#google web stories traffic
gamepassofficial · 10 months
₹8 लाख महीने Web Stories से कैसे कमाते हैं? | How to Earn $300 Per Day From Google Web Stories?
सबसे पहले हम पहले वह एनालिटिक्स दिखाइए अभी क्या चल रहा है रियल टाइम क्या चल रहा है हमें य भी देखना है ना कि ज्यादा ट्रैफिक में बन रहा है कि कमी ट्रैफिक में बन र य भी तो चीज देखनी जरूरी है अच्छा आपका सबसे ज्यादा ट्रैफिक है यूएस से है इस डोमेन के ऊपर 1000 इस डोमेन के तो बढ़िया सर यह तो हमारा एक अकाउंट हो गया अब हमें और भी 000 डलर और दिखाने हैं सारी तिजोरिया में आप सन बारी कर पड़ नमस्ते दोस्तों…
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amica-mart · 2 years
Start A Profitable STORY Marketing Agency For Local Businesses In 2023…
Brand New App Creates Fast-Loading, Mobile-Focused, & Visually Rich Web Stories For Your Website To Get You MORE Traffic, Sales & Profits
In 2023… Every Business Is Going To Need Web Stories…
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Beginner Friendly. Zero Learning Curve
BONUS: Commercial License Included. Sell Web Stories For $97-$497
Instant Web Stories: AI-Powered Software Creates Immersive Web Stories In SECONDS
Engage Visitors: Use Images, Videos, Animations & Music & Interactive Quizzes To Keep Your Audience Hooked
Increase Sales: Easily Add CTAs & Links To Sell Your Products From Right Inside Your Web Stories
FREE Traffic: Appear In Google Search & Discover Results As Big, Eye-Catching Images
More Conversions: Use Web Stories As Interactive & Engaging Mobile Landing Pages
Capture New Audience: Put Your Business In Front Of New Audience From US, Brazil & India
Fully Cloud-Based. Nothing To Download Or Install.
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Start The World’s FIRST Story Marketing Agency
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kyeyit · 2 years
Best Niches For Google Web Stories To Get More Traffic
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digitalanant · 2 years
Website को Google Discover में कैसे लाये ? | Website Traffic बढ़ने के 6 Tips | Google Discover Kya hai
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Google Discover Kya hai और Blogger के लिए कितना useful है? अगर आप एक नए Blogger हो, अपने Blog / Website शुरु तो कर दिया है, Content भी regularly post कर रहे हो फिर भी आपके site में Traffic बिल्कुल नहीं है तो आप निराश मत हो, Google Discover Google का एक ऐसा Source है जिसके मदद से आप अपने site पर भर भर कर Quality Traffic लेके जा सकते हैं, बिना कोई Backlink के झंझट के।
आज हम जानेंगे Google Discover Kya hai , कैसे आप अपने Website को Google Discover में ला सकते है, और और Website Traffic increase कर सकते है? आगे पढ़े...
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dnschmidt · 7 months
Web changes
Two big changes are happening to the web at the same time. This is not a coincidence.
Social media algorithms are all increasingly hiding posts with links. Google has re-engineered its site so the majority of searches end without anyone clicking on a non-Google property. As it becomes harder and harder for non-corporate content to be discovered online, all the corporations are investing heavily in generative AI. That includes major book publishers and the world's biggest book seller, Amazon.
People will still create, but it will be pretty much impossible to make a living doing it if nobody can find your stuff.
Support independent creators while they're still here. Don't just doom scroll. If you find art and stories that mean a lot to you, tell people about them. Repost things. Share things. Write reviews. Tell your friends.
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netherworldpost · 2 years
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From 2016 through 2018, Evil Supply Co. (hi, it me, we are rebranding) published 21 monster newspapers detailing the lives and tomfooleries of ghosts, witches, mermaids, monsters, dragons, gorgons, wizards, rock creatures, goblins, orcs... etc.
The Complete Evil Supply Co. collection is available for free via PDF by clicking this link here.
Please feel free to share. Please feel free to link to it on your own blog or media or whatevers.
The link will take you to a Google Drive page, so when I say "there is no obligation or sign ups" I mean it. I won't even know that you downloaded it.
You can of course tell me. But you don't have to.
The entire point of making this public is to give you something without asking for something in return.
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Every issue. Every in-universe ad. A few extra rambles at the beginning and end discussing the future. It's just over 100 pages and something like 40- 50,000 words. I counted once and it took forever.
I've been making it free for years and have given away several copies because the community of folks who love monsters and Halloween and mermaids has provided me an audience to build an unimaginably fun life.
A company can exist for many reasons. Making the world a better place via a utopian paradise is one of mine.
When I say this project is my life's work, I mean it.
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I'm getting far too sappy.
Let's talk about the future a moment.
I have been exploring various printed versions of the book for months. I'm hoping to narrow down a company to work with sometime before the store launches (Autumn 2023). Did you know that books are absurdly heavy?
The printed version will not be free. The link above (and here, we love utility in this crypt) is formatted to print fine on 8.5" x 11" paper. It is again though 100+ pages, so do be aware. The PDF will always be free, even after said printed version launches.
Onwards to next, non-secret things
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Remember this? I've signed a contract today to build a microsite on the blog that will house the Dispatch in web format. This is third in priority --
blog (April 2023)
shop (Autumn 2023)
Dispatch microsite (...?)
-- for obvious reasons. The PDF will be available for free for as long as I run this company, this is not a limited time offer. I mentioned that above but I like mentioning things, including "I like mentioning things."
The existence of non-secret things implies... secret... things?
One of the features of the blog that I'm really excited to offer is advice columns and in-character pen pal exchanges. "Hey Strawberry, how does magic work underwater?" and then you'll get a reply if your ask is chosen.
And by reply I mean a published thing online + an actual physical letter in the mail as this company is a non-governmental postal facility after all. A post office, if you will. A Netherworld Post Office, even!
The stories from Evil Supply Co.'s dispatch are serving as a near-final draft of new stories.
Or maybe a solid starter. Anyway, the point being:
All of the plot points and characters (etc) are sticking around (with the exception of Atticus, as a fictional character in the newspaper, I've decided to just be a semi-fictional character in actual real life).
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The direction of new stories is "more of everything" and "cleaning up minor plot point holes" and/or "using plot point holes for comedic purposes and strategic hilarity."
There will be a brand new character replacing the Atticus character.
I really liked running the Dispatch. It was one of the things I'm most proud of -- a monster newspaper?! all original content!! I drew it all, I wrote it all!
I want to explore bringing it back in some form.
I recognize I have a lot on my plate at the moment. So the best path forward is, as above, giving away the base + building the microsite.
One of the beautiful things, I have come to realize after surviving my 2020 traffic accident + ensuing as well as not related legal battles to get people to pay me what they owe:
I have a lot of time.
I don't need to rush things.
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Wrong link.
Try this one instead.
(That terrible joke was as immensely satisfying to write as you think it was. Doubly so if you get that the link is from Ocarina of Time and I was just talking about time okay I'll see myself to the door this post has gone on way too long.)
Let's wrap this up!
