#good morning fgo fandom
kcciny · 2 years
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nasuversekinkmeme · 9 months
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Good morning my dear fellow!
As I stated prior, January 2024 will be no FGO month. No new fgo prompt will be posted during January.
Is considered an FGO prompt:
Any prompt that features FGO-only characters
Any prompt that takes place in Chaldea
Any prompt that takes place during one of FGO’s singularity or lostbelt (fan-made lostbelt, singularities, or other prompts that use FGO worldbuilding elements are fine)
The goal of non-FGO month is to give other fandoms the spotlight, considering the massive amount of FGO prompts we receive on the daily. Remember: This is a nasuverse kink meme, not an fgo kink meme. All things Type-Moon are okay!
FGO-onlies are encouraged to see this event as an FGO-specific fillathon. You are encouraged to:
Fill prompts
Bump old prompts
Comment/reblog old fills
FGO fills are still allowed. Bumps of FGO fills are still allowed. Only sending new FGO prompts is disallowed.
That’s it! Have fun!
[Link to the previous pinned, the rules & FAQ]
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Incident D -- Ashiya Douman x reader
Finally got this done! This is based on the hc's I wrote some while back. Enjoy! :D
Fandom: FGO
Pairing: Ashiya Douman x reader
warnings: implied smut, Douman being chaotic, might have typos (let me know if I missed any)
You stirred from your sleep and rubbed your eyes that were still sensitive to the light coming from your window. You turned to look next to you to find the other side of your bed empty. You didn’t think too much of it since he often got up earlier than you. You collapse back on your pillow, lying there for a while longer, before getting up. 
You got up after a short while and the cool air of your room hit your naked body harshly, after being under the warm covers of your bed. You shivered and wrapped the blanket around you to block the cold.
You walk into the bathroom, blanket still wrapped around your naked form. You drop the blanket right in front of the bathroom and step inside. You turn on the faucet and wash your face with cool water. You look up and close the faucet. You look at your reflection in the mirror and smile at your bed hair, remembering the events of last night that make your cheeks flush a light shade of red. You style your hair and walk out of the bathroom to go find some clothes.
You open your closet and find a new sweater on your other clothes with a note on top of it. You read it quietly and smile at the text.
“Good morning my dear. I apologize for leaving earlier and not waking you up, I wanted you to get a good sleep. I saw this sweater once and instantly thought it would look absolutely perfect on you, so I got it for you. I hope to see you wearing it today ;)
Yours truly
You set the note aside and take the sweater in your hands. You let it open and see it’s a gorgeous white wool sweater with beautiful embroidery. You turn it around and look at the back of the sweater. It’s got a completely open back. You smile looking at the shirt and without a second thought you put it on and match it with your favorite trousers. You go to the bathroom and quickly check yourself in the mirror. The sweater is perfect. And finally you leave your quarters.
You decide to go get yourself some breakfast in the cafeteria so you start walking the corridors of Chaldea and towards your destination. As you finally get to the cafeteria you go talk to the kitchen staff of the day and ask for some breakfast. Boudica and Emiya greet you with a smile and compliment your new sweater.
“Thank you i just got it today” you smile and give them a twirl- only to hear both of them gasp slightly once your back is towards them.
“What?” you look at them confused. “Is there something wrong? You don’t like it?” you look down at your sweater and back at them.
“N-no! Nothing, nothing…” Boudica mumbles and her speech quiets down. “Anyway! Here you go, master! Your breakfast!” She speaks quickly and gives you something to eat and walks away. Emiya’s eyes are still looking down at you in shock.
You give them one final confused look and go find a table. You hear a couple of people gasp and snicker as you walk past them and you give them a confused look, but they look away from you right away.
You finally see Mash sitting at a table talking with Robin Hood and Mandricardo and decide to join them.
“Morning guys”, you greet them with a smile.
“Master! That’s a lovely sweater you’re wearing”  Mash says, smiling brightly at you.
“Thank you Mash! I quite like it myself as well” you smile and give her a twirl as well. You hear Mash gasp and Mandricardo nearly choking on his coffee as you twirl, while the green archer starts giggling.
“M–master!” Mash struggles to find words, covering her mouth in shock,
Robin whistles at you. “Woow Master that’s quite bold” he says as he keeps chuckling. “That a permanent tattoo?”
