his shoulder and his back again. His hips starting to meet your pace is incredible.
"Phew aren't you all wound up, how long has it been Boyd? Since you felt a womans touch? Soft lips against your skin, delicate hand around your cock?" You whisper and it feels as if he's crumbling at your words. All desperate and defeated. That certainly is a new look for Boyd Crowder.
"Too long way too long" He breathes out.
"Am I doing a good job?" You ask hopeful.
"The best..." his voice is dripping with something sweet, he sounds so thankful.
When you push your fingers into him harder you can feel his hips shiver. He likes it a little rough too apparently.
You keep the stronger pace of your fingers, hand stroking his cock in the same motion.
The orgasm you get to witness is stunning, breathtaking. He tries to swallow his moans but his body clenches around your fingers and his cock throbs in your hand while rows of cum spray the wall in front of him. It's easy to tell without a vocal Orchestra that he really enjoyed himself. Carefully letting go of him and taking your gloves off.
"God damn Baby." He chuckles when he turns around.
He picks up his clothes and gets dressed again fairly quickly, closing the buttons on his prison jumper. He even has the damn courtesy of taking some paper towels and cleaning up the mess he made, tossing them and washing his hands before he looks at you.
"You really have me question what we are here..." He tilts his head and you can still see the remains of a blush on his skin.
"I've never done this before, all these other guys they are so...uptight, uncomfortable, and then you come along moaning around" You huff.
"Which I never done before either!! No other guard has ever gotten me like this, I think it's more of the person, the person being a woman I rather fancy" He smirks a bit. "I bet any touch of yours would make me sing such tunes darlin' " God the charisma of this man is teeth rotting sweet.
"Your ridiculous" You comment, but you should move on now, you don't want people to question why this is taking so long.
"Ridiculousy smitten, correct." He nods.
"Go now, smitten or not this is still a crime" You nod towards the door but instead of him going both of his hands take your face. Kissing you slow and sweet before he has to let go. "Might get myself into some more trouble if that means I get to be seein' you" he winks before he opens the door.
He's such an idiot but...god you too are pretty damn smitten.
To be continued...
Hey thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. And I hope you are excited for more !
@justme12200 @cat-shepard @megangovier
@ivyinthesun @catclaw12
If I wrongly tagged someone or forgot someone im super sorry !!! I gotta start making a damn list hahaha.
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goosetheluce · 9 months
you're my home (lucy gray baird x fem!reader)
info: cussing, ever so slight angst, mutual pining, confession, reader is running from district twelve with lucy gray
a/n: it's not weird to have a crush on someone with the first name as you !! taylor swift and taylor lautner did it leave me alone
you stirred from your rest at the bright sunbeams pouring through the trees. and maybe also lucy gray's insistent tugging and repetition of your name.
"holy shit," she grumbles, clearly dismayed. "wake up! we're almost there. gotta get moving."
" 'm up. lord."
you heaved a sigh and arched your back, a tight line of pops rushing down your spine. you took a deep inhale, eyes shutting again as you ran a hand along your fucked up, greasy hair.
traveling on foot for a week isn't the most flattering look.
when you peeled your eyes open, you were met with lucy gray's judging stare beating down on you. considering the way the corners of her lips twitched, though, you knew she couldn't stay annoyed at your heavy sleeping for too long.
"gimme a break, lucy gray. i'm not used to this," you rasped. you rolled out of your tent and lay dramatically on the forest floor. what's a little more dirt, anyway?
she scoffed and her radiance peeked through her exasperated face. the wide smile woke you up a little more.
"should've hung out with the covey more while we were still around the district," she scolds, grabbing your soft hands and wrapping them in hers to pull you to your feet. "might've taught you how to not be a baby."
"maybe. but i ran away with you, didn't i?" you retorted. "i think that makes me pretty grown."
lucy gray's playful smile faded into a more serene one. she simply gave a nod and stepped away, picking up her backpack.
"look what i found while you were asleep," she murmured. she pulled out eggs (poor mother bird), and a bundle of herbs for tea later. your mouth watered.