NetherworldPost.com has the email signup.
If you've signed up before, the auto- duplication- resolution- witchcraft- tech- things will take care of it. You won't get a ton of emails.
First email will go out saying "blog is launched" when said blog launches and then rambles thereafter.
(Bugs Bunny and others gifs used in this post do not appear but are included as helping legibility of said this post.)
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beesmygod · 2 years
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im calling my shot too early, but i've spent the last 2 days getting my ass beat by lupus symptoms. im feeling so much better. the page is coming.
BUT in the meanwhile: i wrote this long post about why i left Hiveworks
ill put it under a readmore here on tumblr in its entirety:
intro: dont get your hopes up
look, i’m going to be straight up with you: there’s no messy drama or fallout that caused this. no juicy deets or salacious rumors to slurp down. you know if this were the case, i would have erupted across my various social medias in a frenzied rage with all the delicacy of a bull in a china shop partly for entertainment purposes. instead, this will probably be a boring at best navel gaze where i try to walk the line between pragmatically trying to explain why i left and moral grandstanding. because leaving abruptly looks weird externally, i do actually have to explain why instead of just mysteriously leaving during a period of time where i am being an obnoxious asshole. a combination of disdain for the current cultural zeitgeist and a growing culture of disrespect toward audiences has culminated in my online behavior devolving into the online version of grabbing people saying stupid shit on the street and shaking them very hard. this is something an insane person would do. i know.
the commodification and increasingly blatant commercialization of an art format that could once arguably be compared to other amateur transgressive arts (ex: underground comix, tijuana bibles) is borderline heartbreaking. not to be too dramatic, but i want to start smashing things like im a monster from the rampage arcade game to scare the NIMBYs away before they start building escape rooms where the fetish web comics used to be. there is no place unspoiled by the poison of advertising and sponsorships. except…
trying to make money in comics is a fool’s errand. go make furry porn commissions if you want to make money doing art! you’re completely out of your mind if you go into the arts to make money. full on detachment from reality if you choose comics. they should commit you if you choose web comics.
at hive:
i think people have a wildly different perception regarding the popularity of A Ghost Story so i have approximate data to give people an idea. having culled the SHIT out of my analytics results to remove bot traffic, i think i have relatively accurate results, i get about 1000 unique visitors a month (generously rounding up lol), about half of them are regulars, and 10% of them donate to patreon (this is, imo, an unfathomably large amount lol. shocking and humbling. thank you for your continued support of me in spite of [gestures]).  i feel like a small comic 99% of the time, but man. 1,000 is a big number. i can at least reasonably assume, i’m PRETTY sure, that i was a comparatively small comic in hiveworks.
my monthly payout was roughly $100 a month (and merch sales, if applicable) and their services included web site help, dealing with any merch sales, and site hosting in exchange for running banner ads (which have been a fixture on web comics since the conception of google’s ad program; remember the homestuck bidding wars??). banner ads felt like a small and reasonable compromise to be included in something that felt like a weird pipe dream. in certain circles, a hiveworks invitation was a stamp of quality with prestige; i was very aware of the company i was invited into keep and was initially pretty concerned with how my presence reflected onto them and their work. i was going through some serious brain problems due to a deeply stupid relationship and, as a result, i did my best to keep my head down, stay out of people’s way, and focus on not bringing undue shame to something i was well aware i was completely unsuited for. i had (and frankly, still have) no idea why i was chosen as i had not applied. i cannot stress enough that i was under no delusions as to the quality of my comic lol. my perception was that someone had stuck their neck out to make a special exception for me and i was constantly on the verge of fucking it up and humiliating them.
it was a very off-balance exchange extremely in my favor, and i was aware of this. especially since, being frank and honest here, i was bringing absolutely nothing to the table for them. i don’t want to put words in anyone’s mouth, but its a reasonable conclusion that i was more trouble than i was worth, given the infinitesimal worth.
the vast majority of hiveworks readers completely bounced off my comic, which makes perfect sense given the hiveworks audience is i think more interested in the genre they primarily host: fantasy and magical realism. in comparison, “a ghost story” is a slow, slooow burn about federal bureaucracy and being insane with extremely amateur art; i know what i am! and that’s fine! but i became a little resentful (and i tried not to! honest!) after 7 years of perpetually being put on a back burner. it felt like i was being strung along for reasons beyond my comprehension or as the baseline of acceptable awfulness for the website’s quality. someone has to be the “worst”, objectively. it’s not a great feeling to know it, coming to terms with it i think was much healthier than trying to fight it. it was a really good driving force to keep my mind off the nightmare of my life at that point and improve my art a lot.
AGS’ irrelevance was underscored by it being mentioned once over the course of 7 years on official social media networks, upon which a great deal of importance was placed. but frankly, there is nothing worse than dealing with the guy who sucks whining for the spotlight as though they are clueless as to why they are getting the shaft. so i simply achieved enlightenment by getting over it and realizing where i was in the hierarchy and how lucky i was to have so much shit done for me. i was (am, unbelievably. it never gets less wild when i sit down and really think about it) making enough through patreon that the $100 became my monthly fun money while i lived in oregon. it was welcome, but not essential.
a lot of real life, awful things happened that suck and couldn’t be avoided: one of the main points of communication and organization became terribly ill, COVID happened and obliterated shipping and manufacturing rates for apparently all eternity, uhhh the fabric of reality began to unravel lol. it’s been a terrible couple of years. i want to underscore this stuff so that people understand i was not wronged greatly in the grand scheme of things.
there are things that started to chip away at me over time, which made me question if i was a good fit at all. genuinely: the only thing i want to do is to try to live happily within my morals doing what i love to do. even and especially if it means living very broke. that’s the exchange i’m consciously choosing to make when i pick up the pen every day. due to the generosity of the people who support me or have supported me at any time (special shout out to adam, who puts up with this shit for some reason), i am able to do that. i contribute a proportional amount to the household now but tried to be (was??) 50/50 or 25/25/25/25 when i had roommates. i don’t want my one unyielding selfish choice to be anyone else’s burden.
i was told by another artist in hiveworks that my confrontational behavior could be a poor reflection on the brand, which became the tipping point in my choice to leave. to be clear, no one in charge told me this, but even conceptually i was not comfortable representing a company that i felt i was a member of out of obligation or inertia. i didn’t belong there and my presence was an active detriment instead of a tolerated nuisance.
when the offer to leave was presented, i didn’t feel regret, or anxiety, or upset at all. i felt a placid sense of relief. i COULD leave. that’s TRUE. i had been kicking it around on my private twitter for a few months going back and forth with myself over what was more important to me: being able to take care of myself financially or doing something about my own hypocrisy that kept me up at night. if my incessant argument is that advertising based commercialization is a societal poison, then i need to put my money where my mouth is. and if i’m consistently annoying, i need to leave as a courtesy to everyone else.
i don’t regret my time with hive at all, but the overarching transformation from a collection of cartoonists to a brand is not where i want to take my art. i can’t bring myself to work even within the proximity of seven seas, a deeply abhorrent company. i am completely disinterested in wasting time or energy worrying about “the algorithm” because i don’t make comics for the computer’s sake and recognize that there’s a finite number of people interested in web comics in the world and an even more finite amount of money to spend on luxuries (because none of us have any money lol). i don’t want to repeat the familiar cycle of lamenting the death of art as we know it every 6 months.
people who are choosing to spend their limited funds supporting me are making a deliberate choice to elevate my presence in their life. i want and need to keep this in mind at all times, because it drives my attitudes toward what i want to choose to focus on. i want to keep my art (“art”) free with additional goodies being as reasonably priced as possible in the hopes that in this way we scratch each other’s back. making money drawing comics is a ridiculous privilege granted to me by people willing to sacrifice their time and money to me; i need to be thinking more about all that i have instead of worrying about what i don’t.