You furrow your brows in confusion “What?” you start to get nervous. “What do you mean?”
“Um…” Mash starts, clearly struggling to find words in her shock. “You- you should go find a mirror…” she mumbles.
You freeze for a moment before you start running back towards your quarters faster than ever. You open your door hurriedly and rush into the bathroom and in front of the mirror. You turn and see what’s on your back. Your face goes absolutely pale when you realise you’ve been walking around Chaldea your back bear with THAT on it.
That’s what reads on your back with cat sized letters. Your face flushes completely red with embarrassment and anger. 
You turn on the faucet and get water on your hands and try to wash the text off; but it doesn’t work. You let out a sigh of frustration and give up trying to wash it away.
You leave your quarters, your face still red from embarrassment and start walking towards the evil-doers quarters. And as you finally reach your said destination you knock on the door quite roughly.
“Douman!” you yell. “Douman! Open. The door. Now!
Finally the door opens and in front of you stands the tall and handsome devil with the biggest shit eating grin on his face.
“Oh hello my dear” he says with a flirtatious tone. “I see you’re wearing your new sweater~How do you like it, love? Mind giving me a little spin?” he says with the same grin on his face, cocking one eyebrow.
“Not. funny” you tell him, your face still fiery red.
“Oh come on now dear, just one twirl~“ he takes one of your hands and twirls you around. He chuckles when he sees his masterpiece on your back.
“Stop it!” you say and yank your hand out of his grip. “do something about this!” you shout, frustrated. He just chuckles at your frustration.
“I don’t know… I’m quite fond of that masterpiece of mine, like I am fond of you” he purrs with a sly smirk on his face.
You let out a frustrated sigh and turn to walk away, leaving him behind to stand against his door frame, chuckling as he looks at your back.
You head back to your own quarters, toss your sweater off and jump in the shower in an attempt to get the text off your back.”Ass...” you mumble to yourself.
A couple of days pass as you ignore him everytime you see him and also try to wash the permanent marker off your back, morning and night. You had to ask help from Mash a couple of times. For days you felt angry at him, never getting an apology from him, until one day you hear a loud knock on your door. You walk to it and open it, seeing the large man in front of you with a broken look on his face.
“A-” you begin but you’re soon cut off by him.
“Y/N! My heart! My soul! Please, forgive me! I can’t do this anymore, it’s been too long! It’s been ages since I last saw you and your lovely face smiling at me! Please!” he spoke in a loud desperate voice.
“A-” you tried to speak to him, but you couldn’t interrupt his long, dramatic speech about not seeing you in an eon (*three days), how he’s sorry and feels terrible about his horrible sin (*writing on your back with a permanent marker) and how he can’t breathe without you by his side, how he lost the light of his life for eternity (*you waited for him to apologize to you for a couple of days).
“Ashi!” you finally raise your voice and get his attention. You look at him with a kind smile on your face. “It’s quite alright” you tell him. “I was just angry and I wanted an apology. I forgive you”
Suddenly he gets up and smirks at you, like the breakdown he had right in front of you never happened.
“Ah my dear, I knew you’d forgive your Daddy D…” he smirks and speaks with a flirty tone, gently grabbing your chin and making you look up at him. You blush at his words since you're standing in the hallway.
“Well then my dear, how about I show you just how happy I am about our conversation just now?” He speaks in a sly and seductive tone that never fails to make you blush. He pulls you back into your room, locking the door behind you both and you know what he has in store for you for the coming night, after being apart for so long.
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Bar Antics
For @siegfaerie as a part of a fandom trade and posted with their consent. Love you platonically, friend. :)
Canonically takes place during the FGO NA 2021 Chaldea Boys Collection event.
Also, note. Cậu is a Kinship pronoun for “Friend” in Vietnamese. Take that however you'd like when reading. :)
“You shouldn’t be holding that cocktail mixer so tightly, my dear.”
“E-Easy for you to say, Moriarty-san,” Vy mumbled, but she still let her fingers relax their grip on the bottle in question, feeling a shaky breath leave her lips as she turned her head to look up at the older Archer. “I’m bad with alcohol.”
