#good luck hien
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dunmeshistash · 26 days
Attention all dungeoneers: Namari is in great danger and she needs your help to wipe out the monsters in the stairwell vineyard, but to do this she needs a leg pouch and a couple of inspiring reference photos. To help her, all she needs is 2-3 photos of the nicest legs in Ryoko Kui’s Dungeon Meshi. But, you gotta be quick, so Namari can secure the bag and achieve the epic Delicious in Dungeon! (Btw, I love your work and thank you for effectively categorizing all the art!)
Well uh, good luck dungeoneers, Namari needs some dunmeshi leg pics to defeat monsters, no other reasons. (Thanks!)
I'll present you Hien's legs
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Kabru you're so fucking lucky
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thefreelanceangel · 2 years
New Here from Twitter?
If you’re leaping out of the sinking ship and onto the battered raft that is Tumblr and you’re here for FFXIV content, allow me to give you a little helping hand in who to follow!
@luck-and-larceny -- Marvelous screenshots, a delightful character with thoroughly enjoyable writing and the player is absolutely glorious. Bonus is you also get led to @dumb-hat & @kestrelvylbrand, both of whom also have delightful writing, fun aesthetics (especially if you like foul-mouthed birds) and thoroughly enjoyable characters! (There’s an @argentrenard in there too if I’m not mistaken...)
@phoebe-of-ivalice -- Just quietly sit down and sigh along with me at the screenshots, I don’t know how they made a bunny that gorgeous but siiiiiiiiiiigh....
@fair-fae -- Really no introduction needed for Fae, all things considered, but I do enjoy the “delicate teacups, dainty aesthetics, abrupt bloody mouths, lacy curtains” dichotomy very well. 
@gray-morality -- @kuro8529‘s IC blog (the Black Snack DM is a delight and a glory) for a criminal bun with a delightful story and you get a bonus @catscratching in the bargain!
@katalinhunter -- Watch this space for Cirque events and fun screenshots!
@gatheredfates -- has as many alts as me and posts marvelous work, you get @riftdancing for free as a bonus for more fascinating characters!
@windup-dragoon -- Kiri is the one player-made character that I accept as being a canon character's love interest, so she and Hien are a Thing in my FFXIV headcanon.
@shroudkeeper -- gorgeous screenshots and personal lore I haven't figured out yet but INTERESTS me.
@onyaponko -- sob over the screenshots with me they're too good ><
@arbiterofthedead -- for fun necromancy vibes, good story and you get a free @spellsandtales in the bargain!
@sajiri -- The art is so good y'all...
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast -- runs the FFXIVWrite contests and puts all of us through our own personal hell, which we engage in delightedly and by choice.
@eligos-venator -- some NICE screenshots & interesting OC lore via prompt responses, which is fascinating because I think that’s the only writing there, but there’s so MUCH.
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allevils · 5 months
so, i'm still thinking about why lucy chooses to ... forgo her own happiness through the repression of her 'human' emotions (and mainly, hien saying " ... but definitely not an effective one and only makes you miserable in the end, lucy. why be miserable not trying when you can try your luck… ").
i think the thing is-- deep down, he knows he isn't worthy of it. the rebellious angel, the attempted overthrowing, the making a home out of the place that was your prison-- none of that is good. lucifer's supposed to be the evil one, right? there's good and there's evil and that's how things are supposed to be. you cannot change the story, no matter how hard you scratch and claw. unfortunately, he's too prideful to admit that (even though she also knows that god has foresight-- any attempt to fight will be denied as quickly as it appears). he's also too prideful to admit he's, quite frankly understandably, lonely. he fills that hole with whatever he can, but it's never enough, is it? it also goes back into the dog motif-- have enough hands slap at you and treat you cruelly, you'll start snapping at any hand, even if they have good intentions.
so, she has meaningless sex with people she doesn't even like. she buys and buys and buys but for what? to fill a house so it's less empty and lonely? she doesn't speak to her siblings anymore (and why would they speak to him? he's made his mess. she can clean it up herself). the world spins. the sun rises. the devil is fated to be lonely for the rest of his cruel existence. the story continues.
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 2 months
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Rian fashion timeline pt1
what can i say, i love my son!!!!!
He wears the hyur starting gloves + boots like 90% of the time so it was very fun to build outfits around these mostly unchanging elements fdkljghkjdfgh
Some trivia under the cut :>
In ARR he tended to wear looser clothing, things like those low-level wizard robes, out of a desire to not be perceived; he was a loner who preferred to blend in and go unnoticed (for the most part, he still is)
The blue byregotia choker is a good luck charm his little sister, Honora, gave him
All the beautiful earrings in this game, and he only wears the lvl29 lapis lazuli earrings, or the House Fortemps earrings fglkjhdfgjhfdj (there's a story behind the lapis earrings but I don't know it yet)
After the Vault, he quits SCH and WHM for a long time because the shame and frustration of mastering those skills specifically to prevent such things from happening only to fail to save his best friend was too much to cope with. So he switched almost exclusively to PLD
The sword he has from the end of HW on is Haurchefant's- Artoirel gave it to him, and he later gives it to Ysera when she takes up paladin (what happens to it after that I'm not sure, but it's kept as a keepsake regardless)
During the fight with Sophia, he pulled a very reckless heroic stunt that he thought would kill him. It didn't, but it damaged his Halonic shield badly enough that it was no longer usable, and his injuries made him miss the fight with Zurvan. His armor was also trashed
The armor he wore after that was a bit lighter, for ease of switching between PLD and SMN- because at that time, I don't think anyone had figured out how to switch classes and gear sets mid-battle yet the way Meteor does in the SHB trailer (and also he lost main tank privileges due to the Sophia incident)
His new shield was made of Shiva's ice, in memory of Ysayle
He did not join O'ravi and the others on the recon mission, so he was in Rhalgr's Reach when Zenos attacked, and Zenos almost killed him (mainly because he was wildly unprepared to fight someone as strong as Zenos). He still joined the journey east, but his friends made him sit out the Sirensong Sea dungeon and for a while, they only let him join fights as SMN. Less risk of his recklessness biting him in the ass that way
He did not enjoy returning to Kugane. His family moved there from Radz-at-Han when he was 9 and left for Eorzea when he was 17, so the place is just kinda. Bad memories. He hated the Ruby Sea more tho because that's where he and his dad were sailing when his dad was killed.