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megaspark1235 · 2 months
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Delhi's Best Digital Marketing Company is MegaSpark
Delhi's Best Digital Marketing Company,is MegaSpark, we illuminate your brand's potential through comprehensive digital marketing services designed to drive results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Boost your website’s visibility and rank higher on search engines with our expert SEO strategies. Social Media Marketing (SMM) Engage and grow your audience across all major social media platforms, crafting content that resonates and drives engagement.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:* Get instant traffic and leads with our targeted PPC campaigns, optimized for maximum ROI. Content Marketing Attract and retain your audience with high-quality, relevant content that tells your brand's story and converts visitors into customers. Email Marketing Reach your customers directly with personalized email campaigns that drive engagement and sales.
Web Design & Development & Analytics & Reporting etc.
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cindylouwho-2 · 4 months
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As promised, here are the important news stories from marketing recently: SEO, social media, advertising, and more.
If you want to get this news twice-weekly instead of just once a month, become a paying member of my Patreon: patreon.com/CindyLouWho2
In the biggest SEO news perhaps ever, a massive list of Google ranking elements was leaked this week. Here’s an overview, including links to the two main leak announcements and their analysis. It would seem that Google wasn’t always honest when they told us some algorithm elements did or did not exist. Google took nearly 2 days to speak publicly about it, but didn’t say much. Expect a lot more analysis in the coming weeks. 
Instagram is updating its algorithm to favour original creators and smaller accounts, and remove reposted content from recommendations. “This won’t affect “a set of publishers” identified by Instagram with licensing agreements or resharing permissions from content creators, according to the blog post.”
Google is adding AI Overviews to US search immediately, with other countries to follow in the future. "AI Overviews gives answers to queries using generative AI technology powered by Google Gemini. It provides a few snippets of an answer based on its understanding of queries and the content it found on the topic across the web.” Right now, it is only affecting a small number of queries, however. While these will sometimes cover similar topics to featured snippets, the latter still exist. Early testing indicates that it does not currently show up when a search appears to be about buying something. Which is good, because you can’t turn it off, other than filtering your search to “Web” after doing it.  Oh, and Google did not waste time figuring out how to include advertising in the AI overviews - it took just one week. As with most much-heralded AI launches, AI Overviews are fumbling badly; here’s a summary of the many news articles mocking Google, including for recommending people glue cheese onto their pizza so it stays in place. 
Chrome has yet again announced that it will not end the use of tracking cookies on schedule; the new target date for starting to wind down their use is early 2025.
Reminder that your old Google Analytics files (aka Universal Analytics) will no longer be available after July 1, so download them now! “...consider archiving back to 2018 or so to ensure you have pre-pandemic data since the pandemic really presented data anomalies for many companies.” There is a spreadsheet add-on to make this easier. 
Google’s March 2024 Core Update finished rolling out April 19. “A Google spokesperson said, “The updates led to larger quality improvements than we originally thought – you’ll now see 45% less low quality, unoriginal content in search results, versus the 40% improvement we expected across this work.” Experts are struggling to analyze it, in part due to how long it lasted. Not surprisingly, Reddit was a big winner, and sites with a lot of ads and affiliate links continue to lose. 
An update on how long your titles should be for Google. “So whether your titles get cut off or rewritten in SERPs, Google still uses the HTML title tag for ranking considerations, not the titles shown in SERPs.” The author’s research is too limited to draw reliable conclusions from, and most other research in this area over the last decade shows that shorter titles tend to rank better. However, she has pulled together many recent statements on title length and how it works, which is useful reading. 
A reminder that “keyword difficulty” is a subjective score that different tools may not agree on, and that also depends on your overall site/shop and its history. This applies to all sorts of keyword tools, including those used for marketplace sites. 
It looks like Google adding its AI to search results will have a strong impact on traffic, as it will answer questions without the need to click, and “only 47% of the top 10 traditional search results are sources for SGE.” [SGE is now called AI Overviews.] That means if a page is outside the top 10 now, it may still be used to generate the answers, and could even get clicks from being displayed in SGE. 
Still with AI, Google was fined €250 million by France for using news media to train its AI, Gemini. 
Google admits to deindexing many, many pages in February, due to quality issues. 
A recent article dissects why Google search is so bad these days, and largely blames one man. While you can read the original here, you may want to start with a decent summary and the reaction from Google and the SEO community. 
Here’s a full list of Google changes and announcements from April.
Not Google
Both Microsoft and Google had excellent first quarters, with ad revenue up 12% and 13% respectively. “Bing reached over 140 million daily active users.”
OpenAI is apparently not starting their own search engine, contrary to rumours.
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
Here’s another of the periodic posts that tries to figure out the best times to post on different social media sites. It covers Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter and Pinterest. 
Direct Messages are now available on Bluesky. 
Facebook (includes relevant general news from Meta)
In another recent AI fumble, Meta has introduced an AI assistant to its various products in several countries - but you can’t turn it off in the search bar. It may also show up in group chats, including discussions about parenting. “The Associated Press reported that an official Meta AI chatbot inserted itself into a conversation in a private Facebook group for Manhattan moms. It claimed it too had a child in school in New York City, but when confronted by the group members, it later apologized before its comments disappeared.”
Here’s more on Meta’s automated ad issue that is ramping up costs but decreasing sales for many, including small businesses. 
Meta is now offering its Verification for Business subscription package to more countries, and has added new tiers as well. 
While Meta had a strong 1st quarter financially, it projects weaker results through 2025 as it spends a ton on money trying to guide its AI offerings to profitability. 
Instagram added some new features, including “Reveal”, which blurs Stories, and only releases the content once you DM the creator. 
Reels under 90 seconds perform better on Instagram than longer ones. 
To help avoid scammers on Instagram, learn how to identify and block fake accounts. 
Instagram’s Creator Marketplace - where businesses can search for influencers to promote their product - is now available in 10 more counties, including Germany, France and Indonesia. 
You should be optimizing LinkedIn posts for the platform itself and outside search engines. The article includes tips for both personal and business pages.
LinkedIn is adding games you can play once a day, which sounds weird for a professional network. 
Pinterest’s summer trend report has arrived; apparently maximalism is in yet again.  
Reddit is one of those sites that is getting worse lately as people try to get Google ranking through it (which is a whole other SEO story I have covered in these updates before).
ChatGPT will now be training on Reddit comments. The agreement meant a huge stock boost for Reddit. 
