#good omens is my happy place
gleafer · 7 months
The fanfic where Crowley dares Aziraphale to go swing dancing so they sneak out incognito and have an absolute BALL.
I need nice things like this to muse about while I’m in storyboard frame HELL.
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nimbusalba · 6 months
I need to confess. I have been infected with the good omens brainrot for more than two months. This is my story:
I read the book about 20 years ago and I loved it, obviously. It was written by two of my favorite authors.
I got wind of the making of the first season before it was released, but it somehow slipped my mind and forgot all about it, until recently. In October I saw the recommendation on prime video and lost no time in watching the first season. I was skeptical at first, I don't usually like screen adaptations of books: characters tend to be shallow, plots get oversimplified, you know how it is. Boy, was I wrong. I absolutely loved the series, even more than the book itself. When I finished watching the first season, I realized there was a second season. And that's where I stopped myself. I had enjoyed the first season, but it covered the whole book already, so I thought "what's going to happen in a second season? surely nothing as good as the first”. So, I didn't watch S2 then and there, and I was able to keep going on with my life, like a normal person.
But obviously something happened, if it hadn’t, I wouldn't be telling you about it, would I? In January one night I was bored to tears and I saw the recommendation of S2 of good omens, there on the screen, teasing me. I had learned that Neil Gaiman was totally involved in it, so it couldn't be bad. And I watched it. Oh, yes, I did watch it. I don't remember if it took me as much as two days to watch the whole season. As soon as I finished watching the credits after the final fifteen I said out loud "NO!" I couldn’t believe it! The heartbreak! And I watched S2 again. After watching S2 for the second time I started watching S1, then S2, S1... and it's been like that, on loop, since then.
I'm not sure when I got the brainrot exactly. It must have been between the second and fourth episodes of S2, I guess. But I haven't found a cure yet. I surrendered to it, as you can see. I lost no time in finding this amazing fandom, creating a tumblr account to discover all the wonderful (and some crazy) metas, theories, analyses and art about good omens. And it’s being really fun. I have some theories and analyses of my own and maybe I’ll post them some of these days.
I don’t know if I’ll keep watching good omens on loop until S3 is aired in a few years. And then maybe I’ll have to keep watching time and again the three seasons… I don’t know. I just know that, right now, good omens is my happy place. I’ve been through a lot the last few years and I still am. This series is helping me cope with some things, but above all, it’s allowing me to have something else in my head apart from my own rl problems. So, thank you all, specially all the people involved in creating this wonderful world where I can lose myself a little.
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reanimatedguts · 1 year
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listen, we were all thinking it.
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daily-crowley · 1 year
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Crowley Of The Day: am I the only one who gets a little emotional when I see angel!Crowley?
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bartimaeus · 3 months
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Do you remember that day in 1901 When we fled to the South Downs The sound of the sea and the smell of wildflowers And you were all mine For that day You were all mine And we were free
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should-david-be-there · 6 months
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david tennant w just a regular, completely normal, definitely not a stooge, audience member/hen party member/international tourist/loud snack eater/stalls row j seat 1 occupant
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ineffablenlghtingales · 2 months
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So just how exactly did Aziraphale manage that perfect moustache in 1941? ;)
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mbat · 9 days
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this was an idea i had last year that i found in my files and decided to revive. woe, angst be upon ye
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spiri-a · 2 months
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Though also can I just say I’m so proud that we have one of the few non-binary ships on both this list and the top ships of all times list????????? Like I mentioned this before but one of my favorite things about the GO fandom is how free and absolutely whatever the fuck and purely utterly tolerant this fandom is about gender???? Like I love these guys???????
(Gushy rant about the GO fandom’s beautiful relationship with gender and expression down below oops I just started and couldn’t stop??)