“Such a waste, my dear, such a waste,” Moriarty said, the lilt in his voice taking out whatever venom there might’ve been as he gently patted her shoulder on the way to the sink behind the bar. “But why are you so bad with it? I’ve seen you serve other drinks with the young Itzy to the guests and handle yourself just fine.”
In spite of knowing it was an innocent question, uncomfortable needles pricked at the back of Vy’s neck as she did her best to not reach up and play with her ponytail out of habit. “I-Inherited allergy,” she eventually coughed up, heat starting to warm her cheeks in that embarrassing way she didn’t like thanks to the admission. “Daddy could only drink maybe half a glass before turning red and needing to go to bed, and the first and last time I ever drank anything was with my family before coming to Chaldea.”
“Ah,” Moriarty said with a curt nod, his hand reaching over to turn on the faucet at the sink. “You were just as red-faced as him that time?”
“Nearly cursing like a sailor, crying the entire time, and I almost threatened to pummel one of my cousins into the ground for having me drink a single can of the stuff, actually,” Vy mumbled, ducking her head to look down at the mixer in her hands. “It wasn’t fun.” She found herself pausing from the sudden lack of saliva in her throat, eventually coughing out in a weaker voice, “D-Don’t judge me, please.”
“I wasn’t going to, dear, do not worry,” Moriarty said humbly, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of his lips from what Vy could see past the massive pile of dishes he started to wash. “If I did, I believe I may find myself poisoned in the near future.”
Um. What? “What do you mean by that…?”
“Exactly as I said, my dear,” Moriarty said in the same tone of voice, a wink sent her way once Vy was giving him a confused look. “Exactly as I said.”
Oooookay. Vy shook at the bottle in her hands, doing her best not to squeak once a hand eventually landed on top of her head.
Wait. There were callouses, and the scent of mint—
“…Big Robin?” Vy whispered.
“Hey there. Is the drink ready yet, little sparrow?” Robin asked almost too casually as his hand patted her hair softly. “You’ve been standing here for a little while.”
Vy felt herself flush up to the tips of her ears, choosing to hand Robin the cocktail mixer while ducking her head. How embarrassing! “U-Um. Could you check? I-I can’t exactly, um, taste-test it…”
Robin let out a soft chuckle in response to Vy’s fumbling, gently taking the metal bottle from her hands. “You got it, little sparrow. Just take it easy, okay?” Before Vy could respond, he leaned over to bump their foreheads together. “Don’t break anything.”
“I-I’m not going to break anything—” Vy protested, yet still feeling her voice die in her throat once she was looking up into Robin’s visible green eye. The corners of said eye crinkled softly in Vy’s direction as Robin smiled. “Muuu,” left Vy’s mouth instead. “You’re a dork, Big Robin.”
“And you’re a cute little sparrow,” Robin teased back, bumping Vy’s head with his one more time before pulling back and walking elsewhere, shaking the mixer with one hand all the while. “Don’t worry so much~!”
“Muuu,” Vy felt herself voice again, this time in embarrassment, once Robin disappeared around the bar island’s corner.
Another hand proceeded to land on her person, this time winding around her shoulders to squeeze, and Vy blinked once a warm chest was resting against the back of her head. “Vy~!”
Oh. “H-Hi to you too, Itzy,” Vy said softly, swiveling her head a little just to find an eyeful of pink hair. “Did you already finish your order?”
“Yup~!” Itzy hummed, squeezing Vy’s shoulders in a hug from behind as a big smile graced her face. “And I think it’s time for your break, dearie!”
“…Is it?” Vy glanced at the clock. “I thought I still had 5… minutes…”
The minute hand ticked once for extra emphasis, and nearby, Vy could hear Moriarty make a scolding “tut-tut” noise past his dishes. “That, my young lady, is the sound of losing track of time.”
“Well, fiddlesticks,” Vy said finally in mock-curse while slumping against Itzy, much to her fellow Master’s apparent delight if the soft squeal above her head was any indication. “What about you, Itzy? Are you taking a break now too?”
“I was just about to~!” Itzy said happily, squeezing Vy’s shoulders while a cheek gently bumped the top of Vy’s hair. “I wanted to wait on you though, Vy!”