Reddit is trying to attract more French-speaking users by auto-translating the site in real-time using AI. 
After plenty of user complaints, Reddit is starting a new awards scheme. 
You can now edit your Snapchat messages within 5 minutes of sending, if you subscribe to Snapchat Plus. 
Meta wants more content on Threads, and is willing to pay well-known creators to create it. Invite only, of course.  
You can now filter out unwanted words on Threads. 
While the US government has voted to ban TikTok if the company isn’t sold, there is a lot of time left before that could happen, and a legal battle to be fought. TikTok has already filed a lawsuit, as have some major creators. Meanwhile, small business owners and creators are understandably worried. From an article by the BBC: “According to March 2024 data from TikTok, more than seven million small US businesses use TikTok, and the company reported it drove $15bn (£12.04bn) in revenue for these enterprises in 2023.”
How to rank on TikTok: the Ultimate Guide. Some of the tips include hashtags, keywords, and choosing the right thumbnail. 
There are several ways to remove (or avoid) the TikTok watermark if you want to use your TikTok content on other platforms. 
Twitter’s domain has finally switched over to X in some locations [but I will still call it Twitter].
(CONTENT) MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies) 
Time to gear up your content marketing plans for June. 
Search ads are converting less while costing more, something that has been going on for a few years now. “Advertisers are paying more for leads and clicks, while Alphabet, Google’s parent company, keeps reporting record profits.” This is one of the reasons the US Department of Justice argues that Google is a monopoly. 
Not enough AI in your ads? Google is solving that through video ads and more virtual try-ons. 
Google Shopping is going to start showing how many people have bought from each site recently, although businesses can opt out. 
Google is removing keywords from Google Ads accounts if they have received zero impressions in the past 13 months. While you can reactivate them, Google discourages that. 
You may be able to run Google’s Performance Max ads through particular marketplaces now or in the near future, if your marketplace signs up. For some businesses, selling through a marketplace might be cheaper than setting up a site. 
Social media advertising is now bigger than search ads, according to a recent report. Almost ⅔ of these ads are on various Meta properties. 
Slow economic growth in the United States in the first quarter of 2024 sparked worries that the rest of 2024 will be as bad or even worse. Even McDonalds is stressing that consumers can only take so much inflation. 
US ecommerce sales were up in the first quarter, more than overall retail. 
Some consumers are finding that ecommerce is tiring, offering too many options and no easy way to shop quickly. “Despite an increased emphasis on personalized experiences in recent years, 7 in 10 customers feel either no improvement or an increase in the time and effort required to make a purchase decision.” 
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour) 
Before returning orders to Amazon, make sure your cat isn’t in the box. (It’s fine, fortunately!)
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW in ANAHEIM at WONDERCON: YA Fantasy, Room 207, 10 a.m.; Signing, 11 a.m.; Teaching Writing, 2 p.m., Room 213CD.
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#20yrsago "Homeless Hacker" Adrian Lamo profile in Wired https://www.wired.com/2004/04/hacker-5/
#20yrsago Disney asks Gizmodo to clarify that jewel box is not intended for pot stashing https://web.archive.org/web/20040402032317/http://www.gizmodo.com/archives/disney_princess_cd_jewelrystash_box.php
#15yrsago To Market, To Market: The Re-Branding of Billy Bailey – my sf story read aloud https://archive.org/details/ToMarketToMarket
#15yrsago Electronic Arts releases DRM-removal tool https://games.slashdot.org/story/09/03/31/1917254/ea-releases-drm-license-deactivation-tool
#15yrsago Adventures in Cartooning: wit and instruction for kids who want to learn cartooning https://memex.craphound.com/2009/03/31/adventures-in-cartooning-wit-and-instruction-for-kids-who-want-to-learn-cartooning/
#10yrsago Podcast: Collective Action – the Magnificent Seven anti-troll business-model https://ia902808.us.archive.org/10/items/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_270/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_270_Collective_Action.mp3
#10yrsago Google Maps’ spam problem presents genuine security issues https://web.archive.org/web/20140331101332/http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-03-28/how-scammers-turn-google-maps-into-fantasy-land
#10yrsago NSA wiretapped 122 world leaders; GCHQ penetrated German satellite companies for mass surveillance potential https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/gchq-and-nsa-targeted-private-german-companies-a-961444.html
#10yrsago Playground removes “safety” rules; fun, development and injuries ensue https://nationalpost.com/news/when-one-new-zealand-school-tossed-its-playground-rules-and-let-students-risk-injury-the-results-surprised
#5yrsago Small stickers on the ground trick Tesla autopilot into steering into opposing traffic lane https://keenlab.tencent.com/en/whitepapers/Experimental_Security_Research_of_Tesla_Autopilot.pdf
#5yrsago Banksy’s art authentication system displays top-notch cryptographic nous https://reprage.com/posts/2019-03-25-how-banksy-authenticates-his-work/
#5yrsago The Boston Globe on breaking up Big Tech falls into the trap of tech exceptionalism https://memex.craphound.com/2019/03/31/the-boston-globe-on-breaking-up-big-tech-falls-into-the-trap-of-tech-exceptionalism/
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itsisrat · 2 years
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engine optimization is the practice of optimizing your web pages to increase your website’s visibility organically in the search engine result pages (SERPs).It involves optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and increase visibility and organic traffic. This includes keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation.
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SEO is completely different from search engine (paid) advertising. With paid advertising, you’re paying search engines like Google to show your website on the search result page. Instead, with SEO, you’re optimizing your website so it organically shows up on the first page of the search result. The number of visitors who come to your website through these search results is defined as organic traffic (because they found your website themselves).
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC):PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of digital advertising where the advertiser pays a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, you’re paying for targeted visits to your website (or landing page or app)
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It involves placing ads on search engine results pages or other websites, and paying a fee each time someone clicks on the ad. This includes Google Ads, Bing Ads, and social media advertising.
Content Marketing:Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
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It involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, and social media content.
Social Media Marketing:
Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that leverages the power of popular social media networks to achieve your marketing and branding goals. But it’s not just about creating business accounts and posting when you feel like it. Social media marketing requires an evolving strategy with measurable goals and includes:
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Maintaining and optimizing your profiles.
Posting pictures, videos, stories, and live videos that represent your brand and attract a relevant audience.
Responding to comments, shares, and likes and monitoring your reputation.
Following and engaging with followers, customers, and influencers to build a community around your brand.
Email Marketing:Email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing, that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. It can help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it into your marketing automation efforts. It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing strategy with lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships or keeping customers engaged between purchases through different types of marketing emails.
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Analytics and Reporting: It involves measuring and analyzing your digital marketing efforts to understand their effectiveness and optimize your strategies. This includes tracking website traffic, conversion rates, ROI, and other key performance indicators.
