#google search operators
Google Knowledge Panel can help businesses and individuals gain more visibility in search results. This guide will explain how it works and how to claim yours.
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needtricks-blog · 2 years
Mastering Google Search: Effective Techniques, Tricks, and Tips
Mastering Google Search Effective Techniques Tricks and Tips. Google is one of the most widely used search engines, and it provides access to an enormous amount of information. However, with so much information available, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for quickly and efficiently. (more…) “”
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seoboard · 2 years
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Learn about search operators you can use to make your advanced Google searches more powerful!
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greenerteacups · 6 months
Is Harry a horocrux/ parselmouth ?
What, in canon?
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chambersevidence · 2 months
Search Engines:
Search engines are independent computer systems that read or crawl webpages, documents, information sources, and links of all types accessible on the global network of computers on the planet Earth, the internet. Search engines at their most basic level read every word in every document they know of, and record which documents each word is in so that by searching for a words or set of words you can locate the addresses that relate to documents containing those words. More advanced search engines used more advanced algorithms to sort pages or documents returned as search results in order of likely applicability to the terms searched for, in order. More advanced search engines develop into large language models, or machine learning or artificial intelligence. Machine learning or artificial intelligence or large language models (LLMs) can be run in a virtual machine or shell on a computer and allowed to access all or part of accessible data, as needs dictate.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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An Interview with Royalty
By Jane Robson | Published 25 March 2013
Interview with Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence KCVO CB ADC(P)
An amazing opportunity arose for Castle Court  4R Children to attend an interview with Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence at the RNLI Headquarters in Poole, where he is the Chairman of the RNLI Operations Committee.  They had spent the spring term developing their journalistic skills as part of their literacy topics, so a chance to practice them on a member of the Royal Family could not be missed!
Charlotte gave the opening speech and asked the first question – “Thank you so much for allowing us to interview you as part of our English Work”.
“May I begin by asking what your links are to the RNLI and how important an organisation it is to you?”
When I was very small, about three years old, I had holidayed at Dungeness in Kent.  I was taken to the local Lifeboat station where I remember a big shinny boat and thinking I really wanted to go on it.  As you now know, in recent years I have been fortunate to get involved.
Leila:  Please can you tell me what you wanted to be when you were our age?
I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do at your age.  I did know that I DID NOT want to work in London, and due to the interest in the sea  I signed up with the Navy and have just left after 37 years.
Jimmy: Were you ever naughty and if so what punishments did you get? Were you ever grounded?
I actually can’t remember as I only remember the good things about my time at school.   I may have been kept in after school.  My sports did keep me out of mischief as I enjoyed football, cricket  and tennis.
Tenzing: What are your best memories of school and did you have any scary Teachers?
My best memories from my prep school in Kent are the fact that I had plenty of time for sport and enjoying the Countryside.
As for the scary teachers:  the scariest teacher left when I arrived and although there were one or two others, I don’t think they were too bad!
Charlie : What was your favourite sport at school and what is your favourite sport now?
I enjoy all sports.  My favourite is cricket.  I played with some people who went on to play for  their county and England.
I’m too old for some sports now, but I do enjoy sailing and golf.
Joanna: Do you find it strange being a part of the most famous family in the World?
No not strange, I’ve got used to it.  I do live two separate lives.  One is supporting my wife and the other is supporting my own commitments, such as the RNLI.
Charlotte: Did you think you would grow up to marry a Princess and sit down over a roast dinner with Her Majesty the Queen?  Does it ever feel a bit unreal?
No.  If someone had told me some years ago I was going to marry a Princess I would have thought they were rather barmy.  It actually feels very real and comfortable.  I know the Queen as a person, she is warm and friendly,  and to me she is my ‘mother- in-law’
Charlotte Gilmour:  Do you feel part of the Family?
Definitely. I am an extended part of the Family.
Cosmo: When was the last time you rode a bike? What do you think are the simplest pleasures in life?
I rode a bike at school and university, and cycled a lot when I lived in Winchester but I would NOT ride a bike in London – it is too dangerous for me!
I haven’t ridden a bike for a while, however last summer, when we were staying at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, three of our party decided to ride their bikes to a place where we were having a picnic.  They were exhausted  when they arrived, so I offered to ride one of the bikes back.  It was seven miles, and I was definitely out of practice.
As to the simplest pleasures in life: enjoying  the company of friends, the Countryside and getting on with life; doing something interesting.
Taylor: Do you disco dance and what is your favourite music and best dance moves?
It has been a while since I disco danced,  but I do enjoy different types of music. I was recently in the USA and for three evenings I listened to Blue Grass Music. I do enjoy modern popular music as well.