"no salt and pepper?" you teased, taking an egg and inspecting it. it was heavy. you were hit with homesickness as you remembered your kitchen, which sometimes struggled to stay stocked, but at least you had the chance for butter.
you both decided on soft-boiling the eggs in the tiny pot you begged lucy gray to pack before you ventured off. you sat and ate, peeling away the crackling shell and talking about the journey and whatever else before packing up and hiking through another day.
things were natural with her. hell, everything about her was natural. her beauty was untouched by the standards of the capitol and instead flourished freely. it was evident in the lively bounce of her dark waves and her sunkissed olive skin. you wondered when the last time was you looked in the mirror without picking everything apart, envying lucy gray's outward confidence.
"i still can't believe we're doing this," you spoke up, the silence becoming insufferable.
lucy gray turns her head to meet your eyes, her expression neutral. sweat pooled on her hairline and dripped down her temples. you knew if you reached out to touch her, her skin would be blazing with the power of the sun. good thing she doesn't burn.
"like, running away and all that. i thought i'd rot away in twelve for the rest of my life."
till i met you, you added on silently.
lucy gray laughed.
"a woman like you? naw, i had to steal you away. couldn't let such a beauty go to work in those damned mines."
"you really think i'm that much of a priss?" you sighed, batting your eyelashes at her sarcastically.
"oh, honey, i never said that. sometimes a girl just wants a treat for herself. so i got my treat."
you blamed the high noon for your feverish cheeks.
the minutes turned into hours, and the shadows stretched across the grass. laughter rang across the fields.
"your first kiss was billy taupe? he's so fucking boring, i'm sorry," you cackled, eyes shut tight from hysteria. "sadly for the rest of us, though...next to you, anyone is boring."
"what? first kisses aren't exactly known to be glamorous," lucy gray defended. "besides, i got the real deal after him."
"oh?" you perked up, voice stabilizing. "this mystery guy must be the reason your head was in the clouds...at least, according to maude."
suddenly, the happiness drained from her face. "for a while, i guess. wasn't worth it." you averted your eyes to the front of the scenery. your grip tightened around the straps of your backpack.
"you deserve better. you'll find someone. a hot guy from district four, maybe," you teased, nudging her arm with your elbow.
like me.
"oh, perfect, a fisher! don't even need to buy cologne for his birthday; it'd be useless against that rank," she remarks sourly.
you giggled as her teasing gaze met yours. your grin was mirrored, and you memorized the crevices of her smile lines. her eyes fluttered down to your lips for a brief moment before she cleared her throat and unraveled her map.
you let out a deep breath and looked around. you remembered when you first met lucy gray, frozen and terrified to see somebody else outside the limits of twelve. she eyed you warily from the lake, her lips parted and brow furrowed.
you realized you should probably say something to the girl in the lake, but you didn't know what. she waded toward you and began a less-than-friendly warning before you interrupted her.
"we don't have food. i'm just out here to gather some things."
the girl's voice halted and her shoulders reluctantly dropped from their defensive position.
"thank god."
"what are you doing in there? aren't you gonna get caught?" you inquired nervously, eyes flitting everywhere. the girl laughed brightly.
"those joke 'peacekeepers' don't care about anything that goes on past the fences. not even a covey girl swimming. scandalous, i know."
you stared as the sun washed over her soaked hair.
"lucy gray baird," she offered up her name. "but you can call me lucy gray. that's what all my friends call me."
"i'm..." you started, walking to the edge of the dock to meet her at the water.
she muttered something quietly, bringing you back to the present.
"what's that?"
"ah, just that we should stop here for the night. it's not a good idea to go through the forest in the dark. so easy to get lost," lucy gray corrects herself. you nodded and looked around for a spot.
"there looks good," you suggested, pointing to a spot under a lone cluster of trees. lucy gray hums in agreement before starting towards the spot, taking your hand in hers. your heart skipped.
the sky wept deep indigo, bleeding down into the horizon as the sun sank. insects chirped and buzzed, their calls flowing through the tree leaves and across the grassy plains. the fire was warm; the smell of roasted game and pungent tea carried away in the wind. lucy gray's wavy voice split the thick summer air pleasantly. your eyes stayed fixed on her. her dainty fingers held her tea. a sly smile painted her face.