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tzeming-janice · 10 months
Case Study on China
The Great Firewall of China
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The Chinese government has voiced worries about the internet since 1998, viewing it as a potential source of social and political challenges to the regime's cultural values and ideology (Cawford, 2023). In response, China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) directed the Golden Shield project, which was started in 1998 and finished in 2006 (Open Society Institute, n.d.). This initiative is a regulatory framework accompanied by an extensive system of internet censorship. According to Kerner, the western media has called it "The Great Firewall of China”, implying that it encompasses a set of tools, services, and regulations that the government of the People’s Republic of China uses to prevent access to specific online information by individuals who are physically inside its boundaries.
If you've read this far, you might be wondering how the Great Firewall of China blocks content.
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The Great Firewall of China uses various methods to block content. It inspects internet traffic entering and leaving China, blocking entire domains and IP address ranges. Additionally, when a user attempts to search for the blocked keywords and phrases, the Great Firewall will block and redirect the website query in a way that does not let the user access the requested information. Additionally, the firewall also actively scans network connections for potential proxy IPs used to bypass it, such as VPNs or Tor privacy networks (Kerner, n.d.).
Criticism and Concerns of the Great Firewall of China
The Chinese government has come under criticism from numerous human rights organisations for the extensive and invasive state monitoring methods used by the Great Firewall. Critics argued that China has restricted its citizens' freedom of access to information sources by enforcing the Great Firewall's strict censorship (Gisonna, 2023). To illustrate, Google holds less than a 2% market share in China, primarily due to government restrictions, with Baidu being the dominant search engine service (Seth, 2022). In March 2009, the Chinese government also banned access to YouTube after the dissemination of videos regarding security personnel beating protestors in Tibet, a region of China (Zed Biz, 2023).
According to Gisonna (2023), in spite of the Great Firewall facing criticism, numerous technology firms have yielded to the Chinese government's self-censorship guidelines, adapting their products to align with Chinese regulations. For example, Microsoft Corporation has produced an altered version of its web search engine, Bing.
China’s powerful app - WeChat
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WeChat was developed by Chinese technology giant Tencent Group and was first introduced in 2011 (Sapra, 2019).
As per Zhang (2018), WeChat has evolved beyond its original purpose as a messaging and social networking app. Tencent has effectively transformed WeChat into a super app, serving as a comprehensive platform where users can seamlessly access a multitude of authorized third-party services. These services range from tasks like ride-hailing, purchasing movie tickets, ordering food delivery, booking hotels, paying bills, and many other functionalities. Long story short, it is nearly impossible to do anything without access to WeChat nowadays (Sapra, 2019).
Tencent (2018) argued that “WeChat aims to embed itself in every moment of the user's daily life, from morning till night, anytime, anywhere.”
Why WeChat fails when expanding abroad?
The majority of features of WeChat were constrained due to the absence of collaboration with local suppliers to offer those services. This is why WeChat is losing its competitive edge and transforming into merely another messaging application (Seppam, 2023).
Simultaneously, as per Medium (2019), WeChat's failure can be attributed to its delayed entry into the foreign market. By the time WeChat ventured into the international market in April 2012, WhatsApp had already surpassed its innovation period, spanning from 2009 to 2011. This indicates that WeChat faced limited growth opportunities to capture the global market.
Social Credit System in China
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China's social credit system comprises databases and initiatives designed to monitor and evaluate the reliability of individuals, businesses, government entities, and the judiciary (Lee, 2020). It was formally introduced to the public in 2014 with the unveiling of the Outline for the Construction and Planning of the Social Credit System. In addition to looking at financial history and activity, that similar to credit rating systems in other nations, it also considers things like unethical behaviour and legal infractions (Koty & Huld, 2023).
A credit score may benefit from making good contributions to society through the establishment of social programmes, donations to charitable organisations, or other corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. A high credit score may grant access to discounted public housing or priority medical care. Conversely, engaging in such undesirable behaviour as dishonest or unlawful taxation, misleading customer behaviour, and so forth, may result in a low rating and adverse outcomes including being barred from trains and aeroplanes (Lee, 2020).
Is the social credit system a way to instill good behaviour and provide safety to citizens?
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From my point of view, the opinions on this question are diverse. Supporters argue that the Social Credit System could potentially improve overall societal conduct by promoting trust and integrity. They suggest that by rewarding responsible behaviour and penalising misconduct, the system could contribute to a safer and more orderly society.
On the other hand, critics express concerns about privacy violations, the potential for abuse of power, and the impact on individual freedoms. The system involves extensive surveillance and data collection, raising worries about government intervening into citizens' lives. There are fears that the system could be used for social and political control, suppressing dissent, and restricting individual freedoms.
In general, the goal of China's social credit system is to ensure that residents and companies doing business there adhere to local laws and regulations (Velocity Global, 2023). It is important to strive for a balance between the potential benefits of improved societal behaviour and the protection of individual rights.
Crawford, D. (2023, February 3). What is the Great Firewall of China and how does it work. Proton VPN Blog. https://protonvpn.com/blog/great-firewall-china/
Gisonna, N. (2023, September 21). Great Firewall. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Great-Firewall
Kerner, S. M. (n.d.). Great firewall of China. WhatIs.com. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/Great-Firewall-of-China
Koty, A. C. & Huld, A. (2023, March 24). China’s social credit system: What businesses need to know. China Briefing News. https://www.china-briefing.com/news/chinas-social-credit-system-how-it-works/
Lee, A. (2020, August 9). What is China’s social credit system and why is it controversial? South China Morning Post. https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3096090/what-chinas-social-credit-system-and-why-it-controversial
Medium. (2019, November 19). Identify and explore why “WeChat” failed internationally. https://medium.com/@uncigolini/identify-and-explore-why-wechat-failed-internationally-605cff5043d9
Sapra, B. (2019, December 21). This Chinese super-app is Apple’s biggest threat in China and could be a blueprint for Facebook’s future. Here’s what it’s like to use WeChat, which helps a billion users order food and hail rides. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-superapp-wechat-best-feature-walkthrough-2019-12
Seppam, M. (2023, April 5). How China’s Super-App WeChat Failed in USA and Europe.  Why do other successful local apps fail when expanding abroad? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-chinas-super-app-wechat-failed-usa-europe-why-do-other-seppam/
Seth, S. (2022, December 31). Baidu vs. Google: What's the Difference. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/051215/baidu-vs-google-how-are-they-different.asp#:~:text=Google%20has%20a%20strong%2C%20dominant,government%20has%20restricted%20its%20use.
Velocity Global. (2023, October 6). The Chinese Social Credit System: What to know as a business owner. https://velocityglobal.com/resources/blog/chinese-social-credit-system/
Zhang, M. (2018, March 26). China’s WeChat: The Power of the Super App. Medium. https://medium.com/@miaozhenzhang666/chinas-wechat-the-power-of-the-super-app-dc144657625e
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rajeshsingh · 1 year
"Unlocking the Power of Hyperlocal SEO: Your Key to Dominating Local Markets"
In the vast digital landscape, where global giants reign supreme, local businesses often find themselves struggling to make their mark. This is where the magic of Local SEO comes into play. It's not just about being online; it's about being online where it matters most - in your local community. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Local SEO and explore how it can help your business thrive in your immediate surroundings.