My favourite dance?  Well, I do enjoy watching ballroom dancing and I regret I didn’t live in an era when it was very popular.
Charlie: Do you have any pets and what are they?
I have a lot of dogs: two English Bull Terriers,  four Labradors and two Spaniels
We live on a working farm so we also have sheep, cattle, and pigs.
Charlie: Did you have any unusual pets when you were small?
I had a dog and a Hamster.  I do remember Gerald Durral’s book about animals and he said he kept a scorpion in a match box, but I had nothing as unusual as that.
Geen : What makes you really chuckle?
A good joke, and if you see something that goes a bit wrong, a bit like the situations which occur on the Television programme  ‘You’ve Been Framed’.
Izzy: What is your favourite food and does Princess Anne cook or a Servant?
I like most foods; any good food and I particularly enjoy food from the farm, particularly our meat and vegetables.  However my favourite food is fish.
We do have a cook,  but my wife does cook when the cook is not there.  She also cooks if we are out on the boat together.  II don’t really do any; although I did learn the basic skills of cooking whilst I was at school, so I can cook if I needed to.
Izzy: Do you catch your own fish?
No I don’t.
Mrs Robinson – May I ask if you have been able to train your Bull Terrier, as I could never train mine?
I think you can, we did ours, they are soft and gentle and lovely pets to us.
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allalrightagain · 4 months
I'm a bad IT professional and have continued to use google as a search engine mostly out of prejudice for what duckduckgo was when it first started. However, I am not too proud to admit when I'm wrong, and duckduckgo has just done in one search what google has been convincing me for three and a half days was impossible.
brb changing my default search engine everywhere.
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linklinkgo · 1 year
Empowering Digital Explorers: LinkLinkGo.com Journey to Online Safety and Information Access
What is LinkLinkGo.com
Empowering Digital Explorers: LinkLinkGo.com Journey to Online Safety and Information Access.
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LinkLinkGo.com is a website dedicated to #helping users search for information on the internet more efficiently. If you're facing difficulties while searching online, you can turn to us for search assistance. Our primary goal is to save your time on the internet while also raising #awareness about cybercrime, cyber security, and cyber fraud. We provide guidance on how to protect yourself from these threats online.
If you encounter complex search queries or need #comprehensive information on a topic, our website is designed for you, and our services are available for free. We offer personalized #assistance to help you find the #information you need.
Our Mission:
Our mission at LinkLinkGo.com is to streamline the process of searching for information on the internet and offer assistance when you need it. We also aim to create awareness about cybercrime, cyber security, and cyber fraud, and we provide guidance on how to safeguard yourself while using the internet.
We are a group of #volunteers who are committed to helping people and sharing our knowledge for the betterment of humanity. Our mission revolves around ensuring people's online safety and providing them with the best possible information.
Our journey is rooted in the mission of empowering individuals to navigate the digital world safely. We are dedicated to helping users find the information they need while ensuring their online protection.
As a group of volunteers, we recognized the potential of the internet as a powerful tool for connecting people and sharing information. However, we were also aware of the risks posed by cybercrime, cyber fraud, and other forms of cyber threats.
Driven by our passion and expertise, we set out to create LinkLinkGo.com as a resource for internet users. Our website serves as a platform for finding trustworthy information on a wide range of topics while also educating users about cyber security.
Our tireless efforts to curate reliable information and offer guidance on cyber threats paid off as we received positive feedback from users. We were delighted to know that we were making a positive impact on people's lives by helping them navigate the digital world safely.
Through our #website, we can reach people from all backgrounds and assist them in feeling more secure and informed online. Looking ahead, we remain dedicated to our mission of ensuring online safety and #knowledge in the digital era.
Website link = https://www.linklinkgo.com
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boopjuice · 14 days
Random Thoughts #13
It's been two years and I still think about that time I helped one of my teachers by letting his students... Present their project? They basically had to "do a surgery" (it was on an app, we were high schoolers) on someone, and they had to explain what they were doing to a "med student" (me) what to do so I could "operate" on the patient.
They had to, for this project, brief me before the operation. Things like patient info, vitals, the procedure, and they had to do it using proper medical terms since that was the class. I had taken the class before, I had done that project before, and I was in a program out school ran with the local hospital for kids interested in the medical field.
So the group of three tells me they're going to be doing a tracheostomy, cutting open the windpipe to allow the patient to breathe. Okay, normal so far. They're doing it because the patient is unresponsive and not breathing well for reasons I cannot remember exactly, but the conditions that caused the unresponsiveness were not new. Alright, a bit of a weird reason, but these were sophomores and really didn't seem into the project and probably didn't realize that it was strange.
And then they got to the vitals.