“Thankie…” Vy smiled up at her taller Master friend, closing her eyes in content. “Let’s go together, then?”
Siegfried, who came back to the bar island at that moment with a silver tray of empty wine glasses, gave Itzy and Vy a small passing glance. “Robin and I can handle the floor, Master,” he said, the corners of his mouth twitching enough to make Vy wonder if he was giving Itzy a secretive smile. “Go take Vy for some well-deserved rest.”
Vy did her best not to laugh nervously at the discrete callout once Itzy saluted Siegfried with a cheerier, “Already on it!”
“No matter how many times I come in here, the break room still feels really fancy…”
“It’s still a break room in the end, Vy, there’s nothing to worry about. No bouncers, no creepy gangsters—”
“I-I can’t help it, okay?! Sieg looks like a Mafia Boss, Diarmuid, Yan Qing, AND Izou are in the gangster way of life here, even though I don’t think any of them would be into that kind of thing, wellmaybeIzou, and, and—“ Vy took in a deep breath, shaking her head enough to rustle her ponytail before she eventually flopped down on the nearest couch and rested her cheek against Itzy’s shoulder. “…Sorry.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart, there’s nothing wrong with venting.” Itzy raised one hand to gently pat Vy’s hair, scooting closer to let Vy rest her head in the small crook between Itzy’s neck and shoulder. “It is our break now, so you can be a bit more unprofessional here.”
A shakier puff of air resembling a sigh left Vy’s lips as she reached over to take Itzy’s hand for a quick squeeze. “…Same to you, y’know, Cậu Itzy,” Vy whispered, shrugging with one shoulder towards the center of the room. “There’s homemade lemonade on the table if you want some.”
Itzy twitched, and Vy was already expecting the incredulous “Vy…” said in her direction. Almost as if debating whether or not to scold her, Itzy’s hand proceeded to unravel Vy’s hair tie, undoing Vy’s ponytail in favor of stroking the freed hair. “You didn’t have to.”
“Wanted to.” With a pout, Vy added in mock protest, “Before you say anything, I made it this morning, put it away in the fridge before work started, and I checked to make sure Moriarty didn’t put anything weird in it.” For extra emphasis, Vy lifted her head from Itzy’s shoulder so that she could lean over and grab the beverage pitcher in question, pouring out a glass into a nearby cup so Itzy could take it. “I taste-tested it already if that helps.”
Itzy gave Vy a bit of a funny face over the cup’s rim, enough to make Vy fidget for a second or two. “You sure about that last part?”
“99.99% sure,” Vy assured with her best poker face. “Unless you want me to try chugging it?”
The statement was, whether Vy knew it or not, enough to make Itzy relax because her fellow Master was breaking out a grin and taking the cup from Vy’s hands, winking. “No need to chug then, Vy. Lemme see…”
It took a single swig.
Itzy blinked at the contents, Vy leaned in a little from anticipation. “Is it… is it good?”
“I was expecting it to be sweet,” Itzy said in half-wonder, half-amazement. “I wasn’t expecting sour too.”
“Is that a good thing?” Vy could feel another flush of heat start to flood her cheeks, enough to make her raise a hand to cover one of them up and away from Itzy’s line of view. “I-I heard from Siegfried that you liked citrus drinks, so I reworked my old lemonade recipe to what he recommended, and—”
“Wait.” Itzy was blinking again. “Wait, wait, wait. Vy, honey, you came up with this?”
“I said it was a rework of a recipe, but um, yes?” Vy said, caught off-guard. “I’ve had the recipe ever since I was little, and Mommy and Daddy always liked it, a-and you’ve been family to me, so—”
“Vy, honey,” Itzy interrupted with a happy wheeze caught between a grin and a laugh, “I love you too.”
Vy blushed, but still found herself smiling as she watched Itzy down the entire cup after that. Once the contents of the cup were gone, Itzy let out another happy sigh, leaning back against the couch while proceeding to wrap an arm around Vy’s shoulders, pulling her in for another side hug. “Thank you, Vy! It was delicious!”
“I-I’ll make it again for you when we get back to the Wandering Sea,” Vy said softly, smiling as she leaned into her friend’s side. “It’s really simple and doesn’t take up much energy.”