The Rise of Local SEO
Local SEO has come a long way from being a secondary strategy to a cornerstone of digital marketing. With the advent of smartphones and voice search, people are increasingly using search engines to find local products and services. Google has adapted to this trend by providing more localized search results, making it imperative for businesses to optimize for local search.
The Essentials of Local SEO
Before diving into the nitty-gritty of local SEO strategies, it's crucial to understand the basics. Key elements include:
Google My Business (GMB): Claiming and optimizing your GMB listing is paramount. It's essentially your business's digital storefront.
Local Keywords: Incorporate location-based keywords into your website content and metadata.
Online Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews and respond to them promptly. Positive reviews boost your local credibility.
NAP Consistency: Ensure that your business's Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online platforms.
Content is King (Even in Local SEO)
Creating relevant, valuable, and locally focused content is key to attracting local audiences. Consider the following content ideas:
Local Guides: Create guides to your city or area, showcasing your expertise and involvement in the community.
Local Events: Cover local events, and if possible, sponsor or participate in them.
Customer Spotlights: Share stories of satisfied local customers or clients.
Local News: Stay updated on local news and trends and provide your unique perspective.
Building Local Links
Link-building remains a critical component of SEO, and it's equally important in local SEO. Consider these strategies:
Local Directories: Submit your business to local directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and local chambers of commerce.
Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses and organizations. It can lead to valuable backlinks and shared audiences.
Local Influencers: Partner with local influencers to promote your business. They can help spread the word effectively.
Mobile Optimization
Given the increasing use of mobile devices for local searches, mobile optimization is non-negotiable. Ensure that your website is responsive and loads quickly on smartphones. Implement click-to-call buttons for easy contact.
Analytics and Ongoing Optimization
Regularly monitor your local SEO efforts with tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Analyze data such as website traffic, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use these insights to tweak and optimize your strategy continuously.
Local SEO isn't just a buzzword; it's a lifeline for local businesses in the digital age. By focusing on local optimization, you can connect with your community, attract local customers, and grow your business in ways that weren't possible before. Embrace the power of local SEO, and watch your local presence flourish.
In this hyperconnected world, remember that your next customer maybe just a local search away. So, ensure your business is discoverable, appealing, and relevant in your neighborhood.
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Landing High Authority Backlinks: Unveiling the Power of Link Equity
Welcome, dear readers, to a journey into the intricate world of High Authority Links. As we navigate through this comprehensive exploration, we will unravel the mysteries of link equity, understand how Google evaluates link quality, and unveil the crucial significance of these backlinks in today's digital landscape. So, fasten your seatbelts, for we're about to embark on a captivating voyage into the realm of High Authority Links.
What Are High Authority Backlinks?
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In the ever-evolving realm of SEO, one term consistently reigns supreme: High Authority Backlinks. These are not just mere hyperlinks connecting web pages; they hold the potential to elevate your website's prominence in the vast expanse of search engine results. But what exactly are they? High Authority Backlinks refer to those links that originate from websites with established credibility and prominence in their respective domains. Think of them as endorsements from reputable sources, vouching for the quality and relevance of your content. They carry a substantial weight in the eyes of search engines, acting as trust signals that signify your website's authority and reliability. The concept of link equity comes into play here, where the value of the linking site's reputation is transferred to your site, enhancing its search engine visibility and overall ranking.
How Google Judges Link Quality
In our digital age, where billions of web pages vie for attention, search engines like Google have refined their algorithms to meticulously assess the quality of links. Google's mission is to provide users with the most relevant and trustworthy results, and that's where link quality becomes a critical factor. The algorithms scrutinize various aspects, including the source's authority, the context of the link, and the relevance of the linked content. The higher the authority of the linking source, the more impactful the link becomes. Furthermore, the relevance of the content surrounding the link is a vital element; a link within contextually relevant content holds more weight than a random link. Link quality is an intricate balance of these elements, and as search engines evolve, so does their ability to distinguish between genuine endorsements and manipulative tactics.
Drawing from My Own Experience
Allow me to share a personal story that vividly illustrates the power of High Authority Links. A few years ago, when I was running a fledgling blog focused on digital marketing, I had a stroke of luck. An industry influencer stumbled upon one of my articles and was impressed by the depth of insights I had provided. This influencer, who held a high domain authority website, not only shared my article with their audience but also linked to it from one of their most popular blog posts. Overnight, my website's traffic skyrocketed, and the article became a cornerstone of my blog's credibility. This experience taught me firsthand the impact of high authority backlinks and the importance of creating content worthy of such endorsements.
Unleashing the Power of High Authority Backlinks
Welcome back, avid learners, to our ongoing journey into the realm of High Authority Links. In our previous segment, we explored the foundational concepts of link equity and Google's evaluation of link quality. As we dive deeper into this enlightening exploration, we'll uncover the importance and benefits of these prized backlinks in the modern landscape of SEO and content marketing. Buckle up, as we navigate through the intricacies of link building's impact.
Why Does Link Building Matter?
Ah, link building – the cornerstone of search engine optimization. If you've been venturing into the realms of digital marketing, you've undoubtedly heard the buzz surrounding this term. But why does it matter so much? The answer lies in its potential to catapult your website's search engine rankings to new heights. Picture this: every high authority backlink pointing to your content is akin to a vote of confidence from influential figures in your industry. These votes tell search engines that your content is not just valuable but authoritative. As a result, your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) soars, leading to a surge in organic traffic. Moreover, the credibility you gain through these backlinks extends to your audience, enhancing your brand's reputation and fostering a sense of trust among your users.
The Benefits of Backlinks for Content Marketing
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Imagine this scenario: you've created an exquisite piece of content – a masterpiece that deserves to be showcased to the world. Yet, even the most remarkable content remains hidden without proper linkage. This is where backlinks come into play, transforming your content into a beacon of authority. When authoritative websites link to your content, they vouch for its value and accuracy, encouraging readers to explore further. The strengthened authority of your content propels it to the forefront of relevant searches, attracting organic visitors who are genuinely interested in your offerings. But the benefits don't end there. High-quality backlinks introduce your content to a wider audience, broadening your reach beyond your immediate circles. This influx of targeted traffic translates into increased engagement, longer time spent on your website, and a lower bounce rate. In the realm of content marketing, where engagement is a prized currency, high authority backlinks hold the key to unlocking success.
Link Building Quality: More Isn’t Always Better
As the allure of high authority backlinks beckons, it's crucial to acknowledge a delicate balance that must be maintained. While high authority links wield significant power, it's imperative not to become entangled in the web of quantity over quality. The pursuit of sheer quantity can lead to unnatural link profiles that raise suspicion in the eyes of search engines. A sudden surge in backlinks, especially from unrelated or spammy sources, can flag your site as a potential violator of link schemes. The path forward lies in focusing on context and relevance rather than chasing numbers. Each backlink should arise naturally within relevant content and conversations. By avoiding link spamming and manipulation, you pave the way for sustainable, white-hat link building success.
Mastering High Authority Backlinks: Proven Strategies
Welcome back, fellow explorers, to our ongoing quest to unravel the mysteries of High Authority Backlinks. We've delved into the realm of link building's importance and its profound impact on search engine rankings and online credibility. Now, it's time to take the plunge into the captivating world of strategies for acquiring high authority backlinks. As we navigate this landscape, I'll be your guide, sharing insights, anecdotes, and a treasure trove of tactics that can propel your website to new heights.