They had the basic things. Blood pressure, beats per minute (not breaths, dude supposedly wasn't breathing), oxygen levels. But the problems started with the fact that every vital sign was listed as a range. That was already pushing it, because they didn't indicate that the vitals were falling to those levels, no. The group indicated that the vitals were, at any given moment, ping ponging between about those two points.
And they were all very bad. I think blood oxygen was 97% to 80%? Not entirely sure, but everything was like that. The one number I specifically remember was the high end of their blood pressure: 180/130. The low end was still above a textbook average bp.
I just sat there. What was I supposed to do? I was supposed to be the silent med student listening to trained professionals, but the patient was already basically dead! He should have had a heart attack and a fatal stroke simultaneously ten minutes ago! The only reason I could think of to cut open someone's throat like this is that you wanted them to die faster!
There's not even any big arteries where you cut for a tracheostomy, this fake guy's fake blood pressure was so high that the second you so much as waved a fake scalpel in his direction he'd start spurting fake blood!
I talked to the teaching nurses about it, asking what they thought about the vitals, and they were both adamant that by that point struggling to breath was less worry than a stroke and that the proper course at that point was to push blood pressure medication of some variety immediately.
I couldn't give the group any good feedback after when my teacher asked me to. I didn't know how to do it without calling them stupid, which wasn't fair since I didn't know them and they seemed to have just not put any effort into the project. But if I ever get the chance to go back in time, maybe possess my younger self, I would tell them. I think they deserve to know that Google is a free resource and they can use it for basic information.
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sarvodayanews · 29 days
जम्मू-कश्मीर के राजौरी-कुपवाड़ा में 3 जगह एनकाउंटर, 3 आतंकियों को किया ढेर
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Having a hard time finding exactly what you need on search engines? Try using these basic and advanced Google search operators.
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datascraping001 · 3 months
Google Search Results Data Scraping
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Google Search Results Data Scraping
Harness the Power of Information with Google Search Results Data Scraping Services by DataScrapingServices.com. In the digital age, information is king. For businesses, researchers, and marketing professionals, the ability to access and analyze data from Google search results can be a game-changer. However, manually sifting through search results to gather relevant data is not only time-consuming but also inefficient. DataScrapingServices.com offers cutting-edge Google Search Results Data Scraping services, enabling you to efficiently extract valuable information and transform it into actionable insights.
The vast amount of information available through Google search results can provide invaluable insights into market trends, competitor activities, customer behavior, and more. Whether you need data for SEO analysis, market research, or competitive intelligence, DataScrapingServices.com offers comprehensive data scraping services tailored to meet your specific needs. Our advanced scraping technology ensures you get accurate and up-to-date data, helping you stay ahead in your industry.
List of Data Fields
Our Google Search Results Data Scraping services can extract a wide range of data fields, ensuring you have all the information you need:
-Business Name: The name of the business or entity featured in the search result.
- URL: The web address of the search result.
- Website: The primary website of the business or entity.
- Phone Number: Contact phone number of the business.
- Email Address: Contact email address of the business.
 - Physical Address: The street address, city, state, and ZIP code of the business.
- Business Hours: Business operating hours
- Ratings and Reviews: Customer ratings and reviews for the business.
- Google Maps Link: Link to the business’s location on Google Maps.
- Social Media Profiles: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook
These data fields provide a comprehensive overview of the information available from Google search results, enabling businesses to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.
Benefits of Google Search Results Data Scraping
1. Enhanced SEO Strategy
Understanding how your website ranks for specific keywords and phrases is crucial for effective SEO. Our data scraping services provide detailed insights into your current rankings, allowing you to identify opportunities for optimization and stay ahead of your competitors.
2. Competitive Analysis
Track your competitors’ online presence and strategies by analyzing their rankings, backlinks, and domain authority. This information helps you understand their strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to adjust your strategies accordingly.
3. Market Research
Access to comprehensive search result data allows you to identify trends, preferences, and behavior patterns in your target market. This information is invaluable for product development, marketing campaigns, and business strategy planning.
4. Content Development
By analyzing top-performing content in search results, you can gain insights into what types of content resonate with your audience. This helps you create more effective and engaging content that drives traffic and conversions.
5. Efficiency and Accuracy
Our automated scraping services ensure you get accurate and up-to-date data quickly, saving you time and resources.