He picked up samurai and learned a lot of it from Hien and Gosetsu so he would have something to focus on. Can't fall into the endless spiral of despair if you're too busy learning how to fight with a katana!
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yzeltia · 2 years
The Lost Year
Chapter 2: As Far As I Could Get Characters: Hien Rijin, Y'zel Tia Rating: T Notes:
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Hien crossed his arms as he watched Y'zel pour their tea. Though the Miqo'te complained the samurai had become a shadow, he'd been hospitable when it came to pause for a meal or rest. As for his own motivations, the prince wasn't sure if he was protecting Y'zel, suspicious of him, or just following along to have something to do beyond training with the nomadic tribes of the Steppe.
"I'll be wanting to check in with some of my contacts from other tribes soon," Hien said as he reached for his cup.
"Well, good luck with that then."
Hien closed his eyes then took a sip of his tea, trying to hide his displeasure for the sweetness as well as his annoyance from how dismissive the other continued to be.
"It's been just under a moon since I rescued you, not to mention the many times I've done so since.  I was expecting a bit more of a send off than that."
"I did not ask for your company, your highness."
"Please don't start with that again," Hien sighed.
"If it bothers you, you could just leave me to my fate."
"Enough of that too. If the Kami had wanted you, you'd be theirs."
Y'zel's cup slipped from his hand and bounced off his exposed thigh before spilling over onto the grass. It seemed Hien struck a nerve, the Miqo'te letting out a labored pant as he looked up to the endless blue sky above. The samurai huffed, riding up to a knee to quickly brush the water off Y'zel's leg as the pale flesh darkened from a burn. Once more, the Miqo'te let out a labored breath then gripped Hien's exposed shoulder.
"Leave it," he panted, recoiling from the careful touch.
The prince withdrew, eye shifting to Y'zel's grasp on his shoulder as he traced his scars with his fingers before letting go.
"Yugiri…," Y'zel spoke in a near whisper.
Hearing his retainer's name, Hien seized the Miqo'te's shoulders, "Where did you hear that name!?"
"Just now…I heard your voice call out to her as a boy."
"You're lying!"
Y'zel's soft blue eyes shifted to meet Hien's, "I'm not. I told you before. I can  hear echoes of the past."
The prince slumped back onto his shins, letting his hands slide off the other's shoulders. How long since he heard his friend's name aloud?
"I know a Yugiri. An auri woman from Doma that traveled to Eorzea. Our interactions were brief but perhaps they are one in the same given our proximity. I try not to dwell on the things I hear too much though. It only invite trouble," Y'zel said as he gathered his cup to repour his tea.
Hien was certain his companion spoke of his oldest friend. Yet he didn't believe in coincidence. He gripped his scarred shoulder as he moved to sit beside Y'zel.
 If the other intended to harm him, he'd had plenty of opportunities to do so and having not let the Miqo'te from his sight, had not interacted with anyone aside from the tribes people visiting Reunion. While he hadn't heard of such magick before, he couldn't readily disprove the veracity of what had been told to him.
"What else have you heard? I don't imagine you've told me everything you've learned," Hien eventually asked.
Y'zel sipped at his renewed tea then shifted his fundoshi to cover the spot on his thigh. 
"Nothing profound. Mostly your calling out to others in battle. Your vocal disappoint with yourself and crying out to the Kami in anguish over your losses. Occasionally your boasting over a hunt or delicious cut of meat. Things I don't look for, but tune into due to your lingering proximity."
Hien crossed his arms, "So your indifference on my departure then is for your piece of mind."
"I care little to be reminded of my own losses without adding yours to the mix," he started, "And yet I have been grateful for the company."
Hien raised a brow, perhaps hearing the first bit of praise escape from the Miqo'te, and found that it was not the only thing to be freed. Y'zel had begun to cry, tears rolling down his usual blank face.
"Y'zel…I'm sorry."
The Miqo'te shook his head then brought his palms to his face. "It's my fault. I've been so selfish…no…I've wanted to be selfish. I don't want to feel anything because when I do I just end up wrapping myself up in my own pain…I was doing fine until you came along! And now all I can feel is how awful I've been. You've lost so much more and yet you walk forward and I'm just going through the motions until I end up something's dinner."
Hien watched as the pink-haired Miqo'te lost it. Impulsively he reached out and flattened the other's ears with his hand. "Take a breath little cat. Then fill in the gaps for me."
Y'zel gasped for air then pulled his hands from his face, sniffling hard as he tried to recapture control over his breathing. Hien's hand lifted from his head, he turned and looked up to him before starting to fiddle with his yukata.
"I was born in a settlement of Sharlayan…"
The samurai nodded along as he listened to Y'zel tell him of the loss of his father, then adoptive father, then sister before getting into what he's seen of the Dragonsong War and his engagement to U'noloh that came out of it. A cycle of loss that explained in some part the Miqo'te's disposition, but left Hien unsatisfied. 