"you stare a lot," she remarked. "you know that, right?"
your eyebrows raised a bit. you kept looking, wondering how she'd noticed and still hadn't even looked up to meet your gaze. until she did.
god, you loved the way her eyes looked like a cup of black coffee. the way your grandma used to make it. or maybe the tree bark you peeled away from a rotting trunk as a kid. the soil embedded between your fingers after a long day of work.
"i do know that," you responded a second too late. awkward delivery. you swallowed and looked into the towering coniferous forest. shadows crept from beneath the canopy and raised the hairs on the back of your neck.
"we should probably wrap it up soon," you insisted. "put out the fire, get to bed, all that." you picked at a scab till it flaked off.
lucy gray scoffed, setting her tea beside your backpacks.
"the sun is barely gone. just 'cause the birds are sleepin' don't mean we are."
you said nothing in return, still wary of the woods nearby. your fingers pressed firmly into the skin of your arms, which were rested on your knees. you sighed and put your head down.
you felt lucy gray's gaze burning into you. you felt the former scab swelling and the droplet of blood spilling down your arm.
"you messed with it too much. might get infected if we don't clean it," she asserted. you smiled with your head on your knees. lucy gray was making an excuse to touch you. you wondered silently if she felt the same intense heartrate, the same jolt of electricity every time your arms brushed as you hiked through the countryside.
away from all the rules.
you lifted your head and saw lucy gray hurrying back with a damp towel and honey. your brow furrowed.
"what's that for?"
she chuckled as she kneeled down to wipe away the blood and dirt with the towel.
"it'll keep that cut clean. antibacterial properties an' all. trust me."
your breath hitched as the towel made contact with your cut. the gentle sting of raw honey being spread across the wound is what snapped your drooping eyelids back open.
definitely not lucy gray's lips so close to you.
"...hey," she whispered.
"hi?" you responded, smiling a bit.
"it's alright if you're homesick. you can talk to me about it, if you'd like."
you breathed out a long sigh and pressed your forehead to hers. she hesitated before bringing her left hand to rest on the side of your face.
"lucy gray," you began, but struggled to finish. you pulled back slightly to make eye contact.
"i'm not that homesick. i have you," you whispered softly.
"you're my home."
you were met with a tense silence. you wanted to turn and run, because how could you be so stupid to tell her that, and you ruined the moment, and-
suddenly her lips are pressing gently into yours. your eyes widened. the taste of the tea she was drinking lingered on your tongue as she shuffled back.
"fuck! fuck, i'm sorry, i wasn't thinkin'," she apologized, voice shaking as she stared at you. she fiddled with her hands anxiously. you'd never seen her so flustered.
all you did was make your way back to her, cupping her face in a heavy kiss. you smiled against her, feeling her body relax into yours. her hands rested on top of yours before sliding comfortably onto your waist. she pulled back, jet black eyes bright with starlight and exhilaration.
"coming with you, getting away from twelve...it's been the best decision i ever made," you confessed, dropping your hands from her face and instead rubbing her arms. "i've wanted nothing except you for like, a year now."
"we've known each other for almost three years. i'm wounded," lucy gray teased, her fingers unsuccessfully smoothing the top layer of your hair.
"well, was i better than billy taupe?"
"quiet, you."
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
Will Joel and Mama have another kid in the Unexpected universe? 👀👀
well... since everyone's asking...
An Unexpected Addition
dad!joel x f!reader
joel masterlist
warnings | 18+ smut-adjacent, fluffy nonsense, joel gets dunked on by his family but that's nothing new
a/n | unexpected universe, my darling, i will always love writing for you
“You know Joel’s gonna say no, right?”
“He won’t if you say yes.”
“Ellie.” The girl huffs, her eyes widening in a silent plea that quickly turns vocal.
“Oh c’mon. Look at this face! How could you say no to this face?” At that, Ellie holds up the squirming puppy until she’s nose to nose with him. She has to admit, he is a sweet little thing. The runt of a new litter, which Ellie had explained could not be trained up like the rest of the pack for guard duties due to his size. 
“I had to take him. No one else wanted him! Please, will you please talk to Joel? He’s not gonna say no to you.” She sighs, already feeling herself crumbling at her girl’s pleading.