Like I’m not ashamed (though maybe a little a lot embarrassed) to admit that this fandom was probably most definitely my non-binary awakening because it was just so strange and refreshing and completely new for me to learn this brand new little talked about side of how other people experience gender, and how they channel those experiences into Crowley and Aziraphale in their fanfiction and fanart and headcanons??? It was to a degree that I had NEVER EVER felt before and it shocked me?? Then I found myself weirdly SUPER relating to the descriptions of genderlessness and the pure careless neutral feeling about gender that I saw people talking and writing about???
And then, well, um, I MAY have accidentally discovered my gender identity from Aziraphale headcanons??????? Oops??????????
And Ive heard of plenty of other people who saw their own gender expressions reflected in Crowley or Beelzebub or Muriel!!!! ITS CRAZY!!! I’ve been in fandoms for years and years, but this is the first time characters have felt so freeing and moldable to however the fandom wants to love them and so so easy to love because we see parts of ourselves in them and parts we aspire to be and parts we hate but can’t help see the reasoning behind and it just makes everything feel so…..close???? Like these characters were made to be the furthest from basic stock characters they could, and they were made with a little extra room left over in them for the fandom to take and fill and make their own?????
I don’t even know where I’m going with this but I guess my point is: Dear Good Omens fandom, I FREAKING LOVE YOU??????? The pure and open freedom you allow people to express themselves and mold this story and these characters into a million different wonderful things is the most awe inspiring thing, and I never thought such a massive fandom would feel so welcoming and tolerant and flexible and fluid and expressive and diverse and AGGGHGAHAHGHH EVERYTHING I GUESS
God I really hope no one reads this cause this is probably the gayest shit I’ve ever written. I just wanted to celebrate but then it turned into a rant of the secret private super duper uber gay reason I love this fandom.
Oh well
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Some people in this fandom legit so touchy about a otp going canon like
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and then telling me to put stuff under a read more when I’ve used spoiler tags and warnings on every post I’ve made lol you’re getting at the wrong person mdear.
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They’re acting like I’ve released the entirety of s2 script 
Anyway for those of us who celebrate THE LEAK ™ the party is at my house
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disaster-catalyst · 1 year
"he said i could appoint you to be an angel"
he said I could give back the happiness that was unfairly ripped away from you, to see you make stars without fear. i'm directly going against the almighty's decision and pushing past my trauma of heaven for you. i want you to be happy again.
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peskysaku · 1 year
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This is my happy place ❤
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anaid-queen · 1 year
in other news, my current cope (besides attempting (stress on the attempting) to read the 200+ fix-it fics already on ao3, with more being posted literally every ten minutes or so) is imagining their reunion + first real (read: mutual) kiss
because while i know they won't kiss like long-longing human lovers - i know they won't!!! - it is nonetheless an absolute guilty pleasure / favorite of mine to imagine my OTP's first kisses (or equivalents thereof) to be truly, desperately, overwhelmingly needy and passionate
[bonus points if both / either half don't have much experience with kisses (let alone anything else) prior; which i daresay is a given here]
literally cannot part, keep making needy little noises, feeling absolutely overwhelmed because finally finally FINALLY
now...imagine this to happen while they're on the run from Heaven (as will presumably be the case, in some way or another), and should actually get it out of their systems and then GET A MOVE ON.
imagine Muriel coming to check what's taking so long [if she's not on their side idk where the hell she's supposed to be], and making a face somewhere between shocked and confused and slightly concerned (you decide whether it's about the passionate kissing or the wasted time)
and trying to interrupt them
after several attempts
they finally part
mutter something about how they really... should... get... going..ah fuck no we're kissing again actually
just falling into each other like gravity
finally, finally, finally.
(they part much quicker this time, and they do finally get a move on, but they hold hands. the whole time through. and they can't stop smiling)
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hopelessromanfic · 8 months
i just finished the first season of good omens and im scared to start the next season bc if its sad or a clinghanger i wont be able to recover
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yellobb · 1 year
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I am NOT an artist 😂😂😂😂
I just have a terrible habit of getting distracted and doodling, terribly, instead of getting any actual work done.
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