1. Become a Source For Reporters and Bloggers
Imagine being the go-to source for reporters and bloggers in your niche. It's not just a dream; it's an achievable reality through strategic media and PR opportunities. Sharing your expertise on industry trends, offering insightful commentary, and providing valuable data can position you as a credible expert in your field. This, in turn, can lead to high authority backlinks as reporters and bloggers cite your insights in their articles. I recall an instance where I contributed a guest post to a renowned industry blog. The backlink not only boosted my site's credibility but also introduced my content to a wider audience, leading to increased traffic and engagement.
2. Publish "Skyscraper" Content
Creating content that towers above the rest is more than just a metaphor. It's a strategy known as the "Skyscraper Technique." It involves identifying existing content in your niche that has garnered attention and then crafting a piece that surpasses it in quality, depth, and usefulness. Once your masterpiece is ready, it's time for outreach and promotion. Share your content with influencers, bloggers, and industry experts. If your content truly provides exceptional value, these high authority figures are more likely to link to it, enhancing your site's backlink profile. I've personally witnessed this technique catapult my content to the top of search results, attracting backlinks from prominent industry players.
3. Building Links From Outdated Resources
Ah, the treasure hunt for outdated resources – a strategy that combines detective work with link building. Start by identifying outdated content in your niche that's no longer relevant. Once you've unearthed these digital relics, craft personalized outreach messages that highlight the value your updated content can offer. Share how your insights and data can breathe new life into their articles. This not only positions you as a helpful resource but also increases the likelihood of securing high quality backlinks as they replace outdated links with yours. I remember a time when I stumbled upon a blog post filled with outdated statistics. After reaching out and providing my updated data, the author gladly swapped their old links for mine, resulting in a boost in my site's authority.
4. Use Content Formats Proven To Generate Links
When it comes to content marketing, the format you choose can make or break your linking success. Certain types of content are naturally inclined to attract links due to their visual appeal and shareability. For instance, an engaging infographic presenting statistics and data in a visually dynamic way can easily go viral, securing links as it spreads across the web. Similarly, a video tutorial that teaches complex concepts in a simple, digestible way tends to get embedded on other sites, each embed representing a backlink. Ultimate guides and comprehensive eBooks are link magnets too, thanks to the immense value they provide. Experiment with these formats, infuse them with value, and leverage their natural shareability to boost high-quality links.
5. Publish Ultimate Guides
Developing and publishing an exceptional, in-depth resource guide on your niche is a proven link building strategy. Unlike short blog posts that cover basics, a comprehensive ultimate guide dives deep into a topic, positioning your site as a leading authority. As your guide gains traction, other industry websites are prompted to link to it, allowing their own users to benefit from your insights. I published an expansive guide on copywriting tips once, and the wealth of actionable strategies it contained led to bloggers and websites linking to it in droves. Each new link enhanced my site's domain authority while allowing me to provide immense value to online communities.
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6. Use Branded Strategies and Techniques
In competitive niches dominated by authoritative sites, building links requires thinking beyond conventional tactics. This is where branded strategies come into play. Develop creative link building approaches that uniquely represent your brand. For instance, a fitness brand could launch a linkable content series titled "30-Day Fitness Challenges." Such branded concepts draw attention in saturated niches. Similarly, coin signature outreach techniques like sending "edutainment outreach" emails that educate prospects in an entertaining style. Building recognition for your branded strategies leads to word-of-mouth buzz and links.
7. Authority Resource Pages
Collaborating with niche authorities to create resources pages is an astute link building approach. Identify influential sites and propose ideas for comprehensive resource pages where experts like yourself can contribute advice and insights. The benefit is twofold: you gain exposure to an engaged audience while securing a link. For example, I once pitched the idea for a "Mastering Time Management" resource to a productivity blog. They loved the concept and featured my input along with other experts. The result was a strong backlink, amplified reach, and recognition as a thought leader.
Bonus Strategy #1: Turn Brand Mentions Into Quality Backlinks
Have you ever come across brand mentions that lack links? Each unlinked mention represents a missed opportunity. Use monitoring tools to identify such instances and then reach out, offering value and gently reminding them to link to your website. More often than not, they'll be happy to oblige, leading to a flurry of high authority links from relevant mentions. Just remember to incorporate value into your outreach by offering useful resources and insights first before requesting a link.
Bonus Strategy #2: Send "Feeler" Emails
Soft outreach through "feeler emails" is an effective way to gradually build relationships that yield links. Instead of directly requesting links, send emails introducing yourself and your content while gauging interest in potential partnerships. If you receive a positive response, find ways to collaborate that provide mutual value. This gradual relationship-building approach leads to organic linking opportunities as trust develops over time. The key is patience and avoiding overly salesy pitches in those initial feeler emails.
Building High Domain Authority Backlinks: Unlocking the Power
Welcome back, fellow seekers of digital enlightenment! As we continue our epic journey through the realm of High Authority Backlinks, we find ourselves standing at the gates of a formidable fortress known as "Building High Domain Authority Backlinks." In this chapter of our saga, we'll uncover the secrets of domain authority, explore the factors that shape it, and learn how to elevate it through strategic maneuvers. So, gather 'round, and let's delve into the heart of this captivating adventure.
What Is Domain Authority and Why Does It Matter?
Before we don our armor and set forth, let's first understand the essence of domain authority. In simple terms, it's a metric developed by the wise sages at Moz that predicts how well a website is likely to rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). Much like a crown worn by a king, higher domain authority signifies a website's noble stature in the digital kingdom. This metric is influenced by factors such as the number and quality of inbound links, the age of the site, and its overall popularity.
Factors Influencing Domain Authority
Just as a blacksmith hammers and tempers a sword to perfection, so too is domain authority shaped by various elements. The age of a website plays a significant role – the longer the site has stood the test of time, the more likely it is to be regarded as trustworthy. Yet, the age alone is not enough to ascend the ranks. The quality and relevance of inbound links also bear great weight. A link from a reputable and high authority site is akin to a knight vouching for your credentials. Additionally, the popularity and ranking of your site further influence domain authority. A site that attracts significant organic traffic and ranks well for relevant keywords establishes itself as a digital beacon of value.
Improving Domain Authority: Unveiling the Strategies
Like a guild of skilled craftsmen, we have a collection of strategies at our disposal to improve domain authority. First and foremost, crafting and publishing high-quality content is paramount. Valuable, informative, and engaging content draws visitors and encourages backlinks from authoritative sources. Engaging in online communities and forums relevant to your industry establishes your presence and reputation, both of which are reflected in your domain authority.
However, no stronghold is impregnable without the strength of alliances. Building relationships with other website owners, bloggers, and influencers can lead to collaborative opportunities and mutually beneficial backlinks. Don't overlook the technical optimization of your site as well. Implementing SEO best practices, improving site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness all contribute to a better user experience, which, in turn, can positively impact domain authority.