“Alright, I’ll talk to him–” Ellie gasps, a bright grin across her face, but she’s not done talking.
“But, if we keep this dog, he’s gonna be your responsibility, alright? You’ve gotta feed him, and walk him, and train him up a little. I don’t wanna hear any complaints– he’s gonna be your dog, Ellie bean.” Ellie nods emphatically at that, holding the puppy a little closer in her arms.
“Yes ma’am. You got it! Do you think the old man would be pissed if I named him Joel junior?” 
Lord help them all.
Later that night, after getting Libby to sleep, she slips into their bedroom to find Joel already propped up in bed, reading an old paperback. Ellie had kept the puppy out in the garage the rest of the afternoon, promising to keep it under wraps until she talked to Joel.
Here goes nothing. 
“Hmm?” He doesn’t even look up, obviously preoccupied with whatever he’s reading. She can’t help the huff she lets out, realizing that she’s going to have to be a whole lot less subtle about this. She pads over to the bed, getting onto the mattress on all fours as she crawls over to her man. Still nothing. 
“Joel?” His eyes barely glance away from his book to her, before settling back on the page he’s on.
“I’m listening, honey. What is it?” He is most definitely not listening with the way he’s squinting at his book, lips parted in a silent mouthing of what he’s reading. She’s going to have to resort to drastic measures. 
“Hey, I was reading that! What’re you–” He cuts himself off, mouth agape as in one fell swoop she plucks the book out of his hands, tossing it aside and straddling his lap, her palms splaying out over his chest. 
“I need to talk to you about something, baby.” Got him. His eyes are wide, broad palms reflexively going to the meat of her thighs, fingers squeezing lightly as he wets his lips.
“What is it, mama?” Her lips crook in a grin, hands trailing up to thread through his hair in the way she knows gets him good and stupid for her. His eyes practically roll back in his head when she tugs lightly at his waves.
“How would you feel about a new addition to the family?” He refocuses on her at that, eyes widening and fingers flexing in their grasp on her.
“A new– to the family?” She smiles, nodding.
“Mmhmm. What do you think about–” Before she can get the rest of her question out, he moves with uncharacteristic speed, flipping them over so she’s laid out underneath him, his hips slotted with hers. He lands a series of sloppy kisses to her lips, leaving her no room to speak as he licks into her mouth. When he finally pulls away, he’s got the biggest grin on his face. 
“I know I said all that shit when I was drunk– but damn, I’ve been thinking about it. About you. So pretty, and soft, and round. Look so beautiful carrying my child, darlin. Can’t help but think about giving you another one.” Oh fuck, not this again. When he dips down to give her another kiss, she holds him back by his shoulders, scrunching her face up at him.
“Wait, what? That is not what I’m talking about.” His face goes slack.
“It– it’s not?” 
“Jesus Christ, Joel, no. I was gonna ask you if it’d be ok if–” Once again, she gets cut off, but this time by the sound of a yipping bark coming from downstairs. Joel’s head whips around, sitting back on his haunches.
“What the fuck was that?” Another round of barks resounds through the house, loud enough to set Libby off crying across the hall. Joel’s already up, bounding down the stairs as she darts into the nursery to grab their crying girl before following him down.
The scene she finds is something else.
“What is that?” Joel has one hand on his head, the other gesturing vigorously to the puppy that is currently massacring one of their couch cushions. Ellie puts on her best smile, stepping between Joel and the sight of the dog.
“That is JJ. Short for Joel junior.” She tentatively steps beside Joel, Libby on her hip now consoled by the sight of the little furball. He turns to her, eyebrows raised.
“That’s the new addition you were trying to tell me about?” All she can do is smile and shrug. Ellie scoops the dog– JJ– up off the couch, finally getting him to stop attacking the now shredded couch cushion. Joel scoffs.
“Oh, absolutely not.” Ellie blanches at that, shuffling over to Joel and hoisting JJ up to him.
“Please, old man. He’ll be my responsibility, I swear! He can stay in the garage with me– and you won’t have to hardly ever see him!” Joel grumbles, getting ready to voice his protest, but just then, Libby lets out a shriek of laughter.