“As long as you don’t push yourself, honey, I’ll take whatever drink you make me!” Itzy hummed.
Vy closed her eyes and hummed back. “Aye,” was all she said back. It felt like it was enough.
Besides, I know I’ll always be here for you. No matter what.
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sweetsandloveforall · 4 years
Good Morning to everyone out there! Hope we are all staying safe and healthy during the pandemic! This is a post that’s about stuff floating in my mind so here is what I’m going to discuss
1. Nutrition!!!
2. Overwatch Echo!!
3. Someone omg please tell me what the fuck is happening in FGO, I’m new to the game and omfg
4. Unemployment spike and jobs that are hiring
Whooohoo!! Let’s start off with 1.Nutrition!! Everyone seems to be misguided by what the fuck should we be eating and how much. Do not fear! I have resources! After a year of continued collaborated research in keto, paleo, and carnivore, my fiancé and I have found that one of the most healthiest and well rounded lifestyles out there are the three I mentioned above. While they are tough in the first month due to additives in our foods to make us addicted to crap. Carbs are like Diesel fuel is to a four door Sedan. What, you say? Yea, your car might run but it won’t run good and it’s bad for your car to run fuel that doesn’t even match the vehicle type. Now imagine you switch to the best fuel, now for your body, that’s fat :) Animal fat, oils, butters (avocado oil, avocados, coconut oil, beef suet, bone broth, ghee butter, etc). Check up this highly regarded doctor, Paul Saladino and he will tell you everything. Do you have issues sleeping or skin issues? Check. Him. Out. I promise 🙏🏻 2. OVERWATCH ECHO OMG! So I’m a liiiiiiiiiiil’ disappointed that she a dps than a support cause everyone knows we need more supports and not dps lol there are more dps than tanks and support numbers combined and yet the developers want us to play more support and tank while they nerf us to the ground. I am exciting of her ult capabilities however! Definitely be using that to my advantage! I have SOOOO many ideas that it’s not even worth texting them all out lol but I’m excited and it’s super refreshing to have a new character before overwatch 2 comes out. She will be a force to be reckoned with in the air but so is pharah so I’ll just play my toxic soldier:76. That’s right, I’m a gross widow/soldier main for dps role, EW. At least I’m not a GENJI main.....yet xD People going to get so mad with echo and I’m going to be enjoying the hate like I always do, support mains unite. I’m at a point in overwatch where I love to just tilt people as a support. My favorite support to use is Ana or Moira, just send that damage orb into the room and you die LOL POTG right there, did it to a hog last night, kept sending a damage orb to the room he was at every time he was low and hate messaged me after we won, that’s a huge victory for Moira mains xD idc what people say about Moira, I love her and y’all just bad, she easy to kill. I swear my fingers have aimbot for Moira cause as widow, I just headshot her constantly 😂. 3. Fate/Grand Order, I’m super new to the fandom, like I’m the meme with the guy holding the pizza and walks into the room full of fire and destruction lol I’m enhancing my buddies (I dislike using the word, servant, like I know that’s the game lingo and I’m the “master” but...LOL NO. I ain’t nobody’s master and ain’t nobody my servant lol we all family here) anyway, I’m beginning the fourth singularity and my highest character is Nero right now. Anyone please hit me up with advice or tips or anything because one side of me feels like I’m playing the game right but the other side feels like I’m missing a bunch of shit. I’m just focusing on side quests rn before I continue and master missions (also daily quests and enhancing the fuck out of my buddies). I’m very conservative over my saint quartz over seeing so many memes about not having any xDD hit me up!!! Okay, now the big topic, 4. Unemployment spike, lots of you should know that the US hit up to 30 MILLION people unemployed due to the pandemic, here are some tips in case you are one of the victims affected. Doordash is hiring, just literally sign up and they deliver you a bag, your card, download the app and you’re ready to go. Grub hub, Uber eats, they are hiring and in big demand! To keep track of your mileage, use free apps in stores that do it for you! You get tax deductions for the miles you drive. Some Safeway’s are hiring right now too! I’ve seen them posting! Selling stuff you don’t need like a random electronic, cable, book. Half price books will buy your book. Academic books costs a good amount of money, up to 80$ alone depending on the material. Please stay safe all!!