“After they brought me the things they found on his body, I lost it. I wandered away from my homeland, away from everything and everyone I knew and before I really could make sense of anything I had come to the Ruby Sea. I thought maybe connecting with my dad in some way might spark something in me, but his village was reluctant to welcome an outsider so I continued on until taken in by the Kha tribe for a brief time. And so I just learned how to get by here. I went as I far as I  could get…”
Hien let it set in for a moment then shook his head. “Yeah, you’re a bit selfish.”
Y’zel squeaked in response, looking up to the other in the wake of his bluntness. The prince reached out and poured them another round of tea before lifting his cup up back to his lips.
“You’ve tied yourself from one person to the next. You feel unloved in this world, but you’ve unloved yourself, haven’t you? Think about it, little cat.”
The Miqo’te starred as Hien quietly sipped from his tea, noting the continued scowl each time it hit his tongue but saying nothing of it. Shyly, he clutched his arm and looked into the dirt. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Your fiance you met traveling with your cousin. Your adventures also to find your other cousin and ended with you reuniting with your estranged Uncle to help him rebuild your childhood home.  What of them? They love you. Do you not love them too?”
Y’zel’s gaze flicked up, eyes wide as if he'd suddenly been struck. “I didn’t…think…I’ve been…”
Hien once more reached to fold Y’zel’s ears down, “A bit selfish. But, it sounds like you’ve got a lot of people back in Eorzea who love you. I’m sure they’ll understand when you return.”
Y’zel sniffled a bit while Hien stood, pulling his hand away as he gazed out across the Steppe. The samurai scratched at his beard for a moment then turned to his companion. “Gather your things. If you’re not intent on setting home right away, you’ll come with me to meet with the Qalli.”
“What,” Y’zel asked sheepishly, rubbing his eye with the ball of his wrist.
“I want you to come with me. I’m not ready to leave you to your own devices despite the epiphany. If you’re going to stay on the Steppe, I’ll have you act as my retainer. You’re deadly with your bow and that’ll make getting meat a lot easier for me. You’ve essentially been doing the work already despite your complaints.”
The Miqo’te sat quietly for a moment then nodded, moving to gather their supplies leaving Hien to wander away. He wasn’t sure why he wasn’t ready to give up his companion. Perhaps, he thought, he’d been alone for too long himself.
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hnours · 2 years
@echobled​ sent: hisui is... not staring at the pretty au ra, no. perish the thought.
          stares weren’t foreign to yugiri mistwalker; in fact, she had become accustomed to them— all kinds of stares: from the unfriendly ones to the more favourable pleasant ones, from the frightful ones to the reverent ones, she suffered them wherever and whenever she appeared as if she wasn’t a person of her own but a mere exotic creature to be dissected apart, scrutinised even for breathing. it used to bother her so much that she, in desperation, despite lord hien’s attempt to reassure her there was no such thing, resorted to finding safety in the comfort of garments covering every bit of skin, and concealing any hints of flawed oddity that might attract unwanted attention; it was cowardly, she knew, but at that time, what could she probably have done to change the situation? today was a different story though. things had changed drastically, and so did yugiri mistwalker. 
           no longer coweing beneath the false sense of security, yugiri was now proudly embracing her heritage as a raen aura of sui-no-sato descendent, and of doman cultures in the far-away land of eorzea. although much more work needed to be done before the alienation completely went away, she was comfortable enough to walk the crowded streets of ul’dah bare faced. still clad in armour and fully armed of course lest unfortunate events befell her (she surely hoped her luck wasn’t that... rotten), but this was definitely a change, a development, a step forward to reach for promising prospects. however, it didn’t mean she was comfortable with stares that lingered longer than neccessary no matter what the intentions were, be it good or ill or whatever in between— she had had enough of that to last a lifetime. if her days with the scions had taught her anything, it was the bravery to speak for one’s self, to not be afraid and stand one’s ground.
          with a sharp turn, yugiri quickly located the source of the staring and approached them: it was another raen aura, surprisingly, someone who share a bit of similarities with her in this sea of strangers. nevertheless, that couldn’t dissipate the mild annoyance which was threatening to surface any minute.     ‘ pardon my sudden intrusion but, ’     she said once she was within talking range, polite as ever despite the furrowing brows suggesting otherwise.     ‘ is there something you wish to speak to me? ’
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alixennial · 2 years
INDIE NO 🤣 Fortunately there are many good candidates yet for her to meet. (I recommend Hien!)
She’s a trouble magnet but I remain hopeful for her 😂
Indie hasn’t shown any romantic interest towards anyone so far (save for a brief moment with Severian from the Alchemist’s guild but that passed the moment he no longer posed a challenge) so with luck she’ll pay Zenos no mind.
Definitely looking forward to meeting Hien though 😉
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purple-link · 11 days
Alisaie and Purple Link
FFXIV Write 2024 Story Entry
Spoiler: Story takes place after WoL reaches Garlemald in Endwalker, but but before the Tower of Babil dungeon. Story will be largely sfw, but will adhere to FFXIV's level of mature storytelling.
Chapter 15: The Wolf Burglar
The Wolf Burglar was at odds with himself. Not that he couldn’t decide which side to pick in an instant.
If he had to pick between liberty and anarchy, liberty would win hands down. There was no reason for him to be fighting against Lord Hien, and his heart told him he would rather be with him than with Akimitsu.
However, there was one small problem with that dilemma.
He was relatively well known in Doma, and could walk freely. While his thievery did not stop at Kugane, most people in Yanxia, and most of Othard, were spread thin enough that his actions were either not noticed or cared for.
They merely passed it off as an act of charity.
Not that the Wolf Burglar ever stole from the poor. There had been very few cases where those destitute had to suffer for somebody in an even worse state to survive, but such judgement calls were on such a thin slice of blade, either party couldn’t be too upset.