“Doggy, mama. Look!” Her girl points at JJ in Ellie’s arms, giggling again at the squirming puppy. She glances at Joel, seeing that his face has practically melted as he watches Libby. She smiles down at her girl.
“That’s right, baby, it’s a doggy. You wanna pet him?” Libby nods her head enthusiastically, and Ellie grins as she steps over to them, holding JJ up to let Libby tentatively pat his head. When he licks her little palm, she lets out another peel of laughter. 
She and Ellie glance at Joel as Libby continues to pet JJ. His face has gone completely slack at the sight, arms hanging loosely at his sides. She can’t help the laugh she lets out looking at him.
“You did say you wanted a little more testosterone in the house.” He sighs.
“Alright, fine. But that dog stays out of the main house, I don’t want him tearing up the place. And you gotta teach him some manners. You understand?” Ellie grins, nodding emphatically.
“Understood. Thanks, old man. Welcome to the family, Joel junior.” 
“Kid, please don’t call him that.”
“What? That’s his name.” 
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agent-barnes40 · 9 months
Teddy bears
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13th Doctor x GN!Reader (romantic)
The Doctor doesn’t realize the bear she bought you would have lasting consequences.
Fluff, pure fuckin fluff
The Doctor really really should’ve thought better when you came running up to her, practically death gripping her hands and dragging her back to the shop you had launched yourself into. Her brain was running a thousand miles a minute, trying to figure out what you had found, or if you had gotten into trouble. Instead, she saw the shop keep setting a brown stuffed bear on a shelf behind the counter, with two TARDIS blue hearts stitched over the chest.
"Please, Doctor. I would've given them earth currency but we don't have a universal currency and I don't know what currency this planet takes. I won't ask you to pay for anything ever again." You had practically begged, your voice coming out with words that even her brain had a hard time keeping track of.
The Doctor had to laugh, you looked adorable looking between her and the bear. Your feet were still tapping in excitement at finding the bear at all. "Yeah, we can get you the bear, if that is what your asking for."
"I forgot to even mention what I wanted! Oh thank you so much!" You didn't even think and pulled the woman in for a kiss.
The Doctor eagerly kissed back, her brain lighting up with ideas of what else she could do to have more kisses like this. Obviously more stuffed animals had made their way onto her list. She gently pulled away and rested her hands on your hips, laughing softly.
She really should've thought better when you started carrying the bear around everywhere, if she even mentioned there could've been a chance at sleeping outside The TARDIS. You had it stuffed in a bag you took everywhere. You and The Fam were curled up in a tiny tent, miles away from the TARDIS and you had pulled the bear out, setting it in your lap as she paced back and forth.
Yaz just smiled at the bear while Ryan snorted. "You still carry it around everywhere."
You smiled and nodded. "Gotta have a piece of my Time Lord with me everywhere I go. Plus, she's gonna be so busy tonight trying to figure out how to fix all this, she won't be open to cuddling. So next best thing."
The Doctor stilled at that, and then started pacing again. Graham was the one who picked up on The Doctor's stutter in her walk and the smile that had crossed the Time Lord's face.
Of course, you had been right and spent the night curled around the bear, and The Doctor had just stared at you. Your face had been burrowed into the bear's chest, barely enough room for you breath but it was how you slept with her.
The Doctor really should've checked the bear after that night, because when she heard you talking to someone in her room, her heart dropped and when she peeked her head in, and saw you curled up in her lilac and rainbow bedding, that damned bear sitting on your chest with her voice coming out of it.
She immediately pulled her sonic out and tried to discretely sonic it but your ears had caught the whirring and you sat up. "Hi Doc!"
Her eyes watched as the bear fell onto her side of the bed and she couldn't help but feel the spike of jealousy in her hearts as you readjusted the bear into a sitting position. She slowly moved the rest of the way into the room and sat next to the bear. "So when did you get it to speak to you?"
You tilted your head before looking at the bear. "I thought you did that. I had left her on the bed when we went out on Lavernus and when I came back she had started talking back to me."
"She?" The Doctor asked and you looked away from her, trying to not show how flustered you were.
"I mean, its kinda obvious who I'm projecting onto that bear, Doc."