Pitfalls and Best Practices in High Authority Link Building: Navigating the Treacherous Terrain
Ahoy, fellow adventurers! As our expedition through the realm of High Authority Links reaches its crescendo, we find ourselves at the crossroads of wisdom and folly – the realm of Pitfalls and Best Practices in High Authority Link Building. In this final chapter of our odyssey, we will equip you with the knowledge to avoid treacherous pitfalls and the mastery to tread the path of ethical and effective link building. So, gather 'round, for the grand finale awaits.
The Problem with High Authority Backlinks
As the allure of high authority backlinks beckons, it's crucial to acknowledge a delicate balance that must be maintained. While high authority links wield significant power, it's imperative not to become entangled in the web of quantity over quality. The pursuit of sheer quantity can lead to unnatural link profiles that raise suspicion in the eyes of search engines. A sudden surge in backlinks, especially from unrelated or spammy sources, can flag your site as a potential violator of link schemes.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
In this perilous journey, knowledge of the common mistakes is akin to having a map through treacherous waters. Steer clear of the treacherous waters of link farms and black hat practices. These dark corners of the internet promise shortcuts, but in reality, they lead to a perilous downfall. Equally important is to never lose sight of the beacon of relevance and context. Placing links in contexts that are irrelevant to your content or niche can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction among your audience.
Ethical and Effective Link Building
Now that we've navigated the pitfalls, let's set our sights on ethical and effective link building – the North Star guiding us toward lasting success. White-hat strategies are the honorable code of conduct that not only bring sustainable growth but also establish long-term relationships. Engaging in relationship-building with other website owners and influencers fosters a sense of community and reciprocity. Remember, every link is more than a line of code; it's a testament to trust and collaboration.
As our epic tale of High Authority Links draws to a close, let us reflect on the knowledge we've amassed in our journey through the five realms:
In the realm of Understanding High Authority Links, we uncovered their significance and the role of link equity.
The realm of Importance and Benefits showcased the impact of link building on search engine rankings and our online visibility and credibility.
Within the realm of Strategies to Acquire High Authority Backlinks, we explored a diverse arsenal of tactics, from becoming a source for reporters to crafting ultimate guides.
Venturing into the realm of Building High Domain Authority Backlinks, we uncovered the enigma of domain authority and the factors that mold it.
And finally, in this realm of **Pitfalls and Best Pract
Pitfalls and Best Practices, we learned to navigate the terrain with ethical strategies and an understanding of the perils that lie ahead.
As you embark on your own quest for high authority links, remember that the journey is as important as the destination. Armed with knowledge, a sense of adventure, and a commitment to ethical practices, you're ready to make your mark in the ever-evolving landscape of link building. Safe travels, intrepid explorers.
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insidetheboxitb · 1 year
What is the major difference in SEO and social media promotion?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and social media promotion are two distinct strategies used in digital marketing, with different goals and approaches. Here are the major differences between them:
SEO: The primary objective of SEO is to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). It aims to attract organic (non-paid) traffic by optimizing the website's content, structure, and other factors that search engines consider when determining rankings. Social Media Promotion: The main objective of social media promotion is to increase brand awareness, engagement, and reach on social media platforms. It focuses on utilizing social media channels to interact with the audience, share content, build a community, and drive traffic to the website.
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SEO: SEO targets search engine users who actively search for specific keywords or topics. The goal is to appear in relevant search results and attract users who have expressed an intent related to the website's content. Social Media Promotion: Social media promotion targets users on specific social media platforms. The targeting can be based on demographic information, interests, behaviors, or other criteria. It aims to reach and engage users within their social media feeds.
Channels and Platforms:
SEO: SEO primarily focuses on optimizing websites for search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. It involves on-page optimization (e.g., keyword research, meta tags, content optimization) and off-page optimization (e.g., link building, social signals). Social Media Promotion: Social media promotion utilizes various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Pinterest. Each platform has its own set of features, audience demographics, and content formats.
Content and Format:
SEO: SEO content is typically focused on web pages, blog articles, and other textual formats optimized for search engines. It aims to provide valuable and relevant information to the target audience while incorporating relevant keywords. Social Media Promotion: Social media promotion involves diverse content formats, including text posts, images, videos, stories, live streams, and interactive content. It emphasizes visual appeal, concise messaging, and shareability to capture users' attention in a fast-paced social media environment.
Traffic Generation:
SEO: SEO generates organic traffic, meaning visitors who find the website through search engine results without paid advertising. It aims to attract users with higher intent and potentially long-term engagement. Social Media Promotion: Social media promotion can generate both organic and paid traffic. Organic traffic comes from users who engage with the content shared on social media, while paid traffic is driven through targeted advertisements and sponsored posts.
Time and Effort:
SEO: SEO is a long-term strategy that requires ongoing optimization, monitoring, and adjustments. It can take time to see significant results as search engine rankings are influenced by various factors and algorithms. Social Media Promotion: Social media promotion can yield quicker results in terms of engagement and visibility. The content shared on social media platforms can reach a broader audience rapidly, especially when boosted through paid promotions.
It's important to note that while SEO and social media promotion have distinct differences, they are not mutually exclusive strategies. They can complement each other as part of an integrated digital marketing approach, with each contributing to overall online presence and visibility.
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This day in history
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#10yrsago This American Life’s report on kids and disability claims riddled with factual errors https://www.mediamatters.org/national-public-radio/american-life-features-error-riddled-story-disability-and-children
#10yrsago Best Amendment: a game that plays out consequences of fighting bad guys with guns with good guys with guns https://www.wired.com/2013/04/nra-the-best-amendment/
#10yrsago Studios regret sending Google a list of every pirate site on the Internet for publication https://torrentfreak.com/fox-wants-google-to-take-down-its-own-takedown-request-130404/
#10yrsago American public schools in 9 states sharing every conceivable personal detail of their students with third parties https://web.archive.org/web/20130324233606/https://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2013/03/data-sharing.php
#10yrsago Wealth disparity in America: an inch of bar-graph for the 90%, 4.9 miles’ worth for the top 0.01% https://web.archive.org/web/20130329013130/https://www.taxanalysts.com/www/features.nsf/Articles/C52956572546624F85257B1D004DE3FC?OpenDocument
#5yrsago 10 million pounds of human feces from New York/New Jersey are rotting in railcars stuck in a small Alabama town https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/03/us/parrish-waste-poop-train-alabama-trnd/index.html
#5yrsago If patrolling US soldiers can avoid shooting civilians, why can’t US cops stop murdering unarmed black men? https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/04/stephon-clark-shooting-police-should-show-more-discipline-restraint/
#5yrsago Alt-labor: the new, ungovernable red-state labor movements, led by teachers https://theweek.com/articles/764828/teacher-strikes-could-future-alt-labor
#5yrsago Waze has turned the nearly undriveable, fifth-steepest hill in America into a disaster-strewn major thoroughfare https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-lopez-echo-park-traffic-20180404-story.html
#1yrago Amazon’s new employee chat app blocks “fairness,” “grievance” and “diversity” https://pluralistic.net/2022/04/05/doubleplusrelentless/#quackspeak
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