Still, he hated to make those judgement calls, and this one was one of the biggest.
He had to figure out a way to help Lord Hien to conduct a ceremony that would put in yet another good word to the Lupin, while also catering to the Lupin who wanted the ceremony to cease.
In doing so, the conflict can start again, and the Lupin would have a chance to defend themselves, after years of seeming domestication.
But domestication was a matter of perspective. The Wolf Burglar was a pup of nine years before his parents were taken from him.
The thing he remembered most was the love his parents had for him, and how hard they fought to protect it.
His Lupin parents were caring and considerate. He felt his bond stronger because of their race.
However, because of the Garlean occupation, matters were taken into their own hands. He learned enough about his race to make a decision about it, or attempt to be loyal to it, but not enough to care about it.
When his parents died, that was it, there was nothing more for him in Doma.
After traveling despondent for a few months, he eventually found himself in Kugane, and what a sight it was to behold!
The first thing that struck out to him was the size of the Shiokaze Hostelry. While the establishment inside was mildly appealing, with its Hingashi stylings and lively customers, the building itself was stately and gave an intimidating presence.
Only the structure at Heaven-on-High was taller than this, and he had seen no other! That did little to diminish the rest of Kugane’s iconic landmarks.
The airship landing inside Kugane Ofunakura bore and bid farewell to many a traveling airship, large vessels carrying hundreds of people at times.
The statue of Zuiko bore the image of a great samurai riding his loyal steed. The Wolf Burglar cited this as one of the first moments that inspired him to study the katana.
The Kogane Dori, a market with many vibrant eastern cuisines and products. There was no shortage of eccentricity here! Everything was weird, and cool, and he wanted more of it!
The relative price of the items, on the other hand, were a little less appealing. Not only was the gil pricing high, but they were dealing with something called Koban, of which he carried naught.
He soon found it pretty difficult to survive in Kugane.
For him, luck found his way into a home by the way of a kindly samurai.
It had occurred to the young wolf that a beastman like him had not been kindly received, and while many beastmen were around to prove otherwise, not the least of it was those silly catfish-people, the Namazu, his appearance even as a pup was rather intimidating.
His adoptive father considered otherwise. As he found himself the target of prejudice in Kugane, this samurai raised him and taught him the sword, as if he were his own.
By doing so, the samurai had hoped that by treating him like an equal, others would treat him the same, and it largely proved successful.
He was underselling his own Samurai skills; at one point his father mentioned he could survive well enough on his own under the age of 18.
This was such a validation for him, he started to go out and socialize, more and more. People were starting to get used to him, and for the longest time since his parents had died he was happy.
He thought no more of Doma, it’s Garlean occupation, and the will of the Lupin.
He could be happy, living a life of luxury and independence, right here, in one of the most opulent cities in Hingashi.
Unfortunately, by the time he became an adult, his father started to feel his age.
As they traveled, to get a hold of new changes in Kugane, not the least of which was rising prices everywhere, they started wearing their katanas at all times.
Not only that, but a rash of burglaries were starting to pop up.
Unbeknownst to his father, he had been naturally good at picking up skills in lockpicking and sneaking around.
His ability to leap, to hear farther, and to smell scents no human would be able to pick up, it all gave him an edge that didn’t come naturally to hyur and their equivalents across different species.
There was nothing to compare to the beastman.
The Lord Bugyo of the city allowed wily merchants to take advantage of the citizens of Hingashi, and the Sekiseigumi, the city's police force, seemed complicit in their dealings.
The Sekiseigumi dealt harshly with criminals and reprobates, especially if you were foreign. Since the Wolf Burglar was naturally from Doma, this complicated matters a tad.
But he knew, as long as he could help his father to survive in these changing climates, it would all be worth it.
This all came to a head when, four years previous, an unscrupulous merchant by the name of Akebono, who had made a name for himself by collecting rare objects and making suspiciously lucrative profits, took a shine to his father’s prized possession: the Soboro Subehiko.
It was a black-sheathed katana, with an attractive, if not simple, metal handguard, and the silver shape of a diamond inlaid within the black hilt. Nothing to write home about, but in his father’s hands, it was like wielding a paintbrush.
The cost of living for his father suddenly rose to astronimic proportions, to the point where he had to sell his sword to make payments, ones that eventually cost him his life over time.
There was no doubt in his mind that the merchant Akebono was the one responsible for this treachery, and as he discovered more of the underpinnings of the economy of Kugane, he realized a deeper threat that was at play: there was no economic balance in the city.
Lives were at stake, people’s families were spread thinner and thinner by these overinsisting merchants, and any action taken against them would result in unjustly being arrested by the Sekiseigumi.
There was no justice to be had here, he thought.
The realization curdled in his stomach, until he realized the solution was right there, all along, within his furry paws.
He would be the one to bring justice to Kugane.
Years would pass, and the legend of the Wolf Burglar spread, to the point that even the middle class was praising his epithet. He joined a group of bandits underneath Kugane’s city streets that all agreed on one thing: the prosecution of the Sekiseigumi was unjust, and the people suffered for it.
So they all dedicated their lives on giving the spoils to the people. And for years, the Wolf Burglar happily put his life on the line, to give to those in need.
However, there was one prize that the Wolf Burglar treasured the most, and one that he hoped would soon emerge as his most important task yet: the retrieval of his father’s blade.
This meant bending his rules a little, and as the moment of truth arrived, he found himself embroiled in the plot. Eventually, he became the Sekiseigumi’s number one target.
That’s when he took up with the Warrior of Light himself…and a rather daft investigator, but enough about that guy.