"I just heard my own voice come out of that bear. I know the bear is representing me."
"Oh-Oh good, because its kinda embarrassing to project your girlfriend onto a stuffed bear."
The Doctor suddenly pulled you into a kiss, her hand wrapped the back of your head, gently keeping you in place. When she finally pulled away, she pressed her forehead to yours and a smile was on her face. "Do you know how jealous of that bear I have been since I bought it for you?"
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hitlikehammers · 8 months
on the radio
rating: t ♥️ cw: criminal-levels of softness, love beyond the boundaries of what it even meant to love before the spring of ‘86 ♥️ tags: established relationship, rockstar!eddie, teacher!steve, rockstar husbands, tour dates coincide with summer vacation because Eddie can't sleep without his Stevie thank you for your cooperation with this policy, soul-deep love, slice of life, softness
for @steddielovemonth day fourteen: Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time (@sharpbutsoft)
more codependent rockstar!husbands of the je ne regrette rien variety, you say? oh, well, I mean: I guess ♥️
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Steve can fucking taste freedom, he swears.
He looks at the list of student records he needs to close out to transfer to the high school before he can pack away the last of his office and sign the hell off for the school year—and start the summer tour cycle with his husband through the Midwest, up and down the East Coast, and then they’re fucking breaking Europe, got signed on to a couple festivals, and Steve is goddamn vibrating with excitement and shit, just: are there parts of your heart that like, fit together? Like bones where they connect and shit, or is it all just one piece?
Steve thinks is more like one piece, but he is gonna go with that it’s more like stitched together or something, just so he can fucking say exactly what he feels, which is that his whole goddamn chest—heart and ribs and lungs and all the other fucking bones and shit there—all of it’s seriously bursting at the seams just with so much fucking pride, okay, because his Eddie’s goddamn made it. This dream of his isn’t just gold records; it’s a plane across an ocean to play for tens of thousands of people who don’t even all speak their language and that’s…that’s just like…
Steve’s so goddamn proud he’s split between wanting to scream about it from the top of the school and maybe sob about it with all kinds of sappy declarations peppered in as he messy-cries, so: bursting at the seams. Heart in his chest so full it’s primed to just explode like a goddamn confetti cannon.
Though time has kind of served as testament to the fact that that sensation’s less exclusively about Eddie’s music, or his success, and more just about Eddie.
Eddie, and loving him beyond the boundaries of any understanding Steve ever had about what it meant to love before the spring of ‘86.
He’s almost through the ‘V’s at the end of his alphabet of names when he notes the time—shit, he almost missed it.
He reaches for tiny radio in the corner of his desk that literally just lives there for the purpose of Eddie and the boys doing interviews on local stations every so often, and tunes it in 93.9.
…elcome to most of the infamous lords of midwestern metal, Corroded Coffin, the DJ’s introducing and good, Steve sighs and flips through his…fifth-to-last folder—just in time, he can listen to the interview the guys are squeezing in before hitting the road, then he can get home while the band’s getting their flight to the first venue in Chicago, they’ve got a couple of days there and he and Eddie are planning to look at some houses; Erica’s out of high school they’re ready to make the leap, and Steve will take the 6:10 flight and head straight to the show like the often do, it should work perfect; it’s great to have you guys back but Jeff, I gotta ask, the maybe most…colorful?
You can say obnoxious, Lenny, if anyone knows, we do, Jeff’s shooting playfully, and Steve snickers, distracted by closer folder-number-five and flipping open number-four.
I would never, the DJ gasps theatrically to laughter, and Gareth’s muted holler almost like he’s here! and then he continues on; that does open the line of inquiry, though: where’s your notorious frontman, Mr. Munson?
Steve’s hand slips on the folder; he barely catches it before it falls to the floor.
Eddie…Eddie’s not, not there?
Steve tries to talk down the adrenaline response that’s never wholly died at the idea of the love of his fucking life gone missing, and worse, the idea of something happening to him while unaccounted for: Jeff was playful. Gareth was teasing. They have to at least have known somethingabout Eddie’s absence, Steve talks down his racing heart to something just a little anxious as he listens for clues, and doesn’t have to mine little hints or anything even, it’s clear and plain:
Eddie’s got a sore throat, so like the diva he is, he’s resting it before showtime, Dougie chiming in and yeah, two points to that: one, the only reason Eddie’d have a sore throat would have been fine by sun-up, yeah, and it was, because Eddie was all sunshine and manic energy when they parted ways that morning, and then two: Steve actually knows these guys well enough to be able to tell when they’re talking out their asses.