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nyodrite · 5 years
I'm going to write it here since this'll be long. I only came up with this idea this morning, so it's a bit rough.
For starters, a bit of background info about Fate/Grand Order (FGO). FGO is a mobile game where you play as the protagonist (male or female, you can change whenever). The Protag, nicknamed Gudao (if male) or Gudako (if female) works for the Chaldea Organization which is dedicated to ensuring the survival of humanity by summoning Servants and employing Masters. Plot occurs and on the day of the Protag's orientation, all of humanity is incinerated and the Protag is the only remaining Master left (the other Masters are in a coma). Now Protag and co. has to Rayshift (time travel) to various Singularities in order to restore the Foundations of History and save humanity. By the end of Part I, the Protag is the Master of over 100 Servants who all love them (platonic. familial, or romantic love). 
As the story goes on, things can get very wacky and silly, and you can see the Protag getting used to the chaos by the dialogue options.
For instance, here is how Thomas Edison looks like:
He and Tesla gets into childish fights where they punch and electrocute each other. It's hilarious.
Now in the Type-Moon universe, there's a type of True Magic called the Second Magic (AKA Kaleidoscope) that involves  the Operation of Parallel Worlds. One use of this magic is travelling through parallel worlds. It's canon that there are parallel worlds that aren't really like the Fate worlds or Tsukihime worlds, that have elements of both. More info can be found here (typemoon.wikia . com/wiki/Second_Magic). 
Exposition over, my fic idea is that Skull is the Protag of FGO, Gudao (or Gudako, or both if you want genderfluid Skull). After a Rayshift gone wrong (or being caught in a spell/experiment mishap involving the Second Magic), Gudao wakes up in the KHR world deaged and with his memories jumbled. He doesn't quite know who he is or where he is, but he eventually grows up to become KHR's Skull.
His annoying personality is simply a facade, where his arrogant attitude makes him oddly nostalgic, as though he used to know someone who proclaimed how great he was. He doesn't know where the odd tattoo (his Command Spells) come from or why he can't bear the thought of removing them. He's strangely attached to the outfit he woke up in that was far too large for him, and was devastated when they were destroyed after an ambush. He reasons that his hair is dyed purple because it's a cool color and it matches his flames, but he can't help but feel wistful. Purple hair makes him think of someone he dearly loves, a Kouhai? Which can't be right because he doesn't have a kouhai, especially one with purple hair. He often has dreams of events and people he sees as family that fades when he wakes up and leaves him with a gaping ache in his heart. He travels the world, visits museums, and reads various folklore/legends, and constantly thinks, this is wrong. This person was actually nice/guilt-ridden/etc, leaving him confused because how would he know? He never met these mythological/historical figures before.
He tolerates the Arcobaleno at best because they're stuck in the same situation together, but resent the way they treat him and especially resent the fact that they should be family. He knows how family who went through numerous battles together should be and the Arcobaleno are not it. But how would he know, he thinks, before the Mafia, I never had a family that I fought alongside with in battles.
Some time after the curse, but before canon, his dreams are more frequent and he can even remember vague pieces of them. Things escalate until suddenly, one day a young female's voice calls out to him and says "Senpai, is that you?" He turns around to see a purple-haired teen (purple like his hair and eyes) with strange armor and a giant shield behind him and, like a dam breaking, his memories as Gudao comes flooding back. 
There's a touching reunion and Gudao!Skull explains why he's a baby. The people at Chaldea are obviously concerned and want to bring him back to observe the curse and try to break it. This leads to Da Vinci finding out about the Tri-ni-Sette (they have access to systems that are BS, it wouldn't be surprising if they find a connection between the Arcobaleno Pacifier and the flames that power the biosphere of the world). Maybe Kawahira as Checkerface can pop in if he can sense dimensional disturbances and meeting the people of Chaldea before being forced to explain more about the Tri-ni-sette (held at sword/lance/arrow/etc. point). Chaldea can even help him find another solution to the Tri-ni-sette because I still think it's ridiculous that Tsuna can find a solution in a week. Talbot may be good, but not that good.