With their help, they were able to get his father’s sword back, one that he was now wearing, as they flew above the landscape over the Azim Steppe.
All the work, he thought to himself, all that energy spent, to have a family.
Just for it to be destroyed.
He had no love for his native home, or his adoptive home, and now he was risking both.
How did that make sense?
Why did he feel like he was a pawn, when all he really wanted was to take control of the situation?
Sure his skills with the katana and his occupation as a thief made it pretty easy to circumnavigate the political aspects of living, to enrich those who suffered against it, but it continuously had the nagging feeling like he wasn't even making a dent.
His advice as a guide made it pretty easy to get the artifact from the Garlean ship, but since then, he’d been thrown from one end of the planet to the other, expecting others to understand him and his motivation.
Truth of the matter was, he was still trying to figure that out for himself.
Lord Hien made a pretty good point, but if there was going to be any true justice, something had to be done to ease the burden off of families trying to survive.
His sympathy for the Lupin brought him to Akimitsu’s footpaws.
When he promised him the riches of their robberies, the Wolf Burglar couldn’t help but grimace. Most of this money could have been used for infrastructure or administration, but instead, they’re using it to take advantage of Lord Hien.
But then, what was the point of it all?
What could Lord Hien promise that couldn’t immediately be dissolved by the implication of their increasing crimes?
Was that freedom?
Was that worth fighting for?
When the Kugane merchants took his father’s life, and threatened to destroy other families, that didn’t sound like the kind of justice that Lord Hien was peddling.
Something had to be done, to break the cycle, but at the moment, he couldn’t think of a thing. His mind suddenly went blank as they landed at the edge of the Dawn Throne.
Purple Link hadn’t been watching him the whole trip, but he would occasionally look at him with a sense of worry and caution.
While he didn’t like or understand the implications of the Wolf Burglar still working with them, he couldn’t have been happier for his help.
His mind turned to sympathy as they landed and looked over the surrounding landscape.
“I think…” said Alphinaud, “...if we split up, we can talk to the Mol, while others can look elsewhere for clues, possibly Reunion, to start.”
“Are you okay?” said Purple Link, as he put a paw behind the Wolf Burglar’s back.
He turned swiftly to the big cat, but he didn’t seem offended by the gesture. He anxiously pulled his ears back and grinned meekly.
“Not at all,” said the Wolf Burglar, “But I think I’m fine where it matters. It’s merely personal troubles.”
“I can understand that,” said Purple Link, “Personal matters is part of the reason why I left my home in the first place.”
“You weren’t originally from Eorzea?” asked the Wolf burglar, and then thought about it, “Oh, right, you were previously a miqo’te. I guess it couldn’t have been as easy as if to leave the Hrothgar homeland.”
“That’s partially true,” said Purple Link, “I think, what matters is, you’ve gotta live your own life. If that means keeping your council about your past, that’s not something I’m going to dig into."
“I appreciate the thought, but I know that’s not how you operate,” said the Wolf Burglar, putting a hand on his hip, “You wouldn’t have gotten as far as to be giving aid to Garlemald if you weren’t digging into their past, all gentle-like.”
“You mean, talk to the Qestir, too?” said Alisaie to Alphinaud, “The au ra who don’t want to talk because ‘words are a form of lying at its foundation?’”
“I wish I could dig into your past,” said the Wolf Burglar, “But I’m afraid it would be hypocritical of me.”
“I appreciate that, sincerely,” said Purple Link, kindly, “But if you ever want to bare your soul, I’m here to be a shoulder for you to lean on.”
“We need to talk to everyone,” said Alphinaud, importantly to his sister, “This territory is older than the wars fought in Doma. It will have the most substantive information we can gather, even if it’s merely peripheral.”
“Do you mean that?” asked the Wolf Burglar to Purple Link. The big purple cat nodded.
“I’m not here to tell you what to do,” said Purple Link, “I was never the kind to force my beliefs onto anyone, ever, not even in Garlemald. I only want to see everyone getting along.”
“Ideals like that tend to get one killed,” said the Wolf Burglar, “But I’d be lying if I hadn’t thought that once or twice as I grew up. I’m hoping that I can reignite that within myself.”
He wiped away a tear and then turned to the big cat.
“I will do as much for you, under one condition,” said the Wolf Burglar, “That when it comes time for me to let my feelings out, you do the same, so that I won’t feel like I’m only giving.”
Purple Link grimaced slightly, but a promise was a promise. He reluctantly agreed.
“I…I guess,” said Purple Link, “I think I can agree to that.”
“Don’t think,” said the Wolf Burglar, furrowing his brow, “What is your answer?”
Purple Link didn’t waste any time.
“Yes,” said Purple Link, “I promise.”
“Hey, are you guys going to be looking for this ceremonial grounds with me, or am I going to have to do it myself?” said Alisie, candidly.
To be continued…
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phytochorion · 2 months
How the Forest Finds the Island
Chapter Five - Rain Shadows
Things were taking off, and not just Sen. Able to range further afield, he began scouting the surrounding terrain, encountering sights he hadn't noticed before.
On his arrival to the island, it had been cloaked in lichens, mosses and ferns in a lush scrub, but lacking in taller plants. After he woke from dormancy, his ginkgos and Si-woo's progymnosperms had been prominent in the riparian landscape, but the prairie beyond was still dominated by ferns and their allies. From the ground, and even with the view from his nest, Sen hadn't spotted any more trees, but once airborne, he realised that there were a few after all.
By a couple of days after his wings had grown in, Sen was comfortable enough to fly further afield. One of his excursions took him to the distant mountains, where the sea breeze condensed into a cool and foggy atmosphere. It was here, in an expanding marshland, that he came across a stand of gigantic horsetails. Their structure was much the same as the little horsetails of shady riverbanks he was familiar with, but these were twice the height of his trees. They had been here a good deal longer, or were faster growing, or both.