And Doug is maybe the worst liar of the three on-air.
Steve’s chewing hard on his Bic, trying hard to keep a level head about this: if anything drastic had happened, he’d have heard, they all have his office number, they all know where he is, it would—
Steve startles when he hears rubber squeaking down the hall outside the office; as far as he knows, though, he’s the only person here—everyone else takes at least a week free from this place after classes end, but Steve has a timeline, and a flight to catch, so y’know: sacrifices must be made and whatnot.
He barely gets to turn in his chair to consider getting up to check when the culprit and his perpetually-trashed Reeboks skids to a halt in the doorway.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie beams at him, a little breathless, hair a fucking mess but smiling so big, those dimples popped so deep: shit, if Steve’s heart hadn’t been quick already, that’d fucking do the trick.
“Eddie,” Steve stands, and meets him in the middle where Eddie’s already crossing to him, kissing him immediately and hungrier than the maybe-five-hours since the saw each other really fucking merits. “What, you, why aren’t you at the station?”
Eddie’s eyes flick to the radio as he clocks the question and of all the reactions Steve could predict from him, the fake-sheepish grin with the glimmering fucking eyes?
Probably could have guessed that one.
“I forgot something.”
“You forgot something?”
“Yeah, something important,” he nods fervently and Steve frowns.
‘Babe, you could have called, I’m meeting you at the arena, I could drop it with security if needed to,” he offers, argues: but not really, and not like it fucking matters, because here Eddie is, and the boys were planning to run straight to the airport from the interview, both of which are in the city but Steve’s not, and Eddie’s gonna have to be fucking quick, here, if he doesn’t want to be late for his goddamn flight; did he already swing by the house for whatever it is he needs, it—
“Nope,” Eddie pops the denial like a bubble; “can’t leave it with security.”
Steve squints at him, because now it’s a puzzle. Now it’s Eddie being…kind of a little shit.
And Steve doesn’t even begrudge him the momentary panic before; he’s too adorable. Steve’s too fucking in love.
And now he’s curious.
“You kissed me goodbye.”
“Oh, always,” Eddies almost offended by the suggestion he could have forgotten that. As in: ever.
“Said you loved me.”
“Bigger than the universe,” Eddie says exactly what he came up with that morning, like he does every morning, some new outlandish way to describe the scope of his affections and Steve rolls his eyes but eats it up every fucking time; “and the universe is always expanding so I love you bigger than what it’s expanded to since this morning, too.”
Steve can’t help but kiss him for that, because; well.
“What the hell else then?” Steve asks, because Eddie has a fucking timeline here and then his husband’s grin stretches slow, and sly, and then he’s drawing Steve in, and kissing him deep, licking as far as he can reach and wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist tight, knocking him a little off balance by design and Steve goes with it, because he fucking loves it, and then—
“Goddamnit, Edward,” Steve growls between them into Eddie’s shit-eating fucking grin as he smacks Steve’s ass, again, and keeps his hand there to squeeze while he pecks at Steve’s lips with feeling.
“It’s good luck, baby, for the journey!” Eddie protests between kisses. “It would curse the whole shebang if I left without showing the appreciation duly accorded to a goddamn masterpiece,” and then he leans in and goes deep one more time, draws a moan out and drags it slow from Steve’s lips before breaking away to declare emphatically:
And Steve…Steve fucking loves this man bigger than the whole expanding fucking universe or whatever, so he kisses him back until Eddie’s the one moaning, then pushes him away, kinda hard.
“Get out of here, you fucking lunatic,” but then he’s quick to drag Eddie back for one last kiss to mouth against him: “have a safe flight, I’ll see you tonight.”
And Eddie smiles against him, and makes to actually listen, but.
Not before Steve slaps that ass as it makes its way out the door.
Turnabout’s fair play.
Or whatever.
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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