Best Google Data Scraping Services
Scraping Google Business Reviews
Extract Restaurant Data From Google Maps
Google My Business Data Scraping
Google Shopping Products Scraping
Google News Extraction Services
Scrape Data From Google Maps
Google News Headline Extraction   
Google Maps Data Scraping Services
Google Map Businesses Data Scraping
Google Business Reviews Extraction
Best Google Search Results Data Scraping Services in USA
Dallas, Portland, Los Angeles, Virginia Beach, Fort Wichita, Nashville, Long Beach, Raleigh, Boston, Austin, San Antonio, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Orlando, San Diego, Houston, Worth, Jacksonville, New Orleans, Columbus, Kansas City, Sacramento, San Francisco, Omaha, Honolulu, Washington, Colorado, Chicago, Arlington, Denver, El Paso, Miami, Louisville, Albuquerque, Tulsa, Springs, Bakersfield, Milwaukee, Memphis, Oklahoma City, Atlanta, Seattle, Las Vegas, San Jose, Tucson and New York.
In today’s data-driven world, having access to detailed and accurate information from Google search results can give your business a significant edge. DataScrapingServices.com offers professional Google Search Results Data Scraping services designed to meet your unique needs. Whether you’re looking to enhance your SEO strategy, conduct market research, or gain competitive intelligence, our services provide the comprehensive data you need to succeed. Contact us at [email protected] today to learn how our data scraping solutions can transform your business strategy and drive growth.
Website: Datascrapingservices.com
#Google Search Results Data Scraping#Harness the Power of Information with Google Search Results Data Scraping Services by DataScrapingServices.com. In the digital age#information is king. For businesses#researchers#and marketing professionals#the ability to access and analyze data from Google search results can be a game-changer. However#manually sifting through search results to gather relevant data is not only time-consuming but also inefficient. DataScrapingServices.com o#enabling you to efficiently extract valuable information and transform it into actionable insights.#The vast amount of information available through Google search results can provide invaluable insights into market trends#competitor activities#customer behavior#and more. Whether you need data for SEO analysis#market research#or competitive intelligence#DataScrapingServices.com offers comprehensive data scraping services tailored to meet your specific needs. Our advanced scraping technology#helping you stay ahead in your industry.#List of Data Fields#Our Google Search Results Data Scraping services can extract a wide range of data fields#ensuring you have all the information you need:#-Business Name: The name of the business or entity featured in the search result.#- URL: The web address of the search result.#- Website: The primary website of the business or entity.#- Phone Number: Contact phone number of the business.#- Email Address: Contact email address of the business.#- Physical Address: The street address#city#state#and ZIP code of the business.#- Business Hours: Business operating hours#- Ratings and Reviews: Customer ratings and reviews for the business.
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seoboard · 2 years
20 Advanced Google Search Operators For Powerful SEO In 2023
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Search engines are hungry for content, content that's fresh and relevant, and that users are more likely to read. By using advanced search operators in Google Search results pages, you can create the right content for users to be found.
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needtricks-blog · 9 months
Dig Deeper: Mastering Google Advanced Search for Hidden Gems
Mastering Google Advanced Search for Hidden Gems. Google: the go-to giant for finding anything under the sun (and beyond!). But are you tapping its full potential? While a simple keyword search gets you basic results, there’s a hidden world of precision waiting to be unlocked – the realm of Google Advanced Search. Continue reading Untitled
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djstormpresents · 9 months
We Just Googled When Googles Birthday Is...
Turns out, the O.G. (Original Google) is now an old G. For 25 years now we’ve been able to simplify our searching by going to one site. With an arsenal of 24 subsidiaries, including Android, Fitbit, and Waze to name a few, the big G currently has a net worth sitting upwards of 1.6 TRILLION U.S. dollars. The company reaches every country on earth. (We tried to look up every country that uses…
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
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Article | Paywall Free
"A bid to break up Alphabet Inc.’s Google is one of the options being considered by the Justice Department after a landmark court ruling found that the company monopolized the online search market, according to people with knowledge of the deliberations.
The move would be Washington’s first push to dismantle a company for illegal monopolization since unsuccessful efforts to break up Microsoft Corp. two decades ago. Less severe options include forcing Google to share more data with competitors and measures to prevent it from gaining an unfair advantage in AI products, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private conversations.
Regardless, the government will likely seek a ban on the type of exclusive contracts that were at the center of its case against Google. If the Justice Department pushes ahead with a breakup plan, the most likely units for divestment are the Android operating system and Google’s web browser Chrome, said the people. Officials are also looking at trying to force a possible sale of AdWords, the platform the company uses to sell text advertising, one of the people said.
The Justice Department discussions have intensified in the wake of Judge Amit Mehta’s Aug. 5 ruling that Google illegally monopolized the markets of online search and search text ads. Google has said it will appeal that decision, but Mehta has ordered both sides to begin plans for the second phase of the case, which will involve the government’s proposals for restoring competition, including a possible breakup request.
The US plan will need to be accepted by Mehta, who would direct the company to comply. A forced breakup of Google would be the biggest of a US company since AT&T was dismantled in the 1980s."
-via Bloomberg, August 13, 2024
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