Eventually, it's concluded that Skull can't leave just yet, but it's not like they can leave their Master defenseless so the obvious thing to do is set up a base in the KHR world. The Carcassa famiglia are clearly unworthy of being associated with Skull so naturally, in order to gather more information and support Skull, Chaldea decides to make their own Family. Cue Servants terrorizing the Mafia and tall tales (that are actually true) about a strange new family. No one knows about Skull's involvement with the new family and thinks he's still with the Carcassa family.
One thing to note is that this version of Skull will probably have Sky flames given that he bonds and connects with a lot of vastly different people. How that's handled is debatable. Maybe it's sealed away, completely dedicated in harmonizing his Cloud flames and Magic Circuits, or he's aware that he's a Sky and just never bothered to use them in front of others.  
The thing I want to see the most is the Arcobaleno battles, because you know for sure that Skull's team will be his Servants, who are not too fond of the Arcobaleno after the stories Skull tells. They deserve the curbstomp after the abuse Skull suffered.
Fun snippets can also include reactions to Jackie calling Skull daddy, overprotective Servants, the revelation that a lot of male legendary people are actually female, and the realization that oh look, Skull actually knows and is loved by multiple gods.
Sorry for the long fic idea. If you ever want to get into FGO, I know several good fan comics and fanfiction that I'm sure will drag you into the fandom. 
Also, have you read the completed Naruto/KHR crossover where Gaara is reborn as Skull? It's a pure crack fic where Gaara just trolls the Arcobaleno.
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ritsucomet · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Personality, eyes, uhhhh my perception of beauty is too fricked to say much else
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: The thing about food is that the best foods ever are all things that I could absolutely get incredibly sick of, so I honestly don’t know if there’s anything that I could eat endlessly. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:  Brussel sprouts are disgusting in taste and they stink to high hell.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Film and cinema analysis 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Depends on the night, and what day it is tomorrow or later on in the morning
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:  I have a gf! I love her very much, very very much.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE:  Hhhhahaha, if I tried to list off all the things I’d change we’d be here for a long while...
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Yes! Except when I’m not! In which case no! Sometimes!
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Uhhh... I honestly can’t think of one that I could repeatedly watch. I’m the type who gets bored of things when they get too predictable, so watching a film over and over, no matter how good it is, in a row, would get really tedious after like the third viewing.
12. FAVORITE BOOK: Don’t call me out like this I don’t read very often
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: FERRET! I love ferrets so fricking much they’re so soft and small and cute and cuddly and aaaa I want one.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Uhhh... Well I’m gonna make this easier on everyone and narrow things down to just this-blog related ships. Romani/Merlin, Ritsuka/Mash, other stuff...
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake. Pie is too gooey, in my opinion. Tasty, but texture is lacking.
16. FAVORITE SCENT: Cinnamon.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Does it have to be a real person celebrity? I don’t tend to find them especially attractive.
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: I assume we’re limiting to earth locations-- Probably London, I’ve always been interested in british culture, as an american pleb.
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert. Just really good at acting peppy online.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Way too easily, I am a weenie.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android, I got rid of my iPhone years ago. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Very frequently. FGO, for example.
23. DREAM JOB: Uhhh.... Hikikomori 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Frivolous spending followed by existential despair at what I’ve managed to lose.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: I go through a lot of very frequent emotional cycles with fictional characters, whether I love or hate them, so I can’t say definitively one that I utterly despise. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Pokemon, although I would hardly consider myself having been a part of that fandom. I guess the best example would be yogscast.
tagged by: Took it off of @gudakotm​ , ilu angel tagging: Steal it back from me, cowards.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 10 months
Good morning my dear fellow!
As I stated prior, January 2024 will be no FGO month. No new fgo prompt will be posted during january.
Is considered an FGO prompt:
Any prompt that features FGO-only characters
Any prompt that takes place in Chaldea
Any prompt that takes place during one of FGO's singularity or lostbelt (fan-made lostbelt, singularities, or other prompts that use FGO worldbuilding elements are fine)
The goal of non-FGO month is to give other fandoms the spotlight, considering the massive amount of FGO prompts we receive on the daily. Remember: This is a nasuverse kink meme, not an fgo kink meme. All things Type-Moon are okay!