He spent the rest of the day in the cloudy swamp forest, listening to insects and amphibians call. There was no sign of another fairy. Sen considered the possibility that these trees had gotten here under their own steam, but deemed it unlikely. For spores to drift across the ocean and establish a decently sized population so fast was unlikely, and the spacing between the trees was just regular enough to suggest deliberate planting.
⸙ ⸙ ⸙
On a different day, Sen was flying inland when he spied a thicket of shrubs in the otherwise rocky and desolate landscape. This time he had no doubt that other fairies were responsible. There were signs that water and soil had been transported, sticks had been deliberately arranged, and he could even detect a trace of magic. Excited, he raced home to fetch Si-woo.
Upon returning, Sen flitted to a high crag and looked over the copse. Si-woo landed beside him.
"What do you think, Byun?"
"I think, Gongsun, that this is Tadgh's work!"
"He specialises in earthworking magic. See how the hillside has been carved out? And the stone embankment at the opposite end? He's making sure every last drop of water that flows into this place is retained."
Sen nodded sagely. He hadn't noticed the exact layout of the terracing before, but now that Si-woo drew his attention to it, the pattern was unmistakable.
"Lemme get a closer look," said Si-woo, hopping down to ground level.  He inspected some of the bushes, stopping at a similar, but smaller, plant growing amongst them.
"This is one of Steve's!"
Sen glided down to him. "I'm afraid I'm not acquainted with him either."
"He's like a big brother to us. Don't tell him I said that."
"Us being…?"
"Oh- Hien, Odgerel, Tadgh and I!"
"The progymnosperms!" Exclaimed Sen, the pieces clicking together in his head.
"That's right! What tipped you off?"
"I know Manh Phương Hien. She does remind me of you, come to think of it."
"You flatter me with your comparison." A small smile graced Si-woo's face.
"Think we should wait for them and say hi?", asked Sen.
"It's a nice idea," agreed Si-woo. "Haven't seen them in millennia. I'll give it a few days, but knowing them, they might not come back this way for a long time."
They settled into a sunny patch and waited. Photosynthesising, they didn't speak, but it was reassuring to feel the other's presence nonetheless. As the sun and moon cycled overhead, Sen restored his depleted energy reserves, feeling completely like himself for the first time since arrival.
Eventually, they decided they'd better get back to check on their trees.
As they took flight, Sen remarked, "Wouldn't it be just our luck if they show up the moment we're gone?"
Si-woo laughed as the breeze carried him off. Sen looked back, but there was still nobody there. A soft rain was falling, and the leveed landscape was catching all it could.
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silvaswiftcast · 11 months
Fluffvember Prompt #12 Sweet
Characters: Silva Cataracta, Ricmorn Cataracta, and Hien Rijin
Rating: Mature
Notes: It was only a matter of time before smut found its way to me during this challenge. Sorry, not sorry! Words contained in [brackets] are in another language, in this case, it's Doman.
Content Warnings/Additional Tags: Polyamory Relationship (V Relationship), M/F/M Relationship, Mentions of Alcohol/Drinking, Food, Suggestive Themes, Mild Sexual Tension, Food Play (not too sure about this one, but better to be safe than sorry!), Groping, Biting/Marking/Hickies, Heavily Implied Threesome.
Silva quietly hummed to herself as she went over her ledgers for the selling stalls in Kugane and Ul’duh she owned with Ricmorn, her eyes drinking in numbers and lists of goods currently in and out of stock. She’s been staring at them for well over a bell now. Her mind performing mental leaps as she tried to figure out what both stores needed over the coming weeks and write the ideas down in a different tome. The sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace and the murmuring and chuckles from Ricmorn and Hien nearby drowned out the scratching of her quill pen scribbling across the thick parchment. Almost beckoning her to join them at last.
She could envision herself settling between them. A glass of chilled, bubbly wine or Hingan whiskey in her hand, falling into conversation with them as if she’d been listening the entire time.
Though she longed to join him and Hien on the other side of the room, this task needed her full attention. But gods, she wanted nothing more than to ignore these ledgers. Maybe she should have taken up Ricmorn’s offer to do them in her place…
She fought back a sigh, annoyed by the fact she was only halfway through her bookings and by the amount of crafting she would have to do over the coming days. This restocking would eat through most of the extra items she had off to the side. A supply she thought would last for at least another month — or two, if she were lucky. Luck, on the other hand, was laughing right in her face.
Fuck. Great. This was exactly what she needed right now.
Quickly losing motivation to continue looking at the numbers and lists, Silva reached for her bag resting on the floor. She dug through one of the many pockets, searching for something she had stashed away for later. A quiet, happy trill rumbled in her throat when her fingers found the box, pulling it out of her bag before resting it on the floor again. 
“Aha!” she grinned to herself.
She set the small box of assorted chocolates on the desk, opening it with nimble fingers. It took her a moment to decide on which piece to eat — there were just too many choices! Perhaps the chocolate filled with rolanberry creme? Or the one with thick, sticky caramel? And there was the one with the salted walnuts in the center… All were excellent choices.
No. None of those would do.
Silva picked up the milk chocolate truffle — one of her favorites in this box. She quietly undid the colorful crimson foil wrapper protecting the shell of the delicate treat before taking the truffle between her fingers. 
And tossed it into her mouth.
A pleased hum escaped her when it hit her tongue, instantly melting in her mouth. Her long tail swished against the wooden floor as she savored the sweetness, her mood boosting with each passing second. Gods— this was exactly what she needed. It was almost a pity that the treat was gone so soon.
She dragged her tongue across her lips, licking any remnants that might have lingered before turning her attention to the smears of chocolate on her fingers. Thinking nothing of it, she brought them to her mouth, licking the first one clean — completely unaware of the hungry eyes watching her. Silva did the same with the second one, leaving it free of melted chocolate.
It was only when she went to clean her third finger that she paused. The loud growls from the other side of the room drew her attention. 
“Silva,” Ricmorn warned, his voice sounding strained in her ivory horns. “What are you doing?”
The thrill of delight shooting up her spine made heat pool in her lower belly. “What do you think?” she replied, shrugging. “There’s chocolate all over my fingers.”
“And you didn’t think of any other way you would clean them?”
How dare his playful teasing sound like temptation. And while she was trying to do her bookkeeping?
“I’m not wasting perfectly good chocolate like that!” she laughed, ignoring how the heat in his gaze made her heart flutter. She knew by the smirk on his face he had an idea of how he was affecting her. “Not to mention these were expensive.”
“We all know that’s not an issue for us, [wildflower,]” Hien quipped, setting his empty glass down and rising to his feet. “Between Ricmorn and I, you could have all the sweet treats you want.”
She hummed. “I could, couldn’t I?” The Au Ra flashed them a bright smile full of fangs and teeth, batting her eyes. “Or you two could make a sweet treat out of me instead?” she suggested.
And then she locked eyes with them as she put the last finger in her mouth, making a lewd show of sucking and licking the digit clean. When she pulled it out with a wet pop, her lovers descended on her like hungry predators.
Bubbly giggles shook her as their eager hands roamed wherever they pleased, palming at her breasts, coaxing her thighs to part for them — not caring if she still had on clothes. It wouldn’t be long before they tore them from her, anyway.
“I think that sounds like a perfect plan, darling,” Hien rasped beside her horn. She didn’t get a chance to respond as his lips found her neck, sucking a dark mark into her skin.
“How about you say fuck to peering over these ledgers so we can fuck you instead, my dear?” Ricmorn questioned. He grinned wickedly when she mewled as his fingers made their way up her skirt, brushing his fingers over her clothed sex. “I can promise you that our cocks are better than numbers.”
Silva couldn’t help but agree with the idea of ignoring the ledgers in favor of being spoiled by her two lovers instead.
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cloverseren · 1 year
Fetch Quest
A/N: Hello! This is my first time writing for this challenge, and I’m a silly little catgirl so I don’t really know any lore or plot! SO, enjoy… whatever this is and good luck this month!) Tags: Short (641 words), Comedy, WoL POV/4th Wall
TW: Implied Suicide
Spoilers: (Mild) Post- Stormblood
Word: #envoy
“Thank the gods you are here, Warrior of Light! Please come in and tell me what news you bring from The Rising Stones?” My contact beckons me over before it fades to black and walls of text crowd my purview. Oh, no, I worry silently. Is there going to be an invasion? Are we at war once more? I cross my arms and blink slowly towards Hien awaiting the key to the battlefield. I am ready to protect Eorzea. He opens his mouth to speak. “You must away at once then, Warrior of Light. We must inform Thancred immediately. Please, do not let me keep you. Go, time is of the essence!”
I hurry to Mordana quickly. 444 gil is nothing when my country and friends are at stake. I rush inside to speak with my one-eyed companion. I could really use his wit at a time like this. “Ah! My Warrior of Light, it is good to see you, though judging by the looks on your faces this isn’t a pleasant meeting.” I let Alisae fill him in– I have no way with words– as we fade to black and–voices! This must be important, a battle must be encroaching! I watch in rapt attention as Thancred tells me that the Empire could be on our border any minute. He has a plan. But we need our Ala Mhigan allies to help. “Go, Warrior of Light, let Lyse know of our plan and seek her and her allies' aid. It will take all we got to go against the Empire, once and for all. Hurry!”
I rush to Ala Mhigo. 355, again a small price to pay for the peace of nations. 
Lyse! We rush to her side, fading to black… oh, no voice lines this time. Must not be the final battle yet… okay, just a couple more quests and then it’s time! Okay, now we fill in Hien, so we’ve come full circle. It’s almost time! I rush back to Doma with the news of our friends.
 742. A medium price to pay. Preparations must be done. 
444. We must gather more intel.
355. Someone new has arrived.
742. Someone old has arrived. 
444. Voice Lines! Okay, now, this is time!
355. More preparation must be done. I thought you said I was almost out of this filer stuff? 
742. No, you totally are, you’re almost to Shb, you’re just like… 2 dungeons away.
444. After this solo duty. 
355. And after this 30 Minute MSQ queue. I knew I should have been a healer. 
742. And after this cut scene. 
444. And this one. 
355. And this one. 
742. And this one. 
444. 355. 742. 444. 355. 742.444355742
77,050. TRULY, a small price to pay. I speak with Hien. It fades to black as I close my eyes and pause, a beautiful British voice line filling my ears. This. Now. The moment I’ve waited for since the Battle of the Steppe. ``...and so you must go straight away to Rev—” White flashes where black faded. I need to go where?! Again?! But this was of the utmost urgency 4.5 months ago!
Wasted XP splatters down the blades of my 82 lvl weapons as one bitter /cry escapes my eyes. 
“Wait! Warrior of Light, please! You can’t kill yourself! You’re the messenger!”
As the blade digs into my neck, I smile down at the sleeping white haired boy beside me. 
 “I’m not a messenger. I’m an envoy.”