FGO-onlies are encouraged to see this event as an FGO-specific fillathon. You are encouraged to:
Fill prompts
Bump old prompts
Comment/reblog old fills
FGO fills are still allowed. Bumps of FGO fills are still allowed. Only sending new FGO prompts is disallowed.
That's it! See you in January!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 9 months
Good morning, my dear fellows! We are now one week into no FGO month. It's a pleasure to see love for lesser-known type moon works tickling in!
If you are an FGO main, this is your reminder that you may take this month as an FGO-specific fillathon. Here are some tips for you!
Every prompt are tagged by fandom and characters. Sometimes, I also tag the kinks or tropes. Use the tags to find prompts relevant to your interests!
You can also check out the any character or any fandom prompts. These are not attached to a specific character, so you might find the perfect prompt to apply to your blorbo there!
Multiple fills of the same prompt are allowed. Even if you made the first fill for a given prompt.
The weekly roundup tag is used to compile every prompts posted through a week. If you prefer to see a compilation of prompts rather than scroll through asks, you can use it. Weekly roundups also include prompt reminders, which are old prompts someone requested to see bumped. These are prompts someone really want to see!
Additionally, if you like a fill and you've been postponing showing your appreciation of it, now is the time!
If the filler posted it on their own blog, reblog it with nice things in the tags
If there is a way to contact the filler, shoot them a nice message about their fill
If it's a fanfic with comments enabled, leave a comment
If you are unsure what to see, here are a couple guides on how to comment on things
Have fun! Happy January!
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KING HASSAN x MASTER! READER -- Old Dad of the Mountain
A short wholesome thing of one of my favorite characters :D
King Hassan x master! reader (platonic)
Fandom: FGO
warnings: none, just fluff
You walked around the corridors of Chaldea. You didn’t have much to do that day. You had already gone through the day’s training and now you had the rest of the day off. You greeted the staff and the servants as you passed by them. This was nice.
That was until you heard an announcement.
“Master Y/n’s presence is needed at the cafeteria immediately” sounded the intercom.
It kept repeating the message. You grew worried and rushed towards the cafeteria.
The intercom went silent after you got to the cafeteria, only to find it perfectly fine.
“What the hell…” you muttered to yourself, looking around.
“Good afternoon master” you heard a familiar, deep sound coming from your left.
You turned and your eyes landed on a huge figure that was wearing a cute apron which seemed to be way too small for them.
“Hassan?” you asked, surprised and slightly amused by the sight. THIS was the emergency?
He came closer and you saw a tray full of cookies in his hands.
“I made these for thee, young master. Thou art always so busy with thy responsibilities, so I decided to make thee some snacks”
You looked up at him with wide eyes and then down at the tray.
“I- Thank you, sir” you took the tray from him, hesitantly and confused. “I.. truly am grateful for this”
“It was nothing, young one. It is my duty as thy faithful servant, to ensure thy wellbeing and safety”
What is happening? The grand assassin, king Hassan, the very first assassin, making cookies? For you?
“Please, be seated, my young master” he pulled out a chair for you.
Is this for real?
“Thank you…” you sat down with the tray.
“Master” he turned to leave.
“Wait! I thought we’d share these together” you smiled at him, and took a bite of a freshly baked cookie. God, those were good.
“... If my young master so wishes” he took a seat in front of you. “How hast thy day been?”
You started telling him about your day, what you had done, what had made you happy, how Fou had woken you up that morning. He seemed to be fully focused on what you were saying. It was nice.
After a while, you started to feel slightly tired and yawned.
“Art thee tired, master?”
“A little, yeah. A nap would be nice” you stretched and got up. “Thank you so much for this, I’ll save the rest for later” you smiled.
“I shall help thee, master”
Before you knew it, Hassan had already picked you up, like carrying a child towards your room. You fell asleep quite quickly while being carried by Hassan.
Finally he reached your room and set you down to your bed. He set a pillow under your head and pulled a blanket over you.
“Sleep well, master” he pat your head gently.
He left your room quietly so he wouldn’t wake you. He knew you worked so hard every day and knew you deserved a good nap. When he learned that this day would be pretty much a day off for you, he made sure it was a perfect resting day for you. He would make sure no one would disturb you or interrupt your nap. That was his responsibility.
Old man of the mountain? More like old dad of the mountain.
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