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thefreelanceangel · 2 years
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I posted 607 times in 2022
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180 posts reblogged (30%)
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#screenshots - 354 posts
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#annalei d'latu - 74 posts
#prompts - 72 posts
#bitchbunny - 57 posts
#esti kyton - 46 posts
#catte house - 39 posts
#miqomarch - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#your taste in media--be it rp that you write or movies you watch--does not reflect your morals or your moral worth or your personal ideals
My Top Posts in 2022:
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25 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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28 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
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See the full post
39 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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cool cats
47 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
New Here from Twitter?
If you’re leaping out of the sinking ship and onto the battered raft that is Tumblr and you’re here for FFXIV content, allow me to give you a little helping hand in who to follow!
@luck-and-larceny -- Marvelous screenshots, a delightful character with thoroughly enjoyable writing and the player is absolutely glorious. Bonus is you also get led to @dumb-hat & @kestrelvylbrand, both of whom also have delightful writing, fun aesthetics (especially if you like foul-mouthed birds) and thoroughly enjoyable characters! (There’s an @argentrenard in there too if I’m not mistaken...)
@phoebe-of-ivalice -- Just quietly sit down and sigh along with me at the screenshots, I don’t know how they made a bunny that gorgeous but siiiiiiiiiiigh....
@fair-fae -- Really no introduction needed for Fae, all things considered, but I do enjoy the “delicate teacups, dainty aesthetics, abrupt bloody mouths, lacy curtains” dichotomy very well. 
@gray-morality -- @kuro8529‘s IC blog (the Black Snack DM is a delight and a glory) for a criminal bun with a delightful story and you get a bonus @catscratching in the bargain!
@katalinhunter -- Watch this space for Cirque events and fun screenshots!
@gatheredfates -- has as many alts as me and posts marvelous work, you get @riftdancing for free as a bonus for more fascinating characters!
@windup-dragoon -- Kiri is the one player-made character that I accept as being a canon character's love interest, so she and Hien are a Thing in my FFXIV headcanon.
@shroudkeeper -- gorgeous screenshots and personal lore I haven't figured out yet but INTERESTS me.
@onyaponko -- sob over the screenshots with me they're too good ><
@arbiterofthedead -- for fun necromancy vibes, good story and you get a free @spellsandtales in the bargain!
@sajiri -- The art is so good y'all...
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast -- runs the FFXIVWrite contests and puts all of us through our own personal hell, which we engage in delightedly and by choice.
@eligos-venator -- some NICE screenshots & interesting OC lore via prompt responses, which is fascinating because I think that’s the only writing there, but there’s so MUCH.
231 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
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antigonewinchester · 1 year
“A couple of weeks later, I spoke to Hien Duc Do, a professor of sociology and interdisciplinary social sciences at San Jose State University, and he suggested I was misplacing my blame—but not because I was privileged. First, he suggested that [my family’s] ‘forgetting’ was not so much cultural as it was a case of good old dissociation. This was a fair point. After all, hadn’t I forgotten wide streaks of my childhood in an effort to survive? Do brought me out of my cultural obsessions to recognize that this was not a uniquely Asian American problem. Plenty of white Americans of the Greatest Generation had no interest in speaking about their times on the beaches of Normandy, either. I have Jamaican and Mexican and WASPy friends whose parents also preferred to bury their family secrets in a hole in the woods as a survival mechanism.
Then he encouraged me to consider the blame should not just rest on Asian culture, because American culture within which our community existed had a significant role to play in the perpetuation of these secrets.
‘In America, there’s the pressure to assimilate, to do well, and to not reveal anything negative about our society,’ Do told me. ‘To be a grateful refugee because the United States has allowed us to become successful. It would be ungrateful to reveal how traumatic or difficult that was, so it’s easier to point to the success, to go along with the pressure of the model minority myth.’
America herself is called the melting pot for a reason. We are systemically encouraged to forget, to blend in. At Piedmont Hills, my white English teachers assigned only one book by an Asian American—The Joy Luck Club. I guess we also did read The Good Earth, a book written by a white woman about a Chinese family, which was full of stereotypes I chafed at. Our history classes covered the Revolutionary War up to World War II. We never learned about the Vietnam War or Korean War—thought you’d think the history teachers would have attempted a unit, considering at least a quarter of our population was Vietnamese. To this day, one of my Vietnamese friends, a child of refugees, has no idea whether the communists came from the North or from the South.
On the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., there are no names of the Vietnamese soldiers who fought alongside Americans. Or the Korean, Iraqi, Cambodian, or Hmong soldiers who sat in the trenches with us in various wars. There is no memorial for the Afghan interpreters Americans left behind to die in exchange for their help. We have have not made remembering them a priority. 
But as Paul Giloy writes, ‘Histories of suffering should not be allocated exclusively to their victims. If they were, the memory of the trauma would disappear as the living memory of it faded away.’
No Vietnamese names of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. But two miles away from the long black wall, you can go to a hip restaurant with pink neon signage and spend $14 on a corrupted vegan bánh mì with ‘edamame pâté.’“
What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma, Stephanie Foo, 195-196
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auco-archive · 3 years
khoi has moles above their lip, on their nose bridge, and above and below their left brow.  hien has one at the center of his right cheek.  vu has one in the center of their chest and below their left eye.  hanh has one at the tip of her nose and two along her jaw.
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windup-dragoon · 4 years
I had a dream last night that Kiri and Hien had visited the Steppe while Kiri is pregnant. Before they leave her water breaks leaving Hien and Kiri to rely on Sadu and Cirina to help. Meanwhile Magnai, feeling unappreciated, tries to comfort a worried Hien and effectively makes everything 10000 times worse. Sadu yells at them both and they kick Magnai out.
Man idk I just wanted to sleep, not dream of new story garbage. :/
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